#and how that makes george absolutely ruthless
strawberry-daiquiris · 2 months
I fear George might be girlbossing too close to the sun
i think you're very justified in that fear, anon.
silly season antics currently pretty boring for lando and oscar, but for almost everyone else in the main cast... oof.
this is one of those where i'd like to plan something to go a bit further with george's complete self-destruction of her own relationship decision to make sure alex doesn't come to merc, but i really need to know who is going to merc before i can commit.
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pierregazly · 10 months
you make loving fun ꨄ pierre gasly smau
pierre gasly x fem!russell!reader
in which pierre has made it obvious he worships the ground his fiancé walks on, but her brother just has to make it clear he can fight if he needs to.
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liked by pierregasly, carmenmmundt, and others
pierregasly je t'aime mon chérie 🤍
georgerussell63 you better be sleeping in different beds. and the food better be fully cooked
ynrussell we've been engaged for 9 months. ynrussell and it's a fucking croissant it's obviously fully cooked you dolt
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tagged ynrussell
liked by ynrussell, charles_leclerc, carmenmmundt, and 650,093 others
pierregasly what a great winter break with my favourite person! time to get back to work 💪😈
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ynrussell i love youuuu
ynrussell thanks for massaging my sore ankles after :(
liked by pierregasly
username they are literally so CUTE
username i want to be ynrussell so bad... like she's so pretty and pierre brings her EVERYWHERE
georgerussell63 this doesn't seem like a safe date option
georgerussell63 my sister better be in one piece by the time you finally return her home
ynrussell i am a grown woman??? i am not being returned home??? what is WRONG with you pierregasly i think i'll keep her actually, sorry mate!
username do you guys think george is serious or is he just playing a joke
username he comments on EVERY single one of their posts... my mans gonna fuck pierre up if he ever steps out of line frfr
liked by georgerussell63
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tagged pierregasly
liked by pierregasly, charles_leclerc, georgerussell63, and 46,209 others
ynrussell a special happy birthday to the king of my heart 🫶🏻 one year closer to 30 handsome!!!
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username happy birthday pierregasly!!!!!!
charles_leclerc 🥳🥳🥳
pierregasly do you want to fight??? one year closer to 30???
georgerussell63 i've got this ynrussell, don't threaten my sister or it's game over
pierregasly je t'aime 🤍
georgerussell63 is there a video of pierre getting his face shoved into the cake? i'll pay good money for it
username george omg
username LMAOOOO pleaaaase george is ruthless does he even like his future brother in law
georgerussell63 no. happy birthday pierregasly.
username why is no one talking about how he's looking at her in that second photo???? the pure love??? im gonna cry i hate that i love them
username the 😭 king 😭 of 😭 my 😭 heart 😭
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tagged carmenmmundt, alexandrasaintmleux, pierregasly, and 12 others
liked by pierregasly, georgerussell63, alexandrasaintmleux, and 52,951 others
ynrussell spoiled absolutely rotten by all the wonderful women in my life this weekend, thank you all for making my bridal shower so special 🫶🏻 (and an extra special thank you to my best friend for the beautiful present he dropped off for me in the middle of it all)
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carmenmmundt had so much fun celebrating the beautiful bride to be!!
username it makes my heart so full that carmen's planned so much of ynrussell's pre-wedding stuff, she has to be in the wedding party omg
username do we think george is one of pierre's groomsmen???
username if pierre doesn't want to die on his wedding day i'd hope so lol
georgerussell63 i hope pierregasly didn't ruin your special day by showing up. so happy to see how overjoyed you were in all the photos 💗
ynrussell pls stop harassing my fiancé. love you georgie.
username i literally cannot WAIT for their wedding, i just know pierre is going to go all out to make sure ynrussell is the happiest bride in the world (or george will get his ass)
pierregasly i stand by what i said, prettiest flowers for my prettiest flower 💐
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tagged ynrussell
liked by ynrussell, pierregasly, carmenmmundt, and 879,092 others
georgerussell63 can't believe the little girl who used to make me zip up her raincoat on the way to school is getting married tomorrow. honoured to be apart of your special day. and even though i mention it 14 times in my speech, pierregasly i know where you live and i will hurt you if you ever hurt her.
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ynrussell 🥺🥺
ynrussell i'm going to cry. love you always georgie 🥺
username the picture of him zipping up her coat i'm going to cry... my fav brother/sister duo HONESTLY
username i just know this man would get away with murder for her if he had to
username pierre would not stand a chance against george
username bestie be so fucking for real, george's skinny ass ankles wouldn't stand a chance against my man pierre
carmenmmundt i think you've made enough threats by now?
liked by pierregasly, ynrussell, and 63 others
pierregasly may as well make it 15 times, i just dont think 14 is enough little brother
georgerussell63 do NOT call me that
pierregasly and yngasly
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liked by georgerussell63, charles_leclerc, alpinef1team, and 1,673,942 others
pierregasly i am truly the luckiest man in the world to finally be able to call myself your husband. the tears were worth seeing you in the most beautiful dress, on the most beautiful day. i will hold my vows until the day i die. je t'aime, i love you.
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username omg he cried!!!!!!
username i KNEW IT i knew pierre would be a crier my man's looks like he would be
username do we think george made him cry
username girl dont be delulu i'd be crying too if yngasly was about to be my wife
georgerussell63 i have a video of you crying. don't act up.
pierregasly wouldn't count on it lil bro. username pierre may get beat up without it even involving yngasly as this rate
yngasly can't believe i bagged myself such a looker
yngasly i love you mr. gasly
pierregasly i love you mrs. gasly
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honestly this was one of those one's that i started, imagined myself in this position and then basically HAD to finish it. thank you to the lovely person who requested a russell!sister!reader who is engaged to pierre, who constantly get's threatened by george. i hope you all loved it!!
my requests are open
@leclercdream @myescapefromthislife @princessria127 @iloveyou3000morgan @love4lando @asfaraslifegets @decseptapril @somanyfandomsbruh @fangirl125reader @imagandom @motorsp0rt @jspitwall @sarahedwards16 @glitterf1 @christianpulisic10 @carlandonorri-s @smoothopz @eugene-emt-roe @epitios
if your name is struck through it wouldn't let me tag you! let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist/if you're missing from it :)
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whenlilyfallsinlove · 3 months
fred weasley x ravenclaw reader. this is a quite short one sorryyyy!!
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"AND CAPTAIN L/N HAS THE QUAFFLE, SHE SHOOTS AND SHE GETS PAST WOOD. SHE SCORES. 10 POINTS TO RAVENCLAW." lee jordan's dejected voice was heard from his commentating box.
you smile to yourself. you were captain of the ravenclaw quidditch team and you were absolutely determined to win the quidditch cup. you knew it was probably unlikely, gryffindor had harry potter who was a magnificent seeker, but secretly you thought your seeker cho was just as good.
"SAMUELS. INGLEBEE. BE RUTHLESS. THE WEASLEYS ARE!! STOP BEING POLITE." you order your beaters, to which they rolled their eyes but listened none the less.
fred weasley, one of the gryffindor beaters and someone you'd say you had a "playful rivalry" with, heard you say this.
"i knew you loved me really l/n." he shouted, smiling and then aiming a bludger at you.
you expertly dodged it and caught the quaffle from burrow, another chaser.
"you wish weasley." you zoomed past him and chucked the quaffle into the hoop.
"i thought your team was supposed to be good, weasley." you smirk at him.
"shut up." fred scowls at you, and you grin.
your chat was however disrupted by harry potter, the gryffindor seeker, casting a patronum spell.
you turn to see some slytherin 3 years laying on the floor, gasping. you chuckle at the sight.
what you don't laugh at, however, is harry holding up the snitch, ending the match. gryffindor had won.
"i thought your team was supposed to be good l/n." fred mocked you.
"shut up." you flew back to the rest of your team, probably to give them a speech.
you were quite in awe at the patronus charm harry had produced, so you went over to him, whilst he was, no doubt, being praised by his teammates.
"good game wood." you look at the gryffindor captain.
"good game l/n." he nods back at you.
"you're not here to attack us, are you? for winning? ravenclaw can't win all the time, you know." fred asks you.
you roll your eyes playfully.
"whatever, i'm actually here to speak to harry. your patronus spell was incredible! how did you even do that?!" you smile at him, which catches fred off guard.
"o-oh uhh t-thank you, professor lupin taught me." harry blushed, not used to the female attention.
"it was brill." you gave him another smile.
"flirting with potter won't change the result of the match, love." fred smirked at you.
"i'm not.. you know what." you shake your head and walk back to you own team, not before you immaturely stuck your tongue out at fred before you left.
"unbelievable" fred muttered, but he was smiling.
"just admit you fancy her, mate." george nudged him
over the next week, you kept your head down, keeping a low profile, like you always did when you lost a match. you had a competitive nature, so of course you were annoyed.
you weren't looking forward to potions. sure you were good at it, but snape infuriated you. and you also shared a class with the gryffindors. fred weasley would be there, your "enemy". you groaned to yourself.
as you arrived, late, may you add, resulting in 10 points off ravenclaw, you had realised snape was putting people in pairs for the potions you'd be making.
"jordan and george weasley, johnson and spinnet, l/n and-"
you waited for whoever snape was going to pair you with.
"fred weasley."
"for godrics sake." you frowned. just your rotten luck.
you moved next to him, avoiding eye contact.
"we meet again" fred smirks.
"seems like you can't get enough of me." you respond.
"i-" his words were cut off by snape.
"today, we are going to be brewing amortentia. l/n, what is amortentia?"
"the most powerful love potion in the world, it's supposed to smell differently for every wizard." you respond.
"smart-arse" fred nudges you.
you roll your eyes, but you were smiling.
"quite vague, but correct l/n. it is the most powerful love potion in existence. you are all going to be brewing it today." snape instructs, and leaves you to work.
"weasley, get the pearl dust." you say, beginning to pour the ingredients already out in the cauldron.
"on it." he salutes and winks at you.
you shake your head and continue to work. when fred comes back, you are surprised in how much you were getting on.
"thats time up." snape points to you and fred. "you two, what can you smell?"
"i smell... i smell.. i don't bloody know, y/n move away from me, all i can smell is your shampoo." he frowned at you.
"don't be ridiculous, let me have a go.." you smell your potion.
"right fred, shift, your cologne is overbearing, it's all i can smell." you sigh.
the other students laugh, realising what was happening.
"that's all i need." you could've sworn you saw a hint of a smile on snape's face.
oh. oh. you had smelt fred in your amortentia. no way. you couldn't have. this was insane. but.. it made sense.
"looks like you fancy me l/n." fred grins, but you could see him blushing slightly.
"i think you're the one that fancies me." you respond, with a small smile.
he shakes his head.
"you caught me... look do you want to go to hogsmeade on saturday? i promise i won't tease you about us beating you."
and to your surprise, you found yourself saying yes.
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Notes from Twelve Caesars: Images of Power, by Mary Beard, chapters 1-3:
Roman art and imagery have always been politically charged. Pagans, Christians, atheists, authoritarians, (small-r) republicans, and others all use it to claim historical precedent, represent their values, and find like-minded people.
This frequently leads to thematic conflicts and awkwardness. E.g. Andrew Jackson refused to be buried in a (supposed) Roman emperor's sarcophagus, because it reeked of monarchism. Horatio Greenough's statue of George Washington was modeled after the Roman Cincinnatus, but modern people don't catch the reference. They're more likely to ask, "Why is this old man so ripped?"
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Part of what makes this difficult is that the vast majority of surviving Roman art comes from the imperial period, not the republic. There are relatively few Roman symbols with no autocratic or "kingly" connotations.
However, Roman art and history was never exclusively an upper-class hobby. Collecting Roman coins was popular and widely affordable from the Middle Ages onward. The history of the Roman empire was intricately linked to the rise of Christianity, so it was important to how most Europeans understood their religion and worldview. Even if you couldn't read, you would probably see Roman emperors in art, or hear stories of how early Christians interacted with the empire.
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Image of Nero at Poitiers Cathedral, pointing toward the crucifixion of Saint Peter in another panel; he is dressed like a contemporary king at the time the window was made.
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In A Rake's Progress, William Hogarth depicts all Roman emperors but Nero (red arrow) defaced, symbolizing the rake's descent into Nero-like depravity. Hogarth must have expected his audience in the 1730s to catch the reference. These days, in most countries, Roman history is considered more of a specialty field than basic education.
There are long traditions of both representing Romans in modern dress, and of depicting modern people like Romans. This usually wasn't a mistake on the artist's part, but a conscious choice. Putting Romans in modern dress helps convey their power or personality in visual language we already know - think Marcus Crassus in a businessman's suit. Meanwhile, putting modern people in classical dress and settings was intended to give a sense of gravitas, timelessness, and to legitimize power.
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Left: George Sackville, Duke of Dorset, by George Knapton. Right: Julius Caesar by Titian, upon which Sackville's portrait was based.
So you can absolutely draw Mark Antony in a miniskirt. It's a time-honored tradition!
Framing and gesture are important. Sackville's portrait above is obviously supposed to make you think "conquering hero." One painting might tell you Claudius was destined to become emperor, making him look noble and chosen by god(s)...
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(Unknown artist, workshop of Giulio Romano, The Omen of Claudius' Imperial Powers)
...And another artist might portray Claudius as a frightened old man, and the imperial court as ruthless and bloody:
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(Lawrence Alma-Tadema, A Roman Emperor, 41 AD)
These paintings will give you two very different ideas of what a monarchy is like!
Roman portraits have also influenced European physiognomy and phrenology. Busts attributed to famous Romans were taken to represent the actual men's features, and thus their personalities. Ironically, many of these "case study" busts later turned out to be fake. Phrenology has now been discredited as racist and pseudoscientific.
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Sketch of a bust of Vitellius by Giambattista della Porta, emphasizing his "uncouth" temperament by comparison to an owl. Phrenologists believed the shape of a head could predict personality.
And of course, fascists have appropriated Roman imagery for their own propaganda. I believe fascists appeal to "superficial history" like this as a way to claim their extreme, hateful policies are actually traditional, and therefore normal and legitimate.
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Mussolini abolishing the Italian Chamber of Deputies in front of a statue of Julius Caesar, which he had relocated to Rome's city council chamber. "One dictator in front of another," as Mary Beard aptly put it.
It is sometimes difficult to separate Roman imagery from these authoritarian connotations. Even before fascism, European nobility often used it to symbolize their own power and legitimacy. But I think the more modern creators adapt Roman history and imagery, for a wide variety of purposes, the better we can keep it from getting entirely tainted by extremists. I love the folks here on Tumblr who make art, comics and memes of their favorite weird little Romans. History is for everyone.
After all, most Romans weren't emperors. Just ordinary people like us.
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galvanizedfriend · 9 months
List your nine most favorite books
Tagged by @jinxedwood
It was so hard to keep this to nine. I feel like this is a list that changes a lot, depending on my mood (with a few exceptions). Like jinxedwood, I feel I must add a disclaimer: some of these books are great, some of these books are great to me. I like what I like.
Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. I've lost count of how many times I've read this. It's totally nonsensical and hilarious and I absolutely love it. I collect Alice in Wonderland editions, and I have read every single one of them at least once. Don't feel the same way about Through the Looking Glass though. Wonderland is very uniquely insane, which is what makes it great.
1984 by George Orwell. I fully realize this book is much more impressive when you're 18 and reading it for the first time, but I will absolutely fight anyone who trashes it. It stands the test of time to an eerie (and somewhat depressing) degree. I remember getting to the end of this and being so completely disheartened by the way it ends that I was upset for a week. I was 18, but still. It's a great book.
Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton. I am OBSESSED with Jurassic Park, ok? It's my favorite movie ever. And precisely because of that, I postponed reading this book forever because I was fully convinced it would suck and I didn’t want to live with the source material of my favorite movie letting me down. But then these really really beautiful editions of the series came out and I just had to buy them, and so eventually I had to read them as well. AND LO AND BEHOLD! The book is actually great! Not better than the movies, mind you, but really good. It's different enough that it's surprising even to someone who's seen the movies 30 times like me. And it's also very philosophical, whereas the movie focuses more on the adventure and the T-rex (for obvious reasons, to great success). 10/10.
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. First time I read this I was 13 and it was this 1936 edition written in Portugal Portuguese, maybe even the first translation of this work into the language, and I hated it. Then many years later I found this stunning Barnes and Noble edition in English and decided to give it a second try. Instantly obsessed. It's a huge exposition in vanity, hedonism, ego and the human nature, monologues can last for pages and pages, but it's so interesting, so insightful and the dialogues are so good.
Epitaph of a Small Winner (Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas), by Machado de Assis. This is a masterpiece of Brazilian literature and probably my favorite thing I've read by Machado de Assis, who's one of, if not the most revered writer of all time in my country. Brás Cubas is a wealthy 19th century dead man and the narrator of this book, in which he makes reflections and digresses on many chapters of his life - after his death. It's a basically a fictional autobiography written by someone by a dead man. I just googled to see what the first paragraph was like in English, because it's one of my favorites ever, and it's still great. "I am a deceased writer not in the sense of one who has written and is now deceased, but in the sense of one who has died and is now writing." He dedicates the book to the first worm to eat his flesh. Brilliant.
Vicious by V.E. Schwab. I love Victoria Schwab so much, have read almost everything she's ever written. If writing talent was something you could buy at a supermarket, I’d get myself doses of hers. I love her style. Even the things that I objectively don't like, I still enjoy for the writing alone. This is probably my favorite thing she's ever written. I love the duality between Eli and Victor, I love their rivalry, I love the ideological war between and how ruthless they are, how far they are both willing to go just to prove a point. Neither of them is a good guy or a hero, and I love that about this story. It's not really that original, you can see where she drew inspiration from, but still. I love it.
Killers of the Flower Moon by David Grann. The moment I finished reading this, years ago, I wondered how the hell this hadn't been turned into a movie yet. Thank you, Martin Scorsese, for listening to me. Please, don’t fuck this up. It's not fiction, which is not something I read very often because I’m easily bored, but this is amazingly written. And the story is so crazy. Maybe Americans are more familiar with it, but I wasn't, and it stunned me from start to finish. If you don’t know what it’s about, at some point in the history of the USA, the members of the Osage Nation were the richest people in the country, and then they started dying, one by one. The investigation into those murders was crappy because of racism, but it also led to the foundation of the FBI as it is known today. David Grann is a genius. I've read other books by him, all of them non-fiction, and it's always an unbelievable true story that's just shocking. His investigation into the topics is fantastic. He has one about the lost city of Z that is WILD. I’ve told everyone I know about that book.
The Heart's Invisible Furies by John Boyne. I know John Boyne has some controversial books (which I have tried to stay away from), but this is so good. His writing is amazing. It's such a heartbreaking story, but the way it's narrated is so light that instead of being depressive, it just made me so hopeful. The main character is probably one of the most naturally likable MC I've ever read, too. Every other character in the story is either insane or absurd, sometimes both. Probably the best dialogues I’ve ever read in a book.
The Conqueror's Wife by Stephanie Thornton. Listen, this is one of those books that I'm sure not everyone will like. But it's almost like it was written for me. It's a historical romance, it has multiple narrators, it’s based in real people that existed and it's about Alexander the Great. I have an inexplicable obsession with Alexander the Great, don't ask. I’ve read tons of stuff on him, so the fact this draws a lot from the real stuff makes it even better. The title is a little misleading, makes you believe it's about Alexander's wife (or one of them anyway), but it's not. The four narrators are two of his wives, his younger sister and Hephaestion. It paints a very gruesome and realistic picture of Alexander, beyond the myth. 10/10 for me.
Honorable mentions: The Song of Aquiles by Madelline Miller, Battle Royale by Koushun Takani.
Tagging: @definedareasofuncertainty, @misssophiachase, @amandakc, @austennerdita2533, @purplesigebert, @sekretny and anyone else who might want to do this. :) Tag me back so I can see your book list, I love that!
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kkangkkangie · 2 years
Slytherin!Harry Potter Headcanons
Harry was described as “bright” in canon. I headcanon that he’s a visual person—a concept map way more helpful than dry textbooks.
He’s extremely caring to his friends & loved ones, but people often mistake him for a warm person b/c of that. He’s not. Don’t be fooled—this is the same person who allowed Umbridge to be dragged off by centaurs—if you’re an enemy, he’s working on a wave of apathy. 
Dumbledore made an error in calculation due to that. 
His reflexes are the fastest of the group—wand draw, spell speed, he’s got everyone beat. Not even Celaena matched him with speed.
His temperature fluctuates—his friends made a habit to wrap as many scarves as they can around him. Potter the Snowman was the next Yule carol for the first three years.
He’s dissociates as a coping mechanism, but as a result, he has a scary resting bitch face when this happens, and the only people allowed to approach him are the Phantomhive siblings, Ron, Hermione, Theo, and Malfoy after fourth year.  
Slytherin!Ron Weasley Headcanons
He single-handedly destroyed every Slytherin with the exception of the Phantomhive twins in chess. The upperclassmen stopped bullying at that.
Ciel took him in at that, teaching him more about Wizen high-class society. Ron has the amazing ability now to be able to eloquently speak and switch back to his informal slang.
Ron’s still extremely loyal to both Harry and Celaena (later, Hermione as well) to the point where if you cross his friends—he’s ruthless in his retaliation. He’s not afraid of throwing a punch.
He carries a chessboard on him at all times. It grows when he takes it out of his pocket. Ciel & Luciel were absolutely taken with that idea, opting to do the same.
He just knows things. Obscure legislation on dragons? Charlie’s talked about it. Weird stuff about the fourth-floor corridor? Fred & George’s probably been there. Because of his siblings, he has an extensive information pool that he uses well later.
He’s an auditory learner—his favorite gift is a cassette player that Hermione gifted him for his birthday (Celaena & Theo figured out how to make it work in Hogwarts after several finicky spells involving wards). 
As a prefect in fifth year, a lot of first years flock to him naturally due to his affable external personality. It’s rather endearing, especially to Hermione, who was awkward around her first years as a prefect. 
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mushiewrites · 1 year
Wake up brain is back with more lee!Punz! :D
So I had this image, of (cc!s btw) Sam sitting on Punz’s hips, pinning his hands with his knees, and pressing the left side of his face into the carpet. Sam has one of Sylvee's softest make up brushes and is having the time of his life using it all over Punz's ears, jawline and face. Feeling him kick behind him, watching his nose scrunch when he'd target his nose. He'd occasionally grab his jaw and turn him to the other side so they got equal treatment, if Punz managed to shake his head out of Sam's grip he'd let out a surprised and 'offended' gasp and he'd snatch one of his flailing legs, pulling it so when he leaned back it was slightly infront of him, and ruthlessly attacking his knees, both over and under, yelling of his "tortured screams" to put his head back where he had it. And as punishment he'd go back to his ears and add his tickly scalp and make him say things like "Say 'Sam, I want you to tickle my *spot name*" or "Say I'm the best tickler and I'm your favorite, say it nice and loud so Sapnap and Dream hear you"
my bb punz!!!!!! n while I'm not super familiar with Sam, he is such a big sweetheart from what I've seen from him....
that being said i also saw his tweet about how bad and george had to use both hands to fit around his biceps so........,,,,,,., 🫠
this position is top tier normally but with the addition of sam holding Punz's head against the carpet, keeping it from moving so he just has to endure all the tks sam wants to dish out, it makes it that much more flustering
the makeup brushes idea on punz's face is so evil, i feel like he's really sensitive to light tks and this would absolutely destroy him. i think punz has a sensitive jawline, and i honestly think it's stubble would help the makeup brush do its job of tkling him silly. and the nose scrunching?!?!?! bc he's getting tkled on his tkly lil tklish nose!!! and pushing his head the opposite way to give his opposite ear the same treatment!!
but when punz shakes his head away from sam he does this huuuuuuge gasp, acting so offended and stunned at the idea of punz trying to escape the tks!! so he starts to get ruthless, he goes to his knees, a very known death spot for punz, and he's just howling. wailing. crying out any protests and pleads he can think of. and when sam hears that, he just chuckles and continues to tk him ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
he could pull out one of those headscratchers and use it on punz's scalp! who knows where he'd get it from, but it could happen AND punz would be so weak to it!!
and oh my gosh the teases 🫠 not only is being made to say those things incredibly flustering and embarrassing, but to have those people in earshot?!?!?! i cannot imagine rip punz u will be missed 😵‍💫
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sailforvalinor · 10 months
10, 21, and 33 for Gerda; 4-7 for Kay; 16, 17, and 20 for Joker; 3, 19, and 36 for Ace; and 35 for all four, if you please?
(I’m so sorry this took so long, my weekend was a bit insane)
10. What Middle-Earth race would they be?
Most definitely a hobbit—being comfy and cozy in a little hobbit hole in an idyllic countryside where she could visit her friends and relations on the regular would be like heaven to her.
21. What is their love language?
Probably quality time, although I think acts of service would be up there for her too.
33. Who are they most likely to confide in?
Her grandmother—she raised her, but also she’s the type that inspires confidences.
4. What musical theatre ballad fits them?
“Corner of the Sky” from Pippin, or perhaps “Monster” from Frozen. (Yes, very different songs 😂😂)
5. If this OC has a love interest, what musical theatre duet suits them?
(Yes of course, it’s Gerda!) “A Million Miles Away” from Aladdin. There’s a song from Les Miserables that I think fits them better, but I think it edges a little too far into spoiler territory, hehe.
6. Which song off of your most recently played playlist are they?
“We’re Going to Be Friends” by The White Stripes.
7. What fictional character do you think most influenced them, or is most like them (intentionally or not)?
Well, he is of course the most inspired by his counterpart in the original Snow Queen, but other than that, maybe Jim Hawkins from Treasure Planet? There’s also definitely a bit of both Sora and Riku from Kingdom Hearts in there.
16. What are they NOT afraid of?
The unknown. In most cases, it’s only a chance to discover new and beautiful things to her!
17. How healthy are their familial relationships?
Nonexistent, unfortunately—being an amnesiac Time Lord makes that sort of thing a bit difficult, though whether or not she had any family is something she’s desperate to know. Strangely enough, she never made those sorts of connections over her past 400+ years of wandering, despite her seeming extroversion. Ace is her first companion, actually.
20. Are they a romantic?
Absolutely, 100%. Refers to Ace as “darling” on a regular basis, even when they’ve only just met.
3. If your OC were an instrument, what would they be?
I think I’m going to go with a cello, but I can’t really justify it in any other way than by saying that the vibes fit. Very classical and capable of dramatics if necessary, but can also be very understated.
19. Which Austen hero/heroine are they most like?
I hate to say it, because it sounds so cliche, but I think it’s Darcy—the introversion, the strong sense of justice, etc etc. There’s also probably a bit of George Knightley in there.
36. Which of their parents are they most like?
Much to his own chagrin, it’s probably his father—they both are very calculated, and have a bit of a ruthless streak. The difference is that Ace has a conscience. But Ace doesn’t remember his mother well enough to be able to compare himself to her, and his father and siblings were loath to talk about her.
For all:
35. They are stranded on an island. In front of them is a box, and inside that box is one item of their choice. What is in that box? (Yes, I stole this from Agents of Shield.)
Gerda: A responsible adult
Kay: A boat
Joker: Her TARDIS
Ace: Either a) Joker, b) a gun, or c) Joker holding a gun
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noxexistant · 1 year
thank u for the ask!!! ily!!
🤝 which character are you most like?
[head in hands] jack kelly. i actually didn’t really connect to him much, or at least didn’t feel like i did, the first time i watched livesies, but watching 92sies knocked something loose and ohhh my god. he just like me fr and all that. parentless and lies about it not bothering him, has this big easy personality to cover up any ounce of vulnerability, always ends up in charge of situations looking after everybody, no real home just the kids he loved and looked after in each place he stayed, avoidant, dreamer, bisexual, stupid. he’s me.
👴 favourite oldsie?
oldsies my beloved! they’re all my dads. i’m not sure if this means the characters or the actors, but for the characters i love snyder and pulitzer, they’re such fantastic villains - and that post you sent me about bunsen being the real villain for being the one to make the suggestion to raise the price!! fantastic. also, nunzio shoutout. i know that, whatever he gets paid, it is not enough.
🩸 opinion on blood drips heavily on newsies square?
genuinely a cinematic masterpiece. like, even without the context of newsies and it being the cast, if i stumbled upon it i would still love it. i love ridiculous campy horror, and i love boys having fun.
i would give anything to know the discussions and conversations that went into every single scene, particularly each that involved getting other people involved.
🎟️ favourite cast member(s)?
george crawford (uk morris) and matthew duckett (uk crutchie) my absolute beloveds. i’ve met them both twice now and they were both unbelievably sweet both times, they bring amazing depth to the characters and are both insanely talented (especially george covering jack kelly) in playing every part of the characters from humour to honesty to the depths of their traumas, and they’re both hilarious on social media. i miss alex jh (original uk oscar) so dang much, he was also unbelievably fantastic. and mike faist and brendon stimson (obc morris and oscar respectively).
😈 any unpopular opinions?
oh boy. i feel like almost all my delancey opinions are unpopular opinions, mostly boiling down to the fact that they’re not mindless monsters and they’re not meant to be. they’re villains and assholes, obviously and unquestionably, but there’s depth there and there’s always been depth, built right into the script (“i guess he didn’t take care of me”, etc etc), and intentionally dug deeper by practically everyone that’s played them.
also, the newsies are scrappy and ruthless and rude. they’re trouble, and they do it on purpose. they’re assholes almost every chance they get. they’re all kids in rough situations, and kids like that will do anything for a bit of power. it’s not necessarily a reflection of character, it’s just how stuff like trauma manifests, particularly at that age. characterising them as well-socialised and always well-meaning, etc, is a disservice.
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 year
can you recommend any American historical romance novels (not like…Westerns, I’m thinking more like….Vanderbilt, Edwardian era, if that makes sense?) bc I have such a hard time finding them but I think you’ve recommended a few once upon a time
Yeah, for sure!
What I think you're looking for especially is the Gilded Age, which was that amazing time when New York City was the center of the universe, everyone was spending money left and right, there was a very exclusive, unofficial club called "the Four Hundred", which was predicated on this concept (proposed by a Southerner, not a New Yorker) that there were really only 400 truly fashionable people in the city. Orgies were had, horses were brought into ballrooms. It was LUXE.
The reigning queen of Gilded Age romance is for sure Joanna Shupe, one of my all-time favorite romance novelists. Her first three historicals are traditional England books (and they're very good) but since then, aside from a few novellas here and there, she pretty much exclusively writes Gilded Age. I have not read all of them, but only because I've been saving some of her backlist (and good thing, because she's taking this year off from full-length historicals).
I've read and would recommend:
Magnate--this is the first full book in her Knickerbocker Club series, which is basically four dudes doing mean rich man shit in various industries while getting kicked in the balls by love. The hero is a self-made man who ends up compromising the sister of one of the other guys in the club, and the beef is REAL between these dudes. Anyway, heroine is kind of okay with marrying him until she overhears at the wedding!!! That her brother basically forced the marriage. And then she's all HONEYMOON'S OVER!!! I DEMAND AN ANNULMENT!!!! It's not super complicated, but I found it really engaging and romantic.
Also, the heroine is delightfully dickmatized. There's a scene where the hero is like "I have these scars on my back because when I worked in a factory I got hit by a giant falling pipe, but the pipe was only falling because I did shitty work in an effort to get off the clock quickly and run to my favorite brothel". And she's like "oh. You POOR man!!!"
Uptown Girls--A trilogy about three sisters whose father is rich and one of the most influential people in New York Society.
First book is eldest daughter/daddy's lawyer (fixer) who grew up on the wrong side of the tracks; second is middle daughter/casino owner she asks to mentor her in running a casino, and he's like "sure" when really he wants REVEEEENGE upon her father; third book is youngest daughter (goody two shoes)/gangster who finds himself completely gut punched by her.
Fifth Avenue Rebels--A four-book series about a cluster of people (human disasters) falling in love. The first book takes place at a house party in Newport wherein shit goes the fuck down, and a lot of what spins out afterwards can be linked back to the party.
First book is childhood friends to lovers after the hero realizes said friend is about to get engaged to a handsome, absolute 10/10 (completely broke) duke; second book is a seduction lessons book in which the sluttiest guy in the series agrees to teach the shyest girl how to be hot in exchange for recipes from her chef so that he can start a supper club and become a real boy; third book is an enemies to lovers "oops we hooked up" book about a ruthless businessman and the woman who thought they were gonna get arranged married, but he's like "no" and she's like "WOOOOW" but then they hook up at a masked sex party that was in fact a real Gilded Age event; fourth book lets us know that stuffy 10/10 perfect duke actually likes it rough and has been having a back and forth with the wild child girl of the group, and now they're in an enemies to lovers dance that is sure to leave both of them CRUSHED.
She has another full Gilded Age series, the Four Hundred, but I've been saving that. Will probs read soon.
Harper St. George writes Gilded Age as well. Haven't read, will read, have heard good things about it.
Beverly Jenkins does write westerns, but she also writes Reconstruction books, and really hits a lot of different parts of America and time periods. I would recommend trying To Catch A Raven, a heist book she has wherein the leads have to pretend to be married to like? Steal back the Declaration of Independence? And of course, there's the classic Indigo, wherein the heroine works in the Underground Railroad and meets the hero right after he's had the shit beaten out of him. She nurses him back to health, he turns out to be a total rake type, and they have this long, epic, angsty love story. Deals a lot with the subject of slavery, so heads up, but I find it absolutely gorgeous.
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russilton · 11 months
How do you deal with all the animosity towards Lewis and George by their respective fans? Hate to admit it, but it's affecting my enjoyment of the sport, it's so hurtful. I try not to get to me, but it's hard :(
Honestly normally I just ignore it. I got used to ignoring Max fans in my first years in the sport and I came from the Marvel fandom and that was just wank city half the time. I say it a lot but I really mean it, they could make out with tongue on camera and say I love you, and people would still hate who they want to hate. I find that level of inevitability makes it easier to just go “idiots are being idiots, the world keeps turning, on we go”
I’m also pretty ruthless with my follow list, I filter the tags, I NEVER go into the main tags, if I follow someone who doesn’t like George I tend to make sure they’re at least strong taggers (and I just plain don’t follow people who don’t like Lewis), and I never, ever, repeat: EVER, go into the comments below Merc posts. Ever. The drivers aren’t reading it neither should you.
Normally this is more than enough unless someone wobbles into my inbox to be a wanker, and then they just get blocked and screen shotted to clown on.
This is the first time in months I’ve seen something genuinely nasty on my dash and it was met with an immediate block for the original blog because that’s unacceptably shitty. Honestly I saw a couple non George fan friends restraining comments for my sake and I really appreciate that. I know most of us post on impulse and I appreciate being thought of.
It sucks, sucky stuff happens in this sport sometimes, it’s not the first it won’t be the last. Take solace in the fact I was a Lewis fan when Val was his teammate and people absolutely lost it when valtteri fucked up too, it’s not a uniquely George problem. George DOES get extra shit though because he’s closer to Lewis each week and Lewis fans aren’t winning each week to dampen their tempers.
None of that makes that behaviour acceptable, but I find it helps to know that the loud % of reactive fans target anyone, and they’re extra amped up to say shitty things. They’ll move right on apart from a shitty few that will cling to it the same way they’d do if George doesn’t type lewis’ whole name on a post.
Maybe this might not help everyone, but it helps me. I’m trans, there are people who want me to die online, I am well aquatinted with and used to seeing people say horrible wrong things bc their eco chamber is deafeningly loud, and letting them drag you down with them is what they want. They feel shit, and they want you to feel shit too, don’t let them.
Also, I’m not going to listen to people who speak for Lewis and George. They are big boys who make their own choices, and as we saw before the race, they’re more than comfortable with one another. If you’re a fan of them, be a good fan and trust them.
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bwoahtastic · 2 years
Idk if you’ll like this, but here’s my idea for Max in the finishing school verse
Max hates alphas and he absolutely despises the school. But it was the better option in his situation. Either he gets forced to mate someone he hates, or he goes here to learn how to be the “perfect” omega. He wants nothing to do with the alpha his dad chose, who is a ruthless alpha that will force Max into things he doesn’t want to. And the only reason why his dad gave him the option of the finishing school is because he loves to ridicule and punish Max for being a bad omega. So this is the lesser of two evils. But Max is a spiteful person and he will make this hell for everyone who thinks they have a say in his future. If he’s going to be sent off to mate with someone in anyway, he’s going to make the most of the time he has.
Max starts skipping class straight off the bat, he doesn’t even go to orientation. He makes a point of not stepping foot in a classroom taught by an alpha or that has mixed attendance. He will curse and hiss at alpha’s that come near him. Max won’t dare ask for an alpha to chaperone him when he goes out. He just does it by himself, which sends the school into a fit because it’s incredibly dangerous and they don’t want other students to be influenced by him. He’s a nightmare honestly. He gets called in by every teacher he has to try and talk some sense into him, most of the time he doesn’t even bother to show up. One of the instructors tried to use their alpha voice to tell him to come to class and Max tried to ignore it so much that he got viciously ill.
Max gets called in to the head masters office as a last resort. (It’s Toto, George wouldn’t settle for anything less lets be honest). And he tries to talk some sense into Max who looks like he wants to throw up from being alone in Toto’s office. Until finally Toto just asks him why is he here, if he doesn’t want to be here why is he? And it’s the first time someone asked Max what’s going and he shatters. Tears rolling down his cheek as he explains to Toto what his situation is, that his dad is fully willing to mate him off with someone that’s not a good person and won’t treat him nicely at all. That his dad also doesn’t treat him very well and he’s just so sick of everything. Toto offers him tissues and sits there while Max gets rid of the mountain that’s been resting on his shoulder. And Max can’t really believe it because no one has ever listened to him before.
When he’s finally finished venting Toto quietly tells him that he doesn’t need to go to class if it makes him uncomfortable, he won’t tell Max’s dad. But please don’t leave campus without informing someone because the instructors are worried sick whenever Max goes missing. Toto telling Max that he’s welcome to come sit in his office if he needs someplace safe to hide away for a bit, and he gives him a key to the teachers lounge as well.
Max has someone he trusts on campus now and frequently goes to bother Toto while he’s supposed to be in class. Most of the time he makes fun of how whipped Toto is when it comes to George. But he also will just talk about the books he’s been reading or what he does when he disappears from campus. (Even after Toto asked him not to, he didn’t listen, he will text an instructor where he is sometimes, he has a little group of instructors that know what’s going on now)
George is naturally a bit concerned when he finds Max on the sofa in Toto’s office. Max has quite the reputation for being a bad student, and a bad omega. So it makes sense that he’s in the office. But it doesn’t look like he’s being told off. George immediately accuses them of having an affair. Max makes vomiting noises and ends that idea faster than it started. Max gives Toto permission to tell George what’s going on and leaves the room. George feels so bad when he finds out and hunts Max down just to hug him. He does try and introduce Max to some of his friends and make Max feel less alienated (Toto is so proud of his omega)
But yeah, just Max and Toto (and George!) forming a very unlikely friendship and someone listening to Max for the first time in his life. Toto and George also hunt both Charles and Daniel down to tell them to not hurt Max, or they will end them. And they both ask Max if he is ready for this relationship or if he’s uncomfortable in any way. Max bursts into tears because no one has ever cared so much about him.
ksks pllss poor Max seeing the school as his only way out but he is NOT gonna enjoy it and just it to get some freedom before his dad will inevitably Mate him off to some random Alpha. Max skipping orientation and keeping to his room instead of joining the Omega student nest, and the only classes he ever goes too is the omega cooking classes cos there is an omega instructor (Seb?) and food, and maybe another class where he gets to work on his own (sksks there being a geography class and its the only one Max religiously attends? Probs cos its an elective and he is basically the only one sks) (slightly unrelated but there would be general classes like that because the school is well aware Omegas especially sometimes dont get to go to school as much/get badlty homeschooled) and the others in those classes are sometimes Betas cos they are occassionally ignored and mistreated...)
He is such an asshole to everyone but especially Alphas, violently hissing and cursing at them and plain out refusing to go meet Alpha teachers when they try ot get him to come to classes. And poor thing ignoring an instructors alpha voice and just throwing up and fainting the next morning at breakfast, and thats when Toto decides its time to talk to him. (ofc Toto is headmaster omg. But yeah i can see him teach classes too to keep an eye on the students). Poor Max would be terriffied but he doesnt dare saying no to the imposing headmaster, so he just sits in the chair opposite Toto, trying to resist the urge to make himself small and trying not to panic and throw up...
And poor thing just BREAKING when Toto asks him why he is even here. Max just sobbing and trying to explain even though he knows his story must be somewhat incoherent. Toto crouching at his side just handing him tissues and a bottle of water but not touching Max, making himself look smaller than Max so Max is less scared and just gently listening, before telling Max he doesnt care that he doesnt go to classes if he is uncomfortable, he will let Max pick what he wants and will still give max his certificate at the end of the year even if he doesnt do everything. He just wants Max to be safe and hopes to show him what a safe environment can be, and doesnt want Max to rush off alone cos that really can be dangerous!
Max coming to Toto's office often with a book and just reading while annoying Toto, admitting he feels a bit dumb cos his dad forced him to drop out of school early. And he also tells Toto he is mostly going to visit museums and some other cultural stuff, just trying to school himself? (Toto will definitely join occassionally, later with George too, just nngg Toto smiling and letting Max ramble away to him in the natural history museum!)
And nngg George being a bit annoyed and jealous until Toto explains Max's story, and then George just tries to be besties with him and gets Max to nest with him and introduces him to Charles and somehow it just clicks between quiet Maxy and chaotic bean Charles, and Charles gets him to join Dan's class one day after rambling to Max about how handsome Dan is! And Charles waves away all the Alphas saying he will partner with Max! Max being so grateful and he even dares to shyly talk to Daniel a little bit.
Pllss just Max getting the family and love he deserves!!
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senjuushi · 2 years
(ANTIQUES) Assorted Lines 2 — Low Spirits
((Once again, some of these are cute... and some are really, really sad. XD I like Kentucky's third line a lot— good to know he's still wearing the dumb contacts! Snider's lines also very much encouraged my growing headcanon that he's Autistic... I think he needs to stop being so cute relatable... >.>))
// First Acquisition // Occupational Experience (Start) // Occupational Experience (End) // After Encouragement //
. . .
1: When will Snider give up on trying to remodel me...? I’m fine the way I am...!
2: I made a mistake while brewing tea with new tea leaves... and it turned out bitter. What a shock... 
3: Haahh... I haven’t been able to speak with Master George at all today. It’s the worst day of my life...
1: Haah... Anchovies and that sort of thing... They reek so much, it makes me sick. Will I have to eat them again...?
2: My mouth hurts again... An ulcer...? Vitamin deficiency...? As if I care...!
3: I’m capable of using both Absolute Nobility and Ruthlessness, so why do you need to have other Musketeers by your side...?
1: My tooth hurts... it’s a cavity, you say...? Don’t eat candy before bed, huh...? Uu... it huuurts... 
2: Charle... Truth is, it’d be better if Brown Bess was here instead of me... I want to meet him already... 
3: Uuu...! I got failing grades in everything again... I don’t want make-up lessons again! I wanna have fun!
1: Shit! I had a pair of jeans that were the perfect color, but someone washed them without asking me...!
2: Hahh~ ...I had to greet Master when I was fresh outta bed... No colored contacts, my hair a mess... Haah~
3: Uu~ ...I can’t beat that bastard, Pennsylvania...! It’s so frustrating...! Why am I getting nowhere...!?
1: I regret abandoning my responsibilities, but I couldn’t live like that. I wanted to live how I felt was right... 
2: I know Kentucky wants to be my rival, but... is selfish for me to want to get along with him a bit better, like brothers should...?
3: When Dreyse and I were exchanging methods of draining and salting meat, someone assumed we were murderers... 
1: This season’s limited macaron flavor sold out before I could buy any... Even though I got up so early... 
2: I miss him... We used to travel together... I wonder what I can do to help him...
3: I’ve deceived so many people, is it really okay for me to be here...?
1: Haah... today is rain... yesterday was rain...! It’s giving me a headache... I’m tired of this...!
2: Dreyse is an uncivilized Prussian gun who entered the Palace of Versailles with dirty shoes... but he’s still so close to Master...!
3: I can’t look at my gun without remembering it. The nightmare of a burning city... the blood-soaked people... Even now, I can’t forget what it looked like...
1: I don’t want to fight anymore... Is there no other reason for me to be a Musketeer...?
2: For me of all people to burn the sauce... Even though I’d gone to the trouble of getting a good duck for it!
3: Haah... Chassepot and Gras are in the midst of a cold war again... 
1: The scar over my eye sometimes hurts. I got that scar when my first Master died... It’s my punishment. 
2: The wurst’s rind tore! How shameful, to make such a mistake in cooking it... Like this, the gravy I’ve worked on will... gh! 
3: A soldier shouldn’t fear such things... And yet, no matter what I do... I can’t forget that person’s final moments...!
1: I had a few drinks with Kiseru-kun the other day. and because of the alcohol... I got carried away and wound up talking up a storm... Aaah~
2: In town yesterday, I helped a child who fell down, and he called me an old man...Am I really that old...?
3: Whether as a gun or a Musketeer, I worry that I’m not useful to anyone... I’m pathetic, and there’s nothing I can do about it...
1: .......... It’s nothing. .......
2: A woman in the cafeteria says I’m not allowed to drink coffee. Because I’m a child. Good gracious, now I’m getting nostalgic... 
3: Leo, Margarita... The mysteries of this world remain unsolved... 
1: Karl-sama seems to favor the privately manufactured Lorenz over me... Karl-sama... why...!?
2: After eating one of Belga’s “ultra-spicy chips”,  my lips are swollen... It’s hard to talk like this... 
3: When I went to the library to check out the final volume...! Someone else already had it! I was looking forward to that! Return it quickly, cretin...!
1: I wonder if Fal’s memories will ever come back...? Mikhael says Fal will be happier without them, but I know he’s still... lonely...
2: Kiseru, that bastard...! Calling me something like... l-like Cutty-boy! He’s making fun of me...!
3: Jitte and Mikhael are both busy today... I hate having to eat alone...
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The Ultimate Disney Villain Showdown-Part 3
I think that covers the animals. Now on to part 2 of Round 1-Mundane Villains!
Hans (Frozen)
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Yet another guy who just can't wait to be king
Strengths: Manipulation, charm, cunning, charisma, singing voice, horse, nice sideburns, sword
Weaknesses: Being punched in the face, sisterly love
Sheriff of Nottingham (Robin Hood)
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The original Wolf of Wall Street
Tax collector
Big-bellied bully
Strengths: Intelligence, strength, sword, capable of throwing his weight around, light on his feet for his size, pettiness
Weaknesses: Incompetent vulture sidekicks, unnecessary cruelty, occasional inability to see through disguises, being chased by tents, catchy songs, having a twangy southern accent in medieval England
Cruella de Vil (101 Dalmatians)
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Sadistic puppy killer
Fur fashion fiend
I don't care what the new movie tries to tell you, she is not a good or sympathetic person
Strengths: Ruthlessness, determination, intelligence, being a rich white female with a bobbed haircut, intimidation, drives like a maniac, terrifyingly awesome mansion
Weaknesses: Temper, impatience, incompetent henchmen, future lung cancer victim, greed, vindictiveness, able to be outsmarted by dogs
Madam Medusa (The Rescuers)
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Child labor supporter
Cruella expy
Yet another example of a Karen
Strengths: Shotgun, pet crocodiles, intimidation, boat driving skills, manipulation, determination
Weaknesses: Impatience, temper, fear of mice, hotheadedness, bad boss, vanity, able to be outsmarted by mice
Shan Yu (Mulan)
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Leader of the Hun Army
Howling wind
Possibly genetic experiment crossbreeding him with a hawk or something-check out those eyes
Strengths: Intelligence, sword, pet hawk, strength, freaky yellow eyes, giant freaking army, ruthlessness, determination
Weaknesses: Avalanches, fireworks
Mr. Scroop (Treasure Planet)
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Technically an alien, but just go with it
Spider psycho
Israel Hands expy
Strengths: Giant pincers, ability to crawl on ceiling, vindictiveness, cunning, manipulation, eavesdropping, being part of a criminally underrated awesome movie
Weaknesses: Temper, impatience, the cold void of space
Percival C. McLeach (The Rescuers Down Under)
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Walking Australian stereotype
Surprisingly frightening by virtue of how willing he is to murder a child in cold blood, and because of the face he makes in that one scene
Strengths: Manipulation, being voiced by George C. Scott, strength, multiple weapons, Joanna (lizard sidekick), cool hat, determination, ruthlessness, intimidation
Weaknesses: Bad boss, beer gut, temper, gets outsmarted by mice
Lyle Tiberius Rourke (Atlantis)
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Double-parker (allegedly)
Strengths: Manipulation, combat skills, ruthlessness, weapons, intimidation, pettiness
Weaknesses: Lack of conscience, ultimately a sellout, can't handle being cut by magic blue glass
Gaston (Beauty and the Beast)
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Self-entitled bas...ketcase
Strengths: Charisma, cunning, manipulation, weapons, determination, slyness, popularity, good looks, deep singing voice, combat and hunting skills, high alcohol consumption
Weaknesses: Overblown sense of entitlement, illiterate-ness, vanity, selfishness, inability to accept rejection
Clayton (Tarzan)
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Boss level after defeating Sabor
Strengths: Shotgun, machete, stealth, cunning, determination, manipulation, hunting skills, voiced by BRIAN BLESSED, absolutely massive chin
Weaknesses: Temper, impatience, berserker rage, susceptible to vines (not the Internet kind)
Bradford Buzzard (DuckTales)
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Leader of secret organization
Massive killjoy
Strengths: Manipulation, secret-keeping, espionage, bookkeeping, cunning, caution, practicality
Weaknesses: Control freakishness, fear of potentially dangerous situations, unresolved childhood trauma, inability to accept own villainy
Dawn Bellwether (Zootopia)
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Born leader (it's literally in her last name)
Political terrorist
Strengths: Hench-rams, manipulation, determination, deceptively cute appearance, ruthlessness
Weaknesses: Not physically strong, cute fluffy sheep, hatred of predator animals
Bill Sykes (Oliver & Company)
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Loan shark
Strengths: Dobermans, intimidation, realistically horrifying, determination, willingness to kidnap a little girl
Weaknesses: Underestimating weaker parties, future lung cancer patient, trains
Governor Ratcliffe (Pocahontas)
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Gold-digger (literally)
Designated villain on account of name
Historically inaccurate
Strengths: Charisma, opportunistic, authority, musket, nice hat, gets two villain songs in the same movie
Weaknesses: Greed, recklessness, racism, uncompromising
Lady Tremaine (Cinderella)
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Evil Stepmother
Amateur slavedriver/domestic abuser
Social climber
Strengths: Manipulation, authority, expressing disappointment, cunning, using casual cruelty to ensure cooperation, looking absolutely terrifying in the above scene, being voiced by the same woman who voices Maleficent
Weaknesses: Jealousy, greed, helplessness against true love or whatever 🙄
Mother Gothel (Tangled)
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Wannabe flower child
She and Frollo would be a match made...somewhere
Terrible babysitter
Strengths: Emotional abuse, semi-immortality, cunning, manipulation, ruthlessness, deception, not afraid to get her hands dirty
Weaknesses: Vanity, selfishness, unused to defiance, unwilling to age gracefully
Captain Hook (Peter Pan)
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Neverland inhabitant
Wannabe child murderer
Strengths: Hook (well, duh), swordsmanship, cunning, crew, cannons, loophole abuse, wrath, very snazzy dresser
Weaknesses: Cowardly, whiny, crippling fear of crocodile, obsession, overconfidence, semi-competent crew, constantly beaten by a child
Judge Claude Frollo (Hunchback of Notre Dame)
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Religious leader
Abusive parent
Strengths: Authority, religious mania, being voiced by Tony Jay, awesome villain song, even more awesome hat, manipulation, deception, ability to destroy self-esteem, determination
Weaknesses: Obsession, decades of suppressed libido, xenophobia, tendency to talk/sing to the fireplace, hallucinations, lava
Toffee (Star vs. The Forces of Evil)
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Former general
Bipedal lizard
Nice dresser
Strengths: Regeneration, manipulation, intelligence, practicality, strength, possession, nice suit, patience
Weaknesses: Boring, dresses like a lawyer, sadly underutilized by his own show which had a TOTAL COPOUT ENDING THAT WAS SO STUPID I CAN'T EVEN-
*Deep breath, deep breath*
...You saw nothing. Just move along, nothing to see here.
Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb)
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Evil scientist (NOT a pharmacist)
Either a genius or an idiot, it's hard to tell
Most wholesome villain ever
Strengths: Titanium arms, ability to build -inators in a day or less, ability to break or at least lean on fourth wall, combat skills (at least when up against platypus), ability to burst into random song and dance numbers at the drop of a hat, ability to break cycle of abuse and do his best to be a good father to his daughter, virtually indestructible
Weaknesses: Easily distracted (possibly ADHD), almond brittle, unresolved childhood trauma, pettiness, loneliness, social awkwardness, doesn't seem to understand the concept of NOT including self-destruct buttons on -inators, fears bats and vending machines
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hargrovetm · 1 year
ok i have to talk about this and put into existence but i wanna talk about billy's pirate verse just because it's THAT good ! so basically im writing down like the general bits that kinda have to get hit for him in this verse. and i could more in detail, but obviously there can be multiple verses of this particular verse to fit different fandoms and what not.
his mom does run away, and leaves with neil. he endures as much as he can but then eventually runs off with the original plan of looking for his mom. i haven't set down like an age when he runs off but he is young. he is taken in by a pirate and it turns out that he is like really good at it. he can be ruthless and enjoys the carnage, not to mention the prospect of like earning riches. also the little time he spends with neil does make him learn that self discipline he carries in his main canon. which is a great combo to be a pirate. he obviously has this connection with the sea and this sorta calling to it he can't quite understand.
he rises up in the ranks until he is captain. and he's good at it. it all comes from the balance of not being too attached to people in general and also his mean girls regina george energy. he becomes a very well respected pirate, but also the stuff of scary shit. and it's such a funny thing because this is a billy that gets to spend his team near beaches and the sea most if not all the time. he's gorgeous, blonde long ass hair and his blue eyes with long lashes. like he's cute. he's pretty. and most people don't even know what captain billy hargrove even LOOKS like. they don't expect this pretty boy who can absolutely turn the tables on their ass. he never stops looking for his mom. believing she is still alive, but tells NO ONE about this to not put her into any sort of danger.
now for whatever plot reason, he also has an almost dead moment where he drowns. but the thing is he doesn't. his mom saves him because his mom is a MERMAID, and that explains how he has certain abilities enhanced. like he can swim better than most people, he can hold his breath better than most. and he has this charm. there is a time he spends with his mom sorta reuniting and there is this overlaying conflict where his mom is glad he is with her. and she doesn't want him to go back to the life of piracy since it cannot possibly end well. but on the other hand, billy doesn't think she has the right to mother him now after she abandoned him so many years ago.... so he eventually leaves, promising to visit. and captain billy hargrove does this whole ass bad ass comeback.
i also on another blog i got like cult ocs that have like a pirate verse and im wondering if i could wave some darker forces into this shit like i have for his fantasy verse basically. i might mess around and add some more stuff especially from like the half mermaid part but other than that this is it thank you for reading <3
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blorbocedes · 2 years
For some variety. Who do you think will be eaten first if Australia 2020 wasn’t Covid but a zombie infestation? Who would last the longest 🤔
lando norris is absolutely dying first that boy does not have the survival skills and just needs 10x resources to keep him from accidentally killing himself too, like saying "ew" out loud at a pile of brains alerting the zombies of their location. like what's he gonna do once you can't Google 'how to make fire' 💀😭😭😭
I think George has the ruthless survival skills and sociopathy needed to survive. Like I can see him putting a bullet through his longest surviving partner who he's developed a close and maybe even romantic bond with, because there's only enough rations for one
Valtteri also, I think could thrive in a post Internet rustic lifestyle. It's like being back in Finland 💀
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