#and i have limited spoons to apply it
detectivenyx · 2 years
Dig into your pocket and pull out a gun.
You dig into your pocket, feeling your hands close around the familiar shape of a handle. You pull the gun out of your pocket, aiming it into the crowd.
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"A gun?! How could I have been so careless as to let you have a gun?!"
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"... You're being sarcastic, aren't you."
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"Sarcastic?! They're pointing a gun at us!"
You wave the gun in his direction and he ducks behind a bleacher.
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"H-How did you even smuggle a gun of all things into the school?!"
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"Because though it looks like a gun, it-"
Before she can finish, you fire the gun at the girl with lavender hair.
There's no loud bang. There's no stream of blood. But you fire the gun.
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"I'll give you this. I didn't think you would have filled the water chamber with vanilla extract."
Well, the girl in the purple jacket called your bluff and exposed that your fancy gun was little more than a water pistol. But now her hair is sticky with vanilla extract, so who's the REAL winner?
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"... Well, after that, I don't really feel like explaining how this will all work in detail. So, let's get through the cliffnotes version!"
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"Yadda yadda, only way out is to kill someone and not get caught, break my rules or get caught and I'll execute you."
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"Wait, WHAT?!"
The man in the grey cardigan gets his words out approximately 0.03 seconds before the entire gym erupts into chaos at that announcement.
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As the questions fire off unanswered, the bear waves to the students and starts to leave.
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opalsiren · 6 months
have a bunch of messages from loved ones asking how i got on at the hospital and i simply do not have the energy to reply to them 🙂
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likebreadandwine · 2 months
don't mind me, I'm just daydreaming about summer picnics and ice cream... 🏖️🍦
but really—there's a rhythm to summer days, and I want to plan your meals around it.
sunrise looks like cotton candy: pink skies and wisps of cloud. I convince you to join me for a walk while there's still dew on the grass, and yes, I'm hoping you work up an appetite. I'll reward you with breakfast when we get back: toast and eggs and bacon and fresh fruit, muffins that are practically cake, strawberries and whipped cream.
we're off to the beach next. I pack us a picnic. we claim a spot in the shade. after sunscreen has been applied (forgive my extra squeezes, you're just getting so soft), we are content to lounge and bask in the warmth of the day.
my carefully-packed cooler gets emptier and emptier as things steadily disappear: thick sandwiches and juicy slices of watermelon, cans of cool soda, bags of chips, decadent homemade brownies. by the time I glance up from my book, you're looking beached and more than a little rosy. time to get you in the water. they say not to swim after eating but that's just a myth, and besides, you aren't so much swimming as floating. hot and overstuffed on land, you are cool and buoyant in the water.
alas, all things must end. back out we come. you're heavy, sleepy, and warm, so we pack up and head home for an afternoon nap while the hottest part of the day passes. well, you nap. I'm needed elsewhere; I have plans for dinner.
it's grilling season, after all, so you know what that means: skewers of beef, bell peppers and zucchini; grilled corn, smokey and sweet; barbecue ribs, roasted potatoes, and garlic bread…is it too much? but what better way to spend a lazy, hazy summer evening than with dinner straight from the barbecue and a drink in hand?
there is one thing that could make it better, if you want. before I even tell you what it is, you're nodding at me. yes, please. aren't you full? so full. I want more.
and so, from the depths of the freezer, I retrieve a carton of vanilla bean ice cream. this is the good stuff, the artisan shit that reminds you vanilla is not plain, vanilla has depth; it is floral, earthy, rich, almost like caramel. combined with sugar and cream, chilled and churned and frozen, I might as well be spooning bites of ambrosia into your mouth. you'd think I was, based on the indecent sounds you're making.
in fairness, it's not just the ice cream. it's the ice cream on top of a whole day of eating. once you've finished the carton and my hands are free, they both go straight to your belly, and wow. you are round and stuffed to your limit. no wonder you're squirming, it must ache. you let me get too carried away. I like when you get carried away. the words come out breathy and soft. you did so good.
I like you like this: breathless and big, dazed and contented, the taste of vanilla still on your lips.
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gh0stswh0re · 2 years
just thinking about how i'll always be a sucker for intimacy, romance - no matter how cliche, how cheesy, corny and cheap.
smiling against each other's lips as u kiss, curious hands running over ur ribcage - fingertips hardly touching the skin; small, barely noticeable movements - making u giggle, and him using it as an opportunity to slip his tongue into ur mouth, past ur soft, swollen lips.
physically swallowing each other's moans, grunts, whimpers - when words die in ur throat, when the bodily sensations feel too damn good and u lose the ability to form sentences - even the shortest, with the least meaning.
staring into each other's eyes, and it never feels awkward or wrong but just about fucking right - when ur minds correlate, and u press ur hand up his chest or flat against his neck and it feels as if ur hearts beat the same rhythm.
hot, heavy kisses when he physically can't keep himself off of u. wet, open-mouth kisses against ur skin. trailing kisses from ur chin down to ur chest, down to ur stomach, down to ur thighs, ignoring ur dripping cunt - slightly biting down on the silky, lustrous skin of ur thigh - just a warning, to behave.
him hugging u, as he's fucking ur brains out, pressing his body against urs - getting as close to u as he possibly can, ignoring the thin layer of sweat which coats his body - because he craves the skin on skin contact.
cockwarming - staying inside ur cunt, warm semen dripping down ur thighs, mixed with ur wetness soaking the bedsheets. either falling asleep or feeling him getting hard again.
the time old cliche of him sitting u down, throwing a book in ur hands, as he sinks down to his knees - hungry mouth pressed against ur cunt, playful tongue exploring the sweet taste, rough hands grabbing at ur hips - seeing how far u get, maybe a page or two. he'd start of slow, making u think it'd be easier than initially thought, and then suddenly increasing the pressure applied to ur clit - just enough to make u stumble on ur next few words; meaning u had to re-start reading the sentence (maybe even the entire page, depending on how much of a brat u were that day, or week).
profane, worldly, impious confessions of love - iloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyou
laying down naked togerher - nothing sexual about it, just pure intimacy. holding his head on ur chest, pressed tightly against the soft, delicate flesh of ur breasts. him turning around every once in a while, his lips ghosting over ur skin.
or feeling his breath on ur skin, as he falls asleep pressed against u. carefully turning around to face him, ur hand brushing against his cheek as u admire him - the relaxed expression on his face, his lips slightly agape, eyebrows furrowing as he sinks deeper and deeper into sleep and u just wonder what he's dreaming about - if u hold any place in his world, consuming his mind to the point where he can never the escape visions of u - not even at night.
keeping ur a relationship a secret, but testing the limits everyday - sneaking in cheek kisses, his hands brushing against urs, him "accidentally" bumping into u, smelling the scent of ur new perfume (that he bought, of course), eyeballing each other across the room - slowly losing urselves in it, losing the sense of who's watching u - seeing the way u undress each other with ur gazes alone.
ur scary, big, 6 foot something guy being the little spoon while cuddling.
sneaking little love letters and doodles in his jackets, or any pocket u can find on his clothes (being honest, there are lots of them). he'll always pretend like nothing's happened, just out of fear that maybe you'd stop - perhaps out of embarrassment that it's too childish, that you two are both too old for it. he keeps each and every tiny piece of paper tho, tucked away in his pockets.
undressing him, careful not to hurt/injure him any further as u tend to his wounds. "u don't have to" "yeah, but i want to".
showering together, and u have to tip toe to shampoo his hair.
"you're my shelter, my home"
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A Guide for Coming into Disability
Note: While this is meant to serve as a guide for people who are becoming physically disabled and people newly recognizing their existing experiences of disability (including chronic illness), I feel that this guide is helpful for anyone, disabled or abled. No guide is one size fits all, but I hope this can help supplement other resources that exist.
Recognizing Disability
The first aspect of coming into disability is conceptualizing what disability means for you. Some initial questions to consider are:
What is disability?
What does it mean to be disabled?
How do you identify disability in yourself or others?
Only you can define what these mean for yourself, but many definitions and models of disability exist.
Loss & Grief
As you begin to transition into a disabled body, the first sign of that change is often the experience of loss. Loss of ability, access to the world, hobbies, community, loved ones, and your sense of self are just some of the types of loss you might be experiencing. Additionally, when being a part of any marginalized community, you are now not only beginning to experience the trauma of discrimination that you’re personally facing but you are also exposed to a communal trauma of systemic marginalization.
Due to the ableist society we live in, every single person is internalizing ableism. Everything we see on the news, in movies, in classrooms, etc. is absorbed subconsciously to create a personalized narrative of the disabled experience. Weather or not that ableism is externalized doesn’t matter, because if you’re not actively dismantling internalized ableism and practing anti-ableism, then that ableism will hit you much harder when you transition into disability. The work to navigate this is constant, evolving and will change with time.
All of this is very heavy. Always unpacking, always processing, always grieving. But it does get easier to navigate, especially with the proper supports. To cope with this, I highly recommend seeking out appropriate support groups (many are online, Facebook, Discord, The Mighty are some great places to look) and considering grief counseling. Through this, remember to be gentle with yourself, cut off people if you need to, set boundaries, and do what you need to to support yourself and keep yourself safe.
Spoon Theory in Practice
A large portion of my disabled experience is simply just learning. Learning about my body, treatments, my limitations, and what I can still do. This dynamic learning often requires more language to explain complex concepts. This brings us to the spoon theory. If you don’t yet know about spoon theory, here’s the original essay by Christine Miserandino.
Spoon theory works to help explain the energy limitations of chronic illness and has been widely adopted by the greater disabled community. Essentially, it is a metaphor that uses spoons as a metric to showcase energy levels in a tangible form. Over time your spoons will change, different activities might require more or less spoons, and recharging your spoons may also evolve. This is why it’s important to use the concept of spoon theory to help you set boundaries with yourself and others.
For yourself, being able to identify your spoon levels and use them appropriately to ration energy can help you avoid falling into pitfalls like the “Boom-Bust Cycle” and better pace yourself. I put this into practice by creating lists rating activities by spoon levels. I have a master list of meals I can eat, categorized by how many spoons it usually takes to make the meal. This way, I can plan out in advance on low spoon days, like when I have PT, and know I won’t have the energy to cook a meal that takes three spoons to make, I can meal plan for the week and buy what I need for a one spoon meal that day. This can also be applied to things like chores and hobbies. I sort my to-do list by priority, and then by how many spoons it will take to do the activity. Knowing your spoon levels can assist in setting boundaries with others as well. I always have a standing appointment on Tuesdays, so I never make plans that day. I always ask for help with certain chores because even if I physically can get them done, I won’t have spoons for the rest of the day or even the week.
Accepting Disability
In order to cope with the loss of certain activities, finding accessible alternatives can go a long way. You might be able to find an adaptive way to still participate in a hobby, like adaptive basketball. There are also so many options for hobbies in the world, and you might be surprised by what works for you now! This is a good time to start to focus on what you can do, with adaptations, vs what you used to be able to/now can’t do.
Mobility aids are a beautiful tool. My advice is if you think that an aid might help you, you should at least try it! If it ends up not helping, or you don’t need it, you can always donate it. I also like to say (and my physical therapist likes to remind me) Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.
And, of course, ask for help before your body demands it.
Disabled Liberation & Disabled Joy
If you have the spoons and time, you should prioritize learning about our history as a community (Crip Camp on Netflix is a great place to start) Additionally, you can learn about disability theory, models of disability, ugly laws, cripple punk movement, and our rights.
Disabled Joy is a concept that considers our joy to be a revolutionary act in and of itself. I use ‘joy’ here, rather than happiness, because while similar, happiness is based in the root word ‘hap’ meaning chance (as in mishap and happenstance), meaning that the experience itself is based in luck and external factors, and focus instead on the sensation associated with it– regardless of your situation, which is joy. Disabled joy looks like my partner sprinting while pushing me down the sidewalk with the wind in my face. It looks like a perfect day in Sims 4. It comes with safe foods and the healing power of accessible plauygrounds. You find it where it comes, and I hope you can find it in yourself.
Finding Community
The best part of the disabled experience, for me, is our thriving community. When it comes to community building, I always suggest online options first because they’re available 24/7 for most people, and you can reach community from your home. I’ve already mentioned online support groups, but also, online content creators are a great way to find community. If your social media following list is primarily able-bodied creators, especially ones who focus on activities that aren’t accessible to you, it can be really damaging to your mental health. This can help you to find friends who get what you're going through.
Self-advocacy and systemic advocacy resources from our peers and organizations can give you the tools and feel empowered to create change. Seeking resources by and for our community can be lifesaving. You’re reading one right now.
Welcome to the community.
♿️❤️ (wheelchair emoji, heart emoji)
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dozing-marshmallow · 11 months
hi! i was wondering if you could write duncan and courtney dating headcannons with a fem reader on the show? (separate) if not that's ok!
Awww no, it is okay! Thank you so much for the request, enjoy!<33
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From what we know about Courtney, it wasn’t hard to guess that her type was someone contrasting her.
So you were a bit of a cheeky contestant.
Okay, “a bit” was an understatement. Courtney didn’t like to admit it, but she found jubilation in your many ploys on the show.
Because of them though, she’d be on the assumption that you weren’t taking the competition seriously (even though you weren’t actually there to win the money), but you appreciate her reminding you to focus on the game and her helpful tips.
She wouldn’t want to openly say you guys are in a relationship as she’s aware that some people may try to exploit that for their own motives, but makes it clear that you’re off limits.
At night, you often share a bunk with her. Courtney would insist to be the little spoon, all the way through to the morning with her head on your chest.
Your darling Princess!
She loves sharing school stories with you.
“They actually had to rush her to the ER! Can you believe the manners some people have? How much of a litterbug do you have to be to throw your juice box out of a window from the fourth floor? We have bins for a reason!”
“Woah... So your teacher got a concussion from someone doing that?”
“Yeah! It sounds pathetic, but it’s what happened! The school assigned me to be in charge of delivering work from her and delivering notices to her. Makes sense since I was the only qualified student to take up that responsibility while still ace all my classes!”
She’s also fond of discussing hair with you and you play with hers and vice versa.
You like giving her little plaits, ponytails or a bun as high as it can go.
Additionally, she tries persuading you to do karaokes with her.
“It’s way better if we don’t have any instruments! You have nothing to hide behind and we’ll get used to being vulnerable with each other!” she smiled when she said it.
Looks like that couldn’t apply to her,“Oh, man...”
Though she’s a perfectionist, she loves complimenting you a lot.
“If you took that cap off your head and wore a headband instead, you’d look even more adorable! Would you do it for me at least?”
And her occasional feedback.
“What do you mean you haven’t read a single book this entire year!?” she jumps to her feet, horrified.
“Courtney, relax! It’s not a big deal.” you try to assure her with a grin.
She was more shaken at your presumably clueless behaviour to reading,“No, it is a big deal! You can’t just have everything on the outside and nothing in here!” she taps a tense finger to the side of her head,“My girlfriend’s gotta have brains with her beauty! I’m not dating no dummy!”
So she ordered you to sit down on the entrance steps of the Killer Bass cabin while she searched for a novel to give you- girl brought ten.
Out of her choices, she decided to provide you with Mercy Among The Children.
“There!” she hands you the clean copy, no crease or wrinkle, like all brand new,“You will read all of that and when you’re done, you will answer ten summary questions that I came up with to show me how much you learnt. And I will know if your answers are accurate, because I happened to give a presentation on this very book! I did it with ease thanks to my experience as a CIT.” her CIT talks got tedious very quickly, however if it made her happy, you didn’t want to take that away from her.
Therefore you gave something of your own instead,“What if I don’t know how to read?” you knew such question would aggravate her.
She shakes her head in disbelief, perfect autumn hair swaying,“Oh, you’re gonna have to do a lot better than that! You read the fine print of the contract to participate, didn’t you?”
Nope, but let’s pretend you did.
After a few seconds of “reading”, you call her name, to where she sat next to you, watching.
“What’s on your mind now?”
“I uh...” you turn to the back of the book, eyes scanning over the blurb,“Kinda don’t like the voice in my head narrating this. Could you read it to me?”
It seemed this request had halted her brain for a moment as she had stared at you with eyelids split apart again before her loving reprimand frolicked in the air,“Are you crazy? (Y/N), you know I love you, but I can’t do that! You gotta do this on your own, get used to reading in your head! How will you do in an exam when you have to stay quiet? I refuse to hear you getting disqualified over something as little as that!”
She’s so irresistible when she gets worked up,“Then I’ll transfer to your school so I can hear your voice everyday and be sure to pass my next exam.”
Her aim to lecture you had evaporated,“Oh wow...“ her eyebrows sprung back and she couldn’t believe herself for laughing at your not so futile charm,“Okay okay, just this once!” she declares, gently taking back the novel with both hands so it was still open.
As Courtney’s elegant voice embellishes the passage written down on the pages, you make promise to yourself to continue reading it in your own time.
After all, you know she’s just looking out for you.🤎
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You thought he asked you out as a joke, but he was serious.
Serious in love.
And he loved to be open about it. Not with words, but with his arm around you, calling your name.
He sprayed your hair for a day to see how green would look on you, however you got worried when it didn’t come out.
He would share stories from juvie and usually had an edible treat to give you as you talked. You always thought he had brought a stash of sweets, but looking at his luggage, you realise there was no way any high caliber food could survive in it.
“Mm, thanks Duncan! Where did you get this from?”
He winked,“Don’t worry about it.”
So you didn’t.
Duncan’s surprisingly very good at drawing; you use that talent as a couple’s activity.
He also likes drawing his initials on your arms with a marker, never forgetting to add a skull.
Loves playing with your hands and placing his one on your leg.
Sometimes you wear his shirt or use it as a blanket.
While Duncan wouldn’t really like to hug in public, he’d do gestures like rubbing your head or squishing your face.
He fantasises you someday getting a matching piercing, since you refuse to let him give you one.
“This nose piercing wasn’t painful, like a lot of wet wussies say, but it is a bit uncomfy for a few days. You sure you don’t want me to pierce ya? It’s free of charge~”
The treatment for the infection won’t be,“No thanks! I might decide to pierce my ears!”
“Ear piercing?” his face scrunched like the choice was boring, but his voice held hope,“Where exactly?”
“The lobe would be nice... But I’d also want to get one on the inside! Like industrial!”
“Now you’re talking.” Needless to say, he approved of those ones.
Duncan’s a night owl, so found his favourite part of the day being at night, when everyone else was certainly asleep. You two would go out to a different part of Camp Wawankwa every time to breathe in the wildlife air and have conversation crafted for the dark.
The first nights, you were hesitant. Your chest was tight. It was hard to enjoy the secluded moment with Duncan when your mind was racing with panic.
“Oh Duncan... What if someone sees us? I don’t wanna get in trouble...”
“We won’t. We’re not doing anything wrong.” his calm tone of voice somewhat helped, head swivelling to the closest functioning camera duck tapped on a tree,“The worst Chris’ll do is tell us to go back inside, though knowing him, he probably doesn’t care.”
You trace a finger on his chest,“I wish I could sleep with you in your cabin. But the girls would be suspicious if my bed was empty, and let’s not talk about what the guys would do.”
“Keen, huh?” his unibrow forms a squiggly line as one of the separate eyebrow bones upreared, making you push him gently out on exposed instinct,“I’m pretty sure everyone knows about us by now and the guys would be fine if you crashed in for a night or two.”
“I know...” Duncan’s friends were nice guys. When they wanted to be,“I just don’t wanna make anyone uncomfortable.”
His laugh gets clogged by his nose,“You? Make anyone uncomfortable? Babe, trust me, unless your name starts with H and ends in arold, you don’t gotta worry about being alienated. If it means that much to you, we can wait until more people go home for us to share a bed.”
Ohh! You had forgotten about the competition and how it worked! Love makes you forget about the everyday things like the collection of the fires supplementing the sky just being rocks floating in space,“Until more people go home... How...will we make sure it’s not us?”
“Welll. I like you so that’s one less person to vote for you.” he starts,”The rest of the guys like you so you can count them out. Now for the chicks... Anyone you think wants you gone?”
Instantly, someone came to mind,“Heather,” your boyfriend makes gagging noises at the name, vining a smile on your lips,“Ever since I turned down her offer to join her alliance, I must’ve ended up on her watch list. Sure, we can act civil, but I can tell she’s impatiently waiting for my elimination.”
He snorts, brushing his hand on your back,“Seriously? Chicks hold a grudge over anything! Well, that alliance of hers can’t be doing so good when one of her so called members don’t even like her, so it’s not like you’re missing out on anything.”
“True... I get to enjoy the Duncan instead,” you look into his blue vision for that, seeing his irises sprout in ardour. You leave a tangible mark of your lips on his, finding your eyes wondering to a large robust tree not so far away from where Duncan held you,“I wonder... Do you think we could secretly build our own secret treehouse?”
“Up there?” he follows your gaze and whistles,“It is possible... All I’ll need are some tools to steal from Chef and it’ll be there in no time.”
“Duncan!” his romantic selfless take on your suggestion is piled over by his out of place mention of Chef’s inventory, which clicks something to your attention,“Is that...where you’ve been getting the snacks from?”
An unbeaten chuckle rippled out of his ribs, how carefree he was,“Looks like the cat got outta the bag!”💚
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yumeko312 · 4 months
Hi, sorry for the delay but the next headcanon is here. I know it's not much but now that I translate the other headcanon you're going to like it.
Enjoy and if you can, share my work UwU
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What would Ja'far be like having a tall girlfriend:
SFW <( ̄︶ ̄)>
> Being Ja'far's girlfriend means knowing that he usually doesn't have time for dating because he either has to be chasing Sinbad or be doing the paperwork that Sinbad left out.
> If you see Sinbad wanting to escape from Ja'far, believe me the albino will thank you if you yell at him where Sinbad is running, of course, then he will apologize telling you that he didn't want to involve you in the job.
> Maybe after that, Sharkkan will make a joke telling you that you surely noticed where Sinbad was going because of your height and that you were basically a watchful eagle who was faithful to his master, Ja'far immediately runs to Sharkkan to give him a little lesson with his blades about making fun of his girlfriend, he doesn't want you to be offended but the truth is that you are already used to it.
> If after the joke of the prince of Heliohapt you decide to call yourself as your boyfriend's loyal vigilant eagle believe me Ja'far will tell you to shut up while he looks away totally flushed and embarrassed.
> Because you are his first girlfriend, he would love you very much no matter if you are tall.
> I warn you not to bother Ja'far too much with his height, if he can't stand Sinbad's attitudes much less will it be any different with you. Well, he wouldn't be electrocuting you like he would his king, nor would he be pulling you by the shoulders like he usually does with Sinbad, just don't bother him too much or you might get a little kick in your leg.
> At first he was embarrassed that in order for you to kiss each other you had to bend down, plus since there were times when he saw couples giving each other surprise kisses he finds it a bit frustrating not being able to apply it to you, and no, he's not going to use his killer technique of swinging through walls and then kissing you, it's unnecessary and he's sure you'll hear him coming towards you.
> He won't mind if you give him surprise kisses, just make sure there are no generals around or Sinbad, he will be very flushed and even more so if the generals saw them, because they will make teasing comments.
> That you give him surprise kisses will be more frequent than you think and he knows that it is easy for you to kiss him because of the height but he won't say anything about it, he will just avert his blushing gaze.
> He is not a possessive jealous but if he sees you jokingly flirting with Sharkkan he will stop you and may not talk to you for a whole day, of course, that moment he will use it taking out his jealousy on paperwork or chasing Sinbad, ask him for forgiveness.
> He does not get jealous if someone flirts with you, he recognizes that you are very beautiful and he knows that you would put limit but if that person does not respect then he will gladly intervene.
> He would love your little acts of wanting to help him, if he couldn't reach something from a tall piece of furniture you would be there to pass him the item, even if you clumsily thought of trying to carry it for you to reach.
> He recognizes when you walk into his office and reload on his head asking what you are doing, he just sighs telling you to give him a little time to finish his work and he will gladly pay attention to you.
> He is usually patient when it comes to you making jokes about your height but keep insisting and besides getting kicked with his foot maybe he will take the opportunity to tickle you.
> He will love it if you lie on his lap, as he will definitely be able to take advantage of kissing you.
> He will like that at bedtime you are the big spoon and that you are the one hugging Ja'far, somehow he feels protected and that he has nothing to worry about.
> Maybe he will doubt that he can't protect you, since his height at some point will make him question if he is fit, he has already lost several of his loved ones and he doesn't want to lose you, maybe a smile from you while you tell him that you will always be by his side will reassure him.
> If you give him a zap after seeing that he is being a little pessimistic with anger, he will give you a zap back, although later he will give you another zap, because seeing that he had to jump to give you a zap made you laugh.
> Call him "Little Dancer" and all the more reason for him to chase you angrily.
NSFW ( 〃▽〃)
▽ He likes it when you're on top of him riding his cock, he likes to see the attitude you put on when you're the active one.
▽ He loves also being the active one being the one who fucks you while watching your expressions, for him you are the most beautiful. Somehow being the active one gives him confidence and he forgets about his height, feeling satisfied that he can please you.
▽ He is usually versatile in any type of affection, sexual or non-sexual.
▽ Usually they won't fuck often because he's usually busy (*aham* Sinbad ducking out of his job *aham*), I bet they maybe fuck two to three times a month.
▽ Due to the height difference between you there are some poses that cannot be performed for him is no bother.
▽ He tries not to hurt you while doing it, if it happens that while he is fucking you in bed you hit a part of the bed or the wall, believe me he will not want to continue fucking you and will immediately ask you if you are okay while wondering if he should go get some medicine. He tends to forget about the height difference between you that when these accidents happen he will have some resentment towards himself.
▽ When he finishes fucking he will ask you if you need anything Water? He will immediately fetch a pitcher full of water Food? Give him a few minutes and he'll come back with some snacks Any massage? Good thing he has the jar of rose oil to use, and yes, use that oil as a lubricant too.
▽ When you finish fucking you guys will go to sleep, he likes you to be the big spoon, somehow it makes him think that you guys fit so well that's why fate brought you together because you were a perfect fit.
▽ Favorite position? The Missionary, he likes to see the expressions you make.
▽ He likes to kiss your lips while doing it and if he is not enough to kiss you, believe me he will then take care of kissing other parts of your body.
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Thanks for reading and have a nice day.
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3 generations of cookie cutters plus one extra.
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These are from my Grandma D 's house, and were probably made in the 1920’s or possibly even earlier. I may be cheating here because I think that although when we were growing up, my brothers and sister and I used these to make cookies, Grandma was probably using them for cutting out biscuits. Both she and my Grandpa D were raised on farms and in those days, biscuits appeared at most meals.
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These are some cookie cutters from my own Mother's collection in the 1940’s. With her family of 5 children, she was constantly turning out cookies to serve as snacks and desserts. Now, except for the delectable Vanilla Wafers, which Grandma B always kept in her kitchen cabinet for treats for her grandchildren, I didn't realize that cookies could be found in boxes which could be purchased at a store. Mother organized my brothers and sister and me in a cookie making assembly line, with Mother and my older brother doing the hot parts and the rest of us rolling out cookie dough and using these cookie cutters to cut out cookies. We slid them onto baking sheets for Billy and Mother to slide in and out of the oven. As I got a little older, I was tapped to frost the hot cookies straight out of the oven and when I proved myself competent at this job, I was eventually trusted to do the hot oven part too. I became so good at the hot part that one year my Grandma and Grandpa B gave me a cookie sheet for my birthday.
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We children always wanted to use these circus cookie cutters (from the 1930’s or 1940’s) because they contained lines that made them look almost like cartoons. But whenever we attempted to use them, we were doomed to disappointment because as the cookies baked, they swelled and all the little details disappeared.
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These are some of the cookie cutters I have added to the stash. (Counting all 3 generations together, I now have around 100.) I have now limited my cookie making days to doughs that I can apply to the cookie sheet with a spoon. It isn't the rolling out or the cutting out that I don't enjoy, it is the cleanup. Somehow I seem to get flour EVERYwhere. But the good news is that these cookie cutters work really really well when my grandchildren and I are playing with playdough.
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This is the one that is the ringer. I brought it into our family collection when I was 9 or 10.
A friend and neighbor was a lawyer. One afternoon, he had to appear in court and his secretary called in sick. His wife was stuck at home with 2 toddlers, so they called to ask me if I would sit in his office to answer his phone. All I had to do, they said, was answer the phone and take a message, which I did. When our friend returned from the courthouse, he tried to pay me and I scoffed at him and said that this was just a favor to a friend and no money was necessary. I must have been pretty adamant because for weeks he amused himself by offering to pay me. That year I found this cookie cutter under the Christmas tree with the note "When it comes to emergencies, you're just the cookie!"
I learned that this cookie cutter came from his Great Grandmother's kitchen. They told me that they thought that it was about 100 years old. That was in the 1950's so you can do the math.
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heyyallitssatan · 1 year
I was reading study tips and came across one that made me mad.
It says “we all procrastinate our school work by saying we’re tired and not motivated. And look at how much time we waste when we could be productive and study. So erase those excuses and take out all your distractions and start studying!”
I’m gonna preface this rant with: this doesn’t apply to everyone, some people procrastinate their work because they just don’t want to do it, and I’m guilty of having done that, I’ll admit it, and some people need to push themselves harder about doing their work, for some people this may be helpful advice, but it’s not for me and it pisses me off, so with that out of the way I’m gonna rant (under the cut cause this got much longer than intended)
It pisses me off so bad because of all the years spent being told that I’m just lazy and I need to stop making excuses and try harder, when I’m reality I was trying so fucking hard but for some god damn reason I just fucking couldn’t. I couldn’t just white knuckle my way through it, no matter how hard I tried, it didn’t fucking work, and I was left more exhausted and stressed out then I was before. I’ve since learned that trying to force myself to work when it clearly isn’t working for whatever reason was doing way more harm than good, so was framing it as laziness and failure in my mind. The best way for me when I’m exhausted/burnout/depressed/dealing with executive dysfunction is sometimes to just stop. It doesn’t matter that I really need to get this done, or that I’m behind, or anything else, I need to take a break, and eat something/drink something/shower/sleep whatever has to happen for me to reset. Doesn’t matter what it is, but something besides “grit your teeth and deal with it” needs to happen. It has been instrumental in dealing with stuff, especially school. Doing this has helped to both stave off the burnout so that I’m dealing with a lighter version, and it takes longer to set in, it also makes it easier to deal with when the burnout hits, it’s also a good policy for depressive episodes. I’ve also noticed that letting myself take breaks and rests has allowed me to get more work done, knowing that I can rest if I need to is incredibly helpful
Now, the work has to get done eventually, so here’s my advice if you’ve made it this long, I applaud you you’re a wonderful being
So the original post was trying to give you tips on not procrastinating, so here’s some that actually kind of work for me.
1. Do work ahead of time, when you have the extra spoons and time to dedicate to school and studying, do it, even if you’re all caught up on homework and notes, work ahead, you’ll be thanking spoonful you when that bad episode hits and you aren’t falling as far behind
2. Because sometimes episodes last a long time and you are still required function in society, try making a time limit. I saw a great post once about it, but basically set a limit for 50 minutes of work (or however long you can reasonably expect yourself to work and focus) and then take a ten minute rest, then set a timer for forty minutes of work (or ten minutes less then your of time) and then ten minutes rest, then thirty minute timer, you get the just, just keep going til you run out of time, it works for me, helps me get work done, setting timers makes me feel like I’m racing the clock to finish Task is that time so I can start a new one when the next timer starts. Another way to do this if you don’t like this method is an adaptation of STPs, basically, work for twenty minutes, break for ten, work for twenty, break for ten, repeat ad infinitum, or as long as necessary. Shoot for five reps, ten if you’re really going for it. Honestly, there’s a lot of interesting workout reps that you can’t turn into study things, I suggest looking at some, especially if they’re already part of your workout routine and you know they work for your there, cause that’s a better chance of them working for you here
3. Make it fun. A lot like timers, if you’re trying to beat someone/something then it can add dopamine to the activity, so you’re more likely to do it. I recommend this video which detail a quest type system to keep you on track, it can’t be translated to studying with both the original how ever much you do gives you points to use against the monster, or the way I do with both the og and bonus points for getting good grades on homework/tests, whatever works for you
3a. You can also try making a friend/rival in class you’re trying beat, I am a big proponent for what friendly competition can do for you. (This can also set you up for a slow burn rivals to lovers college au, so you know, bonuses)
All I got for now, but I may add more later.
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dozing-composing · 10 months
I’m the only one who would want this but pls nsfw headcanons for Kano!! yes the big kano i love him so much
Kano!!! We Love To See Him! I'm Sure Plenty Of Other People Want The Same For Him. It's Very Rare We Get To See Him, Sadly. ☆ 18+ Activities, DNI If You Are Uncomfortable With Suggestive/Sexual Themes And Content ↓ NSFW Below ↓
✦ He's just a little smaller than average, but my god is he girthy. It's thick like a soda can. ✦ Top kinks: Fire play, breath play/choking, overstimulation, licking, sensory play (heated massages) ✦ Favorite position: whatever riding position you prefer ✦ He's careful when it comes to him using his fire breath. He's not going to char you, but a few burn marks here and there won't hurt (metaphorically). ✦ He breathes heavy during the act, heating up the farther he reaches his climax. Right when he's about to finish, you could see smoke erupting from his mouth. ✦ He'll also breathe against your skin. The warmth from it makes you twitch. ✦ His fingers stretches your holes wide open. Every part of him is huge in one way or another. Shit, one finger is enough. Two would push the limit. ✦ He's taken a vow of silence, but there was that one scene with Brock. So it leads me to believe that a few words would slip out during sex. He'd say your name, maybe even stutter out "good." ✦ He loves when you ride/grind him. Anytime, anywhere. Mostly his thigh. He would massage your hips as you roll them on his thigh. ✦ He can apply pressure to the best parts of your body for maximum pleasure. The stomach thing? Yeah... ✦ There's an obvious size difference, so when you both finish and he's done with aftercare, he'll spoon you and have you curl into him.
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thecurioustale · 1 year
I am going to try to write here actively again. ("Again," heh; I know I was only active here for an extremely short period many years ago.) To be completely transparent with you, let me explain where I am coming from and what some of my personal limitations and challenges are:
This space will be for discussing both my fantasy story The Curious Tale and my sci-fi Galaxy Federal story, both of which have a novel in active development. Both of these novels are well underway, and my progress in recent years and recent months has been very encouraging. Increasingly, I have given more time to working on them even when I am not inspired, i.e. I have been grinding a lot more (a good thing, in this instance). But at the same time, each novel is well under half-finished in word count. I am fully committed to both endeavors; they are "inevitable" insofar as their completion is only a matter of time (and so the caveat that I may die before they finish always applies, lol). But it is likely to be several more years before the first of these two novels is finished (and I don't know which one that will be).
My reason for splitting my efforts between two novels instead of one is that each world scratches different creative itches for me, and together they provide an outlet for over 90 percent of my creative self-expression needs, whereas if I were to work on them one at a time I would often be plagued with creative needs that have no outlet, which would frustrate my efforts toward whichever one I was working on. For some time I had put The Curious Tale on hold to work on Galaxy Federal, my reasoning being that the latter would be a lighter, smaller affair and would finish quickly. However, that ended up not being the case—at least in terms of the timescale of writing the book—and I realized a couple of years ago that I was committing a folly, and so began working on either novel at my discretion.
What I have to be smart about, and very careful about, in trying to build an active presence on here, is that I have a couple of serious restrictions that I have to work around: First, I can't reveal too much about what's actually in these stories, at least not until much closer to publication. When I was young I was a pretty open book, but in the 2010s I came around to the idea that this was a bad move and that audiences would almost universally enjoy the story more if I didn't slowly trickle out its secrets ahead of publication. So I've played my cards close to the vest these past few years, and I've said very little indeed about the Galaxy Federal novel in particular. This restriction on revealing story details makes it hard for me to find topics to write about in a setting like this. Second, I have to be careful not to put too much time and effort into any posts that I do make here. Due to mental health challenges and my extremely limited mental bandwidth / spoons, I've operated for the past several years under the successful rule of "Don't write about the story when you can just be writing the story itself," which I deem successful because it has corresponded to fewer distractions and more available creative energy for manuscript writing.
So, between these two major restrictions, I need for my posts here to be relatively brief and I also need to find interesting things to talk about that aren't just story giveaways. I've found in my weekly Patreon essays that whenever I do attempt to brush up against discussing the story I often end up stopping just short in a way that I feel has to be pretty unsatisfying for readers. So I am definitely open to suggestions for topics of discussion!
The reason I am choosing this old Tumblr account for this effort is because I know I have at least a handful of people here who are interested in at least one of these two novels, and who use Tumblr on a regular basis. The day will come when I need to start "building my platform" again in order to make these works visible to the public ahead of their publication. I think this is a good starting point because even though Tumblr seems to be in decline, by coming here I would know that I am not talking to an empty room. In the future, however, I may move to a different venue. I really don't know; I'm just saying that I'm not promising that this will be THE place to go forever, ya know?
In the meantime, I will not be doing any social media crossposting, or creating different content for different venues. Other than my weekly Patreon essays, and the occasional indulgent musing on my personal journal, this Tumblr page will be the only place where I talk publicly about either story—at least for the time being. If it goes well here, I will probably try reactivating one of my other old social media channels and doing some crossposting.
I will try to post here at least three times a week, with no fixed calendar, and ideally I will post something almost every day. I will commit to running this trial at minimum till the Autumn Equinox in a little over six weeks, and I will reevaluate then.
Please, if you do have any interest in this, don't be shy chiming in with comments or asks or reblogs. On one level I am here for myself, doing the whole "platform-building" thing, but in another sense I am here because I would like for more people than just me to be excited about these works. Two different sides of the same coin, I suppose, but, given that one of my chief struggles in life is alienation and the search for belonging, it's hard for me to see myself sticking with this if no one ever engages with me. Tell me what you'd like me to talk about, and I will aim to please!
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cdd-system-terms · 5 months
Some changes
Hello! I know we said we'd be back by Monday but stuff happened.
We are trying to come back, we'll probably start posting again today or tomorrow. (not a promise)
But there'll be some changes.
First of all, I'll post between 5-10 terms a day, to make it more easier on us. (Most of the days will be 5)
We will change the amount of requests allowed on one ask. To make it easier on us we prefer if there's only 5 requests per ask. (There's no limit on how many a person can request in general)
We will start queueing the posts. When responding to an ask we will tell you the time and day they'll be posted so you can check our account.
(second one doesn't apply to already sent asks) ^
I'd also like to ask for anyone that would be open to help us with image ID's since we don't have the enough spoons for them most of the time. /nf /g
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yellowmagicalgirl · 1 month
YellowMagicalGirl's Battleship 2024 Fics
Instead of daily posts, I'm just going to give you links to all of them here. Note that you are required to have an AO3 account to view these. (If you don't, and you really like one of the premises, send me an ask and I'll upload the fic to SquidgeWorld so you can read it. I'm just low on spoons right now and don't feel like doing a lot of crossposting.)
I'm gonna sort these alphabetically by fandom and then by date posted. All of these are oneshots.
I Don't Mind if You Say This Love is the Last Time (1040 words) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Thora Tavin Additional Tags: Implied/Referenced Forced Marriage, Pre-Canon, (more specifically pre-Thora joining the Dark Lanterns), Aromantic, Asexual Character, Aromantic Thora Tavin (Eberron), Asexual Thora Tavin (Eberron), Social Season, debutantes, Angst, Epistolary, Diary/Journal, Title from a Breaking Benjamin Song, (because how could I not use "Diary of Jane" for a diary entry fic) Summary: Before she was a gang leader in Sharn or a superspy in a King's Citadel suicide squad, Thora Tavin was an unhappy debutante.
kiss like real people (849 words) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Thora Tavin/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Thora Tavin, Original Female Character(s), Original Elf Character(s) (Dungeons & Dragons) Additional Tags: Mild Injury, Background Character Death, Mild Dehumanization, Anti-Aberrant Dragonmark Prejudice, Pre-Canon, (Specifically this is set around 990 YK), First Kiss, Kissing to hide from bad guys, Kissing in the Rain, Pre-Relationship, POV Third Person Limited, POV Thora Tavin (Eberron), Title from a Hozier Song, Rated T for swearing, It's the mildest of T ratings but on rereading I realized it was better as a T than a G Summary: When fleeing the Dark Lanterns, sometimes unconventional means of escape need to be taken.
First Kill
Juliette should have considered the tensile strength of the pillow. (635 words) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Calliope Burns/Juliette Fairmont Characters: Calliope Burns (First Kill), Juliette Fairmont Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Soil Scientist, Alternate Universe - Elinor Doesn't Go to Jail (First Kill), (whether or not the Fairmonts are vampires is up to the reader), Domestic Fluff, Pillow Fights, POV Calliope Burns (First Kill), POV Third Person Limited, Recursive fanfic Summary: An expansion upon the pillow fight from "Cal should have asked what a grass filter strip was." (Aka recursive fanfic of a fic I received for Battleship last year.)
Khyber Shards
all the comrades that e'er I had (1175 words) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Daine (Khyber Shards), Background & Cameo Characters Additional Tags: Despair, Drinking to Cope, Grief/Mourning, The Age of Cul'Sir (Khyber Shards), This takes place halfway through the timeskip, Post-Apocalypse, Daine-centric (Khyber Shards), POV Daine (Khyber Shards), Wine, Experimental Style, No Dialogue, Title from The Parting Glass, Title from a Traditional Scottish Song, past canonical character death, Campaign Setting: Eberron (Dungeons & Dragons) Summary: On the thirteenth anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Thronehold, Daine mourns.
Your Bones an Effigy to Quixotic Hubris (1939 words) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Stryke Force & Thora Tavin, Daine & Thora Tavin (Khyber Shards) Characters: Thora Tavin (Khyber Shards), Original Stormreach Guard (Khyber Shards), Daine (Khyber Shards), Shade (Khyber Shards), Background & Cameo Characters Additional Tags: Torture, Broken Bones, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Episode: e166 The Maker, Canon Disabled Character, Whump, Despair, Guilt, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, POV Third Person Limited, POV Thora Tavin (Khyber Shards) Summary: Thora was captured when searching Yorrick Amanatu's office. She knows that no one is coming for her.
Sun's Still Shining (776 words) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Shade/Unnadavari "Ari" Smith Characters: Shade (Khyber Shards), Unnadavari "Ari" Smith Additional Tags: Implied/Referenced Anti-Aberrant Discrimination, Past Violence, Post-Canon, Romantic Fluff, Rain, Campaign Setting: Eberron (Dungeons & Dragons), Gratituous Potshots at the Ordning, Mild Angst, Established Relationship, marriage superstitions, Last-Minute Wedding Planning, No Beta We Die Like the Warden of Dreadhold, Kitsune no Yomeiri Summary: The morning before Shade and Ari's wedding, it starts to rain.
Flower on Your Head (353 words) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alec Hardison & Eliot Spencer, Eliot Spencer & Original Child Character Characters: Eliot Spencer (Leverage), Alec Hardison Additional Tags: Flower Crowns, Implied/Refrenced Prank War Summary: A client gifted Eliot a flower crown.
The Locked Tomb
Dominicus is a Flower that Blooms For Only One Hour (623 words) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Camilla Hect/Dulcinea Septimus/Palamedes Sextus Characters: Dulcinea Septimus, Background & Cameo Characters Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Terminal Illness, Blood, coughing up blood, Pre-Gideon the Ninth (Locked Tomb Series), Post-The Mysterious Study of Doctor Sex (Locked Tomb Series), Alternate Universe - All of Summer in a Day Fusion, If only my language arts teachers could see me now, deliberately referencing a short story I hated for the sake of a fanfic competition, Pre-Relationship, Cultural Differences, Epistolary Summary: Dulcinea continues her correspondence with Cam and Pal, and she thinks about the light that comes only once every seven years.
Original Fiction
inky tendrils battering away nail polish (893 words) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Desperate Superhero Whose Life is in Danger/Supervillain He Reluctantly Goes to for Help, Original Superhero/Original Supervillain, Original Male Character/Original Male Character Characters: Original Superhero Character, Original Supervillain Character(s), Original Male Character(s) Additional Tags: Magical Illness, Fever, Respiratory Illness, Superheroes, Supervillains, Pre-Relationship, Enemies to Lovers, Angst, Nail Polish, Soulmates, Noticeably Unwell Character, (Guess which tags were still on the board when I started writing this 😅), POV Original Male Character, POV Third Person, Ambiguous/Open Ending Summary: Marcus can't afford to hide himself from his soulmate any more.
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds
A Cat-astrophic Away Mission (545 words) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Erica Ortegas, Background & Cameo Characters Additional Tags: Post-Season/Series 02, Animal Transformation, Character as Cat, happy ending implied, My First Work in This Fandom, Hair care Summary: Erica can't help but feel she has the worst luck with away missions.
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socraticcryptid · 9 months
The other day I reblogged a post about waitstaff not respecting dietary requirements, and I didn't want to add to it because it's long enough already, but it got me thinking about disability and how it changes how you relate to the world.
I have a few health conditions. One of them is a potentially life-threatening food allergy (I carry an epipen and keep a spare one at home). This allergen is in a lot of foods, but it's thankfully relatively easy to avoid, particularly because I know the kinds of foods it's in, and also because it's an allergy that people generally respect.
This allergy has a minimal effect on my day-to-day life. My other health conditions have a much larger impact on my lifestyle. But my allergy has nonetheless shaped the way that I relate to food and my body. I always think about it when people suggest places to eat. I avoid foods that I've had close calls with in the past, or foods that sometimes contain the allergen. I'm wary of homemade food at potlucks and as gifts. I read the ingredients on everything, not only food but also things like toothpaste and soap, even when I know that there's basically no chance of my allergen being present. If I eat something risky then for the next twenty minutes I'm constantly checking my arms for hives and my lips for swelling.
There's something very strange about the idea that my body considers this food to be such a threat that it enacts a policy of mutually assured destruction. An assassin could kill me with something that is harmless to most other people. Every time I eat something new I'm scared that my body will decide it's a threat too.
Not everyone is as cautious as I am. But this sort of experience, and constant fear of your body turning on itself, applies to so many people. I have a friend who's severely allergic to nuts, dairy, legumes, and eggs. She rarely eats at restaurants and could never go vegetarian because she would struggle to get enough protein. Coeliacs and diabetics have to be constantly careful of what they're eating or risk permanent damage to their bodies. People with severe intolerances, or food-triggered migraines, or heart conditions impacted by caffeine, or any of the other food-related health conditions have similar experiences.
So much of life is centred around food (for good reason - I love food!), and yet so many people who don't have food-related health conditions just don't understand it, and sometimes even those who do their best don't always get it right. I check the ingredients on everything, even if a friend tells me that it's safe, because sometimes they're wrong. An honest mistake, but one that I can't afford.
I don't know where I'm going with this. I guess I just wanted to say that, if I discover that someone I know is blasé about food allergies, I don't bother talking with them about my other health conditions. If they can't even respect life-threatening food allergies then how could I possibly trust them with anything else? They haven't made the effort to understand how disabilities can completely shape the way that you experience the world. They wouldn't understand the concept of having limited spoons or executive dysfunction. They probably don't respect religious dietary requirements either, or sensory issues with food. I wouldn't trust them to understand microaggressions, or structural racism, or the complexities of gender, unless they happen to experience those themselves.
It's like the 'I don't know how to tell you that you should care about other people' meme, but instead, it's 'I don't know how to tell you that you should put yourself in someone else's shoes every once in a while'. Maybe that would make the world a better place.
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neuroticboyfriend · 1 year
Hi, my dermatillomania has been through the roof after my chronic illness symptoms worsened and caused bad acne. How have your coping mechanisms worked, and do you have any good stim toy recs? Does anyone else who follows have good recs?
Silent stim toys are good for me, I live in a house with other sound sensitive autistic people, and I have a preference for weighty ones and magnetic ones. The only three I have are a little mameshiba bean pod, where you can squish out the mameshibas quietly. The other one I have, is actually a level 1 hanayama puzzle toy. They’re well made with no rough or sharp seams, and its pieces’ smooth movements are intentionally designed, and are satisfying. (I recommend it!) The third one I have is a metal coin-shaped keychain, with a puzzle piece cutout that spins, kind of like a gyroscope thing.
I’m hoping for something I might be able to pick at, or peel, or maybe something that has button snaps you usually find for clothes, or something.. id’d make one myself but I’m unfortunately spending all of my physical and mental spoons on dealing with some damage to my room and belongings.
Thank you and have a good evening!
I still struggle a lot with picking and haven't been able to stop but, I have found a few coping skills I guess.
Redirecting to another stim tends to distress me, so instead I try to give myself a limit on how much I pick. Which can be things like "one more good pick" or "no more picking in this area right now."
It's also helped me to ask myself if anything is bothering me right now. Am I tired? Am I hungry or thristy? Am I too hot or too cold? Am I uncomfortable? Am I bored or restless? Have I showered recently Etc. etc. I've found that tending to my needs works The Best, if I'm even able to find what I need and obtain it.
But in terms of sensory aids, I have seen these picking stones on Etsy that seem promising. You could also try painting glue on your skin and picking it off when it dries, but you'd need a body safe glue and can't apply it on wounds. If you can't find a body safe glue, maybe you can paint it a silicone surface or something. There are also the spiky acupunture rings, and I like those a lot. I think that's all I know of, though
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xochiipillii · 8 months
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dating Xochipilli headcanons
summary: pretty self-explanatory.. this is what I think dating the god Xochipilli, the flower prince, would be like as a mortal!
pairings: xochipilli :: aztec god of love, music, art, summer, etc.
a/n: xochipilli is one of my favorite gods everr (hence the namesake), so i really hope i did justice to this bi-con. I refer to xochipilli as "he/him" in this post, but it's probably more accurate to describe xochipilli as "they/them"
" lay with me, i'll lay with you :: we'll do the things that lovers do -
Xochipilli is a morning person, through and through. So, expect him to be kissing you awake at the crack of dawn, the windows open, hot honey tea on the bedside table, and his sticky lipgloss all over your cheeks and lips
In fact, expect to be dragging your groggy self to the kitchen at 7 in the morning to see Xochipilli, full make-up, making breakfast while the album ZABA blasts from whatever device was nearby at the time
His favorite gifts to give are flowers and sweets, and BOY does he give them out often
He always dresses up 110% for date nights, i’m talking HOURS of picking out the perfect top to go with his bottoms, choosing the right shade of lipstick to match his eye makeup, etc. etc. tbh you have to give Xochi at least a 3 day notice in advance before any date nights
Xochipilli is used to getting a lot of attention when he goes out- hello, he is the god of love and beauty- and of course, he’s always super sweet (almost flirty) with people which can get on your nerves sometimes
But he teases you relentlessly when you get jealous:
“Oh, did you see that smile? Aw, don’t pout, my love. It’s just divine diplomacy! You know only you have my heart, right?”
Sweet talker sweet talker sweet talker, you can never argue with him
Yes, expect to be dancing in the kitchen at 3 in the morning. Yes, it’s non-negotiable
Xochipilli is HUGE on PDA (public displays of affection) and he will use every waking moment to hold your hand, kiss your cheek, hug you when you’re trying to get your shopping done
Adding onto this, he is the best cuddler so warm and soft
Also has like a shopping list of pet-names and sweetheart-names for you including but not limited to: blossom, flor amor, my love, amorcito, my muse
Sometimes Xochipilli has to be away for some period of time to be in the divine realm, but he always sends you cute love letters with tons of poetry when he’s gone
side note— Xochi smells SO GOOD like top notes of orchid and vanilla with the distinct accent of something woodsy like sandalwood or copal. plus he’s always applying some sort of perfume or body oil so it’s like mmm all day
Xochipilli is a part of the Ahuiateteo, the gods of excess, so he mmmight be a bit overbearing sometimes— always encouraging you to have just one more sip of wine, another spoonful of ice cream, a few more hours to sleep in
can we point out that he’s the god of hallucinogenic mushrooms so uhhh strap in, we’re getting funky because he would definitely want to go on a trip with you
he is a silly man, so expect some lighthearted but fairly weird pranks (along the lines of butterflies in your face when you’re trying to work, always hiding the second sock, gliTTER UGH)
on the topic of hiding your second sock:
“Sock? What sock? The laundry seems to have a mind of its own, my blossom. It must have fancied a stroll.”
you have your own personal doctor— seeing that Xochipilli’s brother is the god Ixtlilton who lords over health, medicine, and surprisingly dancing.
softly singing you to sleep, always.
Would definitely pop up in your dreams to give you some weird, cryptic advice which is always on the lines of giving him more kisses
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