#and don’t even start with poor Luna
calyxthenerd · 10 months
Man, imagine you’re kidnapped, driven to the other side of an unfamiliar city, without a way to get back and having a very important competition to attend, then you finally manage to hitch a ride close to where you need to be, and sets to run the rest of the way, refusing to fail your best friend, and then you get there, and said best friend who you also happen to be in love with is getting kissed by another guy…
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twistedlovelines · 2 months
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(Formerly from @/luna-the-moth)
Nicknames that would fluster the TWST boys most <3 (Riddle, Deuce, Azul, Malleus) Gn! Reader, SFW
Thank you for sending this in, nonnie!
Riddle is such a romantic at heart…the classics are near and dear to his heart. Time worn they may be, they are as lovely as ever when spoken from your lips. 
(A classic! While it can be spoken with condescension, the fact that you speak it with consideration every time it passes through your lips will never cease to pause him right in his tracks.)
(He’s not used to being referred to as “sweet.” By his mother, or even by his fellow students. To know that you see him as someone “sweet,” deserving of kindness and love, , , whose heart hasn’t been fully shrouded by the thorns he has been forced to hold close to his chest , , , it makes him feel soft.) 
My Love 
(particularly if crooned into his ear. Very effective if you’re asking him for something. The possession, the devotion that comes with the nickname makes his heart beat quicker than the White Rabbit’s footsteps.)
Deuce is used to being called every nickname under the sun- mackerel, loser, minion, and countless more during his delinquent years. He’s been called “lovey” ones too, but never without sarcasm or scorn unless he was speaking to his mother. The first time you call him by a nickname (with kindness), he’s speechless.  
(Oh he’s melting as soon as he hears it. He’s used to being someone who’s more of an aggressor, and hearing himself be called baby sweeps that all away and reduces him to nothing more than a lovestruck boy. It’s such a tender, loving thing to be called and he wants to memorize the way your voice says it immediately. 
(When he first hears this, he’s confused. Puppy? Do you see him as a puppy? Something cute and harmless?? Upon clarification, he feels heat rush to his cheeks. Having you explain that it means you’re fond of him, that you want to take care of him and cherish him , , , he’s short-circuiting the second it processes. 
(Might start tearing up if you call him this during a tender moment. He’s tried so hard to be good and grow from his past self , ,, to hear that you believe he’s an angel, a being known for being pure and kind; a guardian rather than an attacker , , , it makes him feel incredibly validated and he WILL be cuddly afterwards). 
Azul isn't used to being called nicknames without a bit of ulterior motive...to hear you speak them honestly and without reservation is terrible for his poor heart...
(Azul is anything but casual. Calculated, purposeful, whatever you wish to call it. He’s used to calling clients “my dear,” or “my friend-” terms of endearment that are meant to sweeten and tie the deal. To hear you call him babe as if it’s simply a nickname, nothing more…it soothes any of his anxieties regarding your relationship instantly.)
(He finds himself waiting a beat too long to respond, having expected you to say his name. When you don’t, he finds himself smiling a bit too smugly than what would be deemed normal. Who wouldn’t be, after their partner referred to them by “Lovely?” It’s not until later when he’s alone that he truly lets it sink in how much the nickname means to him. Lovely. You directly called him lovely. Not just described him as Lovely but you think he himself is Lovely. Oh.) 
My Heart
(Azul has a weird fixation on hearts. Assuming that you are a person whose species has only one heart, it makes him possessive. As an octopus mer, he has three hearts. All of which belong to you, mind. But knowing that he is your sole heart, your only love…it makes him smitten.)
Malleus is used to reading terms of endearment in storybooks and fairy tales, having fantasized about hearing them fall from his lover's lips from a young age. His imagination doesn't even compare to the real thing.
Mal (Spanish meaning of the word aside)
(He’s already unused to hearing someone speak his name without any titles or fanfare- you calling him a shortened version of his name catches him off guard in the most pleasant way. It’s intimate in a way “Malleus” isn’t. It’s familiar, comfortable in the way your eyes shine when you say it, devoid of fear or apprehension.) 
(He’s possessive. You’re his first true friend and first lover. He knows you have other friends- Grim, the Adeuce trio, and so on and so forth. But to know that he is the one held closest to your heart as you are in his makes him nearly purr in delight. He’ll grin at that, a faint dusting of pink settling upon his cheeks.)
My Love
(Similar to “Dearest,” “My Love” is incredibly sweet to him. He’s read it in story books, after the knight has rescued the princess and they are to be wed. To know that he, a dragon and prince, has been deemed the love of his dear knight…he’ll want to be as close to you as physically possible for the rest of the day/night, already dreaming of how you would look in white…)
a/n: Please feel free to send in more requests, granted that you follow my rules and have looked over my masterpost! Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated <3
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getosprettyboy · 6 months
Line Without A Hook
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Pairing : Takashi Mitsuya x Reader
Tags : love confessions, pinning, fluff
Summary : Takashi Mitsuya has his first major crush on you and tries to confess to you.
A/N : hope you enjoy this XD
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Takashi Mitsuya has a crush on you and dammit is he mad about it. He can't do anything without remembering their face, their laugh, and their oh so gorgeous soul. He starts to turn red just at the memory of them. He is quite sure that all of this is probably their fault.
It's 100% their fault.
Why did they have to be beautiful? Why did they have to have a melodious laugh? A smile that could light the whole world, they were so kind, compassionate and empathetic to all. You were so perfect.
How could you fall in love with a boy like him? He couldn't give you what you deserved. All he could offer you was his heart, mind and soul, but was it enough? You deserved the world, the moon and the stars themselves
He still remembers the day he first saw you. Mikey introduced you to the gang and added you to Mitsuya's division. You were such a social butterfly, getting to know everyone and everyone liking you back, he thought how could a kind faced person be in a gang but when he saw you fight you were ruthless, your fists and kicks were strong and he meant like really strong.
After the fight ended you went to Mitsuya to check on him. Later you even nursed him at his home and met his sisters who loved you. He remembers how you so carefully nursed him.
"Your knuckles are badly bruised Mitsuya-kun." You softly spoke.
"Ouch!" Mitsuya exclaimed, taking his hand backward.
"C'mon give me your hand, are they really hurting that much?"
"Aww poor baby.” You coo.
“Why don’t you kiss the pain away?” He said jokingly, grinning
You took his hand.and brought it to your lips and softly kissed each of his knuckles. You looked at him with a grin on your face while his cheeks were tinted pink.
“There. Better?”
Mitsuya looked away from you, “Yes.”
You laughed at his behaviour, poor boy was blushing just by a kiss.
That moment for some reason really got into his brain and he kept thinking about it from time to time.
He has no idea if you like him or not but confessing to you is worth a try, But here’s the thing, he tried to confess to you, multiple times, but each time he did try to tell you about his feelings his plans got spoiled by one way or another.
Like this one time both of you were going on a bike ride with no destination in mind. His body felt hot with your hands around his waist. You both reached a scenic overlook, it was soon going to be dark and the sky was painted a beautiful orange with darkness sweeping close and you could see stars starting to appear, everything was quiet and peaceful. 
“This is the perfect time.” He thought.
“Y/N, I need to tell you something.”
“Yes?” You looked at him with eyes that twinkled like the stars.
“Umm… This has been on my mind for quite some time and I wanted to-”
“Well, if it isn’t the 2nd division captain, Takashi Mitsuya from the Tokyo Manji Gang.” Some guy said. Behind him were six more people.
“Oh fuck.” Mitsuya thought.
And that’s how Mitsuya got interrupted while confessing his feelings for you and got roped into a fight with a gang which he has ever heard the name of before.
Another time was when you and Mitsuya were in his house and you were playing with Mana and Luna when Mana went to her room to show you something and Luna went along with her sister. Mitsuya saw this as another opportunity to tell you about his feelings.
“So Y/N-” He was interrupted by a scream coming from his sisters’ room. They both got up to see what was going on. When they reached the room they saw that the blankets had fallen over Luna. Mitsuya took a breath of relief that nothing bad had happened to them but damn did he miss his opportunity.
One time he took you out for coffee and you agreed but when he was about to confess Mikey came into the shop with Draken and after so rudely interrupting Mikey had the audacity to ask him “Why the long face Mitsuya?”
Being disheartened he exited the cafe, maybe he’s not the one he thought. After walking some distance he heard his name being called. He looked back to see you running up to him.
“Can we go somewhere a bit secluded?” You asked him and he agreed.
You both walked till you both reached a park near your house. Both of you sat on the swings. You took a deep breath and spoke.
“Mitsuya, I don’t really know how to say this but I like you, like really really like you. You are smart, funny and a wonderful person. You also are so beautiful. I like you so much, you mean a lot to me. So is it possible if we could possibly start dating?” You asked, your voice unsure as your leg fidgeted.
He looked at you with eyes wide open. He has been trying to confess for nearly two months and you did it in one go.
“Are you joking?!’ Mitsuya exclaimed.
You looked down with a visible frown on your face. “I knew you didn’t like me. Well, it was worth a try.” You got up and started walking towards your house.
Mitsuya runs towards to catch up to you because he can’t believe that the person of his dreams just confessed to him. He grabbed you by the wrist and made you turn towards him.
“I like you too Y/N L/N.”
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aakariiiii · 10 months
You’ll Catch My Coldˏˋ°•*⁀➷
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contains: mitsuya being sick, thats really it….
requests: open
a/n: i had this uncompleted in my drafts so i finished writing it n here i am uploading it!!! i kinda (only kinda) like it tbh so i hope you guys like it as well, just a reminder that requests are open!!!! please enjoy reading it <33
____________________________________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
It was 2pm at the moment, and I have been woken from my deep slumber that I promised myself I would get as a reward of my hard work during the academic year.
“Who the fuck wakes up at 2pm on the first day of summer vacation. And who the fuck even woke me up?” I ask myself as I rub my eyes to help clear my obscured vision.
My phone has been ringing for the past eternity, and it’s not shutting up.
I grab my phone to check who’s the asshole who’s been calling ever since the morning, only to find out that it’s my very dear boyfriend, mitsuya.
11 missed calls from taka <3
“oh shit, oh shit” I curse to myself as worry embraces me, spreading through my veins insidiously.
Did he die? Did something happen to him?
I ask myself these questions as I dial his number on my phone.
“pick up you idiot” i whisper to no one in particular.
“Luna, Mana, get the hell away from me.” I hear mitsuya on the other line cough up this sentence.
“Babe?” I ask
“y/n. Where the fu—hell have you been. I was starting to get worried, you idiot!” His voice, scratchy and full of cold, asked through the phone.
“Ahaaha…I have been…asleep…” I muttered shamefully and then added, “Are you okay though, you sound exhausted…and full of cold..”
“That’s the reason I ca—cough—ca—cough—” he stops to take a breath and continues “called. Luna and Mana are not leaving me alone and I dont want to spread my cold to them, the—cough—they’re trying to help me out which is pretty nice but I dont want them getting sick.”
“Okay, I’ll be there in a bit.” I say, getting up from my bed.
“I’ll get you some medicine on the way. Stay put, love you.” I add.
“Mhm, thank you—cough—Genuinely have n—cough—no idea what i’d do with—cough—without you, i love you so much.” he says in a weak, feeble voice.
“Oh shut it, I’m your girlfriend for a reason, dummy.” I replied.
“I’m—cough—I’m trying to be nice—cough—but anyway, b—cough—bye”
“Bye.” I giggle as I end the call. He’s so cute!
I slowly open the door of Mitsuya’s house, expecting him to be asleep. I truly did not expect to hear yells and giggles coming out from both Mitsuya and his sisters, who are currently seated in the living room.
I tip toe to secretly steal a glance, only to be greeted by the scene of Luna sitting on top of mitsuya, who was laying on the couch, head on the couch’s armrest, and Mana standing beside that armrest, gawking at mitsuya straight in the eyes from above.
I couldn’t help but let out a giggle, which turned all the attention to me, and with that, both Luna and Mana ran straight up to me, hugging my lower torso.
“Y/n! You’re here!” one of the girls yelled in excitement, causing me to grin.
“Indeed I am! How do you girls think Mitsuya’s been feeling?” I ask, playing along with their ‘doctor’ game.
“Well—based on what I have seen, I think he has—uhhhh…a cough!” Luna says hesitantly as Mana nods.
I kneel down as I place the grocery bags I brought on the floor, trying to reach to their level, and say in a surprised manner “Oh, really?! Poor Mitsuya, he must he feeling awful, right? What do you guys recommend him to do?”
“Sleep!” Mana answers and Luna adds, “Yeah, I think he must rest well!”
“Exactly, now why don’t you girls go to your room while I make sure that Nee-san gets the sleep he needs so that we can all play together later?” I offer, excitingly, earning nods and ‘yeah, hurray!’ from one of them as they rush to their rooms.
I stand up again and approach Mitsuya, and Oh God. Exhaustion was painted all over his face, tired eyes begging to sleep and some messy hair.
“How are you feeling, Taka?” I ask softly.
“Take a guess, babe,” He responds sarcastically in a rough, scratched voice.
“Well, based on what your little doctors told me, not very well,” I joke as I bring my hand to his forehead, and as expected, he was burning up.
“Woah, what an absolute genius you are, babe” he coughs.
“Yeah yeah, whatever. I get that all the time, but anyway, do you wanna head to your room? I’ll make you some food before handing you your medicine and then you can head to sleep and I’ll take care of the girls for tonight,”
“Sounds good to me, I think my head is about to explode,” He winces as he tries to get up in a vain attempt.
“Take it easy, Taka, let me help you,”
And with that, I help him up and make sure he walks without stumbling and breaking a bone to his room. I grab some water and place it beside his nightstand.
“You can sleep while I make the food if you want, but it shouldn’t take long,” I mention as I lean in to give him a quick kiss on the cheek.
“Yeah I think I’ll stay awake—b—cough—but you stay away from me- or else you—cough—you’ll catch my cold—“ He coughs again.
“Oh don’t be silly, of course I’ll catch your cold, but you’ll take care of me the next,” I grin as I begin making my way out of his room.
“I don’t know how I ended up being with you, but I’m not complaining,” he faintly mutters to himself, smiling softly at no one in particular.
He does realise that even if you make silly jokes sometimes, he’s indeed the luckiest man on earth to have you beside him.
____________________________________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
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justtwotired · 6 months
Whispers of the night Lloyd G. X F!reader
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Part 1 - previous - next
Warning: slight sexual content
Tag list: @cipheress-to-k-pop @whore-of-many-hot-men @bodieohbo @anyth1ngfor0urmoony @luvizuku @viannasthings
Your pov:
I closed the door behind me and waved at Luna who was serving tables. It was a day before Christmas Eve and it was rather busy today.
Normally I don’t work on Wednesday’s, but Luna, who stood alone today, called me as there was an unexpected crowd.
Quickly, I dumped my jacket in the kitchen and headed out to help the people at the counter.
“Are you guys open tomorrow?” The woman asked me and I shook my head.
“Uh no, seeing it’s Christmas Eve tomorrow we are closed, I’m sorry,” I apologised and the woman frowned for a second.
“But I really need a cake tomorrow,” she said and I internally groaned, how did I manage to be here for five minutes and there was already someone being annoying?
“Do you have an order?” I asked, and took the map where we managed the orders from the shelf.
“No? I just thought to swoop by tomorrow and grab a cake,” she said and I let out a sigh.
“Then I am sorry to say that that is not possible, we do not have the time to make a cake on such short notice,” I said and she looked like she wanted to argue but decided against it.
The woman walked out, without any goodbyes and I turned to the young couple who had stood behind her.
“Can I help you two?” I asked, exchanging looks with poor Luna who was stuck talking to one of our regulars. That woman never shut up about herself and escaping was not an option really.
“Yes, please, is there still room for us to sit?” The girl asked and I nodded.
“Uh yeah, at the window over there I think, other than that we’re completely full,” I said and they exchanged happy looks.
“Great, can we get two cappuccino’s then?” She asked and I nodded again.
“Yes, of course,” I quickly wrote it down together with the place they would be sitting. “Please take a seat, I’ll bring it in a second,” I gestured to the spot and they thanked me and walked off.
I quickly headed for the espresso machine and started two cappuccino’s along with a latte, spotting the small sticky note that still stuck to the counter, an order Luna probably hadn’t been able to fit onto her tray.
As I was steaming the milk, she joined me and quickly started arranging a tray for the two yet to be made orders.
“Can you also make a double espresso and a normal coffee for table four?” She asked and I nodded.
“Finally escaped uphill?” I asked amused as I poured the steamed milk into the two cappuccino cups, only to steam milk again for the latte macchiato.
“God, that woman is insufferable,” Luna shook her head and took the two cappuccinos. “Honestly, can’t we just ban her from the shop? If I hear something about her dog one more time I’m going to barf,” she said, walking off as I laughed.
Half an hour later, most people where gone, only three teenage girls and an older couple who regularly came for just two coffee where seated.
“Thank you so much for helping me out here, you are an angel,” Luna came to stand next to me and handed me some coffee, which I found out contained a pump of caramel, when I took a sip.
“Oh I know,” I grinned, watching the rain outside. “I don’t think we’ll be getting a white Christmas,” I pointed out a tat disappointed.
“Oh god, you don’t have to walk home trough this rain right?” Luna asked, giving me a pitying look, making me chuckle.
“Nah, I already managed to get a personal taxi,” I winked and as if on cue, greenie walked trough the door, surprising even me.
I had called Lloyd, but I didn’t know he’d show up like this.
“You called an uber?” He asked amused and Luna laughed next to me.
“Of course,” she said shaking her head, “when one needs a ride home, call the green ninja,” she gave me a look and I shrugged.
“Hey, Lloyd was busy, and I needed a ride, if you have the privilege, you should use it,” I said and headed into the kitchen to grab my jacket.
“Ready to go?” Greenie asked and I nodded.
“Jup, ready as can be, what are we taking? Motorcycle or the dragon?” I asked him, before he could answer, the door opened and the earth ninja also joined us.
“Can you two hurry up? Red is loosing his mind waiting for N/n,” he said and both me and greenie chuckled.
“Yes, coming,” I quickly walked towards the door and followed Greenie out.
“Bye, Lu!” I waved and she smiled and waved aswel.
“O-oh, bye Luna,” Cole noticed her and also waved, making her chuckle shyly and waved back, her cheeks tinted a bit red.
“I will never get over the fact that you have the hots for one of my best friends,” I said when the door was closed, making Cole shush me as if Luna would be able to hear.
Both me and Lloyd laughed at him while he rolled his eyes and flew off on his dragon.
“Trouble!” Kai flew into my side, hugging me making me laugh. “Finally you’re here, these guys where getting boring,” he waved a hand at the others who made offended noises.
“Awe, I missed you too,” I said with a small smile before it fell, “but uh, can we get going? I’m getting drenched and I would appreciate some warmth,” I said making the others chuckle, before calling upon their elemental dragons.
Lloyd held out a hand for me to take, and so I did, before he too, summoned his dragon and we flew off.
“You’ve got to teach me how to do that some day soon,” I said, making him look back at me, “my father never learned me, he never knew how to do it himself,” I explained further and his eyebrows rose.
“I’ll teach you, but let’s get you home first,” he said before pausing, “you can come to the monastery to if you want,” he suggested and a smile grew on my face.
“Yes!” I said excitedly and he chuckled before saluting and taking a turn, changing the course to the monastery instead of my house.
At the monastery, he led me trough the garden, which he hadn’t showed me yet. It was beautiful, all kinds of plants grew everywhere and Lloyd promised that in the spring, the first flowers would start to grow and the whole garden would be full off colour.
I beamed at him and looked back at the garden, imagining it with flowers and other kinds of plants.
The breeze picked up and I shivered, pulling my coat tighter around myself in hopes of warming myself up.
An arm was put around me and Lloyd leaned in close, “let’s get you inside,” he whispered right next to my ear, causing my cheeks to heat up.
Inside, he lead me towards his room and we bumped into Koko along the way.
“Y/n, you’re here, how good to see you,” she pulled me into a hug and I smiled, hugging her back. She put me at arms length and smiled at me, “has Lloyd asked you to spent new years here yet?” She asked and my eyes widened slightly, I looked back at Lloyd who gave me a sheepish grin.
“I was planning on doing that later!” He insisted when he caught his mothers scolding glare. I chuckled at the exchanged while Lloyd crossed his arms and Koko shook her head before giving me an expecting look.
“Uhm, I’ll have to talk to my parents about that first, but I really love the idea, thank you so much for inviting me,” I wasn’t shy in showing my excitement and the woman beamed at me.
“Let us know, I’d love for you to be there,” she insisted before pulling me into one final hug and walking past us, giving Lloyd an affectionate pat on the shoulder before turning the corner.
He took my hand and lead me towards his room, closing the door behind him while I went and took a seat on his desk chair, turning it around so I had my back turned to the desk.
“What are we going to do?” I asked, glancing around the rather empty room.
“Well, I was planning to ask you to join us for new years here, but that plan is ruined,” he hugged and I giggled.
He looked at me and his gaze softened. I sent him a smug smile back and leaned back against the chair a bit more. “What’s the new plan?” I asked, looking up at him and he huffed a small laugh, taking a few steps towards me.
“What do you want it to be?” He shot back and placed both his hands on the desk behind me, causing me to be trapped between his arms, making me look up at him, probably an absolute blushing mess.
“Take a guess,” I breathed out and he looked thoughtfully for a moment.
“Hm, I don’t know, maybe we can watch a movie or something,” he teased and I groaned.
“Oh shut up and kiss me already,” I said and with a chuckle he leaned down and caught my lips in a soft kiss.
My hands clasped around his neck, pulling him into me even more. One of his hands slipped from the desk to my waist, making me softly gasp, he grasped the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth, making me absolutely melt.
We parted and he pulled me up to stand, and if it wasn’t for his hands on my waist, I bet my knees would have buckled.
He didn’t waist time to kiss me again and I couldn’t help but softly chuckle at his eagerness, he deepened the kiss and I pressed my body against him as much as I could, if I was able to mold into him I would.
He pulled away and took my hand slowly walking backwards and I followed without much thought, when he sat down on the bed, I softly kissed his lips again before sitting down to straddle him. He moved his hands to my hips while mine were tangled in his soft hair.
Pulling away from me, he started trailing kisses from my jaw down to my neck. I sucked in a sharp breath when he placed and open mouthed kiss on my neck and I completely lost my breath when he carefully nipped at my skin.
I had a complete error at that, it took a moment for me to start breathing again and gave me an amused smirk before pecking my lips again.
“Hm?” He hummed teasingly and I let out an airy laugh.
“God, you’re irresistible,” I said breathlessly causing his cocky smirk to grow before placing another open mouthed kiss on my neck and I couldn’t help but let a whimper escape me at the feeling of bliss.
It only caused him to chuckle in amusement before pulling his head back and kissing my lips again.
Suddenly there was rapid knocking on the door and it flew open a second later.
“Are you two joining us- HOLY FUCK!” Kai covered his eyes in horror. “Damn you two horny ass teenagers, at least lock the fucking door!” He yelled and left the room, shutting the door behind him, his yelling voice disappearing into the hallway.
I met Lloyds eyes and he snorted, covering his mouth with his hand and I followed. We silently giggled and I leaned my head on his shoulder.
“Let’s go see what he was going to ask us,” I suggested with a grin and he nodded and stood up, still holding my waist to put me back on my feet.
He pressed one last kiss to my forehead before taking my hands and walking out of the room. I followed wordlessly, looking at him with adoration, I loved this man so much it hurt.
I spent Christmas Eve the next day at James’ house, just like every year. After eating a delicious meal and finishing dessert, the both of us left our parents and my siblings at the dinner table and head up to his room where we could watch a movie.
“So… are we going to talk about it?” He asked smugly making my eyebrows rise I confusion. Nothing remotely interesting happened at the dinner table today and as far as I knew, there was no drama in either our friendgroup or anyone else at school.
“Talk about what?” I asked, crossing my arms and narrowing my eyes while he just sighed and rolled his eyes.
“Listen here, ma’am,” he pointed at me accusingly, “that makeup on your neck might fool your parents but it ain’t fooling me- now tell me, did you get laid?” He asked and my eyes widened.
I spluttered while my cheeks grew bright red. My hand instinctively shot up to my neck where Lloyd had left hickeys the day before. I had covered them up with makeup so my parents wouldn’t start asking questions.
“James!” I shrieked when I managed to compose myself and went to whack his shoulder while he jumped back, laughing.
“What!?” He called out trough huffs of laughter, “it’s a genuine question- you’ve never done it before, I just want to know how it went!” He insisted before turning serious. “How was he? Was he big? He didn’t hurt you right? How was the experience? Did he take good care of you after?” He shot question after question and my face grew even hotter if that was even possible.
“James!” I interrupted him, “I didn’t not get laid!” His eyes widened at this and than he groaned.
“Still not?” He shook his head and rolled his eyes, “give me his number, I’ll tell him you want to get laid or at least suck his dick or whatever,” he held out his hands as if I would ever give him my phone voluntarily.
“What- no!” I took a few protective paces back, hugging my phone to my chest, “you aren’t telling him that,” I hissed. Even if it’s true.
He huffed and crossed his arms. “Hey- if you want to get laid, you hint to that boy you want to get laid, that’s how simple it is,” he insisted and I dropped my head into my hands.
“God- James stop,” I cried out and he laughed at my misery, making me pick up one of his hoodies that hung over his chair and chug it at him, making him try to dodge it but it went straight into his face, causing me to laugh instead while he gave me an unamused look.
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jake-g-lockley · 2 years
Lucky Charms (Steven Grant x reader)
Masterlist | Spotify Playlist | Want to be tagged?
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A/N: Storytime! I was volunteering the other day and had a little special patient who jumped up at my counter. Picture of little Tefe at the end of this + some beautifully curated puns by the lovely Dellie Williams (@pakhiya). Thank you to @in-between-the-cafes for suggesting this and for all the lil ideas, my heart is literally so full as I write this. 
Word Count: 2 k
☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Steven pursed his lips and stuffed the last of the cataloged items back onto the shelf. Oh, how he hated stock checking. He had to, Donna would be furious in the morning if he didn’t. He stepped back to admire his wall of souvenirs and sighed, finally done for the night.
He looked around him and the whole museum was dark, except for the spotlight that was illuminating him and his gift shop. He turned to stuff his belongings into his bag when suddenly a sound made him stop.
“I must just be tired innit?” he mumbled to no one in particular when the sound caught his ear again.
“Steven, I hear it too,” Marc’s voice echoed from inside of his head and Steven audiably gulped.
The last time Marc and he had heard a sound in the museum so late at night, it ended with Steven almost getting thrown into jail and sacked, not to mention almost ripped apart by an Egyptian Jackal.
“Hermano, we’re gonna break the table.” Jake’s soft voice hurled Steven back to reality as his hand unwillingly let go of the edge of the table he was gripping. The sound made Steven swivel his head as his eyes grew big with fear.
“Must just be an echo, look, I think it’s coming from our right.” Marc urged, trying his best to keep Steven calm. 
As Steven walked towards the centre of the museum, a gust of wind carded through his curls from the open entrance. Only then he noticed that it had started pouring outside. He watched the rain wash over the entrance of the museum for a while until the soft sound came again, this time a little louder. 
“Steven, look down.” Jake suddenly says, making Steven stop in his tracks.
There were tiny puddles of water that ended behind a statue in front of Steven. He mumbled a little prayer and tiptoed to the front of the statue, his eyes landing on a tiny bundle at its feet. Steven scrambled slightly, pulling his phone out of his pocket and turning on the flash as his eyes failed to register what the bundle was in the darkness. He shone his flashlight to the bundle, only to see wet orange and black fur was curled up.
“Guys! I think it's a kitten!” Steven whispered, earning a small meow from the kitten.
“Poor thing, it's all wet, must have crawled in because of the rain.” Steven’s eyes drew together as Jake spoke up, his voice a touch softer than it had even been when he was with the boys.
“Since when did you become soft?” Marc huffed and Steven chuckled softly, kneeling down. 
Steven pulled his handkerchief from his pocket, slowly wrapping it around the cat and picking it up. Big sad green eyes stared up at him and Steven swore that his heart physically broke a little. She had ears that were too big for her head and was shivering from the cold. Steven began to shush the kitten, rubbing her head with soft circles as he cradled her close.
“We should give you a name.” Steven whispered as the kitten meowed at him.
“No, Steven, no naming the cat, we don’t need another living thing to take care of, we have fish.” Marc rushed through his words, but Steven smartly pushed him to the front and Marc ended up face to face with the tiny wet kitten.
“Awe man, fuck you Steven, lets call her Angel.” he said softly, stroking her tiny paw.
“Don’t swear in front of the baby, dumbass.” Jake pushed forward and kissed her forehead. “I think we should call her Luna.”
“You guys wait, I know what we can name her.” Steven pushed forward once again, staring up at the statue before him. 
The goddess Tefnut stared down at Steven and he raised the kitten up so that her face was beside Tefnut’s. 
“Our little lioness, Tefnut, Tefe for short.” Steven sighed and the boys agreed enthusiastically in the back of his head. 
The kitten meowed again at Steven and he brought her to his chest, giving her his body warmth. 
“Alright, let's go home, shall we? A nice warm hot water bottle and a bowl of food should get you all happy.” he whispered softly to his new friend, walking towards his work station. 
☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
You let the spoon rest on your mouth and paused as you heard a large crash outside. Immediately, you grabbed your bowl of cereal and walked to the front door, swinging it open.
There stood your cute neighbour, Steven Grant. His hair and shirt were drenched from the rain and he was holding something in the crook of his arm and had an expression of pain on his face as he stared at the flowerpot he broke and the soil on his foot. 
“Fuc-shit sorry, did I wake you?” He whispered worriedly, his weight all on one foot as he leaned against his door.
You shook your head and he took note of the spoon in your mouth and cereal bowl in your hands, smiling through the pain that was edging in his foot. A small meow made your mouth drop open, the spoon falling out as your eyes dropped to the bundle in Steven’s arms. You stepped closer, crossing the threshold hesitantly, eyeing what looked like Steven’s jacket at the crook of his arm. Protectively, Steven stepped back until his whole back was flushed against the door.
Another meow sounded and you stared wide eyed up at Steven, caging him in, eyes scanning the bundle. A small paw popped out and you swooned, smiling at Steven before tickling the paw with your pinky. Steven couldn't move, not because a human in a huge snuggie holding a bowl of cereal was blocking his way, but because that human looked like an angel who was tickling his kitten’s paw.
“The simp is stuck again.” Jake murmured in the headspace and Marc stifled a giggle. 
Steven internally rolled his eyes and stared down at you as you unwrapped the little bundle without a word. Your fingers grazed his bare forearm and goosebumps made Steven shiver. 
“Awe, who are you sweet baby?” you cooed, clearly at the kitten but Steven looked up to the rickety ceiling hoping that the real Tefnut could hear how grateful he was from the universe beyond. 
He looked down just in time for you to search for his eyes again. You batted those dangerous eyelashes at him questioningly and Steven gulped again.
“I, uhh, she crawled into the museum and was wet and cold, couldn’t leave her there.” he mumbled and watched as you ran a finger along her nose. 
“You wanna come over to my place? I have a new hot water bottle.” you softly said and Steven was already peeling himself off his door to stand upright. 
You opened your door and ushered Steven inside. He kicked his wet shoes off and stood at the front, a little unsure, his arms still cradling the kitten protectively
You set the bowl of cereal aside and ran to the kitchen, turning the kettle on. You grabbed the laundry basket and lined it with two towels that were fresh out of the dryer. You went outside and set the basket on the table. Steven didn’t know what got into him but he nudged you and gestured for you to hold the kitten and place her into her basket. Steven stepped ultra close to you as his arms opened up and the kitten gently transferred into your arms. You stood there, staring at him while he looked on lovingly at the kitten, your heart swelling to the tune of his soft breaths as you bit your lip softly. 
“Pretty.” you say before you can stop yourself.
“Isn’t she?” Steven said without missing a beat.
“Ay dios mio.” sounded Jake’s voice at the back of his head and loud laughter echoing in his head, making Steven’s eyes snap to yours. 
Maybe it were the two men causing an absolute catastrophe in his head or maybe it was the way you were already looking at him that made Steven realise that you were not talking about the kitten in your arms. A red tinge creeped up Steven’s face and you turned around with the cat, smiling to yourself. You kissed the kitten’s forehead as you cooed gently, setting her into her new cot of towels. 
The kettle clicked off and you rushed past Steven to the kitchen. Steven’s eyes followed your quick feet and he found himself following you, leaning against the doorway and watching as you twirled around the kitchen. You pulled tea bags and mugs out of the cupboard and methodically started to make tea, saving some of the hot water to pour in the hot water bottle.
You didn’t notice Steven standing at the doorway until you turned to grab a smaller towel to wrap around the hot water bottle. You stared at the dazed expression he wore on his face and your eyes dropped to his lips were set, like flowers that were ready to be picked for offerings. You found yourself stepping closer to him as you took in his beautiful face. His hair was still dripping and his lashes curled magnificently, shielding his beautiful chocolate eyes. Suddenly, you felt his hands against yours and you blinked up at him.
“The kitten…” Steven whispered, breaking your spell. 
You yanked your hands away and left the bottle in his hands, turning to the tea and Steven grinned at your cuteness, skipping slightly as he walked back to where his Tefe was. 
A few minutes later, you came out carrying a new towel and a tray of things that you set down on the dining table. You handed the towel to Steven and set out a plate of biscuits and tea in front of him before taking the bowl of mashed sardines mixed with water and setting it in the kitten’s basket. She immediately crawled out of her warm dwelling and sniffed at the food you put out in front of her. You softly encouraged her and in a few seconds, she was going to town on the mashed fish.
“Lucky Charms?” Steven’s voice cut through the thick atmosphere.
“Hmm? Oh right, my late night snack.” you said, clicking your tongue and smiled.
Steven smiled at you and couldn’t help but think that he had found his lucky charm and it was now noisily licking fish off a plate. 
“Thought of any names?” you asked Steven softly, not taking your eyes off the hungry kitten 
“Tefnut, or Tefe for short. Like the goddess of moisture and rainfall.” He answered softly.
“Interesting. Any reason?” you turned to him and your heart quickened. 
“Well, it's a real coincidence really, we- I found her under the statue of Tefnut and it’s well, raining.” You knew Steven was itching to say more but was holding back nervously.
“Come on, tell me more.” you pushed on and Steven’s eyes lit up.
You both spent hours like that, taking turns holding little Tefe and her new hot water bottle, talking about everything under the light of the moon that was slowly emerging out of the storm’s clouds. 
You didn’t know how you ended up on the couch, your head in Steven’s lap, slowly waking up as the sun’s rays tickled your eyes. You sat up to see the kitten curled up against Steven’s neck, Steven’s eyes pleasantly closed as he snored softly. You gently kissed the kitten and turned to look at Steven before kissing him on the cheek too. 
You sit up a little more to look past Steven, grinning at your boss who was sitting at your dining table. Her cat eyes sent a wink your way and you blushed at the little trick she had played after you spent hours ranting about Steven to her. You look back down at Khonshu’s avatar and kissed him once more on his forehead before getting up and starting your day, letting him sleep in a little more.
Steven swore that he could feel something soft touch his forehead and his eyes fluttered open moments after you left the room, leaving your signature dewy and monsoon scent in your wake as the little kitten snuggled closer into his neck.
Bonus: @pakhiya’s puns and Tefe baby 🥺
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Tagging: @fandxmslxt69 @randomnessfangirl @in-between-the-cafes @bodhisattva11 @marc-spectors-wife @nyotamalfoy @steven-grants-world @jbearre85 @whatsliferightnow @excitedcurtain864 @minigirl87 @wonderfulboiledcoldpotato @autismsupermusicalassassin @alexxavicry @flordelalunas @marygraceee @lia275 @euphoricosmo @sky-robin @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @celiaswife @violet-19999 @melodygatesauthor @romanarose @swiggy-needs-mental-help @ghostheartbeat @kierramofficial @ryebreadsworld @your-voice-is-mellifluous @lil-stark @absolutelybloodyhopeless @mintpurplemnm
Reblogs are appreciated ~~~
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cxhleel108 · 7 months
LITG S8 Thots for this week: Hmm…
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• First off, LOVE this!
• Oakley kinda really don’t give a fuck about Emel omg poor girl.
• The new hairstyles being paywalled. It’s like they want people to hack the game.
• No new swimsuits. They saw y’all dragging the clothes and said ooh maybe we should take our time with these.
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• Why don’t you ask him what he rates the kiss we had last night on the daybeds😊
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• I woulda let him kept going personally💁🏽‍♀️
• Me getting an 8 and Emel getting a 9…see what happens when you go against a try hard?
• Claudia knowing I don’t want Theo so she’s really just encouraging me to take these bitches men like she’s so queenie!
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• Watch this.
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• Thought so!
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• What is his issue😭😭😭
• Oakley gushing about his nieces was so cute omg. Also girl dad alert🚨🚨🚨
• How Emel still end up making her admitting she has unrealistic love expectations into a romantic drama😭
• How many times I gotta tell Sophie that I don't want reverse Thor?
• I NEED Claudia's closet like she has not missed yet.
• Outfit time😛
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• These are so cute!
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• Don't piss me off...still a cute dress tho.
• Oakley's evening wear fit uggghh my man my man my man!
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• Why he ate her up I'm crying.
• Theo and Claudia really my villa siblings I love this. I pray he doesn't start flirting with me again (He will).
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• Wait...Edinburgh...
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• This lie. Ok Theodore.
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• Now THIS is how you be a gracious loser. I need some of these past hoes to recognize that.
• Ugh why she being nice I actually feel bad now😕
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• Oh here they go starting shit for no reason...
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• How Jin and Luna gon say Oakley and I aren't right for each other and we out here on the daybeds acting like we been married for 10+ years???
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• OH-
• I know every Gary stan just screamed.
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fritoley · 1 month
The Dragon Prince Thoughts 6x05 - Moonless Night
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Spoilers under the cut
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“Oh, don’t worry about Viren, everything will be fine.”
Did you notice the way Soren hesitated when addressing Viren by his name? gahhh this poor man deserves happiness why can’t he get a breakkkk—
I wonder if they’re gonna pull some “Father-Lord” shit like Zuko and reference atla
*crying noises*
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“Oh, Soren, my son. Is that you?”
Woah Viren’s been in that cell for a while
There’s gonna be so much to unpack here watch
The way Soren absolutely refuses to look at Viren speaks volumes he’s so done taking Viren’s shit
And it’s the one time Viren isn’t giving Soren shit but he’s burned their bridge so badly Soren’s lost all faith and respect
Not to mention Viren took Claudia away from him too in a way
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Lmao why was stella trying to steal callum’s book—
I wonder if Rayla learned that lullaby she’s singing from her parents
OOH or even runaan or Ethari—
Nah my bet is her parents
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“Maybe I just want to see you suffering.”
Okay the repetition of the scene is totally intentional what are they trying to convey
Why does Soren keep going down there to see Viren when he knows all Viren has done is hurt him? What does he want?
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“But with my eyes open, I also see… you.”
NO CUZ it’s the way Soren IMMEDIATELY starts crying when Viren says “you”
Like all he ever wanted was some form of acknowledgement from Viren his WHOLE LIFE but now that he’s got it it’s too late
Soren desperately wants to believe Viren but he’s been hurt so many times he doesn’t allow himself to
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“Everything you’re telling me is… is some kind of lie!”
Viren has given Soren some serious trauma and self-worth issues, and even after two years of virtual peace, he’s still keeping it in
Everyone he trusted either didn’t care or isn’t even present in his life (lissa), so he always kept it in, using his “class clown himbo” facade as a coping mechanism
But now that his entire childhood trauma is literally sitting there staring at him he can’t take the idea of working through it all and that’s why he blew up
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I wanna say he’s just not ready to face Viren but at the same time I don’t think he’s ever gonna be ready he just has to take the plunge
Wait is that Fen—
I thought he was with amaya in xadia
Did he get demoted lmao—
Wait does the standing battalion outrank the crownguard or the other way around
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“On moonless nights you miss her the most.”
That is so sad omg—
Luna Tenebris disappeared centuries ago too so Esmeray’s been hurting for a really long time
Imagine that i could never 😭
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“It’s the Corona of the Heavens.”
If all 3 are in the crown wtf is the stone in his staff
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Just like that huh
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“But your path is… darkness.”
Does that mean callum is still on the dark path aaravos was talking about in s4? Or is kosmo just reflecting callum’s soul from his past usage of dark magic like how sol regem sensed it
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Oh? Soren’s back
I wonder why he went back
“If you do not accept my words now, Soren, I want you to have them in the future… when you might need them.”
Okay nah this has got to be foreshadowing or something wtf is going to happen to soren—
Omg this was essentially a soren character study sorry lmaooo. I’m not too learned in trauma and all that stuff this is just my take on what’s going on with him I’m just really invested cuz he’s my bbg princess and i need him to be okay 💀
ANYWAYS considering that Rayla really connected with Esmeray in this season i wonder if she’s gonna have some plot relevance later on (i hope so esmeray is fuckin cool) especially cuz even kosmo commented on it and he can see the future. Soren BETTER BE OKAY by the end of this season i can’t take his pain 😭. And also i am SO EXCITED for rayla to see her parents again and for runaan to FINALLY go back to ethari like he DESERVES GAHH— 
But yeah good episode good episode 👍
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Ima start with the first panel because there’s already so much in that one single panel and it is gonna drive me nuts!
So first up, we have “Secret” Chaotix meeting room. Yes, this place is apparently being kept a secret from the public eye. This could be due to the Chaotix having to handle a bunch of super deep and disturbing cases that, if allowed to spill out into the public, would be catastrophic! Not in the sense that it would destroy the world or anything like that, but it’d certainly ruin their reputation as detectives! Don’t detectives irl have these kinds of cases too…? Or maybe I’m thinking too hard on this and it’s just the place they meet with their friends whenever Eggman does something stupid? Who knows.
I do know though that it looks beautiful and it looks like they’re actually in a room which, as an amateur artist myself, can only dream of achieving!! It looks so cool! I just… I adore your backgrounds and I can tell you put a lot of love and effort into making them, so please give yourself a pat on the back!
And maybe I’m reading too much into a single panel.
But that’s not all that we get to see!!! (No I’m not talking about the Chaotix even though I REALLY wanna talk about the Chaotix cuz they deserve more love and I’m so glad they’re here THANK YOUUUUUUUU) YEAH THAT’S RIGHT, SONIC IS FULLY CONVERTED TO DARK GAIA SONIC LET’S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Well not fully converted, but we can clearly see that it’s taking a huge toll on his body! Not only are the markings now visible on him during the day, but it also seems to be siphoning his energy…? Kind of…? I mean, Sonic has been out cold since “Killing” Omega, and usually he wouldn’t be so out of it otherwise. And I can see a little tiny X over his Gaia eye, so… I’m not too sure, but what I am sure of is that this is BAD for Sonic. The poor guy is gonna have to deal with not only being corrupted during the day, but also at night, and that cannot be good for his psyche. It was bad enough when he had to be in a completely new body for just the nighttime, but now it’s for both day and night in its own way, and… Gosh, this is gonna be torture for Sonic once he wakes up.
Okay back to the lore-
So, im still gonna call Light Gaia as Chip because I still see a cute adorable fluffy fairy in those big brown eyes and I think he deserves a real name. Anyhow, Chip now is aware of him being a literal god. He says he regulates the day and Dark Gaia regulates the night. This kind of makes sense. Chip handles the sun and DG handles the moon. Think Luna and Celestia from MLP. And similar to those two as well, Dark Gaia got out of control like Luna did and created an eternal night. But this doesn’t really explain the planet splitting into a million giant pieces. (Not literally a million) Nor does it explain Chip losing his memory. Chip claims that whenever one of them falls out of line, the other will be there to pull them back together. Does this mean Chip or Dark Gaia have lost their memory before? Have the events of Unleashed happened before? How do they reign the other in?
These questions are probably gonna get answered in the next page lmao what am I doing-
Everything else is kinda sorta spelled out to us which I think is a good thing, since Chip is, in the story, explaining all of this to a group of people who had no idea about any of this for their entire lives. The poor Chaotix just got roped into this, they just want their pay. So with that in mind I don’t know what else to really cover…? Maybe I’ll notice something later on and just start spamming you with questions, who knows. For now I’m SUPER DUPER EXCITED FOR THE NEXT PAGE LET’S GO THIS IS GONNA BE SO FUN CANNOT WAIT FOR NEXT WEEK
hell yeah do look out for the new page on monday :3 i love ur little big analysis its always the highlight of my week to see one
btw this goes out to evecryone but the whole scene has a lot of moments for everyone else than sonic and shadow so we are winning
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needyfreek2 · 22 days
Prom Blows (Repost)
It was past 10 when Luna pulled up in front of the school she’d already graduated from. If it wasn’t for her absolute wreck of a senior sister, one would think of her as some sort of creepy college girl coming to the high school to pick up underage boys.
Roxy had called her, over an hour ago, begging her to take her home. After her date ghosted, her friends ditched, and she spilled spiked punch all over herself, Roxy had sobbed to Luna over the phone. So like the “Good Sister” she was, Luna came to her rescue.
“I’ve been waiting outside for a fucking hour where have you been?” Roxy hid her tears behind a veil of aggression.
“Sorry, sorry. I was busy.”
“With what? You don’t have a life.” Roxy retorted. She wasn’t fully wrong. Ever since Luna went off to college, she hadn’t done much aside from going to class in the morning, doing homework when she got back, and sleeping. Even on weekends, Luna was more likely to go study at the library rather than do anything fun. It was the first time in years that Roxy was well and truly alone at home. Their mom was usually working late at the hospital, and their dad didn’t even bother to write letters anymore. Roxy had a couple of friends, and the pretty privilege to get asked out every so often, but it never felt as fulfilling as her relationship with Luna. At least, that’s how it was. 
Luna had started college this year. Too poor to get into one of the nicer schools she wanted to, she had to settle for community college and living at home. It was nice to have a free place to stay, but it was starting to get tiring in sophomore year of high school. This town has a way of wearing down the people who get stuck here.
“I’ve got an essay due tomorrow.” That’s all she ever talked about. Schoolwork.
Roxy didn’t respond, she just looked out the window and tried her best to hold back her tears.
“So, what happened?” Luna was the first to break the silence.
“My date didn’t show up, he was off fucking one of my friends in the bathroom. Then my friends ditched me. Fucking whores.”
“Roxy…” Luna sighed.
”They are! Don’t take their side dipshit-”
“No, I'm just sorry. That blows.” 
Roxy blinked a couple times, taken aback at her sister’s sudden approval. She half expected her to call it “Teen Girl Bullshit” and move on but not this time.
“Yeah, I- It sucks.” Roxy leaned back to get comfortable. “I got all dressed up and pretty for him…” She fidgeted with her tight, deep red velvet dress. It was a beautiful dress, form fitting, a perfect color for Roxy. When Luna glanced over, she couldn’t help that his eyes wandered to her prominent cleavage. In most outfits she wore, Roxy’s chest seemed much smaller. She wasn’t modest by any means, but she clearly put in the work to draw attention to where she wanted. It even worked on her sister. Luna’s eyes flashed back to the road. She knew how gross it was to think of her own sister in that way, to objectify her like that. 
But she couldn’t help it. Roxy was beautiful. Long black hair that poured down her back like a dark cascade, a back now exposed by the dress. Silky smooth, pale skin, perfectly slender and clean. The way her body curved, her hips, thighs, chest, almost like a doll with how precise it was. Luna hated that time and time again, she found herself staring, whenever Roxy wasn’t looking. When Luna would be on her laptop in the kitchen and Roxy would come in for a snack, bending over to get something from the lower sections of the fridge. The way her shorts would ride up, exposing the slightest bit of Roxy’s panties underneath… Or when they watched a movie together, Roxy would lay her legs over Luna’s and she could barely focus on what was happening on the screen. 
The worst part is that she wondered if she did it on purpose. Just to get a rise out of her.
Gross. Don’t think like that.
“So what now?” Luna asked quietly.
“I don’t know… I kind of just want to get out of this dress.”
“You don’t want to stop for ice cream first?” Luna smiled at her sister. Roxy just shook her head and watched the cars go by. Luna sighed. “I think you look very pretty, Roxy.”
Roxy turned to her.
“You do?” She asked, pleading for reassurance.
“Yeah… It’s a nice dress.”
“So you think the dress is pretty. Not me.” Roxy rolled her eyes.
“No, I think you’re pretty. The dress just… uh- helps.” Luna had a hard time concealing her blush. Disgusting that she would get that way over her own sister.
“You’re just saying that because you’re my sister.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You’re just trying to make me feel better, you don’t actually think I'm pretty.” Roxy sunk deeper into the seat.
“No, I really-“ Luna stopped herself. “You’re the most beautiful girl I know, Roxy. And if the people at your school don’t see that they’re dumbasses, ok?” Roxy looked out the window again. “I really mean it, Rox. Anyone would be lucky to be with you. You’re smart, witty, you have good taste, you’re the nicest person at that shit show of a school. You’re hot- uh- from a like- from an unbiased perspective I mean.” Luna covered her mouth in a vain attempt to conceal her blush. “Look, I just mean that you’re… you’re so much better than all of them. They don’t deserve you.”
Roxy still didn’t look back. 
Luna brought the car to the side of the road by an old park the two used to play at. It was empty, that late at night. A place that once brought the two so much joy, now a reminder of their distance. 
“Why are we-“ Roxy was cut off by Luna’s hand, taking her arm.
“Roxy…” Her grip was soft, reassuring more than anything else. Roxy finally looked back. “I need you to know that you are the most amazing, beautiful, incredible girl I have ever met. Anyone, and I mean anyone, would be lucky to have a go out with you. They blew their shot, don’t get hung up on them. Ok?” Then that smile, that stupid beautiful smile of hers. Roxy couldn’t stand that look, when Luna was so close to tears, and yet looked so loving and… pretty, damn it. 
And that’s the point where Roxy decided to go for it.
“Fine… you’re right. But I still didn’t get kissed… or laid. And fuck i was really banking on getting laid tonight.” 
Luna blushed a bit, but laughed the comment off, saying something incredibly stupid as she did. 
“I’d kiss you, if I weren’t your sister.” Luna joked, sort of… 
“You’d kiss me?”
Luna panicked, she hadn’t realized she said that out loud. “Oh! I just mean that- I mean- It’s not-“ Luna realized just how fucked she was, hoping that the little bit of alcohol in Roxy’s system would allow her to forget the massive fucking blunder Luna had made. “We should get going!” Luna went to take the car out of park but was surprised to find Roxy’s hand placed gently on hers.
“W-Wait… Please.” Roxy gave a pleading look to Luna that made her hesitate. “You… you would kiss me? Even when I’m this much of a mess?”
“I mean- I- Roxy I’m your sister it’s not like-“ Luna tried to save herself, but Roxy wasn’t content to let her go so easily. 
“You mean you don’t want to?” Roxy asked, red in the face.
Luna paused. Fuck.
“I don’t- we can’t. We’re sisters… I wouldn’t- I would never even think about-“
“What if I wanted you to?” Roxy’s hand had traveled to her sister’s shoulder now. Luna could hardly think, much less string together words to make a coherent sentence. “It wouldn’t mean anything, but… Would it really be so bad? Just one?”
Luna realized she wasn’t breathing.
“Wait, you’re being serious?” Luna muttered, Roxy nodded. 
“Just… don’t make a weird thing out of it ok? It’s just a kiss.” 
Luna checked to make sure no one was around, thank god for that. Taking a deep breath, Luna turned back to her sister.
“So…” Luna tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and pushed up her glasses. Her hands were shaking. Roxy noticed, and took her sister’s hands in her own.
“It’s OK, Luna… don’t be so nervous. I’m your sister, I won’t judge.” She gave her such a sweet smile. With that last bit of encouragement, Luna nodded and leaned toward Roxy ever so slightly. Roxy caught her breath and moved in. For a while the two were too nervous to breach the gap, a comfortable distance kept between their lips. Then, with sudden eagerness and impatience, Roxy shot forward and locked lips with Luna. The suddenness of the kiss caused Luna to inhale sharply and jump in her seat. 
The kiss itself was amazing, the best either had ever experienced. Luna’s face was warm, blushing so hard her glasses could have fogged up. Roxy moved her hands to her sister’s red face, holding her tightly. Absent-mindedly, Luna started to slip her tongue into Roxy’s mouth, a gesture she was more than happy to reciprocate. Without realizing it, Roxy’s hand fell to Luna’s thigh, and inched closer to her crotch until-
“Oh-!” Roxy pulled away. Luna blinked twice, recollecting her thoughts before turning away, abashedly covering her face with one hand and her crotch with the other.
“Fuck, i- im so sorry- i don’t know what happened.” Luna did her best to conceal the very obvious erection trying to escape her jeans. “I haven’t been able to- and yknow i’m just- Fuck, sorry!” 
“No no- it’s ok Luna… Really. I take it, you liked that?” Roxy was blushing just as much, if not harder than Luna.
Luna didn’t respond.
“I’m sorry. I’m so gross.” Luna hid her face in her hands.
“What? No, it’s ok. Really!” Roxy leaned back in and caressed her sister’s arm. “I get it, you’re excited. I- I am too.” 
“Excited?” Luna removed her hands from her face.
“Yeah I mean, I assume that’s what that means.”
“No no, you’re excited?” A million terrible thoughts went through Luna’s mind.
“Well…” Roxy turned toward the window, blushing. “You’re not the only one who’s been… pent up.” She cleared her throat. “I’m- I’m a little wet right now… Well, more than a little.”
The sisters stared at each other in silence for what felt like ages. 
“I know…. it’s gross isn’t it?” Roxy tried to laugh it off.
“No! Not at all!” Luna grabbed Roxy’s shoulders. “Uh- Well I guess it sort of is… I mean we’re sisters and all, but-“
“But…?” Roxy placed her hand onto Luna’s as it held tight to her shoulder. 
“Uh- People get like this all the time? It’s fine, we’ll take care of it when we get home.”
“We!?” Roxy was both excited and mortified.
“I mean seperately! In separate rooms! Touching ourselves- not- fuck.” Luna tried desperately to hide her fucked up desires in this moment. Roxy didn’t even try to hide her disappointment. “Wh- what?” Luna asked.
“Just- I don’t know… It’s easier with help.” 
“Huh…” Luna went brain-dead. 
“Like you’ve been with girls before! Just this one time, I swear! I won’t ever bring it up again. I just need help right now.”
Luna fully realized what her sister was asking her to do.
“Are you being for real?”
“Y-yes.” There was that awkwardness again. She was too cute to resist like this.
“So you want me to…” Luna’s fingers drifted to the hem of Roxy’s dress. Roxy turned away as she slowly lifted it to reveal her now damp white panties. Luna gasped, completely unable to pull herself together now.
“Please just- do it already.”
Luna nodded, though Roxy refused to look. Slowly, gently, carefully, Luna pulled her sister’s panties down to her shins. Now, her glistening cunt was bare and Luna saw the full lengths of what she had done to her sister with just a simple kiss. 
“F-Wow, you’re really wet, sis.” As soon as it came out of her mouth, she realized how disgusting it sounded. But that didn’t matter anymore, all that did, was Luna being here for her sister.
Luna teased Roxy’s slit, tracing her fingers across it and lightly touching her clit. The full weight of the action, Luna fingering her sister, wouldn’t quite break through to her until she had already slipped two fingers inside. Roxy, who up until this point had been lightly releasing quiet pleasured breaths, let out a full moan. The sound was intoxicating to Luna, she’d fantasized about hearing it for so long, it almost didn’t seem real.
“Fuck…” Luna sighed. Roxy let her head fall back as her breaths became staggered and harsh. The two tried not to look each other in the eyes as Luna spoke once again. “Is this ok?”
Roxy nodded, unable to speak at this point. Luna kept going, now being able to smell just how worked up Roxy had gotten. Luna’s pointer and index were now lodged deeply within her sister’s pussy, awkwardly curling and shifting inside of her.
Roxy let out a quiet whimper and covered her mouth with her hands, ashamed that she was being so loud for her sister of all people.
Luna pulled Roxy closer, maneuvering so that she could better reach from behind, though the position was awkward and uncomfortable.
“Luna~” Roxy whispered through strained whimpers as her sister fingered her from behind, her arms wrapped tightly around her waist. Roxy wrapped her own arm around Luna’s neck and stared up into her eyes. Finally, the two made eye contact, face to face, mere centimeters apart. 
That’s when the reason they had avoided direct eye contact became clear…
The two of them kissed once again, a deep, sloppy, passionate kiss. Roxy couldn’t help but moan as they exchanged saliva, their tongues writhing around each others’ mouths.
“R-Roxy~ Please… I can’t do this.”
”What? Why?” Roxy broke from her sister’s grasp, pouting.
”I’m i- I’m too hard… do you think you could-”
Without a second thought, Roxy started unzipping Luna’s jeans. Feeling her older sister’s hard cock beneath her tight satin panties drove Roxy crazy. Luna too was losing her mind, shaking uncontrollably as her nerves took hold. Having a girl, her sister no less, touch her in such an intimate way—
The thought was interrupted by the warm, wet sensation of Roxy’s tongue tracing the length of Luna’s cock. 
Luna whimpered as Roxy fit her dick into her mouth. The taste was unlike anything she’d ever experienced, Roxy could hardly think of anything else as she took the entirety of her sister’s dick down her throat.
Luna arched her back, grabbing the steering wheel for support, shaking and blushing furiously.
“Oh my god… Roxy, please~ please don’t stop.” Luna whispered.
Roxy looked up into her sister’s eyes as she pleaded. She looked so pretty from down there. 
It didn’t take long for Luna to finish. She filled her sister’s mouth with hot cum, so much it dripped from Roxy’s lips as she pulled off Luna’s dick. Luna loudly moaned, no longer able to contain herself.
Luna fell back into her seat, still hard as she shouldn’t have been. Unsatisfied, Roxy pulled her panties fully off and climbed on top of Luna. 
“Wait- Wait no!” Luna didn’t really want it to stop, but she knew if she let this happen, there really would be no going back. It was too late though…
Luna’s leaking tip disappeared into Roxy’s slick opening. Slowly, the rest of Luna’s dick entered her sister’s pussy.
“Luna~” Roxy moaned into her ear as she wrapped her arms around her neck tightly. The two sat in each other’s embrace for what felt like an eternity. 
After enough time had passed for the sisters to move past the initial sin, they made the final decision to keep going no matter how wrong it was. 
Roxy rose up slowly and slammed back down, her ass slapping against Luna’s thighs over and over. 
Roxy’s dress rose up high enough now that Luna could see the mess she had made of her sister. Wet, glistening in the light of the street lamps, freshly shaven too… 
“Roxy~” Luna muttered her lover’s name between whimpered moans. 
“Luna~” The two kissed once again. A deeper, more passionate kiss than either had ever given anyone else, like they had saved it specially for this moment. They moaned into each others’ mouths, taken by their shared euphoria. When Roxy rose, Luna pulled back. When Luna pushed deeper, Roxy buried her sister’s dick as deep inside her as she could muster without breaking. 
“Roxy~ I’m going to cum again~ I can’t~”
“Shhh…” Roxy placed a finger to Luna’s lips. “I know… me too.” She could hardly get the words out. “Let’s do it together… ok~?”
Luna nodded. The two increased their pace. Up and down, back and forth, over and over. Luna felt herself building to another climax, this time trapped inside her sister, when—
The two came together, screaming out each other’s names as they felt their minds go blank for one brief moment of pure ecstasy. 
Roxy fell on top of Luna, both of them breathed heavily. They didn’t move for a full minute.
“A-are you ok?” Luna whispered. “Was that ok?”
“Yes!” Roxy stammered quietly. “It was amazing, Luna.” She hugged her sister close. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too, Roxy.” Luna watched as Roxy rose from her cock, letting their shared liquids spill out onto it. 
“Thank you.” Roxy embarrassingly stumbled back into the passenger seat. Luna pulled her pants back up and Roxy did her best to clean herself up with the tissues in the glove compartment. The two drove home, not a single word exchanged between them. 
When they finally arrived, their mother still working late into the night, they returned to their separate rooms-
It wasn’t thirty minutes after they got back that Roxy snuck into Luna’s room to continue what they had started in the car…
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arlestial · 2 years
Hiii can you mabye write boyfriend hcs for aiku sae shidou and luna from bllk please?💖
❝it's you and me, that's my whole world❞
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synopsis : How does it feel to be their fantastic s/o ?
pairing : Aiku, Sae, Shidou, Luna x gender neutral!reader •— Blue Lock
tw : None, that’s mainly fluff and comfort (a bit suggestive on Aiku and Shidou’s part, some « feminine » pet names in Aiku’s part)
word count : 1850~ words
author-note : Hii !! Thanks for your request. To be honest, I didn’t even remembered who was Luna lmao, so I read again Blue Lock to see his face.. I swear I forgot about him. Hope you like it and that I hadn’t made them too occ !! (I’m becoming a simp for Aiku help) take care of yourself ♡
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AIKU OLIVER seems quite intimidating at first, maybe because of his famousness or because of his height, but meeting him the first time made you nervous. He’s super outgoing, and straightforward (it’s a bit scary-). But when you get to know him better, he’s going to be the sweetest of these four boys ! Aiku puts his whole heart into everything if it’s for you. You want a new plushie ? He’s going to search for the perfect plushie for you, with the cutest design, your favorite color : prepare yourself, he’s gonna take some classes to learn how to make one. Alright, it won’t be the most beautiful plushie you’re gonna see but hey !! He did it with his hands ?? And it took a while to do so !! He prefers to do something more significant for you than to simply buy something (but he will buy you a lot of things, jewelry, books he thinks you’d like, ect.). He’s a flirt, ngl, he likes to embarrass you, but he always makes-up for it, by pressing a soft kiss on your forehead. I definitely think he would call you honey, sweetheart or my girl.
"- Sweetheart, I’m 200% sure eating two chocolate bars are not very good for your stomach…"
"Nah, don’t worry about me- AIKU !"
He grabbed the chocolate from your hands and put his over his head.
"I don’t wanna hear you whine like a baby because your stomach hurts, mkay ? My sweet girl can’t even take care of herself well", he said in a playful tone.
"Shut up, Aiku, and give me my chocolate bars. Now."
"Then make me, honey", he winked at you and you rolled your eyes. You approached him, hugging him, and putting your hand on his torso, in a seductive way. He felt his heart beating faster, harder in his chest, and the kiss you gave him on his neck made him feel kinda hot, his cheeks becoming red.
You snatched the chocolates bars from his hands and ran away, leaving the poor man alone, flustered. Yeah, he’s whipped for you. A big simp with absolutely no shame.
ITOSHI SAE is extremely different from Aiku. His demeanor is cold, and he was extremely distant and dry in the beginning of your friendship. Then, as the time past, he was more and more attached to you, and started catching feelings. He was so mad at himself : you probably saw him as a friend, and nothing more. Plus, he was kinda mean towards you, he thought you would like a nicer man.. but when you confessed to him, he (almost) had a smile on his face. This man’s gonna pamper you the best he can, buying you the most expansive jewelry ever, the prettiest clothing, taking you to dates often, even if he’s extremely busy. His love language is surely gift giving and quality time !! I feel like he’s very protective too, especially to soccer players; and kinda his brother, who’s one of your friends. He’s a bit insecure and he’s definitely touch starved, so you need to boost his confidence and assure him you won’t leave him anytime soon (never). He would definitely call you dear or babe.
" Sae, what are you look for ? ",you asked, seeing your boyfriend searching something in the closet of your shared home.
"My white shirt, I have an appointment with some journalist today, but I don’t find- oh."
He saw you holding out his shirt, a proud smile on your face.
"I put your shirt away this morning, I was sure you were going to be late"
"Thanks, babe", he said, a small smile creeping on his face, taking his shirt and your hand in his, kissing your knuckles gently. He put his shirt and then headed to the door of the house. You followed him.
"Don’t forget the restaurant this evening dear", he said, taking his coat.
"Mmh", you kissed him goodbye, smiling through the kiss.
"I won’t be long, I promise, love you."
SHIDOU RYUSEI is… a special lover, to say the least. Prepare yourself for tons of adventures and tons of weird stares. He has literally no shame, he’s extremely bold, even in public (this dude doesn’t understand PDA ig) and he doesn’t give a shit about people around him, not what they think of him. But when it comes to you ? Ohh man. He’s extremely proud of you, he’s gonna show you off to everyone 24/7, and if somebody says something about you that he doesn’t like, you would need to calm him fast because he’s ready to throw hands. He wants to hang-out with you all the time, he’s capable of everything for you. Definitely a simp and a hype-man !! He wants to be in your arms 24/7 and absolutely love when you praise him about his skills in soccer or in anything else. This man has a lot of respect for you, your family and friends, but he’s sometimes a bit harsh towards your friends, especially if some of them disrespect you because « it’s fun » or because they’re the « pickme » type.
"Oh hi, Y/N !", you turned your head towards the noise to see two friends you haven’t seen in a while.
"Oh, hi, long time no see ! How are you ?"
"I’m fine ! How are-" answered your first friend, before being interrupted by the second one, that was looking down at you.
"I heard you have a boyfriend now ?"
"Uh… yeah I have, I’m waiting for him to get out of his training right now. He’s a soccer player !", you responded, a bit nervous, a strained smile on your lips.
"Wondering how you get a hottie like this to even take a look at you."
You felt immediately humiliated, you haven’t seen her for almost one year and a half, and she’s already trying to belittle you ? You frowned, and she stopped laughing in a high-pitched voice to look at you again, then sighed.
"Man, you’re so sensitive, chill. It’s a joke."
"A joke is supposed to be funny, bitch."
Shidou appeared behind your second friend, pushing her towards the first one, hurting her a bit in the process.
"Get the fuck out of here now or I’m going to smash your fucking head into the concrete."
They ran away, the second one literally scared for her life, and Shidou put his hand on the small of your back, gently guiding you to the exit of the corridor.
"Don’t listen to her doll, you’re the prettiest girl in the whole world, you know that. I’m the luckiest man here."
LEONARDO LUNA is a sarcastic yet, loving man. He absolutely loves to tease you and to fluster you, it’s his hobby. Making you blush ? He’s smiling. Making you laugh ? He’s crying from your cuteness. His humor is so good, you’ve never seen a funnier man in your life, istg. He’s even more funny when you two go on a date and when he decides to judge every. single. person. that walked past both of you. He’s fond of you, and each day he has you on his side makes him realize he’s the happiest man of the world, thanks to you. He wants you to come to his games with his jersey, and he told his coach he wanted you on the bench near the field, to hold you in his arms after each win, and each defeat. You literally have him warped around your finger, he’s willing to do anything for you to be happy, even belittle himself. His friends tease him about you, but he can’t protest : you’re the light in his life, he counts the days before seeing you again (when he needs to be in a foreign country for soccer), you’re his wallpaper screen, he’s always calling you or texting you, sometimes in the middle of training.
"Luna, what are you doing ?? We’re training man", scoffed his teammate, seeing him on his phone, smiling like a kid.
"I’m texting my s/o, ‘kay? So stop disturbing me, thanks."
"You’re such a simp", he laughed.
"Shut the fuck up", Luna answered, cheeks red, embarrassed.
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bengiyo · 6 months
23.5 Ep 6 Stray Thoughts
Last week, Ongsa took the big lie too far for me. They all attended Sun’s birthday party, and Sun explicitly asked Earth to attend the party as well. Ongsa failed to tell Sun the truth, let Sun cry, and continued the lie even further. Aylin got picked on again, but Luna has decided she’s not going to let that happen on her watch.
I like Alpha getting Aylin to go talk to Ongsa.
I feel so bad for this poor dog. He is panting in every scene.
The person who posted that Ongsa is losing to herself is so correct.
Episode 6: The Apocalypse
Ah, yes, the boys have also fallen in the makeup wars. I get that beauty product companies help fund our shows, but goddamn.
I respect Mawin for outing himself rather than be misunderstood as straight and interested in the wrong person.
Shout out to my boy Euro for having Mawin check out Tinh when he wasn’t looking.
I don’t mind meddling in this case, because it’s clear Ongsa is too paralyzed to move forward on her own. Still, I feel bad that even more people know before Sun even though I am amused that this sleepover is high-key turning into a double date.
Okay, Luna, that was a really decent opening you created there. I love the way View is playing Aylin’s increasing frustration with Ongsa. That lean over was great.
This bedroom scene is solid emotional work for View and June. I’m starting to see the vision.
Ongsa, let’s take a ride. We need to talk.
Mhmm, and now Sun is finding out on her own.
“’Spies and thieves!’ she spits. ‘Spies and thieves!’”
Ongsa, you can’t run away from this!
Damn, Milk sold that fall.
Je ne sais pas aussi, Sun.
Ongsa, you got your whole family scared and running around in the streets like this. It’s too much!
Thankfully, Sun is bisexual and processing this fairly quickly.
Oh good. We’ve got decent parents and siblings in this one.
Oh, Ongsa. I remember being this young. I do not miss it.
“I’m sorry for being a girl.” Hold on, let me go lay down real quick.
Well well well. The “Let me think about it and get to know you better” era has reached GL.
Journey before destination? I love Sun, too.
Next week looks fun! Thank you for the reassurance.
Lord, Ongsa had me stressed all episode. I don’t ever want to be that young and anxious ever again. I felt so much old closet trauma welling up in me the entire episode. I need to go take a walk!
Doing a soft reset at this point is kind of interesting since we're at the midpoint. I'm curious how the back half will unfold.
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sleepyfan-blog · 4 months
Author’s Note: This is the next fic in Cedric’s Adventures. First. Previous. Next
This is based off of @gra93fruit-blog mentioning wanting to know what astartes’ socialization classes look like. @c-u-c-koo-4-40k allowed me to borrow Pyrus for this fic! Thank you
Tagged: @egrets-not-regrets @kit-williams @bleedingichorhearts @the-pure-angel @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan
Warnings: poor stress-response, ask me to tag if something bothers you
Summary: Cedric meets some visiting Luna Wolf, Space Wolf and Salamander Scouts.
Cedric was not lurking in the back of the room he’d been brought to, instead of starting his “punishment” chores for the day as he watched several Salamander Scouts enter the room, chatting excitedly with one another as they sat down on some of the astartes-sized chairs that were scattered about the room with no rhyme or reason to them that he could find. The young apothecary was merely… Observing them.
He didn’t recognise any one of the six of them, either. He’d heard chatter that one of the larger wandering loyalist warbands was passing through this city. Perhaps these scouts were part of that group? They were a noisy and boisterous bunch. Occasionally playfully shoving at each other and scrapping a little. Four Luna Wolf scouts entered the room a couple of minutes later, and they were somehow, even louder and more boisterous.
The two groups of Cousins greeted each other excitedly, each of them in scout armor and no, Cedric was not jealous that all of them had managed to come to Ancient Terra in their armor and he hadn’t, that would be ridiculous. From the patterning of each of their armor, all of them were from early M30. Post finding of their Primarchs, but long before the schism that tore the Imperium apart and caused the death of untold quadrillions and the permanent enthroning of the God Emperor. 
Four Space Wolves - also scouts - came running into the room, out of breath and looking around briefly before one of them pointed dramatically at one of the Salamander Scouts, saying “I challenge you to a spar! You have besmirched the name of our primarch and I will not let that stand!” 
“All I said was that he’s a blunt and boisterous commander! That’s not a lie or rude! It’s true.” The challenged Salamander protested.
Cedric blinked in abject confusion. The other was just challenged. He had to respond, and while he was being challenged by a fellow loyalist which meant that the fight wasn’t going to be to the death… He couldn’t possibly be trying to turn down the challenge? Then again, he might not know where the sparring rooms were, since he was new to this base. 
Before he could decide whether or not he wanted to interject, one of the Luna Wolf scouts spoke up, stepping physically between the Salamander and the Space Wolf, making a subtle hand-sign that had his fellow Luna Wolves moving in closer “How about this, Pyrus, Frengir why don’t both of you take a couple steps back and apologize for upsetting one another.”
The Salamander - probably named Pyrus - huffed a little “But I… If it gets him off my back, fine.” He was frowning a little, glaring at the Space Wolf who’d challenged him, arms crossed defensively over his chest.
The Space Wolf - likely named Frengir - growled low in his chest, his eyes narrowing at the Luna Wolf before taunting “Where’s that Blood Angel buddy of yours? I haven’t seen him anywhere near you in weeks.”
Cedric noted the way that the Luna Wolf tensed visibly, his fingers twitching a little. Still, he kept a pleasant smile on his face as he spoke “You’re deliberately trying to get an emotional rise out of me, Frengir, and it’s not going to work. Are you going to back off and apologize, or are we going to have to get a sergeant involved?”
That prompted Cedric to move forward, calling out loud enough for his voice to carry, the idea of getting a sergeant involved in a spat like this causing him to shudder internally. At best they would all be -... But that was with the Mechanicus. The Black Templars didn’t do Scouts the way most other chapters did, and would be disgusted and prone to punishment for other ways and - no. Focus! “Why should this be escalated to a superior officer? That would make… Whatever disagreement this is official.”
“Where in the fresh fuck did you come from? You’re a great big fucker, aren’t you?” Frengir swore, taking a half-step back in shock as he and the other visiting scouts looked him up and down “How come you’re not in armor? How long have you been here?”
“I came to this room first. I also arrived on Ancient Terra in my night clothes, so I am currently without armor. If you intend on pressing your challenge, I can show you to a sparring room.” Cedric responded, tucking his hands behind his back as he observed the mixed group of Astartes. He tilted his head a little, noting the tension that Frengir was holding himself “Although that may not be wise, from the way that you’re favoring your left side. Are you injured?” He took a couple of slow steps towards the fractious group, not wanting to startle anyone else more than he already had.
“Fuck, I didn’t know that was possible.” One of the other Space Wolf scouts muttered, shuddering a little “I can’t imagine being stuck without my armor permanently. I’m Janison, and Banigh is on my left. Frengir here likes sparring a lot and rolled his ankle pretty badly on his last spar earlier today. Who’re you? How do you know the layout of this base?”
“Because I’ve been living on his base for the past several months, having been found by baselines attached to one of the Ultramarines who works and lives here… Specifically I’ve been confined to base for most of it, and haven’t been able to explore Ancient Terra much. What’s it like?” Cedric explains, in good humor. 
“... What did you do to get confined to base?” One of the Luna Wolves asks curiously.
“I tackled a Heretical Traitor who was actively dripping soul-twisting poison from some of his natural weapons and handled him roughly as I taped jars to the living weapons so he wouldn’t leak everywhere.” Cedric responded, still irritated by that. Still, it wasn’t his place to question his punishments, as confusing as they were on Ancient Terra.
“... A what now?” All of the scouts asked simultaneously, blinking in utter and genuine confusion on their faces. 
“A heretical traitor. Specifically a Slaaneshi-worshiping bastard.” Cedric answered earnestly, confused by their confusio-... Wait. “What time period do you come from?”
“What’s a Slaanesh?” Asked one of the Salamanders “Oh! My name is Hestius, by the way. What’s your name? Also which legion are you from? All of us Salamanders came from just after Primarch Lupercal became Warmaster.”
“Father becomes warmaster?” One of the Luna Wolves echo, and all of them beam in delight at that. “We were just about to depart for the campaign against the Interex.”
The Space Wolves shift and pace before Frengir says “We were going to accompany Father and our older brothers to Prospero. To bring the Crimson King to Terra.”
Cedric clenches his hands behind his back tightly, feeling his nails bite into the flesh of his hand and bleed before his superior healing ability repairs the damage. Still, the brief scent of blood and the way he tenses visibly at the name attracts all of the scouts attention. “My name is Cedric.” Says Cedric’s mouth “I am a Black Templar Apothecary, and I would ask you not to say that… Not to say that Primarch’s name around non-Luna Wolves and especially not around Blood Angels or their successor chapters. It will… It won’t end well. Slaanesh is one of the four False Gods of Chaos. The God of debauchery and horrid excesses and pride.”
“... Why? Does it have to do with the fact that the Blood Angels refuse to even look at any of us, much less talk or hang out or spar with us anymore? What’s a successor chapter? I don’t recognize the name of that legion.” One of the Luna Wolves asked, confusion and hurt coloring his tone.
Cedric hesitated a little, looking them over before saying “I am… I am from over ten thousand years in the future, from when you were taken. I am a son of Dorn. Much… Much changes in the Imperium in the ensuing ten thousand years. I don’t… I’m not sure if-” He remembered hearing about the one memento that the Imperial Fists had of  Lord Dorn. A single, bloodied hand inside his gauntlet. All they had of him. The bloodshed. The agony. The breaking of the legions. The Heresy. “I don’t… I don’t know if you haven’t been told because they don’t want to upset you for something you can’t change, or concerns if you… If you do somehow end up being sent back to the time… How… How long ago was the Ullanor campaign, after which your primarch was made Warmaster?”
“Less than a year ago? By the way, my name is Kox, not that you’ve asked.” The chattiest of the Luna Wolves responded, the smile on his face having faded to a sullen expression. “I’ve been lucky enough to be chosen to train directly under Captain Abbadon. Perhaps you’ve heard of me?”
“I’ve heard of you. But not by that name. I would refrain from speaking that name around non-Luna Wolf astartes as well.” Cedric responds, taking in a deep breath and holding it for several seconds before breathing out  just as slowly. He was resisting temptation to shift into a combat ready stance. Four first born scouts versus one primaris marine is a poor match, even if he is unarmed and unarmored - they are in light armor and don’t have any visible weapons.
It’s likely that the Space Wolves would join with him against the traitors, or stay to the side to watch the fight. The Salamanders might fight or may try and intercede, to try and keep the peace. His hands were clenched tightly behind his back as he struggled to keep his temper in check. “Perhaps a decade or two after your primarch, Luna Wolf, he leads half of the legions and his fellow primarchs in a heretical civil war that causes a tremendous amount of death and destruction. It leads to his death, the death of several of the other treacherous primarchs - and several loyal primarchs - and the permanent injury of the God Emperor of mankind.” Cedric explains, doing his best to at least pretend to be outwardly calm.
“Which… Which Primarchs die?” Pyrus asks, eyes huge, breaking the intense silence that followed Cedric’s words.
Cedric is about to answer that question when Captain Ash’val walks into the room, pausing for a moment at the door as he sees the tension in everyone’s posture and the captain clears his throat a little, causing all of the scouts to startle in surprise. “Care to explain what’s going on? You all seem rather tense.”
“They’d like to know why speaking the name Horus Lupercall and Ezekyle Abbadon is a poor idea, among other questions, sir. I was just beginning to explain the future relative to them, and the past as I know it.” Cedric answers placidly.
“That’s… Hm. That’s a heavy conversation, Cedric. And one that shouldn’t be had around so many all at once. While that information is something you grew up knowing, the shock of… Of the betrayal and the civil war hits those from before that time very hard. Next time, inform them to ask a superior officer from a further point in the timeline and try to redirect the conversation.” Ash’val instructed, walking between the stunned scouts and resting a hand lightly on one of Cedric’s shoulders.
The young apothecary is so pleased with himself that he was able to almost fully suppress the instinctual flinch when the first born marine approached him with the intent to touch. Cedric is almost convinced that Ash’val won’t raise a hand to deliberately harm or physically punish him. Salamanders are kind and soft like that… But long-ingrained instinct of far harsher trainers is difficult to overcome. “Understood, sir.” He ducked his head, shuffling his feet a little. 
“I’m not angry with you, Cedric.” Ash’val murmurs, his voice going a little sad, a little frustrated whenever he does something that distresses the older Astartes. 
Cedric tries really hard not to upset his first born brothers. Nothing good ever comes from it. “I understand that, sir.” He’s still not looking at Ash’val directly, but he dutifully informs the other that he does acknowledge that the other isn’t angry at him. But he is upset. He informs Ash’val of what he did inform the visiting scouts about the heresy - and Slaanesh - having not known he wasn’t supposed to tell them.
Ash’val sighed. “Well, they were going to learn about that sooner or later. If only from the pamphlets that the Ultramarines have created for pre-heresy marines in the off-chance they do get back to their proper time and the Heresy hasn’t happened and they have their memories of ancient terra. The.. The hope is that they can stop the heresy somehow. Or at least mitigate some of the damage.”
Cedric’s eyes went wide. He had no idea how that would go.. And the Ordo Chronos might have problems with that… Then again, he hadn’t seen any of their agents here. “I hope it works, if that’s possible.”
“As do we all, lad. Now, come along, all of you. I’m going to be teaching you a survival course on some of the more subtle dangers of Ancient Terra has.” Ash’val instructs, voice becoming firm and authoritative “Sit down as I explain the basics of baseline socialization practices.”
Cedric and the scouts all found places to sit, and the young apothecary pulled out a notebook and a pencil, in order to take notes.
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saturnsconstellation · 4 months
Marauders ships as parents (part 1):
Jily: probably the most stable couple you have ever seen. Not one fight, all their bickering is light hearted. They are liberal to certain extents, but can also be strict if the child (Harry, in this case) misbehaves and refuses to acknowledge his mistakes.
Dorlene: Loser mom x Goddess mom. 100% girl mothers. Marls is always drooling over Dorcas and telling their daughter how beautiful she is and that she is so lucky that she looks like the better mom. Absolutely stable, Dorcas starts yelling in her Jamaican accent and Marlene shuts up.
Wolfstar: that poor child. Is either super Introverted or extremely loud and hyperactive. Either way he has the mind of a criminal. Sirius teaches them how to play quidditch and become and Animagi while Remus is desperately struggling to keep the child out of trouble and (preferably) safe. They are that one couple who is on and off and, yeah sure it’s not the best environment for a child to grow up in but hey, at least they’re not a part of the Black family. It would be a shame.
Bartylus: Oh boy, the anger issues this kid has. Barty is irresponsible, like really irresponsible. He lets the kid do as it pleases and doesn’t care to teach them about consequences, he quite literally gives it the world and teaches it that if people don’t do as they say, then they are an obstacle that needs to be dealt with. Regulus is the complete opposite; he teaches balance, even if terribly. His methods are pretty… messy and unusual. Not violent or manipulative, just very very messy. He wants the kid to grow up knowing how to deal with the world, but struggles to because he doesn’t know either. Barty and Regulus are always fighting, their relationship is far from stable, but somehow they refuse to let go of one another. Their bond is very strong even though if it’s really hard to understand.
Pandalily: BABIESSS. Luna is the smarted child known to mankind and it’s all because of her incredible mums <3 Pandalily are so stable like it’s insane. You’ll never see them fight, not playfully or otherwise. They are nice to each other and nice to others and inspire Luna to be the same.
Rosekiller: They are so messy, nerdy and weird. That child knows things no other sane person does and has the best immune system. Evan and Barty balance each other out perfectly and raise that kid with the right morals and principles, which is crazy because they don’t have morals or principles. That child has so much liberty it’s insane. They are that couple who teaches the kid to deal with the world, lets them do as they wish so that when they grow up they know exactly how to deal with their shit. The most supportive parents you have ever seen, there is not a single this that child does that will make them love them less. “Don’t leave the planet (optional)” type of parenting.
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
You're both either Ponies or Humans for obvious reasons. Was originally deleted for personal reasons.
Yandere! Nightmare Moon with Apprentice! Darling
Concept (AU where Nightmare Moon wins)
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Yandere behavior, Possessive behavior, Manipulation, Kidnapping, Forced affection, Implied murder, Stockholm syndrome, Slight sadism, Hypnotism.
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- The Mare in the Moon has finally made her reappearance.
- Kidnapping Celestia, Breaking the Elements of Harmony, even getting rid of that Mane Six wasn’t all that difficult.
- Now it was time for her new age of eternal darkness to begin.
- You’ve never met Luna, or Nightmare Moon.
- You’re just a simple unicorn affected by the removal of the Sun.
- Forced to cower in fear when the princess of night strolls into Ponyville in search of something.
- You looked so pitiful when you tried to hide yourself from the mare’s piercing blue gaze.
- “I like the look of you, you’ll do perfect~!”
- You’re terrified when the princess points you out, stalking closer.
- “Consider yourself lucky, unicorn! It’s an honor to be my apprentice.”
- You can’t find yourself going against her.
- Her eyes dare you to try, you refuse.
- That’s how you’re roped into being Nightmare Moon’s apprentice.
- Picked out by her to be molded into a pony of darkness.
- That’s what it starts as, at least.
- You’re dragged into the Everfree Forest against your will with only the nightmarish mare to see.
- “Your fear is delightful, my apprentice! Perhaps we’ll grow closer?”
- While Nightmare Moon’s power grows, you’re given books to train.
- She needs her apprentice to be strong, right?
- When you hesitate the mare is then right beside you.
- Wispy mane brushing against you before she leans her head by yours.
- A fanged grin is on her face before she lightly presses her cheek against yours.
- “Come on, dear! You wouldn’t want to disappoint me, right? You want to make your princess proud, don’t you? I may even reward you~”
- The mare is extremely manipulative to you.
- Maybe even hypnotizing you a bit to comply with her forced studies under her teachings.
- It isn’t long before the nightmare spreads to Canterlot, winning Nightmare Moon her rightful rule in the castle.
- Everypony feels horrible for the poor unicorn beside the mare.
- The unicorn that looks tired all the time, encouraged to continue walking by the princess’s slight nudges.
- As her apprentice you’ll have a special spot to rest in her quarters.
- You’ll even have the library to study.
- “I think your studies are going well. You’re certainly stronger than when I took you in. Don’t you think Canterlot is so much prettier at night?”
- It becomes clear that she isn’t just using you as a forced apprentice or future weapon.
- It’s not hard to think Nightmare Moon favors you in a much more intense way.
- A wing is perched around you while you study beside her.
- She rewards you with small actions of affection when you do well.
- Praises are even thrown affectionately towards you while she rests her head beside you.
- As time passes it may even start to feel good….
- The Nightmare’s unicorn soon falls into a disturbing case of stockholm syndrome for the mare.
- It pleases her when you even start to come up to her and give affection of your own.
- Nuzzling and hugs come from you willingly, the mare accepting it gratefully.
- Nightmare Moon would no longer be cast away from the attention of Equestria.
- Everyone would enjoy her night.
- She even had someone who adored her now.
- Her lovely, beautiful apprentice that eagerly wishes for her attention.
- What else could she ask for?
- “You’ll forever be under my spell, all mine to keep and adore. We’ll be together under my night.”
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chaztalk · 7 months
I think she’s pandering to Harmony fans because it’s pretty clear in canon that Harry and Hermione are not suited to each other romantically. This is the biggest reason that this ship could never work, and so called fans who push for it are ignoring just how badly Hermione makes Harry feel ESPECIALLY when he is going through very personal and emotional things.
✦ Harry CAN’T confide in Hermione, But Confides in Others✦
Harry needs someone in his life who will listen to him and empathize with him, and Hermione… Is not that type of person! He can’t trust her his emotional problems, so WHY would a marriage ever work out between them?
Hermione acts impatiently to Harry’s feelings: In Goblet of Fire for example when Harry misses Ron, Harry is desperate for someone to confide in, but when he tries to with Hermione she starts telling him “impatiently” what his own feelings are, her poor listening skills infuriates Harry by seeming to blame him, She speaks “shortly” to Harry, making him so angry that he frightens owls in a nearby tree. She cuts him off when he tries to rant. And then she goes straight into telling him what he ought to do, interrupting him, speaking to him “sternly,” and battering him with her relentless logic
A similar thing happens in Book Five, when Harry learns about his father’s shortcomings in Snape’s Pensieve. Harry immediately decides that he doesn’t want to tell Hermione what he has seen and he lies to Hermione about why his lessons have stopped. AGAIN Harry is desperately unhappy; he feels as though the memory of it was eating him from inside (OP575/653) OP29.) But he continues to hide his feelings from Hermione.
As a matter of fact it actually took GINNY being a good listener in order for Harry to get any emotional help or support. Ginny is the one who waits for the opportune moment,when Harry is feeling emotional about his Easter egg, she speaks quietly, watches him closely to gauge his emotions, and she does a good bit of remaining silent. She lets him stutter and look around the room without saying something. Even after he speaks, she continues to watch him thoughtfully. These are the same techniques that Sirius used, the same techniques that Remus Lupin used, the same techniques that Dumbledore uses with Harry. Silence, patience, gentleness, watching him with a compassionate expression—these are the way to get Harry to talk. Ginny does not ask why Harry wants to see Sirius, or criticize him in any way, or tell him what he should do. She lets him tell her just as much as he wants to tell her, without pestering him for more. Soon after, we see Hermione’s very different reaction to the same information (OP579/657): “What?” Hermione said sharply and “Don’t be so ridiculous.” She speaks patronizingly, with an air of explaining something very simple to someone very obtuse, and calls the idea “insane.” She spends all the next day in almost continual attempts to dissuade him and an uninterrupted flow of dire warnings without even asking Harry why he wants to talk to Sirius, or offering another option for communicating with him, or doing anything positive or constructive.
Hermione’s personality makes it hard for Harry to confide in her about very important and personal things. Harry refuses to tell Hermione anything about how badly he feels, how much he misses Ron, etc. And it’s not that Harry has trouble confiding his true feelings in people that are close to him in general: He confides easily and openly with Ron, with Sirius, with Remus, even with Luna but he rarely is able to talk to Hermione about things that are bothering him and the things that he needs help getting over.
The fact is that communication is ESSENTIAL to a well-working relationship, and Harry and Hermione simply don’t have that essentially communication. One would argue the ONLY area where Hermione and Harry relate to each other is when they are trying to save the world.
He needs someone sensitive and tactful. This person should not look at Harry as though worried about his sanity when he tells her a secret, causing him to turn away and stop talking (PA298/407). This person should not respond to Harry’s fear of being the Heir of Slytherin by telling him he very well could be, causing him to lie awake for hours worrying (CS147/196). This person should not endanger Harry’s trust by turning him in to authority figures behind his back (PA172/232) or sharply tell him he’s lying when he tries to keep Sirius safe (GF202/229)or treat him like an ‘overemotional toddler’ (OF504/572)or show open approval when he is punished by authority figures (CS91/119), (OF285/319).
Hermione’s manner and personal style doesn’t encourage Harry to confide in her. Hermione is a far better talker than a listener and she lacks patience, gentleness, and intuitive perception of Harry’s feelings
✦ Harry and Hermione don’t have anything in common, and they don’t enjoy each other’s company enough to be lovers.✦
Hermione is Harry’s friend, and he loves her very much, BUT she doesn’t make life more enjoyable for him. As a matter of fact, she often makes things EVEN WORSE when Harry is going through some rough shit (See above). Even WORSE: when Harry is described as being the most entertained or having the most fun is when Hermione ISN’T AROUND.
The examples:
Christmas break when Harry is at the Weasley’s with Ron and Hermione isn’t around in Philosopher’s stone, and Harry even says it’s his best Christmas ever.
Chamber is Secrets: Summer Vacation at the Weasley’s
Prisoner of Azkaban celebrating a the Quidditch Party which Hermione does not attend.
Goblet of Fire: Both at the Burrow again and after he and Ron reconcile.
Order of the Phoenix when celebrating Christmas at Grimmauld Place:
Ron, meanwhile, was going home to the Burrow. Harry endured several days of jealousy before Ron said, in response to Harry asking how Ron was going to get home for Christmas, “But you’re coming too! Didn’t I say? Mum wrote and told me to invite you weeks ago!” Hermione rolled her eyes, but Harry’s spirits soared: The thought of Christmas at the Burrow was truly wonderful, only slightly marred by Harry’s guilty feeling that he would not be able to spend the holiday with Sirius.
You can’t even FIND any moments when Harry and Hermione are having an excellent time with each other by themselves. The closest that we ever get is in Deathly Hallows when they visit the Potter’s grave, and even then it’s not because they’re enjoying each other’s company: this is a reprieve that comes from the bittersweetness of mourning over Harry’s parents. More often than not Harry is DREADING being alone with her.
Hermione doesn’t help him through his dark mood, or distract him from his problems, or offer happy companionship. On the contrary, her serious, earnest attitude makes things worse for him. Harry does not enjoy poring over books and sitting in the library, or being badgered at when he’s solving a problem. Ron for all his faults is a better companion in this regard.
Part of the reason they don’t enjoy each other’s company is that they don’t share the same type of humor, and in fact Hermione is placed in opposition to humor.
The problem is that Hermione’s style makes Harry unhappy; Harry’s life is unhappy enough already; the last thing he needs is a girlfriend who discourages him from laughing and having fun. For Harry, the laughs and pleasures he finds in, for instance, the Weasley household, are like air to a drowning man. He needs those times desperately. And—after the childhood he suffered through—he deserves them. Harry—because of his background, his situation, and his personality—desperately needs someone who will lift his spirits and add humor and pleasure to his life.
✦Harry finds Hermione CONSISTENTLY ANNOYING!✦
Harry notices and dislikes her annoying behavior in their very first meeting, and although he becomes more tolerant of her after becoming friends he never ceases to be annoyed.
He HATES when she starts talking at him
‘Are you sure that’s a real spell?’ said the girl. ‘Well, it’s not very good, is it? . . . —I’m Hermione Granger, by the way, who are you?’ She said all this very fast. (SS79/105) [PS6]
This first impression is hammered home the next few times Hermione is mentioned: “Harry tried hard not to listen to her (SS86/115)”
“She bored them all stupid hissing at them like an angry goose (SS116/155)”
“ Hermione was now refusing to speak to Harry and Ron, but she was such a bossy know-it-all that they saw this as an added bonus (SS121/164).”
We explicitly see Harry react negatively to Hermione’s talkativeness in every book. For instance:
“Hermione, sounding as usual as though she had swallowed the textbook (CS72/92)”
“Hermione irritated the rest by fussing”(PA233)
“Hermione,” Harry said through gritted teeth, “will you shut up for a bit, please? I’m trying to concentrate” (GF296/338) ”
He doesn’t like her voice either.
“At once, Hermione Granger’s voice seemed to fill his head, shrill and panicky”
Hermione is also regularly described as speaking bossily, huffily, sniffily, loftily, etc., as well as shrieking, snapping, hissing, squealing, shrieking, and wailing.
2) Harry HATES when she tried showing off:
He is first made uncomfortable by this trait of Hermione’s in the first Potions class when she is standing up and waving her hand while he’s trying to answer Snape’s questions. (SS102/137)
Even in later books.
“Hermione’s hand narrowly missed Harry’s glasses as it shot up again (CS72/92)
“Trying to answer a question with Hermione next to him, bobbing up and down on the balls of her feet with her hand in the air, was very off-putting (PA101/133) “
It is easy to understand why Harry finds this behavior off-putting. Harry usually has more attention than he wants. It would therefore seems that he would prefer someone with a modest attitude as a lover, not someone who is ANNOYING to him.
The other aspect of Hermione’s talkative nature that particularly bugs Harry is her argumentativeness.
One might hypothesize that Hermione would not be so argumentative if she were away from Ron, but canon suggests otherwise.
Hermione frequently argues with people besides Ron. Furthermore, Hermione argues with other people (including Harry) far more often than Ron does, indicating that she, not Ron, may be the primary cause of the frequent bickering we see between the two of them.
Ron actually argues with other people much less often than Hermione does and he certainly argues with Harry much less often than Hermione does. The closest to arguments we have of Ron having with Harry are when Ron snaps at Harry’s advice that he should ask for a new wand, their three stiff interchanges during the Goblet of Fire fight, a very brief exchange about the leprechaun gold, the time Ron takes Hermione’s side about Harry’s Defense Against the Dark Arts skills, and a spat over whether Harry getting banned from Quidditch is Ron’s fault. Only the last two are full-fledged bickers, of the sort that Ron and Hermione or Harry and Hermione have.
In comparison:
We see Hermione arguing with Harry many times, including arguing about turning in the Marauder’s Map, about their actions while using the Time Turner, about working on his egg , about obeying Sirius, about contacting Sirius, about using the Invisibility Cloak, about Sirius’s motives and character, about Luna, about going to Dumbledore, about his Defense Against the Dark Arts abilities, about Occlumency lessons, about Hagrid, , and about going to the Department of Mysteries, but also with other people:
With Professor Trelawney about Grims.
With Lavender about her bunny.
With Mr. Weasley, Percy, and George about house-elves and even with Winky the house-elf.
In Book Five, she argues with Luna , Sirius, Hagrid,Parvati, Fred and George and, of course, Harry.
It’s perfectly that clear in canon that Hermione is more argumentative than Ron is and far more argumentative than the average person—possibly the most argumentative character in these books. So when we see Harry react with annoyance and avoidance to Ron’s and Hermione’s frequent spats, when we see him say that he doesn’t know what he wants to happen between Cho and him, except that he couldn’t stand any more rows (OP603/684), it has to make us question whether Hermione is the right romantic partner for Harry. Some people like arguing, and some people don’t. Hermione does. Harry doesn’t.
It’s actually why Ron is better for her than Harry is:
Ron is not put off by Hermione’s talking style the way Harry is. Like Hermione, Ron is surprised and offended in Book Five when Harry says their arguments are annoying. Like Hermione, Ron gets so wrapped up in their bickering that he becomes oblivious to their surroundings and Harry has to shush him or he is surprised by a teacher. And, like Hermione, Ron can frequently be seen enjoying their contests of verbal one-upmanship. He has the quick wit and comic timing to match Hermione in her verbal aggressiveness, to tease her. Ron enjoys it, at least part of the time. Harry, obviously, doesn’t.
✦ Harry would rather AVOID or IGNORE Hermione than deal with her bossiness!✦
Even though Harry knows that Hermione loves him and has his best interests at heart, he finds her bossiness hard to bear. Even when he knows she is right and complies with her demands, he does so with open resentment. More often, Harry reacts in other, even more negative, ways. His characteristic response to Hermione when she is trying to boss him is to ignore and avoid her. If that doesn’t work, he either lies to her and deceives her, or—as a last resort—treats her to a display of his rather frightening temper. There is nothing wrong with being bossy. The problem is that Harry, as he is described in canon, reacts badly to people who try to dominate him. Harry’s first line of defense against Hermione’s interfering ways is to act as if he doesn’t hear her, and to avoid her as much as possible.
“Harry was rather grateful that she was not around” [OP340/383]
“To his relief Hermione was much too preoccupied these days to badger him”
“He found himself a seat between Neville and Seamus for lunch so that Hermione could not start nagging him again”
“Harry jerked his arm out of her reach”
All quotes from throughout Order of the Phoenix.
How would someone cope with a spouse that they can’t even stand being in the same room with half the time?
✦Harry isn’t Attracted to her. AT ALL.✦
Hermione is the least pretty of the pretty girls that Harry has ever noticed!
From day one Harry’s vision and description of Hermione is NOT flattering even years after bieng friends and even after the Yule Ball which was the one time he ever thought of her as pretty:
“She had a bossy sort of voice, lots of bushy brown hair, and rather large front teeth (SS79/105)”
Harry’s mental description of his friend is still almost identical when she is introduced in the beginning of Book Five—there was a loud twittering noise, followed by an even louder shriek, and his vision was completely obscured by a large quantity of very bushy hair (OP60/62) By the beginning of Book Five, of course, Hermione has lost the “rather large front teeth,” but her “large quantity of very bushy hair” is emphasized even more, by having it cover Harry’s face, blinding him and possibly hindering his ability to breathe—‘Let him breathe, Hermione,’ said Ron, grinning.
Even during the Yule Ball when Harry sees all the other girls, Hermione is ONLY described as pretty, and even then he’s SHOCKED that she is, in comparison:
Parvati - “Very pretty indeed in robes of shocking pink, with her long dark hair braided with gold, and gold bracelets glimmering at her wrists”
Padma -”Just as pretty as Parvati in robes of bright turquoise and whose dark eyes lingered
Fleur, “Who was looking stunning in robes of silver-grey satin”
Even his first impression of Cho - “Extremely pretty”
Harry’s inner dialogue even on the one night we ever see a pretty Hermione is to describe her as “not like Hermione at all.”
After furthermore, even after this moment Harry’s appreciation of her NEVER TRANSFORMS: Harry notes that Hermione is back to normal and never seems to notice her as a girl throughout the remaining six months of Book Four or the ten months of Book Five. During that same time period, however, Harry reacts with attraction and admiration to Fleur twice and to Cho many times and even to Parvati.
So Harry has plenty of time and energy to notice and be attracted to girls, but he simply hasn’t responded to Hermione this way.
That doesn’t mean that Harry thinks Hermione is ugly—we have his word that he doesn’t (OP505) but he simply doesn’t fancy her. In fact, he says almost exactly this, just after the “But I don’t think you’re ugly” exchange:
“Well, wouldn’t it have been easier if she’d just asked me if I liked her better than you?” “Then I could’ve just told her I fancy her…’
The clearly implied continuation in this sentence is and I don’t fancy you.
He doesn’t even get any ounce of jealousy over here either:
The fact that Harry has never been attracted to Hermione goes a long way toward explaining his striking lack of jealousy about—or even interest in – her relations with other guys.
We see Ron express his disapproval of Hermione’s Book Two crush on Gilderoy Lockhart six times but never Harry. Harry is steadfastly indifferent to—or helpfully supportive of Hermione’s possible relationship with Viktor Krum.
Harry also seems to be aware of Ron’s unacknowledged feelings for Hermione as well and his only detectable response is mild amusement.
All this is contrary to our expectations for romantic foreshadowing—we are accustomed to seeing heroes feel some aversion to seeing their future love interest involved with another man, even if that aversion is subconscious, well-camouflaged, or given a different cover-up reason. Harry’s repeated attitude of cheerful indifference is startling if Hermione is intended to be his future love.
Canon makes it clear that Harry is not attracted to Hermione.
So with all of this, it is IMPOSSIBLE to say that a relationship between the two is even conceivable unless one deludes themselves. Harry MORE OFTEN finds her presence as a negative, even after he befriends her!
It would take a MAJOR personality change on either part in order for Harry to be attracted to her.
TLDR: Harry hates Hermione? Lol
Idk why this is an ask. Idk whether you spent all that time making this ask, making all those meaningless paragraphs or if you copied arguments from an anti Hermione essay online. But I don’t really care, nor do I care making a rebuttal towards any of these super exaggerated, biased arguments.
For example, the first point is false, as Harry confided in Hermione in GoF, OOTP, and DH at certain points.
So going over everything wrong with this is a waste of my time, as it’ll be repeating myself from my other posts here of my 3 years of being on here.
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