#and here comes dan with a steel chair
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gaelian04 · 1 year ago
gotta say I love the new gamingmas video, it felt like being at a sleepover, but damn he really said "this one goes out to you Phil" with the power bottom card
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maybeinanotherworld · 3 months ago
yk I thought bwagfeo was going to be the biggest dan and phil thing but no, HERE COMES PHIL LESTER WITH A STEEL CHAIR
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ahappydnp · 2 months ago
okay i'm gonna make seperate posts for the highlights but here are my raw thoughts from my notes app as i watched
dnp 10/19/15
“hello everybody welcome to the show hello everybody welcome to the show” nostalgicccc wahhhh
all these 2015 younow top fans feel like distant relatives at a family reunion 
this is their one day off between shows and they’re doing a liveshow (2015 work schedules at it again but also those younow contracts really made them go live ANYWHERE)
them talking about what they do during their shows and they’ve retired the drawing game and guess the crime rip
if this were current times phil would have just drank out of dan’s bottle without a second thought but i still love that he snatched it so naturally asdsafsgjk
dan asks them how they’re feeling and phil is “interested” in the words
“imagine being ecstatic right now” PHIL ILYSM
“happy 6 year friendaversary” and 6 years of dinof (phil remembered but not dan). they reallyyyy moved past that to focus on dinof lmao
they’re anti spoiler policy and don’t want to talk about it all the time (which is so interesting because you can tell they’ve kept that thinking except promo is important these days, especially for dan during WAD some promo would have massively helped)
dan split his pants and phil bonked his noggin on stage (it’s still them <33) phil has a steel head 😭
phil wants to put a camera in a penny and just see where it goes (he’s so beautiful i love him dearly). do you think you’ve ever used a coin benedict cumberbatch 😭
love phil just taking over the liveshow and telling dan they’re going to try and think of a better name when dan just wanted to move past it
pretty odd opinions (phil singing nine in the afternoon changed my brain chemistry jfc)
A level geography + phan 4eva
dan got an A in case you forgot
WAIT WAIT WAIT for the us tour (dnp doing everything themselves is still insane)
“i’m guessing one of you as probably uploaded the video of this already and thank you for doing a service” dan used to be Such an advocate for fan reuploads for accessibility and i genuinely love him for it 
phil likes being remembered :3 the 1975 remembers them 
they like touring <33 try new things!!!!!!!!! “five people die” and you don’t wanna know who adsfdgsfgkj phil stopped the whole bus for a fish and chip shops HE’S SO VALID ILYSM KING 
a fun fact about them seeing derren brown in 2012 is they accidentally left their tickets at home and then had to go all the way back in a taxi to go get them 
martyn shoutout (remember when IRL was good 😭)
dan coughing in his face is sooooo current dan like that is dan on the gaming channel in 2024 
your enemies didn’t get a good morning (funniest man alive)
bbc breakfast show is like a plain yogurt but nana watches it. the infamous squirrel bite story <33333 phiw
dans loubs are on akinator (the time on the internet when you quite literally could not escape dnp was so special)
miss dan’s tv show rants soooo bad waahhhhh pls come back and yell about shit 😭
dan’s face talking about the 3D movies…i fear i love him too much :((( let him watch the movie
them writing that dan’s chair is hiding a huge secret….
genuinely it’s so so incredible how much they loved the book and how much care and effort they put into something they could have very easily just slapped their name on 
dan thinks an apocalypse is going to happen..he was pregnant with WAD here
my favorite thing is the MINUTE they hit that hour mark phil gets “”hungry””” without fail like yes kings get that minimum and dip <33
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svtskneecaps · 2 years ago
what if. hear me out. what if it was possible for the binary entity to be circumvented by letting it kill a player with the correct letter. like. hear me out:
the binary entity shows up. oh no!! it's an R!! forever yeets richas to the safe room in ten seconds flat, but the entity has shown to be persistent. it won't stop until richas or ramon is dead. but wait, what's this? IN COMES RRRRRRRROIER WITH THE STEEL CHAIR. the entity kills him, oh shit!! AND THEN IT FUCKS OFF FOR ANOTHER WEEK.
we know the entity is here to kill somebody that starts with its letter. it's hinting at its target. but see imagine if that wasn't a HINT. imagine a world where that was its ENTIRE INSTRUCTION. "go, binary monster, kill a player that STARTS WITH C." could mean it's after chayanne and won't stop until the little warrior is dead. COULD MEAN IT WILL KILL SOMEONE WITH A C AND LEAVE. COULD MEAN CELLBIT COULD TAKE THAT HIT AND THE ENTITY. LEAVES.
entity's coming for dapper? hey dan, can you log in for like an hour and die please <3 or antoine "damezzanine" stands in his front lawn until he gets twoshot and dies in a mound of shit.
entity's after leo? no problem, somebody get luzu on the horn.
oh it's gunning for pomme?? forever's got phil on the phone immediately after hitting the panic button and pac is standing on top of the christ statue setting off fireworks.
tallulah? no worries, pac and mike together makes tazercraft and if not i figure either one of them could convince the entity their legal name is "tazer". if unsuccessful, turn to dan "the diamond minecart"
guarantee you if this was ever actually a viable strategy forever would waste 0 time in insisting his name is "rorever". welcome to the server "dadboyhalo". god i wish this could work can you IMAGINE
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atamascolily · 4 months ago
Lily liveblogs: Thunderbolt Fantasy 4x07
Well, that escalated quickly.
Chao Feng and her party get their asses kicked by some ordinary demon goons... only for the camera to pivot to them standing around looking confused as Lin Xue Ya appears. Another victory for the Enigmatic Gale, everyone!
Lin recognizes Chao Feng and decides to keep her around as a potentially useful pawn--everyone else can come, too, I guess. Meanwhile, Chao Feng demands that he kowtow to her, but once Lin reveals he's seen Lang recently, she'd follow him anywhere.
meanwhile, Azi is lounging around at home on his Brooding Couch (where did he get the furniture, Lang and Spider trashed everything) drinking wine and video chatting with Xing Hai
Xing Hai wants to know what's going to happen in the future given all of the scheming, and Azi's like, "hahaha, no, can't be bothered"
also it turns out that something weird happened to Azi as a result of meddling with space-time and he lost all his memories up to a certain point (~200 years ago) and has no idea how he got here and no desire to do anything, so he advises Xing Hai to tone it down with the drugs demonic magic, lololol.
the only thing that makes Azi happy anymore is drinking tormenting Lang, lolsob
this supports my theory that Azi doesn't care if Lang kills him as long as he fucks shit up in the process/breaks everything
all this is to say: the Madoka Magica vibes intensify
elsewhere in the Demon Realm, Covid Safety Protocols and Megamind are having a nice banquet together.... and unlike Ansarto's banquet, the food actually looks pretty good?
how does Covid Safety Protocols even drink with her mask on is one of this show's greatest mysteries
but it doesn't matter because they're both abruptly murdered from behind!
Cut to Spider and Wasp yelling at each other for "accidentally" killing their allies, lololol
they take the seals, but THEN Xing Hai shows up with a steel chair a scrying mirror and banishes them to the Shadow Realm because it's one thing if Lang kills a noble (he's a demon and her boss says it's okay) but she can't allow ordinary humans to get Ideas.
all of this happens in like three minutes, btw, and it's a lot.
wish we'd gotten a full season 5 and an extra episode in S4 so this could be less rushed, sob.
meanwhile, Lang drinks the Dubious-Looking Potion that Ansarto gives him over Ling Ya's sensible objections, which is supposed to transform him from caterpillar to butterfly. I thought this was a metaphor, but then after he coughs up the requisite blood, Lang gets rolled up in a silk cocoon, so actually that was entirely literal.
is he gonna wake up with insect legs now
... anyway, Lang has to confront his Inner Demons, which turn out to be important people from his past like Shang and Tian Ming telling him he sucks.
weirdly, no sign of his mom, though - bet they're saving that for the next episode
also that final shot where he passes out on top of his own reflection... poetic cinema
In the Wasteland of Spirits, Shang Bu Huan whips out the broken magic sword that You Qing used to fight Lou Zhen Jie back in s2 (making this the most unexpected callback/cameo EVER) and takes advantage of its innate attraction to demonic energy to hover in mid-air and yeet himself into the abyss leading to the demon realm
Shang Bu Huan: "I'm Mary Poppins, y'all!"
also that little somersault he does... this show is delightfully Extra
Dan Fei and Juan Can Yun are just gonna wait there for him to come back, I guess?
anyway, the preview for the next episode shows Shang reuniting with Tian Ming and Chao Feng going into a glowing green square portal, which makes me think that Lin is going to find out her dad's true identity this way, hahahaha.
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lazypanartist · 2 years ago
Chapter 2
A Rose By Any Other Name
Would Feel As Frigid
Warnings: mentions of violence, other questionable activities, theft, and the American school system
Notes: a little over half of you said to name Reader, so that's what we'll do!
Previously, we were introduced to Casey and their fellow delinquents, so here's the rundown:
Jack - jock. Interviewing Blockbuster
Will - Poor guy.. Interviewing Icicle Sr.
Dan - Another jock. Interviewing unknown
Lainey - dealer of some form. Interviewing Devastation
Rachel - got caught carrying drinks to Jack and Dan. Interviewing Shimmer
Olive - hotboxed a school bathroom 🙄 Interviewing Psimon
Adam - yearbook guy. Doesn't like Casey/POV
I was handed a checklist of questions to ask Jr. during session one. Things like his name, age, family, hobbies. Y'know, icebreakers.
Bob escorted me to the visitation room I'd be using. He'd called a few more guards over to get everyone else settled, but I was obviously his favorite.
"Nice place you guys have here," I offered, breaking the silence. "I've heard it's the best protected prison in the country."
"Not th' country. The world." Bob scoffed pridefully. "Not even Superman can break down the defenses."
"Really?" Of course I'd heard that one before, but hey, might as well try and get the guards to not hate you, especially with his earlier comments. "How'd that get managed?"
He gave me what was probably a wary side eye, but with his perpetual scowl it seemed more like a glare. Still, he seemed to be in a good mood.
"Lead re'nforced titanium. Tensill and brute strength? Unmatched. 'S not the only stuff, but those're the main bits."
Before I could ask more questions (probably for the better) we made it to the interview room. Bob stopped me outside the door, his hand resting on the handle.
"'Member what I said, how 'e's potentially violent?"
I nodded, now wary.
How could I forget?
"Well, 'e's typically better 'ith other kids than when adults are nearby. Now, because'a that, you're goin' in alone."
He must have seen the apprehension on my face, because he smiled. Still mocking, but it was there.
"Here's yer panic button." He handed me a small block, a red button in the middle. "It takes a lil' force ta press, 'n alerts the guard station. There always someone in th' hall here, so you'll get help soon."
He clapped my shoulder, hand moving from the doorknob. "Get to it."
And he left.
Steeling myself, I entered the room.
Junior was already there, hands cuffed in front of him, feet kicked up onto the table. When I stepped in he grinned, cuffs jangling as he pulled his feet off the only 'true' piece of furniture in the tiny, cold room.
I blinked. "Hey."
He gestured to the chair opposite himself, and I took a seat.
"I heard I'd be getting some company. What'd they call it.. future inmate prevention?"
"I.." I certainly hadn't planned for him to start the conversation, and with his growing smile, I could tell he already knew.
"Oh, come on! I won't bite, I promise! It'd really ruin this whole thing for both of us."
I sighed. "Yeah.. yeah. Sorry. I have a few icebreakers."
He snorted, and I could feel a smile of my own start to form.
"Icebreakers? Is that really appropriate?"
"According to the staff, apparently."
He rolled his eyes. "Fine, fine. Hit me."
"Okay. Number one, what's your name?"
"Cameron Mahkent."
"Okay.." I scribbled it onto my sheet, the chipping graphite being the only sound for a moment. "Okay. Question two - how old are you?"
He hummed quietly. "Seventeen."
"Oh!" I couldn't stop the quiet exclamation. "So you'd be a junior, too."
"Yeah? I'm a December baby."
"So you'd be sixteen at the start of the school year.." I had already put the number down, but if the goal was socialization.. "How long did you go to public school? If at all."
"Off and on until.. sixth grade, I think?" He glanced to my right before focusing back on me. "Then dad pulled me completely for training."
"Oh." I blinked before glancing back to the sheet. "Brings us to question three - what's your family dynamic?"
"Mom.. left. When I was about nine. She was going to take me with her, but dad wouldn't allow it." He shrugged, cuffs clinking again as he shifted in his chair. "He's harsh, but hey, tough love."
I didn't really believe him, but it wasn't my place to ask. Not yet.
Instead, I must have frowned, because he paused.
"He's typically in charge here at Belle Reve. The Capo. He rules the Pen with an iron fist."
"Oh.." My eyes widened. "So does that give you any special privileges compared to the other detainees?"
He laughed this time. Not a scoff or snort, but full-on cackling, like I had told the funniest joke in the world.
"Are you kidding?! I don't get treated any better than anyone else - in fact, if people try to overtake dad as Cappo, they shoot for me first.
I blinked and, almost instinctively, pulled my clipboard up.
"Question four.."
I left about thirty minutes later, scribbling the tail-ends of answers onto my paper. A guard had come through the back to pull Cameron aside, and told me it was time to leave.
When I made it back to the check-in area, most people looked traumatized. Jack started off immediately about Blockbuster - he'd been flanked by two guards the entire time.
Will was even worse. Apparently Cameron's dad - Icicle Senior - had been allowed to have one of his personal guards - Mammoth. There were four guards between them - which is why Bob had been so nice as to leave Cameron and I alone together.
Laine had liked Devastation, and Rachel was okay with Shimmer - didn't like her cultist attitude much, with Will saying Mammoth had been the same.
Olivia had hated Psimon from the get-go, but from what she said, it sounded mutual. I felt more sorry for Psimon than I did for Olive, honestly.
"Who did you even pull?"
He flashed me a grin. "Poison Ivy."
He held his paper up proudly. "She shared her thoughts."
I glanced over it. "Except for family life."
He shrugged, wincing when Bob grabbed the paper from him. "Oh well."
I handed mine to him as well, and he raised an eyebrow.
"It looks like Casey here is th' only one who got answers for everything - family life, criminal history, childhood. Congrats."
I shrugged, glancing at everyone else.
Olive rolled her eyes. "My guy didn't want to answer anything - just kept asking his own questions."
"And Blockbuster didn't want to talk about ANYTHING before his transformation," Will piped in.
"Devastation didn't actually give me another name for her." Lainey shrugged.
I glanced back in the direction of the visitation hall.
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kudosmyhero · 7 months ago
Hearts of Steel #3
Read Date: July 10, 2023 Cover Date: August 2006 ● Writer: Chuck Dixon ● Art: Antonio Vasquez ◦ Luis Czerniawski ● Colorist: Jay Fotos ◦ Josh Burcham ● Letterer: Robbie Robbins ● Editor: Chris Ryall ◦ Dan Taylor ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● Mark Twain v. Ravage, because why the hell not?
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● 👏👏👏👏
Synopsis: In the "high, arid wastes of Death Valley", a lonely stagecoach encounters Frenzy, who is standing guard near the Decepticon factory. He rather politely tells them to turn around and leave, but the occupant of the stage, Jacob Lee Bonaventure, tells him he may have business with Frenzy's employer.
Frenzy escorts him to Starscream. Bonaventure, while trying to track down the yellow machine's origins, has learned a great deal about the Decepticons' activities, though he has apparently not realized that there are two factions of Transformers. He offers to be Starscream's intermediary in dealings with humans. As Starscream no longer has Tobias Muldoon to serve in that role, he accepts. Bonaventure states that he doesn't really care about Starscream's long-term goals, so long as he makes a profit.
In how many comics do you get to see Mark Twain fighting a giant robot cat? Not enough, I say. <--[I agree!]
Meanwhile, in San Francisco, Muldoon is telling his story to Stanford Merriweather, Kitty Merriweather, and Mark Twain. The Merriweathers think he's delirious; Twain is slightly more credulous. The conversation is interrupted by Ravage, who bursts through the window, apparently intending to kill Muldoon. Twain fends off Ravage with a chair while Muldoon makes sure the Merriweathers (and their servants) get to safety. Muldoon then covers their retreat with a decorative sword and shield, until Ravage pitches him through a window. Ravage briefly gets caught in debris while exiting the house, which is rapidly filling with gas. Twain uses that moment to (apparently) flick his cigar at Ravage, which causes an explosion that flings Ravage into the bay. Merriweather is shocked, but now fully believes Muldoon's story, and promises to use his connections to get the Army and the President involved.
Back at the Decepticon factory, Bonaventure and Mister Vanfleet watch new Decepticons being assembled (or modified), and marvel that all this came from investigating one little yellow locomotive. Starscream overhears, and demands more information. Vanflint recounts how they investigated (the deliveries to the middle of nowhere were the primary clue). Starscream concludes that the yellow locomotive is Bumblebee, and that the Autobots are active. He orders Squawkbox to telegraph the news to all Decepticons.
Elsewhere, a lone Autobot crouches by a telegraph line. He intercepts a signal, and goes running off to convey the signal to the rest of the Autobots (badly startling a human and his horse).
At John Henry's camp, Brawley and Cletus are singing a song about Henry. He acts displeased, but is smiling. Bumblebee comes to tell Henry that he and the Autobots are leaving, to fight the Decepticons. Henry says that humans have a stake in this fight too, and wakes his crew, telling them they're riding with a new gang now.
At the Decepticon factory, an Army company arrives, to find it deserted. They telegraph their findings to Muldoon and his companions, who are aboard Merriweather's private train. Tobias correctly deduces the Decepticons' plans, and they set out to intercept them (and, apparently, send instructions to the Army).
Meanwhile, the Autobots, Henry, and his crew, are barreling east, as Brawley adds a new verse about Bumblebee to his song.
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Fan Art: 'Til All Are One by stayinwonderland
Accompanying Podcast: ● Swerve's Bar Podcast - episode 06
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phil-lesterfan · 1 year ago
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wildcardaces · 2 years ago
@ruby-static "the chaotic dad fit" edition!
Where anna gets to witness shade and dan wearing the same outfit on accident
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Shade: oh you got to be kidding me
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Dan: how- you SAW me walk through the kitchen on my way out!
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Shade: no seriously. Do you have an extra shirt? This is ridiculous.
Anna honestly probably isnt suprised anymore but seeing shade wearing the same fit as his dad is definitely hilarious
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Anna: fucking hell this is chaos
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Shawn: and im here to add more chaos
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Shawn: sup
Dan and shade: SHAWN NO!
And here comes shawn with the steel chair!!
Anna is now invested in the family drama this is causing *WHEEZE*
Suddenly shade again but mr worldwide.
That ship he ended up in went all the way to england. He is where his own dad started his journey
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"Take a look at this. Boat security found this penguin waddling around on their ship. They managed to capture them"
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Shade inside that box: bitch let me out.
Shade really did try to evade the hands of multiple security guards once that ship docked, he still got grabbed though
And the finale!
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"There ya go fella"
"Psst, hey newbie-"
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Shade: GOD. dont sneak up on me!
Poor shade only been here an hour and he's gotten spooked
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wrestlezon · 3 years ago
liveblog containment zone for aew dynamite 8/3/22
i wasnt going to do this, i was just gonna casually sit back and watch but then the undisputed elite promo started and i decided to get invested today
best friends trenchcoat bit good. just as janky as it went in pwg lmao. i love them when chuck came out to save orange-- he has a sleeveless tiedye shirt?? GUNS OUT??? love lookin at your arms king keep up the good work HELL yea (insert further wolf barking and catcalls here)
ricky starks video bit-- i wonder how powerhouse hobbs is going to justify his turn
oh its adam cole? we doing this now? ok. i thought i'd see hobbs are these dang dudes finally going to arrive at the firework factory lots of talking. ive been waiting for this whole thing to blow up in adam cole's face forever (in true heel fashion) hmm... they wouldnt have kenny omega come back yet right... wowww youre just going to force them not to fight? lmao?? who made you the boss WHOAAAAA he finally did it!!! he played his hand!!! who is going to save them <:( THE POP FOR HANGMAN!!!!!!! ohhhhhhhhh the pickup...
oh its christian cage... lmao you can hear the crowd laughing "HE BROUGHT UP MY PERSONAL LIFE I WOULD NEVER DO THAT" ok LMFAO christian cage is so fucking funny HOLY SHIT THAT CAR WAS MOVING FAST
hello??? britt baker team vs thunderstorm!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW wasnt expecting this ooooohhhhh new outfit jamie hayter?? fancy rebel reminds me of xena warrior princess... maybe its the hair holy shit that thunder rosa kick from outta nowhere looked like it hurt whoa!!! hayter and baker won with the pin on toni storm
sammy tay marriage? ok i guess. cringe EDDIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! eddie is the realest. ultimate face. i agree with everything he is saying SO TRUE BOO THIS WEDDING eddie may have lost the cagematch (i didnt like that result) but he does get on all the ppvs
TEAM TAZ IS OVER.... GOLLY... lmao makes sense tho. poor taz. he is just like literally if idk whats going on in my own team then i just WONT HAVE ONE. TEAM OVER. DISBAND powerhouse hobbs match its starks! he practically teleported past the camera going so fast LMAO omg he was also obscured by smoke and fog and im blind
oh!!!!!!! miro video promo MIRO ARE YOU GOING TO GET AN EVIL BAD GUY EYE TOO...
oh its darby allin doing a video promo against brody king hes giving himself a tat and the buzzing is quite annoying and distracting
jim ross alert
oh! its the christian cage match. who is he fighting again oh!!!!!!!!! matt hardy!!!!! matt hardy and his penance mullet im distracted thinking about all the laundry i have to do. but i am appreciating this match between two ogs table! table! table! table! ohhhh!! dodged and a win by christian cage strangely normal win for evil badguy cage wait i spoke too soon hes breaking out the steel chairs huh! LUCHASAURUS....... BY HIMSELF???? I FEAR... oh!!!!!!!!!! distraction fakeout for jungleboy! LMAO HIS SHIRT? IN LIKE DEFAULT ARIAL? LOWERCASE IMPACT FONT???
Christian is a pussy.
hey its daniel garcia doing a backstage promo
kip sabian return?? shall he come back and fight pac???
ethan page is wearing an excellent shirt today. he is so fashionable ethan page bitching and moaning in the ring promo stokely!!!! stokely TAKE ETHAN PAGE AWAY FROM DAN LAMBERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!! YESSSS ETHAN PAGE LEAVE THE AMERICAN TOP TEAM PLEASE YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
oh boy! and now its 2point0 backstage promo time!!! hell yes DO YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT GETS DADDY MAGIC'S NIPPLES HARD ok i love anna jay's insatiable need to choke someone out. she needs her fix stu grayson isnt around anymore so now she is just choking out whoever whenever
oh its the acclaimed vs gunn club dumpster match now!! LMAO NICE off to a great start with the trash cans oh and we get a rap too? max caster is spicy today wow in the dumpster already that was fast is austin gunn wearing a croptop and overalls is someone gonna pop out of the dumpster on the ramp... maybe not. but itd be a good hiding spot oh on top of the tunnel? buddy.... caster!! OFF THE TUNNEL ONTO A TABLE... GOLLY omg ziptied. theyre locked in now lol wait are they gonna just roll the dumpster out now. kidnapping? OH... WHOA JEEZ
matches were announced! waow
its wheeler yuta vs jericho time! who will win!? i honestly dont know. i'd want yuta to win but i think jericho would end up winning regardless... through bluster or shenanigans EJECTED lmao the crowd pulling off the whole goodbye song??? nice there is wrestling occuring. and also slap fights i love that yuta's thing is his insane german suplexes. its always cool and charming to have a Signature Favorite Move oh no! walls of jericho!!!! THE YUTA CHANTS FROM THE CROWD!!!!!!!!! yuta DOUBLE TOPE???? TRIPLE??? YUTA CONTAIN YOURSELF oh no!!!!!!!!! yuta codebreakered! KICK OUT... wait i looked at the clock and spoilered myself. i can rest easy for a few more minutes the bat! THE DISTRACTION!! NOT HIS DICK AND BALLS SEATBELT AGAIN????? nooooo!!! submission held!!!! yuta tapped....
killing him!!! moxley to da rescue
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bougredane · 4 years ago
Rumble in the opposite of a Jungle
The Junot-Lanusse duel. From « Le Général Junot en Égypte » by Dubief. My translation after the French.
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Au sein de l'armée se trouvait un noyau de frondeurs qui grondaient contre Bonaparte. Kléber, Murat et Lanusse étaient les plus enragés. Junot, lui, au contraire, demeurait fidèle à son chef et lui gardait une entière confiance. Il souffrait beaucoup de ces dissensions, mais restait neutre.
Pourtant, il était un général qu'il ne supportait pas, et qui le lui rendait bien : c'était Lanusse. Celui-ci montrait un caractère très dur, parfois jusqu'à la férocité ce qui ne pouvait qu'irriter Junot.
Tout le quartier-général subissait les éclats de cette vive haine. Alors, Murat, dans une bonne intention, comme cela lui arrivait parfois, invita les deux antagonistes à un dîner de réconciliation avec d'autres officiers, dont Bessières et Lannes. Le repas se déroula dans une atmosphère plutôt détendue. Puis ils entamèrent une partie de bouillotte. Malheureusement, la conversation, qui jusqu'à présent était restée dans une vague neutralité, aborda le délicat sujet de la situation de l'armée sur les terres d'Égypte. Bessières, prudent, prêchait la patience.
Mais, l'impétueux Lanusse, ne laissa pas passer l'occasion de critiquer vivement et en termes crus la politique menée par Bonaparte. Junot, muet, sentait la colère battre à ses tempes. Lanusse, l'observant, lui demanda alors brusquement : 
- Junot, prête-moi dix louis : je suis décavé ! - Je n'ai pas d'argent devant moi. Et il jouait du bout des doigts avec une pile de pièces d'or. - Comment dois-je prendre ta réponse ! - Comme il te plaira. - Je t'ai demandé si tu voulais me prêter dix louis de l'argent que tu as devant toi. - Et moi, je te réponds que j'ai bien de l'argent devant moi mais qu'il n'y en a pas pour un traître comme toi. - Il n'y a qu'un … qui puisse se servir d'un pareil mot.
Les chaises renversées, tout le monde se leva. Brouhaha, bousculades, on s'interposa, le silence revint et Junot reprit :
- Ecoute, Lanusse, je t'ai dit que tu étais un traître je n'en crois rien. Tu m'as dit que j'étais un …, tu n'en crois rien non plus, car nous sommes tous deux de braves gens. Mais, vois-tu, il faut que nous nous battions. Il faut que l'un de nous y reste. Je te hais parce que tu hais l'homme que j'aime et que j'admire à l'égal de Dieu même, si ce n'est plus. Battons-nous et tout de suite. Je jure de ne me coucher ce soir qu'après avoir vidé cette affaire.
Le duel, bien qu'il fut en honneur à l'armée, avait été strictement interdit par Bonaparte. Il fallait donc se cacher. Rien de plus facile: le jardin de Murat s'étendait jusqu'au bord du Nil. Neuf heures du soir. On alluma des torches.
- Quelle arme prendrons-nous ? demanda Junot. - Belle question, le pistolet !  » répondit Lanusse.
Tous les officiers pâlirent, l'adresse de Junot au pistolet était pourtant célèbre: il transperçait, à vingt-cinq pas, un as en plein milieu.
- Je ne me battrai pas au pistolet avec toi, répondit-il, tu ne sais pas tirer. Tu ne mettrais pas dans une porte cochère. La partie doit être égale entre nous. Nous avons nos sabres. Marchons.
Ils descendirent vers le fleuve, à la lueur tremblante des torches. Bessières s'approcha de Junot et lui murmura à l'oreille : Tu as fait une sottise ! Lanusse est très fort à l'espadon !.
Et Murat, oubliant l'objet de ce repas, de dire : Songe donc que lorsqu'on se bat c'est au fait pour tuer son homme ! 
Quant à Lanusse, il ne cessait d'outrager le nom du général en chef, si bien que Junot lui cria : On dirait que tu veux te monter la tête !.
 - [LANNES à LANUSSE] Tais– toi. C'est fini, que diable ! Vous allez vous couper la gorge, qu'est-ce que tu veux de plus ? Tout ce que tu lui diras à présent, c'est du luxe ! « .
L'inondation du Nil avait rendu le terrain inégal : mauvaises conditions pour un duel.
- Si c'était de jour encore ! s'écria Murat, mais vous ne pouvez vous battre là ! - Allons donc ! répliqua Junot. C'est un enfantillage !
Ils jetèrent leurs habits, tirèrent leurs sabres.
A quelques pas, attentifs, les témoins discutaient des chances des adversaires. Junot attaqua et d'un coup trancha le haut du chapeau de Lanusse, le bouton d'uniforme qui attachait la ganse. Sans ce providentiel chapeau, Lanusse qui a senti sur sa joue le froid de la lame, serait mort, prompt à la riposte et profitant de l'instant où Junot s'était découvert, il lui porta un coup de revers qui lui fendit le ventre. Junot tomba. Ses camarades se saisirent de lui et le transportèrent dans la salle à manger, parmi les bouteilles, les cartes à jouer, les pièces d'or. 
Quand Bonaparte apprit la nouvelle, il entra dans une vive colère : 
- Quoi ? ils vont s'égorger entre eux ! disait-il à Desgenettes. N'ont-ils pas assez des Arabes, de la peste et des Mamelucks ! Ce Junot, il mériterait les arrêts pendant un mois !
Et, tandis que Junot se morfondait au lit, attendant que sa plaie se cicatrisât (longue de huit pouces !) Bonaparte refusait d'aller le visiter, tout en avouant :
- Mon pauvre Junot, blessé pour moi ! Aussi l'imbécile, pourquoi ne s'est-il pas battu au pistolet ?
At the heart of the Army was a pit of rebels who railed constantly against Bonaparte. Kléber, Murat, and Lanusse were the most fervent. On the contrary, Junot, for his part, remained loyal to his commander, and maintained the most perfect faith in him. He tolerated the grumbles, but remained neutral. 
That being said, there was one general up with whom he could no longer put  ???  he really couldn’t stand, and who returned the sentiment : Lanusse. Lanusse had a firm character, to the point of cruel ferocity, which could do nothing but irritate Junot.
The general staff indulged his outbursts of insistent hatred. And so Murat - in one of his well-intentioned gestures - invited the two antagonists to a conciliatory dinner with some of the other officers, among them Bessières and Lannes. The meal passed more or less calmly, but then moved on to a game of cards, at which point the conversation - nice enough up to now - broached the delicate subject of the army’s presence in Egypt. Bessières, prudently, suggested a certain patience. But Lanusse, impetuous as he was, wouldn’t leave the opportunity to critique Bonaparte’s politics, and in no uncertain terms. Junot, mute before him, could feel rage throbbing at his temples. Lanusse, seeing him, demanded brusquely :
- Junot, lend me 10 Louis : I’m fresh out ! - I haven’t got any money, he replied, running the tips of his fingers over a pile of gold coins.  - And how should I take your response ?  - However you like. - I asked if you might lend me 10 Louis from that pile you’ve got there. - And I’ll tell you that I have got some money before me, but not for a traitor like you. - Nobody but a *#$%@ would use a word like that. 
Chairs were overturned, everybody was on their feet. Mayhem, a sort fo free-for-all, and then someone came between them. Calm returned and then Junot was back at it. 
- Listen, Lanusse, I told you you were a traitor, and I don’t believe it. And you called me a *#$%@ … and you don’t really mean that either ; we’re both brave fellows. But, don’t you see, we have to fight. Only one of us can remain standing. I hate you because you hate the man I love and admire as much as God himself, if not more. Let’s get to it, then. I swear not to go to bed tonight until I’ve dealt with this affair, one way or another. 
The duel - as a practice - had been forbidden by Bonaparte (even in the good name of the Army). They would have to go about it in secret. Nothing could be easier - Murat’s garden backed up to the Nile. Nine in the evening. They lit the lanterns. 
- The weapon ? asked Junot.  - Good question. Pistols ! answered Lanusse. 
The assembled officers paled - Junot was famously good with a pistol, a crack-shot ; he could hit an ace in the middle of the card at 25 paces. 
- I won’t fight with pistols against you, he countered, you don’t know how to shoot. Don’t get yourself into something you can only regret. It’s got to be equal between us. We have our sabres. Now march. 
They made their way down to the river, in the quivering light of the torches. Bessières came up to Junot and whispered in his ear : You’re making a mistake! Lanusse is devilishly good with a blade !
And Murat, forgetting the point of the dinner, added : Remember that, when you fight, it’s to put an end to your man ! 
As for Lanusse, he never ceased to spit on the name of Bonaparte, to the point that Junot cried,
- Now you’re just getting worked up ! - [LANNES to LANUSSE] Shut up. It’s over, by God ! You’re already going to slit each others’ throats, what more do you want ? Anything more you have to say to him is just thrown away.
The flooding of the Nile had made the terrain irregular underfoot : poor conditions for a duel. 
- If there were still some daylight, cried Murat, but you can’t fight here ! - Come on ! replied Junot, this is childishness !
They took off their coats, drew their swords.
A few paces back, apprehensive, the seconds discussed the chances of the two adversaries. Junot attacked, landing a blow to the top of Lanusse’s hat, cutting the button which attached the braid. Without this God-sent hat, Lanusse - who had felt the cold of steel across his cheek - would be dead, but as it was, he was quick to riposte, and taking advantage of the moment which had left Junot unguarded, he countered with a back-cut that slit open his opponent’s abdomen. Junot fell. His comrades gathered him up and brought him into the dining room, among the bottles, the playing cards, and the gold coins. 
When Bonaparte heard the news, he flew into a rage : 
- What ?? Are they really going to gut each other ? he asked Desgenettes, Haven’t they had enough of the Arabs, the plague, and the Mameluks ? This Junot deserves to be put away for a month !
And while Junot, bored and confined to his bed, waited for the wound to heal (eight inches long !) Bonaparte refused to visit him, even as he confessed :
- My poor Junot, hurt like this for me ! Also, what an idiot, why would he refuse the pistols ?
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labyrinth-runner · 4 years ago
"I... Think I'm in love" with Dan?????
Okay, so I’m writing this one as a sequel to War of Hearts, because it just fit and I hope that’s okay.
Title: Love Heals
Word Count: 3000
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Your wedding night was quiet. He helped you with the ties of your gown and then retired to his own room. The bed felt too big for just you alone as you tossed and turned trying to get comfortable. Eventually, you grew tired of it and slipped on your robe before padding down the hall.
You took a steeling breath before gently rapping your knuckles against the door.
The door was open in a matter of seconds and he was looking down at you with concern in his eyes, “Couldn’t sleep?”
“The bed is just...” you trailed off, looking down at your feet. You felt silly, standing in front of this stranger because you couldn’t sleep.
Gently, he tipped your chin back up so that you would look at him, “Would you like to sleep in here?” His voice was soft.
You allowed yourself to nod.
A small smile settled on his lips as he stepped aside for you to enter. 
Tucking your arms behind your back, you stepped into his candlelit room. You noted that his bed wasn’t turned down yet, meaning he hadn’t even gone to bed. As you turned back to him, you realized he was still in his suit.
“What were you doing before I knocked?” you asked curiously as you sat on the edge of the bed.
“I was writing to my estate to have them ready the manor for you,” he replied.
You swallowed the lump in your throat, “You want me to go to the manor without you?”
“It’s to be your home,” he said, brows furrowing.
“But you won’t be there,” you murmured.
“If you would like, you can host as many friends as you want,” he offered as he leaned against his desk.
If you were being honest, you weren’t sure you were ready to leave home and your parents. “How far away is it?”
“Two day’s ride,” he estimated. “It’s in upstate New York. I own an apple orchard.”
Somehow, you could see that. You rested your hands on your hips as you came over to him, “Am I expected to pick these apples?”
“Only if you want to eat or cook with them,” he smirked.
You smiled back, feeling the tension break. Then, you folded your hands in front of you. “When do you have to go back to the frontline?”
“At the end of the week,” he replied, gently reaching forward to take your hands in his. They were warm and slightly rough against your skin as he dragged his thumb back and forth across the backs of your hand.
“You should get some rest,” you said softly, taking your hands back. Your hands trembled slightly as you reached up to unbutton his vest. “At the very least, you should get more comfortable.”
“You don’t have to do that,” he said, taking your hand and kissing your finger tips. “Get some sleep. I’ll join you when I finish this letter.”
You withdrew from him, slightly in relief, and slightly in disappointment. Gingerly, you took your robe off and hung it off the bed post before slipping into bed. After closing your eyes, you let the soft sound of his pen dragging across a page lull you to sleep.
The days passed by swiftly. It wasn’t nearly enough time to truly get to know your husband. Soon enough, you found yourself at the train station about to say goodbye.
“Well, this next one is mine,” he murmured as you stood there on the platform.
“Will you write to me?” you asked, a little too eagerly.
“If you wish it,” he said with a slight smile. “Although, I don’t suppose that my stories of war would be pleasant to hear.”
“If you don’t wish to talk about war, then romance me instead,” you shot back.
A slight tinge of pink settled into his cheeks. “Alright, Mrs. Torrance. I think I can do that.”
Mrs. Torrance. It was like an arrow to your heart.
His train pulled up to the station and he gave you an apologetic look. “I wish we had more time.”
“Win the war and you’ll be back before you know it,” you replied with a soft smile. “Be safe, Captain Torrance.”
“I’ll try to come back to you in one piece,” he said, taking your hand and giving it a squeeze.
It wasn’t enough for the occasion. He was going off to fight and you might never see him again. Sure, you barely knew him and had only been married for a week, but a hand squeeze was not enough for the gravity of the situation. You tipped up on your toes to kiss his cheek, letting your lips linger on his skin for a moment more than you would have a week ago.
“Good bye, Captain,” you said as you pulled back.
“Good bye, my dear,” he grinned before saluting the superior officer ushering troops onto the train.
You stayed on the platform longer than necessary, not moving from your spot until the train was far into the distance and had disappeared around the bend. Then, you got into the carriage with all your things atop it and rode for your new home.
The manor sprawled in front of you. An orchard engulfed the horizon around the house and you could not help the smile on your face. It was so much grander than he had told you. 
As the carriage pulled up the drive, you let a small chuckle escape your lips. This was your home? It was so much more than you could have imagined. Stepping out of the carriage, the cool, crisp air filled your lungs. It was so much cleaner than the city.
Hired help unloaded your bags into the manor as you went up the stairs of the porch. 
“Mrs. Torrance, this was left for you,” the butler said before handing you a letter.  
You took it, walking absentmindedly through the house as you explored.  
Eventually, you happened upon what you figured was your husband’s study. Books lined the walls and a large brown mahogany desk sat amidst it all. You ran your hand along the leather chair before sitting down and opening the letter.
Dear wife,
If you’re reading this, then you have arrived at Helen Rivington Estate without me. It’s something I would have liked to avoid. After all, I should have carried you across the threshold as any husband ought. I can only hope that absence will make the heart grow fonder. In lieu of my physically being there, I thought I would leave you a little hunt around the grounds to show you my favorite places.
Until we meet again,
You flipped the letter over and found a series of clues. A grin broke across your face as you started off on your quest.
The hunt took you all around the estate as you found little clues and poems that let you get to know the man you had married more and more. By the end of it all, you found yourself in a secret library behind the room you’d started in. Light streamed in through a stained glass window, coating a plush chair in a warm glow. If the room outside was your husband’s study, then this would be your special place that you could go to be close to him when he needed to work.
You sat down on the chair and started to pen your first letter to him, telling him all about your day’s adventures. Words flowed freely with more ease than earlier that week. You were comfortable with who you were, and what it would be like to be Mrs. Torrance.
It was the first letter of many that the two of you sent back and forth for months while he was away. With each stroke of the pen you fell more and more in love with him. Rarely did he ever mention the war, true to his earlier statement. Although, sometimes you wish he had. You wanted to know what life was like for him. You wanted to share in his struggles and emotional hardships. 
Every response contained a small couplet of a poem that he wrote for you, usually based upon the contents in your letter. However, they always made you smile. Although he wasn’t home, his letters made it feel as if he were only a moment away at all times. It made the loneliness of the vast estate and the quiet of your bedchambers more bearable as it filled with your laughter at his words.
And then the letters stopped.
You weren’t sure if it was something you had done or if something had happened, but you went through your days with a pit in your stomach. Something was wrong, but you didn’t know what. Weeks without correspondence turned to months and you found yourself retreating back into your worries and sadness. Part of you debated returning home to surround yourself with those you knew and loved.
The idea was growing more and more appealing as the seasons changed and you found yourself pulling the shawl tighter around yourself as you walked in the orchard. You had sent staff home for the season and were walking through the rows of trees with a basket in hand. Absentmindedly, you picked apples and placed them into the basket, letting the silence surround you.
Then you heard it.
The familiar clip clop of horses hooves up the gravel drive. 
You stood in disbelief, sure that you were hearing things until you saw the carriage come down the drive. The basket fell from your hands and you hiked up your skirts. You scrambled over fallen apples and tree roots to get back up the drive. 
Your heart hammered in your chest as you took in the body on the back of the cart. 
“No,” you whispered, dropping your gown. You walked towards the carriage in a haze.
“Ma’am, are you Mrs. Torrance?” the man driving the cart asked.
“Yes,” you breathed as he came to a stop.
The man nodded and got into the back of the carriage. “Come on, Danny. You’re home,” he said as he pulled a man up into a position so that he could help him walk.
You let out a breath of relief. He’s alive. Then, you rushed over to help the man carry your husband into the house. Together, the two of you managed to get him into bed.
“What happened?” you asked the man who had brought him.
“The Captain was sent sprawling from canon fire after being shot in the arm. We were deep in the South for weeks. I’m surprised he lasted as many skirmishes as he did. Then, he got hit down in Georgia. The camp doc was able to get the bullet out of his arm and disinfect it. It won’t go green on you, but he can’t shoot in this condition. If he can’t shoot, he’s better off staying home,” the man explained. “Besides, the doc said that being home with his lovely wife would recover him faster than seeing our ugly mugs.”
You had to crack a smile at that.
“Ma’am, if I may be so bold,” the man replied, “Your husband is one of the bravest men I’ve ever known. I wish him a speedy recovery.”
“Thank you,” you murmured, seeing the other man out the door. 
After he left, you returned to the side of the bed with some fresh water and cloths. Gently, you dabbed at your husband’s face, cleaning off the dirt and ash that had settled there.
“I must look like a mess,” he murmured, eyes still closed.
“No worse than when I married you,” you teased.
“You wound me more than any bullet could,” he smirked, opening his eyes to look at you. They softened as he saw the worry lines etched on your face. Gently, he reached up with his good arm to swipe away a tear you hadn’t noticed.
You covered his hand with your own, leaning into his touch. “When you didn’t respond,” you sniffled, “I thought the worst. I thought you were killed or that you regretted this.”
“Oh, sweetheart, never,” he sighed, rubbing his thumb along your cheek. “I promised you I’d come back.”
“In one piece, Captain,” you shot back.
“Dan,” he smirked. “If you’re going to yell at me, at least use my given name.”
You couldn’t stay mad at him. It was in that moment that you realized, full and truly that you loved him. Yet, in the back of your mind, you remembered all the constraint of your wedding night and the distance he had purposely put between the two of you.
“We’ve got to clean you up,” you replied. “If your face is this dirty, I can’t imagine what the rest of you is like.”
Dan winced as you helped him sit up before gently starting to disrobe his torso. 
Avoiding eye contact, you set to work smoothing a clean cloth over his body, working in slow circles to clear the caked on dirt and grime. 
“You’re holding your breath,” you murmured, looking up at him through your lashes as you focused on his chest.
“You’re so close,” he replied.
“I’m your wife,” you said with a chuckle, “Is it so wrong that I am close?”
“No,” he swallowed, “I’m just not used to it.”
You nodded, finishing up your work. “I’ll wash your uniform. Let me just find you some replacement clothes first.”
“I can dress myself,” he quickly said.
You gave him a skeptical look. “If you need me, call for me. I should start dinner soon.”
He nodded, watching you as you left.
As the door clicked shut behind you, a feeling of disappointment washed over you. It wasn’t a flat out rejection, but it felt like one. Perhaps you were overthinking it. You shoved it aside and decided to work at the matter at hand, nursing your husband back to health.
Over the next couple of weeks, the two of you grew closer. You’d talk in the sun room over tea; you’d read together in the study; you even showed him how you had redecorated the secret library to suit your interests. Discussion flowed just as easily now as it had in your letters. Yet, every time you’d make physical progress towards intimacy, he’d pull back. 
It was infuriating. 
One day, while you were picking apples in the fields together, you confronted him. “Why do you always pull away when I get close?”
Dan stopped a few paces behind you while still holding the basket, “What do you mean?”
“Whenever I get too close to you, you pull away. It’s like we take three steps forward and two steps back,” you sighed, turning back to face him. Gently, you took the basket from him and placed it on the ground to take his hand. 
He interlocked his fingers with yours, “I don’t always.”
“Dan,” you murmured. “I....think I’m in love.”
He dropped your hand and shook his head. “You can’t mean that.”
“I can, and I do,” you pleaded.
He was pulling away yet again, but this time you wouldn’t let him. Gripping the collar of his shirt, you pulled him down to your level and kissed him. To your surprise, he started to kiss back. His arm snaked around your waist to pull you flush against him before he pinned you to a tree. His hand came up to cup the side of your face as he deepened the kiss. Your mind was racing as you registered the feeling of his soft lips against yours. How someone could kiss in such a loving, yet passionate way was new to you. Eventually, you broke the kiss for air.
“I thought you didn’t-” you started.
“I love you,” Dan said sincerely.
He gave you another quick kiss. “I know you didn’t want this, so I didn’t want to push you.”
“I didn’t at first,” you admitted, leaning your head back against the tree trunk to look up at him. “But, then I got to know you and I fell in love with you.”
“Oh?” he asked with a large grin on his face. 
“Yes,” you grinned back. “I’m proud to be Mrs. Torrance.”
Without warning, he scooped you up in his arms. 
“Danny!” you laughed as you wrapped your arms around his neck. “What are you doing?”
“If you remember correctly, I told you that I wanted to carry you into our home when you moved in here,” Dan told him. “I plan to do that.”
You rested your head on his shoulder. “I won’t protest.”
He carried you through the house and towards the bedroom. As he opened the door with his back, you heard the distant sound of bells.
“What’s that about?” you asked curiously.
Dan beamed as he looked down at you. “The war’s over. Those are the celebration bells.”
“So you’re home for good now?” you asked, trying to keep the obvious glee from your voice.
“I’m home for good,” he grinned before kissing you deeply as he lowered you to the bed.
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vanillawinston · 5 years ago
Mad World| Chapter ONE
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Joker x OC(Jane Parker)
Summary: Jane was in the wrong place at the wrong time and suddenly her life was falling apart. The past and future of a dangerous obsession which changed his life and destroyed hers completely. 
Warning for this chapter: angst, mention of torture, depressive mood
Next Part HERE
Lost. I was lost and I'll always stay lost. There was no place for people like me. They thought the right place should be here, in this cell, but it wasn't. I would always stay lost, homeless, hopeless.
Lonely I couldn't do anything but look at the grey wall of concrete in front of me, just like I did it every day for the last two years. After all this time I've started to believe the wall might has changed, that the color got darker, it didn't look that moldy anymore, but to be honest, nothing has changed. I was the only one who has changed.
I was broken. They have broken me. This life has broken me. Piece by piece it has taken everything from me until nothing had been left, it put me through this painful and horrible hell and now I was here, been treated like a threat, like I was crazy, mad, something I'm not. But how much can a life in complete isolation for two years change someone? I've never seen anything else than the guards or some professors who thought it would be funny, to explore my head. I've forgotten how fresh air smells, how the lovely song of the birds outside sounds, how green a forest can look alike and how delicious good food can taste. I've forgotten so many things and it seemed hopeless to ever escape this endless torture of nothing.
"Hey, little one." I looked up when I heard the squeal of the little window made out of steel open where the guards shoved me some food every day through, or whatever they dared to call food. Now I saw to the amused face of my personal guard, Officer cocksucker, that is what I've named him. His real name was Dan, but he was such a piece of shit that he had no right to be called anything nice or normal. He had the most fun in torturing me and always being an assaulting, woman hating bastard through the time. When I'll ever come out of here, he will be the first person I will kill by cold blood!
Coldly I looked to the man, who was in his mid-thirties, had short blonde hair and cold blue eyes. The eyes of the devil in my opinion.
"I've brought you some food," he said, and I snorted, looked back to my beloved wall. I've refused to eat anything for four days now. They won't allow me to die, but this didn't mean I would stop trying. I couldn't handle being in here for another two years or more. I knew that I would never be free, that they would never let me be free. If I was innocent or not, didn't matter to them, I was too valuable for them, knew too much, they couldn't and wouldn't just let me go. They were the real criminals of this city. They were cruel, they were merciless.
"You are really trying to ignore me, little one? I can see how hungry you are and some day you have to eat, darling." I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of spending attention to him in any way, so I kept ignoring him.
"As you wish, but I've just tried to protect you from any harm. Bring her out of here!" Scared I looked to the door when he opened it, saw how six brawny guys entered the cell and I jumped to my feet, was ready to defend myself, to fight, but I was weak, so damn weak. I just managed it to hit one of them in his face when I got a slap in my own so hard that everything started to spin around me. Tears formed in my eyes when they cuffed me and Officer cocksucker threw me over his shoulder like I was some toy, like I was nothing but some thing he could transport around like he pleased to.
"I hate you!" I hissed, moved around as much as I could, wanted to make it as hard as possible for him to carry me, knowing it would be painful to fall to the ground like this, but I didn't care. "I know you love me," he laughed amused and I fidget with my legs, screamed and shouted, just wanted to be far away from him. Of all people on earth he was the one who had the least right to touch me in any way. I just couldn't stand him touching me, preferred falling to the ground and breaking every single bone in my body over being touched by him ever again.
"Let me go!" I screamed, saw how some other prisoners looked out of their open windows in the doors to us and I was searching for one face among them, the face of Floyd. He was the only friend I had here, though we only had seen each other in here not more than three times. I met him some months ago when a guard was torturing him and me at the same time. He was kind, tried to protect me from this monster. In his eyes it was shocking how someone like me could be in a place like this. He saw me as this fragile little girl, a child.
Yeah one needed to have a lot of bad luck to end up here or maybe it was good luck, considering the beginning of my story. I had no idea if this was my personal luck, but if so, I had to be a horrible person in my earlier life, that is for sure.
"Shut up or your punishment will be a lot of worse!" the douchebag screamed, but I don't care. It didn't matter how weak I was, I would never show it to him. If he knew that I gave up, then I would truly be lost, he would be my downfall.
"JANE!" I looked up and smiled, saw to Floyd while passing by his cell. It was a good and calming feeling to see someone you actually cared about, who was important to you. It made me realize, that I wasn't alone, that he was here, even if I had to survive this on my own.
"FLOYD!" I screamed sobbing, was scared of what will happen, was scared of getting hurt again, suffered enough and just wanted to have some peace. This time I had no luck with a Floyd by my side who would try to keep me safe. I was alone in the torture room. It was me against the rest of the world and I wasn't strong enough for it anymore.
"Let go of the child you fucking assholes!" I heard him screaming, but his voice faded away when we kept moving. Will this nightmare ever find an ending? I knew most of the guys in here were horrible villains, murderer, but after all I've been through, I was sure that nobody deserved this. Even the Arkham had been a better place, and I knew about what I was talking about.
"Now he will have to suffer too and that is only on you, darling," the bastard said amused and I stopped fighting. It wouldn't change anything. This was a fight without any hope of winning. I lost it two years ago already, and now I will probably lose my sanity too if it wasn't already too late for it.
The acquaintance with the chair I was tied to was one I've made a long time ago. When I first got here all this time ago, I was tortured on it almost daily, just out of fun. Batman personally wanted that they would treat me good and nice, but of course nobody cared enough. I wasn't important enough for anyone, and even the all so perfect Batman forgot about me. In the end I was still a criminal and criminals deserve to be punished. When he had brought me here, I've seen that he didn't saw me as a threat, but he knew it wasn't safe enough to let me free, and this is how I ended up here. In the past I tried my best to behave, to be good, so they will eventually let me go or transfer me over to an ordinary prison, but after some weeks I've realized, they would never let me go, the would always find another reason for hurting me.
"You know I don't like doing this," the bastard said while kneeling in front of me, "But you don't give me another choice." It was hard staying calm, while he stroked my face softly, tried not to shiver or to throw up. He was disgusting. When he stood up and walked over to one of the shelves where all the funny toys for torture were paced on, I felt how my heart started beating faster and how cold sweat spread on my forehead. I tried not to die internally out of fear, but I knew that whatever would happen now, it will hurt. I will scream, I will cry, and I will beg him to stop, but he won't. It was always like this, and I tried to tell myself, that the pain wasn't that bad anymore after all this time, but it was a lie. It still hurt, but it was more bearable, considering I knew what will happen, how bad it will be.
"I start to believe she likes being treated like this," the cocksucker laughed dirty while he put some wires on my body. Electricity. Oh yeah, this will be painful. I ignored the other guards and how they laughed over Dan's dirty jokes, tried to distract myself by thinking about a free future where I will find all of them and kill them one after one. This never had been my way of thinking, but this place has changed me truly.
"Ready to enjoy your pain?" Another guard asked me, standing by the switch and was excited to flip it and to see me suffer.
"When I get out of here, I won't just kill you, but your whole family, and I will force you to watch," I said with a dry throat and for a second he seemed nervous, but it didn't last long, he knew I won't ever get out.
"Not so rude, darling," Dan said, was ready to give the signal, but before he could do that, the doors opened and shocked I saw to the guards, leading no one else than Amanda Waller into the room.
"You fucking bitch," I mumbled quietly, could not believe, she was here, looked at her completely confused. I hadn't seen her for two years, since I've been locked up here and now, she was back. Back then she had promised me, I would only be locked up for a couple of days. Liar.
"Free her!" Amanda ordered and I saw how unhappy Dan was, while he freed me from this chair.
"Oh the hero of our nation is here," I giggled, tried to stand up, but my bloodstream was really fucked up and I almost fell to the ground when it wasn't for another guard who held me, although he didn't really looked like a guard, something was different about him.
"Thank you," I mumbled, teared away from him, and looked hatefully to the woman in front of me.
"I see, you haven't forgotten who I am."
"You are the cunt who had promised me that I will be free after some days, but instead I am here for two fucking years and have been treated like I'm crazy!" I hissed and saw how the man who had helped me looked confused to her. "Who is this girl? What is so special about her?"
"This is Jane Parker. She might seem harmless and innocent, but you will see how useful and dangerous she can be." Saying this she eyed me, then looked to Dan, "What have you done to her? Why is this child more dead than alive?" "She won't eat," Dan answered simply.
"And then you want to torture her?" the man asked in shock, saw to all the other guards here like they were crazy. Finally, someone who understood me.
"Methods of chastise," Dan said, and I laughed. "Yeah, they are very effective."
"You said she was a child. Why on earth is a child locked up here?" he asked upset, "And how can a child be useful for this mission?" "Mission?" I asked interested, but of course they ignored me.
"She isn't a child anymore. She is 19 but was 17 when we locked her up, and she is useful, because she was the favorite toy of the Joker," she explained and I flinched, felt like something inside of me ripped a little bit when she mentioned his name.
"The Joker... but Harley..."
"Harley Quinn is nothing compared to her, even though you should probably not mention it in front of Quinn, she thinks just like the Joker that Jane here is dead," Waller explained and I tried my best not to lose my mind with all those emotions inside of me. All this time I've managed it not to think about him, just for this bitch to show up and ruin it.
"Ok, but what exactly can this girl do?" the man asked still confused.
"She is good in close combat, the best person in throwing knives you will ever see, and her way of thinking is kind of useful." Her way of thinking. Wow, what a compliment.
"I have no idea, what all of this is about, but I won't do shit. I prefer staying here and dying," I said and saw how the woman smiled. "You will do as I say, and we can talk about your release once again," she said and to my dislike she kind of baited me with her words. I looked to Dan who went pale form her words and I smiled happily.
"I'm in."
"Stop, stop, stop," the man said. "What is it, Flagg?" Flagg? Interesting name.
"None of the others will be released, why her? She was the Joker's girl, isn't she extremely dangerous? I've seen Harley. You can't let her go."
"She was with him, and is dangerous, but still she was never found guilty." "And still I am here," I said amused and found the confusing look of this Flagg adorable. He didn't understand half of the things here, but he didn't have to. I didn't understand them either.
"She'd been locked up to weaken the Joker, and it worked, they've gotten him and brought him to the Arkham, but he escaped, thanks to his talent in manipulating Harley Quinn," Waller said and seemed like she had more than enough from this topic, "She only remained here, because we had no idea of how useful she might become one day, just like now. So, we have Deal." She looked strict to me and I nodded. Nothing would be easy, not at all, but there was finally this small chance of getting out of here and hope can be a bitch, but I don't care, I wanted to get out of here and this was my best shot.
Aloha :) Hope you liked the first real chapter. Sorry for any grammar or editing mistakes. Tell me if you like to be tagged. GIF IS NOT MINE
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layanasstories · 4 years ago
Part 38
The whole basement lighted up. It was true what Phil told us, there were some chairs, tables and a sofa. Some advertising signs were stored in a corner. Some boxes with old tablecloths, the holiday season decorations. Nothing really weird of suspicious. Just exactly what you would expect to find in a basement of a bar. And of course it was all a bit dusty. “Wow, we really need to clean this up before I will sit down, like anywhere” Melanie snorted. “Any internet connection down here Phil?” Jake asks. “Sure, Wi-Fi everywhere, even down here. Don’t know how the previous owner did it, but the signal is strong” Phil turns around and walks back up again “Have fun down there and no dirty things okay". With a slam the door closes.
We pull out a table and some chairs. With one of the tablecloths we wiped of the dust. The sofa wasn't that in a bad shape. I walked around to see if I could find anything that might been useful. "Hey guys, I guess I just found the steel door." I pointed at a ramp, and above it was the door. "Oh that explains the door" Jake says "If delivery comes, ring the bell. And on the camera you can see who is at the door.". There was nothing exiting to find, only some chair cushions. I took a chair and sat down "I have plan, and I am almost certain where Hannah is." I look at both "We suspect Ulric took Hannah, I know we only have a few traces, but they are good". "Hannah is the girl in danger right?" Melanie asks "And who is Ulric? Fill me in, see me as your new pair of eyes". Jake and I looked at each other both thinking the same 'are we really going to trust her?' but we both also know we can use extra help. "I know, Layana, I know" Jake said. Melanie looked a bit confused. "Alright" I let out a heavy sigh "Two months back, a girl got kidnapped, Hannah. Three days went by without a word. And then, Thomas who is Hannah's boyfriend, got my number send to him by Hannah her phone." A thought popped up "Why did you delete it, Jake?". "I didn't deleted it" Jake answers. "Mmh weird. Anyway. Thomas added me to a group chat with Cleo, Hannah's best friend. Lilly, Hannah's younger sister. Dan, he is a friend of Thomas. Same as Richy. And Jessy, she is a friend of Hannah as well. She also works for Richy. He owns an garage." I stopped for a moment, to let Melanie proces the information. She nodded that I could go on. "Then Mr Hacker here, added me as well. Asking me to stay and help finding Hannah. He was absolutely sure there was a reason why Hannah send them my number. And we do know why she did. Well from there on we tried to figure out all kinds of puzzels. Following the smallest leads. And one of those is about a legend from Duskwood. I will spare you the details. But lets say, the whole group has received threats to stay out of it. Jake went into hiding, from you. And from that moment everything stood still, literally. So that's why I decided to come here and find the girl". "So who is this Ulric guy?" I took out my phone, but Jake was faster. "Here look, this is Ulric, Hannah's therapist". "Sorry Melanie but its to much to just tell." I took out my journal from my backpack and gave it to her. "Here read it and you will know everything". She took the journal from me and started to read right away "Thank you" she said.
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deus-ex-knoxina · 5 years ago
au where andrew and aaron are wymack’s sons
okay tilda USED to be less of a disaster
like in canon, wymack doesn’t know he has kids. he and tilda split up only a few weeks after she got pregnant, so he was long gone by the time she even knew. it’s not like they were exclusive, either. while it’s a gut punch to learn andrew and aaron’s last name, and what happened to their mother, he figures they can’t be his.
of course, andrew and aaron don’t know either. but you know who does? riko, and by extension kevin
riko’s goal in recruiting andrew is a lot more specific now. instead of just ‘get a really good goalkeeper with a reputation’, it’s ‘get the really good goalkeeper with a reputation so he doesn’t sign with the foxes’.
of course, knowing wymack was their father would probably make the twinyards less inclined to sign with him, not more, but riko doesn’t know that. he doesn’t know them very well at all, and andrew has decided to keep it that way
(riko’s fatal mistake, again, is not recruiting aaron as well. if he had tried, then maybe andrew would have agreed-- or not. if he had tried to recruit nicky too, he probably would have stood a decent chance.)
wymack recruits andrew, aaron, and nicky, with absolutely no idea that he’s related to them, and they accept. riko gnashes his teeth.
he does so even more once they play the foxes that year. the ravens win, of course they do, but andrew aims shots at riko’s head, when he can. just a little reminder to that thick skull that andrew minyard personally dislikes him (as opposed to the general apathy he treats the rest of the population with)
when kevin runs to the foxes after the winter banquet, it’s not because wymack is his dad, because he’s not. it’s because wymack managed to snatch the minyards right out from under riko’s nose and keep them away from him, and if he can do that, then maybe he can keep kevin safe too
(he does. wymack wouldn’t be able to bear otherwise.)
and for a while, that’s how it stays. for a long time, actually. the year goes on. neil gets recruited, and the foxes’ futures start to look up. seth dies and andrew gets sent to easthaven and they look down again, and neil goes to evermore for winter break, and riko does not reveal anything. he bides his time.
(when wymack comes to get neil from the airport, neil is struck by how big wymack is. he’s not that tall-- he’s not short, but kevin and nicky and matt are all taller than him-- but he’s strong and sturdy.)
kevin, who knows the secret about wymack and the twins, has already catalogued all the similarities he can find between them. he’s had a lot of time to do so.
the reveal doesn’t happen until the final game. riko waits until he’s close enough to andrew to score, then right as he’s lining up his shot, he says, ‘you know, i was surprised when you signed with daddy dearest over there.’
andrew doesn’t dignify that with a response. if riko wants to play mind games, he can do so by himself. he does do his best to aim the ball at riko’s ankle. it ricochets off the wall, though, because riko is one of the few players good enough that andrew actually has to try to control the ball around him.
riko figures maybe he didn’t get through to andrew, or maybe andrew’s just obtuse, so that’s what he starts with next time he’s within earshot. ‘oh, didn’t you know wymack’s your dad? how does he feel about that car crash of yours?’
andrew grits his teeth, but he stays the course. he doesn’t need riko yelling about family history to aaron next, because aaron might hit him and then who knows what’ll happen. they can’t afford to lose a player.
that surprises him-- because what does he care how the game ends? but it matters, because to take riko out, they need to beat him at his own game, literally.
andrew does pick up on riko saying something to kevin before the next serve, and kevin stealing worried looks at andrew for the next five minutes.
well, then.
they make it through the game. andrew hisses at the other foxes to keep riko away from aaron, and for once, they don’t ask questions.
and they win.
andrew breaks riko’s arm, and then he says, calmly like he hasn’t spent the past twenty minutes contemplating it, ‘hm, at least my dad wants me.’ because he doesn’t know if riko is telling the truth (and he plans to find out from kevin), but he does know it would be an absolutely devastating comment, and andrew is all in favor of those.
and he also knows, without a shadow of a doubt, that wymack wants him, at least on the foxes if not in wymack’s personal life. wymack signed him and has dealt with all his shit and has bought him expensive whiskey in exchange for playing like he means it. wymack wants him around, which is more than riko can say about his father.
when they get off the court, andrew lets neil lean on him, but he finds kevin and asks, ‘what did he say to you?’
kevin looks at neil, exhausted but alert, and then at aaron over by the vixens, and then at wymack, and then finally back at andrew, and andrew has his answer. ‘so it’s true.’ and kevin nods.
and andrew decides he’s going to deal with that later. right now, he’s tired, and he wants to talk to bee before doing anything, just to figure out what to do, and at the moment kevin needs to go away and andrew needs to find a place to sit down because his legs are tired and neil, for all his running at ass o’clock in the morning, is too exhausted to even ask prying questions.
so he turns and walks out of that conversation, and neil follows, and andrew feels ready to eat ice cream and play video games for a week without a single mention of exy.
he doesn’t need to tell kevin to keep aaron in the dark for now, he’s pretty sure. kevin wouldn’t do something so instigating without a kick in the ass, and with aaron staying with matt now, there are way fewer chances for it to just slip out.
he talks to bee, and he talks to neil, and their methods are incredibly different but their suggestions are, funnily enough, the same. neil would probably be mortified to hear that revelation so andrew is saving it for a rainy day.
so he follows their advice, and he tells aaron, and aaron kicks a chair over but then he just stares at andrew for a second and then goes into his room and slams the door behind him. sulking is fine. aaron sulks, and then he gets over it, or at least fit to be in public again. this is something andrew knows about him. and he waits, and eventually aaron texts him a simple ‘what are we going to do’
and that’s how they find themselves driving to wymack’s the next saturday, music blasting in the car, but isn’t it funny how andrew can still hear the silence between them?
they’re better than they used to be, which is how andrew knows that this silence is something they both need, to steel themselves for the conversation they’re about to have. he parks the car, and turns off the radio, and they sit there for at least a minute before aaron says, ‘no deals. we tell him and that’s it.’
‘that sounds like a deal,’ andrew points out, just to be a shit, and aaron rolls his eyes at him but says, ‘no new deals with wymack. we don’t need one. he’s already got our contracts and you’re off your meds.’ and andrew agrees.
they get out of the car together, and they walk up to wymack’s apartment together, and aaron knocks before andrew can get his keys out but honestly, now that he thinks about it, aaron’s probably right. wymack should know they’re here and make the decision to let them in.
he does, and he raises an eyebrow when he sees who it is, but he doesn’t comment on them knocking because maybe he can feel the heaviness in the air, and he closes the door behind them and says, ‘what?’
that’s something andrew appreciates about wymack. he’s direct. which is why andrew says, ‘so did you know you’re our father, or did tilda keep that a secret too?’
wymack’s face drains of color and aaron says, ‘andrew,’ but he leaves it at that.
they stay at wymack’s for a long time, and andrew nabs a bottle of whiskey before they go, just to make sure wymack knows that he’s still the same person. if he really cared he’d get a lock for his liquor cabinet.
when they’re in the car, before they leave, aaron says, ‘what do we say to the rest of the team?’
andrew honestly hadn’t considered that. bee and neil and aaron and wymack and kevin all know, which is already a lot of people. probably nicky will have to be told at some point, and so will abby. he’s going to tell renee at some point. does it matter if the others know?
he voices that aloud, and aaron says, ‘i don’t know, but wymack might appreciate not having to keep it a secret.’ and that’s true. so they decide, because they’re both assholes, to wait for dan’s next full team mandatory bonding night
(wymack, still up in his apartment, is upset. not because of what they told him but of what it means-- if tilda had just told him, or if they’d split up a few weeks later, then he could have taken the twins, he absolutely would have taken the twins, and he could have prevented so much of the darkness in their lives. and it hurts, too, to know that tilda herself was responsible for a lot of that darkness. but that’s not what happened. and he’s pragmatic. he’s tried to help them ever since they signed with him and he doesn’t know how much success he’s had but they are doing better now than they were. he can try to keep that going, and he will keep that going. they deserve that.)
the mandatory bonding night happens a week later, everything is going great, occasionally people are raising eyebrows at how long andrew is staying because usually he leaves as soon as possible but whatever, and then kevin gets up and says he’s going to bed and like they planned (the plan was to wait until right before the first person leaves, so they can get everyone at once and also scatter), aaron immediately goes hey, kevin, wait, one last thing
and kevin is very, very prepared for this to be something stupid and/or incomprehensible, but he waits, and aaron says, ‘i just thought you should know that since wymack’s me and andrew’s dad that means you’re not the only son of exy anymore’
there’s a two second pause while people register what he said and then everyone loses their SHIT. allison is shrieking, nicky is just running around the room from person to person yelling in their faces, neil is laughing his ass off, dan looks like she really isn’t sure whether to believe him or not, and matt’s just kinda catatonic
eventually, dan decides to believe them and let it go. she doesn’t know the details, but their relationships with each other, the team, and wymack have all improved over the last year. if she gets in their faces right now about being assholes (as much as she wants to do just that), all their progress might be ruined.
and then andrew (and aaron, once he catches on) spends an entire practice calling wymack ‘male ancestor’ and dan figures they’ll be alright
she’s proved right later on, as the twins don’t take that long to get used to the idea of someone who’s already proved he’s on their side over and over being a part of their crafted family. it’s unorthodox and andrew definitely continues to steal alcohol but wymack locks the liquor cabinet and gives him a copy of the key, which seems like a completely futile exercise but keys are important, and keys given by someone else are even more important.
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cinebration · 5 years ago
The Darkest Shine (Dan Torrance x Reader) [Part 14]
You test your Shine.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Epilogue
Tagged: @blackeasteagle​​​, @theblackmaskclub​​
Warnings: mentions of death
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Gif Source: directedbysnyder
Azzie the cat liked you—more than he liked Dan, apparently. When he wasn’t portending imminent death, he would find you on your shift and lounge nearby, trying to draw your attention in the coy way playful cats do. Occasionally you would pet him, but you generally gave the animal a wide berth. You had the sense that Azzie liked you merely because of your connection to death.
In which case, he didn’t really like you. He was merely waiting around to see why you had come back and to see when you’d return to the grave.
Those deep-blue eyes terrified you.
On this night, however, you steeled yourself to face the cat. Dan sat at the desk down the hall, picking up on your anxiety with the oversensitivity of a new lover paranoid about his paramour. He watched you crouch down in front of the cat.
“Okay,” you whispered, looking deep into the cat’s unblinking eyes, “can you tell me if someone is going to pass on tonight?”
The cat continued staring.
“Pretty please?”
The cat’s mouth yawned open, revealing his sharp teeth, and then shut, his momentarily closed eyes opening sleepily to stare back at you. The slit pupils widened as Azzie readjusted to the soft lighting of the room.
Rocking back on your heels, you sighed. You hadn’t expected the cat to talk back—could the Shine even work on animals?—but a tiny part of you had hoped. It would be the one thing you would’ve liked for your Shine to be capable of. A neat parlor trick not associated with death.
Rejoining Dan at the desk, you threw yourself into the adjacent chair and raked your hands through your hair, pulling out the hair tie to redo your ponytail. You caught Dan watching you, his gaze fixated on your neck.
“You’re staring at me like a thirsty vampire,” you quipped.
He blinked and chuckled. “Sorry.”
“It’s flattering, in a way.” Sighing, you tied your hair back and let your hands drop with a light smack against your thighs. “I thought you said one of these residents was due.”
“It isn’t exact science. Some people hang on longer, others less.”
Your attention drifted to the cat sauntering down the hall. “I need to test this soon, Dan. I need to know the guns I’ve got.”
Dan glanced aside at you, his own anxiety clear on his face. “Don’t you get a sense of how powerful you are?”
“Did you?”
He cocked his head: Fair point. It wasn’t until Dick Hallorann had told him about the Shining and had given him a reference to scale himself on that he had realized he had been very special.
“I guessed when I brought you back,” you continued. “But I think that was more of the Shine telling me what to do, not me really knowing.”
“What makes you think being here will work?”
You shrugged. “A feeling, I guess.”
He watched you as you stared down at your shoes. A crease marred your forehead, eyebrows slightly crunched together. He caught himself hoping against hope that you found the answers you were looking for—but not at the expense of yourself.
The last thought struck him sideways, glancing off him powerfully enough for him to visibly wince.
Please, he pleaded, not at the expense of her.
Azzie’s deep meow echoed down the hallway, swelling in the silence. You stiffened in your seat, jolting upright in anxious surprise. Glancing at Dan for confirmation, your heart leapt into your throat when he nodded.
You followed him down the hallway with leaden feet as Dan tracked the cat down to Mr. Donaldson’s room. You had interacted with the old man only once, but his bright eyes had left an impression on you, lovely and youthful in an ancient face.
Now they looked harrowed, bleary, bloodshot. You clenched your jaw as Dan settled down beside the man, Azzie curled up against the man’s legs, steeling yourself for what was to come.
You may have known death, but not like this.
Mr. Donaldson spoke to Dan. You didn’t hear a single word, a high-pitched ringing droning them out. You could feel it coming: the death of this man. It tasted bitter on your tongue, a smell too familiar to put a name on it assaulting your nose. You breathed shallowly through your mouth but found no relief.
It happened quickly for Dan. You were granted no such gift. Like duct tape being pulled slowly from your arm, taking with it every single hair, you felt the man’s passing with agony.
As the white essence floated out of the man’s mouth, you suddenly stumbled, as though a carpet beneath your feet had been yanked. There wasn’t any carpet on the linoleum floor.
Only it was linoleum anymore.
It was nothing but darkness yawning beneath you.
Vertigo washing over you, you swayed on unsure legs, forced yourself to look up. You expected darkness to surround you, to be trapped once again in that pinewood box.
Instead, you found yourself staring at a shimmering gray curtain extending for an eternity in both directions. It rippled as you stared at it, as though an invisible breeze toyed with it. On weak feet, you slowly approached the curtain.
Veil, something in your mind supplied.
Reaching out, you brushed your hand against it. It felt…intangible, like something just out of reach. Like wearing a glove and touching something, not quite feeling the object in its entirety, just the basics.
Your fingers curled around the phantom fabric, gently pulling it aside. Heart thundering in your chest, you steeled yourself for what was to come.
The veil slowly began to part, darkness showing beyond it.
No, not darkness. Something hazy, like coming to the end of a tunnel where the light was dim but slowly brightening. Not the light, like some people called it. A gray, murky light.
Your chest tightened, the hair on your arms and neck prickling.
You weren’t supposed to be here.
Do not look behind the curtain.
But you were still pulling it aside, no longer in control of your own hand.
Was that a figure beyond it, beckoning you?
Fear doused you in panic. Whatever thing it was, it wanted you. You had escaped it three times. Once, shame on you. Twice, shame on it. Thrice, it was personal.
A low scream issued from your mouth as you fought against the veil, trying to yank it back into place.
I’m not ready, I’m not ready I’m not ready I’mnotready—
Hands seized you by the shoulders, yanked you bodily off your feet. You felt it in your mind, a sudden jerk that snapped you out of darkness—
And into fluorescent lighting. You stared up at the ceiling, your eyes burning in the light. The floor pressed hard into your shoulders and tailbone.
The mist over Mr. Donaldson’s mouth dissipated. The whole ordeal had taken all of two seconds.
Dan leaned over you, mouth moving but no sound issuing forth. You blinked blearily. Sweat ran in rivulets down your face, your back, your stomach. Shaking with exertion, you could barely move, your limbs dead weight.
Dead weight.
Panic surging through you, you managed to twitch a finger, then your whole hand. Sighing weakly with relief, you focused on Dan, trying to decipher his words. Panic returned when you found you still couldn’t hear him.
A heavy weight pressed onto your chest. Gasping at the sudden pressure, you glanced down.
Azzie sat upright on your chest, staring down at you with those bottomless eyes. The pupils had dilated nearly to the edges of the irises. Predatory eyes, normally, but instead all you saw was your own reflection climbing out of the deep holes.
Dan’s voice suddenly rang out high and clear. “Say something!”
You rolled your eyes in their sockets to look at him. “Tell me you caught me falling,” you croaked.
Relief washed over him. Leveraging you up onto his lap, he wiped the sweat from your brow with his hands. “I did.”
You managed a nod and groaned as sensation slowly returned to your extremities. Azzie primly leapt off your chest and sauntered out the door, leaving you in Dan’s capable hands.
“What happened?”
“I think…” You struggled to wrap your mind around it. “I think I found…”
“Found what?”
“I think I found death’s realm.”
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