#and his voice is heavenly and he sings a duet with himself in the song
I get into very niche and obscure things, which is awesome and I love it, but then I have this problem where I can't share what I love about something to my friends without 50 different layers of context and I don't want to blab for a half hour to my friend about it and scare them off
#its the worst#for example#there's this musical motif that plays on a gramophone for like 10 seconds#in one of the 30 or so randomly chosen main menu scenes for starcraft 2#and that motif is one that's actually a full song from the original starcraft called the Brood War Aria#which was playing on a gramophone in the background of a cutscene on a spaceship for like 30 seconds#and there is a full version sung by this woman that you can find in the soundtrack#and it's really good#but the original song isn't the one I like#the one I like is a different version they did for the second game#and the two minute song is tucked into a 9 minute song on spotify#so I can't listen to my favorite version of it on command#but i can for the original#also the version for the second game is done by this one really good opera singer dude#and his voice is heavenly and he sings a duet with himself in the song#and i don't know both versions of the song are so awesome to listen to#it feels like wrapping my ears in soft silk#and it does so much in the context of the story as well#because the song is very peaceful and stress free#and when it was playing in the original game the guys in the spaceship#or battlecruiser as it's called in the game#are kinda chilling and watching this terrible battle go on between their fellow humans and these aliens#and they do absolutely nothing and leave them be even though they can save them with no risk to themselves#which is exactly what this guy named Mengsk did with the love interest to our protagonist#he abandoned her to die to that same race of aliens even though she was on his side#just for him to tie off loose ends#and that motif is attributed to him#and the one that plays in his main menu scene#and it's just representative of how unbothered he is by brutality and making others suffer#while he lives a lavish life and wields extraordinarily large amounts of power gained by those he betrayed and accuses of treason
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onlinekitsune · 2 years
demon boys reaction to catching you singing ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪
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this is incredibly self indulgent but i just had to do a little drabble on this!! there’s no way the brothers aren’t at least somewhat musically talented… especially since they all have songs!!! and i don’t see people talk about it much? and as a person who listens to music constantly, i had to change that
LUCIFER ; he went to ask you something but found you singing in the music room, whatever he wanted to ask is long gone, he is stunned and mesmerized by your voice, he just stands there not wanting to interrupt you or for you to pause, your voice was the most soothing thing he’d ever listen to, no vinyl could compare to you, he’d give you a very much worthy applause, and ask if you wanted to sing another song while he’d play piano, you obviously say yes, on the back of lucifer’s mind he was wonder how’d he get you to record a vinyl just for him
MAMMON ; per usual he’d come crash in your room, before he got there though he heard you singing, but not just any song your guys song, not officially but that’s what mammon thought whenever he heard it, he totally did not associate it with you at all, there was a duet in the song, mammon took the chance to fill in the gap, and maybe impress you, he’d sing the other part while walking in the room, acting like it was nothing despite being so nervous, he’d trip over scattered items on your floor but would continue his lines, he avoided your gaze while waiting for you to join him, he didn’t want to expose how much he’d be blushing
LEVIATHAN ; he’d left his room for a little bit, not too long he’d never keep you waiting for long, but long enough for you to start singing an opening from the current anime you two were watching, it was catchy and stuck in your head, instantly the blue coded demon was bright pink, you were too cute for him, this was something that only happened in anime, so why is it happening now, he’d make his presence well known by falling right in front of you, you stop from the sudden thud of levi, he’d apologize relentlessly for interrupting you, you assured him it was okay, he’d want to sing it again for him
SATAN ; to no ones surprise (expect satan) the library wasn’t the most occupied room in the house, you’d sneak in there to just have time to yourself and to sing without being interrupted, or so you thought, satan decided to treat himself to a cozy reading time at the library, upon hearing music he was a little confused, he didn’t really expect someone in there playing music, you guys had a whole music room, but as he peeked in and saw you he was pleasantly surprised, he didn’t hesitate much, he had other motives, he booked it to his room and grabbed his violin, he returned accompanying you on your song, you couldn’t help but to be enamored 
ASMODEUS ; you didn’t necessary avoid asmo when you sang, but you knew he’d give it so much attention, you were caught off guard one day while scrolling through devilgram, you were mindlessly scrolling while singing, nothing too impressive to you, but when asmodeus caught you he was in awe, to your surprise he didn’t make such a big deal out of it (yet), he’d instantly wip out his phone to record, for his personal viewing but he’d totally think about the views he’d get from posting it, then he would make a huge deal out of it, bombarding you with why you never told him you could sing like that, how long have you been singing, can you sing for him again, he’d also ask you if you wanted to do it professionally, he would use his connections to make that happen if you ever wanted
BEELZEBUB ; cooking and cleaning was a no brainer combo, it made the whole process just so much better, and whenever you had cooking duty with beel it was perfect, you were very comfortable singing with him present, but when you first sang with him while cooking he just stopped dead in his tracks, he didn’t expect how heavenly your voice sounded, it was sweeter than anything he’d ever tasted, beel wasn’t much of a singer but he’d hum along to whatever you decided to sing, he’d want to indulge himself in your song anyways, there was a little bit of pride and love knowing that you felt so comfortable around him that you’d sing by him
BELPHEGOR ; he was aware of your talents from long ago, you’d sing on the staircase to the attic late at night, he didn’t really bring it up, that was until he caught you singing in the planetarium at night, the atmosphere and the echo of your voice was too perfect for you to not sing in here, especially at this time with the stars above you, belphie wouldn’t say anything but he’d sit beside you and look at the stars, you’d pause for a second, not really knowing if you should continue, but he’d ask for you to while he stared at the stars, you’d soon sing him to sleep before falling fast asleep beside him
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windblume-wishes · 1 year
how you request are open i want request headcanons for Eichi, Izumi and Hiyori when find their s/o is a street singer please
𝔾𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤, 𝔻𝕖𝕒𝕣 𝕋𝕣𝕒𝕧𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕣! 𝕀𝕥’𝕤 𝕒 𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕦𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕒𝕔𝕔𝕖𝕡𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕣𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥! ♡︎
𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜, 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚠𝚑𝚘 𝚖𝚊𝚢 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚊𝚌𝚛𝚘𝚜𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚎, 𝙸’𝚕𝚕 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚊 𝙶𝙽 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛. 𝙸 𝚍𝚘 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝’𝚜 𝚊𝚕𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝, 𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚛!
𝕃𝕖𝕥’𝕤 𝕤𝕖𝕖 𝕟𝕠𝕨, 𝕀 𝕓𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕖𝕧𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕥𝕒𝕝𝕖 𝕘𝕠𝕖𝕤 𝕒 𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖…
Eichi Tenshouin, Izumi Sena, and Hiyori Tomoe x Street Singer!S/O - Sing It Loud and Proud!
Eichi Tenshouin
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Eichi was roaming around town with Wataru when he thought he heard a familiar voice off in the distance- even though there was quite the crowd and commotion around he knew that voice anywhere- it was you!
Eichi quickly informed Wataru that he just had to check something out and that he would be back at the ES Building in no time, Wataru already knew what was happening and smiled happily as he playfully shoved the blond in the direction of your voice!
He sees you singing on the street corner with a small Bluetooth Speaker next to you to play the music for the song you are singing- it was his solo song “Shining Star”. You were singing his song…
This boy’s heart just flutters and he blushes so red that he looks very fevered! Congratulations, Producer, you broke Eichi!
Eichi is not one to lose his words but you certainly took words from him so much so that he is a sputtering mess!
Even if you are his s/o the impact of you singing his song before an audience is still that of impressiveness and shows him how much you love him. He is over the moon!
You stop once you notice him smiling widely and with a more than obvious blush on his face- which speaks volumes because you know he is not one to get so flustered easily!
He looks rather cute so red with that goofy lovey dovey smile! (Better snap a picture, producer!)
You begin to blush yourself- you were caught in the act for sure- no way talking yourself out of this one! But he seems to like it…?! He’s not upset that you were just singing his song on the street corner…?!
Nope, he is beyond happy!! He loves you even more now- which he never thought was possible to love you even more than before just because you were singing “Shining Star” with so much love and passion.
“Y/N, perhaps we should see if STAR PRO would allow you as a new member of fine, or perhaps allow you to sing a duet with me on stage. You sing beautifully, Y/N- like an Angel from the heavens!”
Hiyori Tomoe
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Hiyori found out about your street performances by pure chance one afternoon when he decided to go into town to his favourite bakery- he was in the mood for some lovely treats and could not pass up a chance to buy a whole selection for the two of you.
He hears a familiar voice off in the distance and he knew right away who it was- but no- it couldn’t be could it?!
Oh it was indeed you! His little sunshine was there singing on the sidewalk attracting quite the attention and attention!
So you THOUGHT you could just hide that from him?! Very bad Hiyori! You are practically Adam to his Eve (or vice-versa) how could you not tell him you were blessed with such a strong and beautiful singing voice and still only be a producer?!
No no no, he promised himself he would not get upset that you never told him- but yet he still feels hurt. You normally tell Hiyori everything so the fact he is just now discovering your talent for singing just completely takes his breath away- how on earth did you manage to hide this for so long?! And from him?!
Insert sad Hiyori sounds here
Hiyori, while a little upset that you kept this detail a secret, is thrilled to see that his beloved s/o can sing like a heavenly choir!
Duet time!! Did you honestly think he was going to leave you to sing “Trap For You” all alone?! Honey, please, this song was made for two people! How else was he to pull you in and hold onto you before bursting into song?
He will do all he can to make sure you have an official stage debut! No buts! He will pull every little string to make sure you are recognized by everyone for your incredible talent! That there is very good Hiyori!
Hiyori truly thinks that someone as talented as you should not be wasting their time just singing on the sidewalk to mere passersby’s- you should be on stage and with him!
Couple duets are always the sweetest, right~?
Because you are a singer that means you can sing sweet little serenades, right~? Oh wonderful! You just earned your spot as Hiyori’s personal little songbird for moments he wants a sweet and soothing voice.
You can sing seductively, right~? He does like a good sweet and seductive song from time to time!
Izumi Sena
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Izumi was sitting at Café Cinnamon reading when all of a sudden a message comes across his phone from Arashi who was out on the town with Mika. She just so happened to run into you and recorded your entire performance to his song “Ironic Blue”.
He acts a bit like Hiyori and is upset that you never told him that you were so gifted, after all you tell him everything… he just feels like you have been keeping so much from him and the first one in his unit to find out was Arashi of all people.
Izumi watches the full video of you singing his song and feels a bit emotional when watching you sing, you hit every note perfectly and sing it with such passion and emotion- he genuinely feels moved and he wishes he were the one to have discovered your talent first.
He does send you a message asking to meet up at Café Cinnamon for lunch to which you agree.
When he confronts you he is definitely full of emotion and is a bit red in the face, you could not help but chuckle a little at how worked up he got.
“That’s what this is about? Ahahaha! Oh Izumi I never told you because I thought you knew, silly! That’s what I meant by ‘I’m going out’!”
He does chill a little and then asks you if you can possibly sing for him, he does do some puppy eyes and says he is sorry for overreacting a bit- he was just so upset that you never told him how good you were!
“To make it up to me I think you should perform a song for me later! Hmph! No one else, only me!”
Just give him all the attention in the world and just go with it, he will likely sulk and be all huffy if you don’t give him at least one song and maybe some snuggles.
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anya-ackerman · 2 years
Things You Do That Levi Finds Endearing
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💕 The fact you speak to plants. The amount of times he’s felt his heart melt while watching you speak to the potted plants within the house, or the delicate flowers you grow. Sometimes you even sing to them, and speak to them so delicately. You insist it helps them grow better and stronger, and even if Hange hadn’t concurred the same (something about exhalation of carbon whatever), Levi is still convinced your gentle reassurances would have been enough encouragement the plants need.
💕 The fact you respond back to animals. Whenever one of the dog barks excitedly at something outside, Levi will often hear you respond. “Oh really?” “Is that so?” “Well, tell them we’re not interested, please.” You’ll sing and when the cats start to meow to the change in your voice, you start to sing duet songs. You insist that they know they’re participating. Levi doesn’t mind, since he gets to hear your sweet, heavenly voice.
💕 The fact you collect things like a crow. A bottle cap that looks interesting, a little toy from a candy surprise, a pressed penny from somewhere you two visited, a popsicle stick with a corny joke on it…you have a little keepsake box you keep those things in. They’re always things from while you and Levi are traveling together. There will sometimes be Polaroids in the box as well, photos of places you’ve been and candids of Levi himself.
💕 When you’re not quite awake yet in the mornings and you stumble over to him sitting at the kitchen table and you nuzzle into his neck or hair. Levi will tease you, sipping his black coffee and continue reading his newspaper. You simply murmur something that sort of sounds like words and Levi reaches up and strokes your hair. You lean into his touch and move closer to him, nuzzle his neck and humming contentedly, albeit sleepily.
💕 When you get a new dress and have to twirl it a few times. Every time, without fail you do this. Whether you can watch yourself in a mirror or not, you’ll spin and watch your skirt billow out around you. Sometimes Levi can’t help himself and he’ll catch your hand in his, his other coming to rest on your waist as he starts to dance with you.
💕 When you fiddle with your hair while talking. Either when you’re talking to someone you’ve just met or if you’re talking about something you’re passionate about. You’ll twirl it around your fingers or fiddle with a few strands or even just gently tug on your hair. Sometimes Levi can’t help but catch your hands in his, giving them a slight squeeze.
💕 When you’re drawing or reading and Levi will catch you making a face similar to what expression you’re drawing or reading about. Levi can’t help but find it just so cute when you mimic things like that while you’re so absorbed in what you’re doing. He’ll come over and kiss the top of your head and just wait patiently until you come up and out of the world you’re absorbed into.
💕 When Levi comes home from an expedition and you greet him either at the gates or at the door when he gets home. To be able to just fall into your arms when he returns just fills him with such peace. And when you help him with his ODM straps and help ease him into a bath, sitting behind him and washing his hair gently, Levi can’t help the gently whispered “I love you” that he lets out.
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myszumizu · 2 years
Luxiem hearing Streamer!Reader sing for the first time. They do a Karaoke Stream and just sing their heart out, especially to high vocal songs and slays them. If possible, a follow up to your “Luxiem Crushing” post? Please and thank you <3
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i had to ask my choir friend which songs were considered high vocal LMAO. pls enjoy <33
gn!reader, fluff
. no because how tf is your voice so heavenly
. he’s wondering to himself
. you and mysta were having a singing / karaoke collab and you had decided to sing mafumafu’s nighty night
. now, fox boy has never heard you sing before so he was in for a pleasant surprise
. he was hyping you up as you began singing
. the world exploded
. mysta would stay completely silent until you finally finished your performance
. “mysta, are you there? was my singing that bad :( (NO IT WASNT)”
. after a few moments, mysta replied, “[name], you are so good. SO FUCKING GOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!”
. considering that he already had feelings for you, after hearing you sing, boy fell TWICE as hard
. if he streams the next day, he’ll gush to chat about your singing skills
. when you announced that you would be having a karaoke stream, vox was super excited
. this would be the first time he would be hearing you sing and he can’t wait
. tbh, vox wasn’t expecting THAT much from you since it’s your first time singing
. but when you chose to sing chandelier by sia?????
. holy shit, he knows he’s fucked
. literally ASCENDS when he hears you sing
. which is kinda weird since yk, he’s a fucking demon and all
. spams the chat with “I HAVE ASCENDED”
. he is literally simping for your voice behind cameras
. like, vox is banging the table and running mini laps around his room as he blasts your singing
. on twitter : “guys, i’m gonna fucking cum from [name]’s voice. pls.”
. listens to clips of you singing and loops for hours on end
. he ain’t ever getting tired of your voice
. he’s freaking ecstatic when he hears that you would be singing
. tweets an hour early saying that he is extremely hyped up for you first ever singing stream
. the first song you would be singing was bad romance
. you were able to so effortlessly hit all the high notes and you sounded like an angel
. luca would unexpectedly join you
. the first thing you hear after your first song end is a VERY long “POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!”
. rip your ears
. luca would start to fanboy over you RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU
. “omg how you are so good at singing???? your voice is *chef’s kiss*. JSHDJDHH”
. would stay with you for the rest of the stream
. does not hesitate to say yes when you asked him for a duet
. you chose to sing rewrite the stars, another (considered) hard song for a ‘beginner’
. y’all freaking killed it and now, luca is an even bigger simp you
. 👍🏻👍🏻
. look, he doesn’t display his simping tendencies often, or at all i should say
. but when he first hears you sing fucking BAD ROMANCE? YOUR VOCALS?????
. nah, mans almost folded
. let me tell you, he was fucking nose bleeding behind stream
. he would bop his head so freaking hard as he listens to you sing
. almost threw his keyboard when you hit the high note
. ike wanted to spam your chat but he’s gotta keep up that “i don’t simp” act cus yk
. joins call after you finish singing and all he says is “your voice is good” before he leaves
. okay but later that day, he texts you and starts to fawn over your amazing singing skills
. might even ask for a karaoke collab
. he listens to your stream every night before bed
. claims it helps him fall asleep
. definitely sings along as well
. spoiler, it does
. ike eveland is a huge simp for you
. he most likely watched your karaoke stream WHILE ON STREAM HIMSELF
. randomly joins and the moment he does, you chose to sing a classic, heart attack by the queen demi lovato
. shu, shu’s chat and your chat go insane
. on stream, shu is silently cheering you
. “oh god. they definitely got this. i bet you guys you and i are both gonna be blown away.”
. and he was right
. when you sang the chorus (I THINK I ‘D HAVE A HEART ATTACK!!!!!), shu is completely stunned
. shu pauses your stream for a moment to process everything
. “[name] is amazing.”
. sends a mini superchat saying “[name], i love your voice. pls sing more thank u.”
. “thank you shu yamino <33”
. smiles very widely as he replays your karaoke stream after ending his own stream
. yes he is downbad
. very downbad
. YOU GO‼️‼️
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egg-on-the-run · 3 years
Bayverse boys singing headcanons 🥺🥺
Haha good joke! Everyone knows Leonardo refuses to sing.
He hates singing in front of anyone, genuinely cannot even just mutter under his breath whenever people are around
Will lipsink and dance with others but won't sing
Which sucks because he has the nicest voice :( the actual voice of an angel
Maybe one every blue moon he'll be wondering somewhere alone and start singing to himself
Very soft voice, so heavenly 🥺
If he's comfortable and he thinks his s/o is asleep, he'll maybe sing a little then as well
Imagine him singing along to hozier under his breath and you're the only one who can hear him. It's. It's perfect.
Much more of a rap guy
He doesn't sing like, properly. He sings to sort of sound bad on purpose?
He likes making others laugh because he knows he doesn't exactly have the greatest voice and he likes having fun too
Actually goes hard with Disney songs
Listens to a lot of rock music so it's a lot of air guitar and Mikey on air drums
But his humming? Devine.
He hums sometimes when just doing simply things and it's so deep and smooth
You're sleeping on his chest and he hums whilst reading some magazine. You can feel it, it's like a cat's purr.
This man does fire impressions of basically any character and he will throw a kermit the frog imitation in the middle of any song
Loves loves LOVES fast songs and loves memorising difficult lyrics
Yes I'm talking about the elements of the periodic table song :/ it goes hard don't tell me otherwise
He can't really sing sing but it doesn't sound bad??
Like to make little noises, like do do do to the wii music. It's just fun :)
If a song has any background singers he's doing that
"Just a small town girl—" "Where does she live??" "Living in a lonely world" "Did she stay there or is she travelling?"
Will occasionally and very quietly sing to help you sleep. You always put him on the spot whenever you ask him and the only song he ever remembers is twinkle twinkle little star
Full volume. Full belt. Break a window style.
No he can't sing, no you're never going to tell him.
Because honestly? Nobody actually minds Mikey's woeful singing. It's fun, it's full of energy and it brightens the room up like a splash of colour
He sings anything and everything but if it's a duet he HAS to lead. Please follow his cues, this is his time to shine. Donnie is usually his duet partner
Will serenade his s/o for no reason. You walk in and he just starts up Bruno Mars' treasure or something silly
Sings like the world is deaf, dances like the world is blind
Takes your hands and spins you round
But when he gets sleepy? He likes you to sing to him
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scary-lasagna · 4 years
How about Jeff, Toby, EJ, LJ, and BEN with a partner who can sing really well? Possibly a siren partner?
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"ohmygod shut up im sleeeEEEpiiiIIIIng." A grouchy Jeff with mumble into his pillow on most mornings.
Of course, you can't hear it over the sound of you enjoying yourself.
Jeff is a whiner.
He also sleeps until like 2:00pm, so there's no doubt you'll wake him up with your daily routine.
Phantom of the Opera was the only musical tha he liked as a kid (ironically), so he does that "sING ANGEL OF MUSIC" shit all the time
Jeff plays the drums so he might tap along to your tune.
Don't try to outsing his drumming cause your vocal cords will snap.
He's so loud and obnoxious when he plays.
But he lowkey adores your singing, and you can tell in subtle actions.
Like tapping along to your humming, staring at your creepily from a distance, and scooting closer to hear your voice while you sing under your breath.
This man cannot sing for shit, lemme tell ya.
But he's very impressing at the sound of your voice, not even just singing, either.
You can just talk, and his attention will always perk up to hear what you have to say.
You're probably the only person that could be able to turn him into an extrovert.
He's excited to just talk to you, which is a big surprise to everyone around him.
He'll ask you to help more cause he knows you like to sing while working to pass the time.
Small things, ofc, like handing him tools while he works on his car, or washing dishes.
Run your hands through his hair and sing soothingly to him, and he's practically yours.
Relaxed Saturday afternoons with his head in your lap as you sing soothingly to him?
Yes, please!
He doesn't pressure you to sing or exert yourself in any way.
He just lets you do your own thing.
But he's always giving you some sort of praise for your voice whenever you decide to sing around him.
He'll call you angel cause your voice sounds so heavenly uwu
And if he's feeling down that day, he knows he'll be able to hear your voice and everything will feel better.
Toby will 100% sing with you.
If you're humming while washing dishes he'll come up behind you and wrap a firm pair of arms around your waist, softly singing the words into your neck.
Singing is basically an 'off-switch' for his Tourettes.
Whenever the brunette sings, his tics miraculously disappear for the time being.
So he's already singing whenever he grasps the chance, but with his s/o singing their house is just practically a musical.
Only your voice can calm his night terrors while he's snuggled up to you, recovering from his cold sweat.
Eyeless Jack
He doesn't think much of it, and mostly just lets you do your thing.
Jack can play bass, so he might bust his guitar out for a simple, yet beautiful, duet.
He might ditch his radio while working, too.
If you're comfortable enough to be around when he works, that is.
And if you can open your mouth with the horrid smell of...y'know open corpses.
Or if they're alive, you can test yourself and try to sing over their screams.
The frequent headaches that surface before bed melt away at the soothing sound of your voice.
Laughing Jack
Despite his gravelly and deep voice, he can sing pretty well.
Does that mean he'll sing with you?
Hell no, he's insecure as hell about his voice.
It used to be smooth and friendly, now he just has a grouchy clown voice.
But he'll gladly open an ear whenever you open your mouth.
He loves performances and music in general.
And you can bet he'll give you some loving praise.
He might call you his "little songbird" or something else just as sweet.
The more you sing, the more he's going to want to be around you, so expect some clinginess!
If you happen to be a siren, he may encourage you to come out on a spree and lure in some innocent bystanders.
He'll just keep asking you to sing anime openings.
It gets annoying after a while since you were literally born on this earth to sing exquisite songs.
You can often find him peeking from behind a door frame just to let your humming grace his ears.
And he finds himself frequently taking off his headphones to listen to you from across the house.
Or listen to you hum a tune that's stuck in your head before drifting off to sleep.
And you might even (totally not creepily) standing outside the bathroom while you're taking a shower.
He just wants to hear the acoustics!
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ironmandeficiency · 4 years
random thought of mine, which clone do you think would have the best singing voice? Ik they’re clones so they all sound the same fmdndn but still. i think jesse or echo maybe?
jesse would be such a beautiful singer, not a doubt in my mind. his voice is velvety, a bit husky with a hard punch of power. i’ve entertained this thought on multiple occasions and will one day write smth with singing jesse.
echo though? akhdkshkakdj i never thought abt him singing before now but i can totally see it, his voice being a bit less gritty than jesse’s but with a smidge more range and a clearness that rivals the scarif oceans.
gonna send thank-you’s to @obiorbenkenobi and @hxldmxdxwn for letting me ramble abt this post on discord at ungodly hours.
i made a playlist for this almost-au as well!!! find it here, and i’ll soon add it to my spotify shenanigans.
now enjoy me going into more detail abt these two boys than anyone asked for:
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genre-wise i think jesse would be a bit more cocky and playful with his go-to songs, and he will dominate the stage with his godlike dancing every time he’s given the chance;
radar love by the golden earring - this is the song he first gets the confidence to dance to. once the crowd goes wild for it and he realizes how much he enjoys moving around, he keeps on doing it. there’s this one thing he does that’s like, um, jolting/bouncing (not sure how else to describe it) but the crowd thinks it’s great when he does it.
sexbomb by tom jones - his dancing here is utterly erotic and he knows how attractive it is, holy kriff. it’ll bring the entire bar staff to a standstill bc damn look at his hips go, sex god much??? most definitely grinds against the mic stand and gfgalkdfjghlkf it never fails to fluster quite a few patrons (this will soon be a full-fledged fic so keep your eyes open)
no mr. nice guy by alice cooper - he jokes sometimes that he was actually quite peaceful as a cadet before joining the five-oh-first. it isn’t a joke tho and you can blame fives and hardcase for making him go wild. but this song makes him think of when he stopped caring abt trying to impress the longnecks and he enjoys hitting the higher notes.
rock the casbah by the clash - this is where he learns to snap his hips to every “rock” with a bit extra force. the crowd has a blast clapping along, some of the more drunk people screeching “the shareef don’t like it!” at the top of their lungs. it’s upbeat 
rock this town by the stray cats - he’s having a damn good time with this song, a lot of elvis presley vibes. if he had enough hair he’d flip it. he does a bit of air guitar and will sway his mic stand around and bounce his knee to the beat.
strutter by kiss - he loves this one, it’s a personal favorite. he;ll be running his hands down his body when he’s still, but the times he’s walking around the stage he’s got a hand on his swinging hips, literally strutting. it’s so fun to watch him embrace the music
bad to the bone by george thorogood & the destroyers - a joking request from fives that turned into a crowd favorite. fives didn’t think his vod could do it but jesse rose to the occasion as he charmed his way through the song with his fun swagger and playful air sax. he drank quite a bit of water after this one bc he was unused to using as much gravel in his voice as this song took, but he enjoys it nonetheless.
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echo would be softer with his choices, leaning more towards soulful and sweet in comparison to jesse’s wild side. he also plays both guitar and piano, i take no criticism on these points;
the night they drove old dixie down by the band - he plays this one after a rough mission and it’s deeply resonating with everyone there, everyone either putting down their drinks to let the song flow thru them, or grab something stronger to let it lull them into inebriation.
no plan by hozier - he sounds so beautiful with literally any hozier song tbh, but this one is his favorite. this was the closest he got to smth soulful before the times he duetted with jesse and he really enjoyed it. it was smooth yet passionate and is one he sang for the first time when dejected and unsure abt his future.
piano man by billy joel - he plays the piano for this song & kriff did it take him a while to both master it and find someone that played the harmonica well enough to join him. this is rex’s favorite song to hear echo play and will hum it quite often. echo enjoys throwing himself into playing this one in a way he doesn’t often do & he’s called “the piano arc” the first time he plays it. the nickname sticks but he likes it, so no harm done.
amie by pure prarie league - this was a fun song for echo to learn and he really enjoys how gentle it is. he’ll tap his foot with the music and just let himself go. sometimes he’ll catch himself moving his shoulders slightly as he plays but he doesn’t stop. when he plays this one, he prepares to hear his brothers hum it for at least a week afterward, it’s just that good.
house of the rising sun by the animals - this one isn’t heard until some time after he and jesse duet & echo exhibits his capacity to have a bit of gravel, which is absolutely heavenly when heard. there’s a lot of held-out notes here and a special kind of twang he’s able to finesse, it’s stunning.
skinny love by bon iver - he learned to play guitar to this song right here, it’s one of his faves and loves how tender & raw it can be. he’s heard covers of it that added too much to it & detracted from the intensity of the emotions, so he sticks with the original. it’s an extremely vulnerable song and it’s somber, but he enjoys baring himself without the risk of being shamed for it. several people cry the first time they hear him sing this song. (this one will turn into a fic as well, time tbd)
bad moon rising by creedence clearwater revival - echo sang this one for the first time tne night before the five-oh-first got their orders, which ended up being to felucia. there are always strange occurences when this song is sung & a few ppl will do anything to keep echo from singing it bc they think it’s an omen. everyone enjoys hearing the song, no doubt, but the moment it ends, some battalion or another is doomed to a bad assignment.
now if these two were to ever team up???? no one would be able to talk about anything else for weeks afterwards
you don’t mess around with jim by jim croce - they’re sitting on barstools in front of their mics, echo strumming on his guitar while jesse pats his thigh as a substitution to the drums. v playful vibes with this song and they can’t stop grinning as they sing. it’s fun and they’ll sometimes lightly tap each other with their feet throughout the performance to tease. lighthearted and always enjoyed.
all this and heaven too by florence + the machine - it’s got enough power for jesse but is also delicate enough for echo, achieving a great balance of their strengths as well as a tambourine. you’d probably think that jesse and a tambourine can cause as much trouble as hardcase with explosives, but he’s insanely focused on getting the hits right. no one expects to hear echo belt out such strong notes in contrast to his normal choices but damn they love it. and jesse?? softly breathing the verses with a delicateness no one thought he possessed?? they’re weak for them both.
soul shop by prophets and outlaws - they harmonize SO!!! DAMN!!! GOOD!!! echo playing the piano and jesse sitting on top of it just straight up VIBING. the entire bar is swaying with the music and letting themselves melt into the floor. none of them were prepared for echo to harness a little bit of gravel in his voice or for jesse to capture the melodic tone that echo doesn’t have to put effort into. this song, having a lot of soul and grit to it but is smoother than corellian whiskey, is a performance for the record books.
if y’all wanna hear more about these two darlings singing, or if you have any other headcanons you want to share/ask me abt, please don’t hesitate to pop into my asks!! i would love to hear from you!!
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May I please have some hcs for Piers & Bede w/ an SO whose a talented singer, but refuses to sing in front of people due to their insecurities? Love your blog btw
- Piers knows a good voice when he hears one, so when he hears you singing for the first time, he asks why you haven’t sang with him before.
- Once you confess your insecurities, he assures you that it just isn’t the case. He knows what it’s like to feel insecure, but you are a very talented singer, and you should show off your skills!
- He works with you to build your confidence, first just singing for him, then him and Marnie, then all of Team Yell. Before long, you have a bit of a following, and a fan club!
- After some time, you start to sing with Piers during his more private concerts, and work your way up. Before long, people are requesting solo songs for you, and Piers couldn’t be more proud.
- Bede is honestly a bit angry at first, demanding a reason why you haven’t told him about your secret talent. Once you explain yourself, however, he cools off a bit.
- He explains to you how he feels about your voice, saying that it’s absolutely heavenly, and that he feels conflicted. On one hand, he thinks you should show off your talent, but on the other hand, he almost wants your voice all to himself.
- After some discussion, you find out that he’s really insecure about his own voice, but once he sings for you, you start to feel the same way he did about your voice.
- You both work on building up each other’s confidence and practice together. When you both sing duets, it’s absolutely beautiful.
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melonkooky · 5 years
bts reaction - hearing their s/o sing for the first time
genre: only fluff
author’s note: this reaction is when bts hears their s/o sing for the first time and think they sound amazing, after they claim that they’re a bad singer. (also, ignore all my mistakes lol). also, i’m using an old laptop (because my mom took possession of the family computer) and so if my posts look weird (like on mobile things sometimes don’t show up as bolded or italicized), it’s not my fault. i’m annoyed by it...
please do not copy my work. but please like and reblog it. thank you!!!!
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kim seokjin
seokjin had just gotten home from practice. he was practically drowning in his sweat, and his limbs were heavy and pounding to the rhythm of his racing heart. he just wanted a hot bath to relieve the stress of his muscles. as he approached the bathroom, however, he heard something. your singing, music to his ears. you were actually really good. seokjin couldn’t help to press his ear to the door to hear you better as you sang epiphany with everything you had. you didn’t know he was home, so you were singing quite loudly, enjoying the echo of the bathroom. you were self-conscious of your singing, but sometimes you couldn’t help yourself. seokjin couldn’t fight the grin on his face, the light blush in his cheeks. you sounded amazing, and he could recall all the times he had tried to get you to sing a duet with him just for fun. he went into the bedroom, sitting on the foot of the bed right next to the door and waited for you, listening to your angelic voice.
minutes later, the water stopped. soon after you stepped out of the bathroom. you were just wrapped in a towel, as you hadn’t expected anyone to be home. you screamed when you saw seokjin sitting on the bed, a smug expression on his face. “seokjin! when did you get home?”
he hummed. “not long. but i was here long enough to enjoy the little concert you had in there though.”
your cheeks flushed. “you heard all that?”
he nodded. “and it was beautiful.”
min yoongi
yoongi had been in his home studio majority of the day. despite being on his two month break, he couldn’t get himself to sit still and do nothing. besides, they were already beginning to work on the new album. while he was there, you didn’t want to bother him. he seemed busy. although you wanted to spend time with him, you were the lovely significant other who respected the space of your lover. so instead you opted to clean the entire house. it had been many months since you had actually cleaned, like deep clean. you got into old clothes and got out all the supplies. you were going to dust, to clean, to mop, to vacuum as much as you could. while doing so, you had your headphones in, banging your head along to the songs.
an hour later, yoongi was hungry, and went to find you to ask if you wanted to go out for lunch. instead, he found you dancing while you mopped the kitchen floor. your back was to him, so you didn’t notice him. you were singing so far away, and yoongi’s ears had been blessed. he never believed you when you told him your voice was terrible, and now he was listening to your heavenly voice. he smiled widely.
when you finally turned around, you saw yoongi and immediately stopped, taking off the headphones. “yoongi!” your cheeks turned a dark red in embarrassment.
“don’t feel embarrassed. you sounded amazing.”
you couldn’t help but smile. “r-really?”
yoongi nodded. “but i’m hungry. let’s get something to eat and then you can continue. you should sing more often.”
jung hoseok
hoseok pried open his eyes, allowing the bright morning sun to help him wake up. he inhaled deeply. that was the best sleep he had ever had. he looked around, enjoying the silence. he was at your shared home. there were no members, no managers. he didn’t need an alarm to wake up to because he was on a two month break. he planned on seeing his family, but he also wanted to spend time with you. speaking of which, you weren’t next to him. 
he got out of bed. he wanted to find you, see what you were up to. he walked out of the bedroom, hearing the familiar sound of a pan sizzling. you were making breakfast. he was about to call out to you, but your angelic voice caused him to stop in his tracks. you were singing your own rendition of daydream, one of your favorite songs of his. and it was beautiful.
hoseok began to gush, not being able to hold back. he burst into the kitchen. he scared you, causing you to drop the spatula in your hand. “jung hoseok!”
he laughed, wrapping his arms around you. “i’m sorry but your voice, it’s beautiful. i don’t understand why you claimed you were a bad singer.”
you blushed, “i’m just self-conscious.”
“well, i think you sound amazing. you should sing more often, just for me at least.” he replied, smiling. you smiled at him, feeling a bit proud of yourself.
kim namjoon
namjoon was sitting in the bedroom, reading a new book that he had bought at a bookstore. he was well halfway into the book. he was already planning on naming this one his favorite when he talked about it with you and the members. 
namjoon soon grew hungry, however, and was forced to put his bookmark into the book and set it down on the bed next to him. he went to find you, perhaps you were already making something judging by the smell that was slowly making its way into the bedroom. he walked out of the bedroom, head towards the kitchen. but that’s when he heard something unusual. you were singing his song, trivia : love. no music was playing, it was just your voice. namjoon was surprised. he had never heard you sing before. you always claimed you were a bad singer. you were wrong.
when you finished, namjoon awkwardly walked into the kitchen. pretending nothing had happened, you smiled and said, “hungry?”
he nodded. “i heard you sing.”
your cheeks reddened. you didn’t say anything.
“you should sing more often. your voice, it’s really beautiful.”
you blushed, a smile forming on your face. “thank you.”
park jimin
you were in the shower when jimin got home. he had been out with the members. they had stopped at an arcade, got some dinner, walked around the city for a while, and jimin was the first to break apart from the group because he wanted to go home to spend the rest of the night with you. he was walking into the bathroom when he heard it...heard you.
you were in the bathroom, but you didn’t close the door all the way. jimin could hear you loud and clear as you sang serendipity, your favorite song because jimin sang it. the meaning behind it was also beautiful. you were singing it really well, the acoustics sounded amazing. jimin couldn’t help but listen. he had a thought, your voice would match his perfectly. imagine: the ultimate power couple releasing a duet together. the fans loved you.
when you finished, you were surprised to find jimin. you played it off. “didn’t expect you to be home yet.”
he shrugged. “i think we should sing together.”
“jimin, you knew i don’t have a good voice.”
he laughed. “that’s a total lie. i just witnessed an angel singing in the shower.”
you blushed. “you heard me?”
“yep, and i think we should release a duet.”
you were conflicted. you were self-conscious of your voice. and while jimin was your boyfriend, he also was an amazing vocalist, an amazing vocalist who was asking you to sing with him. “fine.”
kim taehyung
you were sitting at your desk, doing some (home)work stuff because of your school/job. you had music playing from your laptop. while you were working, spring day came on and you couldn’t help but sing along...loudly. taehyung was sitting in the living room watching a movie. but he was getting tired and wanted to go to bed. you were in the bedroom, as that was where the desk was. he shut off the tv and turned off all the lights, heading towards the bedroom afterward. but through the small crack in the door, he could hear music. only, it was your voice. you were singing along, and it sounded as if you had recorded the song with them. just as you sang, “you know it all, you’re my best friend,” harmonizing with taehyung, he swore he fell in love with you again. he couldn’t help but burst inside, nearly scaring you to death. you immediately stopped singing, feeling embarrassed. “oh my god! y/n, you sounded absolutely amazing. spring day is my favorite song, but you were singing along and it sounded beautiful. i don’t even compare.”
you rolled your eyes. “that’s a lie.”
taehyung looked at you, looked very serious. “i mean it. i want you to sing a song with me.”
you looked at him. “i mean, i was just doing it for fun. i don’t think i’m that good.”
“love, i think you sounded beautifully. give it a try. we can get suga and namjoon’s help, and then you can see if you want to release it or not. we can sing together, and if you don’t like it, it’ll stay unknown. but i think you’ll like it, and want to release it.”
you sighed. “fine.” 
taehyung grinned widely. “tomorrow i’ll call namjoon.”
jeon jungkook
you were cleaning the kitchen after making dinner. you and jungkook had eaten, but jungkook insisted that he had to shower, so you were left cleaning the kitchen by himself. you were salty, but you didn’t say anything. it wasn’t a big deal. besides, he had just come back from a long-ass world tour. he needed lots of rest. while you were washing some dishes, jungkook’s song euphoria randomly popped into your head. it’s what you get for constantly thinking about him. so there you were, hand wrapped in a towel as you dried the inside of a glass, singing euphoria. you didn’t realize that soon you weren’t mumbling, or singing quietly. but you were singing as if you were on a stage. no you didn’t use a spatula or a spoon for a microphone, you still continued to clean.
jungkook was running a hand through his wet hair as he walked into the kitchen, just as you hit the high note. his eyes went wide when your voice didn’t falter at all. it was strong, and beautiful, bringing goosebumps to his arms. when you finished, you needed a glass of water, and that’s when you spotted jungkook, who was in awe. with red cheeks, you stuttered, “o-oh, jungkook.”
you drank your water, embarrassed. but jungkook was grinning. “your voice...it’s...it’s…”
“amazing. i don’t understand why you call yourself a bad singer.”
you shrugged. jungkook continued, “i’m blown away. i think that sounded beautiful!”
you blushed. “thank you.”
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inspired by @steffelchen karaoke Kagakuro art  🤗
“Oooh yeah!”
Kawahara’s enthusiastic finish earned him as much of an enthusiastic applause as well as a wave of hysterical laughter.
Kagami hid his face in his palm while his shoulders shook.
“Amazing. Simply amazing.” Furihata gave their teammate the so called ‘slow-clap’ while he bowed. His mic was immediately snatched by Fukuda.
“Okay my turn!”
The Karaoke party was his idea. The birthday boy (he turned seventeen last week) decided that all second years had to have an additional party, just for themselves along with the one the whole team celebrated after the club.
And so here they were.
The three other boys took the lead, leaving Kagami and Kuroko to simply order drinks and wait for their turn to sing.
Kagami was immediately roped into singing a duet with all of them and then a solo – an impossibly cheesy, anime opening which his deep voice clashed with.
Furihata, Kawahara and Fukuda all almost pissed themselves from laughter and even Kuroko giggled (almost) soundlessly in the corner at Taiga’s mortification.
And the moment his turn ended they all forgot about his ‘performance’.
Karaoke was way different in Japan.
In America it was mostly an adult entertainment and the bars which had the equipment would display the ‘show’ for everyone to see.
And then the next day you’d find a YouTube video with your drunken rendition of Tina Turner with a million likes.
At least that’s what Alex told him.
In a lot of ways, Japan was the home of many of his first wasn’t it? First team, first tournament, first onsen visit (he still shuddered), first festivals.
He glanced at Kuroko out of the corner of his eye.
And many other firsts.
So yeah, first Karaoke outing. Why the hell not.
“Wait!” Furihata stopped his friend. “I think we’ve forgot about someone?”
“Huh? Who?”
“I think you’re talking about me?” Kuroko answered suddenly next to Furihata and everyone startled. Even Kagami didn’t notice when he moved, and he sat right beside him!
“Kuroko!” He wheezed, where did you come from?!
Kuroko blinked slowly.
“I believe I was also invited to this establishment.”
Everyone sputtered from laughter then. Tetsuya smiled a little and Fukuda pushed the mic into his hand.
“Fine, your turn.” He said and sat down on the lounge.
Suddenly, everyone went quiet when the music started.
Even Taiga was a little curious. He never heard Kuroko sing so this would be a first (heh, another one) and he unconsciously sat a bit more at the edge of his seat.
The song was slower at first, but then it picked up the tempo. It wasn’t a ballad but it never went past a certain speed, leaving a lot of room for pauses.
In reality, it was some cliché pop song about doing your best or whatever else.
But somehow Kuroko transformed it in something which it wasn’t.
Suddenly it ended and Kuroko blinked when no one wanted to take the mic from him.
Taiga snapped out and realized that he was gaping so he blushed and ducked his head.
The applause from his friends was a bit late but not less enthusiastic.
And then the song changed and it was Furihata’s turn again and everyone forgot about what just happened.
Everyone except Taiga.
Kuroko didn’t sing again. He said his throat hurt and he ordered hot tea. Taiga was again roped into duets and trios and even a quartet as well as for forced to produce solos.
By the end of it all his throat was also sore, and he sighed in relief when everyone had their share of singing fun.
They split into two groups; Furihata, Kawahara and Fukuda going their way and Kagami and Kuroko in the opposite direction.
When they waved their goodbyes, they sort of naturally gravitated towards each other shoulders brushing from time to time.
They walked in silence for a bit, before Kagami finally blurted what was on his mind.
“So, when did you learn it?”
Kuroko blinked at him and cocked his head to the side.
“Learn what?”
Taiga blushed, realizing he didn’t specify.
“Sing! I meant when did you learned to sing like that?”
Kuroko smiled suddenly.
“Like what?”
Like an angel. Was the first thing which popped into his head and he had to bite his tongue to not say it.
“Uh, really well.” He finally managed.
Kuroko hummed.
“Nowhere specific. My family just really likes singing.”
“Your family?” Huh, that was unexpected.
Kuroko nodded.
“Ever since I remember they liked Karaoke too and we would go sometimes, or we would sing at home. My grandmother is very fond of enka.”
Taiga snickered. That one wasn’t that unexpected.
Kuroko rolled his eyes.
“You sing very well too Kagami-kun.” He said suddenly and Taiga felt his cheeks burn.
“Don’t make fun of me. The song was terrible.”
Kuroko chuckled.
“I am not making fun of you. You have a really nice voice. Strong and clear. But you get too nervous so you falter.”
Taiga blushed even more at the specific compliment. He always thought he sang like a dying seal.
“But the song was terrible.”
Kuroko laughed suddenly.
“Yes it was. Who picked it?”
“Kawahara I think? I don’t ever want to sing about magical girls ever again.”
Kuroko chuckled under his breath.
“What’s your favorite song?” He asked suddenly and Kuroko looked at him and blinked.
“Favorite in what way?”
“That you like to sing.”
Kuroko hummed.
“Why are you asking?”
Taiga went quiet and also as red as humanely possible and it told Kuroko everything.
“What about you?” He answered with his own question. Taiga looked taken a back.
“I’d have to think. I’m not really a singing type. This was my first karaoke.”
“Oh, really?”
Taiga nodded.
Kuroko hummed again and went quiet and Taiga thought the topic was over.
“Alright, Kagami-kun. I’ll sing for you.”
“Wh-what?! I never sai-“ He sputtered, embarrassed at being so easily read.
“But on one condition.” Kuroko ignored his outburst.
“What?” Taiga wanted to punch himself by acknowledging that he basically just admitted, that yes he wanted to hear Kuroko sing again.
“It has to be a duet.”
Taiga breathed in the night air, his breath turning into a fog when he exhaled. He shivered more from the way Kuroko looked at him than from the cold and well, he really couldn’t say no.
“Okay. I’ll sing if you sing.” He said and Kuroko nodded with a small smile.
“But I’ll pick the song.”
Kuroko’s unhappy pout was very satisfying.
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Harpy Matsu AU
Okay. Tabimatsu staff, you got me. Bird/Parrot Matsus? Let me expand on that and make them harpies. I love Oso-san AUs with a passion, but I've never really made my own. I have no idea if anybody's thought of a Harpy AU or not - in which case, I'm incredibly sorry if there already has been one in the past. I wish I could draw these out... Anyway, have at it.
- Like traditional harpies, they have the talons of a bird on both their feet and hands, feathers growing along their arms right up to their wrists, and long tails for balance and aerial maneuvering. When crossing their arms, their wings resemble a feathery shawl. Peeking closely at their hair reveals tiny feathers that are scattered throughout, and their chests have soft tufts of fluffy down feathers.
- The sextuplets have large wingspans that complement their human-like size. They can remain aloft for a good hour until they become exhausted from physical exertion due to tiresome flapping. Evolution has made them more land locked than their ancestors. Gliding between trees is their favored method of travel. Their talons are powerful enough to propel themselves off the ground and grasp onto surfaces securely.
- Living near a human village has made the brothers partially reliant on them for their needs: tools, clothes, books, and advanced contraptions are prime examples of what separates them from others of their kind. Harpyfolk and humans live together peacefully but some choose to avoid harpies as a show of respect, believing that they are heavenly envoys of the goddess they worship.
- The Matsuno family live in a small, self sustained network of branching tree cabins that connect through tightly woven vine bridges. Its location is near the base of a calming waterfall, their source of clean drinking water and bountiful food. Matsuyo and Matsuzo share a cabin, while their sons each have one to call their own.
Osomatsu (Scarlet Macaw)
- Among his brothers, Osomatsu’s colors radiate splendidly through the thick vegetation of the woods. He preens himself regularly when alone and doesn’t seem to mind losing his feathers while doing boisterous activities. He is the absolute worst when pin feathers grow back in their place, the itchiness causing him to complain until a much needed bath soothes him.
- His favorite fruit to eat are pomegranates. He stockpiles them in his hut and cuts them open to place its seeds in his trusted, handmade leaf satchel that his mother made for him. Oso enjoys lazing about by the grass carpeted rock cliffs in the village, snacking on pomegranate while watching the clouds drift by in tranquility.
- Oso loves showing off his aerial acrobatics and challenges his younger brothers to friendly competitions. He has a lot of endurance, yet his eagerness stifles his ability to think ahead and leaves his navigational skills disarranged.
- A particular hobby of his is searching for old relics relating to his species that are scattered about in the lands his family reside in. Anything he doesn’t deem interesting, he sells them to the village for quick money. His treasured possession is an old compass that perpetually points to the sky. Choromatsu believes that it could lead them to another harpy civilization – one whose roots have survived the sands of time, living within the far reaches of the stratosphere.
Karamatsu (Black-throated Magpie-Jay)
- No one matches his expertise on preening. Much of his free time is spent making his wings perfect beyond reason, and his hair well groomed. He sports an impressive black crest on his head that flares up when he is surprised or when he attempts to provoke awe and adoration from humans.
- Karamatsu is enthralled by stringed musical instruments and has taught himself how to play them as a young hatchling. He has a natural singing voice that he revels in sharing with anyone who is willing to listen. He often allows Jyushimatsu to tag along with him to sing duets to generous villagers with heavy wallets and they have become marginally famous for their performances.
- The best at the culinary arts in his family next to his mother, he has a collection of recipe books written by both harpies and humans that he can skim through when he’s chosen as the designated cook for the evening.
- His silhouette when soaring is said to be breathtaking, his long tail trailing behind him like fluttering silk ribbons and his wings as delicate as an ornamental paper kite. Karamatsu takes advantage of these free flight sessions to gain unending inspiration for his songs.
Choromatsu (Indian Ringneck)
- Choromatsu’s behavior is described as the most “human” of the sextuplets. He prefers traversing on terra firma rather than taking to the skies. An accident involving a massive rockslide has left him terrified of potential falls when flying, where he was severely injured for weeks. This fear has caused him to never rely on his wings. His brothers collectively strive to coax him into using them once again, but Choro is stubbornly set in his ways.
- Writes a personal encyclopedia that laboriously analyzes the fauna, flora, environment, and weather patterns of the region. He’s studious in his research and often arranges expeditions with Osomatsu as his own spirited lookout.
- His eyes are a subject of discussion among his brothers. Like an Indian Ringneck, his pupils pine when he speaks animatedly about his various interests. It unnerves Todomatsu considerably and the others will try to set him up into getting Choro excited just to entertain themselves with the youngest’s overreactions.
- He volunteers at the library to peruse the countless aisles of books that seem to call his name. When no one is looking, he flips through their pages for any insightful information and jots down the titles for future reference. He’s been caught slacking off with his nose pressed to a page of a juicy erotic novel that he couldn’t put down.
Ichimatsu (Violet-backed Starling)
- Ichimatsu’s feathers have an iridescent sheen that is uncommon in harpies and desired by humans for their natural elegance suitable for those of high class standing. Unfortunately, his lack of care leaves them frayed at the ends, giving him a more gloomy appearance that contrasts with his stunning hues. He is understandably shy around humans and will avoid contact unless someone has gained his hard earned trust.
- He patrols the forest in search of sick or injured animals, a task that he has designated for himself. Ichi carries medical supplies and bottled water at all times for such occasions. The black footed cats that make their rounds around the Matsuno's residence were all cared for by Ichimatsu and have remained fiercely loyal to him.
- Ichi was the last to learn how to fly but with Osomatsu's patience and guidance, he can take flight relatively well, but with some minor issues. He tires instantly and requires frequent breaks in between trips to and fro from the village and his home.
- Files down his claws so as to not hurt others. He's also worried about them accidentally getting lodged into branches or floorboards. They grow at an exponentially quick rate that is hard for him to keep up with.
Jyushimatsu (Lutino Cockatiel)
- Mimicry is his talent as a harpy, achieving perfect pitch and replicating different sounds from simply hearing them. He whistles short calls that serve as vital communication signals, from which he has shared and taught to his brothers.
- Jyushi adores taking vitalizing baths in the waterfall basin every morning to help stimulate his joints and muscles before engaging in his daily strenuous exercise regimens. He drags Ichimatsu outside of his cozy nest and will set him down onto the water, splashing considerable amounts of it on top of him while Ichi idles by groggily, uncaring and soaked from head to toe.
- The village children admire Jyushimatsu immensely and will not hesitate to flock to him the moment he is in sight. He will indulge in their favorite games and give them rides around the village's perimeter if given permission from their watchful parents.
- His upper body strength is rather impressive for someone of his kind. Because of this, he's capable of carrying heavy items while flying for extended periods of time. He lends a talon to anyone who might need help in deliveries, and always receives rewards for his efforts.  Money, food, and homemade gifts are just some of the many offerings he brings home.
Todomatsu (Galah Cockatoo)
- Totty has an abnormal fascination with humans and wishes he could be one, downplaying his bird charateristics unless it serves a distinct purpose. Loathes being considered a "superior species" on account of the distance it creates between himself and those he recognizes as plausible friends. He is extremely fond of lavishing, positive compliments on his fluffy, cotton soft feathers from which he pretends are simply fancy accessories rather than a part of what he is.
- A giant Magnolia tree stretches its deep roots right outside the village, overlooking the gargantuan mountains in the boundary surrounding the steep cliffsides. Its caretaker is Todomatsu, who tends to the soil and pours fresh water on a day to day basis. There is a wooden bench built with Karamatsu's help that Todomatsu requested to improve his scenic getaway spot.
- He's afraid of wandering through the forest by his lonesome and always calls on his older brothers for assurance. Outright refuses to leave his cabin at nighttime unless it's an important or urgent matter.
- The galah cockatoo harpy loves perusing the village's clothing stores and periodically suggests designs to the local couturiers that he commissions handsomely out of his own pockets. Boasts the biggest wardrobe and proudly displays his custom fashion to his acquaintances - he's single handedly made businesses skyrocket in earnings.
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noona-clock · 7 years
Oh my god
As requested by a sweet anon! I hope you enjoy!
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Kihyun x You
By Admin B
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The second you’d heard about the special fan meeting Monsta X was having next month, you knew you were determined to go. You’d been their fan since basically their debut, but your university student status meant you were barely able to attend their events; and if you did, you were too far away to even distinguish who was who on stage. So a few months ago, you made it your mission to start saving up any money you could to try and score amazing tickets for something - anything.
And now, the time had come. You had just enough money to afford a first tier ticket, and you blessedly didn’t have class the morning they went on sale. So, when the time came, you were ready. You had your typing and clicking fingers warmed up, your credit card out, your stomach full and your bladder empty. There was no way you were missing out on this fan meeting.
As soon as the clock struck 10am, you immediately clicked on ‘Find Tickets.’ It was pretty much a blur from there, and two minutes later, your eyes landed on the words ‘Congratulations! You have tickets to see Monsta X!’
They weren’t front row seats, but they were still pretty good! You would definitely be able to see their faces, and that was really all you cared about. 
You spent the next few weeks trying to figure out what you would wear, how would you do your hair and makeup, and what you would say to them when you actually met them. Very important things, of course! But then, a week before the fan meet, you saw on twitter that they would be doing a special section where one of the members would pull a fan up on stage to sing with them. It would be totally random, so anyone there had a fighting chance. You knew it wouldn’t be you because - nothing that amazing ever happened to you! Even though you had a fairly decent singing voice, your luck had always fell short in situations like this. So you knew to go into the fan meet with very low expectations. (But, still, how cool would it be if you were picked?!)
The day of the event finally arrived, and you spent about three hours getting ready before leaving your house and making your way to the auditorium. Your heart was racing the whole way there, and it sped up even more as the usher directed you to your seat up near the stage. When you sat down, you almost threw up because oh my god you were way closer than you imagined and you would most likely be able to see their sweat and they might even see you and holy moly what if they did and what if they smiled at you I mean they would see you during the actual fan meet portion but still what if they recognized you because they saw you in the audience and -- Okay. Calm down. Don’t make a fool of yourself!
The auditorium slowly filled up, the clock ticking closer and closer to the start time, your eyes growing wider and wider. You felt like you had been waiting your whole life for tonight, and you were ready.
When Monsta X finally came on stage, the crowd cheered, and your stomach fell down to your feet. Oh my word. They were even more beautiful and perfect in person! How was it possible?! They truly looked like angels with perfect angel skin.
You watched and listened to them, enraptured by their presence and already wanting this night to never end. They were cute and funny and sweet and everything you imagined they would be.
And then Kihyun announced he would be singing a song. You gasped slightly because Kihyun was your favorite vocalist, and now he would be singing a song all by himself?! Oh, wait, no... Not all by himself. He was now saying this is when they would pick a random audience member to come sing! You looked around, wondering who would be picked... All of a sudden the room got quiet, and you felt like it had gotten a little bit brighter? You looked around some more, wondering what was going on. And then... You realized. It was bright because there was a spotlight shining on you. It was quiet because everyone was looking at you, waiting for you to realize you had been the one picked.
Oh my god.
A security guard came to escort you on stage, and you literally had no idea how your legs were even working. You were more than nervous, and oh wow, Kihyun was now right in front of you, and he was so stunning, and his smile was piercing your soul, and wait, what had he just said?
“Yes, I know that song,” you replied after he’d handed you a microphone. At least, you were pretty sure you did.
Kihyun nodded, smiling still, before the music started. You watched as he began to sing, the sound emerging from his mouth truly heavenly. But then he looked over at you, eyebrows raised, and you remembered you also should be singing.
You chuckled nervously before joining in, hoping your voice wasn’t too shaky or off-key. But then Kihyun looked at you with a bit of a confused expression, so you figured you must’ve been both shaky and off-key. You gulped down your nerves and tried to sing your best...but Kihyun’s expression only grew more disconcerting. Why was he looking at you like that?
You eventually had to look away because his gaze was making you too anxious. You closed your eyes, focusing on the song and hearing Kihyun’s glorious voice singing along with yours.
When the song was finally over, the audience immediately burst into applause, and you couldn't stop a proud smile from coming to your lips. You turned back to Kihyun who was still looking at you, though he was now smiling, which made you feel worlds better. You handed him your microphone before he leaned in and gave you a hug.
The people sitting next to you squealed and patted your back when you sat back down, and you were pretty sure nothing else could ever top the moment you’d just experienced. It was all downhill from here!
But then you remembered you still hadn’t actually met them yet!
The rest of the group had come back on stage, and they performed a few songs before the stage managers started setting up a table and chairs for the fan meet. Since you were near the front, you were one of the first to make your way down the line. You smiled and greeted the members, thanking them when they complimented you on your duet with Kihyun.
When you sat down in front of Kihyun, you found your heart beat just a bit faster than it had with the other members.
“Thank you so much for singing with me,” he said as he signed your album. “You have a really beautiful voice.”
“Oh, thank you,” you replied, your cheeks burning. “Thank you for choosing me.”
“Do you have a YouTube channel for your music?”
“Me? Oh, no, I don’t sing professionally or anything, just for fun. I only have an Instagram.”
“You do? What’s your user name?”
You somewhat awkwardly told him your user name, and you were really confused when he got out his phone and started typing.
“Is it okay if I follow you?”
“Um... yes?” What the heck was he talking about?!
It was time for you to move on to the next member, so you quietly said good-bye before sitting down across from Jooheon.
When the fan meet was over, you fished your phone out of your purse to check your notifications and to prepare a post about your experience tonight. One of the girls sitting next to you had gotten a video of you singing with Kihyun and sent it to you after you exchanged phone numbers.
But then you saw you had a new follower on Instagram, a user name you were unfamiliar with. You opened up your account and went to look at their profile, a little surprised to find there were no posts. No profile picture even. Interesting.
When you arrived back home, you were even more surprised to find that account had sent you a direct message.
Hey, it’s Kihyun 😊 I just wanted to tell you again how beautiful your voice is and how much I enjoyed singing with you tonight. 
Obviously you thought it was a troll, so you typed back a response.
If this really is Kihyun, send a selfie with my name written on a piece of paper and you giving a thumbs up.
If it was a troll, there was no way they could find a selfie of Kihyun and photoshop your name into it that quickly.
Then, less than a minute later, you received a picture. It was Kihyun. Giving a thumbs up. And holding a piece of paper with your name on it. He was even wearing the same shirt he’d been wearing at the fan meet. 
It’s really me, I promise!
Oh my. Kihyun. Of Monsta X. Was messaging you. You were talking to Kihyun. Kihyun was talking to you.
Oh my god.
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arteacactus · 7 years
Warnings: G notes mentioned, emos screaming in the distance Pairing: Prinxiety - Romantic or platonic Prompt: https://youtu.be/5GN5k6voEQw Songs: Duality by Set It Off, you losers all know Welcome to The Black Parade
It was well known to everyone that Roman was an exquisite singer.
As was Patton, surprisingly. And while Logan wasn't a singer, he could rap better than anyone.
Virgil was good at art, they knew. They just assumed that was his "talent". While everyone else had a vocal talent, Virgil was talented with paints and pencils.
He made gorgeous art of the other Sides, making them look realistic yet somehow with a stylistic spin on them that made Virgil's art unique.
He had multiple sketchbooks, most of them full of doodles of animals or the other Sides, that were open to be taken and looked at. Virgil didn't mind sharing his artwork with the others. Thomas was pretty surprised when he summoned Virgil one time and found him doodling on paper, and instantly the other Sides were all over him and bombarding him with questions on what he was drawing.
There was one book Virgil never let anyone touch, though.
It was a hardcover book, and it had music notes decorating the covers. The Sides just assumed it was a sketchbook themed on music and bands, but in reality, it was Virgil's songwriting book.
He could sing with a heavenly voice; it sounded like the angels singing in a beautiful choir.
Virgil wasn't better than Roman (hell, no one could sing better than Roman, especially when it came to Disney songs), but he could sing a hell of a lot better than anyone else. Though while Roman sang well in higher tones, Virgil could sing deep bass tones. Virgil sang the darker songs, that usually contained heavy bass or just a low tone of voice, and obviously, Roman was the complete opposite.
Virgil disliked this about himself, though. He disliked having two talents while the others seemed to have one.
Well, some of the others.
Logan had a secret talent for writing, but only he knew that.
He felt that he would be pushed away for having more than one talent. And while it felt great to know he shared something in common with them all, he didn't want to be pushed away because "Oh, everyone could sing, you're nothing special, Virgil."
It genuinely hurt him to think that they would push him away like that, especially after they'd gotten so close lately.
So Virgil hid his singing from them. He hid the fact that he could play guitar, piano, and violin. (What? He doesn't just sulk all day when he sits in his room 24/7. He has hobbies.)
He hid the fact that he wrote music, and songs, and poems. He hid the fact he could do anything other than draw.
And being able to express the fact that he could draw was great, too, honestly. If he was feeling particularly bad or didn't want to talk, he could draw to express his emotions and get the Sides to understand how to deal with these moods that way.
But he wanted to express himself freely, every single way he could. He wanted to be able to just sing without worrying of judgement.
But.. he was Anxiety, right? So that was.. impossible.
Every time he felt even a sliver of courage enter him, genuinely contemplating just walking right out in the commons and breaking out in song, it died within seconds due to the cold claws of anxiety clutching at his heart and his lungs, convincing him that no, you cannot do that. They will hate you. Don't ever do that.
But he wanted to. Oh, he wanted to get over this fear of his. He knew it was silly and nonsensical, but he couldn't help it. He was Anxiety, and that fact would never change. He was the very embodiment of fear and reluctance. He didn't think it was possible for him to actually get over that without severe repercussions.
But what if it was unintentional? What if.. he didn't mean to let them know he could sing? Perhaps, that's what he could do. Unintentionally let them know of this talent.
But that was impossible. He couldn't plan out a perfect scheme, and then unintentionally do it.
Or, so he thought.
He had the idea of telling them in his mind for a long time. Perhaps during a Disney movie; Moana, maybe. He'll join Roman in a duet of "Where You Are" and that's when all is revealed.
Maybe he'll just "accidentally" drop his songbook on the floor, and go to his room, and wait for them to confront him. (As much as Roman would try to deny it, he wouldn't be able to resist peeking at a book that Virgil kept secret).
Or maybe, he'll just have his headphones in and sing along to his music out loud, where the others were.
But it ended up being none of the above.
Roman, Patton, and Logan were all with Thomas, Joan, and Talyn. They were all playing games, telling bad puns, and having fun.
Virgil chose to stay behind.
Yes, he was invited. He didn't feel 'left out' because he knew he got an invitation, and at any time, he was allowed to spontaneously join them at random.
But he felt like singing.
So, standing in the commons, with his headphones in, Virgil sat on the couch, turned on the television just so he didn't feel totally alone, and started playing 'Welcome to The Black Parade'.
Virgil shut his eyes, just enjoying the first verse for a bit, before restarting the song to sing along with it, unknowing of the fact he had just been summoned to Thomas' living room; too caught up in the music to notice the tugging feeling in his stomach as he was pulled from the mind palace.
"When I was a young boy, My father took me into the city, To see a marching band."
Virgil was entirely unaware of his brand new audience, who were utterly stunned to see that, not only did Virgil look peaceful and happy, caught up in his music, but his voice was gorgeous, and he could sing? Since when was that a thing?
"He said, "Son, when you grow up Would you be the savior of the broken The beaten and the damned?""
Virgil felt eyes on him and so he opened his own, immediately yelping a bit in surprise, not realizing he actually had an audience listening to him, his cheeks reddening as he ripped off his headphones and turned off his music, chewing on the inside of his cheek anxiously.
"Wh-What did you guys want?" He stuttered, trying to will the blush away from his face.
"Virgil, that was.. astounding," Logan stated first, being the first to break out of his shocked state.
"I agree! That was so cool! I didn't know you could sing, too!" Thomas gushed, a smile coming to his face.
"I didn't know you sang so amazing, Virge! You're so amazing at it!" Patton squealed, squishing his cheeks together in awe.
"You have such a lovely voice, Virgil, I'm surprised!" Roman said last, smiling at the blushing Side. "I didn't think you could sing, to be honest."
"Yeah, well.." Virgil mumbled awkwardly, ".. Surprise?"
"Can you sing something for us, Virgil?" Patton asked excitedly, "Please? Pretty pretty please?"
"I don't know any other songs except for those "PG-13" ones you guys complain about," Virgil grumbled softly, self-consciously tugging at his jacket sleeve. He wasn't used to having all the attention; usually, Roman stole the spotlight and kept it that way.
"That's fine! Come on, sing just a little something for us, Virge!" Thomas urged, all of them sitting in an eager way, like children awaiting a show. Except for Logan, of course. Sophisticated as ever.
"Well.. fine," Virgil sighed. He supposed this is what he'd been asking for.
"I can't quite contain, or explain my evil ways, Or explain why I'm not sane; All I can say, is this is your warning.."
He hesitantly started, biting his lip a bit, but got nothing but encouraging looks from his little 'crowd'.
"I can't quite contain, or explain my evil ways, Or explain why I'm not sane; All I can say, is this is your warning; Duality-"
His breath hitched a bit due to nervousness, but he was quick to suppress it. He had to get confidence. He knew he could sing well. He wasn't gonna screw up at all. He was fine.
"I have a confession that you will not believe; That you could not perceive this freak, gonna set it off- I have a confession, of a side that I hide, It's a cloak or disguise unleashed, gonna get it off,"
Gradually, Virgil gained confidence, and his voice got steadier, expressing how confident he was beginning to feel. He got louder, not anxiously hushed.
"No, I'll never get away, 'Cause if I try to stray, It only holds me closer. No, I'll never get away, I love it anyway, I'll never stop."
His voice was steady and smooth like honey, and the Sides (and Thomas, Joan, and Talyn) noted how his tone of voice was deeper than all the others'.
"I can't quite contain, or explain my evil ways, Or explain why I'm not sane. All I can say, is this is your warning. I can't quite contain, or explain my evil ways, Or explain why I'm not sane; All I can say, is this is your warning; Duality!"
Virgil's voice began to take a different turn.
It was like there were two voices singing together in harmony. It made his singing sound even more entrancing. Was Virgil really hiding this talent from them this whole time?
"I have an impression, in the back of my mind, For the black in my tie, contains all your dirty thoughts. Make me an obsession, when you lock me inside, For the ride of your life unleashed, gonna get it off."  
Virgil felt a swell of pride. He was so.. proud of himself, so happy that he could manage to do this. He loved it, he loved this feeling. Maybe he should sing more often.
"No, can't count the list of things, I know are wrong with me, No need to justify them. No, I'll never take the blame, So I'll just stay the same, I'll never stop-"
This song really fit Virgil, Roman realized with a fond smile as he sat, entranced by Virgil's voice, like everyone else.
"I can't quite contain, or explain my evil ways, Or explain why I'm not sane. All I can say, is this is your warning. I can't quite contain, or explain my evil ways, Or explain why I'm not sane; All I can say, is this is your warning; Duality!"
As the chorus rolled around again, Virgil felt something inside burst, and his voice got even lower. He was getting into the song, which was unusual since he'd never really expected for that to happen when around the others.
"I am good, I am evil. I am solace, I am chaos. I am human, and that's all I've ever wanted to be."
As Virgil's voice dropped, the Sides collectively shivered. Virgil had such talent. Roman was swooning.
"No, can't count the list of things, I know are wrong with me, No need to justify them. No, I'll never get away, I love it anyway, I'll never stop."
Was it possible to listen to one sing for hours on end without stopping? Maybe. Virgil would probably get a sore throat, though.
"I can't quite contain, or explain my evil ways, Or explain why I'm not sane. All I can say, is this is your warning. I can't quite contain, or explain my evil ways, Or explain why I'm not sane; All I can say, is this is your warning; Duality."
As Virgil finished the song, he carefully opened his eyes, taking in their expressions, since he'd had them closed the whole time. Why? He really didn't know. Perhaps it was the fear of how they'd react. That seems the most.. logical answer.
Gah, now he was starting to sound like Logan.
"I-Ah.. I'm sorry, I got carried away, I didn't mean to sing so much, I was only gonna go up to the chorus.."
"Don't apologize; that was magnificent! I have no words for how stunning your voice is, Virgil!" Roman reassured with a large smile, and Virgil's lips twitched, trying to hide his grin.
"Would it.. be a bad time to say I can also write and compose songs, play some instruments, and make poems?"
Perhaps he was just bragging, but he really didn't get that often, and it felt good.
Besides, he wouldn't mind playing a little piano for the Sides.
Maybe breaking out the old g note was a good plan.
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danandthereader · 7 years
Could you write one about Dan teaching you how to sing and you're kinda bad at it but you have a fun time with him anyway? And it doesn't really help that he's staring directly at you and using his heavenly voice?
A/N: This prompt is absolutely adorable, and I am so excited to finally get to fill it ! One of my lowkey dreams has always been to duet with Dan, so this is just as much a fill for me as it is for you, lovely. ♡ Thank you so much for sending this in, and I hope you like it !Also, for reference, this was the song that Dan and the reader were singing along to !
Teaching someone to sing was a lot harder than most people thought it was. You didn’t just sit down, do a couple rounds of harmonies, and you were good to go. It wasn’t like riding a bike, or learning to swim. It was more like learning a language, or math, even - if you stopped practicing, you would forget how to do it right, and you’d fail.You were never a singer. As a little kid, you had the same dream as everyone, to become a singer, but you never had the patience to go to the lessons, or go through the motions to get better. In a very child-like fashion, you just wanted to be good; when you found out it took a lot of work, it stopped being your passion. It was, however, your best friend’s. When you finally opened up to each other, started sharing stories of your childhood and lives, Dan told you about he’d always been singing, in one way or another. In the shower when he was a teenager, on top of mountains to himself when he was travelling as a young adult; evolving into Skyhill, Ninja Sex Party, Starbomb, collaborations and features and connections and being someone.It was his passion, not yours, but the two of you liked sharing your passions with one another. He liked singing, you liked reading books. He hadn’t insisted on teaching you to sing, not exactly, but he did spend a pretty decent amount of time trying to convince you to sit with him in his apartment livingroom and take a few pointers. And you did always love hearing him sing, whenever you were allowed to listen in on acoustic sessions with Brian or soundchecks before concerts, so in truth, there was no real downside to it.
Sitting in front of him, legs crossed over one another, you listened to him do scales, slow and steady, an exercise in recognizing changes in pitch. To show that you were catching it, you mirrored his vocalizations, going up then down then back up again, him smiling more and more as you did it with him. “Better,” he told you after the two of you had finished. “Wanna try again?” Your face must’ve scrunched up, because he laughed. “That’s a hard pass.” The two of you had been doing it for half an hour, listening and mirroring, it’s how these singing lessons always started out, and you just wanted to move on. You felt like you were back in middle school, bored with one subject and antsy to move onto a more interesting one. He shifted, scooting a bit closer. “You just wanna sing don’t you?” His voice had gone teasing, cutesy and gooey, making you laugh a little too, but keep your face scrunched, all closed eyes and wrinkled nose. “All right, all right. C’mere.”Pulling out his phone, he plugged in his headphones and held one out to you. Taking the earbud, you were fully expecting him to turn on something more his style, something from the 70s or 80s that you only knew the words to because your father used to like the song and turn up the volume in the car whenever it came on the radio, and you were going to half-hum along until the chorus started. However, he surprised you with your favorite artist instead, the song bright and bubbly and very recent. It made your eyebrows come together, but the smile break to your face quick as the recognition clicked in your brain. The song was about a girl truly figuring out that she loved a boy. It was a little silly, and the artist had written it when she was about the same age as you, but it was one of your favorites. To know Dan had it on his phone - more than likely because of you as well - only made your heart flutter. As the singing began, you did too.
Admittedly, even after the few things Dan had taught you, you still weren’t the best. But you were smiling, and so was he, as you sang along, slightly off-key and hitting the wrong notes on every other word. The singers in your ears were much more experienced in this sort of thing than you were, though, making it sound so much easier than you felt it was. Dan was indeed singing along, voice gentle and lilting through the space left between the two of you. Honestly, you never thought your music preferences would rub off on him - the two of you were very different in that respect - but he always surprised you in the sweetest of ways.As the song continued on, you got more and more confident in your ability to keep up, at least with the female artist. She sounded so bubbly and giddy, a feeling you shared with her whenever you were around the boy across from you. The singing lessons were an easy in to spend time with Dan, someone who didn’t seem to have a lot of it free for just hanging out. It was a disposition you could mimic easily at the moment, or really any moment you got to see that fluff of chestnut hair and hear his laugh. Your confidence and familiarity, along with your overall relation to the song, must’ve shown, because he was beaming at you, watching, singing along, matching your harmonies instead of the other way around. He seemed to have such an easy time with that, even though you were hitting the wrong notes or just straight-up missing them, but he seemed to be enjoying himself, and you were too. You were bouncing just a little every so often, your sense of rhythm just as off, but he didn’t seem to mind.It wasn’t a lie, though, if you said it was a little daunting, having Dan watching you like he was. Sure, his eyes were bright and he was singing along with the same warmth and giggly attitude as you were, but there was… Something else in his eyes, in his features, something you couldn’t quite place. Maybe he was studying you still, still trying to be the teacher despite being your friend for so long.
When the song ended, there was a lull of quiet, no song coming after it, just the two of you looking at each other, grinning like idiots, and overcome with an almost overwhelming feeling of warmth. “Can we do another one?” you heard yourself ask, and he nodded, almost excited. “Yeah, definitely!” He swiped on his phone, tapped on the screen a few times, and another song began, by the same girl, another song about relationships and love and being happy together. Almost immediately you begun singing, and he did too, louder and more confident than any of the others times you had done this with him. You started bouncing again, sort of shimmying your shoulders to the words, and he laughed, wiggle-dancing along with you.Maybe it was just because you really liked the girl you were listening to, or liked the boy you were listening to even more, but you were having fun. That’s what mattered between friends, even if one of them didn’t feel just-friends feelings toward the other.
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jayjayswackyantics · 7 years
SDC crew karaoke night with s/o???? :3
JOSEPH•He’s a loud but terrible singer. He’s super enthusiastic about singing love duets, especially from musicals like Grease with his s/o, but he’s terrible. •He will get laughed at, even by his s/o, but he doesn’t care. As long as he made them smile then his goal is accomplished. •He makes googly lovey dovey eyes at s/o all night, even while he’s belting ‘You’re the one that I want’ at the top of his lungs. •If s/o got him drunk this is gonna be a wild night. Even with everything previously mentioned, he sways on stage and Joseph dangerously teeters on the edge of the stage. He also has his tie wrapped around his head, chest partly exposed, and now he’s eyeing other girls in the bar. AVDOL•He’s kinda a shy singer, the others will have to perform first before he goes on. He’s only nervous because he doesn’t want to look like an idiot in front of s/o. He’s a man he wants to impress them. •Actually a beautiful singer! He would sing a deep and slow song full of meaningful words. If it’s in Arabic even better, but English will do too. •If in English you can bet it’s an R&B song. He just about won over all the girls in the bar too with his angelic voice. •He wouldn’t want s/o to join him up there because the song he sings will mean something towards s/o. Avdol is trying to express his emotions towards them through this. He thought it was clever. •Once he’s off stage he’ll try to pull his scarf up to hide his red and embarrassed face. He meant what he said on stage, but is now having to deal with his previous actions. JOTARO•Jotaro will have to be the last one to go up there. He isn’t a fan of these kinds of recreational activities, but if it’s what his s/o likes he will at least try it. He will give you a hard time about going on stage. •He won’t want you up there with him because it’ll look like he’s using you as a crutch. Or even worse that you guys are doing a duet, he already doesn’t want to be up there. He would hate to let his frustration get to him and he yells at you while you’re having a good time onstage. •He would do a rap song. More hip hop/R&B but he wanted to do something that doesn’t require actual singing. Rapping was his best option. It wouldn’t be a love song or even about his s/o, it’s just something he knows and a song he can quickly get through up there. Most likely the shortest song in the entire collection too. •Even though all he did was rap, everybody in the bar goes fucking nuts. They cheer for him to do another song, and many are wolf whistling him. He yells at them all to shut up onstage and he leaves quickly, tipping his hat downward to hide his worried eyes. He hopes s/o tolerated it at least. POLNAREFF•He’s the first one to go up there, he’s the cheesiest romanticist out of all of them. •He will wink at his s/o from across the bar and personally shout them out before the song starts. •"I would personally like to make this song out to my partner. Je t'aime~“ •Don’t tell him, but if it’s in English he isn’t really a good singer. He’s off beat and misses some words. The effort is there though and the fact that he tried says a lot. He’s so enthusiastic too, singing directly at you and never breaking eye contact. •It would be some sort of dramatic rock ballad, manly but lovely. If he chooses a song in french his voice is actually heavenly. He could easily cover the song and get tons of listens online if he chose to. S/o’s heart would swell this time when he looks at them. •Immediately when the song is over he runs into s/o for a hug, no matter if it were boos or cheers that he heard onstage. He hasn’t the biggest grin on his face. •"So was I amazing or what?!”KAKYOIN•Most likely will follow Polnareff. He doesn’t look very enthused about doing this, but he actually is. He has the case of Resting Bitch Face. •He isn’t a fan of an audience though. The whole bar is going to listen now. He’s fine with the gang and s/o listening, but everyone else? It’s so strange and uncomfortable. This must be how performers feel. •He will choose a song solely in Japanese, not trusting his English speaking skills enough to do an entire song in time. He just heard Polnareff do a song in English and he wasn’t going to embarrass himself like that. •It’s a really cool J-pop song though. S/o may not be able to understand what he’s saying, but Jotaro is smirking. Through Kakyoin’s facial expressions, it must be an emotional song. •When he’s finished he’s blushing and looks a little flustered. He’ll sit next to s/o and Won’t make direct eye contact with them. -Admin Jules(´∀`)
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