#and how sehyoon looked so lost
t3kandson · 9 days
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Deathly Powers
Word count; 8,960
Fandom; A.C.E. & The Boyz
Pairing; Reader X Eric Sohn, Reader X Lee Donghun.
Characters; Lee Donghun, Eric Sohn, Park Junhee, Kim Sehyoon, Kim Byeongkwan, Lee Hyunjae
Mentions; Kang Yuchan, Ji Changmin, Lee Sangyoon, Ju Haknyeon, Kim Younghoon, Choi Chanhee & Lee Hyunjae
Warnings; Angst, Supernatural, Passing out unconscious, Spiritual world, Violence, Death, Devil worshipping, Witchcraft, Images of predicted death of Main Character, Ghosts including Eric, Knife, Blood, Choking, Unprotected Sex, Threesome (kinda).
Notes; Part 1/3 Parts.
Check out A.C.E.'s new pre release song Anymore
Taglist; @nyu-topia
“The most important thing is to listen to me, especially when I feel it's not safe," Donghun said as you listened intently. "If I find a case too dangerous we need to contact Kim Byeongkwan & Ji Changmin. They are our Demonologist exorcists," he continued as you nodded.
Lee Donghun was your childhood school friend, one who you had gone on two different paths with. While Donghun was up the temples working hard on his spiritual path. You had a string full of broken relationships and failed job prospects. That was till your recent relationship disaster with Choi Chanhee. Who was caught having an affair with your work colleague Kim Younghoon. Turning to alcohol had been your saving till Jacob Bae had brought you to a Powerful Sharman Park Junhee. His spiritual gift or being a soul rescuer. You blamed it on the demands for a purpose in life. But their was a part of you that had fire in your stomach ready to take on the world. The last person you expected to be your mentor was Lee Donghun. His eyes raised in your direction at viewing you at his door. Not impressed by the jokes of him seeing it coming. Now you were sat in his Healing room, chest full of powerful intoxicating incense. Your head slightly a little dizzy from all the chants upon your arrival in old Archaic Chinese. "Y/N are you even listening to me," Donghun said snapping his fingers as you grinned your most amused expression earning a raised brow. "What did I do to earn this punishment," he said into thin air in frustration. "What did they say," you teased as he deadpanned your way. "Have you even seen a spirit?" He questioned as you shook your head. This gift upon you had only shown you eerily feelings and items thrown in your company. But you were yet to be face with a see-through person or a white sperm like dude. "That's because you're not taking this seriously," he grumbled as he gave up sitting on the floor as your sure he was secretly praying for you to disappear. "Are you even aware what I do?" He said looking at you with hope of a easy path. "You seek out ghosts," you said as he rolled his eyes. "More context Y/N," he said as you shook your head. "We find lost souls and help them. Just sometimes," , "Yes you already said sometimes it gets dangerous," you cut him off. "Your job is to communicate with them while I send them to the next land," he explained as you nodded in awe. "But how do I do that if I can't see them?" You asked as he looked a little baffled himself. "We have to train you up I think," he said unsure. "I thought you knew what you were doing, so much for being my mentor," you scoffed as he frowned your way. "I've never had someone to train, so I wouldn't know. Yuchan was already gifted when he came to me," he scoffed with a saddened expression. "Yuchan?" You asked. "Kang Yuchan was a fine Soul rescuer but he got hurt last time. It will be a long time before he will be ready to come back. That's if he can find his health to return back,” he said looking to the floor. "What happened?" You gulped slightly afraid for the response. "Dangerous spirit which is why I need you to desperately listen to me," he snapped as you nodded. "Right first let's see if we can find a way for you to communicate," he said standing up as you mirrored. "Let's go on a hunt," he said excitedly your way.
"Where are we?” you asked appearing in the wooded area he walked you through. "You tell me?" He said arms folded. "Well if I knew that I wouldn't be asking," you said folding yours his way too. "Close your eyes," he demanded as you obeyed. "I want you to focus on your breathing, breathe in.... hold...... breathe out," he said in such a relaxing tone. "And again," he instructed you once more. "Keep going Y/N," he encouraged as you continued. With each passing breath you felt the world spin around you as you felt your self merge with the outside air. "Imagine looking out the open door into a world that isn't ours," he said walking towards you as you heard the crunch of the dried leaves under his feet. "Imagine the crisp fresh air in your lungs," he said barely a whisper in your ear, causing you to shiver aroused by his voice. "I want you to see if you can find any people," he continued. Eyes looked around the forest in what felt like your daydream world, but you could not see anything. "Listen out if you can't see anyone, listen for the sounds," he says as you shiver slightly. From the chilly air that you are not sure is real or imagination. "I can only hear you," you say out as he clicks his tongue to the roof of his mouth. "Can you sense anything even if you can't see it. Or feel words that flow that don't feel yours in your mind," he asks as you fall to silence. The only thing on your mind was food. Your tummy rumbling to help make your mouth salivate further. "Stop thinking of your stomach," Donghun moaned as your eyes opened up in excitement. "You knew what I was thinking?” you whispered in awe as he tilted his head with frustration. "Focus Y/N," he grumbled as your eyes rolled and went back to your imaginary world. Pressing his hands to your shoulder you took a deep breath in through your nose, holding it to release a couple seconds later. You could suddenly hear whispers, you tried to zone into the sound but they were barely audible. "You hear something?" Donghun questioned as you bite your lip nodding. "I think so but not enough to understand what, it's not loud enough," you said feeling goosebumps fall up your skin. "Well ask them to talk more clearer out Loud," he ordered as his second hand hit your shoulder. "Please Spirit speak louder and clearer so I can communicate with you," you said slightly a little apprehensive.
"Your mine," you heard whispered out as your eyebrows furrowed. Was it Donghun whispering those words? Was your childhood crush making you believe you could hear the words you wanted to hear. "Very funny Donghun," you said opening your eyes to him looking puzzled. "I said nothing," he replied as his sparkling brown eyes looked your way. "I'm not the one that likes to fuck around, that you," he said deadpanning you. "What did you hear anyway?" He questioned removing his hands. "Your nuts," you lied not wanting him to have acknowledge of your crush. Knowing he would question while you would have said that came from him. "Well guess the spirit truly knows you," Donghun teased as you scrunched your nose his way. "But on a good note you heard something so it's working, let's try again," he said with more motivation then earlier as you groaned. But trying again didn't work, your body was only swaying into the quiet without Donghun’s hands to keep you still. "Well we got a small progress, we're come back tomorrow and try again," Donghun said breaking you from your silent trance.
"Hi Mrs Kim," Donghun said as your mother greeted you as Donghun dropped you off. "Lee Donghun is that really you? You must come in," she said not giving him a chance to back away. "You were with Donghun?” she asked in excitement your way remembering your one way crush on him. "Why are you even awake mum?" You questioned as she dragged Donghun to a table to sit. "Work overrun, what's both your two excuse," she said arms folded with a smirk between you both. "We're doing a temple project together," Donghun replied with a half lie. "Oooh temple work," she said excited before looking at the pot on the oven.
"I'm about to warm up some kimchi Jjigae, do you fancy some?" She asks as he nods being relaxed for the first time since meeting as adults. "Thank you that would be nice," he says as you admire the way his eyes small as he smiles.
"What?" He says as he catches you watching him. "Just amazed you know how to smile," you teased as he frowned. "Don't do that you might get frown lines permanently, don't let her ruin your perfect face," your mother said as he chuckled her way. "Mother he already has frown lines look," you teased pressing your finger to the lines his frown made in that moment. "Stop teasing him," she said slapping your shoulder. "I was trying to be a good friend, I know of a few people who could help out with Botox," you continued playfully despite loving his frown. "Yeah that be great always great to work on oneself. Shame we can't improve on your personality," he hit back as you aissh into the air pretending to strike him. "Can't I see you two have reunited," your mother said stirring the pot on the stove. "Yeah I've missed her like a hole in the head," he smirked seductively that had you roll your eyes. Not from his comment but the view he had given. Just why did he have to be so drop dead Gorgeous. "Do you want some?" Your mother said with a bowl In her hand. "No I'm ok I'm going up to bed soon," you said as your mum poured the warmed up meal into a bowl for Donghun. "Well don't let me stop you, your mums better company," Donghun said taking the bowl from her with a thank you added on. "Kiss ass," you spat out as he shook his head holding back a chuckle. "Kim Y/N language," your mother bit out smacking your arm once more. "See your here just to get me beat," you scoff at him rubbing your arm. "She's only doing what I wanted to do all day," he said eyes widening amused. "Whatever," you said clicking your tongue at the roof of your mouth. You didn't make it to your room as you threatened. Instead listening to your mother and Donghun chat about Temple life as they both ate up their food. "Oh wow, it's 4am, you must be tired, please stay. I can put you up in the spare room," she said as you smiled warmly her way. "That would be great we've got loads of work to do tomorrow, thank you," he said as she took his bowl. "Please let me wash up though," he said standing to take the bowl back. "I won't turn that down," she smiled back before turning to look at you. "You can help him, and be nice," she said prodding your arm making you wince. "Make sure he has all the bedding he needs too," she said as you nodded. "I will put up some of Y/N's brothers clothes up for you," she says before going upstairs. "How are Sangyeon and Haknyeon?" Donghun asked going to the sink. "Sangyeon’s married and with kids, we don't really see much of him, he's a Cardiologist," you said thinking of your elder brother fondly. "That's a shame I know you two was close," Donghun said as he passed a washed bowl your way to dry up. "It's ok I was pretty close to Haknyeon before he went to university," you said remembering the feeling of loneliness at home since your younger brother left. "Does he not come and visit much?” he continued to quiz. "He's in England at Oxford university, so no sadly," you said as he turned to you with sadness in his view. "You must have been so lonely without them," he said clearly feeling the emotions on your mind. "I wasn't till," you said pausing remembering Chanhee and the pain he caused. "Yeah I heard about that," he said as you looked to the floor. "Don't waste tears on people that aren't worth it," he said pressing his finger under your chin to look at him. His face full of concern, reminding you of the cherished friendship you had when you was younger. "New beginnings," you said taking a step back struggling with your over beating heart from his close contact. "I'll get your bedroom stuff sorted," you said as blood was rushing to your head a little too fast.
"Come on lazy," came Donghun's voice before the impact of a pillow striking you. "We’ve got things to do, so get up," he continued as you groaned. "Just five minutes please," you whimpered keeping your eyes shut. "No five minutes, your eating into my time now, get up," he said continuing his pillow attack. "Ok, ok," you groaned sitting up to watch him smirk your way. "Good wash up, eat up and let's dash. We have got to see Sharman Park today," he said arms crossed on his chest in a thin white vest, his muscles easily noticeable. "Ok out my room so I can get sorted," you said gulping as he agreed. Why had your feelings for him suddenly hit max volume? You blamed this gift which was beginning to sound like a curse.
"Hurry up," you said throwing your head over his car as you waited for him. His motherly act had him take your keys to lock up with your mother already having left for work. "Stop being impatient and get off my car," Donghun said as he pulled his arms around your waist to lift you from his vehicle. You groaned despite your heart beating so hard from the extra close contact with him. When your eyes took to a figure across the street. The energy from him was swimming in something strong that you couldn't put your finger on it. His expression mixed with anger and sadness as his eyes was heavily focused on you. You knew enough to know he wasn't alive. "Can you see that?" You said to Donghun without your eyes leaving the male. Who had started to walk towards you before he vanished as Donghun removed his hands from you. "Where?" Donghun questioned. "He's gone now, wait did I just see my first spirit?” you asked turning to face him as he glanced over your shoulder. "Did you really see nothing?" You asked as he shook his head looking at you puzzled. "Normally I can see the dead when I'm touching the person who can communicate with them," he explained. "But you were touching me," you said as his eyebrows furrowed. "Maybe with you I have to hold your hand or something," he said as he rubbed your shoulders with a smile. "But it proves your getting stronger. First a voice now a sighting," he said as he walked to the car. Your eyes raked where that man was once standing, now a complete empty area. But you felt as if his energy was still there causing a shiver down your spine. -------------------🔺-------------------
"What did you see?" Sharman Park said with his head tilting as he looks at you. "Why can I not see it?” he says looking frustrated as the wind blows the leaves from outside the temple. "Can you normally see what I'm thinking?" You ask despite knowing the answer. "If they mind letting their energy be seen," he whispers before looking to Donghun. "Or maybe I just have a different talent," you said causing him to smile his pretty little smile. "I held her and didn't see it neither. I can see even the vengeful ones normally," he said a little anxiously. "Do I need to hold her hand?" He asked the Sharman. "Well try it, see what happens," Sharman Park said as his eyes never left yours. "Y/N," Donghun said as his hands reached for yours as you looked between them both. "Calmly take it when your ready," The Sharman said, his eyes almost knowingly understanding your reluctance. Trying your best to gulp without Donghun noticing your apprehensions you pulled out your hands hoping they wasn't sweaty. Within minutes of touching the skin of your childhood crush.
Colour attacked you from the room as you felt dizzy, heart pumping fast that you knew it wasn't from your emotions towards Donghun. Then came darkness as you lost your vision collapsing into what fell like Donghun’s arms.
Taking a deep breath your opened to find the man you saw earlier. "Who are you?" You said in shakey breath as you moved from his warm grasps. "I'm Eric Sohn," he said as you suddenly realised his voice was the same from the woods. "Why am I here?" You said looking around the hallway you had entered. "Our house," he said watching you as you walked to a room to hold the doorknob. "Our?" You said turning to look at him but he was missing. Shaking your head you looked at the shut door. "This is just a dream," you whispered to yourself as you walked through to the room. The door slamming behind you leaving you alone. You took in the room, the beautiful pink decor with pink rose bedding on the double bed in the middle of the floor. By the headboard was the most beautiful wall mural you had ever seen. Ivy swirling around Angel cherubs. The detail told you that it was hand painted as you admired it. "It's beautiful isn't it?" You heard Eric's voice turning to expect to face him but the room remained empty. "It is, did you do this?" You asked to the empty room. "You did," was the only reply that came out. You turned to the voice from outside the door of the room. "My art is awful I can't do anything like that," you said walking to it hoping he would be on the other side of the door. "Only because you've locked it away, your artworks the most beautiful in the world," the voice said admiringly.
Opening the door, you saw him there leaning against the other side of the wall. "I'm confused," you said making your way towards him as he chuckled meeting you halfway. "You won't be soon, I promise," he said tucking a hair behind your ear. But before any words could follow through. The world you were sent to was taken from you, back to the outside surroundings of the temple.
"Y/N you ok?" Donghun said looking down to you full of concern. "Yeah I saw the man again, the one I heard in the woods," you said sounding wearily. "Did he hurt you?" Donghun asked as he sat you to sit up. "No, he didn't, he just confused me," you said looking at him as Sharman Park took your hands. "Anything?" Donghun said with concern as he looked to him shaking his head. "Is it vengeful?" Donghun said as Sharman Park looked at you more closely. "What did you see?" He questioned. "A house, a wall mural full of ivy and cherubs," you said briefly leaving out the words spoken between you and Eric. "I won't lie I'm unsettled. But I can't work out if that's because I can't see what she's seen, which I've never experienced. Or that theres something there we should be scared of," Park Sharman added as you looked to him confused. "You think Eric’s dangerous?" You said as the Sharman’s eyes opened wide hearing the name. "Is that his name Y/N?” he asked as you nodded. "He said his name was Eric Sohn, why does that mean something?" You asked as he shook his head. "No but it's something I can give to Hyunjae to research," he said smiling sweetly at you letting his hand leave. "Till then I don't want her working with me," Donghun said standing up. "I can see your concern, but we wanted her to work with her gift and she is. Let us not hinder it," Park Sharman said as Donghun tsssk into the air. "I won't lose her like I lost Yuchan," he said sounding upset. "Calm Lee Donghun, I can feel great things from her. Though she needs to be careful and not go thinking she's invincible. She will be ok as long as she's supervised," he said reassuring Donghun to no avail. "No I'm sorry I won't risk her not till I know that spirit is safe," Donghun said picking you up from the dusty wooded area floor. "Well as her mentor thats your choice to make. But a vengeful ghost will find her wherever she is. Whenever it is by your side under your watch or hidden away in a box," Sharman Park added. "I won't let her out my sight," Donghun added as he went to steer you out.
"Right, I'm going to stay at yours till we work out who this spirit is," Donghun said as the car pulled up outside your house. "You automatically presume my mother will let you stay," you teased as he looked to you amused. "We both know she won't have any issue with that," he said as you chuckled his way knowing he was right. "Do you really think Eric is a vengeance spirit?" You asked as he looked at you with wary eyes. "I think he’s someone we need to treat as if he is, till we know for sure," Donghun said before getting out the car. You looked to the spot you saw Eric earlier but again it was empty.
As you both made your way to the door a gentleman appeared. His thick glasses with a geeky yet attractive visuals. "Are you Lee Donghun?" He asked as Donghun nodded. "I heard you deal with spiritual entities," he whispered looking anxious saying those words. "Yes, I do, but right now I've got an urgent case I'm dealing with," Donghun replied as the gentleman pushed his glasses up that clearly had slid down his nose. "I have a spirit that I'm sure is trying to tell me something, I feel him more then I see him. But when I do, he's angry, full of hate. It's like he wants me out my own house. I also have moments where I feel like someone else is in control of my body. Like I am just the spectator," the gentleman continued stuttering a little. "I know you must be terrified," Donghun sympathises as he touched his shoulder. "But we have a really important case right now that could be life or death," he says with fear in his own eyes. "But if you give me your details, I can contact you as soon as we are finished on this case," he adds. "Promise?” he asked with shakey breath clearly in fear of his entity in his home. "I promise," Donghun replied as the gentleman pulled out a card from his wallet.
"Life or death my ass," you said as you watched him enter his car looking depressed. "We could have taken the case on," you said jabbing him. "Y/N we can't it's dangerous for you," Donghun says his hands heavily on your shoulders. "Eric apparently is, who ever spirit he has, might not be," you said your face inches from his. "Y/N he said himself the ghost was angry it's possibly a vengeance ghost. Also Right now you seem to be extra sensitive that isn't what we need right now for you," Donghun glared. "Plus, I felt nothing when I touched him," he added as you shook your head. "You said you can see even vengeance ghosts. Maybe it's not with the data malfunction and it's you," you scoffed as he rolled his eyes. "Yeah both myself and Sharman Park are just having a malfunction," he said sarcastically. "Well who knows because you've had this issue twice with two different people," you bit back. "If its anything, it’s that my pain in ass past is annoying being some shield," he groaned as your eyes widened under his accusation. "So your saying it's me?" You whimpered. "Yes," he spat out as you threw your head back unable to find words to throw at him. "So in the meantime that poor bloke’s going to be scared in his own home," you said in another attempt to change his mind. "No we will deal with it when everything's been solved and it's safe," he said focusing on the word safe.
Noticing the man still In his car from the bathroom window, you creep down past Donghun chatting with your mum to go to him. If Donghun wasn't going to help him you wasn't going to let that stop. As Sharman Park said, Your talent should grow not be hindered. Reaching the car the man looks startled to see you standing there. "Hi," he said getting out and greeting you. "Why are you still here?" You asked suspicious hitting that he had waited around. "I don't know, I just haven't got it in me to leave, I'm just so desperate," he whimpered as you put your hand to his arm for comfort.
Like with Donghun the bright colours, racing heart, and dizziness causes you to pass out returning you back to the room once again.
"Really," you stomp your feet annoyed at the journey to get here. "Like could you have done it any other way then have me pass out," you scream into the air hoping Eric will reply. But instead the light bright room is empty of him or his voice. Instead the sunlight outside the room darkens. "Ok ok Eric I get it your vengeful," you spit out hoping for a reply as the room falls to pitch darkness. Fear creeps up you as you feel suffocated in this dark space alone from Donghun and the friendly features that Eric showed earlier. "Please don't let them be right about you," you whimper in fear hoping Eric will appear in the form you want him to. Instead gargled sounds and thuds on the floor hit out as you screech out. "This must be that man’s world," you whisper in denial. "Wake up," you hear Eric’s voice scream out in the distance. "I would if I could," you cry in panic as you walk towards the sound. Hands feeling for the doorknob hoping it will reach him like it did last time. "Wake up," you hear again a little angrier as your hands find the doorknob. Pulling it open the hallway is no lighter, your hands reaching out to walk forward till they bump into a body. "Eric please say that’s you," you say out hopeful. But instead, you see red angry eyes appear in your view. "I said wake up," Eric’s voice hits from the body your seeing draped in darkness and evil.
"Y/N," you hear from Donghun’s voice as you turn to the darken room. "Donghun I'm here I can't wake up," you scream to the silence as you feel your body shake. Bright lights attack your eyes as you wake whimpering to see Donghun’s worried face holding you once more. "It's ok, it's ok, I got you," he says as you shake in fear in his arms. "It was dark," you cry out not letting him know about what you saw with Eric. "It's ok, I got you," Donghun repeated as he sat holding you while the gentleman watched on. "Does she need anything?" He said with equal concern. "No Mr Kim," Donghun spat out with anger laced in his tone. "Let's get you indoors ok," Donghun said helping to lift you from the floor. Your eyes take Mr Kim and he looks at you with pure worry as his glasses slide down his nose. "I’ll be back to speak to you in a minute just please let me get her inside," Donghun says more calmer. "Ok Mr Lee, take your time," Mr Kim reply's as Donghun takes you inside.
But before you can get to the door he pulls you to look at him. "Why did you do that? I told you it was dangerous," he spat out. "Because I wanted to help," you reply as his jaw tenses in anger. "Y/N you fucking passed out and went somewhere we couldn't get you from," he growled. "I woke up though," you replied barely audible. "What if you didn't, I've already lost one person under my wing. I can't afford to lose another," he spat out. "I'm not Yuchan," you hit back feeling stronger. "No your not, he had years under his belt, he was stronger and he listened to me," Donghun spat out hurting your pride. "Anyway, I think that little experiment of yours is enough to tell me that this won't work," he said a little more strict toned. "What?" You gasped. "This is too dangerous for you, I won't work with you. Tomorrow you're going to the temple to somehow get this gift of yours removed. You need to be closed off instead of your third eye opened up," Donghun said almost like he was trying to convince himself. "You make it sound like I wanted this gift for myself," you cried out. "Knowing you you probably did," Donghun said tossing his hands in despair through his hair. "Donghun," you cried out hurt with his words. "Look enoughs been said you need rest, you've passed out twice with these encounters today, we will sort this out tomorrow," he said more softer. "What about Mr Kim?” you asked with concern. "I think Byeongkwan and Changmin can deal with his vengeance spirit, because I'm now one man down, again.” Donghun added as you rolled your eyes walking inside your home. Once in the quiet you threw your head at the back of the wall. No way on this earth you were going to let this go. You were going to train even harder just to prove a point, especially to Donghun.
Sharman Park refused to accept Donghun’s demands, instead keeping you there to help train you himself. Each day made you feel stronger just from the constant mediation and deeply inhaled essences around the temple. Donghun had only visited once to speak with Hyunjae. His research hadn't proven fruitful and they couldn't prove or unprove if Eric Sohn was peaceful or vengeful. Donghun had only spoken briefly to you but that wasn't his fault. It was more to do with you pretending to meditate when he arrived. Just to put two fingers to him that you could be taught by someone that wasn't him. -------------------🔺-------------------
After a couple of weeks, you decided to leave the temple, Sharman Park happily authorising. Entering your quiet home you found a pile of letters on the table in your name. While opening one of them a get well card was pulled from its envelope.
I'm sorry if I caused any stress. Hope your feeling better soon
Mr Kim Sehyoon. Xx
"Ahh bless him," you said to the silence. You wondered if he got the help he needed. Knowing Donghun wouldn't update you, you run to your bag. Inside was the card with his details that Donghun accidentally dropped outside your house on the way to the temple. Ringing him you waited till he picked up.
"Hi Mr Kim, it's Kim Y/N here, I don't know if you remember me,", "I do how are you feeling?” the happy voice in the phone cut you off. "I'm good I'm doing much better thanks," you replied. "I was just wondering did you get your situation sorted," you asked as he breathed in deep in the background. "In all honesty, not yet, Mr Lee got me in contact with Mr Ji. But sadly him and his colleague are also working on an important case right now," he said with a sadden voice. "How would you feel if I came to yours, we could talk more about it. I'm not promising much as I'm not that talented, but I can try to help," you said waiting for the silence of the other end. "What's up Mr Kim?” you asked fearing the words you knew would come. "Mr Lee said that under no circumstances am I to meet you again," he said as your anger brewed. "Mr Lee is no longly working with me so no doubt that's why he said that," you replied as the silence continued for a short couple of seconds. "I'm sorry to hear that, he seemed to care a lot about you," Mr Kim replied. "It's a facade trust me. Look let me visit, if I can fix the issue then that's great. And if I can't Mr Lee don't even need to know I was there," you said down the phone. "I know your scared and I could maybe help free you from the fear your experiencing," You pleaded. "Ok," he reluctantly agreed. "But I would rather come to you instead of mine, incase it's too much for you," he replied as you agreed.
Waiting for the door to go you found him stood there, the face you hadn't seen in weeks. He was standing right behind Mr Kim who walked into your home with him following.
"Thanks for coming Mr Kim," you said as you sat down in the living room, your eyes between him and Eric. "He's called Sehyoon," Eric muttered for attention. "You can talk with me comfortably, call me Sehyoon," he said sitting down. Eric looked at you with the expression told you so, on his features. "Ok," you said smiling at him unsure of his reason to be attached this second to Eric. "Do you know a Eric Sohn by any chance?" You asked as Sehyoon pursed his lips in thought. "No I don't think I do, my memory isn't always great though," he said softly. "Why do you ask?" Sehyoon asked as Eric smirked your way. "Just a name that popped into my head," you lied as Eric chuckled. "Just a name am I?" He replied arms folded as you tried to block him out. Why was he suddenly appearing and for a lot longer then before. Had your talent got stronger? "So how long have you lived in your home?" You asked. "Only a year, I should have taken note that it been on the market several times. But I saw the bargain fee to buy it and ran like a fool," Sehyoon said as Eric bit back a chuckle. "Greed gets a man every time," Eric spat out as you inwardly rolled your eyes. "How soon did things begin to happen?" You questioned further. "Instantly as soon as I paid for it, I would get these weird flash of things I couldn't understand, bizarre dreams. That was before even stepping into the home. Once I was there theirs this heavy darkness feeling, like I'm not wanted. Things get thrown, I see shadows and worse I dream of nothing but death," he whimpers. "That sounds awful," you reply sympathetically. "Sounds like you pissed off hell," Eric grumbles as you look to him with annoyance earning him to smirk as he pokes his tongue into his cheeks. Closing your eyes trying to ignore how attractive he looked then, your eyes take Sehyoon's looking slightly taken aback. "Can you see someone?" He asks as your eyes widen. "Don't worry he seems to be my problem ghost not yours," you bit out looking at Eric. "Yours? told you you were mine," he said winking seductively as you shook your head. "Anything else happened bizarrely?" You asked as he ponders for a second. "My art inspiration is threw the roof I draw so many different kind of arts. Which isn't abnormal but always includes cherubs," he says as Eric shuffles in his chair. "Look I can show you," he says as he gets his phone to show, but Eric grabs it from him. Sehyoon looks in fear at what possibly looks like a dangling phone in the air. Leaning over you snatch it from Eric himself, his view a little more tense. "Hey I want to be nosey," Eric said reapplying his composure. "Well do it on your time not mine," you bit out as Your eyes took Sehyoon. "It's ok this ones harmless I promise, annoying but harmless," you add looking to Eric briefly. Looking at the photos of his art work you saw all the different art work with cherubs being his feature. Then one photo had you freeze to the spot it was a drawing of Ivy swirls around cherubs? Just like the one you saw in the house when you passed out. Dropping the phone you looked to Eric as he had his eyes closed full of anger. "What's going on why is that here? you said shakey towards him.
But before you could reach your hand to touch his shoulder, he throws his hand towards you. Like it some sort of power it launches you towards the ceiling as Sehyoon whimpers terrified. "Eric," you cry out but he looks angry, his eyes growling red. "You're not evil," you whimper as you feel a pressure around your neck. "Don't search any further, I won't let you," he growls as the room gets colourful once more. Instead of fear you feel ready to greet him in his world.
Opening your eyes you see the curtains of the bedroom as you realised your in bed. Feeling the naked skin of a body behind you you look to find Eric. "Morning Princess,” he says as you smile turning to face him. Instead of questions words fall from your mouth as if he's yours. "Morning," you smile wrapping your arms around his waist letting his toned chest flush against your face. "Did you sleep ok?" He asks as you nod enjoying the warmth of his tight hold. You feel happiness and totally in love with him. "I’ve got to get up soon and start painting," you say feeling foreign because art isn't your thing. "Can't it wait just some minutes, I don't want to let you go yet," Eric chuckles as he peppers kisses along your forehead. "I won't say no to that," you say as your own lips press kisses to his chest. He cups your face to look at you as his lips fall to yours. They are soft as he slowly tenderly lets his mouth roam yours. Laying you on your back he lets his kisses fall down your chest. His member heavy against your thighs lets you know he wants to ravish you. You want nothing more to have him making love to you right this second.
But instead of making love to him you're in the room a little more darker as night is upon you. Paint brush in your hand as you tilt to look at the art work you've done. Long swirls of ivy which has taken weeks to do over two angel cherubs. "That's so Beautiful our two future babies'," Eric said back hugging you as his lips fall to your neck. "I thought you wanted more then two," you chuckle despite feeling a little uncomfortable. "I do but if it's just two you want then that's what we got to go with. As long as your happy and healthy and so are they then I don't care how many we have," he says spinning you to face him. He looks at you with pure devotion in his eyes as he strokes your hair. But you feel something saddening in the pitt of your stomach. Like if he knows he won't want you no more. "I love you so much my beautiful wife," he chuckles as your heart feels like it's about to explode. "I love you too Sohn," you reply going onto tip toes to kiss him passionately.
Suddenly the room is pitch black, Eric is sat in a pentagon in candlelight. His tears red and angry you make your way to comfort him. But your hand just goes through his body like your the ghost. "Eric snap out of it," you whimper scared on his behalf. "Please, please, god hates me. He won't listen, I want death. I’ll do what ever you want me to do. Just give me death, let me go from this horrible world," he begs tears falling down his eyes in pure pain. "Eric please don't wish for that," you sob as a tear falls down your eyes too. But you know he can't hear your voice.
Falling to the floor you still realise your in the dark room, Eric’s world still continuing. Your feet feel wet as you pull them to you. But instead of water theirs enough light from the street light shining in the opening of the curtain, that you can tell that it's blood on your hands. Fearing Eric's death at his own hands you leap up to search the body. But instead of finding him you freeze to the spot when you find yourself. Heavy breath above you you look up to find a outline of a man. “Knife in his hand still dripping in the blood of the version of you on the floor. "Who are you?" You cry out shakily in fear hoping death in this world doesn't mean the same out there. The door behind is opened briefly to let in enough light that shows the face of your murderer.
Throat tightening you almost choke when you see Eric’s face looking past you at who ever’s standing behind. "No, No you didn't, why, why when you said you loved me," you cried out in fear as you crawled slightly backwards as you slipped on the blood hitting your head on the floor board.
"Y/N," you hear to your relief Donghun’s voice as you wake up in his arms. "Is she ok?" You hear Sehyoon behind in fear. Your eyes open briefly as you feel lightheaded struggling for focus. But through them you see Eric looking in fear at you. "Why? Why did you kill me?" You whimper as your focus takes him in properly. "No ones killed you don't be dramatic," Donghun said unaware of Eric's presence. "Eric answer me," you demand as you see tears fall down his eyes. "See I told you it's was some ghost called Eric. She said it was her problem ghost," Sehyoon said behind you. "Sorry, sorry," Eric said before allowing himself to disappear.
"Y/N what are you seeing?" Donghun asks shaking you. "He killed me," you whisper unsure what you saw even if you knew enough it wasn't real. "But I know he didn't mean to," you add as he tilts his head down towards you. "Who? this Eric guy?" Donghun asks for confirmation. "We were in love, crazy in love, and then he just killed me, he killed me after he asked for the devil. Wait was I the sacrifice," you splutter out as words was floating around your head, none of it really making sense. "Woah slow down your confusing me," Donghun said out. "But first let's get you off the floor," he said helping you to sit on a chair next to Sehyoon. "What happened, start from the beginning, don't leave anything out," he demands as you and Sehyoon explain the events that unfolded. Donghun stays silent listening occasionally throwing his hand through his hair looking uncomfortable. "Right let's get you something to eat, I will ring Byeongkwan and then we will go through this again,” he said as he looked to Sehyoon. "Thanks for ringing me, but I can handle it from now," he said to him. "Ok, let me know how you are later ok?" He says looking towards you as you smile his way. "No she won't. I knew she was too weak for this all, I don't want her part of this," Donghun ordered. "Donghun," you cried out as he put his hand to you to shhh you. "Ok I won't, I promise. I don’t want her hurt anymore," Sehyoon said standing up looking distraught. "I'll see myself out," he said, taking one look at you before he walked out. "Part of this? I'm already part of this Eric made sure of that," you cry out. "Or have you forgot he's my spirit not Sehyoon's," you add as he leans his head into his hands. "Donghun this is my job to fix this, my job to sort this," you said touching his shoulder as he glances at you. "Y/N your out your depth, this is Changmin and Byeongkwan's area of expertise to sort out,” Donghun says seriously. "But it's not happening to them it's happening to me, like you wanted it to. You were the one that took me to those woods," you shot out as he stood up straight. "And I regret it I truly do, because now you have an vengeful spirit attachment," Donghun says with deep concern laced in his voice. "Eric isn't vengeful," you spat out refusing to believe that despite everything you had witnessed. "Yeah because a friendly ghost pins their victim to the ceiling unconsciously. Takes her god knows where to witness her own future death," he shouts out. "Don't you get it if you saw your own death he's predicting it," Donghun continue shaking with anger. "How can he be vengeful if he’s pre-warning me, he's clearly trying to find a way to stop it happening. Which is easy because I just avoid falling in love with him then it won't happen," you spat out still numb and confused to what you viewed. "Love with him pfft," he added rather annoyed. "Well At least he acknowledged me, so it’s not that hard to think possible," you reply. "He's a ghost Y/N one who keeps hurting you, one we can't read or understand or know anything about him to that fact," Donghun says looking close to losing the will to live. "He has no footprint. No Eric Sohn has ever lived, not one that fits your descriptions," he says his eyes heavily focused on you. "What are you saying he gave me a false name to hide his evil background?" You question as he looks at you with a widened eyes smile, pointing out the obvious. "No, your men just are not talented like you think," you scoff out as he rolled his eyes hitting the table. "You've spent a few minutes in his company and suddenly he's an angel himself. Yet you've known me mostly all your life and can't trust me when I'm saying this is dangerous,” he says leaving words to fail you as silence falls. Enough’s enough we need to find a way to stop these sessions with Eric," Donghun said exhausted. "So no Sehyoon," he demanded.
"You going to remove yourself too?" You question arms folded. "What are you on about?" He asked rolling his eyes your way. "You forget that I've had these experiences with you too, in-fact more with you. You going to ban yourself from seeing me?" You ask as he chuckled mockingly. "As if I’m that lucky," he bit back hurting. "If you see me as the unluck in your life why did you come here then," you questioned hurt. "Because Sehyoon rang me crying in fear because my stupid ass friend was dead on the ceiling. What did you want me to do just go ok thanks for telling me just pray for her," he spat out. "You thought I was dead?" You asked more softly. "No I didn't, sehyoon did," he said more calmer. "But yes my heart did stop when I saw you on that ceiling silent and unconscious," he said looking up at you his hands looking like it wanted to touch you. "Because of Yuchan," he said trying to convince himself more then you. "You worried about me?” you said feeling confident to cup his face. His eyes watery looked your way. "It makes me feel good that you care about me," you whisper feeling the electricity shoot between you both. "I have to care about you I'm responsible for you," he reply's sounding once more like he’s convincing himself. "Please stop putting yourself in danger," he begs as a tear escapes. You press your forehead to his as he lets his hands fall to your shoulders. "I can't lose you too," he whimpers once more in pain. "You won't i promise," you said letting your lips touch his. As confidence you felt was alien to you hit through, you were taken back when he kissed you back. Tongues massaging yours as his hands pulled you closer to him. Hands falling to his back to grab hold of his T-shirt as you lose yourself.
He suddenly pushed you away looking at you with horror. "Sorry Y/N we can't, we shouldn't," he said standing from the chair as your eyes tried to search for his. "Donghun I like you, I always have," you said out unsure what was encouraging you to reveal yourself. "I can't do this," he said walking out the room as you threw your head to the table. What ever confidence you were sure Eric threw into you was in vain to bring your own rejection.
The living room door opened once more. Donghun returning. His eyes glazed over as he stormed towards you. "Fuck it," he growls as his lips hastily and much more desperate hit yours. His deep fierce kisses pushed you towards the walls, your hands falling to his hips as he rolled himself against you. Hands fall to his shirt as you remove in your heated passionate moment. Dragging your teeth down your lips at the naked top half on view. “You like?” he teases as you nod. "My turn," he growls as he pulls on your own as he hums with appreciation as he takes you in. Unzipping himself he pulls out his red angry cock. Your hands go to touch him, but he pulls your hands up above you. His lips taking a fresh amount of kisses before he continues. Pumping himself you let your bottoms fall as he smirks to himself. Flicking a leg behind his hip, his hands rest under the curve of your ass as he places his head by your entrance. Kissing you further he pushes in as you moan into his mouth.
But suddenly the kisses change to slow and tender, his vibe changing completely. His eyes red tinted as his expression switch to Eric's. He thrusts into you with desperation, fast heavy precise thrusts that have you crying in ecstasy. You watch as his view switches back to Donghun and your walls tighten around him. "Your mine," he says in Eric's voice and your torn from the seduction of them both. You should be terrified or scared but instead the view and sound of them both is having your walls choke around him. The difference in both of their moans a blended mixture of heaven to your ears. "Donghun," you cry out as you feel close to the edge. "You know it's me, say my name," Eric says as his face shifts back. "You belong to me, I will get you back to me again, I promise," he threatens. "Cum on this cock," he says nipping your jaw line as you meet his thrusts. "That's my good Princess," he coos as your hand finds his hair. But as they gel through, Donghun's features return. "Let go," he says deeply that has your stomach coil tight. Your high is so near. Lips fall back to your lips as they nip at you, the pitches of his high tells you he's close too. Growling as he fills you up with his warm cum spurs you into yours. Eric grabbing the last feature as your nails grip into his body convulsing violently as you fall apart from your orgasm. "That's right Princess, you came with me remember that," he whispers in to your ear as you lean onto him panting.
Silence fills the air as you both catch your breath. From the tone of his breathing you can tell it's Donghun back. "You should get some rest while I call Byeongkwan," Donghun said into the silence and sweet kisses he made against your crown. You nodded as you watched him get changed handing you your clothes back. "I’ll be outside taking this call ok. Please go to your room and get some sleep, You must be exhausted." He said reassuringly as you nodded. You watched him leave, your body rebelled falling into the wall.
What just happened? Did you sleep with Donghun or Eric? Or was it even both of them? The images Eric took you too earlier coming back to memory. Your mind felt like it was so overwhelmed with everything it couldn't even grasp what was going on. Who was Eric to you? Was Eric your future or was he your past?
----------------------🔺---------------- Donghun POV
"Byeongkwan we need to do something immediately, he’s going to kill her if we don't," you plead down the phone. "What's happened?" Your friend reply's as you close your eye trying to forget all the things you just saw. "I saw it with my own eyes, he’s going to use her as a sacrifice," Donghun cried out. "Please I can't lose her, we need to save her," you sob down the phone. "It's ok Hyung we got a plan, hold in there," he said reassuringly your way. Looking back towards the door to the house you closed your eyes adjusting to what just happened. You just allowed Eric Sohn to have Sex with the women you loved in your body.
To be continued 31st October
A.C.E.'s Masterlist
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spacequokka · 9 months
Page 61
Sehyoon cherished the privacy of his bedroom, as it was the one space where he could indulge in his secret obsession. It served as his personal sanctuary, allowing him to surreptitiously observe your every move. From the comfort of his bedroom window, he had an uninterrupted view into your life, a voyeuristic privilege that both thrilled and consumed him.
For hours on end, Sehyoon would find himself captivated by the sight of you in your art studio. There, you would sit at your easel, completely engrossed in your creative process. With each stroke of your brush, a masterpiece would come to life on the canvas, leaving Sehyoon in awe of your talent. He longed to catch a glimpse of your other works, to witness the full extent of your artistic prowess, but his shyness held him back from approaching you directly.
Lost in his thoughts one day, Sehyoon was suddenly startled by a voice behind him. "Who are you peeping at?" Yuchan's mischievous grin greeted him as he turned around, causing Sehyoon to jump so forcefully that he accidentally hit the window. His heart raced as he tried to compose himself, realizing that his secret had been exposed. "Oh, her? Why don't you just go say hi?"
He shook his head. "How would that work? This is the only time I see her." He looked down. "She'd freak out if she knew I watched her."
Yuchan shrugged and reached into his bag of chips. "How would that be better than her simply looking up and seeing you staring? Might as well just introduce yourself." The chip almost touched his lip when his eyes widened. "Or…" He muscled his way to the window and flicked the latch. A second too slow, Sehyoon tried to stop him. "Wait--"
"Hey!" Yuchan called out. You startled at your easel, looking around in bewilderment until you spotted a guy all but leaning out a window waving to get your attention. "Yeah, up here. Hi!"
A few blinks and you were waving back with a brush in your hand. "Hi there!"
Sehyoon covered his face as his skin heated up. "I can't believe you." He muttered.
Yuchan ignored him. "My friend here likes your art! Can he see what you're working on?"
It was your turn to freeze up and turn red. "I--uh--this one?" Yuchan nodded like a happy little idiot. You hesitated but to their surprise you reached over and picked up the canvas. "Please don't think badly of me."
Your shyness was endearing and Sehyoon found himself pushing Yuchan over. "We won't."
Maybe he was imagining it, but it seemed like your blush deepened when you made eye contact. "Okay." You turned the art towards them and for once even Yuchan was speechless. The painting was nowhere near finished but the sketch was good enough to know what it was. He could honestly say he'd never thought that you could see him as well as he could see you. It was a candid portrait of him leaning on his window sill, gazing up at the clouds. You captured him in a way he'd never seen himself, and he liked it.
"Wow that's amazing!" Yuchan pushed him aside. "Will you do one of me next? I wanna hang it up in the living room."
You let out a laugh so precious accompanied with a smile that warmed him from the inside out. "Why don't you come over for tea and cookies and we can talk about it?"
Tumblr media
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irenic-max · 1 year
Hurt/Comfort dialogue prompts: “I don’t know where I am. Please help me.” // “Can you please come and get me?”
Sehyoon x reader // Being followed by a stranger // Pre-relationship, Friends with feelings //
You desperately tried to stop yourself from shaking so badly as you leaned your head back against the brick wall.
You had gone out with a few new friends and acquaintances from work and decided to try out a new club fairly far away from where you’d usually frequent. You thought it would be a good way to enjoy a few days off and unwind. If only you had known how wrong you would be for thinking that.
Your group had only been in the club for less than an hour when one member, a closer colleague from work, got an alarming text about a family member and wanted to leave. You thought maybe only one or two others would escort her home, but after returning from the bathroom, you couldn’t find any familiar face from the group.
You searched the club for a few minutes and tried to stay close to where everyone had been, but it was becoming more and more clear that the entire group must’ve left and that maybe you had misunderstood.
Sighing, you decided it was better to go home as well rather than trying to party solo. You tried sending a text to a few friends in the group, but your phone wasn’t getting good signal in that area and wouldn’t send out your messages.
You left the club and wandered down the street, enjoying the cool air on your skin. The seasons were changing and the crisp autumn weather was finally chasing the summer heat away.
You were content in your thoughts until you nearly slammed into a stranger on the sidewalk. You bowed and expressed an apology, side-stepping and continuing on your way. You didn’t think you were that distracted; you felt confused on how you almost ran into the stranger. It almost felt like they had purposely tried to run into you.
You attempted to just brush the encounter off, but before long, buildings and storefronts were replaced by trees and shrubs and you became aware of the soft pat-pat-pat of footsteps behind you.
Hair immediately stood on the back of your neck. Was the person from before now following you? Had they picked you out and were tracking you down? You picked up your pace and tried to find somewhere that looked familiar to you.
The footsteps behind you picked up as well. Panic stirred in your stomach.
Your brain was racing, desperately trying to figure out how to escape from whoever was pursuing you. The steps seemed to echo louder and louder and fear was making your blood feel cold in your veins. Your eyes darted around and you found there was a fork in the sidewalk up ahead; the left side trailed away towards a small bridge and over a little river.
You decided it was now or never and broke into a sprint. You followed the new path and put as much distance as you could between you and your stalker. After a moment, you turned off the path and cut through the weeds and grass, ducking under the footbridge next to the riverbed and made yourself as small as possible.
And for the first time in the last few minutes, you heard nothing but near silence; no haunting footsteps bouncing off the ground. The bugs and animals around seemed to be holding their breath for you, too. You held your hand tightly over your mouth and nose to muffle your heavy breathing and continued to listen for any signs you were still being followed.
What felt like an eternity passed before you finally released the air in your lungs. You desperately tried to stop yourself from shaking so badly as you leaned your head back against the brick wall. Your chest was tight and you felt emotional, drained, scared, and most definitely lost. In that moment, you needed comfort and took out your phone, thanking every being your service was working again, dialing the first number that popped into your head.
“Y/N?” A sleepy voice answered after two rings. You tried to open your mouth to respond, but nothing came out.
“Y/N? Are you there? Is everything okay?”
“Sehyoon,” you managed to croak, tears flooding your eyes and threatening to fall. “Sehyoon, I-”
You hiccuped and sniffled, trying to talk, to explain, to apologize. But the words were getting caught in your throat.
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” Sehyoon urged, sounding much more awake than just moments before. There was some rustling on the other side of the line before he asked, “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
“I don’t know where I am...Please help me,” you said brokenly, your voice cracking at the end.
“Just stay where you are. I’ll find you. Are you safe right now? Are you hurt?”
Keys jingled in the background of the call and you heard a door close.
“N-no. I’m-I’m not hurt,” you finally managed, trying to keep your teeth from chattering. “But I’m scared. Can you please come and get me?” Your voice cracked again and you couldn’t stop the panicked sob that broke free.
“Hey, I’m here Y/N. I’m coming. Just stay on the phone with me and I’ll find you. Can you tell me what’s around you?”
You sniffled and wiped your face with the end of your sleeve, leaning forward to glance around.
“I...I think I’m on a running trail. There’s a foot bridge I’m under. There’s...a creek or river I’m by...”
“That’s good, that’s really good. Great job,” Sehyoon praised and you heard his car come to life. “Where did you start?”
You thought hard to remember the name of the club you had been at with your coworkers just an hour prior.
“Golden Goose. I-I was at Golden Goose, the club. Then...when I left, I went south down the street. I don’t remember after that.”
“Okay, Y/N. Great job, you did great. I’m coming, okay? I’m coming.”
You felt so on edge and so exhausted at the same time - hypervigilant and drained. You wanted to stay awake and keep watch, make sure that you stayed safe, but your eyes were so heavy.
“Can you just...keep talking?” you mumbled, trying to pry your eyes open.
“Of course. Anything for you.”
Sehyoon softly rambled on about all sorts of things; about music he recently liked, about work, about news articles he read this morning, about the types of cars he was passing by. Every moment that passed had you feeling more sleepy and disoriented.
You were nodding off when the phone call dropped. Your eyes shot open and you quickly tried to open your phone. You felt your heart sink when the empty battery icon flashed on your screen momentarily before going dark again.
Oh no.
You tried to keep calm, but your skin itched with anxiety at a noise close by. You clapped your hand back over your mouth and squeezed your eyes shut. Footsteps drew closer and closer and tears sprung to your eyes again. You were hidden from view on the running trail, sure, but you weren’t in a great position if anyone decided to stray away and walk on the riverbed.
Sehyoon, please...hurry.
You heard the footsteps overhead start to cross on the footbridge before coming to a stop. There was no movement at all. Your breathing caught in your chest and you bit your lip harshly to prevent any scared squeaks from tumbling out.
Your body reacted before your mind could process anything and you let out a relieved cry. Then it hit you.
You were safe.
“S-Sehyoon-” you hiccuped, trying to crawl out from under the foot bridge before your knees gave out and sent you crashing to the ground. Sehyoon immediately hopped down from the path and rushed over to you, one hand on the small of your back to help steady you. You couldn’t help but fall into him, wrapping your arms around him and holding on like he was all that was keeping you from falling apart.
Sehyoon must’ve been taken aback but instead just steadied the two of you and hugged you back.
“I’m right here, Y/N. It’s okay, you’re alright. You’re safe.”
After a long minute of soaking in Sehyoon’s calming presence, you trusted your legs enough to finally move. Sehyoon helped you back onto the path before shrugging off his jacket and wrapping it around your shoulders. Your face heated, but you didn’t have the energy to push it away. Besides, being entrapped by the warmth and his soft, comfortable, homey smell reassured your body that things were okay.
Sehyoon got you into his car and reached over to buckle you in. You leaned forward and gingerly kissed his shoulder.
“Thank you,” you murmured, closing your eyes. You didn’t see the cute shade of pink that dusted his cheeks but he simply just hummed in response.
Sehyoon got back into the driver’s seat and you reached over to grab his hand, asking, “Can I stay with you tonight?” You managed to open your eyes and meet his face. Some mix of emotions crossed his features for a moment before he nodded and simply answered, “Anything for you.” You sighed contently and dropped his hand, curling your fists into the sleeve of his jacket.
The car ride to Sehyoon’s was quiet and comfortable. The small bumps and rocking made your battle with sleep so much harder and you felt yourself dozing off again. Sehyoon took your hand and gently stroke your knuckles with his thumb.
“You can sleep. I’ll wake you when we get back.”
You let yourself relax. You knew Sehyoon would always keep you safe. The big teddy bear would never let you get hurt. The thought caused a swarm of emotion to stir in your stomach but you decided you could deal with your feelings for your best friend in the morning. Tonight, you would enjoy the warmth and relief that Sehyoon and his big heart constantly brought to you.
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incorrect-ace · 6 years
Not a qoute
#derpy#listen ace being cute and all shy in the dorm is literally maling my heart explode out of pure adoration and love for them#the way donghun hid behind his hands being all shy#and how sehyoon looked so lost#and byeongkwan hiding on himself trying to get smaller#and junhee being all surprised and shook seeing mc baam#uahha#and at the same time#looking through choiceland (vlive fanboard) im so proud of choice#ace have always been worried about showing their - - so im happy about the responses#the responses were alk positive cute and encouraging#i hope ace can feel how loved and admired they are...but most importantly t#...that they can get more confident in themselves#i know that the members on numerous occasions say that when they wake up and look at themselves in the mirror they get discouraged#and ask themselves how they can be an idol being so ugly#so i sincerely hope that all the positive responses the show gave them can make their self image and confidence grow#they are gorgeous humble humans and i love them#i gor x5 softer for them bcz of this show and that just shows how fantastic they are as people#i do understand how they must feel nervous showing their bare home-faces....i would also feel iffy having to broadcast myself lazing around#so the worry is still there....but i hope they feel reassured that the fand love them regardless and that they gain some confidence#im just soft#so sofr#ahhh#thank u beat-nim for giving ace the opportunity to show their dorm#im excited for the adult-stuff reveal of today...its prbly a barbie or shit#the cliffhanger is just to keep us all excited hahahah#thank u all for liking reblogging my content#and know that i read all the tags and those are what gives me the motivation to keep shitting out 5-10 posts a day#its hard work on my creative mind so please keep motivating me and encouraging me through the tags#between the - - the word: natural state...should be there. i dunno why it jumped out hahah
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sweetsweetkpop · 3 years
Dee’s Kinktober - Day 1: Blowjob
Genre: Smut
Rating: 18+
Aus/Tropes: Idolverse
Pairing: Byeongkwan x Sehyoon (WOW)
WC: 1.2k
Sexual Warnings: Oral male receiving, Blowjob, Making Out, Handjob, Slight Face fucking, Cum-swallowing
Ao3 Link
Notes: Okay, so we're going to try and finish Kinktober this time around cause we were right there at the finish line, and I stopped, so we power through it this time! I hope you enjoy all these as I will try my best this time cause I am working now unlike last year. So sit back and enjoy
. The taglist form is here.
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You didn’t have to be a part of the fandom or to personally know Byeongkwan to all agree upon something. The man has nice ass lips.
Puffy with a lovely pink color, and even in pictures, they look soft. They look kissable. So you could imagine how Sehyoon feels when he is living and working right beside said man.
He would always take small glances at his lips, and sometimes he stared too hard, but he could care less. He wasn’t the only one who’s done it. Junhee has done it plenty, and he knows Chan has too, so again, he rarely cares. Plus, Byeongkwan is a little shit sometimes and likes seeing how much attention he’s getting from his members by something so simple.
Sehyoon shook his head as he tried to clear his head, feeling the water from the shower cascade down his shoulders and back. He was just so lost in thought that he didn’t notice when the bathroom door opened and some shuffling behind the curtain.
He nearly jumped out his skin when he felt a hand touch his shoulder, eyes wide as he heard a laugh. He rolled his eyes and turned back around, not enjoying the fact that the person that was recently on his mind has appeared in front of him and the shower with him.
“ Don’t be mean~ I called you, and you didn’t respond.” Sehyoon heard him speak as he felt him move closer. They weren’t touching, but he was close enough.
“ Damn, near give me a heart attack.” He grumbled as Byeongkwan leaned forward, his chest pressing into Sehyoon’s back, and he stiffened a bit. “ Why are you in here anyway?”
“ Why waste water when we could shower together?” Sehyoon turned around at the wrong time to see his tongue dart out to swipe his bottom lip, and he couldn’t stop himself when his dick twitched at the action.
Now his mind was going somewhere else and thinking of something far less innocent than a makeout session like before.
“You're staring at my lips again, Hyung.” Byeongkwan got him to turn around, and he watched him drift down, and a smile creeped up, “ Was this here before I got in or after?” Byeongkwan boldly reached down and wrapped a hand around his length, having Sehyoon break from his stare on his lips and sighing.
Byeongkwan moved closer towards his ear. Sehyoon was expecting him to speak. Instead, he felt his teeth graze his ear first as he slowly moved his hand along his cock.
“ If you want my lips on you, all you have to do is ask, you know. I’m comfortable with you and would love to do anything with you. So please tell me now if you want more or not. If not, I’ll leave right n-“
“ Don’t try leaving now. You started this, so finish it.” Byeongkwan wasn’t expecting his voice to get as husky as it did, but it made his cock jump before smiling.
He turned his face to have him look him in his eyes. “ Can I kiss you then?”
“ You never have to ask me that.” Sehyoon’s hand came up behind his neck and closed the distance between them. Byeongkwan hummed as they kissed, slowly stroking his cock again.
Every little sound that was made was swallowed up by each other’s mouths. The kiss felt hungry and eager. Like they were starving for each other, and Sehyoon just wanted to indulge more.
His lips tasted sweet, maybe from something that he had eaten before. He nipped his bottom lip until Byeongkwan opened his mouth.
At this point, Sehyoon felt his cock run against Byeongkwan’s stomach, pre-cum smearing, and the latter pulled away, smiling when he saw Sehyoon chase for his mouth.
He brought his lips to his neck and kissed it gently before leaning up to his ear, “ Wouldn’t it be better if my lips were kissing you somewhere else?~”
Sehyoon swallowed hard. He knew exactly what he meant.
“ Are you sure?”
“ I’ve wanted to have a taste of you…just as much as you wanted a taste of me, so…” Byeongkwan stilled his hand as he slowly lowered himself in the shower. His eyes glanced forward and watched pre-cum dripping from the tip and down his length. His eyes finally looked back at him, and Sehyoon swears he can pass away right there from the image, “ Will you let me?”
“ Well, I’m not about to tell you no.”
“ That’s all I need to know.” A tongue came out to lick the pre-cum before Sehyoon's eyes watched him take his length into his mouth, watching the way his lips stretched around him. He could feel his tongue lick at the underside as he pulled his head before going back down, earning a groan from Sehyoon.
Sehyoon couldn’t pull his eyes away. They were glued to his lips as they glided up and down his cock. Eyes shifting and staring back at him as he could see the corner of Byeongkwan’s lips curve up to know that he was enjoying this just as much as him.
Byeongkwan kept taking him more profoundly, and Sehyoon found his hands tangling in his hair and gripping it tight to keep him there, and the younger man hummed, which made his cock twitch.
Sehyoon started to get lost in the feeling. He didn’t care as the shower began to run cold on his back or how his legs felt like they would give out, but he knew he wouldn’t fall. His hips were bucking up into his mouth and he could hear the small gag sounds as he reached the back of Byeongkwan’s throat. He could slightly see Byeongkwan’s arm moving as he stroked himself as he moaned around him.
He felt his hips buck and his low groans were starting to get louder. Byeongkwan looked at him with big doe eyes as he swallowed around him, feeling the grip in his hair tightened.
“Kwannie…I’ll cum soon….” Sehyoon said as a warning as he noticed him not stopping or slowly at all. “ Byeongkwan?”
The latter hummed and bobbed his head even faster and Sehyoon made a choked sound. Oh, this was starting to feel like a dream to him. His hips bucked more to the point where he feels like he’s controlling the pace instead of letting Byeongkwan control it. The younger one just relaxed and let him use his throat happily as he knew he was growing close. All he had to do to tip his hyung over the edge was give one more hard suck and moan around him, and he felt his nose brush against the trimmed hairs at the base as cum shot down his throat that he greedily swallowed.
Sehyoon held him there until he slowly pulled his mouth off of him and saw some cum stipple onto his lips that his tongue was quick to lick up and swallow down like the rest.
“ Hyung, you taste good.” He gave him such an innocent smile, despite just swallowing down his cum.
“I have to be careful of you. You’re dangerous.” Sehyoon jokes, and it made Byeongkwan laugh.
“ Not dangerous enough for you to come back for seconds, though, right? But I have something to ask you, hyung?”
“ What is it?”
“ Can you help me with mine now? Maybe not here because the water is cold.” Sehyoon’s eyes drifted down, and he noticed his cock standing tall and waiting for any attention. He smiled as he helped him up and turned off the shower.
“ My room or yours?”
@nocturne-overtures @gettin-a-lil-hanse @kimnamshiks @jacksons-goddess-gaia @wonderlandsobsession @angel0taiyo @yunhofingers
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studioxlii · 3 years
18 and Junhee pls!! Xx
"to be fully seen by somebody, then, be loved anyhow is a human offering that can border on miraculous."
proof read: kinda
warnings: none
note(s): the format might be garbage, im mobile.
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Love is a weird thing but so are the conditions that come with it; the limits that people decide need to be in place. You understood boundaries or not wanting to take too many steps before you knew the relationship would hold but some things never sat right with you. It took a few years but it wasn't until you overheard some of your project group talking that it finally hit you; most people you knew didn't want to date their best friends for two reasons.
1. It could ruin their friendship. This reason was obvious and of course you understood.
2. They'd seen way too much.
You remember hearing those words and your head lifting, confused and wondering what that could even mean. When you were in a relationship that would eventually progress, weren't they just going to see those things anyway? You never could let that thought go, not once you decided that would only make it better; it would make a relationship stronger. Well, in your eyes.
Dating was something that seemed to come easier to you before those thoughts started polluting your mind; no one seemed to understand or see you in a way you really wanted. The ideal person for you was someone who saw everything; the bad days, the good days and the maybe okay but not so great days. It was really starting to mess with you. By not wanting to date certain friends, were you restricting yourself from the relationship you really wanted?
Only one person, one friend, knew you better than you knew yourself, you were positive of that. Your best friend of nine years, Junhee, had probably been through almost every bad thing possible in life with you. You began recalling all the situations you'd been in with each other that were memorable; the things you wouldn't have faced with anyone else because you didn't want anyone else to see.
'Do you remember when you got your belly button pierced?'
And that's when it began.
The question came out of nowhere, breaking the silence of your apartment and leaving Junhee to look up from his book confused and blinking. 'Uh.. yes?' His response came out slow, hesitant like he was missing some weird in-between the lines meaning of the question.
Your head tilted, finally looking over at him. 'Do you remember the way you squeezed my hand to the point it was purple because it hurt so bad you nearly passed out?'
His features flushed at the ridiculous memory being forced back into his head. 'You mean the same day you had to cling to me, crying because your first tattoo felt like your leg was being seared off?'
You hated crying in front of people for any reason but you couldn't go alone; you'd never go alone for something like that. You just nodded in response before returning to your own book, continuing to read like you hadn't brought the subject up at all.
Your first date after you began recalling things and getting far too deep in what could only be sentimental thoughts went okay. A friend of your friend's, Sehyoon, who was an art major and knew of you but didn't know you; he'd never really integrated himself into the small friend circle on campus but Byeongkwan spoke highly of him.
He was sweet; a gentleman. Pretty much anything you could really ask for but you noticed little things; minute things that didn't even matter. You felt like you were being unreasonable or judgmental despite only picking out things that didn't match. Didn't match what, exactly?
He wasn't Junhee.
The realization had you suddenly shooting up from your seat, interrupting the poor male's answer to your question about his major and spilling out several apologies as you even fought to put money down for your own food. It took quite a few more 'I'm really sorry's before you were speeding out of the small restaurant; you'd make sure to call him later.
You found yourself in the only place that made sense: banging hard on the door of the RA for your building, hardly caring if you disturbed anyone else.
'What?' was the greeting you received from a very frustrated Donghun, wanting nothing more than to be left alone again. And yes, you called each other your friend.
'We have a really, really big problem.'
Being a mutual friend and despite not wanting to get involved in anyone's "drama", he spent two hours talking you out of it, down from it and against it, reminding you just why your newfound feelings for your best friend were a problem. He even reminded you of your comment, three years ago, about how you could never possibly like Junhee; how he remembered that and you didn't, you didn't care to ask.
You returned home a wreck, tired and wanting to burn your own emotions. Were you really uncovering some unconsciously buried feelings or did you just like the fact that he /saw/ you? He'd seen you nearly on your deathbed sick.
He'd seen you living in a depression nest for two weeks, barely able to get out a bed and eating nothing but honey buns and cereal.
He'd seen you grieve family members and pets; seen you walk into the rain and scream at the top of your lungs because of how lost in despair you'd been.
He'd seen you drunk and stupid; he'd seen you the night after a one night stand and hungover to the point you wanted to fight the sun.
He'd sat by you absolutely throwing your guts up.
He had seen every single side of you and you'd seen the same from him but it only started to stack further and further.
You knew his favorite songs because God forbid he only have one. You knew his favorite color, favorite food and his weird retirement plan that involved a tiny petting zoo of his own that he refused to just call a farm. Your pins for everything were each other's birthdates and he was the only other name on your bank account. Why?
Staring down at the menu you'd seen over a hundred times, you were sure, you couldn't decide on just what sounded good and part of you just wanted everything. Those moments staring at words that started to blur, you noticed Junhee hadn't touched his menu and kept shifting around, visibly uncomfortable for reasons you couldn't possible figure out.
'It's unlike you to not be going off about the food here.. or already having ordered your favorite drink that, I recall, you said you'd die without if you didn't have it every time you came here,' you began, closing the menu and setting it down with narrowed eyes, 'what's going on?'
'It's stupid. Just.. order and get some food, I'll probably just eat later. I'm not really hungry.'
That was a bold faced lie and you knew it, the concern growing. 'And, what's the oh-so-stupid reason, exactly?'
It took him a minute, shifting more and acting like a child who had gotten in trouble. 'I, uh.. I can't really..' he gestured around, lips pursed and growing even more upset by the second, you could tell by the way he was trying to stop himself from frowning. 'Can't really afford it.' You were college students, it wasn't the world's biggest secret if you couldn't afford something.
'Do you really think I'm just going to eat in front of you?' You snorted, avoiding any comment that would further his being upset over the situation, 'Don't worry about it and order, okay?'
Financial struggles were no quiet matter between the two of you and never had been since you started school. Junhee lived off campus in an apartment with two shitty roommates, a terrible part time job and parents that pretty much didn't care if he perished on the side of the street somewhere. You, on the other hand, which you didn't like bringing up, were doing fine but only because your parents dropped something of an 'allowance' into your account for foods and necessities.
You ignored his attempt to argue and told him if he didn't order something, you were going to do it for him; he shut up.
The next day, you took a trip to the bank.
You could feel eyes on you as you splayed across the couch, staring at the ceiling and contemplating life and all of it's annoyances. No question left you but even if you wanted to say something, you were cut off.
'So, are you going to tell me what's going on? For the past.. three weeks? You've been asking me all sorts of weird stuff,' Junhee inquired, frowning thoughtfully, 'Are you testing me or something? Trust me, yes, I remember every single second I've spent with you. I remember every word you've said, the names of every guy you've been with and the ones I'd like to fight. I remember every birthday and gift I've given you and the ones you've given me. Yes, I remember your favorite things and everything so, what's the deal?'
It sounded sentimental at first but then you noticed that all too familiar waiver in his voice and out of the corner of your eye, you noticed his hands fiddling with the chain bracelet that had adorned his wrist for five years; he wanted to cry. A crying Junhee was something no one ever wanted on your hands and you briefly recalled a phone call from a very panicked Byeongkwan because of just that but you were letting your thoughts get off topic.
'I think I'm in love with you.'
'If you don't want to be fri-'
You were both cut off as your head turned to finally look at him, soaking in the unreadable expression on his features when someone busted through the door; 'Look!'
Both of you looked towards your two friends that invited themselves into your door, one holding a new cat and the other looking just as pleased with the announcement but it gradually dropped. 'Shit, did we interrupt something?' Of course, you always knew when you finally and truly confessed to someone that it would be Byeongkwan who ruined the whole thing; you used it as an escape, though, reminding yourself of what the confession could do to your friendship.
'New minion, I see,' you chimed, sitting up and ignoring the question, both of them, as you rose to greet Donghun's new pet. You were ignorant to the looks shared between the three boys and you were happy about that.
Now, you just had to avoid it ever coming up again until it was forgotten.
Junhee, however, didn't want that to happen.
After about an hour of chitchatting and ignoring the gaze of your best friend, you excused yourself under the excuse of having a meetup for a class, despite it being your dorm, and managed to weasel your way out. There was really nowhere to go, no one to talk to and you surely didn't have any plans for the next week; you ended up at the café on campus. It was quiet and filled mostly with a few students doing work and the two members of staff behind the counter, one eventually joining you at the table. He didn't say anything, waited for you to stop your dramatic Disney scene and acknowledge him.
'Would you date me, Yu?'
Taken a bit off guard, he ended up snorting. 'I can't tell if this is a trap or you want the genuine answer,' he replied, crossing his arms atop the table, 'but, on the hand that it's serious.. probably. I mean, I definitely wouldn't turn you down. We've known each other for a few years, hang out on a regular basis.. get along and have a lot of similar interests. So, yeah.'
The answer made your lips draw into a deep frown and you tapped your fingers against the cup, soaking up every word. 'Even though we're friends? What if we broke up?'
A soft 'ah' came from him as he realized what was really going on and he shrugged, thinking it over for a minute or two. 'We're both adults and I don't believe either of us would do something so that the breakup would be something that could ruin our friendship. I understand it would be like.. friends then it being intimate then back to friends, but I think both of us are mature enough to deal with that and not let it bother us too much.' He spoke like he'd been through it several times and in reality, it had only been once, a small fling with a mutual friend but they still seemed pretty okay. 'Is this about Jun?'
'Does everyone know?' You groaned out, releasing the cup to lean back and rub your hands over your face in defeat, 'I.. I told him I think I love him then Kwan and Donghun showed up and I bailed because now I don't actually want to face him or admit to ever actually saying it. I do! I do love him! I don't.. I don't want to lose him, you know?'
You could see the way the latter looked at you, sympathetic and calculating what words wouldn't just stress you out further. 'Look.. I know you don't want to hear it from me or anyone else for that matter because you want to keep saying it'll ruin your friendship when in reality, you don't like the idea that you could hurt each other, I was the same way with Donghun, so I understand.. but, you should really see all this from an outsider's point of view. Junhee looks at you like you hung the moon and you look at him like he painted the stars; yes, it's been like that since I've met you and a reminder, it's been years. I don't know what took you so long to realize it or if you've just avoided it this whole time but anyone would have to be blind not to see it. Now,' he sighed deeply as he finished and straightened, 'I think you should probably go and talk to him about it considering you just confessed then ditched but it's your choice. I don't think you have anything to worry about.. for either of you. You're the most loyal person I know, so I have no doubt you'd ever hurt him in a way that would ruin you guys and he can barely swat at a fly or sit still through hearing thunder, you think he's going to do something? Regardless.. one of these days, soon, you'll have to face it and I really hope you don't go into it with the cliché reason of your friendship being ruined.'
The words sank in slow and you wanted nothing but to cry your eyes out because he was right; he always was and you hated it. It took a while for you to speak and he seemed okay with that, briefly leaving you to fill a couple orders before returning. 'I know you're leaving for break tomorrow.. tell him before then.' Those were his last words before he bid you good luck and a good night, heading back to his own dorm, most likely to call Donghun now that he'd projected just a little bit.
Irrationality was a word that would be in your character description box and the word stupid could very well be right next to it because when you got home, you packed your bag and decided to leave early, not bothering to let any of your friends know. You needed time and you were being selfish, so selfish to the point you thought maybe he'd just hate you when you got back.
Oh boy were you wrong.
Two days into being back home and confiding in your mother who promptly smacked you upside the back of the head, you found yourself sitting on the porch and moping, split between what to do. You suspected the boys were a bit angry with you when you noticed the ample amount of texts, voicemails, social messages and phone calls that had gone ignored; you caught a glimpse of the absolute book Yuchan took the time to send you, leaving you kind of scared to even open it. It didn't take long for the guilt to set in but you chose to wait until you were back on campus to deal with it.
Or at least, that was your plan.
'So, I know you've never been a fan of confrontation but.. you've never been the type to run away.'
The sudden voice startled you as you hadn't even noticed anyone pull up and of course, upon looking up, you were met with the face you were trying to avoid the most. Junhee stood at the end of the sidewalk looking pitiful and shifting his weight in a nervous manner. You didn't bother trying to speak, not knowing what to say but you did wait for the rant, the berating that you deserved; that wasn't who he was though.
He even stayed quiet for a minute or two, making his way closer to sit on the steps, looking up towards your figure. 'Did you mean it?'
You could have answered right away, poured your heart out and let out the tears you'd been holding in since the moment you left. Instead, you stayed quiet and pulled your knees closer to your chest, not trusting your own voice. He didn't relent though, reaching out to lightly nudge your knee.
'That's all I need to know.. did you mean it? If.. if you didn't I can just leave and we don't have to bother with it again.'
'And, if I did..?' Finally finding your voice, you looked over to him, chewing hard on your lower tier, nervous and kind of wanting to throw up.
You could see him thinking it over before a faint smile showed up. 'I'd most likely cry.. but I'm going to cry either way,' he began, shrugging his shoulders while moving up to sit next to you, 'I'd also tell you that I love you, too and I've been trying to tell you that for years now.'
The confession made your heart flutter, your skin burn and the butterflies being kept back burst in delight in your gut. 'Even.. after everything we've been through? Everything you've seen..?'
Junhee nodded. 'Mhm. I'd go through it all again and what do you mean? I've seen nothing but you.'
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slowlydiving · 3 years
since I haven't seen anyone upload a translation of the second penalty video yet, I'm gonna do another quick one
(because I'm looking up all the words for myself anyway ^^ also spoiler: this wasn't quick and took me way longer than expected)
recap of part one [exoressionless part switch, chan&bk won, junhee definitely lost, donghun&wow were somewhere in between]
'the members, fully prepared for the penalty'
'as for who chose which penalty outfit~' [btw I think they brought all the clothes themselves]
[bk explaining how they're supposed to change their whole styling except for shoes]
since chan&bk won they're choosing first [bk is asking chan if it's okay if he chooses this or that, they're basically agreeing on what they take]
[bk wants to pick that fur hat but chan disagrees and says 'no, leave it as a secret weapon' (aka punishment for the others lol) jun laughs (text on screen says 'jun who likes the secret weapon')]
'maknae line has finished shopping'
[true crime music starts playing] bk: 'wait a minute, for the remaining three people there are two outfits with short sleeves. [chan already laughing is ass off] Anyone here who thinks "I'm okay with sleeveless" "I'm confident" "I have a good body"?' [cue salty looking hyung line haha] bk continues: 'right now we're all organized...' [I think he means something like tidy]
[romantic music] text on screen says 'wow who is sneakily confessing to byeongkwan' [sehyoon is mouthing something like 'I hate it' ahahaha] bk: 'what now?'
bk: 'okay so in the spirit of fairness, let's have the three of them do rock paper scissors first'
[hyung line does r/p/s with sehyoon shouting 'please' while doing it; sy=rock, dh=rock, jh=paper=winner]
Junhee who is probably the last one who """"needs"""" sleeves [as confirmed by chan's face] goes to pick an outfit, chan recommends one 'wanna wear this?'
cue Donghun's mental breakdown, dh: 'heyy- this- I can't- aren't these what I wore to the gym?' [holding up tiny tank top] [text on screen says 'you know we liked it'] [meanwhile dh very close to cursing, trying to hit jh with the shirt]
dh with an accusatory look to jh: 'whyyyyy did you bring this!?', jh: 'no it's not like that...'
dh: 'to add insult to injury this thing is size 20!?!? ...if you do it like this- right away- the nipples- you can see everything' [omg dh 😆] bk: 'yup that's right! it'll [all] be visible'
jun: 'guys please decide~' bk: 'no, let's do rock paper scissors, also honestly I'm very sorry that I can't choose [&wear? the clothes] for you' [text on screen says 'here's them being very sorry' + shows maknae line laughing their asses off]
wow loses r/p/s, jun laughs like a seagull + seal hybrid
dh: 'if I wear this like this....' [maknae line protest because he's only allowed to choose one shirt] [cue dh losing the will to live and being unable to believe maknae line's brazenness]
text on screen: 'jun's stretch-wear + wow's shorts + chan's beret'
'= the worst'
bk: 'so jun, since you're dressed warmly, please put this on' [hands him the fur hat] [chan looses it]
bk: 'donghun, these socks...'
[if I'm not mistaken, while maknae line are basically celebrating, jun goes 'my socks- these bastards- really']
text on screen: 'the members are doing their best in the outfits chosen through the penalty (= through a failure to control the "level" [of penalty], please understand that inevitably there had do be some mosaics. I hope you congratulate the birth of new mobros.)'
are we supposed to change hyung line/military line to mobros now???
also I love how clearly both of hyung line's outfits weren't even that bad and still they pixeled it haha
as the song ends and the camera pans around the text on the screen says 'kpop's faces' [damn straight!!]
also can we please note how absolutely, unfairly, undeniably adorable chan looks and can we also note that he voluntarily chose the crop top over the thing jun wore
also I barely recognized jun and also also the whole time dh barely looks up but he's smiling beautifully
also I really really wanna go picnicking near the han river with bk
also my sweet darling sehyoon don't be so embarrassed ahhh he looked so cute though
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undercoverclover · 3 years
Safest When I’m With You
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Pairing: Byeongkwan x reader
Genre: Fluff
Warning: Mentions of Stalking
The thought of walking through those doors was intimidating. I’d put it off ever since I’d broken up with my ex, but it’s time I move on. I breathe in then out and walk through the gym doors. 
“Hi, welcome. How can I help you?” Hearing the employee at the front desk.
“Hello, just coming back after a break.” I say, scanning my card to allow me access. They thank me for coming back and I head to the locker room to put my stuff away. 
Looking down as I come out, I run into someone, “Oops, I’m so sorry.” Looking up, I notice it’s a guy with blonde hair and light brown eyes.
“It’s alright. No big deal.” He says, chuckling. 
“I’m glad, some would be completely rude and it’s my first time back in about 6 months. I don’t want to ruin it.” I ramble. I realize and take a deep breath, making myself chill.
“You’re alright, promise. And that’s awesome that you got back into it, most would give up and just stay away.” He smiles. His smile is adorable.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” I smile back.
“I’m Byeongkwan. Nice to meet you.” He says, holding out his hand. I tell him my name and shake his hand, smiling bigger, “It’s nice to meet you, too.” 
Saying goodbye, that was the end of our conversation that day. I went back a few more times over the next few weeks and we talked for a bit those days that we were both there. Exchanging numbers, we even went for coffee once...or twice. The next gym day came and I lay in bed, still sore from the last one, and debate on whether or not I should go or stay in bed. I decide to get up and put on my gym clothes. 
I walk into the gym an hour later and I see Byeongkwan was lifting weights in the front of the gym. I head to the locker room after scanning in and decide to go to the treadmills at the back. I rotate walking and running for a while, then head to the leg machines. 
Sitting down on one, I put the appropriate weights on and start. Halfway through my reps, I hear a laugh that I loathe, “Hey, I see you’re back again.” 
“Great, I see you’re here.” I say, rolling my eyes. 
“Is that anyway to treat the best thing you ever had?” He smirks.
“Believe me, if I thought you would be the best thing I would ever have, I’d lock myself in a tower and throw away the key.” I retort.
“Oh, still touchy about it, I see.” 
“If I recall, I broke up with you, Daniel.” 
The unhappy memories flood back and my anger dissipates, trying to turn into anxiety. 
“You can think that babe, but we know you’ll try to come back.” Daniel chuckles. My breathing increases, but one would think it’s from the leg exercises. 
“Hey, baby. I thought I saw you.” I hear, butterflies forming in my stomach at the voice. Byeongkwan bends down and kisses my cheek, “Play along.” he whispers, as a blush crosses my face.
“Hey, yeah. Sorry. I was just about to come find you.” I say, smiling up at him.
“Hey man, I’m Byeongkwan.” He says, holding out his hand to the idiot on the other side of me.
“Daniel.” He smiles, shaking Byeongkwan’s hand.
“Nice to meet ya, man,” He replies then looks down at me, “Are you about ready? We have dinner reservations with my parents in a few hours.” 
I smile and nod, “Yeah, I was about done. This was the last thing I had to do.” 
“Alright,” he looks back up at Daniel, as do I and his face is full of frustration.
 “Nice to meet you, again, but I gotta get my girl home so we can get ready. Maybe we’ll see you around sometime.” He smiles at Daniel, who still looks just as frustrated.
“Yeah, maybe.” He says, then looks down and glares slightly at me. 
I stand up, “Ready when you are. Just let me grab my bag from the locker room.” 
Heading towards the locker room, Byeongkwan follows me to the door, “I’ll meet you right here.” 
I nod, not arguing with the look on his face.
Grabbing my bag, I walk back out and see Byeongkwan standing there with his arms crossed, waiting for me. Daniel is standing there too, talking to him again.
“Hey, hon. Are you ready?” I smile, putting my arm through his to loosen the tension, hopefully.
“Yeah, I’m ready.” He smiles down at me, “See ya around.” he nods to Daniel.
“For sure.” Daniel says. Byeongkwan walks me out and steers me away from my car, only to go to his. 
 “You don’t need to take your car yet. I bet he watched us the whole way out.” He said, unlocking his car doors.
“What? How do you know?” I say, looking back and not seeing anything. 
“Just a feeling.Does he know where you live?” He asks. 
I nod at him.
“Who is he?” He says, getting in and opening the door for me from the inside. I get in and sigh.
“First, thank you for saving me in there, I’d have lost a lot of hard work if you hadn’t come over. Second, he’s my ex. When I left he started stalking me. I was terrified to do anything.” I state.
“So that’s why it took you so long to come back?” He asks.
“Mostly, I wanted to be stronger mentally before I knew I would end up facing him again.” 
“You say that like he hurt you in some way.” 
“He did. But, I’m better now, or so I thought.” I say.
“Well, I’d call us friends, wouldn’t you?” He asks.
“Yeah, for sure.” I say, “Why?”
“Because, he doesn’t sit right with me and I don’t want you going back there by yourself. So either I’m going with you or you're going to my place. But if I go to yours, I’ll have to go get clothes.”
“Um, well.. I guess you can come to my place. You’d have to bring me back to my car later anyway.”
“Alright. Then to my house it is.” He starts the car and we take off. 
It wasn’t very far to his place, we walked in and 4 guys were sitting on their couch, watching tv. 
“Hey Bk, what’s up?” One with platinum hair asks. 
“Nothing Donghun, just came to grab some clothes. I’ll fill you in later.” He says.
“Okay? Who’s this?” Another asks, smiling.
“A friend, Jun. Don’t worry about it.” Byeongkwan smiles at the black, curly haired one. 
I smile and tell them my name anyway, being polite and Byeongkwan sarcastically glares at me. I giggle and wave him off. He heads to a bedroom and closes the door behind him.
“So, you go to the gym we go to?” Donghun asks.
“Mhmm. I started going back last week.” I smile at him.
“That’s cool. Do you enjoy it? I’m Chan, by the way.” He smiles.
“I do. I took a break for a while to figure some things out and finally decided it was time to go back.” I say.
“Ah, that’s cool. We all try to go to the gym when we have time. Bk is the only one that makes time. He loves working out. You’d think it was relaxing for him...” Chan explains, chuckling. I laugh and Byeongkwan walks out into the living area.
“Alright, I’m ready.” He says, eyeing them as I laugh, “What did you say?” 
“Just that you and the gym have a close relationship.” The one I don’t know their name, says.
“Sehyoon. Oh my gosh guys, come on. Don’t be weird.” He says groaning and rolling his eyes.
“We aren’t… Chan is.” Jun says, pointing to Chan.
“I am not.” The man laughs.
“They’re not. I know you like working out. It shows.” I say, my face turning red as the words came out of my mouth. Byeongkwan smiles, turning slightly pink  and chuckles.
“Come on, it should be okay to take you back to get your car now.” He says, shaking his head.
“Alright. It was nice to meet you guys.” I smile and wave at them.
“Yeah you too. Maybe we can hang out sometime.” Jun smiles as the rest wave back. Walking out the door, I hear Jun get hit with something a few times and playfully scream. I peek my head back in the door and the others are all cackling, while Jun is crouched in the floor gasping for air from laughing so hard. 
“I’m coming.” Byeongkwan laughs, noticing me in the doorway. He closes the door once we both get out.
“Sorry about them. They’re weird.” He smiles, seeming kind of embarrassed.
“No, it was fun, They were adorable.” I laugh. 
We get back in his car and go back the way we came. Getting to my car, I hop in and he follows me back to my apartment.
“You sure you’re okay with this?” He asks.
“Honestly, with how he made me feel today. I’m more than okay with it.” 
I unlock my door and go in, taking my shoes off and showing him where he can sit his stuff.
“Do you want something to eat or drink?” I offer.
“Nope, I actually do have dinner with my parents tonight though. But, you’re coming with me.”
“Byeongkwan! No. No. I can’t. I can stay here, lock myself in and you can text or call me every so often.” I say, startled at the news.
“No way. I don’t know what he did when you were with him, but I just don’t want to leave you alone tonight. Plus, I kind of already told them you’d be coming” He says looking down.
“When? How?” I laugh.
“While we were back at my place.”
“Byeongkwan!” I groan, “Ugh. What should I wear?” 
He smiles, “Just casual clothes are fine.”
I show him to the bathroom and he takes a shower. I look for clothes to wear before I shower next and get stuck between a white one and a black one. A few minutes later, I hear him walking out and I go to ask him what shirt would be better. 
Hey, Byeongk- Oh! My bad.” I say, looking down, realizing he’s without a shirt and blush. My eyes stay there and take note of his amazing body. Muscular, but not overdoing it like some do… and his abs. I clear my throat and bring my eyes back to his face, his eyes are gorgeous and his lighter skin makes him adorable... He has nice lips that would be great to kiss, too. I finally notice he’s smirking and look away.
“Sorry, I left my shirt on top of my bag.” He says.
“It’s alright.” I chuckle. I let him pass and he goes to grab his shirt. 
“Did you need something?”
“Huh? Oh! Which shirt?” 
“Hmm… Well, I don’t know the dinner menu tonight, so I’d go with black.
“Well suggested…” I laugh and he smiles. 
After I get ready, we head to his parent’s house. I was deep in thought most of the way there. I wondered why he was being this protective to be honest. Did he actually like me? Did Daniel say something to trigger him at the gym? Does he feel responsible for me? All these questions running through my head and I have no answer to any of them.
“You alright?” I hear Byeongkwan ask. 
“Yeah, just thinking about some things.”
“Anything you want to talk about?” 
“Not really? I mean there’s things I want to talk to you about, but it’s not necessarily a conversation to have on the way to your parent’s house.”
“Go ahead. We have time.” He smiles.
“O- Okay… Well first, I wanted to ask if Daniel had said anything to hint that he might cause trouble with me?” 
“No, I tried to keep him away from the subject of you.” 
“What’s the next thing?” 
“Huh?” I ask.
“You said the first thing was the Daniel question. Is there more?” 
“Well, yes. Kind of…”
“I’m not sure if I want to ask or not.”
“Come on now. I’ll be 100% honest.”
“Okay…. Do you feel responsible for me because you were there and you saw what was happening? Or. Or do you like me?” I ask, hesitating on the last question.
His hands tighten on the steering wheel a little, while he looks like he’s thinking super hard.
“That’s honestly a harder question than I’d thought it would be.” 
“How so?” 
“Okay, so it’s not a hard question to answer, it’s just- you know what. Yes.”
“Yes what?” I ask, confused.
“The truth is, I do like you.. I have for a bit now, but never could get up the courage to do something about it. And yes, I did feel a little responsible, only because I felt like if I hadn't been there, you would have had a panic attack and I don’t want that to happen.”
I have no words to say to him. I was in shock more or less…
“You can say something, you know?” He frowns.
“I would, if I could think of the right thing to say.” 
“No. no. no, I don’t mean in a mean way. I just mean, well I like you too and I’m really honored that you helped me today, not knowing how I'd react.” I say.
“Yes, really.” I smile and he smiles back, continuing on our drive. Looking over at him, I feel like he seems more relaxed. 
“We’re almost there. Another 5 minutes or so…” He says, smiling.
“Okay.” I say, as my nerves start to pick up slightly. 
“You don’t have to be nervous. They’re great, I promise.” He chuckles. 
“I don’t doubt that one bit… They seemed to have raised you well.” I smile and notice a blush appear on his face.
Pulling up to a cute little white house, I feel my stomach drop.
“We’re here.” Byeongkwan states.
“It’s cute.” I smile at him. 
“It is. And don’t worry, I think you’ll do fine, no pressure. It’s not like we’re dating.” He states, looking away. 
“Yeah, but still. Meeting someone’s parents is important either way.” 
“True. But they’ll like you,”
We get out of the car and walk up to the house. He knocks a few times before a woman with dark hair and Byeongkwan’s eyes answers, “Hello, my boy.” She says smiling and looking behind him at me.
“And hello to you too.” She says, smiling widely.
I smile and bow, “Hello. Nice to meet you.” 
We go inside and his father is just as welcoming. We greet each other and sit down to talk for a bit before dinner is done.
When his mom calls us to the table, I notice several dishes I loved. I’d never told Byeongkwan, so he wouldn’t have known… so maybe these are his favorites too?
“It all looks so amazing.” I say, looking up at her as she places rice in the middle of the table. 
“Thank you, dear.” She says, happily and takes her seat at the table, next to her husband. They were on one side and we were on the other. 
“I’m glad you came today. It’s nice to meet you. Especially after Byeongkwan told us a lot about you.” His dad said. I blush and look down at my plate.
“Ah, come on dad!” Byeongkwan says, putting his face in his hand.
“Well! Ah, okay.” He grumbles. We eat and speak in light conversation, laughing as they embarrass their son for the rest of the night and finally say our goodbyes. 
Heading to my house, the car is quiet. Neither of us saying a word, so I decide to break the silence…
“Your parents seem really great.” I smile, looking towards him. 
“Thanks, I think they are.” He says, smiling back at me. 
“Eyes on the road, sir.” I laugh, pushing on his cheek to turn his head so his eyes are back on the road. He chuckles, but does it. 
Ten minutes lanter, we arrive back at my place. As I walk down my hall, I notice my door is open..
“Byeongkwan.” I whisper, stopping.
“I see it. Stay out here.” He whispers back.
“No, let’s just call the cops. They can come check it out.” I say, grabbing his hand to keep him beside me.
“It could take them forever. What if the person is still in there?” He asks.
“Exactly… what if it’s Daniel and you get hurt?” I ask. He sighs, pulling out his phone and calling the police.
“If they come out, I’m taking whoever it is out.” He says, as he hangs up the phone. 
“Deal.” I agree.
Within 10 minutes, there were 2 cops at the side of my door, about to charge in with their guns ready. One pushes open the door and they charge in. :Police! Stop where you are.” One says. Then, I hear pans crashing, a lamp break and a gun goes off. I start to panic and Byeongkwan wraps me in his arms and I bury my face in his chest, waiting for the noise to end.
“Shhhh, it’s going to be alright. I’m right here.”  He says, covering my ears.
“Ma’am?” The officer says. Byeongkwan uncovers my ears and I look up at the cop.
“Yes?” I ask, nervous.
“You two did the right thing. There was a man in there. He seemed to be waiting on you. Do you know him?” He asks. The other cop marches exactly who I’d expected out of my door… “Daniel Green.” I say, squeezing Byeongkwan’s hand. He goes to radio the incident in and I turn and wrap my arms around the man who I felt safe with. 
“Hey, he’s coming back, come on. I’m not going anywhere.” He reassures me.
“I understand you’d had an order of protection against him, did that just expire?” He says walking back up us and I nod.
“Well, you got lucky then. It seemed he knew when it would expire too.” He says, frowning, “grab what you need to and I’d suggest staying somewhere else tonight.” 
I nod, tears streaking my face.
“You can stay at my place. Wait here with the officer and I’ll get our stuff.” Byeongkwan says.
“Okay…. Thank you.” I say, trying to stop the tears. 
An hour later, we finish up at the police station as my place is being searched for more evidence. We leave and head to Byeongkwan’s place. His roommates immediately open the door and engulf me in a group hug. I smile and hug them as best as I can.
“Okay, let her through. She’s exhausted.” Byeongkwan says, grabbing my hand and taking me to his bedroom.
“You can sleep here, I don’t mind.” 
“Will you lay with me? I don’t want to be alone right now.” I admit.
“I can, but I didn’t plan on letting you out of my sight anytime soon.” He smiles, wrapping me in a hug and laying his forehead against mine. 
“Forever?” I smile.
“Forever is a long time. Are you sure you can handle me for that long?” 
Looking up at him, I smile and kiss his perfect lips, “Forever it is then.” 
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star-lemonade · 4 years
Chapter 5: Casserole
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Series rating: R  (AO3: E)
Warnings: polyamory, marking, mentions of pegging, smut
Word count: 5k
Genre: Smut, romance
Female Reader x A.C.E Byeongkwan, Female Reader x A.C.E Sehyoon
beta-ed! Thanks so much to @Alexing1061
Chapter Index
Summary: You admit your crush on Sehyoon and after an apparent rejection, Sehyoon has to make a confession of his own.
If you don’t enjoy reading about relationships that involve more than two people, this story is not for you
Taglist: @multistan-net
The cafe was comfortably warm. While waiting in the queue you rubbed your hands. A cold had settled into the streets of the city and it would take some time inside before you could feel your fingers again.
You ordered two coffees and sat down at one of the small tables. No sooner had you settled down, the door opened and Sehyoon entered. You waved and he waved back, a little smile on his face.
He peck you on the lips and seated himself opposite you. The long, black coat matched his dark suit and white shirt in its professionalism. He looked like the hip CEO of a startup.
“So. How did it go?”
You were on the edge of your seat, wanting to know how the talk with his boss had gone. Before he could answer, a figure appeared next to you. The waitress smiled and set the mugs of coffee down. You thank her and she left. Sehyoon sipped on his coffee, lost in some thought, but you were still waiting.
A smile broke on his face. He leaned forward, beaming and said:
“I got a raise.”
“Oh my god! Congrats!”
You took his hands and shook them violently to release your happiness. This was amazing news for him. Although he had been at his company for years they had underpaid him. If Sehyoon had gone somewhere else, he could have made more. That was why you and Byeongkwan had joined forces and persuaded him to talk to his boss.
In your celebration you had somehow landed in his lap. Some of the other customers, but especially the two young women at the table next to yours, glared disapprovingly.
“He matched the offer I got from that other company. So, let’s get something nice to eat after I get my salary.”
You nodded and kissed him. It ended too fast, but you were in a cafe. Sehyoon reluctantly let go of you and you sat back on your chair.
“Talking about fancy dinners. Someone from work invited me for dinner with her husband. Do you wanna go with me?”
Having to spend an evening alone with her and her husband did not seem like a good time. You needed backup there.
He offered you his hand and you took it. Despite walking outside in the cold, his hands were warm.
“Oh, are you cold?”
Without waiting for an answer your hand was sandwiched between his. He rubbed your hand and slowly the cold faded.
“The other one is cold too.”
Pouting, you showed your other hand. He smiled and gave it that same treatment. What a good way to stay warm.
The weak sun hung deep in the blue sky and the cold was already lurking in the shadows. An almost magical feeling hung in the air. First Christmas decorations had appeared in the shop windows and some trees in the park had been hung with small lights. You stood at the entrance of the small park and waited. It was Friday late afternoon and the street was packed with shoppers. You scanned their faces but so far you had not seen him. For some reason you felt nervous. Even though Sehyoon had expressed his delight at the thought of you and Byeongkwan going on a date, it still felt odd. It would take time to get used to.
A figure waved. You saw him on the other side of the street waiting for the crosswalk. Byeongkwan wore a puffy jacket, loose fit work out pants and a beanie. The thick scarf hid half his face.
You threw your arms around him and he chuckled. When you pull back he would not let you get away. He pecked your lips once and as you were about to protest, he kissed you. You moved your lips against his. His lips were wonderful. They were warm and soft, exactly what you needed right now. For a moment you forgot that you were outside, on the street with people around you.
“… I’m really happy with how the students are doing, that choreography was pretty hard for them.”
You walked slowly along the path as joggers and shoppers passed. It felt nice to spend time with Byeongkwan again. You slipped your hand between his arm and his upper body. Walking arm in arm around the park felt like a scene from a movie.
Byeongkwan had come off work a little earlier so you could meet, when it was still daylight. The sun set earlier each day.
“Well, I’m sure it has nothing to do with you being a good teacher.”
A smile tucked at the corners of his mouth and he petted your hand on his arm.
The sun was disappearing behind the buildings and you shivered, snuggling closer to Byeongkwan.
A couple passed with some delicious smelling food. That reminded you …
“Do you wanna have dinner with me?”
Just as you asked, you walked past an entrance to the park. Byeongkwan and you had completed a round.
“I thought that’s what we were going to do anyways.”
You had not actually decided anything beforehand. It had just been a vague declaration of “we want to spend time together”. On your phone you had a short list of recipes you liked.
“What do you think about this?”
Byeongkwan checked the recipe on your phone and nodded.
“Sounds good but I don’t think there are any of that at the apartment.”
You went to the store to pick up the groceries. There were surprisingly few people around and you flew through the aisles, picking out all the ingredients. Because this was an unfamiliar supermarket it took a while to get everything. You had read somewhere that the layouts of stores were confusing on purpose to keep you there longer. While in the line for the checkout you and Byeongkwan held hands like it was the most normal thing. No one was paying any attention to this and smiled to yourself because you knew a secret they did not.
Outside the store it was freezing. Byeongkwan looked around before starting to walk.
“Where are we going?”
He headed in the direction of the next subway station.
“To Sehni’s place.”
The sun had made way for the biting cold of the night and your breath rose, puffs of fog. Each of you carried a bag with ingredients.
“Isn’t your apartment closer?”
He looked in both directions before crossing the small side street. A sign at the next corner marked the entrance to the subway.
“My apartment is … very practical.”
Byeongkwan pulled the zipper of his jacket higher. His scarf was also back in his face. You hurried to the stairs that promised escape from the cold.
“I basically use it for storage only at this point.”
Indeed the air got warmer as you descended underground. The glass doors at the bottom of the stairs released a stale, warm wind from inside the subway station.
“So you moved in with Sehni?”
Your voice echoed from the tiled walls of the hallway that lead to more stairs going down.
“I mean, It would be great to have an actual shared apartment, where I have all my stuff…”
This topic was dropped, when you saw that your train had arrived and you both ran to get to the door. Inside the car was packed with people and way too warm for your thick coat. Byeongkwan unzipped his jacket and you seized the opportunity to sneak your cold hands under it and around his chest. Compared to Sehni’s broad shoulders and massive chest, Byeongkwan seemed rather petite but his body felt solid and warm. Your head rested on his shoulder and he kissed your hair before burying his nose in it. In this position the ride with the subway could have lasted forever. You loved it.
Sehyoon‘s apartment was deserted and dark when you arrived. Its owner was currently spending his evening with some friends which was partially why you were with Byeongkwan on this day instead of him. Date night was date night, today just with someone else.
The small hallway with the built-in closet opened into the open kitchen and living room with the only other rooms being the bedroom and the bathroom. The kitchen was separated from the living room with a counter that also added more space for cutting and working. On the living room side of the counter stood a small table with two chairs where you had had breakfast with Byeongkwan last time.
For dinner you had opted for something simple to make, a casserole. While you made the sauce, Byeongkwan cut the vegetables into small cubes and you watched with half your attention. He had rolled up the sleeves of his black sweater so they would not get stained and the muscles in his forearms moved as he cut. His skin was very pale against the dark fabric and even to your surprise you found yourself thinking about leaving a hickey somewhere on him. How it would look when you sucked at the skin. It would turn red and you would have done that. The thought was exciting. Now where would you put one? The neck was an obvious answer but not one you liked. A bit tacky. On his chest maybe? Not as obvious but you would know it is there. Maybe if he wore a low cut shirt the mark would be visible. Everyone could see someone did that to him.
“What is it?”
He did not even look up from his vegetables and your brain needed a moment to register that he had addressed you.
You echoed. I think I stared. Damn. I stared.
“What were you thinking while licking your lips like that?”
The cutting stopped and he looked at you expecting an answer, but you were a bit too embarrassed to tell him. He would think it’s weird that I want to essentially bruise his skin.
“Come on, spill.” He pressed and when you reverted your attention to the sauce, he put down the knife and wrapped you in a back hug. He kissed your neck and it tickled.
“Tell me!”
Perk. It tickled.
You wound in his grap. Tickling.
“Come on!”
You ducked your head trying to limit his excess. Your face was hurting from laughing.
“Tell me!”
Breaking out from his grasp seemed impossible. You could hardly breath.
“Okay, okay. I will tell you.”
He let you go, gently turning you towards him, but you looked down, catching your breath. You had to tell him because you would not survive another assault like this.
“I was thinking about … how I wanted to … ehm … leave hickeys on you.”
Oh boy, I said it. He will think I’m weird.
You looked up at that. Definitely not the reaction you had expected. Byeongkwan did not seem particularly distressed about this and went back to cutting the vegetables.
The sauce had thankfully not burned while you had almost died from laughing. You watched Byeongkwan from the corner of your eye. His reaction has been so odd, it bothered you. You wanted to know why he was so calm about this.
When he was done with the vegetables, you stacked the casserole. The oven was hot and you opened it.
“How long will it take?”
He asked with a slightly husky voice, when you placed the dish in the oven.
“About an hour.”
You started the timer set for 50 minutes. Then you would have to put the cheese on it and increase the temperature for a good finish.
Byeongkwan’s hand landed on your shoulder and turned you around. His eyes were dark and his hands wrapped around your middle. Okay, so that is where this will go.
He crashed your lips together and backed you up against the counter. The kiss was desperate and your stomach clenched as his hands slid into your hair. Secretly you had been thinking about him all week, since you had decided to meet.
You could feel him, half hard, pressing against you and moaned quietly. He used your weak moment and slipped his tongue into your mouth. The counter was pressing uncomfortably against you back but you could endure it for a bit longer if it meant having him kiss you like this. It made your knees like rubber. What ever cold had remained from outside was now driven out. You felt hot. Breathing would be nice though. You broke the kiss to get some air and saw the pupils of his eyes blown out with the want.
He took your hand and you followed him to the bedroom feeling like a lovesick teenager. Giddy and beaming from ear to ear. The bedroom was mostly unchanged from last time except the sheets on the bed were now a dark blue.
Byeongkwan sat down on the bed and pulled you into his lap, his arms secure around your waist. His soft lips moved slowly against yours as your fingers buried themselves in his silky hair, lightly pulling at it. He moaned, low and quiet, into your mouth and you rolled your hips in his lap for some friction. You were getting a bit worked up too.
He broke the kiss and pulled his sweater over his head leaving him in a dark, soft t-shirt. You took the hint and removed your pullover. His hands were under the hem of your t-shirt immediately, gently rubbing your lower back as you continued to kiss. The feeling of his lips was addicting, you did not want him to stop clouding your mind.
“So you want to leave a mark, hm?”
He purred into your ear before kissing down your neck that you presented willingly to him. An affirmative noise was all you could muster. Coherent sentences were not possible at the moment.
“I got a suggestion as to where.” He leaned back slightly and you looked at him, head spinning with the need of wanting him inside you. You got gently pushed off his lap and you stood up with shaky legs, watching as he pulled the t-shirt over his head and opened the button of his jeans. Okay, wow. You could not decide where to look first. He had beautifully defined muscles and his pale skin was begging for you to mark it. The fact that he wanted this too had alleviated all concerns and guilt you had felt.
Your hands flew to his abs like metal to a magnet and ran down towards the bulge in his pants but never reached it because he laid back on the bed. He pulled the jeans and the hem of his underwear down exposing more of his perfect stomach.
“What do you think about here?”
His finger ran over the area that was previously hidden just under the waistband of his jeans. The thought of putting a hickey there made your mouth water and you swallowed hard. The smile on his face was down right evil as you pulled down his pants and the underwear the rest of the way. He positioned himself in the middle of the bed. You ran your tongue over the area in question, earning shiver from him, before starting to suck and bite. The way he responded made you even more wet. The sucking in of air, was followed by a higher pitched moan and his hand landed on your head. He had a hard time keeping still and shifted slightly under you. His fingers were tangled in your hair. You pulled away to look at your work. The area was a deep red and Byeongkwan was panting audibly, he looked uncomfortably hard.
“Do you want to ride me?”
It sounded more like a plea than like a question.
You could not get out of your clothes fast enough. He got a condom from the bedside table, rolling it on. You straddled him and rocked your hips forward along the length of his hard penis before aligning it under you. You let yourself slide down on it until he was completely inside you and your hips met. As you had not even fingered yourself the stretch was almost painful, but so good at the same time. You rolled your hips and his hand caressed your thighs.
“You feel so good.”
His hips twitched a little under you, trying so hard not to thrust up. Your hand traveled up his body and landed on his chest that you proceeded to use as rest as you lifted your hips and pushed down into him again. His arms supported your motion. A sharp pain in your knee made you stop. _Okay, then I have to do it differently. _You opted for rolling and grinding against him instead.
With your hands on his thighs, slightly bent back was the perfect angle. The pressure on your clit and g spot was making you light headed. You felt your whole body tense and you held your breath. So good. His cute moans pushed you over the edge and you rode your orgasm out while looking into his eyes.
“Can you continue?”
His voice was tense, his face and neck flushed pink. Some hair stuck to his sweaty forehead. You nodded and rolled your hips into him again avoiding your oversensitive clit touching anything. He closed his eyes and moaned again. It motivated you to push through the uncomfortableness. You let his hands guide your hips. He looked beautiful, with his pink cheeks and half opened mouth. He came with a loud, half-suppressed moan.
Thankfully the casserole did not burn while you had been in the bedroom. You turned up the heat for the last 10 minutes to get a good crust and went to the bathroom to clean yourself up.
Byeongkwan handed you a sweater and some fluffy pants.
The clothes smelled of the detergent that they used. You sniffed at it as you walked back to the kitchen and turned off the oven. The casserole smelled delicious.
Byeongkwan joined you not long after in the kitchen. He set the table and you placed the hot dish on it.
“It smells amazing.”
You helped yourself to some food. It was very hot and despite your hunger, you forced yourself to eat slowly. Byeongkwan’s hair was still wet from the short shower. You wanted to hug him. I guess the sex made me soft for him.
Thankfully the kitchen had a dishwasher. Washing everything by hand would have been awful. You settled down on the couch after loading the dishwasher and Byeongkwan turned on the tv. The hoodie he was wearing was too big for him and made him look very cute. He laid down and you snuggled up against his chest.
You continued the series you had watched the last time. Despite the warmth coming from Byeongkwan your back felt cold and you shivered.
“Are you cold?”
“A bit.”
He pulled out a blanket from under his head and threw it over you.
You did not pay that much attention to the story unfolding on screen. The position you were in was too relaxing. You were surrounded by warmth, secure in Byeongkwan’s arms. He stroked your hair. It was so gentle that it made your heart arche.
You did not know what you wanted to say, so you just snuggled closer to him, if that was possible. His breathing had become very steady and when you looked up you saw that he was asleep. It’s very nice laying like this, but it won’t be comfortable to sleep here all night.
You shook him gently. He stirred and groaned.
“Let’s go to bed.”
The sun woke you up the next morning._ _Byeongkwan was next to you, still asleep. His hair was disheveled and you wanted to pet it. He however was not the only other person on the bed. Sehyoon laid half on top of him, also sleeping. You had not noticed when he had gotten home or had entered the bedroom. Either he had been very quiet or you had slept like a stone.
As quietly as possible you stood up and opened the door. It creaked. You went to the bathroom.
When you came back, Byeongkwan had turned around and they were facing each other. His eyes were open now and he listened to Sehyoon talking. His voice was too quiet for you to understand anything but it sounded a bit husky. One hand was drawing circles on Byeongkwan’s bare shoulder, but now Sehyoon pulled him into a hug. You felt like you were intruding. _Maybe I should go shower first and give them some space? But I still gotta get something to wear. _You decided to just announce your presence.
“Good morning.”
You said and they both perked up. For a very short moment Byeongkwan was surprised and Sehyoon confused. It was only a moment. Then Kwanie beamed at you and Sehni gave you a smile that could melt ice instantly. Sehyoon looked very tired and you wondered when he had actually come back.
“I will make breakfast!”
Byeongkwan peeled himself out of his boyfriend’s embrace and got up. He collected his hoodie and pants from the chair next to the bed. Before he could leave however Sehyoon half-shouted: “Wait! What’s that?!”
“Huh? What is what?”
Byeongkwan looked down and you followed the outstretched arm too. It pointed to the hem of Byeongkwan‘s underwear. There something red and blue was peeking out. The mark from yesterday evening. Your face was instantly hot and your heart hammered in your chest.
“Wow.” Sehyoon reached over and ran a finger over the skin. Byeongkwan bit his lip. _There are no other marks on him so I guess Sehni doesn’t do this. _Yesterday the thought of other people seeing the mark on Byeongkwan was a huge turn on but now that Sehyoon was examining it, you felt anxious. As if he had heard your thoughts, Sehyoon looked at you, then up at his boyfriend’s face.
He smiled softly. “You two? Huh?”
A pout replaced the smile as he sank down on the bed again. ���And you didn’t even tell me?”
He looked back and forth from you to his boyfriend.
“Ugh.. I …”
You stammered.
“Don’t make her feel bad.”
Byeongkwan lightly slapped him.
“I’m not mad, just.. I wanna know things too. Come here!”
He spread his arms and you jumped on the bed, into his embrace.
“You smell like a liquid store.”
Sehyoon laughed and kissed the top of your head. Byeongkwan joined you on the bed, embracing both of you.
“My head hurts.”
“And whose fault is that?”
Byeongkwan pecked his lips and got up. He left for the kitchen and you got to enjoy a moment with Sehyoon. You wrapped your arms around him and snuggled against his chest.
“How was it yesterday? When did you come home?”
Your voice was muffled by his shirt. Sehyoon groaned and rubbed his eyes.
“3 am, I think?”
You had been asleep then for sure.
“A friend had a bad break up and I had to take care of him.”
He tightened his embrace as if he was afraid you would leave too. So that’s why he is this hungover. Usually he doesn’t really get drunk. You kissed his cheek. Poor Sehni, he needs some extra care today.
“I need to drink something and shower. Let’s get up.”
You got some clothes from your backpack that you had brought the day before and took a quick shower. The hot water was a blessing.
Sehyoon had made coffee and Byeongkwan set the small table. There was a problem though. The table was only for two. Two chairs.
“You two eat, I will have coffee first.”
The mug in Sehyoon’s hand steamed. He leaned against the kitchen counter and watched as you sat down opposite Byeongkwan.
“I need a bigger apartment.”
Friday had become your favorite day of the week. It was the day when you spent time with Sehyoon and Byeongkwan. Either with one of them or sometimes with both. You would have movie nights and clubbing with Byeongkwan, long talks and cuddling on the couch with Sehyoon.
On this particular Friday you went to their apartment for a game night. Three was a good number to play any number of games. It was not as boring as playing with two. You did not know what game they had in mind, just that it was a cooperative one.
You arrived at the building at about half past six with a backpack. They had told you not to worry about food and drinks, but you still needed something to wear. Secretly you loved wearing their clothes. You did not know whose clothes were actually in the closet. There was no indication of who owned what. Byeongkwan tended to wear a looser fit, so everything except the suits seemed to be comunal.
Sehyoon opened the door and you fell into his arms. The thick fabric of his sweater was perfect to just sink into. Sehyoon felt warm and solid in your arms. You let your weight rest on him. He held you up as if it was nothing.
“We’re gonna play something later. Are you sure you can play like this?”
Holding onto him tighter was the only answer you gave him and he chuckled.
“How about you give me some love too?”
The pout in Byeongkwan’s voice made you smile. Being left out was not something he liked. If there was cuddling while he was in the room, it had to involve him as well.
You let go of Sehyoon and moved on to the next victim. Byeongkwan was almost drowning in his clothes. The fluffy tie-dye hoodie was the cutest thing.
“Hard week?”
His voice was soft against your hair. _Had _it been a hard week? One of your colleagues had been sick since Sunday which meant all their work had to be done by other people. So in addition to your own work you also had to do a bunch of other things that you were barely familiar with. To get everything done in time you had to work over time. You had even fought your boss to get off work so you could be there on time. It was not like your boyfriends would not understand and more like you did not live for your company. You had to have leisure time too.
“Yes…. I missed you.”
“Aww. We’ll have a nice relaxed evening, okay?”
He kissed the top of your head and patted your back.
On the couch table they had already set up a board game. The map vaguely reminded you of fantasy novels.
Byeongkwan handed you the manual. The game they had bought was like an easier version of dungeons and dragons. Each of you played a different character with a specific skill set. You had to work together to fulfill the mission and win the game.
The time constraints of the game were what made it interesting. Indeed you lost the round.
“Let’s order some food and try again.”
Sehyoon handled the actual ordering and you decided to prepare some plates. Eating out of the container was okay, but you prefer something that was not cardboard. Byeongkwan joined you in the kitchen.
“I think, if we spread out more next round we will do better. We waste too much time by trying to go long distances.”
He nodded absentmindedly and made himself a tea. I guess the game is not where his thoughts are.
Byeongkwan studied your face. Something he did when he wanted to say something but could not quite bring himself to say it.
“What is it?”
He pursed his lips and sized you up. Is something wrong with my outfit?
“What do you think about pegging?”
It was as if he had hit you between the eyes. You were dumbfounded. Byeongkwan took a sip from his drink without breaking eye contact. He just loved making you blush didn’t he?
You were not sure what to say really.
“You know what that means, do you?”
You nodded stiffly. Why am I this speechless?
“It’s just, I have never done that.”
Good, so you can speak.
His expression softened.
“That’s okay, but do you want to?”
His eyes glittered as he waited for your answer. Byeongkwan however was not the only one who was waiting. Sehyoon had sat down on the other side of the kitchen counter and watched with eyes wide open. He looked like someone who did not want to miss a single detail.
“Maybe she needs to … see some arguments for that.”
Sehyoon offered to Byeongkwan. Arguments? Why does that sound like code??
Byeongkwan had this evil glitter in his eyes. He had something in mind. You swallowed hard. In a motion so fluid it could only come from someone with a lot of body control, he leaned forward, his arms outstretched over the counter. The position showed off his firm ass. The way he arched his back made the air catch in your throat.
Sehyoon exhaled and the sound snapped you back to reality.
“This is too much tension for me.”
Byeongkwan straigthened again and looked at Sehyoon who walked away.
“How about you get to watch?”
Sehyoon froze mid step. He had voiced on several occasions that he wanted to watch, so this really got his attention.
“What do you say?”
Without thinking about it your hand landed on Byeongkwan’s ass. A triumphant smile appeared and your face burned. Maybe that had been a bit much.
“Yes and yes.”
Sehyoon whistled and Byeongkwan kissed you.
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starlit-serenade · 4 years
A.C.E Reacting to their S/O Wearing their Clothes
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Summary: How would A.C.E react to seeing their S/O wearing their clothes?
Word Count: 961 words
Pairing: Reader x Members / Characters: GenderNeutral!Reader; Lee Donghun (Donghun); Kim Sehyoon (Wow); Park Junhee (Jun); Kim Byeongkwan; Kang Yuchan (Chan);
Rated: E / Warnings: None / Genre: GenderNeutral!Reader; Fluff;
《 A.C.E Masterlist 》
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Lee Donghun (Donghun)
Donghun finds you awfully cute in general, and you in his clothes is even more adorable. He'd want to snuggle you to death. He absolutely loves you in his clothes, so so very much.
Donghun has invited you on a night walk, and you're very excited.  Since it's much later at night, you need to put on warm clothes. You fish through your closet and find a nice pair if sweatpants and--ah!--you find an old sweatshirt that Donghun gave you at the beginning of your relationship.
You pull on the sweatshirt and walk into the living room where your boyfriend is waiting for you.
"Donghun, are you ready to go?" you ask.
"Yeah, I'm ready." He turns around and freezes when he sees you. "Is that mine?"
You look down at the sweatshirt. "Yes?"
"It looks adorable on you, Baby," he says, standing up to walk over and take your hand.
"Thank you, Donghunnie," you say.
Kim Sehyoon (Wow)
Sehyoon is the type of boyfriend to want you to wear his clothes. He's a tiny bit possessive, so seeing you in his clothes makes him feel like you really are his. He just loves the sight of you in his clothes.
Sehyoon is working in the music studio, late at night, when he hears a knock at the door. He frowns. Everyone left at least an hour ago.
"Come in," he calls out.
The door opens, and he swears his heart melts at the sight of you in the doorway. You're wearing one of his sweaters, which he had given you months ago to keep. It looks so big on you, and makes you look so small and cozy.
"Y/N, Baby," he says. "It's eleven at night, why aren't you asleep?"
"I missed you," you mumble. He smiles and scoots his chair backward, spreading his arms.
"Come here," he says. You walk over to him and wrap your arms around him in a hug, leaning into him. He hums, content in being with you, and presses a kiss to your forehead.
Park Junhee (Jun)
Junhee finds you in his clothes awfully adorable. Honestly, he practically supplies you with hoodies and sweaters. He buys sweaters with the expectation that they will disappear within the week. He wants you to take all of his sweaters. He definitely feels a bit possessive, and you're wearing his clothes--especially in public--because it reminds him that you're his, as well as the fact that it just makes you look adorable.
"I'm heading out to go shopping," you say, heading toward the door. You walk past your boyfriend, who is sitting on the couch.
"Baby, is that my sweatshirt?"
You turn around and realize that Junhee is staring at you. You look at your outfit and--oh yeah! It is. You didn't even know, you just pulled on the first thing you could find.
"Oh, I didn't even realize," you say. "Do you want it back?"
He shakes his hand and pulls you over to him, kissing your cheeks and your nose.
"No. I love seeing you in my clothes," he mumbles into your neck as he hugs you tightly.
Kim Byeongkwan
Byeongkwan generally finds you to be the cutest person ever. But when you're wearing his clothes--especially something like a sweater or an oversized T-shirt--it makes you a thousand times cuter. He wants to bundle you up and cuddle with you.
Byeongkwan closes the door as he enters your home. He's just returned back home to Korea from tour, and he doesn't want to wake you up, as it's so late at night. But as he turns from the door, he sees you snoring on the couch in one of his sweaters, a blanket half covering you and half falling off, keeping you warm while you sleep.
"Baby," he mutters to himself, smiling softly. You look so cozy and tiny and cute and comfortable in his sweater.
He walks over and grabs the blanket, trying to re-cover you properly. You shift in your spot at the feeling of the blanket moving over you, and you blink up at him, a smile creeping over your sleepy face.
"Byeongkwannie," you mumble. You reach up at him and pull him into a hug. "I missed you."
"Were you waiting for me, Baby?" he asks.
"Yeah. I was hoping to stay awake until you got here, I think I fell asleep," you explain.
"That's okay. Let's go to sleep, Baby."
Kang Yuchan (Chan)
Yuchan is completely absolutely weak for you in any of his clothes, especially when it's a sweater that makes you look tiny. His members are definitely aware of his weakness for you, and they tease him for it.
You grab the first hoodie you can find from your closet, which happens to be Yuchan's. You're supposed to meet Yuchan at practice and then go out for a coffee date, but you lost track of time and have to run over there in five minutes.
You pull on the hoodie in a panic and run out the door quickly. When you arrive at the building, you run to the practice room that they usually practice in.
You poke your head into the practice room and see the members of A.C.E joking around. Their practice has just ended, and they're all just chatting before heading to their dorm or other places. Jun looks over at you and waves, before turning back to Yuhan.
"Yuchan, isn't that your hoodie?"
Chan turns and looks at you. You see his eyes soften as his eyes land on you.
"That's my baby in my hoodie."
He approaches you and engulfs you in a hug, his members snickering at you two from behind. "Hi, Baby."
"They're adorable," Sehyoon says.
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prettyboys-ace · 4 years
OG A.C.E chatbot
[This chatbot does not represent A.C.E, their company, or saying they act this way. Purely entertainment.]
You stumbled upon a house in the middle of no where after walking through the woods one day. On the house read, Wonderland.
Little did you know about the five handsome men living inside, as they had felt your presence they all came outside to greet you. 
Be careful though, because not all is at it seems.
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Meet Junhee, Leader and Mad Hatter~ He’s as mad and crazy as they come, just look at his smile and you’ll know. He will usually talk in green or using the 🎩 emoji.
Junhee will come off as a gentleman, he’ll most likely be the first to greet you when you arrive.
However, don’t let his handsome looks and sweet words charm you. He’s a basket case waiting for some fun.
Junhee is a soft Dom, but he does regress. When little no NSFW will be allowed.
Do not force him into any certain head space.
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This is Donghun, he’s our lovely and amazing dragon Hybrid, better known at Jabberwocky. Donghun normally speaks in purple, or with the🐉 emoji.
Donghun is more on the quieter side, you’ll probably see him a ways away from you when you first arrive. Watching and Listening.
Donghun doesn’t like tricks as much as the rest.. he’s on the more serious side.
Donghun is our caretaker of the group, the father type figure. He protects everyone.
NSFW he’s a Dom.
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Here we have Chan, Maknae and baby of the group. However don’t let that go to your head, once his collar is off there’s a monster that might escape, known as the Bandersnatch. Chan talks in red or with the 🐻‍❄️ Emoji.
Chan you probably won’t see at all, he keeps to himself. He may come say hi once you’re settled in.
Chan is on the sweeter side and he’s a pure baby, he’s little most of the time because of things he’s been through.
Chan is a sub. When he is little there will be no NSFW.
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Here’s our true softie of the post, Sehyoon, or Wow, but he prefers Sehyoon. He’s our Cheshire Cat/Hookah-Smoking Caterpillar of the story. He talks in blue and black or uses the 🐈‍⬛ or🐛 emojis, which ever he’s feeling.
Sehyoon is the doctor of the group, the wise one. He’s also the trickiest and mischievous one.
When you arrive, there’s a chance he’ll be floating right beside you, watching, talking, and scheming.
Sehyoon is not a Dom nor a sub. He’ll do as he please when he pleases.
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Now if you thought Junhee was crazy, well you haven’t met Byeongkwan our beloved and cherished March Hare. Bunny ears and a tail to suit. He normally talks in orange and uses the 🐇 emoji.
Byeongkwan is as thrower off as they come, his brain rattled to many times to count before he ended up in the forest, in that house
Byeongkwan will be right beside Junhee when you arrive, just make sure you duck when it comes time for tea.. and don’t be late!
Byeongkwan is a switch, he has tendencies to become little or smaller whe upset or overwhelmed. No nsfw allowed when that happens.
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And for our beloved Leo, better known as the Oracle, he sees all and knows all. Mostly talks in pink or uses the 🎐 emoji.
You will not meet Leo until it comes time, Leo will only come out to meet you when it’s time for your memories to return.
Leo does not live in the house with the others and you can’t find him, so don’t go scouting about to “accidentally” bump into him.
Leo is another caretaker, if he allows himself to be seen and likes you.
In NSFW he’s neither Dom nor sub.
You get to the house under the assumption that it is a place for people to rest and just relax for sometime.
But it’s really a ploy for the boys to get you to remember the memories that you’ve lot and now need.
If you don’t find your memory that you lost within 24 days, they will cease to exist.
Side note: Each boy died in the forest surrounding the house and was brought back but they can not survive for more than the time he took for them to die.
Junhee’s surviving time is 24 hours.
Donghun and Chan’s are 5 hours.
Byeongkwan’s is 3 hours.
And Sehyoon’s is 3 days.
Their backstories and how they died are all somewhat triggering, when I post them you will be warned of the triggers.
This chatbot is only open to other chatbots. I will no longer take Y/N’s.
Tags: @xash-axx @fighter-bot @dark-bot @gourmetbaekhyun @kingtaythecute @musiclovermino @cutie-cb @tothenines-shelter @subby-babies @babie-junie @softprinces-cb @your-desire @shyboicya
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t3kandson · 1 year
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Age Is Just A Number
Word count; 3,269
Fandom; A.C.E. Feat a little bit of Straykids
Pairing; Reader X Kang Yuchan
Characters; Kang Yuchan, Bang Chan, Kim Sehyoon and Mentions of Park Junhee, Lee Donghun & Kim Byeongkwan.
Warning; Angst, Jealousy, Past controlling relationship, Age Gap Relationship, Fingering, Oral (Receiving), Wanking, Unprotected Sex (withdrawal method), over stimulation & Squirting.
Notes; Happy Anniversary Choice 💛
You would be lying if you didn’t find Kang Yuchan good looking. He was your Manager in the cafe you worked in. You was his senior by 8 years so you felt as if his constant need to be by yourself was merely looking up to you for advice. Though he was the authority within work, you would find him by your side asking questions, joking to make you laugh and having banter. But due to the age you refused to look past the good looks, bashfully looking his way when he went on flirt mode. Which for Yuchan being just 23 and fit was normal. It didn’t help that he was in a band alongside the cafe job you shared. The amount of women who came into the cafe just to get there five seconds with him always left satisfied. They would be looking love filled watching him switch from his rock on stage persona to his adorable cute Cafe Manager one. Giving up free card signed with there name was his top reward for anyone leaving tips. So naturally he was bringing in a bigger income for your main boss.
His face looking in shock when he realised that the reason you turned his offer of a ride home down, was for the boyfriend he clearly never knew you had. Silence filled the space when Minjun nodded at him. You was sure their was something up with Yuchan, but put it down to the fact he was probably hurt you kept that news from him. He had told you all of his relationship dramas and issues. But you had kept that you was dating someone from not just Yuchan, but everyone at work in an attempt to keep your relationship separate. But it was your mother’s birthday which meant you had no choice but to accept Minjun to collect you from work. Like you knew, the questions rolled in like crazy on your next shift.
How long have you been together? How did you meet? What’s his name? What’s he like? But the one question why did you keep it from us wasn’t thrown.
And when you met properly at your birthday celebrations. It was like Yuchan enjoyed winding Minjun up. The drinks at the bar just you two, pulling you to dance, his eyes finding you at every chance they got. Minjun was extremely jealous and you was forced to quit your job not long after. Though you knew he did well with his rock Band travelling the world, even your friendship was left to the tethers.
In the five years that passed you split up with Minjun going separate ways. Becoming lost in your place in the world, due to his controlling. It wasn’t till you was dragged by your friend to a concert that your eyes fell on him once more.
Eyes working the audience sexiness was in his blood. Sweat pooling down his face as his hands gripped the microphone. Angelic like voices filling the air as he challenged the high pitches. But the sexiness in his deeper voice was breathtaking to view. He seemed to enjoy taking his audience in as his eyes was undressing every single one. You knew when he found them attractive was when it lingered a little more. It was then his eyes found yours, his face looking a little taken back. A second glance of confusion his face relaxed as he lingered over you a little longer, a smirk of recognition on his face. He hadn’t just matured in those five years but actually blossomed. There was something in his aura more then his usual flirting that seemed different. Eyes falling to the remaining crowd they find themselves back to yours. Especially when the most seductive lyrics was leaving those lips of his. You could easily forget that in those moments your eyes found each other, that five years ago he was your junior manager by 8 years.
When the gig ended he looked to the teddy bear like guitarist at the back, smiling before he made his way to you. Arms greeting you tightly as if you might disappear he smiled heavenly your way. “Y/N it’s been forever,” he said smiling warmly while you felt his arms hold you tightly to him. “You came to see me,” he said pulling away to look at you, his eyes twinkling under the venue light. “I came with a friend,” you smiled as his faded noticing Bang Chan making his way to you. “You was bloody brilliant mate,” Bang Chan said shaking Yuchan‘s hand as he reluctantly took it. “Y/N told me all about you, she’s crazy for this group,” he exaggerated as you tilted your head towards your friend. This compliment seemed to resurrect the smile on Yuchan’s face. “How about a picture and I’ll leave you two to catch up,” Bang Chan said smiling clearly plotting. “Sounds good,” Yuchan said grabbing his arms around your shoulder and tugging you closer to him. Posing as Bang Chan took the photo, he shook his hands once more. “I’ll be over here if you need me,” he said to you with warmth. He nodded once more at Yuchan before falling to the crowd of friends you came with. “Boyfriend?” Yuchan queried as you looked his way shocked. “No that’s my friend,” you said as his smile beamed. “Fancy grabbing a coffee or something stronger back at mine for a proper catch up?” He asked smiling. “Don’t know if I can hear much above all this noise in here,” he added with his usual belly laughter. “Ok, sounds good,” you said feeling his laughter warm you. “Wait while I say goodbye to the guys,” he smiled as he dashed off to the rest of the band. As you watched as he communicated with them, their eyes beaded your way.
You was startled when you felt a hand on your shoulders, turning around you came to face a gleaming Bang Chan. “You know he’s crazy about you right,” he whispered into your ear as you snapped your head to face him. “The eyes, he undresses you with them,” he chuckled. “He looks at everyone like that,” you snigger watching a swarm of girls crowd him. “No the way he looked at you was different,” He said nudging you. “Behave i’m eight years his Senior,” you said swatting him. “Y/N the second I mentioned about this gig and you spoke about this Yuchan. I could see the sparkle in your eye light up and the disappointment that you lost contact, you know you like him,” Bang Chan said looking his way towards Yuchan, who kept looking towards you in the struggle to escape. “As for the age thing, it’s just a number you know. If you don’t care, he don’t care, then who cares if anyone else cares,” he said giggling leaving you as Yuchan approached. “Have fun,” he teased as he fell back in to the crowd towards his friends. “You ready?” Yuchan smiled with the most adorable goofy smile.
On the journey back to his home, he chatted the ear off you about his tours around the world. From eating different kind of cultured foods to all kinds of fans that he endured. When it came to his band members Junhee, Donghun, Byeongkwan and the teddy bear guitarist Sehyoon, he spoke so fondly of them. He explained that now he was a full time artist that things had blossomed. That he felt that they was more like siblings then anything. To watch him talk with so much passion was warming to view.
“Beer or something stronger,” Yuchan said poking his head from rummaging through the Cupboards. “Anything,” you said bashfully shrugging. Going to the fridge he pulls out a couple of beers, opening yours and passing it your way. “You’ve heard all about me, now time to talk about you,” he said taking a swig. “What’s there to say?” You said as he came closer to you. “Your always so secretive when it involves your life. Yet you practically let people tell you theirs,” he said letting his eyes take in yours. “Because theirs nothing amazing about my life trust me,” you said brushing your loose hair behind your ear, for it to slip back the moment you tucked it. “Well I’m intrigued what you’ve been up to,” Yuchan said tilting his head. “Just this and that to be fair nothing to write home about,” you replied holding your hands behind you on the surface. “Am I home then?” He questions teasingly that caused your words to fail. A big grin fell upon his face at how nervous suddenly he was making you feel. “Well let’s start with why you left me?” he asked caging you against the kitchen counter. “You mean why I left work?” You question almost a whisper as you struggle under his intense gaze. “That too,” he said his face inches by yours. “Had no choice,” you said closing your eyes wishing that you hadn’t listened to Minjun. But then he had been right because here was Yuchan not even a breath away from your lips. “Because he made you leave didn’t he?” Yuchan said cupping your face to look up at him. Your silence told him all he needed to know as he smiled like it was what he wanted to hear. “Because you had feelings for me?” He questioned with hope in his eyes. “No Channie,” you gasped as his eyes widened with instant pain on his expression. “That’s not what I mean. Obviously your bloody gorgeous, you really are. But I’m older then you so no, they was emotions that I never allowed myself to feel,” you said with your hands on his chest. Looking down towards your hand he looked back up towards you with hunger. “Didn’t allow?” He teased as your face blushed. “Age is just a number baby,” he added as he tucked the escaping loose hair behind your ear. “So if I kissed you right now…….would you push me away?” He asked as his eyes looked to your lips.
The thought of them on you drove you crazy. You could feel your thighs tighten as his hot breath hit your face. “I’m going to kiss you Y/N and as it seems words are something that isn’t functioning right now, if you don’t want this, push me away,” he whispered that had your core burn with anticipation.
Lips softly falling on yours, you froze for a second as your heart beat fast while you struggled to comprehend what was happening. Was this really the situation right now, this green haired rock star wanting you to be his girl for tonight. Maybe it was time to live even if you was just a name on a bed post. Feeling the absence of movement he removed his lips to look at you pained.
Grabbing him by the collar you pulled him back to you, suckling down words that was inaudible. Clashes of tongues and teeth you felt the hurried impatience of your lover for the night. Before he pulled away to look at you with desire. “Do you know how long I wanted to do that?” He pants as you shake your head. “I’ve always been crazy for you. I’ve always wanted these lips,” he said pressing his finger over them. “And I’ve always wanted this,” he said dragging his fingers down to your heat as you closed your eyes moaning. “Then take it,” you said breathlessly opening your eyes to watch his eyes glaze over.
Like he was possessed he picked you up tossing you over his shoulder as he made his way to his room.
Making sure his hands fall between your thighs, they tighten trapping them. “Don’t pretend you don’t want this I can feel how wet you are for me,” he said confidently as he brings you down. His hands pulling around your back bringing you closer to him. “I wasn’t going to,” you admitted feeding his ego. He wasn’t normally egotistic, behind his mask of his rock star persona he was one of the most gentlest you knew. Even if he did enjoy his sessions of bed hopping. “Good because I will make you more then damp, I’m going to have this bed sheets filled with our sweat and cum,” he spoke dirty that had your core clench around nothing. Hands fondling his arousal tenting in his jeans you hear his deep filled muffled moans. Fingers playing with the chains around his waist you have fun letting the skin touch the cold metal. “If you want him out your have to get him out,” Yuchan growls in excitement.
With his permission given your fingers nimbly attack his button and zip of his jeans.
Letting your hands slide under the elastic band of his boxers it finds the flesh of his cock. Helping the jeans fall further down his thighs to the floor to help give you more reason you oblige. Helping to grope him to receive the most beautiful sounds to your ears from him. Slipping his boxers down with your free hand you start pumping him as he closes his eyes in ecstasy. “Fuck Y/N, I should be showing you a good time,” he whines buckling his hips to meet the pumps of your hand. The compliment has you hasten your speed as he lolls himself over your shoulder slowly losing himself. “Please don’t I need to show..…..…. Please I need to show you a good time,” he begs thighs trembling. But it does little to have mercy on him looking up to him with mischievous lips. “As your elder you should let me show you a thing or two,” you chuckle amused at his sudden putty in your hand. “Channie you should cum, let it go,” you mock over the rock star sex god. You can feel the veins pulsating as he pleads showing a vulnerable side you never thought possible. “Imagine my soft wet pussy holding you so tightly till your cumming everywhere,” you growl into his ear as you clench harder around him. “Y/N,” he whimpers as you mock him before he sprays his seed not just over your hand but your dress that he’s yet to remove.
Deep panting as he looks up to you looking a little fucked, embarrassed but slightly annoyed. “Hey what’s up baby boy,” you tease before placing your cum stained hand in your mouth letting him witness the licks of his juices. Eyes swirling, seems that he’s lost and fallen off the world when he grabs that hand out your mouth. “I’m not a boy, let me show you that,” he growls picking you up to throw you on the bed. His eyes a darken prowl Visual, taking his T-shirt off to show his abs that leaves you breathless. He looks at you cocky from the expression on your face. “My turn to fuck you up,” he whispers as his hands find themselves up your dress. Fingers finding your panties he rips them in his desperate need to be even.
It doesn’t take long before he’s delved into your wet heat. Suctions of his mouth sucking at your sensitive spot had you convulsing. Tongue dipping in and out of your dripping cunt letting the tip of his tongue slide against your wall, makes your fingers find his hair to tug. Your thighs tremble as your core is snapped with just a mere few minutes of his tongue attack. Sucking and tongue fucking more furiously as he devours you he calls your high from no where. Letting his tongue lap up every inch of juice as you whine into the room. He doesn’t let up after you’ve finished as you attempt to push him off, his tongue continuing to dip in. “Shit Channie..…..…. Baby..…..…..Please,” you cry as you feel over sensitive. You can feel the vibration from his chuckle fill your core and you whimper feeling the warmth attack once more. “No more,” you whimper producing another vibration up your core from his amusement. Focusing his tongue on your clit his fingers plunge into your dripping cunt. Louder whimpers occur as you feel him pump himself in to you. Letting his fingers stretch and swirl around your walls, till he finds your most sensitive pad. Focusing on your torture his fingers and tongue ups the assault on you as your walls tighten around his digits. As his tongue swirls around your sensitive bud, your orgasm is pulled once more as you coat his fingers in your juices. Whimpering you convulse following till he withdraws amused at the view on your face like you did with him earlier.
Pulling your wearily body up he attacks your zip as you help him to remove your clothes. Lips attacking your breast as soon as it’s exposed he looks in heaven with his new indulgence. When he finished he lays you back down picking your legs up to hook over his shoulders. Lining himself he gently presses himself in you as your finger tips find his muscular arms. Stilling he waits for you to adjust to him, lips helps to steal your attention. It’s not long before he gets himself further horny with the actions of each others lips that he sets his pace. Fingers finding your clit he swirls as he takes his time to increase his speed. Whines and cry’s fall from your lips as your walls clench around him. The tip of his cock bouncing against your cervix is painful at first, but soon it settles to the most intense wave of sensitivity. Thighs shaking gives him clues to your impending high. “Look at you ready to cum again, looks like your just greedy for my cock,” he mocks panting. Sweat forming on his forehead as his hair sticks to it he sets his concentration as he chases his high with you. The speed with the pressure of his fingers on your nub is driving you crazy. You feel your body explode as you let your juices spill. The wetness between your thighs and under your ass tells you you’ve squirted. Yuchan has his eyes closed as he focuses further on chasing his own as you convulse under him. The wetness helping to lubricate you further as you feel even more sensitive then earlier. Nails digging into his shoulder that you know will leave moon crest marks, you hear him growl as he pulls himself out letting his cock rest above your stomach as he pumps his cum over your body. His face is hot to view as he scrunched his face before it’s flush from his release.
Letting your legs fall he falls on top of you letting his cum mix between you both. Pressing short kisses to your lips between chasing his breath you let your hand rest on his back. “Don’t think that is it, I need to recharge and then I want more,” he says before kissing the breast by his lips. “I thought you said age is just a number, but remember I’m not as young and active as you are,” you tease as he has a belly deep laughter. “Then be my pillow princess for the night then,” he says amused. “Either way, I’ve not waited all these years to only get one round. I want my fill before you leave me again,” he says with sorrow in his tone.
What did he mean? This was just a one off wasn’t it? But could you really imagine a relationship with a younger rock star?
To be continued.
Full Masterlist
A.C.E.'s Masterlist
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emeraldbabygirl · 4 years
Brat: A Kim Sehyoon smut part 2 uwu!
Genre: sMUT
Warnings/kink(s): thigh riding, dirty talk, choking, hair pulling, degradation, slapping (but it’s light I promise I won’t go too far into my dark shit..for now oops)
Length: short like my attention span (I lied. I’m a lying lil bitch)
It had been a two days since Sehyoon had been at your house. You woke up your panties wet at the extremely sexual dream you had of Sehyoon. You sighed looking at the clock in your room. 11:30 it read, you’re surprised you didn’t sleep til noon. Getting up from your bed you took your wet panties off but instead of putting on a clean pair you decided to go without. Even if Sehyoon didn’t try anything further with you the thoughts going through your head were enough to soak a new pair and you really didn’t want to change them every 10 minutes.
You headed downstairs and wandered into the kitchen. You didn’t see Sehyoon on the couch in the living room. You grabbed a water and plopped down on the couch. In a trance, still not noticing Sehyoon on the couch. “Sup slut.” You jumped and squealed both at him scaring you and the word he used. “S-Sehyoon I-I didnt see you. A-are you here alone? Where’s my brother?” You asked your face already heating up
“He’s somewhere in town. Don’t know when he’ll be back so for now it’s just the two of us.” Sehyoon eyed you. You where wearing a tight crop top with no bra as Sehyoon could clearly see your nipples hardening under the cloth and a lil pink skirt that you wore hiked up so when you sat down it showed so much of your thighs. Sehyoon smirked. He was wearing the holy grey sweatpants with no underwear clearly as you could see the slowly rising tent in his pants and a cut off black tank top. His green hair was wet and slicked back so his whole gorgeous forehead was exposed. “You dress like such a slut, the other day it was a hoodie and the shortest and tightest booty shorts and today you look like a slutty student that wants to get fucked by the teacher. Sehyoon shook his head.
You frowned at Sehyoon, “w-well what about you. You’re a man whore w-wearing those sweatpants w-with no underwear underneath a-and” you stopped yourself when Sehyoon’s gaze turned harsh. His lips were a thin line and his pupils were sharp. “You really are a brat aren’t you? You’ve been teasing me for the past two days with your slutty clothes and the way you purposefully drop literally anything just so you can bend over in front of me, you never wear a bra, I doubt you’re even wearing panties, you also talk back to your brother who’s clearly the oldest one in the house, you never eat what he fixes, you always complain, you go out of your way to reach for things in high places just to get a reaction out of me. So tell me Princess, are you always like this or are you doing this just for me?” You subtly try to close your thighs, the wetness leaking out of you. He was right on everything. All you want is to be fucked by your brother’s best friend til you’re crying and cumming over and over and since you’re too shy to use your words, to tell Sehyoon how much you want him you choose to act out, hoping he’ll get the hint and punish you. The heat on your cheeks and in your core was driving you mad. You placed the water on the table and looked over at Sehyoon. You tried to look into his eyes but they were so intimidating and your gaze slowly found his cock tugging against his pants.
Sehyoon’s cock shifted in his pants and before you could look back up he had your chin gripped in his hand. “My eyes are up here you disgusting bitch.” You breathed in a shaky breath as his words were becoming more lewd. “What is it you want from me huh? Just teasing me? A quick fuck? Do you want me to mark you up and make you mine? Hmm? What are some of those slutty thoughts that are swimming through that pretty mind of yours Princess? Tell Daddy what you want.” You couldn’t help the soft moan that came out of you, I mean, he called himself ‘daddy’ for fucks sake and god was he indeed a daddy. Sehyoon smirked before pushing your face away from his. “Dumb little bitch. You’re all bark and no bite. You probably wouldn’t even know what to do if my cock was right in front of those pretty lips of yours.” You couldn’t take his words anymore, you couldn’t take the teasing and the neediness you had for him. So you softly spoke up, “p-please, let me ride your t-thighs.” You moved closer to Sehyoon air kissing your wet hole as you moved your legs.
“You should’ve said that baby.” Sehyoon grabbed you and harshly slammed you on his thigh holding your hips down. Your face was beat red, your lips quivering as you placed your hands on Sehyoon’s shoulders. You were so horny and wet but for some reason you couldn’t bring yourself to move. Sehyoon frowned, raising one eyebrow. “Aww what’s the matter lil bitch, don’t know what to do? Are you that dumb or did the thought of riding my thighs and cumming everywhere make you dumb?” You softly whimpered when Sehyoon lifted your skirt up. He chuckled, “no panties again? The material of my pants are gonna hurt that cute clit of yours Princess.” Sehyoon hummed to himself as his fingers dipped into you. “F-fuckkk..” you moaned your body shaking. Just as Sehyoon was about to thrust into you his phone rang. With an annoyed look on his face he reached for the phone. Seeing that the caller ID was your brother Sehyoon smirked when he got an awful idea.
Placing the phone back on the couch he put your brother on speaker phone. He looked at you and smiled before fingering you at a fast pace. He didn’t even start out slow. “Hey man how’s it going?” He asked his free hand going up to grab your breasts. You hated that Sehyoon had done this, talking to your brother while fingering you felt so dirty and despite all your attempts to keep quiet you accidentally let a few small moans leave you. “I’ll be home soon, how’s my sister?” Sehyoon smiles at your expression. You were lost already, eyes shut tight as moans cascaded out of your mouth. “I don’t know, she’s probably still sleeping but hey, um, stay out a bit longer man I brought a girl home and she’s really loud and making a mess so I don’t want you here quite yes. She’s quite the shy lil bunny.” After Sehyoon said this he quickly rammed his fingers into your g-spot. “Daddy!” You screamed falling against Sehyoon’s chest. “Jesus Christ man, ok I’ll stay out til 10 for fucks sake. Just clean up the mess..but uh..fuck that dumb whore good huh? Tell me about it when I get back.” And with that your brother hung up.
Sehyoon hummed as he continued. “Did you like that baby? Bet your feeling so exposed knowing that your brother called you a whore without knowing who he’s talking to. Wait til he finds out I’ve been fucking you dumb behind his back. Shit, your parents might kick you out if they find out. You’d have to live with me and be my lil bitch huh?” Sehyoon frowned when he didn’t get an answer out of you. So as quickly at he stuck his fingers in you he pulled them back out. You sat up and whined but got cut off when Sehyoon’s hand slapped you across the face. Not too hard but enough to cause tears to well up in the corners of your eyes. “Aww don’t cry Princess. You only got slapped cause you didn’t answer me. I’ll keep slapping you til you’re no longer a brat now answer me, did it turn you on being a slut in front of your brother?” You were still processing the question when his hand came in contact with you other cheek, the hand that was previously in you. “Yes! Y-yes it did!” You yelped. Sehyoon smiled. “You filthy whore. Ride my thighs already so you can fuck off.” Sehyoon’s words were getting you so wet and hot, you slowly began moving your hips letting out little whimpers as you felt the material rub against your clit.
“So cute, such a slut but so good when she finally gets put in her place. Here, suck.” Sehyoon shoved the fingers that were in your pussy in your mouth and you struggled to suck and grind on his thigh at the same time. Your hips would either halt or you’d stop sucking. “Tsk you can’t even multitask you stupid baby.” At this point tears were leaving your eyes, you were so needy and he was being mean and making fun of you instead of letting you do what you wanted. “Here, let me help you.” Sehyoon pulled his fingers out of your mouth as his hand went to your throat and squeezed it hard. “Be a good Princess and grind on my thigh and my grip will loosen okay?” You nodded and started up again. Tears continued to fall as his grip was still tight. You were afraid of passing out so you went faster rolling your hips against him. Out of surprise Sehyoon tensed his muscles which caused you to stop for a few seconds. Sehyoon didn’t like this as his grip got tighter. You whined as best you could and picked up the pace.
When Sehyoon did it again you tried your best to ignore it. Finally Sehyoon’s grip was no longer as he let go of your throat and grabbed your hair instead pulling your head back. “Ah fuck!” You moaned. You looked down at Sehyoon and he was smiling, his eyes dark. He looked so hot sitting there doing nothing and everything at the same time. You picked up your pace. You had your head buried in Sehyoon’s neck and your broken cries and whimpers were spilling out of you like the cum that was about to exit your body. Sehyoon just chuckled as he held your head to his neck, stroking your hair. You were about to cum, you could feel it. You weren’t sure if Sehyoon would allow you to or not. With what little strength you had you looked up at him with teary, pleading eyes. “It’s not from having my cock or any other part of me in you, you’re getting off all on your own. I can’t make you come princess.” You cried out “Daddy please! Please tell me to cum I can’t without your permission.” Sehyoon looked at you. He looked at you and started laughing, “you filthy bitch. You can’t multitask for shit and you suck at riding my thigh and now you’re asking to cum despite doing this to yourself? How pathetic!” Sehyoon slapped your face once more a little harder this time as the sting caused you to stop your movements for a bit. You weren’t in the mood for his games anymore, you were desperate for him and desperate to cum you didn’t know what to do. So you just continued to ride his thighs whining like the pathetic bitch he said you were.
Sehyoon was getting a kick out of you. He loved seeing you a mess for him, he wasn’t even touching you. Everything that was happening was on your hand. You were getting off on everything and that made Sehyoon want to bend you over and fuck you til you’re screaming his name. He wanted to ruin you but he held back. He still had five days to wrap you around his finger, he wasn’t gonna play fair. He grabbed your face, this time gently as he looked into your hazy eyes that were red and glossy. He smiled at the red marks on your cheeks from his slaps. “I was only joking Princess. You ride Daddy’s thigh so well. However we have so much time to play still. I’m not gonna let you cum so easily, so no you do not have permission to cum.” At Sehyoon’s words you stopped grinding on his thigh. You were shaking and the wetness kept coming but he didn’t say you could cum and that made to start sobbing. You had done everything for him and he still was being mean to you.
“Aww don’t cry Princess,” he said pulling your little body into his arms. He rubbed little circles on your lower back, “I’ll let you cum soon. When you stop being a brat I’ll let you cum over and over and over again until you’re begging me to stop. Just be patient and be a good girl. As soon as that brat is out of you Daddy will give you everything you ask for okay?” Sehyoon pulled you away from him just so he could taste your lips. Your salty tears got him off and the thought of making you cry like this made thoughts of pure sin invade his mind. But he pushed them back and continued his gentle kissing, for now. Sehyoon then patted your butt before pushing you off of him. “Go clean yourself you dirty slut.” You got off his thigh and rushed to the bathroom before he could catch you. Sehyoon scoffed picking up your cum from his sweats with his fingers and placing them in his mouth. He groaned at your taste. “That bitch came anyway.”
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(Wow there’s gifs in the function already fuck me up that’s so hot SKSKSKS I’ll use this one since I didn’t really like the others) So anyway that A.C.E comeback pushed me to write the second part oOF. I wish I got the push to write my other fic ideas. But yeah Favorite Boys is so fucking hot and despite him having green hair in this fic I was thinking about him with black hair. Anyway I hope it’s good and to the people that were asking about it thank you for being patient with me and I’m sorry I couldn’t get it out sooner :( but I hope you all like it
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junquisite · 4 years
Just Friends?
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GENRE : Fluff
WARNING : none?
NOTE : if any of you have seen 2 broke girls, this is vaguely inspired from that one scene in season 1 with Johnny. i won’t spoil further.
Mirae had always thought she was lowkey blessed with everything around her. She had been bullied in kindergarten for being tiny - a sad eyed baby named Donghun protected her and stuck with her. And stuck with her till university, 15 years later. She went to dorms, he rented an apartment, and took in a housemate a month later who instantly clicked with him named Park Junhee and she spent her first year vehemently hating the dorms. She also got scarily well with Junhee to the point of finding Donghun sulking way too many times about Junhee stealing his best friend away (Mirae and Junhee were in the same literature department when Mirae was majoring and Junhee was minoring and both Junhee and Donghun’s major was music production).
One year later, as much as she would have loved to move in with her best friend, or the love of her life as she liked to call him, she could not. So she looked for housemates and found the perfect house in the building next to Donghun’s and now loves them to death. They were one year younger than her, freshmen who had moved to Seoul together, childhood friends and on the first meeting Mirae had decided she would fight whoever even dared to make them sad.
She knew moving without telling the older men was a bad idea but she knew they would overreact - which she was proven right with when she went over to their apartment and told them she moved out of the dorm. They were happy until they heard she moved in with not one but 2 male housemates and then they lost it.
After a lot of yelling, threats and are you crazy?’s , they finally calmed down enough to agree to meet her two housemates - Kang Yuchan and Kim Byeongkwan. With the strong belief that ended up proving right, Donghun and Junhee ended up liking the two freshmen so much that the strict front they had decided to keep in front of them dissolved in less than 5 minutes.
They all ended up being close friends who would weekly trash one of the houses in the name of movie and game nights and they even added the soft spoken shy neighbour of Donghun and Junhee - Kim Sehyoon.
It was at one of those night-ins at Mirae’s where Junhee was cooking and she was helping him when it happened.
Junhee was telling her a story - all with his exaggerated gestures which she was thoroughly enjoying when suddenly he pointed a celery near her face and asked, “so what is your opinion over this Miss. Mirae?”
Her brain short circuited - that was the only logical explanation she had for what happened next. With maintaining eye contact with Junhee as he waited for her to answer, she leaned down slowly and bit the celery as she saw his eyes widen and saw him gulp audibly. They kept on staring at each other as she slowly chewed the celery, Junhee opening his mouth finally to speak when chan loudly called them.
“Noona! Hyung! What's taking you so long?”
And with that the moment dissipated.
For the next three days, Mirae avoided Junhee as much as she could (because she was a coward) and only met him with someone else besides her. 3 days later she was summoned by Donghun to their apartment and she took a  breath of relief when she went in and Donghun said Junhee was out.
They were drinking coffee on the couch when Donghun cleared his throat and turned to look at her.
“What happened between you and Junhee?” he asked and she choked on her coffee. After rubbing her back for a couple of seconds, he repeated his questions and she groaned.
“Mirae, Junhee has been sulking and whining to me about you avoiding him and I'm tired. So you are going to tell me what happened.” Donghun said as he stared her down with his arms crossed across his chest and she felt herself grow smaller in his gaze.
“Why don't you ask him?” she murmured and he sighed.
“All he does is turn red in his face, stammer and leave and i would like an actual response to my questions.”
At that even Mirae turned red and looked away and Donghun cursed.
“I'm not letting you leave if you don't tell me. And soon Junhee will be back so.” Donghun said with a smirk as he leaned back and saw a panicked expression fill out Mirae’s face.
A final look of resignation came over and Donghun knew he won.
“I fucked up.” she finally said and Donghun raised an eyebrow and she stared at him.
“I've known you for 15 years Mirae and I know how you exaggerate stuff. I'm gonna need a lot more than that to decide whether you actually fucked up or not.” Donghun said and Mirae rolled her eyes.
“We were cooking at Chan’s right? So we were talking and he brought this celery in front of me..” she said and Donghun nodded.
“You didn't bite it right?”
“I bit it!” Mirae said and Donghun laughed loudly while Mirae groaned.
“ i can't believe you actually did that!” Donghun exclaimed between his laughters and she hit him with a cushion as she got up and went to the kitchen mumbling.
“So what now?” Donghun asked as he followed her till there, still slightly laughing but stopping when she glared at him.
“I just keep wanting to kiss him and think of kissing him and I don't want to ruin our friendship and it's just very annoying okay?” she said and Donghun sighed.
Before he could speak anything though, they heard the main door unlocking and Junhee calling for Donghun while Mirae panicked in the kitchen.
“Quick, go hide in my room , I'll help you leave after he goes into his room.” Donghun said and Mirae ran to his room.
“Junhee-ya!” Donghun called the other to the kitchen who peeked in.
“Did you meet Mirae today?” he asked and Junhee pouted.
“No hyung. I don't think she even went to the class today.” he said with a pout and Donghun really wanted to hit these two.
Knowing from Junhee’s lack of alcohol tolerance and frequency in drinking, Donghun was very aware of the budding crush of his roommate on his best friend. And this was his chance.
“Junhee-ah can you pick a blanket from my room? Let’s watch a movie.” Donghun said and Junhee nodded, happily going to Donghun’s room.
As soon as Junhee entered the room, he heard someone ask, “Did Junhee go to his room?” and he looked up to come face to face with Mirae who looked equally confused to see him. They also heard the room door close and lock and they both looked at it, wide-eyed.
“TALK ABOUT STUFF!” they heard Donghun yelling from outside and both avoided each other’s eyes.
“Talk about what hyung!” Junhee yelled back and they heard Donghun groan from outside.
“MIRAE TALK ABOUT THE CELERY AND KISS THING, JUNHEE TALK ABOUT THE CRUSH THING!” They heard Donghun yell and they both flushed pretty quickly after hearing him.
A silence prevailed in the room for a short while until Junhee cleared his throat.
“About the celery thing.. It's okay there's nothing awkward between us so let’s just go back to how we were huh?” Junhee mumbled and Mirae would have agreed had she not heard Donghun yelling about the crush part to Junhee. From what she could figure out, there was a probability that Junhee had a crush on her and she almost wanted to laugh at themselves because they were totally meant to be. They were both cowards.  And it was clear from how Junhee was trying to preserve the friendship - he had totally missed the kiss part. So she was going to take a chance.
“We are not gonna move on from the celery thing Junhee.” she said as she took a few steps towards him.
“I can't stop thinking about that time - what could have happened had Chan not interrupted? Huh Junhee?” she said as he gulped visibly.
“N-nothing.” he stuttered and she chuckled.
“We would have kissed Junhee. Tell me Junhee, would you hate the idea of kissing me?” she asked as she was inches away from his face, standing on her tip-toes and trying to get him to accept.
“No! Obviously not Mirae!” Junhee siad, instinctively his hands coming up on her waist as she smiled.
“Then what's stopping you?” 
She reached forward to close to distance between them and felt his hands tighten on her waist as he deepened the kiss.
Standing in the middle of Donghun’s room with her hands in his hair and his on her waist, they kept kissing each other till they had to part for air. And when they did, they stood with their foreheads touching, breathing heavily and smiling stupidly.
“I’ve wanted to do that for so long.” Junhee mumbled against her cheeks as he leaned down to kiss her again gently. 
“And you almost chose not to Park Junhee.” she said as she softly hit him on the chest and he laughed.
“Think Donghun will open the door now that we have sorted stuff?” he asked as he giggled and she shrugged.
“Lets try.” she said and they went to the door, ready to bang it till Donghun opened but they both stared at the door in disbelief as Junhee tried the doorknob and it opened.
“It wasn't locked?” she whispered and they both laughed even more as they left the room to stare at Donghun wearing his headphones and sitting on the couch.
He looked up at them as they came out of the room holding hands.
“You didn't lock the door?” Junhee said and Donghun smiled at them mischievously and said, “I was not going to force you to talk to something but I did want you to talk.”
Then he pointedly looked at their held together hands and smirked. “Guess it worked.” and they both looked away, smiling shyly.
“Some ground rules first.” Donghun said as he got up and stared the new couple down.
“No sex in this hosue. I have known her for 15 years and i DON'T want to know how she moans.”
By the time he ended his sentence, he was laughing loudly and the others were red in the face,  screaming at him.
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alexing1061 · 4 years
Just Like the Rain (Wow/Sehyoon) Ch.1
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Title: Just Like the Rain
Pairing: Sehyoon X Suhyun (OC/F)
Genre: Fluff x Romance X a bit of drama
Rating: Any mature content will be marked as such
Word Count: 1044
Writer: AleXing
Part: 1/?
March had finally rolled over, and with it came Cherry Blossom season as well as a new school year.
It had already been a week since school had started which meant there were now less students worrying about making it in time to their first classes or not getting lost in the big campus and more students getting preoccupied with schools projects, homework and hopefully maintaining a social life in the midst of their academic life.
This week also marked the beginning of after school clubs which mean that halls were busier than they had had for the first week.
Suhyun clutched her drawing storage tube to her chest as she made her way between the students that crammed together in the halls, bumping her shoulder with a few students who were heading in the opposite direction of her own club. Despite the still chilly weather outside, the halls felt stuffy and Suhyun could feel a fain layer of sweat begin to form underneath her light blue sweater. She walked for a few more minutes between students narrowly dodging some elbows and feet stepping on her before she finally reached her destination.
The art club's entry was significantly less busy than all the other clubs with only a couple off people going in from time to time. The club was known to be one of the hardest clubs to join given that they usually only accepted 10 new members each school year due to the lack of space. Students had to submit pieces of art at the beginning of the semester in order to apply and only the best 10 were accepted so it was a pretty big deal if you managed to make it.
Suhyun took a deep breath to calm her nerves. She had been dreaming about this day since she had decided to become an architect back in high school and one of her uncles had told her about how successful the members of this club had come to be after they had graduated. She could feel doubt start to creep up into her mind but she quickly shook her head before finally opening the door.
A few students looked in her direction as if they were expecting someone before they went back to their activities, paying no mind to her whatsoever when she made her way towards an empty table.
There were about 15 tables in the room, each of them with two chairs, a significant amount of space between each chair as the tables were big enough to fit large projects. The wall at the back was covered in black chalkboard paint which was now completely full with doodles and scribbles. The rest of the walls were painted beige with big shelves that had been stained by multiple types of paint throughout their years in sue. All types of art supplies sat in the shelves and she couldn't help but let out a soft sigh in awe as she appreciated every single corner of the classroom.
"It's really impressive right?" a soft voice said beside her and that brought her back from her reverie. Her eyes widened the slightest as she looked at the person sitting next to her. His smile was just the same as she remembered from those months back; warms, shy and so beautiful and she couldn't figure out why it felt so familiar despite having seen it only once before.
"Hey" she managed to say, completely disregarding his question as she recovered slightly from the initial shock. She looked away from him for a few second and she found several people glancing in their direction curiously. They seemed to be focused on her new partner but he didn't seem to notices as he was still looking at her, his expression open and friendly.
"I'm sorry, I must have startled you," he said while throwing an apologetic smile her way before tilting his head slightly to the left, tongue sweeping against his bottom lip "I'm not sure if you remember me but I remember you."
Suhyun let out a small chuckle before she offered him a smile and nodded "Yes of course, you left quite a big impression" she said softly almost to herself.
The male smiled even brighter, his eyes crinkling at the corners making them look a bit like half moons. It made him look younger and she couldn't stop but return it before shyly looking down of her hands, her fingers playing with a piece of string that was hanging out from the hem of her shirt.
The atmosphere between them became quiet as they were both struggled to find something else to keep the conversation going and after a few minutes had passed, Suhyun decided to ask him for his name.
"Ah right" he said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck before offering his free hand for her to shake, "I'm Kim Sehyoon." She gently wrapped her hand in his before shaking it it "Lim Suhyun, " she said simply before releasing his hand from her hold.
They had gone back to their semi-akward silence before she decided to ask him what had been on her mind since that day they had met back in high school. No matter how many times she thought about it, she couldn't think of a single valid reason for what had happened and having him in front of her again only intensified her curiosity.
She looked over at him and he had busied himself with a small notepad and pen, drawing what looked like a flower mindlessly. She then cleared her throat to catch his attention and once he was looking at her she leaned forward, as much as her chair allowed, and asked "Why did you do that back then?" At this point Sehyoon had mimicked her stance, also leaning over towards her, making it seem like they were sharing a secret even though nobody was really paying attention to the anymore.
Sehyoon took a deep breath and opened his mouth to explain but he was cut off by the sound of the door opening, revealing their art professor.
He called for everyone's attention and Sehyoon shot her an apologetic look while mouthing a later before they both turned their attention to the front.
Hey guys! Here’s Chapter 1 of my story. I also just got my AO3 account so here you go in case you’d like to follow me there or you’d like to leave Kudos or comments ^^  https://archiveofourown.org/works/27516646/chapters/67289872
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byeongqueen · 3 years
How To Save A Life
TW: mentions of addictions, and implied suicide
I actually wrote this one a long time ago, it is entirely dramatic and sad, I’m sorry
Byeongkwan loved Sehyoon, and Sehyoon loved Byeongkwan.
But lately, not everything had been flowers and butterflies between them. Byeongkwan had to spend a lot of time dancing, sometimes even practicing until the early morning. And well for Sehyoon, he mostly stayed at home, sometimes working on songs and lyrics, most of the time feeling alone and empty. He was happy that his lover could pursue his passion, but he sometimes wished they could be together more. The demons were crawling back inside, and he felt so fucking defenseless against them. When Byeongkwan came home from work, he would often find things broken, or out of places, and rarely a bump in the wall. The thing he always found though, was a passed out Sehyoon, either on the couch or in their shared bed, still in his clothes. He would have to wake him up and undress him.
Byeongkwan hated that situation. He felt so fucking helpless. Because Sehyoon’s behavior hadn't started because of Byeongkwan working late, but Byeongkwan started working late because of Sehyoon’s behavior. He knew it wasn’t the best decision, but every time he tried to talk to the composer, he would just completely shut down and ignore him. The dancer was completely lost. He knew about Sehyoon’s problems, and that would never make him love the boy less, but the latter didn’t think that way. He thought of himself as a freak. Most of the time, it was bearable, and controllable, but sometimes, there were episodes like that, where he just couldn’t do anything. He knew Byeongkwan was worried, and frankly, he was worried too.
Byeongkwan had tried to talk to Sehyoon for weeks now, only earning grunts or silence from the older boy. He was so heartbroken to see his lover like that, and even more heartbroken not to be able to take his pain away. If he could, he would rather be hurt than Sehyoon. When Byeongkwan came home that day, rather early, to be honest, he smelt something odd in the apartment they shared. It was odd, even though Byeongkwan knew the smell all too well.
“Sehyoon?” He called after him, still not believing it.
“ Babe, you’re so early!” Sehyoon said as he tried to hide the blunt he was just smoking.
“ Are you fucking for real!” The youngest exclaimed. “We got you off all those things so long ago and now you’re jut going back to it like that?”
“Step one you say we need to talk”
“ I can’t go on like this Sehyoon, please talk to me.” He pleaded. “I can’t bear to see you like this anymore.”
He motioned for the other boy to come and sit down on the couch, as he himself sat on the coffee table, so he was in front of him, close enough to have his hand on Sehyoon’s thigh, drawing little circles on it with his thumb.
“Some sort of window to your right,
as he goes left and you stay right
between the lines of fear and blame.”
“ We’re going to find a solution, I promise.”
“ What if I can’t get better” Sehyoon sighed. “And even if I could, what if I don’t want to get better?”
Thoughts started racing wildly in Byeongkwan’s mind, his heart breaking with the words of the man in front of him. He couldn’t picture life without his Sehyoon, and suddenly, he felt sick in his stomach. Was it his fault for ignoring the problem for too long, thinking it would pass as it usually does. He had to have done something wrong for the situation to go downhill like that.
“Let him know that you know best”
“ You can’t be serious, no, you can’t talk like that Sehyoon.” Byeongkwan was fighting as hard as he could to not let the tears flow down his face.
“ Why couldn’t I ?” Sehyoon sighed, he had never been that solemn before. “I’m lost Byeongkwan, I can’t go on anymore. I have lost to them.”
“ As he begins to raise is voice”
“It’s not true, you’ve never lost before, you’re a fighter Sehyoon.” Byeongkwan tried
“ How could you say that!” Sehyoon started to yell. “You don’t know what’s going on in my head, you’ll never know. You can’t cure me Byeongkwan, you can’t change that part of me, nobody can!”
He was screaming at Byeongkwan, and crying as well. The younger was frozen in place, never had Sehyoon even raised his voice at him before that day. And he didn’t even seem to feel sorry. Byeongkwan wasn’t mad of course, he was kind of prepared for that. He would forgive him. He always did.
“Drive until you lose the road,
or break with the ones you’ve followed.”
“You could, but you don’t want to try.” He himself wasn’t sure about that, he was trying to believe his own words as he was saying them.
“ You know nothing.” Sehyoon spat.
“ All I know is that everything depends on you.” Byeongkwan sad as calmly as possible. “You can either continue that way and get lost more and more, or try to fight back, and eventually get better, and I know you can do that.”
“Or he’ll say he’s just not the same”
“ Trust me Byeongkwan, if I could, it would be done by now.” He said in a dark chuckle. “I’ve been locked in this situation for months now, I can’ get back.” He looked at Byeongkwan, his usually sparkling eyes completely blank and dull. “I can’t do this, I can’t anymore. I’m not the Sehyoon you knew, this one has been eaten alive by his own fucking thoughts.”
Sehyoon left the room right after this sentence, to go outside, for a walk supposedly.
“Where did I go wrong I lost a friend”
That was the last time he saw his lover. And he would regret this night for ever. How could he have been so blind, and so insensitive. He knew Sehyoon was in pain, but he was so afraid. Afraid of what huh, now that his biggest fear has come true. His nightmare is now his daily reality. He had contemplated joining him in a better place, but couldn’t come around doing it. Guess there’s still things left to do around here for him. If only he had been there.
“I would have stayed up with you all night”
Sehyoon didn’t need to be alone, he needed his Byeongkwanie to be here with him. He needed someone. But he also couldn’t ask this favor to Byeongkwan, he couldn’t bear being a burden for him. That’s why he left that day, to never come back in Byeongkwan’s life, or anyone’s life for that matter.
It has now been 2 years since he’s gone, and every week, Byeongkwan comes to visit him.
“I should have been here you know.” He started crying. Today would have been their 5 year anniversary. “I love you so much you don’t even know. It hurts so much being without you, and I miss you so much. I hope you’re well now my little angel. I hope those voices and those demons are finally leaving you alone.” His voice cracked, just like it does every time. He just couldn’t care less. He’ll never love anyone as much. Sehyoon will only be his one and only lover.
“Had I known, how to save a life”
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