#and hiding under or around the fur of their big wolf dad
llumimoon · 2 years
Thinking abt wild shape wolf Sparrow again 🥺
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bwoahtastic · 2 years
Wolves adoption: Lewis adopting little Max who is skittish in human form but in pup form is just whining and trying to squeeze in under furniture. It takes a lot of gentle coaxing before Max is comfortable around Lewis's big wolf form
OH pllsss
Lewis bringing his little one home and Max is skittish but also a little relieved at having a home snd he tries really hard to be a good boy and bond with his new papa. In human form, he can repress how scared he is really, and how intimidating of his new environment, but in his little wolf form his emotions are more primal and more difficult to hide and Lesis having such a big Alpha wolf form is really scary because Max's birth dad did too...
Little grey pup hiding under the sofa and whimpering and Lewis just lays down next to the sofa and rumbles softly, only getting up to retrieve blankets or toys for the little one! Maybe they practise more with Max in pup form but Lewis in his human form so Max can get used to Lewis's scent and connect it t feeling safe before dealing with Lews's wolf form again🥺 the firdt time the little cub noses into Lewis's fur makes him melttttt tho😭
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simiansmoke · 1 year
@wolfpackmuses cont.
If the wolf thought he was going to be remotely capable of moving paws out of the way of the Kong prince's...uh, genetic assets, he would be sorely mistaken. Not even any type of lower-wear could escape the gravitational pull of overdeveloped glutes that would eventually end with fabric edges curling up into any crevice available. Coupled with the extra inch or so of fur, it just made the act of any sort of trousers infuriating. Best let it alone...fur was already like a pair of skinnies anyway.
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"Sheesh." DK tuts, a blast of rain water from above also landing on him from his seated position in the wolf's dunking space. It was a sharp, cold reminder that he didn't want to go off the deep end for the night just yet, and it was shocking enough to instill a half moment of sobriety in him to inquire the other further. "No wonder...and here I thought you just had a log up your ass." A flash of teeth accompany the side-smirk as he shifts around on his perch doggishly, as if he were raring to go for a frantic Frisbee chase the moment his guest threw anything-a mere pebble maybe... out of the springs.
Instead, he settles briefly to fish up the wolf's paw in a moment of stunned curiosity. Mashing on toe beans seemed to lighten his wild and rambunctious mood for a moment because he could only smile as the flustered wolf snatched his paw back and allowed it to hide the flushed pink paw pads back under the surface.
"Heh-ehehuhuhu..." A low laugh later, he straightens up and gladly takes advantage of the renewed power of two paws keeping him upright under the water despite their positioning...truth be told they probably didn't have a shred of space to escape anyway. "Aw, sorry, Fido. I wasssss 'jus wondrin' whas' pokin' me down'ere. Few possibirities." With that, he leans in to rest an elbow on the wolf's shoulder, and then perches his big head on his own bicep in the exchange in order to glance down at the other's snout from an amusing distance of not much...but enough for him to feel saucy enough to keep poking for more granules of entertainment.
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"...no cluuuue. But-...if askin' Dad's what ya need t'be doin'... you suuuuure took a detour right here. You're welcomeee! Fer the vacationnn." He adds, a big doofy smile on his face while he leans in to give the guy a friendly bump from forehead to his white and frustratingly flicking, triangular ear. "Guess ya couldn't resist a moment of relaxin'."
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purrincesskittens · 3 years
Some pure indulgent fluff in my dragons atla universe slightly inspired by @muffinlance Scaled Over writing out how Bato comes into the possession of a little scaly Zuko still but I just had to get this fluff out first. Sorry for tagging you so often muffin you have inspired me to write again and actually finish something for once.
Zuko's scar isn't as bad over his eye it's larger though it covers more of the left side of his face and down his neck and across his shoulder. It's not as bad though it's second to third degree and will scar but not nearly as bad as it looks in canon like this but on a small child
Bato was drifting between wakefulness and sleep wanting to go back to sleep unsure as to what woke him. His hammock rocked with the ship he was comfortable under his furs and blankets. They were almost home and just in time to beat the late season storm coming their way. He was almost asleep again when the baby in his arms sat up on his chest. After a moment of squirming little hands patted his face gently and cautiously to wake him. Giving a yawn and stretch Bato opened his eyes to look at the little one he held.
"Sorry." The 3 year old little boy whispers so softly Bato wouldn't have heard if he hadn't been holding the little one so close. "What's wrong buddy?" Bato asks as the kid squirmed again. "Umm." The little one grabbed at his front as he squirms in a matter Bato recognizes from Sokka who had just started potty training. "Need to go?" Bato sat up holding the boy to his chest as he did before unburrying them so he could swing his legs out of the hammock and set the boy down.
He knew what woke him now. The boy had been squirming for a while before waking Bato. The child was still very cautious about everything he did which angered Bato. The boy was barely 3 and was surprisingly very good about potty breaks although he did have accidents that caused him to break down in tears. Bato would love to murder the child's father. Not only was the man responsible for the large burn that covered the left side of the child's face and down his neck and shoulder but the man didn't seem to understand children. Didn't want the child to make loud noises and apparently yelled at every little thing the boy did.
Bato wasn't even a father but he was a damn proud uncle to Hakoda's kids and understood children were noisy and messy. He didn't have a high opinion of any servants hired to care for the boy either. None seemed to have had the patience for a young child struggling to be more mature then their age while still being a toddler. Standing up he guided the kid to use the bathroom yawning as he did. The boy finished with only a slight mishap at first not a big deal, he watched Sokka for Hakoda and Kya before he knew this could happen.
The boy looked at him like he expected to be hit or yelled at. "I missed." The boy whispered looking down at his bare feet. "Sorry." Bato had to close his eyes and count to ten silently so as not to show he was upset. Not at the little one but at the man the boy calls father. Kneeling he hugs the tiny thing to him before murmuring reassuringly. "It's okay accidents happen. You'll get better with time." He stood cleaning up the mess and then cleaned the child and himself up, using a clean wet cloth to whipe the boys face after to remove snot and tears.
Scooping him up he nuzzled the child's soft black hair with his nose. "Let's get a snack and then back to bed okay?" He got a nod in response as the little one tucked his head against his neck. Hakoda intercepted them after they had grabbed a few sea prunes yawning as he ruffled the child's hair causing the boy to squeak and hide his face against Bato's skin. "Midnight snack?" He questions his friend nodding to the half eaten prune in the toddlers hand. "Bathrrom visit first then snack as a reward for doing so good now back to bed." Bato explains bouncing the child in his arms gently to reassure him.
"I missed." Came the response from the half asleep bundle in the tribesman's arms. "That's okay Sokka, my son, misses alot too. It happens." The chief reassures the tiny thing who peaks at him with sleepy gold eyes. They eventually got back to bed with Bato settling the toddler in his arms under the furs and blankets.
The next day brought them into colder waters and icebergs appeared. The child stared with wide eyes from his place at the railing of the ship under the watchful eyes of the crew. As they traveled further south the more the ice grew bigger. It was early spring so the waters were barely safe enough to traverse meaning they had to slow down and take it easy. This also meant the icebergs appeared to be closer to the ship. Almost within touching distance it would seem. Or at least it seemed so to a tiny tot who had never seen icebergs before. One second he was standing by the railing, the next he's climbed up on the railing, and the second after that a little black dragon is launching himself across the distance little wings incapable of true flight, beating the air in an attempt at keeping him alight.
The ship lurched and a large blue dragon is grabbing the baby dragon in his teeth scuffing them and hauling them back on board the ship ignoring their whines of protest despite being a limp noodle hanging from Bato's jaws as he settles back in the middle of the deck depositing the little creature in front of them caging him with his claws so the little one can't scamper off.
The rest of the day is spent with a shaky noodle hiding in Bato's parka half because he got scolded for trying to jump off the ship to touch an iceberg half because he was cold. Aake's mutter suggestion about wing breaking had been overheard and the little one was terrified of him now. Bato hadn't liked that suggestion even if Aake wasn't completely serious.
"You need a name boy." Kustaa informs the child as he changes the bandages that cover half the boys face, neck and shoulder. "He has a name." Bato comments as he holds the boy still. "But he hasn't said what it is yet now has he? If he is staying he needs a name. We can't keep calling him boy now can we?" Cool salve is applied to the burn with gentle steady hands. Bato hums in response but thinks on what the healer said.
"If you don't want to tell me your name that's fine but since your starting a new life with us how about a proper water tribe name?" Bato asks the child as he carefully runs a brush through the boys hair. The little one practically purred in his lap as he pulled the brush through his thick black hair. "What do you think of Kanut? It means white polar bear goose." The boy scrunched up his nose and shook his head. "Yeah polar bear goose doesn’t suit you does it? Hmm how about Nanook?"
A little sneeze greeted this suggestion drawing a chuckle from the man. "No? Let's see then something that would suit you." Bato ran the brush once more through the toddlers hair before tying it up in a warriors wolf tail. "I know how about Tulugaq? For your raven hair." This last name earned a bright eye look. "Tulugaq it is then." Bato chuckles wrapping his arms around the newly dubbed Tulugaq giving him a hug.
Kustaa held Tulugaq in his arms as the crew ran around getting the ship ready as they drew closer to the South Pole and their village. Once they docked the ships would be unloaded and sleds packed up with supplies to be distributed among the various tribes and villages that made up the Southern Water Tribe enough to last the tribes to the summer when the traders came. Tulugaq only liked Kustaa and Bato primarily although he was growing used to the chief. Hakoda had been spending time with Bato while the little one hide under Bato's clothes or clung to him.
Bato had been named the boys guardian and new dad in everything but name. It had been agreed upon that if his mother came looking for him and proved to be trust worthy she would be welcomed by the tribe or allowed to take her son, the boys father would never get him back and would never lay another hand on the boy. Finally Bato came over scooping his new son up into his arms. "Welcome to the Southern Water Tribe, Tulugaq."
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raksh-writes · 3 years
Surprise! It's a Fox! (and a few more of 'em too!)
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Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Nogitsune & Stiles Stilinski, Nogitsune/Stiles Stilinski
Words: ~1,2k
Warnings: None, it’s not even romantic and could tots be read as platonic!
Check the work on AO3 for more information and tags!
This just came to my head today and I didn't want to lose it, so I've dictated this small lil’ thing in a span of few hours, cleaned it up and here it is. Also, for some reason, my brain decided past tense for this, don't ask me why ;p I feel like it reads a bit differently than my other fics, but I hope it’s gonna be an enjoyable one nonetheless! I might make this into a small 'verse of its own too, who knows 👀
Enjoy! ^^ And all the love ❤
There were foxes. In their backyard.
In their backyard.
Three adult ones that Stiles could see — and all of them with differently colored hides, funnily enough. One of them, resembling a very fluffy, toasted marshmallow, seemed to be sun basking in the grass without a care in the world, another — a dark silver fox with a slender snout and one white sock — appeared to be stalking the edges of the patio, and the most typical-looking one, with bright orange fur and black-tipped ears, was happily zooming around; chased by a small little kit stumbling behind it. And there were much more of them. A whole ass litter of them. From the youngest one that seemed like it was barely able to eat solid food to a few fairly grown ones play-biting at each other. And Stiles stood there, watching them frolic and chirp and just simply look like a bunch of happy foxes. Completely at a loss for words.
“What— How did you— Why—”
Reaching up a hand to cover his mouth, Stiles shook his head, something tight and aching taking hold of his chest.
Beside him, Void stood perfectly still, face a blank mask but for his eyes, dark gaze following the foxes around.
“It was no way to live,” he answered, cool and collected, but under that unbelievably smooth voice, the unmoving lines of his body, the steel was unmistakable.
Stiles' heart skipped a beat, then jumped up into his throat like it wanted to escape right through his mouth.
“What do you mean?” he asked weakly, already knowing and dreading the answer, even when something like an electric current of excitement zapped up his spine.
Void ignored his question, just as unwaveringly still.
“You thought about adopting one,” he said instead, “you wanted it.”
And just then, in that exact moment, something in Stiles broke — a small little dam that held off the welling up emotions cracking open.
“Yes! One! Maybe two! And only if we could provide them a good space, proper care, and that's if my dad even agreed! Fuck, goddammit, it was only a thought! A maybe, a Big maybe! But this—” Stiles turned around on his heel, arm swinging wildly at the state of their backyard. “This is— these are—”
All the words he could say died on his lips as Stiles watched the foxes play around in the grass, chasing each other to their heart's content. And then— he looked at Void. Really looked. And noticed, for the first time, the rigidness to his shoulders, the jump of clenched muscles on his jaw. It reminded him very suddenly of watching those videos a few days ago, of the rescued foxes at the sanctuary, of the ones trapped in those painfully small cages — and the demon perched at his back, eyes focused on the screen from above Stiles' shoulder. The realization hit him then, hard and sharp.
Fishing the phone out of his pocket, Stiles pulled up every news site he could think of and started scrolling through. It didn't even take long to find.
A couple of short articles, posted a few hours ago — a fur farm being suddenly closed, the owner going basically bankrupt in the span of the night, and under them comments about sanctuaries around the country gaining a few new fox residents.
His eyes stayed locked on the phone but really — he wasn't seeing much of anything right now.
“There was... no more space left for them,” the demon answered, as softly as Stiles had ever heard him.
A couple of noises caught Stiles' attention — the sound a cross between a chirp and a squeak. When he looked up from his phone, Stiles noticed a pair of kits had broken off from the group. They came up close to the patio and were now trying to climb the stairs, seemingly determined to reach Stiles at the top.
Watching them stumble and fall, Stiles thought about the owner — there were no reports about him being in any way injured, but they might’ve just not mentioned it. Void had definitely paid him a visit, though, otherwise this— this wouldn't have happened. Still, no mention of injuries didn't mean much when the demon could torture someone without ever laying a finger on them. And he did, Stiles was sure of it, knew it down to his bones. Void did this.
The two kits whined as if both offended at the stairs and despairing their inability to climb them. Stiles' heart dropped back into his chest, into the tight and aching hold around it — but under that, inside the cage of his ribs, a warmth started to spread, bringing new wetness to his eyes. It stung, hot and fierce, when he blinked the tears away.
Crouching down, Stiles reached for the kits to pick them up. They squealed, squirming in his hands, but when he put them down on the boards they immediately started to paw and nip at his legs, demanding Stiles to pet and play with them. A smile quivering in the corner of his mouth, Stiles gave in, occupying himself with two handfuls of small little foxes, petting and scratching and nipping back at them until a wet, watery laugh escaped the tight confines of his chest; the aching knot unraveling until all the tension seemingly went away, as if it was never there in the first place. The warmth that was left felt a little like a captured ray of sunshine, bright and feather-light.
Next to him, Void had also crouched down, keeping himself in a somewhat wary, but also surprisingly open way. When Stiles looked at the demon, there was the silver fox from earlier beside him — it had climbed up to the patio and was curiously sniffing at the air around Void. It seemed taken with the demon in some way, boldly coming closer to approach him, just like the kits tried to with Stiles; maybe the fox was still a young one too. With its darker hide, slender snout and striking light-green eyes, it was definitely one of the prettiest foxes Stiles has ever seen — figured that it would come straight up to Void.
Stiles tried, and failed, to hold back his smile when the fox became even bolder, almost jumping straight into Void's lap. It braced its front paws on his knee, stretching up to sniff at his chin, its long fluffy tail swishing behind its hind legs, bringing attention to the one white sock. It was wholly and unbelievably cute. Just — plain, old adorable.
And, finally, Void had given in too — slowly, very slowly reaching up to offer pets to the fox. It sniffed at his hand — and didn't back away when the demon started to scratch its fluffy neck. The white-tipped tail swished even harder, the fox’s eyes turning half-lidded.
If it was a normal situation, it would have taken much more time and much more work for the foxes to warm up to them. To start trusting humans at all. But it wasn't a normal situation — and Void wasn't human. Which, well, Stiles wasn't either, not really.
A sharp hissing breath left his mouth — when Void looked back at him, when their eyes met, Stiles almost forgot about the two kits still nipping at his fingers. They whined, trying to capture his attention again, and he had to rip himself away from Void's dark, dark gaze.
“Okay,” he breathed out, “okay. We'll figure it out.”
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scentedwolfperfume · 2 years
Scott Abraham (oc)
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Age: 35
Sex: Male
Faceclaim: Tom Hiddleston
Ancestry: Unknown/Lycan;Shapeshifter;Werewolf
Physique: Tall, built but lengthy, blue eyes.
Personality: Quiet, protective, soft-spoken, gentle /when threatened/ Aggresive, stare-offs, growls something animalistic despite human form. /annoyed/ silent treatments 100% /around his son/ soft dad, loving and doting
Prefences: Male or Female, just if you can slip into that hardened heart of his, he’ll never let you hurt. 
Background and Childhood:
Scott Abraham, was born a lycan. A boy with wolf blood, a wolf’s heart, a wolf’s mind. Growing up he breathed, smelled, and saw through wild lens. He found this ability to shift into the vessel of a wicked beast at will. Or as in his case, when fueled with heavy emotion at the age of 15 during a conflict between his mother and father. The bones, and flesh contorted and grew, and bent, and morphed into a being of stringy fur, taught flesh, claws and baring teeth. A dog’s visage, and uncanny figure that was laced with muscle and grey hide. Cobalt eyes once a soft blue were like pools of ice. He became nature in all it’s grotesque glory. Standing hunched and breathing ragged and raspy.  At 15 he learned of his adoption, and that he was not his parent’s son, but a babe they found in the woods one fated night. A babe they swore was a normal, human baby boy. 
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How wrong they were. 
After that night, he was given a choice to either stay human, or to be a wolf, and live where the wolves lied. Deep in the woods, and to never cross human territory. To which he chose, too quick for better judgment, the latter. From then on, the forest became his home, all inhabitants, big or small. His family. And as he grew into adulthood, he nearly forgot what it was like to be human. 
Until he was hit by a car, crossing the interstate after a doe. 
There, in the middle of a summer night. Where as a welcomed cool breeze swam through the air and kissed his calloused skin, he laid a wheezing clump of blood, teeth and fur just under the vehicle’s headlights. Still hidden by shadow as a woman ran around the corner in the fear of what she had done. In time the mass of flesh shrunk and shed into a frail naked body of a man. Scott’s human form that hadn’t been displayed since his was a teenager lay before her feet. 
Of course, there’s no lie when it came to the panic that rushed through the woman’s body. As she apologized profusely, through whimpered gasps as she knelt down to touch Scott. To which the graze of her skin lit his up like a match and he was jolted from the dead. His road burned torso flying up and he twisted to look at her with wide eyes, and a bloodied mouth. 
Who would have thought that sobbing woman by the name of Riley whom struck him with her dodge caravan would become the mother of his child. It wasn’t too quick, but it wasn’t too slow either. Their connection grew inseparable, and there was no greater truth, than the love they held for one another. She rushed a star struck and mute Scott to a hospital, where he would be released and taught the ways of the human world all over again. By whom he could listen too endlessly. Scott wasn’t much of a talker but his actions spoke volumes. Told more than words ever could. He converted to human traditions, and more, leaving all his wolfishness behind, and for a while. He would only visit his past self on rare occasions. Like a run through the woods, from time to time but more so, he had stayed human for Riley, and only Riley. And he would do so much more, and when he found her pregnant with his child he couldn’t have been happier. 
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But all happy things, must come to an end. 
For the last night they spent together was caked with rust and anger. Their son Michael had been 3 and still showed no signs of wolf in him, and to this Scott was flustered. He couldn’t explain why, but the thought of nothing wolfish in his offspring had struck an unfamiliar cord and drove him mad. It must have been the canine instincts that nagged him, and chipped away at his mind. His pup may not have been his, a foolish thought but one that gnawed the dark corners of his thoughts. Until finally he snapped, and raged and stormed off, leaving a weeping mother and their child. 
Of course the rage within him could burn cities for miles, but the fire only lasted for so long, and not that long at all, and once it dwindled and died. He realized how wrong he was and the human side of him pulled him back. Drug him to shore but deep in the thickets where he heard a gun shot ring and echo through the trees, did he fully wake up. Sprinting back to his home, the cottage they bought together to raise their little family and where once a happy place was built. Set ablaze. 
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He found men leaving the burning cottage and Scott found no reason not to jump into the smoldering shack. He turned back into his human form the moment he crashed through the broken front door, sending embers flying. Finding his love slumped in a pool of blood across the living room floor, and no time could he mourn when the weeps of their little one filled his ears. Bustling through smoke and debris to find Michael under his bed wailing, and pulled him away. Away from everything, the cries, the smoke, the flames, and the heart break still shattering Scott’s very soul. And as Scott ran with Michael in his arms he could feel the sharp tiny claws digging into his flesh with desperation. His stomach churning, as he gazed down into a little wolven pup. His son was just like him, and his love died because of his carelessness. Scott could hardly breath, and since then he’s swallowed that pain and buried it deep within him, for the sake of his little one. And he vowed, as he cradled him into his chest, that no harm, would ever come to him, and that he loved him, and he was sorry, so sorry for something Michael would never understand.
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szchaql · 4 years
Total Opposite (part 5)
Paul Lahote x swan reader
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After that day at the forest with Paul, i slowly start to get close with the others. Uncle Harry told me everything that i need to know and he assured me that I'll be safe with the Quileute and don't have to worry about anything.
Me and the Clearwaters still hangout together after school, despite Paul always want me to spend time with him. But i can't help it. We are just friends, and i'm not ready to step into another level.
Unfortunately, Seth and Leah phased not long after, surprised both Uncle Harry and Sue. Now, they are joining Sam's pack. Seth totally happy about his new ability, while Leah didn't take it well, get caught between Sam and Emily. I feel bad about her, so i tried to be there for her, cheer her up and make her feel comfortable enough on the pack.
Oh, by the way, Bella already told me everything about Cullens. She said that the one who saved me back then was Carlisle. But she never push me to meet them yet. "I just wanted you to know that not every vampires are bad. The one with red eyes eat people and you have to be carefull around them. But the golden eyes are safe. They are vegetarian. When you are ready, i'll let you meet them. Carlisle always asked me if you are okay now..." I tried to accept the fact that my sister close to a family of vampires and she's so fine with it. "I'll try to understand it, okay? I still need time.." she nod understandingly.
Who can imagine that only 2 days later i get attacked by a red hair vampire? Lucky me.
I'm driving my car after doing groceries. It still in the afternoon and usually it's totally okay. But, to my bad luck, someone or i can say a woman, with red hair standing in the middle of the road, making me break hard. My car turn around a few times before crashing into a tree. With a blurry views and heachaches, i barely see the red hair woman walk toward me and drag me out of the car. I groan in pain. She crunched down and look me straight into my eyes, her red eyes glowing. My breath hitch as the memories flowing into my head. I can't find my voice nor move my body as she reach down my throat, licking her lips. "Your blood smell so nice... like your sister. Maybe if i can't have your sister, i can have you as a dinner." She said, making me frightened.
Her mouth slowly reach my neck, as her tried to suck me up to death. I can't think about anything. Not even thinking about help or getting out of her. But before she can suck my blood, a loud growl coming from the trees, making the woman turn to see the creatures.
A big massive black wolf is growling at her, baring his teeth. Behind him, walk one by one a bunch of wolves. The red hed woman release me and stand up. She mutteted something under breath and run aways shortly being chased by the wolves. One wolf stand infront of me, then he crunch down, licks my face. With blurry views, i notice that the wolf is Paul, from his grey fur. Then, beside me there's sandy fur wolf, poking me on my hands, whining. Seth.
Not long after, both of them change back into human form, wearing a cut short jeans. Paul run into me, crunching down and pick me up bridal style. I groan in pain as he pick me up. "Hang in there, okay? Seth, call your mom. Let's meet up at Emily's." Seth nod and run into different path as me and Paul head back to Emily. I realised his hands are shaking while carrying me. I try to look up at him, seeing his hard face.
"I'm... fine...." i whispers, slowly find my voice. Paul tightening his grip. "No, you're not.. i nearly lose you..."
Soon after we arrive at Emily's. As Paul lay me down on the sofa, Emily has been busy taking a bowl of warm water and towel to clean up my wounds. Sue comes later with Seth, with some medical equipments on her hands. She quickly treated my wound and give me pain killers and some medicines.
"Luckily her wounds aren't deep. She just need some rest for a few days and she will be fine." She said after taking care of me. The boys and Leah already back in the middle of my treatment.
"(Y/n), you should stay here. I'll prepare the guest room for you. I'll call Charlie to let him know that you will stay us." Sam said.
"Will he be okay?" I'm not sure Dad will be okay with me staying with Sam and the others.
"I'll let him know that (y/n) will be staying with us. I'll take care of it." Sue suggest, since she also close with Dad. Sam nod in agreement.
Sue, Leah and Seth go home short after, Emily is preparing my room to stay, Paul and the guys are with me, sitting or standing close to me, like they are guarding me. "Just go home, guys.. i'll be safe here.." i said, feeling bad about them.
"Jared, Embry and Paul will be staying here. Jacob and Quil will guard your home. Victoria must be hunting Bella too." Sam said as the boys nod.
"(Y/n), the room is ready. Come on, let's move you so you can rest well." Emily walk down and Paul pick me up slowly, bridal style, and head up into the guest room. He lay me down softly on the bed and lay himself beside me, hugging me under his chin, securing me.
"I'm sorry... i couldn't protect you well.." he whispered, almost crying. I sigh softly. "It's not your fault. We didn't know that she hunt me too. It's okay. I'll be fine, don't worry."
"Still... with you having that traumatized moment, and with that red hair woman..." I pat his hand, which hug me tightly on my waist, snuggling more into his warmth. "Let's sleep okay? You are here now, with the others, and i finally can rest well.." i start to drift into darkness and soon sleep consume me.
In a days where i'm healing, the packs start to have join power with the Cullens and train with them, when they heard about a new born army lead by Victoria. She targeted Bella for revenge to Cullen since they killed her mate, James. Classic.
"We will go for a war with the new borns in a few days." Sam said as the packs are having a lunch at Emily. Paul grip on my body tighten as i sit on him, eating lunch.
"How about Bella?" I asked.
"She will be with Jacob and Edward, staying in the mountain, while the rest of us fighting the new born." Jared said as my eyes widen.
"What?! Are you serious?! What the hell?!" My usual calm attitude, snap as i heard about it. The others flinch at my sudden attitude, shock that i snap like that. "Edward and Jacob didn't fight?! What the hell is that! That's not fair."
"(Y/n)... calm down... maybe they have another strategy.." Paul, shockingly, the one who calm me down. I huff and continue to eat my lunch.
"It's fine, (y/n).. maybe Edward try to hide your sister scent or lure Victoria to him.... we don't know.. just believe that everything will be okay." Sam try to assured me.
"Still.. if one of you get hurt, i'll definitely kill her myself." I murmured, gulping down my lunch.
Paul laugh softly, kissing my side head. "I never knew you can be this fierce.."
"You better not know, Paul... but she really can kill people if she's mad..." Seth murmured, knowing very well about me. "Better not make her angry if you don't want to die.." the guys laugh loudly. And that we start to enjoy our lunch before the war.
Emily, Kim and I are waiting impatiently for the packs to come back from the war. We silently pray that all of them are okay and not hurt. But when Seth running hurriedly toward us, we knew that something must happened.
"Jake's hurt. He's at Billy's waiting for Carlisle to help him."
Me and Emily hurriedly go to Billy's while Kim had to come home. As we arrive at Billy's, i immediately go to Paul and hug him tightly. Part of me relief that he's okay, and part of me because i'm scared about Jacob. Paul hug me back tightly and kiss my head. "I'm fine... everything will be fine.. Jake will be fine..." He keeps saying it.
Carlisle arrive later, and hurriedly get inside the house with Sam. Short after, Jake's scream fill the air. I flinch and burried my head into Paul's arm, hugging him by the waist tightly. Seth, who stand beside me, rub my hand, try to calm me down. While Paul, hugging me and with his hands close my ears so i don't really heard Jake's scream.
The sound of car engine approaching us take our attention. Bella's truck is parking and she hurriedly walk toward us. I glare at my sister, want to yell at her, but Paul held me down. "It's been going on a while, doc rebreaking his bone so it can heal properly." Jared said.
"Why did he had to butt in? I could take him." Leah said with so much guilt on her voice. I know it's not her fault.
"Oh, give it a rest, Leah." Paul snap. I tighten my grip on his waist, try to just drop it.
Soon, the scream died down and Carlisle walk out with Sam. "He's fine. I give him a medicine and his body temperature will burn it off soon." He said as Billy sigh in relief. I sigh and slowly loosen my grip on Paul, looking at the others. "He is searching for you, Bella." I glare at my sister. Why must her? How about Billy?
"Thankyou." Billy offer his hand to Carlisle which he return. Then he is off, back home maybe.
Bella glance at Billy as he nod, approving, and Bella get inside the house. I huff, annoyingly. Paul rub my back slowly. "She's so annoying..." i murmured.
"Calm down, (y/n)... it's not partly Bella's fault..." Seth said.
I raise my eyebrows. "Really? To me it still her fault.. because she's having a relationship with vampires that it end up like this." I snap with so much venom.
"(Y/n), dear.. calm down.." Sue said, softly, and Billy just smile.
I groan and freeing myself from Paul's grip. "I'll go back to Emily's.. i don't want to say something that i'll regret."
Sam nod understandingly. "Paul, go with her. Emily, you too. We can handle this." He said.
So the three of us back to Emily's to call it a day. As Emily prepare something for Sam to eat, me and Paul are laying down on the bed, in each other arms.
What happened this few weeks with the new born army make my relationship with Paul go further. We complete each other out, and i feel more safe with him and the packs. "I'm glad that i got imprinted by you.. i could never imagine if i'm not.. what will happened to me if you guys didn't save me from Victoria. I'm thinking about my Dad, but having Uncle Billy and Uncle Harry being with him make me calmer. But, Bella.. huh.. even if i want her happiness, but this are so stupid.. having a happy relationship with vampires.. i can't imagine it. And this is what happened..."
Paul look down at me, who lying on his arms, hugging his waist tightly. "Me too... if i didn't met you and imprinted on you, maybe i'll never change and always be the bad guy. But you change me to a better man. I never imagine thay i'll be the one who calm you down.." he chuckle. "I'm gratefull that our ancestor pick you to become my imprint. I could never ask for more. Just you by my side is enough for me."
We, enjoying each other warmth, talking so much about our relationship and life ahead. The bond is deeper now. And i'm ready to take this into another level. "Are you sure? I won't push you if you are not ready yet.."
"I'm ready, Paul... besides it just a boyfriend and girlfriend thing.." i shrug.
"So, will you be my girlfriend, (y/n) Swan?" He asked, smile widely. I look up at him. "Of course. Why do you still ask if you already know the answer?"
"Just want to make it more formal?" We both laugh and enjoying the night. Slowly drifting into sleep as tiredness hit both of us.
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your-denki-kun · 4 years
Katsuki x Reader
You grew up in the wild and are going to teach 3-A some basic skill for a week. After the week of harsh training they have a week off, in which Katsuki goes to you every day.
Just some random fluff. That’s it
~3rd person pov.~
''Hey uncle Shouta.'' You say in a tired voice as you approach your tired uncle.
''Hey, you ready to teach these headaches some outdoor skills?'' He asks you.
''I guess.'' You shrug.
Shouta Aizawa is your uncle. Your mom was his sister, but she died a few years ago. You don't see Shouta often, seeing as you live in the woods. Your mom and dad lived there before they got you. Your dad went hunting one day when you where five and didn't come back. Your mom and you grew very close after that and the only male figure you have is Shouta.
He pays for your phone bills and anything else you need, seeing you don't have a job or anything. The only thing he asks in return is that you teach his class some basic skill for in the wild. You agreed, seeing you grew up in them and rule over the wolves there, so it's safe for them to train in the wild.
Right now it's that time again. For a week you'll train them and they'll have to listen to you. You try hiding it, but you actually like teaching the students. It gives you a chance to socialize with people your age. Right now you're going to teach 3-A, a class full of eighteen-year-old students, so they're your age.
''Lets get to it then. Wait out here until I tell you to come in.''
You nod at Shouta as he walks into the loud classroom. You can hear him silence them just by entering, causing you to snicker to yourself. You can hear him explain what they'll be doing over the week before calling you in. You open the big door and walk into the classroom to see everyone looking at you. You walk over to Shouta to see him sleeping on the ground.
''Of course you're sleeping on the damned floor again.'' You sigh before turning to the class. ''Hello, I'm (y/n) (l/n). Shouta is my uncle and I'll be teaching you guys some useful skills for when you are in the wild. Any questions?''
Everyone puts up their hands, causing you to groan internally. The introduction is going to take a long while. Scanning over the class you frown. Only three people didn't raise their hand. An ash blond guy, a half white half red haired guy and a purple haired girl. You shrug and point at a green haired girl.
''My names Tsu, kero. How old are you?''
''I'm eighteen. You.'' You say, pointing at a blue haired guy.
''Why aren't you in school?''
''Well, I grew up in the wild. That's also why I'm teaching you guys. My parents home schooled me and uncle Shouta provided the books needed. I'm just as smart as all of you. The only thing is that I don't have a degree. You.'' You point at a red haired guy.
''What's your quirk?''
''I can communicate with animals. I have it from my father, he could communicate with animals too. You.'' You point at an eager green haired boy.
''How does it work? Does it include all animals? Do you speak their language or does it sound like normal talking to you? How do you activate it?'' And so he keeps on muttering.
''Izuku Midoriya. Uncle was right. You can analyze my quirk later. Any other questions.....You.''
''Yaoyorozu, you said that your father could, as in past tense. Does this mean he's not around anymore?'' She asks, voice formal.
''He went hunting one day and didn't come back. It's safe to assume he's dead and has been eaten by the wild live. Yes.''
''Ashido. Do you ever talk to people your age?''
''I'm talking to you guys right now. Yes?''
And so they keep on asking some more questions. Mostly about your life and boring things. After an hour you grow tired of it and stop pointing at people.
''Well, I hope most questions are answered. Lets get going. Everyone put on your hero costume or your PE uniform. Meet me in front of the gate in fifteen minutes. If you're not there I will leave you behind.'' You sigh, walking out of the room.
You sigh, only a handful of them are here. Midoriya, Iida, Yaoyorozu, Todoroki, Bakugou and Jirou are there to be exact. You grumble softly at that. Clearly they are not taking you serious. You turn your back to UA, put your hands in your pockets and look over your shoulder at the waiting students.
''Lets go.'' You mumble.
''Wait! We're seriously leaving them behind?!'' Midoriya exclaims.
''I told you I would. That you guys don't listen is your problem. I did tell you guys Shouta is my uncle. You could have seen this coming.''
They exchange glances and nod hesitantly, slowly following after you. As you all near the corner of the street you hear people calling over to you. You all stop and look behind you to see the rest of the class running over. You find it funny that they're all wearing their hero costumes, even though you gave them an option today.
''Why did you leave us behind?!'' Ashido asks.
''I told you guys I would.''
''We didn't think you were being serious.'' You hear a male mutter.
''Well I was. Now lets go. We are training for the scheduled time. It doesn't matter for me whether we stop at five or ten in the evening.''
Everybody nods as you start walking again. They whisper among themselves, mostly about you. You ignore them and head to the woods. People on the street look at you all curiously. It's not everyday you see twenty well know heros in training walking over the street, whispering among themselves while following after a random girl. As you all arrive at the woods you turn to the class.
''Okay, two by two and follow behind me. We're going to a clearing, but it's easy to get lost. If you do good luck.''
You turn away from them and start walking, not caring what they do really. They all scramble to walk after you two by two. More whispering can be heard from them, only about you this time. You grumble under your breath as you keep a steady, fast pace. Soon you hear rustling all around you, the sound following you and the class. You smile and glance at the bushes to see wolves everywhere.
As you reach the clearing you run to the middle, sitting on the ground and opening your arms. The class looks at you confused form the tree line. A lot of rustling can be heard as around fifty wolves run towards you. The students yell and scream at you to move, but you just smile and ignore them. The wolves jump onto you and make a huge pile, liking all the skin they can touch.
You giggle fondly at your friends as the students run over to you worried, yelling your name and trying to get the wolves off. Some start growling as the pile on you gets smaller and smaller. You sit up once the last one leaves you, seeing they knocked you over, and look at the students who are trying to shoo the wolves away.
''What the fuck do you think you're all doing?'' You ask, getting up and walking over to them.
''(l/n)!'' They all exclaim relieved.
You sigh and pet the leader of the wolf pack. It's a big strong wolf. His fur is black while his stomach and snout are white. His eyes are fiery red. Once you pet the wolf he relaxes and so do the other wolves. You gently press against his head, signaling him to leave together with the pack. The wolf gives you a headbutt and walks off, the other wolves following.
''You guys really need to start listening. I can talk to animals, remember. The wolves are on my side and listen to me. Now, stand in a line and actually listen.''
Everyone nods and gets in line, Iida yelling at them while they do. After about three minutes they're all in line. You smile and whistle. It's high pitched and shrill. Some students winch at the sound of it. You glance to your right and see the leader running towards you with two others. The leader is called Hugo, the female that's with him is Scarlet and the other boy is Lumine.
''Okay, since you're a rather big group these three and the others will help me. None of the wolves will attack you, but stay alert, sometimes they might. You never know with these goofballs.'' You smile, ruffling the fur of Hugo.
''Anyway. The goal is to reach the top of that mountain without getting seriously injured and getting lost. If you're not there in eight hours that's your loss. That means no dinner and escort to the place you'll all be staying. I will leave a map there for the late comers. Now don't eat anything from plants, it could kill you.'' Yu ramble, making a motion for Hugo to get the bags, Hugo, Scarlet and Lumine run off as you smile at the students.
''I'll provide every group with a bag. In it are two water bottles, some apples, first aid kit and a fire gun. Only use the fire gun when something is very wrong. As soon as one is fired everyone goes to where it was fired from. Don't freak out when the wolves come. They're there to protect you if you're being attacked and can't venture for yourself.'' Hugo, Scarlet, Lumine and some other wolves walk over with bags.
''For people with fire related quirks, don't burn down the woods please. Try not to use your quirk, only when necessary. Now, make groups of three or four and come get a bag here.''
Everyone turns to each other and start talking, making groups. Slowly people are coming to you to pick up a bag. You tell them to wait with walking off and everyone complies. Once everyone has a group and bag you motion for Scarlet, Lumine and the other wolves to leave. You look at the class as you pet Hugo.
''I'll leave first. My tracks will be removed, so don't think about following them. Ten minutes after I have left the first group will leave. Ten minutes later the second and so forth. If you don't comply the wolves will take action to make sure you do. Now, see you all at the mountain.'' You smile, running off.
Hugo follows you as you run through the woods. You climb into a tree and start jumping from tree to tree, parcouring your way to the mountain. It only takes you about an hour or two to get there. You know some secret passages that are hidden from sight that get you places fast. As you reach the top you sit down on a bench and scratch Hugo behind the ears.
''You can go and run around the woods, spook the students a bit. I'll make some dinner for them. Go on.'' You smile.
Hugo licks you and runs off at full speed. You smile before walking to the campsite that's a good thirty minutes away from the mountain top you told them to go. Well, it's not really a mountain top, more like a flat spot beside a cave on the mountain. You make some sandwiches for the students before heading back to the place you told them to go.
As you get there you sit down on the bench again and look at the dense woods before you. Everywhere you look are trees, close to each other. Sometimes a line of trees gone because of a river or small lake. You hear someone run up to you and spot Scarlet running over to you. You frown slightly and pat your lap. She puts her head on it and looks up at you.
''What's wrong?'' You ask.
''The students. They're all teaming up.'' She says.
''Hmm. Collect a few wolves and drive them apart by hunting  them down.'' You smirk.
''Okay. I'll get some to help me.'' She grins.
Scarlet lifts her head from your lap and trots off, stance prideful. You giggle to yourself at her antics and continue looking at the woods and the birds and other wildlife. After a good half an hour you hear faint screaming and yelling coming from the woods. After a bit you hear something approach again. You look to your right and see Bakugou emerging from the treeline.
''Welcome.'' You smile.
''Fuck off. The extra's take to long. Ditched my group.'' He grumbles.
You scan him over and see no injuries of any kind. You do notice he doesn't have a bag however. You smile and get up, walking over to him.
''Follow me. I'll take you to the camp. You can drink and eat whatever you want. But please, don't leave the campsite just yet. The wolves are still on lower parts of the mountain and not here.'' You hum, motioning for him to follow you.
He does, not uttering a single word. As you both reach the campsite you let him walk around, pick a tent and eat and drink. You silently watch him as you scan the tree lines, expecting Scarlet or Hugo to come to you soon. Hugo because he's basically like your pet and Scarlet because you just gave her an order.
''You're something else.'' You hear a gruff voice say from behind you.
''I could say the same for you Bakugou.'' You smirk, turning to him.
''I know.'' He grins.
''Confident I see. I like that. Can come in handy at times. Means you won't hesitate.'' You say, walking past him to the table with food.
''I like your confidence too, extra.'' He grins, walking after you.
''You know Bakugou. Normally I don't like cocky people, but I got to admit. I might take a liking to you.''
''Normally I don't like people who fucking talk back to me either, yet I find myself drawn to you.'' He whispers softly into your ear as he wraps his arms around your waist.
''Hmm. I must say Katsuki, keeping secrets isn't your strong suite.'' You purr.
You met Katsuki years ago. You were seven at the time. He had ventured off deep into the woods while hiking. You had met him and you two started talking. After he left that day he would come back often, always meeting up with you. You had both kept everything a secret from everyone and started dating four years ago. Now a days Katsuki comes over less, but you two call and text.
''No ones here. What's to keep secret.'' He growls lowly, sending shivering down your spine.
''Damn you. You used one of my shortcuts didn't you?''
''So what if I fucking did?''
''Hmm, let me go Suki. The first people will start coming soon.'' You giggle.
''Stupid extra's.'' He grumbles, letting go off you.
''I know you don't like them. Now stay here with Scarlet while I go wait for the others with Hugo.'' You smile, spotting the two wolves standing close by.
Katsuki smirks and motions Scarlet to come over. Her black fur with a red glow to it shines in the sun. Her bright red eyes have a glint in them as she walks over to Katsuki. Katsuki sits down on the ground and Scarlet lays down beside him, head resting in his lap. Katsuki pets her while Hugo walks over to you.
The two of you walk to the spot you told everyone to go. You sit down on the bench and Hugo sits on the floor beside you, stance screaming authority. You smile and ruffle his fur before looking at the scenery again. Your mind wanders while you stare at it, memories flashing through your mind.
You get snapped out of your thought when you hear rustling and talking coming from the woods. You look to the right and see the class walking through the tree line. You smile and get up, walking over to them with Hugo following behind you. They all look tired and have scratches all over them.
''Welcome. Follow me to the campsite we'll be staying. Sharing a tent is necessary, but don't worry. You can pick yourself.'' You smile, heading towards the campsite. ''Hugo, go warn them.'' You smile.
Hugo runs off without a word towards the camp. You follow him with your gaze, a smile on your face.
''He seems attatched to you.'' A male voice says from beside you.
''Yeah. We're both leaders.'' You smile, looking beside you to see Kirishima.
''Have you seen Bakugou by any chance? He split up from us and we haven't seen him since.''
''He's been at the camp for a while now. Don't worry.''
''He has an advantage.'' Kirishima mumbles.
''How come?''
''He hikes a lot. Clears his mind as he always says when we ask. When he comes back from hiking he is always calm though, so I guess it works for him.''
''Yeah, hiking does wonders for the mind.'' You giggle.
The two of you talk some more as you all walk. As you reach the camp you see Scarlet and Hugo goofing around as Katsuki sits on a chair by the fire, grumbling to himself while he does. You giggle and turn to the class.
''There are sandwiches on the table same for drinks. When that's all settled you can pick a tent to sleep in. There is a change of clothes in the boxes by the fire. Look for whatever fits you. There is a river if you follow the path. Don't go without telling me please. Now do whatever you want.'' You smile, walking over to the grumbling Katsuki.
''Why you so grumpy?'' You whisper, sitting close by him, but not too close.
''The fuckers are here. Can't be close with you now.'' He growls.
''Don't worry. I know you're strong enough to keep acting for a little while longer.'' You smile.
''Yeah yeah.'' He grumbles.
The rest of the week you and Katsuki go to secret spots to just be together. As the week ends you all bring them back to UA and wave them goodbye before heading back to the woods. Katsuki and his classmates go back to the dorms and take long showers while talking about their intens week.
As they all meet up in the dorms that evening to talk about the weekend they all agree on one thing. Katsuki has taken a liking to you. While he was around you he wouldn't yell, walk off, curse that much or use his quirk. Things he does around everyone. They also noticed how you were softer on him and how you kept looking for him.
''We should set them up for a date.'' Ashido states.
''How are we going to find them though?'' Yaoyorozu asks.
''Simple, we go back to the woods. They are bound to find us. They said it before, the wolves are everywhere. And they won't attack us because we spend a whole week with them.'' Ashido says.
''How are we getting Bakubro to agree?'' Kirishima asks.
''That's what we have you for.'' Ashido smirks.
''I knew it.'' Kirishima sighs.
''You're the only one he doesn't blow up on that bad.'' Kaminari says.
''And who's going to get them?'' Sero asks.
''I haven't figured that out.'' Ashido admits.
''Well, Kirishima should go. If the wolves do attack he can protect us.'' Yaoyorozu says.
''I ain't going alone. Kami is coming with me. He can stun them.'' Kirishima says.
''Deal. Okay when is the date gonna be?'' Ashido asks.
''How about upcoming Saturday?'' Hagakure suggests.
''Works.'' Everyone says.
They keep planning before going to bed. It's Sunday right now and the upcoming week they all have off to recover from the intens week of training and to make sure they make all the homework. The next morning they all wake up at a normal time and eat breakfast together. After breakfast Katsuki goes up to his room and gets changed into his hiking clothes.
''Where are you going bro?'' Kirishima asks when he notices Katsuki walking to the big doors of the dorms.
''Hiking.'' Katsuki grumbles, opening the door.
''Can I come along? (l/n) said it does wonders to the mind.'' Kirishima smiles.
''No. It only fucking works when you're alone. Now fuck off.'' Katsuki grumbles, walking out of the dorms.
Once he's out of UA he runs to the woods and up to the cabin you live in. Along the way he spots Scarlet and grins at her. She runs beside him as they approach your cabin. As he spots it he sees you working in your garden with Hugo watching you. Hugo is your wolf and Scarlet his. For some reason the two of them really clicked.
''Hey Baby.'' Katsuki smirks as he walks over to you.
''Hey Suki.'' You smile, getting up and giving him a kiss.
The next four days Katsuki goes to you everyday for the whole day. The class notices him going hiking everyday and grow suspicious. They decide to follow him this time. So when Katsuki leaves UA the Baku-squad follows after him. They notice he's going to the woods, pace a bit faster than usual.
They follow him into the woods and see him walking down a path they didn't notice before. They frown, but shrug it off. Their eyes widen when they see Scarlet walk up to Katsuki and casually walking beside him. Katsuki ruffles her fur with a bright smile on his face. After a bit he reaches your cabin and walks over to the door. The squad looks at him curiously.
''Oi!'' Katsuki yells, walking up to your frontdoor.
''Yeah, yeah. Give me a damned second Suki.'' You call out to him from inside.
After a few seconds your door opens and you give him a kiss, which he gladly returns.
''You know they're here right?'' You whisper against his lips.
''I don't give a fuck. They wanted to set us up for a date Saturday anyway.''
''Aww, you just ruined a free date.''
''Shut up.''
You giggle as you pull away from Katsuki, looking past him at his friends.
''Hey guys! Nice seeing you again!'' You wave.
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in-tua-deep · 4 years
Daemon AU? Yes PLEASE!
I will give u the pre-canon material exploring Five and his daemon’s relationship ;3c 
Pancha prefers small forms. Five never knows for certain why, and when he asks her she just tilts her head and shrugs at him because she doesn’t know what to say, either.
She likes being a hummingbird, flitting around Five’s head and hovering in front of his face before nesting in his hair. She likes being a mouse, scurrying up Five’s arm and tucking herself into the pocket on the front of his blazer.  She likes being a rabbit, feet thumping against the floor as she zoomed around the room at top speed.
Five never knows, or maybe just never vocalizes why the representation of his soul prefers to be small. 
But when Reginald Hargreeves gives him scathing performance reviews, his cane clicking against the floor in time with the soft clicking of Aryia’s claws as they look down their noses, as Five stands with his back straight and proud while - 
While Pancha curls up tight in his pocket, a mouse biting the end of her own tail so that she would not whimper aloud. They know then, even if they never voice it aloud. The reason that Pancha prefers to stay small.
The thing that people learn early is to watch daemons. Not directly, that would be rude, but to keep them in the corner of your eye and observe. Daemons are the representation of a person’s soul after all, and souls can’t lie. 
If someone is nervous, their daemon will shuffle anxiously. If someone is angry, their daemon will puff up in fury. When someone is scared, their daemon will cringe and cower. It’s easy to spot a liar in a world where the heart lays outside of the body.
Five’s very good at lying with his own body. He stands up straight and proud. He bares his teeth in furious smiles, licking blood from his lips and refusing to back down. He speaks loudly, with purpose, with challenge in his voice and in his words. Five is hard-headed. Five is disobedient. Five is an unruly little monster.
Pancha shifts into a hummingbird, because everyone knows hummingbirds flit around to keep aloft. It doesn’t look like nervous energy when it’s for a purpose. Pancha shifts into an australian tiger beetle, because they don’t have lips to draw back in wordless snarls. Pancha shifts into a gerbil and hides in Five’s pockets, because what you don’t see cannot betray you.
They call her adaptable, laugh when their siblings’ daemons begin to settle. They tolerate the speculation about who is going to settle next and what they will become.
They both dread the day Pancha will settle, even if they don’t say anything to one another. They don’t address the fact that she changes from one form to another, cycling through dozens within the space of a day even though their siblings stick to perhaps three. They don’t talk about the buzz under their skin that drives Pancha racing around their room at top speed until they crash on the bed panting together with something clawing desperately inside their soul. 
They don’t talk about a lot of things, but they don’t need to. They’re two halves of the same whole. 
Luther snaps at Five for cheating, for running ahead on a mission. They’re twelve, and Andromeda looks down on Pancha with something cold in her eyes and says, “Of course they can’t obey. They’re still unsettled.”
She says it like an insult, lip drawing back to show off too sharp teeth, says it like it’s something for Five to be ashamed of. Says it like what she’s really saying is that Five is a child. Like they aren’t all twelve-years-old and just settling into their own skins. 
She says it like it’s Five’s fault that Pancha can flit through forms like she can’t shed them fast enough. Even as Andromeda speaks, Pancha is a bat, is a wren, is landing on Five’s shoulder as a sugar glider, is curling around his neck as a ferret.
She says it like it’s his fault that he’s twelve-years-old and his daemon is unsettled. Like half the twelve-year-olds running around aren’t doing so with daemons just as unsettled as his. 
(Five read once, in a book, that trauma can make daemons settle earlier. There are so many cases of children as young as nine, seven, six with daemons tiny and scared and permanent.
The same book mentioned that abused children’s daemons often fell into one of two categories: large predators, to protect themselves and bare their teeth and intimidate any who try and hurt them. And the small ones, who are tiny and scared and do their best to be beneath notice.
Luther and Diego’s daemons are large, with teeth that can tear flesh and muscles beneath their skin.
Pancha likes to take small forms. Five doesn’t think about it too much.)
Five curls his lip and snarls back at Andromeda in a way that he never does when they’re in front of cameras, because etiquette says that people don’t talk to other people’s daemons, “If you weren’t so slow then maybe I wouldn’t have had to go in alone.”
Pancha shifts from a ferret to a squirrel to a kangaroo rat. The others are used to her rapid changes, but they also mean that they can’t pin down Five’s mood based on his daemon’s body language. She’s shifting too rapidly for that, clawing down his jacket as a hispid cotton mouse and settling into his arms as a pika, as a pygmy rabbit, as a stoat.
“Maybe I should hear a rumor about everyone calming down.” Allison threatens, her hands on her hips and tapping her foot impatiently. Amraphel is wrapped around her shoulders like a scarf, lazily flicking his tongue out.
(Allison has been of ill temper and short of patience ever since Raph settled a month ago. The whole house had heard her shouting about it, and none had dared to address it when they came down to dinner with Raph draped over the back of the chair instead of his customary place in Allison’s lap. 
Raph and Allison haven’t sat properly together since he settled, and no one talks about it.)
But Allison’s words settle Andromeda and Luther, both of them backing up in a way they wouldn’t for any other sibling. 
Pancha is a bush baby now, climbing up to Five’s shoulder and tugging lightly on the hair behind his ear. 
Five holds his hands behind his back and twists his fingers together to the point of pain.
“No need for that.” Pancha says, voice clear and level and almost haughty. “They’re only jealous they can’t be as adaptable as us.”
Luther snarls and lunges forward, only to be blocked by a bristling Andromeda. “They’re not worth it.” She growls, low and deep in her chest with flashes of white teeth. Luther and his daemon try so hard to be respectable, to be cool and aloof like their father and his daemon. It’s almost sad, really.
Pancha is a manipur bush rat, scurrying to Five’s other shoulder. Five untwists his hands from behind his back and reaches up to grab her when she shifts into a black jackrabbit. 
“Have you looked in a mirror lately?” Five says, with all his twelve-year-old wit, “Your face isn’t worth it.”
The black eye he sports for three weeks is, in fact, worth it.
Pancha is the last one left unsettled. It shouldn’t bother them, they don’t even really want Pancha to settle, but it does in some terrible inexplicable way.
Pancha flits between forms, and none of them feel right.
“We’re obviously going to be something that can jump properly.” Five muses, tapping a pencil against a little black notebook as he thinks. “You said the kangaroo mouse didn’t feel right?”
“Nothing will feel right until the moment we settle.” Pancha points out, flicking the tail of her current ginger-tabby-cat form back and forth, “Val was definitely a wolf a few times before she settled.”
“Yeah, well, I’m like 90% sure Val settled out of pure competitive spirit.” Five dismisses rolling his eyes. 
Valencia had settled two hours before Andromeda had, and has lorded it over the other daemon ever since. Diego still preens about how he was the first of the siblings to settle before even Luther.
(Five kind of wants to tell them both that Tamaya settled a week before Valencia and Andromeda both. No one noticed because Ben hadn’t brought it up, and Tamaya had always favored hiding to confrontation. Instead, Tamaya ‘officially’ settled around three days after their siblings.)
“I’m probably not going to be a big animal.” Pancha says, her claws pricking into his skin through his pajama top as she leans against his shoulder to peer at his list. “You can cross kangaroo off.”
“I thought you said you couldn’t be sure?” Five says, eyebrow raised.
Pancha just stares at him blankly. He stares back. Pancha shifts into a Florida king snake.
“Not having eyelids is cheating.” Five scowls, crossing his arms.
Pancha easily swaps into a possum, shaking out her fur. “It wasn’t cheating, it was adapting.” She tosses his words back in his face, “Besides. You thought I could be a kangaroo.”
Five grudgingly crosses an entry out. “Well why are you a possum now?”
Pancha shrugs as well as she can as a possum. “Dunno. It’s a marsupial or whatever, isn’t it? Besides, I’m sort of digging the fingerless gloves aesthetic.” She offers a foot out for Five to inspect.
“You look like you just climbed out of a trash can.” Five informs her.
“No, that was last night.” Pancha shoots back, shifting into a pine marten to crawl into Five’s lap and bat at his notebook. He just holds the notebook a little bit higher, making her huff in irritation. 
“Dad really needs to feed us more.”
Pancha nuzzles against Five’s stomach as comfortingly as she can, even though she can feel the slight pang of hunger gnawing at her belly as well as he can. Their power takes so much out of them sometimes, it’s difficult to justify taking more to a man who sees them as an experiment instead of a person.
“I could turn into a tiger and eat Aryia.” Pancha offers, shifting into an otter and making another grab for the notebook that Five easily avoids.
“You don’t like taking big forms.” Five dismisses easily, as though it’s nothing. As though it isn’t something they don’t discuss between them.
Pancha is silent for a few minutes, and even Five stops scribbling away as he waits for her response.
Finally she says, very carefully, “Just because I don’t like to, doesn’t mean I can’t.”
They both are silent after that, Five lowering his arms to curl around Pancha’s latest form in something just a little bit too loose to call a hug. 
“It’s safer.” Pancha whispers, breaking the silence between them, “I don’t know why, but it’s safer this way. Smaller daemons - they aren’t looked at as closely. When a tiger daemon bristles, people pay attention. When a mouse daemon bristles, no one even notices.”
“Is my soul really mouse shaped?” Five huffs a laugh, but they both know that he wouldn’t be disappointed in her being a mouse so much as he would her being trapped a mouse.
Pancha nudges at his chin with her broad muscular head, “Hey, don’t knock mice. They’re survivors. Practically anywhere you go, you’ll find mice. Inside, outside, they know how to get around.”
Five hums, dropping his notebook on the bed and bringing his hands up to run them through Pancha’s fur.
“Maybe we should be something with a beak.” Pancha whispers, knowing that Five will hear her no matter how softly she speaks. “No one bothers to look at bird daemon expressions, either.”
“Maybe you’ll be a swan, able to break someone’s arm and look pretty while doing it.” 
Pancha snorts, “Yeah, you’d like that wouldn’t you. Vicious representation of our soul, that.” 
Instead of saying anything more, Pancha shifts from an otter into a meerkat. She curls into a tight little ball in Five’s lap.
“Not this one either, then?” Five says with a smile.
“Shut up.” Is Pancha’s intelligent response. “Next time you ask, I’m going to bite you.”
The moment they figure out what they can, theoretically, do, the buzzing under their skins gets louder than ever.
“Ask dad again, please.” Pancha begs, shifting from a budgie to a canary to a superb fairy wren as she flits about close to the ceiling of their room.
“You ask Aryia!” Five shoots back, bouncing lightly on the top of his bed even though it’s sort of childish. If anyone comes in though, he’ll just say he was trying to catch Pancha and they’d probably believe it.
Pancha turns into a magpie and immediately tries to divebomb Five in irritation, who stands there unimpressed and she’s forced to veer back towards the ceiling or crash into him. “You know she’s a mythic bitch!”
“And you think dad isn’t?” Five asks incredulously, bouncing a little more frantically.
“You don’t get lectures on how you’re -” Pancha flies to the floor and shifts into an impressive rendition of a marble fox identical to their father’s daemon, “Still unsettled Pancha, honestly, I expected better of you. Why can’t you be like the others, you’re so unruly and disheveled and I have no idea why dear old Reggie didn’t do away with you long ago -”
Five is cackling, his bouncing having come to a stop so he could slap a hand over his mouth to muffle his laughter at Pancha’s, frankly, spot on impression of their father’s daemon.
Pancha grins, shifting from a fox into a jack russell terrier and jumping on the bed with Five. “Spot on, wasn’t I?”
“Absolutely impeccable.” Five manages, sticking his nose haughtily in the air, “Why, I almost thought our dearest Aryia was in the room with us!”
Pancha nips at his heels, making him flop down onto the bed with her automatically. The shift in weight and position makes them both bounce a few times before they settle down. They’re still buzzing with energy though, even sitting still.
“I bet time travel would fix us.” Pancha says finally, voice strangely serious in the face of their previous jostling and cheer.
“We aren’t broken.” Five says equally seriously, watching as Pancha shifts into a grey collared chipmunk, then a harvest mouse, and then an antelope jackrabbit. She uses that form’s legs to launch herself from the bed to the desk across the room and back again. 
“There’s something wrong with us, Five.” Pancha corrects him fiercely, clawing up his arm as a pallid bat to his shoulder. “The others weren’t like this. We’re thirteen, now. Statistically, we should have settled by now. Or - or slowed down at least.”
Now she’s a margay, precariously balanced on his shoulder with her tail whipping into his face. Five brings up a hand to gently grasp at the twitching appendage, “The average is twelve to fourteen, technically.” He corrects her gently, “We practically just turned thirteen, we have time.”
Pancha hisses, hopping down off his shoulders in the form of a mongoose. “If we just - we have to try, Five. Can’t you feel it?”
Five bops her gently over the head, half scolding. “Of course I can, I’m you aren’t I?”
The buzz under their skin gets stronger by the day, and Pancha hasn’t been able to hold a form for longer than five or ten minutes in almost a year. It takes more effort not to jump than it does to actually jump, these days. Pancha shifts into a brush rabbit and levels him with an unimpressed look.
Five heaves a sigh, foot bouncing against the floorboards as though Pancha has transferred her nervous energy to him. “You know what dad’s gonna say, anyway.” He brings a hand to his chest and put on a nasally fancy tone, “Maybe we can revisit this topic when you’ve matured a bit, Number Five.”
Pancha gnashes her teeth together as a beaver. “You know what that’s code for.”
Five’s look is just as bitter as his daemon’s tone. He does know. Everyone knows. It’s a whole thing - people have weird ideas about what it means to settle. That it means, in some weird way, that it’s a transition into adulthood and responsibility.
How many hospital dramas and detective shows make it a point to draw attention to a child actor’s shifting daemon? How many true crime shows have grieving parents wailing about how the daughter or son wasn’t even settled yet, as though it might have been less of a tragedy if the kid’s daemon had been permanently stuck as a woodchuck. How many courtroom dramas have dismissed eyewitness testimony on the basis of the kid isn’t even settled yet.
Five and Pancha thinks it’s stupid, the emphasis put on settling. Thinks it’s dumb that he’s somehow considered less mature than a nine-year-old with a settled hedgehog daemon, even though he’s thirteen. But his age doesn’t matter. Just his daemon’s settled status. 
“What if time travel fixes us.” Pancha proposes again, fluttering over to the desk in the form of a cardinal. “What if it helps. What if it’s what we need to - ”
Settle, she doesn’t say. Because to settle is to know yourself, and they don’t even know they extent of their powers.
Five shakes his hands out, blue sparks flying down his wrists as he does so. Anything to try and get the buzz out from under his skin. 
“I’ll ask dad again tomorrow.” Five says finally, “And if he says no - ”
“Then we do it anyway.” Pancha is a coyote, lips pulled back in a wordless snarl before blue lightning runs down her form and she’s suddenly pressed against Five’s side.
“Then we do it anyway.” Five confirms, grim.
Time travel does not fix them.
Time travel breaks them.
They stand in the rubble of the end of the world, howling for their family with something that tastes like desperation on their lips, and no one answers. Dust swirls across the ground, glittering and gruesome as the smoke chokes the air from their lungs.
They claw through ruin until they find what they’re looking for, until Five shoves a piece of debris off of a face that belongs to a wrist with a black umbrella inked upon it, dark and final.
He finds Luther. He finds Allison, finds Diego, finds Klaus. He does not find their daemons.
Pancha is a falcon, is a racoon, is a wolf howling desperately into the crackling air, hoping, praying for an answer. But the only thing they hear are the quiet roar and crackles of the fires and their own footfalls.
It’s eerily quiet, at the end of the world. There’s no movie soundtrack, or screams, or howling winds. It’s just the pops of distant fires and the sound of rock across rock as their feet dislodge pieces of the wreckage.
“We can fix this.” Five says feverishly, “We have to go back.”
“It’s not working.” Pancha grits her teeth, pushing and pushing and pushing against the wall of their powers. It’s about as useful as trying to break down a brick wall with her shoulder.
“We’ll make it work.” Five vows, “We’ll go back. We’ll save them all.”
Pancha nods, equally grim and equally serious. 
“What we need,” Pancha says slowly, sounding out each word. She has Five’s full attention on her, “Is an equation.”
Math isn’t something they technically need anymore. It’s a crutch from their younger days, something that soothes them and calms them and helps them focus. They can jump without it, their brain doing most equations automatically.
But when they’d first been figuring out their limits on distance, when they’d first figured out the differences between jumping in water and jumping in air - they’d used math. When they were figuring out time travel was possible, they’d looked at the math.
“Okay.” Five says, breathy and small and scared, “Okay.”
They don’t figure out until a week in that the buzzing under their skin is - not gone, but lesser somehow. 
In their defense, they have a lot bigger things to worry about.
Five is scooping cold spaghetti-o’s directly into his mouth with a spoon he’d buffed against his shirt when he finally looks at Pancha and realizes that she’s been a barbary macaque for… hours now. She has a box of children’s sidewalk chalk by her side and is concentrating fiercely on writing while Five takes a break.
“Pancha - ” Five starts, and then finds himself at a loss for words when she looks up at him. 
“Hmm?” She asks absently, little monkey face still scrunched up in concentration. Five can’t help but wonder when the last time Pancha stayed in one form long enough for him to pick up proper expressions from her face.
“...Never mind.” Five says, and watches Pancha turn back to her work. 
They have more important things to worry about now anyway.
“This is a bad idea.” Pancha informs him, tongue lolling out the side of her mouth as she pants in the scorching heat. She’s a dingo today, has started experimenting with bigger and bigger forms.
(Five is seventeen-years-old. She still hasn’t settled.)
“We’re literally starving to death, Pan.” Five says dryly gripping bright packaging between thumb and forefinger like he would prefer not to be touching it himself, thanks. “Look, I definitely remember something about these things never going off.”
“That doesn’t sound right.” Pancha frowns, “But then again, I don’t know enough about twinkies to dispute it.”
They both look at the innocent little treat that Five has managed to unearth from inside of what looks like it used to be a child’s backpack. They don’t think about the child the backpack might have belonged to.
“Don’t those things have like, cream in them or something?” Pancha asks doubtfully, leaning forward to sniff the treat suspiciously, “Pretty sure anything with dairy in it went off like, years ago.”
“They’re like, 90% preservatives probably.” Five says, bringing it closer to his face so he can sniff it as well. “What do you think?”
“I think this is a terrible idea.” Pancha shrugs, which looks strange with a Dingo’s shoulders, “But then again, we are starving to death. Not sure we can afford to be picky.”
“We also can’t really afford to be sick.” Five points out sensibly. 
They both take another pause to consider the twinkie. 
“We’re so going to regret this.” Pancha sighs, laying down and putting her head on her paws. “But hey, if we die, we die.”
“We’re not going to die.” Five scolds her, peeling open the twinkie finally and giving it a distrustful look, “We totally aren’t going to regret this. Power of positive thinking, right?”
They absolutely regret it.
They don’t die, though.
The bright side of Pancha being unsettled is that she’s actually very useful in the apocalypse. She can take on the form of an elephant, acting as a one-daemon construction crew to clear out debris when they need a place to stay. She can run through the rubble as a mouse, squeezing through cracks in search of anything useful.
She takes the form of a chameleon, snagging insects from the air and offering them to Five when his skin starts looks paper thin and his ribs stick out prominently. 
Pancha lays in the body of a tiger, curled around her human to protect him from the cold nip of the night air. The weather is turning, and soon enough there will probably be snow on the ground.
“We’re twenty-one this year.” Pancha says quietly.
Five hums, fingers twisted into her fur. “Five more years and then we’ll have officially been here longer than we were there.” 
“Doesn’t matter how long it takes us.” Pancha says, squeezing her paws around his shoulders in warning, “We’re going to get back to them.”
Neither of them are sure they really believe it anymore, but oh how they want to.
They let the silence sit for a while between them before Five speaks up with a snort, “Not this one then?”
The question is almost an old joke at this point. Thirteen was a late bloomer. Sixteen was maybe-we-should-get-you-checked-out territory. Twenty-one was practically unheard of.
Pancha gives him a punishing lick with her sandpaper tongue over his forehead, making Five squawk with outrage. “Don’t ask questions you already know the answer to, idiot.”
“You know, calling me an idiot is really only calling yourself an idiot.” Five bites back, but they both know he’s not really offended. If he was, he wouldn’t still be cuddled into Pancha’s fur. Even their arguments are performative these days. 
“I can call you scruffy without offending myself, I suppose.” Pancha says dryly, “What is wrong with your face.”
“If you can find a good razor kit in the apocalypse then be my guest.” Five says grumpily, but he ruins it by nuzzling his face into Pancha’s chest fur making her huff with laughter.
Pancha squishes him closer, mindful of her big paws and powerful muscles. But even in this form - her hip bones are too prominent and her ribs can easily be felt through her fur. They’ll go out scavenging again tomorrow, but for tonight they can just… lay here. Bask in one another’s company. 
“Stop thinking so much.” Five draws his head back a little to sleepily scold his daemon, “You’re going to keep us both up.”
“Shut up then.” Pancha shoots back.
“Night, Pancha.” Five’s words are muffled against her fur, but she hears him loud and clear.
“Night, Five.” Pancha says softly.
Pancha hops tentatively through the first snow of the season, her white fur blending in well. “Five,” She says, not sure how she’s planning on following up.
“I know.” Five says quietly, reaching down to pick her up. She rubs her face under his chin comfortingly, feeling the scratch of his beard across her fur. “Happy birthday to us, I guess.”
“Twenty-six.” Pancha whispers.
“It was - it was 2019, right?” Five asks suddenly, “When the apocalypse happened?”
“April 1st, 2019.” Pancha confirms solemnly.
Five hums. “They’d have been, what, thirty?”
“It was still April.” Pancha corrects, shaking her head gently, “Our birthday is in October. They’d have still been twenty-nine.”
Five is very quiet for a long time, and Pancha keeps her own silence as they trudge through the wasteland. They’ve been doing a little better food-wise recently. They’ve discovered that while Five doesn’t get much out of Pancha eating, they get something out of it. She’s taken to wearing herbivorous forms and munching on grass and other plantlife where she can. The coming winter may make that trickier, though.
“If we go back before we hit thirty, we’d be about the same age.” Five says finally.
Pancha hums in agreement.
“But - ” Five hesitates, “We have to go back to, to before Ben dies, right?”
“They were what, sixteen?” Pancha taps at Five’s chest in a request to be put down, which he readily complies with. “Maybe we could get them out. Be the responsible adult.”
Five snorts, “Adopt our siblings?”
Pancha grins, “Hey, don’t tell me you wouldn’t enjoy the hell out of bossing Luther and Andromeda around.”
“We’ll see who’s the kid then.” Five chuckles before they both fall silent.
After all, Luther’s entire thing about Five being a brat was because - well. Pancha silently shifts into a husky with thick fur, coming over to nudge at Five’s leg as they walk side by side.
“We never really talked about what we’d do about - about me once we get back.” Pancha says carefully, warily.
They don’t need to change like they used to. Don’t shift between forms with the blink of an eye. They’re more solid now, Pancha tends to take a form for hours or entire days now unless she finds another form more useful to their current situation.
But they aren’t settled.
Five offers her a strained smile, “We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.”
“Maybe if we get back, it’ll fix us.” Pancha offers, but her voice is soft and a little bit wistful. She doesn’t believe what she’s saying any more than Five does. They already travelled down that road before, and look where it got them.
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.” Five repeats firmly, before his face softens a little bit, “Happy birthday, Pancha.”
“Happy birthday, Five.”
“Do you remember how old we are now?” Five whispers, his hair and his beard have gotten streaked with grey. Pancha’s not exactly a spring chicken herself anymore, allowing Five to card his fingers through the feathers in her wing and straighten them out.
“Too old.” Pancha complains, “What’s the point in keeping track anyway? It’s not like we know what day it is.”
“We should probably keep track in general.” Five sounds amused, “Gotta remember how far to go back after all.”
“Fuck it.” Pancha declares, nipping at Five’s fingers when he’s a tad rough with a tender spot, “Just overshoot. Either we’ll pop out when the family are babies, and we can just steal everyone, or we don’t and bam we’re right on track.”
“You’re suddenly finding a motherly bone in your body, somewhere?” Five removes his hands from her wings to brush them off on his pants. Pancha gives them an experimental flap or two. “I, for one, could not be paid enough to deal with a baby Diego. Can you imagine?”
“He’d have fantastic aim when he’d throw his toys at you.” Pancha snickers.
“Can you imagine baby Allison?” Five demands, and they look at each other for a heartbeat before they both break down into laughter.
“Oh my god,” Pancha gasps, burying her face into her own wing, “Can you imagine what she’d rumor? Everyday would be Disney world day and she would be the prettiest princess of all.”
“Ruling the world with an iron fist and a sparkly tiara.” Five manages to get out, his own face buried in his hands as he wheezes.
“Klaus would be right next to her, tiara and all.”
“Fuck you’re right.” Five laughs, a deep belly laugh they neither of them hear very much these days, “There would be so much glitter.”
That statement makes Pancha dissolve into giggles again where she was just getting control of herself. 
“If we ever get back, I’m going to buy both of them the sparkliest tiaras available. No, wait. Gonna buy the whole family a bunch of those little kid birthday tiaras, and never explain why.” Five declares, grinning, “They’d be so confused.”
“When.” Pancha corrects, and the mood suddenly turns serious. “When we get back.”
Five doesn’t apologize, doesn’t sputter or claim it was just an error of speech. He just inclines his head a little bit and says, “Right. When we get back.”
They’re old and broken and creaky and tired when their endless days of bouncing math off of each other and testing at the boundary of the blue that stays frustratingly solid to them changes.
Five’s hair is entirely grey now, and his beard is long and scraggly where he hasn’t taken a knife to it in a while. 
Pancha is a european hare and she’s the one that first senses danger.
The thing about living in the apocalypse, is that it’s quiet. There’s no hum of electric lights. There’s no brawls between stray cats or dogs. There’s no squirrels or rats or mice scurrying around. 
So when Pancha’s sensitive ears pick up the sound of footsteps she feels such an intense sense of - of something that it makes Five drop his chalk and swing around to look at her with alarm.
She’s glad her form today is swift, because she’s across their little ‘camp’ in seconds and in his arms, clawing her way up to his shoulder to press her mouth to his ear, “There’s something out there.” She whispers, somehow terrified and she doesn’t know why.
To his credit, Five doesn’t even hesitate despite the impossibility of her words. He scoops her under one arm and turns and picks up the gun (they don’t talk about why they have a gun) with the other. He turns around and points it at - 
A woman. They both freeze like deer in headlights.
“Hello!” The woman calls, picking her way down the debris in high heeled shoes.
“Five.” Pancha swallows, making her human look at her, “Five, where’s her daemon.”
Five’s head whips back around, and they both stare. It’s entirely possible that the woman’s daemon is just small, just out of sight and out of mind. It’s even possible that she’s a witch, and her daemon is off gallivanting about.
But Pancha can feel a scream trapped behind her teeth, feel her ears go back as she fights the urge to run run run away from this terrifying woman who tastes of empty empty empty. Something is wrong. 
She can see the way Five’s fingers tremble as the sense of wrong wrong wrong reverberates through their bond. 
“Who the hell are you!” Five snarls out, and Pancha takes the opportunity to squirm and wriggle so that she’s balanced precariously on Five’s shoulder, freeing up his other hand to steady the gun.
“I’m here to help.” The woman says brightly, still picking her way towards them.
“Five.” Pancha whimpers, and as she feels her paws tremble she watches his hands go still and steady.
“Tell me why I shouldn’t just put a bullet through your head right now.” Five raises the gun further, but the woman doesn’t even hesitate. 
“Because,” The woman says, smiling a carefree smile as she adjusts her hat and pulls her sunglasses from her face. “Then you wouldn’t hear the offer I’m about to make you.”
Five and Pancha are more tense than they’ve ever been before in their lives, and considering some of their childhood missions - that’s saying a lot.
“Which would be rather tragic given your…” The woman looks around and even though she doesn’t look disgusted the implication is there anyway which makes them both bristle, “...Current circumstances. I work for an organization called the Commission. We are tasked with the preservation of the time continuum through manipulation and removals. 
“Why are you telling us this.” Five manages to grit out, never letting his gun drop.
The woman just looks at him like he’s a child and she’s disappointed he asked such an obvious question.
“I’ve come to offer you a job, Number Five.” She says simply. 
They don’t miss the way she only offered the job to him, not to Pancha. 
There’s a lot after that. The woman explains that she wants to hire him - them - to, to eliminate threats to time caused by humanity’s free will. She tells him that her organization has had their eye on him. That he has potential. That Five can retire with a pension plan for the low low price of his soul.
Well, he’s paraphrasing. 
She at least allows him a moment of privacy to discuss things with his daemon, telling him that she will be back in an hour to pick him up and that he should take the time to gather what possessions he wishes to take with him. She seems awfully confident he will take her deal.
“She doesn’t have a daemon.” Pancha shudders against him, “She’s so empty inside. She scares me, Five.”
“I know.” Five says, smoothing his hands over her fur comfortingly, “But - Pan, the chance to get out. If they know how to properly time travel - ”
“Then we can finally get out of here.” Pancha says softly, longingly. “It’s been so long, Five.”
“I know.” He whispers. 
“She wants us to kill for her.” Pancha tells him, “Removing the problems - she just wants us to become an assassin. She wants us to be a weapon.”
“Would we kill to get our siblings back?” Five asks, but it’s a rhetorical question. They both know that they’d probably let the world burn all over again if only it meant saving the people most important to them. 
“We’d have food.” Pancha offers finally, “If it’s a job, we’ll have money. No more scavenging. We could focus more time on, on - you know.”
Five nods solemnly, “So, do we take the job?”
A shudder ripples through Pancha’s body, “What about me, Five?”
“What about you?” Five asks, brow furrowing.
“I’m not normal.” Pancha states tightly, watching Five’s face light up in comprehension. It’s been a long time since they discussed Pancha’s ability to shift. After so many years, it almost seems normal. “She’s already seen me as a hare. So do I just - pretend to be a hare?”
Five bites his lip, “Just until we figure out how to get back.”
They both know that’s not a real answer. They both have no idea what they’re going to do when they show up, old and decrepit and still unsettled. 
“She can’t know.” Five says, because at least that much is certain. “She doesn’t have a daemon. She can’t know.”
Pancha sighs, but they both already know what their choice is going to be. “Okay. Okay let’s become assassins.”
They’re in a hotel room, and Pancha shifts a few times just to prove she can. She likes being a hare, but sometimes it just gets itchy. Wrong. Sometimes she needs wings, or fangs, or something. 
She feels like she needs fangs a lot around the Handler. Or like she needs to be something small, like a mouse and curl up in Five’s pockets again to hide away. Usually she just hides behind Five and lets him deal with the woman, which is perhaps unfair of her but Five hasn’t protested yet.
(Actually, Pancha doesn’t speak to anybody. Not after the doctor and his capuchin daemon looked entirely scandalized when she addressed him instead of his daemon. Apparently missing out on socialization for an estimated forty-five years led to… some not so great manners.)
Five methodically cleans his gun as Pancha shifts from a lion to a gazelle to a pallas cat and back into a hare to jump onto the bed with him. 
“Today?” She asks him.
He looks up at her and frowns, his hands pausing.
“Something feels different. More right.”
Five tilts his head a little bit in though and then nods. He’s been quiet, since they got back. When they’re alone together at least. The opposite of Pancha. Sometimes she wonders if they’re just switching off, the way they do when it comes to shows of emotion sometimes. 
Pancha crawls into his lap, nudging at his hands until they put the gun aside and bury themselves in her fur. 
“We’re going to save the world, Five.” She says, projecting as much confidence as she can into her voice, as much confidence as she can into him. “We’re going to save them all.”
Five’s hands tremble in her fur, and they both politely pretend that they don’t.
“You aren’t going to do this alone, because you have me. We’re a team.” She cranes her head back so she can offer him a smile, “Team Adaptable, right?”
“Right.” Five rasps out, touching the silver patches in her fur. 
And then they get up, and move out. They’re on a mission now.
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softboywriting · 4 years
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Summary: Finding your soulmate isn’t always as fairytale like as one might hope for. [werewolf story]
Word count: 1.7k
|Masterlist in Bio|
In a world where you meet your soulmate when the phrase that comes to you in dreams is spoken to you, one might think finding your soulmate would be easy. For some it's as simple as a meeting In a cafe, or bumping into someone at the market. So being tackled to the ground and screaming as sticks, rocks and dirt grind into your back isn't how you planned on meeting your soulmate. Actually at the time you had no idea that's what had happened, but how could you, you hadn't heard them speak.
It all started when you went for a walk in the woods behind your house. The area isn't the best and it's known for feral and rouge werewolf activity. Yet you still chose to go out in the late evening for some fresh air after a shit day at work. Of course you have no luck, or perhaps the best luck in the end, but at the time it was the worst. You heard the growling before you saw it, a massive wolf in trees ahead of you. The plan was to turn around quietly and make a run for your yard. Plans never work out do they?
Before you knew it the wolf was blindsiding you, knocking you to the ground. You slid, shirt bunching up and exposing your skin to the coarse dirt and rocks on the path way. It snapped at you, teeth bared as if you were a threat. Instinctively you grasped for a handful of sticks and grass and threw it in defense. It’s side was covered in blood. You remember what you yelled, because it's all you could manage to get out. "Fuck off!" You shouted it as loud as you could. It wasn't as if you had never dealt with wolves before, you grew up with two brothers who could shift and we're just about as large as this one. The fear still struck you hard though, just as the wolf did with a bite to your forearm as you blocked it from going to your face.
You don't know what made it retreat but just as soon as it closed it's jaws around your arm, it was backing away and running down the path. You were left alone, injured, bleeding and scared in the darkening trees.
You made it home and cleaned up, but there was no hiding it from your Dad who would be visiting the next day. As soon as he saw your bandaged arm he decided he had enough of the feral werewolves. You begged him not to do something, not to go out there lest he get hurt himself, but he was stubborn. A human man who doesn't understand.
So here you are in the woods once more, this time you're looking for the wolf that attacked you. You're not angry or upset, you want answers. Even feral werewolves don't attack with no reason. Usually they're scared, hurt or starving. It's crazy. You should just stay home and rest but you cannot let your Dad go after this wolf. You just can't.
Ten minutes turns into half an hour and just when you're about to give up you see the wolf laying in the brush around some fallen trees. It's hurt, bloody fur on its side is a dead giveaway and you put your hands out to it. "I promise I won't hurt you."
It growls. Judging by its size, it's a male.
"My dad is out here and he wants to kill you for this." You raise your arm. "But I know you didn't mean it. I know something else was going on and it was a mistake. I want to help."
The wolf raises itself up and snarls.
"Please? I can help." You step back and it steps forward. "Just follow."
You walk toward the house, avoiding the path wherever possible. Behind you the wolf follows, twigs snapping under his weight. Twice you hear your dad's voice and you have to stop and plead with the wolf to stay quiet.
With much effort you get the wolf into your house and to your bedroom. The plan is to assess it's wounds but that doesn't happen. The moment you close your door and turn around there is no longer a wolf in your room, but a tall very naked man.
"Oh, I didn't think-"
He collapses on the floor with a loud thud. Your heart sinks and you have a moment of panic. What do you do? How do you move him? Is he dead? You kneel down, grabbing a blanket off the bed and covering him. He's breathing. His side is bright pink with scar tissue from what looks like a bite.
"What happened?" You mumble and sit back. Now what do you do? You went through all this trouble to get this wolf here and save him from your dad and now what? Do you let him sleep until he wakes up and then does he leave? You hold your head and sigh heavily. This isn't your brightest idea but somehow you can't help but be concerned for him.
Sometime after midnight you wake up to coughing. It's the man, he's sitting up, arm across his stomach as he coughs violently. He makes a noise of protest and pain after each one. It must hurt so badly.
"Can you stand?" You ask, walking around in front of him.
He looks up at you and your heart skips. His eyes are so beautiful, deep brown and full of need.
"Can you speak?" You take his hand he offers for you to help him up.
He shakes his head.
"Oh." You sigh. So much for finding out more about him. "Does your throat hurt?"
He nods.
"Growling? Whimpering?"
A shake of the head.
You support him as you head to the door of your bathroom. "Haven't used it in so long?"
He nods.
"That's okay." You lower him onto the side of the tub. He grabs your injured arm and you freeze. "It's okay, I'm not mad about it."
He looks hurt.
"You were scared and hurt. I wish I knew what happened."
He looks down at his side and touches it, shaking his head.
You turn on the water and he looks back. "If you're going to stay, you're going to wash up. I know you're not a stray puppy and you don't even know me but-"
His hand closes over yours on the side of the tub and he turns your palm over. He traces letters into your palm. THANK YOU.
"You're welcome. I guess I just couldn't let something happen to you. My dad is hell bent on killing you for attacking me. He doesn't understand that there are plenty of reasons why you may have done it."
He traces the word HUMAN?
You nod. "Yeah, my mom is a werewolf and my half brother's are too. They moved away from town. It's just me and Dad now." You move your hand away from his and grab your shampoo. "Want me to wash your hair or can you do it?"
He points to you and the gestures to his wounded side.
Bathing a complete stranger should be far more surreal than it feels. Somehow you feel like you've known him forever, but you don't even know his name. Should you ask?  Is it too late? Does he not want to share it? You pause and he cranes his head back and reaches up to touch your face with his soapy hands.
"What?" You laugh and he just smiles really big, his wolfy teeth on full display. "I wish you could talk."
He sinks down into the water and you stand up to get a towel. You set out a shirt and some shorts that you had laying around from a friend who stayed over a while back.
"I'll leave you alone now." You say as you close the door behind you.
You fall asleep before he comes back out, waking only briefly as the bed shifts. You wonder if he's laying down or sitting beside you. It's too hard to wake up and find out and you roll over and go back to sleep.
When you wake again the room is dimly lit by the morning sky. You're laying face to face with him and his eyes open. He smiles softly, and you smile back.
"Hi, I'm Shawn." He whispers in the most strained voice you've ever heard.
Your heart stops because it's then you realize he is your soulmate. Those are the words you've waited to hear for years now. You suspected that it may be him since you were so drawn to him but this is confirmation. "Hi Shawn." You can't help the excited giggle that comes out of you.
"It's been a long time coming." He pauses to collect himself and force his voice to come out again. "I almost lost myself in the shift."
"It has been too long." You touch his nose and he closes his eyes, a tear rolling down his cheek. Your heart aches seeing him cry but you know it's relief. It's peace. It's joy and freedom from losing himself. "Good thing I came back for you." You wipe his face with your thumb.
“I’m sorry about your arm. I thought you were the wolf that had attacked me.” He touches his side.
“I knew it was a mistake.”
"Mmm. I can't believe it's you though."
"I could say the same. What were my first words for you?"
Shawn laughs and winces, gritting his teeth as the action strains his healing body. "I believe the words were 'Fuck off'. Makes sense now, how we met and all."
"Oh god, that is horrible. You must have thought I would reject you or something." You put your hand over his on the pillow. "Sorry it was so harsh, but you did try to snap at me."
"It's okay. I reacted too quickly." He coughs a bit, covering his mouth with the pillow. "But I have to know, you’re not rejecting me, so can I stay?"
You lean forward and touch your forehead to his. "Until the stars burn out."
*****Note: none of my works should be posted anywhere outside of my linked accounts. I do not give permission to repost with or without credit to my accounts. Please notify me of any reposted fics.*****
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returntobeaconhills · 3 years
Moonrise - Chapter Two
Chapter Two - The Hungry Fox 
Walt puts out dishes heaped with eggs and bacon as everyone takes a seat for their post-run breakfast.
"What are your plans for the day?" Talia asks her children, but her eyes are specifically on Derek.
"I don't have class. Thought I'd draw for a while, out at the edge of the preserve." Derek clears his throat and picks at his bacon.
"That sounds like a nice day," Walt says. "You should stop back in for lunch and I'll make you a chicken pesto sandwich. How does that sound?"
Derek smiles. "Yeah, Dad. Thanks."
Cora checks the time. "I've got to head out. I'm supposed to open the coffee shop today."
Laura finishes up and stands. "I can give you a ride."
"Have a good day, girls," Talia says.
"Thanks for breakfast, Dad," Derek says as he finishes his own food.
"Of course. I'll see you at lunch." Walt starts to clear the dishes.
"I look forward to seeing your sketches later," Talia tells Derek with a smile, but her face is still lined with concern.
Derek leans and nuzzles lightly against her shoulder, head bowed.
Talia sighs, comforted by the touch. She pets over his hair. "You never tell me that I worry too much like your sisters do."
"I don't know what's wrong with me," Derek says with a small laugh. "Anytime we're not all together, it's like there's a hook in my chest, pulling me to wherever the others are."
Talia turns her face to look at him. "There is nothing wrong with you! You just feel a strong bond to the pack." She hugs him. "Would you like to stay home with me today?"
Derek shakes his head. "No, I'm okay." He pauses. "That's what makes it so strange, you know? I don't even remember making the decision to break from the pack and chase. I just did it."
Talia's lips go thin. "Do you think something else was controlling you?"
Derek tilts his head and considers. "I don't know. I don't think so, but...felt like instinct. Felt like when I was first learning to control the shift, and I'd turn without even realizing I'd done it."
Talia studies him for a long moment. "Promise me you'll be careful."
"I promise," Derek murmurs. Talia squeezes Derek's hand. "So, tell me, what did this fox look like?"
"It was a little fennec fox. Sort of tan-colored. Great big ears. They're not native to California, but. Immigrants, I guess." Derek licks his lips. "And as a boy, I didn't see him very long, but he was tall and pale and... freckly."
"I see." Talia suppresses a smile. "Maybe you can draw the fox from memory while you're out today."
Derek's eyes light up. "You're right. That's a great idea."
Talia stands and kisses Derek's hair. "Take some snacks and water with you so you don't get hungry."
"Yes, ma'am." Derek gets to his feet, stretches, and waits for his mother's dismissal.
Talia nods. "You may go."
Derek bows his head and goes upstairs to shower and dress.
As soon as Derek steps outside, it feels as if he is being watched. Derek tightens the straps on his backpack, a nervous habit, and starts walking out to the edge of the preserve.
As Derek is making his way through the preserve, his eye catches something unusual. As he approaches, he realizes it's a pile of clothing: a discarded hoodie, a T-shirt, jeans, sneakers, socks, and boxers. He kneels down next to the pile, scenting the air.
Once he catches the scent, the fox comes into view. The fox tilts his head as he watches Derek.
"Hey," Derek says, surprised. "It's you."
The fox lets out a short bark.
Derek flashes his eyes blue. "You never saw me like this. Do you recognize me?"
The fox huffs and nods his head. Still on his knees, Derek holds out a hand, palm up.
The fox approaches slowly. After several long moments, he sniffs Derek's hand. The fox pushes his head against Derek's hand in order to be petted.
“Hey, little guy,” Derek says with a laugh, gently running his fingertips along the fox’s ears.
At the use of 'little guy,' the fox nips lightly at Derek's wrist.
“Ow. Oh--sorry. You’re not just--those are really nice ears,” Derek offers.
The fox preens and ducks his head to offer Derek his ears. Upon closer inspection, Derek can see a small dusting of freckles and moles along the cream-colored fur.
“Wow, you have freckles even in your shifted form.” Derek’s fingertips hover over the freckles, mapping them from a distance like stars. “That’s...I didn’t even know that could happen. That’s amazing.” He gives a self-conscious laugh, looking away as a blush creeps up his neck.
The fox jumps on Derek's arm and climbs up to perch on his shoulder. He noses at Derek's red cheek before moving over Derek's shoulder to paw at his backpack.
“I’ll show you what’s inside, but you gotta jump off first. I don’t want you to fall off when I set it down.”
The fox uses Derek's shoulder as a launch pad to jump from. He settles on the hoodie as he watches with large eyes.
“Okay.” Derek swings the bag off of his shoulder and unzips it, pulling out several bottles of water, a brown paper bag with a bit of a grease stain on the bottom, a box of pencils, and a sketchpad.
The fox immediately pounces on the bag. He tries to tug it with his small teeth, but the sight is mostly comical.
Derek’s brow furrows slightly, even as his lips pull up. “Hey, little g--uh, fox. Are you hungry?” His eyes widen. “D-did I keep you from doing your hunting last night?”
The fox scratches at the bag and looks up at Derek.
“Sorry, yeah, let me...” Derek pulls a plastic container out of the bag, a bit of oil fingerprinting the outside. He opens it to reveal an aromatic Greek-style pasta dish with a bit of cooked lamb tucked into the corner, placing the meal in front of the fox.
The fox dives in, his little paws slipping in the dirt as he moves to eat. The fox eats about half of the food before pulling back. He yawns and curls up on the clothes.
“I’ll leave the rest for you. After your nap.” Derek puts the lid back on the container and picks up his drawing materials.
One of the fox's eyes stays cracked open, curious as to what Derek will do next.
Derek opens one of the water bottles and sets it upright on the ground next to the food. “Thirsty?”
The fox gets up and moves toward the bottle. He uses a paw to knock the bottle over and starts to drink as the water spills out.
“That’s good.” Derek clears his throat as he opens his sketchbook. “We always have plenty of food. More than enough.”
The fox gets his fill of water before settling back on the clothes. He hides his face with a paw as he sleeps.
Only the sound of the pencil moving across paper accentuates the fox’s even breathing. Derek stays perfectly still except to draw.
His phone goes off with a text. The fox stirs and lifts his head to look at Derek with as much annoyance as the small face can muster.
Talia to Derek: Everything okay, sweetheart?
Derek turns his phone to silent.
Derek: Yes.
The fox stretches out and sleeps for another half hour. When he wakes, the fox jumps up on a tree stump to get a view of Derek's drawing.
Derek breaks his pencil in his clumsy rush to try to cover up an extremely detailed sketch of the sleeping fox.
The fox huffs and scowls as Derek moves to hide his work. He jumps down and moves into Derek's backpack. He pokes his head outside, but doesn't make any other movements to leave it.
“Get cold sometimes?” Derek asks, voice a little too high as he closes his sketchbook.
The fox moves its head from side to side to indicate he’s not in the bag because he’s cold.
"That's good." Derek reaches out to pet him.
The fox starts a soft purr under the attention. Derek chuckles, a low, pleased rumble. The fox moves out of the bag and starts jumping around in a circle. He flashes his eyes at Derek.
"What's this?" Derek smiles at the sight, but scents the air to make sure it isn't a warning.
Sensing nothing, Derek looks back to the fox, who noses at the hoodie, then jumps up again before tugging at Derek's pant leg.
"Should I follow you? Want to show me something?"
The fox gives up and sits back. He considers for a moment before he darts off as fast as he can.
A growl escapes Derek before he can help it. He tugs off his clothes and shifts with a groan, running full-speed in pursuit.
The fox swishes his tail, almost taunting. With a short, joyful howl, Derek leaps over him, landing in front of the little fox so that they're facing each other. The fox scents at Derek before rubbing its face against Derek's legs. Derek flips onto his back, paws up by his chest, giving the fox room to play on his belly. The fox jumps up on Derek's stomach and nips at Derek's jaw.
As the fox's nose moves over Derek's throat, he goes perfectly, unnaturally still. The fox sits back on Derek's belly, confused. Derek shivers, nearly dislodging the fox in the process. The fox jumps down and lowers its head. Derek gets back up, shaking his head, taking a moment to recover before licking the fox’s nose in reassurance. The fox nuzzles against Derek. The wolf mouths at the fox’s snout again. The fox pulls back and sneezes, his small head twitching. There’s no mistaking the smile that overtakes Derek’s face, letting his long, wolfish tongue loll to the side. He leans in and licks the top of the fox’s head. The fox playfully slaps at Derek's nose before sprinting off.
They spend hours this way--Derek chasing the fox, constantly tackling or pouncing or nuzzling, and the two of them taking breaks in between to roll around and play in the underbrush.
As it grows dark, Derek hears Talia's howl.
Derek stills, ears pricking up. He howls in return, eyes bright blue, before he makes eye contact with the fox to see if he understands.
The fox licks Derek's nose before running off.
A soft, saddened whine escapes Derek, but he only allows himself a moment before he obeys the call.
Talia is standing in human form at the edge of the yard when Derek returns. Her face is etched with worry. Walt stands at her side.
Derek sucks in a sharp breath. Once he’s within a few feet of them, he lifts his chin up, baring his throat.
Talia relaxes at Derek's appearance but her tone is stern as she says, "You didn't answer your phone."
“I was shifted,” Derek murmurs. “I’m sorry.”
Talia reaches out to cup Derek's cheek. "You're okay?"
“Yeah. I’m good.” Derek leans into the touch, flashing his eyes as a sign of respect.
Talia matches it with her own red eyes.
Walt slaps Derek's shoulder. "See, Tal, no reason to worry. He just lost track of time, right?"
Talia huffs but her lips pull up the smallest bit. "You were just as worried when he didn't come home for lunch."
“I’m sorry,” Derek says again, biting his lip. “Did you howl before you got really worried? I-I tried to get back fast once I heard it--”
"It's okay," Walt assures him.
Talia tilts her head. "Were you with the fox again?"
“Yes, ma’am,” Derek murmurs.
Talia sighs. "I worry about this shifter being a bad influence. Did you get his name?" Derek winces. “No, ma’am. He didn’t shift back this time. But he seems very…sweet.”
Talia pets over his hair. "Go ahead and get washed up for dinner. You must be hungry. Did you finish your pasta?"
“No, ma’am,” Derek says, barely audible.
Talia kisses Derek's temple. "It's okay. You don't have to be upset."
“He seemed hungry,” Derek says quietly.
Walt frowns. "Did he need food? You could have brought him home for dinner."
“I sort of tried to ask about it, but...when he heard the howl, he took off.” Derek shrugs. “Maybe he’s scared.”
"Maybe." Talia leads Derek inside.
After getting washed up, Derek helps Walt finish preparing the meal and sets the table.
Talia keeps casting concerned glances at Derek throughout the meal.
"So, you found him," Laura comments. "Did you ask him out?"
Derek’s face goes splotchy and pink.
"Leave your brother alone," Talia warns her.
"I think it's good you made a friend, Der," Cora says as she helps herself to a second serving of food.
“Yeah. Kinda different for me,” Derek says, genuine. He pushes his food around on his plate.
Walt's brow furrows. "Is there something wrong with the food?"
“No, no.” Derek takes a bite, looking back up at Walt as he swallows it down.
Walt squeezes his shoulder. "I think there will be leftovers if you want to take some for your friend."
"Walt," Talia says. "It's getting late."
“Yes, ma’am. It can wait.”
After dinner, Laura pulls Derek aside into her room. "I can tell you how to sneak out if you want."
“They were pretty worried about me,” Derek says, putting his hands in his pockets.
"But this is so romantic. You need to at least get his name!"
Derek smiles a little despite himself. "You really think I should?"
"Yes!" Laura shakes his shoulders gently. "You almost never make connections with people."
Derek's smile falters.
Laura bites her own lip. "Sorry, I didn't mean it to sound like a bad thing. It's really not! I just think if you're happy with him, you should pursue that."
"But what if it's..." Derek swallows, looking down at his shoes. "He didn't want to shift back with me there. He only did it the first time 'cause he was scared of me, didn't know what I was gonna do, at first. What if that's all it is, a fox and a wolf in the woods?"
Laura wraps her arms around him. "Did you ask him to change back? Maybe try talking to him instead of just playing."
"Maybe," Derek murmurs.
Laura pulls back. "If you don't want to, I won't push you into it. I just want you to be happy."
Derek nods. "I know."
Laura points to her window. "Go out my window if you want to try. Your room is too close to Mom and Dad's. If their window is open, they might hear you drop down."
Derek huffs a laugh. "Got it."
Laura winks at him. "I'm going to go watch a movie with Cora."
"'Night." Derek goes to his bedroom.
Talia and Walt both check in before they head to bed.
Derek sits cross-legged on his bed, going over sketches in pen.
Around midnight comes a soft tapping on his window.
Goosebumps rise on Derek’s skin. He drops his sketchbook and leans over to open the window, listening for any sign of his parents rousing as the wind moves through his room, sweeping up his papers.
The same young man from the woods tumbles through Derek's window, this time fully dressed in the rumpled clothes from the woods.
“Fox,” Derek blurts out, because he doesn’t know him by any other name.
The boy raises an eyebrow. "Stiles." “ Stiles,” Derek breathes out, slowly, testing the sound of it.
Stiles nods. "I waited. You didn't come back."
“I couldn’t come back.” Derek’s brow furrows in confusion. “My alpha called me.”
"Oh." Stiles shrugs, as if he doesn't quite know the weight of this. "Do you want to play now?"
“Um.” Derek shifts his weight from one foot to the other. “Well, are you hungry? I’m a little hungry.”
"I could eat," Stiles admits. "What do you have?"
“Lots of stuff. My dad’s a chef, so we always have plenty.” Derek points to the door. “Want to?”
Stiles hesitates. "What about the others. Four others, right? I caught five scents total."
“That’s my dad, my mom--she’s the alpha--my older sister and my younger sister. But nobody’ll mind,” Derek rushes to add. “Promise.”
Stiles squirms. "They're all wolves?"
Derek’s eyes tighten, a small, nearly unnoticeable flinch, as if Stiles had pulled back to throw a punch. “They’re my family,” he murmurs.
"Okay." Stiles nods. "If you think they won't mind. Most wolves, they don't like foxes, it seems."
“Most people don’t like wolves,” Derek says simply.
Stiles scuffs his shoe along the floor. "They make you leave," he says in a small voice.
“You don’t have...?”
"I have someone," Stiles rushes out. "I have my dad."
“Oh.” Derek relaxes a little. “Is he hungry, too?” His eyes go wide, blood rushing to his face. “I-I mean...would he want to join us, or, or--is he a fox? Not that it matters if he’s--um.”
"He's not," Stiles says. He inches back towards the window. "He's human. And he's fine. I'm fine."
“Okay.” Derek clasps his hands in front of him to keep from trying to cover his blushing face. “Sorry.”
"I should go," Stiles says. He casts a glance at Derek's sketchbook. "You were busy."
Derek bites his lip and drops into a sitting position on his bed. “Okay,” he murmurs.
Stiles hesitates at the window.
“Sorry,” Derek says again, numbly picking up his sketchbook just to have something to do with his hands. He doesn’t actually open it, just turns it over on his lap, ducking his head so that Stiles can’t see his face.
The sound of a sneaker being kicked off draws Derek's attention as Stiles starts to undress. “What are you doing?” Derek squeaks out.
Stiles shifts. Once he's a fox, he jumps up onto Derek's bed.
“O-okay.” Derek lifts his hand, letting it hover over the fox’s head.
The fox pushes against Derek's hand. Derek’s muscles relax a little as he pets over the fox’s soft fur. The fox paws at Derek's legs like a cat settling in.
With a chuckle, Derek focuses on the fox, scratching behind his ears, rubbing his belly, running a thumb over the fine little hairs above his eyes. The fox's eyes grow heavy until he finally nods off, curled up against Derek.
Though he doesn’t remember the moment it happens, Derek falls asleep easily, slumping down to the bed like a puppet with cut strings.
When Derek stirs the next morning, he wakes to a very human, very naked Stiles sleeping against him.
Derek slaps his hand over his own mouth to keep from yelling. Hands shaking, he grabs an extra blanket from the foot of the bed and drapes it delicately over Stiles’s body.
Stiles nuzzles against the pillow.
There's a knock at the door.
Derek catches himself at just the last moment from clapping his hands over Stiles’s ears to keep the noise from rousing him. He swallows thickly, blushing to the tips of his ears.
"Derek, Dad wants you to know breakfast is almost ready!" Cora calls through the door.
“I have a guest,” Derek says, voice comically high-pitched.
The door cracks open enough for Cora to stick her head in. "What?"
Derek looks up at her, expression pleading.
Cora's eyes go wide. "Oh, my God," she mouths. She gestures for Derek to come out into the hallway.
Scowling, Derek gestures to Stiles, still sleeping soundly half-on top of him.
Cora rolls her eyes and closes the door. A moment later Derek's phone vibrates with a text.
He’s careful not to jostle Stiles as he checks it.
Cora to Derek: Omg!!!! Who is it??? I can't see his face! I never thought you had it in you! Scandalous. Derek: WE DIDN’T DO ANYTHING. He’s the one I told you guys about. He came in last night and shifted. I was going to get us some food, but he fell asleep, and then I fell asleep, and THAT’S IT. Cora: likely story. 👉👌👬❤️❤️❤️ Derek: 😡 Cora: How am I supposed to cover for you? I can't exactly lie to them. Derek: Tell them the truth. Just leave out the naked part! Please Cora: Okay. I'm going to eat all your pancakes. Derek: Save enough for Stiles Cora: Stiles?? That's who it is??? You know who he is, right? Derek: ...no? Cora: That's the sheriff's son you're in bed with. Naked. Derek: Oh my God. Is he Derek: ! Derek: Please say I'm not committing a crime right now Cora: No crime. He's 18. It's legal.
A pause this time.
Derek: You gave me a heart attack, Cor Cora: Sorry! I just thought you should know.
Stiles snuffles against Derek. "Your pulse started racing. Calm down," he mumbles, still partially asleep.
"Okay," Derek whispers, adjusting the blanket so that it covers more of Stiles's body.
Stiles nudges his face to hide under Derek's arm as he falls back asleep.
Derek stays perfectly still for fear of waking him. His phone goes off with another text.
Talia to Derek: I would like to meet your guest before he leaves. Derek: Yes ma'am
After twenty minutes, Derek starts to hear another vibrating phone and realizes it belongs to Stiles, still tucked away in his pants pocket on the floor.
Derek chews his lip before gently shaking Stiles's shoulder.
Stiles jerks awake. "Wha?"
"Your phone," Derek whispers.
Stiles rubs at his eyes. He falls out of bed and crawls over to grab his phone. He types out a text before standing up and stretching, still nude.
Derek averts his eyes, cheeks blazing red.
"Oh." Stiles looks down. "Sorry. Must have shifted in my sleep." He pulls on his clothes.
"There's breakfast," Derek says in a small voice.
"Cool." Stiles runs a hand through his hair. "You okay?"
Derek gives a jerky nod. "Just--didn't want to, um..."
Stiles looks down. "You've already seen me naked," he says, confused.
"Th-that's not an open invitation. I didn't want to, you know--take advantage. You shifted in your sleep this time. It was an accident, so."
Stiles shrugs. "I'm not embarrassed."
"Okay. Yeah, sorry, I didn't--of course." Derek gets to his feet. "There's pancakes downstairs." He heads to the door.
"Awesome." Stiles follows Derek out.
Derek leads the way down to the dining room.
The family is all sitting at the table still. Cora smirks at Stiles. Laura gives Derek a thumbs up.
Derek clears his throat. "This is Stiles. Stiles, this is my mother and alpha, Talia. My father, Walt. And my sisters, Laura and Cora."
"Hi." Stiles gives a small wave as he sits down.
Talia purses her lips.
Derek takes his own seat, watching his mother nervously.
"When did your friend arrive?" Talia asks Derek.
"Last night. He wanted to go out to the woods again, but we ended up just falling asleep," Derek says. "Just falling asleep."
"I see." Talia clears her throat. "We prefer Derek to only go out shifted at night with the pack, Stiles."
Stiles fidgets in his chair. "Oh."
"I'll get you some food," Derek rushes out, jumping up to go into the kitchen.
Stiles gets up to follow him. "Maybe I should go," he says when he gets into the kitchen. "I don't need breakfast."
Derek stills, eyes on his shoes. "They're protective. The way people are about wolves...there’s so much fear and hatred. We're strong, but that doesn't mean we aren't vulnerable without our pack there to protect us."
Stiles rocks on his heels. "I don't really know anything about packs."
"It's a connection," Derek says softly, hand coming up to rest on his own chest without realizing it. "It's always there. It pulls at you, like the moon pulls the water. That's where we got it from." He lets out a self-conscious laugh. "That's what my grandmother says, anyway."
Stiles gives him a small smile. "That's cute."
Derek leans back against the counter, loosening up the more Stiles does.
Stiles eyes a stack of pancakes.
Laura enters. "Mom wanted to see if you needed additional help," she says with a pointed look.
Derek shakes his head roughly. “Got it.” He stacks pancakes on a plate and hands it to Stiles.
"Thanks." Stiles pours a lake of syrup on the pancakes before he carries the plate back out to the table.
“You guys are freaking him out!” Derek whispers to Laura, shifting his weight from foot to foot.
"Sorry!" Laura whispers back. "It's weird! Cora came down and said you had a guy in your bed."
“Nothing happened! Nothing at all. Sleeping happened, actual sleeping.”
Laura laughs. "You're so innocent!" She gestures back to the dining room. "We should get back out there before Mom interrogates him."
Derek’s eyes go huge. He nods vigorously and goes back into the dining room empty-handed.
Walt frowns. "Aren't you going to eat?"
“I’m good,” Derek says.
“So, Stiles--tell us about coming in through Derek’s bedroom window last night,” Talia says, pouring honey over her pancakes.
Stiles takes a huge bite of pancake. Talking through the barely chewed food, he says, "I thought he might want to go for a run, and I didn't want to bother anyone else," he says easily.
“We’re pleased to meet you, but there are rules in this house, and I expect them to be followed, even by guests.”
Stiles swallows and puts down his fork. "Like what?"
“You will receive my permission before spending time with Derek after dark or in his bedroom,” Talia says sharply.
Stiles's jaw clenches. He nods. "Got it." He pushes his plate over to Derek. "Have mine. I need to get home. My dad is wondering where I am." He stands. "Thanks for having me," he tells the others.
Derek looks gutted.
Stiles hurries out the door with his hands shoved in his pockets.
Talia sighs. "It wasn't an unreasonable request."
"I know," Derek says quietly, sliding Stiles's plate to the middle of the table. "I'm still tired. May I go back to bed for a little while?"
Talia reaches out a hand for Derek. "Sweetheart, of course I want you to be happy. You know that. I'd like for you to find a nice person that is good for you."
"I know." Derek ducks down under her hand so that it rests lightly on the top of his head.
Talia strokes over Derek's hair. "You may go back to sleep if you wish. Do you have class today?"
“Yes, ma’am,” Derek says. “This afternoon.”
Talia smiles at him. "Good. That will take your mind off everything. Go ahead and rest some more, then you can eat something before you go." “ Yes, ma’am.” Derek flashes his eyes and bows his head before going upstairs.
When Derek reaches his bed, he sees a note scrawled out hastily on a blank sheet of his sketchbook.
It reads: Meet me at 2pm where you first caught me. - S
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Linked Universe: Our Nightly Confidant 1
Wind From Home
Twilight considers himself a simple man. A farmer at heart, even if he has the hands of a hero. He's grown in a small village, where everyone knows everything about everyone else. Community is a sense that's been cultivated in him as well as pumpkins on a sky island (whatever that saying means).
He loves his brothers and his sort of dad. This quest... he doesn't want to say it's a blessing. It isn't. The monsters threaten many. Their group hasn't always saved everyone. It's no blessing that hurts so many. But he can't help rejoice the opportunity to meet so many heroes. To find his place in the legacy of the Hero of Courage.
As a Hylian from a human village, he's never worried about his place, but he does find peace in belonging to a group with no such innate distance.
He's one of the oldests, weird as that is. Most of the group are like little siblings to him. Weird, insane and irreverent little shits that give him grey hair. No, he's not thinking exclusively about Wild (Wild's a special case). He's attuned to their moods.
Four asked if he had a special sense for this, the second time he'd done it. A 'special' sense, he had insisted in the middle of their training camp, meaning wolf senses. No. Twilight doesn't feel one side of him bleeds into the other. It's not like that.
It's not what makes his eyes trail after Wind today. His youngest brother (barely losing to Colin by a season) is currently laughing his ass off on a tree stump over Warriors tripping on Legend's items. It is denied, not very convincingly, that the items weren't left there on purpose. Little shits, he's telling you.
The truth is more down to earth, the way Twilight likes it. Dogs train themselves to recognize hylian expressions. They know what sadness and joy and anger look like all too well. They know when to cheer their big two-legged friends. And a wolf? Well, a wolf better learn fast the difference between a real smile and a fake if it doesn't want to end up stuck in a bear trap.
First watch is always a bit nerve wracking. Unlike second and third watch, Twilight can't just shift into wolf form to sniff out enemies and make sure the whole forest is secure. Links don't fall asleep easily. Legend wakes up at the slightest noise for the first two hours he looks asleep. Time might just stare at the sky the whole night, not getting a wink of sleep. Sometimes, Twilight himself just... can't stop thinking. Wondering where she is now. If she's alright. If Ordon's safe without him. Once in a while, he'll close his eyes and hear Lumi crying, and Uli's quiet steps to shush her.
The other half of the time, it's staying asleep that's the problem. The Goddesses know they all have plenty of material to fuel their nightmares (he's never forgetting Yeta's face, he's resigned to that).
When the moon's path has almost reached its zenith, Twilight hears the first few moans. His heart drops. He hoped. But he's not surprised. Sometimes, the heart can't take the weight of the mask people plaster on.
It starts small. It always does.
For a time, it's mostly sniffles and choked sobs. Then a small 'I'm sorry.' Twilight grimaces. None of them show their scar easily. The deep scars, at least. Wind wouldn't appreciate an audience. Unfortunately, Twilight can't exactly leave. The next best thing however is to try and cut it short.
So, decision made, he creeps around camp, places himself behind Wind and shakes his shoulder. (Carefully. The group collectively learned not to take sleeping Links lightly. At least, Sky had laughed out the black eye with grace.)
“Hey, Sailor,” he whispers, hoping none of the others react. “It's your turn.”
In truth, it's a touch early for that. But he knows he made the right call when Wind rubs his eyes and freezes at the wet feeling on his fingers. He'd been in the middle of turning around, but he immediately fakes a stumble and buries his face in his rolled up blankets instead. It's a good cover to wipe tears without being too obvious.
Twilight would be impressed if that didn't send pangs of worry through his chest. Oh, Wind...
“Mrm,” Wind mumbles. “One minute?”
“Sure, I gotta take a leak anyway.”
“Yeah, yeah, piss off.” Wind waves him off from under the blanket.
Twilight smiles to himself. He should ask Wind to direct a play next time they visit his Hyrule. Queen Zelda was always in need of entertainment for the stuffy dignitaries. Jackasses couldn't crack a smile if they were whipped.
That faint irritation pushes him toward the end of the camp line, out of the clearing. Once he's out of sight and hearing range, he grabs onto his cursed necklace and sneaks through the underbrush. His senses make navigating through the twigs and branches child's play, and the lack of any pig-like stench reassures him that there's no malice-infected monster around. In less than a minute, he has circled around the camp and positioned himself the near opposite of where his hylian form left through. Generally, people don't make the association if he leaves a few minutes tick by. Out of sight, out of mind.
It's a bit embarrassing how well that trick works.
Wind's head is turned in the direction he disappeared earlier. Skittish, like a rabbit looking out of its hole. Wind must be waiting for him to return from his manly business, which is a bit of a lost bet at the moment. Seconds tick with only the faint brushing of leaves on his fur and the nightly wind for company. Then, all at once, Wind stands up and stomps his way to the stump Twilight had been using for his turn at the watch.
“Damn it!” Wind curses under his breath. The tears are held at bay, barely. “There's no way he didn't see... calm down, calm down dammit, he's gonna come back soon!”
A small boot kicks off some dirt. Twilight flinches in his hiding spot. That's more anger than expected. He's not sure what to do with that. None of them like vulnerability. None of them are used to being allowed vulnerability. He's worked on Wild and Time for a while now, and he's making progress, even if it's only them opening up to him.
It's that same instinct that pushes him to walk through the bush and reveal himself. He's as non-threatening as a large wolf can be, but Wind still whirls around with his sword drawn. Recognition is a second slower.
“Wolfie!” Wind whisper-yells. “Bad dog! I almost skewered you!”
Twilight raises one eyebrow, unimpressed. He is most certainly not a bad dog, and he is quite experienced at dodging last second hits by flailing, surprised preys. Not that he even thought of Wind as prey, never, but Wind didn't have to imply he'd be that stupid.
“Oi, what are you looking at?” Wind grumbles, dropping back on his tree stump. “Stupid dog...”
Twilight fights the urge to growl. He's here to help, not pick a fight. Unfortunately, his struggle had been obvious, because Wind deflates and sheaths his sword.
“Sorry. It's just... I'd been doing so well so far,” he whispers. “Even if they're big mother cuccos about me sometimes, they still listened to me.”
Twilight feels his tail curl between his legs. He knows he's overprotective. He knows it's annoying Wind, but he can't help it when every other time they fight, he sees Colin rushing into the path of King Bulblin.
“Hey, hey, don't be sad.” Wind cajoles, patting his knee like an invitation.
Twilight's too happy to question the change. He plops his chin on Wind knees and looks up. Small, calloused hands run into his fur.
“Do you have family, Wolfie?”
… What? For a second, he slips out of grasp just to better stare at Wind. Then, he sniffs his breath for a second, and whilst there's a fair amount of onions there (dental hygiene, Sailor!), no traces of booze anywhere. So, he softly woofs, tilting his head to the side.
“Do you have a she-wolf and a litter of little pups that trip all over themselves? I bet you're a good dad, aren't you?”
Twilight can't help the shocked whine that burst out of his throat, nor the flattened ears on top of his head. Him? A dad? He was far too young for that! Being a brother to Wild alone was trouble enough as it was, fatherhood remained firmly beyond his grasp. Besides... it wasn't like he had someone with whom...
“Aww,” Wind cooed, scratching behind his ears, “I didn't want to scare you, Wolfie. I just thought you take good care of us, s'all. I bet you'll be a good dad someday.”
Flattered as he is, he can't help puff and huff into Wind's shirt. He's a noble beast, talked down to like a lap dog. At least, he successfully distracted Wind from what nightmare he had.
Together, they listened to the crackling embers, moving only when the flames needed another log or when a critter stumbled too close to camp (a very curious rat that scampered when it met Twilight's eyes).
“How much did he drink?” Wind mutters, a bit later. “Did he pass out with his breeches down?”
A low growl rumbles into his chest. The disadvantage of others not knowing he's Wolfie is hearing that kind of crap about himself. He's a misunderstood man condemned by the judgemental Links of the world.
“What? Don't like him? Twilight's okay. Most of the time. Like, he saw me cry. I know he did. He knows I know, but he still pretended not to... you know?”
Twilight's best deadpan glare expresses that yes, he knows. More importantly, he puts a paw on Wind's chest, making a small inquisitive noise. Why? Did he need to share it with a very innocent wolf that doesn't judge anyone and anything except Warriors' morning hair?
The fragile grin on Wind's face falters. His eyes dart around. “I... it's not like... You won't laugh, right?”
Twilight nods emphatically.
“It's nothing too bad. I just miss my sister and my grandma.”
Oh, Wind...
“... Please don't tell the others,” Wind said in a tiny voice. “They already have a hard enough time taking me seriously. I don't want them to think I'm being a baby who cries about his family.”
The confusion can't overtake the lance of shame and heartbreak that spears through Twilight's body. Had... had they pushed Wind into this? Made him think that because they hide their tears, they'd laugh at his?! Goddesses... Uli would smack him with her wooden spoon for making a mess like this.
He might have been a bit overbearing once his quest had ended. Colin had been happy about the attention... the first three days or so. Afterward... well... Uli and Rusl had taken him aside, put their feet down and helped him let go of his dead grip on his little brother's safety. And half the monsters he'd faced had nothing on the challenge of letting Colin make his own mistake. He thought he'd gotten better about this.
But he might have forgotten Wind was not nearly as tolerant or hesitant as Colin.
“I'm a Hero too. I'm strong. Why would I cry over nothing? My grandma and my sister are fine. I bet we'll be portaled in my Hyrule soon and I'll have worried for nothing and Twilight and Warriors will be right to treat me like a fragile little boy again.”
He's not. They all know he's not. He's just... the youngest. The most cheerful, most innocent, most... most well-adjusted of them all, and they want so badly for Wind to keep that. He's a wonderful young man. They're all so proud, so impressed with him.
He's gonna have a few conversations with Warriors and Time tomorrow. Goddesses!
“Hey, Wolfie... I know you don't like being around too long, but... Do you mind staying a bit?”
Twilight chuffs, stubbornly burying his face even deeper in his little brother's shoulder. As if someone would be able to pry him off Wind before morning.
“Do you ever feel a strange sadness as dusk falls?”
Wind looks up sharply, startled but unwilling to admit it. He'd been polishing that long view of his by himself. “What?” he says, and there's an implied 'the fuck?!' in there. Pirates...
Twilight brushes the grass and then sits on the hill, staring past the coast at the red sun. “My father told me that, the day before I left on my quest. Neither of us knew then I'd have a quest soon, of course. But it stuck with me.”
For a long time, Wind's expression shifted between fascination, embarrassment and a bit of confusion. Twilight really needed to teach him how to maintain a poker face before he played cards with Warriors again. Still, there's no rush.
For all that it tears him in half, dusk also has a way to sooth his old aches. It's a peaceful time. A moment when the day dies, when the living settle and close their doors.
“It's the horizon, for me,” Wind admits. “When I... the first time, I'd never ever left my island, and all of a sudden, I had to leave because that huge ass bird had kidnapped my sister. So I had to leave my home for the first time, and I was on Tetra's boat, staring at Outset Island shrinking and shrinking till it was gone. Even when I pulled out my sister's long view, all I could find was the waves of the Great Sea.”
“Ah, a boar and a bulblin got my brother, my childhood friend and a bunch of kids. Knocked me right out with a hit to the head.”
Wind pulled his lips together and narrowed his eyes. “Well... I didn't get hit or anything, but Tetra threw me out of a cannon so I could infiltrate the fortress. Hit my face pretty hard too. That counts?”
“It wasn't a competition!” Twilight laughs, ruffling Wind's hair. It causes a flinch, and that's the light-hearted mood gone. Great. Twilight breathes through his nose. “You know, sometimes, I really want to smack my dad upside the head.”
Wind blinks. “... Okay?”
“Every goshdarn time I see the sun set, I remember him and my mom and my brother and sister, and... home. Every sunset reminds me of home. Makes me miss it so bad. Now I can't help feel that strange sadness every time.”
A snort.
“Goddesses damned!” Wind wheezes out through his laugh. “He...”
“Yup,” Twilight says, leaning his chin on his fist. “He didn't think that one through. Bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy, ain't it? So, I do want to make him think before he spouts philosophy at me.”
“Hey, hey, Twilight!” Wind says, impish, tugging on his sleeves. Then, the second he has Twilight's attention, he puts on the most serious face he ever wore. “Do you ever feel a strange sadness... as you put on your pants?”
“You little shit,” he says, brimming with affection.
Wind, not to be undone, jumps to his feet. “Do you ever feel a strange sadness... as you drink milk?”
“Oi,” Twilight stands after him, darting right after the brat.
“Not the strange sadness of being chased by a goatherd!”
Two minutes. Two minutes and six variations of the most profound saying his farmer dad told him. Butchered. Butchered like a lame goat in winter. Twilight is both furious and delighted and it might be why, when he does catch Wind, he unleashes the noogie from hell.
Wind's screams, so closely related to that of a dying piglet, are very satisfying. Worth the kicks to the ribs.
And when retribution is served, Twilight shifts the hold into a one-sided hug with the smooth grace of a man who regularly pretends not to be the wolf that is never seen with him. Wind freezes, realization sharp on his face when he notices the tears gathering in Twilight's eyes.
“But the first thing I'd do if I saw him tomorrow... is hug him. Tell him I'm glad he's okay and that I missed him. Then I'd smack him and run for the hills, because Rusl happens to be the only guy in my village that knows how to use a sword.”
After a whole body shudder, Wind gives up and buries himself in his big brother's shoulder.
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lunar-archangel · 4 years
wait can you share some of your favorite hcs abt the dsmp sometime? unless you already have! then ignore this -🎨
Sure I can. I have never written anything about dsmp or any mcyt in general cus I am not a good fanfic writer or headcanon writer :,D
But I can ramble about some of my personal headcanons for the dsmp and throw in some that I have seen floating around. this might be a long post depending on how hard I will hyperfixate on this stuff!
I’ll go with from my favourite characters to least favourite cus I have most likely thought about other characters more than other.
Let’s start with Fundy shall we? He is my favourite boi and I have a lot of thought about him.
First I’ll go with my personal headcanon which is that Fundy wears an fox mask. You know those japanese fox or wolf masks? yeah like that. It’s colored like an normal fox colors. I like to think it is kind of an compromise between the full fox man and the more human like designs that people have for him. Like he wears the mask; full fox man. He’s not wearing the mask; more human like with just the ears and tail.
I also like to think that he wears black gloves to fill that fox aesthetic. Maybe they have like anti slipping on the palms or something or just for the fashion.
The other personal headcanon kind of crosses over to Wilbur and Philza too since they are all directly related. I have an headcanon that they don’t have any hair in their head, instead it’s feathers that look like hair. If you have seen silky chickens that’s the kind of feathers I’m talking about. like looks like hair unless you really pay attention. And Fundy actually has a mix of real hair and feather hair unlike Wilbur and Philza who have full feather hair.
Also since I have watched way too many nature documentaries about foxes I can just throw all of it at Fundy. Some things I know about foxes and think Fundy does are: using earths magnetic field to track prey/people, Jumping at people from high places, putting his ears down when someone approaches no matter if they’re familiar and when put into fight or flight situation he always chooses flight.
I also like to think that he is extremely smart but often too distracted or easily trusting that people see him as kind of an pushover.
Also saw an headcanon somewhere that was that Fundy could in a way breathe under water cus he’s canonically half salmon and I vibe with that.
I also saw one that was that when he goes to the arctic his fur and hair color change to the arctic fox colors so I’d like to think that the same happens in the desert with his colors changing to that of an fennec fox.
Let’s move on to Ranboo! I have a lot of thoughts about him.
I want to start with an bold one. I don’t think that Ranboo is an hybrid. Big take but hear me out. I think that he is related to endermen but not part one. I have an headcanon that he is an entirely different species of enderman. This ties up with the long eared, human like and tailed Ranboo we see in fan arts. Ranbob my beloved would also fall into this same species and would make it so that the species majorly is black and white in coloration with the previously said traits.
Also do think that the eyes of ender are the souls of endermen and Ranboo likes to collect them and sometimes talk with the souls (or maybe they are the voices in his head but he forgot what the eyes were originally)
Some of my favourite design headcanons have been the mouthless one (mouth will only be visible if he screams. You know, like an enderman) and the one that he has animal like legs (digitigrade) But I do like the human legged one too!
Also saw this one about Ranboo being the Prince of the end relam and I am 100% in on that. Maybe the enderdragon did something to Ranboo to make him so forgetful so he doesn’t remember who he is and take his rightful place as the king of the end. Also DreamXD was sent by the enderdragon to make sure he doesn’t get back.
Also one that Ranboo Is half ghast are amazing too cus that would open the opportunity with him being immune to lava and heat. With this I would love to bring you fire sneezing Ranboo.
How about Wilbur next? He has a very similar persona to me with seeming calm and gentlemanly but once you know him he’s a fucking psychopath.
Jumping back to the feather hair headcanon. I have a head canon that Wilbur wears beanies because he has these 4-6 actually feather looking feathers at the back of his head that hes embarrassed about. He also has some feathers crowing on his shoulders and shoulder blades.
I see the Angel of death Philza and raise you Deity of chaos Wilbur. He was raised in a way that he needed to hide the overwhelming desire to just fuck shit up. This all came crashing down in pogtopia as he started to give in to the chaos side of him and personally I think he wouldn’t have backed down from that button no matter what. It was not that he wanted to rip L’manberg away from schlatt but the fact that he knew the down spiral that would follow after the destruction that kept him going.
Following to that I think Wilbur’s mom was the Goddess of bad luck and he was an entirely an accident child as I’m sure having kids as an death bringer was not Philza’s original plan.
I think Wilbur was more of an dad to Tommy than Philza was and Tommy did call Will dad for the longest time. Wilbur is the main reason Tommy is the way he is and that is because Wilbur taught him as an apprentice to chaos and was hoping that the boy would follow in his foot steps.
I’m gonna stop now lmao! Someone can ask headcanons I have for specific people that want but these are the main ones I think about a lot for now
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bumblesimagines · 5 years
Moon Princess
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Request: Yes or No
Wow, me trying to look professional? Lmao yikes
Summary: After an encounter with another vampire, Edward decides to have Bella stay on the reservation until they find out the vampires intentions. When Bella gets to Emily and Sam's house, she finally meets Leah's twin brother, (Y/N) Clearwater.
For anyone curious, I'm not following the plot. At all. Ed, Bell, and Jake are besties cuz Ed and Jake aren't fighting over Bell.
This was also.. Rushed and short :) it's mostly a filler/intro type of thing
"So, you're just gonna be emo forever?" Bella asked with a grin, climbing over a log as she followed her friend. Edward turned his head, looking at her.
"I'm not emo-"
"Yes, you are." She giggled, dusting off her pants as she watched him. Edward rolled his eyes.
"At least I don't bump or trip over everything." Edward shot back. Bella shrugged, almost tripping over a branch. Edward raised his brows.
"Honestly, it's probably just bad luck." Bella said, nudging the branch with her shoe.
"Right." Edward crossed his arms. The playful look on his face dropped and he became alert.
"Ed?" Bella questioned, studying his face. Edward motioned for her to get close. Bella went over to him, hiding behind him. She gripped the back of his shirt, looking around. There was the woosh of air and the creaking of a branch. Bella looked up, spotting a young woman crouched down on a large branch. Her red eyes looked right through Bella.
"Akuma... What brings you to forks?" Edward asked, hoping Bella's scent was masked by his. The woman narrowed her eyes, standing. Her eyes stayed trained on Bella.
"Why do you have a human as a pet?" She asked, voice silky.
"She's not a pet."
"A mate?"
"A friend?" Her eyes narrowed. Edward nodded, fingers finding Bella's wrist. Akuma tsked, her wavy copper blonde hair flowing with the wind. In a second, she was gone.
"Who was that?" Bella asked in a breathy voice.
"Akuma. She was part of the Denali family until she took off a couple years back." Edward explained, looking at her.
"Her thoughts weren't very clear but while she's still feeding on human blood, you shouldn't be alone." Edward said. Bella frowned, nodding.
"Alice might've had a vision already." Edward picked her up. "You should stay on the reservation with Jake. Akuma knows better than to cross onto wolf territory." In a flash, they were at the house. Carlisle was already outside with the others.
"I already contacted Sam to let him know." Carlisle said as Edward put Bella down.
"You can tell your dad that you're gonna be spending some days at Jake's place." Bella nodded, fixing her wild hair.
"Akuma is unpredictable. She's been able to avoid being in my visions for a while now." Alice said, ushering Bella around the house and towards her truck. Bella got into her truck, shakey hands gripping the steering wheel.
"Emmett and I will follow you home, alright?" Edward stared at his friend in concern. Bella nodded. She started up her truck and drove away from the Cullen house. Her thoughts raced as she drove home. Bella kept glancing at her rearview mirror, expecting to see red eyes staring back but she could only see the road. Bella pulled up into the driveway of her house, fumbling with the seatbelt before she got out of the truck. She headed inside, seeing her dad.
"Hey, uh, dad? Would it be okay if I stayed at Jacob's place for the night? Or maybe for a few days?" Bella asked, toying with the sleeve of her flannel.
"Everything okay?" Charlie asked. Bella nodded.
Y-yeah, everything's fine. He just has this big science project and he needs my help." Bella explained, apologising internally for lying to her dad.
"Billy did mention that his grades were falling.. I guess it's fine, just text me every morning, alright?" Bella nodded.
"Thanks dad!" She quickly headed up the stairs and entered her room. Bella found her bag and shoved items of clothing and such into it. She got her toothbrush and zipped up the bag, letting out an exhausted sigh. She headed downstairs, yelling a quick bye as she stepped outside. Bella went over to her truck, getting in and turning it back on. She reversed and began to drive again, eyes focused on the road. Bella sped up once the road was empty, wanting to get on the reservation as quickly as possible. She heard a howl and relaxed. Bella spotted Emily and Sam's place and smiled softly. The boys rushed outside to greet her. Bella got out of her truck, smiling as she greeted them.
"You just have the worst luck." Emily said as she stepped outside. Bella chuckled, nodding. She turned her head, looking at Leah and an unknown wolf. The unknown wolf was bigger than Leah, his fur similar to hers but his eyes were a pretty shade of (E/C). He was breathtaking. Leah snarled, canines exposed as she glared at Bella.
"Oh shit!" Jared said, letting out a laugh. Bella furrowed her brows, looking at him before looking at Emily.
"That's (Y/N)." Emily said, glancing at Sam.
"He's my brother." Seth told Bella quietly. Bella hummed, looking back at the wolf. He shook his head, staring at her from his spot on the hill. Bella heard a growl from beside her and flinched, looking at Jacob. The brown wolf suddenly charged up the hill, tackling (Y/N) and disappearing onto the other side of the hill. Bella gasped softly, hearing snarling and the sound of jaws snapping. Leah quickly went down the hill, probably to protect her brother.
"Come inside, Bella. I just made some muffins." Emily said, taking her inside as Sam got involved.
"What was that all about?"
"I have an idea but it's best if you hear it from the boys." Emily said, offering her a muffin. Bella slowly ate it, glancing at the door when the boys entered and snatched some muffins.
"What happened?" Bella asked.
"Jacob got jealous." Jared replied with an amused grin. Bella grew more confused.
"All that fawning over only for some other guy to imprint on his crush." Paul laughed.
"My brother isn't 'some other guy'." Leah sneered as she entered the home. Her gaze shifted onto Bella.
"All you bring is trouble." She growled, glaring at her. Bella felt intimidated under her glare. She looked away from Leah, munching on her muffin until Sam, Jake, and another guy entered. The guy looked like Leah. They had the same hard eyes and attractive features. She assumed it was (Y/N) from the way he made a beeline for his sister, eyes looking for Seth. He relaxed seeing the younger boy before he finally looked at Bella. She offered a smile but he looked away from her.
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BTS DRABBLE-Jeon Jungkook 🎃
Halloween Series: Werewolf Jeon Jungkook
Every month, on the night of the change, it’s the same. Stay away from Jungkook, find Jungkook the morning after, act like nothing happened, resume normal life, until the next month. And then it all begins again. However, something about this month feels a little different, and you’re not quite sure, but it feels like something big. 
Tags: BTS, Bangtan Boys, Bangtan Seonyendan, Bulletproof Boy Scouts, Beyond the Scene, BTS Drabble, Halloween, Spooky Season, Jeon Jungkook, Jungkook, Jungkook x you, Jungkook x reader, Werewolf Jungkook
Genre: Dark Fluff, Angst
Title: Promise
(Image Credit: https://twitter.com/kanux4  )
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The morning after the change is always the same. 
You wake in an empty bed, fingers dancing across the bed sheets to find the warmth of Jungkook’s body beside you, only instead, to find abandoned, cold linens where he was the night before. 
Sighing heavily, you force yourself out of said bed, and glance at the clock on the nightstand. 
Five AM. 
The red numbers blink back at you through the muted darkness of the still wakening sky-barely penetrating through the thick, cold fogged window panes of the cabin-as you shiver in the suddenly cool air of the bedroom.
Leaving the deserted bedroom, you make your way to the living room, where a fire still manages to crackle weakly in the hearth from the night before. Throwing in some more wood to bank the flames, you sit down on the old sofa, reaching blindly for your boots that you had discarded before bed, blinking sleep from your bleary eyes. 
Lacing up the boots, you stand-stretching your arms above your head-and head toward the door, where you take your already prepared backpack from the hook, and sling it across your shoulders. Reaching for your heavy knit beanie and slouching it low over your ears, you grab the flashlight and truck keys from the kitchen table, the last supplies you’ll need in your search for Jungkook. 
“Scout.” You whistle between your teeth, calling the dog’s name in a low, husky voice-still laced with sleep-and immediately, the large dog, curled in a blanket beside the fire, is at your side, looking up at you with bright alert eyes and tongue lolling. 
You let your fingers trace across the mutt’s head-soft fur comforting beneath your fingertips for a moment-and then give him one last pat, before you open the door to the frigid, early morning, outside world and say, “Let’s go find dad.”
The large plot of national forest that lies behind the cabin is not hard to navigate, crisscrossed by long, dirt roads and hiking trails that carve into the underbrush and disappear into the thick glen of trees that cover the hillside. 
And for someone like you-who has been driving the trails in the same old pickup for years-the forest holds a certain comforting, familiarity in the early morning light of the dawn. 
You turn the truck down one of the better worn roads that leads into the deep forest, ending in a glen against the sharp, steep crannies of the hillside, and let your hands go on autopilot as you steer the vehicle back toward the mountainside. 
For someone claiming that “the wolf” is nothing more than a wild animal, Jungkook always seems to pick the same, easily accessible spot for you to find him the morning after. 
As you pull the truck into the clearing, lurching it to a stop and shutting off the engine-the sudden quiet around you a little chilling-you reach up to finger the large, silver cross that rests between your breasts, hidden away under the material of your coat. 
The cross that JK always insists you wear-day and night-when you’re around him.��
For protection. 
Shaking out of your thoughts, you reach for the door handle, as an excited Mac clambers over you, eager to be out of the truck and into the clearing first, his nose already twitching with all the smells and new things to discover. 
“Get down, you daft dog.” You complain, shoving the dog’s large body off of you, as he bounds outward into the clearing, happily peeing on trees and following natural scents through the grass. 
Tugging on the strap of the backpack, you exit the truck, slamming the door shut behind you, as you let out a long, low exhale into the cold, morning air, your breath turning frosty as soon as it passes the warmth of your lips. 
Suddenly, Mac barks loudly, and you glance in his direction, just as Jungkook steps out from behind one of the larger trunked trees. 
He walks toward you-full, bronze skinned, muscular body on display-and you wonder, just briefly as you shiver violently in your heavy coat, like you do every month, how he’s not freezing his ass off. 
“Took you long enough.” He shoots you a playful smirk as he reaches you, hand still resting on the top of the very excited Mac’s head as he does circles around his master’s legs. 
“Yeah, yeah.” You grumble good naturedly, the repetitive teasing making you hide a smile, as you reach into the backpack and toss him a set of clothes. “Just put your clothes on.” 
He grins, but does as he’s told, swiftly pulling the hoodie over his head and then the sweat pants, the toned muscles of his young, supple body disappearing beneath the fabric, as he reaches up to rustle a hand through his thick, dark hair. 
You have already retreated to the truck, with the heater full blasting, and opening the passenger door, Jungkook lets Mac hop into the middle seat, before he slides in himself, glancing over at you mischievously, as you shift into gear and begin to lurch the old truck out of the clearing. 
“What?” You question, glancing at him out of the side of your eye, as you push Mac down so you can see him better. You stick your tongue out at him, trying to keep your focus on the road. “Why are you staring at me, Jungkook?” 
He sighs dramatically, resting his cheek on the heel of his hand as he leans against the door, before he says, “Listen, baby. You look good enough to eat. Don’t get me wrong.” He flashes you a smug smile, as you roll your eyes. “However.” He reaches for the backpack and begins to dig through the remaining contents. “I’m starving. Did you bring any food?” 
You roll your eyes once more, and direct him to the granola bars. 
The next month, things are far from normal. 
“What the hell were you thinking, (Y/N)?” Jungkook yells out, as soon as you park the truck and step foot into the clearing. 
Your hands go to your hips, and you suddenly feel defensive, as his looming, angry figure stalks you down, coming to a stop in front of you. 
“I was thinking-” You huff out, throwing his clothes at him angrily, as you take a step closer to him, fingers digging into your sides in a vain attempt to quell your frustration. “That you were in trouble!” 
“No, no.” He shakes his head furiously, his mop of dark hair appearing once more as he pulls the hoodie over his head, and his eyes meet yours, dark and swirling and stormy. You have never seen Jungkook look this angry before. “You thought the wolf was in trouble.” 
“Jungkook!” You throw your hands up into the air out of exasperation. “You are the wolf!” 
“No!” He barks out, stunning you into silence with the harshness of his tone, as Mac whimpers and cowers at your feet. “No.” He repeats again, softer this time, as he lets out a long breath through parted lips. “The wolf is a wild, unpredictable creature, (Y/N). It’s not me, and I’m not it. And I can’t guarantee it won’t hurt you.” 
The sudden fear that crosses Jungkook’s dark, wide eyes is enough to make your anger drain away, and you swallow hard, reaching up almost unconsciously to finger the silver cross hidden beneath your sweatshirt. 
His eyes follow the movement, and he reaches out, cupping your cold cheek in his hand, as he murmurs softly, fervently, “I need you to trust me on this, okay baby?” He reaches out to lay his free hand over your fingers, the cool silver of the cross pressed deeper into your skin at his touch. “I need to keep you safe. And this is the only way I can do that.” 
You watch him for a moment, and then sigh. “Okay. I’m sorry, Jungkook.” 
“Good.” He nods, before pulling you to him, enveloping you in the warmth of his arms and his broad chest that rests beneath your cheek, his heartbeat loud and steady in your ears. 
You fight with yourself for a moment, but then the words leave your mouth without control. “But, the howl I heard sounded like it was incredibly pained and I was worried and I left without thinking.....” 
Jungkook’s cheek is heavy as it rests on the top of your head, and his arms tighten around your waist at your words, and when he speaks, his voice is cool, “Baby, don’t worry about the wolf. It can take care of itself. Okay?” He pulls you back from him to make sure you nod in response, and then he says, tone slightly dangerous, “My only priority is your safety. And it always will be. You have my word.” 
And then, the next night of the change, Jungkook is forced to prove his promise. 
You are awoken from sleep by the sound of Mac, barking loudly at the front door. 
“Mac!” You hiss between your teeth, as you pull a blanket around your shoulders and hurry down the hallway, bumping blindly into walls as you struggle to maneuver in the cabin in the blackness. 
You reach the front door, where the large dog is barking and growling, and your fingers connect with the leather of his collar, as you struggle to pull against his strength. 
“Mac! Stop it!” You berate in a whisper, trying-and failing-to pull the suddenly frenzied dog away from the door and whatever he hears outside. 
And then, in a lull between his loud barks, you hear what has startled him into such a state. 
Your hands go numb on his collar, and your efforts to quiet him stutter to a halt, as you hear the sound of wolves fighting-close by-and then-
That’s Jungkook’s howl. 
“Mac! Move!” You shriek out, suddenly finding strength to push the large animal to the side, as you fumble for the handle of the shotgun that hangs on the wall above the front door, and stumble against the handle, tumbling outside as the door opens suddenly. 
You realize, as the cold, frosty wood of the front porch hits your bare feet, that you haven’t bothered to put on shoes, or a coat, or even change out of the pjs you had put on the night before. 
None of that matters. 
Fingers chilling on the icy metal of the shotgun, your feet move of their own accord down the chilled front steps and onto the frost covered grass, as your hands, without thinking, begin to fumble in the dark to load and cock the shotgun. 
Your eyes-still hazed over from sleep-begin to focus, and you see the cause of the commotion, as Mac continues to bark from the landing of the cabin. 
Two large wolves-one black, one gray-are circling each other at the edge of the woods, teeth bared, saliva dripping, eyes flashing with rage and fury, as snarls erupt from their throats. 
The shotgun cocks into position, just as the gray wolf leaps onto the black, sending them both tumbling to the ground in a flurry of indiscernible claws and teeth and growls. 
“Shit.” You say under your breath, your voice shaky-whether from fear or cold- as your now numb fingers drop the shotgun down from your line of sight for a brief moment. “I can’t shoot. I’ll hit Jungkook.” 
The wolves break apart once more, and you notice, with a sudden pang, that the black wolf seems to be injured, limping heavily on one paw, dark, crimson blood weeping down an open wound in its shoulder. 
You could have tried to shoot then, you should have, and yet, every fiber in your body-at the sight of Jungkook’s blood-went into a sort of primal rage, and without thinking, you were dropping the shotgun into the grass and sprinting toward the fighting wolves with bare feet. 
“No! Stop!” You yell out, as you barrel in between the two of them, and stand in front of the injured wolf, arms outstretched like some sort of pathetic, protective shield, as your chest heaves, and you stare into the yellow, swirling eyes of the gray wolf standing before you. 
It snarls, sharp teeth flashing past red gums-reddened from Jungkook’s blood-and you swallow hard, but stand your ground. 
You don’t dare take your eyes off the opposing wolf to look at Jungkook behind you, scared that if you do so, it’ll make a move and you’ll both be taken down. 
The gray wolf growls, low under its breath, and you wave your arms once more, exclaiming loudly, trying to keep the trembling from your words, “Get out of here! Leave us alone! Go!” 
You feel as if it’s an eternity-looking into the yellow, slit eyes of the huge wolf-but finally, it flashes it’s teeth once more, and then turns on it’s heel, trotting off and disappearing into the darkness of the woods. 
You wait a good five minutes, just to make sure it’s really gone, and then taking in a deep breath, you turn to look at the black wolf standing behind you. 
The wolf-teeth still out and hackles raised-lets out a low growl as you turn to face it, and you hold out a hand, frozen in spot, as you say in a low tone, “Jungkook. It’s me. Let me help you.” 
The wolf takes a step back as you take a step toward it, and suddenly, the silver cross you always wear seems to be ice against your skin. 
Reaching for the chain, not even bothering to unclasp it, you rip the necklace from around your neck as the wolf watches you warily, and holding it up for Jungkook to see, you toss it into the woods. 
You take another step toward him, and this time, he does not step away. 
“Jungkook. I know you won’t hurt me.” You murmur carefully, crouching down, as you hold out your spread fingers in his direction. “You’re hurt. Let me help you. Please.” 
The wolf cocks it’s head and stares at you intently with dark eyes-so much like Jungkook’s-and its teeth recede behind closed lips as its nose twitches to sniff the air. 
“Please.” You repeat, shuffling a little closer, so close that you can feel the wolf’s warm exhales on your fingertips. “I know you’re in there, Jungkook. You wouldn’t hurt me.” You watch him carefully, as the two of you are frozen, inches apart from each other now. “You always promised to protect me. And that’s what you did. You protected me, Jungkook.” Your voice wobbles a bit. “And you got hurt keeping your promise. So please. Let me help.” 
There is a thick silence, and several more frozen moments, and then, the wolf noses into your outstretched palm. 
You feel as if you can breathe again. 
“I knew it was you, Jungkook.” You whisper, suddenly feeling tears in your throat, as your fingers feel his soft, thick winter coat beneath their touch. “Thank you for keeping your promise.” 
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monstersbabygirl · 5 years
Warm Me With Your Body || M!Naga/Ulrio x F!Reader - SMUT
It’s dangerous at night, your mother has always spouted at you. In her head she’s protecting you, like a mother should with their child... in yours she’s trapping you, damning you to the small cottage you both call home. You were about the head out in the darkness of the night, something pulling you, urging you to go! To ignore your mother’s words and go find something wild!
You had always been the adventurous type, running off whenever the chance was given to you. Always wanting to go fishing or hunting with your father when he had still been a live even if you were too small at the time not to mention a girl. A lot of times you looked back on those days. Ones where you’d pull on his helmet and swing his swear around with your noddle arms claiming to slay any monsters that you found.
Ones where he’d chuckle and root you on only to give a awkward laugh when your mother would get angry at him. You never knew why, you were strong! If she had faith in you the same way dad did you could do anything.
With a sigh you wiped your eyes and tiptoed down the hall, after many years of doing this and running along these halls you learned which steps could get you caught and which ones could lead you to freedom. Your boots made it a little more difficult, you yourself liked to be barefoot in these sort of situations but the seasons have changed and you rather not a worm dig into you skin when the solution was so clear. A candle balanced in your hand, your (e/c) eyes on the flickering flame careful of your surroundings trying not to trip waste the wax that surrounded the stick.
You passed your mother’s room stopping for a second to give the memory of her a soft smile. She worked hard, that was a fact and yet you managed to cause so many problems. You hated to upset her but after months of contemplating you decided that hunting would actually help with the money problem around here. Boars, sold well. Anything with horns and rough skin did, even snakes sold pretty nicely if you could find the right one.
Determination found your features and with a nod of good luck you wished your sleeping mother well. You collected your bow, something your father whipped up for you years ago. Plucking the string a couple times you tested the durability and deemed it worthy before grabbing your satchel full of arrows. You hunted already but only rabbits and such, it brought money but it was time for a change, time for you to work harder! You got outside closing the door behind you, the skies were dark and the wind held many scents. You quite noticeably licked you lips before running over to the stables where your horse rested.
When you had approached the creature took notice and you grinned. Not long after you had clothes it with it’s saddle before you climbed on board. You gently caressed the animal a soft sigh slipping from your lips. You didn’t like killing, nor did you like disobeying your mouth but you saw her struggle, one being with the loss of your father the other trying to keep you safe. However, you say at the age of seventeen and you granted that you knew everything. Such a foolish girl yes. The king had been a tyrant in your eyes, caging his people into the city yapping nonsense about some beast that was claimed to be haunting the forest.
Beast weren’t real, you told yourself rolling your eyes at his speech in the town square. You hadn’t even caught all the words other than “long, aggressive, and tricky!” You nearly laughed then, there were many animals, the fool could have simply seen a poor leopard cub and saw the pattern and freaked out. You giggled at the thought pulling in the ropes that helped you guide your horse, Cali. He was an Appaloosa, truly gorgeous. The creature huffed for a second with a flick of the tail and a head shake and you pouted leaning over his head placing a light kiss on his muzzle.
“Come on Cal, you expect me to carry a beast back all by myself?!”
You whisper yelled playfully before tugging again, he wasn’t moving an inch as it trying to tell you something, trying to warn you. You sighed before leaning back crossing your arms over your chest, a small breeze tickling your (s/c) skin. You lifted a neat eyebrow.
“I’ll buy you more apples..”
The creature started walking and you groaned falling forward dramatically to lay in his mane, letting out a huff blowing the rich locks away from your face. You say back up rolling your eyes mentioning to call the animal a brat.
When you had made it into the forest it was quiet enough, crickets chirping, frogs croaking, and the sound of Cali’s careful steps. You hummed looking around looking for what could be of use but sadly everything seemed to either be sleeping or hiding. It was nice out, the sharp metal of your arrows clinked together ever so often. Your (h/c) (h/l) hair bouncing at each step. Your eyes focused, it was dark but you had practiced so much for this, even if you couldn’t see you could hear... you could feel... you could smell.
A crunch sounded and with intense speed you pulled the ropes to stop Cali who for some reason looked stressed. You drew your bow and arrow pointing into the direction where you heard the noise. Silence settled in and as Cali started to look around you cooed at him. You sighed lowering the weapon guessing whatever had caused the noise sensed you and ran off. your ragged but fashionable clothing swished lightly. You laid your bow on the ridge of his back before petting his mane once more.
“It’s ok baby, calm down. There’s nothing out here.”
You tried to comfort the creature but after tugging on the ropes once more only for Cali to neigh you decided it was probably better to get down and lead the way yourself. With a huff you swung your leg careful to not kick your animal friend in the head, you looked at the grassy ground seeing raindrops on some of the blades before jumping down landing swiftly. You took your bow putting the arrow you had took out not too long ago back away. You took the ropes petting the steed on his muzzle before leading, encouraging the creature to follow which, for the time being, it did.
You were starting to get frustrated, where were all the animals?! Usually in the forest there were deer, wolves, coyotes, and hell practically anything else and you couldn’t find one. You were about to give up, go home and hope your mother hadn’t discovered you absence yet. You took a step jumping when you stepped on something rather questionable. It scared you, the sound it didn’t sound like a twig. Cali neighed rather loudly and took a couple steps back resulting in you gripping the rope shushing him. He called down after a couple of sweet praises.
You hummed again turning ahead again before lifting your boot. And rib cage..you stepped in a rib cage! You stumbled back a little surprised blinking. What the hell was big enough to do this? You brought yourself back to earth squatting down to the corpse. Perhaps a bear..but, the corpse was spotless not a piece of skin or fur anywhere. Fear and confusion started to settle in, even if it was a bear were they capable of completely cleaning off bones? What about a wolf pack, or maybe cougars? You pondered before another crunch, louder...closer than the last time in you without a thought drew your weapon.
You took the shot piercing the animal who gave a wild squeal, the sound echoing throughout the trees. A boar! You thought excitedly letting go of Cali’s ropes and rushing over, to your surprise though the beast had already gained a couple wounds. It spasmed on the ground, twitching and soaking the wet blades in blood. Squeals coming from it until the last breath was giving leaving it limp. You slid to the ground stopping in front of it before clasping you hands together letting your eyes fall shut.
“Thank you poor thing, your death will not be for nothing. Be free and head into the bright light and meet you brothers and sisters who have been taken before you.”
You spoke softly before opening your eyes, the spirit was blue, a good sign really. It was an innocent spirit, the orb flew away fading into the darkness of the sky and you chuckled lightly feeling the blood and rain soak into your long dress. You didn’t mind though. Slowly your hand made a fist around the arrow you had shot before sliding the weapon out from the tender flesh. You say it down in the grass before looking over the body pausing for a second.
There were bite marks. Large ones, two piercings were crimson soaked the dark fur. They looked like... snake bites but, snakes didn’t go after boats for the main reason be that they were simply too big. Even if a snake did go after a boar it’s bite shouldn’t be this size. You grew worried a frown finding its way to your lips before a sigh left you. You slid you arms under the body standing before turning smiling at Cali.
“Look, Cal!-“
“Well, well, well..”
A shakingly deep voice hissed. You froze, eyes widening as the shadow grew past your own, the moonlight shining over you and whoever had found you. Cali let out a horrid shrill before standing on his hind legs then turning and rushing away as if the demon himself was on his ass. You gulped calling out to him but you could hear how fast he was running and it told you he wasn’t coming back. You stood there for a second before smiling nervously, maybe it was just some guy that lived in the forest. It wasn’t completely unheard of after all. You turn mouth opening to say something snarky but as you had to look up your mouth grew dry and eyes a little watery.
T-The beast..
He stood tall, a toned, long hair that hung over his shoulders. If it wasn’t for the snake tail attached to him you would have thought he really was a human. His eyes were bright, eyes like a feral cat, his aura dominating and dark. Both of your eyes connected and he looked irritated. His brows furrowed before his gaze looked down to the creature your held in your shaking arms. He reached a clawed hand out and you flinched as he grabbed the beast lifting it effortlessly. You trembled stumbling back before falling on your ass as his jaw unhinged showing the long, thick, fangs he had in his mouth, dropping the dead animal in head first swallowing it down in a large gulp moving his inhuman body side to side. You watched in terror as the lump slowly slid down.
You jumped when he looked back at you quickly spinning around to scurry away only for the beast to hiss, his tail shot forward wrapping around you crushing you into his large tight coils pulling you back until you were held in front of him. You whimpered, this was why. Your mother had tried to protect you but you had been so stubborn. This was why the king locked the gates at night and you took them for granted and now you were going to die because of your foolishness.
You wished your father was still here.
A cold clawed hand grabbed your jaw trapping you between a point and thumb, nails lightly digging into your cheek. You shook you head the best you could.
You wheezed croaking when the tail tightened around you, moving over your curves taking the breath from you. He lifted a brow leaning in the sniff you before grabbing your wrist with his other hand, you watched him intently - him returning the gaze as he licked a fine line grow you wrist to where you sleeve had slid up tasting the blood that lied there. You shivered, damn it..he was hot. Smoking hot, you didn’t want to admit it but the way his coils squeezed you forcing you to try to breathe harder was making you warm. The intensity of his eyes forcing you to watch as he licked you and oh how hot his tongue felt against your skin. You let off a shudder and a low hiss came from him as he let go of your wrist moving up you your face.
You panted into his face and for a split second you could have sworn you saw a smirk on his lips. His head moved leaving you relieved for only a second until the organ flicked out licking your earlobe causing you to gasp. He was in your ear, his voice slow but promising and you felt yourself melt.
“You like that...little two leg? Don’t lie, I can ssssmell it.. on you.”
You gasped once more a bit louder than before as one of his coils loosened, readjusting itself to where it wrapped around only one of your legs instead of both. You dress lifted and a dark blush colored your cheek as you could feel the muscle wiggle closer and closer until it was against her pants making her moan softly realizing how wet she really was.
“You’re ssssoaking wet..”
The beast purred slightly running his tongue up your neck. You were scared but that’s what made you needy. You had never done this but he was touching you so well! The coils around you held you tighter forcing your thighs to close around the coil between your legs. Without another thought you arched rolling your hips. He watched in what seemed to be fascination freeing your jaw to run his hand through you hair, you nearly relaxed before nails scraped your scalp, a tight fist yanking you hair making your head snap back exposing that (s/c), sweaty throat of yours.
He licked his lips before opening his mouth and before you could get lost in rolling your hips you noticing, letting out a choked cry begging him not to do it. Not to kill you that is. Surprisingly gently his fangs slid out before running down the vein in your throat. You shuddered all over gulping. He hummed lowly before lowering you, dropping you back onto the ground. You panted taking in air as he towered over you. You watched as his hand slid between your thighs and when he cupped your sex you jumped grabbing his wrist.
“W-wait a second! I don’t even know you!”
You cried and he glared at this, his other hand grabbed yours pinning it to the ground next to you. His hand hung over his shoulders kissing against you as he leaned down. The hand on your sex moved and suddenly he was ripping your dress into shreds ignoring your squeal, you cheeks blood red as his face nuzzled your crotch. His hand let go of yours the grip at your meaty thighs pulling them and forcing them open. You.. let him, biting your lip like the slut you were.
You wanted it, wanted it bad, the coiling in your belly being as strong as his coils around you. You hated to admit it but you couldn’t help it. You watched excitedly and he smirked at you kissing your clit that had still be covered by you panties.
“It’s Ulrio.. (y/n)”
You perked when he spoke your name, shock hitting you in a wave as you went to ask how he knew of you. Before you could though he scooted your panties aside and sunk his tongue all the way into your virgin core making you gasp and grab his hair, long dark locks coloring your thighs as you arched your back off the ground. It was a embarrassing feeling, the way his tongue wiggle, swayed, and tickled your tight pink walls. The squeeze he felt on his tongue making him hiss, any thoughts or questions leaving you that quick.
His nails dig into your thighs as his mouth suddenly engulfed your whole pussy trapping your sensitive hard clit in his heated mouth, saliva running down and over your twitching asshole. Your scent was driving him wild, it was driving him off the edge of self control. He ate you out like his life depended on it listening to your cries and begging. You pleaded for more was your other hand came down pulling him even closer your orgasm crashing over you like a tsunami. You yanked, boots digging hard into the grass as your back arched in a fine bow shape, hair messy against the grass as you creamed into his mouth coating his tongue with the new flavor.
A flavor he quite liked.
Ulrio pulled away when your hands loosened giving him a chance to slip out of your grip. He looked over his handy work as he swallowed. You were a mess and all her did was eat you out. Your skin sweaty, clothes torn, pussy covered in spit and glistening. He panted before placing each of his hands on each side of you catching your attention. You peeked at him, his hair like a curtain around you both as her panted against your lips. You lazily wrapped an arm around his shoulders pulling him down into a heated kiss. His tongue sliding into your mouth and down you throat making you gag a little but also allowed you to taste yourself. Your eyes slid shut as a moan left your lips and then suddenly something big prodded at your entrances.
You looked down freezing when you saw the two large cocks, with wide tips and fleshy ridges, precum oozing out of both the tips. Ulrio chuckled at your reaction kissing you once more, his hand moving down to firmly rub against you clit to distract you from the pain that was soon to come. You let of a shaky moan biting your lip when one of his cocks teased the entrance of your hole making you whine. He growled when he slowly pushed in watching as you dug your nails into his naked back. He knew it hurt but he couldn’t let you get away: you were his now, after all these years.
Your stomach bulge noticeably when he was fully inside, he stilled watching as you body trembled with pain and pleasure. He finally had you! He couldn’t believe it..he had been watching you ever since you were a child, keeping up with your age until now. You had came to him as well, he didn’t have to come to you.
He had you and it was going to stay that way. When you were ready he slowly thrusted watching with love as you let out a long moan.
Finally. You were his.
Aight sorry if it’s a bit short but I had started to get lazy. Ulrio is an oc of mine so I might draw him at some point. Anyway hope you hoes enjoyed it somehow!
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