#and brightening with the zoom out
khaotunq · 2 months
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here comes the last thing on the checklist... The Trainee Episode 6 (2024)
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lunarfeat21 · 14 days
Jeez! What a dump!
Told you so.
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Whatever, let's find this-
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That’s peculiar...
Hmmmmm? What do you found here?
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Ah, the book, I see... so, shall we begin?
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suiana · 2 months
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(yandere! teaching assistant x gn! reader)
"and that will be all for today, thanks for joining-"
before he could even finish his sentence, people were already leaving the zoom meeting. the male blinks, staring at his screen with a shocked expression before he sighs and juts his lip out.
"zero people are following you..."
the teaching assistant mutters, letting out a soft whimper before he covers his face in his hands.
damn it! why were kids so brutal? he was trying his best here... and not even a single goodbye?
"stop presenting..."
he sobs, peeking at the words on the screen before crumbling even more. his hand shook with each sob that came from his throat, his figure hunched up over his table. the camera records his every move, broadcasting his breakdown in front of a relatively empty zoom meeting...
that still had you in it.
but it seems that he was not aware, or had forgotten about your presence for he was muttering to himself, crying in front of his dusty camera that managed to capture each and every one of his movements perfectly.
you could only stare awkwardly as your teaching assistant breaks down into tears in front of you. i mean, what were you to do? he was crying his heart out! and as the teacher... should you help? i mean, you weren't even there physically with him!
so you did what you thought was best.
"h-huh..? 1 p-person is following you..?"
your teaching assistant looks up from his hands, eyes glassy as he stares at his screen in front of him. his eyes brighten considerably, a small smile creeping onto his features before he shakes in his chair.
"oh dear student! how great you are! you are here to say goodbye to me aren't you? how sweet of you-"
he rambles slightly, eyes curled into half moons as he clicks on the participants list, eager to thank the 'student' who had 'stayed to wish him goodbye'...
only to be met with your name. the teacher.
"a-ah?! you're still here?! oh god i'm so sorry-"
"it's fine. um... have a good rest of your day. you did well."
you watch in slight amusement as your teaching assistant fumbles with his glasses, muttering apology after apology as his cheeks grow even more redder than before. you let out a soft hum as he wishes you goodbye before quickly exiting the meeting.
'what a funny guy,'
you think to yourself, chuckling as you end the meeting and forget about what happened as you prepare for your next class.
meanwhile, your teaching assistant had decided to seek refuge in his pillows. gosh, his heart was beating so fast he swears it's going to burst out of his chest! you! his beloved darling! had told him he did well?! and stayed with him to wish him a good day?! this is the best day of his life!
what? you witnessed his breakdown?
eh, that's not that important.
what's more important, is the fact that you had stayed in the meeting together with him! and even wished him a good day! that practically means you love him too, right? that you love him? ah, he should start planning your wedding already! would you like a big one? a small one? do you want to wear a suit or a dress? a mix of both? oh, so many things to consider...
if only he remembered that you couldn't end the meeting until everyone had left.
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kitorin · 1 year
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"I need you to be completely honest with me right now."
"What's wrong, Rin?" Another page turns, your eyes remain glued to the novel, head resting on his thighs as his fingers occasionally poke your cheek.
"Am I ugly?"
The question makes you choke on your spit; Itoshi Rin, the very man who had you infatuated at first glance with his prominent eye lashes and his wintry gaze, just asked if he was hideous.
"Who the hell said that?" The surprise makes you sit up, and Rin barely dodges collision with your head. It's common knowledge that he couldn't care less about his appearance, skin and hair care were simply for hygiene, which was all that mattered to him. There's anger heating up at the thought of someone breaking his indifference, and it reveals itself through your speech
"No one, Yukimiya's photographer came for a photo shoot. Everything went well until I noticed the lines on my face."
He nods "They weren't there before." His fingers ghost over an area near his cheeks. "Apparently they're not supposed to be there." Rin reaches into his pocket, unlocking it and showing you a photo.
It's a photo of him, Hiori and Yukimiya, the three of them grinning whilst being covered in designer brands. Nothing seemed wrong, it's an adorable photo; revealing Rin's typically concealed dimples, eyes squinting with joy, the kind of smile he uses when he's genuinely happy, instead of the polite and subtle one he gives to interviewers.
"I don't see an issue."
"Here." He zooms into his face. "Those things." His lithe fingers point towards the area between the sides of his nose and the corners of his mouth. Smile lines.
"Fans said they shouldn't be there. So, am I ugly now?"
There's a legitimate confusion laced with his tone, and you silently thank how he decided to talk about it with you before believing in whatever comments were left on Instagram.
"First, whatever fans say have no credibility, they're just people on the internet. Second." You climb into his lap again, cupping his cheeks and once again getting lost in the depths of his beryl irises. "Those are called smile lines. You're not ugly for having them, and never will be." His aquamarine eyes gaze back, as you brush a strand of hair out of his face.
"Even if they weren't there before?"
"Of course. They're a sign you're living a life filled with joy and happiness. And that is more beautiful than any beauty standard out there, and so are you." Your thumbs trace the creases, the entirety of your palms can feel the warmth of his cheeks, savouring how the softness contrasts the callousness of your hands. "You're beautiful, you always have been and always will be. Don't listen to anyone who says otherwise."
Your lips plant a kiss on his forehead, and you soon return to admiring every crevice of his face. From the viridescent azure irises and the eyelashes which adorn them, how surprisingly soft and squishy his cheeks are (of course only you'll ever know that).
"Thank you for putting them there then."
"I never had reasons to smile. Not until I met you."
Anyone can tell Itoshi Rin seldom expresses emotion, let alone joy; but you had always assumed he kept it to himself rather than believe nothing was worth his jubilation.
His hands reach for yours, fingers ghosting over them. "Thank you for brightening my life, for being the reason why I'm able to live so happily." Gently, his hand pries one of yours off his face, placing a kiss on it. "I love you."
Rin smiles; it's soft, exposing his dimples and smile lines, cheeks matching his lips in colour. You're pretty sure you're just as flushed.
A quick peck to his lips (he still tastes like the persimmon haichuu you were eating together earlier) and you swear he somehow grows redder. "Does this mean I'm allowed to have the last ice cream?"
"You're supposed to say it back dumbass. And fuck no, that's mine." Despite his callous language he picks you up into a cradle carry, placing you down besides him, soon making his way to the front door. "What flavours do you want? And what kind and which brand?"
"Awww, I love you too, I want the vanilla and melon soft serve by the way."
Rin scoffs. "Of course you only say it back when I'm doing you a favour." But he's pocketing his wallet, and about to unlock the door to leave. "You're annoying."
"Yet you still love me."
"Are you sure? Because I'm buying every flavour of yukimidaifuku and you're not getting any. Milky candy too." You don't miss the smirk on his face at the sight of your disbelief.
"I hate you."
"Love you too darlin'."
[In the end "you're not getting any" was a lie]
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Tagging: @yuzurins
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sgiandubh · 3 months
Mesdames les Tumblrettes, tirez les premières
Just before:
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Just after:
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Feel free to open them in a separate tab, zoom in, zoom out, sharpen, brighten. I DID NOT do anything else than taking frame after frame after frame and screenshotting with a zoom. I have used VLC.
These are my notes. A spoiler of sorts - just in case you'd think I have been dropped those. Nope: it's hard work, baby:
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For these five screenshots, I will be insulted, called a nutcase, a liar, a manipulator, patted on the head by all the know-it-alls of this fandom and basically crucified.
I know I just fucked my night for a very good cause. Do I have more? Hell, yes. Is there a story? Of course.
I have to go to the office and I am already late. I will jump in a cab and be back around 5 PM local time. Some of you have waited 10 years for this. I think you can wait eight more hours for context and timeline, ROFLMAO.
Thanks for everything, Anon who tipped a friend who tipped me.
This is a joyful moment, at a fucking PUBLIC event. Those are not spoons. My conscience is clear: I know what I have seen and I have seen it all.
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satorusugurugurl · 2 months
may i request camping with kento plsss
The Wingman!
Summary: Marie’s Summer Fest prompt: Camping
Pairing: Nanami Kento x AFAB!Reader
Warnings: language, threats, confessions, fluff, dry humping
Word Count: 1,982
A/N: Thanks for the request, Nonnie! This was a fun super cute prompt! Ugh I love Nanami so much so precious!! 😩💚
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You were going to kill the strongest sorcerer of the modern age. Despite his six eyes and limitless technique, you would find a way to kill Gojo. The cocky bastard found out you had liked none of me after walking by Shoko’s office and overhearing you, gushing about the glorious blonde that has stolen your heart.
He made it a point to help you get together with the seven-to-three ratio sorcerer. Gojo often asked you to meet him at the vending machines, only to find Nanami waiting instead. He would have Ijichi pick you up after the mission while Nanami was in the back of the car; he even went as far as locking you in the teacher's lounge together
Gojo had dubbed himself your wingman, and his first attempts to help you had been very innocent. This time he had gone too far.
The bastard had somehow talked Yaga into setting up a camping weekend for students. His reasoning was to let the kids be kids, which could help with their survival skills and team-building—all of which your boss fell for. At first, you were excited. You loved teaching the next generation of sorcerers, and your students always had a way of brightening your day. You sadly realized another reason for this trip, the second not standing in the woods waiting for everyone.
You were seconds away from bolting back to Campus when Gojo grabbed you by the back of your shirt, dragging you back to the group. “Alright, so we’re gonna go over sleeping arrangements.” Gojo went through the list of students before pointing towards himself.
“And our talisman teacher will be bunking with office-worker-dropout sorcerer Nanami Kento. While I’ll be chilling with Suguru!”
“I’m going to kill you.” You harshly whisper while the students begin setting up their tents.
“How could you say that after all the effort I put into giving you some alone time with Nanami?”
“Sleep with one eye open, you stupid cocky, arrogant—”
“Ooh~ keep talking, I'm getting close.”
You embedded your fist with cursed energy and slammed it against Gojo’s infinity, drawing out of the bark of laughter from the blindfolded asshole. Since punching him was out of the question, you stormed off to set up your tent with Nanami close behind you. Like always, he was courteous, insisting that he could put the tent up, but you declined, telling him that you needed to do something with your hands because murdering Gojo was impossible. To which he did something you’ve never heard; he laughed out loud.
Nanami’s laugh was warm and rich, leaving your stomach swarming with butterflies. You found yourself blankly, staring at him. Unaware of your staring, he grinned, shaking his head, as he leaned against a tree near him. That smile had all murderous intentions, floating down the river as his laughter fueled your drive for the night. Did the kids need firewood? You were off skipping through the woods to collect it. Suguru forgot to get the marshmallows out of the car for s’mores? No worries! Thinking of Nanami’s little headshake, you zoomed back to campus alone!
Thinking about his smile had you in a daze all evening. Even when you lay in the tent, staring off into space, you fought the urge to kick your feet as you thought about Nanami earlier. Your thoughts allowed a silence to grow between, but not awkward in an awkward way. It was almost smooth and comforting until he cleared his throat, drawing your focus towards him. Nanami had propped himself up on his elbow, still in his sleeping bag. His gaze was glued to the side of the tent as the soft flush dusted the tips of his ears
“I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.”
“I just wanted to apologize.” You sat up, watching as the Nanami Kento flushed his eyes, avoiding yours. “You’ve been distant today; you went to get firewood by yourself and went back to Campus alone.” he ran a hand down his face. “Gojo had told me you wouldn’t mind staying in a tent with me, but that man was wrong.”
“No—god, Kento, I’m sorry.” You rubbed awkwardly at your neck. “I’m not uncomfortable at all! I’ve been so giddy all day because of you, so I guess I just seemed distant because I was in my world.”
Nanami shifts in his sleeping bag, focusing his attention on you. “You’re giddy because of me?” There is no going back now; it is now or never.
“Yes, because of your laugh and your smile.”
Nanami just blinked momentarily before the same smile from earlier graced his lips as he lay down, shaking his head. “Oh, you have no idea how relieved I am to hear that.” Your cheeks flushed down next to him. “So my smile, huh?” he cocked an eyebrow with a smirk.
“What can I say? I’m a simple woman.” Nanami chuckled softly, watching you closely. “You were really that worried I was uncomfortable?”
“Of course, you're the last person I’d ever want to make uncomfortable.”
“Oh, and why is that Kento?”
Honey brown eyes met yours as he inched closer. “Just like you, I get—“ he scoffed, “giddy around you.”
It felt hotter in the tent, so hot that you were kicking your sleeping bags down your legs, allowing you to inch yourself ever so closer to Nanami, freeing yourself from the confining blankets and, in a sense, the ropes that had metaphorically been holding you back. You moved closer. And you moved with the soft grind as you cut some of your hair behind your ear.
“Does the Nanami Kento like me?”
“If I said yes, what would you do?”
“Well, tell me, and you’ll find out.”
The sound of Nanami’s sleeping bag being unzipped and his smell invaded your space. “I like you.” You felt like the tension snapped in your shoulders as you jerked forward, cupping his face.
“I like you too.” Your lips pressed against his with a soft kiss. Ken didn’t flinch at the sudden intimate contact. Instead, he melted into it with his eyes shut. His hands slowly trailed up your arms, pulling you closer to him with a happy hum.
That small peck became more heated; Nanami’s teeth gently tugged at your bottom lip as he pulled you into his lap with a groan. You shifted your legs to straddle his hips, allowing you to grind against his. The taste of mint flooded the inside of your mouth, leaving you like putty in his arms while you ran your fingers through his soft, blonde hair, gently tugging at it by its roots.
“Haah~ shit.” Hearing a curse being breathed against your lips, you pulled away with a breathless laugh, leaving Nanami slightly frustrated at the sudden absence of your lips.
“Did you just curse?”
The man below you didn’t answer, and instead, he pushed you back against the sleeping bags, causing breath in your lungs to leave as he nudged your legs apart with his knee, allowing him to press himself directly against your crotch. “Yeah—“ he caught your lips with his and another heated kiss, “You’re going to be learning a lot more about me tonight, darling.” Almost all of Nanami’s weight presses down against you, and he begins rocking his hips against yours.
His erection pressed perfectly against your thin shorts; the seam in the middle of them hit your clit perfectly. Soft whimpers escaped your mouth and slipped into his as your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him down tighter against your body as you dry-humped each other like a couple of teenagers. The was flooded with soft grunts and moans along with the shuffling of clothes as you both pushed past the barrier of colleagues and friends into something more.
He couldn’t get over how good you smelled and how sweet you tasted against his lips, making him run faster, his hands gripping your hips and holding them down as he thrusts faster against your pussy. He wanted you, God, and he had wanted you for years! To finally have you underneath him was a dream come true. One that was, unfortunately, most likely going to end like the wet dreams he had had countless times before. Nanami couldn't help it, though, the feel of your body against his, the sweet sounds you were allowing to spill from your mouth into his, already him on the edge. He pulled away from your mouth, a string of saliva connecting your lips.
“I’m sorry to admit this, but I’m not going to last very long.” He muttered, burying his face in the crook of your neck with a grunt.
“Me neither,” you whispered into his ear as your leg started to shake, “faster~ faster!”
Nanami obliged with a moan, rutting his hips faster against your teeth, clenched together, while you gasped, tilting your head back as the slow, steady grinding turned into a more feral, less synchronized pattern. It was turning into something that was more focused on the sweet relief of the building pressure that was going to burst. Sweat beaded on both you and Nanami’s forehead as his lips sucked and nipped at your sensitive neck, making you cry out softly.
Hearing your moans and feeling the way your clothed core twitched against his aching cock encouraged Nanami to grind his lips, moving harder, his fist digging into the blankets underneath as he threw his head back. The head of his cock rubbed frantically over your clit, pushing you closer to the edge. It was when your legs were wrapped around him that Nanami let his whole body hunched over yours as he moaned out loud.
“Cum, oh fuck I’m gonna—!!”
The way his hips rolled expertly against your clit, r your back arching off the ground as your eyes went wide. Both of you came at the same time, his hips stilling against yours for just a second before he thrusts frantically against you, drawing out both of your orgasms until you both that he finally stopped. You kissed each other lazily as your hands fisted the fabric of his shirt. As you closed, separating your bodies from each other, fingers running through your hair until you both broke apart and panting heavily.
“Ooh, shit—” Nanami said, planting several kisses against your cheek. “I feel like a teenager again.”
“Me too—” you giggled as Kento pulled away to smile down at you, fingers gently caressing your cheek. “You wanna do something else like a couple of teenagers?”
“Oh, and what do you have in mind??”
You sit up, grinning mischievous as you toss him his shoes. “Let’s blow this camping trip and head to an amazing twenty-four-hour bakery I know.”
The following morning, when Gojo crawls out of the tent with his blindfold in disarray, he notices you and Nanami are absent while the students are rebuilding a fire. Out of curiosity, he checked his messages on his phone and saw an unopened text. On his screen is a picture of you and Nanami grinning with food in front of you. The message underneath it read. ‘Thanks Wingman.’ Leaving Gojo hooting as he smacks Suguru with his pillow. When the dark-haired man sat up with a groan, Gojo showed him the message.
“Get up! We’ll ditch the tents and take the kids to celebrate with pancakes!”
Suguru narrowed his eyes at Gojo, a vein in his forehead twitching as he shook his head. “It’s too early for your shit Satoru.” He purred before kicking his sleeping bag off.
“I wonder if they’ll name their firstborn after me!”
“I doubt it.”
Forever Tag List:
@darkstarlight82 @pandoness @nealeart @simp-plague @sugurubabe @chilichopsticks @reap3erslov3 @wil10wthetree @luvsymai
Summer Fest Tag List:
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swiftiethatlovesf1 · 1 month
Hii I hope you guys enjoy this one-shot about Lando finding love in the most unexpected way :)
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The sun was blazing high in the cloudless sky, casting a warm, golden glow over the sparkling turquoise waters of Ibiza. Fresh off a grueling F1 season, Lando Norris was soaking in every bit of the sun-drenched paradise. He had been looking forward to this break for weeks—no race tracks, no high-pressure environments, just a week of pure relaxation and fun with a few of his closest friends. Among them was Max Fewtrell.
Lando and Max had spent the morning lounging on the deck of their rented yacht, joking around and catching up. But now, the sea was calling them, and Lando was particularly excited about taking the water bikes out for a spin.
"Come on, mate, let's see if you can keep up!" Lando teased, already mounting his sleek, black water bike, the engine humming in anticipation. Max smirked, accepting the challenge, and soon both of them were zooming across the water, the wind whipping through their hair as they carved through the waves.
The feeling of freedom was intoxicating. Lando pushed the bike faster, relishing the spray of the sea against his face. He could hear Max's laughter behind him, egging him on. But the further they sped away from the yacht, the more Lando felt like he was in his element—completely in control and free from the confines of the track.
As they navigated the waters, Lando decided to push his bike even harder, zigzagging around imaginary obstacles and attempting a few jumps over the waves. The adrenaline rush was unmatched, a thrill that rivaled the high-speed corners of any circuit. He was having the time of his life, barely noticing the narrow rocks jutting out in the distance.
"Lando! Watch out!" Max's voice rang out, but it was lost in the roar of the wind and the engine. Lando didn't hear the warning until it was too late.
In a split second, everything changed. His front wheel hit something solid, throwing the bike off balance. Lando felt the sharp jolt of impact before he was tossed into the air. Time seemed to slow as he tumbled through the sky, the world a blur of blue and white before his vision went dark.
Voices, faint and distant, began to penetrate the darkness. Someone was calling his name, it seemed like a female voice but he couldn't respond. The pain grew worse, and as much as he tried to stay awake, consciousness slipped away from him like sand through his fingers.
"Lando, hey, can you hear me?" It was the voice he heard before, filled with concern.
Lando's eyes fluttered open, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings of the hospital room. The bright overhead lights and the sterile scent of antiseptic made it clear he was far from the sun-soaked shores of Ibiza. His head throbbed slightly, and his body ached, but the gentle sound of a soft voice pulled him from the fog of his thoughts.
"Wha—what happened, am I in heaven?" Lando's voice was hoarse, his throat dry as he tried to make sense of where he was.
A warm chuckle filled the room, and he turned his head slightly to see a figure standing beside him—a young doctor, her eyes bright with amusement. "No, you're not in heaven," she said, a smile tugging at her lips. "You're in a hospital. You were brought in by your friend, who's waiting outside."
Lando squinted at her, trying to focus as she continued. "You crashed into some rocks. You hit your head pretty bad, but luckily, there's nothing internal. With some rest, you should be able to go back to racing in no time."
Lando felt a rush of relief as her words sank in, followed by a pang of embarrassment. "Guess I won't be getting back on that water bike anytime soon," he said, attempting a weak smile.
She chuckled again, the sound light and comforting. "Maybe stick to the track for a while, yeah? We don't need any more scares like that."
Lando couldn't help but notice the way her eyes sparkled when she laughed, or how her smile seemed to brighten the room. Despite the situation, he found himself feeling surprisingly at ease. He decided to lean into his usual charm, hoping to make the most of an otherwise unfortunate situation.
"So, doc," Lando started, his tone playful, "does this mean you're my guardian angel? You know, saving my life and all that?"
She raised an eyebrow, clearly amused by his attempt at flirting. "I’m just doing my job, Mr. Norris," she replied, though there was a hint of a smile on her lips.
"Lando, please," he corrected her with a grin. "And you know, since you’re the one who’s patched me up, I think it’s only fair that I at least get to know your name."
She hesitated for a moment, but then relented, "It's Dr. Y/N. But you can call me Y/N, if you'd like."
"Y/N," Lando repeated, letting the name roll off his tongue. "That’s a beautiful name. Matches the beautiful face, I’d say."
You rolled your eyes, though the smile on your face told him you weren’t entirely annoyed. "You must be feeling better if you’re already trying out your lines on me."
Lando laughed, then winced slightly as the movement caused a sharp pain in his side. "You caught me. But hey, flirting is the best way to speed up recovery, right?"
You shook your head, clearly trying to maintain your professional demeanour, but Lando could see the corners of your mouth twitching upwards. "Is that what they teach you in F1? Flirting as a form of therapy?"
"Absolutely," Lando said, settling back into his pillows. "It’s a proven method. But seriously, I think you’ve got some kind of magic touch. I feel better already."
"That’s probably the pain medication," You replied with a laugh, but there was a softness in your eyes now.
Lando decided to push his luck just a little further. "Well, since you’re so good at making me feel better, maybe we could continue this magic touch over dinner once I’m out of here?"
You paused, your expression thoughtful. "You don’t give up easily, do you?"
"Never," Lando said, his smile widening. "Especially when there’s something—or someone—worth chasing after."
You studied him for a moment, clearly weighing her options. Finally, you let out a sigh, though it was more of a resigned laugh. "Alright, Lando. I’ll tell you what—if you promise to take it easy and follow the doctor’s orders, maybe I’ll consider that dinner."
Lando’s eyes lit up, the pain in his body temporarily forgotten. "You’ve got yourself a deal, Dr. Y/N."
You shook your head, still smiling as you stepped back towards the door. "Rest up, Lando. I’ll check in on you later."
As she left the room, Lando couldn’t help but feel a small surge of victory. Despite the pain and the accident, things were definitely looking up. Maybe Ibiza wasn’t quite over for him yet.
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
I read ‘zoomies with the kids.’ and assumed it was one of the boys running around the house with the fur babies lol. I see it being Steve and Eddie watching on found but annoyed because Steve is zooming in socks on the hardwood floors and head injuries…
Can I just say how happy this series makes me? I love these two and the world you’ve made for all of the party; your posts always brighten my day. Thank you for sharing them and for letting Eddie and Steve survive and be happy <333
First, I just wanna say thank you for the kind words! I think this little world is a group effort and I really appreciate everybody that throws their ideas into the ring and allows me to build upon them. It’s truly been the best even if I’m a lot slower at getting to them than I used to be.
No one considers how hard quarantine was on pets.
Some people have dogs that are trained to be around people and it’s weird for that to suddenly stop. Suddenly they aren’t going to school anymore or to the grocery store. Steve’s not doing trivia night or taking classes at the community center. They’re just home all the time now and Eddie is always with Steve so Ozzy just… doesn’t really have anything to do.
Not needing to be as vigilant as he is when Steve is more active, Ozzy’s left with an excess of energy and it makes him antsy. Much like his owners, he’s bored.
Joan gets stressed out if Steve is home when he’s not supposed to be because that usually means that there’s something wrong with him. The only time he’s ever been off work for more than a couple days at this time of year was when a medication switch caused cluster seizures. It takes a bit of time for her to get used to him being there.
The solution: They go on walks.
It calms Joan if Steve leaves the house for a bit and it helps Ozzy burn off some of that unused energy, and it also helps Steve who would otherwise be doomscrolling Facebook and thinking about Lucas at the hospital. He already had a semi-regular walking schedule for Ozzy a couple days a week but once COVID hit, they started walking daily.
Unless it rained. Eddie hates when it rains because…
Eddie looks visibly distracted during a zoom interview with the band. You can literally see him tracking something beyond the camera with his eyes because Steve is chasing their pets through the house, and they keep running by the room he is in.
Eddie finishes up what he was saying and then hits mute before shouting, “Stop running!”
Steve literally slides into the room on his socked feet, having to hold onto the doorframe when he lists too far over in one direction. He’s breathy and smiling when he asks, “Your interview over?”
“I’m muted,” Eddie says. “Stop with the zoomies before one of you get hurt because we can’t go to the hospital….Or, at least, take off your socks.”
“Why? So you can look my feet?” Steve asks, scrunching his face up with mock disgust. “Freak.”
Eddie can’t even formulate a response to that before Gareth’s voice is coming out loud and clear from his speakers, “Dude, you did not hit mute.”
“Shi-oot,” Eddie swore, looking away from Steve for just a second. He’s gone when he looks back up, already running back down the hall to play with the animals. He just shakes his head and asks, “We’ll cut this out, right?”
The interviewer asks if he has a roommate and Eddie is in the middle of trying to figure out what the funnier answer to that question is when he hears a loud crash. He nearly blows Gareth’s eardrum out with how loudly he shouts, “Did you fall?”
When this part is inevitably kept in the interview, you can hear faintly over Eddie’s mic, “I’m good!”
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yenqa · 2 years
how enha would react seeing you at their concert!
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pairing : enhypen x gn!reader
warnings : like two swear words, mentions of cuddling, relationship is public in jungwons 🤞🤞, mentions of jealousy and crying
wc : 0.84k
a/n : hope you enjoy anon! they might seem similar bc i ran out of ideas after jay also new format
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ok so we all know damn well this man is a huge flirt.
so yk he’s doing his flirty things while performing but once he spots you, its over for any engene.
he’s actually kinda shocked that you came because they didn’t tour in your area
he literally only winks in your direction and the engene next to you thinks they’re dying
he keeps looking over at you and when he sings polaroid love, you know he’s singing it to you.
but engenes keep getting suspicious because they’re like why does hee keep interacting with only that engene?????
and the clip of someone recording him singing polaroid love to you goes viral!!
im sorry but realistically he does not spot you.
ok but pretend he does and he’s like :000 inside but he like hides it bc he’s in the middle of a concert!!
he gets like a splurge of confidenceand energy so he performs way better than usual (not like there is much to improve on)
and he starts getting like flirty with engenes (you) and fans are like omg what’s happening to him!!?!,!???
he smiles at you so much throughout the concert
man starts crying during shout out and you lowkey tear up a bit
after the concert you go backstage and he pulls you into the biggest hug and like twirls you around :))
bf jay is keeping me alive rn
ok so we know he’s flirter number 2
idk how but he spots you immediately and his face brightens
he literally starts getting all flustered when you two make eye contact
you throw him a little hat you made/bought and he wears it THE WHOLE concert
like fever? he’s wearing it. drunk dazed? hes wearing it
he doesn’t care that it’s a cutesy hat he’s still wearing it
until his manager makes him take it off
he blows you a kiss whenever he can
and he gives himself a pat on the back whenever he sees you flustered
but he also gives himself a dating rumor because engenes notice everything
opposite of jay, when he spots you in the front row he gets shy
like “omg what if i mess up then y/n never likes me again”
but once he sees you having fun, all his worries are gone and he’s also having fun
he pays more attention to whatever section your in and he like keeps walking to wherever you are.
and when he’s like running through the stadium he completes your heart and your heart only
his smile grows whenever he looks at you smiling and dancing
at the end of the concert he gives a little message to engenes (you) and it’s like
“thank you so much for coming today, you make me happy when i see you dancing and having fun” blah blah blah
but you and him both know that the message is for you and you only
you know he smiles when he spots you
bro goes from ☺️ to 😁 (that looks a little silly)
he keeps trying to not make eye contact with you but he can’t help it :((
he picks up your phone and he films a little video of him blowing a kiss to the camera (mostly to you but engenes dont know that)
at the encore he specifically requests the songs you love that they didnt perform
after the concert you know that you’re getting cuddles
he fr rushes home with you like hes zooming bc hes tired and you cuddle <33
well after he takes a shower
he loves when you play with his hair
so when you do, he falls asleep quickly
ok so your relationship is public
he keeps waving at you and mentioning you
“y/n is here!” “y/n loves this song” “y/n knows the dance to this part of-“
enhypen just wants him to shut up about you
he performs extra hard and sends his failed winks to you
when hes running around the stadium he stops to kiss you hand before running back around
during tfw he points to you multiple times
he can’t stop smiling whenever he looks at you
he keeps eye contact while singing shout out and tears up a little but :((
he literally rushes to you after the concert like he cannot contain his excitement
i need jungwon NOW.
this man gets so cocky
when he sees you filming him and only him, he grins so hard
but secretly he’s so flustered
Y/N? at my concert? filming me?
he acts extra flirty to engenes to make you jealous
when he sees you frowning a little bit, he stops and winks at you
he winks at you a little too much…
when he sees you smiling wide at his parts, he almost forgets all his moves
like how did he get so lucky with you??
if you’re relationship is public you best know he’s talking about you
“my y/n is here at the concert today!”
just be careful of jealous engenes
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serpentinesketches · 2 months
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These are all inspired by the text posts made by the lovely blog @meanwhile-at-the-cottage! They post daily life updates from our ineffable husbands eventual happy ending in the South Downs, which never fail to brighten my day <3 And they're just wonderfully evocative, so I wanted to try my hand at drawing just a few ^_^
I was hoping this simple way of shading would help me get a bunch of these out relatively quickly, cause I love when I see artists just throw out a bunch of rough sketches, but this still took me like a month to do haha --- Couple close-ups as well cause I went for some harsh angles that make the full zoomed out versions hard to see some expressions I'm proud of:
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nasa · 2 years
Scary Space Stories to Tell in the Dark
The universe is full of dazzling sights, but there’s an eerie side of space, too. Nestled between the stars, shadowy figures lurk unseen. The entire galaxy could even be considered a graveyard, full of long-dead stars. And it’s not just the Milky Way – the whole universe is a bit like one giant haunted house! Our Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will illuminate all kinds of spine-chilling cosmic mysteries when it launches in 2027, but for now settle in for some true, scary space stories.
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Flickering Lights
One of the first signs that things are about to get creepy in a scary movie is when the lights start to flicker. That happens all the time in space, too! But instead of being a sinister omen, it can help us find planets circling other stars.
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Roman will stare toward the heart of our galaxy and watch to see when pairs of stars appear to align in the sky. When that happens, the nearer star – and orbiting planets – can lens light from the farther star, creating a brief brightening. That’s because every massive object warps the fabric of space-time, changing the path light takes when it passes close by. Roman could find around 1,000 planets using this technique, which is called microlensing.
The mission will also see little flickers when planets cross in front of their host star as they orbit and temporarily dim the light we receive from the star. Roman could find an additional 100,000 planets this way!
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Galactic Ghosts
Roman is going to be one of the best ghost hunters in the galaxy! Since microlensing relies on an object’s gravity, not its light, it can find all kinds of invisible specters drifting through the Milky Way. That includes rogue planets, which roam the galaxy alone instead of orbiting a star…
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…and solo stellar-mass black holes, which we can usually only find when they have a visible companion, like a star. Astronomers think there should be 100 million of these black holes in our galaxy.
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Stellar Skeletons
Black holes aren’t the only dead stars hiding in the sky. When stars that aren’t quite massive enough to form black holes run out of fuel, they blast away their outer layers and become neutron stars. These stellar cores are the densest material we can directly observe. One sugar cube of neutron star material would weigh about 1 billion tons (or 1 trillion kilograms) on Earth! Roman will be able to detect when these extreme objects collide.
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Smaller stars like our Sun have less dramatic fates. After they run out of fuel, they swell up and shrug off their outer layers until only a small, hot core called a white dwarf remains. Those outer layers may be recycled into later generations of stars and planets. Roman will explore regions where new stars are bursting to life, possibly containing the remnants of such dead stars.
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Cosmic Cobwebs
If we zoom out far enough, the structure of space looks like a giant cobweb! The cosmic web is the large-scale backbone of the universe, made up mainly of a mysterious substance known as dark matter and laced with gas, upon which galaxies are built. Roman will find precise distances for more than 10 million galaxies to map the structure of the cosmos, helping astronomers figure out why the expansion of the universe is speeding up.
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Learn more about the exciting science this mission will investigate on Twitter and Facebook.
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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sunglassesmish · 3 months
I hope you don’t mind asking but you consistently have some of the best 911 gifs. How are your gifs so sharp? And the coloring so good? Could you do a little tutorial about your giffing?
omg thank you!!! this gets pretty long so i’m putting the tutorial under the cut
so firstly, i use kmplayer to screencap. the most important part though is the quality of the episode you have. you always want to work with 1080p, and my file is around 2gb. that is how my gifs always turn out ‘the best’ as you say 🤗 of course, colouring and sharpening help a lot, but if you don’t have a good download, your gifs can be helped but won’t be the best possible.
this is the gif i’m making having only been cropped and sharpened. i’m gonna show you how i make a gif and my colouring process (which, for this one, is admittedly pretty short and simple compared to what i usually do.) as you can see, it’s dark and pixelated and doesn’t look that appealing, no matter how handsome they both are.
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also, i forgot to screenshot this before i started but the screenshot below shows the action i use to basically get all my screencaps organised to make one gif. this is after you’ve got the screencaps into photoshop in a stack.
i can’t find the original post with the action, and i’m not sure how to share it on this post… but if it’s not that important in the scheme of this post, there are many other posts out there with actions you’ll be able to easily find and download.
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anyways. so this is gonna go through the process of making a gif assuming you’ve done the process of importing the frames and sharpening. (i would normally cut out my taskbar but there are so many screenshots, it would take foreverrrr)
the next step would be cropping. this is the original:
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and i’m doing a 540 x 500 gif. i like mine to be bigger so i can only get the person/people i want in the gif (sorry eddie) but sometimes if i want that it’ll be smaller, usually 540 x 400.
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anyways, i crop from the edge and make it a little smaller so i don’t get the white border around it. and then i move the gif away from the top and right edge of the gif just by 3-5 pixels. which i already did here and then zoomed in:
next, image size. i honestly didn’t know about cropping it and then using image size for a few months when i started giffing (i don’t even know what i did back then not knowing that.)
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then as you can see, it’s 540 x 500. if you’ve cropped it to the size you want beforehand, it’ll be automatically those dimensions.
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next, we’re finally starting on colouring. i always tend to start with curves and use the middle brush on the left. the top one you use to make it darker, and the bottom you find the whitest point on the gif to make it a lot brighter. but i find the middle one colour corrects too, so it’s not too bright or dark, and is less yellow or whatever colours you don’t want.
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it depends on where you click to get this result, i’m not sure how to explain what i do but i just click all over and try to get the yellows off and the skin colour to look generally the same as what they have. most of the time, if i get this accurate enough, the rest of the colouring process is just to brighten up the gif.
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so, then after i got my desired result, we’re brightening it up because you can’t really see them all that well. i use brightness/contrast but i tend to use exposure the most.
as you can see, i am at +2.78 exposure which is crazy high (imo). but as that and the curves layer did a lot of the work for me, i mostly have the colouring i want.
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although i think it could be a little lighter, so i add a new layer of brightness and contrast this time. i don’t brighten it all that much after that. i want to make it so that either one of their faces aren’t shining, and with too much of the exposure, it can make that happen.
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next, i notice that tommy is kinda green/yellow, so i want to fix that up and make him more natural. i go to colour balance for that this time. most of the time i go to selective colour -> yellow or red, depending on how much i want to change. with selective colour, it gives you a few options in shades: cyan, magenta, yellow and black to alter, all for your specific colour.
meanwhile, colour balance changes the whole thing. since i wouldn’t mind that in this instance, i just go with colour balance.
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tommy is looking less yellow and green, but still, he’s not where i want him to be. (plus oliver’s scruff area is naturally ginger so it shows up as yellow, and i want to decrease that a little.) so i go to hue/saturation, choose yellow, and decrease it a little more.
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now, after this, i messed around with selective colour as i mentioned earlier and with the colour yellow and red specifically. but after comparing where i was at before, vs with those selective colour layers, i just liked that previous one more. so my last layer is the hue/saturation one. and i’m done colouring!
next, i go to my trusty camera raw filter to make them stand out more and be a little crispier.
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i tend to stick to + 10 up to 30, somewhere in that range. sometimes the texture and clarity match, sometimes they don’t. it’s all up to you, but for this one, i knew it would end up a little too crispy so i didn’t go too high.
i also like to add some grain so that it’s less pixelated (it admittedly annoys me a lot when it’s got those visible square pixels all over.) i never go higher than 5 in grain, it does the job well.
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after that, i’m finished with my gif!
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next, we want to export the gif.
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as you can see, the gif is less than 10mb, is set to loop for forever, and is made with selective diffusion. admittedly, i don’t think about that setting that much, but sometimes if it’s a lower quality gif, i’ll change it to selective/adaptive pattern instead. but that’s not relevant here.
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after that, we open our gif that we just made into photoshop again. this time we want to select all frames:
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and change the frame delay so it’s not as jumpy. for some reason, it automatically changes so that they alternate in frames from 0.03 to 0.07, but i want them all to be 0.05.
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now that’s the last step and you just export the gif again!
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this is the final gif!!!
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i hope this was easy to understand! thank you for the kind words, and for asking me about my process because i’ve honestly always wanted to make a tutorial. if you have any more questions, or want to see my process colouring something more difficult to work with, let me know! 🫶
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bri-licious08 · 2 days
◞ ྀི◟ ͜ ◞ ྀི◟ ͜ ◞ ྀི ྀི◟ ͜ ◞ ྀི◟ ͜ ⊹ ࣪ ˖♡The Heart Knows♡⊹ ࣪ ˖
⊹ ࣪ ˖Bakugou x Reader⊹ ࣪ ˖
Contains: Some cursing, aged up characters! 3rd years in U.A. , other than that it’s nothing but fluff :) Happy reading! /^~^/
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◞ ྀི◟ ͜ ◞ ྀི◟ ͜ ◞ ྀི ྀི◟ ͜ ◞ ྀི◟ ͜ ◞ ྀི◟ ͜ ◞ ྀི◟ ͜ ◞ ྀི ྀི◟ ͜ ◞ ྀི◟ ͜
Bakugou Katsuki wondered the halls of U.A. He walked these halls every day during the week. From going to class, the restroom, training grounds, cafeteria, the school’s gym, and the support course class. Not once has these halls ever felt different to him, different in the sense of being bare, empty or dark, scarce or lonely. But things changed, and that scared him. His life was great, he was doing great with being the greatest, but now he felt far from it. This feeling was foreign and new and he hated it. He was frustrated to no end only because he couldn't explain to himself let alone anyone why, how, or what he was feeling. He just didn’t know.
What he did know, was they started because of her. Y/n, L/n. Known for her beauty and wits, strength and grades, personality and skills, quirk and talents, she was well known within U.A. let alone the streets of Japan as an upcoming Hero. He knew that, she knew that, hell everyone knew that. Maybe that's why it made it even more difficult to be around her. The fact that everyone wanted to befriend her, talk to her, and know her. There was something special about you that everyone wanted to see, including him. Of course, he wasn't the only one, and that's what aided in the difficulty of things.
For some odd reason, Bakugou always found you, sought you, heard you. How or why he couldn’t tell, he just did. Oh, the class lost sight of you at the mall, there you were at the pet shop a few stores behind, how did they miss you? In a giant crowd at the ice rink, he peeked over a bunch of heads until he found you rather quickly, zooming through the extras trying to learn or just skating decently. Walking by the common room of the dorms, he heard you gossiping about some character from a stupid romance manga you were gushing about with Mina. Later that day he looked up the character name and found out the name of the manga.
For Christmas he happened to get you for the Secret Santa crap everyone decided to do this year, seeing how you all lived with each other and it was your first Christmas together. Of course, he bought you the new volume that was just released last week. Before he purchased it he made sure you hadn’t bought it yet through Kirishima. He also got you a basket of your favorite snacks, (he asked Kirishima who asked Mina, again) along with a soft cozy blanket with your favorite anime character. He always heard you talking about them. He considered watching that anime, but lately, he’s been too busy with life to sit down and watch it.
His spending wasn’t in vain as he watched your smile brighten to something he could only describe as bright, causing his pupils to dilate as he watched you smile. Ironically it was Christmas which supposedly made everything about the holiday “Merry and Bright”. But it was odd. Odd how his face heated so much and he wasn’t even close to the heater. His whole body went hot as his back straightened quickly. His palms grew sweatier than normal as sweat dripped down his forehead. A lump suddenly formed in his throat as he watched you jump excitedly around the room, holding the basket he gifted close to your chest. Oggling it with stars in your eyes as you squealed in absolute glee.
He looked down at you as you expressed your absolute glee about his gift and he couldn’t help but smile at you. Not smirk, smile with his dilated pupils and a faint blush on his cheeks and the tips of his ears. He believed that that moment, the way you looked up at him after jumping around happily, wide-eyed and lips slightly parted, doe innocent e/c eyes staring up at him, long curled lashes batting slowly at him, pink lips parted for a second before widening into the widest, brightest, happiest smile he’d ever seen, he believes that that moment, that exact moment was when his views of you changed. 
At first, you were a nobody, a classmate, then an acquaintance, then somewhat of a friend, and now, his gift for a long holiday during the winter seemed to have sparked something between you two, but what was the cherry on top was your gift to him. A black scarf with two orange stripes crossing into an X as it started from the top and ended at the bottom, along with a rare limited edition golden All-might figure, and two small black beads? Yeah, beads. He looked at you confused as he took the beads out of their small case, which was velvet black and had an orange X on it too.
He peered down at you puzzled, but your warm smile, made him nod his head in thanks. Your small hand carefully grasped his, as your other grabbed the case and opened it revealing the beads once again, carefully taking them out and putting them in your palm. You then looked into his eyes making him hold his breath. What were you doing? Were you going to knee his face? Slap him? What? He then realized you had put the beads in his ear as he heard a slight ringing sound that made him hiss. 
“Sorry! Wrong button!” You apologized as you tapped one of the beads in his ear and all went silent, but not too silent. This noise sounded different.
“These are special kinds of hearing aids. I had Mae Hatsume help me develop them. I had originally asked her to make grenade silencers for your grenade gauntlets, but it was taking much longer to make than we realized, Kirishima had told me that you mentioned your ears ringing sometimes during training or a fight or class and I'm guessing it was because of your explosions, so I wanted to help you with that. Your silencers are still being made, but Hatsume and I made these hearing aids for you, for the meantime. Well she made them I just designed it. They work to block out loud noises but still allow you to hear anything and everything else. They just reduce the loud noise of explosions and such. I-I umm, hope I didn’t offend you with these gifts. I just thought, that maybe, they would help, and you would appreciate them... I don’t know what you like, but, I feel like you would have liked to receive something useful rather than something that would collect dust, I just bought the Allmight figure as a failed backup... Oh! And I made the scarf myself! My grandmother helped me sew it. I-I hope you like them Bakugou! Merry Christmas!” 
That moment was the moment that changed forever. Since then he has followed you around like a lost puppy. You guys hung out 24/7. Like peas in a pod. You both became known as best friends to your classmates and the school. You were always seen together. Never one of you was ever without the other, and he’d grown very used to that. Did you want to go to 7/11? Okay, let's go. Want to try a new restaurant that opened up downtown? Let him grab the scarf you made him, it's a little cold out. Going to a family barbeque, he was invited without hesitation.
Although he was nervous about meeting your family, it ended up being a success. (meaning him beating all your little cousins in Mario Kart and your father and uncles in pool). He had to attend one of his parents' god-awful fashion shows, you're coming with him. You always had to be there, and he was okay with that. Your time together ended up being a normal thing, it was weird when you guys weren’t together. For the both of you.
At first, he just thought that the both of you spending time alone in each other's dorms playing video games or watching shows on Netflix was just a friend thing, you guys were just friends. He said it over and over and over. 
“ Heyyyy kachannnn, you and Y/n huh? Somethin’ special goin’ on there? Huh? Huhhhhh?” Denki nudged Bakugou, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Of course not you dunce, she’s just a friend you moron,”
He convinced everyone including himself you were just a friend. And of course, you were. Everything you guys do is something all friends do! Nothing special about it. That was until he experienced firsthand and realized that you’re both High School students, attending school, training to be heroes, but you attend a HIGH SCHOOL. Teenagers in school, of course, guys were going to be after you. So why was it a shocker when some stupid extra tried to fucking confess in front of him?!
Okay, maybe not in front of him, but in the empty hallway after school hours? Didn’t this moron know you both walk together? Doesn’t this fucking idiot know he doesn’t have a slight chance with you? This guy’s probably 5,5, he’s got black hair that has a lot of dandruff, which makes it look like he has lice, but it's probably from all that gel he has on. He’s got pimples on his forehead and one of his ears looks bigger than the other.
Okay, Bakugou isn’t normally that much of an asshole but come on! This guy’s arms aren’t even close to the size of Bakugou’s waist, and his waist is TINY! He couldn’t help but wait back in class 1-A and overhear what you were going to respond with.
“Huh? You- like me? I’m sorry but I don’t even know you?” You said innocently but truthfully. You were right, you didn’t know this moron, but common, couldn't you just reject his sorry ass already?
“What if you get to know me?” Is he serious? Like hell, Bakugou would let tha-
“Hmm. I’m sorry but I don’t think so. I don’t have time to go on dates right now. I also would have to turn down your offer because I don’t feel like I’d reciprocate your feelings even if we did get to know each other, have a good rest of your day though!” 
“B-But, please! Tell me this, does your heart already belong to someone?” 
Uh oh, now his heart was racing, much more with fear than curiosity.
“That’s my secret to hold and to keep, sorry. Bakugou, you can come on out now!”
“W-What?” He breathed a mere whisper out in shock and surprise.
“Hey Bakugou!” The girl smiled brightly at him. The kind of smile that would make any man or woman swoon over. 
“H-Hey, umm, how did you-” 
“I just knew, plus your massive arms and shoulders were peeking out from behind the trash can Bakugou, you’re not exactly a small person,” You giggled, placing your delicate hand over your mouth as you giggled.
You looked absolutely beautiful. Bakugou’s only wish now is to continue to make you laugh and stifle your giggles for the rest of your lives. Bakugou blushed at your comment. 
“A-anyways, let’s get a move on. 'M starving,” He grumbled as he began to walk past you.
Catching up with him you began conversing with him on the walk to the dorms. The two of you entered and headed to the kitchen where he began to cook food for the two of you. It’s been a normal thing that began after Christmas. The two of you then ate a wonderfully delicious meal. After eating and cleaning up you both headed up to your dorm to study per usual. Once you both entered you flopped onto your bed as Katsuki took a seat on your desk chair and turned it to face your bed instead of the desk, as you both always do. You started up another conversation but after a while noticed that your blonde-headed friend was quiet. To quiet.
Your brow quirked up in interest and confusion as you studied him. His brows furrowed, and his lips formed a small pout as his hands gripped his notebook and pencil tighter than usual. You observed him closely, noticing the difference in his usual expression most would see as his normal cranky self. But to you, you knew something was bothering him. 
“Bakugou,” You called his name softly, catching his attention.
“Hmph.” He grumbled as his eyes glared at his empty notebook paper.
Your brows furrowed more as your concern for your blonde friend grew. 
“Katsuki.” His ears perked at your call of his name.
You could swear you saw them twitch like a dog when called on. He visibly stiffened at your call of his first name as he gulped, causing his Adam's apple to move beautifully. His red ruby eyes stilled as they stayed locked onto the notebook in his hands. His body felt hot and cold at the same time. Nervous. He was nervous and he couldn’t understand why. Katsuki Bakugou was no coward. No pussy. Not one to succumb to fear or nerves but with you, sweet and wonderful you, seem to be the only thing that can make him freeze with just a call of his name. 
“Hmm,” He responded, choosing to hum rather than to speak knowing his voice would fail him. Why was he so, why was he acting like such a moron. He’s always been fine before. Able to pull his shit together around you. When did this happen? When did he become such a loser around you? He had a guess...
“Are…Are you okay?” Your soft voice asked, he swallowed the lump in his throat as his eyes flickered up to the bottom half of your seated body and retreated back to his empty notebook, afraid to make eye contact with you.
“ ‘M fine.” 
“Are you?”
“Why you naggin’ me,” He growled as his eyes snapped up to meet yours.
Your beautiful e/c ones. He inaudibly gulped as his sudden annoyed confidence faded under your gaze. Your concerned and saddened eyes broke his stern and aggressive wall. His lips parted to say something but his voice failed to word anything. To be fair he didn’t even know what he wanted to say. What to say?
“Are you upset with me?”
“Are you mad at me?”
“What? No, why would you-”
“Then do you hate me? Did I annoy you?”
“What?! Of course not- No you didn’t-” “Then what did I do? You don’t have to stay here if you don’t want to. You can leave you don’t have to stay with me,”
“L/n hold on-”
“I’m sorry if I annoy you by dragging you to study with me,”
“L/n easy- just let me talk-”
“I’ll stop bugging you if you want. I won’t talk anymore,”
“Y/n!” He called your name firmly with a louder tone. His hand had flown to your face as it covered your mouth.
His face was close to yours as his eyes honed into yours. Soft pools of ruby waters danced in his irises under the dim lights of your desk lamp and fairy lights around your room. You swallowed the lump of nerves caught in your throat as your eyes widened at his action. The space between the both of you was small, your bodies so close you could feel his body heat. His firm yet soft gaze sent shivers down your spine and throughout your body.The sound of his throat clearing was loud within the quiet room causing you to snap out of your little daze.
“Why’d you freak out on me huh?” He asked softly as he removed his hand from your mouth slowly.
He moved to sit down on your bed comfortably. His feet planted on the floor as he hunched his body and titled his head slightly as he looked to his right side at you. With your legs crossed and a hunched back, you turned your head to the left to speak to him.
“I-I don’t know. You’ve just been acting weird today. You’ve been quiet. It worried me.” You answered in a hushed tone. Your eyes were looking down to avoid eye contact. 
You heard him scoff a slight chuckle as your eyes flickered up to see his small smile and his eyes dimmed to a soft gaze. Your head perked up slowly at this newfound expression with curiosity. 
“You’re an even bigger idiot than I thought you were.”
“Y/n, how could I ever hate you?” 
“Oh, I-I don’t know…”
“It’s not possible. You annoying me or upsetting me is most definitely possible-”
“Hey! Asshole-”
“But- hating you can never happen you dummy.” He smiled softly.
Your heart began to beat faster than it ever had before, and you’ve been through multiple wars against villains, and even then your heart had never beat as quickly and harshly as it was now. 
“Tch. Ya heard me the first time nerd.” He smirked. His response caused you to giggle airily. 
“Well, if that wasn’t the problem, then what is it that’s made you act so, weird?”
“So bein’ quiet is weird?”
“Noo but you being quiet is.”
“Well, it’s gonna stay that way.”
“Aren’t I your best friend?” you smiled like a Cheshire cat.
“Yeah, but that’s the-” Before he could finish his sentence a knock was heard at your door causing you both to look towards the noise. 
“What bad timing,” You murmured as you hopped off your bed to go and answer the knock.
“Wait- just let it-”
Before Bakugou could finish his sentence you opened your door to reveal a tall redheaded male smiling down at you nervously.
“Hey L/n, you got a minute?” Kirishima Eijiro. His strong tone was undoubtedly recognizable.
It caused Katsuki to stiffen at the sound as he hid behind your closet wall, blocking his view of the two of you and vice versa. 
“Uhh,” You started as you turned to see Bakugou missing before turning back to Kirishima. 
“Y-Yeah sure,” You stuttered as you stepped out of your room to speak to the male properly, closing your door softly behind you.
Katsuki quickly yet quietly moved to the door as he pressed his ear against it, trying to eavesdrop on you and the redhead's conversation. 
“What’s up?” You asked.
“Uhh, man I don’t know how to ask this… Would you like to go out with me?” Kirishima muttered before he spat quickly. Shutting his eyes as his shoulders stiffened nervously. 
“Oh, is the Baku-Squad hanging out?” You asked innocently and obliviously, not understanding what he was asking. 
“Huh? O-Oh! No, no I mean. Uhh- I would like to take you out…Just us…Like- like a date..” The redhead blushed as his hand scratched the back of his nape nervously.
At the realization, your eyes widened. All thoughts and concerns of Bakugou left as red alarms blared off inside your head. What.Was.Happening. After what felt like forever you closed your opened mouth to salivate the dryness of your throat and lips before opening it again to respond to your close friend before the sound of your door clicking and swinging open interrupted you. 
“She’s busy,” A gruff voice bellowed as a hand grabbed your arm and swung you back into your room. The red-headed male blinked rapidly a few times in confusion at what just happened. 
“Ow, you dick, that hurt!” You shouted as you stumbled to the floor of your room from the sheer force Bakugou threw you in with. The blonde brute just rolled his eyes as he leaned against the wall of your room, crossing his arms over his chiseled pecs. 
“You can’t date him Y/n,” He muttered. His blonde spiky locks cascaded his eyes as he looked towards the ground, avoiding eye contact.
“W-What?” You asked because you missed what he said. 
“You can’t date him…”
“O-Oh, you mean Kirishima?” He didn’t respond, just barely nodded his head once, still avoiding eye contact.
You then got yourself up and off the ground as you slowly and carefully pulled your desk chair to face you as you sat down on it. Your eyebrows creased as you noticed Bakugou’s avoidance of eye contact. 
“And why can’t I?” You asked meekly with slight confusion in your tone. You watched as he gulped and his body stiffened. He’s been doing that a lot tonight, something he never does. 
“Alright, I’m tired of this. If you’re just gonna play dumb every time I ask you something but tell me what I can and can’t do you can just leave Bakugou,” You asserted, arms crossed over your chest and your face held a stern expression. 
At this Katsuki lifted his head quickly to meet your gaze. His mouth parted as his eyebrows creased more with worry in his eyes. What was he doing? You were right. He had no right to prevent your happiness with other males, so why was he doing this? You are his best friend and so is Kirishima.
You both are amazing people and truthfully, you both would make such a great couple. Your chemistry on the battlefield would be incredible let alone your relationship. You both would set the couple standard and he could already picture the billboards of Japan plastering your bodies hugging lovingly with a giant “Japan’s Perfect Hero Couple” printed above your heads. The thought made his head dizzy and his heart constrict painfully.
He was finally understanding that he didn’t want you to have that with Kirishima or anyone but with him. He wanted to be the one jumping from building to building by your side while out on patrols. He wanted to be saving people with you as a perfect duo. He wanted to watch movies in private with a tub of your favorite ice cream to share. He wanted to get you your dream dog and cat for your birthday. He wanted to share his dreams with you as soon as he wakes up and vice versa. He wants to share every Christmas with you and be each others personal Secret Santa for the rest of his days. He wanted this feeling of loneliness when he's not with you to go away and be filled with just you. He doesn’t want these stupid extras to share any of this with you because he-
His eyes widened. His heart stopped for a second as he finally came to a realization. You’re not just a friend. You never were just a friend. Katsuki Bakugou had been in love with you for two Christmases. Two whole years. He followed you around because he loved you. He made mental notes of your favorite things because he loved you. He treasured the scarf you hand-made him because he loved you. He kept his lock screen that you jokingly changed to the both of you posing up as a badass hero duo that you both took in professional side kick photo shoots because he loved you.
Katsuki fucking Bakugou had been in love with you for years and he never realized it until some boys started to try and take you away from him. He needs to make a reminder to smack himself later for realizing so late like a dumbass, but for now, he needs to tell you before he ruins his friendship with you. 
“I’m in love with you,” He voiced.
Your heart stopped. Your body felt like it was on fire and your eyes widened larger than they ever had before. Your skin tingled and your face grew hot. What? What did he say?
“What?” You asked in a hushed tone, not quite sure if what you heard was correct.
“I love you,” He repeated softly, his gaze as soft as when he sleeps. The tips of his lips creak into a smile barely visible.
If anyone were to see him they’d see him loom calm for once, but you, you could see it clear as day, and that ever-so-tiny smile was just about one of the most beautiful things you’ve ever seen. He looked absolutely divine. Your dim room lighting aids in his godlike features.
This boy whom you’ve know for a few years became your everything in mere seconds, and I’m not just talking about this second. Since before your first Christmas together, this boy had been a stranger, then a friend, then a crush, then a crush within a best friend, and now, he’ll be your everything if you let him, because he so desperately wants to be.
“Don’t play with me Bakugou,”
“I’m not. ‘Dya really think I’d just go up to anyone spoutin’ this shit? I’m not a sappy guy everyone in this god damn world knows that, but fuck Y/n, you make me unable to think properly when I’m around you,”
“Is that why you think you’re in love with me?”
“No. I know. I’ve been knowing. Just been an idiot not realizing it sooner,” He muttered the last bit lowly yet still audibly. 
“ ‘M sorry…” He murmured as his hand slowly and carefully not to startle you, came up to gently clasp your hand in his.
His carmine-colored eyes gazed at your hands joined together. His fingers imprinting the feel of yours and engraving into his mind for if you reject him and his feelings, at least he’ll have this in his mind for the rest of his lonely days. You wouldn’t allow that.
The sound of your sniffles causes his head and eyes to snap back up to meet your precious e/c ones. He immediately took notice of your teared-up eyes as he visibly grew stressed.
“Hey, don’t cry. Please don’t cry. Why’re you crying?” He tried comforting you gently as he spoke ever so softly.
His rough palms met your pillowy cheeks as his thumbs reached to rub at your bottom eye socket, trying his best to soothe you.
“ ‘M not crying,” You murmured as you placed your hands on top of his that cradled your face.
Your eyes gazed up into his. The silence was so loud yet quiet. The atmosphere was no longer anxious but tranquil. Finally, finally you had this boy who held your heart all this time. 
“I’m in love with you too…Dummy,” You smiled softly at him.
He scoffed playfully as he inched his forehead to meet yours. He gazed into your eyes and just felt a spark. He leaned forward to get a better angle to press his lips onto yours. His heart and head were no longer in a battle with each other, cuz from the start his heart knew. It was always you…
“Aaaaand with that, my job here is done,” the manly red-headed male grinned as he backed away from your dorm room door. Humming a happy tune as he placed his hands behind his head and walked triumphantly down the hall…
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I hope y'all liked this story as much as I enjoyed writing it! If you liked this one you also might like another story of mine called “The Dare”. It can be found on my master list! Thank you for reading my story and if you liked it please let me know! I love feedback and it’s what motivates me to write more stories for y'all to enjoy! If any of y'all would like to see me write a specific kind of trope and story line please give me your ideas of what you’d want to read! Thank you and please come again! /^~^/
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elliewithcellie · 3 months
maybe eddie or steve and fem!single mom reader with a son who’s SUPER shy and doesn’t talk much around strangers…but they’re over at reader’s place one night recently after they’ve been introduced to your son making dinner and having a cozy night in…
you’re making dinner and you hear giggles and neither of your boys are anywhere to be found…so you go searching and find them playing with hot wheels or figurines together and it’s just too sweet
This is just such a cute idea I can't handle it. I picked Steve for this. I hope you like it! wc: 1.0k
Dino Drawings
The knock on your door stirred you from your focus.
“Shoot,” you muttered. “Shoot, shoot, shoot.”  Boiling water threatened to wade over the pot’s rim, and the red sauce bubbled, spraying out onto the counters and your blouse.
A little hand tugged on the hem of your shirt. “Mom, a knock.”
“I know, baby. It’s Mr. Steve. Come greet him with me.” You set your stove to a simmer and headed for the door, your son following close behind.
Steve stood in the entryway with flowers in his hands and a trepidatious smile on his face. “Am I early?” he asked.
“No, no,” you sighed. “I’m late. These are lovely, thank you.”
Your son peeked out behind your leg, his eyes wide as he gazed up at Steve.
“Hey, big guy!” Steve said, crouching to his level. “Long time, no see.”
Your little boy stayed put, his eyes now on you.
“Say hi, Sammy.”
A small hi was all his little voice could muster up before sprinting away into the kitchen.
Steve stood back up and chuckled, shaking his head.
“Sorry,” you said.
“I’m not worried. We’ll get there.” Steve’s smile relaxed as he pulled you closer with his free arm. He placed a gentle kiss on your cheek, fleeting, but loving, nonetheless. “You’ve got sauce on your face,” he said as he used his thumb to wipe it off. “We having Italian?”
“A lame attempt,” you chuckled. “Come in. Come in before I burn something.”
Steve closed the door behind you and followed you into the kitchen.
“I can take those from you,” you said, hands out for the flowers.
“I got it, hon,” Steve said. “Sam can help me get these in water, right bud?”
Sam stood behind the table, barely peering over, and to your surprise, nodded.
“Come on, bud. Help me find a vase.”
You watched as Sam and Steve worked together to fill a vase with water. Steve cut the stems and handed them to Sam where he placed each flower carefully, one by one. They shared scrunched eyebrows as they focused on the task at hand. A warmth washed over you. Watching the boys distracted you from the food entirely until sauce splattered against your forearms.
“Ouch, ouch, shoot!” you grumbled. You wiped the sauce from your arms and sighed. As much as you didn’t want the cuteness overload to end, you had to finish dinner.
“Baby,” you called out. Both boys looked up from where they set the flowers. You laughed, your cheeks slightly rouging at the miscommunication.
“Sammy,” you corrected, “why don’t you show Mr. Steve your dinosaur drawings in your room?”
“No way, dino drawings?” Steve asked. “You’ve been holding out on me!”
Sam’s eyes brightened at Steve’s words. He remained silent but smiled up at Steve before zooming out of the kitchen and down the hall. He peeked around the corner of the hall and waved for Steve to follow him.
You felt as happy as Steve looked. Steve grinned ear to ear as if he couldn’t contain his excitement. “Alright, bud. Let’s see ‘em,” he called out as he all but jogged to catch up to your little boy. You turned back toward the stove, a smile refusing to leave your lips.
Thirty minutes later, the Chicken Parm was finally to temperature. You pulled the food from the oven. You grabbed three plates from the cabinet and set them down at the table. Seeing the third spot of your table filled pleased you to no end. You set out forks and napkins and dished out the spaghetti onto each plate. You relished in the silence, the lack of distractions. You finished setting the table and stood up straight. No distractions are a bad sign when you have children.
“Boys?” you called. No answer.
“Hmm,” you mumbled. You headed down the hall on your toes, sneaking around in your own home. Sam’s door had shut, but light peered through the crack, muffled ramblings permeating through.
You knocked and entered. Your boys looked up at you underneath a makeshift tent made of Sam’s comforter and a plastic hockey stick. Crayons of all colors and sizes rolled around over the construction paper that splayed across the floor in disarray.
“What do we have here?” you asked, hands on your hips.
“We’re drawing, Mom. Look! Mr. Steve said my drawings were cool, and that his favorite was the triceratops. I told him mine was the pterodactyl, and then I pulled out my crayons, and he said we should draw you one, and”
You couldn’t believe your ears. Your shy little boy going on and on in front of Steve, all thanks to Steve. Sam was comfortable. You kept your tears at bay as you watched your son be himself.
“This one we made for you,” Sam said. He held up a picture for you. In it was a long-necked dinosaur and three people standing next to it labeled Sam, Mom, and Mr. Steve. Above it, in different handwriting, were the words “I love Mom”.
“You made this for me?” you asked.
“You said the brontosaurus was your favorite, so I put us all with it,” Sam said smiling up at you.
“I love it, sweetie. Thank you. Now, go wash your hands, ok? Dinner is ready.”
Sam dashed out of his room, leaving you and Steve crouching under the tent. You rested your head on his. “You’re amazing, you know that?”
“Me?” Steve asked. “No, that’s all him.” He pressed his lips against your temple.
“He said it was your idea to draw something for me?”
“It was a collaboration.”
“Was it your idea to write ‘I love Mom’ then?”
Steve lifted his hand in surrender. “You caught me, there. But I made a mistake.” Steve leaned back to look at you. “I should have written ‘We love Mom’.”
Your heart fluttered in your chest. Your cheeks flushed pink, but you smiled, nonetheless. You leaned in and gave him a proper kiss on his lips for the first time tonight. “We love you, too, Mr. Steve. Now, let’s eat before it gets cold.”
Steve held you in your son’s makeshift tent for just a moment longer before following you into the kitchen.
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domm1etae · 10 days
Hi! I’m not sure if this is the type of suggestions you’re looking for, so feel free to ignore if it’s not
Ateez member of your choice x idol!reader, dealing with jealousy and regret after finding out you’re marrying another idol of your choice
Ending is up to you 💙
Behind Closed Doors
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hongjoong x f!reader
fluff ig?
The moment Hongjoong found out, his world seemed to shatter. You, the person he’d shared so many secret smiles, stolen moments, and late-night phone calls with, were suddenly no longer his. The headlines had announced it first. You were getting married. To Jungkook.
It was all over the news: “Idol Power Couple: Y/N and Jungkook Announce Engagement!” The media praised the union of two of the biggest stars in the industry, painting a perfect picture of love and harmony. But Hongjoong knew better. He knew this wasn’t real, just another move by your agency to protect your image, to keep your popularity soaring. Still, the knowledge didn’t dull the sharp edge of jealousy that cut through him.
tags under
m/f, wedding, jealousy, drama, celebrity life, jungkook from bts mentoined, seonghwa helping because he is just like that (pookie), regret, kissing
author's note: this was very difficult to write, which is why it’s a bit short, but I hope you like it guys!
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Hongjoong had just finished a long day of practice, his muscles aching as he sank onto the couch in the dorm’s living room. The familiar buzz of notifications on his phone barely registered in his mind, until he caught a glimpse of your name lighting up his screen. His tired eyes immediately brightened. He hadn’t heard from you all day, and he missed your voice.
As he reached for his phone, he saw it wasn’t a message from you—it was an article notification. Normally, he’d swipe away these news alerts without a second thought, but this one had your name in bold, accompanied by the name of another idol he knew all too well: Jungkook.
Confused, Hongjoong clicked on the headline: “Breaking News: K-pop Power Couple Y/N and Jungkook Announce Engagement!”
He froze. His heart skipped a beat, then pounded faster, echoing in his ears. The words felt surreal, like a nightmare, but no matter how many times he blinked or reread the headline, it didn’t change. You were getting married.
He quickly scrolled through the article, his eyes skimming the paragraphs, looking for some sign this wasn’t real. His breath caught in his throat as he saw photos—you and Jungkook. The two of you walking hand-in-hand, smiling at each other. You looked perfect together, like something out of a romantic drama. His thumb hovered over one of the photos, zooming in on your face. The smile you wore was beautiful, but it wasn’t the one he knew. It wasn’t the smile you gave him when you were alone, when you felt safe and unguarded.
“No…” Hongjoong whispered to himself, shaking his head in disbelief. “This can’t be happening.”
He could feel the panic rising in his chest, a suffocating weight pressing down on him. His hands trembled as he tossed his phone onto the couch beside him, trying to distance himself from the cruel reality it had just revealed. But it was no use. The image was burned into his mind—you and Jungkook together, the engagement, the smiles for the cameras.
His mind raced with questions. Why hadn’t you told him? You had been together for months now, secretly meeting whenever your schedules allowed it, cherishing every stolen moment like it was a lifeline in the whirlwind of your busy lives. But now, all he could feel was the sting of betrayal. He had trusted you, and yet, here you were, announcing to the world that you were marrying someone else.
Hongjoong’s phone buzzed again, and this time it was a text from you. His breath hitched as he unlocked his phone to read the message.
Y/N: Can we talk?
His jaw clenched as he stared at the message, the words so simple yet loaded with meaning. Can we talk? That was all you had to say after blindsiding him with the news of your engagement to another man? His fingers hovered over the screen, torn between anger and confusion. He wanted to demand answers, to call you and ask why. Why Jungkook? Why hadn't you told him? Why now? But he was afraid of what your answers might be. Afraid that this wasn’t something you could explain away.
Before he could stop himself, he texted back:
Hongjoong: What’s there to talk about?
The seconds ticked by as he waited for your reply, each one stretching longer than the last. His mind swirled with memories of you—your secret dates, the way you’d laugh when he made a joke, how you always listened to the demos he was working on, offering quiet encouragement with a soft smile. It had felt real. But maybe he had been wrong. Maybe it had never meant as much to you as it did to him.
His phone buzzed again, your response lighting up the screen:
Y/N: It’s not what you think. Please… meet me at the studio.
Hongjoong exhaled sharply, frustration knotting in his chest. Not what I think? He couldn’t even process what that meant right now. The studio had always been their safe place, a haven where they could be together without prying eyes. But now, the thought of seeing you there felt tainted. Could he really face you, knowing that the rest of the world believed you belonged to someone else?
Still, against his better judgment, he found himself grabbing his keys and jacket, heading out into the night. The cool air did nothing to calm the storm of emotions swirling inside him. Every step toward the studio felt heavier than the last. He didn’t know what he was going to say, or if he could even bear to hear your explanation. But he had to know. He had to understand why you hadn’t told him.
When he arrived at the studio, the familiar hum of the city outside faded away, replaced by the quiet tension that filled the space. You were already there, sitting on one of the chairs near the mixing console. You looked up as soon as he entered, your face pale and your eyes wide with worry.
“Hongjoong…” Your voice was soft, tentative, as if you were afraid he might turn around and walk out before you had the chance to explain.
He didn’t say anything at first, just stood there, hands shoved into his jacket pockets as he stared at you. His heart was still racing, his mind still struggling to piece together how things had gone so wrong so quickly.
“How long?” he asked finally, his voice low and strained. “How long have you known about this… this marriage?”
You bit your lip, looking down at your hands. “A few weeks,” you admitted quietly.
“A few weeks?” Hongjoong echoed, his voice rising in disbelief. “You’ve known for weeks, and you didn’t tell me?”
“I wanted to tell you,” you said quickly, standing up, “but I didn’t know how. I didn’t want to hurt you.”
“Well, guess what? You did.” His words cut through the air like a knife, sharp and unforgiving. “You think finding out through some news article was better? You should have told me, Y/N.”
You took a step toward him, your eyes pleading with him to understand. “It’s not real, Hongjoong. The marriage, it’s just for the public. My agency… they’re forcing me to do this. They said it’s to protect my image, to stop the rumors. It’s all fake.”
Hongjoong laughed bitterly, shaking his head. “Fake? It doesn’t look fake. The pictures, the smiles, the engagement—none of that looks fake.”
“It’s all for show,” you insisted, desperation creeping into your voice. “I don’t love him. I love you. I’m with you.”
“But no one knows that, do they?” His voice cracked, the weight of the situation finally sinking in. “We’re a secret. Always in the shadows, always hiding. And now the whole world thinks you belong to him.”
You swallowed hard, tears welling up in your eyes. “I don’t want this, Hongjoong. I never wanted this.”
“Then why didn’t you fight it?” His question hung in the air, filled with hurt and frustration. “Why didn’t you fight for us?”
“I tried,” you whispered, tears slipping down your cheeks. “But you know how this industry is. They don’t care about what I want. They only care about what sells, what keeps me relevant.”
Hongjoong ran a hand through his hair, his emotions warring inside him. He wanted to scream, to cry, to tell you that he understood—but the jealousy gnawed at him, twisting his heart. The thought of you standing next to Jungkook, even if it was fake, made him sick.
“I don’t know if I can do this,” he said finally, his voice barely above a whisper. “I don’t know if I can handle watching you be with someone else, even if it’s all pretend.”
You closed the distance between you, gently placing a hand on his arm. “Please, don’t give up on us,” you begged, your voice trembling. “We can make it through this. We just have to keep pretending. Once the media moves on, we’ll figure something out. But I need you, Hongjoong. I need you to trust me.”
He looked down at your hand on his arm, then up into your tear-filled eyes. He wanted to trust you, he really did. But the hurt was still too raw, the jealousy still too strong.
“I need some time,” he said quietly, pulling away from your touch. “I need to figure out if I can live like this.”
Before you could respond, he turned and left the studio, leaving you standing alone in the place that had once felt like home to both of you. Now, it felt cold and empty, just like the space between you and him.
The days that followed were a blur for Hongjoong. He threw himself into work, burying his emotions under endless hours in the studio, long rehearsals, and late-night songwriting sessions. But no matter how hard he tried to distract himself, you were always there, lingering in the back of his mind. Every song he wrote seemed to echo with the words he couldn’t say to you. Every melody reminded him of the nights you’d spent together, curled up in the quiet of the studio, sharing secrets and dreams that now felt out of reach.
He would open his phone sometimes, scrolling mindlessly through social media, only to be slapped with another reminder of you and Jungkook. Every entertainment site was buzzing about the "golden couple." The photos of your fake smiles, the ones that were meant for the public, stabbed him every time. Even though he knew it was all a show, it didn’t stop the jealousy from gnawing at him. It looks too real.
He found himself on a fan site one night, something he rarely did. His fingers hesitated on the keyboard before he typed your name into the search bar, his heart sinking as he saw how quickly the site filled with posts about you and Jungkook.
“Y/N and Jungkook spotted at dinner together! Couple goals!” “Y/N talks about wedding plans in new interview!” “Fans are obsessed with Y/N and Jungkook’s chemistry!”
He scrolled through the photos—the two of you laughing at some fancy restaurant, walking together through the airport, attending an event in matching outfits. It made him sick. When did it get this far?
His phone buzzed with a notification from Seonghwa.
Seonghwa: You good? We haven't seen you much lately.
Hongjoong let out a sigh. The other members had noticed his absence, but he didn’t know how to explain what was going on. He didn’t want to dump his personal issues on them, especially when he hadn’t even figured out how to process them himself. Instead, he texted back something vague:
Hongjoong: Just working on music. Be back soon.
But even the music wasn’t helping anymore. Normally, he could pour his heart into a song and find some sense of release, but lately, everything felt empty. He kept replaying that night at the studio, the look on your face when he told you he needed time. He remembered the way your voice had trembled when you said you didn’t want this marriage, how you had begged him not to give up on you. And yet, he had walked away.
Now, sitting alone in the darkened dorm room, Hongjoong couldn’t help but wonder if he’d made the right choice. The regret was heavy, weighing him down more with each passing day. Maybe he should have fought harder. Maybe he should have trusted you when you said the marriage was fake. But seeing you with Jungkook, day after day, smiling and playing the role of the perfect couple, had twisted something inside him. It wasn’t your fault, and he knew that deep down. But the jealousy was like a poison, clouding his judgment and making it impossible to think clearly.
He glanced at his phone again, thumb hovering over your name in his contacts. It had been over a week since you last spoke. You hadn’t tried to contact him since that night, and he wondered if that meant you had finally given up on him. The thought made his chest tighten. What if I lose her for real? The idea of you slipping away, of choosing to stay in this fake marriage because he had pushed you too far, terrified him.
But then, almost like a cruel twist of fate, another article popped up on his screen: “Jungkook and Y/N to Announce Wedding Date Soon!”
He blinked at the headline, his stomach flipping. Wedding date? Already? He clicked the article, quickly scanning through the words, his mind racing.
The agencies confirm that the highly anticipated wedding between Y/N and Jungkook will be taking place next spring. Fans are thrilled at the news and can’t wait to see the stunning couple tie the knot…
Hongjoong sat in his dimly lit apartment, staring at the glowing screen of his laptop. The announcement of your wedding date with Jungkook had hit him like a tidal wave. Each headline was a painful reminder of what he had lost. He tried to focus on work, but the melodies that usually inspired him now felt hollow and empty.
He ran a hand through his hair, frustration and regret swirling in his mind. The studio, where you had shared so many intimate moments, now seemed like a relic of a past he couldn’t reclaim. Why didn’t I fight for us? The question echoed in his head, mixing with the guilt that had taken root ever since he walked away from you.
His phone buzzed, and he glanced at the screen, seeing a message from Seonghwa. Hongjoong’s heart sank. Seonghwa had always been perceptive, often the first to notice when something was off with him. And Hongjoong knew that his absence and recent behavior hadn’t gone unnoticed.
Seonghwa: Hey, Hongjoong. We need to talk. Can you meet up?
Hongjoong hesitated, his fingers hovering over the keyboard. He didn’t know if he was ready to discuss the mess he was in, especially when it came to his feelings about you and the situation with Jungkook. But he knew he couldn’t avoid this forever. He needed to face the consequences of his actions and, perhaps, get some clarity.
Hongjoong: Sure. Where do you want to meet?
The response was quick.
Seonghwa: How about the café near the studio? I’ll be there in 30 minutes.
Hongjoong agreed and got ready, trying to push away the dread he felt about the upcoming conversation. He needed to talk to Seonghwa, but he was afraid of how much he would reveal. Would Seonghwa confront him about what he knew? And how would he react?
The café was quiet, with only a few patrons scattered around. Seonghwa was already there, sitting at a corner table with a cup of coffee. His expression was unreadable as Hongjoong approached and took a seat across from him.
“Hey,” Hongjoong said, trying to sound casual but feeling the weight of the conversation pressing down on him.
“Hey,” Seonghwa replied, studying him closely. “You’ve been MIA lately. What’s going on? We’ve all noticed you’re not yourself.”
Hongjoong took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. “It’s been… a rough few weeks. Things with Y/N and Jungkook… it’s been hard to process.”
Seonghwa’s gaze softened slightly, but he didn’t press further about the details of your relationship. Instead, he leaned in, his tone gentle but insistent. “I know you’re going through a lot, and I can see how much this is affecting you. But you don’t have to go through it alone. We’re here for you, you know?”
Hongjoong nodded, feeling a lump form in his throat. “I messed up, Seonghwa. I walked away when I should have stayed. I should have supported Y/N, but I let my own fears and insecurities get in the way.”
Seonghwa’s expression remained sympathetic, but there was an edge of frustration in his voice. “You’re not alone in this, Hongjoong. But you also need to confront what’s happening. Running away or hiding won’t fix things.”
Hongjoong’s eyes dropped to his coffee cup, his hands trembling slightly. “I didn’t know it would get this bad. I thought I was doing the right thing by stepping back, but now I see that I only made everything worse. The wedding… it’s all happening so fast.”
Seonghwa’s gaze was steady. “You’ve always been good at taking charge and leading the group, but this is different. This is about your personal life and feelings. You need to make a decision about how to move forward. It’s not just about what happened with Y/N and Jungkook; it’s also about how you handle your own regrets and actions.”
“I know,” Hongjoong said, his voice barely a whisper. “I’ve been thinking about it non-stop. I realize now that I should have been there for Y/N, and now I’m paying the price for it. I don’t know if I can fix it, but I want to try.”
Seonghwa nodded, taking a sip of his coffee. “It’s good that you’re recognizing that. But remember, you can’t change the past. All you can do is try to make things right moving forward. If you want to reach out to Y/N, if you want to make amends, you need to be prepared for whatever comes next.”
Hongjoong’s heart ached at the thought. He wanted to reach out, but he was scared of how you might react—or if it was already too late. The idea of you being with Jungkook, even if it was for the public, was a heavy burden to bear. And the thought of confronting it made him feel vulnerable in ways he hadn’t anticipated.
“I just don’t know where to start,” Hongjoong admitted. “It feels like everything is out of control.”
Seonghwa’s voice was calm but firm. “Start by being honest with yourself. Then, if you’re ready, be honest with Y/N. Apologize, explain your feelings, and see if there’s a way forward. It won’t be easy, and it might not work out the way you hope. But at least you’ll know you tried.”
Hongjoong looked up, meeting Seonghwa’s eyes. “Thank you. I needed to hear that.”
Seonghwa gave him a reassuring smile. “You’re welcome. And remember, whatever happens, we’re here for you. You don’t have to go through this alone.”
As they finished their coffee and prepared to leave, Hongjoong felt a glimmer of hope amidst his regret. The conversation with Seonghwa hadn’t resolved everything, but it had given him a clearer path forward. He knew that confronting his feelings and trying to make amends with you was the only way to find some closure.
He left the café with a renewed sense of purpose, ready to face the difficult conversations and the possibility of a future that might still hold a chance for reconciliation.
The day had come. Hongjoong sat in his dimly lit apartment, the late afternoon sun casting long shadows across the room. Every ticking second on the clock seemed to intensify the anxiety coiling in his chest. He had spent weeks grappling with the weight of regret and the impact of his decision to step back. Today, he was finally going to confront the tangled mess of his emotions and the consequences of their actions.
His phone buzzed, jolting him from his thoughts. He glanced at the screen to see a message from you: “Can I come over? I need to talk.”
Hongjoong’s heart pounded. Is this it? he wondered. Is this the moment everything changes? He quickly typed a reply: “Of course. Anytime.” He took a deep breath, steeling himself for the conversation that was about to unfold.
When the doorbell rang, Hongjoong’s breath hitched. He stood up, his legs feeling like lead, and walked to the door. He opened it to find you standing there, looking weary and emotionally drained. Your eyes were red-rimmed, and the weight of your exhaustion was visible in every line of your face.
“Hey,” Hongjoong said softly, trying to keep his voice steady. “Come in.”
You nodded, stepping inside with a sigh. “Thanks.” The fatigue in your voice was palpable. “I’m so tired, Hongjoong. This whole pretending to be happy, this fake engagement with Jungkook… it’s draining me.”
Hongjoong guided you to the living room, his heart aching at the sight of you struggling. “I can’t imagine how hard this must be for you,” he said, sitting beside you on the couch. “I’m really sorry for everything. I should have been there for you, not walking away when you needed me most.”
You sat down next to him, your shoulders slumped as you tried to hold back tears. “It’s not just about you leaving. It’s the entire situation. I never wanted any of this. I didn’t want to be part of this charade. I just wanted us to be together, without all the lies.”
Hongjoong reached out, gently taking your hand. “I know. I know now how much I hurt you by stepping away. I thought I was protecting myself, but all I did was push you further into a situation that was never fair to you.”
You looked up at him, your eyes brimming with tears. “I needed you to understand that I wasn’t just a part of this public display. I was struggling too, and I needed your support. But instead, I felt like I was fighting this battle alone.”
Hongjoong’s heart clenched as he listened to you. The pain in your voice was a stark reminder of how far apart you had grown. He took a deep breath, his thoughts racing. How could I have been so blind? How did I not see that I was making things worse instead of better?
He gently cupped your face in his hands, his thumb brushing away a tear that had escaped. “I’m sorry. I should have fought for us, not let my fears drive me away. Seeing you with Jungkook, even if it’s just for show, made me realize how much I’ve lost.”
You leaned into his touch, the warmth of his hands comforting you. “I don’t want this fake life anymore. I want to be with you, Hongjoong. Even if it means facing the world’s judgment, I’d rather face it with you by my side.”
Hongjoong’s heart swelled with a mixture of relief and resolve. He leaned in, his forehead resting against yours. “We’ll get through this,” he promised, his voice full of conviction. “We’ll face whatever comes our way together. I’m not going anywhere.”
The room seemed to close in around you, the noise of the outside world fading into the background. Hongjoong’s gaze was steady, and for the first time in weeks, you felt a sense of clarity and calm. The enormity of your situation still loomed, but in this moment, all that mattered was the truth you both shared.
Hongjoong’s lips brushed against yours, a gentle, tentative kiss that spoke of all the unspoken words and emotions between you. It was a kiss full of apology and longing, a promise of a future where you both could be true to yourselves. Your lips moved together in a rhythm of mutual understanding, a silent vow to confront whatever lay ahead.
When you pulled back, your eyes met his, and you saw the sincerity in his gaze. “We’ll keep up the public act,” Hongjoong said, his voice steady. “We’ll do what we need to do for now. But behind closed doors, we’ll be honest with each other. We’ll find our own moments of truth and love.”
You nodded, a small smile forming on your lips. “Yes. It won’t be easy, and there will be sacrifices. But I’m willing to make them if it means being with you.”
Hongjoong held you close, his arms wrapped around you protectively. “We’ll figure this out, one step at a time. We’ve been through so much already. This is just another challenge we’ll face together.”
As you both sat together, wrapped in each other’s embrace, the weight of the world seemed to lift, if only slightly. You knew that the path ahead would be fraught with difficulties, but you also knew that you were no longer facing them alone. The world might continue to judge and speculate, but the bond you shared was real, and that was what mattered most.
In the quiet of the apartment, away from the prying eyes of the public and the pressure of the industry, you found solace in each other’s presence. It was a bittersweet reality, but it was one you were both willing to navigate. The love you held for one another was a precious truth, and as long as you could cherish it in secret, you were prepared to face whatever came your way.
With a renewed sense of commitment, Hongjoong and you embraced the challenge of balancing the public façade with your private truth. As you both held each other close, you knew that no matter how difficult the journey ahead might be, you would face it together, bound by a love that was strong enough to endure even the harshest scrutiny.
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beansprean · 1 year
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Destiel who? Lmao
My Familiar’s Ghost part 33
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: 1a. Close up on Nandor as he leans forward to stand from his seat, staring up wide-eyed and edging on panic. He starts, “Guille-“ 1b. Reverse shot of ghost Guillermo, blue light and black wraith scraps beginning to swirl in little whirlpools around him as his composure breaks. His eyes are wide and wet, and tears begin dripping down his cheeks. He shouts, sobbing, “Please! Please find vampire me! Please don’t give up on him!”
2a. A vision of vampire Guillermo from behind, standing in the same striped dress shirt he died in, sleeves rolled up and left side soaked in blood. He is lit in red, juxtaposing the blue overlay of the rest of the scene and continuously raining background. Ghost Guillermo continues, “I know he wants to see you. I can feel it.” 2b. Close up of Nandor, now standing, his left hand hovering in front of his chest as if u sure whether to reach out or wave goodbye. His expression is pained and confused. He replies, “I…okay. I promise.” 2c. Reverse shot of Guillermo, tears still overflowing as he closes his eyes and sighs in relief, a small smile curling his lips. He says, “Thank you, Master…” 2d. Zoom into larger close ups of both men, overlapping. Guillermo’s light is growing, swirling more dramatically and filling the background. Guillermo opens his eyes, filled with love, sorrow, and fresh tears as more continue to drip down his face. He smiles through it all and corrects the way he addressed his friend, “…Nandor. For everything.” Nandor stares at him, anguished and mute, jaw bobbing uselessly as a single tear begins to swell in his eye. With an air of finality, Guillermo says “Goodbye.”
3a. Repeat of Guillermo’s close up. He tips his head back, eyes closing and smile fading to a faint, peaceful curl. His ghostly light swells, brightens, and starts to cover him as if preparing to fade him away. 3b. Shot of Nandor in profile on a background of white and green action lines, bursting into the frame as blind panic takes over. “Guillermo!” he shouts, throwing himself forward, eyes wide and fangs bared. “Wait!” 3c. A cluster of overlapping quadrilateral panels, action line background inverting to black and pink every other layer. Close up of Nandor’s left arm reaching out desperately, breaking through the cloud of blue ghostly light as it shoots toward Guillermo. He begs, “Don’t leave me!” /end ID
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