#and he misgendered me as a trans woman on his report like-
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dkettchen · 10 months ago
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#meme#homemade memes#cw dysphoria#trans#bones are stupid#cw dysphoria venting#waiting out current phase of transition changes to happen#(cause I got my dose raised again in april & am waiting for my next two surgeries & continuing tryna build muscle 😔)#hoping it'll get to a point eventually where the affirming bits are overpowering enough to ppl's perception#that I can dress the bits I can't change (like hips) in things that suit them#and do the whole embracing looking trans thing without worrying abt the misgendering#but alas I won't believe in my body's ability to do that until I see it#seeing as I still get lady-ed & unquestioningly she/her-ed 5 years into HRT + post two highly visible surgeries#+ fully dressed in men's clothes + sporting the shortest hair I've ever had -.-#cis ppl learn what transmascs look like & what that means for words you use on them challenge 2024- difficulty level: impossible apparently#I've had several ppl in the last few months that I literally TOLD I am trans/'it's he/him'/was clocked as trans by#who then STILL proceeded to misgender me anyway???#like what more can I do than literally straight up tell you????#I told a clinician who was looking at my knee the other month that I was trans (cause they always ask abt all meds n diagnoses)#and he misgendered me as a trans woman on his report like-#sir I am 5'4" and have a flat chest baby face and facial hair#and I was telling you abt how I've been on HRT for years and have had several Transgender Surgeries#you're a bone doctor you know how bones work and what their limitations are and you have functionning eyes#you should be able to put 2 and 2 together abt how this works even if you've never met a trans person holy fuck#(I wrote a complaint and they amended the report and sent me an apology meanwhile but still like- buddy wtf)
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pinchinschlimbah · 3 months ago
There's some bullshit afoot and I don't really feel like engaging but what I'll say is this: -acknowledging that someone who has had a drastic change in appearance over the past decade to appear more feminine, is in fact more feminine now, is not an act of violence or misgendering -calling someone they/them who seems to be intentionally presenting in an ambiguous way (both visually and in ways such as coming up with a feminine nickname for themself that they've repeatedly used to speak about themself in third person in place of using a first person gendered pronoun) because you're unsure of their current identity even though they might still be cis, is not misgendering on the same level that intentionally calling a trans person the wrong pronouns is -I can only speak for myself on this one but I come from the world of drag and queer nightlife where she/her is basically a gender neutral pronoun so me calling someone she/her doesn't necessarily mean I believe they're a woman, it's more a term of endearment than anything else
-Assuming cis/het identity as the default and refusing to acknowledge any potential for otherwise is just as invalidating as insisting someone is queer or trans when they're not -holding space for the potentiality of queer identity in someone who seems to be possibly having non cis/het feelings or expression but has not officially vocalized a coming out is not the same as deciding someone's identity for them -"If this person was queer/trans they would tell us" With how repressive and conservative Japanese culture is when it comes to this stuff??? There's a reason you can count the amount of officially "out" queer people in vkei in one hand and I can assure you it's NOT because there's actually that few queer people in vkei -"Yeah but Kyo said he's not gay in an interview several years ago so we should believe him and respect that" First of all see above point. Second, his visual presentation has changed SO much since then- specifically in the direction of queer/drag/femme aesthetics! And third, there are multiple reports of him saying on mic at a Sukekiyo show this past summer "I want to be loved by both men and women" and he has also made multiple posts about not caring about gender, so again, ignoring real sources that don't back up your belief that a person is definitely cishet is just as bad as insisting someone is queer or trans when they've said they're not -Are we reeeeally gonna pretend this person has not had ANY shift in gender expression and that there's NO chance these changes might possibly mean anything? Or are, as several people have suggested, just some sort of "joke" to amuse the fanbase? Come on nowww
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Anyway that's all, have a nice day <3
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religion-is-a-mental-illness · 10 months ago
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By: Stephen Knight
Published: May 29, 2024
Comedy is becoming increasingly humourless and ideologically captured. So it should come as no surprise that the small number of comedians willing to make jokes about the ridiculous nature of trans ideology have become targets of fierce criticism. However, there is something especially pathetic about efforts to police what is acceptable in comedy when it is other comedians doing the policing. It’s like an ambulance being involved in a hit-and-run. It’s just worse.
Two particularly bad offenders are comedians Joe Lycett and Nish Kumar. Both have recently gone after Ricky Gervais, whose stand-up material pokes fun at trans activists. This week, Kumar took aim at Gervais on his podcast, Pod Save the UK, claiming that Gervais wants to ‘target and attack a vulnerable and marginalised community’. Similarly in February, Lycett appeared on The News Agents podcast, where he slammed Gervais for ‘doing material which is attacking trans people’ and ‘minorities’.
These attacks by Lycett and Kumar reveal that they either haven’t watched the material they say is so egregious – or worse, they didn’t understand it.
The routine that Lycett and Kumar are likely gesturing to is a bit from Gervais’s 2022 Netflix special, SuperNature. Far from attacking transgender people, the joke in question takes aim at the deranged disciples of trans ideology and gender self-identification.
The premise of the routine is that a trans activist becomes increasingly irate the more his belief that women can have penises is questioned. When a woman raises concerns about sharing the female toilets with a transwoman, asking ‘What if he rapes me?’, the trans activist becomes furious. ‘What if she rapes you, you fucking TERF whore!’, he screams.
The joke here is obviously that these gender zealots care more about a bloke with a penis being ‘misgendered’ than about the safety of a woman having to share loos with the penis-owning stranger. What Lycett and Kumar fail to understand from inside their ultra-progressive echo chambers is that this scenario isn’t just an invention of one comedian’s imagination. Any woman that has dared to defend their sex-based rights from the encroachment of gender ideology will be able to tell you about the rape and death threats and the risk of cancellation they face. Whenever they try to gather anywhere to protest for their rights, they are met with violent intimidation. In some cases, they have been visited by police.
Just this week, it was reported that the NHS is facing legal action after 26 female nurses complained about being forced to share the women’s changing room with a trans-identified male. One of the nurses in question, who was the victim of sexual abuse as a child, spoke of how ‘petrified’ she was to have this male in her space. Not least as the man repeatedly asked her when she planned on getting changed. The HR manager responded to these concerns by telling the female nurses they must ‘be more inclusive’, ‘broaden their mindset’ and ‘be educated and attend training’.
Worse still, in real life, the female victims of assault by trans-identifying men really have been compelled to recognise the ‘gender identity’ of their attackers. In 2018, a woman was required by a court of law to pretend her male attacker is actually a woman. In 2022, mainstream news outlets, including the BBC, edited the direct testimony of a rape survivor to avoid the unforgivable sin of ‘misgendering’ her rapist.
Just look at the ordeal Roz Adams has faced. Earlier this month, an employment tribunal concluded that she was unlawfully discriminated against and unfairly dismissed from her job at the Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre. Why? Because she believed that the victims of rape – who often understandably find being in close proximity with men traumatic – had the right to know and choose the sex of the staff member providing them with care. The tribunal concluded that management’s treatment of Adams amounted to a ‘heresy hunt’.
Such ‘heresy hunts’ are the backdrop for Gervais’s jokes about trans ideology. And it is the suffocating new reality regular people now find themselves having to navigate on a daily basis. The average person no longer has to contend with the authoritarianism of the church. They are more likely to fall foul of the blasphemy codes and dogmas invented by the new gender puritans in our midst.
Lycett and Kumar want us to believe Gervais has devolved into a chauvinistic, reactionary shock jock. In reality, he has always gone after quasi-religious ideologies that are hostile to science and the right to free expression. The new church of gender ideology is no different. It compels people to believe that men can become women simply by saying so and demands that all who disagree are financially, reputationally and sometimes even legally punished. Surely this gives any conservative, science-denying, crackpot church a run for its money.
Taking aim at trans ideology isn’t a regression for Gervais. It’s a display of consistency. It is just that he is joking about a worldview that the Lycetts and Kumars of this world simply aren’t equipped to think about critically. They imagine themselves as moral guardians of what is permissible in modern comedy. Unfortunately for them, the speed with which Gervais continues to sell out tours and break streaming records tells us that audiences still have the final say of what goes and which jokes land. And it seems that they have had their fill of censorious, virtue-signalling ‘progressives’ who are too toothless to leave the safety net of their right-on establishment views.
Thank God for comedians like Ricky Gervais, who refuse to play it safe. Most of us want a laugh, not a lecture.
At bottom, this is a complaint about religious blasphemy by a heretic.
There's no human right to not being offended. And demanding that you (or one group) alone get to be immune from comedy is demanding special privileges. Equality means you get to be treated as fair game like everyone else.
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imaginebetterfutures · 8 months ago
"After the sporting time, comes the legal time."
On Sunday it was reported that boxer Imane Khelif had hired a legal team, and that they were filing a complaint on her behalf. The letter begins with the line "Apres le temps sportif, vient le temps judiciaire." Which translates to "After the sporting time, comes the legal time."
The complaint was filed with the "the anti-online hatred center of the Paris public prosecutor's office" and argues that the case "will determine who initiated this misogynistic, racist and sexist campaign but will also have to focus on those who fueled this digital lynching."
Some reporting I've seen says that Lin Yu-Ting of Taiwan may join her on the case. I haven't been able to independently verify that.
I'm not a lawyer and I certainly am not familiar with defamation laws in France, so I don't have much to say about how likely it is that this case will go anywhere. (I know from personal experience that getting any kind of legal remedy for online harassment and threats can be very hard.)
But there is some historical precedent around cases like this! Here are two examples that came to mind for me immediately:
On episode two of my podcast Tested, we talked you about a newspaper article about Helen Stephens that accusing her of being “too fast” to be a woman. What we didn’t tell you, is that she actually sued Look Magazine over a related story, which used her picture and the headline “Is This A Man Or A Woman?” And she won! The court awarded her $4500, according to the papers, which is the equivalent of $98,179 today.
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Here is the spread from Look Magazine that Stephens sued over, and won. Stephens is the one on the right, under the caption “Is This a Man Or a Woman?”
In Caster Semenya's memoir, she tells the following story about a strip club in Johannesburg using her image: “The owner of Teazers had come up with some clever advertising for his club. A giant billboard on a main highway in Johannesburg that featured a naked, blonde, White woman with the words “No Gender Testing Necessary” written across the bottom half of her body.” Caster’s team sued, and won R20,000 (about $1,000). Here's an image of that billboard if you want to see it.
Obviously these are not legal precedent that could be used in this case, but it's a reminder that this kind of case isn't new.
Two other thoughts on this:
This actually will not be the first case filed at this office coming out of this Olympic games. The very same office has opened a case to investigate harassment and death threats aimed at Thomas Jolly, the artistic director of the opening ceremony. Jolly alleges that he has been facing death threats and harassment, largely stemming from his use of drag queens in a segment that some assumed was based on the Last Supper (Jolly says that the painting was not his inspiration).
I'll be very interested to see the line of argumentation that the lawyers use here. The harassment that Khelif and Lin endured was awful, and/but there's a tricky line to walk here I think. Will they argue that simply being called trans is bullying? I understand that for Khelif and Lin it amounts to misgendering them, which is a form of bullying. And it also strikes me that if not handled with care, that could be a precedent we might not want to set. It reminds me a bit of the cases in which people have won defamation claims for situations in which it was suggested that they were HIV positive. Because that suggestion is still so negative that it rises above the level of the usual bar for defamation in the United States.
If you want more about the history of sex testing, listen to Tested!
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pleasantspark · 2 months ago
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How Frieza Implemented Gender Affirming Care on The Force Zarbon x Saiyan! OC (Orion/Daikon) Genre: Romance Tropes: N/A Warnings: Transphobia, Intentional Misgendering, Deadname Used AUs Utilized: Overhaul AU A/N: I am so mentally drained because I cannot write for shit, I am so overstimulated and cannot write for jackshit but YAY! Green Fic again! Anyways enjoy this self indulgent fic, I tried pushing out something because I tried, I suck at writing. I wanted to do this idea because XV2 Mentioned he had Child Rearing and Maternity/Paternity Leave and I was like "Hm, what about the Gender Affirming Care?" also because I am trans male too.
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Aboard the flagship of Frieza’s spaceship. Zarbon was tasked with the annoying and albeit grating task of doing headcounts, on days like these he hated to do them because it takes forever and most of the soldiers seemed to be smartasses all around, but without any delay he had everyone line up in a straight line. 
“Okay, when I call your name, say present.” Zarbon said.
As Zarbon called out attendance he landed on one name, it seemed to be a name, “Uh, Daiko?” 
There was silence, and Zarbon frowned, “Daiko, are you here?”
“Um, I am-” Said a voice.
“Look, I don’t care if you’re here, just stay here.”
“I don’t go by that name anymore!” Said the voice, Zarbon snapped his eyes up and met the defiant voice. He was met with what looked to be a woman, wild hair, sayian. His eyes narrowed.
“What business does a woman like you have talking disrespectfully to your superiors?” Zarbon asked.
“Um, General Zarbon.” Appule began, “That’s a he.” 
Zarbon turns his face to the many expendables and raises an eyebrow. “A he? It says here, on her folder and file report that she is a female sayian by the name of Daikon.” 
Appule shook his head, “General Zarbon, it doesn’t matter, he identifies as male, and he is currently named Orion.” 
Zarbon sighs, and places his fingers on his temple. “Look, if she isn’t here, then I’ll mark her as absent.” 
It wasn’t heard of for a soldier above Frieza’s Spaceship to switch genders, there wasn’t that much of a thing to where trans people were working for Frieza, either because they kept to themselves or Frieza wasn’t progressive, despite the fact he had such a wide range of diverse creatures before him. 
While he was doing standard protocol, he couldn’t help but feel disgusted with himself, he called someone a she, someone who went by the pronouns he/him. But instead of understanding he went straight to misgendering and using the wrong pronouns… But he had to, it’s on her file, wasn’t it? No, it’s still not right, with a sigh he marked Orion- not Daikon as present.
“Come with me.” He said to Orion who nervously shifts to follow him, and everyone looked at him pity in their stares. 
The walk through the corridors was silent and Orion didn’t know what Zarbon wanted from him, all he could have known was Zarbon was planning to kill him, he shook nervously before they stopped at a door. 
“Relax, you're not in trouble,” Zarbon said, wiping a hair strand from his head, “We’re discussing changing your name and gender on your file with Lord Frieza, I’ll be doing the talking and you can watch.”
With those words being said, Zarbon stepped in the room and cleared his throat. “Lord Frieza.”
The male looked up and smirked, “Well if it isn’t, Zarbon. What is it that you need?”
“I was here to request on behalf of a soldier to change his name and gender.” 
“So you want him to be known as a she?” Frieza asked.
“Opposite, I want her to be known as a he.” Zarbon said, Frieza snorts.
“What the fuck are you talking about? Is this a joke? She-”
“He.” Zarbon sharply said, in a tone Frieza was not familiar with before and his eyebrow (if he had one) arched.
“Zarbon, you don’t use that tone around me, you know that.” He snapped, but Zarbon wasn’t backing down.
“Daikon is dead,” Zarbon began, “She died years ago, and the person who came back is named Orion, I request you to respect Orion, it doesn’t matter.”
“I won’t respect someone who can’t pick an identity they want to be.” 
“You should, he’s trans male, he’s still the same soldier but with a different identity, we have child rearing and maternity leave why isn’t there Gender Affirming Care?”
“Because, we never had a single transgender person abord this spaceship! How am I supposed to supply or understand the concept of trans people?” Frieza asked, slightly annoyed.
“Then why didn’t you say so? Orion can teach you!” Zarbon slightly relaxed though his posture remained stiff and uncertain, labeled with a sense of having a guard up.
“I will keep that in mind, I will be changing Orion’s name from Daikon to Orion and removing the ‘F’ as ‘M’ and having the officers refer to him as he/him for the future, and for now I will be looking into possible Gender Affirming Care in the future for the Frieza Force.” Frieza said, Zarbon smiled, and nods.
“That’s all I ask.” With that, Zarbon escorts Orion out of the room and upon entering the hallway, a few soldiers snicker and points at Orion.
“Hey Daikon! How’s things going?” One of them asked, “I hope your female body won’t die out on the fields.”
“Hush,” Zarbon snaps, placing a hand on Orion’s lower back, “It’s Orion now and he’s a he, not a she, get that correct.”
Zarbon walked away with Orion before the two transphobic soldiers can call Orion any form of slurs. Surprising Orion in the process.
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lick-me-lennon22 · 4 years ago
Trans Man!Reader X Beatles headcanons/How they'd support a trans (FTM) partner + help them through dysphoria 💙💙💙
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(lengthy title, I know ^^' this amazing request is from @anonymous-blanket ! they originally asked for how the Beatles would help a trans [FTM] reader through dysphoria, but I sort of expanded it to add general headcanons- I hope you don't mind :) 💞)
- I myself am a cis woman and this is solely based on the experiences my trans guy friends have been so kind as to share with me, as well as some of my own research on gender dysphoria and grounding techniques
- this is NOT entirely accurate to the 60s or 70s
- I have written these with the assumption that the reader has already come out and has transitioned or is currently transitioning; with that being said, none of the lads would ever out you or disclose your identity before you are ready to do so yourself/without your permission!
- all of the boys would respect your identity and address you by your name and preferred pronouns !!!
- please feel free to (kindly) correct me if any of this post is offensive or incorrect! I have written these headcanons with nothing but love and respect for the trans community ♡
when you come out to Paul (if you were together before you began your transition), he's so proud of you for being your authentic self and so glad you're willing to share something like that with him
he immediately offers to take you out shopping and buy you a more masculine/comfortable wardrobe, as well as items such as boxers and binders if you want them
whenever you're up for it, Paul does your eyebrows and some masc contouring (if you ever want him to)- he's quite good with makeup, as he often does his own!
along with (of course) using your correct name and preferred pronouns, he showers you with gender-affirming nicknames and compliments ("my handsome man," "my prince," "dashing," "Adonis," etc.)
if you ever feel dysphoric about sitting down to pee, Paul reminds you that he also pees sitting down (hc)- "It's just more comfortable that way, no shame in it," he shrugs
he makes it a point to remind you how strong and handsome you are often
if you're having a particularly bad day and your dysphoria feels suffocating:
Paul respects your boundaries if you want to be left alone or don't want to be touched
he stays close to you and holds your hand if/as soon as you're okay with it
he tries to take your mind off of your discomfort and ground you by serenading you with your favorite songs
he listens attentively if you just want to vent, and gives you plenty of reassurance and words of comfort/validation if you need them
Paul reminds you that however you want to present is valid and that you are still, of course, a man- regardless of idiots who may tell you otherwise
"How can you not look like a man...? You are a man, love" ♡
when you come out to John (if you were together before you began your transition), he talks you through everything you're feeling and listens intently when you share your experience with him
he suggests going to therapy if you feel like it'd be beneficial (he attends therapy sessions as well- hc)
he immediately assures you that he'll beat the living daylights out of anyone who dares to deadname or misgender you
John (without an ounce of subtlety) corrects anybody who uses the wrong pronouns to refer to you
he makes sure you know and always remember that your identity is valid
if you're comfortable with it, John places pride pins on his leather and denim jackets- regardless of the comments people make
he will absolutely go off on bigoted and closed-minded interviewers/reporters who question your identity or your relationship
John accompanies you into the men's restroom if you're nervous (and if you want him to) and will tell off/uppercut anyone who even looks at you the wrong way
if you're having a particularly bad day and your dysphoria feels suffocating:
John reminds you that your body doesn't dictate your gender and that your identity is 100% valid
he offers his clothes for you to wear if that would make you more comfortable
he helps ground you and distract you from your discomfort by putting on a silly movie for you to watch (together, if you'd like)
John carries his/your cat into your bedroom and places them in your lap for cuddles and purrs
he reminds you of what a hot, sexy stud you are ;)
"A... woman?? That's the dumbest thing I've ever 'eard. You can't 'look like a woman,' you ain't one- you're a man, love"
John tells you he can't wait until the day you become his husband ♡
when you come out to George (if you were in a relationship before you began your transition), he sits patiently and listens as you share your feelings and experience with him
on his next trip out to the store, he buys doubles of all the masculine-scented hygiene products he usually purchases (body wash, deodorant, shampoo, etc.), as well as some extra boxers in your size in case you'd want them
when he arrives back home, he wordlessly places the items in your shared bathroom/dresser so you have access to all of them, but won't have to ask if you aren't comfortable enough to yet
he's very mindful about using your correct name and pronouns from the moment you come out to him
George supports you if you're on T and gives you daily reminders, or advocates for you if you aren't and want to be
he supports you equally if you don't want to start T at all!
he reminds you that your presentation doesn't invalidate your identity
he refers to you as "my boyfriend" or "my man," and tells you that you look sexy, dashing, and handsome ;)
if you're having a particularly bad day and your dysphoria feels suffocating:
George respects whatever you want to do and makes sure you're as comfy as possible if you just want to stay holed up in your bedroom for a while
he fetches you some comfy, baggy clothes in case you feel like disappearing into them for a bit, and offers you some of his clothes if you'd prefer them
he'll bring your pet into your room for some extra love and cuddle time
George will be considerate of your boundaries if you don't want to be touched, but stay by your side if you'll allow him
he's taught you how to meditate and will practice meditation with you as a grounding/relaxation strategy
"Remember, darling- your body doesn't dictate your gender. You are a man no matter what" ♡
when you come out to Ringo (if you were in a relationship before you began your transition), he is elated and relieved that you feel comfortable enough to share something like that with him
the next time you leave the house without Ringo, by the time you've arrived back home, he's set your entire dining room up like a gender reveal party: complete with an It's a Boy! banner and everything blue he could find (it's overkill, but he means well)
on the table is a care package he's bought and assembled for you
in it, he's included plenty of masc-scented soap/deoderant/shampoo, boxers, a pricey and great-quality binder (if you've expressed that you want to bind), and a very thoughtful handwritten and decorated card
from then on and if/when you're ready, Ringo makes a point of (re)introducing you to everyone (and I mean everyone) as his boyfriend- you both love the sound of it!
he'll give you the most genuine, validating compliments out of nowhere
for example: the first time you watch your favorite show together after you've come out to him, Ringo admits that he's always thought you looked/sounded a lot like one of the main characters (who happens to be male)
if you're having a particularly bad day and your dysphoria feels suffocating:
if you're still alright with being touched, Ringo smothers you in one of his famous bear hugs and tells you that everything is okay and you're no less valid for feeling this way about your body
he brings your favorite snack/treat into your room for you to eat and enjoy
he'll sit on the bed and engage in honest conversation with you if you feel like venting; if not he brings you all of the pillows, blankets, and/or stuffed animals in the house- as well as any clothes you'd like to change into
he showers you with gender-affirming nicknames and compliments: "my handsome man," "my prince/king," "heartthrob," "hunk," "stud"... some of them silly, but all of them sincere
Ringo is sure to remind you that no matter what your body looks like or how you're feeling about it in this moment (and no matter what bigoted asswipes may say to either of you), you are just as valid and masculine as any other man:
"Because that's what you are, my love- a man!" ♡
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coochiequeens · 2 years ago
A transwoman who tries to control women, spits on women and shouts at women are misgendering themselves.
A trans activist has reportedly been arrested and charged with assault after a vulgar confrontation at Edinburgh University in December. Robyn Woof, 35, spat on a woman who had been attempting to attend a screening of a documentary critical of gender ideology.
Woof, who was the Trans and Non-Binary Liberation Officer for the Edinburgh University Students Association, went viral in December after he was caught on film blocking a woman who was trying to enter the building to attend a screening of “Adult Human Female.” The documentary is critical of gender ideology’s impact on women, and the showing was hosted by Edinburgh Academics for Academic Freedom. 
Multiple camera-phone videos of Woof began to circulate on December 14, including one where he explains to the crowd of attendees attempting to enter the building that he was an “adult human female.”
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During the clash, Woof was caught on film spitting at a woman.
The event was ultimately cancelled due to safety concerns, and police were called to the scene. No arrests were made at the time, and Woof congratulated protesters on successfully having blocked the showing of the film in a statement on his Instagram page. 
News of Woof’s arrest was announced by Wings Over Scotland on February 8, with the digest sharing an official statement from Police Scotland which read that a “woman” had been charged in connection to the alleged assault which took place at the screening.
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In addition to his vocal trans activism, Woof is also a member of the University of Edinburgh’s rifle club. Many on social media speculated that a criminal charge will likely lose him his license to own a firearm. 
Woof has a history of staging aggressive counter protests, particularly against women.
In 2019, he became violent towards a group of elderly women who were staging a silent anti-abortion protest across from a clinic. Mancunian Matters reported the incident, describing Woof as “a six-foot aggressor.”
The seniors, who were members of the groups 40 Days For Life, were targeted by Woof as they were praying. Woof stopped his car to confront the protestors, grabbing their chairs and throwing their posters while screaming “you people fucking disgust me.”
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In wake of his new charges, Woof has launched a GoFundMe seeking donations for a new van. Titled “I’ve been targeted by transphobic extremists,” the fundraiser explains that he had complained to his university about the “transphobic film,” but the administration instead recommended that he attend the screening and debate his position. 
According to to his fundraiser, Woof explained that he arrived at the first venue and due to protesters, they were moved to a new location but five protesters arrived first and blocked the door.
“Everyone went to the new venue and when I arrived in the corridor leading to the lecture theatre there were about 5 young protestors blocking a doorway,” Woof recounts in the description. He also denies assaulting anyone, despite the fact his hurling of saliva was caught on film. Women who attended the event have said his description of the incident is flawed.
Woof has stated he will be using the donations to buy a new caravan due to “death threats” he has received due to the allegations online of assault. Woof is allegedly intending to live in the caravan.
Adult Human Female, the documentary Woof and the other trans activists had disrupted, has been highly controversial since its release last year. The film was directed by Deirdre O’Neill, and focuses on the clash between gender ideology and women’s rights. Screenings across the UK have been met with protests and aggression from trans activists. 
On the film’s official Twitter account, the filmmakers announced they have made a formal complaint to GoFundMe regarding Woof’s fundraiser.
Shay Woulahan
Shay is a writer and social media content creator for Reduxx. She is a proud lesbian activist and feminist who lives in Northern Ireland with her partner and their four-legged, fluffy friends.
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mlm-mod-taka · 4 years ago
Hey hey!! I hope you're doing well, Mods Kiyondo and Taka!! (Don't feel any rush to answer, and drink some water while you write!!! Self care is very important!!)
[Even though I may not be good at it]
Anywho, may I request some Hajime with a trans ftm partner who started a band with Ibuki after she left her old one?
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MUSICIAN S/O • hajime x trans ftm reader
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hi mod makoto! im doing pretty okay, and do not worry, i did drink water. i hope you all do so too! anyways, of course you can. i really liked this concept, so it only took me around 20-30 minutes to do. i hope this didn't effect the quality and that its still good enough!
tws/cws: ibuki threataning hajime violently, stalkers, doxxing, invasion of privacy, transphobia, misgendering & dead naming.
|| -> mod taka <3
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out of all of the wonderful men he expected to fall in love with, he was pleasantly surprised that it was you of all people. but! he isn't complaining at all. it was just very unexpected, is all.
how you two met was actually through ibuki. she claims to be both of yours' wing woman, and constantly asks questions about the relationship.
she also often threatens hajime to never hurt you or else she'll chase him with all of her guitars, then break every single one of them over his head. you're pretty sure she's joking, but only pretty sure. mioda is a very protective person over people she loves, so wish him luck if she actually does mean it.
he's not the biggest fan of music, but you quickly change that for him. it doesn't matter what genre it is, he'll listen to every single one of your songs in repeat, and ask others to stream them like he does.
if you ask him for any music ideas though, he'll freeze on the spot. he really loves your music and wants to help you out any way he can, but he doesn't have the best ideas, or taste.
if you ever do that thing that some musicians do for their lovers, which is make a song about them, then he might actually cry out of how happy and flustered he is. please don't do this to him because he can and will ugly sob.
actually really likes most of your fans/stans! hajime often interacts with the nice ones of twitter, and agrees with them on a lot of positive things they think about you.
if any fan takes it a little too far though, like going out of their way to find out things that are very personal and should be kept confidential, he'll call the manager of your guys' band to handle them.
there are also those really invasive people that purposefully deadname/misgender you, or try to find your deadname. as a result, he'll report their account, as well as block them on your personal social media so you don't have to deal with such disgusting people. you don't deserve to see that, you are a boy no matter what any one else says.
is just super duper supportive of you! protects you from genuine hate and shows you the nice criticism that people give, also interacts with your fanbase alot, which they picked up on.
the whole fandom ships you two and makes a lot of ironic memes about hajime being a simp, which he technically is. he would gladly be labeled a simp, since he loves you so much!
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gaythingliker69 · 4 years ago
TW: transphobia, mentions of hate crime
Hi, so since my post the other night I feel a sort of responsibility to tell people the situation of trans people in the UK. The short answer is it’s really bleak. The first thing I’ll mention is that in 2017 a trans woman was given residency in New Zealand from the UK as she faced “persecution” for her gender identity. The NZ authorities ruled that to send her back here would be “unduly harsh”. This must be at the forefront of everyone’s mind when trans rights come up in the UK, though it’s been forgotten over the last few years.
At that point the Labour Party was sort of ok for trans rights, with then leader Jeremy Corbyn calling for self ID. He certainly wasn’t perfect but he was better than his replacement. Corbyn was replaced by Sir Keir Starmer last year, and in his campaign for the leadership he refused to sign a pledge for trans rights, which was signed by his competitors Rebecca Long-Bailey and Lisa Nandy. The fourth contender, Emily Thornberry, refused to sign the pledge but spoke of her support for trans rights after the fact. Gemma Stone, a trans woman who said she was considering joining Labour but decided against it, described Starmer’s silence on the issue as “deafening”.
These days, Parliamentary support for trans rights comes from the backbenches - Members of Parliament who don’t hold a position as a government minister or shadow government minister. These include Zarah Sultana (the responses on that tweet are awful, but gives you an idea of what we’re up against) and Nadia Whittome of the Labour left, and Layla Moran of the Liberal Democrats, the first MP to identify as openly pansexual. Nicola Sturgeon, leader of the Scottish National Party, has called transphobia “not acceptable” in her party. However, Moran lost the LD leadership contest to Sir Ed Davey in 2020, so no party in Parliament in England and Wales has a platform for trans rights. Starmer has appeared to embolden transphobia by not cracking down on MPs like Rosie Duffield. We are very much on our own. Even on the far left, often accused of supporting trans rights as a means to undermine Western civilisation or something (I joke but I think you get my point), has major issues with it. The Communist Party of Britain has rumours and allegations of transphobia in its ranks, and the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist) infamously referred to LGBT+ politics as “anti-Marxist” and “anti working class”. Are there no working class LGBT+ people? Regardless, even the people who are labelled as liking us don’t appear to.
And Johnson’s Conservatives are a non starter. Just this year, they proposed making unenrolled deed polls (a method of quickly changing your name) invalid. This would mean there is a publicly available list of trans people and other vulnerable individuals, like those trying to escape or disassociate from abusive partners. The process would require consent from any spouse (the only other process of this nature that requires this is gender recognition for trans people) and the addresses of those who have changed their names would be public knowledge. I shouldn’t have to tell you how dangerous that is. It also appears there is little being done to stop the rise in hate crime, which were reported to have quadrupled last year. Politics is openly hostile from nearly every corner, it would seem.
In terms of healthcare there has been a similar decline. The BBC described waiting lists of over 3 years for gender clinics as “hell” (bear in mind this article was written before the pandemic hit the UK), though there were claims on Twitter that these times were up to 60 months in some places. These waiting times can lead to people taking the unfamiliar and often expensive private route. The High Court recently ruled that under 16s are unlikely to be able to give informed consent on puberty blockers, a troubling ruling that could have dangerous consequences depending on how the courts extend it in the future. The ruling that puberty blockers can only be used after you’ve gone through the bulk of puberty is a really curious one from a logical standpoint - they are not hormones, they are not irreversible. But I fear that’s what the courts or Parliament will come for next.
If you’re looking for an alternative source with different information from someone older, here’s a decent thread on how British transphobia partly emerged from the Skeptics in the Pub movement, making it unique to this hellish little rock.
This overview is really brief, and it would require me going a lot further in depth to go into how the media has fed into this, the controversies surrounding certain private doctors, or different groups and dog whistles they’ve adopted. But for now, I honestly feel quite helpless. There’s not much you can do to affect Parliament, especially not with the new laws coming in around protest in the Police, Crime, Sentencing, and Courts Bill. Petitions are useless unless they’re done through the Parliament website. If they gain 10,000 signatures they go to a petitions committee, then maybe the House of Commons itself. Only to be almost definitely voted down by Johnson’s Conservatives and their majority. Just please, spread this for all of us living here, and give any sort of suggestions for action. I fear this is going to get far worse before it gets better. We can but hope I’m wrong.
Update: 05/05/21
There have been some recent developments that I’m gonna note. I might use this as a sort of compilation document of documenting our position here.
Maya Forstater was a contracted consultant at the Centre for Global Development. Her contract wasn’t renewed in 2019 after a series of transphobic Twitter posts caused staff to complain about her. She received support from the Index for Censorship and was able to crowdfund her campaign. At the Central London Employment Tribunal, Judge James Tayler branded her views “not worthy of respect in a democratic society”. He said that her views weren’t protected under the Equality Act 2010 as they “violated the dignity” of trans people due to her insistence on misgendering. Judge Tayler did not say she couldn’t conduct so called ‘gender critical’ campaigns.
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Part of Tayler’s judgement from the above linked article, the judgement itself can be read here. Various views on the case can be found in the ‘Reaction to the tribunal judgement’ of the Wikipedia article.
Forstater appealed, and there is yet to be a judgement. However, the Equality abs Human Rights Commission has intervened to say that Forstater’s beliefs are protected under the Equality Act as they are philosophical beliefs. The irony in this should be clear. The equality watchdog making an effort to protect bigotry over people’s right not to face abuse. I’ll update this when the decision is handed down, which will be later in the year.
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pleasantspark · 2 months ago
As Zarbon called out attendance he landed on one name, it seemed to be a name, “Uh, Daiko?”  There was silence, and Zarbon frowned, “Daiko, are you here?” “Um, I am-” Said a voice. “Look, I don’t care if you’re here, just stay here.” “I don’t go by that name anymore!” Said the voice, Zarbon snapped his eyes up and met the defiant voice. He was met with what looked to be a woman, wild hair, sayian. His eyes narrowed. “What business does a woman like you have talking disrespectfully to your superiors?” Zarbon asked. “Um, General Zarbon.” Appule began, “That’s a he.”  Zarbon turns his face to the many expendables and raises an eyebrow. “A he? It says here, on her folder and file report that she is a female sayian by the name of Daikon.”  Appule shook his head, “General Zarbon, it doesn’t matter, he identifies as male, and he is currently named Orion.”  Zarbon sighs, and places his fingers on his temple. “Look, if she isn’t here, then I’ll mark her as absent.”  It wasn’t heard of for a soldier above Frieza’s Spaceship to switch genders, there wasn’t that much of a thing to where trans people were working for Frieza, either because they kept to themselves or Frieza wasn’t progressive, despite the fact he had such a wide range of diverse creatures before him.  While he was doing standard protocol, he couldn’t help but feel disgusted with himself, he called someone a she, someone who went by the pronouns he/him. But instead of understanding he went straight to misgendering and using the wrong pronouns… But he had to, it’s on her file, wasn’t it? No, it’s still not right, with a sigh he marked Orion- not Daikon as present. “Come with me.” He said to Orion who nervously shifts to follow him, and everyone looked at him pity in their stares.
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kindness-ricochets · 5 years ago
SoC Hospital AU
First & most important, thank you to a friend for sensitivity reading this (not putting a name because I don’t have permission to do that, but you know who you are <3). Even so: I am a cis writer including a trans character, so if there’s anything wrong or inappropriate in the fic, please tell me. It is never my intent to cause anyone offense.
TW: misgendering (some out of ignorance, some less so), allusions to suicide attempts
This place was too cold. Jesper lay on his back, staring up at the ceiling, with the covers pulled up to his shoulders. The crocheted blanket didn’t really keep him warm. As he tried not to die of boredom, he slid his fingers into the gaps and out, wriggled them all the way through and—
He looked at the blanket. How had his knuckles made it through the weave only to get stuck?! Jesper tugged at it, but ultimately needed his other hand. His stitches hurt when he sat up.
It wasn’t like he had nothing to do, either. His homework was right there. A guy couldn’t even have appendicitis these days without a little APUSH reading to go along with it.
He poked at the stitches and resolved not to do it again.
The hospital was a boring place. Presumably the surgery itself had been a little more exciting. Jesper barely remembered it. How was that for a bit of luck?! One of the most exciting things to happen in a guy’s life and he was all delirious! So now he sat on a semi-comfortable bed in a too-cold room. He had a window, at least, not that he could see much through it. A curtain was drawn across the room long-ways, like he might get jealous of that empty bed and… and race them or something. Yeah, like rig up an oxygen tank and have a two-bed hospital race, that would be cool!
He wasn’t going to, but it was fun to imagine.
Jesper knew he should do some reading. Exams and all that. But he knew it was pointless, to. His mind would wander after a few minutes. And if he was being honest, he didn't actually want to study. Didn't he deserve a break? A proper sick day?
So he leaned back and decided if he was stuck on his own, he might as well entertain himself. He sang to himself. He started with “Walk the Line”—picked up courtesy of his father, who hadn’t even been born when it was first released, but played Johnny Cash all Jesper’s childhood.
It was a good song, anyway.
Jesper waited a moment after the end of it, pausing for an imaginary audience.
“Thank you so much, it’s an honor to be here tonight. Now, for my next hit, this is ‘Party in the CIA’ by Weird Al Yankovic…”
And obviously he had to do a few moves, it was a song that just begged for finger-guns, imaginary sunglasses, and pretend tie-straightening. He limited the moves after an objection from his stitches, but that in no way limited his good time. Except, Jesper had only got to a line that always got him—“We got snazzy suits and ties/and a better dental plan than the FBI’s!”—when he heard… laughter.
Jesper stopped the song.
“What the—I thought I was alone!”
There was no answer.
“Well, now I know I’m not, so you might as well speak up.” And ideally his roommate could confirm his age. Jesper was seventeen, so they had stuck him in the pediatric ward. He hoped he wasn’t bunking with a kid—that would be… weird. Plus he’d have to work on not cussing.
“H-hey,” said the other guy. He sounded a little younger, but Jesper couldn't be sure.
“Hey! So you like Weird Al?”
“Weird Al Yankovic. Never mind, never mind. How old are you?”
“Cool, I’m seventeen. So what’re you in for? I had my appendix out.” And his roommate was close to his age, so he had someone to hang out with! Jesper glanced at his APUSH book, then back to his fingers tugging at the blanket.
“Did it hurt?”
Jesper hadn’t initially said it was appendicitis. He hadn’t known. He thought he just felt miserable, but he didn’t want his parents to worry. By the time he couldn’t pretend anymore that he was okay…
“Nah. They knocked me out, anyway. I’m just bored.”
“Me, too.”
“Want to play Twenty Questions?”
“Sure. You pick something first.”
“Got it. It’s a person.”
The game continued for a while. It wasn’t Jesper’s favorite game in the world, but it kept him occupied—that and toying with the blanket—even as they got into an argument over whether or not “a field” counted as a thing. It totally did, a specific field would have been a place, but this was a kind of place, which was a thing. 
“No, a place is a place, you can’t just decide a place is a thing!”
“Yeah, if it were a specific place, but it’s not a place. It’s a category of places.”
“So a room would be a thing, but this room is a place?”
“Glad we agree.”
“That is ridiculous.”
Jesper laughed. He was about to retort that it wasn’t ridiculous, it was logical, when the door opened. 
“You look cheerful,” Aditi Hilli reported, coming to sit on the edge of his bed. “How are you feeling?”
“Good. Just cold and my stitches are itchy.”
“Itchy means healing,” she said, smoothing a hand over his hair. 
“There you go, siding with medicine again!”
He knew she only had a minute. She wasn’t treating him, that would be a severe conflict of interest, but she had found time in her shift to stop in. So Jesper didn’t waste time groaning. He didn’t even put up a fuss when she hugged him.
“Are you dizzy or in any pain?”
“No.” It was a medical question, but he understood that it was a mom question, too. It was a how are you question with more detail.
“Have you—”
“Ma, I love you, but I am not talking to you about pooping.”
“Honestly, Jesper, I changed your diapers.”
“After an appendectomy—”
Jesper grabbed the pillow and wrapped it around his head like massive earmuffs as he informed her, loudly, “Not listening! Not listening!”
She shook her head at him and checked his chart. Okay, fine, she knew she could get that information. He still didn’t want to have the actual conversation. Seriously, was nothing sacred?
She set down the chart. He set down the pillow.
“I’m glad you’re okay, little rabbit.”
Jesper slumped just slightly. It was easy to shrug off being sick, but he knew his parents had genuinely been scared. He should have told them earlier, but that was easy to say in hindsight. But he was already enough of a disaster. Telling them meant giving them one more thing to worry about, and he had expected to hurt for a while and recover on his own.
“I love you, too. I’m fine, I promise, just… bored. Do you have my tangle? Or my zippers?”
“No, but your father’s coming to see you after work. He wanted to stay but I knew you wouldn’t like him hovering.”
“Thanks for taking care of us.”
���I’ll ask him to look for your things. Do you know where they are?”
“Um… y’know… I think I have a couple bracelets in the bathroom, and my tangle might be in the back pocket of my jeans. I’m sick,” he reminded her, playing up his ‘sick face’ to avoid hearing about how he needed to clean his room. He knew that. He didn’t mean to leave it a mess, he just kind of… forgot. The mess was organic. 
“I’ll ask him.”
She kissed his forehead and left. There wasn’t a lot of down time in hospitals. Well… there was. But it all went to patients.
After a moment, Jesper said, “So… you heard that.”
Great. His anonymous roommate had heard his ma talking about his messy room. Among more embarrassing things.
“She seems nice,” his roommate said. “My mom’s a nurse, so I’m used to… you know, being asked about symptoms.”
“Great, I can’t wait to hear about whether or not you’ve pooped.”
“I’m not here for poop-related reasons.”
Jesper laughed.
It was much later when his roommate’s mom visited. Jesper’s da had been in and gone. Like Aditi, Colm was glad to see his son recovering. He had a more frank, less clinical way of saying how worried he had been. He brought Jesper a hat and socks for the cold, and two zipper bracelets and his infinity cube, so the nothingness of the room stopped grating on his nerves quite so badly. The feeling was difficult to describe—it was like having this emptiness building up against him so he couldn’t find a space to exist.
Jesper would always find something to fidget with, but knowing he had dedicated fidgets at hand softened an edge.
The roommates couldn’t see each other, but they could both see the door, so Jesper saw the woman with curly red hair come into the room and head over to his roommate.
“Hey, sweetpea.”
“Hi, Mom.”
That was… not his roommate’s voice. This voice was softer, higher, and a little nervous. Jesper couldn't help having his interest piqued by the shift. Sure, Jesper changed his tone with his parents, but he still sounded like Jesper. His roommate sounded like a stranger.
“How are you feeling?”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m fine.”
“Okay. I… ———… we love you.”
Well, damn, his roommate was a girl! Jesper thought back over their conversation, searching for anything he might’ve said that he maybe shouldn’t’ve.
“I love you, too, Mom.” She sounded like it hurt to say.
“If this is about what your father said the other day, he… he needs you to be patient with him.”
“He’s trying.”
Jesper was, by now, sitting very, very still. He knew this conversation wasn’t meant for him to hear, but in a small room, he couldn’t exactly not hear what was said a few feet away. So he tried to stay quiet and not make them feel self-conscious—and, if he was being completely honest, he was curious.
“Why do you excuse everything he does?”
“He’s not perfect, but he loves us. You’re still his little girl.”
“Could you just leave me alone, please?” said his roommate, in what Jesper could only describe as an amazingly rude way.
“If you had to lose me or leave him, who would you pick?”
“That’s not fair.”
Jesper’s roommate said nothing.
“I’ll come back later. I hope you feel better then.”
Jesper settled back on the pillow and closed his eyes, doing his very best impression of sleeping. The door opened and closed, and they were alone. He stayed quiet for a moment, absently turning his infinity cube over and over in his hand. He had wanted to go back to talking with his roommate… but now he didn’t know what to say. That had been a heavy conversation to just ignore.
Then he realized his roommate was crying.
“Hey,” Jesper said. “———?”
She didn’t answer. 
“You okay?”
“That’s not my name.”
“Oh.” Jesper looked at the cube, clicking idly in his hand. He had no idea what was going on. “My name’s Jesper, but I guess you knew that since my ma visited. You want to play twenty questions? I got a good one. C’mon, you’ll never guess!” he wheedled.
After a moment, his roommate sniffled, then asked, “Person, place, or thing?”
“I feel wronged.”
Jesper snorted. Yeah, that was about the most accurate summary of their current situation. He still hadn’t seen his roommate, but they called to each other across the curtains. The entire situation looked brighter in the morning light. Jesper felt better. His body was rapidly putting the surgery behind him.
Even sunshine couldn’t fix the picture in front of him, though. Last night, his da had brought him food from home. No such luck today: Jesper sat up in bed, mournfully regarding the hospital’s breakfast tray.
He lifted the toast and gave it a shake. It wriggled.
“I think they steamed the toast,” he said.
His roommate laughed. “Think they toasted it first?”
Jesper set the toast aside. “You eating yours?”
“I can’t.”
“Me too. The apple looks okay.”
“Looks are deceiving things.”
Jesper bit into his apple and shuddered. He carefully removed the piece of fruit from his mouth, trying to pretend he hadn’t felt that mealy hellflesh. 
“Cereal and milk it is!” he announced. “I got Corn Flakes. You?”
“Rice Krispies.”
“This is blatant favoritism and I won’t stand for it!”
“You just had surgery, you’re not supposed to be standing at all.”
“Wow,” Jesper said, not at all appreciating that. It was true, but… wow.
He poured the mini box of corn flakes and carton of milk into his bowl. The breakfast tray was a depressing sight. There was steamed toast and an apple that was an insult to other apples. Still, at least he had juice to look forward to and the jello had been pretty good.
Halfway through his Corn Flakes, he asked, “So what are you in for, anyway? I had my appendix out.”
“I was sleepwalking—it’s dumb. I thought I was eating Skittles.”
“What were you really eating? Steamed toast?”
“Oh, shit.”
“I was sleepwalking.”
“Yeah, totally,” Jesper said, trying to sound like he believed it. 
A while later, once the salvagable parts of breakfast had been endured, Jesper’s roommate appeared around the curtain, leaning on an IV stand. She was small, the sort of girl who looked like she would never be more than 5'. She had freckles and a curly red-gold ponytail, and if Jesper was being completely honest, she was cute.
“Want to play cards?” she asked.
“I didn’t mean—”
“No, it’s cool.”
“I have a gambling problem,” Jesper blurted out. “I can’t… it’s really… I have a problem. But if we keep it chill?”
“Sure. How about Go Fish? No one gambles over Go Fish.”
Gamblers would gamble over anything, but she sounded so sweet and optimistic, he didn’t want to ruin her bright outlook.
“Sounds good.”
She sat on the end of his bed and dealt. 
They made it a few rounds without chatting much, then she said, “I’ll tell you my name, but you can’t tell anybody.”
Jesper wanted to ask why she was trusting him, but instead said, “I won’t.”
She leaned nearer and whispered it. Jesper had suspected something like this. He appreciated having it confirmed. Now that he knew, he rearranged his thoughts about his roommate to use the correct pronouns.
“Wylan’s a cool name.”
Jesper’s roommate smiled at his cards, a smile that was determinedly interrupted with a scowl.
“Not as cool as Jesper,” he continued, “but still pretty cool. You want to play again?”
By that afternoon, they had both seen their mothers again. Wylan’s mom seemed to really love him, Jesper thought, even if she did use his deadname. The visit still left Wylan withdrawn, but Jesper talked his new friend into another round of Go Fish. It wasn’t such a fun game. It was about the company, though said company remained gloomy. He had a scowl like thunder.
“Here, I have an idea.” Jesper pulled off his beanie. “Do you want to…?”
Wylan took the hat, pulled it on, and tucked his hair up under it.
“I hate feeling it,” he said. “That’s probably stupid, but I hate it! It’s stupid. You have long hair and you don’t look like a girl!”
“You don’t look like a girl, either. And you don’t sound like a girl, I thought you were a guy until I heard your mom say your name. Which now I know isn’t your name,” Jesper added. 
The stormclouds began to disperse. 
“When I was a kid, I used to imitate cartoons.”
“Oh yeah? Can you still do it?”
Jesper didn’t have to hear the answer—which was just as well, because Wylan didn’t give him one.
“Do one for me! C’mon, just one.”
Wylan shifted, keeping his eyes on their forgotten game of Go Fish. Then he said, “Meep meep!”
“Pfft, Road Runner doesn’t count.”
“Road Runner’s a cartoon!” “You said one word and it was onomatopoeia!”
“Okay, yeah, but… okay. Okay.” Wylan took a deep breath, settled his shoulders, and stared at the sheets with a deepening blush as he said, “Duck season! Wabbit season! Duck season! Wabbit season! Wabbit season! I say it’s duck season, and I say, fire!”
Jesper laughed. “That’s really good!” he said. He wasn’t laughing at Wylan, but because the impression was so good, almost like different people when Bugs and Daffy spoke. Besides, the cartoon was a classic. Wylan must’ve known, because he smiled.
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fandom-necromancer · 5 years ago
022. ‘If you want to talk about it then say so. Don’t lie and pretend to be fine when you clearly aren’t.’
This was prompted by an awesome anon! Just to be clear, I am not trans myself and I can’t possibly know what you are going through. This is written based on research and what trans people shared online, so if anything I wrote here is wrong or offending, please tell me!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900 (Warning: trans character written by a non-trans person, body/gender disphoria, accidental misgendering (that is corrected), person misunderstanding body disphoria as mysogyny, dealing with past trauma, mentioned suicide attempt of minor character)
‘Ya goddamn lunatic, we didn’t sign up for this shit, this is dangerous!’ Gavin would have chosen some other words, but other than Hank, Connor and Nines, he was phcking coughing around a gag he had gotten for some of these carefully chosen words. They were kicked into a chamber together that was promptly closed and even a strong punch from either RK couldn’t make the frame budge. How they had gotten themselves was easy: A damn rookie mistake from Detroit’s best. They had acted on a hunch and had suffered the consequences as they ended up being kidnapped by someone who considered himself the next big brain in science. Well, maybe the idiot was, Gavin wouldn’t know, maybe this machine would work and revolutionise society. But even if what their kidnapper told them was right, they hadn’t signed up for being the damn lab rats to go through it!
It had been so close, too. The room they had been held captive in the last few days had kept them isolated, but as soon as they were outside the androids could send a distress call. Unfortunately, the police roughly took thirteen minutes to respond to high priority calls and an average of thirty-three to second priority calls. So somewhere in between they could be rescued. The small house the lunatic used for these science experiments was traversable in less than two. And there was only so much resistance you could put up before landing in a phcking chamber that would phck your complete life over.
Seven minutes in, the chamber was powered up and it felt like being burned for the few seconds it lasted. Gavin and Hank screamed as every cell of their body was changed. Connor and Nines felt it too, but it didn’t hurt for them, it was more of a dull throb as their hull-pieces changed form and biocomponents changed functions. The more terrifying it was for them to watch their humans as they had the spare processing power to realise what was happening. As Hank and Gavin fell to the floor once the chamber had powered down their android’s managed to catch them. ‘Gavin! Hey, Gavin, say something!’, Nines demanded, hearing his brother do the same. Only as Gavin opened his eyes and locked them with his looking exhausted, Nines allowed his stress levels to settle a bit.
It was nine and a half minutes in, that there was noise outside. Nines rested Gavin against the wall before reassuring his human he would be back soon. Then he stood up and walked to the small window on the door. From there he could see the scientist still triumphantly grinning, telling members of Allen’s SWAT team he was victorious and that it worked, before lifting the pistol he had threatened them with to his head and pulling the trigger. Nines stared in shock as the body sunk to the floor and SWAT surrounded the man. Nines knocked at the chamber again to draw attention and an officer quickly figured out how to open the door via the terminal the scientist had stood behind before.
‘You got to be kidding me’, Sixty cursed shocked, while the rest of the team that wasn’t busy getting the scientist to the waiting ambulance stared with open mouths. Even Allen didn’t know what to say, as four women stepped out of the chamber.
Nines studied his human closely over the desk. There were a few changes that were difficult to overlook. His shoulders were a bit narrower now, his hips slightly wider and a change in posture due to the added weight in the front. What did he himself looked like? Most likely similar to Connor, if his brother’s change was anything to go by. ‘Would you quit staring for phck’s sake!’, Gavin hissed louder than he would like. ‘Everyone else does so already, don’t need your phcking judgement too!’ ‘I’m sorry’, Nines mumbled. ‘I wasn’t judging you.’ ‘Yeah sure you wasn’t.’ ‘Are you alright?’, Nines asked concerned. He knew this would be even harder for his partner than for the rest of them, but he had hoped to keep those words unspoken until they were home in private. ‘I’m fine!’, Gavin hearusfordern. ‘I’m better than ever!’ ‘Gavin.’ ‘No, don’t you Gavin me! Mind your own business!’ ‘If you want to talk about it then say so’, Nines whispered gently. ‘Don’t lie and pretend to be fine when you clearly aren’t. I’m here for you.’ But his human wasn’t having any of it. ‘we have work to do, Toaster!’
He sighed, hoping to get to talk with his husband once they were home. The fact that Gavin went straight to the bathroom and stayed there for a while was enough for Nines to know chances would be slim. He walked over to knock on the door, when Gavin came storming out and made a beeline for the kitchen. Nines sighed and entered the now empty bathroom to figure out a few things about his own body too.
Gavin knew the android would plan to talk with him about everything, he also knew that he needed it dearly. But he didn’t want to. So, he had locked himself inside the bathroom and refused to look in the mirror. As Nines had come to check on him he darted for the kitchen. He needed something. Who knew what he needed, but he had to busy his hands. What had helped him in his youth? He tried to remember what he had done when people kept bothering him, kept staring and staring and… His hands flew to the cupboard, then to the fridge. Hot chocolate was the only thing he would be able to easily make and he knew coffee would only make it worse. But something sweet enough to keep the bile at bay and something warm and comforting? Maybe he would at least calm down enough to actually use his brain again and talk to the one goddamn person he had ever really opened up to. The damn person that was stuck in the same situation. Well, not the same, but…
The microwave plinged him from his thoughts and he took the cup that was burning hot. ‘Shit!’, he cursed and hated how his voice had changed. It sounded higher. Maybe that was only his imagination, but that was enough to send him to the edge again. He gulped down the first mouthful of the sweet drink that was way too hot and burned enough to push tears to his eyes. Of course, that was the moment the toaster decided to come out of the bathroom and look at him. Phck. Gavin stormed towards the bedroom, leaving his cup behind and slamming the door. He needed to be alone, he needed to forget everything and just phcking let it all out.
It near physically hurt Nines to see Gavin avoid him and struggle with this alone, but he let him. The man wasn’t ready yet to accept help. Also, Nines didn’t know he could provide it. He wasn’t there when Gavin had gone through it the first time, he didn’t know what he needed. He looked at the cup of hot chocolate and took it into his hands. He would give him some more time. As it was at a drinkable temperature, he made his way over to the bedroom. He gently knocked at the door before entering, deliberately avoiding looking at the man that was lying on his front. ‘Don’t even try to phcking talk to me, alright?’, he threatened quietly, tired. Nines nodded, putting the cup on his bedside table and sitting on the edge of the bed. He waited for any other reaction and got it, when Gavin sat up groaning and took the cup, scooting closer. ‘I’m sorry. I’ll go to sleep now, okay?’ Nines nodded, taking refuge in the others weight against his side. Gavin still trusted him. That was all he needed to know for now. There would come the time to talk.
The next morning unfortunately, everything had changed again. ‘Where the phck is the goddamn mirror, tin-can?!’ Nines flinched in the kitchen while making breakfast. He looked over to where Gavin was standing in the doorframe. ‘I put it away’, he admitted. ‘Hey, toaster, if this is some kind of sympathy trip, then-‘ ‘It’s not!’, Nines was quickly defending himself, hoping to diffuse the situation. ‘I didn’t want to see me like this yesterday. I should have put it back up. You can of course take it if you are fine with it. I just didn’t want it.’ ‘If I’m fine?’ The android immediately knew he had said the wrong thing. ‘Nines, you don’t believe how not-fine I am with this. I am a woman again for phcks sake! Do you know how much effort I put into passing as a man? All that for nothing. I’m a phcking woman again!’ ‘Gavin, please, I-’ ‘No, I don’t want to hear it. Don’t come at me with the trapped in the wrong body bullshit. I’m fine with my body. I’m not fine with how people stare at me. How there is the need to know what I have between my legs. How they decide my pronouns for me instead of just asking. So, don’t you even try telling me how everything is good or will be good again, because right now, it just isn’t!’ Nines took a deep breath. ‘Gavin, I wasn’t going to say any of that. It is not for me to voice these thoughts even if I had them.’ ‘Good!’, the human near shouted. ‘Good.’ He took a deep breath. ‘Let’s get the phck to work then, this shit is only temporarily until we get this machine to work again and time flies when I’m knees deep in a murder investigation. Get a phcking move on!’
‘Hey, do you know where Reed is?’ ‘Hmm? Right there, why do you ask?’ ‘Oh, the new girl?’ ‘Hey, don’t say that! Didn’t you hear? He got caught up in some crazy shit, they are all turned. Nines, Connor, Hank…’ ‘Oh shit, my bad. Did they say something about how they want to be addressed?’ ‘Dunno, man.’
‘Hey, Gavin, do you have the SWAT report somewhere?’, Nines asked maybe a tick to loud to tune out their co-worker’s conversation. He didn’t know whether his partner could hear them, but he wanted to make sure none of that reached his ears. ‘Hmm? Yeah, has to be somewhere… Here you go.’ ‘Thanks.’ That was that navigated around, Nines thought, but his mood plummeted as he saw Hank and Connor walking over, a big smile on their faces.
‘And, how are you two faring?’, Hank asked, planting himself on Gavin’s table. The man just scrunched up his face in disgust. It made the Lieutenant laugh. Gavin tensed even more what made Nines take over quickly. ‘Well, how are you? I can’t believe you are taking it too well.’ Connor shrugged. ‘Well, gender has always been a bit weird for androids, hasn’t it? I don’t really mind it once you accommodated to it. I liked my old body better but I could live with it, should it be irreversible.’ ‘Well, I can’t’, Gavin spat at the other android. ‘What? Jeez, Gav, it’s 2039…’ Hank said, elbowing the man. ‘Or aren’t you not only anti-android but a fucking misogynist too?’ ‘I’m not-‘ Gavin gasped for air at it, but Nines was standing already. ‘Hank. Say another word and I will forcefully remove you from that table.’ ‘Alright, alright, fine. Just wanted to ask how it was going along.’ ‘Tech’s still working on figuring out how to make the chamber work. The scientist survived, but I don’t think he will ever be in the condition to explain anything higher than basic multiplication.’ ‘Shit. And any progress?’ ‘Turned a few mice to slush, don’t really want to call it progress yet’, Gavin mumbled. ‘Shit. Well, keep me updated. Me an’ Connor will head out for a new case.’ ‘Have fun.’
‘Phck Hank, seriously! Right when I thought the guy grew on me he says something like that.’ ‘I’m sure he meant it as a joke’, Nines tried to console Gavin walking up and down their living room. ‘Well, then it wasn’t funny at all.’ ‘I have to agree’, Nines sighed. Gavin flopped down next to him. ‘Phck, I really hope they get the damn thing working again’, Gavin breathed. ‘And I’m sorry I yelled at you so much, this all is just… It’s too much all over again.’ ‘I understand you’, Nines muttered. ‘I… err…’ ‘What?’ ‘Can I touch you? Or does it make things worse?’ ‘I don’t know’, Gavin answered on all honesty. ‘Can I try?’ ‘Yes, please.’
Nines leaned closer and laid his arms around the man. If he was being honest it wasn’t solely to comfort Gavin but also himself. This really wasn’t what he wanted. He felt uncomfortable as well, but with his feelings he only managed to catch a glimpse of what Gavin had to go through his entire youth and now again. ‘You are what you say you are’, he whispered into his ear. ‘I love you. I don’t know how to make this any better, but we will get through this together, okay? I’m sure they will figure things out soon.’ ‘Thank you. I know. It’s just… I feel extremely anxious about it. Well, it feels like anxiety, I’m more than just anxious about it. You know what I’ve been through before, you saw all of me already. You saw the-‘ ‘I saw you’, Nines confirmed. ‘But I still see you now. You are not only your body Gavin. To me your appearance only matters because it matters to you. And we will change it back I promise. You can trust me.’ Gavin relaxed in his arms and Nines held him. It felt good to have Gavin confiding in him again. They spent most of the evening like that, cuddled together, comforting each other. Nines had made him his hot chocolate again and as it became dark outside, they had relocated to their bedroom, staying connected all the time. Holding a hand, brushing against a hip. Gavin had become sleepy in his embrace and Nines was breathing slow against his neck. Although both were tired, sleep didn’t come easy and they stayed awake far beyond their normal time, together and still alone with their thoughts.
Until at four o’clock Nines huffed out a small laugh and pressed Gavin close. ‘What happened?’, Gavin asked confused, slurring the words. ‘Gavin? I just got a message from Connor. The mice survived.’ Immediately Gavin was awake. ‘What means?’ He turned around looking at Nines full of hope. The android smiled and kissed Gavin’s forehead. ‘That means it’s time for the lab rats to try it. Come on, get dressed!’
[>next part]
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genderpunktheo · 6 years ago
Hi, Now that ADAM is closer to opening in theaters, I've read a handful of fair and thorough reporting that makes a compelling argument against your call to preemptively boycott the film. You're even quoted in one of the articles, but a lot of the points you made are debunked by people who've seen the film or seem to be an oversimplification the film itself. What's your take on it now? Will you see the film?
Okay first of all: “your call to boycott the film” that’s not what happened at all. I specifically said that I wasn’t asking people to boycott the film, simply asking people to share my post about what the book was about so that trans and lesbian teens could choose whether or not to watch it with all of the information available to them. Other people started a boycott, but certainly not me. I didn’t even sign the petition to get the film pulled.
If people want to go and see it, that’s fine. I can’t stop them and nor would I try to. But I want people to be able to make the choice to go and see it with all of the information, not to go into it expecting a trans film and be surprised by what they end up with. 
Secondly, no one has debunked any of my points. My points were made about the book and are 100% true - nor has anyone, even the director of the film, tried to deny that. 
What they have said is that the film is different from the book and that they’ve made a lot of changes in order to make the narrative less harmful. I have no way of knowing whether or not that’s true since I haven’t seen the film but I really really hope that it is. Reportedly, they’ve removed the scene where he rapes her, which is a great start. 
BUT (and it’s a big but)
The film is still ultimately about a cis man pretending to be a trans man. Personally, I don’t think this can ever be something that’s handled well (though I’d like it if they proved me wrong) because of the current climate that we are in where trans identities are already perceived as costumes. Most people don’t actually think of me as nonbinary - they think of me as a girl dressed up. And this film, whether they intend it to do this or not, will reinforce that to a lot of people. 
It’s also playing off the transphobic (and especially transmisogynistic) trope that people are trans in order to get sex with someone who is otherwise off-limits to them... since in both the book and the film (according to those articles) Adam lies about being trans in order to have sex with a lesbian. This is an incredibly dangerous stereotype about trans people that literally gets us killed so to have a film coming out that says “hey look at this male person going trans in order to get with a lesbian!” is.... not good?
And finally, he’s still pretending to be a trans MAN in order to get with a LESBIAN. Meaning that the film is still presenting the idea that trans men ultimately aren’t real men because they have vaginas. 
Because of this, I still believe that the film will be incredibly harmful. I’m glad they at least tried I guess?? But it’s not something that’s fixable. I don’t believe that any of my points have been debunked - that transphobia is still there. 
Perhaps all of these things will be debunked. Perhaps other characters will call Adam out, perhaps it will be shown onscreen to be wrong. I hope so but I have a lot of doubts about it.
The director’s main defence of the film, as he’s quoted in those articles basically boils down to “trans stories shouldn’t have to be perfect and unproblematic in order to be told, we should be allowed to tell messy stories blah blah blah.” 
And in theory, I agree with him. I agree that we should get to tell messy stories about trans people, and that trans people shouldn’t have to be perfect role models in order to be worth making art about, and that we shouldn’t demand perfection from a minority in that way. 
But here’s the thing: ‘Adam’ is not a trans story, messy or otherwise. It is a cis story about a cis boy written by a cis woman based on cis stereotypes about what trans lives are like. 
The director being trans doesn’t suddenly make this story about a cis boy a trans story. And a cis boy pretending to be trans doesn’t count as a trans character. So whether we agree or disagree that the film is harmful... it’s still not a trans film. 
There’s the idea that this film takes cis ideas about trans people and turns them on their head. They think that Adam pretending to be trans is subverting something, that having him be the only cis straight person surrounded by trans queer people will make him the other, and that they can explore that. That they can take the stereotype of “trans deception” and make it “cis deception.” 
But from where I’m sat? They haven’t subverted anything. It’s still just “trans deception” - because it’s someone pretending to be trans to get a lesbian. You can’t subvert a transphobic trope by... just doing the trope?? That’s not what subversion means. Where is the subversion?? What’s different about this??? 
And then there’s the fact that a trans cast member spoke out about how terribly they were treated on set, and how they were othered and misgendered constantly. That gives me very limited faith in this team’s ability to pull off a film in a way that’s trans-friendly - let alone to pull off this specific film with such murky origins. 
Like I said, I haven’t seen the film. Maybe it will turn out they’ve pulled all of this off amazingly and I’ll be wrong. I’m happy to be wrong - in fact, I would prefer that because it would mean good news for the trans community instead of bad news.  For right now though? No, I will not be going to see the film and my opinion has not changed much. 
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notquiteaghost · 6 years ago
there isn't enough nonbinary jon sims content, here is... well i started writing this as headcanons but this is really a not!fic about nonbinary jon sims. it’s 3′300 words
it contains: nonbinary trans masc autistic jon, jongeorgie, lesbian georgie, trans guy martin & tim, trans woman sasha, team archives trans solidarity, and not-insignificant amount of internalised transphobia and references to misgendering & general cis people bullshit
(also ftr i am heavily basing jon's experiences here as a nonbinary autistic person on my own experiences as a nonbinary autistic person) (this is like 80% projection) (what else is fandom for!)
also on AO3 if you prefer your 3k of bullet points to have better spacing
tiny baby [jon] who knows she isn't very good at being a girl but doesn't have the words to articulate why
her grandmother thinks kids clothes should be durable and practical so even tho jon is not a kid who climbs trees or plays football, her wardrobe is exclusively straight jeans & 'boys' t-shirts & large jumpers
she keeps her hair roughly shoulder length because that's the length it's always been but strangers still 'mistake' her for a boy a lot. this makes her feel a way she again hasn't got the words for
when she starts secondary school she continues to dress 'masc', never starts wearing makeup, never gets any interest in dating, generally fills out the checklist for everyone else assuming she's a lesbian
she knows she's definitely not a straight girl, so she shrugs and decides sure, she's a lesbian. it's a moot point, mostly, seeing as even if she did have any interest in dating she's the only gay person her age she knows
but she does get involved in some community support stuff – she spends a lot of time in the library as a teenager, and one of the librarians is a lesbian who takes jon under her wing a bit
coffee mornings and book clubs and things like that. sixteen year old jon and a dozen queer women all in their late twenties at the youngest. they joke a lot how often they forget jon isn't also a thirty-something
(this is that autism feel of having no interest in your peers but getting on great with adults)
and then she goes to uni, and then she meets georgie
georgie is a Very Out lesbian. she goes to clubs, she's heavily involved in the lgbt society, she has a rainbow flag hanging in her bedroom window. yknow.
jon likes her a lot, and still isn't really sure if it's romantic or not, but assumes that's more due to being gay than anything else
(no one has told jon about asexuality yet)
so when, one night when they're meant to be studying in georgie's room but instead are mostly drinking shit cheap wine and complaining about their professors, georgie looks at jon with this soft look on her face and asks to kiss her, jon says yes
and then they date
they're both living in one of those massive student houses with a thousand bedrooms crammed everywhere and only a kitchen for a communal space. georgie has lived there since coming back to finish first year, and jon moved in halfway through second year after a somewhat disastrous flatmate situation
so after they graduate, moving in together seems like the natural progression of things even tho they’ve only been dating for two months
jon is still, when asked, identifying as a lesbian and using she/her, but is also still dressing what other people now call butch. she always feels kind of weird about that term, but again, just chalks it up to the mess of complicated feelings being a gnc lesbian does genuinely involve
and then, finally, jon meets some actual trans people
jon has, circumstantially, known trans people. thanks to georgie, jon goes to a lot of lgbt soc things, and is passingly familiar with most of the lgbt people on their campus
but there’s a big difference between nodding at someone when you see them in the library and having an actual, proper conversation about gender
so, jon goes to a lot of social events because georgie does. without georgie, jon would probably not leave the house except to go to work and to the library (jon is not doing postgrad. jon’s library habits do not particularly reflect this)
mostly at these events, jon sits in the corner and reads, and only talks to other quiet antisocial people, while georgie circles back periodically to report on her social butterfly escapades
and at one, one of the other quiet antisocial people is a trans guy
he’s called harry, and he asks about the book jon is reading, and after they’ve been talking a while he says, “sorry, you probably get this a lot, but what pronouns do you use?”
jon just blinks at him and says “what”
“well, i’m trans, so i’m always really cautious about assuming,” harry says, easily, and this does not answer the question jon was asking
jon.exe has crashed
she(?) eventually says, “uh. she? i’ve never– she”
and harry, who has spent the last forty minutes discussing dante with jon and is already sure they’re going to be friends, says “want the trans 101? you’re making a face like you need it”
three hours later georgie finally reappears with the intent to actually interrupt (she’s drifted past periodically, but jon was always deep in conversation with harry, so she left them alone) and get going, and jon gets harry’s email address and is then very quiet as they walk arm-in-arm back to their house
just as they turn onto their street, jon says, “i, ah. i think i might be trans?”
georgie, who has for the past couple months been having something of a crisis after realising she definitely loves jon but she isn’t in love and she can’t figure out why, says “oh thank god”
jon, very bemused, “that wasn’t the reaction i was expecting”
“i think we should break up,” georgie replies, and jon stops walking. they’re four feet from their front door, but it’s late, no one’s about, so georgie decides sure, they can have this conversation in the street
“you– because i’m trans?”
“i love you, i really do,” georgie steps closer, takes jon’s hands in hers, “but i’m not in love with you. and it was driving me crazy trying to figure out why, but if you’re not a girl–”
“i can’t tell if i should be offended by this or not,” jon says, somewhat dazed, “i’ve been trans for an hour, georgie, i don’t know if this is transphobic yet”
georgie laughs, and presses a kiss to jon’s cheek, and says “it’s nearly midnight, we both have work tomorrow, let’s table this for later. we can look up names and what word i should use when i complain to other people how you always leave your shoes in the middle of the floor when we aren’t both on the verge of passing out”
and that sounds reasonable, so jon nods, and kisses georgie on the mouth, and then they go inside
the next day jon stops by the library on the way home from work and checks out almost every baby names book they have. georgie comes home and he’s sat at the kitchen table making a spreadsheet
“you don’t have to make it this complicated, you know,” she says, hooking her chin over his shoulder to read what he’s already got. the spreadsheet has a lot of columns.
“it’s my name,” he retorts, and she hums agreeably, then points to ‘jonathan’, which has relatively few ticks in any pro columns (god, this nerd), and says, “isn’t that your grandfather’s name?”
it is. he doesn’t talk about his grandfather a lot – doesn’t talk about his family a lot full stop, but she knows, even though he died when jon was still a toddler, the stories his grandmother told had a significant impact
“my parents didn’t name me after anyone,” jon says, quietly
georgie nods. she doesn’t say they’re not here now to offer an opinion, because that’s far harsher than jon deserves to hear, and it’s not like she ever needs to remind him of it either. he’s definitely already beating himself up for taking so long to come to this realisation there’s no one left around to tell him how they’d have reacted
“i think it suits you,” she says instead, and jon nods, and then she moves away to make a pot of tea and some pasta (it’s technically jon’s night to cook, but she was anticipating coming home to find him already hyperfocused beyond the point of no return)
a week later, jon looks up from the spreadsheet to where georgie is curled up on the sofa reading and says “ugh, fine, you win, you were right”
(georgie hadn’t pressed her point any further, jon is just like that)
“jon?” she asks, and he makes an exasperated noise and nods, then closes his laptop dramatically and stands. most of his spine pops when he stretches
“this calls for celebration” georgie says, also standing, “franco’s or monsoon?”
“franco’s. i’m going to eat a pizza the size of a car”
so then jon is actually going by jon, and using he/him, and isn’t dating georgie anymore but is still living with her and spending most of his time with her and factoring her into all his major decisions
he talks to harry, and other (binary) trans people, and reads a lot of blogs, and after a few months gets a referral to charing cross gic
by the time he starts at the magnus institute, he’s had top surgery and has been on T for years, and passes as cis completely, and he doesn’t know how to articulate it but this is. bothering him.
he’s not exactly… he likes being stealth, he doesn’t need to flaunt his personal life. he can understand the impulse, but he doesn’t share it. his feelings about gender and romance are no one’s business but his own
but. everyone assuming he was a girl itched – being miss simms, georgie’s girlfriend, she, it felt like wearing a coarse knitted jumper. it was exhausting
and, for a while, everyone assuming he was a man was a relief. it didn’t make his skin crawl, it didn’t make him want to scream, it was nice. it felt good.
it didn’t feel right. but it didn’t feel bad, either, and jon has never been gendered in a way that felt right. he thought that was just part of being trans
except. he moves to london, and he starts at the magnus institute, and he wears shirts and slacks, and the long skirts and patterned dresses some of his colleagues wear keep catching his eye the way men in three-piece suits used to, and that terrifies him
he was lucky, in a way, having no family left to care when he transitioned – if anyone reacted negatively, he could just cut them out of his life, and his social circle was already queer enough that was hardly necessary
but that doesn’t mean he escaped internalising a whole swathe of shit about what being trans should mean and how he should act and what he should want and if he wants to wear skirts then is he even a man? was he making it up all along after all?
naturally, he deals with this by ignoring it. he’s a man, men don’t wear skirts, he doesn’t wear skirts, that’s that.
he manages to keep that up until he’s made head archivist, and he’s given three assistants who are all also trans
(he doesn’t know if elias did it on purpose. elias knows he’s trans, of course, because he’s never bothered to get the name on his diploma changed, but the way elias reacted lead jon to assume elias may also be trans. and if that’s true, then selecting only trans people for the archives staff feels like a kindness more than anything)
and, the thing about them all being trans, is even if jon and martin are both rather fond of being stealth, and sasha and tim aren’t used to being out at work, and none of them are exactly friends, they’re the only people who ever come in the archives, so the archives very quickly becomes the Safe Trans Zone
they all vent a lot about cis people. sasha will walk in and the first words out her mouth will be “the next person to ask me if i’d had the surgery is getting their own surgery when i cut their tongues out”, and tim will make a commiserating noise and offer her the pack of donuts martin brought in
so when, on one of the rare afternoons when jon leaves his office to lean against tim’s desk and brainstorm organisational system ideas, martin walks back from the break room upstairs with a scowl and says, bitterly, as he sits back down, “oh so when cis guys wear nail polish it’s inspiring and breaking down gender roles but when i wear nail polish, jenny from HR gets to side eye me and ask if that means i changed my mind, because surely i’m the one who’ll do that and not all the men who didn’t have to do hours of therapy to establish they are definitely, one hundred percent for sure a guy!”
tim and sasha both make the standard commiseration noises, and sasha says something about the supervisor at her last job trying to say it wasn’t appropriate for her to wear trousers, and jon stops listening and runs away moves back to his office
he hadn’t noticed martin is wearing nail polish, is the thing. or, he had noticed it, but he hadn’t thought about it, and now he’s thinking about it. he’s thinking about it a lot
martin had– martin is a guy. martin is definitely a guy, if something of a feminine-leaning gay guy, the kind of feminine-leaning no one ever questions in cis guys, and it hadn’t occurred to jon to question martin, either, even though he’s trans, and. and.
he’s still circling round a revelation he can’t quite make himself have an hour or so later, when martin sticks his head round the door
“you, uh. you alright?” martin asks, incredibly tentatively. it says a lot, jon thinks, about how nice martin is, that he’s asking even though there’s a 90% chance jon will tell him to fuck off “you kind of disappeared abruptly, earlier. i didn’t upset you, did i?”
jon stares at him for a long moment, then says, “can i see your nail polish?”
“oh!” martin’s cheeks flush, just slightly, as he steps inside the office and lets the door shut behind him “uh, yeah, of course. it’s a little chipped, now, but, yeah”
martin’s nail polish is a light, pastel blue. it’s neat, and even, though his nails aren’t that long, and jon thinks he remembers martin saying something about mostly painting his nails to try and get himself to stop biting them. jon’s never really gone for nail polish, but it’s. nice.
“it’s, uh. it’s a good colour, on you,” he says awkwardly. martin flushes even more
“oh, um, thanks? did– are you alright?”
if jon was a different kind of person, this is where he’d open up to martin, and this would be the beginning of them becoming actual friends
jon is jon, though, so he just shoves all his emotions back in the box they escaped from, nods, and says “i didn’t sleep that well, is all. not really up to socialising”
(an aside about s1 jonmartin dynamic: jon is very good at shittalking martin when martin isn’t around, but in the face of martin’s genuine care and concern, he defaults back to a far more friendlier tone than he’s aiming for. he knows, on a level, that he and martin could be good friends if he ever got his shit together, but that is something else he’s currently repressing. he doesn’t need friends! he isn’t desperate for social contact at all! what’s loneliness!)
martin says “ah, okay, i’ll just– i’ll leave you alone, then”, and then jon makes himself focus on work, and then when he gets home he opens the group chat he’s still, thankfully, in with the trans people who got him through his first gender crisis and sends ‘help i don’t know if i’m a guy after all’
three people immediately send back a link to nonbinary.org
and that’s the rest of jon’s evening
he reads through every article. he reads several articles multiple times. he opens several new tabs, and gets a notepad to make a list of books, and eventually remembers to reply in the group chat
a week later, he bites the bullet and writes an email to georgie
nothing long, just, they still tell each other about big life events
and then, another couple weeks after that, when martin brings him tea, he says, “ah, martin, could i– do you have a moment?”
“of course,” martin says, and lets the door swing closed again, “what do you need?”
“i, ah. this isn’t very professional, so, you don’t– you are perfectly welcome to say no, of course, but i. um. would you– come clothes shopping with me?”
(ideally, jon would have asked georgie, but as much as he loves her (still), they haven’t talked properly in years, and she is cis. the best cis person he knows, but still a cis person. and he’d just, rather have a trans person, for emotional support, and no one in the group chat lives particularly nearby anymore) (or, well, some of them are, but when he asked they all told him to get over himself and ask one of his ‘lovely’ coworkers)
(why does he ask martin and not sasha?) (well, dear reader, he is nursing the beginnings of a crush) (not that he knows it. but that’s absolutely what’s happening here. martin is sweet and lovely and jon definitely finds him annoying and overbearing. yes. nothing else. no other emotions.) (his chest feels all weird when martin smiles because he doesn’t like him. that always happens around people he dislikes.)
“oh!” martin says, surprised. “uh, yes, of course, is– is there an event or something…?”
jon takes a moment to stare at the wall above martin’s head before he makes himself say, “i. am non-binary, and i need– different clothes.”
“oh, god, have we been–”
“no, no, this is a, a very recent development. he is still fine,” jon says, quickly, then pauses, then adds, more haltingly, “i think. i might, if – they, as well, maybe? just, to see”
“of course. d’you want me to tell tim and sasha?”
martin, jon thinks, is maybe not all that bad “yes, please”
“cool,” martin smiles, “i’m free this weekend? for shopping?”
“this saturday would be good, yes”
and then jon and martin go shopping! it’s probably not that successful of a shopping trip, because it takes jon like four shops before they admit what exactly it is they’re looking for, but they go to several charity shops and have fun trying to one-up each other with the most ridiculous/inexplicable item of clothing, and at the end of the day jon has three skirts (a knee-length black a-line skirt, a full-length black skirt, and a full-length black skirt patterned with red flowers), two necklaces, and a skater dress they probably can’t get away with wearing to work, but they really liked the way the skirt moved when they spun
other things that happen include lunch at a cafe where the staff definitely think they’re on a date and only martin notices and also martin is dying, both of them only managing to walk past a secondhand bookshop twice before they cave and go inside, and then emerge half an hour later both holding three books (two poetry anthologies and a sci fi novel; a psychology book and two history books), and martin somehow talking jon into trying on skinny jeans and then, again, leaving this mortal coil
jon doesn’t buy the skinny jeans, which is for the best really
the first time jon wears one of the skirts to work, sasha does a victory lap around the archives because “hell yes skirts are so much more comfortable, and now you swish! tim you should get a skirt. skirts for archives uniform”
and jon is still a prickly antisocial bastard but now he’s an outly nonbinary prickly antisocial bastard, and sometimes they walk into the archives at 2PM smelling of tobacco and holding a bottle of vodka, and then the archives staff all do shots and dramatic readings of the most ridiculous fake statements, because sometimes that’s how you cope with cis people, and that’s! valid!
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thecinephale · 6 years ago
Super Girl: The Effort to Look Female
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Harrisonburg is not rural Virginia. It’s a city. It inhabits over 50,000 people, includes James Madison University, and has gone Democrat every presidential election since 2008. Still, I spent the last few weeks with my stomach in knots, working out a strategy for my weekend there. While the wedding I was attending was right on the JMU campus, our Airbnb was deeper into Rockingham County, my girlfriend’s grandma lives in Stuart’s Draft, and we had to drive through all sorts of places to get there and back from Brooklyn. 
And as my friend Kelly said, “It’s a college town, sure, but there IS a Cracker Barrel.”
Next week marks my one year on hormones. Some trans people call this a second birthday, but for me that date is too nebulous. Do I claim the doctor’s appointment that acted as a first consultation? Or the first time I let a green oval of estrogen slowly dissolve under my tongue? Maybe it’s a month further when my bloodwork came back normal and I began taking a proper dosage?  
I prefer to think of transitioning as a process with many beginnings. If I had to pick a date, it would be May 12, 2017, when I fully came out to myself. But even this erases the person I was at 16 who dressed in drag for the first time. 
A year on hormones doesn’t feel like a landmark. It feels like I’m running out of time. Everyone is different, but I know generally there’s a timeline of when changes occur and when they stop. Some people claim it’s a four year process, but most people see the majority of changes in the first two years. I’m halfway there.
Sunday night the first trans superhero appeared in mainstream media. Nicole Maines portrayed the character of Nia Nal on The CW’s Supergirl in its fourth season premiere. Like hormone birthdays, this monumental event can’t be reduced to a single day. Nia isn’t a superhero yet, for now just a reporter working under Kara/Supergirl. And her transness has not been discussed. Both are known because they were announced at Comic Con back in July. The first trans superhero in mainstream media, played by a trans actress. 
Nicole Maines knew she was trans when she was 3 years old. By the time she was able to vote, Maines had successfully sued her school district, ensuring basic human rights for all transgender students in her home state of Maine. The CW’s marketing team has played up the “real life hero plays on-screen hero” angle and they’re not wrong. 
I knew I was trans 20 years later in my life, after I’d finished my first puberty and voted in two presidential elections. Maines and I have drastically different experiences of transness, and yet I spent the last several months watching 65 episodes of Supergirl (plus crossovers!) to prepare for her debut this week. Sure, most trans women don’t look like Nicole Maines. Most cis women don’t look like Melissa Benoist. This is how this works.
Once I decided to go on this trip to Virginia, I also had to decide how I was going to present. I’ve been, as they say, full-time since February. Some days I just wear jeans and a t-shirt, like most women, but it’s been a long time since I’ve actively pretended to be a man. It always made me feel awful and as my breasts grew (now at a C cup!) it became more and more difficult. My girlfriend’s extended family knew she was dating a woman, but didn’t know I was trans. I felt up to the challenge. This weekend I was just a woman. Period.
It’s been my experience that the most mindlessly validating individuals are those I’d least expect: catcallers and the elderly. My guess is they have limited knowledge of transness and classically feminine signifiers like a skirt or long hair makes their animal brain think woman. Of course, if they notice their “mistake” the catcallers will be especially cruel. Still, these experiences factored into my expectation that a high femme presentation would get me through this weekend. 
I have no idea what I look like. I’m not sure I ever will. Intellectually I know my face has feminized, but I don’t know how much. I don’t know why sometimes I get correctly gendered, but mostly not. I don’t know if people are just humoring me or saying what they’re supposed to or being kind when they say “Miss.”
I appreciate this effort, but it’s not what I want. I want to look in the mirror and see a woman, I want the people in my life to look at me and see a woman, and I want strangers to look at me and see a woman.
In Virginia, nobody saw a woman.
The most trans-related scene in Nicole Maines’ first episode didn’t feature her at all. Martian J’onn J’onzz (David Harewood), recently retired, has joined an alien support group. While Supergirl has previously leaned hard on the alien as immigrant analogy, this scene isn’t the first time the show has equated alien status with queerness. Season two introduced an underground alien bar that was obviously meant to evoke the historic haven of the gay bar.  
An alien that looks human begins by saying he’s at the group to share his happiness. “For the first time since I’ve been on this planet I feel like I fit in,” he says with a smile. “And it’s because of this.” He taps a device on the side of his head that reveals his true alien form, before switching back to the human veneer. 
An older alien who looks human but has pointed ears and tusks on his forearms pushes back. “Who decides what’s normal? Why should we have to wear these devices that change our appearance so we can be tolerated?”
The first alien responds with the obvious: “Well, that’s easy for you to say. You just look like a Tolkien fan.”
Whether we want to look cis and whether we have the ability to look cis is certain to be a heated topic between trans people, because it’s often a heated topic within ourselves. Everyone is taking stock of what they have and what they want. And sometimes it’s impossible to distinguish what we truly need to feel okay and what society tells us we need. I identify as a binary trans woman, not because I believe in the gender binary, but because I’m close enough that I can live (for now) with that conformity. The more gender non-conforming you naturally are and the more gender non-conforming you desire to be the more external pressure you’ll receive.
I’m 5’5 and 110 pounds and within my first three months on hormones I’d developed breasts. These are my natural privileges. My body hair, facial hair, and Adam’s apple are my negatives. The curly hair on my head and my masculine but not that masculine face are up for debate. Every week I get an hour of electrolysis done on my face, which is the process of hot needles and tweezers manually killing every hair follicle. It’s more painful than it sounds. I’m one year into this process and have at least another year left. It costs $75 per session and my ability to afford that at all is another privilege, while the huge chunk of my income that takes up is another negative.
My facial hair is my biggest insecurity and whenever I get misgendered I assume that’s the reason. My mom regularly insists it’s my Adam’s apple and if I would just get that surgically reduced I’d be able to “pass.” The truth is probably more complex. A mix between stubble, the Adam’s apple, and the small characteristics that are targeted in a comprehensive surgical process known as Facial Feminization Surgery. 
I’ve never wanted FFS. I can’t even decide if I want the Adam’s apple surgery. Going on hormones was such an easy, obvious choice for me, but these surgeries can feel like a betrayal of my transness. I don’t want to look cis. But I do want to look like a woman. I’ve started to worry that for the rest of the world those will always be the same thing.
Due to my size I thought I would be like the alien who looks pretty normal but just has tusks on his arms. I could proudly be like, “Look at my tusks/Adam’s apple! I’m an alien/trans. Deal with it.” Maybe I’m really the other alien, whose life is consumed by their alien status unless they change themselves. Or maybe we’re all both aliens and the support group is our minds. Two sides debating, one that looks in the mirror and sees a woman with some unique qualities, another that looks in the mirror and sees a man who needs to change.
I wasn’t misgendered until halfway through the wedding reception. I certainly got stares, but it was unclear whether those were lesbian couple stares or transgender stares. I chose to think lesbian couple. Last week my electrologist worked under my jaw so I could wear a full face of makeup. I wore a blue and white Kate Spade dress that was conservative yet flattering. I had on heels and my hair was up. It was the most femme I’ve ever looked. If a random catcaller correctly gendered me the week before when I was wearing a sweatshirt and no makeup, then surely my gender had registered now.
Again, the goal is not that no one knows I’m trans. The goal is for people, without thinking, to say “she.” If afterwards they go “Hmm is this one of those transgendereds I’ve read about?” then fine. But I want to win over the gut instinct. I know this is wrong. Our identities shouldn’t require any external validation. But they do. 
Once I began interacting with people and there was cause to gender me, I did about 50/50. But even when correct there was a pause. I suddenly felt very foolish. This idea I had that I was my harshest critic, that the man I saw in the mirror would look like a woman to these Virginians, was painfully misguided. I look how I look. It will continue to change gradually as I continue hormones and electrolysis, and this may or may not change how others perceive me. I can then choose to alter my appearance further with surgeries or, simply, accept the way I look.
“There’s nothing slight about fashion,” Nia says pitching a story. “It’s one of the most visceral forms of art. What we choose to wear tells a story about who we are.” A trans woman believing in the power of presentation is not exactly groundbreaking. But the show has always been filled with clichés that work because they’re true. 
What struck me most watching Maines’ debut was the immediate fondness I had for her. This, of course, has as much to do with talent and charisma as it does transness. Maines injects Nia with an immediate likability, an awkwardness that recalls season one Kara, but with an added vulnerability. I’d framed this character as a necessary first step. Sure, she looks like Nicole Maines… still a trans superhero! But watching her on screen I became very aware that I don’t know Nicole’s insecurities and I don’t know Nia’s. I don’t know anybody’s experience of transness except my own. I don’t even know what gender is or what it means to be trans. Nobody does. We may craft personal narratives to decipher our wants and needs. Cis society may craft narratives to understand, or, more commonly, to erase. But we don’t know. I don’t know why sometimes I look one way to some people and a different way to other people. I don’t know why I have some insecurities and not others. I don’t know why some clothes feel good. Or why some do not.
What I do know is that it felt good to see Nicole Maines on screen. I know that when Kara looked at her and said, “Oh my God. You’re me,” I thought, no. She’s me.
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nexiraptor · 6 years ago
You know that EZ PZ guy
you know that guy who made the “Blacklisted cartoonist.” video that had pretty much zero sources and had the feeling of “My dad works at Nintendo.” now he’s doing it again with Hbomberguy and yes he immediately uses one of the T slurs in the beginning of the video he even says in his own damn video that he “says shit to annoy people.” which pretty much means that he’s just saying nonsense and we should not believe him. He also has cited Mail Online which has actual incorrectly reported on the charity before. He also misgendered a trans woman and only cites one article about the founder. (He also doesn’t give us any links or anything which is just great... like if you are going to show internet articles at least give us some fucking links) 
Like I said don’t trust EZ PZ as being a reliable source of information as he “Interviewed.” a blacklisted animator in the cartoon industry and fed him so many lies... (Like Alex Hirsch giving the whole entire animation industry STDs and in that same video EZ PZ also says a lot of homophobic things and uses the R slur)
Edit: I forgot to mention that EZ PZ did not even do his research on Graham Lineham and said that he was Father Ted instead of saying that he was the creator of the show, when people told him this and this is from his own video description:  
 EDIT: People are telling me he didn't play father Ted, he just wrote for it. idk I don't watch tea drinker TV
(Couldn’t even bother to re edit your video with correct information and instead insult people)
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