#and him saying that a lot of good innocent people seem to die around logan FUCK YOU!!!!!
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fullmetal-angelgrace ¡ 6 months ago
just watched x-men origins: wolverine and LMAO i know people said it was bad but holy FUCK was it bad
why would an adamantium bullet do shit to his memories??? he's been shot in the head probably a thousand times before with his brains blowing out why would this be any different just because of the material of the bullet?? whack, also weird that his body just kinda absorbed the adamantium
also I can't believe they DOUBLE fridged the love interest like damn
there were so many moments where i laughed because they were trying to be sooooo serious lol
it honestly started out ok tbh but went downhill pretty fast. i did like seeing logan being happy and doing domestic things, and just kinda being soft a lot, even after all the shit, like with those old people in the barn, and with that teleporter friend too, but also. like. wtf was with the random fat joke, like: haha he's fat now, that's it. that's the joke.
i think what i hated most was them bringing back kayla and she just stood there while logan stared at her and stryker said it was all fake, like she didn't say a damn word, the writers really hate women 😭😭 i thought she was good in the beginning, but she felt weirdly bland at the end, she was really just there for the man pain 😔
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cadybear420 ¡ 10 months ago
Cadybear's Re-Reviews- Ride or Die
Welcome to the first of Cadybear’s RE-Reviews! In Re-Reviews, I of course reassess my original opinion of a story I’ve recently replayed. Maybe my opinion has changed, or maybe it still holds up and I have further thoughts. 
Today I will be re-reviewing Ride or Die, the seventeenth review I’ve done. The last time I played this story was 3 years ago, in May 2021. I last reviewed it in March 2024, putting it on the Wood Tier with a 3 stars out of 10 rating. As of my most recent replay however, I can comfortably put it on the Gold Tier at 8 stars out of possible 10.
Sooooo… My opinion on this story has changed VERY drastically as per my second replay. 
The first time around, I did not care for this book. The plot felt poorly paced to me, with too much happening at once. To the point where I said it caused me actual mental distress trying to keep up with it. And I found the whole mood and writing far too melodramatic for what I felt was supposed to be a shallow relationship between MC and the Mercy Park Crew. It was far from being one of the worst to me, but I still found myself speaking very harshly about it. And it shows in my original review. 
This time around, I had much more ease in following the plot. I don’t know why. But rereading it, it is a pretty solid story, and I actually found myself quite invested in what was gonna happen next. There were definitely some parts where I found myself tuning out a bit and had a bit of trouble following, but for the most part, it was a decent and enjoyable story. And because I could follow the story better this time, I could follow some of the more emotional themes of it.
I actually had quite a bit of fun with this MC. Even though she is often pushed as this ingenue/innocent type character, it’s not too overbearing, and she isn’t made to be outright spineless or passive. And they do have some flexibility in their character too– we get quite a bit of variety in how we behave towards the other characters, how we act in certain situations… and that’s something I always appreciate. 
There are even some choices that seem to directly affect the story, most notably the ones where you choose if you focus more on studying or more on spending time with the Crew (with premium options to allow you to combine the two things)– and if I’m not mistaken, it affects whether your MC becomes valedictorian or salutatorian. Though they don’t make it clear how much of your story’s outcomes are changed by your choices. Guess I’ll find out when I replay. 
And I actually found a lot of these characters very endearing. Toby and Ximena were very vibrant and charming and easily my favorite members of the crew. Riya and Darius… I remember being a tad more annoyed with them in my first playthrough, but this time I found them to be very interesting and pleasant characters. 
And by far, my favorite character is certainly MC’s Dad. Oh my God. Even in my first playthrough, I think I did always have a bit of a soft spot for him. He’s just such a sweetheart, and a lot of the interactions and scenes between him and MC were quite emotional to me, I will admit. It was definitely in those moments where I could buy the bittersweet feelings that people rave about. Even though the dad is a bit overprotective, it feels backed by understandable well-meaning intentions rather than some over-the-top “if anything happens to my daughter I got a .45 and a shovel” stereotype. 
I’d say it definitely puts a fair amount of twist on the stereotypical “goody two shoes good girl x immoral tough bad boy” trope. While Logan’s route definitely upstaged those of Colt and Mona (and I’ll get to that later), the story doesn’t revolve entirely around MC’s relationship with him (or any of the other LIs really). The dad was a very sympathetic character, and like I said before, his protectiveness felt well-intentioned and not over-the-top. And rather than a stereotypical “MC runs away with the bad boy and rebels against her evul oppressive father” ending, she’s instead allowed to grow and change to independence through her experience while still sticking true to her academic and family values. 
Of course, there are still a fair amount of problems with it. 
For one, I do still think this book is pointlessly genderlocked. The storyline with MC wanting independence and Dad being overprotective could still work with a male MC, to be honest. And Logan’s character I think would have also still worked as a woman if he was GOC. 
For second, the handling of the LIs– which is probably my biggest problem with the story. I did find Logan a lot more interesting of a character in my replay, but my God, is he a screentime hog. Although the seemingly forced attraction between him and MC isn’t quite as pushed in the first couple of chapters, the story is still blatantly biased towards him and it’s clear they want us to see him and MC as inherently romantic. 
All of the options for MC to choose between her studies/school friends vs driving lessons/the crew involve Logan, and often are given romantic connotations (eg. “study date with Logan”, “double date between you/Logan and Riya/Darius”). And by the halfway point of the book, we’ve only gotten one premium scene option with Mona, two with Colt, but plenty with Logan. 
Now, in my first review, I said that I don’t understand why Logan is so god damned special and why he of all the LIs was the main LI. But here, I think I would phrase that a bit differently: I don’t get why Logan is far more special or important than the other two LIs. 
This time around, I was able to follow Logan’s special reason for taking interest in MC. Quite simply, he was employed to be a sort of “honey trap”. He and Teppei Kaneko knew that MC’s dad was a cop and had been assigned to track down the MPC, and so Kaneko had Logan charm MC and lure her into their group, in order to possibly manipulate the Dad and his case. He calls the cops on Brent’s party so that he can save MC and get on her good side. This is obviously all well and good narrative-wise, but it doesn’t justify him getting this many more scenes than Mona and Colt. 
Personally, I still found Colt the most compelling and developed of the LIs, due to the whole conflict between him and his dad. And Mona is an interesting character too, in that she was once a straight-A’s “good girl” like MC but had gone down a bad path and ended up being stuck as a criminal. These are genuinely interesting character types! Yet for some reason, the story acts like these are much less important and significant than Logan’s character, so much so that they have far fewer premium scenes. Seriously, Mona is given so few interactions with MC and premium scene options, that it’s honestly hard to feel for any relationship between the two of them. So it still feels 100% like she’s just the token f!LI (and the story’s subtitle still isn’t helping matters). 
I mean, I get it. I can understand to some extent why Logan might have a little more focus than the others– he’s the tool that’s meant to bring MC into the crew and keep her there, in order to disrupt her dad’s investigation. But it sort of cheapens the impact of any connection MC could have with Mona or Colt. 
As I mentioned before, Mona’s whole backstory is that she was once like MC– a straight-A goody-two-shoes student, who suddenly gets roped in by “a beautiful girl with a beautiful car” and now lives her life as a criminal away from her old identity and life. This is fine and all, but the “I was roped in by a beautiful girl with a beautiful car” thing ends up feeling rather Logan-centric due to how few romantic opportunities we get with Mona in the first half of the book. Logan’s the one who ropes MC in and gets all the interactions with MC that are meant to keep her interest in being in the crew, whereas Mona has very little presence in that regard. 
Logan may be the one manipulating MC into being part of the crew, but they should have allowed room for intrigue in any of the other LIs to be a bigger factor in what keeps her in. If that makes sense. 
And even all that aside, I do think the romance aspect is a bit melodramatic, kind of? Like, MC and these LIs have only known each other for, what, a month? Three months? Yet they try to push the LIs as having these deep feelings of love for the MC and make it seem tragic when they eventually have to go their separate ways. Like, they have the LI outright say “I love you” to MC at prom. 
I understand that MC and the crew did have a major impact in each others’ lives, but it was hard for me to buy it or feel it was earned or organic when Colt confessed his love for MC. I do like that they allow MC to not return the feelings and point out that they don’t know each other as well, and ultimately treat their romantic interactions as just a small thing. Frankly, I think the romance is better when played that way, as a brief fling that was never meant to last or become deeper. Not all relationships get to develop or have a happy ending. 
I’m fine with a story’s romance routes being more shallow and fling-y, but the story itself needs to treat them as such. ROD somewhat does that, but at times it does also try to frame it the same way of regular more developed Choices romance routes, and that does take me out of the story a bit. LI and MC saying “I love you” to each other in HSS:CA might not have quite been earned either, but at least in that, it is played out as a more cutesy thing. Whereas in ROD, it’s played out as 100% serious, so it doesn’t feel quite right. If they kept it at more of a “I like the idea of dating you” or “You’re important to me and I’ve come to deeply respect and value you” type of thing, I’d feel for it a bit better. 
I also think it’s weird that they have MC still care about the group even after learning that both Colt and Logan had essentially manipulated her. I mean, Mona, Ximena, and Toby, I can kind of get why MC would still care about them. But with Logan and Colt… I don’t fully buy MC still being that eager to help them. Logan manipulated MC, Colt lied to MC about stealing another human being, and Mona ended up betraying her whole group. MC can get angry at them, but still acts weirdly sentimental towards them near the end of the story. Speaking of which…
The story’s ending. I was okay with it before, but I can honestly appreciate it much better now. I’d said in my previous review that even if I did like the story, I probably would not have wanted a sequel for it. And… that still holds true. I like the story, but I don’t think it needs a sequel. MC not getting a happily ever after with her LI is certainly different from the usual Choices ending (again, why couldn’t books like TNA, FCL, Surrender, and TBB have this), but I like that outcome not just because it was “different”, but primarily because it felt appropriate to the storyline and MC’s experience with the crew. 
It makes much more sense for MC’s relationship with the crew to be more like a short-lived fling that was never meant to become deep, which is why I felt it was better to play the romances as such. In the end, it allowed MC to break free from her usual studious and family-focused routine and a taste of adrenaline-fueled independence, and now she gets to move on and start a new adventure as someone who is still studious and cares about her family but is also more independent. 
And unlike other books that got their sequels suddenly canceled like ATV or Hero, the note that this story ended on was fairly conclusive, and it doesn’t really need a continuation. I still wouldn’t have been against the sequel idea (MC being targeted and having to bring the group together again after graduating college) that was revealed in Storyloom, as I do think it’s an interesting idea to explore (as long as there would be a choice for the ending where we don’t get back with our LI)– but it does work just fine without. 
Of course, I still don’t quite get why people have praised this as one of the bests/most legendary of Choices. In my original review, I said that even if I did like this book, I wouldn’t consider it quite one of Choices’ bests. And I do think that opinion still holds true. As of now, I do like this story well enough. I find it fun, action-packed, with a solid coming-of-age narrative and even some strong emotional moments. It does do a fair amount of things differently, but… it wasn’t quite enough to really stand out and *wow* me. It goes with COP and ID in my category of “It’s good, but it’s not that good” stories. 
Overall, I’m glad I gave this story a second chance.
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snowdice ¡ 5 years ago
Tea, Cookies, and Handcuffs
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Logan/Remus/Virgil (mostly Logan/Remus for this)
Characters: Logan, Remus, Virgil
Summary: Logan finds a strange man on his property and of course invites him in for tea.
Universe: Cops and Criminals
Genre: Crime
Notes: Non-consensual drug use, morally grey Logan, cop Remus
*Grits teeth* Do not create a new AU Adriana. PUT. IT. DOWN.
This is part of my Roll the Dice Event which is where I do random ships, universes, and genres for the Sanders Sides fandom. For more details see this post. I posted a few days ago my results from this dice roll here.
Logan returned home to an interesting sight. There was a man peering into his front window through the blinds of his house. Logan paused on the sidewalk and observed the man for a few moments with his arms crossed. “Can I help you?” he eventually asked.
The man spun around in surprise, but quickly did his best to recover, squaring his shoulders and plastering a serious look on his face. “Are you Virgil Sanders?” he asked.
Logan cocked an eyebrow. “No.”
That seemed to throw him. “Oh,” he said. “Is… is this your house?”
“Cool,” he said, a hand coming up to rub the back of his neck. “I, um, like your shrubs?”
“The ones you are standing in?”
“If you’re planning to burglarize me, I’d advise against it,” Logan said. “I have only a few things of value and of those, most are my research which you likely could not easily exchange for money.” He tilted his head and thought for a moment. “Well, I do have a television, but I rarely use it and it’s very old. You’d be doing me a favor really; I wouldn’t have to find a way to take it to the dump once it finally ceases working.”
“I’m not a burglar.”
“Then why are you here?”
“I’m a police officer,” he explained. “I’m looking for Virgil Sanders.”
“Whatever for?” Logan asked.
“That’s official police business.”
Logan tilted his head. “Virgil doesn’t seem like the type to commit a crime and he hasn’t mentioned witnessing any.”
“You know Virgil Sanders?” the man asked.
“He’s my roommate,” Logan answered simply.
“Wait so I am at the right house!” the man exclaimed. “Why did you say I wasn’t?”
Logan squinted at him. “I said nothing of the sort.”
There was a long pause. “I guess you didn’t.”
“Virgil will be home in half an hour,” Logan said. “You can come in if you’d like.”
“Sure,” the officer said. “Royal, by the way. Remus Royal.”
“Logan Berry,” Logan replied, struggling to unlock the front door with the bag in his arm.
“Oh, here let me help,” Officer Royal said, grabbing the bag from him. “Oh my god, what’s in this? Rocks?” he asked immediately, stumbling forward a bit at the unexpected weight.
“Yes,” Logan replied. “I just taught a seminar on metamorphic rocks and have my case of samples in it.” Logan finished unlocking his door.
“…Oh.” The officer said. “Huh. You must have a lot of muscles under that nerdy shirt.”
Logan looked back at him for a moment. He just grinned innocently. Logan shook his head and walked into the house. “You can set the bag by the door.”
He heard the man obey as he walked into the kitchen and went straight for the tea kettle. He needed tea to deal with this day.
The officer shuffled into the kitchen. “Have a seat,” Logan instructed, waving at the kitchen table.
He readied the tea pot and chose a blueberry flavored tea before grabbing two mugs. He filled each mug with tea and walked over to the table.
“I don��t make a habit of accepting drinks while on official business,” Officer Royal said when he sat one of the mugs down in front of him.
Logan rolled his eyes. “What am I supposed to have done with it?”
“Oh, there are all sorts of things someone could put in tea: hallucinogens that drive you mad, poison that tears apart your insides, cinnamon.”
Logan couldn’t help but snort. He quickly covered his mouth, but the police officer’s eyes still flickered up to his and he grinned. “What if you get thirsty waiting for Virgil?” Logan asked.
“Guess I suffer.”
Logan hummed. “Well, allowing that would make me a bad host. What if I take a sip of it so you know for sure there isn’t any cinnamon in it? Would you drink it then?”
He considered. “Sure,” he said after a moment. “Why not?” Logan picked the mug back up and took a quick sip out of it, Officer Royal’s eyes intent on him.
“Does that suffice?” he asked.
The officer nodded and took the mug from him. “Thanks.”
Logan waved him off. “Of course.” He sat down in the seat across from him.
“So, you’re a professor?” Remus asked.
“Just a guest lecturer. Grading and dealing with undergraduate students are not activities I relish in the idea of. I prefer to focus on my research and travel when I wish rather than being a professor. It makes for a less predictable life, but more rewarding.”
“Sounds like an interesting career path. I didn’t peg you as someone who likes danger like that.”
“You don’t even know me.”
“I have a good sense for people.”
Logan smiled into his tea. “Do you?”
Officer Royal’s eyes narrowed on him. “Do you doubt me?”
“Of course, not Officer Royal.”
“You can call me Remus,” he offered.
“Remus then,” Logan accepted, “What do your impressive police officer senses say about me, then?”
Remus sat back and considered him for a long moment. “You like Science Fiction.”
Logan glanced down at the Doctor Who mug Virgil had gotten him for Christmas. “And how ever could you have figured that out?” he asked dryly.
“You have a degree in geology.”
“I came home with a bag of rocks, Remus.”
“You’re usually the smartest person in the room.”
“Well that’s just a fact.”
Remus grinned and then leaned forward like he was telling him a secret. “You like men.”
Logan leaned forward himself. “Wistful thinking.”
“Doesn’t make it false.”
“Hmm. Perhaps not.”
Remus’s eyes twinkled with mischief as he continued to make hypotheses about Logan which grew more and more personal each time. Logan had to admit, he was quite entertaining. Logan even shared a few of his jam filled thumbprint cookies with him as they spoke as a reward for the amusement.
“Here,” Logan said quite a while later, picking up both of the mugs. “Virgil should be home in a few minutes. Have one more cup of tea.”
He accepted easily and took another cookie, continuing to blatantly flirt until Logan heard the front door open.
“Hey Lo, I’m home,” Virgil called.
“In the kitchen Virgil,” he responded.
Virgil walked into the kitchen and his eyes fell on Remus. “Who’s your friend?”
Remus stood quickly to turn to him. “I’m Officer…” but then he paused, wavering a bit on his feet. “Uh… I.”
Virgil hopped forward on instinct to catch the man as he fell. Always good in an emergency, Virgil. Logan rounded the table.
“Woah, dude what happened?” Virgil asked, lowering him down carefully.
“I…” Remus said, squinting up at Virgil.
Logan leaned forward while the two were distracted and grabbed the handcuffs off of Remus’s waist before quickly snapping one of the cuffs around Virgil’s wrist and attaching the other to the kitchen table.
There was a pause. “Lo, what the hell?” Virgil asked.
“Apologies,” Logan said getting to his feet, “I did not want you coming home to an unconscious body and contacting the authorities before I had time to get away.”
“Oh fuck,” Remus said, leaning his head back against the floor.
Logan just hummed. “Virgil isn’t the hacker I assume you’re looking for, by the way,” he informed the man.
“Holy shit, what the hell are you talking about?” Virgil asked, pulling at the cuffs.
“I’ve been running a criminal enterprise off of my laptop Virgil, please keep up.”
“Shit,” Remus said. He was clearly fading from consciousness.
“Unfortunately, the police are getting far too close for comfort. So, I will have to be going. I set up an account to make automatic payments for the rest of the lease, so don’t worry about that. You won’t see me again.”
“And you’re just going to leave me here cuffed to a fucking table? I thought we were friends.”
Logan reached down and patted him on the head. “We are, Virgil. That’s why you aren’t currently drugged. Don’t worry, the drug in his system will wear off within a few hours and I’m sure he’ll release you then. In the unlikely event he happens to die from it, well, I’m sure another police officer will be dispatched to track him down before you can suffer any ill effects from dehydration.”
With that, Logan turned away from him. He would regret never seeing him again; he quite liked Virgil, but such was life. He ignored Virgil’s yelling as he packed up what little he needed and slipped out of house with no plans to return.
Want to read more? This is part of a series and the next part is Matboards and Subway Sandwiches.
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tempesrature ¡ 5 years ago
Communication Degree
Pairing: Ride or Die | Ellie x Logan
Summary: Ellie has never been good with properly communicating her negative emotions. So Logan is there to help her out.
(A very loose continuation of the Dedicated Emotion: Logan Series but you really don’t need to read the series to understand this.)
Word Count: 2,059
Warnings: PG-13 (cursing) 
A/N: I’ve always character analyzed Ellie as the type to bottle up her feelings due to her dad being overprotective (people who grew up with overprotective parents and ended up being an emotional wreck because you’re scared to say anything bad to anyone but eventually learned that saying no and voicing your negative emotions is part of self-love and self-respect gang, rise up). 
Logan perches his legs on the coffee table as he leans back on the couch with one arm behind his head while he scrolls through his phone.
He’s currently reading up on some job postings that he’s interested in—car mechanic, car salesman, car…exhibitionist? (He’s pretty sure it’s some kind of sex thing)—and let’s the hum of normalcy settle into the space.
It’s been a three months or so since Ellie and Logan decided to move in together in a small apartment near Langston. Three months since he made the decision to live a life that will never take him away from the girl he loves ever again. Three months since he’s been borrowing money from Vaughn to help pay off the apartment bills—he winces at the last thought. Logan knows that getting a job with a record on his file isn’t going to be easy but so far it’s been almost impossible. Not that it’s going to discourage him. Logan is nothing if not tenacious and he’s confident that he’s going to find one soon. In fact, he already has some interviews lined up for the week.
But he really wishes he would land one soon. Other than paying Vaughn back, he wants to take Ellie out on dates other that just driving around the Devore, going to isolated cliff sides to watch the stars and hanging out in the park. Although she never complains (practically looks forward to them she would gush), he wants to do something nice for her. Maybe a surprise dinner date in a fancy restaurant or a trip further away in a cabin by a lake—something romantic and unexpected that will make her as happy as she makes him.
Logan sighs and exits the website he was scrolling through and opts to open his Pictagram account instead, feeling a little strange and happy at all the new comments and hearts he seems to be getting from his latest picture of Ellie sitting in the Devore in a pretty yellow dress. That’s the one thing Logan found extremely strange. When Ellie convinced him to make an account (so she could tag him memes, she reasoned) he was hesitant at first. The primary reason as to why he never bothered with social media in the first place was because he just can’t have his identity floating around in the internet when he was a wanted criminal. But now that he isn’t…he decided to give it a try and he’s been pleasantly surprised by how much he likes it. One of the best parts, he figured out later on, is the fact that he can scroll through years and years worth of Ellie’s life in her account which gives him the opportunity to ask questions and listen to stories of moments and memories he missed. That way, even if he wasn’t there, he’d have something to brag about his girlfriend to his future coworkers.
Logan hears the front door slam open and he quickly pulls his legs from the coffee table, trying to look innocent, as he turns to the direction of the door with a beaming smile. His smile falters for a moment when he sees the irritated and angry look on Ellie’s face as she throws her backpack on the couch beside him.
“Hey Trouble—” Ellie turns away from him, stalks to the bathroom, yanks it open and slams it shut behind her with a loud bang. “—maker…”
Logan frowns. That’s not good.
One thing that Logan learned about Ellie and living together in the past three months, blissful and happy as they were, is that there is a certain…science…to living with someone else. He’s always lived by himself, never having to take care or be mindful of anyone’s space other than his own, so the past three months have been a big adjustment for him. But Ellie has always been patient with him. Letting him make mistakes and helping him learn the intricacies of not pissing each other off every time one of them forgets to wash the dishes. So it’s definitely not good if she comes in the apartment and immediately ignores him in favor of locking herself in the bathroom. But he tries not to let it unnerve him as he pushes himself off of the couch and heads to the bathroom door.
He takes a deep breathe, leaning on the wall beside the door and tentatively knocks three times.
“Everything alright, trouble?”
He hears rustling and the toilet lid slamming down.
“Go away Logan. I’m angry right now.”
Logan’s heart picks up, his mind running through his memories to see if that anger was directed at him somehow (had he left his dirty laundry on the floor again?). Finding nothing, he decides to confront it head on. 
“Angry at me?”
A loud exasperated sigh. “No, not at you.”
Logan lets out a sigh of relief before he drops himself to the wooden floor and leans against the door. 
“Want to talk about it El?”
A sniff. “It’s stupid Logan. Just let me deal with it and I’ll be fine in an hour.”
Well. He isn’t going to do that if she’s crying behind the door. That’s one more thing that Logan learned about his girlfriend. Ellie likes to pick her battles. Which is admirable if she didn’t also end up bottling all of her frustration and anger until she explodes. Although Logan has never been the target of it (so far) he’s noticed in the past few months the little rituals she does to distract herself from her anger and annoyance. Such as suddenly wanting to clean their (already pretty clean) bedroom or start aggressively cooking scrambled eggs. With his least favorite being shutting him out completely.
Like right now.
When it first happened, Logan was totally at lost on how to deal with this new aspect of their relationship and just did whatever she asked from him—which was to let her “deal with it” on her own. But Logan hated the feeling of being so useless, that he couldn’t be there for her when she’s always been there for him. So with a little googling and a few anonymous questions on internet forums, he has now gained the necessary advice to be able to properly help her in times like this.
“You know El,” He starts, trying to tick off the mental list he created for this situation. “I really love you.”
A short pause, her voice heavy with confusion. “…I love you too Logan…?”
“Mm, I know,” He replies, a small smile tugging on his lips. “Because I love you and you love me, I’d really like to work together so we can figure out how to make you not angry anymore.”
A sniff then a whimper. “…But it’s really stupid…”
“Did you think it was stupid when I asked for your help on writing my resumé?”
Logan smile widens when he hears the resolve in her voice weakening. “Exactly. There’s no such thing as ‘stupid’ between us, El. Even if you just want to talk about what’s making you angry. We don’t need a solution right now,” He pauses for a moment, his tone teasing and playful. “I’ll even let you drive the Devore if it makes you feel better.”
Logan grins at the soft and easy laughter that floats behind the door, momentarily thanking LostThrowaway43 for his brilliant advice of making small jokes to lighten the mood and make her laugh.
He hears the lock click open and he pushes his back away from the door. Ellie slowly opens the door and looks down at him gratefully, her eyes puffy with tears. Logan merely grins and pats the space beside him while she closes the door behind her and drops down to sit beside him. She leans her head on his shoulder and Logan easily fits his arm around her waist before she starts her outpour of emotions.
About how a certain professor has been a hardass and has been giving her a hard time, about how he constantly nitpicks on her work while the same mistake from her classmates get a pass and about how she wants to drop the class but can’t because it will leave a mark on her record.
And Logan listens to it all, only interjecting a few times to ask questions and affirming how much of an asshat the professor is. By the end of it, Logan can tell that Ellie looks a lot better and lighter. Sure, she’s still pissed at the professor (and he’s now pissed at the professor too) but he considers it as a win that he was able to coax her out of the bathroom and got her to talk.
Ellie sighs, the anger in her seeming to flow out in the past hour or so, as she fits her hand in his and gives it a grateful squeeze. “Thanks Logan. I actually feel a lot better now.”
Logan grins, turning to place a soft kiss on her head. “Glad to hear it trouble. What do you want to eat for dinner tonight?”
“Let’s go out,” She turns to him, a teasing smile on her lips. “You did say I could drive the Devore.”
Logan looks down at her with a grin as he raises an eyebrow. “Nuh uh. You just said you feel better now, the Devore was an if option. You can’t have it both, troublemaker.”
Ellie laughs before she takes his face into her hands and gives him a sweet and loving kiss. He responds easily, wrapping his arms around her waist to pull her closer. Eventually, she breaks the kiss and swipes her thumb over his lips, taking away the pink lipstick stain she’s left, as she gazes into his loving and amused eyes with a teasing smile.
“Next time, I’m driving the Devore before I start word vomiting.”   
Logan pretends to groan as he shakes his head, his heart so full at the affection and gratitude directed at him.
“You’re lucky I love you.”
Ellie softens, her eyes misting when she nods. She knows that he’s teasing, all in an effort to make her feel better but she’s struck, once again, with the realization that he doesn’t even know how right he is. That yeah, she really is lucky. That if it was anyone else other than Logan on the other side of that door, she would’ve never even opened it.
She gives him a small peck on the lips before she untangles herself from his limbs and picks herself off of the floor. She offers him a hand and he easily fits his hand into hers before she pulls him up with a small huff.
Logan quickly dusts off his jeans before he intertwines his hand in hers and gently tugs her to the door. Their conversation easily, almost naturally, transitioning to light hearted topics about his job hunting and their plans for the weekend.
Logan perches his legs on the coffee table as he leans back on the couch with one arm behind his head while he scrolls through his phone at the memes his coworkers have tagged him in Pictagram. He snickers at a particularly funny one about how some costumers angrily demand high quality and expensive car parts but their budget can barely get them a meal at McDonald’s. He taps his phone twice, giving it a heart, before he hears the front door slam open.
He quickly pulls his legs from the coffee table, trying to look innocent, as he turns to the direction of the door with a beaming smile. His smile falters for a moment when he once again sees the irritated and angry look on Ellie’s face as she throws her backpack on the coffee table with a huff…and promptly takes a seat right next to him.
“I cannot believe the grade he gave me!” Ellie shouts, crossing her arms and leaning back on the couch with a scowl. “All because the PowerPoint was in a color that hurt his eyes?! Unbelievable!”
Logan secretly smiles, leaning forward to place his phone on the coffee table, before he angles his body towards her. He reaches out to tuck a stray hair behind her ear, his eyes lighting up with affection.
“Tell me all about it troublemaker.”
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lovingkaneko ¡ 5 years ago
Ch.1: The Girl With The Bike (Colt x Mc)
Summary: Colt Kaneko never lost a race, but when challenged to one by a female from another crew, he finds himself to be smitten with her. 
Author Note: I don’t get many reads but I hope you guys actually check this story out! First chapter, let’s goooo. Next part here
Book: Ride or Die: A Bad Boy Romance | Choices: Stories You Play (AU)
Pairing: Colt Kaneko x MC | Ellie Wheeler
Word Count: 2,356 
Rating: VERY N*FW (Sex, Swearing)
Sometimes I genuinely couldn’t understand why my pops trusted that guy, he was a nobody. He was just a high school drop out, but he was kept around for what? The fact that he can drive fast? Bullshit. My dad never believed in me, never saw what I was capable of. So, I sat at the front desk chewing my gum aggressively and waiting for costumers. Nothing interesting ever happened, I’d only ever meet people who knew nothing about cars and were trying to repair something. Yet, Logan got to be part of the crew and I didn’t. I couldn’t help but clench my fists with anger, not hearing a voice calling me.
“Son,” I finally heard and sat up in my seat quickly.
“What is it?” I asked him as I popped my gum aggressively.
“I want you to do something for me,” He said blankly, as always. But still, my heart jumped excitedly at the thought of being needed by him. I kept a poker face as I answered.
“How can I finally be of service to you?”
“Don’t think you’re doing anything big, you’re simply turning in a car to a customer. That’s all I ask,” My dad answered in an expressionless tone.
“A customer for the shop?”
“No, son. You’ll be giving the keys to a member of the Wheelers.”
My jaw dropped unexpectedly, the Wheeler Crew was a well known group. Like the MPC, they also deal illegal cars. Nobody messes with them, their leader is rumored to be a police officer, you’d be in immediate danger. I was shocked my dad came to me with this request.
“Why can’t pretty boy do it?” I asked with a scoff, pretending I wasn’t at all enthused about the job.
“He’s out doing me another job, everyone else is busy. Trust me, you weren’t my first choice.”
I felt anger bubble up in my chest at his words, but I couldn’t ruin this moment I had to prove to him that I was capable of doing other jobs for him. I’d start with turning in a car and then I’d work my way up to more serious tasks. 
“When do I go?” 
“Now, she’ll be waiting for you at the regular dealing spot. You’ve followed me there before,” My dad answered and I nodded.
“I’m on it.”
He handed me some keys and I raised eyebrows when I realized what they had bought. A 2019 Camero, not bad for a car. I got out of the shop quickly, not wanting to waste any more time. I put on my helmet and rode off on my motorcycle. The wind flowing through my shirt was something I would never get used to, the adrenaline pulsing through my body was intoxicating. 
Buildings passed by in a blur, I was going fast and zooming through the alleys of Los Angeles. Before I knew it, I got to my destination. The dim lights in this alley were making it slightly easier to see in the dark night. I couldn’t see anyone nearby, I scoffed. She was probably late, not surprising. 
“Wow, Kaneko sent his son. I’m honored,” said a female voice from behind me. She was leaning on the wall with a bike next to her. But it wasn’t just any bike, she was standing beside a Suzuki Hayabusa motorcycle.. My jaw dropped at the sight of it, one of the fastest bikes in the world. The girl’s head turned to look at the vehicle beside her.
“Like the bike huh? Got it last year, a birthday gift from my dad.”
I hadn’t paid much attention to her, I was distracted by the vehicle beside her. But I finally met her eyes and chest tightened painfully. My heart began to beat faster than usual and I felt like throwing up. What the fuck was I feeling? 
“It’s nice, don’t think it’s a bit fast for a girl like you?” I asked with a smirk as I tempted her. She didn’t seem to like the joke, she scoffed.
“What would you know about speed? I could beat you in a race any day,” She raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms.
“I would love to see you try, princess.”
Her eyes looked at me up and down, slowly.
“It’s odd seeing you here, your old man never lets you out to do business,” She pointed out after a few moments of silence.
“Yeah? Well, I’ll be around more now that I can prove myself to him.”
“That’s good,” She smirked, “I’ll be sure to leave a good word in for you.”
I felt my heart twist at her words, if my pops could just hear that I did well with this job, surely he’ll trust me more. If she mentioned to him that I was professional and fit for the job, then maybe I could do more for him.
“Under one condition,” She added.
“What would that be?”
“Only men get to be part of the big boy activities. I’m not sure you’ve got it in you to work for your dad’s business,” She walked closer to me, “You’ve gotta prove yourself to be a man.”
My mind clouded with anger as she taunted me, but my body reacted... Differently.
“Yeah? Well why should I have to prove anything to you?”
“You don’t,” She answered, trailing her words, “But wouldn’t you love to keep doing business with us? If I only requested that you come to the trades.”
My eyebrows raised in surprise, she could definitely make those sorts of requests to my dad. He didn’t have the guts to say no to the Wheelers. 
“What do you have in mind?” I asked as I finally allowed myself to take in the rest of her appearance. My eyes trailed down to analyze her body and boy, I was pleased with what I saw. 
“A few things... How about a bet,” She was standing right in front of me. Even though I towered over her, she still didn’t lose confidence. 
“A bet?”
“Mhm...” She bit her bottom lip gently as she thought for a moment. I wanted to badly to push her up against the alley wall and just--
“A race,” She said finally, “You, me, and our bikes. A quick spin around the block. If you win, I get to tell your dad that you’re the best dealer I’ve met. If I win, well... Let’s just say you’ll have to find out.”
I don’t know how I felt in that moment, I felt a jolt of electricity run through my body, I felt taunted and overall... Turned on.
I nodded slowly, “You’ve got yourself a bet.”
She smirked triumphantly and made her way over to her bike, putting her helmet on. She turned to me and motioned towards my motorcycle. I snapped out of my daze and got on my bike, making sure to slip on my helmet as well. 
The engine of her ride roared into the night and my eyes admired her body. She sat up straight and drove out of the alley to our starting line. I followed her, the adrenaline rushing through my veins. She stayed beside me.
“Whoever makes it back here first wins, it’s an innocent race. Don’t even think of playing dirty with me, little boy.”
This girl pushed every button on me, making me angry and ready to win.
“Won’t have to,” I smirked, knowing she can’t see me behind my helmet. 
“Count of three!” She yelled over the roar of her engine, “One... Two... Three!”
We started driving at the exact same time, I could easily beat her. I’ve never lost a race against another bike. The wind flew through my clothes, I heard nothing but the sound of it. I could see her beside me, her body leaned forward as she laid on the bike to go faster. 
Before I knew it, she was ahead of me by a lot. I stepped on it, quickly making my way close behind her, still not being in the lead. Beside the wind, I finally heard something. She was roaring with laughter, mocking me.
Her voice echoed in my head, “What would you know about speed?”
I’ll show her what I know. I somehow went faster than I ever had, not willing to lose to a cocky bitch like her. My bike drove next to hers, the finish line in sight. She twisted her head to look at me, I looked back at her and could’ve sworn she winked. 
Her motorcycle zoomed ahead, beating me by five full seconds. She slowed down and finally stopped. She parked the bike and took her helmet off, her braid messy because of the wind. I got off as well and placed my helmet on the bike.
“I won, fair and square.”
“Didn’t expect that from a girl,” I answered as the adrenaline of a race still pumped through my body. 
“Well, you don’t know anything about me,” She whispered as she stood directly in front of me. Her gaze was intense and I could see that she was planning something to do to me. But I couldn’t think much, her body was tempting me to do things I’ve never thought of doing. I never thought that having a girl beat me in a race would be so sexy.
There was a dark look in her eyes that made her a thousand times hotter. She pressed her hand onto my stomach, feeling my abs.
“Decisions, decisions... What am I going to do with you?” She asked as she continued to feel me up. Normally, I would’ve just teased her for being desperate. But I wanted her now more than anything. 
I pushed her into the wall directly behind her, capturing her lips with mine. She moaned into my mouth, a sign that she wasn’t expecting me to kiss her. Her hand made its way behind my neck, pulling me closer. Her other hand traveled up my shirt and she roamed around. 
My arms were wrapped around her waist, my hand lowering to feel her ass. I gently squeezed and she gasped into the kiss. I took this as the chance to slip my tongue inside her mouth, she was going crazy for me and I could feel it. 
After deepening the kiss, I finally pulled away and pressed a teasing peck to her jaw. Slowly, I trailed my lips down to her sweet neck, only letting my mouth hover over and breathe on her. She squirmed with need and I finally locked my lips right below her jaw. I gently scraped my teeth against her neck and she whimpered with pleasure.
I continued to mark her neck, loving how she would make the best noises. I went back to her lips and she sighed heavily, missing the contact.
Surprisingly, she decided she wanted to do the same to me. Her lips suckling at my neck, making sure that her bites were noticeable. 
We went back to devouring each other’s lips, hungry and filled with need.
I didn’t expect her hand to trail down to the bulge in my pants, she gently palmed me as we made out. This girl was going to drive me insane, I could already tell. 
“Please,” I whimpered as I couldn’t take it anymore. The voice that came out of me was one I hadn’t ever heard before, I hated it, I sounded so weak. 
“Those are the magic words, baby,” She licked her lips and made her way to her knees. My heart pumped erratically in my chest and I simply couldn’t function.
She unbuttoned my pants and trailed the zipper down, only pulling my jeans down low enough to expose my package. Lucky for us, this alley was fairly dark and everyone was scared of it anyways. We’d be alone for a while.
She pressed a kiss to my bulge through my boxers and I couldn’t help but groan. I felt as she pulled them down and kissed the tip of my erection. Her tongue licked the top all the way to the bottom slowly. I heard her hum in approval.
Finally, she took me into her mouth. My jaw dropped and I let out a moan I didn’t know I was holding back. She sucked harshly and drove me crazy. 
I pulled at her hair and she groaned, sending vibrations onto my cock. I knew I wouldn’t last much longer. I tried to tell her, but my voice was caught in my throat.
“I-- I’m--” 
“Shh baby, I’ve got you,” She whispered, her hot breath touching me made me almost lose my grip.
She went back to sucking and after a few moments, I felt myself on the edge.
“Aww look how I got you twitching,” She smirked as she looked up at me. She finished me off with her hand, I came harder than I ever had and she had only used her mouth. All the girls I had been with in the past barely got me to finish, but I had never felt anything like this.
She pulled my boxers back on and stood back up.
“Not bad, Kaneko,” She chuckled as she leaned back against the wall, crossing her arms. I was still catching my breath and couldn’t say anything. I kissed her again and she smiled against my lips.
“Don’t worry about getting me off tonight, we’ll just have to wait till next time,” She pressed one last lingering kiss onto my lips. She reached into my pockets and pulled out the keys without me even noticing, I was in a trance. She handed me a big case that I hadn’t seen before. It was heavy with cash and I totally forgot we were doing a trade.
“I’ll be sure to leave a good review,” She winked and got back on her bike. She drove off quickly, without letting me say goodbye. I ran a hand through my hair as I stared in the direction in which she left.
I smiled to myself for the first time, it wasn’t a smirk... I genuinely felt content.
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theatresweetheart ¡ 5 years ago
Homeward Nightmares
Desperate Measures: Chapter 1
Fandoms: Sanders Sides, G/t
Summary: Logan suffers with nightmares of his time in a pet shop and Patton tries to help.
Warnings: Over-exhaustion, traumatic flashbacks, brief injury mention, blood mention, brief descriptions of blood, main character being treated like a pet, brief talk of death (being put to sleep), excessive swearing, fear, crying, panic attack.
Pairings: Romantic/Parental Logicality, Familial Moxiety, Familial Analogical
Word Count: 4686 words
Taglist: @isle-of-gold @anonymous-bean @sandersships @kaytikitty @picklesandbeyond @minty4green
A/n: For the taglist, I decided to just tag everyone that wanted to be tagged for the Desperate Measures story. If you want to be removed from/added to a certain taglist, shoot me an ask or a message and let me know! Otherwise, enjoy!
The ever insistent tapping on the metal bars rattled through this core. The snide looks he would get from the other side of the cage; large eyes that held a malice for him and his kind, smiles that did not reach the patrons’ eyes.
Smiles that were dangerous and sharp.
But the child that stood in front of him, while she didn’t look dangerous to the average human adult, was a threat to Logan’s safety.
Kids did not take lightly to borrowers, especially not when their parents didn’t seem to care much about teaching them manners and decency. Children saw borrowers as toys and things to be physically manipulated—like a doll or an action figure. Something inanimate and therefore, not sentient.
The girl had entered the store about ten minutes ago and she had immediately searched for something in particular. It wasn’t until she was standing in front of Logan’s cage had he realized she was there for him. Or, if not him personally, then for Arthur who was quietly rocking himself back and forth on the other side of the enclosure.
She raised a hand and tapped at the bars again, trying to gain his attention. Logan stayed resolute with his back turned to her, but he could still feel her eyes digging into his back. The heat of the look she was giving him.
When the borrower stayed sitting, his knees curled up to his chest and his head ducked down, she relented for a moment. The thundering footsteps falling away behind him.
At this, he turned his head, watching as she went to tug at her father’s suit jacket. The man in question seemed to have his head bent forwards and his eyes glued directly to his phone as if it were the most important thing in the world. However, with a look like that, Logan could tell that this was the kind of man was that was ready to buy his way out of a problem if something went awry.
He wasn’t going to be bothered with her or her father until he saw that she was pointing in his direction.
He couldn’t hear their conversation, but he had an itching feeling that he knew what exactly she wanted.
The father had then turned to the shopkeeper after that, asking about something or other. The conversation was too distant for Logan to be able to make out what exactly they were saying but with the devilish grin the girl sent back over her shoulder, he knew it wasn’t going to be good.
“This is it,” Arthur mumbled to himself, his head in his hands as he kept rocking himself back and forth, as if he was trying to calm himself down.
Any conversation that he tried to have with the other male usually ended up with Arthur in some sort of anxiety-induced fit. One would have thought that Logan would have been better with that sort of reaction as his own son had suffered through the same thing, just in different circumstances.
Seemed that being away from them for four months had already taken a toll on his emotional well-being.
“We’re going to die here,” Arthur continued to bellyache and moan.
No, Logan wasn’t going to die here.
He wasn’t about to just kneel and keel over. Not when he had so much riding on getting out of this damned place.
It wasn’t long before the shopkeeper was coming over, the little girl and her father trailing behind. The keys jangled in their hand and the lock on the cage was undone before he could even think to say something.
“C’mere Logan,” the shopkeeper said in a condescending tone as they pulled the door open, before lowering themselves down to kneel with their hand palm up in front of the opening. “Little Eliza here would like to hold you.”
“Get lost,” he shot back, brown eyes sharp and distrusting.
The shopkeeper sighed, rubbing their free hand down their face. “I don’t want to play these games today, just be good for once and come here.”
Logan sneered at that, rolled his shoulders and deliberately turned his back to the three humans.
“Is he always like this?” The father asked, but he sounded more distracted and uninterested than he actually was.
“Unfortunately,” the shopkeeper replied, “Eliza, would you like to hold Arthur instead? He is better behaved.”
“No,” the girl said suddenly, with such vigor that it startled Logan. “I want him, not the other one. The other one looks like a nervous wreck.”
A quick glance over to the other borrower did solidify that truth. He really did look like a nervous wreck, shaking and shivering and muttering to himself.
“Logan,” the shopkeeper raised their voice again, trying to sound more authoritative. Like that had ever worked in the past. “Come here. Don’t make me reach in there and grab you.”
That wasn’t even a threat anymore.
“Allow me, sir,” Eliza said in that mock innocent voice.
Logan turned to look over his shoulder when the shopkeeper gave a surprised noise and the young man was instead welcomed with the sight of a hand coming directly for him. A startled yelp escaped him without his permission as the childish hand got far too close to him for comfort and he raised an arm as if that would defend him.
Of course he was disappointed when the girl’s hand wrapped around his form anyways, beginning to lift him off of the cage floor without a problem. As if he wasn’t a full grown man.
Vertigo hit far too soon and he was pulled out from inside of what had, sadly, become a safety net. While many people had stared in and pointed and laughed, no one had been able to touch and grab him before.
He was pulled up in a fist that was far too tight, that shoved his arms painfully into his sides, so much so that he knew he would have bruises by this evening.
“Gentle with him, kid,” the shopkeeper said, noticing the grimace on the smaller features, “he’s not as strong as you.”
“I’m being gentle,” Eliza lied through her teeth, that shark-like grin never leaving her features as she examined the borrower in her hands. “He just doesn’t know what it’s like to be held.”
“I shouldn’t have to know what that’s like,” Logan hissed up at her and she squeezed a bit tighter, shoving the wind from his lungs.
“Pets shouldn’t talk back, that’s what my always daddy says.”
“Very good, darling,” her father mused, scrolling through something on his phone before beginning to tap away at the screen.
While the shopkeeper did look initially worried about Logan’s well-being, they weren’t doing much to change the situation either. There was a lot that they could do to the kid, such as making her put him down. Making sure that she didn’t squeeze the life from him without meaning to—or completely meaning to, whatever her intentions with him were.
“Let me go,” Logan’s voice was hoarse from lack of a proper supply of air being taken in, but it wouldn’t stop him from making demands. Not when his safety was on the line.
Eliza giggled again, shaking her head and using her thumb to stroke up and down his back in a rough and careless motion, obviously trying to cause him discomfort. “Pets also aren’t allowed to make demands, my daddy says that too.”
Logan grit his teeth, frustration nipping at him. “Let. Me. Go,” he enunciated this time, as if he thought she didn’t understand him the first time.
He was trying to stay as calm as possible, as losing his temper was something that wasn’t going to help him at all in this situation, but he was so close. So fucking close to doing something he knew he would regret afterwards—not in terms of feeling bad, he couldn’t care less about the human child and her ridiculous feelings, but for the punishment that would be sure to follow instantly afterwards.
Eliza only shook her head, making her stroking motions a bit more painful and prominent. “Borrowers like you shouldn’t be talking back to their owners,” her eyes sharpened. “Daddy, can I have it?”
‘Can I have it.’
That was fucking it.
“Whatever you want darling,” the father said.
Logan’s eyes scanned the three humans and he was pleasantly surprised when he noticed how none of them were focused on him, far too busy with each other. Which gave him more of a chance. With those words shoving an icy knife into his stomach, he needed to make a split second decision. After a moment of deliberation and desperation and his survival instincts taking over, he—albeit hesitantly—bit down into the girl’s hand and held.
His nose wrinkled when he felt the hot rush of blood flood into his mouth and suddenly all he could taste was metallic and thick.
“Ouch!” Came the cry from the female and before long, her hand snapped open from its locked position around his form and, without anything keeping him upright, Logan was dropped back onto the tabletop where his cage was. “It bit me!”
“Disgraceful,” the father snorted, “keep that thing away from my daughter. You should put it down for biting an innocent child.”
“Innocent my ass,” Logan snarled, pushing himself up onto his elbows while his torso groaned at him in agony, before raising a hand to wipe the remnants of blood from the edges of his mouth. “Your hellish child could have killed me.”
“It would have been no loss,” the man spat back, picking his daughter up as she wailed and held her hand close to herself. “I demand something to make up for this tragedy.”
The shopkeeper, who had been frozen in their surprise, quickly gathered Logan up into their hands. “O-of course, sir, I’m so sorry! He’s never done something like that before, I didn’t think he would—”
“I don’t care about what you thought and what you didn’t think, I want something to compensate for the pain that it put my daughter through. You can start by getting her a band-aid.”
“O-of course, sir.”
The shopkeeper’s attention fluttered down to the borrower in their hand and Logan just glared right back up at them, brown eyes so full of hatred and fury that shone through chocolate brown bangs. Almost as if he was challenging them to do something to him.
“You are in so much trouble for this,” the shopkeeper said then, as Eliza and her father decided to browse the rest of the pet shop for something of better interest that wouldn’t end up biting her. “It’s going to be a world of hurt for you.”
“I fucking dare you,” was what they got back in response.
It was a challenge. Logan was challenging them to do something to him and they hadn’t thought that far ahead. They hadn’t expected Logan to say anything at all—in fact, they had sort been hoping that the borrower would be sulking like he usually did in his cage. Not this time, it seemed. This time he was ready to fight them every step of the way.
Though, when the shopkeeper’s eyes hardened on him, Logan finally felt something stir within him. The dangerous, cold look he was getting in return. A calculating stare he was used to giving, but not used to receiving.
“Maybe I will get you put down for this. That way, you’ll never get to see your family again. They’d never know what happened to you. And it would teach you not to mess with those that have such power over you. It would be your last mistake.”
The words hit him like nothing else had before. They sat like a heavy rock in his chest and anything about defying the shopkeeper that had wormed its way into him was gone.
Logan woke up in a cold sweat.
The taste of something metallic was overwhelming.
He blinked, panicked, trying to figure out where he was. The pitch black, save for the tiny bit of light seeping in from just above him, was making it hard to correspond that he was safe. It was hard to recognize what was surrounding him when he couldn’t see.
The blankets under his hands felt weighted and cold, thick and scratchy.
There was also a warmth beside him, a tired voice mumbling something, but Logan needed to get out. He needed out. He needed to get out.
He couldn’t do this.
He could not do this.
Unable to calm himself down quick enough, he threw off the blankets and sat up, using a hand to push his hair out of his face before reaching blindly for his glasses. It took a couple tries, but he managed to find them. 
The sound of someone shifting behind him made the young man stand up, twisting to face someone that he hadn’t wanted to ever see again.
Bright, sharp, sadistic green eyes looked right back at him and Logan’s heart dropped into his stomach.
“Maybe I should get you put down for this.”
He was so cold. The look that he was getting from the other made him step back, eyes wide and terrified.
“It would be your last mistake.”
The room was so hot. When had it gotten so warm? The thundering of his heart in his chest was the only thing Logan could focus on. Not the panting breaths, not the blood he could hear rushing in his ears.
Not the taste of blood in his mouth.
“Your family? Please. They’d never know what happened to you.”
He couldn’t breathe, his chest was tight and his mind was blank. Everything was blurring around him, the terror that seized his wrists was real and electric. Hot and cold all at the same time.
“Logan?” The voice didn’t match the features he was seeing, but his mind was in far too much of a frenzy to actually register who was saying it. The panic that just seemed so instinctual was far outweighing his rational thought. “Honey, what’s wrong?”
Eliza was right there. Standing outside the bars of his enclosure and he had no hope of getting out of this mess alive. Not when she had been so upset the first time. He didn’t remember getting caught again. Or, no, maybe he hadn’t been caught again. He had never truly gotten back home in the first place. Everything had been far too good for that.
A human that cared? A borrower that trusted said human? Getting to actually hold Patton and Virgil again? It must have been some sick trick. His mind was playing games on him in his grief.
Using tactile hallucinations to torture him.
“Don’t come any closer,” he warned, his voice breaking.
He tried to sound demanding but it came out as more of a withered, desperate plead.
“Pets don’t make demands.”
But they weren’t listening to him. The movements, while sluggish and tired and obviously weighed down by the late night, had slowed down considerably. Almost as if she didn’t know what to do.
Though, they still came closer to him. Logan matched it instantly with a step backwards. Every time the person in front of him came closer, he tried to put more space between them. Before long, Logan had his back pressed against the wall. 
He was cornered.
The hands then raised and were held up in a position that he recognized as a sign of surrender, which made no sense. Eliza had been far too persistent to leave him alone. She always had that sadistic grin on her features as her fingers had wrapped around his form, threatening to squeeze the life from him. To bruise and to tease and to taunt like he wasn’t a person with emotions or morals or sentience.
There was the ghost of her tight hold, compressing and forcing shorter breaths in and out. His panic was not helping the situation in the least.
He felt himself go weak in the knees and he slumped against the wall, staring up at the person in front of him with terror. The only emotion he was coherent enough to summon forward.
“Logan, you need to breathe,” the voice said again and the vision flickered between two vastly contrasting scenes.
There was the pet store in all its glory. The loud chirping from the other animals and the tinkling from that stupid bell above the door. Eliza, her father and the shopkeeper standing on the other side of him, all looking smug and victorious.
But then, the other scene was relatively relaxing. It was dark. He was back home. Patton was kneeling in front of him. Dark curls falling in front of tired features but soft gentle eyes pleading for him to relax. For a different reaction than what he was getting.
“Look at me,” the tone pleaded again and Logan shook his head.
“Don’t ignore me, Logan. You’re in no place to be making demands.”
“Can’t,” he choked out finally, his eyes squeezing shut as tears flooded forward, the echoing of the past six months were loud bells, ringing and chiming. Sharp reminders of what he had gone through.
There was too much going on. Eliza was taunting him, the shopkeeper was using this weakness against him. The moment he looked up would be the moment he let those damned humans win. He couldn’t let them win. He couldn’t let them break him.
The moment he broke would be the moment he lost his only chance to go back home.
He would lose everything.
A gentle breath was released in front of him. “Yes you can,” the voice was quiet, reassuring. “I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.”
His shoulders were bunched, hands shaking as they stayed firmly pressed against the floor, trying to keep himself as far from the person in front of him as he could.
In what seemed like forever—possibly only ten seconds or so—Logan felt the presence get closer to him. He could feel their warmth, but in all honestly, he was too scared to open his eyes for a few different reasons.
If he were to look, it would leave no barrier between his un-shed tears and the person in front of him, thus causing him to lose any progress he had made with them by proving he was emotionless. Humans could use that information to manipulate you. He couldn’t show that weakness. He didn’t have an Achilles heel.
The other reason was that he was terrified to see Eliza again. He wouldn’t be able to handle it. Not anymore.
Before he could say anything, he felt the person grab him by the hand. A loving touch. A tender grasp that said more than words could. Logan had initially flinched at the sudden, somewhat unwelcome, contact.
This was a touch that he knew. A touch that he could trust.
A sob jumped in his chest as soon as reality set back in and almost immediately, the presence grew far closer.
When he finally managed to open his eyes, after convincing himself that he was fine—he was completely safe, nothing was going to happen to him—he saw Patton’s sad eyes, but it wasn’t just that. It was more than that. It was concern, grief and unsaid words. Whispers that neither of them had the heart to say to each other.
All within a second, Logan was being tugged into the sweet embrace of his husband, a hand pressed against the back of his head and keeping him safe. He was safe.
It wasn’t long before the one sob turned into two, then three, then four. And then they didn’t stop.
Logan reacted before his mind had caught up to him, but his hands dug into the back of Patton’s shirt, hiding his face into the crook between his neck and shoulder and just sobbing. Heaving, in and out without time or pace.
“Shh, shh,” Patton soothed him quietly, letting his free hand stroke up and down Logan’s back, shifting and rubbing circles instead. It went between both motions a couple times, but never was it unpredictable. “You’re okay, I’m right here. Everything is okay.”
It was painful, seeing him like this. So broken and scared. Nightmares had never really happened before Logan had been captured. They had been present from time to time, sure, but not to this extreme. Not to the extreme that one hallucinated someone else in the room with them.
Or to physically see the threat.
Or to physically feel the threat.
“I’m sorry,” he gasped quietly, sniffling as the tears finally began to slow down. He tried to regain his composure. “I— I shouldn’t have…”
“Don’t apologize, Logan,” Patton didn’t pull back from the embrace until he felt Logan shifting. He didn’t want to take the comfort away too soon if Logan wasn’t ready to lose it. “It was a nightmare and you can’t prevent those. Don’t apologize for reacting the way you did. It’s okay.”
Once he felt him shifting, Patton allowed himself to pull back but he didn’t release Logan fully. He reached up, removing Logan’s glasses and setting them to the side before using the sleeve of his night shirt to wipe the water away to the best of his ability.
They sat in silence for a couple minutes, Logan allowing Patton to clean him up without fighting back or complaining, whether teasingly or seriously, at the mother hen-like actions.
Sitting in the peace and quiet of each other was only going to last (and help) for so long. After another moment of quiet deliberation, Patton was speaking—softly and with no sense of pressure—again;
“Do you…want to talk about it?”
The request was innocent, Logan knew that, but he shook his head. He really did not want to relive the past ten minutes so early in the morning.
Patton sighed quietly, before nodding. “Alright. Think you can get back to sleep?”
That was something he was less sure about, but it seemed there was no true harm in trying. He was exhausted, that much was obvious. Emotionally and physically drained.
There was an understanding shared between them and Patton handed Logan his glasses. There was that lingering heaviness in the air, but it was going to be like that for a while anyhow.
Trauma lingered and continually affected one’s day to day life. To expect Logan to just immediately heal because he was home would be absurd and irrational.
No matter how much it hurt Patton’s heart to see him loved one so distressed, the only thing he could do was support him. Ease him through the nightmares and continually prove himself a worthy and safe presence.
Without saying anything else and just as Patton was beginning to stand, the lightest knock from their bedroom door caught their attention. Virgil stood in the doorway, his over sized hoodie draped over his shoulders as he held tightly to a blanket like it was a tether. The little one also had his sleeve stuck in his mouth, a nervous habit.
Logan belatedly realized that it was the blanket he had made the boy for his fourth birthday.
The two adults watched as the little boy’s eyes moved between them, obviously reading the situation. They seemed to grow even sadder when what was happening registered. 
Virgil was incredibly perceptive, which was admittedly an important trait in a borrower, but this only proved how much harder it was to hide things from him. Especially when he knew what to look for.
“Hey kid,” Logan croaked, his voice was practically gone by this point in the night. He raised a hand and waved as an invitation for Virgil to come in.
As soon as he had been given permission, Virgil immediately went to his fathers and sunk down to his knees, crawling into Logan’s arms and letting himself be held.
While it was reassuring and comforting for Virgil, Logan also felt better. Being able to hold his son so close, to cradle him in his arms. To feel the rise and fall of his breaths and the light patter of his heartbeat. It was solidifying the idea that he was truly back home, that this wasn’t his mind playing tricks on him.
His hold tightened unconsciously on the kid and Virgil responded by holding tighter to his father.
It was almost as if Logan was trying to shield Virgil from the horrors that he had seen. The horrors of the human world and their disgusting wants and needs. His son would never see that side of humanity, not if he had anything to say about. The most that Virgil would see would be the students that attended the University—at least the students only complained about midterms, homework and early mornings.
The third hand that suddenly appeared on Logan’s back surprised him slightly, but he leaned into the touch as well.
He was safe and the images he had seen were just that; images.
He did feel a twinge in his chest when he realized what had brought Virgil in here in the first place. It meant that Logan’s panic had been loud enough to wake him, even with his room down the hall. But the genuine concern that the boy had to come and see if he was doing okay was kind. Certainly something that Virgil had picked up from Patton, undoubtedly.
Patton stroked his fingers through Virgil’s hair a couple times, watching as he just seemed to melt into Logan’s embrace, the tired features were hidden in his shoulder.
“Let’s get you two back to bed, hmm?”
Logan’s eyes turned to Patton as his husband smiled lightly, sadly but genuine. He could agree that getting to bed would be the most logical course of action, as it certainly was not the time to be awake.
Patton pushed himself off of his knees and Logan was soon to follow, however a bit slower as he tried not to shift Virgil too much. He wasn’t sure if the kid was asleep or not, but he didn’t want to disturb him either way. Then there was the task of getting him back to bed.
As the blanket slid from Virgil’s hand, Logan was quick to attempt to get it before Patton picked it up for him.
“Mm,” the voice from his shoulder mumbled quietly. “Papa?”
Logan hummed in response, showing that he was listening. “Yes, Virgil?”
Virgil shifted his head a little bit, enough so that he could see the underside of his father’s jaw. “Can I stay here with you and Dad tonight?”
Logan didn’t even have to look at Patton to know the answer to that. “Of course you can,” he adjusted him a little bit more, so he could hold onto him a bit more comfortably and securely.
The bed that they had was big enough for three people, especially when one of those three was a six-year-old boy.
After a bit of readjusting the bed—since Logan had nearly torn it apart in his panic to get away—he set Virgil down beside Patton and immediately, Virgil clung onto him.
The sight was what gave him pause. It was what made him stop for a minute and really see just how lucky he was to be there in that moment.
To see his boys curled up together, safe and comfortable.
The grin that twitched the edges of his lips was genuine. Pulling his glasses off and setting them off to the side, Logan pulled at the comforter before slipping underneath as well. He wrapped his arms around both Virgil and Patton and tugged them both closer to him.
Logan was insanely lucky to be back home. He had watched countless others get adopted from the same cage he had been in, shared brief farewells with other borrowers who were never seen again. The thought was heavy and uncomfortable, but being able to say he was alive.
To be able to say that he was home.
That was what mattered the most.
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tss-ragnarok-au ¡ 5 years ago
Chapter 2
Warnings: Swearing, Death mentions, Food/Eating, Sleep deprivation
Word Count: 1,333
Author’s Note: A wild Virge has appeared!
Virgil was absolutely 100% fucked. There was no way he was getting out of this one. Being lost in the woods was one thing, eventually, if he kept walking in one direction long enough, he’d make it out. Being lost and alone with something following him in the woods was something else entirely.  Oh, and the last few days he’d been hearing voices! That was new. So he’d decided, why not? Let’s follow the voices.  
Unfortunately, whatever was following him also found that idea just swell. Therefore, still screwed. 
So he carried on as death loomed over him, he knew it would come, but he didn’t know when, and at this point giving up was just sad. It was like high school. Nine months ago he wouldn’t have said anything was worse than high school but this qualified. Wasn’t worse than gym though. 
Still, the gym didn’t have underbrush that trips you up and tree branches that grab at your legs. The monster was closer than ever… should he really start running now? Shit- yeah he should start running. He got about two steps into that plan before he rammed into a disturbingly warm tree. Wide blue eyes blinked at him in surprise.
Not a tree, not a tree. 
“You’re human!” The person(?) said as a huge smile split his(?) face. Wow, he(?) really did look like another kid… but looks can be deceiving.
“And what are you?” Virgil hissed, pulling out of reach.
“Patton!” The kid held out his hand but Virgil didn’t move, “Oh, I’m human too.” 
Before Virgil could decide what to do with the outstretched hand, a garbled growl sounded from behind him, making him whip around and accidentally stumble backwards into… Patton.
“Oh, excuse me for a moment.” the strange boy stepped in front of Virgil, in between him and the pair of glowing eyes glinting from the trees. “Would you please leave us be?” Patton then proceeded to throw a very large rock quite violently  in the direction of the eyes. One dull thunk and a whimper later, whatever had been following Virgil all this way was gone. Just like that. Made Virgil feel real good about himself. 
“Hey kiddo, do you have somewhere to stay? My friend and I are living right around here, and we’ve got plenty of room.” That wasn’t suspicious. Let’s invite the bumbling idiot that just proved himself entirely incompetent to our secret hideout. Either this boy was stupid, tricking him, or he was way too nice. As much as Virgil wished it was nice, he was gonna go with stupid or evil. Still…
“You have a base?”
“Well,” Patton chuckled, “I dunno about ‘base’ it seems a bit too cozy for that title!”
Cozy. Virgil’s legs quivered at the word. All the adrenaline that had been keeping him going rushed out of him. “Cozy”. It emanated warmth, and happiness. Being wrapped in blankets. Pillow fights. Laughter. Being safe. Feeling home. It was an awful idea to trust something that felt so good. It had to be a trap, it had to be! But it had been days since Virgil had slept. Weeks since he’d had a blanket or a pillow… or a bed. He was afraid he might collapse, or worse, cry, if he tried to resist the offer. All his bitter memories that had sprouted from foolish trust, faded to nothing more than fuzzy sparks of feeling. Not nearly enough to stop him as he nodded. As he allowed Patton to lead him back to a decrepit mansion of a cabin. As he fell deep into the soft blankets, pillows, and dreams.
Shit. So.. Virgil might as well accept his demise. Gods he was so stupid! Falling asleep, unprotected, in someone else’s house, he just had to-
There was someone in the corner of the room. It wasn’t even the boy he saw before (unless it totally was because that boy was a shapeshifting monster who was about to eat his brains). Somehow, the figure hadn’t noticed him. He was staring intently at a wall. So Virgil’s brain said, hey, we’re gonna die anyways and decided the best thing to do was get his attention.
“Uh, hi.” Virgil hadn’t noticed how dry his throat was. The words barely came out as a croak. He swallowed and tried again. “Hello?”
The guy (Virgil was gonna call him Sean, he looked like a Sean) in the corner snapped out of his haze. “Hello.” they were in awkward silence for a moment before Sean added, “I’ve never seen someone sleep for twenty five hours before.”
Virgil wasn’t quite sure what he was going to say but it didn’t much matter because his voice refused to function. 
“Logan, by the way,” Sean said, handing him a large glass of water.
Virgil resisted the urge to gulp it all down (last time he’d made that mistake he thought he was having a heart attack), but the water tasted so sweet and cool. He restrained himself to a small sip, and chose his first word to be-
“That’s my name.”
“Oh, that’s better than Sean”
“Nothing! I just, er...yeah, nothing.”
Logan made eye contact and Virgil could immediately feel the older boy staring into his soul. He suddenly felt like he was about to get detention. Logan broke the stare and gave a small smile.
“And your name?” Virgil figured, eh, they hadn’t killed him when he was entirely defenseless for over a day, they got to know his name.
“Funny,” Logan stood to leave, “I had you pinned as a Brandon.”
Virgil could only stare at the closed door. Okay, so maybe Logan was cool.
Staring at a closed door suddenly becomes much more exciting when the door opens. It becomes infinitely more exciting when the person who opened it has cookies. The chocolate chip cookies smelled as warm as Patton’s smile. Virgil didn’t trust that smile yet, as much as he wanted to, but his stomach was rumbling and if his mouth watered any more he would choke. You see, Virgil was fully aware at this point that he had made several poor decisions, so what’s just one more in the good name of cookies? So he sat up straighter (heh) and tried his best to stare even harder at the delicious platter.
“Are you sure the first things he should be eating a-” Logan’s voice coming from somewhere downstairs was cut off by Patton innocently shutting the door (so they were definitely different people). 
“Do ya-” he paused for a moment noticing how intensely Virgil was eyeing the baked goods, “Do you want a cookie?” he finished, just a hint of fear in his voice. 
“YesIwouldlikeacookie” Dammit Virgil, you desperate sweet-toothed bitch. Patton, apparently amused by Virgil’s cookie-simping antics, picked out the largest and most buttery of the cookies. Dear lord, Virgil might cry. Every instinct in him was screaming, a warm bed, a place to stay, and cookies? It had to be too good to be true. It probably was. More importantly though, he now had a cookie. 
It was even better than he could have ever imagined. However stubbornly agnostic Virgil was, the only way he could describe the cookie was heavenly. In all honesty he could have gone on for hours about it, how the butter felt like sunlight shining through a window onto a velvety carpet, where you could lay for hours, how the melted chocolate chips made his heart warm like a fireplace too late at night casting a soft orange glow over laughing faces. (I’ll spare you the rest).
In short, it was tasty. 
And it wasn’t poisoned.
Actually Logan and Patton had made exactly zero attempts on his life. And… Virgil really needed a safe place to live if until everything blows over. He choked down his anxiety and just asked
“Would you...er, can-can I stay here? Like, for a while?”
This time Patton’s grin was a whole lot less scary. 
Asks are now open for Virgil too!
@whats-up-kiddos @ananonsplace @ollyollyoxinfree @arya-skywalker and @supernovainthenightsky could you let me know if y’all want me to keep tagging you?
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omgjasminesimone ¡ 5 years ago
Juvenile Delinquents Part 1
Logan x MC (Ellie)
Summary: Ride or Die AU. Logan’s day started out routine, but it ended with mugshots.
Next Part: Part 2
Word Count: 1600
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Logan sighs as he drums his fingers on the steering wheel. He hates the waiting, it makes him anxious, too much time to think and allow his nervous energy to build up.
He switches on the radio to have something to drown out his buzzing thoughts, flipping through several stations before settling on 90s West Coast hip hop.
“Logan, it’s time.” Kaneko’s voice comes in clearly through Logan’s earpiece.
“Okay, I’m ready.” Logan replies, revving his Devore’s engine before peeling out of the parking lot at top speed.
In short order, he catches up to the rest of the crew. Kaneko, in the just stolen sports car they’ve been targeting. Mona drives her own convertible to his right, Ximena is in a pickup truck to his left, and Toby is just in front in his favorite Italian import car of the year.
Logan falls into place in the back, completing their diamond formation.
“No one saw you pretty boy?” Mona asks. He can faintly hear the Lebanese traditional music playing in her car through his ear piece.
“Nope. Got to the parking lot without anyone tailing me, and peeled out quick.” Logan answers, unable to mask his cocky tone.
“That’s my boy.” Kaneko praises.
“Uh oh.” Toby mutters.
“That can’t be good.” Ximena replies.
“I’m picking up cops on my scanner boss. Coming up on the 405 South fast.” Toby informs.
“Damn it. Everyone, take the next exit.” Kaneko directs. They all merge right to exit the freeway.
“Shit, they’re expecting us boss.” Toby is still in front, so he’s the first to see the police spikes set up across the asphalt.
“Bet they’re not expecting this.” Mona mutters, engaging the modified spike proof tires Toby installed and driving through the spikes, dragging them along after her car.
The others quickly fly out of the opening Mona has created, and the police give chase.
They use all their usual tricks to try to shake them, but the Mercy Park Crew has been very active lately, and it seems the police have been studying up on their tactics.
“God damn it, I’m running low on gas.” Kaneko informs his crew.
“What do we do boss?” Ximena asks.
“Logan, I need you to peel off, let them catch you to buy us some time.” Kaneko directs.
Logan blanches, gripping his steering wheel tight. “But then I’ll have a record. They’ll have my prints. Know who I am. I’ll be fucked.”
“You’re 17. It will be a juvenile offense, while the rest of us will definitely get prison time. You’ll get off easier. You’re the only one who can do it.” Kaneko explains.
“But-“ Logan starts.
“Logan.” Kaneko interrupts, and his tone informs Logan he’s not asking.
Logan sighs, peeling off from the others as he takes a right on La Cienega. “Will you make sure someone picks up my car when they impound it?” Logan asks.
“I’ve got you Logan.” Ximena promises.
“Thanks.” Logan replies, turning off his headset as he leads some of the police away on a high-speed chase. He circles back and runs a red light, causing one of the cops to crash into the ones still pursuing the crew. But he’s going so fast that he can’t make the next turn, slamming into a pole.
Logan groans as he tries to remove himself from his dented in car. There’s a lot of damage, but he knows the crew will be able to fix it.
“Get out of the car with your hands raised!” A cop yells, and Logan can see he’s pointing a gun at him through his rear-view mirror.
“I can’t! The door is dented in!” Logan shouts back, raising his hands so the cop can see he doesn’t have any weapons.
Several cops approach, guns raised, to remove him from his vehicle. As soon as he’s out, they cuff him and force him into a patrol car.
Logan toys with the bandage wrapped around his forehead to stem the bleeding from his head hitting the windshield as he surveys the police station.
It’s busy. Phones ringing, cops dragging resisting criminals to cells, people being processed with fingerprints and mugshots.
It seems like there’s so much going on, that if he could get his wrist out of the hand cuff chaining him to the bench, he could make a run for it. He experimentally tries to squeeze his hand free, but the cuffs are too tight. He sighs. Guess it’s time to face the consequences of his actions.
“Oh my God Jason, you don’t have to forcefully restrain me, I’m not going anywhere.” An airy voice complains.
It’s a girl who looks to be around his age. She’s pretty, with long brown hair and matching brown eyes. She looks too innocent to require the tight grip the detective has on her arm, dressed in a Langston College sweatshirt and jeans.
“Yeah right, like I’d fall for that, again.” Jason replies, forcefully pulling her over to get fingerprinted.
Logan leans back against the wall, closing his eyes as he tries to drown out the loud cacophony of sounds so he can think. What’s his next step after this? He’s got ID on him with his real name, so they’re going to know who he is, and have his prints, and be able to track him back through foster care records.
Will they try to force him back into a group home? He’ll just run away, again, so hopefully they don’t bother.
Is Kaneko going to let him back into the crew? Seems like that would be an unnecessary risk that Kaneko’s not going to be willing to take. But Kaneko can’t just cut him loose either, he knows too much. He doesn’t think Kaneko would hurt him, but he might send him away. Back to Michigan maybe? Logan doesn’t want that.
“What are you in for?” The pretty girl he noticed earlier asks.
Logan is startled to find her sitting beside him on the police precinct’s cold metal bench. She hadn’t been there a second ago.
He looks her over, measuring whether or not she’s harmless. She quirks an eyebrow at his silence. “Hablas ingles?” She asks.
“Yeah, I speak English.” Logan replies. He doesn’t know much Spanish, despite his father allegedly being Salvadoran according to his birth certificate. All his foster parents spoke English, so he only picked up the Spanish basics once he realized people were always going to look at him and assume he speaks the language.
The girl smiles at him, and when she speaks again, he notices a peek of silver in her mouth, a tongue piercing. Guess she’s not as clean cut and innocent as he first clocked her to be.
“So, what are you in for?” She repeats.
“I thought you weren’t supposed to ask people that in here.” Logan responds warily, and the girl lets out a laugh.
“So, I take it you’re a first timer then.” She quips cheerily.
Logan glances down at the pink nail polish adorning the girl’s fingers, the charm bracelet on her delicate wrist. As he looks up into her innocent looking face, a few freckles dotting her tan skin, he has a hard time wrapping his mind around a girl like her being in a place like this.
“And I take it you’re not.” Logan finally replies, and her lips turn up in a grin as the two teenagers stare each other down.
“Fucking hell, Eleanor. Again?! Really?!” An officer interrupts, storming up to the teens.
The girl, Eleanor, he supposes, rolls her brown eyes. “Calm down Dad.”
 The Detective’s face becomes red with anger at his daughter’s flippant attitude. “I will not calm down! You’re out of control. Drugs, Eleanor?! Really?!” He yells. The other cops desperately try to ignore the scene he’s creating.
“Prescription drugs.” Eleanor stresses. “It’s really not that big of a deal. If Ingrid wasn’t such a snitch, everything would have been fine.”
“Is this a cry for help Eleanor? Selling prescription drugs at school? I can’t get you out of this, not this time. Ever since your mother died-“
“This isn’t about Mom. This was about making enough money so I could pay LA rent and not have to live with you anymore! You treat me like a child, you’re overbearing!” Eleanor yells back.
“Maybe I would treat you like an adult if you acted like one!” The Detective yells back. His daughter shoots him an icy glare in return, and Logan watches as he closes his eyes before taking a deep breath, trying to compose himself. His attention turns to Logan.
He uncuffs Logan from the bench, gripping his arm and leading him over to be fingerprinted. “Hands up.” The Detective orders gruffly, and Logan reluctantly complies. The Detective frisks him, coming upon his wallet. The Detective rifles through it, quickly finding Logan’s license. “Logan Sanchez?”
Logan nods, and the Detective writes the name onto his paperwork. He takes Logan’s wrist, forcing his fingers to the ink pad and then rolling each finger over the fingerprint paperwork.
“Wheeler, mugshots. You know the drill.” Another cop calls. Eleanor hops off the bench, smiling cheekily as her mugshot is taken. Her father shakes his head as she blows the camera a kiss for her last frame.
The cop she called Jason grips her upper arm again, leading her away. She turns back toward Logan. “See you inside!” She says with a wink before Jason tugs harder, forcing her to walk.
Her father frowns as he turns to look at Logan. His look conveys his belief that Logan is going to be a problem. He grips his arm, rougher than Logan thinks is necessary, and positions him in front of the camera.
Unlike Eleanor, Logan doesn’t smile for the camera.
taglist:  @choicesarehard​ @ifyouseekheart​ @brightpinkpeppercorn​ @regina-and-happiness​ @drakexnadira​ @flyawayboo​ @fairydustandsarcasm​ @alesana45​ @umiumichan​ @maxwellsquidsuit​ @lahelable​ @god-save-the-keen @mrsmckenziesworld @paisleylovergirl​ @iplaydrake​ @sinclaire-made-me-sin​ @choicesgremlin​ @lovehugsandcandy​ @desiree-0816​ @cora-nova​ @justdani14​ @emceesynonymroll​ @emichelle​ @badchoicesposts​ @client-327 @riverrune​ @liamzigmichael4ever​ @princessstellaris​ @mrskaneko @anxious-arliah​
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lovelylogans ¡ 5 years ago
Can I ask for more Rory salt? Right after finishing the show I didn't realize why everyone was so upset about her but now that I've rewatched I kind of understand. I'd like to hear more about your opinions on her! (Mostly bc I have 2 braincells so stuff like that flies over my head lol)
okay, granted, a Fair amount of my salt comes from the perspective of a journalism student, ie who they’re trying to portray, and also like. someone at a similar Point in their life, so. here we go. rory Salt.
like i will say she isn’t like, bonafide the Worst Character of all time, but like...... okay. like. this tracks back to one of my original and largest gripes with gilmore girls, and also a large reason of why i like the earlier seasons better than the later ones.
this post explains it very well; the early seasons (and first episodes) of gilmore girls seem to promise healing, moving forward, bettering familial relationships. the actuality of gilmore girls is the repetition of mistakes and things continuing in cycles, and often getting worse.
so, like. rory. rory’s character is established as this sweet, innocent, naive kid, with a fairly decent work ethic and big dreams to aspire to journalism and a certain level of fame (like christine amanpour, i think was the journalist she mentioned in the first day at chilton ep?) she’s smart, quiet, beginning to establish a relationship with her parents, but still a bit uncomfortable within the realm of chilton/privilege—i think this is best exemplified within the debutante episode, in which she’s uncomfortable with the premise, but goes through with it for the sake of making emily happy. same with the golfing episode with richard—she has zero interest in golf, but she gets to spend a day with her grandfather, and she wants to establish that relationship with him.
but then there’s that thing kicking in, in which gilmore girls is essentially a cyclical tragedy; rory gradually becomes more confident in herself and her abilities (becoming valedictorian, going up against paris for the speech on cspan) and in her relationship with boys; she goes after jess, and, once he leaves, lets him go and eventually is like “you shouldn’t have left me. but i’m saying goodbye to you, on my terms.” i think that s3 is where her character is strongest; she’s still sweet and shy, but she has a bit of an edge. she’s caring toward her friends, she, sure, makes the occasional mistake, but she eventually rallies from them. that’s when i like rory’s character best.
rory starts her decline in season four. this dates back to the whole cyclical thing; she’s the one who goes to her grandparents for money, echoing the original premise of the show, and a cycle starts anew. she goes to another new, prestigious school (yale) where she’s pushed to new limits. 
but rory makes mistakes. she stands up for herself, yes, namely taylor when he pushes for her to be ice cream queen, but she also has a certain level of... entitlement, i suppose. like. let’s take “die, jerk.”
(i’m gonna go briefly into a journalistic tangent here, which is especially heaped by the fact i’ve been writing a lot of reviews lately. also, it applies.)
so, first of all, she takes her mom to her job. her mom. literally think about every other job in the world and, barring a “family day” at the office, please name a situation in which that’s acceptable. right? there’s basically no other situation in which that’s a thing you do when you’re being professional. (this is a repeated gripe, by the way; she often brings lorelai along. this could have been achieved with some phone calls where she hangs up and then does her job. but i digress. this goes into a whole rant on how women in journalism are portrayed in tv shows and other media, but seriously, i digress.)
then there’s the review itself. it’s mean.
“she has the grace of a drunken dock worker.” compared her to a hippo. “the roll around the bra strap,” the line about regretting how evolution had led man to stand on two feet because it led to this night. the ballerina comes to yell at her, which is wrong, but holy god, that never even should have been published. sure, it’s partially the fault of doyle, who as an editor should have stepped in, said, “rewrite the holy hell out of this,” and given her a talking-to on how reviewing should be about the performance and not body-shaming her, because yes you can give things a bad review but not to that level, but rory is the one who wrote it. and she only begins to seem apologetic when people start to react to it other than doyle; the ballerina, her mom, emily and richard. this happens a few times throughout—rory (and lorelai) never seem to realize how mean they can get until people start reacting to what they’re doing and saying. 
she’s willing to write those things, read them, have other people read them, and put them out into the public, and doesn’t even consider the potential ramifications that it could have had on not only the dancer, but the ballet performance (which gets shut down, in part due to rory’s review) the costumer, the crew, everyone involved. yes, bad reviews exist, and yes, they can be brutal, but they’re almost never so personally vindictive and mean. she says she’s writing her opinion. look at how harsh that opinion is.
that’s part of why my opinion of rory takes a decline; being mean. another part of it is a certain level of entitlement.
because the revival is on my brain lately, let’s talk revival stuff. making it as a freelance journalist is hard. it’s hard work. it isn’t for a lot of people. especially in new york city, where the industry is so competitive that finding a job in journalism is a whole Thing. rory has a piece in the new yorker (not bad!) and is writing a piece for gq (also not bad, not bad at all!) about people waiting in line for a certain event.
now. let’s take, like, season four/season five rory, who compiled like three separate PILES of research for a story that wasn’t even hers, worked hard enough at chilton, a highly academically competitive school, to get valedictorian. rory is portrayed as a hard worker. she does what’s necessary for the job and to improve.
revival? whoosh, out the window!
she falls asleep during an interview for the gq job. she continually jets off to london to go see logan. she’s completely unprepared for a job interview, having absolutely zero ideas for any stories, despite the fact that freelance journalists are almost always working multiple stories and coming up with new ideas so they can, y’know, get paid. chilton offers her a job as a teacher if she gets her masters, but she turns it down, which, on one hand, sure, follow your dreams, on the other, if you’re continually complaining that you’ll take a job, ANY job, and get a very good job handed to you on a silver platter with the potential for more growth post that job with the addition of your masters and DON’T TAKE IT?!?!?!
plus, in the job interview, when she doesn’t get it, UNDERSTANDABLY, she calls the interviewer angrily saying that the interviewer practically promised her the job, despite the fact that it was a PRELIMINARY JOB INTERVIEW and there are OTHER CANDIDATES who DEFINITELY AT LEAST HAD STORY IDEAS. no matter how impressive your resume is, you have to at least show that you’re trying, because the whole thing in journalism (esp for those breaking into a business) is that EVERYONE has an extensive resume. that’s part of why it’s so competitive.
and still complains that she’s broke, in addition to the trust fund that we know she received at 25, plus whatever money richard left her in his will. if she was broke, she’d be living entirely above her means—those continual trips to london, living in a sizeable one-bedroom apartment in NEW YORK CITY, going out to eat very often. 
and then just??? i could ramble more (the whole sleeping with a MARRIED DEAN thing, her partnership with logan, i could go back in and ramble about how the body-shaming is continual despite the fact that they frequently eat fattening foods and make fun of sports and are only so thin bc, well, tv magic, but also because they have Miraculous metabolisms, the way that they treat their friends, to some extent, but. yeah. here is some Rory Salt.)
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mfackenthal ¡ 6 years ago
The MFackenthal Show and Cordonian’s Gone Wild!
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Anitah: Hello fabulous audience members!  We are so glad you’re here. I know it’s a little early for the show to start, but if you could please try to take your seats quickly and quietly, that would be super helpful.
Alicia: As you all know or can guess, we’re the guest stars for today’s show.  
Pam: But what you don’t know, because Megs doesn’t even know it yet, is that we are taking over today’s show!  
Gen:  So … really, we’re in a bit of a hurry here … we need to start this show before Megs gets on stage.  Can you freaking be seated already?!
Pam:  (whispering loudy to Gen) Yo, asshole, be nice to the audience.  
Anitah, Alicia, Gen, and Pam all take a seat behind or on the desk that Megs often sits behind to start her show.  
Anitah:  Sit, sit, sit, everyone.
Alicia:  Roll the cameras.  
Gen:  counting down using her fingers In 3 … 2 …. 1 …
Pam: Welcome everyone to the Cordonian’s Gone Wild edition of The MFackenthal Show!!!!
Anitah:  You may be wondering where Megs is - don’t worry, she’s in hair and makeup.  She should be out soon.  
Alicia:  For those of you who don’t know, I’m @leelee10898 - You can call me Alicia or Leelee, whatever you want.  This is @ao719 AKA Anitah.
Anitah: The other girls call me Nita so that works too.
Pam:  I’m @speedyoperarascalparty: Pam is my name.
Gen: And I’m @cocomaxley -  Genevieve or Gen or asshole.  Okay party people - Parties are not set up with an audience - so get your butts out of those seats, move your chairs to the left side of the room where the MFackenthal staff will help clear the room and bring in some more comfortable couches.
Anitah:  Then, help yourself to a glass of Maxwell’s Purple concoction.
Pam:  And don’t ask, we’re not allowed to share the recipe.
Alicia:  Seriously, as to what’s in it … just don’t ask.
Gen:  Anyways … everyone get a glass so we can raise a toast.
The audience scrambles out of their seats, following the directions as best as they can.  The whole room is quickly transformed, a disco ball is hung from the center, a dance floor being laid down in the middle of the room, couches are set up around the dance floor and there’s a table stage left with about a dozen punch bowls filled with Maxwell’s Purple Concoction.  
Pam:  Does everyone have a drink?
Anitah:  Everyone, please raise your glass.
Everyone raises their glass. The girls stand center stage - which is now the center of the room - and just as they’re about to raise their glasses, Megs comes walking out.  
Anitah:  To Cordonia!
Pam: And loyal, hot men!
The audience parts for Megs and the room gets quiet.
Alicia:  To … choices?  Why is everyone so quiet?
Gen:  Welcome to your show, Megs!  
All:  To Megs!!!!
The audience:  To Megs!
Pam hands Megs a glass of Maxwell’s drink.  Megs takes it and slowly does a full 360 looking around the room.  
The audience is cheering and clapping loudly.
Megs:  Damn, ladies.  If i didn’t know this was my stage, I’d never recognize it!  Tapping her foot, is this a dance floor?  Is this Maxwell’s purple concoction?  Do you know what’s in it?
The audience: Don’t ask!
Megs:  laughs.  Oooookay … well, the producers are telling me we are already rolling soooo …
Anitah:  So hello Megs and welcome to your show!  
Megs:  Welcome indeed!  Megs takes a sip of the drink and a steadying breath.  So … okay, well …
Gen:  Well, in case it’s not obvious - we’ve taken over your show.  We know what the people want-
Pam:  Don’t worry - we’ll give the people what they want.
Alicia:  So, just take another sip and let us take over.
Megs looks at the girls, shrugs her shoulders, looks around, and takes a seat next to an audience member.  
Megs:  Alright, ladies.  It’s your show.
Anitah:  Oh! That was easier than I thought it would be.  Alrighty!  So … ladies, what do we think the people really want to know?
Megs:  Looking away from the stage and putting a hand over her hand to muffle her voice, she loudly says:  What brought each of you to the fandom? Looking forward and feigning innocence Whoa, who said that?
Gen:  laughing real smooth Megs.
Pam: I was going through Drake withdrawals. It was between books and I needed a fix.
Gen: I found TRR after seeing numerous ads on social media for the Choices app. I spent a ridiculous amount of money to binge TRR book 1 and book 2. Then, like Pam, got super thirsty for Liam, sorry not sorry Anitah! I found AO3 first then after some google searches, I found tumblr.
Anitah: It was a total and complete accident! I was googling something about the game while (im)patiently waiting for a new chapter to be released in book 3 and I saw a link to a fanfic. I had never even been on tumblr before and had zero clue what it even was. But was so glad when I found this glorious fandom!
Alicia: @darley1101. Someone shared a damien fic she wrote on the choices fandom FB page.
Megs:  Oooh - here’s some insider information - @darley1101 has been booked to be on this show in the future.  Hey, so tell us - When did “Cordonian’s Gone Wild” get started?  How did it get started? What’s the real story here?  
Anitah: Seriously Megs - chill!  We’ve taking over!  But, great question!  So we all joined a huge chat group with what...10 other people? Lol. It was pure madness. Pam started writing one shots for people in that chat. Bringing their real selves into fics with their LI’s. And the four of us began talking in a separate chat and one night we were talking about how crazy, ridiculous and fun it would be if we all went to Vegas (with our pretend husbands because the IRL ones aren’t as much fun)
Pam: Or as 🍆
Anitah: So then I wrote One Night In Vegas...and we posted it just for fun and people really seemed to enjoy it. Do any of you remember who or how we got Cordonians Gone Wild?? Because I do not!  lol
Pam: Nope!
Gen: This was Anitah or Pam. I know that. But it worked out because we all had different LI's after I got thirsty for Rashad.
Megs: I wondered how Rashad came in to the picture and had to assume someone latched on to him ... or, don’t be mad ⁨Genevieve⁩ ... he was the “leftover” (straight) male
Gen: Actually this was @boneandfur’s fault. She wrote some Rashad one shots and I loved him after that.
Megs:  Ooooh, I wonder if she wants to be on the show?  Hmmmm...
Anitah: As we were saying … Then as we went on each of us kind of developed these character traits I think (feel free to chime in guys lol) but example...in Mardi Anitah steals the royal jet and that became her thing-  lol - so I always steal the jet and Liam gets pissed (which is exactly what I want)
Gen: Yep! I became the resident asshole which isn't too far off from real life. Actually it's exactly like real life.
Pam: Yea I mean, Pam is based off me. Gen and I realized we used to live right by each other in Illinois before I moved back to Michigan. I'm a marriage and family therapist. Went to Northwestern, so we wrote in Gen and I lived in Chicago together.
Anitah: Well, if I had a jet in real life I'd steal it…
Alicia: Shaking her head like she’s been zoned out … Actually I think I was the one who came up with the name lol. I remember mimicking it after girls gone wild.
Meg starts to get up to ask a question, but Gen is standing behind her and places both hands on Meg’s shoulders to push her back into her seat.
Gen:  If I know Megs, she’d now ask a process question, like How do you decide who writes for what couple?  Or how did you decide? Is it set in stone?
Megs glares up at Gen while she asks the question.  Then she nods and waves Gen back to stage.  
Pam: The couples are set in stone. They are our LI. Some of us are more committed than others..pam and anitah stare down gen and alicia.  Some should cower in shame.
Gen and Alicia appear to be utterly unphased.
Gen: (cackling) I can't help it! I have a soft spot for Mr. Sinclaire!
Anitah: Pam and I are just less adventurous.
Pam: Trust...honesty....FAITHFULNESS!
Anitah and Alicia mock Pam’s words and movements
Alicia: Leo Rhys is my husband and has my heart.... I just have a soft spot for, Colt, Logan, Matt, Adrian, Damien, Earnest.. am I forgetting someone??  Oh yeah Bryce and Beckett.
Pam: Cough..whore..cough
Alicia: sticks up middle finger
Anitah and Gen: continue laughing
Pam: We all write all the couples, but the pairings don’t change...even if avatars do
Gen: She's talking about you Alicia.
Anitah: As far as who writes for what couple, if it’s a group fic we all participate, but each of us writes the respective couple if it’s a one shot or what not.
Gen: Usually someone comes up with an idea and someone else will be like - I'll write it 🙋🏻‍♀️… Or sometimes it's crickets …
The whole stage gets super quiet, everyone seems to be listening for the crickets. Megs gets up and the four girls glare at her.
Megs:  No, no, I got it - your show.  Why don’t you all simply discuss who has read which choices books and what is everyone’s favorite while I go and refill my drink?  
Megs winks to the camera and walks to the table to get a refill.
Anitah: Oh god...there’s such a long list...
Pam: Anitah and I will sit this one out…
Gen: Prudes! I'll say it again, I love Mr. Sinclaire. But I've played AME, Bloodbound, VOS, TCATF, ROE (blah), PM and a bunch of others. But not a lot of the newer ones.
Alicia: Did you seriously just BLAH my husbands book?
Gen: Yes the fuck I did!
Alicia: The only one I have NOT read yet is most wanted. I have started the haunting of braidwood manor, both it lives and passport, but have yet to finish those. Otherwise I have read all books fully released and am up to date on current ones.
Gen: Most Wanted is so good!
Pam: Drake…
Gen: (pats Pam’s hand) We know, Pammy. We know.
Alicia: Some I have read numerous times.... like Ride or Die.... perfect match and blood bound…
Megs has come back to her seat.
Megs: Who is your favorite OTP?
Anitah: Liam x MC
*Everyone looks at Pam waiting for Drammy to be said 👀*
Pam: Drammy! I'm consistent
Alicia: Ah shit ummmmmm ...
Gen: Liam x MC
Alicia: Colt x Ellie
Megs:  Poor Rashad and Leo!  Shakes her head.
Gen: They’re fine.
Alicia:  Oh!  You know what we should talk about?  Ourselves!  Our jobs, our hobbies, our favorite things - what we do when we’re not writing …
Pam:  Okay then … when I’m not writing - I work, play with my kids, I'm a brownie troop leader for my 7 year old, I fantasize about Drake Walker
Gen: Working...always working. Jobs are stupid. And I have this part time gig called a husband and two teenagers.
Anitah: Playing with my kids, being annoyed by my irl hubby and photographer on the side.
Alicia: Be a mom and all the "Mom" stuff that comes along with it..... oh and work...
Megs: And for fun?
Anitah: Photography for fun. I love taking pictures and scoping out new places to take them.
Gen: I used to crochet a lot. I taught myself to cross stitch. I like hobbies that keep me away from electronics.
Alicia: ummm good question. Write?? Crafts. Garden. I actually really didn't know how much I enjoyed it until last year.
Pam: Writing is my favorite past time currently. I also like to do arts and crafts with my kids, cooking..not baking, just to be clear...I like doing home improvement projects, painting, playing with my kids, hanging with my IRL hubs. Also, auditioning for a spot on Nailed It.
Gen: OMG! The first communion cake! It was amazing!
Megs: I should have made you make us a cake to go with this punch, Pam.  Alicia mentioned favorite things … What’s your favorite work that you have written? Feel free to answer this as a group and about your work individually.
Anitah: Definitely NOLA is one of my favorites
Alicia: Same
Gen: NOLA was amazing!
Megs:  And that stands for???  
Anitah: Oh - New Orleans! I didn’t write it but it’s still one of my favorites
Gen: Max hugging Pams feet saying, “don't take my puppy, Bertrand.”
Anitah: Omfg I forgot about that part!
Alicia: NOLA, and Never Give Up.. does rhys smirk. That I've written Amsterdam.
Pam: I loved In Another Life, Amsterdam, Harry Potter
Anitah: I liked In the Doghouse too...it was rough but...angst🤷🏼‍♀
Gen: says the queen of angst.
Pam: Yes!!! Loved Doghouse
Alicia: Ooh and Christmas. With max and the cow
Pam: I liked Naked and Afraid, but it was a bitch to write. Dates was fun too. Hawaii...the dance🤤🤤🤤
Anitah: OMG YESS 😂🤣😂😂
Alicia: the vein
Anitah: (laughing) The vein(s)
Alicia: Yes. But it was the 1st time Leos Rhys’ vein was displayed
Pam: Pony will never be the same
Alicia: Leo naked tackles me in the water
Pam: Yep....Drake’s junk over my face...🤤🤤🤤 Guys...I think I might have an oral fixation. For real.
Alicia: no shit. And i mean that it the nicest way
Pam: I need something else to do with my mouth than suck Drake’s dick
Alicia: Suck his balls?
Pam: That could work...🍊🍊
Gen: And the crazy train just went off the rails…
Megs:  LOL, well - you can find a full listing of their work now showing on the screen here.  
Anitah:  Awh, thanks Megs!  Oh!  The producers are indicating that it’s time for a commercial break.  So we’re all going to refill our drinks and then we have another surprise in store for Megs.  Megs - don’t forget to refill your drink and then join us on stage after these messages.
<Insert a commercial for the sponsor of this and all content:  Choices by Pixelberry.>
The 4 ladies and Megs are now center stage.  Everyone’s glasses have been refilled.  
Pam:  Megs, as the hosts of your show and now that you’re two glasses of purple drink in - we have some questions for you!
Gen: How did you come up with the idea to do these interviews? I think it's awesome because it really helps get to know the other people in the fandom. Oh! And what's your favorite color?
Megs:  The idea behind these interviews came from multiple conversations I had with some friends, especially @tmarie82, @lizeboredom, and @maxattack-powell.  I wanted to give back to this community but I wasn’t inspired to write fanfiction.  So I talked with them about different ways I could give back.  I wanted ways that were non-competitive and ways that I could highlight the work of a specific author or visual artist.  Multiple people mentioned how awkward it could be to reach out and start talking over tumblr but that they were always interested in process and the lives of the artists and I was like - I have no shame in asking all of the questions!  Let me ask and share what I learn.  Then I did a follower post - I think I had maybe 100 followers?  Maybe 150?  People had to enter - so I figured it was self selecting group and I did my first interview.  The Ellen saw my interview and offered me her time slot.
Oh! … and my favorite color is mint green.  
Anitah: How do you read so many fics to do your reviews? It’s amazing that you take all that time to do that and signal boost these writers to the fandom!
Megs: Awh, thanks!  The true answer is two fold.  One - tumblr mobile on my iphone.  Two - I’m a huge nerd.  I wake up and pretty much immediately start reading.  I read in line at the grocery store.  I read while waiting for the programs we use at work to switch between screens - because shit if that doesn’t sometimes take 5 minutes.  Why should I stare at the screen while the wheel of death turns when I can read a couple paragraphs about the men in my life?
Pam: How do you decide what to read? Are writers or fics recommended to you or is it just luck?
Megs:  At this point - tumblr tags probably play a larger than appropriate influence on what I read. I tend to check my notifications first and start there.  I’m a sucker for having a conversation, sharing a joke, or getting a response from another person - be in the author or another fangirl or fanboy.  I definitely take recommendations though.  And, on the off chance that I can just choose what I read, then I go through my feed and see what strikes my fancy.
Alicia: What's your favorite thing you have read so far? And what is your funniest tumblr moment?
Megs: I have no clue what my favorite thing is that I’ve read.  There is so much amazing work … but before I talk about my own funnies - I will mention two stories that had me laughing.  One is by @hellospunkiebrewster called Blackouts and Bad Decisions and let’s just say that Bertrand has a tramp stamp.  If that doesn’t make you laugh - nothing will.  The other one was published far more recently by @laniquelovewrites.  It’s called The Lion Prince and it’s inspired by The Lion King.  I thought it was so funny that I read it to my husband.  Who also thought it was funny.  Hmmmm … as for my funniest tumblr moment … it’s probably been those times when I find a way to make an author’s characters ask for what I want.  Like in this post - where I pretend Ethan and I are changing the clocks in the author’s house so that I can get the next part of the story sooner.  I mean, I think I’m funny at least.
Well ... that’s about all the tim-
Pam: Oh Megs, Megs, Megs, not so fast.  Did you think that our big surprise was asking you questions?  No, the final surprise is yet to come.
Anitah:  Yes, Megs, with the help of your amazing audience, we are going to play …
Alicia:  drum roll please …
Gen:  Never Have I Ever - CGW on the MFackenthal Show edition!
Megs:  shakes her head and smiles So … how does this work?  Like, when do I have to drink?
The four girls look at each other and shrug their shoulders.
Pam:  You drink when we tell you to drink.
Gen:  Yeah, down what’s left of that glass and we’ll get you another!
Megs:  laughs … okay, well, I’m already buzzed … uh, can I say that on my show?  … well, kids, everyone here is old enough to drink.  Don’t drink and drive.  Everyone who has been drinking will be taking a ride-share home!
Anitah:  Okay, first question from the audience … Never have I ever been on The MFackenthal Show
Gen: this is my first time! So do I have to drink to this or not?
Pam: Looks like I'm popping my cherry!
Anitah: I’m drinking.
Alicia: 1st time… I'll drink to that!
Megan: haha, well, not as a guest … takes a drink.
Anitah:  Second question: Never have I ever fantasized about a fictional character.
Gen: Omg! Who hasn't? Because I'm thirsty. Always thirsty for my pixelated men...I mean man.
Pam: Hahahahaha...snorting and laughing hysterically. Oh..wait...you're serious?
Anitah: all the time (chugs drink)
Alicia: *Guzzles drink*
Megan: anyone who says no is lying … takes another drink
Alicia:  Never have I ever cheated on my partner.
Gen: I've never cheated on my IRL hubs. I've never cheated on Rashad either. Mr. Sinclaire doesn't count! 😂
Pam: I won't even cheat in my pixelated hubby by playing other books or romancing other LI...I believe honesty and trust are the foundation of all good relationships. STOP ROLLING YOUR EYES, ANITAH!!
Anitah: Never cheated
Alicia: NO!
Megan: Nope! I have a hard time even “playing the field” in the choices games.  If I want to see what it’s like to be with another LI, I have to do another full playthrough.  
Alicia:  Never have I ever...had sex outside.
Gen: In real life, yes I have. In CGW I haven't. So I guess that's a draw.
Pam: Yes in real life and Pixelated life.
Anitah: (laughing hysterically) Well pixelated life we know the answer to that because...kinky king. And real life, yes.
Alicia: IRL yep. CGW Yup!
Megan: Indeed I have.
Gen: Never have I ever Given a blow job in public like Pam.
Gen: (hides face) yes. More times than I care to admit.
Pam: laughs...yea let's just say my hubby enjoyed one of the star wars movies intimately.
Anitah: eyes wide as she chugs her drink
Alicia: takes a drink silently
Megan:  *takes a big drink* shaking her head from side to side
Gen: Never have I ever said your fictional husbands name in a moment of passion?  ... No. Thought about during a moment of passion? All the time. Do NOT tell my husband.
Pam: In my head? Over and over and over...lol. I did however call my husband Drake once, just in passing. He was less than pleased.
Anitah: Not in a moment of passion but I have absolutely thought about it. I did however call my 3 year old son, who’s name starts with L, Liam, and he proceeded to correct me with his full name while giving me the stink eye.
Alicia: no. Have I thought about it…. Hehehehe
Megan: No. If I had, I’d never hear the end of it.
Pam:  Get to drinking, Megs!  Next question from the audience, never have I ever tried to see how many marshmallows can fit into my mouth.
Gen: Marshmallows, saltines, cinnamon - this was bad. Really bad.
Pam: can't say I have!
Anitah: I sure did.
Alicia: no, I have not
Megan: Marshmallows make me feel sick to my stomach. I tend to claim I’m allergic to them, even though I’m fairly sure that would mean I’m allergic to sugar.  LOL
Pam: Never have I ever given someone a lap dance/received a lap dance
Gen: not in public…
Pam: Oh I've been to A LOT of bachelorette parties..so yep!
Anitah: Yes!
Alicia: sorta
Megan: Yes … my husband does this dance to Brittney’s toxic … Give me one of those questions. Takes a set of note cards from Pam and flips through them.  Okay ... Never have I ever broken a bone.
Gen: I've never broken a bone! Yes I'm proud of that!
Pam: Nope!
Anitah: knock on wood - no I haven’t.
Alicia: I have not!! Even though I am an absolute klutz.
Megan: I haven’t either!  Which is amazing because I have fallen out of a tree - totally sober, btw.
Anitah:  Drink up, Megs!
Megs: finishes her drink … Okay, never have I ever told my real life husband/partner about my pixelated hubby.
Gen: No, he already thinks I don't love him. This would prove it.
Pam: Yep! My hubby is actually super supportive. He has helped me plot a few fics...the Drake and Pam chocolate wax disaster was made exponentially better by his suggestions. He is known as our cinnamon roll and Gen wrote him into a fic as owning a cinnamon roll shop..LOL. When Drake and I eloped, I made him call me Mrs. Walker the entire weekend and would not respond to any other names. I'm such an asshole
Anitah: (laughing) No way! He knows nothing! He doesn’t know about choices or that I’m in love with a pixelated man. He doesn’t know about tumblr or that I write. No one I know in real life knows anything about this. It’s like...my dirty little secret.
Alicia: yes and no. He does know about choices, he does know about Leo.. he does not know my level of infatuation with him.
Megs:  Yup!  My husband often asks “are you playing your stories?”
Megs:  lifting her head off the armrest of the couch and blinking her eyes open hhhhhuh?  Where …?  Ooooh, my head is killing me … How is my studio back to how it looked before?  Was that a dream?  Megs gets up and pads over to her on-stage desk where she picks up a note and reads aloud, “You passed out shortly after our game.  We partied hard with your audience and then put your studio back together.  Whenever you want to do this again - let us know.  I’ll steal the jet.  Luv, CGW!”
And now for the tags! If you want to be added to the tag list for these or removed, please let me know!
@hopefulmoonobject @queen-among-writers, @hopelessromantic1352, @lilyofchoices,
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levineseth ¡ 6 years ago
Book: Ride or Die
Pair: Colt Kaneko x MC (Maika)
Summary: Colt is willing to do something stupid for Maika.
This was stupid.
Colt could hear the pounding music from the street as he parked his motorcycle and got off. He removed his helmet, nervously running his hands through his hair.
He hadn’t spoken to Maika much since the whole thing with Logan went down. The last time he saw her was when she was on top of him in the driver’s seat of her car. And to be honest, he had thought about that moment a lot since then.
He had thought about it so much that here he was standing outside of her senior prom.
It wasn’t hard to find. A quick Google search gave him the date and time. After a few hours of teasing, Ximena had helped him pick out a suit. He even bought her flowers- though he later learned that he should have gotten her something called a corsage.
The music from inside stopped, leaving Colt in abrupt silence. His thoughts screamed loudly in his head- he should leave, he’s going to ruin her night, he didn’t even go to this school. He shook his head and walked towards the door before he talked himself out of it.
Regret was coursing through him. The flashing lights of the dance floor were hurting his head and he couldn’t find Maika anywhere. Why did so many people go to this damn school?
After nearly ten minutes, Colt was ready to give up. But as he walked away from the crowd, he saw her. She was standing near the food table next to who he assumed was her friend Riya.
His breath caught in his throat as looked at her. The emerald green fabric of her dress clung to her every curve. Her brown hair was swept up away from her face. She was always beautiful to him, but right now she was absolutely stunning.
He was so caught up in her that he didn’t notice her eyes fall on him. She stomped up to him, heels clicking angrily on the floor.
“What the hell are you doing here, Colt?”
He continued to stare at her as his words seemed to fail him. This had seemed to be a good idea this morning but now he wasn’t so sure. He felt so out of place, so nervous, so unlike himself.
A slow song, something he recognized from the radio, began playing. Couples all around them began swaying. He finally found his voice, using it to ask one simple question: “Maika, may I have this dance?”
Her eyes softened as they drifted down, taking in his suit and the bouquet in his hand. She reached out slowly, fingers brushing his lightly as she took the flowers from him. She placed it on the table next to them and laced her fingers with his, leading them towards the dance floor.
“So.. is this a yes?”
“Shut up and dance, Colt,” she giggled as she wrapped her arms around his neck. His hands instinctively found her waist as if they had done this hundreds of times before. They danced in silence for a few moments before Maika finally spoke.
“What are you really doing here? I mean, prom? My prom? Not really your scene.”
“I never went to my prom.”
“Okay? So you decided to crash mine?”
“I always kinda wondered what it would be like to get all dressed up and dance with a hot girl all night.”
“A hot girl?”
Colt laughed, deep and genuine as Maika’s face reddened.
“You look beautiful tonight, Maika.”
“I- thanks, Colt. And I’m surprised you own a suit.”
“It’s a rental.”
“Of course it is,” she laughed.
He was happy the conversation had changed from her original question because he wasn’t sure how to tell her that he missed seeing her every day. That he only showed up here because he was going absolutely crazy not having her in the shop.
The song ended, but the pair didn’t let go of each other. His hands moved from the small of her back to the curve of her ass, pulling her closer to him.
He leaned his head down and whispered in her ear: “Do you want to get out of here?”
She pulled back slightly, eyebrows raising, trying to grasp the meaning of his statement. Finally when she decided he meant the words innocently- she replied, “Yeah, I could use some air.”
Maika was leaning against his bike, his suit jacket draped over her shoulders. It looked like something out of a movie and Colt couldn’t stop staring.
“God, you’re hot,” he said, allowing his eyes to travel the length of her body.
“We’ve already covered that,” she giggled, rolling her eyes at him.
“So, how’s the prom experience?” he asked, gesturing his hands broadly. “Was it everything you hoped for?”
“It’s getting there,” she replied with a small smile. It made him feel warm.
“And how about your senior year, huh? Are you valedictorian?”
“I have to wait for our final test results to come in, but it looks like I’m going to be.”
“I’m proud of you, Maika.”
Her eyes turned glassy as she looked over at him. “Thanks, Colt. That means a lot.”
He knew he shouldn’t say this and he begged his brain to shut up but his mouth betrayed him as he quietly said: “We miss having you in the shop.”
“Colt...” Maika sighed quietly.
“I know, I’m sorry. I ruined the moment.”
He hoped that she would drop it. He hadn’t wanted to bring it up in the first place.
“Everyone watched it happen,” she continued. “Everyone knows what a fool I am.”
“What?” He reeled around to her. “Maika, no one thinks you’re a fool.”
“Oh please, I saw their faces.”
“It’s Logan who’s the fool.”
She looked at the ground, face scrunched in slight disgust. He hoped it was towards the thought of Logan and not at him.
“I don’t know how he could do that. Just lie to you like it was nothing,” he continued, watching as her eyes slowly returned to his. “I’m sorry, Maika.”
She let out a puff of air and said, “That’s the first apology I’ve gotten through this whole thing.”
“Well then I’ll say it again. I’m sorry that happened to you.”
She pulled him into a gentle hug and he let himself hold her close to him for a few extra moments. They separated but remained close, standing just a few inches apart.
“So will you come back to the shop?”
“I don’t think I’m ready for that yet,” she spoke quietly. “But maybe if you were to ask me on a proper date, I’d say yes.”
He smirked at her. She stared innocently back.
The next moment, their lips were connected. Colt’s hands found her hips yet again, pulling her flush against him. Maika’s fingers tangled in his hair. He didn’t want to seem too eager- like he was waiting weeks to kiss her again- but here he was, kissing her as though she had all the answers to life’s questions. And maybe she did because the way she rolled her hips against him left him groaning the name of a god he didn’t believe in.
They pulled away at the same time, both breathless but smiling. She giggled, resting her head on his chest. He rubbed his warm hands on her cold skin.
“Let’s go back inside,” he said, not really wanting to but knowing she wanted to hang out with her friends.
“You’re staying?”
“I figured I better get the full experience.”
He smiled at her, feeling an unfamiliar warmth fill his chest. She grabbed his hand, intertwining their fingers as they walked back into the building.
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Spider-Force #2 Thoughts
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The text at the issue’s end advertising issue #3 includes the phrase ‘what-the-heck-just-happened’.
All too appropriate for this series.
 In issue #1 there was a sense of...confusion on my part. A sense of ‘why is this happening, who are these people, what’s going on’. Not for the over all plot but for specific elements, such as regarding Charlie. I thought maybe the consequent issues will flesh this out.
But with issue #2 I doubt that.
Some things were answered but other things played out in head scratching ways. In fairness I think it’s less a matter of what happened so much as the presentation of it.
I think the key example here is Ashley and Charlie’s relationship.
The idea that Ashley would seek to connect to a version of her grandfather isn’t an uninteresting angle per se.
However having her open up to Charlie and encourage Charlie himself to open up to her whilst they are literally tumbling through space is a baffling creative decision. I’m wondering if Priest went that direction to be funny (he does lampshade it a little) or if he just needed to cram it in there.
This baffling use of presentation applies to stuff that is initially confusing but gets answered later, but isn’t presented initially as something that is posing a mystery or a question in the first place. One example would be Charlie’s initial recruitment and him saving the falling safe. Another would be when we get 3 flashbacks in a row from the POV of Astro-Spider, Ashley and Charlie. When you first see this it’s very confusing because they don’t seem to line up and it’s not clear that we are getting flashbacks to all 3 characters. The fact that Charlie’s past was being dived into was immediately made clear when he yells for Astro-Spider to get out of his head. But it isn’t until way later in the comic that we find out we also got to see Ashley’s past.
Granted maybe that’s on my end because I’m not overly familiar with Ashley.
This brings up a point of debate regarding presumed knowledge on the readers’ parts. I have read Old Man Logan but it was a while back and shockingly I was more focussed upon Logan’s story than anyone else’s. And yet knowing the wider world building and Ashley’s angle would’ve made a point of alienation in the story much more accessible, but I was never told or reminded of that aspect. In contrast though Astro-Spider’s origin is clearly connected to the cosmic rays that created the Fantastic Four. And at first I didn’t bat an eye at that because of course I know the F4’s origins. But then I got to Ashley’s character and it made me realize if you didn’t know the F4’s origin you’d seriously be baffled by Astro-Spider’s. So at the end of the day I feel very much it’s a failing on Priest’s part that he doesn’t have some kind of exposition or explanation that will be more inviting to new or unfamiliar readers. After all it’s maybe one thing to presume general knowledge about Spider-Man when you are writing a Spidey tie-in for a Spidey event but quite another when doing that to presume they’ve also read F4 and Wolverine comics.
Even putting aside the issue of presumed knowledge there is a certain...cheapness to the modest exploration of Ashley’s character and her relationship with Charlie.
Now I read Old Man Logan a while back (and wasn’t impressed at all) and don’t remember everything about it. I also didn’t read all of Spider-Verse and skimmed a lot of the stuff I did ‘read’. So maybe I’m forgetting or in the dark about something in need of enlightening. But I don’t remember Ashley being a sexual abuse survivor. I don’t remember Ashley having particular connections to her grandpa Peter Parker.
These elements to her are thrown into this and the last comic and then exaggerated in order to give her some kind of emotional angle through her connection to Charlie. Now first of all throwing in so casually an abuse backstory for any character is pretty messed up (not helped when pages later the Inheritors are framed as pedophiles when...they’re really not at all). Second of all if Ashley really felt this kind of connection to her grandpa...wouldn’t that have come up earlier?
I mean she is emphasising a familiar connection with a version of Peter Parker who doesn’t wear the regular costume, has a drastically different character and backstory, isn’t even called ‘Peter’ and is barely a teenager not an older man like her grandpa. Surely there were other Peter Parkers around more closely resembling her grandfather. IIRC wasn’t Otto in Spider-Verse pretending to be Peter Parker initially? What about Kaine even? You could argue she connects with Charlie due to a similar backstory of being a child victim and growing up fast, but other Spiders were tough too and even if you disagree again it’s just sort of thrown in there. It’s lazy development.
It isn’t even that these aspects couldn’t be explored or make for interesting angles on what is ultimately a rather bland character. But they sort of just show up they aren’t conveyed or developed organically at all. The same applies to her over all relationship with Charlie.
If I had to guess the root of this is that there is too much going on in this comic. Priest simultaneously needs to serve the plot of the over all event he’s tying into but also wants to dosome character stuff and develop and flesh out his original contributions. And in 3 issues it just doesn’t work.
A street punk 13 year old Peter Parker who HATES Uncle Ben is a great idea.
A post-apocalyptic waste land criminal, childhood abuse surviving granddaughter of Spider-Man, who wants to connect some version of her long gone grandpa who represents the few good parts of her life is a great angle.
An astronaught Spider-Man who is a familiar face and leader of human survivors in space is a great idea.
A Spider Strikeforce on a suicide mission on a radioactive wasteland working against the clock is a great idea.
A morally grey clone of Peter Parker with a bloody past making tough decisions to serve the greater good is a great idea.
A Spider-Hero who just wants to protect the world for her baby’s sake is a great idea.
A Regency dressed totem vampire on the hunt for a crystal containing her father’s essence in space...is a shite idea but they can’t all be winners.
However when you do these things all at the same time...it becomes an inconsistent rushed mess.
Let’s tangent briefly to talk about a few (the only few) positives of the comic. The art continued to be good even though the new artists doing a few pages aren’t as good as the regular artists and the switch is very noticeable. And Astro-Spider...is a great idea. John Jameson as Spider-Man is something I’ve always been intrigued by but can’t recall ever happening before. This is different to what I imagined because I was thinking he’d be more traditional as Spider-Man not an astronaut version of Spidey. But it’s still brilliant, taking the most famous angle of John Jameson, the F4 and Spidey and smashing them together to create something visually dynamic and fitting for the world we’re in.
Okay the positives are over now lets get back to the problems.
Last issue the recap page seemed at odds with the internal comic story. The same is true for this issue but bizarrely the recap page is now saying something different so it’s at odds with the last issue’s recap page and still at odds with the comic itself.
We’ve gone from a group of Spiders not afraid to die to Spiders who’re willing to do whatever it takes. But last I checked that wasn’t true. Correct me if I’m wrong here but:
a)      Was Charlie really established as being willing to do whatever it takes, which in context probably means killing people? He’s more rough and maybe more violent than 616 Peter but is he that extreme really?
b)      In the Clone Saga Kaine killed people but he had a rule about hurting innocent people (some exceptions applied). Preeeeetty sure in his solo book at minimum the same applied or else he was in fact more against killing. Didn’t he NOT kill Kraven the Hunter specifically because of that? He also wasn’t ever willing to sacrifice anyone for the greater good last I checked. In fact this is one point I’m 99% resolutely sure is aggressively NOT in character for Kaine. For Otto sure, but Kaine as the comic implies. No fucking way. I dare you to prove me wrong.
c)       I know Spider Woman has had spy and HYDRA associations, but is she really of the Wolverine school of thought when it comes to killing. I’m possibly wrong but I don’t think her morals regarding how hardcore you get are that different to Peter Parker’s
So what’s the deal here?
Wouldn’t it be easier to just say this is a team of Spider Bad asses who’re willing to get more rough and violent than the other hero’s?
Part of Kaine’s (meagre) characterization in this story is in fact connected to the ‘whatever it takes’ angle of the story. Like I said this is very out of character for Kaine but it also makes the story more inconsistent. The rationale for Charlie’s inclusion has seemed to be implied variously as him being rougher, him being willing to die (based on what?), him being willing to do whatever it takes (based on what?), him being willing to save people from a falling safe (just like...pretty much ever Spider-Hero here) and now we’re hearing it’s because he’s bait.
Because the Inheritors are sort of like pedophiles apparently and they like that young spider meat, like veal I guess. Um....again correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure that’s bullshit, pretty sure the youth of their targets isn’t that big of a deal to them. But then again I’m also pretty sure that they can only drain the life forces of totems yet Verna bafflingly can just take ANYONE’s life forces...wtf??????
Connected to this WTFness is the fact that Charlie out of nowhere seems to just know  the Inheritors have a preference for young meat. How and when did he figure that out exactly? He didn’t even know about the Inheritors until less than 24 hours ago.
Speaking of time...let’s do a rundown of everything that’s happened between their arrival in issue #1 to the end of issue #2.
So they’ve shown up, Kaine’ sabotaged their transport devices, they’ve battled Astro-Spider, he’s given them exposition and they’ve talked, they’ve located and boarded his space ship, then they’ve had an alert from his space station prompting another skirmish, then they’ve gone into space, divided their team, gotten to their designated target zones and whilst all this is going on Verna got into the station with her gang and had killed over 30 people and searched the place.
And according to issue #1 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall that...happens in under 15 minutes...
More than anything that time limit has irreparably wrecked the internal logic and consistency of this story.
Even moreso than the fact that the baffling fact that Solus’ crystal somehow ended up in space. I mean last I checked Mayday threw it into the radioactive world for Daemos to fetch. I’m not saying there is no way for it to have been lost and taken into space but no comic in the entire event has addressed that at all.
Skim Astro-Spider’s backstory and pages if you want but otherwise I recommend not reading this crap.
P.S. The explanation for the name ‘Inheritors’ seems inconsistent with the explanation given previously IIRC
P.P.S. Editing this in after the fact. But...
a) How and why does John have the ruby that turns him into Man-Wolf if he’s got Spider powers?
b) How and why does John know who Peter Parker is? It’s written as though he knows he was the hero Spider-Man but in this universe he wasn’t Ben Parker was. 
P.P.P.S. What was with all the PG swearing where they used safe versions of common curse words? It felt tryhard edgy to me.
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lovingkaneko ¡ 5 years ago
Speakers (Colt x MC)
Summary: Colt has had enough of his neighbor blasting the worst music in the middle of the night.
Author Note: Just something I thought of in the shower. I got carried away with the story and the characters, there’s so much I could write about this. But I’ll keep it a one part thing :,) This is my favorite story I’ve got so far
Book: Ride or Die: A Bad Boy Romance | Choices: Stories You Play (AU)
Pairing: Colt Kaneko x MC | Ellie Wheeler
Word Count: ~2.7k
Rating: Mature (swearing) this is mostly fluff.
I pressed my pillow into my face, trying to drown out the torturous music coming from next door. I physically couldn’t bare to listen to it anymore. This was my first night in my new apartment and I regretted moving away from my dad already. He obviously didn’t want me to be with his crew, for a reason I didn’t understand, so I decided to leave. I won’t stay where I’m unwanted. But if this keeps going, I’m going to lose my mind. 
“Is that-- One Direction? Are you fucking serious?” I groaned loudly, not wanting to get up to face my neighbor. She’s probably a stupid teenage girl obsessed with Harry Styles or something. It’s not 2013 anymore, why is she still listening to them? The music stopped abruptly and I sighed with relief, placing the pillow back under my head. I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off in the silence. It felt like sleep was an inch away and in my grasp, but I was awoken suddenly.
“Oh my fucking GOD!” I shouted, sitting up and banging on the wall, “Shut up!”
The music stopped once more and I calmed down. Finally, I was able to sleep comfortably without having to be tortured by the sound of British boys. I woke up the next morning feeling exhausted and irritable as usual, I checked my phone to find a message from Ximena. She had simply asked if I was coming over to the garage, an innocent yes or no question. Why would she even bother to text me? I put my phone in my pocket without answering.
Closing my apartment door, I stepped out into the hallway. The floor creaked, reminding me of how cheap my rent is. I made my way down shaky stairs, thinking about seeing the crew. If I’m being honest, they were fun to hang out with. They were tolerable, besides Logan. That guy presses all my buttons and the urge to punch him is almost irresistible.
I got to the parking lot, reaching into the pockets of my leather jacket for my keys. After searching in every spot on my body, I groaned. I had left them inside my room, how the fuck did I forget?
I turned back around and made my way back up the stairs, cursing under my breath. As I approached my door, I noticed a girl locking her door next to mine. 
Oh, so this is the annoying Directioner. 
Except, she didn’t look like just any teenage girl. Her hair was put into a tight braid off to the side of her shoulder and my eyes did indeed trail down her body. She was stunning, but that didn’t excuse the fact that she took away from my precious rest. 
“Hey, you,” I called out to her and she turned to look at me in shock, her eyes widening innocently. I suddenly felt a twinge of guilt, I was on the verge of complaining about her music but I decided against it.
I closely examined her features, suddenly discouraged. I had to think of something else to say. 
“Can I borrow your bobby pin?” I asked in a bored voice, she still looked like a deer in the headlights but she took a few seconds before relaxing.
“A bobby pin? For what?” Her voice was sweet and pretty, matching her exterior. Yet, I was still shocked at how innocent she sounded.
“It’s none of your business,” I said and she furrowed her eyebrows.
“Well then why should I let you borrow it?” She was suddenly angry, I was taken aback by her new attitude.
“You know what? Forget it,” I scoffed before turning away from her. She laughed and I looked at her again in frustration.
“I was joking,” She took the bobby pin out of her hair, making her bangs fall over her face, “Here.”
She handed it to me and my jaw clenched, not wanting to pay attention to her. As innocent as she seemed, I knew she was trying to get into my pants, which wasn’t going to happen.
“Thanks,” I went back to my door and began to pick the lock.
“Woah hold up, are you breaking into that room?”
“Uh, yeah?”
“Isn’t that like... Illegal?” She asked as she subtly freaked out, I chuckled. If only she knew the rest of it.
“Sure,” I continued.
“Should I be calling the cops or--”
“It’s my room,” I cut her off with a sigh.
“Ohhh,” She realized and cleared her throat, “Don’t bother giving it back. I’ve got millions more, um... Have a good day?” It sounded like a question.
“Okay,” I answered as I heard the lock click. I went inside, not saying goodbye to her. My keys were on my bed, of course. I picked them up before continuing with the rest of my day, not even thinking of her for a split second.
It wasn’t until that night, when the torture began again. 
“Fuck, not this again,” I whispered to myself, standing up. More than anything, I wanted to go banging on her door to complain. But as I was opening my door, I remembered that she had done me a favor earlier. The anger in my body subsided and I breathed slowly. Ellie was pissing me off.
“Can she at least pick good songs?” I slammed my door shut and went back to bed. Somehow, I managed to sleep with Hannah Montana playing next door.
I woke up later than usual the next day, getting ready in a better mood than usual. As I stepped out of my apartment, I noticed a note left on my doorstep. I was suddenly alarmed, was this a message from someone out to kill me and my father? I pulled my phone out, ready to dial the crew. I picked up the note and immediately, I lost all my excitement.
“Any song recommendations?”
Is she serious?
I went back into my room and grabbed a pen. Angrily, I scribbled a note back to her, “Just stop playing your fucking music at three in the morning.”
I pushed it under her door and continued with my day. The crew didn’t have much coming up lately and I was beyond bored. I laid in my bed, slamming my door to piss off my neighbor.
Immediately as I pulled out my phone, the music began.
I chuckled, since she purposely picked that part of the song to start with. She was taunting me. As much as I hated pop songs like this one, I found myself tapping the side of my phone with the beat.
The music stopped and I figured she went to sleep, it was late anyway. I had no reason to stay up anymore, so I drifted off.
The music continued for days and it went back to being annoying. I had actually gone to tell her to shut it off after coming home from the garage, Logan had started a fight with me and I wasn’t taking any shit. Her music had been turned lower, it was all she had changed. 
I was thankful that she wasn’t blasting her speakers anymore.
However, one night was different. She had her music crazily low, but I still heard it, of course. I pressed my ear to the wall, curious as to what she was listening to, wondering why the daily routine had changed.
“I heard that you're settled down That you found a girl and you're married now”
"Adele? She’s never played that,” I whispered to myself, acknowledging the change of music. She was always listening to peppy love songs, but I guess she wasn’t feeling it tonight. 
This continued for a month, she played heartbreak songs at least once a week. There were days in which she didn’t listen to music at all, sometimes I’d hear her sing along. She wasn’t good, definitely not, but it was something different.
One night, I heard her playing The One That Got Away by Katy Perry. I had enough of it, I was dying of curiosity. I got up and left my room. I knocked on her door softly, as opposed to the aggressive knocks I’d do when I was telling her to shut up. The music stopped and the door clicked open. She peeked her head over the corner and her tear filled eyes widened as she saw me.
“Colt?” She asked before hiding behind the door, sniffling and I guessed wiping the tears away. She motioned for me to come in and I stepped inside. I felt suddenly uncomfortable, I liked knowing things and that was the ONLY reason that I was there. Obviously, something had happened with her and it was crucial for me to find out.
“What’s with the emo music lately? What happened to Justin Bieber?” I questioned as she looked at me with her bloodshot eyes. 
“Why do you care? I thought you hated it anyway,” She chuckled sadly, sniffling again. That was the thing, I didn’t care, so I don’t even know why I was there.
“I don’t care, I’m just... Curious,” I explained cautiously to make sure she doesn’t sob even more. I hated seeing people cry, it pissed me off.
“I’ve had nobody to talk about it to, Riya hated Joseph and is glad that he dumped me,” She said, as if I knew who that person was, “So I guess I can tell you.”
Before I knew it, I was sitting on her bed with her and she was ranting to me about her break up. Honestly, I was far too intrigued in her story. I even felt anger at some points, hearing about how that guy treated her. 
It simply reminded me that I would never get into a relationship, that stuff sounded overly complicated and stressful. 
She had a whole box of tissues beside her and she constantly wiped her tears away. How the fuck did someone cry so much? Is that even physically possible?
She finished telling me all about their relationship and I was left wanting to know more. She checked the time on her phone.
“Oh my gosh, it’s five in the morning!” She exclaimed, “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to keep you up this late, I got carried away. It’s nice having someone to talk to,” She smiled sadly.
True, she had talked so much. But I didn’t mind it for some reason, she was an interesting person. She was genuinely innocent, there was no dirt on her. Hell, she was a virgin before she dated that prick.
We said goodbye to each other, not planning to see each other after this. 
But the meetings continued, every single night for a month. The first few weeks consisted of her telling me stories about him and how much she liked him. She was healing, it was apparent in her attitude when speaking of him.
One night, we were sitting in front of her TV eating popcorn and watching Criminal Minds. This was usual for us at this point, I considered her a friend. Being with her was like inhaling fresh air, she was so much different from me, it was fascinating to see life in a different perspective. 
There was a knock on her door and she quickly got up to open it, I turned around to check who was there. But by the way she froze, I knew immediately who it was. I made my way to her side instantly, pulling her behind me protectively. 
“Joseph,” I snarled at the man at the door. He looked offended by my appearance. He seemed hostile.
“Do I know you?” He asked and his breath reeked of alcohol, I would’ve gagged if I wasn’t used to it, the men at the sideshows smelled so bad. Don’t get me started on Salvador.
“No, but I know you. Get out of here,” I jerked my head for him to leave. I felt Ellie’s hand beside mine and linked our fingers together, feeling her trembling.
“What are you? Her new boyfriend?” Joseph scoffed and I felt my jaw clench with irritation.
“Yeah, now beat it,” I lied, not caring about what she would have to say. The skinny blonde boy’s mouth gaped open and he scowled. He must’ve felt that I was going to knock him out, because he furrowed his eyebrows and left without another word. I closed the door and turned to a shocked Ellie.
“It’s nothing,” She said, wide eyed. I really didn’t know what she was on about, I shrugged, realizing that our hands had separated. I made my way back to the couch, rewinding the episode. She sat beside me, she was distant this time.
“How was it? Seeing him after so long, I mean.”
“I’m just... Unsettled. I didn’t expect him to come here, I wasn’t ready,” She whispered and I heard her voice crack as she started crying.
As I’d mentioned before, watching people cry pissed me off. But I was angry for other reasons, I hated seeing how that bastard hurt her.
I never knew what to do, nobody had ever comforted me. So, I just settled for putting my hand on her knee and rubbing my thumb on it soothingly. Except, this time, she did something differently. She wrapped her arms around me.
I was stiff at first, my eyes widening as shock made its way through my body. I awkwardly hugged her back, this wasn’t something I was used to...But I liked it.
I relaxed slightly and buried my face in her neck, she smelled like strawberry shampoo. Her weeping slowed and she pulled away, I felt embarrassment flush through me. I never hugged people, I hated being touched, I wouldn’t even let my mom do it. Yet, Ellie Wheeler was nice to hold.
I noticed her mood was ruined by his sudden appearance and I came up with the perfect plan to make her stop being mopey. 
I took her phone and connected it to the cursed speaker she had next to her television. My fingerprint was already registered, since she thought it would be good for emergencies. I opened up Spotify and searched up something I never thought I would do, but I was desperate to see her stop crying.
“Colt,” She gasped, a smile coming onto her face, “Are you playing 2009 Justin Bieber?” I rolled my eyes and went up to her, putting her hand in mine and pulling her up on her feet. 
“What are we doing?” She asked as she examined my face, I wasn’t smiling.
“We’re blasting music at three in the morning,” I answered, accidentally grinning at her. Her mood had changed in an instant, she dragged me into the open space of her living room. Before I knew it, she was jumping up and down and singing at the top of her lungs.
She was lost in the music and I was just watching her admiringly.
“Come on,” She took my hand and before I could protest, she pouted. My mouth gaped open, in disbelief that she thought that would convince me to dance with her. I wish I wasn’t so easily controlled by her.
Everything else in my mind had disappeared, my hate for dancing had been thrown out the window. It was just us right now. The song ended way too soon an we were left laughing and out of breath from jumping up and down. The neighbors below us were probably pissed off, but we could care less.
She looked so beautiful, her usual braid was messy and her eyes were still red from crying over that asshole. But I couldn’t help myself, I was staring at her lips and she smiled as she noticed.
“Go for it,” She said as her cheeks turned pink, “You’re my boyfriend, after all.”
I rolled my eyes at her joke, but I didn’t lose the chance. I kissed her.
Tags: @mskaneko @desireepow-1986
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ilovemygaydad ¡ 6 years ago
it’s cool lol. I used two of the 18s because... it fit idk.
Title: Captive Heart
Prompts: “What’s that? Why is the sky like that?” “What? Have you never seen a sunset before?”; “Please answer me.”
Pairings: Prinxiety (well... it’s kind of more platonic/pre but it’s still cute okay)
Warnings: death mentions, gun mentions, mass shootings, prisons, dystopian societies, executions mentioned, physical fights, being mean to others, mentions of wounds, amputations, prosthetics, a metric ton of swearing, panic attacks, anxiety, IVs, hospitals, and i think that’s it but... there’s a lot of shit that goes down
a/n: this got.... very long........
**don’t rip out ivs it’s Really Bad and i know this is a trope but uhhhh virgil doesn’t know any better because he literally has the knowledge of like a 7 year old child who has only seen the outside world like 50 times in 21 years
Roman was so excited to go on his very first raid mission. He had spent the last twenty-one years training for this very day, and now he was finally able to do it! And on his birthday, no less. It was an exciting day, even if Logan was being a giant thorn in his side.
“Roman, do remember that this warehouse is over twenty klicks away on rough terrain, and we are only going to be able to bring enough provisions for us for the next twenty-four hours. Don’t go off-route, and certainly don’t lag behind. This is a very important mission for us to gain supplies; I will not have a rookie like you messing this up.”
“Oh my gods, Specs!” Roman sighed. “First off, you’re only twenty-two, so it’s not like you’re some seasoned veteran like Patton. Second, give me a break! I’m far more reliable than you’re making me out to be. I wouldn’t have made it into L-1 if I was stupid.”
Patton set down the bag he was packing with a grimace. “Well, kiddo, you did go off course in the sim to save that ‘child’ that ended up being a trap. And then you died in that sim. And there was also the time you lagged behind because you were sure that you had found something in the woods and wound up getting lost until we were on our way back. Oh, and what about--”
“Okay! Okay, I get it. I’m a horrible soldier. However, I know that this is far more dire than a sim. I won’t screw up, promise.”
Logan glared at him for a second, but he wave his hand in dismissal. “Fine. Just remember that I am the captain of this mission, so you are to report back to me if anything goes awry. All thirty of us will have comm-packs, so it shouldn’t be an issue to contact me; however, if something does happen to your comm-packs, I will be notified of such.” He handed Roman his bag. “Shall we?”
“Fuck yes!”
“Roman Sanders,” Patton chided as he readied the gate.
“Um… Heck yeah!”
The supplies raid didn’t end up being a supplies raid at all. It was a warehouse full of prisoners. And, gods, it was a bloodbath. As soon as the rebel soldiers had been spotted, instead of shooting at the soldiers, the Savior guards began to kill off the prisoners. Roman had desperately wanted to run ahead--to try and save even one of those people, but he knew that he couldn’t jeopardize himself or the mission like that. He had promised.
So, instead, he followed Logan’s orders to the letter, and he watched countless children and adults die. These innocent people were killed right before his eyes, and all he could do was hang back and stay safe while the others secured the perimeters and took the guards as prisoners. Roman was too important to lose.
All of that hurt--it hurt so fucking bad--but none of it was as awful as having to go around from room to room and check for survivors so they’d know who to loot and bury. It was a slaughter that he had not been able to stop, and they were just going to take the useful clothes and other items and dump the bodies into unmarked mass graves. Roman loved the cause that he was fighting for, and he knew that he was on the right side, but that didn’t make it hurt any less. Each time that he went to find a pulse on a kid not much older than his brother, he felt his soul crumble that much more.
He had gone through four or so rooms without finding anyone still living. Logan had ordered the search to cease in five minutes before regrouping to determine a burial strategy, so Roman only had time to go through one last room. There were only three bodies in this one, all huddled together in the back corner, so it was easy to go through it quickly. He made it through the first two with the same results as before, but the body farthest back… had a pulse.
“Holy--Oh my gods, wake up!” Roman shook the boy in front of him gently, willing him to wake up. “Are you alright? Oh, please answer me!”
When nothing happened, Roman decided that he obviously needed to save this boy. He was so frail; it looked like he hadn’t had a proper meal in… well, ever. With an uncomfortable amount of ease, Roman scooped him up into his arms and rushed back to the rendezvous point. Most of the crew was there already, save for Patton and a few others.
“Logan, I--”
“Roman, why are you carrying a body around?”
“It’s a survivor! We have to take him back with us.” Roman took a step forward, but Logan held out his hand to stop him.
“Absolutely not. We will leave him here for the night and bring him back with the Savior guards tomorrow.”
“Logan, please--”
“What,” Patton interrupted, stepping into the room. “Is going on here?”
Logan gestured frustratedly at Roman. “He wants to take this survivor back with us tonight even though we don’t have the supplies to do so.”
Roman felt angry fire burn through his veins. “Have a heart, will you, Logan? He. Will. Die. We have to take him back tonight. He is injured and starving, and I am not going to just leave him here--completely alone, mind you--because you’re too set in your ways to even budge a little.” He turned to Patton, pleading. “I’ll keep him as my sole responsibility. No one else has to even think about him; I promise! Just let me take him with us. Please.”
“Well, Logan… I know that it’s not ideal, but Roman does make a good point.”
Logan glared at both of them. “Whatever. Fine. But you are taking care of him the whole way back, and you will be in charge of him at camp. He is not my responsibility, nor anyone else’s. Do you understand, Roman?”
“Yes! Oh, thank you so much. I promise that you won’t regret it.”
Roman may or may not have underestimated how much energy it would take to carry the survivor back to camp. Sure, he weighed maybe forty-five kilos, but that was a lot to carry for a twenty klick hike. The other soldiers were starting to get farther ahead, moving much faster. Logan would kick his ass if he got lost, but it wasn’t like he could ask for help. His stubborn nature had brought this upon himself, and he had to deal.
“Hey, Ro… Do you want a break? You look like you’re about to pass out,” Patton asked gently.
Roman nearly dropped the boy due to his shock. “God, Patton. Warn a guy next time.”
“Whoops, sorry, kiddo. Seriously, though. Let me take him for a while, okay? We don’t have to tell Logan.”
Before an argument could even form in his head, Patton had scooped the survivor into his arms. There wasn’t anything that Roman could say that would make Patton do anything else. The twenty-nine-year-old was the oldest and most successful in their sector. If it weren’t for rules, he probably would have made it into raid teams at sixteen. Patton was a six-four, two-hundred pound beast with intelligence to rival Logan, who was undisputedly the smartest person to ever join the rebellion. And Patton had a heart of gold, so he was a bit more stubborn than anyone else on the team when it came to helping.
Roman did appreciate it, though. He was actually able to chill out and look at the landscape. Their sector was surrounded by forest. They weren’t allowed to go out very far for fear of traps that had been set by the Saviors, so Roman hadn’t seen most of it, but he was able to see tons of flowers and plants that didn’t grow near their base. Little blue flowers grew along the sides of the path, and wild violets--Patton had pointed those out--were sprinkled around the ground further out into the foliage. If he wasn’t tied so strictly to the rules that he was already technically breaking, Roman would have been eager to run out and be among the nature.
But he didn't. He just fell into step with Patton, and they idly chatted until they were back at the base.
Virgil… couldn’t feel his arm. He tried to think if he’d fallen asleep on it, or maybe Raleigh or Sel accidentally did, but his last memories were fuzzy at best. His eyes cracked open slightly, and he was met with bright, white light, which was even more strange than not being able to feel his arm. Prisoners were always woken up before being brought outside to watch the executions, so why…?
Wait, where the hell was he?
Virgil sat up lightning fast. He raked his eyes around his surroundings and saw absolutely nothing familiar. A weird, clear snake-thing and bag of liquid was hooked into his arm--oh, shit, was he going to die?--and he was on a soft table of some sort with a scratchy piece of cloth draped over him. Someone he didn’t recognize was slumped in a chair--is that what a chair is???--in a corner asleep. There was a huge window on one of the walls, and a crate-like thing below it with a few metal things on it.
And his right arm was just fucking gone. Just not there. His right shoulder now ended up in a stump. He had lost his arm.
Holy shit, he had no idea where he was, and his arm had been cut off.
Breaths were coming in short, wheezing patterns, but Virgil was completely unable to calm himself. Who wouldn’t flip the fuck out when they woke up in a weird room and missing a fucking appendage? Tears welled up in his eyes as his brain raced through the possibilities. The guy in the corner seemed unarmed. If he could find something sharp, he might be able to escape and find out what the hell was going on.
As quietly as one having a panic attack could, Virgil slipped off the bed and ripped out the snake that had been inserted into his arm for mobility. He attempted to compose himself--and admittedly failed--as he stalked over to the crates under the window. After a few minutes of poking around, he found exactly what he was looking for. A sharp, pointy metal stick had been sitting on a tray of other equally sharp and pointy sticks inside the crate. Carefully, Virgil picked it up, holding it tightly by the handle. Now, to--
“Oh! You’re awake. Hello!”
Virgil spun around violently, swinging out his arm in an attempt to maim the person behind him. The stick pointed out in front of him as he stared, chest heaving, at the man. He was the one who had been asleep in the chair just moments prior. He looked afraid. Good.
“Um, if you would please put that scalpel down, sir…” He spoke too well. He had to be one of those awful doctors that the other captives whispered about when one of them was taken away and never seen again. Virgil swung his arm again, but the man jumped backwards just as fast. “Woah! Stop! Dude, please, I just want to ask some questions so that I can figure some things out about the Saviors.”
There was a second of hesitation, but Virgil lunged this time, throwing the stick to the side and using his hands to claw at the man. Well, he tried to do that. Within a second, Virgil was pinned to the ground with a knee resting just between his shoulders.
“Can you please calm down? I’ll explain everything if you’d just stop trying to kill me.”
Virgil hissed. “Go fuck yourself.”
“I--Wow! That’s extremely rude, you know, to say for someone who saved you from that dreadful Savior warehouse and almost single-handedly carried you twenty klicks back to our base.”
“Motherfu--wait, what?”
The man huffed. “Honestly, what does it take for a valiant soldier to get some recognition around here? I find the one survivor in the whole facility, and I’m almost told to just leave him there to die. However, I fight for this survivor and convince my hardened leader to allow me to bring him back with us. I stay with him day and night for the next two weeks as he fights off a nasty infection and a coma, and then this happens! He tries to kill me! How absolutely rude is that?”
“One survivor?” Virgil processed what he’d heard. “Oh my god…” Raleigh and Sel were dead. They were actually dead. Not only was he in a place that he was completely unfamiliar with, his only friends were fucking dead.
“Yes. It was absolutely devestating--”
“Get the hell off me.”
“Get. Off.” The pressure on his back immediately lessened, and he could see that the man slumped against the crates next to him. Virgil pushed himself into a sitting position and curled up, trying not to cry. He couldn’t show weakness. He didn’t want to be punished for crying.
“Did you… were those two people in the room with you your friends?”
Virgil couldn’t find his voice, so he nodded slightly, taking care to not make eye contact.
“I’m very sorry about that. From what I saw of the aftermath, they are responsible for your survival. They took most of the bullets, and you escaped with only one shot in your right arm. The wound did end up becoming heavily infected due to the lack of attention I was able to give it before our arrival here, and your arm needed to be amputated, but we are working on making you a prosthetic.”
“A… prosthetic?” Virgil flicked his eyes up in confusion.
“Yeah, a prosthetic.” The man said it as though it were obvious.
“Oh… Right.” He had no fucking idea what he was talking about.
The man didn’t comment on Virgil’s hesitation if he even noticed it at all (which, honestly, Virgil doubted because he seemed rather… unobservant). “Is it alright if I call the nurse to replace your IV? It’ll help you feel better.”
“Alright. I’ll be back in a minute.” The man stood up and started to exit, but he paused at the door. “I forgot to ask. What’s your name?”
“It’s nice to meet you, Virgil. My name is Roman.”
It had been a few weeks since Virgil learned what scalpels and prosthetics and IVs were. He’d learned a lot of things during that time. As it turned out, being held captive since you were a toddler led to a lot of lost knowledge of the world. Virgil learned about beds and cabinets and spaghetti and so many other awesome things like swords. Giant, shiny, stabby pieces of fucking metal! It was amazing.
Not only that, but Virgil was making new friends. He’d met Patton and Logan, who Roman claimed to be his “best friends,” even though Logan seemed less than enthused to be categorized as such. Patton was a sweetheart, and he was the one who designed Virgil’s awesome prosthetic arm, and Logan was just really smart and calming. He liked them both.
Over the weeks, he spent the most time with Roman. The soldier had helped him heal, and he had even brought him out to watch training sessions a few times as entertainment. He’d sworn to secrecy not to tell another soul that this had happened, but Roman allowed Virgil to spar with him a few times, and they discovered that, due to his small size, Virgil was extremely agile.
“Hey, Virge. What are you thinking about?”
Virgil snapped out of his reminiscence. “What? Oh, sorry. I was just zoning out.”
“Good.” Roman grabbed his hands and pulled him out of the cot (Virgil’s own cot because he actually had his own room now). “I want to show you the roof!”
“Gods, Roman, I’ve already seen a roof. This isn’t some learning opportunity. You’re just being weird.”
“Hush and let me take you outside. The weather’s very nice, and neither Patton nor Logan are willing to come out with me.”
A smirk tugged at Virgil’s lips, and he teased, “Roman, I’m hurt. I can’t believe that I’m your last choice.”
Roman laughed and continued to drag him around the facility. “Whatever.”
When they entered the fresh air outside, Virgil felt so refreshed. He closed his eyes and inhaled the clean, cool air. That was something that he had never gotten used to--being able to go outside virtually whenever he wanted. It was incredible. He opened his eyes to take in the view--
“Roman, what’s that? Why is the sky like that?! What is going on?” Virgil pointed at the orange and pink sky and clung to his companion.
“What?” Roman held Virgil back, but he did look very confused. “Have you never seen a sunset before?”
“A what?!”
“A sunset. Between day and night, there are periods of time where the sun rises and sets. During that time, the sky turns different colors due to small particles of dust.” His gaze softened. “It’s nothing to worry about, Virge. I promise.”
“Hey, how about we sit down and watch the sky. Nothing bad will happen, but if you truly start to feel upset, we’ll go back inside. Alright?”
Virgil looked into Roman’s eyes for a few moments. If he had learned anything since his emancipation from the Saviors, it was that Roman never broke a promise. “Okay.”
It wasn’t long before Virgil and Roman had both fallen asleep in a tiny pile on the roof in a puddle of silver moonlight.
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chungledown-bimothy ¡ 6 years ago
Trust Me: Chapter 7
Hey look! A timely update! Consider it a preemptive apology to everyone who loves Logan. 
Chapter 1 Chapter 6 AO3 Chapter 8
Warnings: GRAPHIC DESCRIPTION OF TORTURE and JD is a high schooler. It’s relatively short, and marked by ******* before and after. But it’s for sure there. Oh, and some swearing.
Author’s Note: The German translates to “I speak German too, and I know you killed them.”
Word Count: 2190
Tag List: @ccecode​ @emo-sanders-sides-loving-unicorn​ @ren-allen​ @ilovemygaydad​ @bloodropsblog​ @funsizedgremlin​ @raygelkitty​ @roxiefox23​ @thomasthesandersengine​ @spookyingarbageisland​ @band-be-boss-blog​
15 minutes passed before Logan broke the silence. "I understand that two members of the football team committed suicide two weeks ago. I know that you are new to the school, but it must be difficult nonetheless."
"Not really. I bounce around so much, I don't bother learning names or faces, let alone care about anyone. Besides, I heard they did it because they were gay and too homophobic to deal with it. No major loss there, in my opinion."
"That is… an interesting perspective, JD. I am almost afraid to ask about your thoughts on Heather Chandler's death."
"Sometimes even the shiniest of ivory towers are prisons, I suppose. One has to wonder, though, how much the bullying rate has dropped since she kicked the bucket. I mean, sure, one of the other Heathers is trying to take her place, but even she knows that she'll never measure up." He looked out the window and then back to Logan. "Hang on, I never told you where I live."
"I know where I'm going. What do you know about how Heather, Kurt, and Ram died?"
"If you say so," JD began, hesitantly. "Only what everyone knows. Heather drank drain cleaner, and Kurt and Ram shot each other. I heard someone saying that they used some special kind of bullets called ich lĂźge."
"Ich spreche auch Deutsch und ich weiß dass Sie sie umgebracht haben."
"H- how could you possibly know that? No one knows that. I was careful. I was perfect."
"Obviously, you were not. If you were truly careful, you would not have said anything about the bullets. You wanted to applaud yourself for being so much smarter than everyone else. You also would not have chosen such an emotionally-driven accomplice. I understand the appeal. We have a lot in common, JD. We both understand that emotion and personal attachments are nothing more than hindrances. But there is that one person who changes all of that. Who makes you want to know how to feel things. But ultimately, they will always choose their emotions over us. I was not completely certain that you killed them until you bragged about the bullets. Killing people who had been cruel towards your person, Miss Sawyer, aroused my suspicions. Rule number one of getting away with murder: only kill people to whom you are not linked."
"It's you, isn't it? The killer everyone's talking about. The Park Puzzler."
"That is the first honest and correct thing you have said all evening." Logan paused, considering JD's words. "Is that really what they are calling us? Disappointing, but not surprising. The best and brightest certainly do not go into journalism."
"You aren't gonna kill me. You said yourself, the first rule of getting away with it is killing strangers." Logan was filled with a savage glee, seeing the terror in his student's eyes, his desperate attempt to save himself.
"In most circumstances, yes, killing you would be a mistake. However, your father is known for leaving town and taking you with him unexpectedly. You have attended 10 high schools, I believe, and it is your senior year? Everyone knows that the killer is punishing people for their unpunished crimes, and how would a simple teacher know what you did? Especially one who does not interact with other teachers, let alone students. No one was around when you got in my car. No one has ever seen us interact outside of the rare occasions you showed up to my class." He sighed when he saw JD reach for the door handle. "Don't be stupid- there is no point in trying to escape. I engaged the child-lock this morning. You cannot open the door from the inside, and breaking through the window is difficult with only a fist for exceptionally strong individuals. Looking at you, I estimate that you have slightly below average upper body strength for an 18-year-old male."
"Well that's awfully rude, teach. So, I'm gonna die. Why? Why not just turn me over to the cops?"
"You are a young, white man who, when you want to, can be quite charismatic. The American justice system is skewed to protect people like you. Even that is predicated on the assumption that a prosecutor would take the case, which is unlikely, given how well you were able to convince everyone that they were suicides. Your kills were cold-blooded with very little motive outside of bloodlust, and you left very little to no evidence. Truthfully, I am rather impressed."
"And we're back to my question. Why do I have to die for doing such good work? You're a killer too. Why should I die, when you're no better than I am? If the papers are accurate, killing me will even up our body counts, so you aren't even better than me on that front."
"The quality of your work was admirable, but it was still wrong. You took three innocent lives, simply because you wanted to. I only kill those whose crimes go unpunished by the corrupt justice system. We are both killers, but my crusade is a righteous one."
"I still don't buy it. I trade in half-truths, straight-up lies, and manipulation, teach, and there's more to it than you're saying. You're gonna kill me anyway, and clearly we aren't to wherever it is you're taking me to do the job. Why not pass the time with a good old-fashioned villain monologue?"
"All will be revealed in due time. I have been reliably informed that people tend to dislike 'spoilers'."
"You're absolutely nuts. You know that, right? You're even more delusional than I am. And that's my self-harm of choice is fucking Slurpees."
"I find it interesting that you truly believe that your obsession with what is colloquially known as 'brain freeze' is less sane than your manipulation of Veronica Sawyer and the cold-blooded murders of your peers."
"Peers? That's bullshit. They were, at best, vapid instruments of the system."
"And for that, they deserved death?"
JD shrugged. "I would do anything to protect Veronica from assholes like that."
"As I would do anything to protect my sibling from a world that turns a blind eye to the crimes of assholes like you. We are at an ideological impasse. That impasse, however, is rendered irrelevant by my superior intellect. Ah, here we are." Before JD could respond, Logan reached across the car and emptied a syringe into his arm.
The first thing JD noticed when he came to was the rope around his wrists tying him to a chair. Struggling revealed that his ankles were bound as well, and the chair was bolted to the ground. He was surprised to find that he wasn't gagged. Looking around, he reasoned he could only be in a warehouse, and it was empty except for him and a video camera. He continued to struggle against his restraints, barely noticing when the rope burn broke his skin. He was also hungry, and his mouth felt like sandpaper.
"How long was I out?" JD croaked, unsure if anyone was there.
"Approximately eighteen hours. It is 2pm on Saturday." JD jumped, not expecting Logan's voice to be so close behind him. "You are in luck. Normally, Patton would take a turn with you before I do anything, but they are… otherwise occupied. You should thank me- you will be useless to them once I have started with you, let alone finished. I am saving you potentially weeks of agony. The last one took a week and a half to learn his lesson. Only then could I begin my experiments."
"Experiments? What the fuck are you going to do to me?"
"As many things as you can endure."
"Why? Why not just kill me and get it over with? Satisfy your 'righteous crusade' without wasting time."
"And waste the opportunity to study how much the human body can endure? I think not. In all honesty, I care about the cause far less than Patton does. As I said, you will be spared their particular brand of torture, both physical and mental. I can only imagine what they'd do to you, given the fact that you murdered children, despite being a child yourself."
"We were all 18. Technically not children. Why, may I ask, won't I have the pleasure of making their acquaintance? They sound absolutely delightful."
"I am not surprised that your listening skills are subpar. They have other business to attend to."
"They're with someone, aren't they? That's why you've got such a big bug up your ass about emotional attachments and me and Veronica. It's rebellious child 101, teach. Lash out to get their attention. You aren't the center of their universe any more, and it's eating you alive." Logan flinched, and JD smirked; he'd hit his mark.
"Those who speak of what they know find too late that prudent silence is wise. This is doubly true for children who know nothing." He raised a hand, cutting JD off. "No more talking. Feel free to scream, however. Your responses will be recorded on that camera," he pointed, "and further analyzed later. I tend to get… distracted in the moment."
Logan briefly returned to the shadows of the warehouse before returning with a tank that seemed to be smoking. "This, JD, is liquid nitrogen. You mentioned your fondness for cold-induced pain. Let us see how you feel about it in the extreme. And remember, this is for posterity, so be honest."
He put on thick gloves and an apron before opening the lid and pulling out a ladle full of liquid nitrogen. Very carefully, he stepped forward and slowly emptied the ladle onto JD's arm.
The first drops hit JD's skin with a sizzle, causing JD to flinch. That flinch quickly turned into convulsions and a scream he didn't know he was capable of making when the stream grew thicker. It burned. Every second was more painful than the last. He was on the edge of unconsciousness when the agony stopped getting worse- Logan had stopped pouring. JD didn't know how long he sat there, face contorted with pain, before he was able to open his eyes and look at his arm. He immediately wished he hadn't. From wrist to elbow, his arm was mostly violently red and blistered. What truly horrified him, however, were the areas that weren't red at all, but were an unnatural grayish-yellow.
"That is third degree frostbite. Those uniquely discolored areas should turn black over the course of our time together." JD tried to scream, to swear, to cry, but he couldn't. He was hit with a wave of dizziness and nausea when he tried to open his mouth. "Ah yes, that would be the shock setting in. Breathe with me, JD. In for four, hold for seven, out for eight." Logan led him through the breathing exercise until he returned to a slightly more normal temperature. "Well done. Keep focusing on your breathing; I will be right back with some first aid."
"Wh- why bother?" JD asked when Logan returned without his gloves and apron, carrying a first aid kit. "Why not let me die from this?"
Logan gently began heating the frostbite with a warm, wet towel before responding. "There are more experiments to run. Even if this was the only one I had planned for you, seeing how it heals is a crucial part of the process. My goal isn't killing you. My goal is observing how the human body reacts to and recovers from various extreme stimuli. Letting you die would be extremely counterproductive. For now, at least." Logan began wrapping JD's arm with bandages. "There we go. That should be adequate to keep you alive and will hopefully prevent gangrene. The point is to study frostbite, not gangrene."
"Why thank you." JD smirked the best he could, but even he knew that it was, at best, a pitiful attempt.
"You certainly are strong, JD. Most people would not dare being sarcastic in the face of their torturer. Drink this." Logan demanded, holding a water bottle to his lips. "Good. I suggest you get comfortable. I will be back tomorrow to change your bandages and check on you. Can't have you dying before I allow it."
"Oh Logan, he's absolutely wonderful. He's so smart, kind, and handsome. He didn't even blink when he learned my pronouns! And he said the most beautiful things about Monet and Impressionism. Aahh, I wish I could stay and tell you all about it and him, but I have to spend some time at the coffee shop- between our work and Virgil, I haven't spent nearly enough time there!" Patton got to the door before turning around. "Oh, and I'd love to know what you were up to yesterday- I called, but you didn't answer or call me back. That's why I had to come check on you before going to work. I'll be back around eight tonight, okay? See you then!" Patton was out the door before Logan could respond. Eleven hours. Plenty of time to tend to JD and come up with a convincing lie.
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On the Other Side / Ch2: Light
Last / Masterpost / Next
Summary: For the past thirteen years, a secretive organization has been raising two groups of superpowered children. Half of them, since their very first memories, have been told they’ll grow up to be brave and strong superheroes; the rest were taught a much harsher view of the world, and groomed to become villains. Neither group knows of the other’s existence. But when a certain trio of heroes-to-be meets two future villains who really just want to be left alone, they all realize how much they haven’t been told.
Warnings: non-graphic violence, bullying, child abuse, sympathetic/good Deceit (Devon) is a main character
A/N: currently still on schedule despite classes starting, will be able to put ch3 up next week!
Read on AO3
The boys woke to a painfully bright light and the feeling of hitting the floor from their previous sitting-up position.  Ow.  They got up as fast as they could manage, blinking quickly and swaying from both residual sleep and their general lack of strength at the moment, struggling not to reach out to each other for support.  What they saw when they regained their vision a few seconds later was… not exactly what they expected.
The three standing in front of them weren’t adults, but rather not much older than Devon- although they were older, Virgil noticed, his internal danger-meter ticking up another notch- and they looked almost as surprised as Virgil and Devon felt.  A quick glance around told Virgil they weren’t anywhere he recognized, and- what the fuck??- rather than an open door, they seemed to have fallen out of the Room through a hole in the wall.  He wasn’t sure what any of this meant, but somehow he doubted it was good.
Devon, meanwhile, kept his attention on the trio in front of him.  Three boys- one bobbing up and down in midair with his legs crossed, one with a serious look of concentration currently focused on returning the wall to its normal state, and one in a weird outfit who seemed to be in charge, and also seemed to be glowing a little.  So they all had their powers handled.  Great.  They were so going to die.
They all stared at each other for a few seconds, and then several things happened at once.
The boy who’d been fixing the wall finished and turned around at the same moment as the maybe-leader took a step towards them, eyes narrowed suspiciously at them and hands glowing brighter than before, looking like he was about to say something.  Devon started to speak, too, in hopes of defusing the situation before it could get any worse.  The floaty one just looked concerned, and Virgil, well��� Virgil sort of panicked.  Before the one who’d stepped up could do anything, Virgil darted forward and kicked him in the shins as hard as he could so that he collapsed, then grabbed Devon’s wrist and bolted.  The vague sounds of cursing behind them told him he’d better be fast.
A few minutes ago…
Patton led his friends down a hallway, floating on air as usual- well, as usual if he was happy, which was most of the time.  They were on a super important mission to help someone, because Patton could tell somebody around here needed some serious cheering up, and Roman and Logan were with him all the way!
“Patton, are you certain your abilities aren’t just acting up because a movie made you sad again?”
Well… most of the way.
“For once I have to agree with you,” Logan chimed in unhelpfully.  “There’s nothing over here; we aren’t even supposed to be over here, especially this late at night, so I don’t see how--”
Patton pointed triumphantly to a blank wall at the end of the hallway.
“...Patton, that is a wall.”
“On the other side of the wall, silly,” Patton huffed.  “I’m serious right now, there’s someone there and they’re really upset!”
“I am fairly certain that the only thing on the other side of this wall is some grass.  And even if there’s someone outside, how do you propose that we get there?  It’s much too late to go out, and there’s a fence anyway, we couldn’t get to this side of the building from there.”  Logan seemed to think he’d left no further room for discussion until Roman turned and laid his hands on his shoulders with a serious expression.
“Did you actually forget that we have superpowers, you hopeless nerd?”
Logan’s eyes widened and he backed away, holding his hands up.  “Oh no.  No no no, you are not dragging me into this- do you even realize how difficult--”
“Logan, pleeease?”
No one was immune to Patton’s oft-overlooked second superpower, his puppy-eyes face.
“Fine,” Logan groaned.  “But if we get in trouble it’s your fault.”
He faced the wall and focused, thinking of the bonds that held its microscopic components in place and then thinking, hey, what if those were arranged a little differently?  In the blink of an eye, a chunk of the wall was now a pile of rubble a little bit off to the side.
To Logan’s surprise, the hole he’d made didn’t lead outside like it should have, but into a small empty closet.  A draft of cold air spilled out immediately- along with two small boys, who must have been asleep, but startled awake once the wall they’d been leaning against disappeared and they fell into the hallway.  Logan blinked in surprise, hearing Patton’s soft gasp of “Oh!” and Roman’s muttered “What the…?!”  He couldn’t focus on that problem yet, though, because he still needed to return all the bits of the wall before he got in trouble for taking it apart, and putting things back the way he found them was a lot less simple than turning them into deconstructed messes.  He didn’t want it to end up all lumpy because he let himself get distracted.
The boys stood up quickly, if a little dazed, and the trio got a better look at them while they seemed to be struggling to get their bearings.  They were both fairly small, dressed in mostly black and littered with bruises.  The taller one had one weird eye and scales on the left side of his face, probably something to do with his powers, and appeared to share Roman’s fondness for wearing silly costumes at all times for no good reason.  The other was tiny, only coming up to his friend’s shoulder, though it might have been exaggerated by the way he scrunched in on himself.  He was openly glaring at all three of them, with the hood of his oversized jacket pulled down almost far enough to hide his eyes and his hands balled into fists inside the too-long sleeves that covered them.
Roman, sizing them up, was immediately a bit suspicious.  He knew all about villains- they were evil, they hurt innocent people for no reason, and he, as a superhero, was going to fight them when he grew up- and these two fit the typical description perfectly.  He stepped towards them to ask who they were, readying his light manipulation powers in case they tried to hurt his friends.  Before he could say anything, the tiny kid lashed out without warning or clear cause, kicked Roman’s legs out from under him and ran away, dragging his friend along with him while Roman bit out a string of words he wasn’t supposed to know.
“Roman, are you okay?!”  Patton, feet on the ground for once, offered a hand to help him up.
“I knew it, I knew they were going to try something,” Roman exclaimed, angry but still quiet to avoid getting caught in an off-limits area.  He didn’t want another lecture on why rules were for his own safety and he should really consider following them sometimes; he got enough of those from Logan.
Patton caught his arm before he could do anything.  “Ro, I think- I think they were just scared, I think they didn’t know what was going on and we startled them and- oh, we have to go after them and fix this, I only made it worse!”
Logan nodded.  He was shifting back and forth, increasingly uncomfortable with the whole situation.  “And we need to get them back where we found them before--”
Logan and Roman both stared at Patton, who had his jaw set in a determined pout and a little wisp of smoke coming from his bangs.
“We can’t, you don’t understand- if you had felt it, you guys- they were so upset I could feel it from our room and, and they were so scared of us, and- who goes to sleep in a closet, anyway, I don’t think they wanted to be there at all and we are not gonna make them go back!”
Roman was still trying to process things, so Logan spoke up again, carefully.  “What… do you suggest we do with them, then?”
“Well, we can… they can stay with us!  …Just until tomorrow, and then we can figure out what else to do?  Please?”
Logan gave up.  “I guess I don’t have any better ideas…”
They both looked at Roman, who was still conflicted.
“…Fine, but I’ll be watching them and they better not hurt you guys.”
“Yay!  Thanks, guys!”  Patton squeezed them both in a hug.  “Now- let’s go find them, I think they went this way!”
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