#and his feelings on his and Aniya's everything now
confused-beany · 2 years
Her halo of divinity - and isn't it weird to think of Aniya, someone so far for divine, so human it hurts, as divine - is a broken thing, jagged and flayed, held together by some miracle that's more curse than a gift. A corner of it digs into the soft skin just under her jaw, barely held on and dangerous to hold onto. One breath too sharp and she would perhaps stop breathing altogether.
But maybe she wouldn't. Maybe whatever went wrong with her during the... Thing would keep her safe. Would be the layer of protection between her and this odd binding she wears and she would live as well as she could, even as a twisted visage of something that should be impossible.
Still the risk remains.
She wears it with grace and ease though. Dips her head in deference like it doesn't hurt to move her fragile neck at all.
He couldn't tell you which he hated more. Her or the golden noose only he seems to see.
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cancerianprincess · 1 year
Erik & Aniya: “Graduation”Blurb
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A/N: Found this chillin in my notes from way back when—I’m glad I did. Needed a self-indulgent fic for the rescue tonight, seriously. Y’all enjoy 🤎
“I tried to tell you that wasn’t gon’ end well.”
“I don’t wanna hear it, Erik! You didn’t even make an effort to try and act civilized in front of my family today.”
“Hold on..” Erik couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “How you gone try and call me uncivilized when all I did was tell the truth, hm?”
This nigga was honestly finna make you blow a gasket. “You being for real right now?” You blinked at him. “You called my mom ‘a fake ass Claire Huxtable’!!!”
He paused while you looked at him, waiting to challenge your already growing irritation.
“What I said was: ‘she needs to chill out and stop acting like a fake-ass Claire Huxtable, with her condescending boujiee ass’!! That’s what I said.”
Jesus fix it, all you could do was pinch the bridge of your nose. “You say that like it’s any better, Erik..,” you trail off exasperated. “How could you do that at my graduation cookout?! All I wanted was for today to go smoothly!”
Your best friend sneered and threw a mean side-eye at you, adjusting in his seat as if to prepare for the fallout. “Aye, don’t be coming at me sideways, Aniya. You shoulda been telling your mom that for the way she was acting before I even said anything. She honestly lucky that’s all I said to her.”
“So you think that makes it okay for you to do what you did?!” You could feel your nostrils flaring and eyes beginning to burn as you went on.
“All I wanted was to get the cookout over with, with minimal damage, so I could get out of there and head to the real turn up to celebrate MY day. Yes, I knew you didn’t wanna go, Erik, but you knew how much I needed you there to help get me through it!”
Erik was doing his best to maintain his composure and not misdirect his anger at you. “Well then why do you still let her talk to you that way then, huh?? I mean, you literally a grown ass woman, yet she still treats you like a damn child! It’s aggravating as hell, Aniya, and quite frankly I’m tired of you having to endure that shit. Hell, I’m tired for you!! So am I sorry for putting her in her place for being rude as hell to her own fucking daughter, on one of the biggest days of your life? Hell nah, fuck allat.”
Silence immediately fell over the car. You shrunk down in the seat of the car, wanting to shout something back, but fell quiet once you realized your best friend did have a point. Now you actually did feel like a small child, but only because Erik had been more adamant about standing up for you, than you had been about standing up for yourself at your grown age.
“Look,” Erik said breaking the fresh sheet of ice. “I ain’t mean to scream ‘atchu like that, aight? That’s my bad, Niya.”
You stole a quick glance at him to see if he was still angry, which was a sight you hardly enjoyed witnessing. Catching sight of it, Erik continued his attempt to still the waters.
“I just think you deserve a mother who doesn’t criticize everything you do.” He paused for a second. “I just want you to be able to tell her how she actually makes you feel—which is shitty. And then pick ya head up and remind yourself how much of a boss you are.”
Great. Now you were staring hard as fuck out the window, trying to discreetly wipe away the few tears that had managed to escape.
“Look, I’m sorry, okay?” You felt a hand tug at your wrist. “Don’t cry, aight?”
Erik’s grasp moved from your arm to your chin, turning your gaze to him once more. “I was being a dumbass, I admit it. But I was only tryna do what was right and stand up for you, Niya.”
“No I know.” You swiped carefully to avoid smearing your makeup. “And I appreciate that, E, I really do.”
“So…you forgive me?” Erik did that little puppy dog thing he always did to get off the hook.
You turned your lip up at him. “Fine, but only so you’ll stop making that stupid ass face! I hate when you do that.” Despite feigning an attitude, you couldn’t totally suppress the sneer-grin combination playing at your lips.
“Girl bye, you know I’m cute as a muhfucka.”
You rolled your eyes at him, not bothering to contain your amusement that time. “Boy bye, gon’ head.”
“See, don’t even start ya neck rolling and shit.” He flipped the dash mirror down to do a check before hopping out the car. “It’s still your night and I promised I would take you to finally have some fun. So bring ya lil’ ass on we can get this party popping!”
ou smiled and checked your face one last time, not being able to help yourself as Erik opened your door and escorted you into the kickback.
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jacuzziwaters · 3 months
❤️💔🥩🥀 for all characters/random!!!! :333 i love knowing about how characters deal with things..
Good Lord we have a lot to cover here.
Ask Game
❤️ Who is the most important person to your character? To what lengths would they go to protect this person?
Zyla: Ian. She has fought, lied, and stolen for this man and she'd do it again.
Ian: Zyla. He's gone through verbal and physical assault just to hear her voice.
Imani: Delilah.
Bonnie: Her parents
Octavia: There's a friend of hers that she loves more than life itself but this requires me to go into a lot of her lore so if you want a separate post on this just ask.
Aniya: Her sisters
Delilah: Herself.
💔 Who has your character hurt most? Physically or emotionally? How did it feel? Do they regret it?
Zyla: Her younger brother. She'll never regret leaving but she does regret leaving him behind.
lan: His mother. He doesn't regret it and he never will.
Imani & Bonnie: They're children. The only people they've hurt are their parents because of their trauma responses.
Octavia: Her sisters
Aniya: Delilah
Delilah: Aniya
None of the 3 sisters have realized how badly they've hurt one another emotionally.
🥩 Does your oc have any coping mechanisms? Healthy or unhealthy?
Ngl some of these are their hobbies too.
Zyla: When she was in her early 20s she used to drink and smoke a lot to cope with her problems but now that she's in a better place she's moved on to more positive outlets like painting and crocheting. Honestly anything that allows her hands to move helps her deal with her anxiety. Sometimes she just starts chopping vegetables for Ian if she's having a work problem.
lan: Also started off with very bad coping mechanisms. He used to overwork himself at his multiple part time jobs to avoid thinking about anything. He needs something that requires full body movement so he enjoys dancing and gardening.
Imani: Gaming with Delilah. It allows her to yell and cuss all her frustrations away. When she's depressed she used to isolate herself but now she talks to someone or asks for a hug.
Bonnie: Biting. (Ian is working on it with her.)
Octavia: Ignoring reality and maladaptive daydreaming. She suppresses her negative emotions and pushes away bad memories and pretends like everything is ok.
Aniya: No healthy coping mechanisms. She used to pull her hair out when she got stressed so she's currently rocking a TWA. Currently has gone from hair pulling to clawing or pinching her arm or the palms of her hands.
Delilah: Is a very active person so when she's depressed she bikes. When she's stressed however she usually just smokes some weed. (She's not allowed to smoke inside the house tho so this is really a last resort for when she's extremely anxious)
🥀 How does your character deal with stressful situations? Is their fear response fight, flight, freeze or fawn?
Zyla: Fight
lan: Fawn/Freeze
Imani: Freeze
Bonnie: Fight
Octavia: Flight
Aniya: Flight/Freeze
Delilah: Freeze
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bangtan-yn · 2 years
Most Beautiful Moments of Life.
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Pairing: Taehyung (husband) x reader fem
Genre: romance, fanfic
Warning: Fluff lots of it, Smut (Slight at the end),
You were sitting on the breakfast table feeling extremely down, playing with the fork in your right hand, when you felt a pat on your head.
Mrs. Kim: "Y/n! Honey he's going to be fine. Just have your breakfast."
Y/n: "Eomma! he's never done that before. He never avoids my calls."
Mrs. Kim: "you are worrying alot. That's not good for your health right now Y/n. Please have your meal.."
Y/n: "Eomma! it's our wedding anniversary. Was his business trip more important than this. You know the worst part is he didn't even wish me."
Mrs. Kim: "What? I am going to beat that brat for making my daughter upset. For now just have your meal."
Mrs. Kim sat infront of her and made sure she had her breakfast. As soon as she was done and was about to go upstairs Mrs. Kim called her again.
Mrs. Kim: "Y/n! honey. Go and get ready you and me are going outside."
Y/n: "Eomma! Can we go tomorrow? I was feeling a bit low." She said making a pout.
Mrs. Kim: "No! No! I am not listening to any excuses. Go and be back in half an hour."
After getting ready Mrs. Kim took Y/n for some shopping and then turned the car towards a salon.
Y/n: "Eomma! Why do we have to stop here."
Mrs. Kim: "Uh ... Oh yeah.! I was thinking so what, if my silly son is not here. Me and daughter-in-law can have dinner together."
Y/n: "But Eomma! We don't have to get ready for that."
Mrs. Kim opened the car door and came outside. "Oh come on Y/n you have to listen to your mother-in-law. No more words."
Y/n: "Alright Eomma let's go."
They both got ready and were about to head towards the car.
Mrs. Kim looked at her daughter-in-law and she found her pretty and perfect for her son in the maxi that she was wearing, her hair perfectly falling on her shoulder in the form of loose curls.
Mrs. Kim: "He should say thank you to me." She mumbled while fixing Y/n shoulder strap.
Y/n: "Huh!! Who would say what Eomma."
Mrs. Kim: "Aniya! Let's go now." Saying that she went towards the car and started driving.
Mrs. Kim parked the car for a bit to respond to a call. "Ne Jiminah.... Oh Ne ne......... Aeraso! Aeraso! Yes I am coming back."
Y/n: "What happened Eomma? Did Jimin oppa tell you about Taeh..."
Mrs. Kim: "Aniya.!"
Y/n: "Okay. Maybe I should call him one more time."
Mrs. Kim's eyes became wide and she almost shouted. "No, no, no. Not now. Let's go home."
Y/n: "But Eomma we were going for."
Mrs. Kim: "Uh... I'm tired honey... yes I am tired." She said in one breath.
Y/n: "But Eomma."
Mrs. Kim: "Please Y/n"
Y/n: "Alright Eomma. You're fine right?"
Mrs. Kim: "Yeah. Ofcourse."
Y/n: "But you're sweating a lot. You sure you're fine Eomma."
Mrs. Kim: "Yeah I am fine." She said while gulping her dried throat.
As soon as Mrs. Kim and Y/n reached home Y/n ran towards the main door being worried, while Mrs. Kim was still unbuckling her seat belt.
Y/n: "Why are there so many cars in there. Is Appa alright.?"
Mrs. Kim shouted from behind. "honey! everything is perfectly fine. Just don't run please."
But Y/n didn't even stop, stumbling on her steps, multiple times about to fall and pulling herself together.
Y/n: "Eomma it's so dark in here. Eomma what's happening."
Mrs. Kim: "Baby stop. Nothing is wrong. You'll fall down."
Y/n felt a tug on her shoulder. She tried to escape a strong hold on her body.
Y/n: "Leave me.. leave me..! Eomma help."
???: "Shhh!!! Sshhh!! Baby it's me..." She turned towards the person cupping his face.
Y/n: "Taehyung-ah is it you??" She kept crying and hugged him tight while sobbing.
He kept patting her back.
Taehyung: "Babe! Shhh! Y/nieee I am here. Don't cry love."
Y/n: "I-i missed yo-u so much." She said while sobbing and hugging him for her dear life.
Taehyung broke the hug wiping off her tears under her eyelids. "I missed you too Baby."
He kissed her forehead, "Happy Anniversary Wifey." The lights of the living lit up with lots of party poppers, cheers and clapping. Y/n looked in her surroundings and found Mrs. Kim standing besides Mr. Kim and her own parents along with their friends and a bunch of close relatives.
Taehyung held Y/n close to himself kissing her head again.
Mrs. Kim came towards them both and hit Taehyung on his shoulder multiple times. "Told you idiot. It will make her upset. She was going to fall down. What would have happened to her and your b..."
Y/n: "Eomma!!! You knew about this??"
Taehyung: "wait, wait, what would have happened to her and my what..?"
Y/n looked at her mother-in-law with wide eyes
Mrs. Kim: "you both let's go to meet other people."
Y/n and Taehyung met the people there. Both of them couldn't stand away from each other. After a long time they were standing in front of each other and it made so much difficult for Taehyung to resist himself. He just wanted her presence near him, no matter what.
Y/n whispered in Taehyung's ear while he was talking to Jimin and Jungkook "I am going to the kitchen. I'll be back."
Taehyung pulled her arm before she could even leave and gestured to Jimin that he'd take his leave. "You can't leave me here alone"
Y/n: "It's just for 2 minutes. Let me see if we have enough drinks for th.." gasp
He pulled her a bit closer to himself. "doesn't change the fact that you are leaving me."
Y/n: "Taehyung! Everyone is watching us. Leave please..."
Before Taehyung could respond or bring her closer they both heard Y/n dad's voice who was calling Taehyung. Taking the chance Y/n left him and went to the kitchen, making Taehyung pout. But he turned to listen to his father-in-law.
While Y/n was arranging things in the kitchen and telling the staff to take drinks and snacks on the table, Taehyung entered and as soon as the staff left he hugged Y/n from behind nuzzling his nose in her neck making her perplexed. "Hey you left me." He whispered near her earlobe and a shiver ran through her spine. "Taehyung, we are not in our room. Leave me."
He turned her around and gave kisses on her neck, pulling up the spaghetti strap of her dress with his teeth and a slight moan escaped Y/n's mouth that she was trying to suppress.
"Fuck baby. It's been so long." Taehyung pulled her waist even closer to himself giving her neck open mouthed kisses. "Taehyung-ah we have guests outside."
"But I need you Baby. This dress of yours is not helping at all. My mom knows my weaknesses so well."
Y/n stepped away hitting his chest, "Shut up! I am still upset that you avoided me for the whole day."
"But babe I wanted to surprise my wifey. Eomma helped me with everything." He said while hugging her again.
"don't lie. She was helping me to surprise you. But that was until you said that you'll not come for our wedding anniversary." She tried to break the hug again but Taehyung was quick enough to hug her from behind again.
"You wanted to surprise me for??"
Y/n realized what escaped her mouth and she just didn't know how to cover it up. "I-i ... Umm.. Taehyung-ah I.."
He removed the strand of hair behind the back and kissed her there. "Say it baby girl. Tell me."
Y/n wanted to avoid the question till the night and thankfully her saviour Jimin came there just in time. "Yah you both! Pathetic love birds. Everyone is looking for you outside." Both of them felt a bit embarrassed and clearing their throats they left the kitchen.
For the whole time Mrs. Kim kept asking Y/n if she was fine or not. She kept roaming around her time and time again. Taehyung knew the bond his mother and his wife had, and he was thankful for this. He always loved the way his mom would scold him and take the side of her daughter-in-law. His mother would always make sure to bring something for Y/n whenever she'd go outside. Whenever Y/n used to go to meet her parents his mother would always ask Taehyung to bring her back soon saying she missed her. But tonight he was finding it strange the way his mother was taking care of his wife. It was a bit different and bit extra as well and he found it odd.
Every time he would ask her mom that he'd take care of her she would shrug saying, "Baby bear! You know nothing about how to take care of your wife." This made him confused.
As soon as the guests and everyone left, Y/n was guiding the staff to clear everything up. Mrs. Kim was constantly asking her to leave it be and rest.
Mr. Kim: "Yeobo! Our Y/n is a big girl. She'll take care of herself. Don't stress yourself. Taehyung is back as well to take care of her."
Mrs. Kim: "But Yeobo! that silly bear of yours knows nothing. He doesn't even know the condition of his wife."
Y/n: "Eomma I promise. I'll be careful."
Mrs. Kim: "I think that you should tell him now. He has all the rights to know."
Y/n: "I want to tell him. Now that he's here I am just scared."
Mrs. Kim cupped her face and gave her a warm smile. "It's natural to get scared Y/n. But he should know."
"I should know what Eomma?" They all were startled by Taehyung's deep voice as they were expecting him to be upstairs in his room but he overheard the whole conversation. "Why is Y/n scared, Eomma? What has happened to her.?"
He came near Y/n holding her hands. "What are you hiding Y/n? Are you sick??" He placed his palm on Y/n's head and checked if she was having a fever. Taehyung's eyes were already becoming wet and filled with worry.
"Baby what's wrong? Please tell me."
"Taehyung-ah! I..i.."
He pulled her arm dragging her along with him. "Taehyung-ah wait!"
"No I am not waiting. I am taking you to the doctor right away."
Mrs. Kim rushed towards him and held his shoulder. "Baby bear. You don't have to rush to the hospital. Just hear her out first." She looked into Y/n's eyes reassuring her and left the living room along with Mr. Kim.
Taehyung cupped her face, "Is it something bad baby? You're making me worried."
She made a big pout "Yes it's very bad. Really bad that you had to come at the wrong time and hear this."
He knit his eyebrows still confused. Y/n gave him a smile and nervously held his right hand placing it on her tummy. Taehyung still didn't get anything and mumbled to her, "Do you have pain here?"
Y/n sighed at her husband's oblivious self and hit her own head. "Eomma was right you are a silly bear."
Taehyung was getting impatient, "Baby please stop fooling around and tell me. Please...!"
Y/n chuckled and this time held both his hands and placed on her tiny tummy. "Baby say hi to your dad." Y/n looked nervously biting her lower lip. She wasn't expecting Taehyung to freeze at this moment. "And Taehyung please say hi to your ba..." Taehyung didn't even let her complete and kissed her lips passionately placing his left hand on her neck while right one remained seated on her tummy.
"I can't believe I am going to be a father" he said in a loud voice and placed his forehead on hers. "I am going to be a father." He mumbled softly while a few tears escaped his eyes and Y/n nodded smiling brightly encircling her arms around his neck while he pulled her and kept her closer holding her waist with his shaky hands.
After a few seconds Taehyung broke the hug and stood at a distance and Y/n got puzzled.
"Y/n, I am sorry. I didn't mean to...." She extended her hands towards him, "Come here you, silly. You didn't hurt me or the baby." He came near with hesitant steps and Y/n pulled his collar down standing on her tippy toes kissing him. "Why did you have to be so tall."
He smiled swaying her body left and right in his embrace. "It's not that I am tall. You're short." She looked at him making a pout and he kissed her pout.
Taehyung bent on his knees and kissed her tummy multiple times saying sweet nothings to the invisible baby bump.
He stood up and kissed her forehead. He picked her up bridal style and took her to their room.
"Taehyung! Put me down."
"No! Not until you get the punishment for hiding it from me."
"Yahhh! I wasn't hiding it from you. Me and Eomma wanted it to be a surprise for you." He made her sit on the corner of the bed and brought his own comfiest shirt for her that she loves to wear. Getting her changed he picked her up again and made her sit on the shelf besides the bathroom sink. Helping her in her night routine. He was brushing her teeth with his own hands.
"Why did you tell Eomma that you were scared to tell me"
She fiddled with her fingers and looked elsewhere than his eyes. "I was scared because ... "
Taehyung stood between her legs while she was on the edge of the shelf. He held her waist. "I was scared because we had planned to have our baby after a few years. I just didn't know if you'd be happy or not."
"How could you even think like that. Yes I said we'll have a baby after a few years, that was because I never wanted you to feel pressured. You can't even imagine how happy I am right now. Mommy Y/n..!" She smiled brightly and hid her face in his broad chest, wrapping her legs around his torso. He giggled pulling her up with one hand and bringing her back to their bed he made her lay down. He kept kissing her whole face multiple times. "So when did you find out?"
"last week." He stopped for a second and looked her in the eyes pouting "How?" He then continued kissing her jawline and neck. "I can tell you if you promise to not get mad."
Taehyung stopped again and looked at her, a curve visible on his temple. "I promise."
"So, as you and Jimin Oppa were busy with meeting in London and clients from Busan were coming."
"Yeah! They told me you handled the meeting pretty well. My wife is the best." He said while kissing her lips again.
"Yeah so after the meeting I was about to come home. I was in the parking lot where I somewhat fainted." She mumbled softly while looking at him puppy eyes.
"You what?" He held both her hands caressing her arm. "Why did no one tell me.?"
"because I asked Aera and Eomma to not tell you."
"You asked them and they agreed?"
"No! I kinda had to beg them not to tell you." She said while playing with the collar of the shirt he was wearing.
He pinned her hands above her head slightly harsh, "Next time something happens to my wife, I am going to be the first person anyone will contact."
"But Taehyungie."
"Shhh! No calling me pet names. I'm still upset. And I am going to warn your secretary and your mother-in-law to not fall for your doe eyes." He said while hugging her and nuzzling his face in her neck. "You'll be the death of me. I am telling you."
"See I knew you'd be upset." She said while making a pout. He lifted up his head to look at her again. "How can you expect me to be not upset after this."
"but you promised." She whined.
"Alright baby girl. You always win I am not upset with you." He kissed her cheeks multiple times placing his head besides hers. "Tell me what happened after that."
"So, Aera didn't know what to do other than taking me to the hospital and she called Eomma on her way there. As soon as I came back to my senses the doctor told me that I am pregnant. Eomma hugged me and we both started crying. If you were there you would have cried too." She giggled and Taehyung peppered her face kisses. "This stupid business meeting of mine. You should have called me the same day."
"I did. I told you that I was missing you and I want you to be here as soon as possible. But what you did. You started having your dirty talks with me." She said while hitting his shoulder.
"Ouch! Baby that's cause I was missing you too. I wanted you to be near me." He switched both their positions, now she was lying on top of him. He kissed her clothed shoulder. "I have decided that till delivery you're going to work from home and Miss Aera is going to come here for whatever you need."
She whined hitting him slightly. "No, you can't do this to me. I want to keep working. That's not fair."
"Of course it's fair. You'd still be working... And It's just for 9 months."
"9 months?? That's way too long and Mr. Kim, your baby is already 5 weeks old." She got up nagging and folding her arms across her chest.
A big boxy grin appeared on Taehyung's face. He held her figure and laid her down again hovering over her while his hands roamed free on the waist. He lifted up her shirt exposing her tummy and kissed there countless times. Y/n kept caressing his hair.
He trailed kisses from her tummy up to her neck. "I love the way you have got a promotion."
He nodded cutely while whispering, "From the Queen of Heart to Mommy Y/nieee! I love this."
She became shy and tried to hide her red tomato cheeks in his chest.
"Mrs. Kim Stop. Drop this cute attitude of yours. You know what it does to me." He said in his gruff tone. "You don't even know how hard it is to control myself around you."
Y/n felt herself shuddering underneath him, she shyly whispered. "You don't have to control yourself Mr. Kim"
She felt him getting hard, "But I don't want to hurt our baby." She adjusted her position and her pelvis made contact with his nether region. "You won't Taehyung."
That was all, it took to unleash the darker side of Taehyung. His deep brown orbs bore into Y/n's hazel eyes, with lustful gaze.
He tossed both their shirts in the room that were troublesome for him. He jerked his hips making her moan his name. "Taehyung. Please..."
"Please what baby."
She moaned again. "Taehyung.. ahh please don't tease. Ahhh."
"Then say it baby girl what do you want me to do."
"I need you to make love to me. Pleaseee..! Ahh" by this time he completely got rid of both their clothes and connected both their bodies as one in a swift motion.
"Ahh! Taehyung it hurts."
" Fuck Baby. It's been so long. I love you so much baby." He groaned in his hoarse voice.
"I love you too Taehyung."
"Thank you baby for the best Anniversary gift." He said while kissing her jawline and continued making love to her till the morning.
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fanfictasia · 2 years
Febuwhump Day 16
Spoiler: This is an excerpt from The Chosen Twins
Anakin Skywalker
Predictably, it’s not until after he does more – I don’t know how far it is, but since I can feel the throbbing when I’m awake traveling farther down my arm, he must be far – and when I’m half-unconscious that… something unexpected happens. Then gain everything for months now has been one unexpected after the next, so this isn’t far more major than most.
Aniya isn’t here right now; I’m not quite sure where she is, but not here, when I awaken to sensing someone else present. It’s the same blue Twi’lek that we had seen earlier that we couldn’t identify.
“I knew I would find you here,” he says, something… icy in his voice. I’ve seen that look on people, the way he doesn’t even attempt to conceal his rage or hatred, though for what, I don’t even know.
“Who are you?” I rasp faintly. Anyone else and might ask how long it’s been.
“That is of no concern to you, yet.”
I twist instinctive, jerking against my restraints – I couldn’t have been here for too long, considering I’m not terribly sore right now, though then again, I haven’t been here constantly. I don’t know why Plagueis leaves me here sometimes and not at others. But either way, I don’t appreciate the other’s closeness. At all.
“I’m not here for you,” he continues, “I have a message for your master, for Darth Sidious.”
Any other circumstances, and I’d have some very snippy commentary to throw back at him. Not now though. Instead, I only watch him warily.
“Tell him,” he continues, “That there’s nowhere he can escape from me. That there is nothing he can have that I won’t take from him, after he did the same to me.”
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itstheoneshot · 3 years
Summary: It's date night, and you've been trying to dress yourself for an hour. Clothes pile up on the floor, as you can't find a single thing you feel confident in. All you want is to crawl into bed and cry yourself to sleep.
Word Count: 1.7k
Pairing: D.O. x Reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Power Play, Body Worship.
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You stare at your reflection in the mirrored robes in front of you. You are on your eighth outfit, and you've hated every single one of them. It is date night, and your partner, Kyungsoo, will be due home any minute. You should be ready by now, but you're not even close to being so, as your mind is screaming at you, pointing out all of your imperfections.
You strip off, throwing your dress, along with your bra and panties, into the growing pile of clothes on the floor beside you. You turn to walk over to your bed, wishing to hide there, wishing to disappear, so that you don't have to see yourself anymore. Though you only make it two steps across the room before you hear your front door open, and you hear those familiar footsteps, slightly calming your racing heart.
"Jagi-ya, I'm sorry I am late, I'll get ready quick, I—"
Kyungsoo's words are cut off as he opens the door to your bedroom, his mouth hangs open just slightly as he stares at you. You don't take this to be a good thing, as you are sure he is thinking the same awful things that you are about your body.
"I just— I didn't expect to see you naked. I— you didn't like the dress I bought you?" He asks, sounding flustered.
You let out a whimper, and cover your chest with your hands. This attracts Kyungsoo's attention, as he meets your gaze, to see your eyes wide and lost, full of anxiety and upset.
"What's wrong, my love, why aren't you ready?" He asks softly.
"I... it's so stupid, Soo." You say, hiccuping through your cries, as tears fall down your cheeks.
He crosses the room and takes your hands in his, though you try to cover yourself up, still not wanting him to see you. He intertwines his fingers with yours, and squeezes your hands gently.
"What's the matter, Jagi?" He asks you.
"I'm so ugly, Soo." You whisper.
"Aniya, what? No you're not!" He says.
"I am! My waist isn't thin enough." You say.
"Aniya, that’s not true." He replies.
"My shoulders are too broad, my stomach is not flat, my thighs are too big, everything is wrong, all of me is wrong." You cry.
"Aniya, aniya, aniya!" Kyungsoo replies, his tone oozes frustration as he repeats himself.
He gently raises a hand to your cheek, brushing away your tears, and his luscious lips are settled in a pout as he gazes at you, admiring all that you are. You sniffle through the last of your tears, taking deep metered breaths, as you try to be brave.
"You're so perfect, and you deserve to know as much." Kyungsoo says.
Kyungsoo takes your hands again, and guides you to step backwards, until the backs of your knees hits the mattress. He steadies you to sit on the edge of the bed, and he drops to his knees in front of you.
"You're ethereal, my Goddess." He says.
Kyungsoo lets go of your hands, and shuffles himself back only an inch. He takes one of your feet in his hands, inspecting it, before he stares up at you as he kisses your dainty toes.
"I am not worthy of you." He continues, taking your other foot in his hands to give it the same level of attention.
In turn, he kisses, licks, and gently bites at your skin, from the tips of your toes, up to the top of your thighs. Your skin raises in tiny goosebumps every time he presses his lips against you. Every moment you are less distracted by your negative thoughts, and more preoccupied by the beautiful man in front of you as he worships your body.
He takes one of your hands, and much the same as your legs, kisses from your fingertips, up to your shoulders. Once your arms are filled with kisses, he begins to kiss across your collarbones, and down your chest. His hands explore your body, tracing your curves, and all your edges. One by one, he kisses your breasts, sighing a contented moan as he nibbles on your sensitive buds.
"I am the luckiest man in the world, to be able to serve you." He says.
He kisses down your stomach, now becoming more forceful, the way that his kisses do when he is aroused. You can see, from this angle, the way his pants begin to tighten at his crotch, and you hear him whine each time he moves to kiss you again, as the friction from the cotton against his skin drives him wild.
"There is nobody who will ever be even half as incredible as you." He says.
You giggle, overwhelmed by Kyungsoo's compliments, and you raise your hands to cover your face, shielding your blushed cheeks, as they turn a shade of red.
"Aniya~, Goddess. Let me see you." Kyungsoo says, reaching up to pull your hands away.
He rests your hands at your sides, and he continues to stare at you, as he kisses up your thighs once more. He hovers at your core, breathing heavily, sending tingles up your spine.
"And you taste..." He starts, before running his tongue up your slit, "You taste better than Heaven."
Kyungsoo leans further forward, swirling his tongue against you. He closes his eyes and sighs, humming in content as your arousal flows. You run your fingers through his hair, as he opens his doe-eyes to meet your gaze.
"Fuck, Soo, holy fuck—" You gasp.
In between licks, and sucks, he teases your clit ever so gently with his teeth. You throw your head back, gripping tight to the sheets, as Kyungsoo brings you ever closer to ecstasy.
"You deserve better than what I can give you." He breathes, before diving back in.
"No, Kyungsoo, this is... perfect." You moan.
Kyungsoo looks up at you again, teasing you, not letting you finish just yet.
"Aniya, the only true perfection is you, my Goddess." He says.
As he connects his tongue with your sweet spot once more, he brings his hand up, inserting both his index and middle finger inside of you. He curves their angle, overwhelming you with every thrust in and out, in and out.
"Soo... I—"
Your words are cut off, as your breath catches in your throat. You feel the tidal wave of pleasure that is your orgasm break through, as you unravel to his touch. Getting what he wanted, Kyungsoo moans into you, so worked up and turned on as you lose yourself on him.
Kyungsoo draws his head back from you, licking his lips, catching every last drop left behind. He bites his pretty pink lips as he looks at you above him.
"Thank you, Goddess." He says.
You feel a blush run to your cheeks again, though this time you are interrupted as Kyungsoo kisses your lips. You'd craved his lips on yours for so long, as he had teased you by kissing everywhere but. You feel his desperation, as he lays you flat, his hardness throbbing against your inner thigh.
“You want something, Kyungsoo?” You ask him between kisses.
“Mhmm...” He mumbles his reply, his breaths more like panting as his desperation grows.
“And what’s that?” You ask.
You wrap one of your legs over his hip, grinding up into him, eliciting a low moan from the man.
“I would love to fuck you, Goddess.” He says.
“Then fuck me.” You reply.
You help Kyungsoo unbutton his shirt, as he fumbles to remove his jeans, as if every second is too much, too long to be apart from you. He kicks the material off at his feet, just as you slide yourself back on the bed. He stands and awaits your instruction, and you raise a hand, motioning for him to join you.
He crawls across the bed, reaching you in only a moment. His eyes are wide, drinking you in, obsessed, thirsty, craving you. You pull him closer to you, and kiss him, while reaching down to take his hardness in your hand.
“Ah— aish...” Kyungsoo moans.
“Fuck me, Soo.” You tell him.
Kyungsoo teases your clit with the tip for only a moment, before lining up and thrusting in balls deep with no warning. You arch your back, taking him in deeper as his movements speed up, his kisses become less frequent as he focuses on giving you his all.
“You’re so fucking perfect.” He says.
You open your mouth to disagree, but he kisses you to keep you quiet. You’re hypersensitive after only just having came, and with each thrust, you feel yourself close to coming undone once more.
“I... I don’t think I’m gonna last much longer, Goddess...” Kyungsoo mewls.
His cheeks flush red, a little embarrassed at how quickly he has gotten to here. You soothe him with a stroke to the cheek, assuring him that it is okay, that you are close too, and he leans in to kiss you again.
You clench around him, just in time for both of you to tip over the edge, your breaths exhale as moans in sync, as Kyungsoo paints your insides white. You kiss him, over and over again, as he slows down to pull out of you.
“Thank you.” You sigh, turning to face Kyungsoo as he rolls onto his back.
“I should be thanking you.” He says.
“Why?” You ask.
“Because you’re perfect, Jagi, I’m so lucky to be loved by you.” He replies.
“I love you, so much.” You say.
Kyungsoo sits up, and reaches down to take his phone from his pocket. He stands to get you a towel to clean yourself up, as he swipes across the screen of his phone.
“We’ve missed the reservation, are you happy to order in?” He asks.
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theangryjikooker · 3 years
Hiya! (Soft anon here btw!)
Jungkook taking it upon himself to announce that jimin is happiest with him absolutely tears up my feels 🥺 bby knows it’s true too 😭 just look at the amount of time they spend together. They enjoy each other’s company and it shows ☺️
And while we’re on the topic of jikook being soft and sweet I’m wondering what do you think of their soft tones when speaking to each other? Personally I am an absolute sucker for this 😭 It never fails to make me melt! The gimbap Vlive head nudging, how they were so patient with each other throughout 🥺 jimin’s recent bday Vlive when he calls jungkook. Like yeah, their using their insides voices and whatever BUT STILL. The way jungkook says “Aniya”, explaining he had to keep working out because his muscles are gone (LIIIIES!). Ughh. That bday Vlive was filled with some sweet af moments…I am not over the way jimin was so happy and a little embarrassed, bc bby felt so awkward and wanted someone to be there with him 🥺 gosh… I adore the way they were teasing one another by saying their names in that serious and low tone that they do.
Ahhh anyway, there’s so many other examples but I’ll spare you my fangirling. It’s just another jikook thing that gets me…I am a very weak person and I can’t stand their shenanigans 😔
P.s. I will always try to bring some kind of positively! I just love talking about the little things that make jikook JIKOOK. Do you know Wonsummernight’s motto? How they respect the analysis stuff but it’s not them? I kind of feel that way (I don’t make vids or content tho lol) but I just enjoy them and whatever their relationship is. They are just…ugh. 🤧 I’m a basic ass shipper who loves their chemistry, and while all the analysis are interesting to read about (especially if it makes logical sense) it’s not something I can dwell on for too long, simply because we will probably never know the truth of why this and that happened, or what exactly their relationship is. Just enjoy them as they are for now while we can <3
SOFT ANON! I save your ask for when my day is winding down lmao I'm not ignoring you, I swear! My head also hurts--a lot of interesting thought nuggets today.
I do love when they talk softly to one another, but I'll admit that I refrain from being loudly excited about it, because a lot of Jkkrs like to say that this tone they have is exclusively used in each other's company. But it's not like I watch enough content Jikook with other members to see if they talk that softly to the others as well..? And that's always in the back of my head, ruining everything for me lol (I only do this to myself).
Ugh, god, who invented sleep and time? I wish I could clone myself so I can force them to do this research work for me.
But seriously, outside of those thoughts, I adore the way they are with one another. Aside from the kimbap Vlive, I think it's a Bangtan Bomb where Jimin is trying to convince Taehyung and Jungkook to let him draw on their shirts, and the way Jungkook denies him but does it softly?? Help??
I don't know too much about wonsummernight, but I have seen some of their funnier compilations. I think it was one of their earlier videos that kind of helped me pay more attention to Jikook, but I do respect their take on analyses.
Thanks, I miss them now. 😭
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jahe · 4 years
Finding You
It was already spring, the trees already shown their young leaves and with just a matter of days probably the flowers would bloom. The day was a lot warmer, Soyong was sitting in under the gazebo, eyes looking at the blue clear sky and one of her hand caressing her much protuded belly. Line of maids were standing by at her side, patiently waiting Jungjeon Mama.
Hongyeon looked at unsettled Mama worriedly, if she hadn't lost count it might be the 42 times Mamanim let some small sighs. She wondered what was Mamanim really thinking or even bothered her but she couldn't ask and let Mama sunk deeper to her thought.
"Mama, it has been hours since you were sitting there, Mama probably should go back to Daejojeon Hall since it is quite chilly here. It was Choi sanggung.
"Aniya, I am not yet done here."
"Mama, it is not good for you and your baby to sit long outside."
Soyong didn't respond.
"Mama, is there something bothering you?" Hongyeon finally asked, too impatient to know the truth.
Soyong finally turned her head to face Hongyeon, "off course," she answered with a weak smile.
"You know you can always told us," said Hongyeon.
"It is nothing big, I just feel empty recently maybe because the pregnancy. Anyway Choi sanggung is right, I should go back and rest."
Hongyeon ran hurriedly to assist Mama stood up and walked down. Not long after someone ran hurriedly over them, Soyong squinted her eyes to see who is it.
A person from King's chamber.
"Jungjeon Mama, you should come with me to King's chamber," she said.
"What happened? Is there something happened to Jeonha?" Soyong asked hurriedly and worriedly.
"Yes, Mama. Jeonha was found very sick in this early morning, Royal Physician already tended him but he said he was in a high fever and quite delirious. Jeonha was calling Mamanim in between, so Head Eunuch asked me to fetch you in case you want to come."
"Off course I should! Choi sanggung, let's go to King's chamber now!"
He was indeed looking rough, Soyong felt like all the blood in her veins were drained looking at him, she hurriedly came over to his husband side and touch his face. It was scorching hot.
"What is it?" she asked the Royal Physician.
"Mama, he is in high fever but I can't found other clue of what underlying problem from the pulse and blood rush, I think it is not something dire but still if the fever not tended it will make his body worsened."
"Do you know what caused it?"
"I already asked the royal maids here about what he had eaten night before, I don't think it was coming from food poisoning."
"It was probably something else. Head Eunuch, did you saw whether Jeonha had consume something outside his regular meal?"
"I don't think he did, he even not really ate a lot recently. But he was busier..." Head Eunuch trailled his answer but Soyong probably not really care because she already knew.
She knew Jeonha seemed so much busier these days, it was probably two weeks? Or more, she guessed, she kind of lost track because sometimes she was quite busy herself. Or better she made herself busy. It was so incruciating how it felt different with Jeonha recently.
Sometimes when they were together, Jeonha looked down a lot, like something weighing his mind, she did say he could share whatever bothering his mind but he answered nothing so Soyong couldn't pushed more about it.
"Mama, it is probably he was under a lot of stress by the account of Head Eunuch. I already ordered my pupil to make herbs to cooling down Jeonha's fever and regain his energy. I hope you are not worried too much."
Soyong turned herself to Royal Physician, "thank you for your effort, I will tend him myself."
"But Mama, you should rest with your condition," Choi sanggung interrupted.
"I know but I can't let him be, don't you think? Let me tend him right now and I promise I'll go back to rest tonight."
Choi sanggung only sighed silently,if that what Jungjeon Mama wanted then she should obey it. "Alright, Jungjeon Mama."
2 or 3 hours later, Jeonha's condition seemed much improved. His fever was decreased and he seemed calmer, in before he called her plenty of time in his sleep. Soyong was responding to each of his call, holding his hand close to her heart but seemed that didnt make him calmer first but he eventually did so.
Soyong sighed in relieved, she sit back and touched her belly again. It was so intense that she almost forgot she is pregnant if not because her protuding belly. She felt bad.
"I am sorry, my child," she apologize. "Thanks god your abamama make it."
Soyong relaxed a bit before tidying up the potion tools and tray before tidying Jeonha's blanket. She looked around after, she just realized it was quite a mess, books here and there so she tried to rise up herself and tidying up some books. Not until she took that navy blue colored book.
Queen's dictionary.
She smiled. Yes, she remembered.. Bonghwan memories imprinted well enough to hers, she remember what was in it even without have to open it. She remembered what Jeonha wrote and how it wasn't really what Bonghwan really mean.
She chuckled, as if she was experienced it first hand though herself didn't really understand all the modern terminologies. It made her wonder... ever since, how Bonghwan living right now. Hopefully he is good.
She opened the dictionary delicately, she knew it is Jeonha's very prized possession since he brought it here and there. Suddenly it disturbed her, ever since Bonghwan gone.. probably Jeonha never been able to add new term, right?
She put the book on the table absentmindedly, she quite hesitated to continue to open another page but she did. It was the latest page after some couple new words that Jeonha added. It was one word after some collumns.
"Bogoshipda," she incited. Suddenly she felt a pang in her heart as she progressed to open the next page, hoping that there is not another word there.
It was, 'neon nuguya?' that made Soyong felt like part of her is gone. Is it the thing that bothering Jeonha recently? Was this it that made him down in high fever? Why was it feel like the question directed at her? Was she scared?
The truth was, she is indeed felt restless ever since witnessing something different in the way Jeonha looked at her. In before Jeonha always said she was different, way too poised and formal, but she just brushed it off as a tease, since Jeonha talked about it lightly as if it was nothing.
Was that it? The thing that bothered both of them?
Was it because she couldn't come around to Jeonha about whom she shared the body with? Was it necessary to tell him? What would it be if she told him the truth? Was she scared because Jeonha will not like her as she is now compared to before? Was it wrong if she was being herself? Would it better if she mimick Bonghwan's attitude? No she can't, she definitely can't be that level rudeness.
She sighed in frustration, she felt like she gonna cry and lost herself again since she felt that Jeonha liked that version of her more. She closed the book and turned herself back to his side. She pondered while watching Jeonha. While his fever is gone already and he peacefully sleep, now she was the one who striked by the storm. She sighed as she looked at Jeonha. She caressed his face slowly. "Is that the thing that made you like this, Jeonha? Do you miss him?"
She sunk deep into hert thought, something crossed her mind but she laughed it off. "That's impossible, Kim Soyong. You never can called him back again, that so foolish of you." She sighed then.
"I am sorry, Jeonha." Is the last thing she said before retreating to her own chamber.
Wonbeom opened his eyes slowly, felt sores from all his body it made him uncomfortable. He looked around and found Head Eunuch was sitting at his side.
"Jeonha! You are awake! Let me fetch Royal Physician for you," he then rushed to the maids outside to fetch the Royal Physician.
He stared at the ceiling, feeling weak and kind of powerless. He embarassed that he abused his body to the point of him passed out just because so many things was bothering him. Well not so much aside the court affairs, it was just that one thing. One thing that bothered him so much that it kind of bleed his heart and mind, that made him questioned many things.
The Royal Physician finally came and directly checking his condition. He sighed in relieve. "All is well, Jeonha. You just need couple of hours to regain your energy. Please do eat a lot to replenish it."
"I understand," Wonbeom replied weakly.
"Then I should get back. Please be well, Jeonha." The Royal Physician retreated back.
"How do you feel, Jeonha?" Head Eunuch asked while helping him to sit back.
"A lot better but still dizzy. What had happened after I passed out?" Wonbeom asked.
"Not so much, there was no problem at the court so don't worry. Also, Jungjeon Mama was here yesterday, tending you all morning and got back to her own chamber to rest."
He stared at his eunuch, "She came?"
"Yes, Jeonha. I was the one who asked Mama to came since you always called her in your sleep."
He did? Off course he did, after all it was her that bothering him so much.
"Do you want me to fetch Mama here?"
"No, no, not now. Let her rest for now, I will come to her this afternoon if I feel better."
"Then I'll go fetch your breakfast."
After Head Eunuch walked away, he laid back on his bed and thinking. Actually before he passed out he almost come to conclusion himself, he was going to met her and talk everything but he collapsed. "I hope she rest well today, and I should be better as soon as possible before come to her," he said before shutting down his eyes.
It was a little late from his prediction, it was already dusk when Wonbeom finally gathered himself. He wondered if the time is ideal if he gonna meet her, but he has to.
The Queen dictionary was on his hand when he walked away from his room, announced Head Eunuch and the maids that he gonna come to Queen's Chamber. He was in rush after he collected himself back from the bed and found his room tidied up but the Queen dictionary book was on the table, before it was on the floor, it meant that she read it. She read what he wrote in the end.
He was in front of her chamber when he looked suspiciously at Choi sanggung who paced back and forth with restless Hongyeon at the side. The Eunuch announced King is coming and it made both of them panicked.
"Jeonha!" said Choi sanggung, a bit louder than she intended to do so.
"I wonder," he said, "... something happened?" he asked. Choi sanggung and Hongyeon looked at each other.
"Jungjeon mama is not inside," Hongyeon said.
"Is she gone somewhere?" Wonbeom asked worriedly, this should not be that.
"She was still here at the morning, she said she lost one of her ring and told us to search the gazebo and when we were back she wasn't here. We searched around and couldn't find her, we lost her. We... I am so-sorry, Jeonha."
His heart dropped after hearing what Hongyeon said, he had predicted it but unfortunately he was late, she was gone before he could met her. But perhaps it was not like what he thought about right? She didn't go to the lake, again, right? Oh god, please not. He felt his legs became weaker but he gathered his power to ran off to the lake.
"Jeonha, i think Mama is not that careless to get drown into the lake," Head Eunuch said when they were arrived at the site.
"I hope so, since she carried a baby, she shouldn't that selfish, right?" Wonbeom tried to convinced himself while darting his gaze into the lake. Part of him sure that she didn't jump but part of him wanted to dived into it. But before he tried to move, he heard Yeongpyeong-gun called him from afar.
"Jeonha!" he ran faster to Wonbeom, "What are you doing here? I was seeking you at the Seonjeongjon Hall but you weren't there."
"I am searching for Jungjeon, she was gone without announcement," he said worriedly and looked back to the lake.
"That is..." the Prince trailed away, ".. I am sorry, Jeonha. Jungjeon Mama asked me to escourt her to Jaganim* place, I couldn't refuse as she pleaded me so bad."
"Jaganim? Jo Hwajin?" Wonbeom asked and Yeongpyeong-gun nodded. He exhaled a big relieved sigh upon hearing what really happened. "I was so scared," he said, a bit disoriented but Yeongpyong-gun caught him before he collapsed to the ground.
"What is she doing there?" Wonbeom asked.
"She didn't tell and I didn't dare asking, but for sure she is safe there," Yeongpyeong-gun answered. "Mama asked me to come back and relay her message to you, that she said sorry for not asking permission and will deal later with any punishment when she is back."
Wonbeom snorted, "What punishment..." he trailed. "Alright, it is relieving that she is all okay. Did she told you how long she will be there?"
"Mama only said that she won't be long. She only needs to confirm one or two thing, that's what she said."
He sighed again and wonder what kind of thing that Jungjeon need to confirm with Hwajin.
"Let's keep it to ourselves for now, don't make it big as I don't want the court hear this. Let's go back to Seonjeongjeon."
"Mama!" Hwajin ran off closer when she saw Jungjeon Mama was standing in front of her house along with Yeongpyeong-gun at her side.
"Why you come to my place? What happened?" she asked Yeongpyeong-gun in confuse, worried if there was another thing happened in the palace.
"Don't worry, Eui-bin, there is nothing happened at the palace. I just want to meet you." Soyong said.
"Me?" Hwajin felt more confuse. "In what occasion?"
"I need to have a heart to heart talk, is that okay with you?"
Hwajin felt so flabbergasted, this wasn't feel like the first time but still felt like a first time. "I am all well for that, Mama."
"Alright then. Yeongpyeong-gun, can you go back and tell Jeonha, I wouldn't be able to comeback this night and I'll deal with everything later when I back."
Yeongpyeong-gun couldn't react at first but what could he do in this moment? "Alright, Jungjeon Mama."
"Thank you very much, and I am so sorry to bother you with this."
"That's alright. Then I have to go back. Please be safe."
"Don't worry, Yeongpyeong-gun, I'll take care Jungjeon Mama here," Hwajin interrupted. Then after some nod, Yeongpyeong-gun walked away. "Mama, I hope you don't mind to be in my humble house."
"It doesn't matter of the place, don't worry."
"Then let's come in," Hwajin said and escorted Soyong inside.
Both sat inside the main room of the house, Soyong scanned around, "This house looks decent enough," she said and faced Hwajin who sat in front of her. "How are you, Eui-bin?"
"Don't call me that, Mama. I am not a consort anymore."
"Then... is that okay if I called your name? Hwajin?"
Hwajin let a contented smile upon hearing her name, "It sounds good."
"If that so, you can call me Soyong," she proposed and it surprised Hwajin.
"I don't dare to do that," Hwajin refused.
"Please? We are not at the palace and I am here to meet you as woman to woman or as a friend, wasn't that we are back when we are children?" Soyong said.
Hwajin looked down quite a while. "But our history..."
"That's not relevant now because you are the only one I can think about, if I can't meet you I probably will go crazy."
Hwajin dumbfounded with Soyong's words and then she laughed. "As expected."
"What expected?" Soyong asked.
"It's nothing. So why are you here, Mama--i mean, Soyong?" Hwajin stuttered.
Soyong inhaled quite a bit before she spoke, "I want to learn how to be brave."
Hwajin went blank, "Pardon?"
"I refer to your confession to Jeonha a while back," Soyong trailed. Hwajin just oooh-ed. "I need to learn from you."
There were so many questions popped in Hwajin's head but there was none that she could ask so she just simply answer Soyong's question instead.
"I don't know if I am the best person you ask. I am not sure that was called a bravery or not, I just.. I just feel I have to challenge myself. My worst self at that, so I won't crumble into a person that I don't even know anymore," Hwajin said. "And I had enough to living under pretentious for years."
Both dropped in silent. Soyong with her own mind and Hwajin looked right into Soyong.
"I wonder why you asked that when you are the one that taught me that." said Hwajin.
Soyong furrowed to recall what Hwajin meaned.
"The lake, the day when you confronted me to the hell and back?" Hwajin pressed more.
Soyong remembered. "That.. that wasn't me."
"That wasn't you?" Hwajin repeated.
Soyong grinned, "Yes, ever since I came back from death I wasn't myself. It... it was someone else." Hwajin furrowed in confusement. "Until recently I wasn't really there, I was hidden right here," Soyong pointed at her heart, "and all the things done in the Palace after I became Queen, that wasn't me. The one who turned Palace upside down wasn't really me. The one who Jeonha infatuated and love with wasn't really me."
Hwajin taken aback but then patched Soyong's word one by one still couldn't grasp the whole meaning.
"Did you... being possessed?" Hwajin asked.
"No... I..." Soyong closed both her eyes and sighed. "It was a soul of a man I met when I was in the verge of death. I brought him back to life inside of me to help me... to help me cope with everything."
"So... two souls inside your body?" Hwajin tried to grasp what she said, a bit disbelieved to said that.
"And now?"
"He had long gone already. The last time I feel him inside was when the coup happened then I came out. I remember all the things that happened, word by word, touch by touch, but I wasn't in control. I think I only existed as memories, I was hidden all along."
Hwajin just kept in silent, trying to digest every unbelieveable facts that Soyong spoke about.
"So, what are you scared off now? Since you are now in total control of your life and body?"
"Because... I think Jeonha like that version of me. Actually, I felt a bit distant recently, I think he realized I wasn't that previous Queen."
"So you wanted to ask but you don't have courage?"
"Yes. That's why I ask you how."
Hwajin smiled. "Truthfully I still in disbelieve, and may I say that was nonsense. But you say you were hidden right in that place," Hwajin pointed at Soyong's heart, "when the fact that bravery and many good things also come right from that place."
Soyong dropped in silent.
"I think that was still you, you just don't want to acknowledge it." Hwajin continued, Soyong quite disagree but she didnt said. "Or if you really sure it was someone else and that person that Jeonha like, then you can just ask him."
"That's why it is not easy," Soyong mumbled.
"There is nothing you should worry, Jeonha is a forgiving person unless it is his real political enemy." Hwajin thrusted her hands to take Soyong's to make her less worried, "Jeonha loves you, I know, I can guarantee that." She smiled. And Soyong smiled.
"Thank you, Hwajin."
"If anything, you can come here if Jeonha deposed you," she teased. And that was the first time of the week that Soyong laughed.
It was already afternoon and there was no sign that Jungjeon already back. Jeonha paced back and forth inside Daejojeon Hall, waiting patiently (but it almost ran out) for her to comeback.
It was the maids greeting that made him stop pacing and ran out to get her. Just when he saw her figure he ran faster to hug her.
"Jeon... Jeonha?" she asked in surprise.
"I miss you,” he said, Soyong became more flustered. “Don’t try to be gone without telling me anymore!” he continued. Soyong let out a weak smile.
“I am sorry, Jeonha, but I really need to be away for a while,” she answered. Wonbeom let go of his hug.
“I think we have something to talk about.”
“Yes, we are. So let’s go inside.”
It was a custom that King always sit on the main seat and whoever under him will sit in front but Wonbeom pulled Soyong to sit at his side. Like he was really impatient or maybe he just being himself
“First of all,” Wonbeom started while still holding Soyong’s hand, “I would like to say sorry. I am sorry to left you out from the picture recently, I am sorry to make you worried when I passed out. I have my reason and I would like to tell you why but I passed out.”
Soyong couldn’t react, she didn’t expect something like this. First, she thought Jeonha would still try to recover or maybe he would still avoiding her. Second, she hasn’t ready yet, her plan was to come to him later of this day or tomorrow morning, so it kind of beat her to it.
“The reason I was avoiding you because I was in great confuse, which I didn’t even know why I confuse at the first time. Then I found it, because I think you are quite different with whom you are months ago… the one that make me realize I was wrong about you, the one that shook my heart, the one that slapped me to actual fact with her brazen but very true words. I wonder, I wonder if you are not the same person as before and my doubts become more apparent after I remember, you ever said that you were not the same person, a man instead, modern man. How true is that, Jungjeon?”
Soyong tried to hold her tears, she was going to say a thing but Wonbeom beat her again.
“I realized then it might be true. You were a different person, the one who possessed so many informations about the future, so I think maybe I love that person? But no, when I look at you, the now you I still feel the same way. I still love you, I still care of you, and when you were gone I was thinking if you were jumped into the lake again. If you did, I probably can’t continue to live normally. Whatever inside of you, you still the person that still and will have my heart.”
“Jeonha…” Soyong whispered his name, cheek already wet from tears that she couldn’t hold back when she listen to all of his words.
“I’ve loved you Soyong, ever since before you are a Queen.”
Soyong gasped. What?
“And I swear I will love whatever version you will be.” He kissed her hand.
She finally couldn’t contained herself, she cried. A lot, that Wonbeom suddenly panic… if he said something wrong, but he let her to cry first.
“His name is Jang Bonghwan,” Soyong finally said after calming herself down. “And it was true, he was inside of this body after I tried to suicide.”
Wonbeom was quite taken aback but not really surprised as he already prepared for such answer.
“I was so scared to live but It was scarier to die, he was there and I was so desperate to came back but I also didn’t want to be alone in the Palace so I brought him back with me.”
“So I really fall in love… with a man?” Wonbeom asked in utter shock.
“Maybe?” Soyong answered.
“No way.”
“You said it doesn’t matter what inside me?” she teased and it only made Wonbeom laughed in nervousness.
“I kind of dislike the idea,” he said.
“I was going to confess to you about this actually, but I couldn’t gather my courage to start the conversation since I am scared that you will hate me for that. And I am still that coward Soyong.”
Wonbeom dropped in silent, he couldn’t find anything to console her.
“So I seek Hwajin and talked to her. I also told her about my encounter with another soul, she couldn’t buy that but still her insight was convinced me a lot.”
Wonbeom smiled, “What she said?”
“That I need to ask Jeonha directly about which one you love more, and she is right, you still love me despite everything.” Soyong answered shyly.
Wonbeom beamed a big smile, “That’s our Hwajin.”
“So,” Soyong continued, “when you start loving this person again?” she asked while putting both of her hands on her chest.
“What do you mean?”
“You said you like me before but then you hate me for being Andong Kim clan, so when you start loving me again?”
“Ever since you save me and Hwajin from Daewang Daebi Mama plot, I started to realized I still like you. And I love you since you were waking up from your vegetative state.”
“Will you still love me then?”
“Off course, I’ve said that before, right?”
“I just want to make sure since I never can be the personality you’ve used to like, I just want to be myself.”
“Then let you become yourself. You aren’t less charming than the guy inside you.”
Soyong suddenly brought her hands up to Wonbeom’s face and then she kissed him. He was in shock.
“Wait, is this the guy speaking or?”
Soyong slapped him, “He was long gone, Jeonha! It is me and that was me too.”
“Oh my, so… so the tigres was… you?” he gasped. Soyong slapped him more in embarrassment. “And you said you are a coward?”
“Stop it!”
“No way I would do that or we wouldn’t have Aheung-ie.”
“Yes our fetus baby name.”
Their banters and giggles were quite loud that even Choi sanggung who stood outside the room able to heard it. It brought a smile to her face and sighed in relieve.
All is well. All will be well.
Wonbeom put his brush away and looked down to the page of Queen’s Dictionary book. Some fresh ink decorated the last line of the page.
Jang Bonghwan,
Anti-fan, our guardian angel.
Without you I couldn’t find back the person I love, without you I couldn’t win this internal war. I hope you live well in future, or I hope with our efforts the future will be much better. I will try my best to keep our plan intact.
I will cherish our moment together. If it is possible, I hope we can meet in our next life. As friends, as brothers, or even as lovers.
13 notes · View notes
wasteland, baby! | kol mikaelson - chapter eleven
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Summary: Kol makes a deal with the Hollow to revive the first woman he ever loved. Unfortunately, it doesn’t go as planned.
Trust’s Note: Please like and reblog! I hope you enjoy. I added some Rebekah and Aniya content for y’all <3
Word Count: 2,300
Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten
❝ forgive me, for the things i did but most the ones i did not ❞
KOL WATCHED SILENTLY as Keres set a grimoire in front of him. The small building in the cemetary was lit up only by faded sunlight and several candles, scattered around the area. Aniya lifted an eyebrow at the witch, critical eyes watching for any reason to turn away from Keres and search elsewhere. Her mouth twitched when Keres suggested Henry Pearl's sacrifice, posture shifting at the smug look on the witch's face. Her fists clenched together, body void of any amusement as she prepared her attack against the younger witch.
Kol cleared his throat, stepping in front of Aniya. Frankly, he wasn't sure who he was protecting. He was only sure that there seemed to be a smug look on Keres's face. He narrowed his eyes, but quickly replaced it with a polite smile.
"The human is off the table, unfortunately. Perhaps we should move onto some other possible victims," Kol suggested. He all but shoved the grimoire in Keres's direction, a quiet suggestion that she find another solution.
It was an odd dynamic. Physically, Keres was much older than Aniya and Kol. She was a dark-skinned woman in her mid-to-late twenties, while Aniya and Kol were frozen in their teenage years. Still, Kol found himself a bit offended. Keres would have known to offer some respect to her elders.
Aniya lifted her chin, hand lightly pushing Kol to the side. She stared Keres in the eyes, as if daring the witch to lie to her. "You're quite insistent, aren't you? So willing to sacrifice my Henry for a spell you wouldn't stand to benefit from. Keres, he has no power; no ties to the supernatural world -- and yet, you suggest we trade his life for a thousand year old immortal witch?"
She had a sharp tongue for a girl her size. It was odd. She was different from the girl he'd found curled up in the foyer that night. Aniya Grover was strange, in a manner that made his lips curl at the edges and eyes glitter in amusement. She'd had a chameleon soul; an inner indecisiveness that was as wide and wavering as the ocean. Had it been Henry Pearl that awoke this fire within her?
Whatever the answer, Kol's stomach twisted at the seams. The thought of her wrapped in his arms was enough to make him gag. He couldn't bring himself to understand why.
Keres turned the grimoire in Aniya's direction, a smug look painted across her face as she pushed it toward her. "Sacrificed are more likely to work when the emotional bond is the same between the victim and the vessel. Tyaag spells are known for failing. It's more likely to work if you care as much about the person you're sacrificing, as you do the person you're trying to bring back. So, a best friend, a brother, a boyfriend..."
It registered then that Aniya had none of those. She'd only had Henry. Kol shifted his stance. If Keres's words were true and she chose to sacrifice someone she cared for, she could only choose Henry. As far as Aniya was aware, the Mikaelsons couldn't be killed. And regardless, she'd said once that they had all been family to her in her human days. Surely she wouldn't throw that away in exchange for a human she'd just met.
Surely she wasn't that idiotic.
Aniya's jaw clenched, a bitter smile spreading across her face. Her dark eyes bored into Keres's. "No."
Keres's eyes glimmered with delight, a smile spreading across her red lips. Her tone shifted, mocking the girl in front of her. "So you'll let an innocent human die in exchange for your brother? You are cruel, Aniya."
"He is innocent." Her confidence never seemed to waver. Her right hand clenched into a fist, the whites of her knuckles beginning to peak through her olive skin.
"Perhaps we should focus our attention on smaller spells," Kol cut in, the rising tension in the room seeming to eat away at him. "How many humans do we need for the memory spell? Fifteen? Fifty?"
"Five." Keres stared at him as if he'd gone mad. "One for each of the Mikaelson siblings."
Aniya questioned, "I thought Finn died."
"Mikaelsons never properly die. We never learned," Kol responded, then turned back to Keres. He would explain later. "Five humans in exchange for decades of memories. It's quite simple, don't you think?"
"You were humans when your memories were erased, so we only need to erase human memories." Keres explained. "They all need to be eighteen at the youngest and in their thirties, at the oldest."
Aniya frowned. "And what of Mikael and Esther? We won't be returning theirs?"
Kol nearly laughed at her question, the past centuries replaying in his brain. Mikael had hunted he and his siblings for centuries, in the hopes of murdering Niklaus and doing God knows what with the rest of them. He'd been killed and brought back countless times, once in particular as a result of Davina Claire.
Esther had been murdered by Niklaus a thousand years ago. She was killed and brought back several times as well, and each time she'd carried a sort of vendetta against her own children. It was as if she'd made it her life's goal to wipe them from the face of the Earth. But then, it had been Esther that had resurrected him in the body of a witch, and it had been Esther that introduced him to Davina.
Part of him resented her for it. Davina had made him a better person, that much was true. He'd fallen in love with her, convinced himself that the moon and sun rose and fell by her will alone. She had bewitched him, in ways he could not bring himself to justify nor understand. It had been Esther that introduced the pair; but then, it had been their meeting that caused Davina's death in the first place.
A heavy weight seemed to drop onto his chest. Aniya would never know the cruelty of his mother's actions. He might have envied her for it, but there seemed to be this part of him that felt a bit relieved.
"You're better off assuming they've truly died," Kol said after a moment.
"You two really have a thing for being melodramatic. Y'all deserve each other," Keres stated. "I'll get everything you need for the spell. Bring me five people, and I'll erase one year of their lives for each year you knew the Mikaelsons."
Aniya lifted an eyebrow. "And how do you benefit from this?"
"My people have lost their ties to the ancestors. We have no power and no idea how to practice earth magic. Tyaag magic is the closest thing we've got, so I wanna learn more about it," She answered almost too perfectly.
"These spells can't be practiced by ordinary witches--"
"So we'll make a new branch of magic," Keres shut her down immediately. "One where we don't have to die to become all powerful."
Aniya's face twisted into a glare, baring her teeth at the witch. Kol narrowed his eyes at Keres, immediately understanding the gravity of the situation. Tyaag magic had been forgotten, buried and disrespected for centuries. It had originated from polytheistic beliefs, with the hope of appeasing their gods. Aniya and her brother had given their lives to sacrificial magic and rituals, and now it would be stolen and forgotten without so much as a thought.
"People have lost their lives to practice these rituals," Aniya said. "You mean to tell me that you're willing to put the lives of children on the line, for the sake of convenience. You have the ability to practice earth magic, why not use it?"
"I'm trying to help you. Why ask so many questions?" Keres spoke as if Aniya were a child, trying to put her back in her place. Aniya seemed to fall back under Keres's gaze.
"I'll provide you your humans. I'll need only a few days."
She turned on her heel and made her way out of the cemetary building. Kol stared after her, a small voice in his head screaming to defend her against Keres. Before he could so much as let out a word, Keres said, "She's stubborn. You might want to find your humans sooner. I'm sure Klaus will figure out you're lying eventually, and we wouldn't want that."
'No.' Kol would be daggered and shoved in a box before he could begin to defend himself. In regards to Aniya, there was no telling how he would react to a betrayal from someone so foreign, and vulnerable. For all he knew, she would be killed as a form of punishment. His consequence for disobeying direct orders.
Niklaus had become a madman, a dictator over the years. Perhaps he'd spent a bit too much time with King Louis. Whatever the reason, it occurred to Kol that there was no telling how he would respond to twenty years of ancient memories being thrust toward him. He had hoped the twins had been close with Niklaus in their past lives. Then he might be a bit more lenient about completely slaughtering the poor girl.
Kol nodded half-heartedly at Keres and made his way out of the cemetary. Maybe there would be some humans in his path, grieving over a lost lover or family member. Maybe they would be heartbroken enough to wish to forget their grief, exchanging it for a bit of amnesia and the aching feeling that they were missing something... indespensable.
To be quite honest, Kol wasn't sure how he found himself in front of Davina's grave, how he'd somehow managed to wander there despite the exit being several paces away. He was met with a crack in the cement, the old stone beginning to harden, immortalizing the girl that lied behind it. He knew that he could not make anyone understand the insurmountable grief he held in his chest. He could not make anyone understand what was happening inside him, and he could not begin to explain it himself.
Immortals such as he should not have been able to love the way humans do. Humans loved based on survival, lived viscerally and vulnerable out of fear of their own morality. With the destruction of the stake, Kol feared nothing of the sort. Davina had feared it all, and she had loved him regardless of his dirtied fingers and blood-drenched lips. She had saved him, resurrected him when his family had all but forgotten him once more.
He knew he should have had the courage to move on. Humans die, witches die. It was what they were made to do -- and yet, he simply couldn't bring himself to let go of the girl that had loved him so dearly. The one that had given so much to ensure he would come back. He owed her that much.
It was when he turned the corner that he was pulled out his thoughts, attention now focused on a drunken man tossing old beer at a gravesite. Kol lifted an eyebrow.
"Excuse me." He made his way towards the man. The old man couldn't have been any younger than forty, perhaps fifty. He would be able to fill in for Finn. Nearly thirty years of memories shouldn't have too much of an affect on a bastard such as this.
"Oh, hello," He slurred, words tainted with a heavy Swedish accent. The man moved recklessly, beer spilling out of the bottle and landing on the ground. Kol wrinkled his nose in disgust. "Please, ignore me. I'm simply having a drink with my wife."
"Yes. Well, you're being quite disrespectful to her memory. Most men would kill to have had a happy marriage," Kol paused for a moment, his eyes fixating on the man's bruised knuckles. A bitter smile formed on his face. "Tell me about your wife."
"Ah, she was beautiful. We met in secondary school, you see. She was this tall brunette girl, quite beautiful in her own way. Our parents despised each other,  a sort of Romeo and Juliet-esque situation. We were together for two years before we ran off to America, claiming it was for university purposes." The old man had a tendency to stop in the middle of his sentences, taking a short sip of his drink. He let out a laugh. "My son does love to keep me away from this stuff. Says it's bad for me, the fucking idiot."
"Your son," Kol repeated, gaze flickering to his knuckles once more. His mouth began tasted of blood, a hatred beginning to sear inside of his chest. "Tell me, how did you manage to end up in New Orleans?"
"Ah, it was our first stop. Woman wanted to go to Tulane or whatever it was, but she chose me over her studies. Smart move on her behalf, perhaps one of her only ones," The man chuckled. "A while after, we found she was expecting. We had a boy, and she became ill a few years later. I stayed by her side during that time. I had promised her till death, of course. She was ungrateful nevertheless."
"How's your son?"
"Ah, he's all right now. Twenty-three, but works in a diner like his mother. Fucking idiot doesn't know how to make something of himself," He scoffed. "Sleeps all day, too."
It clicked then. Kol felt as though he'd ate the world raw. He nodded to himself and grabbed the man, wrapping a hand tightly around his mouth and squeezing until he went limp in his arms.
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comicteaparty · 4 years
July 25th-July 31st, 2020 Creator Babble Archive
The archive for the Creator Babble chat that occurred from July 25th, 2020 to July 31st, 2020.  The chat focused on the following question:
Where can your comic be read, what is it about, and why should people read it?
last one
mariah (rainy day dreams)
You can read Rainy Day Dreams on it's homesite: http://rainydaydreams.mariahcurrey.com/ Book 1 of RDD is also currently in pre-orders for both physical and digital books. This volume collects the newly redrawn and remastered first five charters. Currently not all of those pages are online so book buyers will get to see them first https://gumroad.com/mariahcurrey Rainy Day Dreams is a manga influenced, character driven supernatural story with dreamlike pacing. It follows the lives Tristin, an excitable and friendly human who becomes trapped in the Nameless World after a treasure hunt gone wrong, Mara, a reclusive retired knight belonging to an ancient lineage of psychics, and Michael, a sad vampire torn between his vampire instincts and being the soft boy he is deep down. Come for the compelling characters, interpersonal drama, and found family, stay for the underlying slow build of the cosmic machinations of the Nameless World's gods and a villain from the past bent on undoing the very fabric of reality. Reasons you should read it beyond the above pitch: - I've been told by frequently people find it's relaxing to read. We all need a little relaxation - Has a female driven narrative - I take every chance I get to put my characters in ball gowns or party dresses - Monsters! Cute monsters, scary monsters! Monsters that want to eat you, monsters that want to smooch you! - I make this comic traditionally with ink wash so enjoy all the beautiful ink blooms! - Chapter 18 starts this week
Oh wow, I missed out on A LOT! Dang! Well, here it goes I guess. To start off, please read with discretion, this project is rated R/17+ and for now contains: Abuse, discussion of suicide, blood, violence, queerphobia, trauma, mental illness, self-harm, mild body horror, substance abuse, profanity and full-frontal nudity. You can read my comic, The Guide to a Healthy Relationship, on it's main site: http://tgtahr.spiderforest.com/ I also have it posted on Tapas, Webtoons (nudity censored), Comicfury, FlowFo and Itch.io. The Guide to a Healthy Relationship is a slowburn character driven psychological drama about an emotionally immature alcoholic trying to make amends, and fix his friendship with his ex-childhood friend upon discovering they're not dead. Unfortunately the situation is much more complicated and serious than he can comprehend. Why you should check it out: - Possibly interesting if you enjoy non-fantastical character studies and/or Psychology. - May be cathartic if you like consuming heavy content in a controlled environment. - Has some light horror elements. - Contains an extremely flawed LGBT+ cast. - No romance. - This comic is drawn traditionally with pens and color pencils. - The story is a little over halfway finished. - Contains/will contain beaches if you like the beach. - Lots of sky shots.(edited)
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
(Ahhh this was hard to write out, i'll really miss this server) Ghost Junk Sickness is a free to read LGBTQ+ sci-fi that tackles themes of found family, accountability, and acceptance. It rated T for it's course language and violence, and can be read on it's official website, < https://www.ghostjunksickness.com/ > . Books 1-3 are available on the store (link on site) and we're currently on our way to wrap up and print vol 4! Ghost Junk Sickness is about two bounty hunters with an unstable dynamic who are pushed to pursue the elusive and deadly bounty dubbed The Ghost. It updates mondays and fridays, features an extensive cast with queer rep, topics about dealing with trauma, responsibility, and taking control. GJS has: -Space ships! -Lived in worlds/ extensive world building through illustrative backgrounds and characters - Slow burn character growth, expanding relationships, and new love -Drawn traditionally and worked on by a team of two! -Long run story that reached the halfway point, GJS has a huge buffer of over 800 pages now, so it's a time sinker! - hot lizard lady (best part)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
holy shit 800 page buffr
OH wait by buffer you mean archive omg
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
(oh YE we only have 70 page buffer now woohopps lol)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
holy shit 70 page buffer
that's like 10 months
eliushi [Keyspace]
KEYSPACE: A Winged Tale is a story about kids with wings for hair, and can be found at https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/keyspace-a-winged-tale/list?title_no=322364 https://tapas.io/series/KEYSPACE-A-Winged-Tale/ TW: Body Horror (comes with having wings sprouting from the head and more) Keyspace is my passion project about a world between portals that is dying. A Winged Tale is the first story of this series and touches upon the deeper magic that unites the work. It’s about a wingless girl trying to find her missing scientist mother in a laboratory beneath a forest, winged children discovering their origins and Machines that once ravaged the world, now lost. It’s a story for those who grew up with Studio Ghibli stories but want a little more complications and lore but still retain hope for the future. TL;DR: Come for winged hair, sad robots, possibly dragons, lots of science. The comic returns August 1
AH! Thank you for reminding about a couple content warnings I forgot to add.
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Phantomarine is a story about a haunted ocean, a ghostly princess, and her journey to save her soul from a death god known as the Red Tide King. http://www.phantomarine.com/ TW: death, body horror, limb loss Princess Phaedra's untimely and mysterious death casts her out into the dark waters of the Candlelight Sea, forcing her to wander the world as an ethereal seaghost. Her journey toward resurrection quickly evolves into a grand maritime adventure on her ship, the Mantaluna, along with a crew of similarly-cursed friends and familiars. But Phaedra's mission has a dark undercurrent to it - a divine mystery that, when solved, will force her to question everything about her life, her death, and her world's long-dead past. If you like:
-THE COLOR BLUE (or just the ocean) -general spookiness that never gets too dark or gory -flamboyant villains of various kinds -swashbuckling pirate-y stories -fancy boats and pretty islands -big elemental animal gods fighting -friends and family fighting for each other -lots of hero-vs-villain salt and sass -DOGS
then heck yeah, this is your comic (edited)
Miranda (Into the Swell)
Into the Swell is about a Pirate with nothing left to lose but his life and a Wizard who wants more than a life of entertaining royals with party tricks being thrown together on the treasure hunt of their lives. The official blurb is: Ocean swells are remnants of storms hundreds of miles away. So do past actions cause swells of destiny on the shores of the present. Fate will always find a way. Given the choice between a one way trip to the gallows or a return to high sea adventure, imprisoned pirate Fletcher makes the obvious choice. With Court appointed wizard Kelwyn watching his every move, the two set off to reclaim a stolen treasure for King and Country. The ocean journey leads the duo through uncharted waters that hide dangers and secrets that could unravel the very fabric of their lives. Could this treasure hunt prove more adventure than they bargained for? TW: deaths? You can find it on https://tapas.io/series/into-the-swell or Webtoons It’s just starting out so there’s not much yet but you gotta start somewhere!
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Heyo! For all you who don't yet know me, I work on Whispers of the Past, a fantasy comic about a farm girl and an amnesiac elf man going on a journey to learn who they really are. https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/whispers-of-the-past/list?title_no=191366 Age Rating: PG-13 or T+ TW: death and corpses, blood and violence, bladed weapons, profanity, depictions of racial discrimination, alcohol, miscarriage, suicide, suggestive content Magical powers can only come from the other side... When Aniya discovers a foreigner with amnesia, she sets out to help him find the answers to his nightmares. Along with their growing feelings for one another, they will uncover an identity riddled with magic, bloodlines, and betrayal. What WotP has to offer: - a unique painterly art style - in-depth world-building (including a conlang) - hurt/comfort themes - hella family drama - MAGIC - ace, bi, and POC representation - cute romance - If you like high fantasy like ATLA, this might be right up your alley
Nutty (Court of Roses)
I wanna say first of all that thank you for this server. Even if I couldn't participate often, it was a lovely place, love you all!! Court of Roses is in several places, but its main site on Spiderforest is a page ahead! Best place to read it is here: http://courtofroses.spiderforest.com/ As summer comes to an end in the kingdom of Prismal, the Bardic Festival is in full swing, bringing together musicians and minstrels from all over. But amidst the celebration, a sinister plot of murder unfolds... Follow a ragtag group of bards as they band together and travel the realm of Prismal; Merlow the Rose, half-elf, charismatic leader, bagpiper, and perpetual drunk; Diana the Fleetfoot Fletcher, human tidinit player with a heart of gold; Nocturne, brooding but classy Infernal and violinist; Sven Rockscreamer, goliath drummer and seeker of justice; and Feliks Halfdance, curious gnome who plays accordion and magically conjures their entire backup. And who knows! Mayhaps they'll solve a murder mystery together! The comic is greatly LGBTQ-friendly, and takes inspiration from both classic fantasy themes (Dungeons and Dragons, Lord of the Rings, The Elder Scrolls, etc.) as well as music across all genres. Specific pages and scenes might even include their own suggested theme songs in the author notes. Contains Fantasy Violence and Alcohol Use(edited)
You can as always read my comic at http://AntiBunny.net/ and is a film noir inspired story about anthropomorphic rabbits and the difficulty with coexisting with humanity. Crime and conspiracies move the plot along, but in film noir there's rarely a clear black and white. Why should you read it? Do you like stories about crime and conspiracies? Do you like bunnies? Do you want to see a contrast of cute and grim, and see relatable characters who deal with mental health issues, and fight a struggle for acceptance? Do you ask yourself the question what is identity? Well then this is for you.
You can find my other comic at http://nailbat.AntiBunny.net/. Nailbat is part of the AntiBunny universe, and deals with many of the same issues, but using a more straightforward and action packed superhero story. If you love superheroes and action you'll enjoy it, and maybe along the way get into the deeper lore of the AntiBunny world.
Holmeaa - working on WAYFINDERS
Thanks everyone who I have chattet with in here, it has been a delight <3 Wayfinders: Off Course Can be read on Tapas or Webtoons (I prefer tapas ) https://linktr.ee/snackbagstudios Whats it about? You may ask. In a world where magic is as natural as breathing, and the gods are known to actually answer some prayers, a ship is sent to keep the fragile peace between 2 countries that has been at war for 60 years. But guess what? The ship crashes almost immediately. Now the 3 only survivors, a runaway monk, with unexplained powers, the noble son and peace advocate, and a chaos child with an affinity for magic washes ashore on an unknown island and is forced together by a magical compass. With navigation, and magic being broken, it is not an easy task to cross the ocean. If only they knew of the chaos which is unravelling outside their comfortable lives. If they thought this adventure was going to be uneventful, they are in for a surprise. Why should you read it? It is a mix between the Road to Eldorado, and Avatar the Last Airbender, and if that short pitch is not enough, I don't know how else to sell it. It has fun colors, anime reference, and a lot of ocean and sinister magics Thanks to all the admins for putting in so much work in this server
Feather J. Fern
Okay, I have like three comics, and the fourth one coming soon so.....Lets get the easy ones out of the way. On Webtoons, you can read Teasday or Don't you hate it when...(DYHIW) https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/dont-you-hate-it-when/list?title_no=486501 https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/teasday/list?title_no=169870&page=1 DYHIW is a gag comic, so if you want a little laugh to brighten your week, feel free to check it out. Teasday is a tea informative comic, but it's on a bit of a hiatus and ending soon. My current project is Gravitational Pull, a story about a depressed magical girl trying to save the world while also trying to get the energy to leave her bed that day. Read it if you like magical girls, space and representation of anxiety, depression, inferiority complex and learning to take each day slowly. http://gravitationalpull.featheryterrarium.com/ And when it comes out, Go Figure is my comedy action webtoon about someone who wants to use a powerful wish to cure their asthma and allergies over anything else.
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
JOE IS DEAD A band of pirates are visiting an island and they discover the dead body of their astronomer JOSEPH CINNABAR. He leaves behind a will with mysterious instructions that none of the pirates really feel like following. The crew decide to send the least-liked and least responsible pirate of them all on a solo mission to carry out Joe's final wishes. If you like: - Alternate historical timelines where the United States doesn't exist - Gay, lesbian, and transgender pirates - Morbid humor, death, dying - Biblical allusion - Warm colors - Alliteration - My handwriting - Birds or anything else, you will love to read JOE IS DEAD, a webcomic worked on entirely by me that will be at 150 pages within a week or so. My background is in marine biology and satirical writing, so I promise you this comic is funny and scientifically accurate. Rated PG 13, mild violence and swearing Where can I read it Read it on http://joeisdead.com/ (the main hosting website with some functional html) or on Tapas: https://tapas.io/series/JoeIsDead It's also on Webtoons but it's a couple chapters behind on there You can follow me on Twitter for information about updates https://twitter.com/sssfrs_
Sink Your Hookteeth An LGBT+ Cosmic Horror/Love story about eldritch merfolk that fall for a pair of humans who are studying mermaids to cure a supernatural illness. CW: bodyhorror, gore, upperbody nudity, sickness, drowning, tryophobia, eye trauma, If you like:
-sea monsters
-big teeth
-painted comics
-nonbinary and binary transgender, lesbian, bisexual, and pansexual protagonists
-neurodivergent protagonists
-goofy friendship dynamics
-nasty and imperfect wlw couples
-enemies to lovers trope
-childhood friends to lovers trope
then this is a comic you might enjoy :D! It finished chapter 1 a few months ago with 195 pages, takes maybe an hour or two to read, and is currently on hiatus while I am building chapter 2's buffer. You can read it on Its own site https://hookteethcomic.com/ Webtoons https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/hookteeth/list?title_no=300709 Tapas https://tapas.io/series/Hookteeth/info
also i need to read more of these but joe is dead, wayfinders, keyspace: a winged tale, phantomarine, ghost junk sickness, the guide to a healthy relationship, and court of roses are all absolutely amazing and -chefs kiss- please give them all read if you aren't yet!
Comics!! Chirault A young half-demon named Teeko has been forced from her home, and to make matters worse, is now the size of a squirrel thanks to a wayward magic spell. Her only protection is the demon-hunter Kiran, who is a demon himself and lacks patience for children. Together, they must seek the help of a mage to reverse the spell on Teeko, but the journey is far from straightforward.. My first webcomic-- it's complete, it's a high fantasy adventure comic about finding family, fighting monsters, and also making friends with monsters (both outside and... inside). Check it out if you enjoy any of those things! http://chirault.sevensmith.net/ Wychwood Tiara is a delinquent who has been using a mysterious power to goof around for years without realizing the kind of attention it could attract. When a powerful organization finally tracks her down and attempts to recruit her, she has to decide what she really stands for. This is my new/current webcomic! It's a sci-fantasy genre-blender, with bits of post-apocalypse and urban fantasy thrown in as a treat just for fun. If you enjoy stories involving evil organizations, fire-flinging delinquents, and angsty supersoldiers, give it a look :U (Chapter 4 has just gotten started!) http://wychwood.sevensmith.net/
Feather Cleanse (French: Nettoyage des plumes, Haitian Creole: Plim Geri) is a supernatural, sci-fi and military Shonen manga. Set in the year 2034 in the Haitian kingdom, Vérité Kindgom, the story follows 14 year old Soleil Andirans, her two older brothers and their cousin who joins their kingdom's military program to help Soleil find a wanted criminal and stopping a mad scientist from taking over the kingdom. This is a personal project that is very dear to me and I can't wait to share with you all hopefully around June of 2023. Why should you read it: -A positive Haitian representation -Strong female protagonist -Learning about a new culture - Family Bonds -Mad Scientists and experimentations - Criminal MasterMinds - Servant and Master relationships -Kings and Queens/Royalties -Dynamic and Impactful Fights Then, this is the comic for you.
shadowhood {SunnyxRain}
Alrighty cracks knuckles SunnyxRain, a webcomic about monsters surviving college.....BY THE POWER OF FANFICTION. Follow Sunny Dupont, a gluttony demon as she navigates college life and fanfic writing with the help of her housemates Liam (a qilin she roped in as her beta/editor) and Aron (an ocean naga as a fan). A story of trauma recovery and learning lessons about life and love. If you like: -housemate shenanigans -fanfic/fandom culture exploration -kickass but seriously flawed protagonists recovering from trauma - VOID CAT -LGBTQ+ cast because I can -coffee gremlin cryptid dudes -sweet slow burn romance -lesser known mythological creature representation Then this webcomic is for you to read, and y'all can come read it here! https://tapas.io/series/SunnyxRain/info and HERE https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/sunnyxrain/list?title_no=409335(edited)
Deo101 [Millennium]
Well, Here we go ^^ I have 2 comics right now, so: Millennium: A sci fi adventure featuring two best friends as they seek to help anyone and everyone they can, where we put together a bit of a misfit crew who are all intent on bettering themselves and the world around them. It's a lighthearted, LGBT+ Slowburn The sci fi is soft and so are the characters It's got found family, hurt/comfort, and gentle handling of heavier themes. It's easy to read and shouldn't make you think too much, it's just an hour or two of simple adventure between friends! It can be read a lot of places! My personal site: https://millennium.spiderforest.com/ Webtoons: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/millennium/list?title_no=110866&page=1 Tapas: https://tapas.io/series/Millennium Comic Fury: http://millennium.thecomicseries.com/ and Tumblr!: https://millennium-comic.tumblr.com/ Time and Time Again: A noir mystery about time traveling vampires! We follow Adam, a vampire, and his subject of study, Steve, the first werewolf/vampire. The two of them are trapped in the 20's, looking to solve the mystery of a missing relic. It's a limited palette, scroll style comic if you're looking for a bit more action and higher stakes, and a more serious tone, then this one might be a better fit for you than Millennium ^^ I'm planning on finishing it up relatively soon, so get in on it now! (It's currently on a short hiatus while school is doing me in) It can only be read on tapas! https://tapas.io/series/Time-and-Time-again
Ingress Adventuring Company You can read Ingress Adventuring Company at https://www.ingress-comic.com/ TW: some gore, blood, violence Saving the world is a pretty big deal, but what do you do once you’re done with that and no one needs you anymore? Do you become a magic professor? Do you study a convoluted thesis that no one understands? Maybe you relive the glory days by starting up a one-man adventuring party to gather mystical artifacts for people who may or may not pay you. Or, if you’re Toivo Kissa, you do all of those things. Reasons to check it out! - You like D&D or other stories inspired by it - It’s got bittersweet comedy - Very fun villains - Expressive art - Elves. Just a lot of elves. - Sad Dads and old men - LGBTQ+ cast
Poison Ivy Gulch is hosted on its own WordPress site: http://www.poisonivygulch.com/ Poison Ivy Gulch is a funny Western set in a frontier town in the 1870s. The protagonists are Lotta Doler, a gambler, and her kid sidekick Ace. Other characters include a marshal, an undertaker, a prospector and many extras. Poison Ivy Gulch is a spiritual successor to Tumbleweeds. If you like Blazing Saddles, you'll love this!
Ahh dang, thanks for the heads up!! Here it is: https://tapas.io/series/_Reclaim_ My comic, Reclaim, is about a prince that has to deal with the aftermath of a successful coup. His father is imprisoned and sentenced to death, and he's in hiding with his dear bodyguard. Now he has to save his dad and reclaim the throne from the power-hungry witch warrior Irene, but how can the two of them hope to stand a chance against the entire force of the empire? And what was the real reason for the coup in the first place? This is for people who want a heartfelt fantasy story, with inspiration from Steven Universe and themes around being a better person than you were yesterday, and sticking together through hardships!
DEPARTURE is a story about dead brothers, hot guys and competent women! Lights! Camera! Action! The flaws of our predecessors are the burdens that we carry today! As galactic governance has been passed down from generation to generation of divine beings, the wars and insecurities of the previous pantheons are weighing down on our world. Whether it’s vanquishing your greatest enemies, or buying tomorrow’s cereal, keeping this flaming shipwreck of a universe together is going to require a little elbow grease, and a lot of flashy super powers! Follow Kovit, a space fighter turned part-time cook and his friends Casey (Cool, has a nice jacket) and Vermillion (Dumb, has stupid hair) as he tries to help the most powerful beings in the universe keep it together (Ostensibly by beating them up). Check it out here! http://departurecomic.cfw.me/(edited)
Vulperra is an anthology comic featuring superheros, cowboys and regular common folk in the fantasy world of Vulperra. Most of the stories are about the hero Flash Gauntlet, who travels from place to place to solve problems with his magical gauntlets which were bestowed to him by the goddess of the land. https://vulperra.com/
Legendary Beings Ara & Celi is about a young girl, Miyara, who is chosen to be the successor to a specific line of Angels – headed by none other than Ara–and with it, duties that extend beyond the physical world. Only one problem: Miyara has no desire to do the job! What will happen then, especially with Celi, Ara’s counterpart, is intent on causing chaos in her life?! You can read Ara & Celi at its main site: http://ac.jadinerhinestudios.com/ Here is the Webtoons mirror: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/legendary-beings-ara-celi/list?title_no=59422 Doesn't have any trigger warnings (maybe that (1) page in chapter 2 is too creepy-crawly for anyone?), and it's currently on hiatus because I'm working on chapter 4, will update again when I have completed it! So enjoy the 3 chapters so far! If you like: • MAGICAL GOILS • an old school b&w shoujo manga style (according to some people, and I don't even do it on purpose ) • on that note, since the 3rd chapter, the comic is drawn traditionally! (all covers are in color and traditional) • expressive comedy • language jokes and notes • angels and demons, yes, it's one of those but is anybody really the bad guy here • a lion and a jinn walk into a bar-- • slow worldbuilding and character development • heck if I know what else, you should just check it out and tell me what you think later like in the good ol' days
L Hornsby
Heyo, I haven't been very active. I'm not used to Discord. If anybody would like some silly comics about puppies that live in the clouds and enjoy parties (and also happen to be princesses) my comic Princess Pups has you covered. It's all ages friendly so if you have younger kids you want to get into comics, it's a swell read according to my 3 years old :) https://tapas.io/series/Princess-Pups/info
@L Hornsby oh i didn't know you were in this server! i actually read your comic because our comics have really similar names ahaha
L Hornsby
Oh wow hey there! :)
I usually lurk on Instagram and Twitter these days and have been crocheting more than comics lately
What the heck, been on hiatus more than a year but there's an archive and it's not like there's any dangling plot points. I personify mathematics! Because equations are people too. The hairstyles are the graphs, and there are puns.
Main site: http://mathtans.ca/
Tapas mirror: https://tapas.io/series/Any-Q
It's called "Any ~Qs" because notQ is the symbol for irrational numbers. So anything irrational, in a sense. Very G rated - maybe PG, some discussion of biological sex and tangential politics. Enjoy, possibly.(edited)
Spring-heeled Jack
Hey all! My comic is a horror comic that features some LGBTQA+ characters in the main cast. Today is also my monthly update on public sites. I do four pages at the end of the month on Tapas, Webtoons, and my website. (Patreon gets weekly updates.) It is a story of a picturesque town with a dark secret and what will be done to keep that secret. I follow a few characters through the the twisting plot and show how the darker side of this town affects them. I think this would be PG13 mostly because there will be some blood, but there are no sexual situations. Currently Tapas has the most recent free pages as I will have to do Webtoon and the website manually later today. Happy reading and please do let me know what you think! <3 Website: https://www.iamfilledwithstatic.com/crocus Tapas: https://tapas.io/series/crocusheights Webtoon: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/the-secret-of-crocus-heights/list?title_no=405820 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/iamfilledwithstatic
I have a series of self published graphic novels. When all copies of the first volume sold out I posted it on Webtoon. It's sort of a Isekai Mystery Adventure, inspired by the 1980's movie Labyrinth.
Hi I'm Christy! I make the webcomic / graphic novel series EXTRA! It's about Extras in the backgrounds of a movie world escaping their fates of getting killed off... by going to go ask the Producer to stop killing them off. (Sort of like The Truman Show, but everyone is in on it.) You can read it at https://extra-comic.com/ I'm always looking to make new comic buddies! (edited)
Hello! I joined right at the announcement of the channel shutting down, so bad timing. :,O I've been working on my webcomic Helix since 2012: Read from the start here: http://helixcomic.com/ Description/warnings: A street rat is given a second chance when he is dragged from the gutter and into a new life. Will he accept his position at the side of royalty, or fight every step of the way? -Rated M for sex (M/M, consensual), violence, nudity, language, and dark themes.- Warnings: -References to child abuse and sexual abuse.- If you can handle these subjects, I hope you'll enjoy the comic. :) Thanks for reading! UPDATES EVERY WEDNESDAY! ~ Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Annausagi2 ~ Join us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Annausagi2
I joined right when things were shutting down too :( Just my luck Anyway! I'm Kalli and I have a fully traditionally drawn webcomic, called World of Ruan! https://www.worldofruan.com/ It's a post apocalyptic, sci fi adventure type story, following Cait, a mutant mouse/human hybrid and Roxy, her robot companion! I update every Saturday~ And I'm always down for meeting new comic friends!
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
I make Children of Shadow: Ashes and Dark Wings: Eryl. Ashes is an urban fantasy / horror about teens with supernatural powers who have to team up with woodland critters to save the world from twisted monsters. It’s rated PG-13 and has mild language, graphic violence, and intense scenes. Eryl is a dark high fantasy about a fallen angel, a woman on a journey to find a dragon, and a wyvern who has been kidnapped. It’s rated 16+ and contains strong language, nonsexual nudity, and graphic violence. https://twitter.com/kickyourwrasse/status/1277315129793826816?s=21
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
Only In Your Dreams! is a rom-com Drama comic featuring shoujo and future LGBT+ elements. Also a mainly BIPOC cast! Rated: PG16+ There are some suggestive language & content, and partial nudity. “Cara Luong is tired of her failed dating attempts and settles for Richie, her imaginary lover every night in her sleep. When given a chance to meet him in person for the first time, she suddenly forgets their long-term romance! Now it’s up to Cara to decide if Richie can live as a real boyfriend. That is, if she wants him to exist in the first place!” What it contains: - Dumbassery moments between a dreamer and a dream boi - Expressions that you can feel it in your soul - Main romantic interest participating in healthy masculinity and embracing femmine traits - horror elements in a romance comic? huh-- - Himbo appreciation - A mixed-Black Vietnamese protag for this romantic rollercoaster lol If you're looking something self indulgent, read it why don't you? I release pages early on patreon! https://www.patreon.com/tuyetnhip Otherwise you can check out the site! It updates once bi-weekly on Wednesdays usually! http://oiydcomic.com/ Tapas: https://tapas.io/series/Only-In-Your-Dreams Webtoon: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/only-in-your-dreams/list?title_no=115046 Other links: https://linktr.ee/oiydcomic
I joined near the end of the server but I can't wait to participate in the reboot! So many interesting comics in here * _ * I make a comic called Patent the Sun, it basically reads like a big puzzle. It's about two characters who wake up without any memory, but slowly we learn about their whole universe and what happened to them. Oh and there's also magic, aliens, murder, and crossdressing https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/patent-the-sun/list?title_no=123560 https://tapas.io/series/Patent-the-Sun(edited)
Las Pinter
It is a pity that I was not so active here. I create the Tales From Somewhere comics, currently there are two of them: The Legend and The Secret. Both of them are high fantasy stories taking place in a fantasy world. The Legend is about three adventurers trying to survive in their realm. They are aware of being DnD like characters in a cruel world, where the DM wants to kill them as fast as he can... without luck so far. It has some comedy, action, horror and weird elements. This comic is ongoing since a long time, so expect to have big changes in the style and writing. The Secret is about an elf, who begins his journey from the world's end after an apocalyptic event. Accidentally meets a human thief girl, and now they are travelling together and figuring out what is happening to their world. This comic is currently being revamped and the story is continued parallelly. I would rate them R/17+ since they have some blood, violence, profanity and nudity. Website: https://www.talesfromsomewhere.com/ Tapas: - The Legend: https://tapas.io/series/Tales-From-Somewhere-The-Legend - The Secret: https://tapas.io/series/Tales-From-Somewhere-The-Secret Webtoons: - The Legend: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/tales-from-somewhere-the-legend/list?title_no=77159 - The Secret: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/tales-from-somewhere-the-secret/list?title_no=78355 And I'm on Twitter: https://twitter.com/thelaspinter
Radio Silence is an award winning queer coming of age webcomic about a British rock band’s rise to fame. Hitting the road on a journey of self discovery and acceptance, this coming-of-age tale gives a backstage look at friendships and the plights of fame as experienced by a modern British rock band. On the fast track toward fame, the five members of the fictional British rock band, Radio Silence, enter into an exciting new life on the road with their best friends. As they tour across the United Kingdom, they excitedly embrace this new lifestyle and all the resulting challenges, including living in close quarters with each other with little privacy, and the overwhelming reaction of the public to their new-found success. Main site: http://radiosilencecomic.com/ Webtoons: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/radio-silence/list?title_no=35242 Twitter: http://twitter.com/quietsnooze
Tired Programmer
This is mine. There will be update tomorrow (in 10 hours). https://tapas.io/series/The-story-of-how-humanity-has-thrown-itself-into-the-scrapyard Civilization, technologically advanced in the past, is now in decline. Killer and hacker are trying to survive and find the answers to their questions among the ruins. What will they meet in this crazy and cruel world of misused technologies? WARNING: strong language, violence and nudity. Only for adults.
If any creators or readers are looking for another webcomic server to hang out in, you can check out this one: https://discord.gg/qjWJt7
I'll post it in the general channel too. :3
sierrabravo (Hans Vogel is Dead)
I wish we could have had a bit more time, but thanks everyone for creating such a great space for webcomic creators!! I make HANS VOGEL IS DEAD: an antifascist fairy tale with elements of historical fantasy. A German fighter pilot is shot down and killed during the Battle of Britain. When he wakes up in a fairytale afterlife, he learns what the evil he served has destroyed, and must undo the damage of fascism to become a better person. The end of Volume 1 is coming in the next two weeks, and September will be the fifth anniversary! You can read it on Webtoons: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/hans-vogel-is-dead/list?title_no=62633 and find me on twitter! https://twitter.com/chjorniy_voron
Haruh2 (Colony Life)
This was such a great discord, hopefully we can keep in touch and still chat about comics and such my twitter is : https://twitter.com/Haruh2 Here is my comic Colony Life, ive been working on this for abit and will always love making this comic no matter what https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/colony-life/list?title_no=193784
I regret that I wasn't more active in here besides occasional lurking, but I always think back fondly to the CTP chat that my comic was discussed in, it was the first time I ever got to see so much in depth feedback and analysis on my comic and I will forever appreciate this server Four Corners is set in 1995, Yokohama, as the story follows Kazuhiro Tsuchiya who now leads his deceased brother's legendary gang, the Four Corners. Kazuhiro is approached by Hideki Yuhara, a schoolmate who claims to have vital information that Kazuhiro should be wary of. The two unlikely delinquents pair up to figure out the reason as to why gangs in the city are being brutally eliminated...though the unraveling of the mystery is darker than it appears. How far will Kazuhiro and Hideki go to rest their case? If you're looking for a slow burn lgbt romance, 90s manga nostalgia, drama, mystery, and a story with a general theme of: misfits who come together against dangerous odds to protect others, especially the ones they love—come check it out! https://tapas.io/series/four-corners/ http://fourcornerscomic.com/ https://twitter.com/boniaeart
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
I'll really miss having a new comic to read every week! My comic is called Super Galaxy Knights Deluxe R. It's a story of a small woman from a small town who goes on adventures across a strange kingdom. Action, comedy, and very, very slow burn romance... http://sgkdr.thecomicseries.com/ https://tapas.io/series/sgkdr https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/super-galaxy-knights-deluxe-r/list?title_no=41795
I haven't done much work or anything in general these past months because they've been utter shit for me. This year had stuff breaking in my home, my grandma died from covid, family issues, found out my 9yo dog has lymphoma (blood cancer) and I got to a break point and I'm trying to recover from all the shit. Now it's late and I'm tired so I'm gonna make a super sleepy pitching~ I make Teach Me To Kill a horror-comedy webcomic about a school of villains and killers where a new seemingly innocent teacher arrives to help the worst class become the horror legends they are "destined" to become. [IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH] If you like contradicting/opposite genres or themes you'll find it here, violence, blood, kills, but all done with a cute colorful style where nothing is as it seems. With a cast made of crazy humans, detectives, monstergirls and guys like -our sexy looking hybrid vampire Daki who didn't ask for any of the cards she's been dealt and only wants to find true love and not something attracted by her vampiric aura. - Our lil raven kid Nayla who is a sugar bomb ready to explode, but can break a mountain in two. - Kyllian, a boy who's managed to make a personality out of each of his expressions, which sometimes is helpful and others a horrible mistake. - Q.Bee, an innocent looking girl who radiates sensuality in some weird way luring her victims into her trap. You never know what she's thinking or could do at any moment. the cast and world is really huge and don't want to spoil more, but it's filled with slice of life, mystery, action, dark humor, romance, fantasy, paranormal stuff. A total mix. If you give it a read, thanks for doing so and hope you like it! <3 http://teachmetokill.com/(edited)
Comic Tea Party
This concludes our final #creator_babble chat. Thank you so much to all the wonderful creators who have participated in this chat over its existence. It has been great to see your enthusiasm for the craft of webcomics, as well as learn your unique stories of how you pursue it. We are positive these conversations have helped many other creators out, so we appreciate you having them. For this conversation, and all past #creator_babble chats, you’ll be able to find them archived here: https://comicteaparty.com/creatorbabble
2 notes · View notes
rnufharose · 5 years
Chapter 14
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Words: 3k
Warnings: None
︻デ═一 ♥
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Haneul was curled up on the couch, her eyes closed as she recalled her time at the Kim Estate in the morning. She had a good time getting to know Sehun's friends, but she still felt lonely, her grip on the couch cushion growing tighter. Vivi was seated in front of her, his eyes on her and whimpering slightly. He could sense how sad she felt, leaping onto the couch and curling up beside her, brushing his tongue along her cheek sweetly.
She opened her eyes, meeting the Bichon's concerned eyes and stroking the white curls of his coat. "I'm okay, boy... just resting..." She knew it was a lie, but she didn't want him or Sehun knowing she was sad.
"Neullie?" Sehun's voice came from the doorway of his study. He had caught her talking to Vivi, making his way toward the living room, where she got into a seated position. "Do you need anything? Food, water?"
She shook her head, remaining silent. Vivi jumped off of the couch so his master could take a seat beside her.
"I meant it when I said everything in this apartment is yours just as much as it is mine," he said. "that also means you can depend on me. If you need anything, let me know. I want you to feel at home."
"Thank you," she bowed her head for a moment. "I'm alright though... really."
"How about we go out?" He suggested, and she tilted her head slightly in confusion.
"Didn't we go out a few hours ago?"
"I want you to meet someone," Sehun stood from the couch, walking toward the coat rack to grab his trench coat. "Come, we'll have a good time, and I want to get some bubble tea."
Bubble tea? She thought with furrowed brows. She found it rather peculiar that a man like him would like such a drink but then again, he had a fluffy dog that looked like a cloud for a pet.
"Vivi's leash is in that basket," he gestured, pulling her out of her thoughts, and she gave another nod, standing from the couch and grabbing the dog's leash, and while she was at it, she went to her room to grab her coat, securing the leash onto the Bichon's collar, ready to leave the apartment.
Sehun took his keys but instead of taking the car, he decided they would walk. "I promise, you'll like her. She's like an older sister to me. She's a little rough around the edges but she'll take care of you too." He opened the door and allowed her and Vivi to step out, still keeping her silence. Haneul began to wonder if this woman was involved in the same work as him. Either way, she wouldn't let her guard down, at least not until she was completely comfortable around Sehun and his friends.
︻デ═一 ♥
Haneul held onto Vivi's leash as she walked through the city, and Sehun was just a step ahead of her, his hands tucked into the pockets of his trench coat, wearing a handsome smile on his face.
"Where exactly does your friend live?" She asked and he looked over his shoulder, his eyes turning into crescents.
"She owns a book shop which I frequent often. It's just up ahead," he spoke. "And don't worry about her strict expression. She's actually very sweet once you get to know her."
Vivi walked ahead, his tongue out of his mouth when he spotted the shiny brown door of the book shop. The display case revealed many of the latest books that had been put in stock and the sign hung just above the entrance, reading The Revé.
Sehun opened the door, the bell above jingling when he allowed the brunette and his dog to step inside. Haneul could smell dry parchment in the air mixed with red velvet ice cream cake, and rose perfume, the shelves stacked with books as well as the counter.
"Noona!" Sehun called out. "Noona, are you here?"
"Well well," a beautiful voice cane from behind one of the shelves. "This is a surprise, Sehun-ssi. Crawling out of your hidey-hole and actually coming to see me! What's the occasion?"
"You know why," he rolled his eyes playfully. "I want you to meet someone. You know you're just as ruthless as I am, being the Matriarch of your syndicate."
"The word being Matriarch," she put emphasis on the title. "You're Junmyeon's little hitman. There's a difference." She stepped away from the shelf, revealing herself to them—a strikingly beautiful woman with pale skin, long black hair, and a thin, petite physique, her eyes brown and her expression cold and hard. Her lips were painted a rose red, which matched the fitted dress that hugged her frame in all the right places, white heels on her feet.
"Omo..." Haneul mumbled as she took in the older woman's features.
"Neullie, I'd like to meet Bae Joohyun, the Matriarch of the Red Velvet Syndicate," Sehun introduced her to the woman. "Noona, this is Cho Haneul. She's under my protection."
"Sehun, what did I say? It's Irene," She scolded gently, turning her brown gaze toward the girl, which softened immensely, a smile creeping onto her face, and he struck expression had disappeared. "Oh my... What a beautiful doll she is! How on God's green earth did you find her?" She questioned the raven-haired male, wearing her stern expression once again. "Did you do something shady?!"
"Aniya!" He shook his head vigorously, his eyes widening slightly. "One of Wonbin's men put his hands on her and I stopped him before he could—"
"What, so you can put your hands on her too?!" She grunted, and Haneul chuckled sheepishly at their banter, gripping Vivi's leash tighter. "Tell me, did he try anything on you?!" Irene faced her abruptly, concern etched on her face. "Did he touch you inappropriately? Ask you for something?"
"N-No," The girl answered, smiling awkwardly.
"See?! She said no!" Sehun exclaimed with exasperation. "Aish, jinjjah! Noona, what do you take me for?!"
"All he did was ask me to live with him," Haneul explained. "He said his apartment is just as much mine as it is his." Sehun flinched at her words, and he wasn't looking forward to what was coming next.
"Is that so?" Irene smiled sweetly before spinning around and punching the hitman in his gut, knocking the air out of him until he stumbled into the other room, falling onto his knees and coughing for air. "What were ya thinkin', ya pervy bastard! Get outta here! Take a hike!" She yelled in Daegu Satoori, grabbing the door and slamming it shut, leaving him in the adjacent room.
Haneul could hear him groaning with pain, now knowing what he meant about Irene being rough around the edges. She was a tough person, and their relationship was definitely like that of siblings. She wondered if she treated all of the boys in EXO the same way.
"That boy can't think straight sometimes," she huffed, returning to the Seoul dialect, stepping away from the door. "How about some red velvet ice cream cake? I made a new batch today and I certainly can't eat all of it since my girls are out on an assignment. You'll have to finish it with me."
"A-Alright," the brunette said. "Thank you, Irene-ssi..."
"Please, call me Unnie," she gestured for her to follow, speaking cutely toward the white dog beside Haneul. "And Vivi-ssi! I have some treats for you!"
"Is it okay to leave Sehun like that?" Haneul asked.
"It's fine," Irene waved a hand with a laugh, leading her deeper into the store. "I always punch him like that. It does him more good than harm, actually." They entered the kitchen, which was colored white with a wooden table covered by a cherry print table cloth. While Irene gathered treats for Vivi and cut up two slices of ice cream cake, Haneul took a seat, looking around the quaint room with the sunlight shining through. On the walls were several pictured of Irene and four younger women. She had to guess that they were the girls she was referring to a moment ago. 
She's like Junmyeon, she thought, still looking around before taking off Vivi's leash to let him walk freely. She's supposed to be a stone-cold leader of a crime syndicate but... she is so normal...
"Here you go," Irene put the plate of ice cream cake in front of her, taking her seat across from the brunette with her own slice and smiling fondly, and Vivi dug into his meal in the corner of the room. "I meant it back there when I said you're beautiful. I've never seen such pretty brown eyes and silky hair. I can see why Sehun has taken a liking to you."
Haneul made a confused sound, her cheeks flaring before she waved her hands in front of her. "Oh, it's not like that at all!" She protested. "He told me about my past, and how I'm the sole survivor of the Cho Clan... and then there's the fact that there are people out to kill me, and those same people were the reason for my Halmeoni's death... he's just protecting me..."
"You sure it's not some scenario where the monstrous softie falls for the beauty?" the older woman teased, giggling uncontrollably before continuing. "I'm okay joking, but you never know what can happen. Things haven't been the easiest for Sehun ever since he became a part of Junmyeon's family."
She stared at the woman, perplexed, but she didn't have to say anything to hear more.
"Sehun was orphaned at a young age. He was taken to the children's home and he wasn't treated well. Then, Junmyeon's father came and adopted him. Ever since then, Sehun had been a part of the EXO syndicate without realizing it," the older woman leaned back in her chair. "It wasn't until he was in middle school that he found out. He would learn to shoot a gun for the first time at that point. Mr. Kim wanted to groom him into the most ruthless hitman in the underworld, and he succeeded. Everywhere the Kim family went, the people had their eyes on the tall, cold man, and he never hesitated to pull the trigger. Sehun's life had always been darkness, but this time, it was like there was no escape."
"I see," Haneul looked down, frowning.
"But now, he has you," Irene pointed out. "I think you're just what he needs to restore that vibrancy he once had. Even now when you two walked in, I saw that eye smile of his, and I haven't seen it in years. The boy has been lonely and he could use a friend right now. All those people he killed and the women he's slept with--they couldn't do a damn thing to take away the darkness in his heart. So you stay close to him, alright? Can you promise me, Haneul?"
She was beginning to understand why he was so desperate to make her stay when her friends dragged her out of his home. He may have had his brothers and she knew there had to be many women he was with in the past, but he was still lonely--living in that apartment with just a dog for company. Haneul began to think she wasn't being considerate of his feelings. She was so caught up in her loneliness and missing her friends when really, Sehun had been alone ever since he was a child. Losing the one family she had left and her life turning upside down didn't compare to what Sehun had been through. 
She could feel the guilt seeping into her heart, lifting her head and giving Irene a nod, "I promise."
When this was over, Haneul would apologize to him. I won't ask to see my friends, I won't ask to leave, and I won't ask for anything else... I don't have the right...
︻デ═一 ♥
"What do you mean she stayed behind?" Hoseok questioned, looking between Jungkook, Bella, and Taehyung. "You're telling me that, out of her own free will, she stayed with him?"
"That's exactly what she did," Jungkook nodded toward the older male. "Neullie said something about not wanting to be the reason why we get hurt."
"Which makes no sense," Taehyung spoke with anger in his tone. "That hitman must have manipulated her into thinking she'll put us in danger! He's preying on her mind because she's still grieving!"
"Okay, but," Yoongi spoke up, seated on the couch and looking toward his friends. "What if he has a point? And this is Neullie we're talking about. She wouldn't make a stupid decision."
"Yah! You can't believe the words of a criminal!" Jin exclaimed, emphasizing with the motion of his arm. "And she is grieving, you know! People always make bad decisions when they're sad!"
"I agree with Yoongi hyung," Namjoon raised a hand. "I don't think she made the wrong decision."
"Namjoon!" Bella protested. "For all we know, he could have taken her somewhere far away and locked her up!"
"But he did help her when that guy attacked her, did he?" Jimin debated. "I don't know much about the EXO Syndicate and how dangerous they are but we have to trust Neullie. She decided to stay to protect us and she's smart. She would have detected some sort of danger right away. Halmeoni taught her to trust her instincts."
"Aish," Taehyung cursed, running his hands through his hair in frustration. He didn't like seeing his friends or his family in danger. The thought of them getting hurt made him uneasy and a man who had the potential for putting Haneul in harm's way was out there, keeping her away from them. "We're getting her back no matter what and we're leaving this hellhole of a city--somewhere where he won't tracking us or her down."
"We can't just leave!" Jimin told him. "We have The Magic Shop to look after!"
"I know," the younger male began. "and trust me, I've stayed here just as long as you have and this has been our home for God knows how many years... but I've reached my limit."
"What do you propose we do then?" Bella wondered, facing her lover.
It was best to start from scratch--start a brand new life away from the violence Seoul was known for. Taehyung didn't hesitate to answer. "We move to Busan."
︻デ═一 ♥
The café was warm and cozy, the scent of milk, cinnamon, and chocolate permeating the air, accompanied by the chatter of people and soft pop music in the background. The wooden tables were flawless, leaving off a thin sheen from the gold lights after the handsome waiter ran a damp cloth over each surface. Haneul was seated across from Sehun, a cappuccino in front of her with a "heart" latte art, and Vivi was seated by her feet. Sehun had bought himself chocolate bubble tea, and he was currently scrolling through his phone.
"Aish... you know that hurt, right?" He said to her. "What Noona did to me, I mean..."
"You kind of deserved it," Haneul spoke softly.
"Ah, not you too," he pouted, looking up from his phone and at her now. "Don't tell me she's made you rough around the edges too!"
"She just gave me ice cream cake," she shrugged, smiling innocently.
"No wonder you agree with her," Sehun leaned back and sunk in his chair, putting his phone down. "Anyway, you haven't your coffee. You don't like it?"
"I'm just waiting until it cools down a bit," Haneul replied, her hands in her lap and her eyes on the table before continuing, "Um... Sehun...?"
"Yeah?" He inquired, smiling at her now. It still made him sad that she was still so closed off from him. He could tell how tense she was, but he knew she was trying. The way her hair fell around her, the slight movement of her arms indicating she was turning her hands in her lap. He wanted to reach out and tuck her hair behind her ears, hold her hands--anything to ease her. "What is it, Neullie?"
"I'm sorry," she apologized, her eyes closing her and shoulders dropping, her expression helpless. "Irene unnie told me you've been having a hard time. I should have been more considerate of your feelings instead of saying terrible things to you... I wasn't being fair to you when all you want is to protect me."
Sehun mulled over her words, chuckling softly and leaning forward, tilting his head to the side, "You don't have to apologize. I'm the one who scared you. Maybe I did deserve that punch because now that I think about it, I was following you around, which is a bit stalkerish..."
"But Junmyeon told you to," she protested. "It wasn't like you had bad intentions."
"Maybe not, but nothing can properly explain why the hitman of EXO suddenly appeared to kill someone before he could touch you," he pointed out. "There's nothing to apologize for. All I ask is that you stay safe," he looked down for a moment in contemplation before adding. "and I'll even let you see your friends and work at The Magic Shop. All you had to do was ask. I'm not going to keep you locked away in that apartment. I know firsthand what it feels like to be lonely."
She was taken aback, opening her eyes to meet his, her lips parted slightly. The guilt was beginning to seep in, shame stirring in the pit of her stomach, and Haneul closed her mouth, tears stinging at her waterline. She sniffled, looking down again and doing everything in her power to stop her tears, but it was all in vain. She broke into silent sobs and began to wipe away at her tears. He's so nice to me and I judged him too quickly... I'm so pathetic.
Sehun watched her with surprise. clearing his throat and pulling out a handkerchief from his slacks. He extended his hand, offering it to her, "Gwenchana... please don't feel bad," he spoke like he had read her thoughts. "You've been through a lot and you've shed a lot of tears too... it's only normal that you won't trust someone after everything you've been through..."
She pulled her hand away from her face, accepting the handkerchief with a bow of gratitude and cleaning up her face, "Gomawo... I feel like an idiot...
"You're not," he assured her. "Please don't cry. You're prettier when you smile."
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fanfictasia · 2 years
Febuwhump Day 25
Alt. Experimentation
Spoiler: This is an excerpt from The Chosen Twins
Aniya Skywalker
Well, it sure was considerate of Plagueis to drug us before he started this time. Except not really, because I’m still conscious, even if everything feels a bit distant and hazed over. Mostly, I think that’s because he’s intentionally trying to dampen our Force abilities, and I don’t have a good feeling about why.
All I do know is that I can still feel Anakin, even if I’m too exhausted to try looking across the room to see him right now. And I sense a sudden flare of blinding pain from him. I’m not surprised, either, when he lashes out with the Force despite being… well, that’s why he did it, isn’t it?
I need to clear this from mind, somehow, and fast, before he keeps hurting Anakin. Because he is. I can feel it. I don’t even know what he’s doing. And yes, I know this is just another one of his experiments, but Sidious warned us that it might be… dangerous. He told us that he thought this might go badly, and I…
I have to help my brother. I don’t understand what’s happening, but I can feel the pain aching through my own body, and its steadily growing sharper. And even the Force itself is screaming in protest. That, I think, is what hurts most of all. I’ve always known better than to lash out at Plagueis, but this once, I don’t even care. “What are you doing to him?” I yell. He doesn’t even answer me, of course. He doesn’t see us as people. We’re just his special, little lab rats.
0 notes
The Professor Pt.6
A/N: I didn’t feel like being extra while I was editing so thoughts are in italics. Also please leave comments and tell me what you thought of this part :) 
Tags: @namelesslosers @blackchunkyqueen@panthergoddessbast @forbeautyandlife @cancerianprincess@shegoego @soulsparker @iamrheaspeaks @blq-gyal @ashrae720 @chaneajoyyy @loosewindmill @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @txmellayella @tiava143 @ohshititslezz @sheisexcellent @sydneebleu @blackpinup22 @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @whoramilaje @izraahh1 
Pairing: Erick x Aniya
Characters: Erik Stevens 
Fandom: Erik Stevens, Killmonger 
Warnings: I’m not the best when it comes to following writing rules. I pretty much write how I want to, so if you’re a stickler for grammar and what not just ignore it or don’t read loll (I’m nice I promise.) 
Word Count:  1624
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    Erik gave his final notes and dismissed the class. As the students cleared the classroom I glanced over my shoulder and caught his eyes on me. He looked away quickly. I turned and walked to my next class knowing I left him thinking about me. I attended the remainder of my classes and ended my school day with a late dinner. Simone went back to the apartment to get some work done but I headed back to building C.
 I made my way to Eriks classroom. I stopped my hand from opening the door when I heard more than one voice inside. I peeped through the window of the door and Ms. Cooper. I stepped to the side so as not to be seen. I watched them talk about  who knows what for a couple of minutes. I could tell that she was flirting hard by the way she was batting her eyelashes and touching his thigh. The smile on his face didn't seem to mind, hell he looked like he was enjoying it. I couldn’t help the anger that started to bowl within me. I couldn’t hide my territorial nature. After about ten more minutes they stood up and walked toward the door. I thought about leaving but I wanted him to see me, wanted him to know that I had seen everything. 
        When he opened the door to allow her to walk out the expression on his face when he saw me was priceless. She gave me one of those fake teacher smiles. Her teeth were overly white, I could tell she’s had some work done. Her makeup was heavy and I’m not talking full glam beat heavy. I’m talking clay face I’ve never seen a beauty blender in my life heavy.  
“Hello Ms.Cooper. You look very nice today. I love your makeup.” I said flashing her the same fake smile back. 
“Oh thank you so much. I’m trying out a new foundation.”
It shows girl trust me. I thought to myself. As she turned back to Erik. 
“It was nice talking to you Erik…”
Her eyes darted over to me as she had forgotten that I was there. 
 “I mean professor stevens.”
    She made sure to touch his arm one more time before turning and walking away. The extra sway in her hips very apparent. Erik was extra careful not to look. I took a mental note of that. I made sure the hallway was clear before walking past him into the classroom. If he thought he was free to flirt and be a hoe, he made a sad mistake. He was mine and I was going to make sure he knew it. 
“Hi Niya.”
        I looked at him tilting my head to the side, remaining silent.
“Hey Erik how are you? That's usually how this conversation goes?”
        Without a word, I made my way over to his desk bending over to expose my bright red panties underneath my dress. Slowly I pulled them over my round ass and down my legs. I hung them off of the table light he had and sat in his chair spreading my legs wide. He jolted to the door covering the window with his body. 
“Have you lost your damn mind? Anyone could walk past and see you like that...exposed in my classroom. I could lose my job!”
        He quickly lowered his tone not wanted any teachers or students to hear from the hallway. I giggled at the amount of panic he was displaying. I enjoyed playing with Erik, making him squirm. I knew he was used to always being the dominant one with a girl but not with me. I licked my fingers as he watched me closely. 
“What are you doing?” He asked frantic.
    I slid my hand down my body and rubbed my clit, moaning from the feeling. 
“Are you crazy? Be quiet now!”
    I raised an eyebrow at him. Who the fuck does he think he’s talking to? The bass in his voice only enraged me more. I rubbed myself faster moaning even louder than before. 
“Erik yes like that!” I groaned 
    He almost gave himself whiplash trying to check the hallway to ensure no one heard me. I cackled. Seeing him freak out was hilarious. 
“Niya stop please!” He begged.
I rolled my eyes as I stood up adjusting my clothes. Once I felt that I looked presentable I made my way over to the door he was still standing in front of. I smirked as I pushed him out of the way. Before I walked out the door I handed him a neatly folded piece of paper that read:
Meet me at the Ramada Hotel at 8. 
Bring the panties with you. 
I left a key for Erik at the front desk. When I heard the hotel room door unlock I couldn’t hold back my excitement. I waited for him to make his way to the bedroom. When he finally did he paused. I can only assume he was in awe of my black lacy lingerie that left little to the imagination. 
“Do you like what you see? 
“Niya we need to talk about what you did tod-“
“Shhhhhhhhhhhhh….that’s not what I asked you. I said do...you...like...what...you...see?”
He let out a heavy sigh. 
“Yes I do.” 
“Good. Now get on your knees and crawl to me.” 
He did as he was told with little resistance. When he was close enough, I placed my perfectly pedicured toes on his chest. 
“You Erik sometimes I feel like your taking me for a joke and I don't like it. So now I have to teach you a lesson.” 
He looked at me with a confused look on his face. Erik had a way of making me feel things I didn't usually feel like butterflies and shit and I didn’t like it one bit. I can honestly say that when I first laid eyes on him I thought I would have a way harder time getting him to let me be dominant but it was surprisingly easy. I thought about what kind of women he must’ve been with in the past and how he’d been with them and how it differed from how he acts with me. Oh hell no. Girl don’t even go there. Don’t invest to many emotions into him. 
I shook my head to get out of my thoughts and reached back to grab my tazapper from the line of toys I had laid out on the bed, caressing it in my hands. I knew he had no idea what it was. 
“Take your clothes off.” I said taking my foot from his chest.  
I watched him strip and the way his skin glistened in the dim lighting made me want to do nasty unspeakable things to him. When he was completely naked. I walked circles around him admiring his body. I got to his back and without warning I zapped him on his lower back. He jumped in shock and I couldn’t hold back the belly laugh that came out of me. I took note of the fact that he remained silent even after I zapped him all over his body, never asking why I was doing this or what he did wrong. That let me know that not only did he know what he did wrong but he also knew not to question me further. So he is learning.
“I’ve been very lenient with you Erik but today...today was the last straw. Now tell me, what did you do to upset me? 
“I was flirting with Linda.”
“I mean Ms.Cooper!”
“Now tell me. Why would you do that knowing you belong to me? Huh?     I know it's not because her looks because she could never look as good as me on her best day pooh.”
He looked down at me with a stern look on his face for a second I thought he might turn the tables and snatch me up throw me on the bed and take me. 
“I did it to get back at you for what you did to me. I planned to get close to her maybe date her for a bit to get under your skin but you caught me and if im being fully honest you probably wouldn’t care anyway, it's clear you don’t feel the same way about me that I feel about you.” 
“How do you feel about me?” I asked genuinely wanting to know.  
        He inhaled deeply gathering his thoughts together before he gave his answer. 
“I’ve never felt this way about any girl before. You have this control over me and I can’t explain it, you just do something to me.”
    His words hit hard. I had no idea he felt this way about me. It kind of made me want to be nice to him. Almost. I still had to teach him a lesson for trying to get back at me and I intended to do just that. 
Continued in Pt.7 
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belovedjiya · 2 years
Balcony and two cup of coffee.
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Balcony and a cup of coffe
“Get in! it's been a while eh?”
Daniel follow my step to the balcony, he has free time today and call me, he said that he bring my favorite coffee.
“Whoah, look at the cloudly sky. It's spring already but rain still come often”
I open the balcony door, sitting on the chair in front of the rails. Daniel put the cup of coffe, he also bring some mozarella stick.
“Right, aren't rain is romantic?” Daniel give me the coffe, i took the cup from his hands, thinking for a few second after he throw me a question
“Hmmm, maybe? but for me autumn is the most romantic season”
“Huh? because of your memories?”
I smile a bit and sipping my coffe, the vanilla latte one. Daniel watch over the sky and sipping his coffee too, waiting my answer.
“I used to love spring so much, because it has a cute vibes and all the spring song really make me like- i'm fallin love with someone or have cute relationship with someone”
“And then? you changed your mind after he take you in romantic date on autumn?”
“Ohoo~ you really know me”
I dont know how explain this feeling, i'm not hurt by these memories anymore, like a few month ago when i'm crying like a baby losing her candy, now everytime i see thing remind me of him, i'm not crying anymore.
i'm feel grateful that i have that beautiful memories.
“You miss him?” Another hard question from Daniel “Aniya, i'm not” “Right, you just missed the memories, the feeling and the experience. Remember that.”
I nods my head agree with his word, i'm not missing the person because the person hurting me a lot, even he make me happy for a short time and take me to the fairytale love story. But at the end of the day, he is the one who make me crying in the bathroom floor.
“Nothing to regtret, Jiya. You do your best and everything you can do for him. Dont you dare to blame yourself again, he didn't deserve it, he never deserve you.”
“Everyone said the same thing”
I stare at Daniel, and sipping my coffee again. Feeling the spring breeze touching my skin. I also remember last year, he is the one who take to me to the cherry blossom date, he take a picture of me, we walk under the cherry blossom, helding hands and kissing each other- when we aren't involved with official relationship.
Thinking about it again, i wonder how his feeling back then. I wonder if he already fall in love with me at that time, or just- casually asking me to go out, watching the beautiful view of spring outside.
“You always romanticize everything he did to you, know what? because that's your dream date, and he made himself as your dream boyfriend you couldn't never meet in real life”
Again, i agree with him, he always saying the truth that i dont want to believe.
“And you have the same taste with him, in every aspec- the intimacy, the way you enjoy your sexual acitivities, the kink too. You never meet someone who have similar taste like you, right?”
“Eoh~ you right. That's why i always stick on him and hard to forget, everything he did to me just too beautiful and no one can do something like that to me”
without realizing, i let out the sigh because all the beautiful scene pop up in my head again. Daniel put his coffee on the table and he take my hands, caressing my palm gently while looking at me.
“Mian- i shouldn't drown into memories again”
“Please stop rewarding these behaviors, please stop tolerating inconsistency.Please stop tolerating games, lies and manipulation.Please stop rewarding the people who keep hurting you. They don’t deserve your forgiveness or your love or your understanding. They don’t deserve the space you hold for them in your heart and in your life. They don’t deserve all these compromises. They simply won’t do the same for you.”
Here we go again, Daniel and his realistic advice who always safe me from stupidness.
“I doubt he will do the same, he will remember the good time with you, he will miss the memories and everything he did with you, i doubt he will romanticize the moment you have with him, remember he replace you easily? what's mean? you are not that important to him, and the memories just a past memories for him. If he really into you, he wouldn't replace you that fast, that easily. Even he said he is struggle, he said he is suffering too, but dont believe to his word just see the action. He have a crush with someone else that fast, while you are crying like a fool missing him and living in the memories, but he didn't feel the same”
I smile, no longer cry everytime Daniel give me his advice, his finger moving slowly caressing my hands like he dont want to let go of my hands.
“he has new life already, who knows? he already madly in love with someone else too, he already doing the things and loving someone else, laughing with them and feel so happy without even thinking about you just a bit. And you? wasting your time thinking of him? he didn't even deserve place in your mind”
everything is so easy for him. Remove me, replace me, throwing me away, everything is so easy for him and i'm the one who stuck in the memories.
“Gomawo” “Back to your sense, Jiya! Why would be sad for someone who doesn't even care about you? you better be happy bitch!”
We laugh, Daniel smile and stare at me, he move his hands and caressing my cheeks.
“It's get cold, let's eat.”
he give me the mozarella stick, and we munch it, enjoying the taste of melted mozarella while watching the clouldy sky from the balcony and start to talking about something else.
0 notes
bangtansoyumdamn · 7 years
sick of you
Genre: Fluff
Pairings: Seokjin x Reader
Word Count: 1604
A/N: Despite the title, this is all fluff. Feed back on my writings would be great, don’t be afraid to slide into my inbox :)
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“Noona.” Jungkook had just called you over the phone, sounding tired and annoyed.
“Yes, Jungkook-ah?” You were currently in your own apartment, lounging on your couch, scrolling through Tumblr on your laptop. Your phone was sandwiched between your ear and shoulder, your hands occupied with scrolling. Your feed was filled with updates, edits, and memes of BTS. Armys always wonder if and how the members know certain memes the fandom speaks of, and of course they do. Through you of course. Without their own social media account other than twitter, you constantly send them funny memes you find to your group chat. You laugh quietly as you scroll past a meme of Namjoon. 
“Are you listening to me?” The maknae says through the phone.
“Sorry sorry sorry, say it again please?” You close your laptop, pushing it to the other side of the couch, away from you, giving Jungkook your full attention. He groans in frustration, he really isn’t in a good mood right now and you weren’t about to test him. 
“I said, Jin hyung isn’t feeling well and he’s being very cranky. We’re all trying to take care of him, but he said he only wants you and keeps crying out your name. He’s such a baby.” He mutters the last part to himself, but you still managed to hear it, making you laugh. 
“Alright, I’ll be right there, give me a few minutes.”
You walk into their dorm, taking your shoes off as you entered.
“Where’s my big baby?” Jungkook scratches his head with such annoyance, pointing towards the older brother’s room. 
“Is it that bad?” You said as you pass by the group of boys scattered around the living room. Namjoon was laying tiredly on the couch, Yoongi had his head covered with a blanket, even Hoseok didn’t look like his happy, energetic self as he sat on the floor with his back against the couch wearing a frown. The 95 liners were both on the couch, except the bottom half of Taehyung’s body was actually on the couch, while the other half was dangling off the arm of the couch.
“Hyung didn’t want to take the medicine we were giving him.”
“Jin hyung threw the pills at me.”
“I tried giving him a hug, but he pushed me away.”
“Hyung threw a tantrum, whining that he wanted his baby.”
“You’re our only hope (Y/n).”
You look at them with disbelief. The six energetic boys you knew, was long gone and were being overly dramatic. Then Yoongi rose up from his resting position on the couch. He glares at you and points to Jin’s room. 
“Tame the beast,” he says in a serious and deep voice. All the other boys nod and so did you.
You walked away from the defeated boys, and went in the room of the so called beast. But instead, you were greeted with a soft sleeping puppy, wrapped up in a blanket burrito. 
“Jin,” you whispered, walking to his side of the bed and sitting down gently. 
“Jin, baby, it’s (Y/n).” He was still deeply asleep but he shuffles a bit, and a few seconds later, you feel an arm wrap around your waist. You lean down a bit to caress his face. You move your hand to cup his warm cheeks and he moved his head to snuggle into it. 
“Are you awake now?” His eyes flutters open and he looks up at you and smiles. 
“How are you feeling?” He shifts a bit to sit up and scoot to the center of the bed, giving you more space to sit down besides him. 
“Not good jagi. Your baby is very sick,” he pouts, and you can’t help but smile. 
“I know, I heard that you wouldn’t let the boys take care of you,” you said, cocking an eyebrow at him. 
He scrunches his eyebrows together, still pouting, “yeah, because, they don’t take care of me like you do. You give me kisses and cuddles, they just give me medicine and tell me to rest.” 
You let out a small laugh, “Jinnie, but you actually have to take medicine and rest.” He crosses his arms over his chest and looks away from your gaze. 
“Yeah but they still lack on the other part.” 
You laugh even more, “hey, Jimin said he tried to hug you earlier but you pushed him away.” 
“Yeah because he wasn’t you!” You sigh in defeat. Arguing with this big baby was going to be useless if he refuses everything. 
“You know what? Fine. I’ll give you cuddles and kisses if that’ll get you to stop whining and actually get some rest.” He beams at this, and he spreads his arms wide for you to get in. You scoot closer to him and wrap your arms around his torso, and he closes his arms around you. In just a couple of minutes, he’s knocked out again. You raise your hand up to feel his forehead and neck and he’s a bit hot. You frown, he’s actually getting really sick. You attempt to get out of his hold without waking him up, and you succeed. You replace yourself with a pillow and pull up the blankets to his shoulders, seeing that he’s shaking from the cold.
“How’s the beast?” Yoongi says as soon as you walked out. 
“You mean the puppy? He’s asleep, he’s temperature is rising, and he’s shaking from the cold too. Can one of you help me make him some soup?” Jungkook and Jimin gets up immediately and walks towards you. You three walk to the kitchen together, ready to make some soup.
“(Y/nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn),” Jin whines from his room, making Jimin and Yoongi sigh. 
“Why is hyung such a baby,” Jimin mutters. 
“Yah, (Y/n). The beast is awake.” 
“Can you check on him for me Yoongs? I’m a little busy,” you said as you stir in the ingredients in the pot. 
Yoongi groaned loudly, “Taehyung-ah, go check on hyung.” 
“But hyung, noona said you should be the one to check on him.” 
“Yeah, and I don’t want to, so hyung says you go do it,” Yoongi says in the third person, looking away from Taehyung, who starts to frown as he gets up from his place on the floor.
“Oh, hyung, what’s wrong?” He says from the door as he walks in. 
“Ah, you’re not (Y/n),” he whines, kicking his feet. 
“Wow, aren’t you annoying,” Taehyung mutters as he close the door, walking out. 
“Noona, hyung doesn’t like us right now. He says he only wants you.” You sigh, wiping your hands on a towel, and walking off to take care of your former boyfriend, and current child. 
“Taehyung, can you take my place please?” 
“Ani, I’ll do it. We don’t want anyone to get hurt,” Hoseok says, getting up and pushing Tae down to sit on the couch.
“Yes baby, you called?” You said sweetly, as you open the door to his room. 
“Yah, why did you leave me? You said you would cuddle!” You sigh, as you sat back down on his bed. He lays his head on your lap and you begin to play with his hair. 
“You were asleep, and I left to make you some soup. You needed to rest, and then eat so you can take your medicine and feel better already.” 
“Just stay here with me and I’ll feel better.”
After the food was finished cooking, you were able to successfully feed Jin and give him his medicine. Unfortunately, it was getting late and you had to go home. You have a class early tomorrow morning after all. You were laying on his bed, while he had his arms wrapped around your waist, and his head on your chest. You give his forehead a kiss, and pet the back of his head gently. 
“Seokjinnie, I have to leave soon. Do you think you can be okay being by yourself with the boys already?”
He whines quietly, “Aniya, stay here jagi.” 
You sigh, “I can’t, I have a class tomorrow. Jungkookie could stay here and cuddle with you instead.” 
“Jungkook-ah!” You called. In a few seconds, the maknae was already at the door. 
“Can you stay here with Jin? I have to go home.” The boy quietly nods and walks over to you. You pry yourself off of Jin, who whines as you try and leave. 
“I’ll be back after school tomorrow, don’t worry,” you said, giving his forehead a kiss. You get off of the bed and turn around to face Jungkook. 
“Make sure you give him lots of cuddles and kisses. He says it makes him feel better.” You laugh slightly at the maknae’s disgusted reaction as he glances at his older brother. 
“Bye,” you wave, sending Jin a flying kiss, which Kookie pretended to snatch, getting himself wacked by the oldest.
When you left, Jungkook slides into the bed and hugs Seokjin close to his body. 
“There there little baby,” he whispers, “you’ll feel better soon.” 
Jin pulls away at Jungkook’s strong hold, “YAh! Can you not? She doesn’t even do it like that, ugh it’s not the same.” Jungkook laughs as it’s fun to mess around with his oldest brother. Jin pushes Jungkook slightly, but hard enough to push him off the bed. 
“Ah seriously, you know I’m sick too.” Kookie says seriously, as he gets up from the ground and dust himself off. He suddenly then stops and looks up to meet his hyung in the eye. 
“Sick of you,” he laughs, getting a laugh from Jin too. He’s learning well.
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ask-svt-hearteu · 7 years
upset friend! Seventeen
requested by anon: “Hi!! can i request a scenario where you’re svt’s best friend, like they treat you as a younger sister and they’re super protective of you. how would they react when you went over to their dorm crying or upset. its a little similar to how they react to their gf being scared you previously did, but as a younger sis pov or smtg? tysm!”
a/n: i hope this isn’t late, i did it it bullet points because you requested scenario, i hope that’s okay
you wrap yourself in your in your sweater tighter
the door swings open with Seungcheol looking at you worriedly 
he pulls you in and gives you quicky, tight hug
“what happened?? are you okay??”
you emotionally explain to him how you got into a fight with your boyfriend and well, now ex boyfriend
“what the hell, do you want me to beat the kid up?” 
you can tell by his facial expression how pissed he is
you reassure him you're fine
“you're not fine, you're crying” 
you reach up and touch your undereyes, realizing it was damp
wiping your tears away, he smiles softly
“come on, i’ll make mingyu make you ramen” 
laughing for the first time that night, you nod,
“that would be nice”
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“Jeonghan, are you at your dorm?” 
“hey are you okay? why do you sound like that??” 
“my friend kicked me out of her car, i’m like five minutes from your dorm, can i come over?” 
“well that’s not a really good friend, yeah of course” 
you thank him and he makes you stay on the phone with him until you get to the dorm
when you get there, he’s already standing there, and leads you in
“do you want to talk about it?” 
he asks you gently, letting you know you didn’t have to if you didn’t want to
by the time you get to the couch, you're in the middle of explaining how your friend got pissed off over how you wouldn’t “help” her do her paper and everything just escalated 
the entire time he’s listening to you and handing you tissues when you're feeling really emotional
“i’m here for you okay” 
you nod and end up cuddling into his side with his arm around you
the mood is lighter now and you can hear seventeen in the back
“you know i got a whole soccer team that can help us prank the girl or something” 
“the heck jeonghan, we aren’t tryna kill the girl”
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as the door gets slammed in your face, you try not explode in tears
but your body won’t agree and the tears just fall
after a couple minutes, you hear your phone ding
it’s from Joshua, who lives next door
“are you okay?? your door closed really loud”
you send a quick text about how you're fine and sorry if you disrupted anything
instead of another ding you get a call
you pick you and say hello, trying to slience your tears but it doesn’t work
“oh my gosh, are you okay?”
so you tell him that you came back to your place to find your bf cheating on you, on your couch, at your place
“do you want to come over? maybe you should get out of there” 
you agree and he meets you at your door and walks you over
after settling you on the couch, and lets you make small talk to Seungkwan who’s trying to make you laugh
when Joshua comes back with a cup of tea, Seungkwan gets shooed away by another member
“i know you’ll get through this, i’ll be there however to help along the way” 
smiling softly, you take a sip of tea, calmer now
“i know”
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you hate the way you cry
you're definitely not one of those criers who cry angelically
nah you're a scrunched, red faced mess
like now, when you're furiously pacing, waiting for jun to open the door
“Y/N! oh my god, come here!”
he pulls you inside and engulfs you in a hug
“i dont like it when you cry” he says, 
his expression is sad while gently wiping your tears
you smile sadly and joke, “is it because i look ugly?”
you smack his arm lightly, knowing he’s just teasing
“you’re pretty when you're happy, and being happy is good”
“so i should try my best to be happy always?” you finish for him
he grins, “yup, that’s right”
you start giggling, any trace of crying  gone
except for the makeup, which he points out
“come on, we have makeup remover somewhere”
he wraps an arm around your shoulder in a brotherly way
looking down at you, he smiles
“you don’t have to talk about it now, okay? let’s just do something fun”
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you're freaking out, on the verge of crying as you blow up his phone
you tell him everything that’s going on 
‘actually I'm at your dorm right now, can you please open?’
seconds later you see soonyoung swings open the door, kinda looking like he just sprinted
he immediately bear hugs you
“everything is going to be okay’
you look up at him, tears threatening to fall
with everything that’s been going on, you don’t know
“how do you know?” you ask, your lip quivering
he pulls away slightly and holds you by your shoulders
looking into your eyes, he says
“because i know you're a strong person, something like this can’t bring you down”
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you start blowing up his phone
“WONWOO!!! how could you!! get out here :’‘((”
“you're outside??? what did i do?” 
you coming over was pretty common because you lived 2 minutes away
he comes out looking very worried and asks you what’s wrong
with tears in your eyes, you hand him back his book
“how could you do this to me?”
right away, his facial expression changes and he bursts out laughing
“wonwooooooo i’ve been crying for the past hour!!” shaking his head amused, he swings an arm around our shoulder
“how could you not tell me what happens” 
he looks amused, “what the heck? you hate spoilers!”
agreeing you nod, making him shake his head
“okay come on in, then we’ll watch something funny” 
looking up at him, you smile hopefully
“and order pizza?”
ruffling your hair, he laughs and replies
“sure sure”
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taking a deep breathe you try to calm yourself
grabbing your phone, you dial his number
hearing his voice, even if it was just a ‘hello’ calmed you slightly
“are you busy right now?”
“no, we’re all just eating chicken what’s wrong, why’s your voice shaky”
after explaining quietly, and hearing him comforting you and some background noise on his side, 
you tell him you're outside
“okay that’s fine i promise, i’ll come out” 
meeting eye to eye he smiles softly 
“don’t let this stress you out too much okay”
”i don’t know, i really don’t know if i can forgive my mom this time”
he grabs your arms and holds them tightly
“look at me”
you look up at him, distress clearly all over your face
“what she did this time, that’s not okay, but is it worth ruining everything?” 
“no” you say, lowering your head
he pulls you in a hug, resting his head on your shoulder
after you pull away, you smile
“you're a really good friend jihoonie” 
“i know, now come in and eat chicken before the guys eat it all” 
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“SEOKKK” you wail into your phone
after you finish explaining, you subconsciously sniffle 
"omo are you crying??? y/n where are you!!" 
“aniya, i just have allergies okay, i'll be at your dorm in a sec" 
he knows just as well as you, you don't have allergies 
"okay, i'll be waiting outside" 
soon enough, you reach him and he pulls you into a tight hug right away
flashing a small smile, he says, "we should go in!! its raining" 
he looks down at you, and his eyes twinkle and you know immediately what he's thinking 
"rain~~~~" you both sing,
him successfully making you laugh, he suddenly says "look!! your eyes are so red!!" 
you give him a blank stare, "i know ive been... sneezing" 
“noooo!!! it's because you've been blinded by the seokshine!!" 
amused, you say, "where?? its been raining" 
“but no matter how much it rains, the sun will always rise the next day" 
the both of you become silent, you stare into his eyes, and realize the meaning, his way of comforting 
wrapping your arms around him, you hear him make a surprised sound, before wrapping his arms around you too 
"you're not bad at giving advice seok" 
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knocking in the door timidly, you back away and wait two seconds later
you hear someone clumsily open the door 
"mingyu." you say 
and all his eyes need is one look at yours to know something happened 
"i just need someone to talk to, even if it's for one minute, i don't want to intrude on anything" you say 
the moments in your sentence where your breathe catches, let's him know you've been crying 
"don't worry, some members are gone and some are just being lazy and waiting for me to make them ramen" 
"you sure?" 
when you come in, you force him to let you help him cook so you two are unwrapping the ramen packages 
"i know i'm not the best person to talk about things to, but i'm here for you" 
looking over at him, you nod with a small smile on your face 
"i just need to be in someone's presence right now" 
he nods understandingly and grins 
"and scarf down some ramen?" 
“um of courseee" 
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you can't breathe 
completely clueless in this situation, looking around you get some idea of where you are 
"m-minghao?" you say after dialing his number 
"huh? y/n? shouldn't you be sleeping?" 
"minghao i just, i'm really close to your dorm, do you think you could come outside and talk to me?" 
he answers with an ‘of course’ 
so when you reach there, you see him standing outside, a mug in hand
"drink this it's cold out" he hands it too you, which you accept gratefully 
then he takes a step forward to get a closer look at you 
"why are you dressed in clubbing clothes?? why is your neck kind of red?"
he quickly takes his jacket off and hands it to you 
putting it on, you duck your head and whimper 
"even if someone's drunk, that's not a good enough excuse right?" 
you feel his stare on you for what feels like forever 
then his hands cup your face and you can tell he's practically glaring at your neck 
"its no excuse. remember that no matter what. because you don't deserve this" 
you nod, and take a deep breathe 
“thank you a lot, for making me feel better" 
"you don't need to thank me, and stay away from this guy okay" 
you agree telling him you'll break up tomorrow 
as you get ready to leave, he grabs your arm and shakes his head 
"come inside and wait for a taxi at least, i'm not about to let my friend walk herself home" 
nodding slowly, you come in and greet the other members 
you and him both sit on the couch and he passes you a controller 
“yup,” you smile
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‘i’m crying.’ you type, and hit send
“what happened!?” he replies anxiously, with like a thousand question marks and exclamation points
‘i’m outside, come?” 
he reads it and doesn’t reply
but seconds later he’ll come outs the door with a nervous expression
“i was really debating whether to not to bother you but i need someone to talk too” 
“what do you even mean? you can tell me anything!” 
you spill all of it, everything that’s been going on
“aigoo” without anymore words, he pulls you into a hug
and unexpectedly, you start crying
patting your back he says, “let it all out okay”
sniffling, you joke, “i’m crying because you smell really bad” 
“yah! you liar” 
“i know i know” you laugh, even though your tears continue to fall
“come in, we can order something and eat our hearts out” 
meeting each others eyes, you give him a tiny smile,
“don’t hold back, we are gonna eat a lot” 
“definitely we’ll eat all the bad foods in the world. vegetables what?” 
“what are vegetables?” 
not even realizing your tears have stopped now, you both plan out all the food you're gonna order
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you try to silence your crying before picking up the phone
“vernon? i’m here” 
“ahh okay i’ll come open the door!” he says happily
he doesn’t realize anything yet
opening the door he says, “hey come i-”
his sentence stops short when he looks at your expression
“are you okay?” 
you respond by silently shaking your head
the two of you don't say anything
he just walks towards you and wraps his arms tightly around you
after many moments, with his arms still around you, you say
“standing out here is weird right?”
he nods, “let’s go in”
when the two of you walk in, you greet the members, but all of them notice something’s wrong
so they leave the two of you alone
“do you want to talk about it?” 
shaking your head you reply, “no i dont think i’m ready yet, can we just do something else?”
“yeah, you want to look at these lyrics” 
nodding your head, you smile at him
“thank you” 
smiling softly, he shakes his head
“it’s no problem”
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you are really unsure of what to do
crying isn’t an option anymore, your eyes are tired of it
but if tears can go away, why can’t this feeling
‘i’m here’ you text chan
you already said your coming, but you didn’t tell him anything
“i’ll come open for you” he answers 
you wait, rocking your feet back and forth nervously
when he open the door, he says his regular greeting
but then stops short when he sees your face
“have you been crying?”
you open you mouth, ready to deny on reflex, but nod anyway
“i...we broke up” you say
and it feels weird, saying it for the time
he opens and closes his mouth in shook
“but... what, how?” 
you shake your head and spill everything
when you're done, he opens his mouth to say something but decides against it
instead he pulls you in for a hug
pulling back after, he simply looks at you and flashes a comforting smile
“you’ll get through this, we’re young okay?”
you nod, trusting him
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