#junhee sceanrios
junquisite · 4 years
Just Friends?
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GENRE : Fluff
WARNING : none?
NOTE : if any of you have seen 2 broke girls, this is vaguely inspired from that one scene in season 1 with Johnny. i won’t spoil further.
Mirae had always thought she was lowkey blessed with everything around her. She had been bullied in kindergarten for being tiny - a sad eyed baby named Donghun protected her and stuck with her. And stuck with her till university, 15 years later. She went to dorms, he rented an apartment, and took in a housemate a month later who instantly clicked with him named Park Junhee and she spent her first year vehemently hating the dorms. She also got scarily well with Junhee to the point of finding Donghun sulking way too many times about Junhee stealing his best friend away (Mirae and Junhee were in the same literature department when Mirae was majoring and Junhee was minoring and both Junhee and Donghun’s major was music production).
One year later, as much as she would have loved to move in with her best friend, or the love of her life as she liked to call him, she could not. So she looked for housemates and found the perfect house in the building next to Donghun’s and now loves them to death. They were one year younger than her, freshmen who had moved to Seoul together, childhood friends and on the first meeting Mirae had decided she would fight whoever even dared to make them sad.
She knew moving without telling the older men was a bad idea but she knew they would overreact - which she was proven right with when she went over to their apartment and told them she moved out of the dorm. They were happy until they heard she moved in with not one but 2 male housemates and then they lost it.
After a lot of yelling, threats and are you crazy?’s , they finally calmed down enough to agree to meet her two housemates - Kang Yuchan and Kim Byeongkwan. With the strong belief that ended up proving right, Donghun and Junhee ended up liking the two freshmen so much that the strict front they had decided to keep in front of them dissolved in less than 5 minutes.
They all ended up being close friends who would weekly trash one of the houses in the name of movie and game nights and they even added the soft spoken shy neighbour of Donghun and Junhee - Kim Sehyoon.
It was at one of those night-ins at Mirae’s where Junhee was cooking and she was helping him when it happened.
Junhee was telling her a story - all with his exaggerated gestures which she was thoroughly enjoying when suddenly he pointed a celery near her face and asked, “so what is your opinion over this Miss. Mirae?”
Her brain short circuited - that was the only logical explanation she had for what happened next. With maintaining eye contact with Junhee as he waited for her to answer, she leaned down slowly and bit the celery as she saw his eyes widen and saw him gulp audibly. They kept on staring at each other as she slowly chewed the celery, Junhee opening his mouth finally to speak when chan loudly called them.
“Noona! Hyung! What's taking you so long?”
And with that the moment dissipated.
For the next three days, Mirae avoided Junhee as much as she could (because she was a coward) and only met him with someone else besides her. 3 days later she was summoned by Donghun to their apartment and she took a  breath of relief when she went in and Donghun said Junhee was out.
They were drinking coffee on the couch when Donghun cleared his throat and turned to look at her.
“What happened between you and Junhee?” he asked and she choked on her coffee. After rubbing her back for a couple of seconds, he repeated his questions and she groaned.
“Mirae, Junhee has been sulking and whining to me about you avoiding him and I'm tired. So you are going to tell me what happened.” Donghun said as he stared her down with his arms crossed across his chest and she felt herself grow smaller in his gaze.
“Why don't you ask him?” she murmured and he sighed.
“All he does is turn red in his face, stammer and leave and i would like an actual response to my questions.”
At that even Mirae turned red and looked away and Donghun cursed.
“I'm not letting you leave if you don't tell me. And soon Junhee will be back so.” Donghun said with a smirk as he leaned back and saw a panicked expression fill out Mirae’s face.
A final look of resignation came over and Donghun knew he won.
“I fucked up.” she finally said and Donghun raised an eyebrow and she stared at him.
“I've known you for 15 years Mirae and I know how you exaggerate stuff. I'm gonna need a lot more than that to decide whether you actually fucked up or not.” Donghun said and Mirae rolled her eyes.
“We were cooking at Chan’s right? So we were talking and he brought this celery in front of me..” she said and Donghun nodded.
“You didn't bite it right?”
“I bit it!” Mirae said and Donghun laughed loudly while Mirae groaned.
“ i can't believe you actually did that!” Donghun exclaimed between his laughters and she hit him with a cushion as she got up and went to the kitchen mumbling.
“So what now?” Donghun asked as he followed her till there, still slightly laughing but stopping when she glared at him.
“I just keep wanting to kiss him and think of kissing him and I don't want to ruin our friendship and it's just very annoying okay?” she said and Donghun sighed.
Before he could speak anything though, they heard the main door unlocking and Junhee calling for Donghun while Mirae panicked in the kitchen.
“Quick, go hide in my room , I'll help you leave after he goes into his room.” Donghun said and Mirae ran to his room.
“Junhee-ya!” Donghun called the other to the kitchen who peeked in.
“Did you meet Mirae today?” he asked and Junhee pouted.
“No hyung. I don't think she even went to the class today.” he said with a pout and Donghun really wanted to hit these two.
Knowing from Junhee’s lack of alcohol tolerance and frequency in drinking, Donghun was very aware of the budding crush of his roommate on his best friend. And this was his chance.
“Junhee-ah can you pick a blanket from my room? Let’s watch a movie.” Donghun said and Junhee nodded, happily going to Donghun’s room.
As soon as Junhee entered the room, he heard someone ask, “Did Junhee go to his room?” and he looked up to come face to face with Mirae who looked equally confused to see him. They also heard the room door close and lock and they both looked at it, wide-eyed.
“TALK ABOUT STUFF!” they heard Donghun yelling from outside and both avoided each other’s eyes.
“Talk about what hyung!” Junhee yelled back and they heard Donghun groan from outside.
“MIRAE TALK ABOUT THE CELERY AND KISS THING, JUNHEE TALK ABOUT THE CRUSH THING!” They heard Donghun yell and they both flushed pretty quickly after hearing him.
A silence prevailed in the room for a short while until Junhee cleared his throat.
“About the celery thing.. It's okay there's nothing awkward between us so let’s just go back to how we were huh?” Junhee mumbled and Mirae would have agreed had she not heard Donghun yelling about the crush part to Junhee. From what she could figure out, there was a probability that Junhee had a crush on her and she almost wanted to laugh at themselves because they were totally meant to be. They were both cowards.  And it was clear from how Junhee was trying to preserve the friendship - he had totally missed the kiss part. So she was going to take a chance.
“We are not gonna move on from the celery thing Junhee.” she said as she took a few steps towards him.
“I can't stop thinking about that time - what could have happened had Chan not interrupted? Huh Junhee?” she said as he gulped visibly.
“N-nothing.” he stuttered and she chuckled.
“We would have kissed Junhee. Tell me Junhee, would you hate the idea of kissing me?” she asked as she was inches away from his face, standing on her tip-toes and trying to get him to accept.
“No! Obviously not Mirae!” Junhee siad, instinctively his hands coming up on her waist as she smiled.
“Then what's stopping you?” 
She reached forward to close to distance between them and felt his hands tighten on her waist as he deepened the kiss.
Standing in the middle of Donghun’s room with her hands in his hair and his on her waist, they kept kissing each other till they had to part for air. And when they did, they stood with their foreheads touching, breathing heavily and smiling stupidly.
“I’ve wanted to do that for so long.” Junhee mumbled against her cheeks as he leaned down to kiss her again gently. 
“And you almost chose not to Park Junhee.” she said as she softly hit him on the chest and he laughed.
“Think Donghun will open the door now that we have sorted stuff?” he asked as he giggled and she shrugged.
“Lets try.” she said and they went to the door, ready to bang it till Donghun opened but they both stared at the door in disbelief as Junhee tried the doorknob and it opened.
“It wasn't locked?” she whispered and they both laughed even more as they left the room to stare at Donghun wearing his headphones and sitting on the couch.
He looked up at them as they came out of the room holding hands.
“You didn't lock the door?” Junhee said and Donghun smiled at them mischievously and said, “I was not going to force you to talk to something but I did want you to talk.”
Then he pointedly looked at their held together hands and smirked. “Guess it worked.” and they both looked away, smiling shyly.
“Some ground rules first.” Donghun said as he got up and stared the new couple down.
“No sex in this hosue. I have known her for 15 years and i DON'T want to know how she moans.”
By the time he ended his sentence, he was laughing loudly and the others were red in the face,  screaming at him.
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nojaemblog · 5 years
Hide and seek/Park Junhee
 Warnings: yandere! mentions of violence
Genre: a little bit of fluff and crack
Requested: yes , from this prompt “I’ll take that ‘I hate you’ with a grain of salt. Now get in the car.”
Notes: I had sooo much fun writing this one
You and Jun were sitting on the couch, silently watching the movie that rolled on the screen.You said you were sleepy and made your way towards your room.He knew your game plan right off the bat, how you were going to try to escape from him today. Hence the word ‘try’. As soon as you closed the door behind you, you ran up to your window where you had planned to escape that day. You didn’t bother taking many belongings with you since you didn’t even know if the plan would work. But soon you found yourself climbing out from the window, slowly-slowly, switching your gaze from the ground, to the bedroom. You could feel your heart beating loudly in your ears from the adrenaline rush. “There was no going back now.” 
Junhee knew that you were trying to escape, he even knew where you were going to hide from him. But he decided to let you have your own fun for awhile, grabbing a new bowl of popcorn and continuing with his movie.
You shut your eyes and took a deep breath as you let go from the window and hit the ground with a hard thud, making you yelp out in surprise.”Oh, she must have landed”,Junhee thought.”My baby is not that stealthy I see”.You had landed on your knees , only getting a few bruises here and there. You started to make your way down the alleyway, towards your friend’s house.
You arrived at f/n, but you did not tell them the reason why you are at their place,you just asked if you could stay there for awhile. Your friend has let you sleep in the guest bedroom. You finally felt free, away from Jun and all his bullshit. “I could actually relax for the first time in forever”.You were so tired from all the escaping that you fell like a rock on the bed and doze off immediately.
The next morning, Junhee was perched at the end of your bed with a smirk on his face. He watched your chest rise and fall with every breath, so calmly, so gracious. At least in his eyes. As you slept, he placed a gentle hand on your knee, softly waking you up.
“Good morning, princess! How was your sleep? Of course it wasn’t as amazing as sleeping next to me…, right? Did you have fun with f/n? They are really nice, I met them today”, he smiled at you.”Oh, you slept a lot, you must have been tired, babe. Let’s go home now, it is getting late”
“I don’t want to, I want to stay here!”, you complained.
“Baby you are so grumpy when you wake up. So cute. I’ll be waiting for you outside. And please don’t test my patience, I could have an interesting chat with f/n, and we both know how you wouldn’t want this to happen”,Junhee smirked at you before leaving.
You took your belongings and went outside after saying goodbye to your friend.
“I won’t come home, Junhee. I hate you!”, you spat at him.
“I’ll take that ‘I hate you’ with a grain of salt. Now get in the car.”, he smiled at you. “How could he smile in such a situation? He must be sick in the head”,you thought.
“Jun, I clearly stated that I won’t come. Now leave me alone!”
“Sorry, baby. Sadly, this is not an option.”. Junhee slowly came and threw you over his shoulder, briefly spanking your butt. “This hide and seek game was kind of fun, princess. So I won’t go too hard on your punishment after we arrive home.”,he laughed.
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(sorry I had to put this gif here lmao, this is exactly how i imagined this scene)
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