#and i MISS it
bad-traffic-smp-ideas · 2 months
3rd life but every session is on a different smp/world download , they start out on the ruins of the original 3rd life server, Hermitcraft season 9, empires season 1 , the ruins of the evolution server, they somehow end up on the qsmp while the normal qsmp players are also there, they end up on the afterlife server and everyone gets an origin the watchers think suits them most, they end up on hermitcraft season 8 and the moon is still falling. That’s what takes out the winner
Can we start in hc s7 so we can have grumbot back... I think that would be nice
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horseshoemybeloved · 1 year
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It's late... I'm thinking about the Vanserra brothers and like... I love them. Period.
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withacapitalp · 1 year
For the STWG Daily Prompt today! This one is a little roundabout, but I just wanted to write some of the boys being goofy little besties!!!
“Class, this is Dustin Henderson. He just moved here all the way from Arizona, isn’t that interesting?” Mrs. Wren said, gently nudging the boy further to the front of the room and giving him a soft smile, “Dustin, why don’t you tell us about yourself a little?” 
Dustin looked like he would rather eat raw goat brains, and Mike couldn’t blame him. If Dustin was a kid who looked like Jimmy or Troy, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad, but Dustin was a chubby short kid with a shock of wild curly hair and two missing front teeth. His shirt was black with a picture of a microscope with the words ‘Enjoy the little things’ underneath it, and he was wearing a wide brim hat with Einstein's theory of relativity stamped on it. 
The new kid was a total nerd, and Mike’s heart went out to him. 
“I moved here from Flagstaff. Um that’s a city in Arizona-” Dustin started to mumble, his eyes firmly on his shoes. 
“Wow. We thought it was in Canada,” Troy interrupted with a mean little laugh. 
A twitter went around the class, which was completely stupid in Mike’s opinion. It wasn’t even a funny joke, just something mean to say, and it made Dustin cringed back like he had been physically hit, his shoulder curling inward as he reached up to tug at the brim of his cap. 
“Shut up, Troy,” Mike said without really thinking. He kind of wished he could take it back when Troy’s entire desk clump turned to him with murder in their eyes, but the tiny grateful look Dustin shot up at him made it worth it. Sort of. 
“Boys,” Mrs. Wren droned, calling them both out even though Mike hadn’t done anything but defend Dustin when she should have. She sighed and shook her head, turning back to their newest student, keeping him on the pyre when she could have just let him go free. 
“What was your favorite part of Flagstaff, Dustin?”
“I really liked going hiking with my dad,” Dustin answered, slightly perking up, “There’s this mountain called Humphrey’s Peak by us, it’s the biggest mountain in Arizona and it’s the start of the San Francisco peaks! There’s these lizards there called Gila Monsters, they’re the only venomous lizards in North America, and-” 
Mike was leaning forward, drawn in by curiosity about the strange creatures, but oddly enough Dustin cut himself off with a sudden jolt, going back to his curled up turtle position from before. Their teacher waited for a second more before sighing again and adjusting the papers on her desk. 
“Well, we don’t have much in the way of lizards here in Hawkins, but hopefully your classmates will help you to explore some of the local wildlife. We’re going to have some silent reading time now students, so take out your books. Dustin do you need me to help you pick one?” She asked, finally cutting him loose. 
“No I’m okay,” Dustin said as he scurried to his seat, immediately opening his backpack and digging in it, conveniently not looking up at any of the boys near him. He pulled out a huge book, burying his face in it effectively cutting off any attempt to catch his eye. 
Maybe he just needed another push. Mike was still pretty curious about those monsters. 
“I’m Mike,” He offered. 
“My name is Lucas,” Lucas added, catching what Mike was thinking immediately and following through like always. 
“I’m Will, it’s nice to meet you,” Will rounded off, holding out his hand for Dustin to shake. 
“Hi,” Dustin said shortly, still nestled tightly into his book. 
Mike’s brow furrowed, and he looked away from Dustin to his friends, seeing if they had a plan. Lucas shrugged, and Will turned his face down to where he was secretly doodling under the book their teacher had assigned him. They were both just giving in that easily, which was just not acceptable. 
Not when the prospect of information on a giant lizard was at their fingertips. 
“What are you reading?” Mike tried again, still not willing to admit defeat. 
“Oh this is Blackmoor. It’s a rule book,” Dustin explained, holding the book so they could see the front cover picture of a huge castle on a tall rock and a smaller picture of a wizard. Will was instantly intrigued by the wizard, leaning into Dustin’s space to point at the title above the castle. 
“What’s Dungeons and Dragons?”
It was like a switch flipped. Dustin’s eyes lit up and he put the book flat on the desk so they could see inside, giving them all an eager little grin as he scooted his chair closer to the desks. 
“It’s this super cool thing where you make up characters and adventures and use dice to decide what happens. My character is a bard who has a flute that can put people to sleep and this badass dagger!” Dustin exclaimed, pulling out a notebook so they could see a rudimentary drawing of a man holding a knife and a flute. Mike was sure Will could’ve done a much better version, but it was still pretty awesome. But Dustin wasn’t done, pulling out a tiny figurine and putting it in the middle of their desks. 
“The game has got all these monsters like a mimic that pretends to be a treasure chest and this one is called the demogorgon-”
And then it was just over. Dustin jolted back, snatching his hand back like it had been caught in a cookie jar and pulling his hat practically over his eyes.  
“I mean, it’s just a game,” Dustin murmured, playing with his fingers and tucking his chin to his chest. 
Damn! Again! Now Mike was getting pissed. 
“Why do you keep doing that?” Mike asked, frustrated that twice he had missed out on something fun. 
“What?” Dustin replied, looking confused. 
“Start talking about something cool and then cut yourself off right in the middle,” Lucas explained, already aware of what was annoying Mike. That was why they were best friends- Lucas just always seemed to know what was bugging him, “It’s weird.” 
Weird was apparently the wrong word to use. All of the joy in the air instantly vanished, and Dustin’s shoulders were at his ears. Mike shot Lucas a tiny glare, the two of them having a silent argument as Dustin gathered up the courage to explain. 
“Oh, um…My dad told me that I should try to be quieter if I wanted to make friends,” Dustin whispered, his cheeks beet red as he stammered out the words, “He um- he said it’s uh rude, you know? To not to let other people talk once in a while?” 
Mike’s chest instantly seized up, and he looked down at his own desk, his copy of Tuck Everlasting staring back up at him. A quick sneak peek up at Lucas and Will revealed that they were doing the same, Will’s lip caught firmly between his teeth and Lucas’s mouth in a thin straight line. 
It wasn’t exactly the same, but all three of them knew what it was like to be told to be quiet. They knew how hard it could be to have everything you love ridiculed or talked down to. Usually it was Troy or Jimmy or some of the other boys in their class doing it though, not their own parents.  
“Tell us about the demogorgon,” Mike declared, speaking for all three. Judging by the looks he was being given not only by Lucas and Will, but also by Dustin, he had said the exact right thing. 
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bass-alien · 3 months
I really hope I meet someone someday who I can actually talk to on daily basis and just someone who genuinely looks forward to talking to me
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brightmalcolm · 6 months
prodigal son used to trend on tumblr during new episodes...we used to be a proper website
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sntg · 8 months
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adamprrishcycle · 4 months
I miss you trc fandom
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alluralater · 1 month
i’m going to the store and buying myself flowers tomorrow :) because it will be a beautiful day and i deserve them
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tiffanyachings · 5 months
they should invent a day with an extra 3-4 hours
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weregonnabecoolbeans · 5 months
I miss Disney’s old animation style so much
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coldshrugs · 8 months
22 or 42 for sensory prompts? 👀
neon moon
prompt: 22. Neon lights at 1:30am - thanks ash!! pairing: io / estinien (modern AU) word count: 1.3k note: takes place during the roommate years. io is dating mikoto. estinien is definitely not jealous.
At 1 AM, Estinien looks down into the half-finished beer he's nursed for twenty minutes, neon bar signs reflected on its surface. The glass is going warm in his hand as he stares at what's left of the dissipating foam, pretending to count the little clusters of bubbles popping as the minutes pass…
If he looks down, he doesn't have to look up. If he doesn't look up, he can ignore his friends (and hers, but the two groups congealed into one about a year ago) having a good time just on the other side of the bar, gathered around a pool table, trading shots in loosely formed teams. He won't have to grapple with the emotion that twists in his gut each time his eyes land on Io.
His previous therapist would tell him to name the emotion. Estinien makes a list.
Annoyance? Yeah, he is annoyed by the short, bubbly girl sticking to her side like a fucking shadow. He's annoyed at the way they can't seem to keep their PDA to themselves, arms draped over shoulders or around waists. They might as well announce their date to the whole bar and include a footnote about their intentions afterward.
Frustration, there's another. Everyone seems to like her—Mikoto—and he doesn't get it. Io is constantly going on and on about her: "Miko's so smart," "Miko's the sweetest," "Miko's so adorable I could die." Even Aymeric finds her charming, so he can't exactly complain to him.
Dread. Definitely dread, at the next time she'll be in their apartment (probably later tonight), all over Io on the couch, or coming out of her room in the morning to take up space in the kitchen.
Everything about this makes him itch. Better to keep to himself. It'd be a shame to ruin everyone's night.
At half past one, the music shifts from hip hop approaching vintage status, to slow pop ballads as someone new takes over the digital jukebox. Leofard takes a break from manning the bar and sidles over to him.
"You good?" His expression is difficult to read behind his tinted glasses, but something about it is uncomfortably knowing. "You don't look good."
Estinien rolls his eyes. "I'm good. I'm just… not that good." He gestures to his friends without looking.
Leofard glances over, and his irritating smirk looks incredibly punchable right now. Estinien doesn't problem-solve that way anymore, and besides, he's in no place to deny the company since everyone else is determined to be best friends with Io's girlfriend.
"You know," Leo starts, rolling his hand in front of him as he finds the words, "I'm still shocked you and Io are doing this platonic domestic bliss thing. Whatever works, right? Don't tell me there's trouble in paradise."
"There's no trouble." He finishes the last of his room-temperature beer and tips the glass towards Leofard, signaling for another. "I'm shocked you're still wondering about Io's relationship status."
Leofard's shoulders shake with an easy laugh as he fills a fresh glass and pointedly slides it to Estinien. "No, I can clearly see what hers is," —he nods to the back of the bar, and Estinien makes the mistake of turning to look— "It's yours I'm talking about."
They're still bunched around the pool table, though the game has fizzled out. Y'shtola and Lucia are hanging onto every word of Urianger's glassy-eyed lecture. Aymeric and Thancred are talking animatedly between the tables. And near the wall, bathed in the neon light of a cheesy purple cityscape with a blue moon and yellow stars, Io and her girlfriend are pressed close and swaying lazily to the song.
Mikoto's head is against Io's chest, eyes closed and cheeks red from whatever she's drinking. Her arms are wrapped tight around Io's waist, and one hand even dips low into the back pocket of her jeans. Io's chin rests on her head, and she squeezes Mikoto's shoulders in a solid embrace. For some inexplicable reason, he swears he feels the squeeze around his own.
She's smiling a little. Tipsy, but genuine.
Estinien boils.
He turns back to the bar and downs half his beer, but it does nothing to douse the fire climbing from his chest to his face.
"What about mine?" He asks Leofard. "You're dating someone, and even if you weren't… you know it's a no."
"Oh, calm down, you prick. Your hunk of petrified wood couldn't handle me. I just wanna know what the deal is! When will you finally get over the "she just needs a friend uwu" bullshit and do the damn thing?"
He considers Leo's question, stomach churning with that sickening heat, and maybe he's right. Maybe Estinien left an emotion off his list.
"Estinien," the voice is too close to pretend not to have heard. And he can't do that anyway. Not to Io. "You're kind of worrying me, over here by yourself. Hi, Leo."
"Hey, Io." He nods, then drifts back down the bar. Still within earshot, of course.
"What's up?" Io slides onto the stool next to him, chin propped on her hand as she studies him. Her dark eyes catch every light in this place, and somewhere in that little reflection is his own dark anger, glaring back out at him.
He sighs. "Not feeling great tonight. I think I'm heading home after this." He raises the glass to her, takes a big gulp.
"Then I'll go with you."
"No, you don't have to—"
"I don't have to." And now she smiles at him, tipsy and genuine. "I want to. Let's go get in our pajamas, and we can share a huge glass of apple juice and watch tv on the couch."
"Io. You're on a date." He finishes the beer.
"Oh, right... I forgot those are once-in-a-lifetime events! Shit!" She makes a little show out of it, shaking her fist at nothing and melting into a fake sob against the bar, before meeting him with a straight (but not sober) stare. A smile begins to curl the corner of his lips and he fights it with everything he has. "Come on, let's go home."
It's almost 2:30 in the morning when they stumble into their dim apartment. Io remembered to leave a lamp on, thank fuck, and she finds the other light switches easily.
Among the familiar clutter and comfortably worn furniture of their home, Estinien returns to himself. Maybe it wasn't the company after all. It's been a long week, and he's tired. He just wasn't in the mood for a night out. That's all.
He changes in his room while Io does the same in hers. Ignoring the inviting presence of his bed in favor of finishing the night the way she suggested, he settles on one end of the sofa and begins browsing for a show they like.
When Io leaves her room for the kitchen, it's in a pair of his sweatpants and a strappy, cropped tank top. This is far from unusual, but tonight, when he felt the ghost of her touch as she held someone else, the sight of her in his clothes sends a new heat crawling across his chest.
He doesn't watch her join him on the couch, or look at her as they pass a single cup of juice and bag of chips between them. When she yawns quietly and nestles into the couch, stretching a leg across his lap, he doesn't risk a glance.
This is Leofard's meddling getting into his fucking head. No more, no less.
Io falls asleep and Estinien turns the volume down. He looks, only to make sure she wasn't disturbed. She curls toward the back of the couch, her face soft and shadowed, her hair slipping out of its loose ponytail. The heat may be new, but the rest of it—
Name the emotion? Absolutely fucking not.
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icallhimjoey · 1 year
thoughts on joe’s tongue?
we need to see it more
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willow-lark · 1 year
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poisonedfate · 5 months
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still my favourite poem i’ve ever written and only now am i thinking about the merthur-ification of it all
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an-excellent-choice · 4 months
Sometimes it's a weird feeling to miss an art, post, fic, or comment I read months before that I really loved but lost track of.
It's nostalgic but I will always love that piece of thought a person wrote and left for anybody to enjoy.
This post is for the artists,writers and just people who post.
I want you all to know I hear you. I see you. I love you
And I miss you
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