#and i don’t understand written directions 💀
raspberrybesitos · 4 months
do not try to learn how to crochet when your adderall has worn off or you will want to bash your head in
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syrupgirl · 2 years
this is a request lol but i havent seen really anything on the ATWOW characters and a chubby!human reader. like would they like her belly? would they like how “squishy” she is? what are your thoughts on this:)❤️
a/n: wasn’t sure if I should interpret this as a full fic request or just my thoughts so i mixed the two and turned in more of a hc direction! I also tried to keep this written in a way that could be perceived as either romantic or platonic (Tuk is most definitely platonic tho) :p
The beautiful bodies we are in -assorted ATWOW characters
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As a general rule of thumb, I think all of the characters would be a lil curious, as all Na’vi we have seen have been quite slender. But I truthfully can’t see anyone of them being anything but generally indifferent towards readers body type :)
Jake wouldn’t bat an eyelid.
๑༄ ‧₊˚Like I said, I can’t see anyone being feeling any type of negative way about a reader’s body and that applies to Jake, too. If, for whatever reason, you were insecure about your body because of your weight or size, he would comfort you the best he could.
Has you in high regard because she believes you’re absolutely stunning
๑༄ ‧₊˚Don’t ask me where this came from, but I just think Neytiri would find you absolutely gorgeous. Not in the ‘awwww so adorable like a puppy’ way but ‘Oh my goodness you are ethereal’
Fascinated but then just treats you like he would anyone else :)
๑༄ ‧₊˚ Depending on whether you grew up with the Sully’s (like Spider) or you met them later in life, they would have different ‘first impressions’ when it comes to your body type! Growing up with them from a young child, he would probably just know that human bodies behave differently to Na’vi bodies and that’s normal. If you were introduced when he was a bit older, he might ask a few questions, like, is there a reason for it? but after you explained that it is just how your body is for no particular reason, he would just say okay! and happily move on with his day
Small, silent, fascination to respect and love
๑༄ ‧₊˚My homegirl Kiri, hard to get a read on her tbh. Again, NOTHING negative. EVER. She might ask if it is an evolutionary thing for humans? To which you would answer no, not really, just how my body grows and she would understand that and stop the questioning. Would hate to make you uncomfortable in any way or make you feel alienated or estranged so probably doesn’t comment on your body much after that or at all.
Possibly less…restrictive with his questions but not less respectful in the end
๑༄ ‧₊˚He probably runs the risk of asking an innocent question in a direct way that is really fkn rude like ‘why do you look like that?’ when what he really means is ‘hey, why is your body different than mine? that’s interesting’ If he could see you took offence, he would immediately apologise and try to formulate his question better. Much like his mother, I think he adores you and your body to no end. I also feel like he would say ‘there’s more of you to love’ and would like to be touching you all the time. Likes to lay on your tumtum and talk to you
she’s just a babyyyy my babbyyyy
๑༄ ‧₊˚ Whether or not you were around since she was small(er) or not, I don’t think she would have any types of feelings since she’s so liddle. Maybe a frequent series of hugs now and then and a you’re so warm and soft muttered into your stomach while she’s smushed there but that’s just normal for her.
This man…I love this man and he loves you
๑༄ ‧₊˚Like Neytiri, you would be his deity. Maybe it’s me projecting how I want to be worshipped by this blue alien but good golly miss molly. He loves every little bit of you and just wants to hug and squeeze you all the time. I have to stop before I gush over him too much (also yes, it would be hard to take this in a platonic sense even tho i said i would try to keep it neutral 💀)
I don’t have a good grasp on m’lady Ronal
๑༄ ‧₊˚She is just a skeptical lady, you could probably catch her looking at you out of the corner of your eye and she doesn’t even bother looking away once you’ve caught her. Her interest about your body isn’t based on anything negative ofc just complete fascination.
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a/n: while writing this, I tried to not alienate the reader because of their size as I know that just isn’t on. I truly hope I didn’t cross any lines <3 If you would like this same concept with a specific character, feel free to send in a request :p
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cabotwife · 6 months
TOO WELL WAS SOOO GOOD!! maybe a part two…? 🤭
Mess It Up
(pt2 of Too Well)
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Johanna Mason x Fem!Odair!Reader
warnings: poorly written, ooc Johanna(?), not proofread, talk of broken bones, ooc Katniss
word count: 1143
a/n: literally had no idea what to do w this, but the people get what the people want💀🙏🏻
"wait, y/n!" Johanna's voice rings out, she's running towards you, desperation evident in her tone. you don’t respond, opting instead to quicken your pace as the sound of her rapidly approaching footsteps echo behind you.
"y/n, please." Johanna pleads, her voice closer now as she reaches out, her hand closing firmly around your arm and halting your escape.
"what do you want, Johanna?" you don't hold back the irritation in your voice, your words coming out more as a growl than anything else. you look up at her, your glare unyielding.
Johanna stares back at you with a look of utter confusion. she releases her grip on your arm, crossing her arms over her chest defensively. "i don't understand why you're mad at me," she admits, her voice barely above a whisper.
you let out an exasperated huff, your eyes narrowing at her. Johanna simply glares back, matching your intensity. the tension is palpable as you both stand there, one consumed by anger and the other riddled with confusion. neither one of you breaks the silence.
"we have bigger things to worry about, y/n," Johanna says, her voice firm. "you can't afford to be mad at me right now."
your heart pounds in your chest as you stare at her. "you do not get to dictate how i feel, Johanna Mason," you reply, your voice low but intense. without another word, you turn on your heel and walk away, leaving Johanna standing there, watching you leave with a frustrated groan.
as time passes and the plan to keep Katniss and, by extension, Peeta safe starts to unfold, you find yourself assigned to look after Peeta. Johanna, on the other hand, has been spending an unusual amount of time with Katniss — a fact that doesn't sit well with you. you try to push down the jealousy that bubbles up from the pit of your stomach, reminding yourself that this isn't about you. it's about the rebellion and securing everyone's freedom.
still, it stings. Johanna now seems more interested in the newcomer from the outer districts. the thought of it churns your stomach, but you swallow it down and focus on the task at hand.
rather than trying to mend the rift between you, Johanna has been acting as if nothing happened. as if you weren't intentionally avoiding her, ignoring her. instead, all her attention and energy seem to be focused on the plan. on Katniss.
when the group is divided, everyone expected you to accompany Johanna and Katniss. you'd always been Johanna's shadow, following her every move like a puppy. your decision to stick with Peeta and Finnick shocks everyone, but there's no time for surprise as the plan moves forward and you all scatter in different directions.
things don't go exactly as planned. at some point, you lose sight of Peeta and Finnick and find yourself alone and lost.
suddenly, a blinding light fills your vision, followed by an earth-shattering explosion. the last thing you remember is the force of the blast knocking you off your feet, and then everything goes black.
when you finally regain consciousness, you're greeted by another blinding light. you groan in discomfort, shielding your sensitive eyes as you try to adjust to your surroundings.
"y/n?" a voice calls out. it's familiar, but your brain can’t quite seem to make the connection.
"jo?" you respond automatically, confusion setting in.
"no, y/n, it's Katniss. you're safe now." the voice reassures you. but despite the words, the voice sounds eerily like Johanna's. your heart aches at the thought of her. you miss her more than you thought possible.
"y/n, are you there?" a soft touch on your cheek prompts you to finally open your eyes. but instead of Johanna's familiar face, you're met with the worried gaze of Katniss. "hey... hey, please listen," she implores, reaching out to touch your hand. "you're in district thirteen now, you're safe," she attempts to reassure, though her voice wavers precariously, as if she herself isn't quite convinced by her own words.
you swallow hard, the action causing a painful scratch in your parched throat. “where’s.. jo?” you manage to croak out in a voice barely recognizable as your own, hoarse from dehydration and disuse.
your eyes track to Katniss's face, watching as her expression contorts, morphing into a look of... sadness. it's a profound sorrow that is etched deep into her features, a regret that shouldn't belong to this girl.
but what could the mockingjay possibly regret?
your gaze locks with hers, the intensity of your stare prompting you to ask again, “Katniss? where's Johanna?”
“the Capitol... the Capitol has her,” the brunette finally confesses, her sigh echoing through the sterile hospital room. “we.. they.. they got Peeta and Johanna… Annie too.”
the words strike you like a physical blow, causing you to strain against the bindings of your hospital bed. “you... you left her?!” you shriek, your voice breaking mid-sentence and descending into a fit of coughing.
Katniss, seemingly prepared for your reaction, hands you a glass of water. "we, i... i didn't leave her behind," she clarifies, her voice barely above a whisper.
you drink the water, each gulp soothing your raw throat. the cup, now empty, is slammed down onto the bedside table as you stubbornly attempt to push yourself out of the bed.
your legs wobble under your weight as you force yourself to stand, “we... we have to go get her,” you manage to murmur, your voice barely audible.
“don't you think i'm already trying?” Katniss reacts quickly, her voice rising in frustration as she guides you back into the bed. “i’m doing everything i can to get them all safe.”
“no buts. you need to rest.”
“Katniss, i’m fine. i need to help Johanna.”
the taller girl shakes her head, her expression solemn, “the explosion broke countless of your bones, including your collarbones and your tibia."
your protest practically dies in your throat, “but-”
“what help would you be to Johanna if you can't even stand properly?"
her words cut through you, leaving you feeling small and helpless.
“she'll be okay, y/n. i won't rest until they’re all safe.”
despite her reassuring words, you can’t shake off the feeling of despair. you feel hollow, like a shell of your former self. your bones throb and itch, a painful reminder of your current state.
you want to cry, to let out all your frustration and fear, but your body can't even muster up the tears.
you're useless, utterly useless.
Johanna needs you, and you are incapable of saving her.
Katniss continues to speak to you, her voice becoming a distant buzz in the background. your mind is too muddled, too consumed by thoughts of Johanna to even try to decipher her words.
you're too focused on Johanna, your Johanna.
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itsliyahhbih · 10 months
Bruh if I post this Earth 42 Miles smut I wrote…are ppl gonna be down my damn throat at him being younger 😅 I rlly think it’s a decently good work but I did wanna discuss that topic a bit before just up right posting it !
Like idk Please tell me, discus with me..what’s actually wrong with Miles Morales Smut IF it’s minors writing it and enjoying it ? OR even if it’s ppl a tad older in the fandom? Bc my sister made the fine point of how when she was a teenager best believe the internet was FILLED with one direction smut and please keep in mind those were minors at the time. Written by minors and loved by minors 💀…or not to mention there are many other FICTIONAL/NON-FICTIONAL characters aged up for smut or suggestive purposes such as… Sebastian Sallow, Old Potter head posts, young justice or teen titans!! I can definitely keep going! Shit , miraculous lady bug, the avatar series, the last air bender ETC ETC..My point being, multiple characters over time have been aged up and altered many many times for writing purposes. I don’t grasp the understanding of why ppl are bashing/bullying others off tumble for Miles Morales being aged up in their works when I don’t see the backlash for any other characters or fandoms 👀 Like for fucks sake do you know how much minor sexual activity goes on/went on in the hotd/got series ? And that’s a grown ass man writing that shit ,but ppl consider that okay bc it’s made up..not real people…like Daenerys in the books is literally THIRTEEN PEOPLEEE !! At least keep the same energy with every other character ppl lmao I’m js . This has been the most ridiculous topic on tumblr In a grip to keep it ah buck w you. I just think If you don’t like it keep scrolling as you do with anything else you don’t like..if you gotta stop and comment on EVERYTHING you dislike bby you’re bitter and need help finding inner peace bc not everything needs a reaction or response..💯 idk this is just my opinion I just don’t think it’s too big of a deal if everything else is “okay” and “justified” 🤷🏽‍♀️
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thesungod · 8 months
(SORRY MY ASKS ARE DYING FOR SOME REASON. SENT PREMATURELY. I’LL TRY AGAIN) hi! I love your fics so much they’re so so cool! Do you have any tips for writing / planning out a fic & managing pacing? I hope you have a great day!
thank you so so so much <33333
honestly not really?💀 i wing it a lot lmaoo. still have no idea how the plot of Bad Sons came up.
what i can tell you is to not let yourself become ‘trapped” on a scene. you don’t need to write in order and you don’t need to write particularly good. if that specific sentence in chapter 2 isn’t working and you can’t go on, literally just leave a blank space. start writing chapter 3. write nonsense. move on and come back to it later!!! that’s really the only thing that has helped writer’s block for me.
write the random bits and pieces that come to your mind in whatever order they come. you will assemble them later on.
also, i’m very bad at killing my darlings but i’ve been trying to learn and do recommend it. sometimes a piece of dialogue or scene that i really wanted to insert just didn’t fit and hurt the flow of the story. it sucks but it has to be done. even in the most self indulgent fic.
i do generally plan my fics (number of chapters, a general idea what should happen in them) and it 100% helps me finish them!
literally the only reason i haven’t published anything since August is that i haven’t had time to actually plan and i’m just writing random nonsense with no direction😭
most importantly: it’s fanfiction. you’re not writing War and Peace. have fun. block the noise. you’re allowed cut to blacks, jokes and the occasional badly written or clichèd sentence. if you’re having fun and have love for the characters you’re writing for (and have made the occasional, not obligatory, much appreciated effort to try and understand them), your readers will have fun and love it too.
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juniperhillpatient · 3 months
Supernatural - 3, 9, 13, 22
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr?
what you need to know is that supernatural was genuinely the singular autistic focus of my entire existence to an extreme most people can’t actually understand like. I didn’t just “like it an annoying amount.” It WAS my life for… several of my teen years.
so…. coming up with one specific bad take I remember clearly is not as easy as you might think
also. I’m probably romanticizing it in my head but I feel like the supernatural fandom is mostly chill? the show itself is insane but I don’t remember getting upset by the fandom so much as… the actual downward spiral of the show itself?
I think the worst take I can think of is people who think the later seasons are the best or that you can skip any part of the early seasons lol
9. worst part of canon?
the thing is that this question deserves a 10 hour deep dive video essay to explore it 💀 & I could probably be the one to do it but… I don’t feel like it
So I’ll just say this - the first 5 seasons were connected in a meaningful way & all Going Somewhere.
the ultimate premise of the show? 2 brothers on a road trip to hunt supernatural creatures? It DID have the promise to go on longer even if it was never going to always match the quality of that beautifully written original story.
but making it bigger & bigger & leaning harder & harder into the Christianity of it all was the opposite of the direction to go if the intention was to push for as many seasons as possible.
I would’ve happily watched the brothers hunt random cryptids & obscure myths in random backwoods American towns for 30+ years but they lost the thread. it’s the marvelification & Christianity taking over. everything must be bigger & brighter & Christianity must be at the center of it all.
13. worst blorboficiation?
No because you don’t understand I was JUST thinking about this. Sam, Dean & YES Castiel (I complain about the Angel demon focus in later seasons but if they were gonna continue post season 5 they def could’ve still found ways to include Castiel without letting the god stuff take over entirely. side note I actually like the leviathan plot. I didn’t say I hated ALL things from the later seasons. I did watch it all obsessively after all) were SUCH beautifully written characters.
I’m referencing what I see as the 3 leads but also, Meg, Lucifer, Gabriel, Ruby, Ellen, Jo, Charlie, Crowley, Rowena, Bobby & plenty of others (I just typed some of my beloved off the top of my head) —- Supernatural has AMAZING & compelling characters. The entire thing that drew me in initially was how very real the cast felt.
But unfortunately a combination of fandom & canon made these characters into more ideas than complex beloved characters. They became icons & gods instead of beloved relatable flawed characters I could imagine myself as. I’m not sure if that makes any sense to anyone else but that’s where Supernatural started losing its appeal for me personally.
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores?
I’m seeing a resurgence in early fans lately especially since I’ve been posting about it but literally I fucking LOVE just Sam & Dean on the road dealing with their daddy issues finding random classic myths & legends doing research & dealing with personal conflict as they hunt ghosts 👻
thank you SO Much for playing along 🫶
(Choose violence)
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bisluthq · 3 months
Was watching Taylor's performances with J*hn & M*rtin (don't ask) and they both make me cringe so bad, man. The John one is legitimately like watching a horror show. That level of obnoxious flirtation should be banned from public viewing, especially when:
1) there is a super inappropriate age gap
2) you are VERY PUBLICLY (casual or not) dating someone else
The Martin thing makes me cringe because like... while they DO have chemistry and there is enough of a vibe there that I can buy they had a thing, he just seems WAY more into it than she is. He's staring her down, putting his heart and soul into that song, meanwhile she's waving at the crowd, not even looking in his direction.
Also, AGES ago, I saw one of those Martin Johnson truthers putting them side by side to try and make it seem like John was fake but Martin was real and like... I'm sorry, but no. As horrifying as it is, that John performance is one of the most blatant displays of being DOWN BAD I have ever seen in my entire life.
I don’t understand the John is fake truthering like at all especially if you’re gonna sub in Martin for him. Like… she did absolutely have a thing with Martin. I was actually saying this before the truthering became a thing and before Ashley mentioned it because there were very coupley pics of the kind nice girls didn’t take with totally platonic guy friends in the early 00s 🤷🏻‍♀️😂💀 but I don’t understand why you’d attempt to “cover up” Martin (four years older - hardly a scandal although def not ideal when you’re a teen lol hence Andrea’s disapproval and Love Story - and like mildly edgy but in like a general emo punk rock way not like in a “wow what a train wreck way” at least publicly??? Certainly not edgy enough that they were trying to keep the brands separate) with JOHN MAYER (TWELVE years older, notorious womanizer, said NASTY ass shit publicly, and yes they worked together but also because she hero worshipped him not because they were trying to get people to ship this???)
She def had a thing with Martin and Love Story was almost def written because Andrea was disapproving of that but she… also clearly was down bad for John and got VERY hurt by him???
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mrsblackruby · 2 years
This is sooo controversial but idk how to communicate to other black stranger things fan I don’t like Lucas Sinclair or any of the Sinclairs for that matter because they give off the vibes of what white people think black people should act like. I feel gas lit everyday because he’s literally written and directed by two White men and sold to us consumers from Netflix. But I don’t say this wanting to invalidate black peoples who relate to him hell my fav is Billy Hargrove and ik how most BIPOC feel about him and I understand that. I even understand why people gravitate towards Lucas cuz he’s a likable black person given some what depth in the show. But I relate more to characters and stories where the characters do fucked up things. I have black friends who have said and done fucked up things and needed to unlearn that. Y’all I just don’t relate to The Sinclairs personally. And I really just want to talk to more black people who aren’t Billy fans about that thought online but y’all keep attacking me. Like I’m that one black supreme court justice or something. I just want to have a discussion about BIPOC representation. But look it’s okay I’m a little in my feelings about it but I’m not about to force you to discourse with me because I’m obsessed with the impact stranger things has on the culture 💀
Thanks to the Billy community for not hating my guts lol so I don’t feel invalidated in this feeling. I just really don’t relate to Lucas and Erica personally my black life isn’t like the Sinclair’s story at all.
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valleynix · 2 years
So I have reached the final chapter (for now it is)
The lvl of stress when Reader wanted to leave the room but Dani was blocking the door 🔼🔼🔼
Daniela, I love you but MOVE.
It would be cute to have them see the Dimis through Reader's eyes and slowly grow fond of them 😭
And Dani mentioned before that sometimes Reader's scent is different, when they blackout and Lunatic takes over their body, so basically Lunatic sometimes hangs out with them.
It breaks my heart and makes me sad when Lunatic's all beaten up calling for mother, but Miranda couldn't care less :(
I wish they would join forces with Reader.
This chapter was full of pain too but thank you for the sweet family moment with all of them at the end 😭
Pls the sisters bickering and Cass' conversation with Alcina were so cute I was giggling the whole time.
I do hope tho, that Reader will have a conversation with all of them and at least briefly explain that there may come the day that they'll be in danger. Because rn they simply don't believe Reader would harm them or are like "we won't let anything happen to you🥺" while it's them that may die😭
It's also hard to listen to Reader and just do what they say to stay safe if they're kept in dark and confused.
Like if Dani knew what was going on perhaps she would just let them out of the room the first time they tried to fix things.
Anyway, my journey came to a stop for now, unfortunately. There's no other way than to patiently wait for the next chapter to be released (I hope I won't forget the events till then😭).
So let me say again that I love how you wrote the Dimis. It's actually my first fic with Alcina being a more significant character so I didn't come across any awful way she was written but I heard that some people say she's a bad mom so I'm glad to see her caring for and being soft with her lil fly babies. Because she does in canon too, clearly.
I didn't have any issues with Bela in fics either. But hell I am tired of the way Cassandra is, so I absolutely adore the one in the universe of your fic, I think she certainly is unique.
And Daniela. We know well about Daniela😭 So thank you so much for showing the world the Dani you created. She's such a sweet ball full of joyful energy and she does seem different from her sisters but girl's not stupid and understands what's going on around her.
And I will say again that I like the way you write in general, it's a pleasure to read it and don't worry, it does make sense :)
listen, i promise to have the next chapter out relatively soon?? i’ve been so busy with school and just in general being unable to focus :’)
*poor baby didn’t understand the urgency and why they couldn’t take time to explain everything :( she’s trying her best and that’s all that matters
*i feel we’re definitely getting into some territory where maybe, just maybe, Lunatic is starting to realize Miranda may not care as much as she claims to. like you said, the angst in them crying and calling out for her, only for her to not even spare them a glance? yeah, they definitely noticed (although in the moment, it became rage directed at Reader instead)
*i can tell you with certainty that Lunatic has hung out with them unintentionally 😭 they don’t ever do anything without Miranda’s orders, so they’ll just sit there all stiff with their lip curled. meanwhile, Dani sees and smells that it’s not really them, just watching them with a “what the fuck” face
*hehe, i tried to make it softer toward the end :D and give Cass some motherly love that most people don’t ever give to her. i need more of them just being a family rather than whatever the hell some people do to them 😭
*the irony of the “we won’t let anything happen to you!” 💀 like, yeah, nothing WILL happen to Reader, but y’all are gonna be in danger pls. but we’ll start to slowly see where they do notice things and start to put pieces together (as Bela is actually doing in chapter fifteen as of now), and a certain someone has already pieced together that they’re not all they seem, that maybe there’s a reason they smelled so strongly of Miranda…
*definitely! i have something special with that planned this chapter, though i won’t say who ends up knocking some sense into Reader (though you can probably guess who)
*hehe, i’m really glad you like it so far!! and i am hoping to not have as much angst with the next like, 1-2 chapters. still some because i’m incapable of writing a chapter without it apparently, but nothing as bad as what happened in 13&14. i have about 5k rn and there’s a bit of angst in the beginning and i have some planned later, but it’s all good for plot, i promise 😎
ack, i hate how much people just think or assume she would mistreat them for any reason whatsoever. and the people who make her hurt her lil babies for the sake of a Reader/OC… i have some words to exchange with them, oh my god
i do try my best to write them as “canon” as possible, even if there are a few moments here and there where they may be OOC. they still all have their own interests and hobbies outside of whatever Reader is doing in their spare time, and i feel plenty of people don’t do that well enough ?
i have such an issue with the way people write Dani and Cass, my god 😭 Dani may be a little out of touch with reality and may struggle with the concept of personal space sometimes, but she’s still smart and an adult, not some toddler that doesn’t understand a single thing going on. and people writing Cass like she’s nothing more than a cold-hearted, horny, sadistic person with absolutely no care for her family or partner is so bland. let the girl be aloof on the outside but care deeply once she lets people in!!
it’s been so fun to read your thoughts on what’s going on and the interactions between everyone, and i look forward to what else you’ll have to say when i (eventually) write chapter fifteen :-)
i might post an actual excerpt later, but in the meantime, here’s a cute lil snippet of a scene i have planned with our very sweet but very energetic Dani <3
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sungbeam · 1 year
Me when serpent and dove: 👁️👄👁️⁉️🫣😱🫵😐💔🤯⁉️🤡
Like man just because you’re going through Jichang brain rot doesn’t mean that you have to give it to me too 👹/j
AND THANK YOU I KNEW YOU’D UNDERSTAND THE SUNSET LINE LIKE THERE WAS A REASON I HIGHLIGHTED IT 😭 but Ofc I’m insecure so I always downplay what I like so that no one else can make fun of it cause I already made fun of it myself #copingmechanisms #earlybirdgetstheworm 🥲 I’m glad you get it like I do tho 😔🫶
It’s so sad that you haven’t read for fun in a while tho 😭 BUT YOU’RE JUST LIKE ME FR CAUSE IDK THE QUALITY OF PRINTED LITERATURE THESE DAYS IS JUST BAD 😩 Like FR a double whammie smh you got the same boring plot and the same boring covers 😔💔 IT’S LIKE- WHY WOULD I PAY $20+ FOR A BOOK THAT I PROBABLY READ 3 TIMES BEFORE JUST WITH DIFFERENT NOUNS IF I COULD READ A BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN ONESHOT BY SUNGBEAM HERSELF?? I hereby declare this tomfoolery yessir
AND YOU HAVENT WATCHED MIRROR MIRROR WITH THE STUNNING LILY COLLINS AKA MY FAV NEPOBABY??? I was actually gonna send the link for the opening scene but no one cared to post the opening scene on YouTube but they bothered to post the FULL MF MOVIE 💀💀💀
I would send the link but it seems that the paste thing timed out and I don’t want to leave the Tumblr app (rip mobile) again cause it will refresh everything (yes this is my second time writing this) so just look up mirror mirror opening scene on YouTube 😭
AND THANK YOU POOKIE I’M GLAD MY IDEAS WERE GOOD ACTUALLY LMAO 🤭 and nooo I haven’t watched rescuers even tho it does ring a bell 🤔
And ok??? Damn I was just making sure I had all bases covered just in case you were being a perv like smh idk your life 🙄☝️/jkjk SJFJEJR
Oh and I haven’t watched secret invasion but I kinda just thought abt it cause yk superheroes/marvel LMAO but have you watched ‘the boys’ on Amazon prime? It was actually pretty interesting (even tho TW it’s way more explicit in the blood, death, and sexual aspects and it did take a hot sec for me to get used to it 💀) but I actually would recommend it just be weary of those warnings 🫡 also you might’ve even seen a reaction vid from it since it got pretty popular on tiktok/twt 😭
Also also hopefully this isn’t overstepping or anything but I wanted to let you know that you’re not alone and I really related to your ‘scroll past this’ post :( it’s kind of hard not feeling that way and I do kind of get impostor syndrome too just cause I feel like I can never accomplish anything and I can never make it to people’s expectations of me but honestly I think I just need to be kinder to myself? And you should too! Something I do to remember that I have to be kinder to myself is by imagining my inner monologue being directed to the younger version of myself. I went through a lot when I was a kid and I just know that if I say what I say to myself/about myself to my younger self then it would completely destroy me. And if it would’ve destroyed me then, why wouldn’t it destroy me now? And it’s cause it does. It chips at me, albeit slowly. And then I’ll just absolutely break down one day. But we’re on this earth too short to be hurting and anxious and insecure all the time. When you feel overwhelmed it’s good to just… back away for a bit. Maybe cook, get some ice cream, take a walk in the park, just sit outside and breathe. Ground yourself and remind yourself that although you’re not perfect, no one is. You can always be a happier version of yourself though so just do what feels right at the moment and live in the moment :) I don’t want to downplay your pain at all but I really hope that I could provide at least a smidge of comfort since that’s what I do when I’m really feeling down (esp existential rip) :,)
- If you have breath you have purpose. You are an instrument, a testament, that these minutes can be survived. (Raquel Franco)
Love, 🌷 anon
LISTEN. serpent and dove has been hiding in my drafts folder since JUNE I HAVE BEEN EXERCISING A LOT OF SELF CONTROL OKAY :l
NO CUZ i do that too 😭😭😭 #copingmechanism frfr cuz if i already clown it then ur clownery will have no effect skfnkenff
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TEARS ! anyways,, , ahem yes i do appreciate that sunset line, it makes me feel something for once so thank u ma'am 😔 WAIT I JUST SAW THE EARLY BIRD GETS THE WORM SKDNSKDM AHAHHAHAHA when the worm = dignity 💔💔💔
HELPPP DONT SAY THAT UR GONNA MAKE ME SEVERELY DELULU ABT MY WRITING ABILITIES 🤡🤡🤡 no but i FEEL u, like i find books that im intrigued by, but a lot of them are just copy paste of each other and they never intrigue me and r ALWAYS in some form WEIRD or PROBLEMATIC 😭😭 like why would i pay money for ur copy paste covers when i can find that for free on wattpad /hj tho there r some books w those kinds of covers that r like that lol emily henry i hear is pretty good and i can't wait to finally read her shit 😔 once i get my shit together skdnkenf
blr is going down hill and FR WHY DO THEY RESET FOR ASKS LIKE CAN I NOT DRAFT AN ASK IT TAKES COURAGE AND TIME AND CAREFUL CONSIDERATION— lmslmflenf LMAO 😭😭😭 OKAY I'LL LOOK IT UP LATER 🤡 AHHAHAHA when they said, if we're gonna pirate, we're gonna go all the way !!!
takes one to know one abt the perv life 🤨🤨🤨 ANYWAYS 😁🤸‍♀️
OMG I've seen clips of the boys and it's low-key like 😭😭😭 scary skfnkejfk i mean like, the main blonde hero dude is TERRIFYING and i mean that in the best possible way. i watched a video essay on how to make a terrifying villain, and they used the boys as an example, and i had to look away from some of the parts just cuz it was so violent, and his SMILE IS O_O FRIGHTENING.
GIRL IKIKIK THEY JUST POSTED TEASERS OF THE THREE CONCEPTS !!! ITS CALLED "PHANTASY" AND TBH I THOUGHT OF DANNY PHANTOM 💔💔💔 low-key if kev came back w the blonde hair he could totally pull off danny phantom, i don't make the rules— i think my favorite concept look so far is love letter !! but i think as more is posted i'll def change 💀 we'll see 💀 NO FR IST REALLY PULLING A FASTBALL ON US FOR THIS??? like HELLO?? they're literally supposed to cb in TWO WEEKS AND I NEED TIME TO SCREAM AND YELL AND MENTALLY PREPARE AND FIGURE OUT IF IM GONNA CAVE AND BUY AN ALBUM—
ahh thanks tulip 🥺 i really appreciate u saying all that, and ,, yeah,,, i never really thought abt like if i was speaking to my younger self like that and it really does put things into perspective. i've become the person who i despised yet was desperate to please when i was a kid, and that's ,, awful. it's awful esp since i can't run away from myself like i could those people from my past. im sorry u went thru shit as a kid :( ig we find our own ways to cope and grow and try to move on, and maybe we won't always make it out of the woods immediately. i used to think i had a pretty good view of myself, and then i realized it was all just a cover-up? like it was a mask on top of a mask and it was fake and it was just covering up all the truly damaged parts of me like a bandage over a bullet wound. yeah fsfs! i forced myself to step away that day. i actually went and cleaned my bedroom workspace up w like noise cancelling headphones on and it made me feel so much better. bro fr like,, when do we not feel existential atp, sometimes i feel like im not actually "go w the flow" but "i don't care enough anymore"
— Promise me not to hide yourself when you're in pain, it's unfair that we laughed together but you cried alone. (unknown) ❤️
0 notes
astrolavas · 2 years
please PLEASE do go on about how autistic Hunter is. As a probably-neurotypical person I love to learn more about neurodiversity from people firsthand rather than textbooks it's so cool, plus media diversity rep is something so important, I did a whole project about it actually
he's just...... soooo autistic-coded, like there's NO way he's neurotypical lmao (there are of course some things that he does that can also come from his PTSD or his upbringing/growing up conditions rather than autism (or just both! since they might overlap) but there's just.. SO much stuff that's strictly autistic that like........ it's canon. canon to me.)
like, how dramatic he is at times? the entire hexside scene???
the moment where he comes up to that one random kid like "CLASSMATE. ignore the fact that we'd never met, how would you say abt [gets straight to the point where he tells him to join a coven and leave his friends and family forever in an overconfident cheerful manner]" LIKE THAT'S SOOO XKSJKSK the manner in which he said it, the way he just came up to that random person outta the blue, how he got straight to the point, like COME ON
and THIS????
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"teens are probably into the same things as me! like authority. and rules!" BRO........
also how expressive his face is (especially how expressive it is for some emotions and schooled/subtle for certain others)
oftentimes his choice of words and the specific intonation in which he says stuff???? 💀 "stop acting foolish" "it will take more than that to thwart my mission" "that's sacrilege" okay grandpa let's get you to bed nxsjksk BUT LIKE. NO, EVEN THE INTONATION he uses in very casual sentences, it's very...... yeah
how much he likes to share fun facts and talk abt stuff he knows abt and is interested in (wild magic, titan's veins/eclipse lake, mindscapes...)? and how he sometimes stops himself mid-sentence before he says too much? that could definitely be interpreted as info-dumping and special interests
how much he loves research in general? i just KNOW he loves knowing stuff and reading up on stuff and memorizing cool fun facts (him immediately reading all the grimwalker books he could find after finding out that's what he is- like obviously he did that, obviously he wanted to know what he is. but also just..... it's so, so very huntercore)
taking things literally.. wanting clearer/more direct instructions on stuff......
“i don’t feel sick” 💀
him just turning around and walking away with no word right away after willow introduced the rest of the team
him not realizing emerald entrails rly didn't want to join the emperor's coven and not realizing he did sth wrong until later, when he noticed willow was upset
THE FREAKING. DELETED SCENE FROM CLOUDS ON THE HORIZON in which he automaticaly moved to climb the vines onto amity's balcony along with luz and didn't get why luz could possibly wanna be alone with amity before willow and gus stopped him. willow and gus saying "you'll understand when you're older" and then him arguing with flapjack how he IS older, JUST. LMAO....
the whole description of him as this...... “prodigy” and everything related to that (not necessarily a positive thing, considering how he was treated and described as by many adults)? the little intricacies of it.... hm
him being kinda bad at lying and making up stuff
and even his stance sometimes???? boy
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and not just THIS one, but. many many different poses in which he stands sometimes. very hmmm hm
how direct he is?
also this is a headcanon/interpretation but him constantly wearing gloves? and him saying "why are you touching it [the selkidomus] with your hands? gross"? sensory issues. so real.
also the sounds he makes and his squeaks???? how he sometimes fidgets with his hands/thumbs?
and MORE, like there are also many many moments that can be interpreted as other autistic traits or behaviours, just. ALL OF IT.
the crew did say that they've written neurodivergence into the show and into who these characters are intentionally, even if they might not be aware of some terms or labels at times, so like... i’m 100% certain hunter’s purposely written to be neurodivergent. and i’m gonna be very surprised if not specifically autistic (+ ptsd ofc)
he just... is.
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versadies · 3 years
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salutations. @starglitterz’s 2.5k milestone event collab !
addressed. scaramouche, zhongli
content. mentions of fighting, angst/comfort (scaramouche), fluff/no-angst (zhongli), spoilers to scaramouche’s real name
sypnosis. in which they feel conflicted when you asked them one certain question.
prompt. 18. “do you mean it when you say you love me?”
post-script. hope this is to your liking quill !! i hope you don’t mind that i didn’t add thoma and tartaglia, i couldn’t think of a good scenario for them 💀💀
“...do you mean it when you say you love me..?” you asked SCARAMOUCHE, who stops his tracks when he hears that question coming out from your mouth.
what kind of question is that?
“what did you say?” he turns around to your direction, the facade he puts starts to crumble down.
you slowly look down on the ground in sadness. you couldn’t bear to stare at his eyes, not when you feel so… so small and feel like nothing (especially after the forgotten fight the two of you had a few minutes ago). “do you mean it when you say you love me? or was that.. was that a lie too?”
his mouth was open agape, words caught up in his throat.
you see his shadow slowly coming closer towards you, causing your heart to sink slowly. did your question take it too far?
you felt your breath hitch when you feel his arms instantly wrapped around your body, the strong scent that you know all too well for the past year hit your nose.
“of course i love you,” he said, his voice muffled from being covered by your clothing. “i always mean it when i say i love you, you hear me?”
your lips tremble, refraining yourself from hugging him back (despite your heart yearning to return such rare affection). “then why does it feel like you don’t mean it anymore? i.. i don’t understand what i did to make you grow distant a-and–”
“you didn’t do anything wrong!” he exclaims, pulling you closer in fear of you going away from his grasp. “believe me when i say that i love you. i love you for everything you did, for giving me the luxury of being loved for once, i love love love you – not only for what you are, but for what you made me what i am when i’m with you.”
it was at that moment when you knew that no longer was the man in front of you scaramouche, but kunikuzushi instead.
you immediately wrap your arms around your lover in response, tears starting to form in your eyes as you feel overwhelmed from his confession.
“so please.. don’t… don’t think that i don’t mean it.” he said. “i love you so much i can’t go back to when i didn’t have you with me.”
“i’m scared, scaramouche.” you spoke, closing your eyes tightly. “i’m scared that this is the last time we’ll see each other.”
“it’s not, i’m here.” he reassures you. “i’m sorry.. i’m sorry for what i said to you.”
“i love you, y/n.”
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ZHONGLI couldn’t help but feel as though something’s wrong.
ever since he started his day, he felt as if something bad was about to happen and did not like it one bit.
he doesn’t even know what made him feel so bothered, until he recalls last night’s events when you had asked him one peculiar question.
“zhongli?” you called, causing your husband to hum in response as you looked away from the book you were reading and stare at the man beside you. “do you mean it when you say you love me?”
“of course i do, dearest.” he answered, looking at you as well with a loving look on his face. “why would you ask?”
you shake your head with a smile. “no reason, i was just curious.”
perhaps he’s bothered with the fact that his answer is too short, or the fact that he doesn’t realize that you may be unsatisfied with his short answer – all zhongli knows is that his response bothered him deeply and wanted to take back his answer.
hence why he finds himself standing in front of your door with conflict written on his face. his thoughts were filled with nothing but every single possible answer he could’ve given you last night that will slip past his lips as soon as you open your door, his foot tapping against the concrete ground in anticipation.
if venti were to see zhongli in such a state, he would simply laugh the whole day.
the sound of your door opening instantly made the consultant fix himself, calming himself down.
before you could open your mouth and say something, you instantly felt familiar lips instantly pressing against yours.
it took minutes before he immediately pulled away, his smile reaching up to his eyes when he saw your astonished face staring back at him. “forgive me for.. suddenly kissing you. i’ve been thinking about your question last night and i realized that no amount of words could ever describe how much i mean it when i say i truly love you,
so i assume that my answer would be enough by giving you a kiss.”
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moemoemammon · 3 years
You are fr the funniest person I seen write about obey me 💀 if I can request ~ what if MC is learning how to drive and the brothers are in the passenger seat either wanting to witness this chaos or helping MC?? Like MC slamming on the breaks, quick sharp turns and other stuff hehe ~ ty
Hit the Brakes, MC-!
(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros)
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
There is a reason only he and Mammon own a car. Despite being a moron, he's the only one Lucifer could trust to handle it responsibly, more or less. But you insist on learning, for some reason, and we all know the old man is weak to your mysterious MC charms.
He was confident in his ability to teach you properly, even as you put your deadly hands on the steering wheel.
Lucifer gives pretty clear and direct instructions, so it’s easy for you to catch on. After you give him an aneurysm, of course.
Never in his life has Lucifer gripped a car door so hard. He swore you were going to blaze through a red light at an intersection, but instead you slammed the brakes so hard his head nearly flew off from the whiplash.
“...PERHAPS it would be best for you to slow down BEFORE you’re only a foot away from your stop, hm? There’s no need to be in such a hurry. At this rate, we might have to practice for longer than I’d thought...”
There's no way in hell anyone but MAMMON would be allowed to hop into the driver's seat of his precious Demonio 666 Lexura!
That is, unless your name happens to be MC. Then all you've gotta do is bat your lashes a couple of times and she's all yours to take for a spin. B-but only for a little while, so don’t get too cozy!
And now he's deeply regretting that. You know how he usually jumps into things without thinking first? Yeah, that's this. His instructions are less technical and more casual and easy to understand, but it’ll take a little more finesse before you’re ready for that license. 
His poor Demonio... He nearly had a heart attack with how wide your turn was around a curb. He thought the two of you were gonna flip over or something! THIS IS NOT A GO CART MC-
“OI! W-w-watch that curb! Don’t go gettin’ any scratches in the- UWAH!! What the hell are ya lookin’ at?! That’s red! RED!!!”
With the amazing innovations of virtual reality technology, and a sprinkle of magic, the possibilities of what you can do in a game are endless! That being said, it’s obvious you’d be able to take your driving lessons to VR without worrying about a lack of realism. That’s the only way Levi would teach you anyway-
He doesn’t have to worry about you crashing and exploding either, since it’s only a game! Yet...despite knowing that, Levi is suddenly fearing for his life....
His instructions consist of gamer slang so good luck deciphering all of that lmao
Levi prays to whoever’s up there that might be listening, because when you took a turn so sharp you nearly did a donut, he thought he was about to be welcomed into the arms of the Lord. He’s trying SO hard not to be a backseat gamer driver, but you’re seriously killing him, MC...
“Maybe if you- LOOK OUT!! U-uwaaah.... Don’t go so fast next time! And if you need to take a turn- WATCH OUT FOR THOSE NPCS!!!!"
He’s read enough to know how to operate a wide variety of vehicles, but book smarts can only take you so far. If you’re looking to pass your written test, he’s your man. The driving part? Uhh...
Satan likes to think he’s got a lot of patience, especially when it comes to you. But your hard stops and jerky starts are going to make him go insane. 
Regardless, he clears his throat and tries again. His advice can be a little overwhelming sometimes, but at least he's good at teaching you the road rules? So you don't have any trouble with blazing through stop signs.
Yeah... There's no spells he knows of that could give you a hand in your driving. This'll take some careful practice, and Satan might not be the best guy for the job considering he's never actually operated a vehicle.
“I thought I wouldn’t have any trouble teaching you, but I never realized how complicated driving can be. There’s a lot that wasn’t included in the books, and- ah, don’t look so glum. It’s fine if you put a few dents in the car. This is Lucifer’s, remember?”
Bold of you to assume this twink knows how to drive. Asmo likes being the passenger more than the driver, you know? 
So when you ask HIM of all people to teach you to drive, he’s not so sure if he’ll be a big help. But who could say no to that adorable face of yours? Certainly not him.
But now he’s wishing he did once you get behind the wheel and kick it into light speed. He was hoping for a leisurely cruise through the streets of the Devildom, not a fight for his gotdamn life-
Driving advice? Yeah no, he's way too busy trying to fix his hair in the car's mirror. If he's going to be displayed all over the Devildom, he has to look good! Though your hard stops that shake the life out of him don't really help-
“MC dear, d-do you think you could drive a little slower? My hair is going to be ruined at this rate.... Ugh... the wind is drying out my skin... Let's ask someone else for help next time, okay?"
what’s a car-
Uh, can Beel even drive? Does he fit in a car comfortably?? Maybe you should ask someone else. He likes being active, and all his favorite food stops are within walking distance, so there’s not much of a need to go for a drive, is there?
But he’s glad to be there for emotional support regardless, since you need a plus one in order to go anywhere. He doesn't react to your rough handling of the car, so you don't have to worry about a screaming passenger. Lucky!
You’re also gonna get a LOT of parking experience with how frequently Beel asks you to stop. All this driving is making him hungry.
“Could we stop by Uncle Demon’s? I’d like to bring some donuts home. Oh, and AkuDonald’s is having a buy one get one special on their meals. Let’s go to Hell’s Kitchen, too. A black tapir sandwich with tartar sauce sounds good...”
Another twink who may or may not know how to drive. Has he even touched a steering wheel before? He’s watched Mammon and Levi play driving games if that counts for anything. 
Also prefers to be the passenger, so he doesn’t really mind going for a ride with you. A carefree car ride puts him to sleep right away. As does everything else.
Yeah, he’s not much help when it comes to actual, useful driving advice. This man is knocked out the moment you hit the gas, and snores the entire way down the road.
It’s a good thing he’s such a heavy sleeper so he won’t be subjected to your lack of driving skills, but you can’t help but wince every time you hit the breaks a little too hard and his head thumps against the car’s interior-
“Hm..? We’re home already? I guess I slept the entire way and didn’t notice. I’d say it was a good nap, but for some reason I’ve got a splitting headache...”
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imma-write-stuff · 3 years
May I get some Duke Elgy courting headcanons? We all know hes a womanizing bastard 😭👏 But can we get some some anti-simp S/O who aint falling game to his playboy antics. Lol bonus points if mans keeps failing and actually makes a bunch of mistakes in front of the ONE person he WANTS to see him in a cool light 💀💀 thank you ✨
Author's Note: Oh my God this got me grinning and giggling like an idiot, I have never seen the duke making a fool of himself. I lowkey want to see him mess up lol. I was writing while listening to Avril Lavigne's latest song Bite Me.
Keep in mind I’m reading the webtoon I have yet to really read the novel. (I have heard bits and read spoilers from the novel, especially Rashta’s fate.) 
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Duke Ergi x female reader
- Duke Ergi first met you, a lady in waiting for Navier
- You didn't have the word stupid written on your forehead. You didn't understand why the Duke was so interested in you in the first place.
- Though it was amusing to witness the Duke having a slip up. 
- One time you was in a ball, Ergi wanted to offer a dance then Rashta bump into him and spilled wine on his clothes. 
- Every time he tries to flirt, impress you, or at least tries to approach something happens. 
-  Every time he approach you roll your eyes in annoyance. Even Navier would give him a certain look.
- Perhaps he saw you as a challenge since you heard of stories of his dealings with women. However you weren’t interested you have no intention to give in to his antics.
-  Ergi couldn’t deny how fascinated he was with you, there was something about you that catches his attention.
- He was getting quite frustrated, not with you luckily just himself, he noticed he’s developing a bad habit of picking the wrong time. 
- Ergi honestly began to wonder why he is so determined to court you, was it the chase? Or maybe it’s something else...
-  He wasn’t sure why he was so into you. Perhaps he could talk to Navier about this. 
- Ergi: “Your Majesty,
Navier: “Duke Ergi,
Ergi: If you don’t mind, I would like to talk to you about something,”
Navier: “What is it?”
Ergi: “It’s about your Lady in Waiting Lady Y/N,”
Navier: “Are you trying another attempt to court her again?
Ergi: “Perspective as always Your Majesty!”
Navier: “Y/N isn’t the one to fool around, she doesn’t believe your sincere with your attempts,”
- After Ergi and Navier talk Navier sighed.
- Navier: “Alright if you wish to court Y/N, you need to change your approach let her know your serious Y/N is a very cautious about relationships. However if Y/N rejects you respect that,” (We need a friend like Navier!)
- A few days Ergi found you alone reading a book at the library. Ergi discreetly cough to get your attention. You look up from your book and noticed Duke Ergi.
- You: “Duke Ergi,”
Ergi: “Lady Y/N,”
- You notice his aura changed, you were a little confused. His posture was rather awkward and a bit stiff. (I can see him as a awkward duck when it comes to his true feelings.)
- You: “I never seen you like this before is something on your mind,”
Ergi: “Yes, I believe..how I presented myself gave you the wrong message.”
You: “You were getting irritating, nice to see some self awareness...”
- Damn that was quite the roast, Ergi knew you were kind but you wasn’t nice at the same time. Another trait he likes..
- Ergi: “I wish to apologize for my previous behavior,”
- You glanced at him and could sense his sincerity in his voice. Though you were still on your guard.
- Ergi: “I think maybe a more subtle and direct approach may help you understand,”
You: “What are you trying to say?”
Ergi: “I believe I may have a....certain feeling for you. It’s hard to describe it. I was hoping we could find a day to be well acquainted with each other.”
- You were a bit hesitated at the idea of it but... he seemed sincere you decided to take his offer. The duke was happy you accept.
- However when he’s about to leave another slip up when his pants rip, you hold back a chuckle. You didn’t had a chance to tell him.
- It started out as sitting at a balcony drinking tea, eventually towards hanging out at balls and libraries eventually you discover he had plans to take down Rashta. 
- Surprisingly, for him you supported him, before Navier went to divorce court you told her that you have plans here in the Eastern Empire. So it’ll take awhile for you to go to the Western Empire. Navier was confused about this till she sees you with the Duke, you admitted to want to keep an eye on Rashta so the Eastern Empire won’t fall with her. You promised Navier when the time comes you will join her. 
- You and Duke Ergi made plans, you decided to be Rashta’s lady in waiting and earn her trust. And get some info to Ergi. 
- The Duke realize how you were so similar yet so different to him, he wasn’t sure on what to say. He discovers how cunning you really were he was impressed and amused witnessing you wrap Rashta around your finger. 
- By then his curiosity and fascination with you ends up turning to love. Deep down he knew it wasn’t a love at first sight but it was a path that led to this.
- Though part of was a little scared he and his friend Heinley were making plans to take down the Eastern Empire. You would get caught in the middle.
- Sometime soon you ended up falling for him yourself. It was a very interesting dance between you two. I can’t say it was an innocent love but it was honest in a very weird way. 
- After you guys began courting Ergi tone down his womanizing tendencies he still flirty and you know being himself but bit more tone down. You tolerated it cause you knew you were in his heart. At that point you trusted him enough not to anything funny behind your back and let him do his thing.
- Dates would be interesting I can see Ergi being the adventurous type of guy. I can Ergi and his s/o traveling a lot and doing a lot of exploring. Also a lot of planning and making strategies getting through sticky situations. 
- Navier and Heinley would be so shock to find out about your relationship, they didn’t know what to say. (Especially Heinley, he never the thought the day he would witness his friend having a serious relationship would come.)
Author’s note: Wow came out longer than I expected I had to think of ways on how would Ergi slip. I had a pleasure writing this.
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jayflrt · 2 years
alice as one of the older kids on sfw enhablr (not saying ur old !! 😭😭 it’s just that there’s a lot of minors on here) how do you feel abt the current content for the maknae line? like ik it’s not always super sexualized or anything but sometimes i see stuff that’s just the way it’s worded really rubs me the wrong way ☹️ esp bc some of the kids on here are so young it makes me feel like if they see stuff like that , they might start think it’s okay for others to treat them the same or vice verse … whenever i see edits of niki on tiktok , i have to avoid the comments bc there’s almost always like a “daddy” , “how is he 16” or “you don’t know what you do to me” like wtf he’s a literal child ?? it makes me so mad and honestly so uncomfortable :( and i saw an article on kboo today too that said niki apparently has around 200 explicit or mature fics written abt him on ao3 … sometimes even the fboi trope (usually when it’s written abt minors) bothers me bc i see minors writing abt it (like 13-15 y/o) and i don’t understand why they don’t just use the term player or smtg … bc they’ll go out of their way to mention how the character has sex a lot an whatnot , even that feels way too suggestive for me personally for a minor too write let aline abt a minor too , sorry for the rant,, i was just wondering how you felt … omg also though tbh i noticed that some of the minors on here / blogs in gen seem way too comfy on here like they’ll be sharing where they live , their actual names and sometimes like giving a lot of personal info … like did they not learn abt internet safety or do they just no care? as one of the older kids , i kind of worry abt them :( i really hope everybody stays safe on here <3 & some reminders: never be afraid to block anyone ! bc i’ve seen a lot of minors on here get sent stuff from the p*rn bots or just weird dms :( & u don’t need to force yourself to interact with someone , make sure ur comfy with them first !
HAHAH dw anon i know what you meant !! plus i’m aware i’m on the older side of the enhablr audience 😵‍💫 you actually bring up a point that’s been my mind a lot recently because i’ve been seeing a lot of suggestive undertones in comments directed towards riki especially on tiktok lately 😭😭 as you said, i get that there’s a trend of comments that are like “how is he only 16” and “the things he does to me” but i always feel so weird about the first one especially 💀 idkkk i thought i was just being a buzzkill but the comments do put me off a little LOL like these ones
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yeah idk ab minors writing fuckboy tropes bc it’s like veryyyy suggestive and very much toeing the line of borderline smut 💀 also i don’t get the point of a fuckboy trope for riki :/ i feel like it adds absolutely nothing to the plot too if the point is just a “bad boy au” other than fanservice so i truly don’t understand the point. and riki has over 200 mature fics written for him??? that’s so horrible oh my god 😭
i think it’s much more common to share more information over the internet now than it was years back, and it’s a little scary sometimes 😵‍💫 i do hope everyone is practicing internet safety tho bc there are some evil evil people out there <//3 also i actually find it hard to block ppl HAHAH but yes don’t be afraid to block porn bots and people who are being suspicious !! i actually blocked a porn bot just a while ago 💀 i’m not sure why there’s soooo many of them on tumblr all of a sudden :o
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hyunjinspark · 2 years
my warm happy butterfly feelings evaporated by the end of the 4th chapter 💀
hana 😭😭 why bestie 😭😭😭 i wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt, i want her to be happy like y/n wants her to be but when she lied to hyunjin about watching his performance + stole y/n’s words/opinion of it, and didn’t seem to give a shit..... 🔪✊😐✊🔪
she clearly doesn’t have a genuine interest in hyunjin’s hobbies and passions, which are important to him and a vital piece of him, and i’m just over here wondering how she thinks that’s gonna work out for her in the long term.... you can’t fake a relationship, well i mean you can, but not if you want an authentic match made in heaven like she seems to desire. i hope someone comes to their senses and talks to her, preferably y/n bc she needs to look out for hana’s heart as her best friend, if not hyunjin’s too as he’s not just an acquaintance anymore, because neither of them deserve.... whatever is going on here. i mean, we don’t know yet what hyunjin’s intentions are for the relationship, if hes also looking for long term or just going with the flow, but either way, hana is not the one for him (obviously, because you didn’t write her to be). he said he wouldn’t hurt hana (at least i think that’s who he was talking about), so i’m curious as to how this is gonna play out.... i’m sure whatever happens, you’re gonna write it so beautifully😭
i think as well that hana’s used her energy focusing on her romantic relationships (past and present) rather than on being observant and a good friend to y/n, which makes me sad. i’m glad y/n has felix though, even if he’s being a jealous bean rn💛
um.... also we love minho the menace. i mean i had to stop and breathe deeply because i was as nervous and embarrassed for what he was gonna say as y/n, but..... dare i say..... he’s useful in progressing the plot✨ if only slightly✨ i could be wrong, bc you didn’t give a direct hint (that i know of), but i’m hoping hyunjin, as the smart, observant boy he is, caught on to what minho was saying. because i really think hyunjin remembers y/n too, whether he’s as sentimental about it as her or not.
..... just thought about the fact that if earlier at the chateau y/n had chosen to ask hyunjin if he remembered her, and he did catch on to what minho was saying at the diner..... boyohboyohboy🤪 the mortification–i can feel it. silly goose y/n hours, for sure. she’d be regretting every decision to open up to anyone she’s ever made.
lastly, i just wanted to point out that i noticed and appreciated the purple pin that was holding up that art piece💜👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 little foreshadowing there?? i hope🥺
as always love you and your writing. i want to live in the slwy universe so bad😩 the way you’ve described everything like settings and people is so !!!!!! ugh, i don’t have the words. it’s so easy to get immersed in the story each chapter. and i just see so much of myself in the way you’ve written y/n, but she’s living my dream😭 when is it my turn?🤨 but yeah. you’re just so talented jade, i don’t know how else to put it. i might’ve said something like this before but i feel like i need to tell you a hundred times because i don’t want you to ever doubt yourself. thank you for being so creative and sharing that with us. so cool of you lol 🤍
hi anon ! don’t worry your butterflies will come back in chapter 5 😘 im glad you want hana to be happy, but also dislike her 😭 understandable. she definitely does want a match made in heaven but also seems to believe that it means everything will fall into place with no real effort from her side. that’s probably why she isn’t too interested in knowing more about hyunjin as a person. yes! hyunjin’s intentions are unknown too at this point.
we will see if hyunjin caught onto minho’s conversation or remembers yn…👀 that would definitely have been so embarrassing for her if she asked hyun that and then the minho conversation happened ! its a good thing it didn’t right 🤪 so glad you noticed the purple pin 📍
thank you so much for your kind words. i want to live in this universe too so bad, its peaceful and romantic and dreamy and slow. your words went straight to my heart thank u so much! also did you forget your anon emoji or do you not have one ??🧐 i love you !
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