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abizarreyodelingincident · 10 days ago
Pros of re-reading your own fic
a good time;
Has exactly the tropes you like and the characterization you want to read;
Gratification: yes you did finish a thing and yes you did do good;
just a very fun time all around.
Cons of re-reading your own fic:
Is that another TYpO
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abizarreyodelingincident · 17 days ago
“I want to speak to a manager,” the middle-aged woman said in her stern I-used-to-be-a-soccer-mom-ten-years-ago voice, looking down at me over the top of her Gucci reading glasses.
A wicked grin split across my face and the gates of Hell opened up behind me, releasing a gust of hot wind that whipped my apron around my body and forced the woman to shield her face. Demons came forth, dancing around in flames with songs of, “She wants to speak to a manager. Did you hear that? She wants to speak to a manager!” before erupting into earsplitting shrieks of laughter, none louder than my own cackling.
I took in the woman’s look of utter horror before my eyes rolled back into my head and I growled,
“I am the manager.”
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abizarreyodelingincident · 28 days ago
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I had thought about if Luffy had recruited the Strawhats in a different order and they got to see different crewmates origins/events leading up to becoming pirates, and well-
Zoro's whole first-meeting ordeal might have left a different first-impression with Sanji
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abizarreyodelingincident · 1 month ago
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abizarreyodelingincident · 1 month ago
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English added by me :)
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abizarreyodelingincident · 1 month ago
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abizarreyodelingincident · 1 month ago
sorry what
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abizarreyodelingincident · 1 month ago
i want to coin a phrase that's the opposite of writer's block. call it the muse's fire hydrant. thirty thousand story ideas are being beamed directly into your brain and if you don't write them all at once you will die.
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abizarreyodelingincident · 1 month ago
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bro not now she has to commune with the dead
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abizarreyodelingincident · 1 month ago
Naw, but I'm still kinda stuck on Countdown to Infinite Crisis.
Jason Todd, Donna Troy, Kyle Radner, Mary Marvel, and Firestorm get handed the mostly-dead body of Karate Kid and told by Ray Palmer aka Atom Man that he's been infected with the deadliest virus in the universe, and that if they take KK to Earth, everyone on Earth will die.
Jason immediately offers to finish the dude off, multiple times, and everyone reacts as if this is a horrific thing. They then take the mostly-dead body of Karate Kid to Earth (albeit Earth-51, an alternate version of Earth Prime).
Shocking news: everyone on Earth-51 gets infected with the virus. Billions-with-a-B of people die.
The story ends with the heroes realizing there's nothing they can do and they just...leave. They doomed an entire Earth to die because they couldn't stand the idea of killing 1 (one) person, and then they just peace out.
People who have read more comics than me, does this have any ramifications?? Like, are Donna et al wracked with guilt afterwards? Because if I was single-handedly responsible for killing AN ENTIRE PLANET I think I'd have to hang up my costume and admit that maybe I'm not cut out for the superhero business.
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abizarreyodelingincident · 1 month ago
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abizarreyodelingincident · 2 months ago
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galar top 3 flight and riding gear sets
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abizarreyodelingincident · 2 months ago
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Hal teaches his son how to run on the water for the first time
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abizarreyodelingincident · 2 months ago
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abizarreyodelingincident · 2 months ago
baby i’ve got half finished wips you couldn’t even imagine
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abizarreyodelingincident · 2 months ago
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So I just found the most useful photo album in existence for tumblr arguments
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abizarreyodelingincident · 2 months ago
Shovel Love (Roy)
Roy Harper met the love of his life long past the time he had given up hope for himself. Back when he was only the things he had survived. 
Former sidekick, former addict, former father. 
He might have been past caring, but that didn’t mean he had the right to stop fighting. To stop trying to make a difference. So what if he took some reckless missions? So what if he worked alone, away from everyone else? (They didn’t want him around anyway.)
It had caught up to him in the end. 
He had been betrayed at the height of victory. When he thought maybe, he had done a bit more good in the world and helped an oppressed people topple the regime that crushed them. The revolution had triumphed. And yet, they turned on him all the same.
Roy really should have seen it coming, and some parts of him might have had. Some parts of him might not have minded, not truly. 
(He hadn’t hoped that anyone would show up to save him from his screw-ups. He had learned that lesson a while ago. But he was a fool for love, and maybe… )
Yet before the firing squad was assembled, someone broke him out. 
Why was Roy Harper spared the sweet release of death that day?
Because Starfire and a former Robin heard about the execution and swooped in to save the day. 
Not the former Robin he would have thought though.
(Dick… fuck, Roy and Dick had been matchsticks and gunpowder for a long time now. He wasn’t sure how to just be friends with his best friend anymore. He had not expected Dick of all people, and he had not shown up.)
Admittedly, Roy had had very few thoughts about Jason Todd before the man drove him away from a military base surrounded by tanks and explosions. 
“The only reason I’m here is ‘cause if anything happens to you, that would make me the worst former sidekick ever.”
Bit of an off putting second first impression, right?
And yet… 
And yet. 
Roy had never had someone choose to meet him at the bottom of the barrel. Everyone always expected him to climb out first. 
(He stayed. Of course he stayed. Where would Roy even go from there? No one wanted him. He could deal with a little sarcasm.)
It took a long time for Roy to realize… 
Black sheep to black sheep, did it really matter if one’s wool was darker than the other’s? 
Everyone left him. Sooner or later, everyone left Roy Harper. That was the way of the world. 
Dad. Brave Bow. Ollie. The Titans. Lian, oh God, Lian. 
He knew it was his fault. Always his fault, but he just wished someone would stay. 
Even Kori had to leave. For a time. For her people. How could Roy not understand? He did. Of course he did. Gave her his blessings, for all she didn’t need them. But that never made it hurt any less. 
Roy was waiting for Jason to leave too. To get tired of him. 
He’d never been a clinger. He knew. Fuck, he used to know better than to do that. People never wanted all he needed to give and receive. Roy was always too much. Not enough. He had learned a long time ago to be very careful about how much he needed people. 
But this time, just this time, Roy couldn’t help himself. 
(He’d given up hope before. Someone had met him at the bottom, and he hadn’t told him off for not being able to climb out immediately. Maybe that was why.)
He knew he was screwed when random clients started thinking of Arsenal and Red Hood as a matched pair. In for a penny… 
In for a bank account emptying advertising campaign. 
Jason’s unimpressed glare at the Red Arse billboard made Roy grin with all his teeth. Jason had theatrics in his soul, a flair for the dramatic, a passion for the loud and the explosive. He was not fooling Roy with that. He was thinking it was funny. And, judging by the slight blush as he repeated their duo’s name, he was also having other thoughts. 
However, with the ads, other heroes started reaching out to him. 
The first time, Roy might have had an honest to God heart attack. 
He hadn’t even been sure people remembered his phone number at this point. It had been so long since anyone had reached out without heroics attached. 
‘Are you doing alright, Roy?’ Victor. 
‘You breaking into merc work with ads?’ Wally. 
‘Red Arse?’ Dick (Dick! The busiest motherfucker this side of the ocean!) had texted. ‘And you make fun of my jokes?’
Roy hadn’t known what the catch could be. Besides the obvious of it being only a temporary thing that would leave him gutted later. He had answered every text, because he could not afford not to talk to the few people that bothered to think of it. He’d given all of his old friends their check-in, and debated with Dick about who’s humor was the best (Roy). It felt a bit like the old days, the Titans days, before it all went to Hell. 
“Eyes on the prize, Arse,” Jaybird would snark, pulling Roy away from his coms before another one of their missions. 
For a bit, that seemed to be the cycle. Roy would have to be blind not to notice how the messages always seemed to chime in after Red Arse had made a splash in some news. It could only pick up after some dumbasses tried to livestream Arsenal’s death poll. 
Roy stared a bit at the smoking corpses on the ground. He was not particularly shocked, maybe displeased that it had been his own invention that had done such a haunting job, but… 
Whoever hears the bleating of the black sheep but others of his kind? 
“Over three hundred thousand people you don’t know from Adam voted to kill you,” replied the angry ram. “For fun. Because they could.” 
Three hundred thousand… Eh. The people that cared about whether Roy lived or died always seemed smaller than what Roy believed. Story of his life.
“You think I give half a damn about what those people think of us? Of me? Show’s over!”
Two quick bangs of gunshots. Shattered glass and sparking ruins of electronics. 
The two of them left alone, Roy, beaten, extended no mercy but the anger of a former Robin. 
“Jaybird… ”
Jason froze. His whole body stuck in place for a split second, an eternity for a bat, and he muttered something his hood distorted past understanding. Whatever he had been thinking of had slipped out of his mind. 
He crossed the distance between them, and leaned in to whisper: 
“You got that stupid ass nickname stuck in my head, Harper.”
Roy could not be anything but smug (shaking with disbelief, awed, hopeful).
“I knew you’d come to love it.”
Rough hands helped him away from the restraints. Lifted him up to his feet. “Not what I said.”
“It’s okay,” Roy whispered, softer, his arm wrapped around Jason’s shoulders. “You don’t need to admit it. I already know.”
“... You deserve to hear it anyway. You’re too good a person not to be told.”
It started with the Titans. 
They always were the one that knew him the best. For all that Jason liked to stay strictly professional in the mask, Roy liked a little spice in their missions. Someway, somehow, it got out. It could have been as simple as the way he looked at his boyfriend obliterating some underworld big shot, or as invasive as a full profile that showed their shared bank account and lease. 
A few weeks into honeymoon bliss, Jason and Roy returned from a mission to find Donna, Garth and Wally waiting for them in their living room. 
Naively, Roy pulled them all into a group hug. “Guys! What are you doing here?”
“We came to see the neighborhood, obviously,” Wally drawled, but his eyes were laughing too. “So boogie!”
“And only fifty percent of your living space is occupied by knicknacks too,” Garth added. 
“Jaybird’s influence,” Roy replied easily. 
“Regardless,” Donna said, “it’s been too long, Roy. We’re glad to see you again.”
“It’s good to be so popular. What have you all been up to?”
From there, it devolved into Titans stories, if under a different name. They’d grown up, and the characters had grown up too, but there was a panache that was too typical of their old days to be called anything else. Roy was all too happy to contribute his own, even if he did not receive help when accused of lying. 
Jason hovered around the edges of the room, setting things up and putting away Roy’s stuff. He expertly slid away from Roy’s attempts to introduce him, with an infuriating amount of bat-like sixth sense. He knew exactly what he was doing too, the ass, winking everytime Roy failed to get his hands on him. 
He played the host instead, supplying snacks that Roy was not even aware had been in their apartment. Damn, now he had even more questions. 
Eventually though… Donna caught his attention and asked: “Roy, could we talk? In private?”
Jason chose to ignore the obvious tension with deliberate obnoxiousness. Clapping both Garth and Wally hard, he pulled them out of the living room. “I’ll go make tea. Those two can keep me company or whatever.”     
Wally rolled his eyes. “Yeah, let’s do that.”
Roy frowned. That… hadn’t sounded quite right. But okay, Jason was a big boy, he could deal if Wally was being pissy or something. They were all heroes here. 
Donna cleared her throat, sitting down and inviting Roy to do the same with a nod. 
“So, we came because we heard about-”
Jason popped his head back around the corner, and grinned when Donna repressed a jolt of surprise. “Lemon, no sugar, right?”
“...Yes,” she replied.
Roy’s eyebrows ticked at that. 
Donna Troy had rarely needed to be careful around Roy. 
“You heard about… what?” he prompted. 
“I don’t want to say this is my place, but we were something once… and I thought I should tell you something.”
Roy raised an eyebrow and leaned back into his couch. “Okay?”
“It’s the story of the time I teamed up with Kyle Rayner and Jason Todd, to find Ray Palmer and ostensibly save Reality.”
Every instinct cultivated by his heroic career rang the alarm bells, but he owed it to Donna to listen to what she had to say. 
So he listened. 
And his heart sank. His fingers grew cold as he heard what she said, what she explained in as many pretty, diplomatic words, and skipped over the part that seemed most important to him. 
“I…” Donna finished, still so poised. “I understand this is not a pleasant end to the story. And perhaps things are different now, but I would have been remiss to keep quiet. I do understand the desire to give him a chance. I thought the same too back then. But in the end… ”
“That’s the reason you dropped Jason? Because he shot you in a bid to convince an enemy he had switched sides to try to save Reality?”
Donna’s expression was so sympathetic Roy could have screamed. 
He nearly did. Instead, it came out as an incredulous, snide thing. “Because he did exactly what Nightwing would have done in his place?”
Donna’s mouth clamped shut. The realization, obvious on her face, through her widening eyes and her sharp intake of breath. Not that she misspoke or read things wrong. That she lost Roy entirely. 
And it hit him, it hit him all ot once, and Roy found his head falling into his hands. A crackling of despair spreading throughout his chest, a cold sort of disbelief. Why? Why was it always the hurt ones that were afforded so little grace? 
He looked up, through his fingers, through his sorrow, and he forced himself to look straight at Donna and her own shock. 
“He… He always speaks so fondly of you. He’s never had anything bad to say about you. I thought… I really thought, maybe, you were worth his admiration.”
She seemed stricken. Paler. Her hands, neatly folded in her laps, reached forward. 
“Roy, I-”
The hurt in his chest bloomed into anger. “Donna, I think you should leave.”
She rose from her seat, a real panic settling in. 
He didn’t her speak again. She had said enough. “I don’t want you in our apartment anymore. Right now, I don’t want to look at you. You wanted to talk, so we did. It told me all I needed to know. I’ll thank you to never drop by again uninvited.”
Her expression crumpled. For a second, it even looked like she would muster some kind of apology, but her resolve returned, her eyes steel again, and she offered Roy a quick nod before walking out. 
His chest hurt. What… what had that all been about? Donna… Roy had no idea why that had been her line in the sand. She’d dealt with worse. She’d dealt with more annoying. Yet, it had not only been enough to give up on Jason, but to tell Roy to do it as well? 
Fuck, Garth and Wally.
Roy hadn’t expected to be able to interrupt whatever would be said. Both Garth and Wally were experienced heroes in their own rights, and the kitchen in their apartment was nowhere near isolated enough to muffle the sounds of the other rooms. All three men stood at reasonable distances from one another, dotted around the kitchen, Garth at the far end seat, Wally by the fridge (obviously) and Jason at the counter, with the kettle whistling steam behind him. 
It was a pretty small thing, all things considered. Jason blinked for a second, looked a little confused or maybe off beat. But Jason was a bat. 
And Wally was a goddamned speedster. 
“Wallace Rudolph West,” Roy hissed, the full force of his fury bearing down on his friend.
Wally obviously winced, eyes darting around to Garth. Who looked uncomfortable, if not guilty. 
That was another thing, he realized. Neither of them seemed guilty to be caught or of what they had been doing. Maybe, just maybe, he could have found this whole song and dance embarrassing and a little touching. If he didn’t know that they meant it. 
Whatever fucking threats they had made, they were sincere. 
They had had the audacity to show up to Roy’s home to try and scare off his partner. 
They might not have appeared guilty, but when they saw the look on Roy’s face when he started marching into the kitchen, they did start to back away. 
“Roy, don’t get mad on my behalf,” Jason said, lifting the tray with the tea cups and walking past the two shame-faced Titans.
“Why not? Nobody else is clamoring for that role.”
“With good reason,” Wally muttered, because sometimes his mouth really did outspeak his brain. 
Roy whirled on him, scowl morphing into an outright snarl. “Fuck off! Both of you!”
Wally jumped a good two feet in the air. But, damningly, stayed rooted inside Roy’s kitchen. 
“Are you deaf?! Wallace. Fucking. West. GET THE FUCK OUT, ASSHOLE!”
Garth put up his hands, offering a gentle smile. “Roy, how about we-?”
“OUT!” he shouted as he grabbed hold of the salt shaker and flung it exactly where Wally’s nose had been a fraction of a second ago. 
Colors blurred around him, a split second, the afterimage still burned in his eyes. And then they were gone, and the door to his apartment slammed shut. 
Roy marched right up to it and loudly turned on the locks. 
He waited, listened to the shuffling of feet, to the faint whispering, and finally footsteps fading. Only when he was certain they were gone did he let himself fully digest what had happened. 
“What did they say?” he said, talking to the door, to the fucking plank of wood that was now separating him from people he used to love so much. 
He couldn’t bring himself to turn, to see anything like fear or doubt or annoyance on his Jaybird’s face. He couldn’t bring himself to face the reality yet, that people he would have eagerly welcomed into their home might just break his newest one. 
“Nothing much,” Jason’s voice tickled the back of his neck, 
He groaned, trying to push down the guilt and fear. “Jaybird…”
There was a brief silence. 
“Wally promised to freeze me in the speedforce for eternity and Garth said something about drowning me. Bit harder to hear him while Wally was demonstrating his ability to make good on that threat.”
I will shoot their kneecaps with bomb arrows. 
“I’m sorry. They should not have said that.”
Jason shrugged, his voice even, unaffected. “Eh, I’m used to it.”
Roy finally turned around, and dared look at his boyfriend’s face. Jason was… well, the same was ever. He had that slanted half-smile tugging at his lips, that hollow swagger. This hadn’t changed anything for him. Roy could cry in relief. It hadn’t changed anything. 
“They… Jaybird, I did not want them to do that.”
Jason raised an eyebrow, and tilted his head to the side, to the slant of his lopsided smirk. “Yeah? I know that, Roytoy. I don’t blame you or whatever. If anything, it’s almost sweet. It’s good to know that people do care about your heart. It’s too good to be disregarded so easily.”
Roy gently pressed a hand against Jason’s chest. “What about your heart? Doesn’t it matter?”
“I’ve always been an exception.”
Roy narrowed his eyes, but Jason did not relent. Did not falter. He had always been an exception. And Roy knew enough of his boyfriend’s history to know how that was the worst part of it all. 
“Hey, who knows?” he injected some false cheer in his voice. “Maybe in a bit, I’ll be the one hiding from some bats?”
Jason immediately chuckled. 
“You’re lucky you’re handsome, and smart, and loyal, and so fucking talented, and-”
Roy snorted. “Oh my, all those things?”
“And more. So much more,” Jason replied with a smirk, before dipping Roy over to land a sinful kiss on him.
Roy was indeed lucky to be all those things Jason had listed, because no one, be they civilians, heroes or villains, came out and threatened Roy to treat Jason right. 
The Red Hood hadn’t made a lot of friends amongst those. And so few that knew Jason Todd was alive cared about that fact. 
Whilst more of Roy’s family and friends came, they all seemed to close around Roy protectively. They might have heard what he had told the original Titans, because they always seemed to find Jason when he was alone, where Roy couldn’t see. Couldn’t hear. Couldn’t react. 
It drove him nuts!
He could even tell when someone had given Jason the shovel drivel, because he always seemed a little more bemused than not those days. 
(One day, Roy feared, he would come back to an empty apartment, and congratulations from the rest of the hero community that he’d finally escaped the Red Hood’s evil claws.)
The closest might have been Rose, but her primary goal had still been to check on Roy himself.
To talk a bit. About Lian.
She hadn’t expected to get attached, when she’d taken the babysitting job. A silly notion. No one could ever resist his Pumpkin’s charm. 
(she was perfect she was gone oh god she was gone)
It was almost nice. 
“If you do break up with the hunk, send him my way,” Rose had told Roy, winking and laughing at her own not-quite-a-joke.
She had not offered any comment for the opposite scenario, and from her, that said it all. There wouldn’t be a hunk to rebound with if Roy was the one broken up with. Ravager had all the tools needed to make it happen. 
“In your fucking dreams, Rose!” Jason had laughed, tossing the TV remote at her head. 
(She refused to apologize or pay them back for slicing it in pieces. Self-defense, she claimed.)
(Jason reluctantly let Roy tinker something up, and their seven-in-one remote with control over radio signals across half the city was a thing of beauty. Of beauty!)
Still no bats leaving him boobytrapped mail or leaving him with overview pictures of himself at some random store. 
(Until Dick-)
Roy showed up alone for Christmas dinner. He was the last to arrive. 
The cold seeped through his coat as he hesitated before ringing the doorbell. He could go back. He had time to rush back home and put on his costume and dismantle the ring with the Red Hood. His family would understand. The hero life sometimes called at inconvenient times. 
He thought back to the arrow Jason had slapped down on their kitchen counter once, and the encounter that had ended with Ollie and Roy screaming, and the one time Dinah had laid a hand on Jason’s wrist to speak to him softly, dangerously. 
Roy knocked and waited for the door to open. 
His latest set of adoptive parents greeted him with warm smiles and hugs. Inviting him inside. Asking about the journey. Roy had missed the feeling of his family embracing him. 
Soon though, Ollie’s eyes narrowed, obviously darting around for a sign of Jason. They darkened even further once he realized Jason was nowhere in sight. 
“No sign of the Hood, huh? Did he finally stop playing his game or is he just scared to show his face tonight?”
He should leave. This was exactly why Jason had ‘found’ a lead on a massive case just in time to miss the family function. He should explain. 
Roy stayed rooted on the spot. Silent. 
Dinah slapped Oliver’s shoulder and shot him a look. 
“Oliver, can it.”
“What? You also-”
The second hit, more forceful, managed to shut Ollie up. A miracle.
The good feelings of their earlier greetings felt like a distant memory. Why? Goddamnit, why were they all like this now? Nobody seemed to be talking to him about this. Shouldn’t his opinion be the most important part to them? 
Not the first black-haired assassin you’ve dated, Harper, a sardonic voice that sounded like Jason drawled from the corners of his mind. 
“Come in, Roy,” Dinah said, helping him with his coat. “Please. Everyone was waiting for you.”
(They put a plate for Lian. Dinah said a speech. Roy cried in his brother’s and sister’s arms the entire time.) 
(He didn’t think he’d ever run out of tears for his little girl.)
The evening was already ending when Roy’s dream of a pleasant time with his family crashed. 
The wine had started to flow. A couple of cups here and there. One for each of Roy’s siblings that were still underage. None for himself. 
A few for Ollie. 
“You didn’t answer me earlier,” he drawled, sitting on the couch, glaring at the Christmas movie playing on the big screen. 
“About what movie to watch?” Roy replied, bemused, gesturing at the TV. “Sorry, but I say Connor picked a good one.”
“About your mob boss boyfriend.”
It was as if all heat had been sucked out of the room. The lights burned, the scented candles wafted their cinnamon scent, the big wool blanket over his shoulder was only stone. His siblings on either side of him, walls. 
“He didn’t show up. Why? Scared of meeting the family? Too big of a commitment?”
“Ollie,” Dinah hissed. 
Roy blinked. “You are not doing this to me right now.”
“Damnit, Roy! How many people have to tell you the Red Hood is bad news? He’s on multiple ‘most wanted’ list! Have you even read the files the Bat wrote on him?”
“Yes! And unlike most of you, I actually know Jason!”
Emiko rolled her eyes. “It’s Jade all over again.” 
Roy glared at her, stung. 
“He hired goons to kidnap your sister! He dueled her with a blade.”
“Hey!” Mia protested. “Don’t make it sound like it was some traumatizing experience. I fought that jerk just fine. But it was a dick move to blow up my school.”
“He saved my life multiple times. I’d have died a dog’s death if not for him. Does that not matter either?”
A stunned silence cut right through the brewing arguments.
“Roy,” Connor said softly, “of course we care about that.”
“I don’t know. Sounds like Ollie would have preferred I stayed away from Jason. And dead.”
Ollie went pale. “N- no, Roy, son, never. I - I just. We keep hearing-”
Dinah let out a resounding sigh and took pity on him. Well, on Ollie, not on Roy. Because she turned to him and with her best ‘therapist voice’ said: “Your friends said you stopped talking to them.”
His grip tightened over his blanket. “Did they mention ‘why’?” 
Again. Another series of exchanged looks charged with meaning. 
They had. Of course they had. His friends did not think they had done anything wrong. They were simply looking out for Roy, who was overreacting.
“Ha!” Roy scoffed, rising to his feet and shrugging off the hands that attempted to pull him back. “Yeah, I’m not talking about that tonight. No fucking way.” 
“Why is he not here then?” Ollie called back after him. “Why won’t he come with you?”
Roy almost punched right through the hallway’s walls. 
“Why do you think?” he yelled at the top of his lungs. “Why would anyone want to spend time around you?!”
Roy’s words seemed to have actually hit, as Ollie staggered backward. His eyes went wide, more alert, less clouded by the few glasses of wine he had had. He cringed, alternating glances between Roy, Emiko, Mia and Connor. They shifted awkwardly, trying to find proper words for this.
Whatever. Roy was not staying to listen. Jason had had the right of it. He should not have come.
Dinah caught his hand. He freed himself, but slowed down around the corner of the living room. The closet with his coat was tantalizing close.
Dinah glanced at it, then took a deep breath. 
“We’re worried that you’re isolating yourself from your support system, Roy. That’s not healthy behavior in a new relationship. Please, don’t blame Oliver for being worried. He… he is well aware that he screwed up with you before. Can we please talk about it?”
Anger was gripping at his throat. Choking him. This boiling flame was spilling from his chest into his limbs. He didn’t want to talk about it again. He didn’t want to have to keep defending his choice in partner with more heroes. He wanted to lean against his Jaybird on the family couch and hold hands under the blankets and laugh at something his siblings had said. He wanted to be trusted and loved and cared for. 
He wanted to leave. 
But leaving would just make them more determined to get involved, wouldn’t it? Was there anything Roy could say or do to make people stop judging his lover?
“Cutting off toxic, two-faced people who have failed to be there for me for years certainly is healthy,” Roy said, acidic. “I’d have thought you would agree.”
Dinah grimaced, avoiding his harsh glare. “Yes, if you really think that’s what they are, then you are right. But-”
“But what? Jason’s not making me do anything. Hell, half the time, he keeps telling me not to get mad when people threaten to gut him. Do you think it feels good to hear that, Dinah? Do you? Somehow, you have all gotten into your heads that I appreciate this behavior. I don’t. They know it. And if they’re not going to apologize, I don’t see why I should let them back in my life. Not that it would make a difference, when people only show up when they think I’m falling off again.”
“Roy, we all care about you.”
“Maybe you do,” Roy conceded. She had been one of the few still there to help him back then. He had not forgotten that. She was half the reason he had given Ollie a chance too. “But this is not how you show it. This is not what I need.”
Dinah held out a hand, almost reaching for Roy, but thinking better at the last second. 
He would have shrugged it off. He would have burned from any attempt to comfort him now.
Roy gestured vaguely to the living room where Ollie’s voice could still be heard. “This? This is hurting me. You are all trying to break one of the few good things I have left. I can’t deal with that. And if it comes true because of you-”
Roy clamped his mouth shut. He pulled back. Stepped back. 
“Roy… ”
“I need fresh air. I… I have to go, Dinah. Thank you for the meal. Give everyone my best wishes.”
Snow blanketed the cemetery with a pure, untouched coat of glimmering white. The sounds of the city felt far away, dampened by the winter. They were alone, this early on such a cold day. Just Roy and his Jaybird, walking up the little hill in silence, a bouquet between them. 
Lian would have been rolling down that hill with gleeful shrieks. 
Every day, he saw the world how she would have seen it, and it stabbed him every damn time. It had been years now, and Roy had long since learned that nothing would ever patch up the giant gaping hole in his heart. Nothing would ever truly let Roy heal from losing the light of his life. 
He was a fool, blindly reaching out in darkness. 
He didn’t have a full heart to give anymore. Most of it was in the ground with his little girl. Who would accept such ragged, hollowed feelings? Who’d still think he was worthy of loving with so little to offer in return?
Who, but a man scorned by everyone that should have loved him? 
People that should be on their knees thanking the heavens for a son returned to them. People that, in truth, cursed whatever forces had brought Jason Todd back from the dead. 
Roy felt like scum, like he was taking advantage of the horrors inflicted on his partner, like he used him because no one else would have someone as broken as Roy fucking Harper. 
He felt like scum, because even then, he was too selfish not to cling to the one man that still thought he deserved to be loved. 
Jason helped him kneel down by the tombstone and placed the flowers down. 
Roy traced the name half hidden by the snow. 
“What is it like?” he heard himself ask, a soft lament in the wind. “Being dead?”
The strong body that was pressed against his side tensed. 
Roy’s stomach twisted. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked. That was cruel.”
A gloved hand closed over his, warm, strong. The slight squeeze pulled him back into his body, away from the clouds of grief that hung overhead. He raised his head, and was met with a saddened smile. Jason’s eyes were a glazed mirror, a pool of a love so tender it struck Roy straight at the heart. 
“It is peace.”
Roy felt the remnants of his ragged heart splinter further. Oh Jason. 
“Eternal peace.” He held Roy’s hands between them, at chest level, at heart level. “Death was a kindness to me, Roy. There was no fear, no pain. No time at all to miss anyone, true bliss.”
He watched their breaths mingle, the wisps of white that tangled and dissipated. He watched, with a longing, with a homesickness. 
“Death is something that was denied to me. It is Life I was cursed with, Roy. And no matter how often I glimpse the other side, the world refuses to let me go back.”
Even if the world changed its mind, Arsenal would have something to say about that. 
“Jaybird, promise me.” Roy retrieved his hands and pushed them against Jason’s chest, trying to make him feel the strength of that wonderful heartbeat. Cupped his chin, like he was holding the world. “Promise me you will live. Promise me you can find value even in something as worthless as my love.”
Their foreheads met, Jason’s eyes still so bright. “I wouldn’t hurt you like that Roy. Heroes have never managed to understand me. They don’t scare me. Death doesn’t scare me. Nor does pain. I won’t leave you for anything. Because… your love isn’t worthless, Roy. Your love is everything.”
It was so little, in the face of that violence. Roy couldn’t be worth the wrath of every paragon of heroics on this side of the ocean. He knew he had never been before. 
Despite all this, he still leaned forward, still caught his Jaybird’s lips. He kissed him with the hope that there was a way out of the barrel, that maybe, two sets of hands would be enough to climb, and if not, to stay warm while winter passed. 
Roy kissed his Jaybird with the promise to love him as no one else dared. 
“You deserve everything. I’m sorry I’m the only one willing to give it to you.”
Jason’s eyes were shining, his lips wobbling and his face a splotchy red. But his voice was steady, as commanding and strong as the Red Hood on the battlefield. 
“She is at peace, I promise you.”
Roy’s breath hitched. Please, he thought, please be true. 
A thumb gently wiped a tear he hadn’t felt fall. “And you will see her again. Give or take a couple decades, I hope.”
Roy leaned in, and kissed his man again. He let himself get lost in the tenderness of that touch, of their embrace. Let this warmth try to compensate for the ever cold in his chest. At times, it almost seemed like it would. At times, he wished that it would. 
Roy was lucky he was handsome and smart and loyal and so fucking talented, because it had landed him this wonderful partner. This man who offered him the sweetest horror, the scariest reassurance, without ever losing that awed look in his eyes, and that softness in those blood-soaked hands. It was blunt. It was harsh.
And by all that was good, it was real. 
You will see her again. She is at peace. 
A sense of content settled over him, and he couldn’t bring himself to be ashamed. Couldn’t fight this one moment of joy. Even if he didn’t deserve it, he let himself feel it. 
“And when that time comes,” Roy whispered against his Jaybird’s lips, “I’ll introduce you.”
“That sounds nice.”
Roy did not comment how ‘nice’ sounded like an impossibility in Jason’s voice. He squeezed his boyfriend’s hand, and smiled at the tombstone. Let’s get a headstart.
“Sorry, Pumpkin. I bet you thought it was gross that Daddy was kissing someone, didn’t you? It’s okay now, Daddy got it out of his system. No more kisses, only stories. And he has lots of stories to tell you.”
“Funny stories,” Jason added with a daredevil smirk.
“Hilarious stories,” Roy nodded. “Daddy even got to fight an army of mimes! You were right, Pumpkin, the white make-up did hide their nefariousness!”
“They’re too clown-adjacent to be anything else,” Jason snarked. 
“But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Let’s get back to the start. Our romantic getaway to Paris!”
And Roy let the words flow out of him. Description of the city came to him with a poetry he never had, cut by as many intermissions to reply to the thoughts he knew his smart little girl would have had. Brave tales of the valiant Arsenal and his grumpy, snarky partner Red Hood spun around a web of hushed, excited words around a quiet snow-covered landscape. And Roy kept on speaking, kept catching up Lian on the life Roy was forced to have without her until he could join her. And Roy spoke, until morning passed and the sun reached its apex. And still he had more to say. More to explain. More to say (I love you, Pumpkin. I love you more than the world.).
His favorite parts though might be the moments when Jason took hold of the story, when he snapped a quip that derailed Roy’s embellishments and pushed the story back to Earth. When he stepped up and started recounting the mission gone sideways in much more cynical terms, yet with twice the enthusiasm. 
Roy could almost see his little girl instead of that tombstone. He could see her sitting top of it, bundled up with six layers because Roy got sick easily as a kid and she was like him. He could almost see how she would kick her legs and lose a boot in the snow and then refuse to let Roy help her put it back on. 
Jason would deadpanned something then : “Yeah, Roy, don’t interfere. She’s got it.”
Something like that. Because he’d side with her. Of course he’d side with her. 
If only you two had the chance to meet. 
It was a pretty dream. Roy could picture it without trouble. Roy would be sitting on their couch, Lian on his knees with one of her books, and Jason, coming from the kitchen with some hot chocolates and a quip. It would be perfect, the three of them. 
But they were only two. 
What a pair they make. A father who lost his child and himself, an undead son who came back unloved. 
“I love you, Lian. We’ll come by again soon.”
“Can’t wait to meet you, kiddo,” Jason quipped, and who could tell if he was serious? 
Roy elbowed him anyway. Jason huffed a laugh, slipping an arm around Roy’s waist. Then, he froze, looking ahead. 
His family. All of them carrying their own bouquets. They were a collection of Lian’s favourites, looking like they’d been personally arranged by Dinah this morning. 
Roy felt a rush of affection for them. 
Then, he saw the way eyes darted toward Jason. 
Roy could not do this. He could not do this here, in front of his daughter’s grave. 
“Ollie, if you dare say even one wrong word right now, it will be the last you ever speak to me.”
“Son, I-”
He noticed Roy’s glare. 
Ollie’s mouth clicked shut. His expression shifted as if he was trying to figure out how to phrase his thoughts. But he did not speak. He deflated suddenly, shooting Roy an apologetic look. 
The Arrows moved off the path. 
Jason actually seemed impressed. He would be. How often did people hold their tongues around him? 
“Let’s go home, Jaybird.”
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