#and how that relates to what kind of training / coaching they need
jamiesfootball · 11 months
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Blue rose pastries! (Not tentacle monsters.)
These are so mesmerizing. Have a snippet!
“Sam looks like he can handle things on the fly because he trains so much, but he doesn’t do well with surprises. If something unexpected happens, he freezes up. If I’ve gotta move the ball on the fly, it’s going to Dani. He likes a little spontaneity.” Roy made another note- “Put Sam in more situations.”
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gyudons · 1 year
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updates as of 22 oct
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Travis Dermott knew that he would draw attention with his actions in the Coyotes’ home opener against the Anaheim Ducks at Mullett Arena on Saturday. The Arizona defenseman just hoped that the spotlight might shine on the issue that he was addressing, not on him.
“You don’t really want to go against rules that are put in place by your employer, but there’s some people who took some positive things from it,” Dermott said. “That’s kind of what I’m looking to impact.
“You want to have everyone feel included and that’s something that I have felt passionate about for a long time in my career. It’s not like I just just jumped on this train. It’s something that I’ve felt has been lacking in the hockey community for a while. I feel like we need supporters of a movement like this; to have everyone feel included and really to beat home the idea that hockey is for everyone.”
“I won’t lie,” said Dermott, who is playing on a one-year, two-way contract. “From the outside, it’s easy to see that I’m putting my career on the line for something. I definitely went through some emotional ups and downs that night, not regretting anything by any means, but I’d love to have maybe done a couple of steps a little different by making sure that everyone was aware of what was going on before I did it.
“I don’t want to put my teammates or my coaches or my GMs or the equipment managers in any kind of bad light when it’s their job to kind of look out for something like this happening. It was definitely something that I did just by myself and was prepared to kind of deal with whatever repercussions the league decides to push towards that. I’m not going to back off and say that this battle is won, but we’re going to find better ways to do it.”
As Dermott noted, LGBTQ+ inclusion is an issue that he has supported for a long time. Without getting into specifics, Dermott said the issue is personal for him because it impacts people close to him.
“I’d be lying if I said I haven’t shed tears about this on multiple occasions,” he said. “So yeah, it’s something I’m definitely very passionate about.
“I’ve met a lot of people that from the outside, it looks like they have everything going right in their life and they have a smile on their face every time they talk to you. But sometimes when we get closer to people and get comfortable enough for them to open up to you, you can see that there’s some pretty dark stuff happening to some good people. It doesn’t take too many times encountering something like that for it to really change someone.
“I’ve been blessed to have some of those opportunities put in front of me to really change my view of what being a good person means; what being a good father and a good example and role model means going forward. You really see how people are hurting and it’s because of a system that maybe no one’s intentionally trying to be malicious about, but until you’ve really had that first-person experience seeing people hurting from it right in front of you, it’s tough to kind of take steps.”
It would be a surprise if the league handed down any sort of punishment. The optics alone would add to the public relations damage that the original ban created. Even so, Dermott reiterated his desire to bring the entire franchise into the fold before he takes similar actions in the future, but he also made it clear that he will not be silenced on the topic.
“It’s not like I’m shutting up and going away,” he said. “I know more questions are going to be coming. We’re just going to be as prepared as we can be to just spread love. That’s the thing. It’s gay pride that we’re talking about, but it could be men’s health. It could be any war. It’s just wanting world peace. Everyone’s got to love each other a little bit more.
“Like my parents said growing up, ‘How awesome would it be to be the guy that people look up to?’ That’s what really hit home when I was a kid, especially from my mom. You want to grow up and be that guy. You want to be the guy that’s having the impact on kids like NHL players had on you. If they had been racist or bigoted, that’s going to have an effect on you.
“With how many eyes are on us, especially with the young kids coming up in the new generation, you want to put as much positive love into their brain as you can. You want them to see that it’s not just being taught or coming from maybe their parents at home. They need to see it in the public eye for it to really make an effect.”
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meazalykov · 4 months
the younger morgan
alex morgan x morgan!USWNT!reader
part one / part two / part three / part four / part five / part six
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Growing up in the Morgan household, I was always known as my own individual person. Y/n Morgan. I am described by my peers as someone who’s kind, sensitive, and humble. However, to some of the public and people who barely know of me, I am known as  "Alex Morgan's little sister." 
It wasn't a title I despised while growing up. Being born 14 years after her, I was adopted by the Morgans at birth. My sister and parents have been my family for my entire life, even if we aren’t blood. They’ve surrounded me in a blanket of love while supporting my athletic, famous sister at the same time.
Alex won her first World Cup in 2015 when I was eleven. I remember sitting in the stadium, the air electric with cheers and chants, watching her lift that trophy high. Having my sister as my idol while growing up was a blessing that most girls would dream of.
The pride I felt was immense, but it was always mixed with a yearning.
I played as a striker while growing up, just like Alex. My feet scored goals in every match i’ve had minutes in. By the time I was old enough to transition into taking soccer seriously, it was clear I had inherited the Morgan soccer genes, even if I wasn’t blood-related. 
With the best coaches in the country guiding me, I quickly became one of the best U21 strikers in the world, just like Alex. Success in high school championships, the USYNT national team (before my senior team call up in November 2022), and in my first year of college landed me a spot on the San Diego Wave alongside my sister. I forfeited my college eligibility so I can jump into taking soccer seriously, which I did.
Yet, I hide the fact that the inevitable comparisons to Alex bothered me. Anytime I made a mistake, I had people on social media saying that “Alex at your age would’ve never made that mistake!” and more that were way harsher and mean. I felt a hollowness inside me because I had to accept that San Diego wasn’t the club for me. Something I didn’t realize until half-way into the season.
This wasn't about the love or support I received from my family or the fans. It was about forging my path, I wanted to be my own person away from Alex. I love her so much, but I wanted people to see me for who I really am. I needed a moment which would give me the reassurance that my career was truly mine.
One afternoon, after a particularly grueling training session, I collapsed onto my soft beige colored couch for a nap. I knew I had plans with Jaedyn, Naomi, and Maria later— but I knew I could fit in a good three hour nap before I had to get ready for the night. However the ring of my phone jolted me awake after an hour into my nap. My eyebrows knitted at the sight of my agent's name, Maggie, flashing on the screen.
Usually, Maggie never calls unless we are discussing deals or contract negotiations. However, I asked her two weeks ago if she could contact SD Wave about putting me on the transfer market. Maggie said that wasn’t needed since there was something else that would excite me– but she didn’t explain what. 
"Y/n, I have some exciting news!!!" Maggie began without giving me the chance to say hi, her voice brimming with enthusiasm as I clicked on the speaker option. I rubbed my tired eyes trying to pay attention to what she’s gonna say.
“What happened?” I ask, sitting up from my laid down position and sitting criss-crossed on my couch.
"You know how you asked about a possible transfer? Well I already had a few offers coming in for you before you asked—'' Maggie started as I heard a few clicks on her side of the call, I’m assuming she's clicking stuff on her computer while on the phone with me. 
“So– *click*--- *click* — okay! There are a lot of NWSL clubs that have put in an offer for you. Houston, Gotham, Orlando, Kansas, and Washington have sent in their offers— but I understand that you wanted to go to Europe, is that correct?” Maggie says as I bite the skin around my nail beds. Growing up, I’ve always admired European clubs and the different cultures  Europe has. Playing in Europe would expose me to a better challenge that I’ve wanted in my career. A good chance to (hopefully) play in the Champion’s League too, another thing my sister won in 2017.
“Yes, that is correct.” I say, trying to sound as normal as possible. I am nervous, knowing that this call could change my life. 
“Okay- well that's amazing because several European clubs are interested in you. You have many clubs to choose from— Chelsea, Manchester City, Arsenal, Tottenham, Real Madrid, Madrid CFF, PSG, Wolfsburg— those clubs in particular all offered you a contract. Barcelona showed interest too but you’re not a free agent and due to their financial struggles, they cannot sign you unless you were free. However—- Bayern Munich in Germany offered you a very great deal– a four year contract with add ons—the salary they’re offering along with the add-ons is way better than all of the others. I feel like you would love this club." Maggie commented. Outside of work, Maggie and I had a somewhat good relationship for people who try to remain professional. Maggie had a good intuition and can read people, which means that she knows how I work and how my personality is in detail. 
Hearing about the clubs– my heart pounded in my chest at Bayern Munich. The name alone sent a feeling inside of my body that I couldn’t explain. I placed my hands on my forehead as I felt overwhelmed from the amount of clubs I could choose from. However, my curiosity and intuition wanted to look more into the Bayern Munich offer. 
“Maggie— I can’t lie—Bayern Munich is sticking to me right now.” I say, dragging out my last words as my voice breaks into a yawn. Training was intense today. 
“Okay! Okay! Here’s what we can do— I can come over now and drop off the documents to you— you can look over them and we can have an in-person meeting on your day off from training next Thursday at lunch, deal?” Maggie said. I can sense her smile through the phone call as I felt relieved from having to make such a quick decision. It's Friday so I have six days to make a final decision. 
"Deal," I said, barely able to handle the fact that my nervousness turned into small excitement. I couldn’t tell anybody about this but that was okay with me.
Thursday came and I chose to move to Munich in June. I can spend the season, before the olympics, with San Diego then i’ll move to play for Bayern on the four-year contract afterwards. I couldn’t tell anybody the news until I got the green-light to do so from Maggie. 
Keeping this news from Alex and my friends was one of the hardest things I've ever done. Alex was not just my sister but also my mentor and my rock. But I knew I had to wait until everything was finalized before telling her. She should understand that part. Meanwhile, rumors swirled online, speculating about my potential move to Europe in the month afterwards.
One evening as I played with Charlie, in Alex's living room, I could feel the weight of my secret growing heavier. I look at my niece with a light smile as she colored in a fairytale themed coloring book I got her last christmas. I am going to miss seeing her every-week when I move to Germany.
Eventually, Alex finished what she had to do in her kitchen and picked up Charlie. The little girl complained before her mother explained that it was late and it was time for bed. Its 8:30 which wasn’t late in my eyes but Charlie is a child so— 
After Alex put Charlie to bed, and after I cleaned up after Charlies crayon mess, she joined me in the living room and sat beside me on the couch, her expression serious.
"Y/n— we have to talk.” Alex said. My nerves were on fire hearing Alex say that. I knew she was going to mention Bayern— I can’t hide it anymore. The rumors on social media are increasing and everyone knows my move to Munich is inevitable, even if I haven’t addressed it yet. 
“I know.” I respond, my right leg is crossed over my left one as I cross my arms together.
“Are the rumors online true? You know I don’t like to search the media for answers, but the rumors are increasing and everyone is positive that they’re correct on their suspicions— Are you leaving here to play for Bayern?" Alex asked, her eyes searching mine for answers.
I took a deep breath, steadying myself. I couldn’t lie to her "Yes, Alex, they're true. I'm going to play Bayern Munich in June."
After saying this, I thought Alex would be happy for me right away. 
However, her concern was palpable. "But why, Y/n? Why are you moving so far away? We have everything here."
"That's why, Alex," I replied, struggling to keep my voice steady. "I need to do this for myself. I want a new challenge and seeking something new has been my goal for since the off-season. I need to know if I can make it—-- without always being compared to you." I struggled to say the last part.
The argument that followed was heated but subdued, mindful of Charlie sleeping nearby. Alex didn't understand my need to step away, to find my own path. 
“Everyone knows you’re a great player, you have a higher record than me this season!! You don’t need to leave the country.” Alex argued. 
“Well you played for Lyon and Spurs at one point, which is outside of America—- the NWSL isn’t the only league in the world and I need to grow. If your concern is about safety, I promise i’ll be able to take care of myself. I need this Alex— You know I am a responsible person!” I stood up from the couch. Alex followed and looked at me with concern.
“You are– I’m not saying you’re not responsible– but you’re going to leave everything behind!” 
“No I am not? I will always come back during International breaks!” I argue. 
“Okay– but you shouldn’t “need” to move to Germany. You’re going to leave your friends behind too Y/n!” Alex continued to argue. My blood boiled at her words. 
"You know, Why can’t you just be supportive!!?? I can’t do this anymore–” I say as I ran to put on my shoes by the door, grabbing my tote bag with all of my items inside. 
“I'm glad I'm moving away Alex. Maybe they'll respect me as a good player and my own person– and not just Alex Morgan's sister!" I stormed out of her apartment, the rift between us widening.
We didn't speak after that night. Even at training with the San Diego Wave, we maintained a professional distance, our conversations limited to the bare necessities or anything related to Charlie. The silence was deafening, but I was resolute. This was my decision to play for Bayern, she needs to respect it.
When the SheBelieves Cup came around, Alex and I both made the roster, as usual. This was my last international break as a San Diego player. Since i’ll be living in Germany by the time the Korea friendlies happen in June. 
On the national team, I found solace in my closest friends Jaedyn, Sophia, Trinity, and Mallory. Jaedyn plays at San Diego with me so she has a better understanding about the situation. I told her that I am moving to Munich and we had a bittersweet moment, at least she was supportive of my decision. All of the other girls sensed something was wrong but respected my need for space, assuming that they shouldn’t come in-between family business. Especially if one of their captains is involved. 
On the pitch against Japan for the first she-believes game, my performance was excellent on the pitch. In my mind, I knew I wanted to do good so Bayern fans would be excited about my transfer to their club. 
After scoring twice against Japan, we were now in a penalty shootout with Canada. This is the second-time we’ve gon into penalties this year together. Once in the gold-cup a few months back. 
Emily Fox made the penalty against the Canadian goalkeeper, and the next Canadian kicker’s shot was blocked by Alyssa (Secretary of Defense). Everyone looked in my direction as the ball was passed into my hands. If I make this shot, I win the shebelieves cup for the United States.
My hearts pounded like a drum in my cheat as I looked ahead at Kailen, my San Diego teammate and friend who plays for Canada. She knows how I kick, and I know how she blocks shots coming her way. 
I took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm inside of me. I had practiced penalty shots countless times throughout my time in soccer, but this was different. This was the final. This was for the win.
The referee blew the whistle, signaling it was time for me to shoot. My body stepped forward, and my mind was clear. As I closed in on the ball, I locked eyes with Kailen, who was poised and ready, her eyes fierce with determination.
My foot struck the ball cleanly, sending it soaring through the air. Time seemed to slow as the ball arced towards the goal, the world holding its breath. Kailen dove to her right, stretching out in a desperate bid to stop the shot.
But it was too late. The ball sailed past her outstretched fingers and hit the back of the net with a satisfying thud. The crowd erupted in a roar of triumph, the sound crashing over me like a wave. I scored the winning goal!
Before getting a chance to process what had happened, my teammates rushed towards me. All of their faces showed joy and relief. They enveloped me in a jubilant embrace, lifting me off her feet as we celebrated the victory together. I looked around, taking in the ecstatic faces of my friends, the adoring fans, and the sparkling lights of the stadium. I looked to my right and saw my sister’s bright smile looking towards me, this made my heart warm up a little bit. 
After everyone broke away from me, before the trophy celebration and the part where I’ll be rewarded as SheBelieves MVP, Alex approached me. Her expression was softer than the last time i’ve talked to her at her apartment. Her eyes reflected a mix of hope, sadness and understanding.
"Y/n, can we talk?"
I nodded, and we found a quiet spot away from the rest of the team on the pitch.
"I'm sorry," she began. "I was selfish. I was thinking about how much Charlie and I would miss you, not about what you need."
Her words broke the dam of emotions I'd been holding back. "I know. But Alex— I just want to be seen for who I am, Alex. Not just as your little sister."
She pulled me into a hug, and for the first time in weeks, I felt a sense of peace. "You will be, Y/n. You'll be amazing, and I am so proud of you and that gorgeous penalty kick." Alex squeezed me and I laughed at her gesture. 
“Thank you, Thank you! I have the best sister who showed me what good penalty kicks are.” I smile. 
As the middle of June approached, after the Korea friendlies, I prepared for my move to Germany with a mix of excitement and nerves. Alex and I grew closer again, our bond strengthened by the fact that this new routine will give us a chance to miss eachother. 
The day I boarded the plane to Munich, with three suitcases and one carry on bag with everything I need for my apartment I found while spending a week in Munich last month—  Alex was there, cheering me on. 
“I’ll miss you sweetheart.” Alex hugged me. I hugged her back before hugging my smaller niece who stood beside us. "I will miss you both the most." I respond.
Later as the plane took off, I looked out the window, my heart full of hope. This was my chance to prove myself to the world and to the fans that I am more than just my sister. 
part two here
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Hiii love <3 can I request hcs of Aomine, Kiyoshi and Imayoshi with a s/o that's terrible at sports? Like how would they feel about how unathletic their s/o are 😭 thank you for this :))
❤️Aomine Daiki, Kiyoshi Teppei, and Imayoshi Shoichi Having S/O Who Are Terrible At Sports❤️
A/N: YO MY FRIEND! Thank you so much for requesting me this headcanon. I feel like I am also Unathletic so this would be quite relatable for me and some of the readers. There might be some fluff scenes or some jokes. I hope you like the final result!
Warning: None
Gender: Neutral
Aomine Daiki -Touou Academy
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Darling, I'm not saying that Aomine is heartless but you know he can be an insensitive prick and the reason I am saying this is because Aomine would make fun of you.
But he's not a monster so he is only going to bully you lovingly when you fail to shoot your basketball. Yes; I said it. He is going to bully you when you fail to shoot your ball.
"Lol, is that how do you shoot the ball? Let me show you how babe. I'll show you how I do it," while messing up your hair and turning your hair into a bird's nest because he just loves messing with your hair.
I don't think he minds that he has a S/O that is horrible at sports but he does acquire to have a S/O that likes to have fun while playing sports. You don't have to be a good player, you just need to have fun.
If you are bad at sports as his S/O, he would make fun of you, especially your height if you are a short gremlin. However, he would be kind enough to teach you how to play basketball.
I'm sorry babe I know I said that he wants a S/O that does enjoy sports because he's the type that likes to invite people to have fun so if you hate basketball. There's a chance he's going to break up with you or he would keep forcing you to play with him.
If you are not good at blocking. HE IS DEFINITELY GOING TO STEAL YOUR BALL OFTEN! TOO OFTEN THAT YOU WOULD GET ANNOYED BY HIM! I'm sorry babe. I'm just saying how he is.
But don't worry, he would still love you even though you are not athletic enough. But that just means he will be more jerk because he's not going to stop to tease you.
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It was in the afternoon and the gym was surprisingly empty because it's usually filled with basketball team members training. There's a chance that they are going to train a little bit late because even the coach is not in the place or maybe the training would be tomorrow so it's very peaceful. There are no sounds of basketball balls hitting the board or the sound of the basketball team screaming.
(Y/N) which are you, find this kind of odd but you didn't really mind about it because it's better to be like this. You hate the idea of your face getting hit by those things. Those things are hard, harder than volleyballs to no joke. There are many cases of your classmates getting hit on the face until they were unconscious.
However, it spikes your curiosity and you want to know what it feels like to play basketball. You saw your boyfriend playing basketball before and he was an amazing player. No one ever has beaten him on the court each time you watch him playing basketball and defeating the enemy.
As a result of your own curiosity, the (H/C) haired and (S/C) skinned woman/man/nonbinary starts to get up from the sit before walking into one of the carts that were filled by the balls. Taking one of them and trodding closer to one of the basketball hoops. You do notice it would be very difficult for short people to play because this kind of thing is tall.
But this did not stop you at all. Instead, this makes you determined to get at least one of the balls inside of the ring as you start to dribble the ball. As your hand catch the dribbling ball, you took a deep breath and closed your (E/C) eyes before opening them to see the rings across from you, standing like a giant.
Well, it sure disappoint (Y/N) a lot because it did not get inside of the hoop and (Y/N) can hear the horrible familiar loud laughter from far away. Your eyes immediately wide in shock, turning around to see your boyfriend, Aomine Daiki. Laughing at you for failing at your shoot as he wipes the fake tears from the corner of his eyes.
"Is that what you call a shoot?" he steps up inside the gym with a smirk on his face. "Let me show you how it's done, shortie-" he puts his arms in the pocket of his basketball shorts as he stands in front of you.
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Kiyoshi Teppei - Seirin High School
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A gentleman and one of the hottest angels in Seirin. Also, the one who would most likely not judge you if you are horrible in sports and not athletic. So he is less much of a jerk than Aomine.
Kiyoshi definitely still loves you even if you never make a shoot in your life or if you are horrible in any sport because I believe his kind of type of person he crushes on is someone who is strong-hearted (we can conclude he likes the types who are resilient, brave or courageous people).
Kiyoshi definitely going to teach you how to play basketball, even the basics and you know he has amazing patience so he could even teach you the most basic things.
He might find it funny when you failed many shoots but he also feels slightly bad because he knows that you tried really hard so he would give you many chances.
Also, he would point out your mistakes and the reason why you fail the sport but in a polite way instead of blatantly saying it. he would just sugarcoat his words a little bit because he does not want to hurt you.
He would still be supportive if you are still interested in sport despite your lacking many skills or if you aren't interested in it. He's not a horrible teacher.
If you get sad because you feel not athletic like your boyfriend, Kiyoshi Tepeo. Don't be, expect some encouraging words from him as he said that you are perfect the way you are.
Also expect some hugs and pats in the back, he hates to see you get insecure or sad just because you feel you are not athletic and you're not a good match for him.
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As the manager from Seirin, (Y/N) (L/N) would always help Riko, the coach from Seirin by preparing some drinks, and meals and helping with the team training regiment to increase their skills by talking with her and taking important notes of each member and watching them play basketball.
However, it piques your curiosity whenever you saw them playing because they were working very hard to beat the other team's rivals. You heard the group had beaten Shutoku as well as Kaijou before but looses after playing against Touou. You saw your boyfriend's amazing skill in basketball and it made you interested in basketball despite not knowing how to play basketball.
As the rest of the team members surrounded your classmate, Riko who also happened to be your closest friend. You were sitting there and writing down other team members' important points by writing down their weaknesses and their strengths so Riko could make a better training regimen.
Nevertheless, it did not stop you as (Y/N) put down the paper on top of the bench. Taking one of the balls inside of the cart in the corner of the gym room before starting to dribble the ball in (Y/N)'s hand. Going forward into one of the basketball rings, see how tall the post is and if you are able to put the ball inside of the ring.
No one paid attention except the familiar pairs of warm brown eyes that watch your every movement. He could not help but feel happy that his S/O are trying to play his favourite basketball despite she/he/they aren't athletic as the rest of the other basketball team members.
Despite Kiyoshi hides his laughter when he sees you failing to shoot the basketball. Kiyoshi also feels bad, knowing that you are trying your best to even get just one goal and this gives him a quick idea before standing up from the bench and walking up to (Y/N). Getting closer and closer until he was standing behind you.
The (H/C) haired women/men/nonbinary felt a presence behind you until your turned around to see your boyfriend standing behind you with a smile on your face. "Ah, (Y/N)-san. It seems you had a little bit of troubleshooting the balls into the rings. If you don't mind, I would be glad to teach you how to play," Kiyoshi offers, placing his hand on top of your shoulder.
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Imayoshi Shoichi - Touou Academy
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I am contemplating writing Imayoshi because I could see he has his annoying and insensitive moments but I could see him also as a supportive boyfriend even if you are not athletic.
The reason I am saying this is because there would be a time he does makes fun of you. You shoot the balls into the net or into the basketball ring and miss? He would tease the hell out of you.
However, it depends because if you are unathletic because of your injury. he won't make fun of you but if you are just basically lazy and hates sports? He makes fun of you but is not as insensitive as Aomine.
"Oh? Is that how do you shoot your ball? That is interesting, I never see a player plays like that" and proceed to get hit by you after you hear his little comment and he chuckles at your reaction.
However, I do not believe that his type of partner must have the same athletic skill as him as we can see in Kuroko's character bible. He likes a kikubari (a considerate person).
If you are interested in sport but you are not athletic enough. He's not a horrible teacher either, he would teach you even from the basic things.
Also if you had an injury and you are not athletic but you are interested in it. He would be very understanding and I can see him as someone who has enormous patience when teaching you.
So in conclusion, he is in a between. He would be mean to you slightly, making fun of you but in a joking way, like Aomine does. But he would be understanding too, a little bit like Kiyoshi but in his own way.
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It has been such a long time since you haven't played any sports after the incident that happens to you for a long time. The injury was severe that the doctor told (Y/N) to stop participating in heavy sports such as basketball, soccer, Volleyball, and other sports that could potentially be worsening the injuries on your knees.
This used to make you upset a lot, especially when you notice the way people stare at you with pity, it does frustrate poor (Y/N) as your skill in sports decreases and the only thing you could do is becoming Touou's manager just like your classmate, Momoi. She was your classmate that sometimes helps you out by taking notes on the rival's weaknesses before giving them to you.
Watching the other play basketball freely like a bird spread its wings, but those things made (Y/N) jealous and an idea popped into your mind. 'There's nothing wrong, right? If I'm playing as the others are resting? Maybe I should try' (Y/N) silently think to themselves/herself/himself as you take one of the balls that were rolling next to your feet.
A pair of slanted eyes sees you taking one of the basketballs, a little bit confused about why are you holding one of the balls until his confusion was replaced by a smirk. Watching your every movement from the start by starting to dribble on your hand, walking slowly before it turns into jogging and full-on sprinting until you were underneath the basketball ring and shooting the ball.
It did not go inside at all, (Y/N) cheeks reddened, embarrassed that the ball doesn't go inside at all. Instead, it was thrown away and almost hit other players. "Oh? Is that how do you shoot your ball? That is interesting, I never see a player plays like that" A familiar yet annoying voice spoke up. Turning around, you could see your boyfriend with his usual annoying smirk, making fun of you after failing to get a point after throwing the basketball into the ring.
"Yeah, keep making fun of me until I smack that face of yours with the ball," you roll your eyes at him. "Ah, it's alright. (Y/N)-san. It's okay if you cannot play basketball. Here, let me help you. Follow my instruction on how to shoot," his smirk replaced with his genuine smile.
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Locker Room Conversations III
In which everyone suspects that Roy, Jamie and Keeley are dating. Well, except for Roy.
“Oi! Roy!”
At Jamie’s call Roy turned from the board he’d been painstakingly filling with his cramped hand to look at the younger man, changed out of his training kit but still lounging carelessly on the bench by his locker.
“What?” The use of ‘Roy’ rather than ‘Coach’ suggested this had nothing to do with the practice they’d just finished or the upcoming game on Sunday.
“You need to check your phone, mate. Keeley wants us to do brunch tomorrow at her place, and she wonders if you can pick up croissants from that little French place near your house.”
“Oh. Yeah. Sure.” 
Jamie started typing away furiously at his phone, and Roy was about to turn back to the task at hand when he noticed that the dressing room had fallen suspiciously quiet during the quick exchange. 
“What?” Roy demanded. There was something in that silence that had alarm bells going off in his head… When no one answered him, he cocked his head to the side, donning his very best Roy Kent glare. “What?”
Most of the players looked away. Van Damme looked at Colin. Colin looked at Isaac. Isaac looked at Dani. Dani looked at a pair of socks.
Sighing, but seemingly accepting the burden of his captaincy, Isaac spoke up, gesturing vaguely in a circle that encompassed both Roy and Jamie: “Are you… it’s just that we’ve been wondering, yeah… are the three of you… dating?”
Roy stared. What.
“No.” he said slowly, trying to wrap his head around the fact that this had been a question. “We’re not dating.” They’d been hanging out a lot ever since Manchester, sure, but really, what kind of fucking leap was this? 
“Oh.” And somehow that didn’t sound at all like an oh of course what a very stupid thing to ask but very much like an oh are you sure and What. The. Fuck was going on here?” 
Roy glanced at Jamie, hoping that he might jump in and add his refutation to Roy’s so they could lay this whole ridiculous thing to rest.
Only. Jamie wasn’t looking like he thought this was the stupidest thing he’d ever heard. He was making a stupid face, sure, but one that Roy recognized as deliberately noncommittal. And he was keeping conspicuously quiet.
Roy blinked. But. What.
“We’re not dating… ?” he said again, but there was a curious twist to the end of the sentence, turning into more of a question than he had planned, or had ever thought he’d need in relation to this particular subject.
All eyes turned to Jamie.
Unfazed, Jamie shrugged. “Eh. Not really. I mean, we’re taking it slow, see how it goes.”
“Oh.” Collective from the rest of the team and to Roy’s consternation this ‘oh’ sounded like oh right we get it that make sense which was insane because it really fucking didn’t.
“We’re what?” he demanded in what he thought was a very calm and reasonable manner.
“Jesus, man, no need to fucking shout,” Jamie said reproachfully. “This is why we’re taking it slow,” he added to the others. “Old people get so worked about new things, yeah? Gotta take it easy or you’ll spook ‘em.” He turned back to Roy, smiling brightly like the absolute little prick that he was. “Anyway. You’ll bring the croissants for brunch, yeah?”
Roy opened his mouth. Closed it again. Tried to think of something – anything – to say. What eventually came out was, ”If I say yes, does that mean I’ve agreed to go on a date with you?”
With Keeley, and with you.
For some reason, the idea didn’t quite make him want to tear his guts out and use them to strangle Jamie.
Jamie shrugged again, keeping his face as neutral as he could manage (which wasn’t very) but his brown eyes were glittering. Roy’s traitorous heart did a weird little thing at that.
”Nah,” Jamie said, and then his stupidly full lips curled into a slight but impossibly smug smirk. “Maybe. So, brunch?”
Closing his eyes, wondering if he was losing his mind or finally coming to his senses, Roy said, ”Yeah, yeah, we’ll do brunch.”
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fffrost · 10 months
Please please share ur kenlao headcanons n stuff🙏🙏🙏🙏
AHAHA OH BOY! I didn’t expect my KenLao shit to hit it off so well- but yeah totally. I haven’t had a ton of time to give them much more thought than the surface level stuff. A lot of it relates to the way I personally view the characters so I hope it’s good.
Pre relationship summary:
They both kind of make the first move with each other, the current dynamic (and fic) I’m working on right now has it where gang reunites every so often as a whole group. Kung Lao and Kenshi end up hitting it off at one, and gradually over time while they mature and grow more comfortable with themselves and each other they talk more outside of these meetings.
Kenshi and Lao I think are both confident in a manner that manifests in being very forward with other people- which for them ends well. Kung Lao likes to flirt, and Kenshi isn’t against it, it doesn’t bother him. He warms up to Lao and they end up really enjoying each others presence.
For Head-canons, Particularly Kenshi, because of how I characterize him:
- Kenshi eventually (idk how to word this well) accepts his blindness- and doesn’t often use Sento to see. Partially because I hc it would be pretty jarring to have that weird mindfuck of the souls of your ancestors which live in your sword directly beam visions into your brain- and also because he straight up just can’t have a sword out all the time.
- just adding this: he uses sento while fighting. Of course, so most likely he uses the sight it grants him almost exclusively in combat.
- I haven’t gone super in depth into more head-canons on what sort of aids he would use, because I need to do more research, but I think he uses a cane when walking around, and maybe later he has a service dog.
I want to point out that I’ve seen a lot of people brush off his blindness in favor of just pretending he can see like normal because of sento… which really fails to see the full potential and worth of his blindness in his character arc. I don’t know much about blindness and I am going to do research to be able to characterize and write him correctly!
Anyway moving on since I just talked about Kenshi so much (I love him) here’s some basic hcs for them:
- they alternate who is the big spoon/little spoon often.
- Kung Lao (later in life, when their relationship starts) has tattoos! He also grows his hair out, and gets a few more (bridge piercing cameo) piercings.
- Kenshi obviously has a beard
- Kung Lao can’t grow an epic beard and instead just fawns over Kenshi’s. Kenshi is mildly annoyed by it (he loves it.)
- once they’ve built trust Kung Lao trims and tidies Kenshi’s beard.
- Kenshi likes to tie up Kung Lao’s hair
- Kung Lao picks outfits for Kenshi sometimes, once Kenshi has drilled the importance of cleaning up and looking good into him enough.
- Kenshi steals Kung Lao’s clothes. A lot.
- over time their relationship develops from casual to serious, Kung Lao is the first to realize it. It grows to the point where Kenshi can’t imagine spending his time with anyone else, or trusting anyone else with that side of himself.
- Kung Lao yearns for an active and dramatic life at first, and Kenshi knows how painful it can be, so it worries him.
- over time Kenshi mellows out Kung Lao, and Kung Lao introduces Kenshi to positive excitement.
- ^ Kenshi dislikes large gatherings (such as concerts) and amusement parks.
- Kung Lao loves training with Kenshi, due to the unique techniques Kenshi’s fighting style provides. Kenshi also helps Kung Lao with coaching Shujinko after the first time he biffed it, which was pre relationship.
- takeda comes into the picture also, but I am not sure how I want to fit him into their familial dynamic yet….
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stickmarionette · 1 month
Marti Perarnau (Pep's authorised biographer) got the details on his aborted reunion with Messi and oh my god
It all starts with a WhatsApp sent by Sergio Aguero to the City squad. 'Something big might be happening. Leo's just asked me how long Pep has left on his contract.'
Everyone back in Manchester is immediately buzzing but Pep, on a flight back from Lisbon, doesn't see the message for several hours.
Unbeknown to Pep, Messi is also struggling with a major headache of his own. For the past four days, he's been brooding over the 8-2 mauling handed out to Barcelona by Bayern Munich. Shame. Humiliation. Their worst result in living memory. It's all too painful and Messi has come to a decision. It's time to take the initiative. He needs to move on.
Perhaps Pep has a place in his squad for his former protege.
In another part of Barcelona, Pep's still feeling the effects of his sore head when his phone buzzes.
They meet the next day. Twelve o'clock at Pep's place. It's the second time they've met like this. The last time was in the summer of 2016 when Messi was facing a 21-month prison sentence for tax fraud and looking for a lifeline.
Four years on, the situation's very different. Messi's frustration with Barcelona has mounted with each Champions League elimination over the last few years. He's rapidly losing patience with his club. Which is why he's here, sitting on Pep's huge sofa, ready to talk. 'Boss, I just want to go as far as I possibly can. I still want to do great things.'
The pair of them are still talking six-and-a-half hours later.
They've never had this kind of long, intense conversation before. Back at Barca, whenever they chatted it was always about the game, the tactics to be used or their next opponent.
But they've both changed a lot since then. The quiet, reserved kid, who only seemed to come fully alive with a ball at his feet, is now a grown man. With a beard!
This is an adult who knows what he wants and has carefully considered everything he's about to say. A professional, with an exhaustive knowledge of football, who speaks with precision and intelligence. Pep's heard how much Messi's changed but now he's witnessing it for himself. And today, it's Leo who does most of the talking.
Messi has a very specific purpose. Sick and tired of the way he's been treated, and of the dishonesty and betrayal he feels he's had to put up with. He's ready to leave.
Pep can relate. He himself feels he had to put up with similar treatment as a player, meted out by then club president Josep Lluis Nunez, who had also seemed to take against Johan Cruyff and do everything he could to push the great Dutch coach out of the club. Pep, as a new coach, had similar problems under president Sandro Rosell.
In Johan Cruyff, Pep Guardiola and Leo Messi, the club had three of their brightest and most brilliant sons, all of them skewered on the lance of mediocrity.
So no, Pep doesn't need the details. He understands exactly what Messi's saying.
'You do know that it rains a lot in Manchester?'
Today, Pep discovers in Messi a man who is surprisingly well-informed about world football. It's obvious that he has superb football vision and a precise grasp of the concepts, tactical variants and innovations they chat about. 
They discuss Liverpool and Bayern, Antonio Conte and Thomas Tuchel, Kevin De Bruyne and Kalidou Koulibaly. Pep talks him through City's squad, their new signings and the defenders he's got his eye on. Leo has opinions on all of it.
'We train hard in Manchester…'
'Doesn't bother me. I'm ready for hard work.'
'And I still give long tactical talks. Maybe you'll get bored…'
'I'll cope, I can cope with anything you throw at me.'
'Leo, we're both much older than we were. Maybe we won't get on now.'
'Pep, I just want the chance to do great things, to feel like I'm ready to smash it again.'
At 6.30pm they say goodbye with a warm hug. It's not going to be easy but if they pull this off, there's no knowing what they can achieve.
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nonbinaryvee · 7 months
1. How long have you been into hypnosis?
Over 20 years im 35, aol chat and latch key kid lol
2. Describe your first experience with hypnosis
A child therapist when I was 6 or 7
3. Are there any TV shows/movies/books you liked when you were younger that you think got you into hypnosis?
Multiple - one early memory is of the droopy cartoon and Elvira brainwashes him, also the schooby do ghoul school movie brainwashing bat headphones, the snake in jungle book iant a hard hitting memory.
4. Are you primarily a hypnotist or a subject?
Subject but am adapt as a tist
5. Are you primarily a dom/me or a sub?
Super duper submissive lol like it's embarrassing
6. What do you love about being hypnotised?
The loss of anxiety, my brain being "off", and the submission relates to it.
7. What do you love about hypnotising people?
I actually really enjoy training or coaching, so Im not dominant but love helping someone achieve thier goals. I see it a lot like a service.
8. How do you feel when hypnotised?
When I'm really deep I'm absent like totally disassociation. Like floating in water almost with the reverberation of the water
9. How do you feel when you hypnotise someone else?
Like when I zone out playing a video game, I need to hit the right buttons to win the game. So I get self tranced kinda.
10. Are you a difficult subject?
Yes and no. Im super easy to drop, enjoy, and play with. However my subconscious is pretty wild, and hard to pin down into a focused direction. So long term results may very lol..
11. What’s your ‘signature move’ as a hypnotist?
Doing what the subject wants, staying very in limits, and leaving the subject with a deep enjoyment of water. Actually enjoying the taste of possible...cause it's almost sadistic to make anti hydrating people hydrate lol
12. What’s your favourite kind of hypnotic induction?
Consented to conversational hypnosis that leads into Ericksonian themed guidance.
13. Do you like visual fixation (on spirals, eyes, swinging objects etc.) for hypnosis?
I love it lol. But sometimes it's better for bdsm rp hypnosis and less for getting good results.
14. What are your favourite kinds of hypnosis play?
I really enjoy fetish creation and accidental self help for others. For me...well, I like hard kinks cnc addition, memory play, corruption, if I had irl hypno dom ild be pretty free use..
15. What other kinks do you like to incorporate into your hypno play?
Pet play, equipment, feminization, toilet play,.identity play, all sorts. It could literally make any scene more fun for me. It's my number one kink.
16. For you, is the appeal of hypnosis primarily sexual or not?
It's both relaxing, a hobby, and sexual. It's kinda just my favorite thing lol
17. What are some post-hypnotic suggestions you particularly enjoy (for others or yourself)?
I love simple pleasure triggers. .good girl is so classic, good boy, good pet , those are just the best.
18. Describe your best experience involving hypnosis
My long term enjoyment of Bambi files.
19. Describe a bad experience you had involving hypnosis? Why was it bad? Why did it go wrong?
I worked with a subject over the course of months, experimenting with hypnosis capabilities, we decided to try and have their hair color change through natural causes. What ended up happening was that their subconscious took over, made them go into what.thwy described as "drone mode" even tho that had never been a theme we used. And purchased hair dye, almost got kicked out of their home as they were just 19 and parents hadn't accepted them as fem. It was pretty scary and not meant to ever become unsafe for them, we took a few days to de program her entirely after that. And then she ghosted me. I understand why, even though it was all consented to, I learned a lot about the limits of hypnosis.
20. What’s one tip you have for other hypnotists/subjects?
Every one's sensations are hyper individualistic as a newer subject. The one thing I'd want both sets to know, is that new subjects should not be directed to feel anything like heavy or light or floaty. Just say trance or hypnosis, then identify the feeling they associate to trance. This is the number issue i see, new subjects feel like failures because they're sensations don't line up with the guides suggestions this loosing faith and trust in the trancing process. And for hypnotists it's probably just because of troupes and the average trance script as those things in them.
21. Do you have any tips for how to negotiate hypnosis play?
It has to be consented to before scene starts.period. consent is sexy. Even if it's premising cnc. Communication is key to any relationship, and kinky dynamics are just that personified. Having an understanding of what the subjects long term wants are important with hypnosis play, also it has to be stared that deep real hypnosis is a R.A.C.K practice if done right. If the subject is blanking an entire trance, that's akin to needing a trip nanny while using hallucinating on illicit things. Like asphyxiation play, public humiliation, and a few others hypnosis can have out-of-the-scenes consequences. Hence why knowing your subjects over all goals for interaction is sooo important. Do they want an escape? Or do they want to loose human rights(in a kinky consenting way for 24/7 pets).
22. Do you like your hypnosis to involve power exchange, or not?
I enjoy it when I'm the subject but avoid it as the hypnotist
23. For you, how does hypnosis fit into a relationship? Just in the bedroom, or as part of BDSM relationship?
It can be both. Or one or the other. It's such a dynamic activity I would personally hate to limit it.
24. Are you interested in a 24/7 hypnotic enslavement relationship?
Yes. Way more than a healthy amount lol.
25. Have you ever experienced strong, sudden feelings for a hypnotist/subject? How did you deal with that?
Yes. It's kinda normal for me for anyone who's nice to me, for me to immediately dive deep. I just roll with it when it's not reciprocated as it's the sop at this point lol
26. Are you interested in hypnotising/being hypnotised by people of a gender you are not attracted to?
So as a pansexual... n/a lol. But I do prefer feme people so getting tranced by masq people? Still yes lol
27. What’s your favourite work of hypnosis erotica?
There was a omniscient therapy story that was great lol but don't get to read much
28. What’s your favourite spiral?
The ones in my DMs lol is there a bad one?
29. What’s your favourite hypno-themed image/caption/piece of art?
I really enjoy the indie artists that just randomly have hypno smut plastered online. They all deserve oral for their valiant efforts to keep the masses under hypnotic horny controls
30. What’s your favourite audio file/audio file producer?
Hmmm 🤔 platinum puppets is winning right now .
31. What’s your favourite book/movie/TV show that includes hypnosis?
Hmmm anime lol
32. Describe your biggest fantasy involving hypnosis?
The hole 10 yards honestly, life take over. For me, getting actually kidnapped and changed to their liking
33. Do you have any fantasies about non-consensual hypnosis? Describe them
...yes...waking up to pictures getting taken of me then blanking out again, waking up in a pink room and not being able to.focus, then it starts again. Then getting shown all the porn I've been made into while not in trance. Simple private messages with no description, hypnosis files linked and told to listen with no knowledge of the script. So many ways to give my mind away 🤤
34. What’s one fictional character you’ve fantasised about hypnotising/being hypnotised by?
Poison ivy
35. Do you like intelligence loss/bimbofication hypnosis? Why?
Probably my favorite. I can't stop thinking. About things wildly out of my control. Also choices give me anxiety. You know who doesn't do that? Dumb bimbos
36. Do you like amnesia play? Why?
Yes, it's just an intense rush being unaware of my own actions..a loss of control able to be identified internally. It's like the control is inside me. And it's lovely
37. Do you like freeze triggers? Why?
Yes and no .they just don't really feeze my body.
38. Do you like pleasure triggers? Why?
Mmmmmmmm yeah. For one good girl is a trigger I cant stop. At all. It happens 100%. No choice so it s just fun. But who doesn't want pleasure??? Like obvious
39. Do you like alternate personalities created through hypnosis? Why?
Not really. I don't wish my natural state on any one. It's hard
40. Do you like feminization hypnosis? Why?
Yes. Its such a nice thing for trans fems. And honestly it just a great way to do forced.fem link scenes
41. Have you ever experienced a “hands-free” orgasm as a result of hypnosis?
No, 😔😔😔 but the amount of leaking and throbbing without touching is wild
42. Which famous person do you think has the most hypnotic voice?
Tom Hiddleston
43. If you make hypnosis content, what’s your favourite piece of content you’ve made?
I don't yet but plan on it
44. Have you ever used hypnotic conditioning to help you or someone else with a part of your/their life?
Bambi files helped me accept myself as non binary trans fem. And have helped many people get better healthy lifestyles myself
45. Have you ever been to a hypnosis convention? Did you enjoy it, or not? Why?
I have not..but wow does that sound fun.
46. How has being involved with hypnosis/the hypno community improved your life?
Out of all the communities online, hypnosis is the most accepting of extreme thoughts that don't translate to extreme actions. Being able to express things and explore in a safe community has been life saving for me multiple times over the years.
47. What is one thing about the hypnosis community you think could change for the better?
Hhmmm I wish hypno therapy practicers were more willing to help the hypno kink community be ethical and just ban hammer it so much from open discussion.
48. Who is one person in the hypno community you really admire?
Mind Mistress. Old but gold. And her team in the 2000s was just the best thing ever
49. What is your favourite hypnosis-themed blog on tumblr?
Neural Nets and pretty patterns is solid. I dont know much about the creators. But the content is on point.
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tarysande · 1 year
Can I ask, how does one go about becoming an editor? Like, where do you apply for jobs?? What kinda training do you do?? Are there companies that hire out editors to writers? Im just so confused about it. Ive always been interested in editing, and am considering doing it as a job
Editing is a weird career.
Really, I started as a writer. Like, when I was eleven. In jr. high and high school, I was in a writing critique group and I wrote a lot. I graduated from university with a degree in theatre, film, and creative writing. I was often the person my friends came to when they needed help with a paper (or the correct placement of a semicolon). I've been involved in fandom since I was about 17, and I was very fortunate to fall in with a group of excellent writers who were also excellent betas and editors. I learned a TON from them without realizing how much I was learning.
I started editing by accident, really. Sometimes, that's how it happens. I mostly got gigs here and there through friends or word of mouth. About ten years ago, I got more serious about it. I worked for companies that paid horribly. Then I did an editing test for a company that paid less horribly, and they hired me. After a couple of years editing countless academic papers, ESL academic papers, novels, emails, business documents, etc., I decided to branch out on my own (mostly so I could work on more fiction; I was burned out on academic papers).
I joined Editors Canada, started volunteering with them, got a lot more experience, and took a few continuing ed courses to gauge where my skills were at and to determine if I needed to upgrade my education. I decided I didn't need to do that, because I already knew the things I was being taught.
I read a lot of books on editing, writing, and craft. I familiarized myself with the Chicago Manual of Style, APA, MLA, and a couple of other style guides. I learned the differences in spelling, punctuation, and style between US, UK, and Canadian English. I went to webinars, conferences, and courses (all the major editing associations offer these, usually cheaper or free for members; they are a great way to determine what kinds of editing you actually LIKE). I learned the difference between rules and preferences, and when to apply them to a text.
I work freelance, which means I have my own business as a sole proprietor. I'm a contractor with a couple of companies who sometimes send work my way, but most of my clients are individual writers planning to either self-publish or polish their work before seeking traditional publication via the agent/tradpub route.
Freelancing has many perks but is not particularly secure. Especially if you're American and need an employer to provide health insurance, or if you're single and don't have another income to lean on when contracts are scarce. These days, most of my work comes via referrals, my website, or the listing I have in the Editors Canada directory. I follow a couple of editing-related Facebook groups; I've learned a lot there, and I've also picked up the occasional client. A couple of people have found me through LinkedIn. A couple of people have found me through here!
I've never worked in-house for a publisher--mostly because having control over how many hours I work and when I work them is my top priority. In-house is a whole different ballgame; I know a bit about it from my peers, but I don't have firsthand experience to pass on. These jobs are supposedly more secure--and they tend to be salaried, with benefits, etc.
"Editing" is a GIANT umbrella term. There are SO many types of editing out there. People tend to think of book publishing first, but that's only one avenue. There are also different kinds of editors who tackle different types of problems. I've done enough of everything to recognize that I am much happier when I'm working on big picture stuff--coaching, developmental editing, manuscript critique. Others specialize in the nitty gritty mechanical details that make proofreading or copy editing a better fit.
Right now, the bulk of my work life is actually spent ghostwriting. The client's business-materials editor posted that his client was looking for someone to help with characterization in a novel. I ended up winning that contract. He came to me with one monster book. I helped him realize it needed to be at least a trilogy, and now he has plans for a ten-book series--and I'm helping write it. But I got the job because of the work I've done on the development side of editing--and because I've spent SO MUCH TIME learning about characterization (via acting, fandom/writing fanfic, reading, etc.). So. It all feeds into the same place.
The tl;dr is that my experience has been a bizarre mix of being in the right place at the right time, ongoing professional development, and learning the value of volunteering with an association. If I were starting down this career path right now, I'd probably do an editing certificate (there are many out there, depending on country). I'd definitely join an association sooner (even as a student member) and volunteer.
Actually, the ultimate tl;dr is ... this industry IS CONFUSING. So, don't feel bad about being confused. It's actually probably about eight different kinds of job wearing a trench-coat and pretending it's something called "Editing."
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autumnfangirler · 11 months
long post so as per usual im throwing this under the cut
Caine & Ortega:
Ortega is caines best friend of years, even after the farm. In fact, caines had a crush on him since their sidestep days, but only realized it in retri lol. He finds his static soothing, its a reprieve from the constant chatter around them, even if it comes with the cost of not being able to read his mind. The problem is that caine is really good at following orders, and during his sidestep days, when they first got all their freedom, he kind of subconciously latched on to ortega as the nearest authority figure because they likened his static to the numbers used at the farm. Even post second escape, they still regard him as an authority(though hes starting to chafe against ortegas influence a little bit more). Part of the reason caine is a no-kill saving step is because, even if they dont realize it, theyre doing what ortega told them to do. if ortega had asked him to kill somebody, hed do it 100%. and if that somebody just so happened to be a near-mythical kingpin ruling over los diablos, well... let's just say theres more than one reason caine agreed to HGs deal unthreaded
Caine & Chen:
Oh, caine has a thing for the marshal and they are throwing a fit about it. This was NOT supposed to happen. Chen was supposed to be the vaguely-tolerable side effect to getting spoon. But then he found out that chens well-shielded mind is actually really nice for the same reasons ortegas mind is, and that he could relate to the feeling of being forced into a role he doesnt want to play. Back in the day, caine was always frustrated that chen didnt trust what he brought to the team, but now that theyre "retired", it doesnt matter and they can relax together as individuals. It was a surprisingly nice development. The two are more similar than they think– nowadays, the main conflict between the two is caine being lycan, because chen is absolutely aware of that fact and caine is just about clear-headed enough to note that thats probably a bad thing. Caine and chen are both very (for lack of better term) career focused, and even if caine doesnt like being villainous, theyre willing to do whatevers needed for the job(over 80% drive babyyy). So yeah, those two are going to butt heads when That conversation finally comes up
Caine & Herald:
Caine is WORKING that 66% strength of mind whenever herald is around. They find him intense, overly curious, and far too forgetful of boundaries, all of which they Do Not appreciate. But he still cant help liking the kid. Hes legitimately proud of how far heralds come along, and hes interested in his potential as a threat since hes shown how perceptive he can be. Currently, theyre trying to round out heralds skills as part of the team, as well as pushing him to analyze and use what he notices against an opponent. Plus, training herald has been more of a lifeline than theyd like to admit(i wrote something about it, but idk if ill post it rip). Its a schedule, hes a good coach, and he just likes fighting for fun lmfao. The whole thing would be great if herald could get some shields for the love of god
Caine & Argent:
Fun fact, caine used to have a small crush on argent between rebirth and retribution. It was a mix of admiration for her skills, the constant attention and the fact that argent is just pretty lol. It faded quick (quickly enough that he panicked in the bridge fight when he realized she was flirting with him lmfao), but they continued to hold a healthy amount of respect for her afterwards, even if they didnt approve of her teamwork. And then the casino happened! Caine had gone through the whole casino infiltration entirely untouched, but when they noticed the fight between argent and shroud, they couldnt help but give into curiosity and see what was happening. That was. a bad decision. He watched shroud attempt and fail to devour argent, and they ended up getting a panic attack and fleeing. He is now scared as shit of her :D! He avoids her like the plague, and whenever hes given an opportunity to escape a room with her in it, hes taking it. They dont know what she is, and they have a bad feeling about finding out
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yellowhollyhock · 1 year
Leo and Donnie
I recently got an ask about Leo and Raph and it was very fun to write about their dynamic. So I decided to do it with all of them. Here's Leo and Donnie
Part of why I headcanon 2003 Leo as a middle child is the way he and Donnie act with each other. These two are peers in a way that the other guys aren't. They both show more awareness and concern about the general familiy dynamics and their personal position than Raph or Mikey ever do. Donnie will fall in line because Leo is the leader and the best ninja (or at least takes ninjitsu the most seriously), but Leo also defers to Donnie's judgment when the problem is tech-related. This is fun to watch and probably something they appreciate about each other, but it's also heartbreaking that almost all of their close interactions are either all business, or when one of them is badly hurt or absent.
Like when Leo leaves for training, and in his return episode Donnie gets the intro narration, so we hear about how worried he's been, and as the episode starts it's clear he misses him a lot. Then they see each other, shake hands, and get right back to business. And yeah this might just be that they aren't huggers, they were raised by a literal rat, but Donnie is always putting a hand on someone's shoulder, he hugs Raph and Mikey when he sees them again after SAINW, we even see him go for a hug with Raph later in this exact episode. It just seems like these two don't express affection with each other the way they do with the other guys.
It's super interesting to me how competitive Donnie is with Leo. Leo is a competitive guy, it's a very positive thing for him. We see this a lot with Raph and in some of his most positive moments with Mikey and April. Donnie doesn't generally do that. When April comes along and also has tech skills he just rolls his chair aside to make room, coaches her when she needs it and encourages her as much as he can. The most competitive we ever see him is with Leo, like when he complains during training that Leo always makes the rest of them look bad. Which isn't exactly a "let's bring out the best in each other" kind of competitive spirit.
On a more positive note, they have so much confidence in each other. When Donnie's trying to figure out how to help their friends from deeper underground that he made a promise to, Leo says he's got one of those "no matter what it takes looks." They all see it, but Leo seems to understand it best. And Donnie's trust in Leo as a leader is so inherent in every interaction I don't even know how to talk about it. They also understand each other's total focus when they get into something. I can imagine them staying up late getting into debates about everything from 'is cereal a soup' to 'is enlightenment truly a detachment from the world or a well-balanced connection to it'.
Anyway basically I care them a lot, here are a couple of quick favorite moments from the show
Donnie (about a train): Can I keep it, Leo?
Leo: Uh... sure. If you can find a way to bring it home.
the little story Donnie tells while Leo's hurt about him saving Donnie's life when they were like six... but not saving the remote control car XD
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ittetsuspecs · 11 months
My first ukatake drafts in my notes! :D
Written on 23 Sept 2020
Edited 2 Nov 2023
Lips stain (implied sexual things?)
They had been together for a while now.
Their first time having sex was at Takeda's apartment, away from the school and Ukai's parents. It was mild; frotting, fingering, lots of kiss here and there, no penetration but still good.
The first time they did penetration sex, at a hotel a bit further from Miyagi, Takeda can only go for one round. He was exhausted as soon as he came and can't go on anymore that he almost fainted. Ukai cleaned him when he was asleep, tossed the condom in the bin, and joined Takeda to sleep.
Ukai was scared too to be honest, he never done it with a guy. He had one or two experience with girl, but that's it. He never had any serious relationship before. Mostly it's just a highschool crush things, when they needed to focus on exam or anything school related, they'll broke up, usually it's something like that. They probably just want to make memories of their third years.
But this is Takeda Ittetsu.. the one he truly love and cherish; this gentle, kind and supportive man, helping him through and through despite their differences. He wanted to cherished him in every way he could. Helping him coach the Karasuno team is one thing, but Ukai had never been absolute serious in a relationship before.
He never felt a burst of butterfly in his stomach when he sees Takeda's bright smile when he provide him coffee whenever he came across the shop, he never felt so agitated waiting for the man to walk in front of the shop every morning, when he felt a brush of touch on the shoulder when he gets too close in drunken stupor, never felt his cheek flaming when he bent down to pick up the ball, his shirt loosely revealed his lean stomach, after the training was over.
Ukai is helpless.
Takeda is undoubtedly straightforward. He noticed how Ukai is different from the first month he coach the kids; he gradually changes. Sometimes it's fluctuate, but it's still there; the slight change in him.
Takeda asked him if any of the kids ever makes him uncomfortable (even he highly doubted it because they were all good kids, even Tanaka or Nishinoya who acted a bit like thugs but they're not!) Ukai laughed.
“What're you sayin' sensei? The kids are okay. They never dare to cause problem with me. Even if they did, Sawamura will take care of em.” he said.
“Oh,” he said, relieved. “I've probably overreacted,” he laughed along with Ukai.
How domestic, Ukai thought.
Takeda took off his glasses, to sip his served tea. Chapped lips on the brim of the cup, sipping silently, then apart, a breath escaped his now wet lips. He noticed Ukai's stare, yet his vision is a bit blurry. He lifted his glasses, the clinked sound seems to snap Ukai out, he flinched a bit.
“W - What?”
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“I wasn't.”
Takeda smirked. It's fun teasing Ukai in public. He goes all bashful and red but in private, he'd tease back and ravish him with stupor over a simple wink. Takeda knew. He knew how dangerous yet exciting it is to tease him. He wanted to explore everything. He wanted to see what he will do if Takeda were to stole a kiss in public.
But they both know better; to be caught in a homosexual act in a small town could forever shattered Ukai's name and threatened his position here. Takeda lowered his lashes, somber, reaching for the kettle instead.
He refilled the cup.
“Have a drink.”
The warm cup pushed towards Ukai, subtly shifted where his lips has been directly facing the other man. Ukai knew. That spot where Takeda's lips has been. He brushed the cup briefly, taking it with two hands, a sip; a drip, trailing down his chin; to his nape.
“Shouldn't have drink too fast.” he chuckled lowering his voice.
And his thumb brushed the edge of his lips, down, to his bare nape; tracing the sweet tea; but his eyes never leaving Ittetsu, he dipped his eyes lower, lashes almost brush his cheek. He caught the little shift in Ittetsu: the glint in his eyes; his thigh drawn tighter and the way he bit his lips.
“You must be thirsty, Ukai-kun.”
It is not the tea he craves.
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kvaradonaa · 2 months
thoughts on the pairing of mourinho and abramovich?
Uhh, I was afraid to answer this question at first, but then I remembered I am followed by only hot and intelligent people who don't need to be shown a huge ass "THIS IS BAD" sign to understand that something is, in fact, bad. In that case, I might as well answer.
(But if I get another anon in my ask box telling me "this ship is russian propaganda", I am blocking. You are seriously insulting me by insinuating that I could ever commit what's a criminal offence according to my country's law by spreading such statements. You might find whatever I write distasteful, unnecessary or insensitive as you please, but don't come making ridiculous accusations on me.)
Either way, back to the RPF thing. I think they make up for a really interesting dynamics. See, Jose was probably easily the only person built to survive in Chelsea of that era. Remember when Scolari said that whoever agreed to coach Chelsea, would go through hell? But Jose seems built to survive all the intimidation tactics like arriving at the training centre in a fucking helicopter to scold the staff (really!). He clearly knew there was no other like him, he tolerated bullshit from no one and damn, does he breathe drama 😂. I could see some weird tension going on, not gonna lie. Mourinho was probably the only person who spoke like that to Abramovich ever since that fucking loans-for-shares deal that made him filthy rich and equally influential. But Jose was just, not built to care. He was the special one and he was here to do his job his fucking way. I can imagine a mixture of anger and fascination coming from someone like Abramovich there.
And obviously, as a resident Sheva fucker, I gotta insert him in this story. Maybe even more than him. I had thoughts before about the weird tangled web of dynamics between Chelsea's two strikers, the coach and the club owner. Media tried to antagonise Sheva and Drogba. Well, from Sheva's side, he was kind of an asshole and difficult to work with. Even if the issue on that line was overblown, Sheva did actually see Drogba getting mercilessly bullied by fans, went out and said basically "Well, I don't dive. Never did and never will. And I know that English fans don't like it!" Yeah, shut up 😂. Mourinho obviously wanted Drogba in the club very much, he loved him as a player and as a person. On the other hand, he never asked for Sheva in the team. I can imagine Sheva, the star striker, the Ballon d'Or winner, the attention whore, taking it really badly. Weird jealous antics. Well, he did cry to other people about Mourinho "mistreating him", even if he was himself claiming that everything was fine. A list of people who accidentally outed him with this include Kakha Kaladze and tennis player Andriy Medvedev.
How does it all matter to the dynamics between Mourinho and Abramovich? Well, it later on became really clear that not only Sheva's transfer was entirely Abramovich's idea, but they were also friends, privately. When still playing for Chelsea, Sheva pretended that there was no personal relationship between them, but afterwards, it pretty much became widely known. Sheva was often blamed for Mourinho getting the sacked, but apparently, a couple of days before, it was John Terry who went to talk with the boss. So, who knows... But, Abramovich did want to hire Avram Grant as Sheva's personal coach initially, and Mourinho refused to accept it. Later, Grant went on to coach the team. Damn, that's some level of drama only Chelsea could provide 😭.
Another Sheva related antics, regarding Jose and Roman Abramovich? One time, Abramovich went into the locker room after Mourinho had left, and started giving his own instructions, contradictory to Mourinho's. He spoke in Russian, as he always did in those situations. I honestly think it was a part of intimidation tactics too. Once I knew someone who spoke one language with her ex boyfriend (his native, hers third), but when she broke up, she did so in English so that "he didn't have an upper hand". Speaking your native language does give you more power in expressing self. Not to mention that listening to him yell in a foreign language, then waiting for the translation, added some extra stress for everyone involved (John Obi Mikel once described the experience as such basically). But, oh no, this time he didn't hire an actual interpreter. He had Sheva translate his instructions, making the gap between Sheva and his teammates even bigger, putting him in the opposite position of theirs. Sheva, who surely did not speak English much better (perhaps even worse) than him. I can imagine Mourinho completely losing it as such disregard for his job and such disruption of the team dynamics.
But, well, in the end, Mourinho did get hired again. And won them trophies again. Perhaps he really was the right fit for Chelsea.
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ariaxjohnson · 11 months
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if you’re hearing DON'T KILL MY VIBE by SIGRID playing, you have to know ARIA JOHNSON (SHE/HER; CIS WOMAN) is near by! the TWENTY FIVE year old BARTENDER has been in denver for, like, TWO YEARS. they’re known to be quite IMPULSIVE, but being ASSERTIVE seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble KRISTINE FROSETH. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those LATE NIGHT PHONE CALLS, ESCAPE PLANS & SPONTANEOUS ROAD TRIPS vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the RINO DISTRICT long enough!
Musings // Pinterest // Playlist
NAME: Aria Johnson AGE: 25 HEIGHT: 5'6 BIRTHDAY: August 20th OCCUPATION: Bartender at Hell & High Water
ZODIAC: Leo sun, Scorpio moon, Gemini Rising MBTI: ESTP - T ENNEAGRAM: 8w7 POSITIVE TRAITS: assertive, adventurous, confident NEGATIVE TRAITS: impulsive, impatient, reticent
M I S C / F U N F A C T S
- There is not a single Sigrid or CHVRCHES song that Aria doesn't relate to - Very much a "leave before get left" approach to life - Would absolutely carry vodka in a waterbottle, and what of it - Honestly takes pride in how aloof and guarded she is. Kind of treats it as a game sometimes, finding amusement in people trying to "figure her out" - yet still desperately wants someone to understand her even though she self sabotages so much they eventually get tired of her games - expect many late night texts if you're friends w/ her a;sdgja - so. much. anger
- Drinking buddies - Ex's (romantic or platonic!) - Confidants - Childhood friends (that likely lost touch) - Friends she used to live with (would be right after high school, a group of friends moved in together and had a huge falling out, which was the spark for Aria to pack up and move to Denver) - Found Family vibes !!!!!! - And really anything else!
B I O G R A P H Y:
( TW: Abandonment, Emotional abuse, Grooming, Suicidal ideation/attempt )
TLDR: Aria was a competitive figure skater and an olympic hopeful. However, between the pressure her mother placed on her, the muddied boundaries between her and her coach, the fall right before the Olympic trials was merely the last straw that broke the camel's back. She found Denver to be an escape from all of the pressure and expectation.
Aria used to joke that she learned how to ice skate before she learned how to walk. As far back as she could remember, prodigy, a natural, Olympic hopeful were all labels orbiting around her. Her entire world revolved around the ice. When she wasn't actively competing, she was rigorously training. Sleep was the only break she'd get from skating, and she'd still be perfecting every technique in her dreams. Before long, several competitions in, she established a reputation for herself for her relentless precision, almost feeling more machine than human. And with her growing success, she began to realize she'd only hear from her father, who left before Aria could form any meaningful memories of him, when she won something. Yet no matter how many competitions she finished first in, or how exceptional her score was, there was always something to criticize. At least, that was how she rationalized her mother screaming and shouting behind closed doors, ridiculing and degrading her for every tiny mistake, even ones that the judges themselves didn't even seem to notice.
Her coach, on the other hand, couldn't cease to sing her praises. Always asking her to demonstrate for the others, being the first to teach her more advanced techniques, and expressing more pride than she ever had felt from her mother. Yet even with the pedestal he put her on, she felt like he was the only one who still treated her like a person. He understood things at home were difficult, an understatement at best, and he would lend an ear to any vents she needed to get off her chest. In time, he trusted her with his own burdens and troubles at home. Conflicts with his wife, excusing and problem solving ways to hide his own infidelity, and more. None of which he should have looked for support from a child. Even as boundaries started to waver, Aria couldn't comprehend the red flags. Not only was she a child, but one who lacked any sense of comfort or nurture from the one who was supposed to love her the most in the entire world. He made her feel important. As though she had a place in the world. As though she mattered.
Her peers training alongside her began to be more perceptive to his favoritism. Some took it out on Aria herself, whereas others were more confused and occasionally concerned. Unbeknownst to Aria, her coach shifted in his treatment towards her. At least, publicly. Calling her on each mistakes loud enough for people on the other side of the country to hear, with so much contempt that she couldn't help but wonder at times if he and her mother exchanged notes on how to cut her down most efficiently. Yet, whenever they were alone, his sweet, caring persona would be back. He'd even explain to her that the others didn't understand, and he couldn't have them get the wrong idea. She bought the excuse, even as it formed a strange pit in her stomach - tying into knots as it felt like she was a secret. Still, she just reminded herself that he didn't really mean it every time he made her feel like the dirt under his shoe that he was trying to scrape off anytime they were in the presence of others.
At fifteen, she could start to see a light at the end of the tunnel, after putting her blood sweat and tears into training. The Olympic trials were right around the corner, and she felt more confident than ever. Her coach even was easing up on her. She finally felt like she was doing something right. However, during practice, after hours and hours of overexerting herself, she missed her landing, her ankle bending in a way she never knew it could before, and let out a harrowing yelp. And for as much pain as she was in, she wouldn't be able to recall it if she tried to retell the story present day - the only pain she could remember was every cruel word that felt like spears piercing through her from her coach. After a while, his voice became muffled - in fact, everything did… it was like she had slipped underwater and she was just hearing indistinguishable shouts from above the surface. Until finally, she couldn't take it anymore, and she took off her skates, and stormed out - or as best as she could with a sprained ankle, more so hopping than anything.
When she got outside, she had no incline as to where she wanted to go, just anywhere but there. And the adrenaline coursing through her veins failed to remember the rink leading directly to a busy intersection. Was she so out of it that she couldn't perceive the cars zipping down the road? Or did she just not care? Either way, she woke up to fluorescent overhead lights, persistent beeping of monitors, and a nurse informing her that she was lucky to be alive. The entire duration of the time she was in casts, her mother could hardly stand to look at her. As if she was the one who worked so hard and dedicated her entire life to this one dream that shattered along with the bones in her body. Aria was lost… Knowing it'd be a miracle if she ever got herself to skate again, and impossible to ever perform as well as she had before, she didn't know who she was anymore.
She started staying out late, going to any party she could find only to go to school hungover having slept barely an hour. Teachers noticed her shift and were understandably concerned. But no matter how many times the counselors would try to get through to her, she was intent on her mission to self destruct. After spending so much of her life maintaining a perfect image to satisfy those who didn't know the meaning of the word, it felt liberating to let herself fall apart for everyone to see.
Having no interest in continuing her education to college, Aria moved in with a few friends and lived paycheck to paycheck with any minimum wage jobs they could find. Yet drama ensued, as she was beginning to realize it inevitably did wherever she seemed to go. With the money she saved, she moved out and ventured in search of a place where no one knew her and there were no ghosts from her past, finding that haven in Denver, Colorado when she was twenty three.
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freifraufischer · 2 years
A Summary of the Current State of French Gymnastics
A) The federation is trying to force centralization by strong arming gymnasts to move to central gyms to train leaving their homes and home clubs. They've done this before disastrously a little over a decade ago and one of the institutions they want people to move to had a serial sexual assault history the investigation of which was dropped because of the age of the suspect a few years ago.
Two prominent gymnasts, Carolann Heduit and Kaylia Nemour have refused. Heduit is a national champion and one of their most consistent (if not the most consistant) French international of the last few years. Nemour was their most promising new senior. I say was because after she needed surgery and was cleared to return to training by her own doctor (after what appears to be a reasonable period of time) the French federation doctor refused to clear her without even examining her. She says it was part of an attempt to blackmail her into moving gyms. She switched to Algeria and the French federation opposed her move making her road to the Olympics for Algeria extremely difficult. Heduit has given interviews about how she and her family are essentially being harassed by officials from the French federation including weekly phone calls (including at Tokyo) pressuring her to change gyms. In retaliation her coaches are being investigated for abuse but there are no public accusations or gymnasts who have accused them as such to my knowledge. Heduit's funding has been cut off (and restored only after media attention) and she talks about having been told that her French national championship doesn't matter because the judges overscored her.
B) Meanwhile Melanie de Jesus dos Santos has--basically without explanation--been given leave to train in Texas at World Champion Center. Some people erroneously believe that this is so that she can be closer to her home the French Department of Martinique in the Caribbean. This is a misunderstanding of travel times. While Texas is geographically closer to Martinique there are no direct flights and so it would be faster for her to go from France to Martinique then from Texas. One would think the fact that her coaches in Texas being French would be why but when MDJDS went to France to compete in a world challenge cup her coaches weren't allowed to stay with her and the French National team staff decided to change some of her bars release techniques in the 10 days before competition. To say she did not perform well is an understatement.
C) The French federation also canceled (or postponed? Maybe it will happen this spring) one of the major tournaments in the country Gym Massilia in 2022 with very little warning to the members involved apparently because of an investigation into one of the organizers. Gym Massilia is a meet that goes back decades and was a fixture of the French and international gym season. I believe the French prosecutors are involved in this investigation so I tend to give it more credence then the one into Heduit/Nemour's coaches but given that they used abuse investigations to strong arm gymnasts who knows. Either way it was very disruptive to almost every elite gymnast in the country to cancel on that kind of short notice.
D) Meanwhile on the men's side the federation hired a coach who had been fired by USAG for drunkenly groping the wife of an athlete in a bar at US Championships to be the head coach of their MAG team. He lasted a year and a half and was recently fired by the French after more alcohol related incidents. In a recent article one of the athletes is quoted as saying that he constantly smelled of alcohol.
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hrodvitnon · 7 months
An Old Mother's Pessimist Musings
(so I was writing another HC ask relating to Titans’ first sexual encounters and accidentally ended up with one taking up like half the page… I opted to cut this part out and submit it as a submission as it went in a direction I thought was intriguing.)
Shimo had been secretly coaching Godzilla on how to properly fight; proper tactics, how to be brutally efficient on the field of battle- something Ozzy refrained from as he didn’t want to encourage his mean streak. Shimo, on the other hand, knew how harsh the world could be and that living as a Titan would require knowing how to scrap to survive. She cared for Goji in her own way and so she saw it necessary to teach him; and while she greatly admired Ozzy’s hopeful viewpoint, she knew when it was just wishful thinking. One day, whilst sparing, he was slower than usual, trembling in a strange way, coughing between rounds, and more irritable than usual somehow. She got the upper hand, pinned him down, and suddenly felt something twitch against her hind leg. A glance down told her exactly what was up and the scent now radiating off Goji confirmed everything: he was having his first rut. He hadn’t told anyone about feeling sick or strange, and he himself didn’t even recognize what was up with him and figured it would pass soon, whatever it was. As the days passed, the conditions only worsened. His scales crawled, limbs twitching, random flashes of heat in his crotch, and he was permanently irritable. Shimo immediately called off their training, explained what was up with Goji, and told him he needed to find a mate to help fix it, or else he was in for a hellish few weeks. Goji rebuked that he didn’t need some fuckbuddy and that he’d handle this on his own. Shimo was in a unique position here, as her species was Evolutionarily Archaic; so early in the Kaiju’s evolutionary tree that they lack a heat/rut cycle and remain unaffected by the aphrodisiacs that more evolved kaiju emit. In her species’ hayday, the need to reproduce wasn’t nearly as strong as it was now, what with all the Titans’ numbers rapidly diminishing because of the Great War. Thus; rut, heat, some kaiju having knots, widespread breeding kinks, all were evolved to make reproduction as common and easy as possible. Shimo had seen what it looks like when Titans disobey these baser urges, it was never pretty. One that had always stuck with her was an honorable, kind, effective, and somewhat prideful Gojiran frontline soldier. Mighty as a mountain, stalwart as the seas, fought with the fury of a great storm. An admirable man, well loved by his comrades and countrymen. The armies relied on him on the field to take blows for the less physically resilient soldiers. He was a great iron shield that was shaken by nothing, no blow from an ape ever sent him reeling. One day, he took his leave and promised to return in a weeks’ time. Two weeks swiftly passed and the men grew worried. Ozzy had Shimo and two other Gojirans track him down. When they caught his scent in a cave system, they descended in and were immediately assaulted by highly potent musk. They found him curdled up into a ball in the corner of the cave, bristling like a freezing hatchling, shifting between growls and whimpers, tears upon his rough face. The other two immediately knew what was up and asked Shimo to step out for fear that he may do something extremely rash, her being the only female he’s probably seen in weeks. She relented and headed outside, confusion and concern gripping her mind. 20 minutes later, one comes out and heads back to camp with Shimo. Ozzy immediately gets to work finding a mating partner to send him while Shimo couldn’t get the image of him out of her mind. As soon as she gets the chance she asks Ozzy what was up with him and he explains it to her, somewhat shocked she had never heard of rut or that she had no heat cycle of her own. Most kaiju say mating season is the best time of the year; that when the flowers blossom and the blood begins to run hot, pleasure and good times start surging like river rapids. For someone like Ozzy, that might’ve been true; but she would always flash back to that soldier in the cave- unshakable by all else but brought low and positively tortured by his own unfed instincts. She’d wonder how many of him there were in the world; too proud to ask for help, too timid to approach anyone with the problem, or just plain lonely. For them, it read much more like a curse to her, one she was glad not to have. Even still, it turned her stomach to think about Ozzy or Goji like that, Goji especially as he seemed more likely to be plagued by that problem. The poor kid had enough against him, a dad who didn’t care much for him, a vast majority of his siblings only ever looking at him with ridicule, a harsh world that forces a message of violence upon its inhabitants. Most problems he could punch away; but he could not beat back instincts, they would more likely break him instead. That is why she offered herself up to him instead of letting him suffer through this alone, telling Goji she would not train him until this problem was resolved. He was annoyed, yeah; but eventually relented. She thinks he enjoys her lessons more than he’d like to admit. She took him to a cave, and got to teaching a new kind of lesson…
Even now, hundreds of centuries later; Shimo would still roll her eyes a little whenever Rodan or Tiamat would insist upon the early Spring being the best time of year. For them, they usually can never see past the lover they were currently bending over backwards to think about the downtrodden souls forced to go at it alone. Or- perhaps Shimo’s just a pessimist who sees the worst in a situation before she sees the good.
(Depending on perspective, early Springtime for kaiju is either heaven or hell; either a reminder of all the love that surrounds them, or a reminder of just how lonely you are. It’s an intriguing idea, if not a little angsty (which is why I totally get not exploring this in shamhat). Some more empathetic kaiju like Mothra, Ozzy, Shimo, or even Goji may recognize this whilst others don’t, and it’s an interesting dichotomy to examine. Anyways, still planning to submit that other ask about Titans’ first sexytimes when it’s done as a palette cleanser for this one.)
Interesting take, and suddenly one can see why Goji might be into (comparatively) older women like Mothra, considering Shimo was his first in this headcanon…
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