#and english-speaking media does it NO justice
lovetheorem · 2 months
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Okay, so I wanted to send my mutual an episode of KikoRiki to familiarise him with Pin — a character I really like (one episode isn't enough to say EVERYTHING about him, but dear god, he's the best, I love the kid robot's German mechanic dad :> )
Which meant I had to watch one episode to see what his name is, since some were changed in the English dub
And holy hell........
(English dub)
The difference is driving me insane. Literally
I know that dubs aren't always good at conveying the original's intent, look no further than Gumball's Russian dub with its censorship of "harsh" words like "butt", but THEY STRAIGHT UP CHANGE LINES TO SOMETHING THAT BARELY MAKES THE DIALOGUE FLOW AND THE VOICES ARE KILLING ME
so yeah i found another thing to be mad at
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hadesoftheladies · 4 months
got inspired from a recommendation post so decided to make a list of movies and shows with female-centric stories/female protagonists. since i can't post all of the genres in one post, i'll split it into multiple posts and y'all can save or add to the list as you wish. (disclaimer: i have watched most of these, but i only know about the existence of others. not every movie/show on these lists will be my recommendation. my recommendations will be beneath the list with reasons. also some of these are way better than others in terms of storytelling/performance--which is why i'll list my faves separately):
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Common Themes of Media in the List:
-Workplace/general sexist discrimination
-Husband being pieces of shit and whiners
-Strong emphasis on sisterhood
-Romance plays a large part (both hetero and homo)
-Female genius and triumph
-Scheming mothers (always scheming)
-Grief, loss, and growth
-Motherhood is difficult but we pull through TM
Mozart's Sister
Lessons in Chemistry
The Conductor
Cable Girls
The Great
The Queen's Gambit
Mary Queen of Scots
A League of Their Own (9/10) (a favorite!)
Hidden Figures (8/10)
The Woman King (8/10) (a favorite!)
Anne With An E (9/10) (a favorite!)
Dickinson (8.5/10)
The Marvellous Mrs. Maisel (9/10) (a favorite!)
Gentleman Jack (8/10)
The Gilded Age (7.5/10)
The English (an english woman teams up with a native american cowboy to take revenge on the men who hurt them)
The World to Come (two women isolated by the wilderness and their husbands fall in love)
The Pursuit of Love
The Buccaneers is pretty feminist and wholesome, although oftentimes childish and full of Netflix cliches (even though it's an Apple TV original). It tries very hard to be Dickinson and Little Women but is a far cry away from Dickinson's edge and fierceness and Little Women's maturity and realism. It's more interested in appealing to Bridgerton audiences and its worse for it. But it's still full of the nice stuff, like strong female friendships and sisterhoods. Ooh, and lesbians! It's adamantly female-centric.
As for Little Women, I prefer the 90s version with Winona Ryder, but Greta did more justice to the source material than Louisa May Alcott herself in the new version.
The Book Thief and The World to Come are also tragedies, so you know. Ammonite, Portrait of a Lady on Fire, Summerland and The Favourite are lesbians and bisexuals in their full glory, although all of them have vastly different tones (The Favourite is a dark comedy, I believe).
Speaking of The Favourite, Mary & George is like that but it's men vying for the affections of the king. Don't get it twisted though, Mary, George's mom, is the protagonist and primary mover of the show. It starts and ends with her. Also, more lesbianism! (I don't get tired of pointing that out.)
Belle is one of the few autobiographical historical fictions of a black woman. My dad and I love it. It, however, does not surpass The Woman King. The Woman King is like . . . one of the best historical movies on African women I've ever watched! Or just in general! It gives so much agency to African people in the colonial age and tells the story with nuance and perspective--it is a decolonized view on the slave trade that places West African people at the center. It's pretty intense and gory, though. Like it's dark, but like the performances are insanely good, and so is the story. Real life Wakanda and all that!
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new fic time
you can read it below the cut here on tumblr or over on ao3
I'm Stuck in this Life, and I'm Stuck in these Pants
Not Rated
Archive Warning:
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Batman - All Media Types
Justice League - All Media Types
Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne
Bruce Wayne
Dick Grayson
Clark Kent
Justice League (DCU)
Additional Tags:
Emotional Hurt/Comfort
its crack and hurt/comfort so have fun with that
enjoy the whiplash
no beta we die like jason todd
Dick Grayson Needs a Hug
Dick Grayson Gets a Hug
Dick Grayson joins the Justice League
Hurt Dick Grayson
Dick Grayson Has Eldest Daughter Syndrome
Probably ooc
Bruce Wayne is Trying to be a Good Dad
One Shot
Language: English
"Do you want me to join the League?" The League would assume it was an open question, but Bruce knew it was directed at him. This moment was in complete contrast to years of conversations about protecting their identities and keeping their former partnership a secret. He needed to speak up.
"You are one of the best, you deserve the right to choose." He responded, consciously keeping his voice in Batman mode.
aka Dick get chosen to join the League but before he does he has to face his inner demons
this started as a crack fic and became hurt/comfort so be aware, it's also the longest single chapter work i have every written at 6082 which is short for some people but me and my adhd tried no beta reader obviously so any mistakes are there for good now. i did a sweep but again, it's tagged and i've warned you so no telling me i spelt something wrong or used the wrong version of there ok *points at you*
Bruce had been working with the Justice League for over a decade, taking solo heroes and turning them into a team. They knew each other's strengths and weaknesses and can bounce off of one another during combat. It took time but they truly were a single unit. He's proud of what they have accomplished.
The rest of the League weren't on the same page. Sure, they all worked well together, but then there's Batman. He kept to himself, was never on the watchtower when he wasn't needed, constantly avoided talking about himself, and looked like he hated being with them. After years of working together, everyone had revealed their identities, some by choice, some accidental. Everyone but Batman. No one in the League knew who he was. They knew very little about him, other than that he's completely human (probably) and that he's from gotham. He doesn't even let them in his city, with strict rules about them working there. something about "human rogues" and "dangerous for supers". They disagreed with the rule, but without explicit permission from him, they couldn't enter. And no one was about to argue with him.
The time had come to propose new members for the League. Everyone was allowed to submit up to one person to join, and unless there were any serious objections, they would put it to a vote and the person with the most votes would join the League, provided they wanted to of course. But no one had ever turned down their offer before, who would refuse to join the Justice League?
The majority of the League didn't put anyone forward. Barry had suggested Wally, not as a new member but as his replacement given he was looking to retire from the hero game, and given that Wally had left the Titans recently, was available. Batman had said that would be discussed separately at a second meeting as replacements were a different conversation. No one had spoken otherwise, until the nominations got around to Superman.
"I do have a nomination this year. I've worked with this person a lot and I believe they would be an excellent addition to the League. They have been in the game for almost 10 years and protect an entire city on their own. He truly is one of the best."
A chill went down his spine and Bruce suppressed a shudder. That could apply to multiple people, a lot of heroes have been around for a while. But very few were responsible for a city, and there was only one person he knew that was close with Superman.
“I nominate Nightwing for the League."
Honestly, he was surprised it took this long for Dick to get nominated. He was one of the most capable heroes out there, having worked alongside the League before as both an independent hero and as the leader of the Titans. He worked well with others, as Bruce would know given he was Robin for a decade. He trusted no one more in the world. Batman fought well with the League, but he was constantly thinking about how to work with their moves. watching himself and others, predicting what they would do so he could make sure he wasn't interfered with. But with Nightwing he could just fight. They knew exactly how the other would move, and on instinct could follow through. He knew they would both protect each other.
"...Batman?" Superman broke him out of thought
"Do you object?"
Having him on the team would mean he wasn't alone. He had someone there that immediately understood his plan and was much better at communicating with the others. He would be a bridge, a bridge that provided support for everyone. Bruce would also have an excuse to work with him more. He did sometimes miss the conversations they would have in the field, the snarky jabs at rouges, the smile on his face whenever he managed to make Bruce laugh.
But having Dick on the team put them at risk. It wouldn't be too hard for the League to figure out that they knew each other. They could dig and find a connection to Gotham and then to everyone else. Maybe something he'd say would cause a memory to resurface for one of them, a memory of Batman during the time when Dick wore the cowl, and they could see that Nightwing happened to disappear during that time. It was too risky.
He opened his mouth to object, but no sound came out. Dick had taught him a lot, one of which was to trust him. Dick was his own hero now, and he could weigh up the decision. He deserved the chance.
"Ok then, as no one else was nominated, that negates voting. Batman, could you give him watchtower access and request him?"
Trying to figure out how he could manage this, he got up and moved over to the console on the side. Dick had watchtower access, they all did, but he went through the process of giving it anyway, all it did was throw you a message saying they already had it, which Bruce dismissed. That was the easy part. bracing himself, he tuned into the comms.
"What's up batman?" Babs always cloaked her voice, even on the bat exclusive channels, but he could still make out her speech pattern and a sliver of her accent.
"I need you to relay to Nightwing that he is requested in the watchtower."
"Y- yeah." The surprise wasn't hidden at all. "Everything ok? Do you need me to send it to anyone else?"
"Right, I'll let him know." Static on the line told Bruce that Dick was in the same room and they were discussing it. He was in Gotham that night, helping out while Bruce was with the League, and must have stopped into the watchtower. "Yeah, ok, he's on his way now."
Bruce hung up. He felt bad not thanking her but he had an image to uphold. The League all thought oracle was an AI program, and it would be weird. Not for someone like Clark, who would thank automatic doors half the time. But Batman? People would be worried.
He'd barely made it back to the table when the zeta-tube whirred to life.
"Entering, Nightwing, B-01"
"Wait, hold up, there's a B?"
"I know he isn't Titan anymore but weren't they T?"
"That was really fast, like he was expecting it..."
Bruce tuned them out and turned to face his former partner, now only a few feet away.
"So... why exactly was I requested?"
Complete confidence in his voice. If Bruce didn't know him, he would assume he was comfortable. But he could see the minor tension held in his chest, the way he rubbed his thumb along the side of his index finger, how his footsteps were almost silent to not disturb. Dick was confused, curious, and concerned.
Superman stood up. "We held nominations for a new member, and your name was put forward. We deliberated and would like to extend an invitation to join the League."
Dick stood there. He was completely still and looked in shock, and was staring directly at Bruce. They could see each other's eyes behind their dominoes thanks to the lenses in them, so he could see Dicks locked onto him, narrowed as if to ask 'what the hell is going on?'. If he hadn't opened his mouth, Bruce would've walked over to check on him.
"Do you want me to join the League?" The League would assume it was an open question, but Bruce knew it was directed at him. This moment was in complete contrast to years of conversations about protecting their identities and keeping their former partnership a secret. He needed to speak up.
"You are one of the best, you deserve the right to choose." He responded, consciously keeping his voice in Batman mode.
He was so proud of what Dick had become. He'd outgrown Robin, had gone far beyond what Batman could be, and had truly become the best. No matter how much he tries, it's hard to keep the affection he had out of his tone.
Dick noticed, and softened his posture. He started towards him and Bruce felt the League tense behind him. Normally he wouldn't allow anyone that close without reason, yet to them, here he was, letting this almost stranger into his personal space. Ignoring them, his eyes remained locked onto Dick until he was alongside him, forcing Bruce to turn around and face the League.
Every set of eyes was on him as Nightwing clapped him on the shoulder. The last person who'd tried anything like that had ended up with a batarang in their hand. Batman wasn't a people person and that was to be respected. The rest of the League tensed, prepared for bloodshed that would never come.
"Well, if Big Batsy over here gave me the stamp of approval, I would be insane to reject it immediately, although I am going to need some time to consider."
The majority of the room looked shell shocked as Bruce took his seat and Dick shuffled to stand behind him, resting his arms on Bruce's shoulders.
"I mean, this is a very big decision and I would at least like to discuss it with my team."
Flash spoke up. "But I thought you left the Titans? Wally said it was something about trust issues."
Dick snorted.
"Wally’s right, the endless debates about identities and how valuable they can be started to get on my nerves. If you must know, we disagreed on if I can be truly trusted without revealing my identity, so I chose to leave, along with Wally and Donna. With B over here, I assume you don't share their sentiments." He tugged on the bat ears as he spoke, a gesture he'd been doing since he was Robin, and something they both found comfort in.
The League was still in shock over how Batman was letting someone be near him, let alone play with his cowl. Bruce should've stopped him, kept up the act, but he was tired and he was happy Dick was this comfortable around him, after all the time they spent at a distance.
He sensed the rouse of working alone was coming to an end
Dick was having too much fun.
Sure, he was honoured for the invite, but messing with Bruce in front of the League was an opportunity he couldn't pass up. Of course, he wouldn't jeopardise their identities, but just getting to poke the bear would bring him so much joy. Making the Justice League lose their minds watching this random hero from Blüdhaven get close and personal with Batman and walking away unscathed was the highlight of the year, and it was clear Bruce was also enjoying it.
Well, he was tolerating it, which meant he found comfort in it and didn't growl at him.
He'd take it, after all the years they spent at each other's throats. Dick's later teenage years as both Robin and Nightwing hadn't been the most pleasant. He was a teenaged boy who'd spent every day at school and then came home to be ordered around. He needed his freedom and he'd gotten it, albeit by less than peaceful means. But after he came to terms with being fired, and had recovered from Jason's death, he'd started mending their relationship, and now they were closer than they'd ever been. So he was absolutely going to stand too close to Batman and put the League on edge.
It was even funnier given he'd met most of them before, back when he was Batman. Not that they'd know it, he made an excellent brooding, works alone, Dark Knight Batman. Even as he actively worked with Damian, Tim, Steph, and Babs. But he'd kept up the mythos, kept everything in the dark, and had seamlessly given the mantle back to Bruce once he was ready. As far as the League was concerned, he'd never been here before and was no different than the other ex-Titans.
At least, he hoped that. A hope that was crushed when Hal Jordan opened his mouth.
"Ok, but explain why you have the code B-01 for the zeta tube? The Titans were under T, and as far as I am aware, no one was under B."
This is where the real fun begins.
"Yeah, I've asked B the same thing, but he said it was due to clearance issues, that T had restrictions and I needed to be separate from that. I'm honestly surprised he didn't just throw me in with you guys, make me like 3-6 or something, but he's paranoid and didn't want to risk anyone finding it so..."
This seemed to confuse him more.
"What kind of clearance?"
Dick walked around the side to lean against Bruce, folding his arms and crossing his right leg behind his left.
"Oh, y'know, being able to use the Gotham tubes."
He feigned innocence, knowing the storm that would erupt from those few words. And indeed it did, as shouts echoed around the room in disbelief that someone other than Batman can enter Gotham.
After a few minutes of this, Dick saw something click in Superman's head. Dick had worked with Clark a lot, and had been inspired to take the name Nightwing from him. Clark was the only member of the League that knew Batman had a Robin, although he'd never personally met anyone besides Dick and probably assumed Batman worked alone now. He also knew Clark hadn't pieced together that Nightwing was that Robin, which was surprising given he took his name from a Kryptonian myth that Clark had told him once. But we see what we want to see and as far as everyone was concerned up until this moment, Batman and Nightwing didn't know each other.
But Clark had seen it. He'd seen Robin tug on Batman's cowl. He'd seen how Robin was the only one Batman allowed to get near him. He'd seen Robin's eyes light up telling him the story of Nightwing and Flamebird. Nightwing was Robin. An older, stronger, all-round better fighter and strategist, but still the same little shit he'd always been. The Man of Steel had finally figured it out.
Silence fell and everyone turned to face Superman.
"Who?" Barry tilted his head like a dog, a move that almost caused Dick to snort at.
"You know, Robin. Batman and Robin? He used to have a 12 year old kid dressed like a traffic light follow him around everywhere..?"
"Wait, did no one else meet Robin?" all eyes remained locked onto him.
Breaking the silence, Diana, who had been quietly watching this unfold, made her way over and stood next to Batman with tension throughout her body.
"Hold up, Nightwing still hasn't explained anything, like how he can enter Gotham, and who is this team he has if he isn't a Titan anymore?" 
Dick unfolded his arms and placed his hand on Bruce’s shoulder. He gave a subtle squeeze, asking if he could explain. After a second, Bruce shrugged, the signal for yes.
"When I was 9, B took me in and trained me. He taught me how to fight, but he also showed me how to be a detective. Once he knew I could handle myself and be an asset, he let me go out with him. I chose the name Robin and to wear bright colours. We worked together for a decade before I outgrew being his sidekick and became Nightwing, operating solo in Blüdhaven or with the Titans."
"I thought Robin died..." Superman looked straight at Dick, locking eyes with him as if his mask wasn’t there.
This startled the two of them. Maybe Clark knew more than they thought. Bruce shifted under his hand, letting him know he was there. This was still a tough subject for them both, given how their current standing with Jason was. 
“Well, I’m clearly not dead so… Don’t know what to tell you, Supes.”
Clark furrowed his brows and looked down. The journalist was clearly unsatisfied with that response yet chose to let it go. The rest of the League shuffled around, obviously uncomfortable with the latest development. Dick took that as his cue.
“Welp, with that revelation I shall leave and ponder your offer. Good morrow fair Justice League.” Tipping his head into an incredibly dramatic bow and sweeping his arms out, he turned on his heel and headed for the Zeta Tube. He’d had his fun but the mention of Jason had brought him back to reality and he wanted to leave. A nice, long, warm shower awaited him at home.
Pondering was hard. Dick discovered this as he sat in his shower, the water falling on his face. After making his way back to his apartment in Blüdhaven, he’d climbed out of his suit and straight into the shower as his thoughts finally hit him.
Holy shit, he’d been invited to join the League.
He knew he’d been a vigilante for longer than most of the members, save for Batman, Superman, and Captain Marvel. But that still didn’t diminish that fact he was chosen to join THE superhero team. 
Dick loved being on a team. He was a leader by nature but he also liked bouncing ideas between people. He knew he wouldn’t be in a leadership position but he wouldn’t be seen as less. He would be an equal and that was all he needed. Besides, he would be working with Bruce, someone that knew his abilities and just how useful he could be. 
“Oh. Ok, that need for approval will be promptly filed away in the ‘things to bring up in therapy’ folder,” he mumbled to himself. He’d been working on his people pleasing tendencies and desperate need to prove himself and be more, yet clearly not enough. Wally called it his ‘eldest daughter syndrome’ and he couldn’t really disagree. He did put the weight of the world on his shoulders sometimes. But this was why he needed a team, people who he could rely on when needed. People who could help remove some of that weight. People he could trust. The trust issues that came with being a bat never really go away, huh.
He stood up, turning the shower off, and wrapped himself in a towel. There was no point in thinking about it any further. His answer was obvious. He opened the bathroom door and made his way into the main room, where Batman was waiting for him.
“You are so lucky I put a towel on.”
Bruce grunted. Dick rolled his eyes in response.
“Seriously, I could’ve walked out with nothing on and that would have been traumatising to both of us. Imagine me having to explain to everyone why you can’t look at me, how embarrassing that would be.”
“Hn. I came to congratulate you.” Dick couldn’t stop the smile that crept onto his lips at that.
“Thanks B. I'm still a little shocked if I’m being honest. I know I’m not an unknown vigilante, but not only being noticed, but getting nominated and accepted is a big deal.”
Bruce stepped closer, pulling his cowl down and placing his hand on Dick’s shoulder. Dick looked down at the ground, sheepish in the face of actual affection.
“Dick, you have been doing this for longer than almost everyone. You’ve helped save the world countless times and been a beacon of light and hope. Not only to the rest of the world but to me too.”
His head snapped up and he met Bruce’s eyes. After a second it was Bruce that looked down at the floor.
“I know I haven’t always been the best, firing you and acting the way I did after Jason… But you have made me proud, Dick, never forget that.”
Almost without thinking, Dick wrapped his arms around Bruce. Since he’d become Nightwing, they hadn’t been very affectionate with each other. They never really were but when he lived at the manor, when he was Robin, he would find comfort in Bruce’s arms after a bad night on patrol or after he woke from a nightmare. This was one of the few moments of vulnerability they shared and Dick knew to let himself fall into it. He felt pressure on his back, and he was enveloped in the embrace. He didn’t want to let go but knew Bruce wouldn’t if he kept hold. He almost didn’t, wanting to keep this moment going, but Batman had important work to do tonight. Gotham wouldn’t stay quiet for long. 
As if the powers of the universe were listening, beeping echoed from the cowl and the two separated. Bruce grabbed the comm and listened to whatever was going down, before turning to Dick.
“Don’t feel like you must rush this. I trust your judgement and know whatever you decide will be the right choice.” He moved back towards Dick before hesitating. Dick wasn’t sure what he wanted, but after a few seconds, he found his hair being ruffled. Just like when he was Robin. 
The pressure left and with a breeze, Batman was gone. Dick debated throwing his suit on and going to help, but he’d had a long day and needed the sleep. He would catch up with Bruce in the morning, after filing ‘Wanting the feelings he had as Robin’ to his therapy list.
“Has he decided yet?”
Bruce was glad his eyes were covered, otherwise the Flash would’ve seen a very un-Batman-like eyeroll. Wally was settling into the team well after Barry departed a few days prior, but he was clearly impatiently waiting for his best friend to arrive. That is, if Dick chose to join the team at all. It had been a week with no hint of a choice. Bruce didn’t want to push him, this was a big decision, but he also wanted to get the rest of the League to stop asking him. It was as if they were children, poking him and asking ‘are we there yet?’
“He has not, and I will not push him for a response.”
“But he said he would think about it, surely a week is long enough.” Wally paced back and forth as if he was trying to solve a complex math problem. 
“I am aware of that, but it is a big decision.”
“UGH I’m gonna call him, see if I can get him to choose.” He sped over to the tubes, punching in the coordinates for what Bruce assumed was Central City. 
“Recognised, Flash, 0-7.”
“Stupid tower and it’s lack of phone signal. How hard is it to install cell service up here…” His voice fading away as he travelled off the tower, finally giving Bruce room to breathe.
It was his turn for monitor duty, which he was supposed to do with Green Arrow, but had let Oliver off for the night, due to a gala he needed to attend. He himself was supposed to be there but unfortunately Bruce Wayne had come down with a nasty case of the flu and so wouldn’t be attending. The was partly true, Bruce had caught the flu and was suffering because of it, but no one would notice if Batman was quieter than usual. 
The silence he was enjoying was promptly broken by the Zeta Tube announcing the arrival of Clark.
“Entering, Superman, 0-1”
“Hey Batman, how’s the case going?” “Hn.”
“Good good. Don’t worry, I’m just here to pick up something before heading back to work. You’ll be left to your silence again soon.”
Bruce turned back to his files as Clark moved around the Watchtower. Of course, he wasn’t working on the file, but rather keeping track of where Clark was in the room. He was awful at keeping his emotions off his face, and Bruce knew he wanted something. No doubt it was Zeta access to Gotham for the night. Clark was covering the gala for the Planet and even with his speed, it would be quicker to go straight there instead of via Metropolis. He knew Clark was getting closer to him as he moved around, and finally, when he gathered the courage to stand right behind Bruce, did he turn around to face him.
“What do you want, Kal?”
“Well, I wanted to ask if I could have access to the Gotham tubes, just for tonight while I’m working there.” “You can just fly across the bay from Metropolis.”
“I- Yes I can but I would rather no one know Superman was around Gotham, and I believe you do too.”
Bruce sighed, his patented ‘Tired Dad Batman’ sigh as Dick labelled it after he managed to elicit the sigh on many occasions. Clark was right, he definitely didn’t want anyone thinking Superman was operating in Gotham on a night where Batman wasn’t. It would send the wrong impression and risk the exposure of the other Bats. 
“Hn. Fine. You can have one time access to the Tube nearest the Museum.” Bruce got up and made his way to the console.
“Oh, wow, err, thanks.” Clark stammered out as he followed. He started to put in the access code and was almost done when the tube roared into life, the screen showing the connection coming from the Batcave.  Both men turned to face the tube as a human outline started to appear. Bruce let a small smile creep onto his face as the announcement was made.
“Entering, Nightwing, 3-6.”
Dick stepped through onto the Watchtower and was immediately greeted by Bruce and Clark. He threw his iconic grin onto his face and threw his arms out
“Whoops, didn’t realise you guys were using the tube. Sorry about that.”
Clark tilted his head slightly, as Barry had when he’d been invited. Guess it was a midwestern thing. Bruce, however, just turned back to the console as he spoke.
“I see you had Oracle reassign you.” “I figured you were busy.”
Dick snorted and made his way past Clark, who followed him with his eyes.
“Wait, Nightwing?”
“Why are you number 3-6? We don’t have that many members so you should be a lower designation.”
Dick kept the smile on his face. 
“Inside joke, and when Oracle is the one giving me access, I couldn’t not ask.”
Clark looked as if he wanted to pry deeper, but that was cut off by Bruce.
“Superman, you will arrive about three blocks from the museum. I assume you can find your way from there.”
Clark turned back to the tube and nodded. 
“Recognised, Superman, 0-1.”
Then he was gone.
Dick turned to Bruce, and was met with a smile.
“Wally just left. He went to call you.”
“Oh, well I guess I’ll just call him back later. I didn’t come to see him.” Dick shrugged.
“Did you need something, or did you just want to test your new designation?”
“Ha, both. But I knew you were up here and working on the Fear Toxin case and came to offer help. That and tell you my decision. I figured it was pretty obvious I would accept.”
“I wasn’t so sure.” Dick frowned at Bruce. “You’ve just left your team, one you lead, to join one with people that don’t exactly trust you.”
“Hey, they don’t trust you either. Now there’s two of us.” Dick tried to deflect but after almost 20 years, Bruce knew to ignore this.
“I was unsure if you’d want to join a team so soon, let alone one where people already are weary of you. My reputation is something I’ve built but now people know you and I have been working together for a long time. The tension has been higher in the past week. I’m yet to be called out, though I suspect people will attempt to gather information from you on the incorrect assumption that would be easier. I wanted to leave the decision to you, but was tempted to inform you of how it has been in case that would change your mind. I don’t regret offering you a place on the team. If I’m being transparent, I would enjoy having you here, someone I can trust without any hesitation. But I want you to make sure it’s right.”
Dick inhaled sharply. Bruce had thought about this, and was actually being open with him. Since their meeting in his apartment, Dick had thought about it a lot. He’d jumped between joining and not, missing being part of a team but worried about how it would affect him and Bruce. When Wally had told him he’d be replacing Barry as the Flash, including joining the League, Dick had the only serious doubt about it. Not because he didn’t want to be on a team with Wally, he was his best friend. He just didn’t want it becoming another Titans debacle, where he was incredibly close to Wally and Donna, but everyone else questioned him because he hadn’t revealed his identity. 
That hurt. Being a bat meant wearing a mask and protecting your identity for the sake of everyone else. If even one of them was unmasked, it wouldn’t be too hard to figure out the rest. So he never did. He couldn’t risk any of them. He couldn’t risk his family. And in protecting one, he lost another. The Titans slowly withdrew from him, getting more and more combative, and it resulted in a disaster of a mission.
What should’ve been a simple rescue after an earthquake ended up with Dick having to call in Superman to help. His plan had been solid but everyone other than Donna and Wally had abandoned it in a sort of coup. What they hadn’t planned, however, was exactly how the building they were operating around would collapse. Dick had studied the building’s structural integrity using blueprints and footage of the earthquake, and had constructed his plan to evacuate at the right speed and in the right order to minimise extra strain on the weakened foundations. This required to start from the central part of each floor and work outwards, maintaining the balance of the building. This ensured it wouldn’t crumble under the weight down one side. He’d been in the process of explaining this when the team had run off and started rescuing whoever they could access first, which altered the building’s centre of gravity as they shifted piles of rubble, and caused a complete collapse. 
Dick had called Clark immediately, a vulnerable moment where he’d screamed for Superman out of pure fear, who’d helped in recovering the bodies of those that didn’t make it, and after arriving back at Titans Tower, Dick had packed up his stuff and left. He’d dropped his bag at his apartment before going out on his bike. He hadn’t paid attention to where he was driving and the next thing he knew, he was outside the gates to the Manor. Driven there on instinct. He hadn’t gone in, just sat outside for longer than he should’ve, before driving back to Blüdhaven and beating the shit out of some corrupt cops, something that was incredibly cathartic. But part of him regretted not going up to the door and asking if he could stay a while. He missed having people around, and being alone in his apartment didn’t help with his thoughts. He knew it wasn’t his fault the team didn’t listen to him. He did everything he could. But people had died on his watch, and he’d called for help instead of handling it by himself. He was a leader and he’d let everybody down. 
A cough brought him back and he looked up to see Bruce had made his way over and placed his hand on Dicks shoulder. He’d missed it during his spiral, and Bruce had noticed. He could see his eyes through the cowl, new lenses that polarised for each other but no one else, and they were full of concern. Dick hadn’t spiralled like that in front of Bruce for a while and it was clear he was worried.
“I- I’m just thinking about the last mission I had with the Titans. Maybe it was time for me to leave leading behind me.”
“Dick,” Bruce brushed the hair that had fallen onto his face behind his ear. “We can’t always win. Sometimes we try our hardest and we lose. But we have to move on. I know this is hypocritical coming from me, but that’s why we have each other. Me, you, Robin, the Batgirls, everyone else. I know how much it hurts, I know the pain and anger and fear you feel inside. I felt it when you got shot, I felt it when Jason died, and I feel it every time one of you gets injured. But we are there to support each other and keep ourselves from getting lost in that pain. You taught me that. So I’m here to support you, and anyone else here will say the same thing.”
He coughed back his tears. Bruce knew what he was doing but made no move to get closer. That would be on Dicks terms.
“I want to be in the League, but I’m scared of messing up again.”
“You didn’t mess up. Clark told me what happened, how your team ignored your plan and acted in a way that caused the collapse. You then called for help when you knew you couldn’t do anything more. That’s why we are here, to help when needed.” Bruce sighed, but this time it wasn’t out of annoyance for Dick, but annoyance for myself. “I know I trained you to be the best. I know you put so much pressure on yourself to save everyone. To be there for everyone. And I know that is my fault. But you are not capable of saving everyone. No one is. Not me, not Wonder Woman, and not even Superman. That’s why the League has so many members with different strengths. Our strengths fill holes in others weaknesses. You would do that. You’re a natural leader who sees the best in everyone. You have an ability to light up the space and make people feel comfortable. You are one of the smartest people on the planet and could take over the world if you tried. Which, please don’t try to take over the world.”
Dick let out a sob as he laughed.
“I don’t plan on it yet, but if I do I’ll make sure to give you a few minutes' notice before I begin.”
Both men let themselves be vulnerable for a minute, holding each other and laughing. If the other Leaguers had been there, they would’ve lost it at the sight of Batman acting like… a person. The League probably believe all the rumours that Batman is a local cryptid, or maybe they prefer the vampire story. He’ll be able to find out, probably from people asking him about it.
Dick pulled himself back from Bruce and looked back up at him. They’d both been crying, but they both needed it. They’d both learned to be vulnerable sometimes, even if progress was slow. Bruce put his hand back onto Dicks shoulder, steadying himself. They moved apart and he straightened himself out.
“I’ll be okay, B. Besides, the moment someone else walks into the room, I’ll be all happy again.” 
“Dick.” Bruce tried to grumble but he could hear the compassion that lay underneath.
“Ugh, fine, I will deal with it, Mr Hypocritical.” 
Bruce smiled at that, knowing how this discussion would go if it continued. Dick knew it too, and soon they were standing next to each other, staring out the window at Earth.
He bumped Bruce, who bumped him back. It felt so calm, the two of them together. Not as Batman and Robin, but as Bruce and Dick. Father figure and first son. Two decades of fighting together, training together, learning together. He was going to have a lot of fun working with him again, this time as individuals. 
But more than that, he was looking forward to playing the League. He was ready to ruin them, to make them doubt themselves. He wanted to see how far he could go before Batman would step in, and knowing Bruce, it would be pretty far.
He was going to be ok.
i hope you didn't hate that, it was a brain worm that bounced around in my head for weeks and i'm glad i was finally able to get it out oh, and the inside joke is that 3-6 is the date dick debuted in the comics, March 6th 1940, so for the non-us americans it would be 6-3 but they are american so... the title is a lyric from inertia by ajr, which i listened to whilst writing this (specifically the acoustic version) it's so good and can be found on youtube or spotify
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inuinu6 · 2 months
A lot of English speaking people are making less of what is going on in Venezuela. I am from Mexico, I have no place to talk over them. But my Venezuelan friends I've seen them suffer for MORE THAN 8 YEARS. I can't protect them but I can share what is happening in their country through social media, which unfortunately is also full of misinformation and many people from the US and other English speaking countries are eating it up. Venezuelans have been living a dictatorship for many, many years and the dictator Maduro SELF PROCLAIMED himself president of Venezuela this July 29th, when another candidate for the presidency had won. Venezuelans are tired and are protesting against Maduro. The military. chavistas and Maduro ARE KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE. PEOPLE WHO ARE PROTESTING BECAUSE THEY WANT JUSTICE FOR THEIR COUNTRY. MADURO DOES NOT DESERVE THE PRESIDENCY. Many Latin American countries have spoken out about the concern they have and the disrespect for democracy and the voice of the Venezuelan people. Please do not make Venezuela any less, they too have suffered for many years and believe me it is difficult to know that your friends have spent years practically starving, in violence and now for the simple fact of protesting they are being killed.
The only thing I wish for my friends is that they live a decent life, and that they do not leave behind their dreams to escape to another country.
And before you say anything, even though there is proof that there was presidential fraud, nothing can be done legally because they are living in a DICTATORSHIP, it is not what Venezuelans want, it is what the dictator says, this is why they want a change.
I apologise if it's incorrect english i used a translator.
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leo-fie · 10 months
News from the Twilight Zone
And it's about Greta Thunberg again. I think she's a good example as she is an international figure and the news about her can be compared and contrasted.
So you all saw the video where some dude took away Thunbers's mic when she was speaking on behalf of the palestinian people. He said he was here for a climate protest, not for politics. Irony is dead.
Now, what was the reaction to this on the German left?
Volksverpetzer is a non-profit whose bread and butter is debunking covid conspiracies. They don't call themselves explicitly political, but their dedication to the truth and to rigorous research automatically places them on the left. Also they sell merch saying "FCK NZS" (Fuck Nazis) and "Lebe jeden Tag so, dass die AfD was dagegen hätte" (Live every day in a way alt-right party AfD would hate). They are based, as the kids say. I donated to them in the past.
Now they say the climate movement should get rid of Thunberg for her "antisemitism".
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The text says "take away Greta's mic"
Wearing a kufiya, which until 5 minutes ago was just a normal fashion item in Germany worn and sold everywhere, is antisemitic apparently. Saying "No climate justice on occupied land" is "glorification of Hamas terror".
This view is shared in every news outlet, from the alt-right Welt to the public broadcast Tagesschau to the oh so radical taz.
Politicians are calling for her to be removed. There is no difference between critique of Israel and Antisemitism and not a word about how popular the pro-palestinian position is worldwide.
This is a microcosm of what I see everywhere. I'm just some person, I don't know how to research or analyze this. But I am active in both English and German speaking internet discourse and the difference is driving me insane.
It's not that our leaders and main stream media aren't staunchly zionist, of course they are. But as far as I can see, the anti-zionist, pro-palestinian opinion exists in your news coverage. There is a discussion happening in the wider public. Piers fucking Morgan had Bassem Youssef on multiple times.
Here it's as if questioning Israel is such a fringe and obviously stupid opionion that it does not have to be taken seriously. No normal person would think that.
It's kinda similar to how we talked about Neo-Nazis until a few years ago. They exist, they have opinions and symbols and stuff, but they are so obviously evil that none of their talking points are worth debunking in polite society.
Germans calling themselves antifa are supporting Israel as if it's the most normal thing in the world. This is a different reality.
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peachym00 · 1 year
I can’t believe y’all will excuse build’s racist, homophobic and sexist comments he’s made which he admitted to and still support him how many times is he gonna keep apologizing and all his fans are gonna fall for it every time
I'm not going to keep repeating myself, so this is the last I'll say on the matter. This is my opinion, so do with it what you will.
Firstly, I'm not sure why you think I excuse his behaviour in any way. I'm assuming you're saying this to me because you read my post about him, which confuses me because I clearly say I don't justify anything he's done. The things he said are fucked up, and I do not agree with them.
However, the leaked texts are presumably old and unless it comes out that he still displays these views now or continues to in the future, then yes I support him in moving on and doing what's best for him. I also feel the need to point out that with these leaked texts come mistranslations and little to no context. And as someone who is a native English speaker and does not speak or understand Thai, I cannot take these at face value. Especially when the woman behind leaking them has a clear insidious agenda of not seeking justice, but tearing this man down and destroying him until he is nothing.
I'm going to add a few more things here to get my point of view across for anyone else that comes across my account.
I think what people are forgetting is the simple act of being human. And humans are multifaceted and highly complex. Labelling everything as simply as he said this bad thing therefore he should be cancelled and I am better than him because I would never do that is incredibly short sighted.
It is in our human nature to make mistakes, errors and bad judgements but it is up to us as individuals to decide if we should allow someone the grace of being forgiven.
You are completely justified in feeling whatever you like about Build and the situation at hand, but cancel culture does not work. I am not here to punish him and neither are you. I believe he is trying to become a better person. You don't have to agree with me but that is my belief, and if you can't handle that then block me instead of sending me or anyone else anonymous asks.
I fundamentally disagree with the witch-hunt that people are subjecting him to. If you think he is a bad person and you do not support him, then simply leave him alone, block him on all social media, and refuse to contribute towards any kind of monetary support that involves him. Sending him or anyone hatred, vitriol, and death threats make you a bully. And then, if you're acting that way because you think Build is a horrible person, does that not make you just as bad as him?
It has completely astounded me how much nastiness I've seen in this fandom. We all need to remember to be kind. You should be kind to those around you, and you should be kind to yourself. And the moment you find yourself being anything less than because of a man you do not know and who does not know you, you should take a step back and think about what you are doing.
Please don't send me any more anon asks about Build. Vegas and Pete are the characters that I have brainrot over, and they are who I will mainly be focusing on. I am able to separate the character from the actor, but I understand that that is difficult, and I don't blame you if you want to block me for that reason alone or disengage with the fandom altogether.
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tobiasdrake · 6 months
Ace Attorney 4-3, Investigation 1. In keeping with Gavin being surprisingly friendly for a prosecutor, I love the way 4-3 spins directly out of our developing relationship with him specifically.
Klavier Gavin is the only prosecutor ever to voluntarily hang out with the protagonist prior to the big conclusion of their arc. Some prosecutors have showed up to hang out in future titles; In fact, Gavin does too. But this is the first time we've actually been able to get to know them before the showdown.
And you can see why, too. Gavin's not only the friendliest prosecutor. He's also the only one who. Like. Has a life outside the courtroom. Other than Edgeworth being a sentai fanboy, I guess.
This one's going to have to be in two parts.
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Rockstar prosecutor Klavier Gavin is a rockstar. So we're going to set a chapter of the story at a rock concert. His rock concert. What a great idea.
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The least believable thing in the entire Ace Attorney universe is that the Gavinners somehow have a successful rock career. Rock is a counterculture movement, giving voice to the unheard.
It is physically impossible to get any farther from counterculture than literally cops. This is it. The extreme distant end from counterculture. Who the hell would buy cop-themed rock?
The Daily Wire wishes conservative media was as well-received as the Gavinners.
It's especially bizarre when you consider that we're in the Dark Age of the Law, a period of time when the criminal justice system is so widely known to be corrupt and brutal that pop culture came up with a name for it while it was still happening. Everyone knows that the justice system is broken and exists solely to persecute the innocent but we're all gonna buy tickets to watch a bunch of cops play guitars and cheer for how cool prosecutors are.
Nonetheless, this is such an unassuming setup for a murder. Why would there be a murder? We're here to make music. We're here to make cop music. Can we have one nice evening? But no. Gavin and his guest star Lamiroir take the stage and....
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It does not go well. In fact,
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It goes aggressively not well. Fortunately, the victim lives long enough to tell us that Lamiroir saw him get shot.
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Romein here speaking in code to give us a riddle to solve. I usually hate cryptic moments like this when characters use a short window of opportunity to speak in cryptic tongues rather than deliver useful information. But with Romein, it makes sense. The man has been shot and ours is not his first language. He's wracking his brain right now to find correct enough words to use.
In any case, this sets up our crime for chapter 4-3. A classic Whodunit in an enclosed space - complete with a vanishing killer who somehow teleported out of the room despite us breaking in through the only exit moments after the gunshots were heard.
A limited number of people have access to this backstage area and half of them are cops. One of them shot Romein LeTouse. Which means now would be a good time to talk about the cast of characters involved in this case.
We have two sets of characters here. First is the guest singer Lamiroir and her entourage.
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The mysterious and lovely Lamiroir, a famous international singer who is probably the real reason all those people are here. Come for the legendary international celebrity but also cheer for the fucking cops so they don't get mad and shoot tear gas into the crowd.
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Siren of the Ballad Lamiroir is easily our most interesting character in this case. Not originally from her "home country" of Borginia, her entire persona is a manufactured illusion.
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As well as her manager and translator Romein LeTouse whose name makes me sad that our local salad buffet place shut down during COVID. He's one of only two people involved with this case who can interpret for Lamiroir, who speaks only a foreign language. That's a problem, seeing as he's our vic--
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Oh, never mind, she can speak Japanese "English" just fine. They were doing that for publicity. Convenient!
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And her blind child pianist Machi Tobaye. He and Lamiroir seem like they make for quite a pair. These two, I can believe having a famous musical career. Machi, incidentally, can "also" only speak his native language just like Lamiroir but I'm sure that won't be important.
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These two characters form an inseparable performance duo from a foreign land, whose relationship with each other and their late manager will carry much of the intrigue for this case.
The other key set of characters would be our cops.
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Of course we have Ema Skye, our embittered forensic scientist whose talents are wasted as a field detective. Of course, she's definitely off the suspect list on account of the fact that she was with us when the gunshots were heard.
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There's Prosecutor Gavin who is having the worst day. He probably didn't dunit but then again it wouldn't be the first time, would it?
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And Detective Dickhead. His hair truly must be seen to be believed. He is attempting to pull off the Japanese Thug Pompadour in a way that can only be described as, "Hello, Officer."
Just like Ema, Gavin and Daryan both have airtight alibis as well.
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It's hard to get a stronger alibi than "Thousands of people saw me onstage while the murder was taking place."
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That's it. That's all we get. Glimpses of the Golden Fucko as he bazingas around dodging attention. Okay, dude. Way to not look suspicious, I guess.
That's it. That is our small cast of characters aside. It's not a lot of people to look into. In fact, Mysterious Golden Fucko aside, nobody seems capable of fitting everything we know about this mystery.
Continued in part 2.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
I've heard tenderqueer as a term for not-actually-queer special snowflakes, i.e. when Keffals instructed her audience to imitate tenderqueers by using picrews to make icons of "intersection butch black demi-ace whateverthefucks", so it's weird to see this word used to refer to people who are actually queer. I get that it's an insult either way and I usually get called that when I say I don't think sand-n*gger is an acceptable thing to call Arab people, but at this point I'm lost. What does the word mean at this point? Queer? Not queer? Closed-minded? Not closed-minded enough? I get that English speaking queers hate a lot of queers, often much more vocally than they hate cishetallo people, but the jargon is lost on me.
In general, I hear queer people using it for genuinely queer people who spend too much time on social media and who are hypersensitive to the latest buzzwords and the slightest perceived slight against themselves but boorish assholes about other people's history, queer cultures, and feelings.
You know: professional victim types who'd probably call themselves a "smol bean".
It's just that haters think every person who cares about social justice in any way is oversensitive and making it all about themselves.
Know Your Meme defines it as:
Tenderqueer is a contentious slang term used to describe an emotional LGBTQ+ person with a sensitive and openly emotional disposition who uses their knowledge of social justice language in order to be insincere or avoid accountability for their own actions.
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By: Erec Smith
Published: Feb 24, 2024
My impetus for dedicating the bulk of my career to combatting diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives began on a listserv for Rhetoric and Composition, the field in which I teach as a professor. Upon hearing a well-received speech claiming that the teaching of Standard English to Black students was a form of racism, I wrote an email questioning the efficacy of that argument. My inquiry induced a level of opprobrium I did not expect. I was called a white supremacist, and blatant lies were spread about me on social media.
Besides these robust attempts to degrade me, I noticed a consistent infantilization of anyone Black who was “brave” enough to speak up against me. Mind you, this extremely woke listserv was a safe place to voice disdain for anyone who refused to embrace a victim narrative—no bravery required—but in order to abide by that narrative, anyone Black had to be cast as a downtrodden victim punching up and speaking truth to power. Anyone Black except me, of course. For wanting Black students to have the utmost agency and to flourish in today’s society, I, a Black man, was shunned by whites and Blacks alike.
The U.S. is currently celebrating Black History Month, and I’ve been asked to share my thoughts about how this month of celebration aligns with DEI initiatives. The answer to that question depends on the type of DEI. Some DEI initiatives align with the classical liberal values of the civil rights movement, and indeed of America’s founding, such as freedom and equal opportunity for all, regardless of skin color. Other versions of DEI, however, are undergirded by critical social justice (CSJ), an ideology that pits whites and Blacks against each other; whites are perpetual oppressors, and Blacks are perpetually oppressed. This variation of DEI, which I refer to as CSJ-DEI, is the ideology that was on display during the aforementioned listserv debacle. It insists on the perpetual victim status of Black Americans and, in so doing, is ideologically opposed to the celebration of Black Americans because it focuses on their trials, not their triumphs. Black History Month is supposed to be about Black empowerment, but CSJ-DEI depends on Black disempowerment.
One can get the gist of CSJ by understanding its primary tenet: “The question is not ‘did racism take place?’ but rather ‘how did racism manifest in that situation?’” This philosophy assumes that racism is always already a part of any interaction between whites and nonwhites; one just has to find it. Assessing the facts of a particular situation is considered unnecessary, even naive. One need not think when it comes to racial justice; the narrative—the script—does the thinking. Does this lack of agency, this deference of volition to a pre-scripted narrative, sound empowering?
CSJ-DEI is about leaning into to the “downtrodden Black person” narrative, but that narrative does not align with the reality of today’s America. Forget about the growing presence of current or recent Black immigrants and the enhanced socioeconomic status of many Black Americans today. According to the altered reality of CSJ-DEI, Black people must still be seen as irredeemably oppressed. Scholars Julian Adorney and Jake Mackey call this altered reality a “virtuous lie,” defined as “a false or dubious claim that is asserted without qualification because it is thought to advance an ethical agenda.” Exaggerated police statistics and the insistence that Black Americans are still caught in a form of slavery are just the tips of this “virtuous” iceberg.  
Virtuous lies are anything but virtuous in these situations, but they show up in traditionally virtuous places, such as scholarly journals. In the scientific journal Cell, prominent scientists insist that the Black individuals among their ranks “continue to suffer institutional slavery.” In addition, a philosophy professor argues that the “years 1492 and 1619 and 1857 and 1955 are still now” and insists she means this in “a meaningful, non-metaphorical sense” (my emphasis). The absurdity of these statements is matched, if not eclipsed, only by the fact that these authors were confident their arguments would be taken seriously. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was emboldened enough to say that a false narrative is acceptable if it feels “morally right”; to insist on facts is to be misguided.
Black History Month is too good for CSJ-DEI. It is about the celebration of figures in Black history who beat seemingly insurmountable odds. It is about figures like educator Mary McLeod Bethune, lawyer Samuel J. Lee, congressman Josiah T. Walls and many others of whom most are unaware. I firmly believe that these figures would scoff at CSJ-inspired ideas such as equitable math, the demonization of debate and the violence of teaching Standard English to Black students.
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[ Autodidact, reformer and orator Frederick Douglass. ]
The misalignment of Black History Month with CSJ-DEI is exemplified by one of the most consistently celebrated figures of Black history: Frederick Douglass. As a slave, Douglass taught himself to read despite the fact that it was illegal. He had to be astute enough to be autodidactic and clever enough to do it without getting caught. When he escaped into the free states, he rose to become the most sought-after orator of the 19th century. Douglass’ life is an implicit counterargument to the CSJ-DEI narrative: If Douglass could accomplish this as a slave two centuries ago, what excuses do Black people have for embracing victimhood today, in a truly free society of which Douglass could only dream?  
Ultimately, CSJ-DEI not only counters the spirit of Black History Month, but it insults the figures celebrated during that month. To pretend things are just as bad now as they were throughout American history is to disrespect the accomplishments of Black Americans. Black Americans today are here and thriving precisely because of their power and ability to rise above adverse circumstances. To insist we remain disempowered at all times is risible at best.
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wildissylupus · 1 year
This is going to seem like a sad ask, but I saw your recent asks and I remembered my first experience with overwatch which was my first game of its kind. It was 2016 and I watched all the cinematics and fell in love with it, especially Alive and Overwtach Museum where I saw Widowmkaer and Tracer flirting, I was so excited about them and it was the first major ship at that time and then later I discovered Pharmercy, Zarya with Mei, Sombra and Symmetra, Sombra and Widowmaker, Mercy and Tracer and every lesbian ship you can imagine. A while later they confirmed Tracer as a lesbian I was a mixture of happiness (because I am also a lesbian) with a little bit of disappointment because of widowmaker, who was my favorite character and having a ship between two main characters was everything to me, but even still there were other ships possibilities and a lot of fanfics, plus the fandom was so big in content in many ways also receptive and everything and Overwatch was the game for representation that time. But over the years things changed and started to die, the community getting smaller and smaller, and now we have many more games with better lgbt representation among their characters and filled that for me, now I see overwatch these days I remember the good times and I still wish they could fix things with PVE/lore and develop their characters and their relationships better.
The thing is I think a lot of new fans don't really get this. When Overwatch came out it was revolutionary with it's representation, not only with characters of colour but with white characters too, even now I hardly see white characters be anything other than American, English and the occasional French and Australian, but only does it have variety with characters see as the same race but it also gives representation to places that aren't often talked about in media, like Baptiste being from Haiti, or Moira actually speaking Gaelic (which is an endangered language btw). In many ways Overwatch is still fairly good in representing under represented places in the world. Not only that but they do something that I don't see a lot of other media do and actually hire voice actors who are of the ethncity of the characters their voicing, like seriously it should be as uncommon as it is.
However that doesn't erase the problems in the game as well, such as a lot of characters being based off of stereotypes that did not age well.
I do think how they handled confirming Pharah and Baptiste was good (timing was atrocious though). Specifically Pharah. Usually in media like this where sexuality isn't the main focus lesbian characters will just refer to themselves as "liking girls", which leads to homophobes going "oh they can still like boy's". Pharah actually using the word lesbian is so rare and as a lesbian myself I really liked that touch, it was honestly really important to me. I think with more characters being confirmed (Pharah and Baptiste) and more characters being hinted at (Cassidy, Hanzo, Angela) being LGBTQ+, the representation will get better.
But that's just me being optimistic.
With the PvE and lore it seems that the writers are getting better at making the lore make sense, there are still some plot wholes in the timeline... but one of my first fandoms was FNAF so I can deal with that.
I don't really know if I explained this that well? Either way I hope I responded to your ask well, you genuinely brought up an interesting discussion and I wanted to do it justice.
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opiatemasses · 2 years
Normality or Reality?
Some believe that racism no longer exists, that the society we now live is post-racial or colour-blind. However, it is clear racism is an ongoing issue both here in the UK and globally. For example, 95% of young black British children have witnessed racism in school. According to Delgado et al. (2017) many people of colour choose not to speak out about it, as they feel it limits their futures. 
Because racism exists in society it also exists in sport. Black people do not have equal opportunities and do not receive similar rewards for equal or better performance when compared to their white counterparts. As a consequence, their desire for a successful career beyond sport or any other profession is dismal. 
Racial abuse does not just affect children, it affects adults, athletes, teachers, police officers, lawyers and so on. Anyone who is a person of colour can feel as though they are at a disadvantage because of the colour of their skin. It is something they face and challenge every single day. 
Examples of Racism in Everyday Life
It has been argued that race is a social construction.                       
Within the police force, at the end of March 2020, 92.7% of police officers were White, with only 7.3% identifying as BAME. Between April 2020 and March 2021 black people were over 3 times as likely to be arrested as white people. 
These statistics provide evidence to their reasonings of why they are at a disadvantage, simply because their skin is not white. Racism can occur anywhere and to anyone, what is important is that we are aware and report it to the police, or if you are at work to your workplace management. If you or someone you know is experiencing racial abuse you can report it here: https://www.report-it.org.uk
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Image credit: Getty Images https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-myth-of-systemic-police-racism-11591119883 
Defining Racism 
Racism in sport is defined as any form of discrimination against people based on race, ethnicity or nationality. This includes, and is not limited to, discriminatory acts, comments, policies and practices that exclude or hinder the ability of people of certain racial backgrounds to participate in sports. 
Racism In Sport 
Racism in sport is a reflection of wider prejudice and inequity that exists in both our societies and institutions. Athletes experience racial harassment on a regular basis, whether that be in person or online through social media. 
Racism has been found in sport for a long time in European sports, but this has intensified during major international sporting competitions where players of colour are put on centre stage and under pressure.   
In 2020 the men’s England football team lost to Italy in the UEFA Euro final.  Instead of admiring the skill of Italy’s goalkeeper or congratulating the fact England had succeeded in coming so far in the competition, three players – Bukayo Saka, Jason Sancho and Marcus Rashford – were subjected to floods of racist abuse. A tweet was published in response to this harassment encapsulates this phenomenon: “When you score, you’re English. When you miss, you’re an immigrant.” 
Furthermore, racism in sports can often have serious consequences for those subjected to it. Research has shown that in addition to physical and mental stress, athletes of colour often struggle with feelings of powerlessness, depression, and anxiety due to the constant discrimination they face during their sporting career. This can not only affect an athlete’s performance, but can also have lasting impacts on their mental health and well-being.
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Image credit: Reuters https://metro.co.uk/2021/07/12/euro-2020-england-players-bombarded-with-racist-abuse-14912944/
What is Being Done to Stop Racial Abuse?
There are several organisations working to combat racism in sport, which include:
The Institute for Sport and Social Justice
The Anti-Defamation League
The National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People (NAACP)
Additionally, many professional sports leagues, such as the National Basketball Association (NBA) and Major League Soccer (MLS), have established policies and initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion in their leagues. 
‘Taking the Knee’ was a major movement - a globally recognisable protest against racism, but it was prohibited for football players to do this before every match. This was only just the beginning. If we are to make progress in combating racism in sport, it is important for everyone to take a stand and speak out against racism whenever they see it. 
Various important initiatives have been launched to tackle racism in sport, such as the #BritishAthletesUnite campaign across the UK, which aims to create a platform to end racism in sport. Initiatives such as this are important, as they provide education and awareness of racism in sport. 
Additionally, organisations like Kick It Out are taking action to fight racism through their campaigns, educational resources and alert system. This ensures those affected by racism are provided with support and the issue is addressed.
Below is a short video on the backlash players received by ‘taking the knee’ before games. 
What Can YOU Do?
Sports are a microcosm of society. So to end racism in sport we need to recognise that the idea that society is post-racial is wrong. We must also focus on eliminating racism in our wider communities. 
This includes actively supporting organisations and initiatives that promote equality and racial justice. Additionally, we must continue to have discussions about racism and engage with communities to create change. 
Finally, it's important to remember that sport should be accessible to all, regardless of race, gender, class, disability, etc. Encouraging diversity and inclusion and ensuring that everyone has a seat at the table is critical to creating a more equitable sporting environment.
Racism in sport is an issue that we must take seriously and address. We must take steps to ensure that all athletes, regardless of race, are given equal opportunities and treated with respect. This is our reality but let us not make it a normality. YOU can help end racism once and for all. We all need to do our part and take steps to ensure that all athletes, regardless of race, are given equal opportunities and treated with respect. We must also take steps to ensure that those who engage in racist behaviour are held accountable for their actions. Only then together will we be able to make progress in our fight against racism in sport and end racism once and for all. 
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whitehotharlots · 1 year
3 reasons AI might actually take over (even though it sucks)
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I appreciate the handful of writers who have attempted to push back against the inane and zealous tide of AI boosterism. Some have pointed out, correctly, that the recent slew of AI puff pieces are no less fraudulent than the Cryptomania of the early 2020′s, or the complete bullshit assertions that we’re perpetually just a year or two away from self-driving cars becoming a reality. Others have pointed that AI simply doesn’t work very well: anyone who claims we’re on the cusp of robots replacing actual human communication is either a moron or a lunatic.
The trouble is, this country is run by morons and lunatics. A new technology need not be good or functional in order to become a part of our daily lives and transform our social fabric. It only needs funding and enthusiasm. 
Here are three reasons why some sort of AI takeover might actually be inevitable, regardless of the quality of its output or the disastrous effects it may wreak upon our culture:
1. Grant Funding: anything that might hypothetically bring down labor costs will receive massive amounts of public and private grant funding.  The grift goes like this: dimwitted academics and thinktank writers whitewash the horrible effects of the new tech and overinflate its potential worth, and in exchange they get money. Very simple. These grants are awarded solely the most credulous and amoral of researchers, whose work is guaranteed to produce results favorable to the funders. Remember, there’s no such thing as academic integrity. 
You give a sociology professor 25 grand and three months, she’ll give you a study demonstrating how Dogechat is completely indistinguishable from human speech... anyone who disagrees is a fascist, perhaps even Russian. Humanities profs are even cheaper--you don’t even have to pay us. Give an English grad student a CV line, she will explain how it’s ableist to not let students us AI to write papers and screech violently at anyone who attempts to say otherwise.
2. Terrifying Generational Differences: If you’re over 25 or so, you can easily differentiate between actual art and speech and that which has been produced by AI. But if you were born after, say, 2005? That's difficult... 
This has yet to be seriously studied, but we now have a generation of burgeoning teens who grew up raised not just on social media but whose formative content experiences were videos like "Elsa from Frozen is Pregnant and She Goes to the Dentist.” On a very deep level, these young people might not understand humanity and its cultures in the manner we understand them. You go a decade deeper and get kids who learned how to speak when masks were mandated and Zoom replaced real life... it's gonna get bad. 
Studios can easily bank on this. Yes, old people might not like to watch a stream of empty, eerie cultural symbols smearing senselessly into one another, glitching out like a strobe light, mutating hideously with no regard to rhythm or narrative: a phantasmagoria no human mind would ever dare process, let alone generate. But those people are old, like I said. Kids today, they love this shit.
3. Nerds Love Garbage, and Nerds Control Everything: To your average nerd, (lefties primarily, but conservatives are not immune) the only purpose of art is to confirm the beliefs they already hold. AI does this better than even the most beaten-down human possibly could. Imagine a world in which bad thoughts are never depicted. They CANNOT be depicted, because they fall outside what the AI is literally allowed to show. That, my friends, is Social Justice. In this case, AI isn’t just good: anyone who opposes it is an enemy of progress who is an unsafe presence who causes hurt and even listening to their arguments is an act of violence.
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mostautisticsinner · 1 year
hi as mutual who doesn't know anything about PMoon im a big fan of your posting recently they're like blorbos in law especially the clock head one and i would love to hear the premise of the media /gen /srs
-lilacqueerr :3
INSERT THE. Oh god so youre going to regret this text thang (1/2)
Project Moon universe is a universe that is, Loosely, a Dystopian future in which corporations control a place called The City. Limbus Company is a game in which you go around The City to all it's different sections (Corps). You play as Dante, the executive manager (The one with the clock head) and you control a bus of people called The Sinners to fight in order to get Golden Boughs (Like. Tree things that Implicitly can grant wishes and are also tied to the Sinners' trauma). There's also a Guide of the bus (Vergilius) and the driver (Charon)
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Im sending them 3 at a time so the images arent Huge and also for my brain's sake. First is Dante (Named after Dante's Inferno), who lost all of their memories (And their gender) when they got a prosthetic head installed, and also unwillingly made a contract that means they can bring back The Sinners from the dead. They're a little pathetic................... Vergilius (Named after Virgil) guides them where they need to go, and was previously a Color Fixer (Very important person,) named The Red Gaze. He's very serious and extremely intimidating to everyone he meets. Charon (Named after the River Styx) is the driver. She has no soul, speaks in third person and very bluntly, but only calls people by nicknames and says sound effects aloud. Both her and Vergilius were in Leviathan (Which... I haven't read but a friend broke it down in a call) and she was an orphan who was distorted after being tested on, and I think Vergilius joined Limbus because they said they would de-distort Charon. That is his daughter basical.y.
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Yi Sang (Named after the poet of the same name, mostly for The Wings), the first Sinner to join. He is very quiet, only speaking occasionally and when he does it's very cryptic. Most divorced. His weapon is a knife named Ha Yung (Which is written on his notebook actually,). His chapter will come out end of next month so we don't know what happened to him but apparently he wasn't always so Quiet and Brooding. So for now he's just 'tistic as hell, As they all are Faust (Named after. Faust), the second Sinner. She is the one who engineered the bus they are on (Mephistopheles). She is very soft spoken, but is still constantly bragging about her high intellect. She occasionally speaks in third person which is every thing to me. Her weapon is a zweihander named Walpurgisnacht. Don Quixote (Named after Don Quixote), is the third sinner. She is extremely excitable and impulsive, and has delusions of grandeur. As you can see she has a lot of pins, which is all sorts of different Fixer merchandise, as they're her special interest ..... She talks loudly and quickly (Her VA handles it very well though she's not Annoying and people who say she is are Cowards and Fools) and she speaks in Middle English (Which follows her thru every identity. Autism wins). She is very big on justice and will do anything to right wrongs. It's said in Canto 3 she made some sort of deal with Vergilius to join Limbus, but we don't know what it is, yet. Her weapon is a lance (WHICH IS 6'6. SHE'S 5'3. SHE IS RIPPED.) named Sueño Imposible
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Ryōshū (Named after Hell Screen), the fourth Sinner. She is very snobbish and violent. She's harsh and often shortens things to acronyms, leaving other people to figure out what she means by that. Her methods of execution are often Particularly Brutal but considers them artful. She has something with fire, given her base EGO is the only base that deals burn, she smokes constantly, and once she burnt a skewer on purpose. This is somthing that only matters to me but once I talked to an AI of her and she called herself an epic lesbian. She has an ōdachi named 無我夢中 阿鼻叫喚 支離滅裂. Meursault (Named after The Stranger), the fifth Sinner. I will try to describe him normally but just so we are clear He is my favorite. My special silly. I am not normal about that french guy At all. Anyways, he is very blunt and only speaks when necessary or when asked. He is always strictly abiding by rules, to the point where he rarely casts his own moral judgement (An example of this is Limbus seems to have a schedule and in his morning greeting on his base identity, he says there's a very early time you should wake up and he's the only person who knows this or cares about it). He is also. So Autistic to the point that AS OF CURRENT the wiki says that it's a Popular Fan Theory. In the end of Canto 3 when they get skewers he is pouring ketchup all over that bad buoy. Despite this he's still a good cook because he's simply so good at abiding to rules. He's 6'2. Also. His weapon are his Gauntlets named Soleil Hong Lu (Named after Dream of the Red Chamber), the sixth Sinner. He's very naive and grew up sheltered as a rich boy. It shows given he often asks insensitive or even just strange questions without realizing how they might come off because he's being completely genuine (Once asked if missing fingers were in fashion because of some people who worked with Abnormalities). He is still just like always friendly though, if not a bit difficult, and seems to be the only person on the bus that thinks everyone there's his friend. His weapon is a glaive named 太虛幻境.
Part 1 of 2, I keep getting errors so I Will finish this in anotehr post but Fur now we r at the Half way point
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
Unquenchable Bat Thirst
by SolaceInSpace Batman's PR is at an all-time low due to a sudden onslaught of negative posts centred around him. People are clamouring for his removal from the Justice League. Batman doesn't care about the comments but Gotham is indignant on their knight's behalf. The JL comes to his defence and speaks on his behalf with their whole chest. The internet decided that Batman must have bewitched the JL and cancel him even more. Batman still does not care. An unknown someone posts three photos of Batman. They are the first clear photos of the vigilante that the world has ever seen. Suddenly, public opinion has been reversed and the only word on everyone's collective mind is: DADDY Words: 4024, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 2 of The Suffering of a Man Who the Internet Finds Hot Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), Clark Kent Relationships: Bruce Wayne & Everyone, Gotham City & Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Social Media, Sexual Humor, Thirst Tweets, Humor, Crack, Mentioned Tim Drake, Implied Tim Drake joins the Batfamily early, Hal Jordan is truly the man without fear, Gotham Loves Batman via https://ift.tt/PDihs9w
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drmaqazi · 12 days
I ntend to shake you up and wake you up from your deep slumber and ask you to read my letter very carefully, indeed.
Under the order in the Holy Qur’an, Amr bil-Ma'roof and Nahi ‘an-il-Munkar, امر بالمعروف و نہی عن المنکر , it is my duty as a Muslim to enjoin all Muslim Brothers and Sisters to do GOOD and ask them to refrain from doing EVIL.
My Late father, may Allah bless him, Ameen, and reward him with the best place in Jannat-ul-Firdous, Thumma Ameen, used to call all Corrupt Politicians قوم فروش اور ضمیر فروش  RASCALS, who ran this beautiful Pakistan into ground and made it totally bankrupt., God forbid! 
You received a beautiful prosperous and progressive, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, but after more than seventy (70) terrible years, you left behind a Pakistan, which is neither Islamic nor Republic, but an Autocratic Dictatorship ruled by a few chosen landlords, a legacy of the British Empire.
And only you, your party, and your corrupt colleagues are directly responsible for that and all of you will be answerable for it, also.
The helpless, the needy, the poor, and the simple people of Pakistan were promised Rotee Kapraa and Makaan روٹی کپڑا اور مکان more than thirty (30) years ago, and they are still waiting for it. 
Some parties bought their votes for Pak Rupees (pennies) and Biryani بریانی made from the meat of dead donkeys without giving them anything in return, Do you think they will vote for them again? I don’t think anyone with common sense will do it again.
All of you have been asking H.E. Imran Khan the next Prime Minister of Pakistan, to give you an account for the last three (3) years. His accomplishments speak for themselves, but you have never given him the account for the last thirty (30) years. You should be ashamed of yourself, but you have no shame.
Imran Khan is a World Renowned Leader, who stood up to the American , European, and Indian leaders, while some of you were reading from pieces of paper (Parchee پرچی).  He was declared Sadiq-al-Wa’d-al-Amin صادق الوعد الامين by the Supreme Court of Pakistan. He has developed good working relationships with big powers, including but not limited to Indonesia, Malaysia, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates.
The Journals, Newspapers, Radio Social Media and TV Channels all over the world have called you all kind of names in the book for what you did to the people and the Government of Pakistan. I don’t have to repeat it as you know it fully well. I am nobody to judge you as I am not your Judge. 
You will be answerable to Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) on the Day of Judgement for your sins, not me. But remember that Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) is  Adal عادل and Munsaf منصف. He knows every thing that you have done so far and are continuing to do it, knowingly and understanding the consequences of the same, therefore you cannot escape from His Justice.
See attached below links for both Pandora Papers and Paradise Papers for your  information, kind consideration and perusal:
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pandora_Papers
3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradise_Papers
You thought that by doing what you were doing, you will be rich and famous 
in the world. Unfortunately, you became NOTORIOUS and must be thinking 
You blame Imran Khan for everything, including but not limited to rising prices of groceries and petroleum products, but he does not sell groceries and owns no  petrol pump, either. These prices and other circumstances were beyond his control, PERIOD!
You should blame those RASCALS, Bhuttos, Shareef Brothers, Zardarees  and their families for this mess. You have been voting them in again and again to rule over the people of Pakistan for more than seventy (70) years. You are reaping what you sowed. Hoon hore choopo gannay (ھور چوپو گنے). 
These Landlords, including but not limited to Bhuttos, Shareef brothers, Waderas, Zaradarees, etc., and their families and children are a legacy of the British Empire, with which they controlled and ruled the helpless, the illiterate, the needy, the poor and the simple sharecropper (مزارع), who worked in their farms and fields for food ONLY, you owned everything else.   
They, their families, their children and grand children were at the mercy of these landlords. They abused them and exploited them in any shape, form or manner they liked, and treated them just like Dalits (untouchables), with no questions asked, whatsoever. 
They did not build schools or hospitals. They thought that if these people got educated, they will go away to big cities, then who will cultivate their lands and farms and that is the TRUTH, the whole TRUTH and nothing but the TRUTH, so help me God Almighty,
Probably you don't know Imran Khan. All you know about him is from the Journals, the Social Media, Newspapers, Radio and TV and dirty and filthy propaganda by a Bunch of Thieves, who are also BLOODY LIARS and are not trustworthy, anyway.
Read very carefully en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imran_Khan. It will open your eyes about him, and you will find out that he is a world renowned leader, one of a kind, who has a unique combination of extraordinary qualifications and experience, uncommon among general politicians. His accomplishments, before and after becoming a Prime minister, are Par Excellence.
Given below is a summary of his accomplishments since he became the Prime Minister:
1)  Imran Khan takes climate change seriously, so much so that his government successfully took control of Mafia owned land in Punjab. With pursuits of turning it in to an eco-friendly Forrest under his initiative known as Plant4Pakistan.
2) He swiftly took upon solving Pakistan’s water crisis to his own hands. The eager leader successfully raised millions of pounds for the Pakistan Dam Fund; both nationally and internationally, just weeks after being sworn in to leadership.
3. He founded by former Pakistani cricket captain and philanthropist Imran Khan (Pakistani cricketer). he Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (Urdu: پاکستانتحریکانصاف; Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf) is a political party in Pakistan. The party's slogan is "Justice, Humanity and Self Esteem”. 
4). Khan’s anti corruption policies have been affirmed as positive. The PTI government holds ‘strict accountability’ towards any activities that maybe deemed as corrupt. For example an Assets recovery unit has been developed, to expose hidden assets.
5), The former cricketer, has been focusing greatly on tourism in Pakistan. Khan, recently spoke at the World Government Summit and spoke about how Pakistan has fundamental potential for a successful tourism industry.
6). The government led after Imran Khan, has decreased factory gas prices nationally. This is excellent for the Pakistani economy.
7) The five million home initiative, is a housing program and promise by the PTI government; aimed to provide housing for the poorer community of   Pakistan. This huge project has already began to make progression.
8) Imran Khan’s eco-friendly dream goes further; energy production through waste is now in progress
9). Imran Khan was born to a Pashtun family in Lahore in 1952, and graduated from Keble College, Oxford in 1975. He began his international cricket career at age 18, in a 1971 Test series against England. Imran Khan played until 1992, served as the team's captain intermittently between 1982 and 1992, and won the 1992 Cricket World Cup, in what is Pakistan's first and only victory in the competition He is considered one of cricket's greatest ever all-rounders,  Imran Khan registered 3,807 runs and took 362 wickets in Test cricket and was inducted into the ICC Cricket Hall of Fame.
10) In 1991, he launched a fundraising campaign to set up a cancer hospital in memory of his mother. He raised $25 million to set up a hospital in Lahore in 1994, and set up a second hospital in Peshawar in 2015.Khan then continued his philanthropic efforts, expanding the Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital to also include a research centre.He is currently building another Cancer Treatment Hospital in Karachi. 
11). In 1991, he founded Namal College. In 2008. Imran Khan also served as the Chancellor of the University of Bradford between 2005 and 2014, and was the recipient of an honorary fellowship by the Royal College of Physicians in 2012.
The other politicians, who are all CROOKS of the first order, did not build a hospital in Pakistan, which could treat their coughs and colds. They run to their NAANO in London or to a FAKE doctor in the United States to get a health certificate without any medical test or reports. Mr Nawaz Shareef has had every disease in the medical books but has not claimed to be PREGNANT, yet. And he goes around London and suburbs having McDonald Double Cheese Burgers, Coke and fries, with ketchup sauce.
While employed by the Government of Pakistan, they sought Asylum based on false claims in Europe, Middle East, UK, and the United States. Not only this but they were also working as peons or servants for their Sheikhs, who were their Kafeel کفیل to grant them an Iqamah اقامہ (Residence Permit) to stay in the Middle East. How shameful! 
They ran away from the country of their birth, Pakistan, rather than facing the justice from the corrupt Lawyers and the Judges, who had sold their conscious to them for pennies or for a promise of a job or a promotion.
Imran Khan, is no doubt making waves right in the very heart of Pakistan’s political spectrum. The achievements of the PTI government are unprecedented and surpassed by any previous government, and overcome various challenges.
He was honored by Allah سبحانه و تعالى and His Last Prophet Muhammad  صلى الله عليه و سلم as their guest in His House, the Ka’bah, in Makkah Mukarramah and inside his Roudah Mubarak (روضه مبارك) in Madinah Munawwarah, respectively. I am sure he must have cried there and asked for forgiveness and Allah سبحانہ و تعالٰی Who is a Forgiving Merciful God. He says, do not loose hope in my Mercy, I will forgive all of your Sins, no matter what and how much!
Say, "O. My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful.” NOBLE QUR’AN, Chapter (Surah) az-Zumar, 39, Verse (Ayah) 53
If Allah سبحانهوتعالى can forgive him, why can't you?  
He told many times to his people that He has promised Allah  سبحانه و تعالى and His Last Prophet,Muhammad  صلى الله عليه و سلم    that he will recover every penny from these Bunch of Thieves., ان شاء اللہ 
I strongly believe that he will be able to fulfill his promise. He also promised the nation that he will re-establish the State of Madinah under Shar’ah, wherein all citizens will have equal rights under the law. He also promised to eradicate poverty in a country where all people will be able live in peace and harmony with each other as brothers and sisters, One Nation (Ummah) under Almighty God, as promised by him, ان شاء اللہ
Lastly, yet importantly, I advise you to please do the following, which are under your direct control: 
Obey Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) and His Last Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam). If you don’t, you are challenging the Authority of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, Who made Imran Khan the Prime Minister of Pakistan, for His Will shall be done, no matter what you do.
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala works in a beautiful and miraculous ways. He has created a Moses for every Pharaoh and Imran Khan is that Moses, who is going to take care of you all, who were acting as  Pharaohs during your rule in Pakistan.
Hamm daikhain gay, lazim hai ket hamm whee daikhain gay, Iqbal Bano  
, ہم دیکھیں گے ، لازم ہے کہ ہم بھی دیکھیں گے
Harr Fir’aoni raa Moosa
Woh Subha zaroor aayay gee, Laazim hai keh hamm bhee daikhain ge
The Holy Qur’an and Hadith are quite clear on this point. Those who disobey the Will of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) will be punished in eternal torment in this world and Hellfire in the Hereafter. And Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) fulfills His Promises. Please rest assured that your day of reckoning will be coming soon, but you never know when. So be prepared, mentally, physically and spiritually.  
I earnestly request you to do the following at your earliest convenience before it is too late:
Obey Imran Khan as you have chosen him as the Prime Minister and Allah سبحانہ و تعالٰی  has appointed him your Leader. Allah gives honor and kingdom to whom He Will, NOBLE QUR'AN, Surah Al-e-Imran, Ayah 26
قُلِ ٱللَّهُمَّ مَـٰلِكَ ٱلْمُلْكِ تُؤْتِى ٱلْمُلْكَ مَن تَشَآءُ وَتَنزِعُ ٱلْمُلْكَ مِمَّن تَشَآءُ وَتُعِزُّ مَن تَشَآءُ وَتُذِلُّ مَن تَشَآءُ ۖ بِيَدِكَ ٱلْخَيْرُ 
Say, "O. Allah , Owner of Sovereignty, You give sovereignty to whom You will and You take sovereignty away from whom You will. You honor whom You will and You humble whom You will. In Your hand is [all] good. Indeed, You are over all things competent. NOBLE QUR'AN, Al-e-‘Imran, 3, Verse (Ayah) 26
2. Because Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) says, obey all those in authority among you (NOBLE Qur'an Surah 4, Ayah 59)
يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوٓا۟ أَطِيعُوا۟ ٱللَّهَ وَأَطِيعُوا۟ ٱلرَّسُولَ وَأُو۟لِى ٱلْأَمْرِ مِنكُمْ ۖ فَإِن تَنَٰزَعْتُمْ فِى شَىْءٍ فَرُدُّوهُ 
إِلَى ٱللَّهِ وَٱلرَّسُولِ إِن كُنتُمْ تُؤْمِنُونَ بِٱللَّهِ وَٱلْيَوْمِ ٱلْءَاخِرِ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ خَيْرٌ وَأَحْسَنُ تَأْوِيلًا
O believers! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. Should you disagree on anything, then refer it to Allah and His Messenger, if you ˹truly˺ believe in Allah and the Last Day. This is the best and fairest resolution.
Referensi : https://tafsirweb.com/1591-surat-an-nisa-ayat-59.html
Are you going to take all of the illegal British Pounds, Dollars, Euros, Pak Rupees, Gold, Silver, Apartments, Buildings and Palaces with you? You are definitely going to leave them behind for your families, children, friends and relatives to have a ball, while you will be burning in Hell, God Forbid.
I advise you to make wudhu, and pray two Rak’at  رکعات Salat-ul-Tawbah صلاۃ توبہ and ask Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) for forgiveness at your earliest convenience before it is too late. He will forgive you all your sins, In shaa Allah. 
Then, go and return the looted wealth back to the owners, i.e., people and Government of Pakistan. I am sure Imran Khan will also forgive you because he is a very generous, kind, nice and sympathetic gentleman, 
Say, "O. My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful.” NOBLE QUR’AN, Chapter (Surah) al-Zumar, 39, Verse (Ayah) 53.
Let us all pay to Allah سبحانہ و تعالٰی, honestly and sincerely, to give Imran Khan the courage, the strength and the wisdom in order to keep him steadfast in His Way and help him to succeed not only in his Mission Ameen, but also to fulfill his promises made to the nation and to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala and His Last Prophet Muhammad SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam, Thumma Ameen.
We need to recover the looted amount from all corrupt politicians, learning from the examples set by Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia and the Chinese Democratic Republic.
All these corrupt politicians should be arrested and dumped in a DUNGEON giving them daal rotee and water دال روٹی اور پانی ONLY. Anyone who pays back the looted amount can go. (per NAB); the others should be allowed to rot there till they die.
The Chinese government lined up forty (40) corrupt politicians and shot all of them. Their relatives were asked to pay the price of a bullet and get the body back.
You may claim to be Islamic and Democratic and pretend that these kind of harsh penalties are not allowed under the Islamic law, but you are wrong. You know why, because you are all in the same boat together.
 اس حمام میں  سب ننگے ہیں
If China and Saudi Arabia can adopt these tactics to recover their looted money and punish the corrupt officials, why can’t Islamic Republic of Pakistan do the same. We are Democratic, Independent and Islamic. SMILE
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