#and him needing arthur to be wholly dependent on him
cookinguptales · 9 months
I'm almost caught up with malevolent now and I recognize that there is some deeper (plot-related) reason for John to be super weird about Oscar, but isn't it more fun to believe that he's just deeply codependent and can't handle Arthur getting close to a human who's almost as homoerotic towards him as John?
that's the fun way forward, isn't it? lmao
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croik · 10 months
For the commentary ask:
“Fuck this,” Arthur muttered, and he pushed to his feet. “We shouldn’t have come here.”
Yellow followed suit with a jolt. The sight of Arthur turning away from him lit the fuse of a wholly unaccountable dread in him, and without thinking he lunged forward.
Oh you nasty lil enabler, getting me to talk more about Yellow! >:3 @kananeski
So I have SO many unwarranted head canons about Yellow (it's canon's own fault for leaving him untouched for over a YEAR, please show, you're killing me). Very into the idea that KIY's fragments are so utterly malleable, despite them sharing some core features, and especially susceptible to Arthur Fucking Lester. Yellow went from literal Hell to Arthur, possibly his only creature v creature interaction in what felt like years. And Arthur came out swinging! He's bloody, he's snarling, he's rail thin and half dead, he's swinging his dick around, what's a Yellow to think!? He has to keep this chihuahua alive for his own sake so he has to try to play ball, he gets told things about how he used to be something else, someone appreciated and wanted, but he's not that now, Arthur is constantly pulling him in and pushing him away. I don't see how anything can get out of even 3 hours of interaction at that intensity and not leave obsessed.
So yeah, Yellow is obsessed with Arthur. There are parts of him that hate him, but parts of him too that fully internalized "this creature cared about me and wanted to care about me, if only I was different." Which is infuriating but also really hurtful?? And both instincts coalesce into Yellow wanting Arthur to acknowledge him, for what he is now, and what he can be, even if he's not sure what what he himself wants to be yet. Maybe Arthur will see he's not John and accept that, or maybe he'll see that Yellow is more like John than he could admit and accept that, but either way, Yellow really needs Arthur to *see him.*
So HOW DARE HE turn his back.
And what's worse about this, is that Yellow knows full well that HE was the one who left Arthur up on the mountain. He abandoned Arthur for Larson, and (in the timeline of this fic anyway) he immediately was treated to horrors because of it. I'm always squinting hard at Yellow's horrified reaction to seeing a corpse in the mansion - the shock of having gone from decades of nothingness in the Dark World to the unavoidable mortality of being material again. Combined with Larson's cruelty I don't think he'd enjoy being Larson's tagalong, still helpless to affect his own destiny, now chained to a man disinterested in him (which is somehow worse than Arthur's shifting emotional responses to him - at least Arthur depended on him!). In short (too late lol) when Yellow turned his back on Arthur, everything for him got even worse, but he can't quite admit that to himself, so he's convinced himself that it was Arthur that betrayed and abandoned him first.
So seeing Arthur turn his back on him, him AND John, abandoning him to solitude and to his own choices he can't properly own up to, the thought of being rejected AGAIN - it's the worst thing for him in that moment, and he latches on with all his might.
Thanks so much for the ask!! <3 (Excerpt is from my latest Yellow fic: Stubbornness and Spite)
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many-gay-magpies · 2 years
i have a lot of feelings about merlin and arthur and magic reveals that i've struggled to put into words in the past, but im currently searching for excuses not to sleep so i figure, why not now?
i said something similar to this in a comment on a brilliant ao3 fic today (this is the fic btw), but there's something that just... rubs me SO wrong about so many magic reveal fics (or, more particularly, merlin revealing his magic TO ARTHUR fics), and its the fact that, in a great deal of them, arthur ultimately changes his views on magic BECAUSE OF or FOR merlin. like, yeah, sure, he ends up realizing in time that the "goodness" of magic overall depends only on how you wield it, but it never feels wholly genuine or meaningful to me.
a line i see used a lot in fics, by arthur in reference to merlin, is "if someone as GOOD as merlin can have magic, how can it be evil?". it may seem sweet on the surface, and in some respects maybe it IS, but it also seems to me like it just... devalues the whole lesson of it? or something? idk im tired. like,, if arthur saw a person he wasnt particularly close to doing magic he wouldnt be having the whole "hm maybe magic ISNT inherently bad or corrupt" epiphany (he actually DID think like this in the earlier seasons, which makes me even angrier with how the later seasons lowkey washed all that away and just made him parrot all uther's ideologies all over again). it takes someone who he believes is unfailingly good and kind-hearted using magic for him to start to maybe, sort of, tentatively changing his views on it-- which leaves the door open for that change to reverse were merlin to do something (or were merlin to reveal something he'd previously done) that tarnished his "good" image in arthur's eyes, thereby tarnishing his fragile perception of magic. "goodness" is a subjective, flexible, and unreliable metric of judgement, and as such probably isn't a solid foundation to build one's drastically-altered worldviews on.
im gonna go ahead and pull in a line that's used in canon: "i use my magic for you, arthur, and only for you" so... what? merlin's magic is ONLY good because he uses it in service to arthur? what does that mean, then, for the other magic-users, the ones who don't use their magic for any big purpose or in service to any particularly noble cause? it allows for the person who uses spells to, like, de-tangle their hair and clean their house to be perceived as evil or corrupt for just existing-- same as it always was. in the end, it's just merlin showing arthur that he's the exception to what arthur has been taught his whole life is the rule-- not that the rule itself is flawed in any way. i recognize that in this scene merlin was trying to protect himself and soften the blow of whatever rejection arthur might give, but a lot of fics (or at least a few i've read recently) borrow the line and use it in THEIR magic reveal scenes, and it just... bothers me a lot.
to me, none of this undoes or reveals the evils uther wrought during his reign-- it just paints over that. in order to do that, arthur needs to confront the full weight of his father's lies and all the grave wrongs he's commited, then work through and accept them so he can change things for the better (which is something i think the fic i linked at the start of this post did brilliantly). my preferred "reveal" would happen in a hopefully safer environment for merlin, where arthur might feel a bit hurt and betrayed for being lied to for so long, but ultimately understands that merlin needed to do it to protect himself, and so doesn't fault him for it.
and thus concludes my sleep-deprived ted talk/meta post/incessant opinionated rambling session of the day! with that, i hope to konk out and not see the light of day for at least nine hours.
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Merlin/Lancelot domestic life hc?
Chaos. To put it simply. Everyone thinks Merlin is nuts and Lance is soft and gentle because they forget that Lancelot, despite being all about honour and honesty, was 10/10 ready to commit himself to a lifetime of identity fraud after 1 (one) cute twink stared at him with puppy eyes.
They spend so little time together during the day because of their jobs, so everyone is super confused at how they know EVERYTHING about what the other is doing?? Arthur will casually imply he hasn't seen Merlin in a few hours, and Lance, without missing a beat, will say "he's in the lower town shopping for Gaius." Everyone is baffled because... Lancelot has been with them the whole time?? Leon will quietly, to himself, wonder how long until the most recent border patrol gets back, and Merlin, without looking up from the paperwork he's filling in for Arthur, will mutter "they've just reached the city's outer wall, they'll be back in about a half candle mark, depending how long it takes them to untack." Lance is on that patrol, sure, but how did he know?? Merlin and Lance are talking constant shit in each other's heads, that's how. Gwaine once jokingly calls it a lovers' intuition and... Merlin and Lance are terrible at coming up with excuses so... yeah, sure, lovers' intuition it is.
According to google they're the same height, so cheek kisses/chin kisses/shoulder kisses, every single time they see each other no matter what. Even if they're both in a terrible hurry and just pass each other in the corridor. They're not big on general PDA, especially when they're around other people, but they do sort of gravitate to one another. When they're with the knights/Arthur/people from Camelot, Merlin always finds himself stood slightly behind Lance. When he first realised this he was like "oh my Gods I really was born to be a servant I see a Sir and I put myself behind him without even realising wtf." but then Lance is all "...no Merlin, you numpty, I put myself in front of you because you're a godamn wizard in the middle of the we-hate-wizards Kingdom." and Merlin tears up a bit. BUT when they're in the lower town or out in the forest, it's the other way round. Merlin doesn't have to worry so much because people are far less likely to notice if he has to do some magic to protect his hunky bf.
Just like they aren't really into PDA, I feel like pet names and endearments don't crop up very often either. Very VERY occasionally a "my love" will slip out but like... only if one of them has almost died or they haven't seen each other in a few days. Mostly it's just "Merls" and "Lance". When Merlin is feeling particularly teasing, he'll call Lancelot "Loverboy" and he goes fucking RED, and he’ll mutter something about being "technically older than you so YOU'RE the boy except you're not actually a boy because that would be... never mind. Shut up."
The others think the relationship is super sweet, and in the early days both of them got really blushy if anyone mentioned it, but later on it's only Lancelot. Merlin stops caring what people think really quickly (it's not that Lance cares, he's just easily flustered), because Lance is basically the only wholly good thing in his life, so unless anyone says something genuinely bad about him/the relationship, it doesn't bother him at all. To be honest, I feel like no one figured it out for like... six months?? And it's not because they hid it, it's just because they'd always been fairly affectionate anyway, and everyone else is stupid.
When they move in together, Merlin tries to demand he just moves into Lancelot's knight room to make things easier, but Lance insists that isn't fair on Merlin and they get a little house in the upper town instead. It's not posh or anything, it just needed to be close to the castle. Neither of them have many belongings anyway, so everything starts off really neat and tidy, but once the novelty of having their own space sets in, it fills up with shit so quickly. Lance is always buying Merlin books and silly shelf trinkets and Merlin is always buying Lance clothes and weapons. Of course they have a whole room dedicated to healing, because A) They both have quite dangerous jobs/destinies and are always hurt, and B) If for whatever reason the Physician's chambers are full (be it sickness, or an attack, etc), Merlin wants to be able to help. It's the ONLY room in the house that's tidy. As for cooking, I feel like they're both pretty good? Merlin is better at throwing something together from nothing, probably from patrols in the wilderness and life in Ealdor, but Lance is better at putting together a significant meal when they have proper ingredients.
Hunith ADORES Lance, and honestly that makes Merlin so ridiculously happy, UNTIL she starts sharing embarrassing childhood stories. But Lancelot more than makes up for it by telling the two of them the trouble he used to get into as a child.
People though that once the truth came out about the magic and everything is legalised and Merlin is promoted, things would get better/more tolerable. They do not. They pull more pranks, they team up against everyone else and it's chaos. Gwaine had pink hair for a week. Leon started speaking in a French accent. They stole every single one of Arthur's left shoes. BUT they are also one HELL of a power couple in court, always ready to team up to bully an arsehole councilman or stand up for things or scare people. They're not even really aware of it, but Gwen catches on really quickly and demands that Arthur start seating them together during council meetings (originally he had Merlin on one side, Gwen on the other, and Lancelot was further round the table somewhere in amongst the knights) because she knew if they (the non arseholes) wanted anything done, Merlin and Lancelot could push it through.
I hope this is enough for you anon!! I love this and I love YOU!!!
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Title: And The Lived...
Author: Steven Salvatore
Genre: YA Fiction | Romance | Friendship | Drama | LGBTQ+
Content Warnings: Homophobia | Fatphobia | Eating Disorder | Anxiety
Overall Rating: 10/10
Personal Opinion: After I finished this book, I was so overcome with mushy emotions that I could barely stand it. I am in love with the writing style, the pacing, the characters, everything. Chase Arthur is a non-binary, fat, gay guy who doesn’t know how to love himself. Then they meet Jack Reid and he becomes dependent on Jack’s love to sustain him. But the truth is, he needs to love himself first. Will they be able to? You’ll just have to read it yourself to find out.
Couple Classification: Chase Arthur X Jack Reid = Artist X Artist/Jock
Do I Own This Book? No but it’s on my Christmas wish list.
Spoilers Below For My Likes & Dislikes:
- I am just overflowing with so many emotions. I have to talk about the ending because that sits with me immediately after I finish a book. In this case, I want to talk about Jack’s big romantic gesture. He dressed up as a prince, stood in front of a crowd of hundreds, and then professed his love for Chase in a poem. The way the poem ends with three “I love you”s had me overcome with so many feelings. Most of them are mushy. And then when he spilled his guts about his past with Callum and how Callum hurt him (emotionally AND physically), I just wanted so badly to hold him. And I’m glad that Chase forgave him but he also wanted to grow and keep loving himself. Likewise, Jack wanted to grow too. God, they want to grow together. Peak romance.
- Therapy. Both Chase and Jack are going to therapy and I witnessed the effects of it in real time and it was incredible. Chase hit rock bottom with his eating disorder after breaking up with Jack and he tied so much of his self-worth in how someone else (Jack) saw him. The fact that he wants to work with loving himself first and foremost after seeking therapy is so important to me. I also love how in addition to therapy, he built on his support system by confiding in his friends. In Sofia and Chloe by telling them about his messy relationship with food. I love how they also opened up in return and made him feel more confident in himself by showing how he portrayed the knight in his animated short. And the way all three of them put on a little fashion show to express their self-love was just beautiful.
- Speaking of friends, Benny and Rae are the best. They’re so hilarious separately and also together. The way Benny instantly went from praising Leila to calling her a hussy as soon as Chase told him she was his ex-best friend is just respectable and so funny. And Rae dropping everything to be with Chase whenever he was hurting or needed her made my heart swell. They wholly supported and loved Chase and I love that for them. Not to mention, Benny is the ultimate chaos gay and Rae is just a whirlwind of hilarity.
- Xavier is such a cool friend too! He saw how Benny was hurting over Rhett and decided to help Benny get back at him so to speak by pretending to be Benny’s boyfriend. It was so quick and so funny, my jaw was on the ground. And then Chase walked in on Xavier mid-thrust inside of Benny and I lost it. Cracked the fuck up. #CollegeRoommateProblems.
- Xavier and Benny later did their gay fairy godfather magic by helping Chase learn about gay sex because like Chase said, sex ed failed us. They showed him everything from lubes to condoms to positions to prostate massagers to how to clean yourself and it was a lot. But beneficial for a lot of baby gays. Truly that suite, minus Aaron, was the gay agenda. #RoommateBenefits.
- Chase and Jack have this electrifying (no pun intended) chemistry. From the moment they met, I could see that Jack wanted Chase. And he wanted Chase to be comfortable with him too. They had such easy conversations and the way they gravitated toward one another was so romantic and had me on the edge of my seat as I waited for them to just kiss already. But I think the thing that really solidifies their chemistry was that they were both inspired by each other. Jack wrote poems for Chase! And he showed them to Chase too! That is such an intimate act and the fact that he gave Chase a poem for his birthday was just so sweet. Then we have Chase creating a whole animated short based off of himself and Jack. The fairy tale story of a prince and knight of warring kingdoms falling in love was just magnetic. I just wanted to see the short play out in real life. And the witch being a misunderstood villain was a genius subversion of a classic trope. But yeah, as I was saying, art that is inspired by each other, there is nothing more romantic than that.
- I’m glad Chase was able to get some closure with both Leila and his dad. I hate the way they treated him but at least he knows his worth isn’t rooted in how they see him. Leila’s inability to understand his non-binary identity and his dad’s fat-shaming attitude are harmful, but at the end of the day, Chase holds the power. I love that but I’m still glad his dad apologized and promised to do better from now on.
- I love Chase’s little sister, Taylor. She openly loves her brother and they play with dolls together and she cried when she saw Chase again on her birthday and I loved it all. I love siblings that love each other. Not to mention, she apparently had a talk with their dad about the way he treats Chase? That is some queen shit and she’s only thirteen!
- I also love the pacing of the book. It actually felt like weeks passed when they did. I can barely believe that Jack and Chase going on their little adventure to the bookstore even happened in the same book. The weeks when they were separated were the longest ones though and I could actually feel the distance between them as if it was physical. Salvatore has a way with words that completely and utterly enraptured me and I don’t think I’ll be forgetting about Chase and Jack’s love story any time soon.
- Something else I appreciate is that Chase never asked Jack to come out. That was never something he had wanted or needed. It would’ve been nice but the thing Chase needed more than anything was for Jack to defend him. As a friend. As a gay guy and a fat guy. Instead, Jack didn’t do that at all. So I just love that Chase was willing to wait for as long as it took for Jack to come out but the real last straw was that Jack wouldn’t protect him. And that’s the tea.
- Fuck Callum. Toxic masculinity personified. Fuck Leila too, but to a lesser extent. Still, she is the epitome of “gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss.” Fuck Chase’s dad too! Sexist, fatphobic piece of shit. At least you apologized though. It’s a step. A baby step but a step.
- Jack’s dad saying that Jack had overreacted is wild considering a month ago, he said, “As long as Jack doesn’t come back a queer.” Like yeah, Jack overreacted by running away after coming out, sure. He really has no idea how his words affected his son huh.
- Jack royally screwed up his relationship with Chase but oh my god, he really put in the work to fix it. Going to therapy and that public romantic gesture go a long way and they made me so giddy. So while he doesn’t get a pass, I do see why it was tough for him.
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bard-llama · 3 years
WiP Wednesday: Sequel to A Heart’s Fire
I’m having a procedure, so I’m preparing this post early so that I don’t forget it again lol. But I am very excited to have my procedure and then maybe potentially have less neck pain!
Anyway, this is a sequel to A Heart’s Fire, where the premise is that Iorveth has been living with Clan an Craite during Witcher 3 bc Skellige doesn’t have a price on his head and because any friend of Geralt’s is a friend of Clan an Craite. He ends up getting caught in a blizzard and running into Roche, who shipwrecked on Ard Skellig on his way to Hindarsfjall. 
When Cerys was crowned Queen of Skellige, she knew there would be some unrest amongst those who did not support her. Especially those who did not support her specifically because she was from Clan an Craite. Still, she meant it when she said that she wished to be a good queen for all Skelligers, not just those who supported her.
But Freya help her, it was so much work. There was a reason the Clans had never been united during her lifetime. Many thought her goal was impossible, but Cerys knew that Skellige would fall apart if they could not face Nilfgaard as a united front. 
Besides, most of the warriors her age only knew battle from raiding continental ships and that just wasn’t sustainable. After all, it wouldn’t take long for ships to avoid Skellige for fear of pirates and what would happen then? Sure, Hjalmar claimed that they could raid and pillage the continental shoreline, but really, what kind of life was that? Where was the glory in stealing from starving peasants?
No, Cerys knew that Skellige needed to change its ways. Not wholly – tradition was the bedrock of their kingdom and she would never seek to change that. But to have an economy wholly dependent on the treasures raiding parties looted? All it would take would be one bad season and their economy would collapse.
Cerys refused to let that happen. There was plenty of work needing done here at home and those raiding parties sailing to the continent would be better utilized in the isles. 
Now if only she could convince the jarls of that.
More under the cut, but fun fact:  the last time the Clans were united was under Arthur, Jarl of Undvik who has turned into the King Arthur of legend on the continent.
“Ugh,” she huffed, throwing herself onto the couch in her family’s private living room. The other two occupants paid little mind to her dramatics, which just increased her frown. Hjalmar, she could understand. After all, he’d had his whole life to invest in his own dramatics and get used to hers. But Iorveth? He hadn’t even been here a full year yet, there was no way he’d gotten used to her dramatics yet.
Just in case, she poked him with her foot, eyebrow raising when he physically jumped at the touch.
“Uh, you okay?” she asked.
“When did you get here?” Iorveth blinked at her. 
Well, at least he hadn’t been ignoring her. “Just now. Whatcha thinking about that has you so absorbed?”
Hjalmar snickered, “he’s moping over his Hindarsfjall crush.”
“Your what crush!?” Cerys’s eyebrows rose to her hairline.
“It’s not a crush!” Iorveth insisted. 
“Uh huh,” Hjalmar laughed.
“Someone explain. Now.” She demanded.
“Well, according to Sternvak,” Hjalmar began and she scoffed.
“Sternvak is the biggest gossip in the isles. And half his stories are false!”
“Yeah, but this one is corroborated by our very own elf,” Hjalmar grinned triumphantly and part of her really wanted to punch his face in. But then, she usually wanted to whenever he got all cocky.
She shook her head, turning to Iorveth. “Well? Or would you prefer Hjalmar butcher your story?”
Iorveth sighed heavily. “It’s not much of a story.”
“I’ll decide that for myself, I think,” Cerys laughed. “C’mon, this has gotta be better than the shit I’ve been dealing with all day.”
Iorveth rolled his eye. Like, very pointedly twisted so that she could see his unmarred eye and rolled it. She snorted and poked his thigh with her foot.
“Last week, when I got caught in the storm,” Iorveth started.
“You mean the storm I told you was coming? The one I specifically warned you about?”
Rolling his eye again, Iorveth ignored her. “I found shelter in a mountain cave, but only because I could see firelight.”
“Okay. And who lit this fire?”
Hjalmar grinned his stupid grin, the one he used when he was determined to torment someone. “According to the dockhands, this someone was tall, broad, and handsome.”
“Oh?” Cerys nudged Iorveth again and he huffed out a sigh.
“I suppose, objectively speaking, he could be described that way.”
That was the most pathetic ‘I’m not saying he’s pretty, but he’s super pretty’ dodge she’d ever seen.
“Okay, so tall, broad, and handsome lights a fire. Then?”
“Then he kept me from stupidly dying of hypothermia. So I brought him to the harbor to catch a boat to Hindarsfjall. That’s it.”
She scoffed. “That is clearly not it. You were so distracted thinking about tall, broad, and handsome that you didn’t even notice me arrive!”
Iorveth winced. “It’s possible he used to be my greatest enemy,” he muttered so quietly that she had to lean forward to hear him.
“Yeah,” Hjalmar laughed. “‘Greatest enemy’. Suuuuuure.”
“Your enemy saved you?”
“It’s… complicated.”
“Clearly,” Cerys and Hjalmar chorused.
“We used to be on opposite sides. And we fought. A lot of times. He was the only special forces commander in the north that I never defeated.”
“Ooooh,” Cerys leaned forward, intrigued. “So this is one of those enemies.”
Iorveth rolled his eye again. “And now his kingdom is gone, my people are disbanded, and we’re both left behind trying to figure out what comes next.”
“Uh huh. And he just magically happened to be on Ard Skellig, in a random cave, just in time to save you?”
“He shipwrecked here. Didn’t even know which island he was on. And definitely wasn’t expecting to see me. Nor me him.”
Iorveth shrugged. “And nothing. We talked until the storm let up, then I showed him to the harbor and he hired a boat to Hindarsfjall. That’s it.”
“Yeah, but what did you talk about!? I mean, two enemies, coincidentally in the same place, forced to work together by circumstances – c’mon there has to be a good story out of that.”
I only sort of know where this is going, so requests welcome! Basically, I’m thinking Cerys decides to have an urgent diplomatic meeting with the Jarl of Hindarsfjall, maybe to check on how repairing after the Wild Hunt’s attack is going. And she drags Iorveth along and Iorveth ends up finding Roche with Shorty’s gaggle of kids.
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shini--chan · 4 years
If you’re still doing em, how about 1p England and a micro-nation that comes to him for financial and militant help? Thanks much.
Of course I am still at ‘em, just taking a bit because I’ve come to the conclusion that a lot of writing accounts means a lot of work. Hope you folks are all well.
Yandere England
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You would either just know him in passing or have a vague acquaintance with him before you would approach him for aid. Arthur also would know you all to well, maybe he would have seen you in passing or heard you debate with another personification, a few conversations with you also loosely stuck to memory.
Needless to say, he would be inclined to help you – whether it be for a display of charity or just because he would want to chase away the boredom and warm up his synapses. He’d take it as a minor task in the beginning with weak emotional attachments at best. But, then he would slowly start developing deeper feeling for you.
He is possessive bastard, but he also knows that making his intentions to obvious from the very start would only scare you and chase you away. All his moves would be calculated, gradually growing in intensity so that you wouldn’t back out of the deal.
Since you would need his help, he would automatically have more leverage on the situation. England would be well aware of this and uses this to his advantage.
“… and in further proceedings of stopping the corruption in your government, I’ll be removing your officials and replacing them with some of mine”, Arthur explained to you as you both continued down an all too familiar pathway.
Ever since the endless meetings behind closed doors and closed windows had nearly driven you around the twist, you had taken to conducting important talks outside. It made you feel freer, a feeling you hoped would soon completely translate into reality.
However, his words made you frown as something nagged in the very back of your mind. Maybe it was something in his tone or the cunning glint in his green eyes that set you off. From many others you had heard that England had once been an empire that had spun the globe, forged on skulduggery and cupidity. Since then he had allegedly reformed. Had those all been misleading infos?
You frowned. “Why replace all my bureaucrats with yours. Since it is my government we’ve talking about, it should consist of my people that understand my customs and traditions.”
He snorted, as if he had heard such arguments countless times before. He probably had.
“And yet they have proved themselves corrupt and greedy.”
“I can find suitable ones, just give me enough time.” How very strange that you found yourself begging to carry out ideas when you should have more power over the situation than he did.
Arthur stopped in his tracks and fixed you with a sombre look. “Something you’ve failed at for years; else you wouldn’t have come to me. Look, you asked me for aid because you know that I know better. And it is better this way. This way power can’t fall back in the hands of those who ought not to have it. I know what is best for you, love.”
Kirkland would always find a way to exercise power over you. Should you prove to have a problem with corruption, then he would replace your people with his people. In that fashion, he would have done a legal and sanction coup and thus he would be running the show, controlling your life to the finest extent.
If you would need financial aid, then he would conduct that matter so that you would be dependent on him – high interests that you would only discover when it would be to late, sums only coming in small sums so that you had have to spend a lot of time with him.
Or if you would need military help, then he would knit you tightly to him so that you wouldn’t be able to tear yourself away from him. After the enemy would have been defeated, that he would leave his soldiers in your country. Don’t argue, they would just be there to ensure matters wouldn’t deteriorate again.
The worst part of it would be that when you catch up to his antics, or when his tendencies would become to controlling and extreme for you to cope with, there would be no-one to help you. As a micro-nation, you would be a nobody on the world stage, wholly unimportant to the grand scheme of the universe.
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panharmonium · 4 years
more rambling re: that last post (+ the merlin/will fic survey overview)
because i generally refrain from reading fic while i’m actively writing for a fandom, the only real ao3 reading i have done for merlin is my survey of the merlin/will ship tag.  and the only reason i undertook that survey in the first place is because while i was doing an introductory cruise of the various merlin tags during my first exploration of the fandom (after i finally finished S5 and was able to start looking into fandom dynamics without fearing spoilers), i noticed that a LOT of the fic tagged with this ship was also tagged merlin/arthur, and despite the fact that i personally am more interested in gen stuff, i started to get both suspicious and annoyed about what i was seeing.  but i also wanted to have the data to back up my annoyed feelings, so i made a little spreadsheet for myself and then just filled it in whenever i had time to kill and wanted something to do. 
the data, when i eventually finished, backed up my annoyance pretty much as well as i expected, which was disappointing, but not surprising.
to clarify - i’m not annoyed by the fact that will and merlin don’t have a whole lot of material in their ship tag.  will only showed up directly in one episode; i don’t expect him to be a popular subject.  what i AM annoyed by is the fact that there are actually more merlin/arthur fics in the merlin/will tag than there are fics that actually focus on...merlin/will.  by, like - an extreme margin.
(the rest of this is just me griping about fandom trends.  popping it under a cut so folks can just move on with their days if this isn’t relevant to their interests.)
The Numbers
two quick notes before i get into the nitty-gritty:
1) i originally did this survey a few months ago, but i updated it this week with fics that have been added since then, so the numbers are current.  
2) some of the data below would probably vary slightly depending on who was conducting the survey, so there’s a bit of wiggle room in either direction.  the criteria i had to use [aka what counts as just a ship ‘mention’ vs actual content] would be subject to reader interpretation, obviously, but even with that, i do feel that most stories fell into pretty clear categories.)
so, without further ado -
total # of fics in the ship tag: 145
number of fics that are inappropriately tagged (meaning either will himself or merlin/will as a ship does not actually appear [which is kind of bizarre, but which i saw happen surprisingly frequently], OR where there is only a brief reference to will or past!merlin/will and that’s the extent of their inclusion: 50
number of fics that are duplicates of works already in the tag (ie podfic), or (in one case) a meta podcast about the show: 5
so, that brings down our total number of fics with some sort of actual merlin/will content to 90.
of these 90 works, only 17 of them are actually focused on merlin/will.  
everything else in will’s ship tag, including the 54 works from the previously discussed "incorrectly tagged” category, is either a) fic where will is dumped, broken up with, or otherwise passed over in favor of arthur (and very occasionally gwaine, at least once mordred, once percival, once arthur and gwaine in a threesome, and once CENRED, which i’m sure will would be especially thrilled about), or b) fic where will is only included as a previous/ex relationship (again, almost always in lieu of arthur).  
moreover - of the 17 actual merlin/will fics, 7 still end with will dying or the relationship ending for reasons other than him being passed over for arthur.  an additional 4 are <1000 word PWP snippets, generally written for old LJ summer pornathons, one of which still somehow manages to be...you guessed it - all about arthur. 
in terms of actual one-shots/full fics where merlin/will is the endgame/non-dead pairing, there are only 6 stories.  
i repeat: will gets six earnest stories, IN HIS OWN SHIP TAG.  
i repeat once again: will, in a non-dead, endgame form, gets 4% of his own ship tag.
The Content
the in-fic trends are frustrating, if you actually like this character.
the asshole.  will is an abusive boyfriend.  he is a jealous ex. he’s a shitty friend.  he’s a stalker.  he’s manipulative.  he’s emotionally abusive.  he’s physically abusive.  he dumps merlin for someone else.  he cheats.  in one fic he’s so mad at merlin that he outs merlin’s magic to arthur.  in multiple fics, i watched him literally go off the rails and try to murder somebody.
the fuckbuddy. they’re just messing around, guys!  no, of course it’s not serious!  they just do this for fun!  of course there’s nothing to get in the way of arthur’s inevitable arrival!  no sirree!
the unrequited.  will is actually in it deep for merlin, but merlin doesn’t feel the same.  this does not, however, prevent merlin from using will for sex, companionship, comfort, distraction, etc - until arthur shows up, when will either steps aside in deference to merlin’s all-consuming passion for arthur or is dropped like a hot potato.
“not even will.”  that sentence.  over and over again.  merlin had never felt like this before, not even with will.  nobody had ever understood merlin like this, not even will.   even in fic when they were like.  married.  or engaged.  fanon arthur pendragon must be truly mind-blowing, y’all.
dead long-term relationship.  will was merlin’s husband/fiancé/long-term partner.  now he is Dead.  merlin getting together with arthur is what allows merlin to Heal.  (these stories sometimes contain some variation of “not even will,” as discussed above.)
lastly, in a related phenomenon:
who are you and what have you done with arthur pendragon???   i suppose in a way it’s nice to know that will isn’t the only one who gets the OOC treatment, but it is still really...something, to read fic where will is twisted into an unpleasant, abusive, canon non-compliant version of himself, and then to see arthur, on the very same page, transformed into a gentle, solicitous, kind, caring, equally canon non-compliant angel.  fanon!arthur is more worried about merlin’s well-being than literally anyone i have ever seen.  he is so invested in merlin’s emotional health.  he is so concerned about merlin’s boundaries.  he says things to merlin that no version of arthur pendragon has ever - EVER - in any universe, thought about saying to anybody.  he wants to hear all about merlin’s problems, and he’s all about taking it slow and making sure merlin feels comfortable and loved and worthy and safe (from all that horrible stuff done by that horrible other guy; that must’ve been so hard, merlin; ‘it’s okay, i’ve got you now’) - the man is utterly unrecognizable.  and you know what?  it’s okay!  it is fine to make your characters as OOC as you want.  it is fine to make them better/nicer than they were in the canon.  sometimes we all want that, right?  it’s fanfic!  have a ball.  i will never tell anyone to stop writing what they like, and i will NEVER interact negatively with a fic i don’t care for.  EVER.  do not do this, people - click the back button and move on with your life.   but i reserve the right to be annoyed, in my own space, about a persistent trend of will and arthur’s canon functions being flat-out reversed, in service of merlin/arthur.  not in the sense that canon!will is particularly gentle or sweet, because that’s not the case - but in the sense that will, in canon, is the one who actually cares about merlin’s best interests, whereas arthur is, quite frankly, the ass. a lovable ass (sometimes).  but an ass nonetheless, and one whose relationship with merlin is, from start to finish, an unhealthy, oppressive mess.
The Point
the point of me typing this up is not to say that what people choose to write is bad or wrong.  this is fanfic!  you can write whatever you want.  you can make characters as OOC as you want.  you can create as many AUs as you want.  i don’t mind fic authors writing stuff i don’t personally care for; someone else probably loves those stories!  and i am never going to interact negatively with anything i don’t personally enjoy - i am going to let people continue to have fun in their own ways, and i am going to grumble about my frustrations in my own space, and then i’m going to direct my energy into writing stuff i would personally like to read.
the point is just that i needed a brief second to complain, on my own blog, about my most familiar bbc merlin nemesis (otherwise known as ‘single-ship ubiquity’).  and what i mean by this is that it is REALLY FRUSTRATING that other little relationships are not even granted the tiniest concession of owning their own ship tags, in a fandom that is already so SATURATED with merlin/arthur content.  like - even if i’m generous and use the number 17 for the number of actual merlin/will fics in the tag, that still means 88% of will’s ship tag is actually fic about merlin falling in love with people who aren’t will (*cougharthur*).  eighty-eight percent!  of his own ship tag!  
(to put it another way - the ship tag isn’t supposed to be where you go to watch your character get repeatedly dumped or left behind for someone else, okay?  it’s supposed to be literally the opposite of that.)
will’s ship tag is already tiny.  and almost all of it belongs to arthur.  moreover, a significant chunk of it uses will as a convenient villain (completely contradicting every canon aspect of his characterization), when in the actual story will dies to protect arthur (who he doesn’t even like) and then lies to save merlin (at the expense of his own reputation, and despite the fact that he personally thinks merlin returning to camelot is a bad idea).  his behavior in canon is selfless, and wholly committed to merlin’s welfare, and yet in his ship tag he gets treated like trash.  
the kid can’t catch a break.  and it’s such a pervasive thing that even though i personally am primarily interested in merlin and will as friends (i am pretty romance-averse in general when it comes to media, and i have never written anything that isn’t gen, for any fandom, ever, in my life), i am also so indignant on will’s behalf that i’ve basically become invested in the well-being of this ship as a matter of principle.  it’s not my main thing, and it’s not necessarily how i view the canon-verse, but i am SO IRRITATED about how virtually all of will’s shipfic has been taken over by merthur (and about how maligned will is in his own tag) that i have actively committed myself to supporting merlin and will together in as many AUs as possible.  
(this is basically like when i trained myself to love allison argent after teen wolf killed her off.  i did that out of spite, y’all.  it’s the principle of the thing.)
so, y’know.  all i am saying is that i think will deserves his share of happy endings, and i think it would be nice to see fics where he is not just a stepping stone on the road to merthur or an unrecognizable parody of himself.
more importantly - EVERY merlin ship deserves to have a tag that isn’t completely swallowed by the local fandom behemoth.  merlin/arthur already owns three quarters of the archive.  a gargantuan oil tanker like that can afford to let the little rarepair canoes float down their own streams in peace.
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trans-douxie · 4 years
King Steve of the Buttsnacks
Douxie sighed, looking at the children before. Sure, they were good and capable fighters, and he was proud of them, but this? Being transported back to the past, with mere highschoolers? The wizard ran a hand through his hair. 
“Alright,” he started, gaining their attention. “We have been sent back in time. It is very, incredibly, important, that we do nothing here that will mess up history.” He emphasised, giving each of the children a point a look. “We have to tread carefully.”
“Alright!” “Yeah.” “Sure thing, emo wizard dude.”
Not even three seconds later, Claire was pulling out her phone, showing off some of the pictures of her and her friends to one of the knights. 
“Oh fuzzbuckets,” He muttered, face-palming. They were doomed. 
Training with the knights was a lot of thing. Exhilarating, fun, terrifying, but mostly eye opening. It really made him realize how much work it took, fighting and trying to help people. And- the others, they’ve put in so much work, to become people who help others. 
He was wholly unprepared for this. It was a bit overwhelming. 
Normally he was the coolest guy around, and the toughest. He wasn’t used to feeling so… weak. Steve would have to work hard to catch up, and become someone who could stand on his own, and help everyone. To become someone worthy of his ninja-kicking angel, and worthy of his best friend. 
And the best way to do that, was to stick with the knights, and learn what he could. 
Which is how he ended up here, drinking with knights of the round tablet. “It’s alright, Palchuck, we’re in Camelot, there’s no legal age for drinking.” Steve muttered, trying to summon the courage to drink the strange smelling beer.
“Oh, ya talking to yerself, boyo? We all been there! A good drink’ll make ya feel right as rain!” The knight laughed heartily, giving Steve a good pat on the back. 
“This yer first drink boyo?” Another knight asked him, and all Steve could do was nod mutely. 
“Aye, e’ryone! This is the boyo’s first ever drink!” The knight shouted, standing up and pulling Steve with him. “Let’s give ‘im a good audience for his first steps into manhood!” He shouted, and the other knights cheered him on, some shouting for him to chug it. 
“Alright Palchuck, it’s time to be a man.” He whispered, before throwing his head and chugging the beer down, some of it escaping past his lips. He gagged after swallowing it, but the knights were too busy shouting and pouring more rounds of drinks. 
“Here’s another one for ya, boyo!” Someone said, shoving another drink into his hands. 
Steve was on his third beer, and starting to feel it, when King Arthur joined them. 
“Oh, your Majesty!” Lancelot laughed. “Glad you could make it!”
“You know I wouldn’t miss it!” Steve watched as the king pouring himself two goblets of beer, drinking them one after another before pouring himself. “The weekly cheese eating contest is my favorite pastime!”
“The… wha?” Steve looked to the other knights for help. 
“Every week, we have a cheese eating contest.” Galihead explained. 
“And I am always the winner!” King Arthur laughed, finishing off another beer and wow, he was going fast with those. But here was an opportunity to prove himself to the knights!
“Oh, yeah? Well not tonight, cause the Palchuck is here, and he’s the best cheese-eater around!” He slammed his drink onto the table, some of the knights ooh-ing.
“Well, why don’t we make this interesting, then?” The king chuckled. “I am willing to place my throne and kingdom on the line, that I can beat you. And you…”
Steve thought for a moment. “My pursuit of knightdom! If you win, I will, uh, become a court jester!” There was a moment of silence, before the table erupted in noise. 
“Alright. We’ve been meaning to get some new entertainment for the court around here anyways.” With a laugh, King Arthur summoned a servant with parchment and quill, writing out the terms of the agreement. Everyone seemed a little antsy, but Steve couldn’t back out now.
“Sign here.” The king pointed, and after he signed, the king stamped it with his royal seal. “Alright, bring forth the royal cheese wheels!” King Arthur shouted, finishing another beer. 
The wheels of cheese were placed in front of each of them, and Steve grinned. Finally, all that time hanging out with Pepperjack would pay off. 
“On you marks, get set, go!” Lancelot shouted, and Steve started to eat like his life depended on it. Which, really, it did. There was no way he could give up being a knight, not when his friends needed. 
Everything else faded to black, it was just Steve and the cheese. He payed no mind to the king, or the knights, eating at fast as he could. Sweat dripped down his brow from the concentration. In what felt like no time at all, his cheese was gone. 
His surroundings came back into focus, and he looked around, everyone staring at him in stunned silence. The king was only half done with his wheel. He won. 
“I won! I won! Woo-hoo! Oh yeah, King Steve of the buttsnacks!.” He stood up on his chair, forcefully taking the crown from King Arthur’s head. Well, not king anymore. Steve looked to the side, and locked eyes with Douxie. His eye was twitching. Oh no. 
“What. Did. I. Say. About. Messing. With. The. Past?” Douxie hissed out at him, looking like he was about to lunge across the room and attack him. 
“Not to mess with the past.” Steve took out his phone, to send Aja one final message. ‘This is my last message. :(‘ It read. 
“And what did you do?” 
“Became the king of the past.” 
Douxie groaned, slapping a hand to his face. “Oh, we are so fucked.” As he said this, Douxie grabbed a goblet from one of the knights, drinking it down in one shot.
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coinofstone · 4 years
2x11 The Witch's Quickening
Hey Arthur, remember last time you were on a manhunt in Camelot and it led you to Morgana's chambers, and she talked you out of searching them and later admitted that she'd been hiding a fugitive in there? Have you learned NOTHING
And Merlin too, he doesn't like, double back and confront Morgana or suggest Arthur do that?
Why is Arthur yelling at Merlin so much in this? Who wrote this episode.
::Coin watch the show instead of playing on her phone challenge::
Morgana being manipulated by a nine year old
Why is Arthur insulting the food as if Merlin cooked it himself? Every other meal he brings up is from the palace kitchens but on this occasion Merlin cooked himself? Ok.
Even the fkin dragon is OOC in this ep
Morgana is so much more intelligent than this.
Gaius needs to bring this to Uther in the throne room like a member of the public? He couldn't get a private audience with the king? Ok.
I really don't remember this episode being so terrible, maybe I'm in a bad mood.
You know, not for nothing, but from Mordred's perspective Merlin is being an absolute dick, not only siding with the oppressor but actively working to sabotage their plans and hurt their people. As we, the audience, are privy to the reasons behind this, WE don't necessarily questions Merlin's actions, WE know he's after the crystal because he's trying to prevent Mordred and Morgana from teaming up and bringing harm to Arthur - that's all good and well but like... Merlin could never bring himself to kill Mordred because he's just a boy, but yet he's allowed the boy to go off and become somewhat radicalized (I say 'somewhat' because honestly, it's not all that radical to plot to overthrow the king that has been waging a genocidal war against your people for twenty fucking years) without ever trying to bring him into the fold. If Merlin had explained his and Arthur's destinies to the boy, made an argument for waiting out Uther's reign in the hope that Arthur's reign will bring peace and magic back to Camelot, but which may not happen if he sees his father killed by sorcerers, and explained his reasons for hiding who he is from Morgana, regardless of Mordred's ultimate destiny to be Arthur's doom, Merlin would've at least had a shot at cultivating an alliance or at very least an understanding between them. Instead, all Mordred sees is this supremely powerful sorcerer who isn't even a druid, serving the very people that would bring an end to their entire race if they could. Although, it seems as tho Mordred has forgotten who exactly snuck him out of the castle and back to the druid camp in three first place. Makes you wonder if Morgana never explained to him that she was believed to have been kidnapped when they found her with the druids last time, and that she went along with that lie for her own safety.
Tl;dr: communication is important kids!
Do I even need to point out how much sense Morgana's little tiff with Uther did not make? Or her sudden distrust of Gwen? If anything she should think Gwen would be an ally considering a) her father was killed by Uther, as an innocent victim of Uther's war on magic, b) Gwen was party to Morgana's previous involvement in aiding and abetting a druid fugitive, c) Gwen L-I-T-E-R-A-L-L-Y sacrificed herself to save Morgana from Hengist's men, the is zero reason to question Guinevere's loyalty to Morgana, and d) Gwen has never said a WORD against sorcery or hinted at any kind of prejudice against druids or anyone with magic.
I looked up the writing credit for this, it's Jake Michie who is also credited with some fantastic episodes like Lancelot, Beauty and the beast, and the Lamia to name a few. It was directed by Alice Troughton who has also done some good eps, including other eps written by Jake Michie, so like I really don't understand what went wrong here.
Oh God there's a commentary track on this episode. I don't wannnnnaaaaaa but maybe I'll learn something, like why it turned out the way it did.
Commentary by Julian Murphy, Alice Troughton, and Katie. I do not have high hopes.
Katie right off the bat explaining shit that's important to note, God I love her on these tracks. Apparently, this was one of the last things to be shot (Merlin films everything out of order and films several episodes concurrently, depending on filming location.) and it was being shot while three other episodes were being wrapped up - so they had FOUR episodes filming concurrently and a lot of THIS episode was directed by Julian Murphy, and Jeremy shot some of it as well. This COULD explain a lot of the inconsistency, but I question how much since Julian seems to be involved in filming lots of scenes in lots of episodes. But I guess it's possible that just that on top of the rush to finish and the pressure of so many spinning plates in the air right at the end. They've just said that for this episode they had the least amount of days to shoot it out of all the episodes they've done, which is partly why they had so much going at once. It's as good a reason as any to explain it being so off, but I don't really see that explaining the wildly off characterization.
Katie going on the whole thing about Alvarr-as-revolutionary and Alice picks up on Morgana's sort of desire to be in that position and they're having a quite meaningful discussion then Julian:I think she just thinks he's hot 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Katie says the script changed a lot even as it was filming, and that things were being changed as it was filmed so I'm kind of thinking for whatever reason this entire thing was a mess and that's why it came across looking so disjointed to me.
At least Julian realize the soup scene was terrible.
Idk why they're ganging up on Katie over the chemistry between her and Alvarr. She says she wasn't playing it that way and that she wasn't feeling it and they're just like "yea uh huh sure."
They're talking about having two units filming like a few feet away from each other in the forest, while there is another two units going in France.
Julian says they had added Alvarr's girlfriend in because they wanted to dramatize his charisma and calculation... but it's not manipulation - ?????????? Someone get the man a dictionary. 'We added a random blonde in four him to kiss so that the audience knows he's got a girl already, who sees him working his charm on Morgana and comments on it 'you played her well', but Alvarr isn't actually manipulative' ??????????
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They've just pointed out two entire significant beats within a sequence that was constructed on set and off script. Arthur's confrontation with Alvarr in the forest and Merlin's slow motion tracking the crystal to show its got a powerful draw. The more they describe the specifics of filming the more it sounds like an utter disaster which kind of makes me feel bad for being so harsh on the episode.
I keep having to rewind to focus on what they're saying and I feel like I've been watching this episode for about 4 hours.
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Awkward bit of prop-exposure there. Trying to work out what LK could even stand for.
Idk everyone's really happy with this scene between Morgana and Uther and I'm still sitting here thinking the dialogue was utterly ridiculous.
They talked about changing that final scene, where Uther clearly knows/suspects it was Morgana who helped Alvarr escape, so that it doesn't prematurely push the story too far ahead. They cut a look Morgana gives Merlin which, rightfully so, because it would've been too much too soon. The ending to this episode still feels wholly unsatisfying to me. I understand the little tag with the dragon yelling for Merlin to release him, I don't mean that, but the ending to the main story where Alvarr just escapes and Uther not only accepts that but also accepts that Morgana must've helped him. Overall Uther's been entirely sort of neutered throughout this episode, which I understand that partially has to do with it being Morgana, but like, in previous episodes when she's been so defiant against him, he's had her by the throat and locked her in a dungeon overnight. So I just doubt understand him being so subdued here, especially since he directly threatened her when he found pr Mordred escaped, and now another druid's escaped and he essentially knows she was involved given how she spoke to him, yet he doesn't do anything? Just wildly inconsistent behavior.
Anyway apologies for overanalyzing this episode, I realize I tore it apart pretty thoroughly during the commentary and the post became quite long. I wish there was a way to add a cut on mobile but there isn't. I'll have the S2 finale post up in a few hours - I might hold off on posting until I've watched the extras, I didn't do that for S1 but then I felt the extras didn't quite warrant a whole post on their own, so I might just tack on any thoughts I have to the 2x12 post. We'll see.
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into-crazy · 5 years
Man Under the Makeup Pt. 4
Arthur Fleck/Joker x Female Reader series
Warnings- Cursing, Arthur's condition, pure sweetness towards the end
You can find the other parts RIGHT HERE and through the “Man Under the Makeup” tag lovelies!💘
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Riding through the city with Joker at this time of night felt strangely nice. Seated in the backseat, windows cracked allowing a cold breeze in. He sat by the window, you were close to him in the middle seat. Giving each other a rather respective space. Not quite touching, but close enough to feel one another's warmth.
Some blocks were relatively calm, where there weren't any of the usual riots shutting down routes. Then there were the wilder areas, accompanied by angry citizens flooding the streets. Damaging public property, and shouting demands for change. A few cops scattered, failing to gain control of the crowd. These are the patches he seems most keen of. You, on the other hand, were a little uneasy at the start. However, since Joker wasn't at all worried- you eased up on it. Paying close attention to how his eyes light up at the ravenous sights outside.
Your driver slowly cruising by, upon his boss's request. Joker blew the smoke of his cigarette out the small opening of the vehicle as you both quietly watched the commotion. His followers would recognize him, cheering and showing their support as the car goes by.
"Isn't it beautiful?" He admires gazing about the madness. A satisfied grin across his face.
"It's so.. wild.." that was all you could conjure. It was a lot to take in, with these being the type of things you'd normally avoid. Mad crowds, loud chanting. Looking at it from this perspective was definitely something different nonetheless.
Discarding the cig out the window, he turns to see your speechless expression. Having no clue what you're thinking. Do you love it? Hate it? Hate him for causing all of this?
"Is it too much for you?" His question grabs your attention.
Blinking out of your haze, you glance at him. "Huh, oh no! No, it's not. I'm just not used to all of it." Placing your hand over his in attempt to show you're indeed fine. At first he tensed upon your touch, then shifted his arm so his lay comfortably interlaced with yours.
Reaching the end of the block, it grows quiet as the recklessness fades. Joker clears his throat before speaking, "A-are you having a nice time?" He nervously asks. Hoping that you are indeed enjoying yourself just as much.
Giving him a tender squeeze, you rest your head on his shoulder. Taking notice to how stiff he's sitting. Like he's worried about messing up somehow. He must always be hard on himself, second guessing every action. You want him to relax, ease up. Even assuming that you tell him, you sense it would be better to show him. "I am. I'm having a great time with you.." you respond, softly nuzzling him. His shoulder bone digs into the side of your face. He feels kind of fragile?
"It's getting late," he acknowledges, "would you like a ride home?"
Sitting up, you consider the offer. "That depends. Can I trust that my address will stay safe?"
He shifts uneasily at your question, dreading the familiar fit making it's way up his throat. "You don't trust me?" He's able to conjure before bursting out the suppressed laughs. Hunching forward, coughing into his hands while trying to regain control of himself.
Given the impression you might have offended him, you quickly add, "No, that's not what I meant. Of course I trust you." Great, now he thinks you don't, way to go. The driver inspects through the rear view mirror, you wave away his concern. "Take your time, breathe," Placing your hand on his back, you wait for his fit to pass. Rubbing smooth circles on his back. Focusing on calming him down. Once he sits back up, you continue. "I'm aware you have the city's eyes and ears on you. I just don't want anyone to come knocking at my door. Reporters.. officers.. detectives.." you distinguish with him. "My home is my safe place, I don't need that getting out. Least not right now."
With the Joker being a wanted man, no doubt he has the law after him. They might not have caught up to him yet, but they're trying. If any information about you gets out, the police would probably try to use you to get to him.
Joker nods his head, grasping the concept which you're getting at. The last thing he would want is to bring any unwanted attention towards you and your private life. You don't deserve that. Although, that information could get out no matter how careful he'll try to be. He can't promise it. As much as he wants, he knows he can't. But he wants you to be able to trust him wholly.
There's a brief pause before he responds, "I understand. I hope to keep it between you, me and the driver.." Disappointment leers in his tone, in himself.
He sincerely means it, you believe he does. You're well aware of the risks that could- WOULD- come amidst your relations with the Joker. You just need time to prepare for it. For what's to come. Like calm before the storm. If this means getting to spend quality moments with Arthur, then you're willing to go the extra lengths to make sure it happens.
Fuck it.
Going against what others would call "better judgment," you give him your home address anyways. Resting back comfortably against the soft fabric of his suit, and the both of you don't say a word the drive there. Including the sounds of a sweet, soothing tune coming from the radio. He's content in the calm bit he's spending with you. Not wanting this night to end, instead wishing he could stay this way, close beside you forever.
Pulling up to the apartment building which you live, the driver parks by the sidewalk on the other side. Like the majority of the buildings in this part of the city- yours is large, containing many compacted apartments within. It is pretty worn down, the power would occasionally shut off. The lobby and hallways had awful smells lingering sometimes. Neighbors were noticeably rude and unpleasant. Safe to say it wasn't the most pleasant place in the world but at least it isn't a complete shit hole.
It was apparent Joker already knew this just looking over the building from the outside. After all, he's lived in one to recognize one.
As you sat, the silence remained, and it started to get a little awkward. Light from the street post barley peeking in the darkness of the enclosed space. Glancing at his face, you see he's growing more and more strained trying to figure out what to say to you. Overthinking himself, he doesn't know what- Should I say good night? Do I kiss her? No. What if she doesn't like that? I might not do it right. Will she invite me in, should I ask? No, no! It's too soon. Just play it cool. His legs start to shake a little bit as he grows anxious.
You decide to say something, reaching for your coat beside you. "Well, looks like this is my stop."
Relieved you broke the ice first- and bringing him back into reality- he breathes out, "y-yeah.."
You lightly pat his thigh in attempt to calm his nervousness. He admires your patience with him, peaking at your kind face. It seems to work as his shaking subsides.
Even as the Joker, he's still the same shy man from before. Underneath the image he's still Arthur. He can't hide that from you. And you've taken a liking to his timid nature. You since been infatuated with it the moment you met him on the sidewalk as Carnival.
It's obvious he's never been familiar with this amount of kindness, unable to process pure affection. Taking this into consideration, it's the reason why you're going about it slowly- not wanting to overwhelm him. Which raises the thought.. you holding back like this might end up driving him away. He could take it as you don't really show interest in him or his feelings. Which is not what you're trying to get at.
"I enjoyed our time together," he states, "I hope I can see you again soon. Would you like that?" The shy tone in his voice earns a sweet chuckle from you.
"Most definitely Arthur, yes! Oh, wait." You nod digging into your coat's pocket. Pulling out a small card with your phone number written down, you hand it to him. "Here is my number."
He glances at the digits then flips the card over. Revealing a signature red, kiss mark on the paper. He happens to notice it's the same glossy shade which you're wearing right now.
"You can call me anytime," you assure him.
"Oh I-I will, I'll do that." He smiles putting the card in his pocket.
Getting out of the car, he glances around. The street is dark and quiet, not a single person outside. Good. He motions for your coat, which you hand him before stepping out. He takes the liberty of helping you put it on, such a gentleman. With the door of the vehicle still open, he hums to the tune of the song playing. You thank him sweetly, then lead the way across the lonely street.
The clicking of your heeled boots echoes along the silent air. Halting at the bottom of the steps, you turn towards him. "I want to thank you for tonight," you point out, shivering from the freezing air. "I hope to hear from you soon?" Placing your cold hand into his warmer one. It came out as more of an ask rather than a statement.
"You can bet on it." He smiles running his thumb over your smooth wrist.
"401.." you whisper meeting his admirable gaze.
He wrinkles his nose slightly, "I'm sorry?"
"That's my apartment number, 401," you repeat, "I'm on the 4th level, take a left off the elevator. You're welcome to come by. You know, if you ever need anything.. to see me, talk about something, maybe a place to hide." You merrily remark earning a soft laugh from him.
"Thanks. I'll keep that in mind."
"Well, good night Arthur," you lean in, placing a delicate peck on his white painted cheek. His makeup is rather dry now, starting to crackle along his forehead and cheeks. He's left stunned with the sudden action, but he immediately gets a bolder idea.
Releasing his hand, you turn to walk up the steps. Before you do, Arthur regains your wrist, gently tugging you back around on your heel. Placing both of his hands on each of your soft cheeks, he brings you in. Locking your lips, giving you a proper kiss.
Overcomed by his swiftness, you give in. Shutting your eyes as your arms move to hold him back. His tongue lightly brushes over your lips, asking for access. Which you grant, allowing him to slip his tongue in. Your lips had a cherry taste to them, it's hard for him to not lick off the rest of your tasty lipstick. Though it is tempting. He doesn't shove far in and greedily dominate your mouth, instead moving gradually into your mouth. You love every second of this. Absolutely adoring how he's savoring your shared moment. Very much filled with that emotion he's been holding out on. Gently exploring over each other's personal boundaries. It's pure, heavenly bliss.
After what feels like a beautiful, short eternity- he slowly pulls away. Staring deep into you, noticeably left in a blushing haze. Half lidded eyes, refocusing on him. His thumb traces by the corner of your slightly smeared lips. Wiping away the mix of his and your shades of red. "Good night, y/n." He whispers charmingly.
You struggled a bit trying to walk up the steps as gracefully as possible. The kiss had you flushing like a high school girl. You managed, however. He waits til you make it safely into the building. Offering a wave before straightening his jacket then heading back to his ride. Overlooking the area as he gets into the car. Still able to taste you on his lips. He cues the man to drive, riding off in the middle of the night.
End of part 4.
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carelessgraces · 4 years
@valiantsword​​ said:   ❛ What odd turns our lives have taken. ❜   ( reign sentence starters | accepting )
It’s a nice change. 
     The spell still needs some work. They’ve been testing it out with little injuries, nothing serious and nothing over the palm of the hand, no matter how dramatic it would have looked, that seems unnecessarily unsafe and definitely impractical. He’s still healing at about the same rate, and she’s healing, at least, so that’s something. It could use some tweaking, especially before either one of them goes back to work in a field that involves people shooting at them on a semi-regular basis.
     “Can you imagine,” she’d laughed, “if I was giving someone a tarot reading and I dropped dead halfway through? Do you know how hard it is already to convince people that the Death card doesn’t actually mean they’re going to die? God, I’d get such good reviews on Yelp, though. Went for a psychic reading. The reader died and came back to life. She’s definitely speaking with arcane knowledge from the Other Side.” 
     "Can’t have your Yelp score hurt,” Arthur drawled in response, holding a washcloth to a small cut on her arm while the skin slowly knit itself back together, and he leaned closer to press a kiss to her temple. “Should I start coughing up blood whenever you’ve really got to sell a haunting?”
     An hour later they’d popped down to the shop — if she was going to be tweaking spells and testing injuries, she wanted some aromatherapy to go with it — and he’d sneezed when she took in a breath of a candle that smelled so strongly of patchouli it made her eyes water. “That might undermine how smooth you are,” she’d pointed out. “You, staring down the barrel of a gun, daring the bad guys to make their move. A thousand miles away, I smell some flowers, and then instead of — god, I don’t know, what’s your move there? Cocking an eyebrow, saying make my day — ”
     “What exactly do you think I do?” he asked, laughing, and she only grinned and powered through, picking up another candle.
     “ — you let out that monster of a sneeze. Or you’re hiding out somewhere, preparing to bust out into the open and take advantage of the element of surprise, but I’m visiting with a new cat and discover an allergy — ”
     She would have rattled on indefinitely if he hadn’t simply slung her over his shoulder, one arm around her legs to steady her, her whole body shaking with laughter while he carried her back up the stairs and stopped only to snatch up a candle that smelled like cranberries.
     She’s looking at that candle now, burned down to half its height — it’s the same candle she would have picked, if she’d gotten to it, and there’s a small smile playing at her lips as Arthur comes back into the bedroom, depositing a cup of freshly brewed tea at her bedside table. ( For a woman who has been so resistant to being seen, to being known, she certainly has come to relish it. ) Her smile only widens, and on a whim she shifts onto her knees on the mattress and tugs at the front of his shirt until he leans forward, just enough for her to reach him. 
     Her arm is still a little sore — that last minor injury still hasn’t healed all the way — and she’s fatigued from the constant healing and spellwork and she’s feeling the start of a headache, hence the tea, but he takes her face in his hands like she’s something precious and he kisses her like he can’t get enough of her and Astoria thinks she’s never felt better, never felt more like herself. 
     “No more tests tonight,” she promises. “I’m wiped out. Come to bed? We can watch Vikings and you can tell me about all the historical inaccuracies. I’ve been curious about the armor.” 
     “Nothing like winding down to the sounds of battle.”
     “You’re right. I found a new documentary on Netflix. It’s about exorcisms — ” 
     “I stand corrected. Nothing like winding down to the screams of the eternally damned — ”
     It’s a pretty picture, said screams of the eternally damned notwithstanding: the two of them sitting beside each other, blankets pulled up and pooled in their laps and the cats draped across them, Astoria’s phone on silent and cast aside for a change while business carries on without her and no threat that Arthur will have to take off to save the world any time soon. The elder of the cats makes her way to Arthur’s lap, chews on his hand until she falls asleep, and Astoria lets out a contented sigh wholly at odds with the scene playing out on the television across from them.
     He casts her a grin, careful not to move his hand and wake the cat. “What odd turns our lives have taken.”
     She knows what he means. The both of them have become desensitized to the bloodshed and the violence that follows them; their opportunities to breathe easily are rare, so often dependent upon the cooperation of the rest of the world, notoriously uncooperative as it is. More than that, they have become desensitized to half-truths and outright lies, to the numbing quiet of returning to an empty home, of having so few people upon whom they can truly rely. He sees her set off sparks in her hands or light flames with a touch and he smiles; she watches the little cuts and scrapes from the cat’s claws fade from his hand, from her own, in a matter of seconds and minutes and home feels more and more like home with him in it. 
     Last thousand years never prepared you for domesticity? she wants to laugh, but the teasing dies in her throat and paves the way for sincerity. She leans away from him only long enough to blow out the candle on her bedside table, the smell of cranberries still hanging in the air, before nestling into his side again. 
     “Yeah.” Odd turns, indeed. “I like it.”
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jokerownsmysoul · 4 years
for the f/o ask: #1, #2, #6, #7 (of course!! 😉❤️), #13, #19 ? ☺️ sorry for so many, i'd just love your thoughts on all these!
all about your f/o ask game
read more because I’m very chatty for Artie 🥰 except when I have to finish editing my pieces lmaooo
1. How would you describe their eyes (their color, how they make you feel)?
Okay first of all, I’ll never saw eyes most beautiful than his. Saying that he has the most beautiful eyes of the multiverse is an understatement.💙 Every time I look at them I wonder how in the world such marvel can exist, they are surreal. His eyes were the first thing that impressed me about him, the first thing that made me fall in love with him. Every time I look at them, I get disoriented, and at the same time it’s like I’m coming back home. I get lost as I find myself when I look at them, they are both my death and what gives me life. His eyes are green, they look like coral reef or like those areas on the bottom of the sea where the water looks greener than the surface. 
Depending on the light and the weather, sometimes they seem slightly blue and it’s fun to wake up in the morning and wonder if that day they will be more blue or greener. In any case, even if the imperceptible shade of his color changes, its bright light color is always there, emeralds glowing eyes. His eyes are paintings framed by two thick, dark eyebrows, I’ve never seen eyebrows match two eyes as well as his. They’re so noticeable and the combination of the dark color of his eyebrows with the light color of his eyes makes his face otherworldly and he looks like an angel. His eyes always have a twinkle inside that makes them  shine like shooting stars, and yet, they are also full of pain. I’ve never seen eyes that can make a person fall in love and happy with just one look being so full of pain and carrying inside sorrows that every man should never feel. It’s said that the eyes are the mirror of the soul, and looking at his eyes we immediately understand that his is a precious soul that in life has suffered more than he can bear, his eyes are an eternal plea to be loved and seen and the most beautiful gemstone I’ve ever seen in my life and I’ll ever see. Ugh I got carried away as usual 👀
2. What’s their favorite article of clothing they own?
Lmao probably I'm projecting 😂 but in the movie we see him wearing his red/chestnut sweater veeery often, so this makes me think that it's one of his favorite articles of clothing, maybe one of those which makes him feel comfortable in his own skin, you know, one of those clothes with which you feel good, for one reason or another. And he likes wearing red so 🥰 And also he'd love it because I myself love him on this sweater, so he'd always wear it to make me happy 🥰🥰 And truth be told, he’d always wear not only to make me happy, but also to tease me. It would be a silent question of being cuddled, a secret way of telling me that he needs me, because he knows that when he wears this sweater my hands are attracted to his fabric, I can't help it. 👀 So he would wear it as if it were my personal siren call to tell me he wants me to lay love on him without actually tell me out loud because is still insecure, although I would teach him that when he wants my touch and cuddles he doesn’t need to ask my permission, I am his, and I would want his touch as much as he does, he doesn't need to ask me to love him.
When he wears this sweater I can’t help but caress him more studiously, my hands were made to caress his body and this fabric makes him so cuddly. The fabric of his sweater is almost as soft as his skin, it absorbs the heat of his body and when I touch it is so heated that it feels like it's boiling like a bonfire. His sweater totally smells of him. His scent is so intense that if I lay my nose on the sweater his smell fills my nostrils, it’s like that the fabric itself was embroidered with the fragrance of his odorous skin. Arthur’s scent is gentle, soft, one of those shy but strong fragrances that linger on your skin all day long, like when you wear a perfume in the morning and once you came home at night you find out that it's still lingering on your skin after all this time. His scent is as much intense and delicate as these kind of perfumes. In the sweater there is always a faintest hint of cigarette, and this combination of smoky smell with the sweet one of his skin creates an addictive, intoxicating fragrance.
Arthur smells of kindness and smoke, and the sweater is a tangible element that carries the olfactory sign of his smell itself, it is an object through which his smell becomes bodily and palpable. I yearn to embrace him as he wears it, lay my cheek on his skin, left uncovered by the V-neckline after unbuttoning the buttons of the sweater, and kiss the taut muscle of his sternum and the point where his collar bones meet. I yearn to breath him in, my hands wandering on his body covered in red and cotton, feeling his muscles underneath the sweater stretching as my love envelops him. I love that this sweater has buttons at the ends of the sleeves, too, and he also loves it, because when the buttons are unbuttoned (and they are most of the time) allow me to kiss his wrist, and ngl he'd probably leave the button unbuttoned on purpose so as to have his wrists kissed all the time. He can be sly pff 👀 He adores it when I lift the sleeves up along his arms to uncover his skin and kiss the soft inside of his arms, rubbing the baby hairs of his arms (which drive me crazy as hell btw), and he adores even more wearing this sweater because he knows that sooner or later I will take it off to enfold him completely with kisses and caresses, usually it doesn’t take long for me to take off his sweater btw 👀 
Also, his mustard hoodie and his white socks. It looks like he can’t help but wear them, and I can’t help but watch him wear them either. His mustard hoodie is so worn, but I can tell how much important it is for him. He carries it everywhere he goes, and I’m sure he went throught a lot of things wearing it, that hoodie carries in its fabric so many memories and life. And his white socks sksksk I’ve a thing for them ngl. I don’t know why, but there’s something so cute and adorable in his socked feet, I’ve never had a fetish for feet but his? Ugh girl they’re so cute. must kiss and love and squeeze 🥺 and ngl, it’d be sooo erotic taking his socks off slowly, very slowly as i’m uncovering his ankles, my gaze locked with his, eventually kissing the back of his foot, his ankles, before blowing him. there, I said it. and my sock-y wip might be about that uups 👀  
6. When was the exact moment you knew you were in love with them?
I answered here, it’s too long to copy and paste it sksk
7. What do their hands feel like?
Home, protection, safety. His hands are rough, his fingers callous, but Arthur’s touch is gentle and delicate. He caresses as if you were an instrument to play and through his fingers would compose a melody on your skin. When he caresses you the callousness of his fingertips collides with the smoothly of his touch and the warmth of his skin, creating a wonderful contrast that takes your breath away and warms you inside to your soul. When he rubs his hands on your body you feel the friction of the folds on his fingers on your skin, leaving you hungry and at the same time feeding you with this sweet contradiction that are his hands. Rough, but soft. Worn, but of a young touch. When he touches you, you’d say nothing could ever touch you with the same delicacy, not even a feather. The back of his hand, like every part of his hands and body as well, is soft and always smells of him, but it’s dusted with baby, soft hairs which look like brown flower’s stems blooming on his skin, and when you place your fingers on the back these light hairs wandering on its surface tickle your fingers, a perfectly contradictory soft friction. In his fingers and especially in his fingertips there is always a hint of the stale smell of greasepaint that always remains in his hands even if he washes them very often. I yearn to pass my fingertips on the swollen veins running through the back of his hands as if they were roads to travel along his warm and odorous skin, I yearn to trace the protruding tendons from under his skin with the tips of my fingers and lick and suck his thick, boney fingers, feeling the aftertaste of smoke and the hint of the cigarette he just smoked on my tongue. There are black patches on the back of Arthur’s hands, they look like snowflakes fell on his skin in a winter to keep warm, a speckled map that shows you the exact path you need to travel to stroke his hand wholly. His wrists are breakable and fragile, they need gentle touches and soft kisses. In the center of his right wrist he has a wound, right on the most sensitive part of his wrist, where there are the small superficial veins. I yearn to kiss the most sensitive part of his wrists, to lay my lips on the pulsating spot where I can feel his heartbeat go faster because someone is touching him. His body, his subtle essence, his heart, would never be as close to mine as they are when I kiss his pulsating wrist. Whey they tremble I hold his writs in my hand, I kiss them and I trace the colored lines of his veins along his wrist and arms soothingly. I only want to be held, and his hands would always be there to hold me.
13. What’s one thing that surprised you about them after you got to know each-other? 
He makes me feel comfortable. I’m veeeeeeery shy and insecure, it takes me months, years, to be 100% comfortable with a person, actually iI’ve never been so comfortable with a person to be myself, yet with him it is different. With him I know that my fears and insecurities would take a step back, I know that I wouldn’t be afraid to show myself for what I am because he would understand what I feel or, if he didn’t understand it, he would listen to me anyway, and be close to me even if the topic is bigger than us. And that was matter. I never looked at a person and thought "with you my fears would be empty", I never believed it possible. I’ve always given up living because of my security and God knows how many good things I’ve missed because of myself, I’m always so afraid of everything, of love, of touching someone, of living, but when I look at Arthur I only feel this warm feeling of protection, security, trust. I was surprised by the fact that Arthur overcomes my anxiety, he gives me the possibility of being vulnerable and brittle in front of him, I always try to hide my fragility but he’d see it. With him, I’m sure, I would feel comfortable and I could love and show myself totally and he’d look at me and at everything I show him. I wouldn’t be afraid to reveal myself in front of him 💙
19. What are they like in the kitchen (clumsy, focused, pro level)?
Focused, totally focused. Arthur is a neat man who loves to get everything right 💙 He never takes his eyes off the television when Murray starts and he’s headed to bed, and that’s enough to understand how much attention and dedication he puts into everything he does. When he cooks he is my opposite lmaooo. I am very clumsy, I always make everything dirty even if I have to do a single meal. I don’t know how I manage to do it, but e.g, when I have to do a simple sandwich I dirty thousand of pots and I mess up lmaoo, and I’m very distracted ngl. He is all the opposite: he is very attentive, dedicated, devoted to every move. When he cooks he hums soft tune with parted lips in a low voice and likes to sway with his hips, his head is elsewhere in a dreamy world made of music only, this scenario seen from the outside can be mistaken for distraction by those who don’t know him, but actually in those moments when he hums and swings to a music that only he knows he is very devoted to what he’s doing, he wouldn’t take his attention away from what he does for nothing, it’s something I adore about him. Despite being so devout, however, it is very easy to make him unfocused and bring him back to us by caressing him suddenly or giving him a kiss on his shoulder blades, embracing him from behind or even just standing next to him. He would turn his face right away, a guilty smile on his face, and loving eyes. He’s a focused person with everything he does, yet the only thing he never takes his eyes from, ever, it’s the person he loves, he’s always focused on his one and only all the time, 24/7, and it’s the only thing he could never be unfocused from 💙
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p-artsypants · 5 years
Longest Night (17) Analyzing
Marinette had thought Highschool had been hard. Right now, in this moment, she'd give anything to go back to those petty arguments and gossip fueled drama. But she couldn't. Instead, she and Adrien were trapped here, being punished, humiliated, tortured, for being heroes, all broadcasted for the world to see. At least she and her kitty were in this together. For now. Whump!Fic
Ao3 | FF.net
This chapter is much like the last, rehash of chapter 15, in perspective of Alya and the others.
Believe it or not, there were a handful of people in Paris that actually hated Ladybug and Chat Noir. Salo and Hawkmoth were the obvious ones, of course. And then there was Lila Rossi, who had been spurned by Ladybug time and time again. But she tended to keep her distaste a secret.
But there was one other in the City of Lovers whose life was continually complicated by Ladybug and Chat Noir.
Minster of the Interior, Arthur Vanderguard.
As Minister of Interior, one of his most important jobs of late was to protect the city in the event of an akuma attack.
Something that he was wholly unprepared for every time.
It was getting increasingly frustrating to do his job when his men, the police, decided to listen to a little girl before listening to him. Everyone listened to Ladybug first. And then when her plans failed, he had to pick up the slack. He had to hold off hoards of zombies or knights or whatever the akuma of the week was, while she was given the floor to do her little superhero routine and stop the big bad. Of course, she always fixed everything afterwards, which was the only reason he hadn’t resigned completely.
But if anyone, the mayor, his chief of police, anyone at all, decided to listen to his plans, he would be able to stop Hawkmoth with ease.
But no.
It was always, “Ladybug and Chat Noir know what to do!” “They’ll stop them for sure!”
Arthur couldn’t believe the people of this city could be dense enough to trust children with the safety of a highly populated and historic city. It floored him really.
And of course, when things went catastrophic and people got hurt, who did the media, the mayor, and the people of Paris blame?
I’ll give you a hint: It wasn’t Ladybug.
No, the amount of times he had to speak at a press conference and apologize for a gruesome mistake that one of his men made because they listened to Ladybug was astounding. And then he had to thank the little insect, for fixing her mistake with her magical Ladybugs. And then the cycle would continue on and on in a dizzying spiral.
The day Salo appeared on the TV and announced that she had captured Ladybug and Chat Noir, he was elated. But only on the inside, of course. Ladybug and Chat Noir were out of the way!
But now, he was fairly certain that he would be responsible for rescuing them.
Why this punishment? What had he done in his life to deserve this?
Then Salo had taken the Miraculous, and Arthur was met face to face with the children that kept stepping on his toes. Children, for sure.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng was 17, Adrien Agreste 18.
If he wasn’t so pissed, he might have been impressed.
But as it was, his boss, the Mayor, his men, and Paris itself was completely enraptured by a baker’s daughter and a model.
As he watched the stream, he couldn’t help but feel bad for them. This was torture, and they didn’t deserve this at all. Because Ladybug did fix everything in the end. So even when his job had him stressed, things still worked out okay.
But as of right now, he was off the clock, and it wasn’t his problem.
Until his phone rang.
An unknown number.
“Is this the Minister of Interior?”
“Who is this? How did you get this number?”
“This is Chloe Bourgeois. The mayor’s daughter. Daddy gave me your number.”
Arthur groaned and slapped a hand to his face. Not this. “What do you need, M. Bourgeois?”
“I demand to know how you plan to save my Adrikin’s and Marinette Dupain-Cheng!”
He rolled his eyes. It hadn’t even been ten minutes since they were revealed to everyone! Surely it wouldn’t be a problem, right? “I assure you, I will do everything in my power to save your friends.”
“See that you do.” And she, blessedly, hung up.
Great. Another thing he was getting blamed for.
Well, maybe if he saved them, people might finally start listening to him again. If he was really lucky, he might get a raise. Who knows? Maybe he could swing this in his favor.
He’d meet with the mayor in the morning.
Chloe went back to the Agreste estate with Alya and Nino after school.
They gathered in Adrien’s room, and Nino hooked the computer up to the TV, so they could watch the stream.
Marinette and Adrien still hung from their wrists, as they had for hours now.
“Let’s go over our facts.” Stated Alya, looking at her notebook.
“We know the ‘who.’” She took out a piece of paper, which was a photocopy of the folder Detective Bertony had. “The Detective gave me this to give to Rena Rouge and Carapace. This is the most pertinent information he has, but I can get copies of the rest of the file. Bianca Furtoli, age 46. Lover of Edward Savauge, the drug dealer that Ladybug and Chat Noir captured two days ago. That’s also the ‘why.’ Apparently, this is revenge for sending him to jail.”
“We also know a vague ‘how’. Ladybug and Chat Noir were fighting a very large akuma when they were thrown into a building and disorientated. From there, Salo administered ‘GHB’ a drug commonly used to knock people out for assault.”
“Now we’re just left with the ‘where.’” Said Nino.
Alya smiled slightly, “But I have a pretty good guess. Marinette and Adrien were last seen in Paris at 12:15, according to my post on the blog. Give or take a few minutes. Salo had them at least by the 6 o’clock news. That gives them a little over 5 hours to get them to the location that they are in now.”
A map of France and its surrounding countries laid on the coffee table, with a circle drawn around it. “In a five hour period, you can get to most of these destinations. Most of France, and the outer edge of England, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, and Switzerland. Now, with the word ‘Notausgang’ that Marinette stated she saw on the wall, that boils it down to a primarily German speaking country. ‘Notausgang’ means emergency exit, which would be written in French too if it was in a area that spoke several languages like Alsace-Lorraine. So we are looking at, of course Germany, and maybe Luxembourg, depending on the area. But if we are looking at Germany, we are somewhere between the border, Cologne, Frankfurt, and Stuttgart.”
Chloe and Nino both frowned at the map. “That’s still a lot of ground to cover.”
“But,” added Nino, “we also need to point out this little location in Montparnasse.” He drew a little dot on the map.
“Yeah, but Rena Rouge and Carapace already checked there. That’s where they are broadcasting from, and where their servers are.”
“Sure, but I think we shouldn’t forget about it.”
Chloe looked at the map, as she had been silent this entire time. “Is that everything?”
Alya crunched her face up as she flipped through her notes. “Well, I think they’re in a cellar or basement, given the cement walls. Maybe an old building.”    
Chloe tapped her chin. “Well, I’ll just tell my daddy that we’re going to Germany, and we’ll borrow the private jet and get over there!”
“It’s not that simple, Chloe.” Alya said calmly, “We can’t just up and leave for Germany. Especially if we go with you, and then Rena Rouge and Carapace are seen with Queen Bee! Salo figured out how to catch Marinette and Adrien like that.” She snapped her fingers. “If we’re not careful, she could take our families too. I have little sisters—“ She cut herself off before she became too distressed. “And, if Salo finds out we’re on to her, what’s stopping them from moving somewhere else?”
“What do you expect us to do?”
Alya frowned. “We need more time, and more clues.”
“We don’t have more time! How long do we have before they’re killed?”
“118 days.” Alya stated, blank faced.
Chloe blinked. “What?”
Alya got her notes out again. “Sorry, I missed this part. ‘Salo’ is a name of a torture porn from the 70s. Its surname is ’120 days of Sodom’. Salo is leaving us a clue for a time limit.”
“Are you sure?”
“That’s what the detective believes.”
“And you trust him?”
Alya shrugged. “I really don’t know who to trust anymore.”
Chloe stood and walked to the window, holding herself. Pollen floated up next to her, nuzzling her cheek. “I’m not used to things being bigger than me.” Chloe confessed. “The world, no matter how big it was, felt small. I could go anywhere, do anything…If daddy couldn’t fix something, he had people for that. So…not being able to lift my finger and have it fix is…it’s really messing with me. Sorry.”
Alya and Nino shared a look. “Chloe,” Alya said, trying to be comforting. “We didn’t recruit you so that you could fix it with a snap…although I wish you could.”
Chloe gave a watery chuckle.
“We gave you the Miraculous because you want to help, and you’re capable of it. We might need that private jet. I don’t know. But just you being here, ready to help, says volumes about you.”
Chloe gave a shaky nod and then came back to sit at the couch, feeling like she could breathe better. “Gotta make Dupain-Cheng proud, right?”
It was around 6pm when something started to happen on the stream.
“Well well well, how are we doing now? 12 hours is a long time to leave you hanging around. I’m so sorry, I meant to come back sooner, but I had errands to run.”
Alya turned the volume up, and got her notebook ready. The main hope was that since Salo was so cocky, she’d let something else slip.
“I heard your little speech, Ladybug. Very moving. I’m sure mommy and daddy loved to hear all about how you lied to them over and over for years. And the Ladyblogger! Oh, she must be absolutely crushed. Her best friend, her hero, lying selfishly. Dangling that one bit of knowledge that she always wanted just out of reach. What a friend!”
“Bitch.” Alya muttered.
“But I’d like to correct one thing, however. You told Paris to be kind and all that junk, to make sure it stays safe until you could come back. Sorry, Ladyliar, you’re not leaving. Gabriel Agreste blew the only chance of Adrien getting out, and you…you have no chance. I have you right where I want you…So much spirit in you still. That’s fine, we’ll cure you of that soon enough.”
The group watched as Marinette and Adrien were re-chained behind their backs, and forced to stand on galvanized buckets. Salo brought a black sack over, and went to put in on Adrien’s face.
“No…no, no please don’t! Please!”
“Oh, what’s wrong kitty cat? Afraid of the dark? Or are we…claw-strophobic?”
“Oh dude…” Nino breathed. “He is. He is claustrophobic!”
Chloe buried her face in her hands. “I can’t watch!”
Thankfully, they were spared, as someone spoke off screen. “Incoming call ma’am.”
“Oh, a call, hmm?”
“The facial recognition program found a match.”
“Oh goody. We mustn’t keep him waiting then!”
One of the camera’s switched from showing the room, to showing the caller.
Hawkmoth, looking as stone cold as ever.
Alya bit her thumb.
“My my, took you long enough. I would have thought Hawkmoth would have the Ladyblog as the home screen on his computer.”
“Did you summon me to antagonize me?”
“Summon you? What, like you’re some sort of demon? Some kind of god?”
He remained emotionless.
“Your face says I’m wasting your time, but your eyes say you’re jealous.”
“Get on with it.”    
She chuckled, “And impatient too. No wonder you always lost.”
Salo walked off camera, and when she returned, she held both of the miraculous in her hand. “Here, the Ladybug earrings and the Black Cat ring. Bonafide jewels of magic. Now, what will you give me for them?”
Hawkmoth narrowed his eyes.
“I knew she was going to try this.” Said Alya, pressing her fingers to her temple. “I should have taken down the blog when I had the chance.”
Salo went on. “I have no idea what you want with these. I can’t see the appeal of a grown man running around playing superhero. Perhaps you want the Black Cat to use for heists? But I couldn’t fathom a use for the Ladybug earrings. Unless you want them to be a circus performer.”
Hawkmoth remained emotionless and silent.
“You know, in bartering, there has to actually be, you know…bartering.”
“What about the children?” He asked. “If I want the gems, and those two along with them. What’s the price?”
Alya’s heart dropped into her shoes. What on earth did Hawkmoth want with them?!
Salo barked out a laugh. “You-you want—oh that’s rich! What? You want to torture them yourself?” She shook her head. “No can do, Hawkman. I have business with them. But that was a good joke.” She wiped a pretend tear from her eyes. “Look, these are useless to me. I have all the power anyone could ever want. I’m being reasonable by offering these to you first, since you so desperately want them. But if you don’t want them, then I’ll just put them for auction up online. You can try to get them there, before some other yahoo outbids you. So, do you want them, or not?”
Hawkmoth’s lip twitched in a scowl. “Oh, I want them. But I’m not making any deals with you. I abhor torture.”
She scoffed. “Oh yeah, and what would you have done with these two if you had gotten their miraculous on your own?”
“I would have sent them home. I have nothing against them personally. It is their job to fight the akuma. And once relieved of that duty, they are free to go. In the same way, they have a duty to Paris to stop criminals. But now they’re only teenagers. What you’re doing goes beyond revenge, it’s insanity.”
The notebook slipped out of Alya’s hands. This was…unbelievable.
“Oh, so now the terrorist is trying to lecture me? You’re playing all high and mighty, now that you’re not the villain anymore. But I guarantee you, if it was you verses them, and the Miraculous were in sight, you would do anything, including killing them, to get them. Don’t talk to me about insanity.”
Hawkmoth grit his teeth in anger, a fire of hatred burning in his eyes. “I will be taking those Miraculous on my own.”
“I’d love to see you try. Tell you what, I won’t put these up for auction until I’ve disposed of these two maggots. Go ahead, akumatize any random, innocent civilian you want and send them to me. But unlike them,” she thrust a thumb over her shoulder, “I won’t hesitate to kill your little minions.”  
Hawkmoth ‘hmph’ed and the call ended.
The room was silent for a moment, as everyone digested what just happened.
“What…the…ever-loving—“ Started Nino.
“That is…not what I expected him to do.”
Salo laughed. “What a moron! No wonder he loses all the battles. No strategy, no thinking, just ‘I’m gonna get them’. It’s pretty sad actually. You weren’t even good heroes, just better than the villains you faced.”
Chloe was staring ahead, blankly, and then turned to look at Alya. “What…what did Hawkmoth want with the Miraculous?”
“We don’t know.” Alya answered, just as listlessly. “I never understood why he wanted those two, specifically…Marinette might have a guess.”
The group was startled as Adrien darted forward, head butting Salo in the face, before running towards the door.
A gunshot ran out over the speakers, and Chloe shrieked.
“Next time I won’t miss.”
The gun was trained right between Marinette’s eyes, who stared her down fearlessly.
“It’s your decision kitty cat. The door is right there. You can run, or you can save your little girlfriend.”
Adrien hesitated for just a second, and Alya thought that was the end.
But, blessedly, he walked back to his place.  
“What do you say?”
“…sorry, ma’am.”
She punched him solidly in the gut, knocking the wind out of him, and sending him to the floor.
He rolled onto his side, desperately gasping for breath.
“What do we say?”
He gasped over and over, trying to breathe. “I’m—I’m sorry, ma’am.”
She kicked him in the side, making him cry out.
“What do we say!?”
“I’m sorry! I won’t do it again!” He all but screamed.
Pasolini grabbed his arms and hauled him to his feet.
“Then stand on the bucket.”
Salo slipped the hood on, making sure it covered him completely, before she stepped away.
“I can’t breathe,” he choked.
“What was that, kitty cat?”
“I can’t breathe! I can’t breathe!” His shoulders hunched as he flailed his head. “Please, I can’t breathe! Get it off!”
Salo ignored him, and slipped a hood onto Marinette.
“I can’t breathe!” He wailed. “Help!”
“Adrien!” Marinette cried. “Take a slow, deep breath.”
“I-I can’t! I-I-!”
“Sshh…” She hushed him. “Just inhale….and exhale…”
Marinette continued to comfort him, as Salo and her men got out ladders, and began to tie rope to the ceiling. At the end were nooses.
“You said we had time!” Chloe shouted at Alya.
“I thought we did!” She shouted right back.
“What’s happening, my lady?”
“I…I don’t know. Just keep breathing…”
“I’m—I’m scared.”
“Me too, kitty. Just keep breathing.”
Then the nooses were around their necks, and those watching began to sob.
“Do you know what this is?”
Adrien shuttered.
Marinette answered. “It’s…a rope…Oh god…” She started to cry.
“This is a very easy game to play.” Said Salo. “All you have to do, is stay very still. As long as you don’t fall, you won’t lose! Now won’t this be so much fun?”
Adrien made a noise that sounded halfway between a sob and heave.
“Oh come now! You’ve been standing for 12 hours already, what’s one more?”
It was agony. This woman sure knew her stuff. Salo walked off screen, as Marinette and Adrien stood, waiting for their demise.
All of Paris listened to the heartbroken sobs of their heroes. Terrified out of their minds.
As Adrien cried out, Marinette spoke to comfort him, but Salo smacked her in punishment.
She began to wobble.
“Oh Mari, no…please don’t fall.” Alya whispered. “Girl please…”
The bucket toppled, the rope tightened, and Marinette let out a choked gasp.
“No!!” The three leapt from the couch and screamed.
“My lady!” Adrien shouted.
Marinette was standing on her tippy toes, her neck extended as far as it would go. And she was desperately gasping for air.
“Marinette! Marinette please say something!”
Alya’s pulse pounded in her ears. How long could she stay like that? How long could she survive?
Finally, the rope was cut and she collapsed on the floor.
“My lady…my lady…” Adrien kept calling for her. Begging her to answer.
She was freed of her hood, as she continued to lay on the ground.
“Adrien…” she whispered. “Hang…hang in there…”
“My lady!” His voice was wet with relief, and he outright sobbed.
The hour ended, and his noose and hood were pulled off as well. He was weeping, tears soaking his face, as his lips pulled into a grimace.
They watched as they were both led from the room, Marinette having to be dragged.
“I’m going to kill her.” Alya stated, not for the first time. “I’m going to put her in a noose for an hour and see how she likes it!”
“Al, calm down.”
Alya shot to her feet. “No! I won’t calm down! Maybe I’ll attract another akuma! I’ll take it this time! Let me be Lady Wifi again! Akumatize me!”
But there was no akuma to be found, and Alya collapsed back onto the couch, crying into her palms. “I’m a superhero, damnit…why am I so useless?”
“How do you think everyone else in this city feels?” He asked. “Yeah, we have Miraculous. Yeah, we know them personally. But what about all the other people who love them? Who were saved by them?”
Alya shook her head. “But we’re the ones who have a chance! We can save them!”
“Alya…we’re just kids.”
Her hands flopped down to her legs, as she stared at the floor in silence. “So…we give up?”
“No, of course not.” He petted her hair. “I just think you’re being too hard on yourself. We can’t help them if we’re too busy having a pity party.”
The stream was still going, even though there was no one in the room.
“Last time, Salo had a message of when the next stream was.”
“Then we’ll just wait for it.”  
About a half hour passed until the stream changed. The camera views were different, and the footage was only in black and white. Marinette and Adrien were sitting on the floor, eating something.
“They get food!” Chloe cried with relief.
“It doesn’t look like much.” Nino added.
Alya just watched with wet eyes.
Marinette was speaking.“Oh…I just…I was thinking, earlier, when we were chained up and waiting…I was looking at you, as you slept. And…I felt like I was looking at a stranger. You’re my best friend, and I care so so much about you, but…You’re not Adrien anymore, and you aren’t Chat. You’re just…different.”
“Oh…yeah, I see what you mean. I…I kinda feel the same. I’m so used to seeing Ladybug so fearless and sassy, and then Marinette shy and adorable…seeing Marinette being rebellious and…humiliated like this is…foreign.”
“Were you disappointed?” She whispered.
“Were you disappointed? You said, a few days ago, that you were in love with Ladybug. Were you disappointed when you found out I was her?”
“No…Well…I was disappointed in myself. I promised that I would know you immediately, out of the mask. And so allowed myself to fall head over heels in love with you. In fact, there was a handful of people I would have been disappointed with if you had turned out to be them. But you were with them in person, so I didn’t worry.”
“Oh, like who?”
“My father for example.”
That managed to give smiles to those at home. “Your father, Gabriel Agreste, as Ladybug!? How the hell did you think that as an option!?”
“You don’t know! The miraculous could drastically alter someone’s appearance! If my father wanted to look like a 15 year old girl…then that’s on him, I guess.”
She giggled some more. “Boy, I hope Salo doesn’t have cameras in here right now.”
“In case she does…sorry father, that was a joke.”
This was a private moment. A conversation between two partners. Two friends.
No one had the right to listen in.
And yet Salo broadcasted it to everyone.
It was kind of uplifting, hearing Ladybug and Chat Noir admit, in some capacity, that they loved each other. Although, they didn’t outright say it.
“I looked for you.” He said softly. “I looked everywhere for you. But…you had been there, all this time. And I never noticed. I’m so sorry.”
“You don’t have anything to apologize for.”
“What about you?” He asked. “You have, or had, a crush on me. But you always rejected Chat Noir.”
“I’m so happy that you’re my kitty.” She croaked, emotional. “I always thought that you were so kind and forgiving…it makes sense that you’re him.”
“I’m glad.” He hummed. “Back before all this, before the photo thing…I thought you hated me.”
“Yeah! I mean, you were always so…uncomfortable around me. I thought maybe you were still holding a grudge a little from the whole gum incident.”
“What! I would never!”
“I know that now.” He snickered. “I just...I’m sheltered. I still haven’t picked up on all social cues.”
“Oh, I think you’re doing pretty okay.”
“Most of the time.”
He hummed. “Then I guess you’ll just have to stay with me to help me with the few I miss.”
There was a pause, and Adrien made a confused face. “What?”
“What what?”
“Didn’t you just say my name?”
“You so did! Just now!” Adrien turned in his cell towards her.
“I said ‘most of the time’ and that’s it!”
“I could have sworn—What?”
“I didn’t say anything!”
“Well someone did! I just heard my name! I keep hearing someone calling for me!”
Marinette was sat up a little bit, “You…you didn’t just say my name, did you?”
“No…and I didn’t hear it either…Ugh this is freaking me out! Is it a ghost?”
Marinette scoffed. “More than likely, it’s a tiny speaker that Salo hid in your cell. Mine too.”
Almost instantly, Marinette’s body went slack and she slumped against the wall.
Adrien called out for her, but likewise, he collapsed.
“What’s happening to them?” Asked Chloe.
“I have no idea. They were fine just a minute ago.”
Marinette’s mouth opened, and she called out for him. “Cccccchhhhhhaaaaatttttt…” Her voice was slow and drawn out, some drool tripping off her lip.
Adrien started flailing, like he was losing his balance. Then he pulled at the door of his cell. It opened without any resistance and he wandered out.
The camera changed angles to show the room they were in. The three could see the cages they were being kept in, that looked like old duct work. The rest of the room was mostly empty. Some junk scattered around, and a plank of wood over the doorway.
Adrien stumbled out, swaying back and forth, looking like a drunkard. He turned towards Marinette’s cage and started walking, with a heavy lean backwards, like he was fighting gravity.
“What is wrong with him?” Chloe demanded. “He looks drunk.”
Nino opened his mouth a few times, then said, “Dehydration?”
Alya shook her head. “Not like this. It has to be drugs. Of some kind. Maybe in the food.”
“I’m not dreaming am I?” Adrien asked aloud.
He turned around in a circle, then tried to swing his bum arm around. “I’m not dreaming, am I?” He asked again. “Didn’t I just say that?”
He wobbled and finally reached Marinette’s cage. Opening the door, he leaned against the opening.
“You’re not Marinette.” He said.
The camera showed Marinette looking up at him. He was definitely looking at her, but he was seeing someone else. And so was she.
“I’m not?” She asked right back.
“Have we met before?”
“Have we met before?” Parroted Marinette.
“Yes of course!” Said Adrien, then muttered something incomprehensible.
Marinette stood slowly, her world swaying.
“You’re my mommy!” Adrien giggled, his hands over his mouth.
“They’re hallucinating.” Alya breathed.
“That’s sick.” Nino spat.
Then Adrien screamed. Screamed bloody murder, blowing out the microphones. He scrambled, his movement frantic, but graceless, as he whirled around in space.
Marinette was scrambling after him, rage on her face, and thus began the slowest chase anyone had ever seen. Multiple times, they both fell on the floor, rolling around like they were drowning.
Adrien gathered his footing and ran at full speed at the wall, colliding with it, over and over and over again, like if he hit it hard enough, he would break through.
Nino winced with each impact.
“Oh, did that hurt?” She asked, as Adrien slid to lay on the floor.  
“I’m not dreaming am I?”
“You already said that.”
“I’m losing my mind.”
“Quite possibly.”
They reached out for each other, taking hold of the other’s wrist. They both pulled, Adrien raising off the floor, only to fall back down again. They were both screaming incomprehensible garbage at each other.
Adrien just started rolling around on the floor, squawking and squealing, making ungodly noises of pain and fear.
They couldn’t begin to imagine what he was seeing.
Marinette wasn’t much better. She wasn’t on the ground, but she was still screaming. Alya heard her call out for Chat once or twice. She staggered a few steps, her foot colliding with something metal on the ground. She stooped and picked it up.
A crowbar.
“Put it down, Mari.” Alya begged. “Drop it!”
With a shriek, she started to hack at Adrien with the crowbar, hitting him in the chest as he continued to scream.
Blood came out of his mouth with each hit.
Finally, Marinette stopped, just at the apex of her swing.
“My lady?” He asked softly.
The crowbar clattered to the ground loudly.
“Chat? Is that you?” She asked.
“I…I don’t know.” He answered honestly. “I feel like…I’m not me.”
“Me neither.”
Marinette staggered backwards, and started screaming again. And Adrien started to roll around. It was starting over again.
Many hours passed. The sun had set, and the streetlights had gone on. Chloe wandered over to Adrien’s bed and collapsed. She laid there crying for several hours before she finally fell asleep. Nino watched for much longer, but his head lolled, and he fell asleep on the couch.
Alya was the only one still awake, watching as Adrien and Marinette continued their drug induced haze. Her eyes burned, her tears all dried up.
Trixx floated up to her face. “You should go to sleep, pretty girl.”
“Can’t.” Alya shook her head. “I have to…have to watch for clues.”
“If there hasn’t been any so far, I don’t think there will be any.”
Alya rubbed her eyes, blinking back the emotion that threatened to take her. She glanced at her phone. “School starts in two hours.”
“You aren’t going to school,” her kwami scolded gently. “You need to sleep or your going to start hallucinating too.”
“I…don’t think I can sleep. Even if I wanted to.”
Trip swooped over and turned off the TV. “Then do something else for a little while. If you watch this any longer, you’re not going to be any help to them.”
Alya sighed. “Fine. I’ll do something else.”
Adrien’s computer was just over there. Maybe he wouldn’t have a password on it. She sat down, and shook the mouse, the screen coming to life. His wallpaper was him with his mother, which was almost too painful to look at.
She clicked on Chrome, pulling up the internet. His most recent page was the Ladyblog, and he was logged in.
As Chat Noir.
Alya chuckled to herself. “If anyone had gotten on this computer at any time, they would have figured you out.”
Allowing him some privacy, she logged him out, and logged in as herself.
Salo’s post to Hawkmoth was gone. Whether she took it down or Max did, Alya didn’t know. And she didn’t really care.
She opened a new post, knowing she should probably do this before things got out of hand, and people starting asking questions. They probably were, but she hadn’t checked her notifications since they went missing.
Hi Ladybloggers, Alya here.
I’m sure you’ve seen the news. If you haven’t, it is with a heavy heart that I announce that Ladybug and Chat Noir have been captured by a woman going by the name Salo. She has them held hostage somewhere undisclosed. She’s been streaming on this site (WARNING: What she is doing to them is graphic and not for the faint of heart. Those under the age of 18 probably shouldn’t look.) They have had their Miraculous stolen and their identities exposed.
Ladybug is my best friend, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, who I have talked about several times on the blog.
Chat Noir is also a good friend of mine, Adrien Agreste, head model for Gabriel Agreste. He’s in my class.
I’m sure many articles and news sites will try to get the scoop on what kind of people they are. I’m in contact with their parents right now, and I’d just like to say, if a story is not endorsed by my blog, it most likely is not factual, and not authorized by either family. (This does not include any interviews that Adrien did prior to being captured.)
When I am ready, I will share some clips of Marinette that we took together. I want everyone to know how amazing, wonderful, thoughtful, helpful and kind they both are in their other lives. They took the superhero duty above and beyond the mask and always tried to help others and do the right thing.
Soon, I will also be making a detailed transcript of what happens in the stream, for those of you who are unwilling to watch it. Anyone willing to help with this endeavor, please message me.
First thing first though. Marinette, Ladybug, had said something earlier today that I want to share and hammer home.
“If you’re watching this, you…you’re probably feeling a little hopeless. I don’t blame you. I feel…pretty hopeless too. I mean, I’m stuck. I’m not sure how I’m going to get out of this. But Ladybug always saves the day, right?
My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I’m 17 years old, and my favorite color is pink. I’m the daughter of the best bakers in Paris, though I might be a little bias. Before I became Ladybug, I was a normal girl, with a normal life. What made me extraordinary, was my willingness to help others, and my kindness. So Paris, I have a favor to ask:
“Be helpful and kind. Go out of your way do something nice for someone once a day. If you can do this for me, then I know Paris will be safe until we return.”
This is Ladybug’s favor to us, and it’s the least we can do.
More info to come.
Alya out.
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xcziel · 4 years
Multi-Fandom Slash Fic Recs: Long reads for your quarantine needs
Was gonna add my own 2 cents for each rec, but it got long and I'll never post if I have to think about it anymore - may edit to add more commentary. Suffice it to say, these are all great long reads, not much angst, some smutty some not, highly improbable levels of things-working-out because it's fanfic and that's what it's for. Feel free to troll through my AO3 Bookmarks as well.
The One Where They're Stars on HGTV Series
Inception: Arthur/Eames
AU, 466,359 words 9 works Complete
"Have you ever seen "Love It or List It"? In which Arthur is the real estate agent and Eames is the designer.
Eames is certain that they will excel at being celebrity judges.
Arthur is not so sure.
But then, that's usually how their relationship goes."
My 2 cents: Just what it says on the tin: Arthur and Eames are HGTV stars of a show which pits straightlaced realtor Arthur against flamboyant designer Eames, but the new show they're embarking on will give them a chance to work together. Arthur has his reservations - not least among them the surprise arrival of Eames' superficially charming ex. Eames, of course, has all the confidence in the world. Featuring fun design challenges, mildly insecure Athur, fluffy confidant Ariadne, reality show 'backstage' melodrama, Arthur becomes a meme, Eames fantastical decorating schemes, a Matt Bomer lookalike complete with fedora (trilby), and acres of gauzy romantic fluff.
We Begin Again Series
Merlin: Merlin/Arthur
316,197 words 4 works
"For many long years Merlin waited.
For the other part of his soul, for the other half of his life. He was born to serve Arthur. So that meant he was also born to wait. Even if it took a thousand years. Even if the wait seemed never to end.
Until one day, suddenly, it did.
When Arthur stumbles from the Lake of Avalon 1,500 years after his death, he finds a world unlike the one he knew. Faced with the loss of everyone he loved, and the threat of impending prophecy, Arthur must learn what it means to be not just a king, but the Once and Future King. Merlin does all he can to guide him, even as he struggles to hide his love for his king, and his fear of losing him again.
Story includes sass, banter, horseplay, & True Love."
Infinite Coffee and Protection Detail Series
MCU: Steve/Bucky
264,438 words 8 works
"The mission resets abruptly, from objective: kill to objective: protect
Integration into adult human social dynamics requires attention and effort. Especially with this bunch of damaged bozos.
(A series of interconnected one-shots.)"
2 cents: Post-Winter Soldier Bucky works his own way through. Recovery fic from Bucky's POV, not shippy in the beginning (unless you consider MCU-canon-level co-dependency shippy I guess) and with added 'Avengers living in the Tower' flavor
The Sonnet Series
nekosmuse, afrocurl
X-Men: Charles/Erik
AU, 196,721 words 3 works
"Erik Lehnsherr is a visiting professor at Columbia University, as well as an acclaimed and award winning poet. Charles Xavier is a lead researcher with the Genetics Department who is well on his way to tenure. But what happens when Charles has to cancel a class because half his students abandon him in favour of a mysterious new English Lit professor? Naturally he ends up sitting in in the class, where Professor Lehnsherr mistakes him for a student. It's really too bad Erik has such a strict policy against dating students. It's also too bad Erik doesn't seem to know how to use Google."
Hollywood 'verse Series
Star Trek AOS: Kirk/McCoy
80,063 words 7 works
"From Variety, June 2008:
Pavel Chekov ("Charlie X") and Gaila ("Bread and Circuses") have joined the cast of small budget drama "That Which Survives," funded by Fleet's indie arm Academy and supervised by Nyota Uhura.
The debut feature from longtime script doctor Leonard McCoy, former show runner on sitcom "Three to Tango," centers on a college student coping with his father's terminal cancer. Chekov plays the son, Gaila the nurse. The father is yet to be cast.
Also attached are director James T. Kirk and producer Spock, the team behind the blockbuster spy-girl franchise starring Carol Marcus, the latest of which, "A Taste of Armageddon," opened last month.
(A modern-day Hollywood AU.)"
A Curious Carriage of Crystal and Cold
X-Men: Charles/Erik
AU, 114,261 words
"Charles, a miner from a poor village in the countryside, saves the life of Erik Lehnsherr, scion of a successful business family and the richest man on the planet Eisen. Charles is a telepath and somewhat anxious about it, while Erik abstains from relationships because the lights flicker and doors open and electronics vibrate when he gets too excited.
Also featuring a long-suffering sister, a foul-mouthed bodyguard, and a best friend with a heart that is definitely not gold.
In which there are princes, spaceships, long journeys, and old secrets uncovered. (An AU sci-fi fairytale)"
Shadowlord and Pirate King Series
Footloose, mushroomtale
Merlin: Merlin/Arthur
AU, 216,060 words 3 works
"A fast ship, a good crew, a treasure, a Clan to lead -- that's all Arthur Pendragon has ever wanted. He sits on the Council, he supports his father's kingship, and he keeps an eye on the Imperial Conglomerate when they come too close to Pirate space.
One day the Conglomerate infiltrates the Clans and poisons the King. Arthur must search for a cure to keep his father alive and the Clans from civil war.
An escape route, a sharp knife, a target, the shadows at his command -- that's all Merlin has ever needed. He fulfills his assignments, he uses the Sterling to sustain his once-royal House in their exile, and wages a private war against the Imperial Conglomerate.
When he learns of an elaborate plot to assassinate him, Merlin does the opposite of what's expected. He flees onto a Pirate ship.
There's a saying among the Pirates: that one's fate is written in the stars. Destiny will always set to rights what has been made wrong.
Arthur and Merlin know that they were meant for the other from the moment they meet. They can feel it from across the galaxies separating them. Nothing can stop them from being together or from fulfilling an ancient prophecy."
Children, Wake Up Series
Star Wars sequels: Kylo Ren/Armitage Hux
non-canon after Force Awakens, 608,083 words 3 works
Warning for torture and past sexual assault (offscreen)
"Hux follows orders and loses his way.
Barricaded in the darkness of Snoke's citadel as part of his final training, Kylo Ren senses a disturbance in the Force: General Hux in great pain, captured and tortured by a faction of radical traitors within the First Order. Ren seeks Snoke's counsel and finds him gone. He knows this is a test, and that he must resist the urge to assist the General. And yet."
2 cents: I don't even know. I started just to look at it and then somehow I couldn't stop. Two characters I find wholly irredeemable given back story enough to make me suspend disbelief just enough to enjoy the fic - now that's talent. Features background Finn/Rey and Luke/Wedge if you care about that, and generally has everyone written in a positive light except Snoke, including a surprising handful of of First Order refugees. It's weirdly not at all a dark fic, despite the premise and extreme levels of Force Ex Machina.
snipers solve 99% of all problems
Fullmetal Alchemist: post-canon gen
HP crossover, 170,861 words, 59 chapters so far, WIP
"Ed had thought, after the whole Promised Day, homunculus, entire country harvested for alchemical batteries thing, the batshit quotient of his life would have settled down some. He really ought to have topped out the meter with that one. But no. The bullshit is just getting started.
“Are you fucking kidding me,” Ed demands. “The wizards?”"
2 cents: Neither of these are my fandom, but I have read all the HP books, so I could get the gist. While jonesing for an update, I ended up bingeing FMA: Brotherhood and I have no regrets. Ed working alchemy-as-science and trying to translate wizardry into scientific alchemical workarounds is all I never knew I wanted. Team Amestris takes JKR's creation to school, with all the swearing you'd expect sprinkled throughout for ambiénce.
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squidproquoclarice · 5 years
Cuz you're hitting the jump ahead to 1904 and then I expect 1907 what are your thoughts on John's life between 1899 and 1907? Is that something you plan to change in Sunrise?
Yup, we’ll skip from 1904 to 1907.
I’m still trying to keep Sunrise as canon-adjacent as I can.  Obviously Arthur’s survival definitely affected things for numerous people.  Sadie’s story in particular has turned out to have diverted somewhat from the canon path without her being so closed off and hardened by losing two people she loved in such a short time.  Those ripples are going to continue.
But I’m not changing stuff just for the sake of changing it, so John’s story will likely stay the same in that eight year span with the Marstons in western Canada and/or maybe Alaska. And that’s because while I could see that maybe it didn’t need to stretch out for a full eight years, I reasonably buy the notion that John keeps fucking things up and sending the Marstons on the run again.
Arthur in Sunrise had expressed to Sadie he’s scared shitless by recognizing how deeply unprepared he is for “ordinary” life.  But he’s also a hard worker, broadly skilled, etc.  He has advantages John doesn’t.
It’s noted resentfully by multiple people in camp that John’s spoiled and treated differently.  It’s said that he ran off for a year and Dutch acted like nothing happened.  And it also seems that aside from Abigail and Jack feeling the personal lack of him being involved, the gang itself didn’t seem to miss a step, which implies strongly that John wasn’t exactly an integral day-to-day cog.  Arthur outright notes that he’s the “workhorse” and John the “prize pony”.  Arthur seems genuinely surprised at John coming up with the train robbery plan, beyond ribbing John about his intelligence.  In other words, the impression that comes across strongly is that John was something of a pampered prince among the gang and he certainly contributed sometimes, but he was never expected to get out and hustle on a regular basis the way others were. 
That’s largely Dutch’s influence, I suspect.  He favored John, and there was likely affection there, but that doesn’t mean there wasn’t also psychological abuse.  His abuse of Arthur depended on guilt, exploitation of Arthur’s need to please and inability to set boundaries, and generally keeping him insecure and constantly anxious for approval to get everything he could from the man.  I suspect his abuse of John was in encouraging laziness and a certain learned helplessness as his favorite.  That prevents John from becoming nearly as skilled and central to the gang’s workings as Arthur, which, when coupled with John’s much greater natural confidence, would make him a threat to Dutch in a way Arthur isn’t until Chapter 5/6.  The double standard would also tend to isolate John from the others, which helps tone down his potential threat level also.
John in 1899 is a 26-year-old man wholly unprepared to go out and live an independent, law abiding life.  We see that eight years later, he needs to learn basic farm skills.  He admits to not being able to herd to Arthur.  He presumably can handle himself admirably with sidearms, but still has to learn quick-draw dueling in RDR1.  He’s presumably not much of a hunter (I don’t recall seeing his name in the camp book all that often implying that he is, though I could be wrong?) and it seems like he turns readily to Arthur whenever something using a long gun is needed.
He also seemingly hasn’t had boundaries established, like Arthur did after Dutch and Hosea found him (there’s some remark in Arthur’s bio about how he was pretty much a total disaster as an ex-street kid, until he got some discipline and structure).  John, in comparison, seems to have gotten away with a lot, and not been forced to learn most of Arthur’s skills.  And so that lack of preparedness and skills, and the inability to curb his temper, means he’s been dumped out in the real world, told to go make his way, be a man, and he has zero resources with which to accomplish it.  He keeps getting into trouble and dragging Abigail and John with him.  And Abby’s lived a rough life herself.  Neither of them really have anyone to rely upon to help them learn how to live a life different from the transitory violent vagabond one they supposedly left.
Arthur, in comparison, goes into post-1899 with a lot of advantage over John.  He has Sadie as a friend, and then a spouse, who has some notion of an ordinary life.  He has Calderon for encouragement and advice.  He finds others too.  He has the grace period of a year at Las Hermanas in which to try to decompress and just heal psychologically as well as physically.  He also has a much bigger toolbox than John in terms of skills, a better sense of self-discipline (particularly now that he’s seen what his temper can do), a much steadier work ethic, and the resolve of knowing more of the man he wants to be.  
It’s notable that John only gets his shit together when two things happen: he finds the Geddes family, who both believe in him and give him the support to start acquiring the skills and stability he needs, and he also gets a rude awakening when Abigail and Jack leave and he finally understands, like Arthur did after Thomas Downes and his TB diagnosis, that he can’t be the man he was.  Arthur’s coming-of-age and truly becoming a man in his own right is in Chapters 5/6.  John’s answering arc to that is in 1907.
So all in all, John’s long string of screw-ups between 1899 and 1907 do ring true, IMO.  He doesn’t know how to cope with this massive charge Arthur put on him.  Don’t look back, grow up and be a man, and look after your family.  Go have the life I can’t.  He’s not truly invested in changing yet, because that would mean accepting he’s not the golden child Dutch always treated him as, but instead an unimpressive man–no skills, no work history, no references.  It also means failing Arthur’s standards, again, and on the most important thing Arthur ever demanded/asked of him.  And that’s got to be terrifying for John.  So he’s not ready to face all of that yet, and he doesn’t. 
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