#and he just looks at those comments like *wheeze emoji*
soft-spooks · 1 year
u know all this thinking abt hunting haunting ive been doing gave me the dumbest idea. what if i was the one that ppl thought was a demon....
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confusedgeek · 2 years
i watched my first thai BL and here's how i go crazy over it // kinnporsche
let's start w the characters, shall we? *bangs table* ARE YOU AWARE OF HOW ILLEGAL IT IS TO MAKE THEM SO EASILY ATTACHED TO???!!!!! [arm and pol are my babies god they're such a side ship and so qt with tankhun] AND HOW MUCH I RELATE TO TANKHUN MAKES ME QUESTION MY ENTITY (´-ω-`) a literall self-put character of me in a thai bl (×_×)
AND ACTING-WISE, everything was played realistically, there was sm real emotion, production is VERY WELL MADE AND THE PLOT IS INTERESTING W MULTIPLE PLOT TWISTS AT THE END (near ep 13-14)
NOW THE SPICE STUFF *throws spice everywhere* the kissing was *pfffffffffffhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh* SO FUCKING GOOD OH MY GAWD (/。\) [ngl the sex scene where kinn and porsche jacked each other off scarred me but also um,,, makes me wanna rewatch it FOR KINN'S EXPRESSIONS PLS I NEED THAT FRAMED ON TOP OF MY BED IN 4K]. before i started this drama, there was this one comment that stuck w me that said "all i remember was buttons flying everywhere and shirts getting ripped" and I CANNOT TELL YOU HOW MUCH I AGREE WITH THAT PERSON OML Σ(°△°|||)︴ i love porsche so much, just how much resemblance there's between me and him is too much ( ̄ ;; ̄) this drama portrayed entp [porsche] so realistically accurate i feel attacked for being MYSELF _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_ like SERIOUSLY HIS SMUG FACE ANYTIME HE HAS THE CHANCE TO SHOW IT, IT KILLS ME LIKE IM WHEEZING BLOOD AT THIS POINT he's so entp my heart hurts;; AND OH GOD WHEN HE WAS LIKE TALKIN AB KINN'S "other gun" I WAS MAKING AN O FACE SO HARD 3/////3
and pls KINN AND PORSCHE CAN LITERALLY BE ON A DESERTED ISLAND HAVIN SEX WHILE HALF OF THE MAIN FAMILY ALONG WITH THE MINOR FAMILY ARE FALLING APART and they won't give a single SHIT!! TT0TT (it made cry-laugh so hard when pete was FIGHTING FOR HIS LIFE WHEN VEGAS TOOK HIM AWAY and next scene you see those two braincells [kinn and porshce] GOIN ON A FUCKIN VACATION (;;;*_*)
now ab the soundtrack???!!!! THIS ONE SPECIFIC PIANO BGM PLAYING WHENEVER THEM TWO BRAINCELLS IN LOVE ARE HAVING A LIL EMOTIONAL LOVEY DOVEY TIMMMEEEE??? *cause of death: too good piano playing* (╥﹏╥) AND THE OP SONG IS CLAPPING SOME MAD BALLS TOO (x_x)⌒☆ also just how sweet it is to see mr. korn accept kinn's relationship with porsche is just OWAHHHHHH (((><)))!!!!
like YE OLD MAN GO WILD UNDO HOMOPHOBIA REHEHEHE~ unlike vegas' dad who's like *slaps* WHAT DO U THINK YOU'RE DOIN??!!!! (beinga a smol sex freak)  [how i wish i could replace pete mmmmhhmmmmm ..・ヾ(。><)シ ]
talking ab pete and vegas’ whole “side story” at this point, I CAME TO CONCLUSION THAT I DO SHIP THEM DESPITE THE “stockholm syndrome” the relationship between has;;
(sobs) i ship them so hard despite how much vegas hurt pete at the start :,)) IK ITS WRONG BUT IDC THEY LOOK TOO CUTE CUDDLED UP TOGETHER >////< ON THE CONTRARY, HAVING MY BABY GET HIS BALLS ELECTRIFIED CHANGED ME AS A WHOLE (cleans the saliva off my chin 👁👁)
*whispers* but the scene in ep 13 where vegas put a knfie to pete's neck and pete started venting was SO FUCKING GOOD THE ACTING, THE ATMOSPHERE???!!! *chefs kiss* NO BRUH AND THE SCENE WHERE MR. KORN REVEALED THE TRUTH AB PORSCHE'S FAMILY AND HE WAS LIKE "AM I AND KINN RELATED??" :skull emoji: :skull emoji: I WAS IN TEARS I ALMOST CHOKED ON MY FOOD (╬`益´) NOW A SMOL PLACE TO BABBLE AB THE FIGHT SCENE IN THE LAST EP??!! it was so hot how porsche and kinn "hugged" while shooting the others left alive (was so damn hot) (╥ω╥) AND WHEN PORSCHE TOLD KINN TO GRAB HIS GUN AND KINN GRABBED HIS "GUN" ( ̄  ̄|||) [what a braincell move]
i think now imma get a lot more into thai bls cause those men know how to COOK (kiss a homie right) ;>>
honestly can't believe i finished this series, it has such a special place in my heart and im so glad i found out ab it (more thai bls down the road we goooooo) overall, i HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS THAI DRAMA it was a masterpiece as is told to be around this cultured community ;))
0 notes
fruitcoops · 3 years
hiii i've just spent the last 36-48 hours reading your works and oh dear do i lOVE your writing and this universe :') . i dont know if you are taking requests but i think it would be kinda interesting (and low key hilarious) if you would write the lions reacting/reading thirst tweets? idk if this is a dumb idea or not but just like some of them reacting to them and going "well i'm actually gay/married so.. no!.. but thank you!"
Part two of the six-month celebration, everyone! Thank you thank you THANK YOU to everyone who submitted comments--I had over 60 come in, and while I couldn’t include them all, reading them was a true joy. The Lion Pride channel was something I started writing on a whim; I never expected it to grow like this <3 Much love to all of you!
TW for alcohol mentions and thirst tweets (nothing explicit)
“Why do I always fear for my life around you?” Sirius asked as Marlene settled into a cushy chair to the side of their table.
She smiled, catlike, and crossed her legs primly. “Because only Finn appreciates me.”
“That’s just the Aries connection, Cap,” Finn said with a smug grin.
“We’re both Leos, Harzy.”
“Eh, close enough.”
Remus raised an eyebrow at her. “You should probably start asking questions before this devolves further, Marley. He’s gonna keep digging himself a hole and we won’t get anything done.”
Marlene’s smile returned with a vengeance. “That’s where you’re wrong, Loops! We’re not doing any questions at all today.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Read it and weep.” She tossed a small posterboard at him like a frisbee; he caught it, barely, though both Talker and Sirius had to duck out of the way. Marlene faced the camera and winked. “Welcome back to Lion Pride, everyone! Today I’m here with Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Thomas Walker, and our wonderful cubs to react to your comments on our videos!”
“Bet you thought we’d never see ‘em, huh?” James asked.
“The comments fall into four categories: thirsty, funny, mean, and sweet. I will be reading two of those groups, and my lovely fiancée will be reading the others because she is the human embodiment of sunshine.”
“If you make Dorcas read the mean ones, I’ll be sad,” Leo laughed.
Marlene gave him a look of disbelief. “You think I’m passing up a chance to roast you guys? Puh-lease. We’re starting off strong with some thirsty, thirsty comments! Loops, you’re up first.”
“This is going to be fun,” Sirius said, leaning back in his chair.
She cleared her throat, then turned a smoldering look on their table. “I didn’t know I had a freckle kink, but then Remus Lupin appeared and now here we are.”
“Oh, shit,” Remus muttered, covering his face with his hands as the others howled with laughter.
“Lupin has been looking sexy as hell on the bench for years now. I'm so glad people are simping over him like he deserves,” Marlene read. “And there’s a little heart emoji, just for you.”
“This is every one of my nightmares come to life,” Remus said, though his voice was muffled by his forearms.
James lifted his glasses to swipe away the tears of mirth that had gathered in his eyes. “Are you kidding? This is everything I have ever wanted.”
“Y’know, it is so good to see people drooling over this hot piece of ass at last,” Finn sighed, reaching over to ruffle Remus’ hair as his face turned bright red.
“One more, and it’s a good one,” Marlene warned. She licked her lips, then had to take a moment to laugh before speaking. “I feel like Remus Lupin is the type of guy to bake you muffins—”
“Accurate,” Leo said.
“—but is also a kinky motherfucker.”
Remus’ mouth dropped open as the table erupted into cheering. Logan pumped both fists in the air and Sirius was laughing so hard no sound came out; Talker sank so low in his chair that only his head and shoulders were visible as he applauded.
“Why do people comment these things?” Remus asked, barely above a whisper. “Holy fuck, I’m engaged!”
“Speaking of…” Marlene raised her eyebrows and Sirius smile drooped.
“Oh, no.”
“Oh, yes. Buckle up, Cap!” She rolled her shoulders out. “Get someone who looks at you the way Sirius Black looks at a hockey puck.”
Remus snorted; James’ laugh was so short and sharp that it set everyone else off as well. “That sounds like I have a hockey puck fetish!” Sirius complained. “Which is so, so not true!”
Finn made an ‘ehh’ noise, and he leaned around Remus to smack the back of his head. “Hey!”
“Next one!” Marlene announced. “Sirius Black was my bi awakening.”
A beat of silence passed. “Is that it?” Sirius ventured, looking nervous.
“Aw, man, that one’s lame,” Talker said, shaking his head. “Everyone thinks Cap is a little hot.”
Remus shot him a look. “A little?”
“Fair. Marley, I dare you to find one person who wouldn’t tap that.”
She rolled her eyes. “Me, though that dovetails nicely into the last one for our lovely captain. Ahem. I understand why Remus is with Sirius: he's hot as hell and rich, I'd hit that too.”
“Oh, fuck, you’re right,” Leo gasped. “Why didn’t I think of that?”
Finn and Logan turned to him in unison with a mix of disbelief and offense written all over their faces. “Dude.”
“First of all, Leo, you found yourself two hot rich boys,” Remus interrupted. “Second, that comment is forgetting that he’s funny, and smart, and nice, and—”
Seconds after the initial cover, Sirius took his hand off Remus’ mouth as if he’d been burned. “Did you just lick me?”
“Moving on! This is in all caps, so be prepared.” Marlene shuffled through her posterboards and turned to Leo with an ominous smile. He glanced toward the camera in mild fear. “What does a person have to do to get some hockey player ass?! Like why is Leo Knut so fine?!”
“Amen!” Logan called as Leo blushed.
“According to six of the seven people at this table, the answer to that first question is to be a hockey player,” Talker laughed. “The world may never know the answer to the second, sadly.”
“Lily could play hockey,” James said, resting his chin on his hand. Every single one of the others rolled their eyes. “She could! She’d be so good at it, too.”
“We know,” Finn groaned. “You only mention it every other day.”
“Speaking of the lovely Mrs. Potter,” Marlene began with a sly look as she held up a new card. “Do James and Lily Potter need a third? Asking for me specifically.”
James paused, dumbstruck, while the others drummed their hands on the table. “…no?”
A general sigh of disappointment went up. “I was really hoping he’d say yes,” Leo said.
“Ask Lily next time,” Remus recommended.
James turned to him and blinked slowly. “What are you insinuating, Loops?”
“Oh, nothing.”
“Don’t worry, James, you’ll like this one,” Marlene assured him. “James Potter is the ultimate dilf.”
“You’re damn right I am!” James whooped. “Vindication, bitches!”
“Marley, what have you done?” Talker whispered. “He’ll never shut up about that, now.”
“Oh, never,” James all but cackled. “I’m officially a dilf, you guys!”
“I hate you,” Sirius groaned.
“Tremzy, are you ready? We’ve got a couple very special ones for you,” Marlene said.
“Anything to get us out of this hell,” Logan begged.
“In that case: Logan Tremblay’s ass is better than Sidney Crosby’s. I said what I said.”
A pleased flush rose to his cheeks as Finn and Leo high-fived over his head. “Really? Thank you!”
“And they would be correct!” Finn announced. “Best ass in the league.”
“Come on,” Remus scoffed, though he was smiling.
Marlene cleared her throat to get their attention. “I don’t think I can legally read this on air without being censored or getting the video taken down, but…”
She turned the board around; all seven of them leaned forward to read it, then slowly looked at Logan, who turned vivid red. “Mon dieu. Is that—someone commented that on a video? Like, for people to see?”
“I feel like I need to bleach my eyes,” Sirius said just as Finn began shaking with silent laughter.
Leo’s face fell. “You wrote that, didn’t you?”
“I did,” Finn wheezed, scooting forward to fist-bump Marlene. “We wanted to see what you guys would say. Fuckin’ hell, your faces.”
“Alright, Talkie, are you ready?” Marlene asked around her laughter. “Seeing Thomas Walker with a baby makes me want to have his babies…please hit me up.”
He held up his index finger and took a second to laugh before responding. “If that’s Noelle, yes. If that’s anyone else, I’m flattered, but absolutely not.”
Logan made a face. “Ew.”
“We have two more,” Marlene warned. “For some very special people that aren’t here today, but I think you’ll like them anyway.”
Sirius narrowed his eyes. “I don’t trust the look on your face.”
“Daddy Dumo makes me swoon.”
A muddle of horrified noises echoed through the studio as all seven of them cringed. “Oh, my god, that’s my dad!” Logan yelped, covering his ears. Sirius looked vaguely ill and Remus’ shoulders crept toward his ears; James shuddered.
“The worst part is, we all know he can get it,” Finn said with a grimace. “God, I feel like I just heard someone talking about my parents having sex.”
“I’m sure he’ll love to hear that,” Marlene laughed. “Last one, from one of our truth or drinks.”
Remus went pale half a second too late. “N—”
“Hope Lupin is a milf.”
A broken noise escaped his mouth and he clamped his hand over it while Talker rubbed his back in sympathy. Sirius shook his head. “Somehow, that’s worse than Dumo’s.”
“Whoever sent that in, show some respect!” Leo said indignantly as Remus bonked his forehead against the table. “Hope Lupin is a lovely woman!”
“I think they noticed that particular fact,” Marlene pointed out, earning herself several scandalized shouts of her name and a whine from Remus. “That’s all we have for thirst comments! Are you ready for some funny ones?”
“Anything,” Remus pleaded. “I am begging you, anything else.”
Marlene shook her head as she stood, still smiling, and kissed Dorcas on the cheek when she entered the frame. “Go for it, love.”
“Dorcas!” they all cheered, lighting up immediately.
“Hey, guys, it’s been a while!” She curled up in Marlene’s vacant spot and took her own posterboards out from underneath the seat. “Alright, let’s rock and roll. Pascal Dumais is the team dad and nothing will change my mind, and Tremzy is the annoying youngest child.”
“That is so accurate,” Sirius laughed, leaning just out of range of Logan’s playful punch. “Whoever commented that has no idea how right they are.”
“We’ve got a whole sibling dynamic thing going on,” Talker agreed. “Tremzy’s the baby of the family, Cap is the quietly chaotic middle child, and Pots is the older brother that starts shit and inevitably gets blamed for however out-of-control it gets.”
Dorcas nodded. “You are one hundred percent correct. In a similar vein: Pots was the dad jokes friend before he was even a dad.”
“Painfully so,” Leo confirmed, shaking his head as they all groaned in agreement. James looked rather smug about the whole thing. “So many puns.”
“Oh, you’ll like this one,” Dorcas mused as she drew a new card. “If Tremzy looked directly into my eyes for even two seconds, all of my problems would be solved. I am sure of it.”
“Yes,” Finn and Leo said in unison.
“It’s something about the eyes, I think,” James added. “They just stand out so much that it’s a little startling straight-on.”
Logan looked to the camera and stared at it, unblinking; it zoomed in slightly on his face. “Everything will be fine,” he said with mock solemnity. “Your problems are solved.”
“Well, that was terrifying,” Sirius said drily. “Got any more for us, Ms. Meadowes?”
“Of course I do! We’ve got quite a few for Loops and Leo.” She took a sip of her water before getting comfortable again. “My favorite thing about these videos is that we can all see Loops get steadily buffer as the season goes on. Good for you, king!”
“Flex! Flex! Flex!” the six of them chanted; Remus rolled his eyes, but slid his sweater sleeve to his elbow and flexed his forearm, resulting in enough hoots and hollers that they could probably be heard a block away. Talker fake-swooned into Leo’s arms and Remus lightly whacked him on the shoulder.
“Remus Lupin looks like he has squishable cheeks,” Dorcas read aloud.
“He does!” James cooed, scooting over and reaching out.
Remus narrowed his eyes. “I swear to god I’ll bite you.”
Sirius cupped his face between his palms and kissed his nose, then pinched both his cheeks gently. “Ta-da!”
“How many of these do we have?” Remus asked, though his voice was a bit muffled by Sirius’ hands.
“Just one more for you, and it’s my personal favorite.” Dorcas assured him. “I love how the team probably had no impulse control until Loops joined.”
Sirius let go of his face and dissolved into laughter as Finn nearly fell on the floor. “Oh my—you think he has impulse control?” Talker slapped the edge of the table as he shook his head. “Absolutely not. Hell no, Loops is the first person to do stupid shit with us.”
“Yeah, I just don’t get caught,” Remus added around his own laughter. “Everyone thinks I’m such a hardass goody-two-shoes and it lets me get away with so much more than you delinquents.”
“Speaking of delinquents,” Dorcas continued. “This one is from our ‘Taste Testing Sexy Alcohol’ video: ah, yes, now I know how to do a body shot. 10/10, very educational video.”
“Do not take educational advice from us,” Finn blurted instantly. “I know this is a joke, but please exercise caution. That video was a ton of fun but a nightmare to recover from.”
Sirius winced at the memory. “I took two naps and then wished for death for a full day.”
“On a lighter note, who’s ready for some Knutty appreciation?” Dorcas smiled at her cards. “I've only had Leo Knut for a season and half, but if anything happened to him, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.”
“Big mood,” four of them said simultaneously.
Leo turned to the camera with a concerned look on his face. “That’s a meme reference, but are y’all okay?”
“No,” Dorcas answered. “Especially not this next person: Sometimes I do something productive and then I remember @LeoKnut is a 19 year old professional athlete who radiates happiness and with two of the hottest boyfriends the good lord has made, and then my bowl of packaged ramen seems less impressive.”
“I’m proud of your ramen,” Leo said, even as the corners of his mouth twitched in a smile. “And I appreciate the note about my boyfriends, because they are definitely the hottest people the good lord has made.”
Talker stuck his lip out in a pout. “Rude.”
“Sorry, Talkie, I’m biased.”
“Last one before Marlene comes back, so you’d better enjoy it!” Dorcas announced. “Did the Lions effectively utilize girl power when they wrecked toxic masculinity, yes or yes?”
“Can we utilize girl power?” Remus wondered, resting his shin on his hand. “Isn’t that exclusively for, y’know, women?”
“We can utilize himbo power,” Finn suggested.
James gave him an offended look. “Not all of us are himbos!”
“Okay, but you definitely are.”
“I am not!” James held up his fingers to count. “There are only, like, three qualifications, right? I might be strong, hot, and respectful, but I’m not dumb so it doesn’t count!”
“Pots,” Remus said quietly, hiding his smile for half a second. “Buddy, that was four things.”
James paused, then sighed in resignation. “Ah, fuck, I’m a himbo.”
“You really are.”
“At least we don’t promote toxic masculinity.”
They raised their waterbottles in a ‘cheers’ motion as Marlene and Dorcas switched spots; Marlene stretched her arms over her head and grabbed the new boards. “I’m back, beloved himbos. Talker, Leo, you are beloved by the people and have no mean comments. Cap, we’re starting with you.”
“Are they actually mean mean?” he asked.
“Sirius Black seems like a little bitch. Not in a bad way, necessarily. He just. Seems like he'd be a little bitch."
Sirius raised his eyebrows. “Oh, okay. That answers one question.”
“He’s not a little bitch,” Leo said. “Pouty on occasion, but not a little bitch.”
Remus gave him a long look, then shook his head. “Yeah, I mean, you teared up a little when Hattie got a splinter in her paw but didn’t even yell when you almost sliced your finger off while making dinner.”
“Duality of man,” Finn said sagely.
Marlene cocked an eyebrow. “Finn O’Hara’s hair kind of reminds me of Garfield the Cat.”
“Alright, that’s just rude.”
“It does not!” Logan gasped at the same time Leo made a noise of agreement.
Finn turned to him in utter betrayal. “Nutter Butter, I thought you liked my hair!”
“I do!” Leo defended. “But they’re not entirely wrong. It’s very orange in the sun.”
“I’m never going to forget that,” Finn muttered, staring at the floor.
“Ugh, it bothers me so much that Lupin just objectifies Black all the time!” Marlene read in a high-pitched, nasal voice. “No respect in that relationship!”
Sirius raised his eyebrows. “Pardon?”
Marlene stared at it for a moment, then shrugged. “Yeah, I have no idea what videos they were watching. Do you feel objectified in your relationship, Cap? I know the opinion of total strangers really bothers you a lot.”
“I’m really glad you picked up on that,” he said with false gravity. “Yeah, it’s such a bummer when my hot fiancé says I look nice. Such a blow to my self-esteem.”
“That was supposed to be a roast against me,” Remus said, looking amused. “Talk about backfiring.”
“Are you ready, Pots? This one’s pretty brutal,” Marlene warned. James nodded and Finn linked their hands for moral support. “James Potter is a swiftie and you cannot tell me otherwise.”
He furrowed his eyebrows. “…yeah? That’s true? T Swift is a regular occurrence on the locker room playlist.”
“Also, James Potter looks like someone who would think black pepper was spicy.”
“Now that one is mean,” he complained as the others burst out laughing.  “It’s not my fault I have sensitive taste buds!”
“Oh, honey,” she said under her breath as she took a new card. “Get ready, Tremzy. This first one is short and sweet: Logan Tremblay looks like a lesbian.”
“That is not an insult,” Logan laughed. “Every lesbian I know is rad as fuck. I wish I looked that good in a leather jacket.”
“I just realized Logan doesn’t look short cause he’s next to bunch of hockey players, he’s short cause he’s 5’9.”
The smile slipped off his face in a millisecond as the others roared with laughter. “Quoi?”
“Oh, she got you good,” Sirius gasped, patting his shoulder clumsily. “Holy fuck, can I frame that?”
“That’s not what it says.” An edge of distress appeared in Logan’s voice. “Marley, that’s not what it says.”
James sat on the floor with the heels of his palms pressed against his eyes. “You’re fucking—whoever sent that in, you are my new favorite person. Jesus.”
“Do you need a second to recover before we move on?” Dorcas asked as she draped her arms over the back of Marlene’s chair. “The next one is our biggest section by far.”
“It’s the sweet ones, yeah?” Leo asked.
“It might be a good idea to do those before Lo spontaneously combusts.”
“Agreed!” She swapped with Marlene and hauled a short stack of posterboards out from their hiding place with a smile. “A hug from Dumo can probably solve any issue.”
“Facts,” Logan said. “I could really use one right about now, too.”
“Has anyone noticed how blue Leo Knut’s eyes are?”
“Yes,” the six of them chorused.
Finn gave him a dreamy look. “Every single day.”
“When I first read this one, I thought I wrote it,” Dorcas said with a snort. “Someone give Marlene a raise. No reason why, I just love her.”
“Can we do that?” Sirius asked, looking toward the camera crew. “Can we lobby to give you guys raises? Because you definitely deserve it after all the bullshit you deal with to make these videos watchable, and Marlene, you’ve drawn the short end of the stick ninety percent of the time.”
“How?” she called off-screen.
“You have to actually talk to us and try to get answers.”
Dorcas finished scribbling something down on her notepad. “Just making a note of this conversation for future reference. Moving on! Sirius Black and James Potter are a prime example of hockey husbands, and I adore them.”
“The ironic part of that is that we’re both in committed relationships, but we’re basically married,” James mused.
Remus shook his head. “You guys are so married. Lily wanted to get you matching rings for your birthday, Pots.”
“That would be so cool!” they said in perfect unison. Remus turned to the camera and spread his hands in a case in point motion.
Dorcas stifled her laughter before moving on. “This one is cute. Give Remus Lupin all the hugs! I feel like I could tell him he’s an inspiration and he’d be so nice about it—” She paused to glance up at them. “—this next bit is in parentheses: all the LGBT Lions give me that vibe, but Cap and Knutty are super intimidating so I wouldn’t have the guts.”
Leo’s face fell and Sirius’ eyebrows pitched. “I’m not intimidating!” Leo protested. “I thought we already went over that! Loops gives fantastic hugs, but I want some, too.”
“He definitely deserves all the hugs in the world, but I promise I’m nice,” Sirius said, a bit softer than usual. “Is it because we’re tall?”
Dorcas half-shrugged. “Probably. It’s a little startling at first. Oh, I could’ve written this one, too: The Venn diagram of men I trust and the Gryffindor Lions is a full circle.”
Talker beamed at the camera. “Thank you!”
“So many hockey guys are such douchebags,” Logan said with a shake of his head. “I’m really glad we don’t do that shit.”
“Me, too.” Dorcas slid her old card under her chair. “Sirius Black’s hair looks so soft and I just want to touch it so bad.”
“It is so soft,” Remus agreed immediately. “You have no idea.”
“Everyone wants to touch Cap’s hair,” Finn said, sighing. “It’s so majestic.”
“I need a haircut.”
“No, you don’t,” Remus said as he tugged a stray curl. Sirius hummed.
“This one is from the interview some you did with Jules and Katie: these hockey boys being so soft with kids is my aesthetic! Like, it’s just so adorable to see these big, intimidating dudes be so, so sweet! Love them all!” She turned the card for them to see. “And then they added a heart at the end.”
“It’s impossible to be around those kids and not be happy,” James said. “They’re just too cute and wonderful.”
“Yeah, I love kids.” Finn nodded. “Especially the Dumais and Jules. They’re a hoot.”
“Jules would die if he heard you say that,” Remus laughed. “The hero worship is still going strong with most of you.”
“This one made me laugh when I first read it, but it’s really sweet,” Dorcas informed them. “Anyone else feel like we were deceived these past five years into thinking Cap was this hard-ass man, when in reality he's a cuddle bug who definitely captures and releases spiders instead of squishing them?”
“You weren’t deceived, I was just closeted,” Sirius said. “Also, I absolutely squish spiders.”
Remus gave him a look. “No, you do not. That’s my job. I’m the catch and release person if I can get away with it.”
James shook his head. “The third week of practices you saw a spider and threw me at it.”
“You did what?” Finn asked.
“There was a spider in my stall,” Sirius sighed, looking as if he would rather be anywhere else. “And Pots and I were talking so I didn’t see it until I almost sat on it, and my brain decided the only logical thing to do would be to grab him and shove him toward the spider.”
“That was after you shrieked,” Talker added. “Like, literally shrieked. I’ve never heard anyone make a noise like that.”
“Alright, alright,” Sirius grumbled. “We get it, I don’t like spiders.”
Remus shrugged. “But you are a cuddle bug. They got that part right.”
“We’re in the final two!” Dorcas announced. “This one has some pictures to go with it, so it’s on my phone. Fuck Romeo and Juliet, I want what these bitches have.”
“It’s us!” Leo cooed as the phone made its way down the line. In the upper corner of the screen, the photo appeared—it had been taken in New York, and Logan’s whole face was alight with happiness as Leo and Finn each pressed a kiss to his cheek. The camera caught him mid-laugh, so his eyes were closed and his chin was tucked slightly into Finn’s Strand hoodie.
“That’s my screensaver,” Finn said with a grin, pulling his phone out and turning it toward the camera without moving away from Leo. “One of my favorites.”
“I forgot you took that one,” Logan murmured. He hooked his chin over Leo’s shoulder and kissed his cheek; the four others at the table gave soft are you seeing this? looks to the camera and Dorcas smiled.
“Pots, I think yours is next. I hate to break it to you, Talkie, but they didn’t get any of you and Noelle.”
“We don’t take a ton of pictures together,” Talker said as James took the phone. “I mean, we take a bunch of selfies, but we don’t live close enough to each other to actually post that often. What picture is it, J?”
James was staring down at the picture with an unbearably sweet expression. “It’s our wedding. That’s my favorite one, actually.”
Like Logan, they had been captured while laughing—Lily was bent slightly at the waist as James clapped, his glasses just as askew as the flower crown on her head. It was impossible to tell who had told the joke originally, but they were both radiant in the sunset.
“That’s a really good one,” Sirius said with an unreadable look on his face.
“Well, well, well, fancypants, you two got a video.” James wiggled his eyebrows and Remus leaned in to see.
“What kind of video? One of our tikt—oh. Oh, this is so cute.” He shifted his chair over as the short edit began to play. “D, who made this?”
“A fan.”
“It’s really impressive,” Sirius said without taking his eyes off the screen. The edit was a series of photos, both on and off the ice; Sirius knocking their helmets together, then Remus looking back over his shoulder, then both of them in the water playing chicken in the sun. It was a slideshow of their life and their love.
“Can you send that to me?” Remus asked when it was over. “Cause that’s super cool.”
“Sure thing. Are you guys ready for the last one?” When they all nodded, she drummed her fingers on the posterboard and cleared her throat. “Arthur appreciation hours. He deserves it after managing to control the team.”
A cheer went up—all seven stood and applauded, half-laughing and half-whooping. “Miracle worker!” Sirius called.
“Best coach in the league!” Finn added.
“Most tolerant man to ever walk the earth!” Remus raised his water in a toast and they tapped the plastic edges together, nearly spilling all over the table.
Dorcas’ eyes crinkled in a smile as she turned to the camera. “That’s it for today, Lions! Tune in next time for more content of our boys, and thank you for such wonderful comments!”
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lorei-writes · 3 years
How To: Comments
A brief guide to commenting under the fics by Lorei.
As some of you may know, I am a court overthinker. I know that human interactions can be scary - and honestly, sometimes so is commenting. However... I wish that anxiety did not stand in way of interactions between readers and the author. So, to cut this introduction short: from me, an anxious writer-overthinker, to you, any person who may need it.
Few general truths.
All things I will talk about stem from my personal experience and observations. It may vary to some extent between writers, although I did my best to stick to the general trends and to mark where something is more of my personal opinion.
EDIT: As per usual, this is just the general “this will be most likely okay”. If you are doing things differently and it works out for you - great! No need to change that. This was written with people who may be anxious and/or overthinking the matter in particular. I also tried to remove myself from this as much as possible.
Few general truths.
Does my comment even matter?
Yes, it does, especially for longer series. It may be one of the few things pulling the writer through a crisis. 
Your comment notifies the writer that they are indeed seen, that their words reached somebody. If the story resonated with you in any way, letting the writer know that it did may boost their self-confidence, and perhaps even motivate them to keep on writing. 
The writer didn’t reply to my comment. Did I do something wrong?
No! In plenty cases, the writer may not know how to reply, simply as that. They may not have enough time, they may be too tired - just the ordinary, mundane life stuff can cause such a thing too. 
An important thing to remember here is that they still appreciate it, even if they don’t have enough resources to reply to every single person - or even any of them.
How do I know the writer even welcomes comments?
Unless it is specified they do not want comments (or a certain type of comments), assume those are always welcome. 
Good will and courage is one thing, but... What could a comment even include?What things are appropriate? Ahhh, no, this is too hard...!
*catches your hand and pulls you back* No, no, no, don’t run, I’ve got you covered! 
First, remember that it is way more likely that what you want to say is okay than for it to be inappropriate. Worst case scenario, the writer will tell you that well, you missed the mark - but! Then you will have the knowledge on what to avoid doing. Your potential to cause plenty good is still way greater than that to cause harm. Not only that! You can apologize! We are humans. We all make errors. Never doing a thing in fear of messing up never leads anywhere. 
So, what things are generally okay*?
If the story made you feel something, say so! For example:  “This made me feel happy!” “I smiled too much because of this story!” “I’m crying, nooo.” “This is so sad!” “My heart has melted.” “This made my day!” “I love it!”
If you can’t find words for your state, emojis work too!  For example:   😭 ❤️ ❤️ 😳 💖 🥺 🥺 🥺 😍 💯✨
Of course, mixing up emojis with text is a great idea! The only thing you may want to be mindful of is that screen-readers do interpret emojis too - so you perhaps want to avoid emoji-[word]-emoji combinations (which overall, applies to the internet in general, btw). 
The story made you think about something? Elaborate! The tricky part here is that yes, you are sharing your thoughts, but you should also tell the writer something nice about their work. The rule of thumb seems to be that it is the story that is in the spotlight, not your experience - or, in other words, you are speaking of the experience in relation to the work, not the work in relation to the experience. For example: “I love your OC, they are so relatable! I don’t think I have ever seen a character which spoke to me so much. I struggle with XYZ too, so I’m feeling for them, I know it’s hard :(” “AAAAAA. The theme of red string reminds me a little of a certain superstition. Some people here think red bows are a good-luck charms. This is wonderful, I love it. 😭💖”
Now, this may seem a little self-centered. Allow me to explain why I insist the story is kept in the spotlight.  Imagine that you’ve spent your time on writing a story, however much of it. Let’s assume it’s about missing a long-deceased pet. Then, you get this comment:
“Nooo, this is so sad, I used to have a dog like that too 😭 His name was Teddy and we were best friends. We’d oftentimes sit together and sometimes I’d throw him a stick. Whenever I would cry, he’d come snuggle up with me, and he wouldn’t leave me until HOURS after I’ve calmed down. I miss him so much, I wish dogs could live forever 😭 “
Now, this makes the situation uncomfortable. You must remember that well, sometimes you may still be almost complete strangers to one another, and this much information puts a great emotional load on the writer. Is it still the writer’s space after such comment, or...? Yeah. It is a bit of a lapse in regards to well, knowing a person.
You are simply thankful and don’t know what to say? Express gratitude!  For example: “Thanks for writing <3 “ “I really needed to read this story.” “Thank you!”
Other things which generally are okay to include:
key smashes (as part of the comment, so that the author knows what you mean) For example:  “I’m wheezing ghesgeskgess” “ghoeigjeshes THANK YOU”
quoting the part of the work you especially liked + adding emoji at the end/commenting something under it
listing the things you enjoyed about the work
Of course, you can do some of those, you can do all of those, you can do just one - whichever suits you!
Okay, we know what is going to be fine. Now, what things to avoid? 
Do not give critique unless the writer clearly asked for it.
Critique must be consensual. Unsolicited advice is not. Sure, your intention may be good, but it leads to backhanded compliments and nobody likes those.
Example of what not to do:
“I enjoyed it, tho it was rater boring at first and it took me several tries to even get to the half of it.  Like, some things were confusing? [Explanation].  Overall, yeah, hard to understand and boring at first, but I liked it.”
Now you may ask - is the writer exempt from feedback?! And the answer is... Yes, honestly, yes. Unless they ask for it, yes. As long as they don’t hurt anybody - yes. Although then I suggest blocking instead of going on a crusade. 
FanFiction isn’t the same as published books. We don’t get paid for it. It is simply an act of sharing what you enjoy with the world, like a sort of perpetuum-mobile. FanFiction propels the reader, the reader comments and thus puts the writer in motion.
Now, you can say that something made you sad. You can say that something made you angry, or that it wasn’t what you were expecting. BUT. Make sure you aren’t demanding the writer changes those things. 
This stretches also to typos, grammar errors, etc. - unless you are absolutely sure the writer asks for this sort of feedback, assume it is unwelcome.
Also, from my personal experience: it happened to me once. I did not know what to reply and went on with my standard apologetic... Ekhem. I regret it. The person who commented knew less about the issue than I did.
EDIT: There is also another reason for this - most often, if a person wants to get feedback, they look for a beta-reader. Beta-reader is a person who reads the work before it is posted. Generally, they point out errors and inaccuracies. However, for it to work well, you need a certain sort of fit, both in how the message is delivered (some people do well with harsher criticism, some need to be more gentle with them), in the writing style, and so on. Another thing when looking for a beta-reader is that, well, you generally look for a person that knows more than you do, or is at a similar level. This isn’t to say that we know more than every single person out there - only that it’s hard to ascertain it at first glance and it’s generally better to talk about it before any critique is delivered. Communication is the key.
Do not ask when the next part will be posted/when your request will be completed unless you are sure the writer is okay with such questions. 
When this happens, many writers feel as if they were being pressured into working harder.
Do not write fleshed out paragraphs of what you think should have happened.
If you have an idea for a story - write it. Again, we write in our free time and do it for fun. This feels like being pressured or told what to do.
What may be more grey in regards to whether it is okay or not is theorising about what happens next. To me, personally, that would be okay, but you may want to ask your writer whether they are okay with this sort of things - for example, by writing a comment with a short theory and then asking whether it’s okay to do so? However, be mindful not to tap into suggesting or putting too much pressure on what must happen.
Do not write “Imagine that... [fleshed out scenario]” type comments.
Those are basically requests hidden as comments.
Do not compare writers to other writers (You are so much better than XYZ/ You wrote trope X so much better than XYZ).
This is pretty self-explanatory. We want to lift each other up, not feel better about ourselves because of putting others down.
Another slippery situation here: some people may mind being compared to published authors. Some may not. It is hard to tell, there is no strict rule here.
Hmm... I think it’s about it? ^^” I hope it was helpful ^^” Overall, if you avoid those major Don’ts, you should be good ^^”
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keepmeinthedark · 3 years
To The Top || A Marauders Band AU
Chapter Three: This Side of Paradise 
Read here on AO3
How did James and Lily go from disliking each other to falling in love?
They spent time together didn't they? That's how most people do it.
In past interviews, James had described his relationship with Lily Evans as "love at first sight."
That's because it was. Just because it started with love doesn't mean that they didn't have their problems in the middle.
Were any of the other boys in relationships at the time?
No, unless you count Frank who at the point was dating Alice, but they hadn't made it official at this point.
And according to Emmeline Vance herself, she was involved in the band during the early days. How did she meet them?
She lived with them. At Maxwells house. She shared a room with James.
Emmeline hated sharing a room with James.
He was messy, he was loud, and above all, he was a complete inconvenience whenever she wanted to bring someone home with her.
She always texted him, a quick and simple rabbit emoji, a quick way of saying "I'm about to bring someone into our room who I intend to have sex with. Please clear all of your shit to the side and go sleep on Sirius and Franks floor please."
But did he ever do it? Nope. Never. Not once.
One time he left a framed photo of himself with rose petals and candles on her bed.
Another time he had Sirius and Frank play the loudest least sexy music ever from their room once they had heard Emmeline and their date come in.
Another time James had replaced all of the photos of her friends and family with photos of the Backyardigans with James photoshopped into them. (They don't even know where he found the time for that one.)
And this time James hadn't even bothered to check his phone.
"Jesus Christ James what are you doing?" she asked the lump of blankets on his bed. She turned to her companion, a tall blonde girl with blue eyes, "Im so sorry, I told him to leave."
Her date just shrugged and started to gently kiss Emmeline's neck, "I don't mind so long as he's quiet," she said.
"Please don't," James squeaked from his bed.
Emmeline rolled her eyes. "Could you give us a second please?" She asked the blonde.
After the girl (she couldn't remember her name) left the room, Emmeline stormed over to where James lay. She pulled the sheets from on top of him and folded their arms. "What are you playing at?" she hissed.
James didn't answer, just mumbled a bit and waved his arms about.
"Are you drunk?"
"Are you sure?"
Emmeline uncrossed her arms, "What's this about, James?" she asked, their voice much softer than it was before.
James sat up, "It's nothing it's just... nothing. I'm sorry I didn't see your text I'll leave." He began to get out of bed.
"Hang on a sec. Wait up," Emmeline held their hand out and James sat back. "What's going on?"
James sighed and opened his mouth to answer when Sirius and Frank entered the room. "Why is there a lesbian in the hallway?" Sirius asked.
Emmeline gave him a look, "Nevermind about her, why is Potter depressed."
"I'm not depressed."
Emmeline's look was pleading.
Sirius sighed, "You remember that girl that he met at Christmas?"
"Dark red hair that reached her chest, emerald green eyes, plus size, has a smile that glows, exactly a head smaller, three piercings, a tattoo of a wolf behind her ear and wearing white Doc Martens?" She nodded. "Yeah, I remember."
"She was at the gig we played today and she rejected him."
"Well bloody hell is that all?" Emmeline sounded offended. "I thought someone had died or something but you're cockblocking me just because you couldn't get laid yourself. That is low Potter."
Emmeline could hear Frank trying to hold in his laughter and James looked up at her with a shocked expression.
"I didn't see your text!"
"I sent you fifteen rabbits! Fifteen! If that wasn't enough indication that the girl I was bringing back was important-"
"Alright! Alright, inside voices both of you," Sirius got between them. He turned to Emmeline. "Emme. What's so important about the lesbian in the hallway?"
They shrugged, "First fuck of the year ain't it?"
Behind her, Frank started laughing. In front of her, James looked like he was about to kill them.
"All of this for some random lesbian you found off the street?" Frank wheezed.
Emmeline's face scrunched up in disgust. "Alright let's get some things straight," she said, wagging her figure at each of them. "Firstly, it's the first day of the year I need a good start. Secondly, she's bisexual, and thirdly I didn't find her on the street she was at a house party that I just came from."
"So all of this for some random bisexual that you found at a house party?"
"To start this new fucking year off right! Can't forget about that!" Sirius chimed in.
Emmeline had never wanted to hit them more.
"Are we done?" James asked. "I'm a bit over talking about this."
"Oh, I'm sorry your highness are we bothering your coming of age moment?" Frank asked sarcastically.
"Yes, you are ruining my coming of age moment." James hissed. "Now if you don't mind, I prefer to be depressed alone, not with you lot and a bisexual from a house party!" He pulled his covers back over himself.
"Aww come on mate don't be like that. So you don't reject for once in your life it happens to everyone. Doesn't it guys?" Frank said turning to Sirius and Emmeline for support.
"Yeah, the amount of times I've flirted with straight dudes is embarrassing," Sirius said the same time Emmeline said, "Ah not really I'm a catch."
This got a smile from James.
"Ay, there's a smile!" Frank beamed. "C'mon, well go to the pub. Turn that frown upside down."
James' smiled grew and he nodded, finally getting out of bed. Emmeline, Sirius, and Frank cheered.
"Wait!" Emmeline said, "What are we going to do about the bisexual?" she whispered as if she could hear them from the other side of the door.
Frank shrugged, "Bring her along!"
They cheered again and made their way out of the bedroom door. Only to find that the girl Emmeline had brought back was no longer there.
"Ahh fuck her," James said when he noticed Emmelines disappointed face. "She would've brought the mood down anyway."
The Leaky Caldron was the quietest any of them had seen it. It was past 1 am by the time they had gotten there and most of their company were about to do their last rounds.
Sirius preferred it like this. It was easier to get a drink, it was easier to hear your friends and it was easier to actually move around. He was never fond of really crowded places like that.
Emmeline had gotten them all the first round and James got the second, by the time they were on the third Sirius noticed three guys walk into the pub. He immediately recognized one of them as Lily Evans' friend.
He opened his mouth to tell the others but Frank jumped in before he could. "Hey, those guys were at the gig today," he said subtly pointing at them.
James went pale, "Yeah, and one of them was talking to Lily when I went up to talk to her," he muttered.
Emmeline hit Frank's arm, "See what you've done," she hissed. "Don't worry Potter, Ill go throw my drink over him. Now, which one was it?"
"Emme, we've talked about this you cant just throw drinks over anyone you like," Sirius told her and slapped her hand away from her drink.
Sirius expected them to make some snarky come back, but instead they just stared at him and raised an eyebrow. Sirius was about to ask her what the hell she was doing when she threw her arms up and gave him a disapproving look.
"Really Sirius?" she asked. "Out of all the people for you to fancy it has to be one of them?"
Sirius went bright red, "I haven't got a clue what you're talking about," he lied.
"Don't lie to me."
"Well, I can't help it can I?"
"Oh my god, Sirius. Right, which one is it? I'll throw my drink over him instead."
Sirius nearly jumped out of his seat, "Why do you have to throw your drink on anyone?"
Emmeline gave him a judging look. "You can't date the friend of the girl who broke your poor mate's heart, Sirius."
"Yeah Sirius," Frank said in a mocking tone. "You can't break girl code."
Emmeline side-eyed him but ignored his comment. "Let's say you two date, and you falling love and get married and James is your best man while whats her name-"
"Lily Evans"
"- Lily Evans, is his best woman. And those two have to help plan your wedding, but they can't agree on anything because James holds grudges and your wedding is ruined. Do you really want your wedding to be ruined?"
James raised his eyebrows. "That's why this is bad? Not because of my feelings or anything?"
"I was getting to that."
"No, you weren't!"
"It was implied!"
Sirius downed what remained of his drink. "Alright, alright," he intervened before they could get any more annoying. "I just won't date him, you don't have to throw your drink over someone every time we go drinking Emme. We'll just continue our lives and never see each other ever again." Although if Sirius was being honest, he didn't really like the idea of never seeing his mystery boy again. "It's not like we talked or he took any notice of me anyway."
"Emme, get your drink ready," Frank said suddenly. "One of thems coming over here."
Sirius" head shot into the direction where Frank was looking. Unfortunately, it was not the scarred boy but rather the oldest of the group. Sirius wouldn't be surprised if he was the other three boys' father, as it was obvious that they were all related somehow.
Meanwhile, James had to steal Emmeline's drink before she could get her hands on it.
The man noticed that he was being watched and gave the group a small smile. "So sorry to bother you," he said as he got closer, "But were you by any chance the band that played at the fate earlier today?"
Nobody answered for a moment, each one of them was waiting for someone else to take one for the team and talk, in the end, it was Frank.
"Yeah, we were," he told him. "Were you there?"
The man shook his head but smiled. "No, but my sons were," he said pointing to the table where the three boys sat. Upon realizing that the group was now looking at them, each boy quickly turned their head to make it look like they weren't watching. All of them seemed embarrassed. The man laughed.
"They seem to have this problem when they see someone they know and their first reaction is to hide rather than say hello."
The four of them laughed awkwardly as if they weren't the exact same.
"Anyways, I just wanted to come here to prove a point," he said with a friendly smile. He turned to leave but backtracked on himself and pulled a card from his pocket. "Actually, if you guys ever need somewhere to play there is this club that likes to play small bands. Give them a call if you like."
Emmeline immediately reached for the card and took it from him, before any of the boys could tell him that "they're not a small band."
"Thank you, much appreciated," she said with a smile and the four of them watched as the man walked away.
Frank took the card from Emmeline and read it over a few times, then he and Emmeline began talking about if it would be worth giving them a call. James stayed silent and finished his drink, only giving his thoughts every now and then. Sirius on the other hand hadn't taken his eyes off the scarred boy, who was now interrogating his dad, along with his brothers. For a split second his eyes shifted and locked with Sirius'. He gave him a smile - that one that you give to random people on the street - and looked down at his drink.
Shit, Sirius thought. There is no way that I'm never seeing him again.
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sabraeal · 4 years
Hypewired Unsolved Drinking Game, Rule #2: Shirayuki Despairs Over Obi’s Life Choices
Rule #1
Written for @ruleofexception on the occasion of her BIRTH. I thought this would be more ghost hunting and less metrics, but I should have known I couldn’t resist a premise-building chapter.
[Shirayuki] Have you ever heard of the Gardner Museum Heist?
[Obi] Oohhh.
[Shirayuki] *laughs* What was that?
[Obi] Oh, nothing, nothing. It’s just... I love heists.
[Shirayuki] You love heists? *laughs* No, I take it back, that doesn’t surprise me at all.
[Obi] *laughs* Come on, who doesn’t love a good heist?
[Shirayuki] This one *is* known as the biggest art heist of its kind.
[Obi] Oh ho ho ho. You’re saying all the right things to me.
The thing about haunted houses-- the real kind, not the ones that hire teenagers to wear stage make up and hold fake chainsaws-- is that they’re hard to book.
“Oh, in my hometown, they hired ex-convicts,” Obi says in the same casual way he says anything vaguely terrifying about his childhood, “and they gave them real, working chainsaws.”
Her jaw drops, face still plastered to her phone’s screen. Soft jazz worms into her ear. “That can’t be true. That has to be a-- a rumor or something.”
“Nah, nah, the farm had a work program with the local prison. I think sometimes they did seasonal work too?” He shrugs. “I don’t know. But it definitely made the hayride more popular. Gave it a real element of danger, you know?”
Shirayuki stares. “And they gave them real chainsaws?”
“Well, they only revved them a little.” He twitches his shoulder, as much of a shrug as he ever gives. “One time a guy hopped on the cart and chopped the bale next to me, but I mean, I probably deserved that.”
She might be sitting down, but oh, she could really do to sit down again. Harder. Mentally. Emotionally. “And you’re sure these were ex-convicts?”
“Yeah, probably.” Not an endorsement ringing with confidence. “I mean, I’m sure they were in for non-violent crimes, at least.”
There are two wolves inside of her, and one of them is pleased to hear about a local business working to place disadvantaged community members, and the other-- well, the other thinks that maybe everyone should be a little more solid on the whole non-violent convictions than they are.
Before she has the chance to suggest it, the phone clicks, and a pleasant female voice says, “Hill House, Donna speaking, how may I help you?”
“Oh, hi, yes,” she fumbles, “I’m Shirayuki calling from Hypewire. We would like to talk about booking your location.”
“Hypewire?” Donna pauses, the good long kind that means she’s probably from a generation that prefers to read its news on paper, and not from a website that has an option to react with emojis. “Oh, did you want to do an article on the house?”
“Ah, something like that.” Obi arches a brow, lips twitching as he crams another Funyon between them. He’s far too distracting to have around while she needs to have thinky thoughts, especially if he’s going to make faces at her. “I’m the producer of Hyperwire Unsolved, and we were wondering if we could possibly do a, ah--” she coughs-- “an investigation? Of the house? For the show?”
“Oh, Hypewire Unsolved!” The woman laughs. “My nephew loves you guys. But don’t you do true crime?”
[Sender]: [email protected] [Recipients]: [email protected] [Subject]: Re: Episode Filming
Thank you for your interest in our venue for an episode. Some of our interns are big fans of your show! However, we have to admit some confusion, as we were under the impression you were a true crime show…
“How’d they get that impression?” Higata grunts, hunching further over his keyboard. His screen in the only light in the editing bay, castling a ghastly glow over his face. “The art department just sent me six different aliens to pick from for the Roswell episode, and now we’re Serial? Come on.”
Shirayuki sighs. “I know. But it seems our more popular episodes are the ones about collar bombers and serial murderers. At least by the metrics”
Higata might only be twenty-six, but he’d be right at home at the VA buffet with the way he grumbles. “You know His Highness over there was talking to me about making true crime and supernatural separate seasons. Something about...keeping views and organizational groups or something.”
“Huh.” She sits back, nibbling on her lip. “It would certainly give me more of a focus each season. What do you think?”
“I guess it’s fine. Two editing credits for my resume for one show’s work is a good deal.” He overlays a shadowy police sketch into the video, shoulders rounded and tense. “What do I know? I just sit in the dark and pick which ghostly visage I want to layer over your audio.”
She leans in with her sunniest smile, squeezing his arm right above the elbow. “And you’re so good at it!”
“I am.” He’s too much of a professional to look away from his work, shifting the same image three pixels over and then three pixels back, but his bicep relaxes beneath her grip. “I am a top tier spooky face picker. All the commenters say so.”
She blinks. “Oh? They do?”
Higata twists in his seat, gaze somehow even more incredulous in the lack of light. “No, Shirayuki, they don’t. But they should.” He gestures to the screen vaguely. “They mostly just talk about how much they want to fuck Obi.”
“OH.” There’s some information she really, really didn’t need. “That’s um, ah--”
“Your job, according to roughly half our fan base.” His mouth hooks into a grin she does not enjoy. “What do you say, Lyon? I think we could break the bank if you kissed him once on camera.”
“I-- I mean--” it’s a ridiculous request, clearly a joke, but her heart is pounding so loud in her ears she can’t hear her own thoughts-- “that’s not really w-what the show is about.”
Higata laughs. “That’s what you think.”
“What does who think?”
Shirayuki jumps straight out of her chair.
It’s not an exaggeration; there’s literal air between her butt and the seat, and when she lands again, the soft cushion makes the most obvious whoosh noise in existence, only worse, since it’s slow too. No obnoxious whoopee cushion womp, oh no, just an endless, air pump whoosssssshhhhhh that’s as blatant as a rattlesnake in the silence.
“Obi!” His lean shadow fills the doorway—wow, is he actually that tall?—and his head tilts, just enough so that his eyes shimmer gold. “I—nothing! We were, um, nothing?”
“We were talking about true crime,” Higata supplies, darting her a pitying look, “and how that’s what everyone thinks we are. Winchester House just emailed back.”
Obi grimaces, teeth flashing white in the dark. “Ah, great. Another one of those.”
“Yeah,” she sighs, deflating into a slouch. “I could talk about Big Foot until I’m blue in the face, but everyone thinks I have nuanced opinions about Jeffrey Dahmer.”
One narrow brow arches toward his hairline. “But you do have nuanced opinions about Jeffrey Dahmer.”
“I just think animal mutilation is probably a sign things aren’t going right in your life and someone should have noticed.” She waves her hands, at a loss. “But that doesn’t mean I don’t want to explore a supposedly haunted house.”
His lips twitch, right at one corner. “For a skeptic, you’re really into the idea you could see a ghost.”
“Stories are part of the human experience,” she explains primly. “We use them to understand what feels inexplicable. And ghosts are part of how we compartmentalize death.”
“Or they are the remnants of people who died too soon.” Obi pushes himself off the jamb, sauntering over to where they sit. “Or whatever bad juju is left by human misery—hey, that’s a sweet mugshot. Who’s it supposed to be?”
Higata squints. “I keep thinking it might be Shiira? But the cheeks are all wrong.”
“Huh.” Obi leans between the two of them, nose hovering mere inches away from the screen. His arm presses into her shoulder, too warm. “Brecker.”
“Brecker?” Higata tilts his head. “Oh yeah, I see it now. He’s not gonna like that.”
He huffs out a laugh. “Good thing he doesn’t watch joyless tripe like Unsolved then.”
“Yeah.” Higata snickers, raising the opacity. “Good thing.”
Obi settles back on his heels, hand gripping the back of her chair. She dares a glance up, and there he is, watching her with one of those looks she doesn’t know how to read. “Don’t worry, Lyon,” he says, thumb rubbing at the plastic back. “The season’s only just started. Give it some time.”
“I’d love to,” she mutters, tilting her head back, resting it on his wrist. “But try explaining that to Izana.”
[Obi] I’m just saying, there’s no sexier crime than a heist. ...Well, I mean, that doesn’t involve actual sex.
[Shirayuki] *wheeze*
[Obi] You know what I mean.
[Shirayuki] Do I? Am I finding out too much about you right now? Is this how you get seduced at parties? Girls just cornering you and telling you about high-profile robberies?
[Obi] *laughs* This is absolutely not how I get seduced at parties. Unless you’d like to try...?
[Shirayuki] . . .
[Obi] Besides, it’s not like this is just a regular robbery. Heists don’t happen to normal people. Just the rich ones.
[Shirayuki] Well, this *is* a museum. It’s for learning purposes.
[Obi] Oh, like all that stuff actually *belongs* to a museum anyway.
[Shirayuki] Actually...this time it does!
[Obi] Wow, now there’s a mystery I want to investigate.
“We want to capitalize on the energy from this season.”
Izana isn’t a man who lounges; his mesh office chair is relentlessly ergonomic, only a few aggressively rolled lumbar supports away from a torture device. But still, he gives off the energy of a cat lazing in a sunspot, already gotten into the cream.
“Unsolved has always had excellent metrics, but since the premier--” he glances pointedly at Obi-- “they’re unparalleled by any other digital media Wisteria has put out on any of its platforms.”
Obi sprawls in one of the wire-frame chairs Izana has out, far too big for its delicate frame, every inch of him as still as the grave. Except for his one, bouncing knee, practically vibrating as he asks, “That’s...good right?”
“Very good.” Shirayuki may not be a metrics person, but working with Zen gave her more than a passing acquaintance with what success sounds like. “I think he’s telling us...we’re his cash cow.”
Izana’s lips lift into a smirk. “Just so. You’re more popular than Stand the Heat, and that’s saying something.”
It is saying something-- Obi’s show consistently has the most hits and the highest likes-to-views ratio. It’s been the backbone of Hypewire’s digital media section since it premiered last year, and now-- now Unsolved has passed it. If the graph Izana’s laid out is right, they’ve passed it by...a lot.
Shirayuki sneaks a glance at Obi as he leans over, taking in the numbers. She can’t move, can’t even breathe as he stares, eyes rounding as he understands what’s happening.
He rips the paper off the desk, shaking it at her. “Do you see this?”
She blinks. “Y-yes?”
His mouth breaks into a grin, like a Labrador who has found a particularly giant stick. “We’re awesome.”
“Oh,” she breathes, and wow, this is really not the time to think about the-- the Abayan effect, even if that smile makes it extremely hard not to. “Okay.”
“We should have you on the show.” His knee bounces a mile a minute, words barely keeping pace. “See if that makes the ratings draw even.”
Shirayuki stares at him, but there’s no hint of sarcasm, no undertone of agitation. For all intents and purposes, it seems as if he’s just...inviting her on his highly rated cooking show.
That can’t be right.
“Not a bad thought, Abayan,” Izana hums, fingers tapping at the desk. “Turn that in to me with the rest of your proposals for next season.”
Obi grins. “No problem, boss.”
“Wait.” This is all happening too fast; it’s all too much. Three weeks ago she was scrambling for a new co-host, and now she’s sitting next to Hypewire’s media darling, talking about how she needs to be on his show for his ratings. “I don’t-- we shouldn’t--”
“Oh, can you not cook?” Obi smiles, and it’s-- entirely too much. “Don’t worry, Lyon, you’ll be on top when I’m done with you.”
“N-no!” she chokes. “I-- I’m the daughter of a bar! I mean, my grandparents--” ugh, four years to get a journalism degree, and she still can’t word good-- “they owned a pub.”
“Great.” His teeth flash, half-feral. “Then you’ll know how to follow my lead.”
“I think,” Izana says, tipping her a speculative look, “that Shirayuki is less worried about her prowess in the kitchen, and more about what these sort of numbers might mean to a show like Unsolved. Isn’t that right?”
“Ah, I mean...” It’s terrible how good he is at his job. “It’s all so...quick. We’re still editing this season, and already I’m working on the ideas for next one, and I have to not only write scripts but also scout locations, and Higata is already stretched thin--”
“We’ll get you another editor.”
Her jaw drops. “W-what?”
Izana folds his hands, so calm, and tells her, “We’ll get you another editor.”
Shirayuki stares, mouth utterly dry. It had been a struggle to get Higata last season; after Obi had roasted the idea during Pitch Fight, Hypewire’s higher-ups had been loath to put any actual support behind Unsolved. Only his dogged enthusiasm-- and flagrantly working on the project behind their backs-- had gotten him on board after the pilot took off. And now Izana Wisteria was just handing her someone else. Personally.
She reaches down and pinches herself. Yep, this is-- this is real life. Somehow.
“You want to-- you mean that--” she gulps-- “you want to give Unsolved a team?”
He nods, brusque and efficient. “I can get you another researcher as well. Or if the locations appear to be a problem, perhaps a personal assistant?” He lifts a hand, a Wisteria shrug. “Just let me know your needs, and I’ll see what I can do.”
“Unless it’s time, right?” Obi asks wryly. “That’s straight out.”
Izana’s mouth stretches into the barest grin. “The internet is instant, I’m afraid. You have to strike while the iron’s hot. I hope--” he fixes her with a meaningful look-- “we are all able to make the best of this opportunity.”
kisskissfall4luv: does ne1 no f this guy is gonna b here 4 the hole sesson? i luv Zen but i lik the nu guy 2 hes so funny!
kayla0202: I hope he is! I never thought I’d like something as much as Stand the Heat, especially a show about aliens and weird crime, but Obi and Shirayuki make me tune in every week! How long are Unsolved’s seasons again??
unsolvedjunky42: There’s only one other season, and that was 12 eps, though a lot of those were 10 minutes long, and these ones are averaging 17-20min. It looks like Obi Abayan is credited as co-host for the rest of the season: [follow link] So glad he signed on, I thought Unsolved would be dead in the water without Zen but Obi brings a whole new dynamic I didn’t ever realize the show was missing.
zenluvr999: i no were only 3 eps in but i think im gonna need a new name lmao
“Ah, I understand, but we really are looking to--” Shirayuki clenches her stress artichoke, its plush petals ballooning out from between her fingers, and stifles a sigh. “Yeah, I see. Thank you.”
The call cuts off with a beep, too cheerful a sound for its finality. Another opportunity lost. Shirayuki spills over her keyboard, groan lost beneath the function keys.
“Going that well, huh?” Kihal barely spares her a glance, but she does pull aside a headphone; the way editors show they care. “Tell me again how much you love this job.”
“I do love it,” she insists, muffled by the cool metal of her desk. “It’s just...so much work.”
“You know, we could just get that personal assistant.” Higata drops his headphones around his neck, settling back in his chair. It creaks beneath him, protesting his slouch. “I still can’t believe you said no to that.”
“We don’t need another team member.” Shirayuki lifts her head, just barely, to give him a warning glance. “We already have Kihal. That’s more than enough.”
“Really? We still have half a season left to edit, you have another season to write, and you want to tell me we couldn’t use another set of hands?” His eyebrow twitches up toward his hairline. “You just love making all those phone calls, huh?”
“It’s not that.” She rolls back, lifting herself upright. Her spine reminds her sharply that it doesn’t like doing that, that it was having a fine time as she was, but if there’s one thing Shirayuki knows how to ignore by now, it’s a complainer. “Unsolved was my idea to begin with, and if we can’t do the proposal we submitted last week, it should be me who’s to blame for it, not some poor intern.”
“She’s so cute,” Kihal coos across the cluster. “She’s got morals and everything.”
“That’s rich, coming from you,” Higata deadpans. “Didn’t you unionize the Yuris office?”
Her teeth flash predator white between the crimson stain of her lips. “Why do you think I volunteered to work this gig?”
He sighs, long-suffering. “See, this is the problem: the both of you like working too much. It’s getting in the way of having someone fetch my coffee for me.”
Shirayuki levels her best glare at him, the one she’s honed from one too many long nights in the editing bay. “If we had a PA, their job would not be to get you coffee.”
“If we had a PA, their job would be to make these stupid phone calls so Shirayuki can get actual work done,” Kihal informs him with a playful superiority than makes his eyes roll. “Instead of spending all day in a fugue of sadness and misery because no one will take her seriously.”
Shirayuki almost protests—there’s no fugue, and if anything, the rejections just make her more desperate and determined, but—
Her list of high-profile options has been reduced by a half, red lines spiking through some of her best hits with no relief in sight. She is about two seconds from eating her feelings through the oversized cinnamon buns in the company vending machine, and a fugue state is starting to sound like a preferable way to spend her afternoon.
“Ugh,” she decides, and lays down again.
“There, there,” Kihal croons, patting her back across their desks. “Someone will have to give you the time of day at some point.”
“I’m getting calls back.” She rolls over onto one cheek, thoughtful. “People are fans of the show! They just...don’t think we’re serious.”
Kihal scoffs. “About what? Aliens? Ghosts? I’ve been fielding queries all morning from Shuuka asking which direction we want to go for The Alexandria episode.”
“It’s the whole ghost hunting angle.” Higata leans over, liberating her artichoke from her grip, tossing it between his hands. “If I want to be fair, which I don’t, but here we are—it’s a new direction for the show. I guess it could be confusing to people used to our format.”
“I know, I know.” She pillows her chin with her hands, letting out a sigh. “I just wish one of them would give us a confirmation instead of—“ she waves her hand at her empty schedule—“all this.”
“They will.” She doesn’t know where Higata unearths all this unearned confidence, but she’s glad one of them has. “Let this season run its course. Zen was never big on the supernatural episodes, but these ones with Obi...people are definitely going to pay attention.”
He wouldn’t be saying that if he had to suggest waiting to Izana Wisteria. “They’re already paying attention to Obi. I’m always getting asked if--”
“If I’m as handsome as I look on screen?”
The thing is-- she’s not expecting it. One minute she’s sprawled across her desk, and the next Obi’s purr is tickling her ear, and--
“Ow, fff--” his gaze darts over where he clenches his nose-- “fudge. Sicles.”
“Nice save,” Kihal deadpans. “Now if only you could do that in the first minute of every video.”
“What can I say,” he honks, rubbing his nose. “I’m an off-the-cuff kind of guy.”
“You’re a ‘ruining our monetization’ kind of guy,” she shoots back, though she pushes over an abandoned chair for him to sit on.
“Oh, Obi!” Shirayuki yelps, hands hovering on either side of his face as he sits. “I’m so sorry! I was just--”
“Surprised, yeah, got that part.” he lifts his fingers, wobbling the bridge of his nose. “No harm done.”
“Good thing,” Higata mutters, “that face gets views.”
“Oh please.” Obi grins, devastating as always. “Chicks love a broken nose.”
Kihal barks out a laugh. “When it comes to you, chicks love breathing.”
He shrugs, sliding into a slouch. “Still no luck, I’m guessing?”
“None,” Shirayuki confirms. “Though people have been saying they enjoy the new season.”
“The concierge at the Roosevelt says you’re a lot cuter than Zen,” Kihal offers, needlessly.
Obi’s grin widens, wolfish. “You don’t say.”
“Maybe you should start using that Abayan charm to get us some bookings,” Kihal suggests wryly. “Earn your keep around here.”
“Please, I earn my keep. I’m the eye candy.” He winks. “Besides, I’d be happy to, but the big boss over here always tells me--”
“You don’t need to worry about it,” Shirayuki says, “it’s really my job--”
Higata waves a hand, long suffering. “You see the problem.”
“I do.” Kihal settles back. “Well, if you really just need a place...”
“I’ll take anything at this point,” she says to the particleboard of the ceiling. “Even if it’s just a haunted hole in the ground.”
“All right, well--” Kihal grins, sheepish-- “my condo is haunted.”
[Obi] So you’re telling me that this is just some crazy lady’s house, filled with all her stuff?
[Shirayuki] Isabella Stewart Gardner was a socialite and a philanthropist, *not* a crazy lady.
[Obi] Right, okay, but...she did turn her house into a museum, and then made everyone promise not to touch it. Not exactly what I think of when someone says ‘stable.’
[Shirayuki] Because she *curated* it, Obi!
[Obi] So what you’re telling me is that she knew that from forever to the end of time, she would have better taste than everyone else on the planet.
[Shirayuki] *sputtering* W-well--
[Obi] No, no, you’re right. I retract the crazy lady thing. Because that’s *baller*.
[Shirayuki] *laughs* O-obi!
[Obi] I want to be that lady. Like that is shade from the grave.
[Shirayuki] . . . . She also was personally friends with Monet.
[Obi] SEE? Life goals.
“So,” Obi hums from around a dumpling, his chopsticks already rooting for another, “what do you think?”
Shirayuki looks up, halfway through a very un-dainty bite of her own. “About--? Oh! I can’t believe they’re only fifty cents each! Where did you find this place?”
Despite his reputation on camera-- forward-facing, casual, intimate-- Obi isn’t someone who looks at people head-on. She’ll catch a glance sometimes, or maybe a considering look from the corner of his eyes, but for the most part, he’s always moving, eyes darting around to watch who filters into a room, or at the cars moving outside, or staring down the squirrel that likes to scratch at their window.
So when he looks at her, gold eyes trapping her as thoroughly as amber, she notices.
“Well,” he says after a long moment, “when you run a food show, people do give you some hot tips. But, ah--” he rubs at the back of his head, ears pink at the tips-- “that wasn’t really what I, ah, meant.”
Her mouth rounds. “Oh.”
His hands raise, chopsticks knitted under his knuckles. “Though I’m glad you like it! It’s, ah, one of my favorite places too. I just thought that you might have some, er--” he grimaces-- “thoughts, about the whole haunted condo thing.”
“Oh! That.” She taps her chopsticks on her plate, trying to gather her thoughts. “I just think...I don’t know. It’s not a bad place to start, but I just wanted...”
She blows out her cheeks on a sigh. “The ghost hunting is a new aspect of the show, and I wanted us to come out strong with an actual location...”
His mouth curls at a corner, too knowing. “And having us just carry around proton packs and talk about cold spots in a friend’s house isn’t really going to do much for our supernatural cred?”
“Yeah.” She slumps against the chair, defeat. “That. But I also feel like beggars can’t be choosers, and no one else is telling us yes, so...”
He nods, mouth pressed into a thoughtful line. “So there’s no rush to say no.”
“Right, yeah.” She glances at him from the corners of her eyes. “How about you?”
Obi blinks, eyes fluttering wide. “Me? This isn’t really my--” he hesitates, mouth working, starting a half dozen words-- “ah, I mean, I think...it’s smart. You’re right, a bigger place will give us more credit, but if one doesn’t come through then we have to start somewhere. Besides,” his mouth tics at a corner, twitching toward a smirk-- “I’ve always wondered whether she’s bikini or boyshorts.”
It’s only when her chin hits her chest that she realizes her jaw has dropped. “We’re not there to look in her underwear drawer!”
“Well, we’re not at work for her to look in my gym bag either,” he replies, sour, “but she did anyway.”
“She already said that was an accident--”
“--a likely story--”
“--That’s not what I meant anyway,” she admits with a huff. “I wanted to know if you were okay with the whole, ah...” her shoulders round, shy-- “metrics thing.”
“Metrics?” His head cocks, quizzical, but then-- “you mean, the stuff Izana showed us weeks ago?”
“Two weeks ago,” she corrects, heat flaring on her cheeks, “and, um, yes. I just...you’re not mad?”
Obi stares. “About what?”
He shakes his head. “You’re...really going to have to be more specific than that.”
“The ratings.” She pokes at a dumpling, miserable. “Stand the Heat-- that’s your baby isn’t it? You pitched it and everything.”
“I...did?” he says, brow furrowed. “What does that have to do with anything?”
“It’s just-- Unsolved is doing better.” It’s not bragging, she knows that, but it feels like it. “And it’s-- it’s okay if you’re, um, upset about it. You’ve been doing this for--”
“OH.” Obi coughs, suddenly looking anywhere but at their table. “No, I really-- you don’t need to worry about that. At all. Please.”
She stares. “Obi, it’s okay. I’m not going to take it personally if you--”
“Kid, please,” he begs, holding up his hands. “It’s nothing. I mean, yeah, if Stand the Heat was on top, I’d be happy. I mean, I was happy when it was on top. But, this is...” his fingers twirl his chopstick mindlessly-- “this is good, too.”
“Listen, I know you may find this hard to believe, especially with how we, uh, met, but I wasn’t kidding when I said I was a huge fan of the show. Not even a little. Understated it, in fact.” The tips of his ears flush. “So, uh, it’s kind of cool that I joined my favorite show, and now it’s super popular. That’s sort of the whole fanboy dream, right?”
“O-oh!” She stares down at her hands, willing them to stop trembling. “I, uh...I didn’t...I didn’t really think of it like that.”
“Yeah, well, now you know you don’t have to worry about it,” he says with a laugh. “I’m living the dream here. Not only am I on the show, but I’m more popular than the last guy. And I get to take the cute host out to lunch and call it business. The only square I need to finish fanboy bingo is getting to ki--”
His teeth snap down, so loud she hears the click. “Haah, never mind. Hey look, is that the waiter? Could we, ah, get the check?”
[Sender]: [email protected] [Recipients]: [email protected] [Subject]: Season 3 Hard Proposal
Is there any reason this isn’t in my inbox already?
Shirayuki closes her inbox with a grimace. “Ah, hey, Kihal?”
Her editor looks up, brows raised. “Yeah?”
She licks her lips, bracing herself. “Just...how haunted do you think your condo is?”
21 notes · View notes
rynhaswritersblock · 4 years
tiktok famous (hc) - part four | p.p.
summary: episode four of tiktoks with y/n and peter ayooooo
warnings: cussing. what's new LOL
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- these are the imagines that i can pretty much just pump out because the plot line is like already layed out for me
- in conclusion i like writing these lol
- okay SO
THESE ARE ALL THE PEOPLE WHO GAVE IDEAS::: spideybparker starbabez mrose12623 elliedevotee lilcassipuff buckybigbutt
^^ if you've changed your username i'm so sorry whenever i get requests i write down the username and it's lowkey difficult to track who is who and if they've changed it ahhhhh
- aight
- lets get into it
- yuhhhhhh get into itttttttttt
- i'm gonna be saying yuh get into it so much in this imagine i apologize in advance
- like it's kinda bad
- oops
- so y'all know those audios that are like the fake calls
- it's like that man's voice he's like "hey whassup shorty your man around?"
- so naturally
- y'all know where this is going
- you and pete are just chilling (this is how all of them start. i feel like a broken record. help)
- you start recording
hey whassup shorty
- peter goes into FIGHT OR FLIGHT MODE
- he's just playing video games (fortnite aye) but the  S E C O N D  HE HEARS THAT RANDOM MAN'S VOICE
- huh wHAT NOW
- ????!!!!!!!!!!
- you fail at keeping a straight face cause the fucking AUDIO
your man around?
- a wheeze FLIES out of you mouth as peter SHOOTS UP FROM HIS CHAIR
- big "FUCK NO!" energy
- mans practically jumps on top of you
- he's like angry and confused at first but then he sees how hard you're laughing and just gets even more confused
"what was that?"
- his voice is all high cause it does that in tense situations
- puppy face is loud n clear!
- babey
- meanwhile you can't catch your breath for SHIT
- so you show him the video as you continue to literally die
- as soon as he realizes he just melts
- he's like laying on top of you and buries his face in the crook of your neck before bursting out into laughter and holding you tighter
"you can't do that!"
- god me thinking about that happening irl is giving me BUTTERFLIES
- sexc
- okay this one is another fake phone call
- just gonna jump into it it's pretty much the same situation
- in this one you two are over 18 btw
- for ~legal reasons~
- the audio starts playing with the ringtone and peter just glances over
- he's too busy watching b99
- naturally
hey this is dr. alvarez! we received your pregnancy test results
- peter has never jumped so hard in his LIFE
- tv is PAUSED even captain holt has the shocked expression (who am i kidding it's holt his facial expression is as dead as a brick)
- 🅱eter literally yells
- audio keeps going
is there a time next week you could come in and talk?
"y/n what"
- he runs over to you and you bust out laughing as he looks at your phone and realizes it's a tiktok
- an annoyed smile pulls at his lips and he groans and wraps his arms around you
"you had me there for a second"
- let's just say peter parker had family on his mind a LOT more since then
- wink wink
- k SO
- queso
- haha
- anyways
- y'all know that one sound
pussy so good i could save that shit for later
- welcome to straight tiktok!
- so y'all just chillin on his bed as best friends do
- on ur phones and shit
- and peter parker is a basic bitch so he has the led lights
- which i want SO BAD btw ugh my room would be such a vibe
- update i'm editing this and i just ordered some ayooooo
- anyways they're currently blue so like
- innocent
- chill
- but THEN
- the audio starts playing from peter's phone
pussy so good-
- you gAsp as the lights turn red
- ur like
- holy shit i didn't know parker could do that
- next thing you know peter's hand is on your chin/jaw (just about ur neck OOPS)
- his mouth is practically ON your ear
- you see him holding his arm out in front of you recording and you can't help but laugh
- but DAMN
his jawline is out and everything and he's fucking SMIRKINGGGG as he whispers the lyrics into your ear
- big mattia vibes (btw that man is NOT attractive i'm sorry)
- moving on
- i know i've written one of the ones where you kiss your best friend
- but time to turn the tables
- oh how the turn tables
- time for y/n to be a bad bitch cause WE MAKING THE FIRST MOVE!!
- hell yea!
- so it's late right
- like late late
- at least midnight (sleep schedule is MESSED from quarantine though so honestly late rn is like 2 or 3 in the morning yikes)
- and ur hella bored
- on tiktok
- the fuck else do you expect?
- and you start doing the thing where you start thinking about getting up and doing something and you think about it so much that you physically can NOT sit there any longer and must Move or Die
- i KNOW i am not the only one
- so that happens
- and you're like FUCK IT
- so you walk out of your room and into peter's next door
- oh to live at avengers headquarters and live next to peter parker
- you just fucking stroll in
- peter's fat ass just goes "hey thanks for knocking"
- meanwhile you can't even stand to look at him because you're afraid that if you do all of your confidence will VANISH
- so you set up the camera and start recording
- at this point peter's sitting up and just watching you cause he's so confused
- and
- it takes everything in you not to RUN OUT
- but you walk over to him
- wrap a hand around his neck
- tilt your head and lean down
- when peter realizes what's going on he's like OH MY GOD
- fight or flight response HITS except its JUST FLIGHT
- he fucking REELS back
- can't even process that his best friend and crush since EVER just tried to kiss him
- sdfjksdkfjsdfg
- you're like fuck! so you turn to start  r u n n i n g   a w a y
- but then his hands wrap around your waist
- you FLY backwards and laugh as the two of you flop into the bed
- and he kisses you
- mwah ha ha haaaaaa
- don't ask why the evil laugh just accept it
- i am tired yes it is only 8:43pm i am still tired
- so y'all know those povs where it's like you find out your soulmate's first words on your bday
- well
- ha
- you and peter are bored because ~ q u a r a n t i n e ~
- chilling at headquarters
- bored in da house and i'm in da house bored
- and peter's like "imma make a pov!"
- okay!
- so i'm just gonna lay it out for you HERE WE GO
- he has the generic countdown thing (text boxes saying 3...2..1! you know the deal) and then he looks at his wrist and it says "hey spider-boy!" and he gets so flustered - next clip it's him running into "you" (obviously you're not actually in it but he does the text box thingy) - you're asking about what it says and try to get a peek but he pulls away - next clip it's right before your bday - and then you find out your quote and it says "it's spider-MAN! cause i'm a man!" - and peter is just looking anxiously/happily at the camera
- i hope that was a good visual idk i tried
- and uhhhh yeah that one stays in the drafts bc he doesn't wanna expose himself
- moving right along by the way it's raining rn and i'm listening to my kind of woman by mac demarco and UGH this song makes me so...... jkdfhsdk
- but it's cute so
- fuck it
- y'all know it
i wanna put you in seven positions for seventy minutes babe
- mischievous as ✨hell✨
- oh my god i got another idea okay i'm writing that after this one
- anyways!
- you and peter are chilling
- note: i yell at myself every time i write that because the AMOUNT OF THESE THAT START THIS WAY GOD
- he's watching netflix or something idk
- fyi outer banks is overrated sorry not sorry
- yell at me if u want but
- it's riverdale for vsco girls
- you set up the camera and start recording
- audio starts playing and you climb into his lap and he's like WOAH
- you like put your hands on his cheeks/jaws lol and you start mouthing the lyrics
- but the THING IS (pt 1)
- homeboy catches on pretty quick
- and
- fuck
- you deadass have to take a second and reel back to catch your breathe
- but the THING IS (pt 2)
- kinda hot doe
- something for u to think about at night
- hey bitch this is a reminder to write about the fairy comments
- thanks past me
- SO
- hmm lemme think
- okay
- so
- okay yes
- so peter-man posts a tiktok of him doing flips n stuff
- like very generic white boy look at me doing things
- and it's very impressive
- but
- you decide to just GO AT IT IN THE COMMENTS
- i'm just gonna write some examples
- fuck me for writing this on a computer finding all these emojis on here is very difficult
- oh well
- here we go:
- oh my god a squirrel just climbed up the tree in my front yard and it caught me so off guard my heart skipped a beat
- wait okay irrelevant
- for real this time here we go:
you ate that 💕🧚‍♀️⚡🌟next time make it me instead 💖🧚‍♀️✨ omg peter you came on my fyp 🧚‍♀️💖✨but make it on me next 🧚‍♀️💕✨🦋 a necklace 💕✨🧚‍♀️⚡but make it your hands ✨💖🦋😌
- and so on
- lets just say when peter saw those
- his face got SO RED
"y/n what is this"
"uh fairy comments"
"but they're so-"
- you just stare at him and like
- shrug
- but knowingly
- okay i took a break to go sit in the rain and eat hawaiian rolls 10/10 experience def go do that next time it rains
- i think i wrote one like this but with the supalonely dance
- so this time
- we doing the savage dance
- first of all that song is a BANGER
- second, the dance is SO FUN
- so it's the same thing as last time
- you set up the camera but have it face peter instead of u sneaky sneaky
- and then u start doing the dance of course
- and obv peter is like yuhhhhhhhhh get into itttttttttt
- clapping along and smiling and whooping
- supportive bby
- but THEN
- OTHER HALF IS SAYING holy shit !
- once you finish you look at peter and he's just like 👁👄👁
- lol
- anyways
- you watch that video MULTIPLE TIMES afterwards
- okay in this one you and pete are 18+ because
- we like being legal 😌✋
- but it's one of those where you walk out in front of your boyfriend naked
- so peter just got home from patrol and climbs in through the window of y'alls shared apartment
- oh to live in an nyc apartment with peter parker UGH
"y/n? i'm home babe"
- the camera is shaking because you're laughing so hard and kinda nervy
- but you walk out of y'alls room and peter just turns to you
- nearly drops his fucking mask
- he's shocked for a second before he gets such a big smile on his face and throws you over his shoulder
- hehe
- okay last one i love this one sm this tiktok came up on my fyp and i immediately though THIS IS Y/N AND PETER
here it be::
god i hope that works and y'all can watch it lmk if u can't like if the link doesn't work or anything
- okay basically it's that tiktok but u and peter
- like that video EXACTLY everything about it is perfect
- that's it lol
- and i recommend watching her other tiktoks with her boyfriend bc their relationship is adorable and it's totally y/n and peter
- okay i think (hope to god) i've written all the ones that y'all requested
- i think i might only do just one more part of these???? idk i feel like if i just keep going on with them (cause obv trends keep coming) half this book would just be the tiktoks lol
- peace out homies i love each and every one of you
- be kind to urself and try to be productive
- i'm gonna go try and write some more so
- yes
- MWAH <3
+ + +
hi i hope you guys are doing well
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yinandyangyang · 5 years
a compilation | han
Tumblr media
Pairing: Han x Reader
Genre: cup of angst, with a dash of fluff
Tags: blurbs, unrequitedlove, ANGsT, floof?
A/N: this is a compliation of han - related blurbs, undeveloped plots, and angst, plus a tiny bit of fluff
let me know if there are any you think I should continue with!
@bunnyhani​ happy late omg im so sorry birthday, luv!!! you actually make me smile so much, you are a highlight in my life and since none of the scenarios i was trying to make actually really seemed like enough, i just made a few, unfinished, unrelated blurbs, chats, random han related thoughts and compiled them for you ~
01. build me a bridge of rose petals
“This isn’t something I can just get over,” I mumbled quietly into the phone. My best friend sighed in response, thoroughly annoyed with hearing of me and my failures at romance. 
“Look, y/n,” she hummed, irritation sprayed heavily into her words. “Cry me a fucking river, build a bridge, and get your dumb, absolutely idiotic ass over it. He isn’t worth your time. You’ve been in love with the dick for - how long - like a decade now. And not once has he reciprocated your feelings.”
A sob built in my throat and I bit my lip to keep it from escaping. I’d yell back, if I had the energy. But I didn’t. And she was right, any who. I’d been hopelessly in love with the one, the only, Han Jisung for years, since middle school. And never once had he liked me back. We had been friends for all this time, yes, Jisung and I. We had even gone dancing together a few times. 
“Stop dreaming, stop selling yourself short, stop rejecting all these other guys in the hopes he’ll magically like you back because you’re hurting yourself. I can’t stand seeing you like this any longer, y/n. I know I sound like an ass, but you deserve all the happiness in the world and I know you will never in a million years, find that with Jisung.
“Forget him, y/n. Forget him and be happy.” 
“... okay,” was all I could manage. Because ultimately, she was right. I had been letting him get in the way of my happiness for far too long. “Talk later.” 
And shutting off the phone, I tossed it across the room. Her voice echoed in my mind, “Forget him, y/n. Forget him and be happy.”
It wasn’t that easy, though, I thought to myself. He’s just always there. Han Jisung’s always on my mind. His smile. His voice. His eyes, lord, his eyes. The curve of his lips. The way he looked when he laughed. 
A sudden bout of painful coughing rumbled deep through my diaphragm, wracking my whole body with violent bouts of wheezing until I was left gasping for breath. Something pink flew out of my mouth fluttered slowly to the ground. I brought my hand up to my lips to investigate and the sickeningly sweet smell of roses wafted through the room.
My finger tips fell away from my mouth wet. Covered in blood. Another cough shook my body. 
Two more rose petals shot past my lips. 
02. lotto winner
“My gosh, __,” Jisung whined, scrolling through his instagram feed for the third time that hour. “What are you doing, wrestling with the zipper? Why do you take so long?”
“Yah, Han Jisung! Trying on clothes isn’t as easy as you think, okay?” you shouted through the changing stall door, still trying to decide whether the outfit looked good on you or not. “Can you look at this outfit and tell me what you think? I don’t know if it fits my body right.”
“Fine,” your companion sighed. “Just hurry, up, okay?” Jisung stared wistfully out the window at the bright blue sky. It was really lovely this afternoon and he had to spend it with you, inside an expensive clothing store looking like it had just come out of tumblr’s aesthetic page, waiting for you to try on clothes.
Jisung subconsciously glanced down at his watch right as you hesitantly exited your changing stall. The edge of the baby blue cropped crew neck ended right above the waistband of the black corduroy skirt and the trim of your skirt fell right a good six inches above your knees. Cradling your arms to your chest, you shot your friend a nervous smile. Frilly and girly wasn’t your usual look, you would have rather worn a pair of boyfriend jeans and one of Jisung’s oversized sweaters.
“What do you think?”
“You look good, now let’s go,” he spoke and not bothering to spare a glance up, he shrugged. You noticed of course.
“Yah! Jisung, you idiot!” you yelled, picking up the closest pair of pants next to you and throwing them directly at the head of your best friend. “You’re supposed to actually look when I ask you to.”
Peeling the pants off his head, Jisung rolled his neck, now more irritated than he was 3 seconds ago. First you waste his time and now you throw a pair of pants at him. What the hell? When would the torture end? He sighed for the nth time that afternoon, gaze finally traveling over your figure. And all irritation drained out of him like it was nothing. 
The second his eyes fell over your shy smile and flushed cheeks, all he could think of was damn. You looked good. The miniskirt complimented your curves and accentuated the length of your legs. Baby blue against black wouldn’t have been his first choice, but the innocent way you looked up at him erased all color complaints he had.
Whatever guy started ended up stealing your heart would be one damn lotto winner.
Coming back to himself, Jisung scoffed, immediately looking away from you. A pretty pink flush tickled the apples of his cheeks.
“W-what?” you stuttered, looking down at yourself nervously. “It doesn’t look good, does it? Oh my- I should have known better. It’s the color combination, right? I knew I should have picked pink or something-”
Jisung snorted, pushing himself up to flick you in the forehead. Stunned, the speech spilling from your tongue like word vomit halted and you looked at him.
“Oh my God, __. First things first, I didn’t need to look at you because I know you look fine in anything you pick. Secondly, now that I finally looked at you, I just realized that I shouldn’t have because now I’m disappointed. You don’t look as pretty as I was envisioning you.”
“Shut up, dumbass!” All prior unease forgotten, you smacked him in the shoulder. “Another comment like that and I won’t buy you food.”
“Okay, jeez,” he snickered, rubbing the spot you hit him. “You do look pretty, though.”
“Yeah, right.” You called, flouncing back into the changing stall with a pout. “You just want food.”
“Believe what you want to,” Jisung sang back, settling back down onto the couch outside the stall, all thoughts of you and just how good you looked erased. “I could always leave you here.”
Within seconds, you were out of the stall, completely changed and the slightest bit pink in the face. Jisung bit back a laugh. If there was anything you hated more than the thought of being with him (romantically), it was the thought of being without Jisung.
03. best friends v. break ups
text convo
j*s.~.ng: I've never felt more exhausted… j*s.~.ng: normally I wouldn't publicize this j*s.~.ng: but my heart hurts. So. Much j*s.~.ng: can I call you? j*s.~.ng: ahit nvm. j*s.~.ng: i forgot you're on a blind date…. j*s.~.ng: forget everything and ples enjoy :))) y/n: *5 seconds later* hey you okay? j*s.~.ng: all good ☺ y/n: don't hide behind emojis I know you better than that j*s.~.ng: but you're on a date j*s.~.ng: what are you doing texting me y/n: he kinda already left because you kept texting j*s.~.ng: shit. j*s.~.ng: I'm so sorry. y/n: don't be. He was a control freak j*s.~.ng: are you sure I'm not interrupting something? y/n: absolutely, chill j*s.~.ng: can...you pick me up? y/n: already in my car. Where you at?
04. silently 
It was all too soon when I got that feeling again. You know… that feeling.
That feeling, the one you get where your heart, slowly breaking, drops without hesitation into the depths of your stomach and begins to churn, boiling up a brew with the irritating emotions called heartbreak, loneliness, and hurt. The stench of the horrific brew rises and rises and continues to rise in your stomach, building up pressure in your lungs and making it hard to breathe properly. It eventually makes its way to your eyes, odor building tears up… and then there’s really nothing you can do to keep them from falling.
You know… that feeling.
I’ve loved the same boy since I was eleven years old. For a portion, a small one mind you, of that time, I was told he liked me back. Of course, that was merely a miniscule section of that time, the rest of the time, we decided to grow up, only when I grew up, I was left with the same feelings I’d had for him all those years ago. It killed me.
And it was only natural that he wasn’t.
We’d both had a couple flings with other people tossed in there… but my mind was constantly on him and his... wasn’t. His eyes, his lips, his arms, his laugh, his smile. I loved him. And nothing was ever going to happen between us. Because of his lack of self confidence, he always looked for affirmation in month long relationships, only to break it off, then find someone else over the course of the next week.
Did it hurt? Yeah. Of course it hurt. Fuck, it burned like shit. But what could I do?
I’d talk it out with close friends, my mom. It wouldn’t solve anything though. I was still left with that same heartache, the same slow, numbing pain.
There were those instances I wouldn’t see him for a while and those overpowering feelings would subside into a a low, near non existent hum. It would be those periods of time that would hurt the most, yet also be the most peaceful. During those hours, days, weeks… I would find myself missing him, his hugs, his smile… but I would also find solace in those moments of not having to worry about him, how he was doing, what I’d wear when I saw him next...
But through all those times, through all those years… it had never hurt this much. He’d already had so many girlfriends before and his yearning, his unquenching desire for constant affirmation seemed never to be satisfied, so he dropped one and moved on again.
When he and I made eye contact from the ends of the hall ways, a bright smile overtook my lips like it always did. This time though, it wasn’t because he was wearing a pair of slim cut denim jeans with a white form-fitting button down and a black suit jacket and looking the most attractive I’d seen him in a while, it was because I had decided to finally come in terms with my feelings. I loved him and appreciated him as a person, a friend... and a boy.
He approached me with a playful smile, the brightness of his expression challenging the setting sun.
But was we made our way into the room, sat down beside each other like regular, and began to talk, the conversation took a turn, one that really wasn’t in favor of my mood.
He brought up his newest girlfriend.
It wasn’t like I was angry at him for having a girlfriend, I was just a good friend, nothing more than that to him. He wasn’t mine. He was his own person.  
“So..” I hummed, trying to keep the conversation light, though really it’s not like anyone would have noticed my sudden shift in mood. I mean, we’re talking about me for goodness sake. I threw shade for fun and if I was hurt, it’d always be masked by my overpowering sarcasm. One sudden mood shift wouldn’t stand out, after all, I’d had enough practice hiding my true feelings from an unfortunate many times before. “She’s pretty?”
“Oh, exponentially more so,” he hummed, a radiant, beautiful smile decorating his lips as his mind drifted off once more to his gorgeous girlfriend. I never got that smile. That special, heart breaking smile was only reserved for the best, the prettiest and that was not me. “She’s... everything I didn’t realize I wanted in someone...”
He continued on, speaking of her eyes and how they glittered with this special something every time he saw her. Had my eyes ever looked like that to him?
He brought up her hair, how soft it felt when he ran his fingers through it, how it always seemed to fall perfectly. My hair... I reached up subconsciously to touch it. Was it soft? Did it ever look effortlessly beautiful like that?
His eyes glowed when he redirected his description of her to her smile. He said it was perfect, the way it shaped her eyes into pretty little crescent moons, and that when they were together, it seemed her lips were curved into nothing but. I frowned. He never noticed - wait no, of course he didn’t. Why would he notice my smile when his mind was solely on hers?
I brought my knees up to my chest, the familiar feeling of self pity slowly consuming me. I could no longer concentrate on trying to be a supportive friend while my heart was breaking like this.
I choked back a silent sob. He continued speaking, eyes glazed over in adoration of his girlfriend. My eyes burned, tears welling up at the corners. He chuckled, laughing about something she reminded him of. I reached up, wiping away my unshed tears. He smiled down at his fingers, moving them, savoring the feeling of the ghosts of her fingertips.
He didn’t notice anything. He never did.
A sad, somewhat pessimistic thought entered my mind. Was it because I wasn’t pretty? Would he notice the more minuscule things about me if I was pretty? Would he ask if I was okay if I was pretty?
Would I mean anything more to him... if I was pretty?
Forcing down my tears, I sighed, smacking a easy-going smile back onto my lips. Who cared if it looked fake. It’s not like he would have noticed anyways.
05. you, me, & the moonlight
“Hey...” I hummed, looking up briefly from my computer screen to Han Jisung, my best guy friend, roommate, and unbelievably cliche forever crush. The dim light from the yellow street lights outside mixed together with the lazy, past 10 pm atmosphere in the room. My feet lay on his lap, his laptop perched on my shins. At the sound of his name, he turned to meet my gaze, the slight dimple in his cheek sending my heart into an unauthorized gymnastics routine. He dislodged one earbud from his ear.
“What on your schedule tomorrow?” My eyes dropped down to the half-written essay on my laptop screen to avoid a blush from appearing on my cheeks. “I wanna do something.”
He yawned, stretching his arms above his head, t-shirt riding up on his stomach to reveal a sliver of the smooth planes of his taut muscles. Dammit, Han Jisung, cover yourself better.
“Hmm… There’s a morning practice tomorrow from 5:15 to 7, and then I have classes from 8 to 12. Afternoon practice is 2 to 3:30… I also have a study session later tomorrow, like around 4-ish, but it shouldn’t last longer than a couple hours. So we can either do something during lunch or pull an all-nighter doing whatever. Your choice.” He shut his laptop and placed it on the coffee table, the kitchen lights making his chlorine-bleached hair glow golden.
“Well tomorrow’s Friday. I’m most likely going to be asleep during lunch, and I don’t have anything on Saturday until after lunch so I’m game for the all-nighter.” I shut my laptop and placed it on the coffee table as well, rearranging myself so that my head rested on his shoulder. “But if you have morning practice, you should probably go to sleep soon.”
“Alright mom, geez.”
He scoffed in faux offense, laying his head atop mine on instinct. 
And, the mere movement sent my heart beating about fifteen times faster than it was supposed to be.
06. your sensitive side 
“Why are you sitting so far away?” Jisung stared at me, a confused look on his angelic features. For once, I wasn’t cuddled into his side. For once, I decided to sit on the very opposite side of the couch, curled up with my favorite penguin plush, Snoogly Woogly. A childish frown marred my usually gentle features.
“Why does it matter?” I spat out, clutching Snoogly Woogly tighter.
“Because you’re obviously bothered and in need of a hug,” he said quite matter-of-factly. I buried my face in Snoogly Woogly and groaned loudly, trying to smother the butterflies in my stomach with annoyance. He just smiled, put down his pineapple pizza and crawled over to my side of the couch. Soon enough, Snoogly Woogly was pulled out of my arms and her plush body was replaced with his firm, warm one. He picked me up, cradling me on his lap.
“Hey!!! You’re on my side of the couch, you big dumb dumb!” Instinctively, my arms wound around his lithe, idol body. I could feel him smile into my shoulder as he hugged me closer til we were pressed flush against each other.
“Oh please. If only you could feel how tight you’re hugging me right now.”
“Only because I don’t want to fall, you fucking sequoia tree!” I growled into his chest. “You’re still on my side, though.”
“Fine.” With that, Jisung picked me up as he stood and walked back to his side of the couch. Sitting back down, with me on his lap, he gave me a pointed look. “Is this better?”
A blush raged across my face. Why did he have to be so… obnoxiously strong and sensitive? I had been living with him for how long and still haven’t found enough flaws to stop liking him.
The night went on. We had just finished our third movie, second box of fried chicken and first box of pizza, and he still hadn’t let go of me. Then again, he was asleep now and he usually went to hug things in his sleep. Pushing off his drowsy form carefully, I peered at the clock on the microwave. 2:54 am.
Slipping out of his loosening grasp, I cleaned the coffee table off. Out went the trash, into the fridge went the pizza. Approaching the couch once more, the cracks of my broken heart softened as my eyes ran over his sleeping figure. I pulled off his glasses gently and set them down by the charging ports in the dining room. He shifted in his sleep, better revealing his soft features.
My hand stretched forward subconsciously to brush the hair from out of his face but I stopped myself. No... I shouldn’t. I turned to head back into the kitchen. Where the fuck was the melatonin..? But as if the whole universe was pitted against me, one of the legs on the coffee table somehow magically placed itself inconveniently in front of my foot.
Before I could stop myself, a whisper-shouted fuck surged past my lips. At the sound of my profanity, his eyes cracked open.
“Hey… shouldn’t you be sleeping?” Though his words were mumbled almost incoherently, his deep brown eyes gazed up at me, awaiting an answer.
“Oh- well yea-” before I could finish my sentence, he reached forward and placed a finger to my lips. Once that effectively silenced me, he sat up and wrapped his arms around my smaller body for the second time tonight, pulling me to the relaxed pace of his heart. For a moment, I lay there stiffly. Though this was no new position to me, my mind raced with doubts. The recent pain in my chest was getting worse, making it harder to think, function, and act normal around him. What had I let myself get pulled into? More importantly, what had I let my heart get roped into all those years ago?
As if sensing my unease, he cracked one eye open, ran a hand through my semi-tangled tresses and rested his lips against my forehead.
“Then sleep.”
07. even death would be kinder
“Oh __, my darling girl, how you’ve grown!” I grinned weakly, doing my best to enthusiastically return Mrs. Han’s hug. The woman was like my second mother. I had known her since I was in primary school and I absolutely adored her. Her son on the other hand…
“Han Jisung, come here and say hello!” Mrs. Han called out to her son. I steeled myself for the shock of seeing how the now unfamiliar young man approaching us had changed.
“Hi, __.”
The first thing that came to my mind was ‘hot DANG. his voice got deeper.’
Seulgi bowed quickly before shooting me an apprehensive look and taking her leave.
Taking a deep breath and a quick mental check, I looked up and extended my hand out to shake his hand in greeting. Upon looking up though, I could feel my hand fall slack in disbelief.
The young awkward boy I had fallen in and out if love with during my teen years had now been replaced with a suave, smooth young man. His smile came easily, lips stretched to reveal his bright teeth. His chubby, babyish face had slimmed down significantly over the years. His chiseled jawline and crescent eyes accommodated the handsome face he now sported well. But his eyes… the playful, mischievous brown eyes of his had not changed at all in the years that had passed.
Shaking myself out of my thoughts, I quickly shook his hand, slapping a professional smile on my mouth.
“Pleasure to see you again, Mr. Han. It's been too long.”
His smile faltered and the happy curve if his beautiful eyes vanished. Nonetheless, he shook my hand firmly and nodded, the smile, albeit a tad uncomfortable, still remaining.
“It has.”
Quickly releasing his hand, I stepped back. An uncomfortable silence shrouded us until Mrs. Han cleared her throat.
“Why the long faces, you two? You were the best of friends years ago,” turning to her son, she reached up to pinch his cheek. “Why, I recall you telling me she was the only girl you could be completely comfortable around.”
The handsome male across from me stiffened.
“That’s because she’s like a sister to me mom,” he said, smiling thinly. I pursed my lips, clutching the clipboard in my hands a tad bit tighter. Yes. That was all I was. Nothing but a ‘sister’.
“Oh pish posh,” Mrs. Han scoffed, waving her hand through the air as if it were nothing. “You’re acting as if she’s nothing but a stranger right now.”
Jisung rolled his eyes.
“Mother, we haven’t seen each other in ages.”
“Ages, my foot.” She slapped her son’s arm. “Now you two, stop acting like children. It’s time we had lunch.”
08. how much you care
“Guess what today is?” I asked, bouncing on the tip of my toes. Literally. Because I was wearing high heels. And one does not simply bounce on their whole feet with high heels.
“Your birthday,” Jisung spoke, returning my smile with an equally casual one.
“Yeup!” He had remembered! Excitement hung around me as I hummed giddly in response. I had finally gotten my feelings in order and realized how much he meant to me. It wasn't just my birthday. Perhaps now maybe I could mean something more to someone.
The lesson went by quickly and before I knew it, so had the majority of the night. Soon enough, it was just the two of us left in the room. While half of me knew he would soon be walking out of those doors like the rest of the students, half of me prayed desperately for him to stay.
“Can I show you something?” He asked suddenly, gesturing to the computer. Giving my consent, he searched and pulled a video up. And for the next minute and a half, I watched flashes of meme-filled images singing a horrid, remixed happy birthday song.
“Wow,” I chuckled in disbelief. His boyish laugh sounded in harmony. “I don't know what I expected but that definitely wasn't it.”
“Well I mean, I'm broke so I couldn't have got you anything,” he snorted incredulously.
“That's is true.”
I took a good long moment to appreciate his features. His smile. He was extremely attractive and I knew that. I knew that from the moment I first saw him in 4th grade. But did I ever do anything about it? No.
All of a sudden, I didn't know what to say. Conversations had never been awkward between us but for some reason, at this moment in time, my heart began to beat faster, my cheeks began to color. A feeling of dread filled my stomach. Oh no. Was I... falling for one of my close male friends??
Before the moment could get any more awkward, the sound of a vibration alerted the both of us to his phone and, pulling it out, the smile dropped from his face. An apologetic smile covered his lips and he pocketed the device once more. 
“Aight, my dad is here,” Jisung sighed, gesturing to the door. “I gotta head out.” 
Disappointment coiled in my stomach when he turned towards the door, exiting without a second glance. I stood there, staring at his receding figure, confused at why I was feeling the way I was. I didn’t know what I had been hoping for, but it certainly wasn’t for him to leave like that. 
Something in my body pulled me forwards, nearly tripping me over my own feet as I chased after him. 
“Wait! Jisung!” I called breathlessly from the doorway. “No birthday hug or anything?? I’m offended.” 
The boy turned, teasing smile playing at his lips. He paused in his step, rolling his eyes. The boyish quirk in his smile sent my heart hurtling over the edge into the chasm of having a crush at what seemed like a thousand miles per hour. 
“Fine,” he spoke, grin more than obvious in his voice. He continued towards me, hands shoved sheepishly into his hoodie pocket. 
“No, nevermind,” I scoffed playfully, turned back around, crossing my arms in faux offense. “I don’t need your hugs. Even though it is my birthday.” 
“Come on, y/n,” Jisung hummed, his soft, velvety voice sounding right by my ear. “Don’t be like that.” 
All of a sudden, a pair of warm, strong, lithe, familiar arms snuck around my waist pulling me firmly against the built frame of my best friend. The scent of his fabric softener and body wash overwhelmed my senses until all I could feel was him and home. He bent down, resting his cheek against the top of my head. 
A fiery blush burned over my cheeks. 
“Jisung-” I whispered, turning around in his arms. But that was all I could say before he pulled me into his chest once more, cradling my head into his comforting body heat. The sound of his melodic, hypnotizing heartbeat flowed through my ears, falling into a comfortable pace with mine. 
“Happy birthday, y/n.” 
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jdsass · 5 years
What a life🌚
Baekhyun was hiding. The enemy could be anywhere here and he tried his best to move forward, sneak between the buildings to stay inconspicuous, without making any noise. He was almost there. He heard someone shifting outside the room and he checked his pistol and slowly moved in the shadows. He held his breath and he was about to aim when a loud "Ping!" resounded the entire room followed by multiple other pings and in a moment of distraction,he had shifted in the wrong direction and now he was dead sure that had given away his position to his enemy. Shitshitshitshit what if he had been found? Oh God this is seriously going to be a mess he can't die yet... Not at this stage when he is almost there, being one of the two sole survivors at this point, definitely not now and-
He had been shot.
Cursing under his breathe, he glared at the 'You have been killed by User:Kimjongdaewifeu' message mocking him on his screen. He was literally moments away from his chicken dinner and he was so furious he let out a wild cry and reached for his phone, the root cause of his misery, fuming with rage. Whoever is the one behind this notification,he is so gonna murder that motHERFUC-
WAIT. WHAT? A new video from SeChan? Aren't they on their vacation in LA right now? Must be one of their random vlogs. His confusion only increased further when YouTube displayed the title of the video, "SeChan-What a life- MV". It was followed by multiple messages of '@real_pcy tagged you in a post' and '@oohsehun tagged you in a post'.
Wow. So the father and son were definitely NOT on a vacation, but they had the time to compose and record a song, and even shoot a music video for that? On top of that they had the audacity to hide the entire thing from him. Or was it one of their old compositions? He doesn't remember seeing or listening to anything called 'What a life,though. He scrunched up his nose further in confusion and clicked on one of his Instagram tags. He was, indeed tagged in a picture of his husband and son wearing some expensive af suits and smirking at the camera (Goddamn he so badly wanted to wipe that smirk off of his husband's face) and he read the caption below. "@baekhyunee_exo for you🥂".
Huh. What does that even mean? Did they dedicate the song to him? He was confused all the while trying to fight the blush creeping up his face 'God Baekhyun control yourself you're not a fucking teenager you've been married for 19 years now ughhhhh' and then he scrolled down further to see his son has posted few more pictures too and tagged him in them. He decided it's time he check out the MV for himself and clicked on the YouTube notification.
The music was fresh. Totally their style. Baek was in awe at how did they manage to pull this off in literally 15 days. Pride swelled up inside him, his family has, indeed, been blessed with talent. He was even singing along with the chorus. This is gonna be a chartbuster! He immediately started replaying it once the song ended,and now the initial adrenaline rush is gone, he actually started paying attention to the lyrics and the things that he missed during the first listen. And thats when he noticed something.
"Come out if you have time
Gather around for a meeting
Circle, square, triangle, and x
It’s boring playing games everyday..."
Park.Fucking.Chanyeol. Did he just write a diss track. He can't belived that he got openly called out by his husband for being a homebody and not moving when they called him to join them on this trip. in his defense, he had a few urgent stuff to deal with, as the co-creative director of the clothing line brand he created. And he absolutely can't believe that little shit, his son, agreed to his Dad's idea? Was all the love he had shown towards his Appa a frigging lie?!???!!!! Watch him throw his shoes at this ungrateful excuse of a son the next time when he comes and tries to snuggle with his 'Baekhyunie Appa'.
But seriously though, the song was really good and Baekhyun can't help but be proud of them both and that thought, made him go soft for both his husband and his son. Not to mention how good looking the both of them were. That gave rise to another wave of exasperation inside him that now there will be a herd of fangirls ogling at his husband and his little kid. He rolled his eyes at the thought and smirked to himself, because he is the one who officially owns the ~non-existent~ ass of Park Chanyeol. Still, decided to do some snooping around, and he switched to one of his private accounts to scroll through the comment section and fight those annoying idiots.
"Oppa we're so proud of you! This is a bop🎇🎉"
"Oh God the visuals, the music, the concept everything is DOPE! We love it!!!💝💗💖💓❤️💚❤️💙💟♥️"
"Love from India!❤️"
"Stream Stream Stream!"
Seeing these type of comments filled him up with excitement and joy. The fans like it so much, too. Intellectuals.
Baekhyun scrolled past the typical comments and decided he had done enough of undercover work and thought of exiting the comment section, that's when he noticed few stuff written in hangul. He thought he saw wrong, and squinted his eyes to see what was written once again.
A loud snort escaped him. Inappropriate scenes? Oh if only he could, he would show everyone the REAL inappropriate. And what did the poor yacht do? When did girls dancing on a yacht became a crime? Can't two gay men party with girls? Also why does it hurt these idiotic fangirls, when they can't even seem to digest the fact that their 'oppars' won't even spare a glance at any woman, let alone these dancers. He had his devilish grin on, and he started sending a plethora of attacks ranging from a middle finger emoji to comments like 'I hope you choke and di e, bitxh' (very mature, Baekhyun) to everyone who attempted to even touch his babies, his earlier annoyance at both of them totally forgotten, and he was starting to feel happier inside the more people he fought..
His little counter attack session was interrupted by a phone call. He saw the caller ID and his face lit up but in a nanosecond, the fury came flooding back.
"YAAAH PARK CHANYEOL! DO YOU WANNA DIE?!!!!" he literally started screaming into the phone and he was able to hear his son cackling in the background.
"I told you Dad, keeping the speaker mode on and putting that phone 5 metres away was a good idea. I knew that Appa was gonna scream like that!" his son managed to somehow speak all the while wheezing and trying not to die.
"Did you like it, Baekhyunee?" the deep voice of his husband brimmed with expectation and adoration sent a shiver down Baek's body. Oh God no wonder this giant puppy of a human can literally get away with anything he does, Baekhyun sure becomes a puddle of goo whenever he hears his husband's voice spoken to him closely and intimately. He can still hear the faint dying whale noises of his son somewhere in the background.
"Ofcourse, you big baby. I loved it. But you sneaky little shits hid a whole song production from me. I'm mad."
"Well then how do you want me to make it up to you, Baek?"
"Ew can you two please stop for now and continue this when I'm not here I don't wanna know the details-"
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jeontaeh · 4 years
V was failing maths. Still.
And it didn't make sense to Jungkook. Because V knew how to solve the questions and answer them, but it just seemed like he didn't care enough to write them down and use his brain.
Jungkook was slowly getting better at football and not getting yelled at by the Coach anymore, so he's thankful to V for that. But V wasn't improving, and that was pissing Jungkook off.
"Your math assignment. It's graded." Jungkook said, holding his books tightly against his chest.
"Cool." V said, looking at his phone while sitting in the library. Jungkook rolled his eyes.
"No, V- you need to do it properly. We have a class test on it tomorrow. Did you do the questions I asked you to?" Jungkook asked, while seeing V scroll past his instagram, making sure to comment the fire emoji on hot girls' pictures.
"V," Jungkook said softly, sitting down beside him. "You're going to fail if you keep going like this. You're good at maths, you really are, you're just not using your full potential-"
"Oh shut up with that bullshit. I suck at maths, you can say it. And who gives a shit about the homework assignment, I'll just- check this out." V said, and then stood up.
Jungkook watched him walk over to the table beside them, where some 14 year old boys were seated, their homework laid in front of them while they talked about fortnite or whatever.
"Which one of you nerds knows math?" V snapped, getting all their attention, wide eyes and pale faces turning to face him.
"H-him-" One guy said quickly, pointing at a guy who had oversized glasses on, who gulped fearfully. V leaned forward, took the kid's glasses off, and then threw them onto the table.
"You'll finish my homework and give it to me by tonight, or I'll hang you in the locker room by your underwear. Got it?" V growled lowly, and the guy nodded hurriedly, looking terrified. Jungkook rushed up to him.
"Woah- hey- no we're not doing that." Jungkook said, taking the glasses and giving it back to the guy. "Sorry, continue with your work." Jungkook mumbled, and then grabbed V's arm and dragged him to the other side of the library.
"Stop touching me in public!" V snapped, and Jungkook let his arm go and then turned around.
"Stop bullying those boys. You're doing this yourself! I don't care how, but you are." Jungkook grumbled, and V scoffed.
"Motivate me then if you're so smart," V said, and Jungkook paused.
He brainstormed for 4 seconds, and then nodded. "Okay. Fine. I'll motivate you. But not here, I'll see you in your dorm in 10 minutes." Jungkook said, and then went out of the library, leaving V confused.
Jungkook walked into V's dorm wearing shoes, socks, pants, a shirt, a sweater vest, glasses, and a blazer. V started wheezing.
"You look like a fucking dweeb!" He laughed, slapping his table, and Jungkook walked over to him with a nonchalant smile, placing his books on his table and sitting down on the chair beside his.
"Yeah. I look like a nerd, I guess." Jungkook said, and then took out V's homework assignment and kept it on the desk.
V looked at the homework assignment and groaned. "Word problems? And graphing? Nah, I'm out-"
"You need to get them all right, but I won't help you." Jungkook said, and V frowned. "How the fuck am I going to do it?"
"Well I've taught you all this, haven't I??"
"Yeah but it's not like I was listening!"
"You- ugh! Okay, I won't be able to help you during tests, so just sit your butt down and do all these." Jungkook snapped, and then stood up and walked closer to V, leaning down to face him.
"I don't want to." V grumbled, and Jungkook smiled softly.
"Let's put it this way. There's 10 questions. For every question you get right, I'll take 1 article of clothing off." Jungkook whispered.
V froze. His fingers gripped around the seat handle. "Deal?" Jungkook said softly, and V looked at him with fogged eyes.
He smirked. "Yeah, okay. Deal." V said, and then turned to face the paper.
Jungkook snickered, sitting down. "It is hard. Whatever you don't get, ask me. But if you ask me, then it means you didn't do it on your own. So you lose. I'm guessing you want to win, of course you do. But I'm wearing 10 pieces of clothing, so there's no way-"
"Done." V said, and Jungkook frowned. "Finished the first question. I got 34.6," V said, and Jungkook gulped and grabbed his own homework assignment from his bag to check the answer.
"Correct.. hm, okay." Jungkook mumbled, and then stood up and shrugged his blazer off. "Good job. Keep going." Jungkook said, sitting back down.
V looked over at him, seeing how nerdy and.. well, cute Jungkook looked in this stupid attire. With round thin framed glasses, making him look like a bunny.
Jungkook waited another minute, and then V grinned. "Done. X equals to 54.7 and -45.7."
"Correct." Jungkook said again, and took his one shoe off. "See, I told you! You can do math, it's easy, you just-"
"Finished the third one. 3567." V said, and then looked at Jungkook expectedly.
Jungkook took his other shoe off.
V started doing the fourth question vigurously, and Jungkook sighed. He knew V wouldn't get the last three questions. He himself couldn't get it, and had to work it out with Jimin, who's like a god in math, and also had trouble doing it.
"Done. I got 0." V said quickly, and then looked at Jungkook.
"Jeez, someone's suddenly good at math-" Jungkook mumbled, taking his fake glasses off, but then V grabbed his wrist.
"Glasses don't count as articles of clothing." V said lowly, and Jungkook paused.
Jungkook looked at him with wide eyes, and V just smirked.  
10 minutes later, and Jungkook had his eyes wide, gaping with his cheeks bright pink as V got all the questions completely right, with no help from Jungkook.
"H-how did you- how did you s-solve them so quickly? I-I-"
"Take the last piece off, Kookie." V said, turning his chair to the side. "I'm done."
So Jungkook did. He took the last piece of clothing off him, and then dropped it to the floor beside him, cheeks ablaze.
Jungkook gulped, and then looked at V through his big glasses. He didn't think he'd have to even take his sweater vest off, and here he was, sitting completely naked on V's chair.
V stood up, walking over to him with a slight smirk. "Underestimated me, did you?" V whispered, and Jungkook looked at him wearily, feeling V's big hands on his thighs.
"V-V-" Jungkook whispered, and V pressed his finger to Jungkook's mouth.
"Ssh.. it's okay. If anything, this helped. Not only did I finish my math assignment, I also have you, completely naked, on my chair. Isn't that fun?" V smirked, tilting his head.
Jungkook looked at him with big eyes. "V-"
V leaned in and placed his hands on Jungkook's bare hips. "Guess you could say I used my full potential, didn't I?"
"I-I-" Jungkook stammered, and then V picked him up with ease and placed him on his lap instead, sitting down on the chair.
"You- you want me to fuck you?" V whispered, mimicking Junghook's stammer and making him gulp. "W-we fucked like.. two days ago.. m'ass is sore.."
"Boo hoo. Want my dick or not?" V snapped,and Jungkook sat on his lap, naked, and then danced his nimble fingers over V's button up.
"Okay.." Jungkook mumbled indignantly, but V just smirked, knowing full well Jungkook wanted it.
Minutes later and V was fucking into Jungkook, who was holding V's shoulders tightly, getting hammered by V's cock while sitting on his lap, his glasses fogged up, tilted.
"Hm, look at you. Mr. straight A student, who's dick did you suck to get the highest in Chemistry, hm?" V whispered into his ear, and Jungkook scratched down his shoulders, moaning aloud when V rammed into his prostate.
"So fucking loud, babygirl," V let out, feeling himself drowning in those velvety walls, while Jungkook's whimpers only grew, kind of high pitched.
He felt V place his hands on his ass, and move his cock in further, and Jungkook only whimpered. "A-ah- V! S-so big-!" Jungkook cried out, and V smirked.
After a bit more, both came, and Jungkook hid his head in V's neck, while V patted down his back. "You okay? Seemed a little frazzled there,"
"I'm fine. S-sorry if I made you feel dumb." Jungkook whispered, and V wrapped his arms around his waist, holding him on his lap.
"Aw, that's alright. I am a dumb big jock, aren't I?" V said jokingly, and Jungkook giggled, seeing V bring his fingers up and wipe the moisture off his glasses.
Jungkook was with the other guys in the lounge which was situated in the boys dormitory, and it had a foosball table, table tennis, arcade games, an xbox, a pool table, all that kinda stuff for the students to do in their free time. They were talking about birds.
"-which is why Puffins are the cutest birds on this planet."
"You're forgetting penguins."
"Penguins do not classify as birds."
"Then what the fuck are they, fish?"
"Your mom's a-"
"Guys!" Jackson's loud voice made the 7 boys in there turn their heads towards the door. Jackson and his posse of friends stood there, along with the new kid who joined.
"There's V. I was looking for you, man." Jackson smirked, walking over to the grey haired boy who was leaning against the pool table.
"What do you want?" V asked, unbothered. Jackson snickered. "Well, Mark and I were walking past your room yesterday.." Jackson trailed, and Jungkook suddenly looked up, feeling his stomach hitch.
V looked unbothered, still, and Jackson just smirked. "We heard some stuff."
"What stuff?" Jimin asked, and the boys looked at V in confusion.
"What stuff?" V asked again, looking at Jackson with darkened eyes. Jackson laughed.
"How's this for starters- Ah! Ah~ V~ your dick is so big~ ah!" Jackson mimicked a high pitched voice, and all the guys burst out laughing.
Jungkook blushed deeply, looking down, and V looked tensed. "What?"
"You had another girl over last night? I swear this is, like, the fourth time I've heard you fucking some chick in your room. You need to quieten it down, man. One of these days a teacher's gonna pass down the hallways and straight up suspend you." Namjoon said.
V visibly relaxed, while Jungkook notably tensed. V started snickering. "Yeah, well. Y'know. Girls are loud."
"This the same girl you said was into anal?" Yoongi asked, and those other guys started laughing really hard, and Jungkook felt the discomfort in him grow, his cheeks turn redder, looking away.
V laughed. "It's none of your guys' business. Let me fuck in peace, damn. I'm the only one clapping cheeks around here- so don't get jealous." V smirked, and the guys started ooh'ing in fake offense.
"Who is she, man? Sounds like a freaky ass chick- I wouldn't mind getting my hands on her." Jackson said, and Jungkook instantly looked up.
"I-I need to go to the bathroom." He squeaked to himself, and then rushed out of the lounge, looking scared.
Jimin frowned, looking at where Jungkook ran off. V looked at that too, and then walked up to the door of the lounge.
"Nah, you can't get your hands on her." V said while walking, and Jackson raised his eyebrow. "Why not?"
V stopped, and then turned to face them, smirking a little. "She's mine."
"Ooooh-" Jin let out while laughing, and Jackson frowned for a second, but then V walked out.
"What the fuck was that? Are they dating or something?" Jackson asked, and Jimin sighed.
"Dude. Mind your own business and go make out with Mark or something." Jimin mumbled, and all the guys started laughing again, and Jimin headed for the door.
V rushed out and saw Jungkook rounding the corner of the hallway. "Jeon!" V called out, and then saw Jungkook stop, and ran up to him.
Jungkook turned around, and he looked shaken, a little nervous, so V frowned, gripping his waist. "Hey, what's wrong?"
Jungkook gulped, looking behind V to make sure no one was there, and then looking at him. "V t-they heard us! What if- w-what if they knew i-it was me-"
"They didn't, they thought it was a girl." V said softly. Jungkook frowned at that, his eyes growing big. "That's not better... it's embarrassing.."
"No no, it's good. If it's any consolation, I like that you sound like a girl. Eases things out for me, y'know?" V said, and Jungkook frowned at him.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Jungkook snapped, and V chuckled. "God, Jeon, relax. If you want we can start hooking up somewhere else. But where?" V asked, and Jungkook's head perked up, and he looked at V with big eyes.
"I know a place! It's-it's an old art room. It's a tiny space in the top floor, they don't use it much anymore. It's really nice there, and-and we can go there! Ooh- you can see some of my artwork!" Jungkook gasped, and V scoffed.
"Right. To see your artwork. Yeah, the only artwork I wanna see is your ass-"
Jungkook hit V on the chest, and V began laughing, and so did Jungkook, and Jungkook leaned up to kiss him- but then they heard footsteps.
"Hey! Is everything okay?" Jimin's voice came, and V jumped away from Jungkook and turned to face Jimin, who walked up to them.
"It's fine. Everything's fine." Jungkook said quickly, and Jimin nodded, giving a weary look to V.
"Since when did you two start hanging out?" Jimin asked, and V let out an awkward chuckle. "We're not hanging out. We just- um-"
"We were just talking." Jungkook mumbled, and Jimin nodded. "Right. Anyways- Kook, let's go get some food from the canteen-"
"Actually, Kook needs to come with me. I need more... maths tutoring. Yeah." V smirked, and Jungkook looked at him and almost let out a giggle.
Jungkook nodded, looking at V. "Yeah. Sorry Jimin- I'll go with you later. C'mon V- let's go learn maths." Jungkook said, and V and him both smiled at each other, trying to suppress giggles, and went up the stairs to the top floor.
"Um.. okay... I'll go alone." Jimin mumbled to himself, and then turned around and walked away, a little confused.
0 notes
eene-fangirl · 7 years
Eddy, The Patient Chapter 1 [An EddEddy Fanfiction]
NOTE: Here it is! Eddy, the Patient! I hope you guys enjoy! Also I got the ‘Come in Now, or you’re fired’ text from one of @eddyhoney fanfics.
Eddy woke up to the feeling of a giant elephant sitting on his stomach suffocating the air out of him. Oh no, Eddy groaned to himself trying to make himself sit up. He put a hand on his aching cranium which was still present after having to work overtime, again. 
Sure enough he heard a the sound of a revving engine and reached over to his nightstand to grab his phone.
Even the not so bright shine was enough to make Eddy squint.
‘Come in now, or you’re fired.’ Read the text from his boss. If you scrolled through that wall of texts it was mainly that oh so threatening comment along with Eddy replying ‘K’.
There was no way he was getting out of this bed today. His nose was clogged and it hurt too much to swallow.
... or you’re fired...
His boss wrote that harsh text to anybody even when they didn’t have any cars to fix. Like it actually meant he was going to...
Would he? Has he? In the near ten years Eddy had worked for ‘Bragstien’s Auto Fix’, yeah great name, really get them business, the line of employees never stayed the same. There was someone new every month. They all quit or were fired for the most ridiculous reasons. As of right now it was only Eddy and six other employees who were unable to quit.
There was nothing bad about taking a day off. Eddy basked in the thought about lounging around in bed the whole day watching TV. He hadn’t done that since he was a teenager.
... or you’re fired...
Ugh... stupid anxiety.
‘Yeah. I’ll be in. K.’ Eddy reluctantly texted back. He pondered for a moment whether to send an emoji with the finger but decided against it. Then again.... oh, he did many things against the rules. Bragstien wouldn’t fire him. Still he left out so he wouldn’t have to listen to listen to one lecture.
Eddy’s mind was so blurred that he just noticed the other side of the bed was vacant. Eddy must have already been up preparing his own breakfast and getting ready for school.
His nose was congested ad lungs wheezed. Prickles of sweat appeared on his forehead. Either he was really out of shape or he was sick. Was it possible to feels warm and yet have chills at the same time?
“Goody morning, sleepy head,” Edd greeted his husband once Eddy made it to the kitchen. “You slept late.”
The smell of eyes and bacon turned Eddy off. He didn’t even feel like eating.
“Oh, the bed wouldn’t let go of my ass.” With that he let out a hoarse cough which turned up Edd’s nose.
“Are you feeling alright, Eddy?” his husband asked. His ninja reflexes were pretty off too. He couldn’t escape Edd’s hand falling on his forehead.
“I’m fine, sockhead. Just a cough,” he wheezed.
There was no getting around Edd who could have been a part time doctor. Even though Eddy wanted to shake off Edd’s annoying hand it felt cool against his warm skin. He didn’t want Edd to take his hand away. Eddy forgot how smooth it was. It used to trace up his nude back making his skin tingle.’
“You’re in no shape to go to work today,” Edd determined.
Eddy sighed, though agreed in his mind. “No, Double Dee, i’m fine. It’s just a cold.”
“Not a minor one I can sermize. You have a fever! You’re perspiring you’re congested, you’re coughing...”
“My headache is worsening the more you lecture.”
Eddy smiled at Edd who just crossed his arms. He missed teasing Edd too.
“You’re in no shape to work today, Eddy,” Edd said once more. “You’re staying home.”
“Nobody can call in sick. That’ll put me near strike 8,472 of 3.”
Edd sighed rubbing his husband’s shoulder in a light massage. He still kept a well distance though fearing the spread of germs.
“I wish you’d find another job, Eddy,” Edd said.
Eddy brushed a hand over his eyes. Day after day for nine years Eddy wanted to quit and be rid of going to that place. He was yelled at, talked down to, and forced to work double, even triple shifts. His boss took advantage of him.
“It’s a short shift today...”
“That’s what you said when you walked into the apartment after midnight last night,” Edd nagged, pulling Eddy out from the chair. With a hand around his bulky shoulders Eddy was walked back to their room. “That’s the reason why you were sick. And it was raining cats and dogs! We should sue that man. He abuses his co-workers. You’re quitting!”
Edd pulled Eddy’s sludge marked shirt off. Now he was really starting to feel like a kid. “I need money!” Eddy complained.
Edd dressed him in a nightshirt that he hardly ever wore. He buttoned up each button. His husband almost looked sad knowing deep inside that Eddy agreed, but was too stubborn. “You can make money at another establishment. Anyway that is not the key issue. You’re staying in bed and not moving from this apartment.”
Eddy inwardly groaned as he sank back into the comfortable pillows which massaged his back so well. He could almost fall asleep again with how soft his pillow was. Edd found a washcloth, soaked it with cold water and rubbed it around Eddy’s head.
“That feels nice, Dee,”
“Are you sure it’s alright if I leave you for the day?” Edd asked knowing it was growing later.
“What am I? A little kid or somethin’?” Eddy grumbled.
“No. You’re my husband and I love you.” Edd remarked, holding Eddy’s hand.
Eddy smiled and opened up his eyes. He held Edd’s hand a little tighter. “Love yah too, sockhead.”
Edd kissed the top of his forehead. They found themselves staring into one anothers eyes for a little. “If only this were a weekend, not like I see you much then anyway,” Eddy pouted. “Remember in the days where we’d spend all day in bed together?” Eddy asked smoothing his hand down Edd’s arm.
Edd smiled looking lovingly at Eddy, although sad at seeing how red his eyes looked. “Are you sure you’ll be alright here alone?” Edd asked again.
“Yeah, I’ll just lay here and wait for the devil to take me.”
“That isn’t funny, Eddy.”
“Would you go to work, sockhead? It’ll be the end of the day by the time you get there!”
Edd was off, but not before making sure that he washed his hands before leaving.
Eddy listened to the sound of the car ‘d engine. Other then how it took two tries to start, Eddy listened until the noise grew quieter until Edd must have been gone.
Throwing the covers off and putting his filthy shirt back on Eddy left the apartment.
Edd was like a parent. He worried over everything. That’s what husbands or any married couple did. Sick or not, Eddy was going to work.
It was a far distance without a car. Eddy wished he knew that. He used a car for everything. He missed the days where they walked everywhere. Those were the joys of being a kid. No worries of having to get gas.
He’d survive! They walked a whole night to his brothers place over a decade ago.
Should he have taken medicine? His head pounded every stop he made. It felt as if a drum stick was hitting his hand. And his throat. He couldn’t go a minute without hacking. Was his head that warm?
Eddy stopped walking when he approached a crosswalk.
If he kept walking straight ahead he’d be at work in maybe twenty minutes.
Eddy looked to the left of the street. If he walked down that street and around a corner which lead to a busy intersection was a community college. It was right outside the city making it convenient for anybody.
Once in a while Eddy drive past the community college to look at it every once in a while.
Hearing Edd’s voice in his mind, Eddy knew it was best to turn back to the apartment where his soft comfortable bed was calling him. He hardly had the energy to stand. Eddy also felt so congested and pained that it made him feel woozy.
... Or you’re fired...
He couldn’t lose his job. Their apartment was expensive, the car was nearing its expiration date. There was no was they could afford paying for a community college! EVERYTHING cost money!
Why was he even thinking of going to school?!
It was a crazy idea? Right?
How much did that community college cost? Not like he wanted to attend. Though... he could get a better job... in something he’d want to do.
Eddy jumped a few feet off the ground when a car blared its horn. “Would you make up your mind?!” A lady hollered at Eddy.
Eddy briefly glared the woman down until he walked across the street continuing on with his way to work. 
‘Getting soft like a yellow balloon, pipsqueak?’
He hugged himself feeling shivers. The sun was out right? Why did he feel cold?
Eddy shook his head, although lightly not wanting to worsen his head ache. His brother was no part of his life anymore. Why did he always find ways to welcome himself into his mind?
As Eddy trudged along practically blocking his eyes from the bright sun he wished to be done with this day.
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lavenderprose · 7 years
We talk a lot about Yuuri having to reconcile his idea of Viktor with the real Viktor--that is, Yuuri has this flawless, wonderful ideal of Viktor in his head which has to sort of be cut down to fit the person that Viktor really is. Which is a healthy part of their relationship, and which I completely agree is something Yuuri has to face at some point during that first summer.
But I think there’s also something to be said about Yuuri realizing that some of the horrible things he’s heard about Viktor through the skating community grapevine are not so true.
Yuuri, despite what he says, is much closer to is idol than most people ever get. If Viktor is a movie star, Yuuri is the secondary character--he’s there, and a lot of people definitely know he’s there, and he knows enough people who also know Viktor for the gossip mill to really get churnin sometimes.
I also think that at the back of every person who has ever had a celebrity crush’s mind is a little voice saying, “Never meet your heroes,” and Yuuri Katsuki is terrified of that little voice, and it contributes to the distance he keeps from Viktor--because at some point, that much distance from someone you’re facing off against in international competitions has got to be just a little bit purposeful.
So cue Viktor coming into his life all of a sudden one day, and all Yuuri can think about are the terrible awful no good very bad things people have told him about Viktor and the kind of person Viktor is.
“Fuck Viktor Nikiforov,” an older skater had told him after Skate America, six glasses into a box of wine and bitter as hell about missing the podium. “No, really, fuck him. The Russians are paying off the ISU to keep him at the top. He isn’t even that talented. I hear--I hear he doesn’t even train. I hear he just shows up and fucking does whatever and they give him gold because he’s Viktor Nikiforov.”
“I...don’t think...” Yuuri frowned at his own glass of wine. “I mean...that couldn’t be true.” He glances at Phichit next to him. “Could it?”
“Sour grapes,” Phichit advises, and Yuuri isn’t as familiar with English idioms at that point, so he thinks Phichit is talking about the wine.
Yuuri mostly forgets about it, but somewhere in the back of his mind--he can’t stop thinking about it. He watches and rewatches Viktor’s old programs and wonders to himself if the reason he thinks they’re so good is because he’s watching them through rose-tinted glasses.
Yuuri and Phichit are suffering through finals and trying to survive through twenty-hour days of nothing but studying and skating. They lay themselves on the bleachers one afternoon while they’re supposed to be doing warm ups.
“What if I just quit school and became and underwater basket weaver,” Yuuri mumbles directly into the metal seat of the bleacher. “That would be fine, right?”
“WWVND,” Phichit replies. “What Would Viktor Nikiforov Do.”
“You’re right,” Yuuri sighs.
“Viktor Nikiforov is dumber than a box of rocks,” says of the other members of the club as she skates by. “You know he never even finished high school? I mean, what counts as high school in a country like Russia. The guy probably thinks two plus two equals borscht.”
“That’s not...” Yuuri smushes his nose against the bleacher. “Hey, that’s not...”
“FUCK OFF OLIVIA,” Phichit shrieks across the rink, and Celestino definitely hears. They have to do twenty minutes of line drills. 
“What Would Viktor Nikiforov Do, right boys?” asks Olivia as she watches Yuuri try not to heave after Celestino finally releases them from their Sisyphean torture.
“I’m gonna fucking kill her,” Phichit says, and he sounds so deeply serious that Yuuri is sincerely worried.
Several weeks later, someone mentions Viktor within earshot of Phichit and he jokingly says, “Watch what you say, that’s Yuuri’s future husband you’re talking about,” and it sort of makes Yuuri want to hit him but mostly makes Yuuri blush.
“Really?” replies that someone. “I don’t know about that, Yuuri. I wouldn’t touch that guy with a thirty foot pole. He sleeps around. Probably has all kinds of nasty stuff going on down there.”
“Oh, whatever,” Phichit says, rolling his eyes. “Like you would know.”
Yuuri ducks his head back into his book and tries not to think about it.
These are the things that Yuuri holds in the back of his mind about Viktor, the worries that travel with him anywhere he has even the chance of encountering Viktor Nikiforov. 
‘Never meet your heroes’ becomes something of the unspoken mantra of Yuuri’s life. 
Then Viktor Nikiforov catapults himself straight into Yuuri’s lap, and Yuuri learns a few things.
Viktor trains. Viktor trains hard. Viktor has neglected everything but training and skating and satisfying his own frantic need to be the best for twenty years. Viktor Nikiforov is a lonely, sad bookworm with one friend and a gaping, yearning need to be touched--and he did not get to be where he is without making sacrifices. 
Yuuri has never met anyone who made more sacrifices for this sport and this art than Viktor Nikiforov. It opens something up inside of him, throbbing and raw. It makes Yuuri want to take Viktor’s heart and shove it inside his own chest so that it never feels cold or lonely again. It makes him want to stand on the top of a tall building somewhere and scream fuck you to every person he’s encountered whose jealousy tried to convince him that this man was less than what he is.
And yes, Yuuri knows now that Viktor is forgetful and brutally honest and often doesn’t say the right thing at the right time.
He knows that Viktor is only ambidextrous in that he can use a fork with both hands and that it takes him twenty minutes in the morning to decide on a shirt to wear. He knows that Viktor Nikiforov is a blanket hog and that if Yuuri wants to wake up still covered in the morning, they have to have no less than three blankets on the bed at all times.
He knows that Viktor sometimes descends into these loops of manic energy where he wants to do everything and can’t sit still and in those moments, Yuuri wants to lock him in a room and leave him there until he starts making sense again.
He also knows that Viktor Nikiforov has the most genuinely beautiful soul that Yuuri has ever had the opportunity to touch. He knows that very few people in his life will ever love him like Viktor, and that he himself has never felt for anyone quite what he feels for this man. His man. 
He knows these things and he thinks that maybe Viktor is perfect after all, perfect in his imperfection. Every jagged edge of his fits into one of Yuuri’s, and every curve of Yuuri’s lovingly presses flush with Viktor’s until they fit together seamlessly, like a pair of puzzle pieces.
Yuuri is also still a very petty person on the inside, though--which is why he makes posts on Instagram that read things like Viktor received his sixth well-deserved Russian National gold today! Congratulations to my amazing fiance.
And also:
So proud of my husband for all of his hard work commentating at the #Olympics. Some people go to school for half their lives and aren’t half as articulate as my Vitya. #Proudhubby
After that last one, Phichit leaves a voicemail on Yuuri’s phone that is literally just two whole minutes of him laughing hysterically and then wheezing, “THE SALT!” before hanging up.
“Yuuri, why did Phichit just sent me...sixteen crying laughing emojis and a text that says ‘your husband I can’t,’ in all caps?”
“Because a lot of people tried telling me you weren’t perfect and I’m proving them wrong,” Yuuri replies, not even looking up from his phone.
“Oh,” Viktor says, and literally crawls on top of him.
Yuuri supposes that the moral of the story is that the heart wants what the heart wants, and you have to find perfection in the imperfections--Viktor is loud and ditzy and forgets the English word for tomato on an almost daily basis, but he’s Yuuri’s husband. And because he’s Yuuri’s husband, he’s perfect.
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actualbird · 7 years
been a while since ive recced some fics but here are some new stuff ive read and LOVED lately (previous fic rec lists | bmc fic rec page)
Protector by DivineProjectZero
With Michael, he feels safe.
(wherein Jeremy Heere is scared of girls and Michael Mell is his last line of defense.)
okay this entire rec list is jenny’s fault because she just finished protector and i wanted to yell about it more than i already have. i know ive recced this before but now it’s COMPLETE AND YOU SHOULD ALL GO READ IT, FUUUUUUCCK.
ive been screaming about this fic ever since it started. it’s a fantastic, well written, hilarious, GUT WRENCHING masterpiece with all the fun things that makes a fake dating fic a joy to read + 10000 more incredible things. i have laughed out loud reading this fic. i have shed real fucking tears reading this fic. i nearly threw my phone out the window of a moving car, one memorable moment. please. just. if on the off chance you havent read this fic yet, please do. it’s a long, lovely journey that’s wonderfully written with fantastic characterization and chapters that have u clawing for MORE. im tryna stay vague about describing this fic bc i f i went into detail, this post would be too long.
read this fic. please. you will thank me, but u gotta thank jenny first for creating all of it.
It Don’t Mean a Thing (Cause He Ain’t Got That Swing) by AMRV_5
Jeremy loves jazz, but really, really, really can't play it. After a disastrous recital, he swears off jazz forever and gives up his dreams of performing to major in music education... until a fateful scheduling issue forces him into a jazz and improv class. There he meets Michael Mell, an insufferably cool bassist who doesn't know how talented he really is. Together, they have the potential to create something incredible. That is, if they can get along for even half a second.
okay so it takes A Lot for me to get into a WIP but holy SHIT im fucking obsessed with this fic!!!! it is exactly what is says on the cover and so much more. this fic is PHENOMENAL. i know nothing about music, but the way it’s written makes me not just understand whats going on but feel just how charged that scene is too. I DIDNT KNOW DUETS/QUARTETS COULD HAVE THIS MUCH FUCKING TENSION, BUT THIS FIC DOES IT, and i dont even know what any of the technical shit means!! just. it’s execution is done so so well, im fucking floored. like. this entire fic is very well written, but the music scenes are dripping with skill. if im not making sense, i guess youll just have to read the fic to get what im talking about //eyes emoji
another thing among Many Things that knocks it out of the ballpark in this fic is the characterization. jeremy. oh god, jeremy. i wont spoil, but this version of jeremy is by far one of the most interesting interpretations ive ever seen and it’s  pulled off fantastically. our boy has a lot more bite in this fic and i love it. it’s so good. god. everybody in this fic is so good. god. looks like you’ll have to read the fic to get what im talking about //eyes emoji but more intense
JUST!! READ THIS FIC!! START FOLLOWING THIS FIC!!! it’s got Pining and Slowburn and Misunderstandings and some of The Most engaging scenes ive read in a long time. this whole fic is so clever and so crisp and each update has me fucking screaming.
a little unsteady by starlithorizons
Michael's hidden domain has always been the rollerskating rink - a home away from home. Jeremy isn't so suited for the environment.
Maybe he can fix that.
OHHHH gosh this. this fic is so good?? it’s like the ideal fluff imo??? like, it’s not all Perfect and happy but that little conflict that happens just kinda emphasizes how these boys can always work to make things Better and Happy and it just warms my heart lots. the pov here is so lovely to read because it’s michael “hearteyes” mell and it’s Beautiful. the jokes r in this fic are hilarious and land so well. this is such a prime feel-good fic i Love It Lots.
flash point by Kalopsia
you know what they say, jeremy heere. those who play with fire are bound to get burned.
(Jeremy kisses Michael on a worn red leather couch the summer before their junior year. Then he takes the Squip, and it’s all ablaze from there.)
i HONESTLY do not have words to either praise this in the way it deserves to be praised which seems to be a mcfcuking trademark for emma’s writing hksjfdshh. but god. this fic is a breathtaking read with fantastic imagery and beautiful overarching metaphor hhhh!!! the emotions are so clear and!!! //aggressive gesturing!! just read it!!!!
a crimson headache, aching blush [series] by pondify
He supposes that it began, as it always does, with Michael.
a series of short yet HEARTBREAKING fics. every fic is a study of jeremy’s pining while he’s in a fwb relationship with michael and. jesus. this series is a testament to how much punch you can pull in short scenes. fucking incredible writing right here.
Gewissensbisse by Nymm_At_Night
Old rumors get a new lease on life, high school is shit, and Jeremy, Christine and Michael learn to make it a three player game.
AAAAGGGHHH GOD THIS FIC WAS SO FUCKING GOOD. this fic does not shy away from so many issues and consequences that happen post-musical, and reading it hurts so much at times but it all comes together and it’s ridiculously satisfying. this fic is super well rounded cuz it’s got so much and it’s all done AMAZINGLY?? characterization and writing are INCREDIBLE here. the humor in this fic is so well done i was clutching my sides wheezing at times. and overall, just watching jeremy go through everything +++ being in love with TWO people is such a ride. such a fantastic ride. 
sweet like vanilla is by loveinamaltshop
Brooke didn’t deserve to love someone like her. She deserved the complete opposite of Chloe—kind and maybe a little shy and nerdy but was constantly and needlessly good to her. Someone constantly smiling like she is, too. Someone like Jeremy.
She looks at Michael, who’s so close to passing out and wonders if she looks exactly like he does right now. Tired and pathetic. Rubbing at her face, she decides she definitely does.
— In which Chloe and Brooke are both insecure in ways they'll never admit to the other.
THIS FIC HURTS BUT GOD, IT’S SO DONE WELL. multipov with phenomenal characterizations for every character, this fic is a heartbreaking peek into tiny tragedies. the scenes in this fic are simple yet brutal and yet so undeniably real and human. this fic is beautifully written, and if you can handle unrequited feelings pain, you definitely need to fucking read this.
when i'm close to you (we blend into my favourite colour) by sulfuric
statistically, most people don't take more than five seconds to say something to their soulmate after realizing the universe has paired them together. brooke and chloe take approximately six years, but better late than never, right?
soulmate au!! this fic quite literally one of the most gorgeous pieces ive ever read. the writing is incredible and the imagery is so vivid at the soulmate universe, something im not usually a fan of, is turned into an incredible setting for a riveting love story. the character povs are incredible and every emotion is conveyed so well. sometimes too well bc hjhksdfhshh pain but really, this fic is a masterpiece, jesus. JESUS!!
happy reading everybody! leave comments and kudos on fics u liked!! fic writers are So Good and we’re So Lucky
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sincereiyleah · 7 years
Bullets Don't Have Names (Shyan)
Warnings: Why my first Shyan/Skeptic Believer fanfiction is angst? I have no idea. But it came to me and I wrote this in the spam of an hour or two. Slight homophobia. Angst. Oh, and I used an audio clip (not the whole audio clip but some) called “I Couldn’t Save Her-FREE AUDIO” so yeh. I became really obsessed with this ship out of nowhere and for sure going to write more.
Title- Bullets Don’t Have Names
‘You told me once, you weren’t a hero.’
“How’s the editing going?”
A short, but silly laugh escaped him.
“How do you think? Typing in your sarcastic comments and my wheezes in different color text?”
“Must be wonderful. I’m a delight” Shane said, amused, he had to be, it was Ryan that he was talking to.
“Yeah, you sure are a delight.” The shorter man said with a chuckle, that never failed to make Shane’s head spin-even for just a moment.
A loud scream was heard, followed by more incoherent rambling. Quickly, the two sat up and only exchanged brief glances towards one another before dashing over to the source of the noise.
Shane would have wished he stared at Ryan more.
They both came at a halt, both hands in the air-surrendering, as what they didn’t know was a man; dressed in all black with a mask and a gun was present. Pointing it’s weapon at them and their scared coworkers.
Shane, on instincts alone, inched his way closer to Ryan. The gunman, upon seeing the slightest movement, aimed his pistol at Shane.
“Don’t fuckin move.” The man growled harshly.
“Please, there’s no need for a gun, you’re robbing a Buzzfeed building.” Shane grits back, annoyed.
Ryan looks at him and from the corner of Shane’s eye, he could see his face. Worry plagued his eyes, shock too, Shane could even swear he could hear Ryan’s ragged breathing.
“How about you stop being a smart ass since you’re not the one with the gun.” It’s now a clear aim, one pull of the trigger and Shane could potentially have a bullet in him.
“Why won’t you just take whatever the fuck you want and leave already? The hell youre going to steal anyways? Quizzes to see which super villain you are? Well I can tell you this much, you’re no Joker.” The gun cocks and through the eyeholes of the black ski mask you can see the man’s blue eyes harden.
“You think this is a fuckin joke?” The man questions, stalking up to Shane just enough to get Brent out of his vision. Shane focuses his eyes back on the man.
“No, but you do, shoot me and you’ll go to jail for the rest of your pity life.” Ryan is right next to him, he reminds himself. And so are his other coworkers. But Brent is now nowhere to be found, hiding off and most likely calling the police.
“You must have a death wish.”
‘There were sometimes I didn’t even think you were human.’
“Just take what you want and go.” Shane says, the best as he can without his voice trembling.
“Shane, please.” Then barely audible whispers pleas, it’s Ryan. It has to be. Trying to pull him away from doing something stupid even though he’s scared stiff himself.
“Who’s this?” The gunman looks over at Ryan and Shane becomes protective. Letting his arm shield Ryan.
“Leave him out of this.”
“Oh? Is he your boyfriend? Are you two faggots?” The man lets out a laugh, “Should had figured it out already, you know? When your first move was to move next to him.”
‘But let me tell you this.’
Ryan let’s out a scared whimper, he’s trying to look everywhere but the man behind the mask and even Shane at this point.
“I said leave him out of this!” Shane now yells, his eyes trained on the man and the gun he’s holding. “He has nothing to do with thi-”
“You know I’m about done with your fuckin mouth?”
'You were the best man. The most human.’
Shane was praying that the police would bust through the door any second now. His own breathing now starting to escalate.
“How about you just go then?” Shane’s voice was weak, small, barely there anymore. He was more worried about Ryan at this point, the way the man swayed his gun from side to side. From Shane to Ryan.
'I was so alone, and I owe you so much.’
Then, a faint scream of the police siren could be heard and Shane smirked. The gunman quickly glancing back and cussing to himself. “You!” He screamed, now the man was himself a bit frantic. Breathing heavily.
Shane looks over at Ryan who was staring back at him now. A small smile on Ryan’s lips as he mouthed, “Thank you.” And once more he had stared into those brown eyes.
'One more thing,’
The sirens were growing nearer and the gunman was now cussing all over be place, pacing as he did.
“You!” He growled once more towards Shane, making Shane break away the previous staring into Ryan’s eyes. “You did this!”
“You’ll pay, motherfucker!” He screamed.
Shane couldn’t hear the rest as an ear piercing sound filled his ears and made everything turn momentarily white.
'I want you to live. I want that more than anything in this world.’
Shane found himself on the ground, the air was knocked out of him but the faint gasping and whimpering pulled him out of his haze. “Ryan?!” He questioned, ignoring the headache pounding in his head. He turned to see Ryan on the floor as well, quickly he scrambled towards the younger one and felt his pants get soaked.
He looked down at Ryan’s shocked and helpless expression. Clutching his stomach tightly. Shane looked down hesitantly and saw the bright red blood that was already forming a pool around Ryan. Quickly Shane spoiled pressure to the wound, moving Ryan’s hands from doing so.
Ryan looks up at him, a soft twitch of his upper lip. “God- fuck, Ryan! Ryan stay with me!” He found himself crying out, hyperventilating himself. He watched a silent tears ran down Ryan’s eyes. “No, no, you’re going to be okay. You’re going to stay alive for me. You hear?”
Ryan’s smiled a little bit more, a sad smile Shane can now see. Shakily, Ryan’s hand came up to Shane’s face, blood covered, but slowly his thumb brushed away tears Shane failed to notice that was falling.
Shane shook his head, squeezing his eyes close. “No, no, save your strength, it’s going to be okay Ryan. The police are coming- just-just hold on! If you hold on I’ll stop being sarcastic for a month! Hell, even a year.” Shane tries, just to keep Ryan’s eyes on him instead of fluttering.
Ryan coughs slightly, blood spurting out. Ryan’s hand twitching, looking for something to hold. Shane immediately offers his hand as he contains a broken sob. Looking behind him for something, someone to help him. To help Ryan. Shane cussed to himself as he looked back over to find Ryan slipping again, his eyes staying closed longer than open.
“No, no, no! Ryan, Ryan stay with me! I’d believe in ghosts, put a little more thought and consideration, please, just stay with me!”
Gunman be damned, what else could he possibly do to Shane? He practically took his whole world- no! Don’t think like that, don’t, Ryan’s alright, Ryan’s strong.
But it was evident that Ryan was slipping in and out of consciousness. “Where’s the police? Dammit!” He could no longer see the man who shot Ryan, and pray to God he never will. Everyone was now scrambling around to help Ryan and make sure he doesn’t bleed out, goddammit! Save him!
Maycie was now here, holding Ryan’s wound and wrapping a tight cloth around it. Ryan must have felt it because he came to and cried out in pain. Ryan’s eyes were glossy, almost dead looking-like a fish. And Shane could feel his stomach cave into itself.
“Sh-Shane…” Ryan coughed out and Shane immediately hushed him.
“No, no, shh, it’s okay, I’m here Ryan, stay with me. Please!” Shane gulped, both his hands clenching over Ryan’s one.
Ryan barely nodded but he was dozing off again. Shane was outwardly sobbing now.
“R-Ry, no-no, it’s okay, I got you. St-Stay. St-Stay with me.” Ryan’s head fell to the side, “I’ll even admit-!” Shane stopped, his voice caught in his throat.
The police busted in right then, and next thing Shane knows he was begging to go into the ambulance with Ryan but the policemen not permitting it. Maycie and Brent was there, pulling him back as Shane shook violently. Holding himself as he fell to the floor on his knees. His pants and shirt; hell, even face was covered in Ryan’s blood.
His head was pulled into Maycie’s shoulder.
“I’ll even admit that I love you….” Shane’s voice was quiet, unlike his sobbing. But she heard it, she had to, her breathing hitched and then there was a hand in his hair. Shushing him as he remained helpless.
'I want you to fight like hell to stay with us,’
They put Ryan into a medically induced coma. If he wakes up, no one knows. For the course of three days straight, Shane came from the beginning of visiting hours to the very end. He always brought something with him too. At first a teddy bear, flowers, and a cute little emoji looking ghost he found that giggles boo when you squeeze it. The others brought things too. Like balloons, chocolate, cards.
But what do you say? What do you bring? What do you do? When your friend, coworker, was shot in a robbery that you witness and couldn’t-didn’t prevent.
For the last three days Shane was sure he didn’t even eat. Let alone sleep. He looked like a deadman walking. He couldn’t help but think that this was his fault. Even though an abundance of friends told him it wasn’t. That Ryan chose to push him to the side and take the bullet. That he was only trying to distract the gunman in order for one of them to call. They called Shane brave, and Ryan braver.
But the guilt was suffocating, every little thing reminded him of Ryan and how it should have been him! It should have been him.
It was edging ten am, and Shane pulled himself out of the bed. His hair messy, glasses thrown on lazily, eyes puffy, nose stuffy. But none of that compared to the guilt that was eating him alive. He brushed his teeth, pulled on some sweatpants and a sweater. He couldn’t care much about how he looked at this moment.
Shane dragged himself to the nearest store, buying a bear and a card this time before driving over to the hospital. It was a little over ten once he arrived and the staff was already accustomed too seeing him walk and sign in. Walking straight to Ryan’s room.
Once he got there, he took a breath before entering. Closing his eyes as he stepped in. He had to, when he first visited and saw Ryan hooked up to all those machines- a fuckin feeding tube?!- he lost it. Almost fainted.
Now, once he opened his eyes, he was already headed to the chair next to Ryan. Placing the gifts down, he looked over at the unconscious man laying down. And does what he does everytime he comes here.
'But, I know it’s been hard for you,’
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, I’m sorry this had to be my breaking point to finally confess. I’m sorry I couldn’t save you, that I put you in harm’s way. G-God, I’m sorry.” Shane sniffles, “You know, the fans been asking about you, they always will. They love you too much to not. I don’t even know what to say to them, Maycie and Brent had explained what had happen in a video. Everyone’s worried.”
Shane looked away, “But they’re worried because they’re scared they might not see your face again.” a small shake of his head, “I’m worried I could never see your eyes again.”
“I’ve been watching our videos together on a loop for the past three days. Wondering, where and when did you get the strength to push me down the way you did, made me see white for a moment too.” A broken laugh escape Shane, wiping his eyes quickly as if he was embarrassed, as if someone else was there with them.
“You’re my best friend, and-and I wouldn’t have ever realized it until that show, wouldn’t know how deeper my feelings would run for you after a season in.”
Shane coughed, shaking his head again as he let out a soft laugh. Looking at the unmoving body. “You know, I read somewhere that Picasso once ate yellow paint because he associated yellow with happiness; and he thought if he were to eat the color yellow, he too, would be happy?” A scoff. “Strange world we live in, huh? I mean, for me to think that yellow paint could be in a person?”
“You’re my yellow paint, Ryan, but of course, you’ll have to do a quiz to find out how light or how dark of a yellow you are; of course.” Shane laughed emptily at his own attempt of a joke.
“They patched you well, so you gotta wake up for me, okay? I know you lost a lot of blood, and… and you practically died for five minutes before they brought you back. But you’re still here. Because you’re strong. Stronger than I ever could be.” Shane stood up, looking down at Ryan. “Maybe you went to the afterlife, turned temporarily to a ghost, huh? Well, if you did, you need to wake up and rub it all in my face. Right…?”
'If you wanna go, I want you to know it’s okay.’
A week past and doctors’ are considering pulling the plug. Ryan’s barely alive at this point, and he’s had an episode where his lifeline went flat for a whole minute. Shane was there when it happened and he had to be forced out by three men so they can bring Ryan back.
The doctors’ say it’s uncertain, the bullet hit an artery and blood flow to the brain was momentarily lost, therefore, may caused some underlaying problem they can’t be sure of. Ryan’s heart is weak and they’re sure soon, it wouldn’t be able to beat by itself.
Everyone turned their worry on Shane though, these past days. First Maycie, then Brent. Making him eat and drink and trying to reassure Shane.
But it didn’t work.
Shane was back to visiting Ryan everyday once they deduced Ryan stable enough.
“You know? Coma patients usually report hearing the outside world while asleep? I wonder if you’ve been listening in all this time. I wonder if-when you wake up, you’ll tell me to fuck off for how disgusting I am, for how you took a bullet for me and never want to see me again. I wonder.”
Two weeks go by and nothing, no progress at anything; just the same.
“Ryan you gotta wake up for me!” Shane was desperate, crying, the nurse let him stay overnight this time. It was two in the morning now. “They-they think you’re dead, but you’re not-right? You’re going to wake up because you have to. You’ll tell me how much of an asshole and dick I am. Laugh that beautiful laugh and roll your eyes at me-right!?” Shane could feel his world spinning, dizzy and sick. He wanted to throw up even though he barely eats nowadays.
When he blinks, he’s in a corner, sobbing to himself as a loud beeping fills the room. Doctors and nurses all are rushing in. He doesn’t know what’s the problem. He doesn’t think he wants to know.
'It’s okay.’
- A/N! You guys are just lucky I didn’t title this as “Why I Left Buzzfeed” because that was a thought. I’m kinda happy with how this turned out? It’s barely proofread and I’m no medic so if there’s some mistakes- oops? Nevertheless, enjoy and if people like this I’ll write more! This time- fluff- or smut. Ha- I’m going to hell with this ship.
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thanos-kin · 7 years
dear evan hansen headcannons
EVAN: - bisexual - 5'10 - he tends to do things like tap his pencil or his foot or he plays with erasers or some shit he's just always doing something with his hands - has those erasers with removable pieces because "THEY'RE CUTE CONNOR I LOVE THEM" - freckles. more freckles after a day in the sun. freckles everywhere. - has a bonsai tree - DRIVES LIKE A GRANDMA - actually really fit because of his outdoor activities?? - lifted connir off of the ground like he was a feather and everyone was Shocked - "THAT WAS THE FIRST TIME SOMEONE EVER LIFTED ME" "oh mY GOD CONNOR" - LOVES TO BAKE BUt kind of sucks at it - afraid of big dogs. and fluffy dogs. and dogs with big eyes and long tails and legs and just dogs. he's scared of dogs. - cheesy romantic. reads romance books and watches romantic movies and just. my boy. - when he's feeling down he goes to connor because they can trust each other because of the one thing they have in common - the suicide attempts. - dyed a streak of his hair blue for halloween one time and made connor cry - CONFIDENT DRUNK - got high once and laughed for seven minutes straight before passing out - has a burn scar on his back from when jared set him on fire by accident - learns to do hair because he likes touching connors hair - he maybe likes connors dog a little bit - "i may seem collected on the outside but on the inside i am screaming 24/7." CONNOR: - borderline personality disorder !!!! - sees a therapist and takes medication - he honestly went through ten therapists before deciding to go with evan to his therapist - has a pitbull named cheese that his mom got him to help calm him down when he snaps - still a dick every now and then but he's Trying - 6'0" - panseuxal - is literally. always napping. he sleeps on the ground. on his desk. on evan. anywhere. - paints his nails when he's high with 100% accuracy but fails when he's sober - "ZOE HOW DO YOU USE EYELINER" - LOVES sweets. needs them. craves them. - literally cries over evan's freckles like what - sarcastic as all hell - he and jared's friendship is just a race to see who can roast the other faster - draws on himself constantly until he has literal sleeves of designs on his arms. then he moves to drawing on his friends. - alana buys him a sketchbook when she wakes up with white sharpie printed on her face - he draws the most AMAZING scenery and designs - probably wants to be a tattoo artiat - always records himself when he's high - new bruises and cuts every day - he bumps into things a lot when he's high - he gets his first piercing from a dude in an alley. it's a septum piercing. everyone screams when they see it. - hates pepe - comments on how gay he is every day. - still has bad days and when he does he locks himself in his room and calls evan - evan's talk of trees got him into plants. owns seven cactuses, a pot full of forget-me-nots and three succulents with names and backstories. - "i will shove my foot so far up your ass you'll be tasting leather and shit for the rest of your pathetic life you wrinkly numbnut" ZOE: - still having trouble forgiving her brother for all the years of mental abuse - 5'10 - lesbian af - makeup that could literally kill a god - likes to wear crops tops and dresses - wears sweatpants to school ONCE and is reminded of it every day for the rest of her life - literally a huge photography nerd - has EVERY PICTURE SHES EVER TAKEN hanging on her wall. even that ugly ass one of connor screaming over titanic when they were thirteen. - probably does yoga - dreams of going to paris. can literally speak in french and owns literally everything with the eiffel tower on it. - replies to everything in meme language. her parents are worried for her. connor wants to die again. - has a poem alana wrote to her on her wall next to her bed - so many pictures of alana - HANGED A PEPE PICTURE IN THE SHOWER ONCE THAT MADE CONNOR SCREAM WHEN HE SAW IT - likes to draw constellations with evan's freckles on his face - literally has not combed her hair since fourth grade?? its just naturally perfect??? - "im gayer than you connor" - SWEARS LIKE A SAILOR WHEN SHE BUMPS INTO SOMETHING - so much emoji's - steals all of alana's hoodies ALANA: - hates not having anything to do so much - 5'6" - in every school club tbh - also a lesbian - a journalist/writer - literally stays up until 2 am every day and comes to school looking like a goddess - GOD IS SHE SMART - she probably tutors everyone - "what's the answer to this problem alana" "hella" - BIG HAPPY SMILES - can kill you in two seconds with The Look - READS SEVEN BOOKS A DAY - probably listens to asmr - totally has tumblr - LITERALLY SHINES BRIGHTER THAN THE SUN - feminist. not a feminazi, will make jokes about women being in the kitchen with jared but will stab you if you are genuinely against women's rights - attempts to do yoga with zoe once. she breaks her nose. - SHE'S A MESS. HER WORK STATION IS JUST FULL OF CRUMPLED PAPERS AND PENS AND COFFEE MUGS. - likes to do diys. - "ZOE I DID A DIY FACE MASK AND I CANT GET IT OFF" - once punched a man for a klondike bar - "sorry im two hours late feminism called" JARED: - panromantic asexual!!!!! - 5'4" - a gaming youtuber - actually somehow has like 1,000 followers??? - everyone has been in his videos at least once - EATS A BATH BOMB ON CAMERA - every birthday connor buys him a bath bomb and screams "CRONCH" in his face - enjoys really cringey memes - has a german shepard named Sir Titlicker - "EVAN SIR TITLICKER WILL NOT EAT YOU" - once tripped on a bug - he's actually self conscious and hides behind self deprecating jokes - threw a dreidel at the menorah once when he was little and is still not allowed near the menorah - soft chub legs - much Sarcasm - literally is so sarcastic with connor??? they like each other but sometimes even evan wonders if they actually like each other or not - probably enjoys nickelback - HUGE SUBWAY FAN. WOULD SHOVE SUBWAY UP HIS ASS FOR FREE. - likes star wars probably - wore a shirt that said "im a gamer" once - "burn that shirt now" "EVAN WHAT THE FUCK" - actually cried when he played slenderman with Evan - "are you ok" "IS HE GONE EVAN IS HE GONE" "yes" /looks up and sees slenderman appear "WHDBANFBJDJSBSDH" /evan is wheezing - makes dirty jokes 24/7 but literally blushes for 9 years if you make a dirty joke towards him - actually Fragile - in a cult probably - probably has a runescape series on his YouTube channel - has set evan on fire before - he tries to be a good friend he really dies but he fails sometimes - "are you a nail baby because ill hammer you into the wall tonight ;)"
243 notes · View notes
khunvegas · 8 years
Saphael Fanfic Rec!
Here are the works I’ve been saving throughout last year since the show first aired and up until this point. Amazing works that show this wonderful pairing and each characterization. All the love to the authors! 
As usual, I couldn’t find some authors’ user names. So, if someone knows the user and tag them, that would be very appreciated
87. Careful is my middle name by tveckling
"And where exactly do you think you're going?"
Raphael's voice came from behind him. Simon hoped his twitching hadn't been too noticeable and turned around with a bright smile that he hoped wasn't too fake. "Just going out."
A Holiday Encounter by @demiromanticmickey
Admittedly, Simon volunteered to help Raphael to try to talk to him, get to know him better. Unfortunately, that wasn't working out so well. It turned out that managing a food drive was a lot harder than Simon had anticipated. And whenever he did try to engage Raphael, he was met with short one word responses before ordering Simon with another task.
A Word Between Two Friends by ofEmeraldStars
“You love him.” It wasn’t a question and Magnus’ voice almost sounded awed by what he said, what he realized, when he looked at his friend at his side whose head snapped to look at him, no longer watching his fledgling.
Answer me (please) by all_their_intricacies
To Simon <3 (3:02 AM): i love you  
To Simon <3 (3:03 AM): so fucking much
Appreciation of art by @fangtasticsaphael
He managed to sit on the bench for at least ten minutes before his phone was in his hand and he started browsing Twitter for anything entertaining before updating his account with a Clary abandoned me in the art museum once again message with a sad emoji before he decided to take a silly selfie for Instagram to kill some more time. Just when he took the photo and the camera sound went off - of course, he forgot to mute his damn phone when he went into the museum, fuck - a shadow fell on his form.
Baby, I'm not made of stone by izzyasavestheday (stilessexual)
“Did I ever tell you that we feel everything? The clan, I mean. If I focus enough, I can tell you who’s sad and who’s angry and who hasn’t been sleeping properly. I can tell you who’s been having nightmares. There are no secrets here.”
(Fix-it fic)
Baby's First Steps by Luuna (you_know_them_trees)
Simon wasn't flustered, he really wasn't. And Raphael checking up on him all the time wasn't a big deal. It wasn't like he had a crush or something.
It might have been true... if only Raphael stopped calling him baby.
Before I ever met you by izzyasavestheday (stilessexual)
“You know that moment,” he said “when you wake up and turn over to put your arms around someone –someone you love, someone who means everything to you.” Magnus’ expressive eyes were soft, soft, soft. “Oh, Simon.” “I feel so alone,” Simon whispered. “Not in the post-Clary sort of way, either. In the way that I’m supposed to wake up to someone and they’re not there.” “I’m missing something,” Simon went on, voice cracking. “I’m missing someone but no matter how hard I try I just can’t fucking remember.”
Bitter Sweet by @abluelightinthedark 
“I… I’m sorry. You just looked like the typ of person who drinks their coffee black.“ Simon stutters and rubs his neck, trying to hide the shaking of his hands. “What do you want then?“
The guy actually smirks at him and lets his eyes wander over Simon for a moment, before he answers.
“What I want from you would be really inappropriate to say out loud in here…“ he trails of for a moment, letting the words sink in and then smirks even wider when Simon flushes bright red in the matter of seconds. “But for the coffee, I would like a caramel macchiato.“
The one where everybody thinks that Simon has a sweet tooth and Raphael loves the bitter stuff, but it's actually vise versa.
Bleed out in my veins by @eversall
How do you stop loving someone? How do you separate your world from theirs, when you’ve been on a collision course since you were six and sharing crayons, your smiles so intertwined that death doesn’t separate you? How do you say goodbye? You don’t, Simon thinks dizzily, dropping to his knees in front of Raphael. You say hello to someone else.
Breathing Is A Side Effect Of Being Alive by booksandanime
When you're alive, your heart beats, your breath catches and comes in gasps, you age and fall in love and die.
When you're undead, your heart pantomimes beating, you gasp for air that isn't needed, you never age, you fall in love, you stay together if you decide to.
This is a story of how Simon Lewis let go of normalcy and thoughts of being a monster in favor of falling in love with Raphael Santiago. (It's not a bad trade, really.)
Brooklyn, brooklyn, take me in by psyches
Honestly, no matter which way you put it, telling anyone you live in a hotel is pretty fucking weird, and it’s not like Raphael has the excuse of a twin brother or a singer mother who works there or the wacky hijinks that ensue.
Or: a brief look at Raphael in a world where Shadowhunters no longer need to exist.
Call me, maybe? by @fangtasticsaphael 
"You're not planning on giving him a plain black shirt for a few hundred bucks, right?" Raphael asked when his best friend was about to enter one of the fancier clothing stores the mall had to offer and the other raised an eyebrow at him.
"I'm not planning on buying him a black shirt at all."
"All he ever wears is black. The most colourful your boy gets is wearing grey," he commented dryly and his lips curled into a smirk when Magnus huffed, unable to disagree because Alec really didn't wear any other colours. If black and grey could even be considered a colour.
"Well, that's why I brought you because you always wear clothes as dark as your soul and might actually be helpful in this case," Magnus replied sweetly and glanced at the store before looking back at his shorter friend questioningly.
Candy Kisses by @abluelightinthedark
Three times Raphael doesn't enjoy Simon's kisses + the one time he craves more
Coffee & Spanish by ofEmeraldStars
Simon's eyes land on his good looking guy at the table next to him and when he and his table partner start talking in Spanish Simon find this as the perfect opportunity to test out his Spanish knowledge.
Cookin' up love by @moonlightmaia
“Simon! Dios mío, what the hell?” Simon dropped the fire extinguisher, a sheepish look on his face. The stove behind him covered in smoke and fire extinguisher gas. “Uh, I was just, uh, trying to make dinner?” Sure, Simon wasn’t a great cook, but he certainly wouldn’t consider himself a horrible cook, Raphael’s kitchen was just… very different from what Simon was used to using. Raphael was a professional and so was his kitchen.
Devotion’s desire. by @saphaeldaily
a character study of raphael santiago and how nothing goes the way he wants.
side of simon/raphael.
Disasters that lead to pretty boys (are worth it) by gayinsight
"My friend is out of town and I’m supposed to be taking care of her pet fish but it died and you work at the pet store help me find one that looks the same so she won’t notice!"
Don't just leave it all up to chance by @accordingtomel
“Shut up, Jace,” Izzy commands, glaring at him before turning her attention back to Simon. “Okay, so you know how Clary and I are in charge of the Senior Prom Fundraiser?”
“Oh yeah, sure?”
“And you know how we told you we had everything totally covered?” Clary adds.
Simon glances over at Jace in confusion, but Jace just shrugs.
“Well, we kind of need some help now,” Izzy says.
“What kind of help?” Simon asks slowly.
Magnus snorts like he can’t help himself, which means that he must know what's going on too.
Silence falls over the table for a moment too long before Clary finally comes out with it. “We need you to take a shift at the kissing booth.”
Simon gets roped into working at a kissing booth. The consequences, however, are much better than he could've ever expected.
Fight Me On That by @themadtilde
"Well, someone must tell you the straight fact that Gandfalf beats that old wimp Dumbledore so hard that Dumbledore wouldn't even have a chance if they were to duel."
Simon's anger, that slowly had stopped boiling, quickly flamed up again.
"Oh yeah?" he hissed heatedly, slamming his cup down on the table and standing up to be eye-to-eye with Raphael. "Well, fight me on that!"
And then, before Simon could really comprehend what he just had said, he was lying on the floor with Raphael hovering over him, and he felt a throbbing pain in his skull.
(inspired by the tumblr post one day im gonna say "fight me!" and someone's just gonna fuckin deck me
Fire and Gasoline by @degrassi-fanatic
“Those two are like fire and gasoline.”
That’s what everyone said about them.Raphael Santiago was a fire and, Simon Lewis was the gasoline that only further fueled the other. ---- “I’m in love with you.” he came out as barely a whisper.If Simon didn’t have vampire enhanced hearing, he might’ve not heard that.
Forever isn't too long, when i'm right where i belong by moriartyscupoftea
Raphael sat on the living room chair, the cup of tea Magnus had practically forced on him balanced on his knee, while Magnus himself was slouched on the sofa, laughing. "You," he wheezed in between hysterical fits of giggles, "are going to propose? ToSimon?" Raphael pursed his lips, praying for strength from anyone.
Gazing into your eyes, I know I'm home by ofEmeraldStars
Simon didn't expect for Raphael to corner him in the abandoned building, but yet there he was pinning him on the spot with his intense gaze.
How to make your local clan leader blush by scalira
Simon realizes vampires are capable of blushing after he sees Raphael getting flustered, and after that it becomes his mission to get Raphael to blush again.
I dont understand Quidditch (or Love) by @slytherinsimon
Simon Lewis is a Hufflepuff that seriously needs to pay more attention around him. Especially the part where he thinks that his best friend, Hufflepuff seeker Clary Fairchild is secretly dating his Slytherin chaser crush, Raphael Santiago.
I Hope So Too by @bathildahotshot
Simon's not in love with Raphael.
I know what you are (say it) bisexual by thankyouforexisting
Simon tells himself,
It’s not gay, it’s not gay, I’m totally not checking him out, he just had that stain on his right trouser leg….
Raphael is, apparently, a rich as fuck vampire, because the suit shop they go in is fancy as hell. They park in the basement, because, uh, sunlight, and even though dusk has fallen it’s better to be safe than sorry (sorry meaning dead). Raphael keeps smirking, which does nothing to help Simon’s inner mantra that consists of
I’m straight, I’m straight holy fuck is he licking his lip- I’m straight..
“This,” the vampire announces as they walk into the shop, smiling faintly, looking, almost for the first time since Simon’s met him, as if he’s relaxed, “is the greatest place in the world, Simon Lewis.”
He looks at him then, grinning, eyes dark, shining, looking more polished than ever but somehow oddly vulnerable, and Simon’s breath hitches, his insides turning to goo.
His mantra becomes
Let me not jump him, or, at least, not in public..
I Watch It All From A Far (heaven help me) by @geckette
Clary took a sip from her coffee before putting it back down, her face slipping from confused to serious. “Simon. Are you serious? You didn’t know?”
Simon sputtered, his fancy pastry that cost him a pretty penny of 5.78$ flying everywhere from his mouth. Of course, the one time he decides to spend money it gets wasted. “Clary. Oh my god. Clary, I’m dating Raphael."
Based Off This Prompt: Saphael, College roommates AU who find that they have been totally boyfriends for months and hadn´t even realized. Brownie points for cuddling!
If i ever had your number, i think i would use it by @eversall
“Er.” Simon says, but that seems to be enough. “Simon?” Raphael asks. “The one and only.” He says weakly, making jazz hands even though he knows Raphael can’t see them. “Heyyy, Raphael.” “You – why is your number in the Pandemonium bathroom?” . It starts because Jace and Simon get drunk together one night without Clary, and since Clary serves as about eighty-five percent of their impulse control they’re hammered within two hours and ready to implement all of their Very Bad Ideas, the ones that are horrifying enough to make Alec grind his teeth and potentially slap them upside the head.
If you wanna find love then you know where the city is by @eversall
Simon comes back to them immediately. He’s pounding on the door the next night, and Raphael stiffens as he smells the scent of the fledgling. “I’ll go get him.” Lily says, and runs off, her face harsh with anger. She appears a second later, hauling the boy by his collar. His face is ashen with fear – Simon is no good at hiding his feelings. What was it he’s said before? He was born afraid? And his eyes are dark and beautiful, just like always, and Raphael wants to shake him until he understands what heartbreak feels like. . Of course Simon comes back, and of course Raphael is still unbearably in love with him.
In all that's left of you and me by igniteyourbones
how the saphael reunion really went down.
“You look awful.”
“Thank you, Raphael, really. This is truly the touching reunion I had imagined for us,” Simon says, ignoring the fact that he’d imagined several possibilities but all of them had ended in Raphael ripping him to pieces.
It Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time by heartsdesire456
Simon ends up in the ER after a drunken dare and meets the potential love of his life.
It's a small crime and I've got no excuse by mostlikelydefinentlymad
Raphael's other half is sat across from a beautiful girl with auburn curls and a copy of Jane Eyre on the table.
He's gesturing at a gray box and giving away a smile that once belonged to mid-afternoons spent tracing the contours of Simon's body, laughter seeping into the halls of the hotel.
Kindred by White_Marker
Once, hidden in the dark and uncharacteristically intimate for both of them, Raphael had mimicked Simon’s movement in bed, inch by inch, like a game. Simon burst out laughing, pulling an outlandish face, and gripped Raphael’s chin. Raphael reached out and pinched his chin in return.
They lifted each other’s faces, moving it left and right, leaned in and pressed their foreheads together. They let go and traced a finger slowly from their collarbone to their belly button.
Like a challenge, they held each other’s eyes, all traces of humor gone.
For a little while, Simon and Raphael felt as if they were mirrors of some kind. Opposite, but the same.
Soon after, though Simon hadn’t made the connection, the first flicker of blue had appeared.
 Soulmate AU where you slowly start seeing color. Let the angst begin!
Like a halo in reverse by @gilmarverdes
The feeling began to become home. More of a home than vampirism would ever be. He'd stand alone, attempt God, and feel the pain. This is how it is, this is what I deserve, this is what I have become. I am this now. I will always be this. I deserve to hurt—
Until the day that God finally left his lips and remained in his throat, no choking, no burning. Just Raphael and God, severed.
Simon, on the other hand...
"Raphael," he whispers, "I'm so sorry. I thought—"
Raphael feels a twist in his stomach. It is a feeling that he hasn't experienced in a very long time. He needs to lead the clan, he needs to give them justice, but he's alone with Simon, most secure room in the Hotel DuMort like a past life, and all that he can feel is want, hunger, need. There is no room for justice in human want. It's sick. Raphael is very, very sick; this is the only explanation for the humanness, the only explanation for the twists. 
"Do it again," Raphael says, his entire being turning into a betrayal right against Simon's body. "I need you."
Livin' just to find emotion by @joanthangroff
When Simon has to transfer to another school - the DuMort Academy -, the only thing that could save him from going mad would be to join the school's Glee club. Of course, life is not as easy as it could be, and he is denied to join just yet. He somehow manages to persuade the club's leader, Raphael, to prepare him so he can join in the next semester.
Mail for Ezekiel by @fangtasticsaphael
"Hey, buddy," Simon greeted the animal and reached out, gently scratching behind the dog's ear. Ezekiel tilted his head, playfully nudging the man's lower arm and stared up at him in clear anticipation. He huffed out a soft laugh and reached into the pocket of his light jacket, presenting the dog with a thin postcard with the message "Mail for Ezekiel" with two hearts scrawled next to it and beneath it he had written "have a dog-tastic day". Ezekiel seemed pleased as usual and ran off with his delivery while the off-duty-postman turned around to leave.
Master of pillow forts by @fangtasticsaphael 
"What do you think you're doing, idiota?" Raphael asked wearily and frowned at the other's surprised yelp, followed by a pained sound when Simon dropped the heavy book right on his sock-clad foot. He quickly picked the book up again before directing his wide-eyed gaze at the clan leader who stared back at him with the most unimpressed expression possible.
"You're back already?"
"Obviously." Raphael's expression was a mix of disinterest and boredom but his gaze swept over the things strewn across the room in a silent order to answer his question instead of stating the obvious.
Never just that simple by @fangtasticsaphael 
"It's not fake concern. I...I know I've been preoccupied with my own problems and that I didn't...that I didn't think much of the consequences or of...of the position you're in," Simon mumbled sheepishly, hands pushed into the pockets of his hoodie and head lowered while trying to keep up with Raphael's quick steps. It was actually pretty difficult to stick close to the clan leader despite the vampire speed because Simon still wasn't fully used to it and he could more quickly but not as smoothly and effortlessly looking as Raphael.
"The position you put me in," Raphael bit out, correcting Simon's statement with a bitterness that seemed to cut right through the slightly foggy air.
Not Actually Homophobic by @mymalecshinesbright
Raphael was extremely confused. Extremely. He didn’t understand this. He had never felt this before, and yet here he was, feeling it and he didn’t know where it was coming from. But it was here and now he had to deal with the fact that he was apparently homophobic because the sight of seeing his roommate kissing another boy made him want to vomit.
Not Like I Care by ChangeForTheBetter
Simon gets sexiled and seeks refuge in Raphael's room. (Again.)
But maybe Raphael doesn't mind so much.
Of all of the faces, you were the one next to me by  mostlikelydefinentlymad
//if I love you // is that a fact // or a weapon
Of Sleep Deprivation And First Kisses (Or, How Tea Solves Problems) by PossiblyNobody
“You’re my roommate who’s super cute and it’s the middle of the night and you’re cramming for your exams in your flannel pajamas and disheveled hair and it’s becoming increasingly hard for me not to kiss you” AU.
Saphael Tumblr Prompt
On the List of Things (Read: People) Simon Thought He’d Never Do by @rainybookshop
Obviously Simon had missed the memo about his sexual orientation, but he can’t help thinking there might have been smarter ways to find out than by letting himself be seduced by someone who sort of scares the shit out of him.
One cup of coffee (is all it takes to fall in love) by @abluelightinthedark
Simon walks into the Starbucks in only a thin shirt, because he’s an idiot and forgot to take his jacket with him in the middle of november, and opens his mouth to greet his friends, but they are not there. Instead there’s another dude standing behind the counter, his green apron doing nothing to hide his beautiful body and sadly neither his grumpy expression.
Paved paradise by @simonxraph
Not only has Raphael stolen his parking spot and infiltrated his friend group, now he knows that Simon thinks he’s attractive.
Please Daddy by TrickyVicky3
Simon wilts under the pressure, but needing to have the last word he replies sarcastically, “Sure thing Dad”.
Raphael’s eyes widen “What did you just call me?” Simon looks up at him, placing the now empty glass back on the table in front of him as he licks fresh blood off his lips, “Dad, y’know, Daddy, cos like you’re making me –“
Raphael waves his hands in front of Simon “Please stop” he looks around uncomfortably before speeding away.
Professor knows it all! by @shadowhunterships
I saw a prompt on tumblr : I usually talk to my friends through sign language in class but… apparently you know sign language too… and now you know I think your butt is cute.Simon secretly loves Professor Raphael's butt and accidentally spills his secret to the professor himself!
Rhododendrons by @gilmarverdes
Part of him was hoping that he would never have to see Simon again; you rip the bandage off fast so it's less painful, you stitch up the wound quick so it's less painful, you let it heal slowly. These things take time.
But - who was he kidding, he's going to be entwined with Simon until the end of time, it seems. Quite literally.
Set me free by @fangtasticsaphael
His dark hair stuck against his forehead in wet, messy curls and every annoyed huff showed in form of a little white cloud leaving his lips and disappearing into the sky. He was a supernatural being but it was obviously too much to ask for some kind of immunity against the temperatures. Sure, he had to appear human but that didn't mean he basically had to be human.
"Just find the target, make the guy fall in love with the girl and the freezing is over," Raphael mumbled to himself through chattering teeth and pushed his hands deeper into the pockets of his hoody. At least he couldn't get sick but this didn't make the weather any more comfortable. His whole body seemed to be slowed down and stinging from the cold, icy wind pulling at the material of his jeans and the hoody he wore over his t-shirt, his boots kicking up snow with every step.
Shattered hearts by @fangtasticsaphael
"You can't say it back. Why haven't you said so earlier? All the other times I said it? I thought you just weren't ready yet but if you already know you can't love me, why not say it outright instead of leading me on?!" Raphael tried to hide the pain and anger swirling in his chest, masking his emotions with a cold mask.
Magnus had warned him, told him it was a bad choice to start something with Simon because the guy had almost managed to two-time and even if he had been 16 at the time, he still seemed so very undecided when it came to his love life. He clearly couldn't make up his mind about what he wanted, not back then and not now. Raphael had known it was a risk and he had to fight down the urge to place the blame on himself - to revert back to the thinking that maybe him being asexual and aromantic was the reason why Simon couldn't commit to this.
The one person he developed romantic feelings for, the one person he actually fell in love with, and here they were, apparently about to break up on Valentine's Day. It felt like a big, cosmic joke and Raphael suddenly felt so damn tired.
Shelter by @fangtasticsaphael
"I know you're about to close but maybe I could get a coffee?" Simon asked and his voice almost broke on a few words. He squinted a little because of the beads of water on his glasses that probably blurred his sight but Raphael could see that his dark eyes were mostly unfocused behind the smudged spectacles.
"You look like you rather need some tea and a bed," he commented dryly and rounded the counter to walk up to the door, flip the sign and then the lock as well. Raphael didn't care that they were supposed to be open for 20 more minutes. Nobody came in at this hour anyway and Simon's current state was a more pressing matter anyway.
"So, that's a no? You do realise I can't leave when you lock the door, though, right?"
Simon was fidgeting and raised his arm to hide a cough in the crook of his elbow, the sound muffled by the wet material of the hoodie he was wearing - not exactly the right choice of clothing for October if you asked Raphael.
Sign of the times by @joanthangroff
When Raphael is hit by a mysterious spell, Simon has to teach him how to be human.
Simon la Exploradora by RaphaelSantiago
Five Spanish words Simon learnt from watching Dora the Explorer, and the times he said them to Raphael.
Strange crossings. by @sadlyamundane
The universe works in strange ways, maybe that's why Magnus cancelled dinner with Raphael, maybe that's why Simon's blind date doesn't go as planned.
What ever it was, this was definitely the universe crossing their paths.
Sweetheart by @fangtasticsaphael
"It's Valentine's Day, someone probably just wanted to lighten the mood," Lily commented with a shrug and it might have been a slightly weird thing to do so with almost insulting messages on pastel coloured candy hearts but most clan members did think they were funny and a few had actually started a competition about who could find the most hearts - and the ones with the best messages.
"There's one with lol no balanced on top of the picture frame in the main hall. I have no idea how they even got it up there," Elliott informed them while strolling into the room and he stopped behind the couch, right next to Simon's shoulder who tilted his head back and blinked up at the other vampire frowning at him.
"You have one stuck in your hood," the other informed him and before Simon could react he had already snatched it up, eyebrows rising when his eyes read the message on the piece of candy.
Te Extraño (I Miss You) by andy_ros3
To Clary: I don’t think I can do this Clary. Is this even a good idea?? From Clary: Simon you have to do this. For yourself. Don’t worry, no matter what happens I’m here for you. To Clary: You’re right, thanks Clary. Omg we just pulled up outside the club. From Clary: Go inside and stop freaking out. To Clary: I’m not freaking out To Clary: I know your eyebrows are raised. Okay, yes, I’m freaking out. I miss him and I want him and I don’t know why he invited me here. It’s been 3months and 16 days Clary. Why now? Why would he wait so long to contact me for whatever reason? Why was I such an idiot? Oh god what if it’s just to return something I left at his or what if he tells me he’s met someone new and he’s moved on. From Clary: Simon stop. Stop overthinking this and go inside. Simon is about to text back to delay entering PanDEMONium but Clary beats him to it. She knows him too well. From Clary: You’re going to be fine, just go. Simon enters PanDEMONium expecting it to be the usual vibrant, enthralled and booming place but it’s empty apart from a grand black piano where Raphael sits playing a few notes. Simon knows he does that when he’s nervous.
Tendons too torn to beg (for you to let me back in) by @gilmarverdes
What hurts the most, the thing that makes him really ache, is how familiar he is with Simon. He knows the way that Simon smells; sickly, because every fledgling smells sickly, but with Simon it’s all different. Simon smells like – life, like something sick coming back to life. Like hope crawling out of its grave.
 He knows the way that Simon sounds; the unnecessary breaths, the way that his voice mumbles when he talks because he still hasn’t gotten used to his fangs, the wrong thing in his mouth, and the way that he taps his fingers, the exact sound that he makes when he wakes up in the morning. A yawn like a wolf’s howl.
 But worst of all, he knows the way that Simon feels.
The Game of Life by raphaelsontiago
“Why is school so damn expensive?” He grumbled, putting his money back in the bank.
“Maybe it’s because you have six cars full of kids, mi sol?” Raphael smirked and Simon wanted to throw the board across the room.
“It’s not my fault I got stuck with such a big family!” He protested. Raphael chuckled quietly and bit his lip.
“You know, a big family wouldn’t be all bad. Six cars of kids would be a bit of a hassle, but I think four or five kids would be nice.” Raphael’s gaze dropped to the floor and Simon nearly choked.
Raphael was asking to have a family with him.
 or, the one where simon and raphael play life but they spend more time talking than playing the game
The Morning After by simonsantiago
Simon sits up and stares at Raphael’s back. “Are we…uh…dating now?”
“No,” Raphael says and Simon’s stomach sinks. “I don't date people who don’t let me sleep.”
The Path To Self-Discovery by @killjoyrow
Simon is the kind of bright, happy guy who needs everyone to be frends with him. Raphael would prefer to have no friends and save himself the headache.
In theory, they're far better off as distant colleagues - the contrast between them akin to day and night.
In reality, despite claiming to hate each other, the two couldn't be more perfect. It might just take them a little while to realise it.
The Punishment Fits The Crime by  Hailhydration
When daylighter Raphael Santiago is forced to kill a rogue Warlock, the warlock's deranged lover curses him to never have a happy ending. Whoever falls in love with the vampire is destined to die if they touch him. To Raphael, who has long viewed himself as unlovable, this seemed like nothing. Of course, he didn't count on the persistent idiot known as Simon Lewis.
The Thing Is by foggynelson
The thing is: Raphael doesn’t want to love Simon. The thing is: he does anyway.
There is in it, the idea of the fall by scalira
“Angels touched by man cannot stay divine, Raphael. I thought I was very clear on that matter.”
And Raphael knows. He knows. But when he thinks about letting Simon touch him, about his lips pressing down on his, about his fingers tracing his skin, Raphael does not feel doomed. He does not feel tainted.
He feels infinite. He feels bigger than himself.
He feels… he feels human.
This is not what I dreamt it would be by @flying-on-the-wind
Raphael Santiago had always known that his soulmate would not be anything like what his mother had dreamt for him. Simon Lewis, on the other hand, had always dreamt of a soulmate that was nothing like what he got. But are dreams all that important? When real life is a thing that happens, and that you get to actually live?
This is the second part of a series in which soulmates are found upon the touch of skin. Each part will have a different pairing at it's centre, though all three are linked and together they form a fuller story.
Through Hell or High Water by @shadowcastershq
When Clary drags Simon to his local pool, he’s immediately smitten with the gorgeous but completely unapproachable lifeguard.
Till the sun comes up by @aleclwb
Simon takes a deep breath. “71.”
Clary gapes at him. “71?”
“Yes,” Simon snaps, “Yes, Clary, my number is 71. It’s right there,” he waves her wrist around, a little too aggressively, so it’s actually impossible to read. “The seven and the one. 71. My soulmate’s going to be 71 when we meet.”
Or, everyone has a number on their wrist that indicates how old their soulmate will be when they meet. Simon is trying to deal with the fact that his is abnormally high. It turns out not to be such a bad thing, after all.
Turnabout is Fair Play by @accordingtomel
“Uh, Raph?”
Raphael glances over at Simon with raised brows, using a finger to hold the place in the book he’s reading and shifting his attention towards him.
“Is there a reason that Magnus is sending you pictures of him and Alec kissing?”
Simon turns the phone around to show Raphael said picture.
“I think the better question is why you’re reading my text messages in the first place,” Raphael says, and reaches his free hand out, gesturing for the phone.
In an attempt to annoy Raphael, Magnus starts sending increasingly adorable pictures of him and Alec kissing. However, it's Simon who comes up with the perfect solution to get him back.
Until We Say "I Do" by heartsdesire456
When they had become engaged, it had been like a switch had flipped with their mothers. They were still very happy for them and they both were waiting with open arms to welcome the other into the family. No, the problem was not dislike.
The problem was that for some reason, the minute a ring came into the picture, both Raphael’s mother and Simon’s mother somehow immediately and independently became obsessed with their son’s future husband converting to their religion.
Upheaval by crystalclark94
Simon, well, he has the most unusual / off the beaten path twist of words etched across his ribs that he’s ever heard of. The font is an elegant black crawl with perfectly dainty pretty loops and swirls, and it says “Dios, I’m going to eat you if you don’t shut up!”
Variation on the word (sleep) by mostlikelydefinentlymad
"You can stare at me later you complete sap, come'ere." Simon pats the bed, awaiting the slight dip of the mattress. Raphael remains where he is, adoring.
Simon grumbles into his pillow about romantic vampires and kicking Raphael out to sleep on the sofa if he doesn't get his ass in bed.
Warmth & Light by foggynelson
“I’m cute, huh?”
“Oh shut up,” Simon says, lifting his heading up and looking at Raphael. “You’re absolutely gorgeous and you fucking know it.”
Wear my heart a little louder by @eversall
Raphael sucks in a sharp, unnecessary breath, eyes snapping up to meet Simon’s gaze, and he sounds, for the first time, the way Simon feels; like he’s coming apart at the seams with no hope of being pulled back together. Simon looks away, wants to backtrack and erase his temporary moment of weakness, because he’s not allowed to have that. . It always comes back to this - Simon trying to run away but being rooted to the spot by everything that lies between them.
When “You mean nothing“ turns into “You mean everything“ by @abluelightinthedark
There are two ways someone can whisper into your ear with their lips against your neck.
For one, it can be sweet, gentle, soft, hot, pleasant. A warmth, the feeling of being loved, someone taking care of you, kisses, relationships, compliments.
And then there are the times it’s threatening. A knife against your throat, death so close in front of you, fear. You feel scared, uncomfortable, want to cry. Screaming, kicking, then staying still, shaking, hurting, hoping, praying.
Simon unfortunately had to experience both ways in his rather short period of living.
The thing is, it was the same person every time.
Where my heart and future lies by scalira
Raphael hasn't been home for the holidays in years. Still being haunted by a tragedy that happened years ago, he isn't planning on visiting this year either. Until he gets a very persuasive email from a very angry man named Simon Lewis.
Where There is Fire by CastingMoonlight
Raphael is patient when Simon spirals into despair.
Because Raphael knows, and now Simon knows, and Fairchild will never understand what she did to him in the name of love.
Words of the prophets are written on the subway walls by @joanthangroff
After a fight with his current roommate Raphael Santiago is left with moving in with his old friend Magnus Bane. Naturally, this means lots of headaches for him and weird people stepping into his life.
You were always gold to me by mostlikelydefinentlymad
They take away the good in Raphael and reduce him to teeth like talons, a heart of stone. They don't even have to say the words when his name comes up - "He's a monster."
No, Simon wants to say. You've never witnessed him stripped bare, armor lying at his feet with a softness in his eyes that makes Simon want to turn away. But they were present when the high walls around his heart became a weapon. They heard the words "Kill them" and glossed over what wasn't being said - 'Of all the people, why did it have to be you? I wanted you to stay.' Nor did they hear the full extent of Simon's betrayal, how it cut straight into tendons where it bled the most - 'Is it too late to go back?'
They cannot see the gold in him.
You’re an asshole, Mr Santiago! by @fangtasticsaphael
He heard the sound again and it made his hair stand on end because the creaky wood noise sounded like someone walking very slowly, dragging their feet with every step and it was like right out of a horror movie. Simon suppressed the ridiculous urge to go knock on the door to his mother’s and sister’s room but he also felt like these sounds were far from normal and what if ghosts were real after all?! It was the middle of the night, he was still tired and his brain did not function properly - he was allowed to think stupid shit!
Simon couldn’t tell why it seemed like a good idea to snatch up his key and leave his room but that was exactly what he did. Not to investigate the creepy sounds, he knew how such things turned out and he didn’t have a death wish, but to get further away from the noises. The dimmed lights in the hallway made the old hotel look even eerier and a few steps away from his door he severely regretted the decision to leave his room. He turned around to head back, saw a dark silhouette at the other end of the hallway that definitely moved and…he bolted. No.fucking.way!
You're in the right place by ghostfacers 
Simon Lewis is an average high school teacher just trying to make sure the future generation gets there. He never asked to get his room moved next to the one guy in the whole school who probably hates him the most. That's all Luke's fault.
You're the one that I want by @sadlyamundane 
“Hypothetically” Simon said pushing his Spanish text book away, he leaned back in his hair and watched as Raphael chewed on the bottom of his pen in concentration. “Hypothetically” Raphael repeated, propping his head up on his hand to show that he was listening. “If I liked someone, but I don’t” Simon hastily said when Raphael quirked an eyebrow “but if I did and I wanted to know if that person likes me back, what do I do?”
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