#and as such have had a Just Fine experience
I absolutely love an interesting shower. Innovative ways to bathe are high on my list of interests and one of the cool parts about Airbnb’s as opposed to regular hotels is nonstandard bathing areas.
Some of my most cherished memories from Taiwan are just the showers, one of which was a rainfall shower that was the entire bathroom. Another was a massive personal granite tub in our hotel room that filled with hot spring water.
So one year for my beloveds birthday I decided to take them to these caves several hours away. I needed to book a place to stay and found a really fascinating Airbnb that honestly was like the What We Do in the Shadows house. It had a creaky vaguely haunted air while being somehow charming, but the reason I booked it was the bathroom.
Half the room was a shower. It was fully tiled, with six or seven shower heads, no curtain, and so many knobs. I looked at that photo and imagined laying under a stream of several different jets of hot water at once and hit book immediately.
We arrived after a long drive, and explored the very strange attic like room I’d booked us. It was extremely eccentric but I hustled my beloved into the bathroom with a flourish. It was only then I realized the bathroom didn’t have a door it was more like… a shower stall set into a separate alcove.
But that was fine! We stripped in the chilly air and went to turn on the shower. The first knob created a trickle from a showerhead several feet away. That’s when we started to realize this might not go well. Through experimentation we were able to ascertain a few key facts: regardless of which knob we touched there simply wasn’t enough water pressure to get a solid stream out of any of the showerheads, the open air was in fact quite drafty as there was no door or curtain to protect us, and there was no place nearby to even keep our towels.
We had a weird and furtive shower under a trickle of hot water trying to keep the drafts off each other and laughing at the sheer absurdity of the setup. It wasn’t the sultry experience I had expected but I still remember it fondly.
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msfantasy-anime · 2 days
That’s my Wife you Jerk!
Monkey D. Luffy x Reader
Summary: Luffy rescues his wife from the Big Mom pirates
Warning: based on whole cake island arch. Do not proceed if you do not want spoilers.
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Now looking back, you could kick yourself silly for not taking Luffy up on his offer to join his crew when you had the chance.
In your fears of being chased and caught by the marines, you denied your a chance for adventure with the Straw Hat pirates.
It was so fun being with them that night. Why did you refuse Luffy’s offer?
Now you get to bask in your regret after having been chased and caught by the Big Mom pirates.
Standing before the pirate emperor, you wished you hadn’t gone aboard the merchants ship, when instead, you could’ve been on the thousand sunny, sipping cocktails and sunbathing on the deck grass.
A long fight later, and the merchants ship crew are long dead, and your fate remains at the mercy of Big Mom who took a keen interest in your strength.
“Ma-ma-ma-ma! You’re quite an interesting find! You must be the strongest Haki user I’ve ever seen, and by my experience, that’s definitely saying something. I think I’ll spare you.” Big Mom announces making you feel grateful at the prospects at your survival “You’ll be quite a fine addition to my family.” The feeling of relief is quickly fleeting, spiralling to defeat.
Once you’re married in, there is no escaping Big Mom.
“I’m already married.” You say, hoping to any god listening that Big Mom will spare your life and not force you to marry someone from her hoard.
“I’m well aware Monkey. Y/n.” Big Mom waives your excuse. “I think you would suit my son Katakuri just fine. Two strong Haki users are bound to heir a strong Haki protege.”
“Hell no! Listen here lady. I’m not marrying anyone! I’ve already got a husband, and that’s how it’s staying!” You challenge. Fears be damned, if you’re loosing your freedom, then it’s not a life worth living for.
“What makes you think you’ve got a choice girl?!” Big Moms voice seeps with venom. “You’d seriously rather die? What kind of idiot are you?”
“There’s no life if there is no freedom!” Your yell back, voice booming across the room with determination.
“Don’t you throw out your conquerors Haki to me you little brat! Listen here girl, that rubber idiot is on his way to my Island to take back his crew mate Sanji.” Your eyes bulge at the news. “Yes, that’s right. Vinsmoke Sanji is here marrying my daughter. Marry my son with no fuss and I won’t squash Straw hat.” You stare up unbothered at her threat. “Mark my words. If you become difficult, I’ll make sure Sanji has a hard and unhappy life.” Big Mom grins at your crumbling resolve.
You thought of Luffy and all of your past adventures together, and many more adventures ahead. That’s all you needed to reinvigorate your resolve. “Shove it hag! Sanji is a big boy, I’ll remind him where he belongs!” Big Moms vein pops from her forehead. “I’m not gonna marry your son and I’m not gonna join your stupid crew, because I already have a Captain! And my husband- he’s going to be king of the pirates!” You yell with all your might, making sure everyone felt the authenticity of your claim.
“Marriage or Death?!” Big Moms voice booms. But not a moment sooner, Luffy blasts through the wall, his hand impossibly inflated.
“That’s my wife you Jerk!” And with all his might, Luffy’s fist comes smashing down.
Dust fills the air, blinding you. Hearing the familiar echos of Luffy’s sandals, you begin to speak out. “Luffy! Take me home to the Thousand Sunny!” You demand, your wobbling lip coming to a stand still at Luffy’s maddening grin.
“Took ya long enough. Comm’on, the crews waitin’ for you.”
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Batboy admits the Truth
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(Remember when this was cute and fun)
It was a tense reunion. Batman sensed it and left Nightwing to handle it.
Nightwing was of course not happy. He was downright pissed actually.
"Danny Nightingale-Grayson! Running away again?! After last time?!" Dick was about to go on a long lecture when Danny interrupted.
"I'm sorry."
"You should be sorry! I was so worried!" Dick scowled as he tried to calm down.
"I know. I was just scared. You deserve an answer. A good one. I've never had to explain all of this so please just listen." Danny hoped that this was a good idea.
Dick huffed but this was the start that he wanted.
"I'm dead. Undead at least." Danny began.
"What do you mean? Like a zombie or…like Jason?" Dick asked.
"I don't really know. Jason is like me but I'm not like him. I'm more dead than him I guess." Danny didn't know how to nail that down, revenants are their own things. Several rungs down from where Danny was.
"And how did that happen?" Dick asked gently.
"It was an accident. I was just cleaning my family's lab. The portal wasn't working and I just wanted to take a look. I thought if it finally worked they would spend more time with us. But it turned on with me in it. I didn't learn until recently that a portal to the other side required a sacrifice and that was me. I made for a perfect sacrifice at that, children make for best ones." Danny tried to make a joke but it fell flat.
Dick saw stunned into silence. All this time…Danny you-" Dick was appalled that the same people who hated him for who he was were the same people whose negligence that caused him to be this way.
"Its fine though. They didn't mean for this to happen and I should have known better then to mess with the portal." Danny said defensively.
Despite everything he still cared about his parents at least a little bit.
"That is not fine Danny. You aren't fine Danny. They made you feel like you were not human." Dick said exasperated.
Danny shook his head his face contorted.
"Dick…I'm not human." He said simply. It was plain as day "I thought you understood that. I haven't been just human in a long time. When I had wings did you believe I was human?"
"That is not what I meant. You know that. I just-"Dick didn't know what he was doing. "I'm sorry. Continue."
"I got to play hero for a while. It was exhausting but I liked it. I defended the town from all sorts of ghosts. Then i learned why they were running from their home. All the while a monster like me appeared and he…" Dark Danny's memories flooded his mind. He wasn't a ghost or a human in Danny's mind. Monster was the only thought that came to him.
Dan had haunted him since. He would always be a version of Danny that's possible even if the Nasty Burger incident doesn't happen. All it takes is for Danny to suffer another loss. It almost happened again when his parents caught him.
"I learned a lot from that experience. More then that I earned a title that made me important to the other ghosts. They are actually really cool. But when I got home my parents told me that their real son was dead and I was just a ghost in his body. They called me a murderous monster and then they…cut me open." Danny took a deep breath. His throat felt tight as he held back tears. "I…ran. I escaped and lived with the ghosts."
Danny still remembered sobbing into Clockwork's arms while covered in blood.
"I saw a potential future where this happens but I had hoped it would not come to pass." He said holding Danny in his arms.
The problem with ghosts is while they can heal quickly they are damaged by mental pain far more. Danny healed slowly from his wounds and the scars remained.
Clockwork had taught Danny shifting to help improve the boy's mental flexibility and get heal in a better head space. He knew he had to ask Nocturne to take Danny's mind and spare him from further pain when he was kidnapped. Perhaps it was foolish but the event was going to happen regardless.
Dick took in this information as best as he could but it still made him irate. Danny had been through so much but he never let that mask slip until now. He still chose Dick to be his guardian even while he battled his fears of abandonment. Even after being betrayed by people he only wanted to love him.
Dick put a hand on Danny's cheek. The teen looked at him with the pain of a child left all alone. Danny, touched starved, leaned into Dick's hand.
"Danny, I'm so sorry they did that to you. You deserve so much better. I don't care what you are, you're my son." Dick said softly.
Danny's face twisted.
He wasn't fond of that word. Bring someone's son never meant much. No, when he had a sister who filled the role of his caretaker. Danny never needed a mom or dad before so the words felt hollow, like placeholders.
But Danny didn't say anything. He just wanted this internal fight to be over.
"Can we just go home?" Danny sighed.
"Yeah, sure kiddo." Dick reassured, "Do you want to go to Batburger on the way?"
"Yeah, can I get jokerized fries?" Danny immediately perked up at the sound of his favorite fast food.
"I think they don't sell those anymore." Dick tried to sound casual because no one had actually told Danny that the Joker was dead just missing.
Well everyone believed that he was missing. It was best not to tell the public that the one of the Bats actually committed murder. Thankfully no one is going to care if Joker doesn't commit another crime spree and won't ask too many questions. Honestly, Duke and Jason are having a fantastic time.
"Really? Why?" Danny asked tilting his head kind of like a puppy.
"….no idea." He shrugged.
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(Now back to the regularly scheduled fluff, i swear.)
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caraphernellie · 1 day
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   dulcet delights.
your blood spills like a glass of fine wine.
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 ִ⟢𓂋' vampire!ellie williams x fem!reader.
Those ice cold hands ghost over your skin, rousing goosebumps in their wake, and your interest piqued from the moment she had proposed her idea to try something new while feeding. But this doesn't feel at all like a mere experiment, no, she's turned you into a feast—and it couldn't just be a coincidence that one of the many dirty fantasies you've had seems to be coming to fruition tonight, could it?
including... vampire!ellie, fem!reader. SEXUAL CONTENT. absolutely zero plot - straight up porn. messy, depraved, no decency. utter filth. established relationship. mind reading + dirty thoughts, allusions to reader masturbating. dom!ellie, sub!reader. reader wearing pretty panties. bleeding + blood (a lot of it), bite marks/bruises described - not in appearance/colouration, but the feeling of them. masochistic!reader. dacryphilia. biting. fingering (r!receiving), vampirism makes ellie very strong. there is an instance of face slapping. slight overstim. tribbing. reader gets very lightheaded and tired but still present and in clear mind. a little bit of aftercare. pet names used: good girl, baby, babe.
⟢ 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐑 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑, you know i love me some vampires. i don't participate in kinktober because i don't have that kind of motivation + i'm picky with some of the prompts but i randomised some prompts to make something 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 for the start of this month. mostly written by candlelight. i honestly don't like this very much, but i'm sure someone will so i'm posting it anyway. beware, 'cuz she'll make you bleed ౨ৎ
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Rain falls from the tenebrous sky outdoors, the perfect soundtrack to the book in your hands and the cosy bed you lie in. You haven't felt the need to get up all night, instead opting for a quiet, pleasant moment to catch up on reading. 
Since Ellie's turning last November, you dropped everything to be able to spend more time with your revenant girlfriend—even if it meant losing daylight to adapt to her newfound lifestyle as a nyctophiliac.
But still, you remain comfortable with the thunderous outpour, finding solace in the constancy of the noise and the safety of your bed. Escapism is necessary to your survival, as it's been difficult to navigate the changes, even now, nearly a year later. You'd turned your life nocturnal so suddenly, your family left to wonder why you and Ellie made the switch with no definitive reasoning. 
What exactly could you tell them..? The last thing you needed was their concern. 
God knows what they'd think if you told them who Ellie had become.
It's quiet nowadays, you and Ellie working nights and sleeping in days. Little time to see family or friends, the closeness you once had with them dwindling. You work from six to eleven o'clock most nights, and there's no chance of companionship in the office—you're treated like an outsider.
Life can feel drab with such little socialisation, but your setup is alright. It's comfortable. You can dream life away, easily ignore the loneliness and get lost in mystery novels instead. 
And that's the thing: mystery and doom has never been something that scared you. It is instead something that fills you with curiosity and interest. It was nothing short of intriguing to you when Ellie turned. It was devastating, and yes, it was a fearful time—but the changes she was going through were mystifying before anything else. 
It was fun to document the development of her fangs and play with mirrors. It was hard to get used to the touch that was once so warmly inviting, but now freezing. 
It was mildly disturbing to see her learn the ways of the undead now that her life had taken a turn.
It is, at times, unnerving when she becomes hungry. Purely animalistic is the way that her eyes glow in the dark of night, verdant and snake-like, dressed behind dense lashes. They anchor onto you, more specifically your neck. You had to laugh when a few weeks after her turning, she began senseless rambles about your pretty neck, how your pulse drums against your chest, wrist, or nape in a sweet rhythm.
She might catch a whiff of something coppery when you suffer any minor injury, and she'll be there in under a minute under the guise that she'd like to kiss your wound all better.
It's startling at times, turning around to find she had stalked you through the house without a sound, all in the name of requesting a feed. She follows only to beg for it like a puppy to people-food.
As far as Ellie has ever been concerned, she doesn't need to taste the blood of any other. It would be adultery of the worst kind, a pure betrayal not just to you but to her own interests; your blood is dulcet and delectable, the greatest thing Ellie has had the pleasure to taste in her life. 
Why should she need anyone else? Nothing could make her happier than you. 
Ellie truly has a deep appreciation for you. Everything you have done for her, especially in the past year since her rebirth, has been without hesitation nor the consideration of yourself. Never would she let you go unloved for such a thing. Only a vampire can love you forever, and although her immortality burdens her everyday, she intends to prove that statement true.
There are things she's never told you before, abilities she'd discovered on her own after her turning that she'd decided were better to hide from you, just to preserve your peace of mind. 
It's hardwired in her now—she can become easily overwhelmed just from being able to hear your tender heart beating rooms away. The constant, steady ba-bum, ba-bum. There are urges she gets from the sound of warm, delicious blood pumping around your body. Of course, this is all to be expected, but the extent of it is where the disconcertment lies, unbeknownst to you.
Pangs of hunger hit her like a kick to the stomach, vision zeroed in on the source of feed. Her feet feel inclined to walk her toward you themselves. It's a lucky thing that she tried her best to learn control.
Ellie's biggest kept secret, though, are your own secrets. Who wouldn't toy with the idea of living inside their partner's mind for a day? For a vampire, it's possible, under a specific circumstance. Just like one's resting place, a vampire can only enter under invitation, and each thought bearing her name is exactly that. 
It's advantageous for Ellie. She can hear when you think kindly of her, she knows when you're mad at her—and she can always right her wrongs, make it up to you when she has unintentionally acted like a douche. She somehow always knows just what to say.
She flinches at your curse, found crouched beside the bed and resting her chin against the edge of the mattress. She carries herself so silently. Once uncalculated and clumsy, her movements are now faint, unpredictable. Her presence is so startling, though it's partly your fault for losing track of time. She would have finished work in the last half-hour.
"Tch, sorry." Ellie snorts, reaching out to drag a finger down your wrist, up to the crease of your arm. She lets a delicate sigh fall from her lips, head tilting to the side to study you. "I'm home."
"Yeah, yeah, I can see that." Marking your book, you set it down on the nightstand. Her touch sends a rush through your mellow composure, so cold it's sometimes akin to the prick of a needle. You can see it in her eyes, the amusement she finds in your reaction to all her icy touch. "Hi."
Your hand adjusts a wayward strand of hair clear of her face, a gentle petting she hums for. Her grin is laced in mischief, but it's only the calm before the storm. 
Tonight is for Ellie to execute an elaborate scheme she's been preparing for weeks. 
Initially, when she discovered her ability to see into your mind, she had thought it was cute, if anything deeply flattering, that you thought in such lascivious ways about her. As months went on, it became amusing. 
Mundane moments of your shared life were overshadowed by your thoughts, how they could often be so clouded in lust. She's taken note of it all on plenty of occasions.
With her grip soft on your shoulders, Ellie pushes you against the mattress slowly and crawls onto the bed herself. All your brewing questions burn into Ellie's lips as she kisses you, as if she had known she'd need to hush you.
"C'mon." Her words are whispered against your lips, touch so eager she can't resist interrupting herself to place more and more indiscreet kisses now against your jaw. "Lay down."
"Mmh," you hum, watchful eyes peering down at her as she delves deeper into the crook of your neck. "You want a feed? It's early..."
"Oh, I know," Ellie murmurs, "more than that, babe. Just thought about tryin' something a little different, you know, if you're up for it..."
Her nose teases your neck, nuzzling close to take in your scent. Old bruises bitten into the skin pound with a dull sting when given attention, Ellie's hand joining her to rub over the small marks. She quickly takes notice of your heart beating a tad faster and before you can even say yes, she's laying a kiss on your collarbone and a hand over your breast.
"Mhm, so you're… experimenting?"
"I guess, yeah," Ellie purrs, her tone filled with the remnants of a smile. It's hard to keep said cocksure grin off her face at this point, hand trailing down to cup your mound. She eyes the dark, damp patch that grows beneath her hand, the white fabric mauled by desire. Lounging about in panties and a long-sleeve, so characteristic of you in the long nights in which you seek to be comfortable, yet so tantalising to Ellie. "But we can stop it if you don't like it. You tell me what you think."
There is just one particular fantasy you've had, and it stuck with Ellie the minute she heard your thoughts. She'd been having her routine feed many nights ago when you'd let your thoughts wander elsewhere. An idea of a concupiscent manner arose in the midst of a dreadful, painful situation. 
Feeding has always been an unpleasant process. Teeth breaking skin, your lifeblood sucked out of you and leaving you tired for days. 
What if she could make the pain feel good?
It spurred days of planning. After all, it was coming up to be a year since her turning, how else could Ellie celebrate? Is celebration the right call, even? One year of being dead? The morbid idea doesn't exactly spark joy for most. But it's almost like a new birthday, she can't do nothing at all or she'll run stir crazy. Perhaps this—over-analysing your dirty secrets, putting them to good use against you, would be the drop of much needed rain in the current self-proclaimed desert of her life.
"Think you should settle down," Ellie suggests. Her fingers fiddle with the elastic of your panties, pulling the band taut, only to let go and watch it snap against your skin. "You're in for a long night."
Settle down? You wonder just how long this is going to take—what's so special about this experiment? Knowing Ellie, she doesn't take kindly to the idea of waiting for a feed. It's most certainly interesting to see her transform this into something much bigger of a spectacle than the usual. 
Pert goosebumps rise along your body while knife-like fingers cut into your hips and elicit a shiver down your spine. Ellie's lips trail along your neck as she drags your shirt up your torso, revealing your soft breasts to her.
She rests her head in your caressing palm, her own hands sat over your sides. It's almost nonexistent at first, but then you feel it; wet kisses peppered over the swell of your bust, keen fangs grazing over your skin just enough for you to squirm, yet not enough for it to hurt.
The shaky sigh you give incites Ellie to continue, only this time her act is crueller, and she nips at the soft bud at the centre of your tit. Your hand grips her hair then, nipple growing firm at the attention. And Ellie offers nothing but a chuckle to fill her silence, clearly feeling herself responsible to not lose sight of her plan.
"Ah– Ellie." You gasp, her lips latching onto you. With her tongue rolling your nipple in her mouth, Ellie's eyes lock onto yours with a pleased sparkle in them, her thumbs rubbing your sides ever so gently—the starkest contrast to the way she's currently toying with you.
"What?" Ellie asks in the lowest murmur possible, pulling off for a moment before switching to the other side. A careless shrug of her shoulders accompanies her statement of the same tone. "Barely even doing anything to you yet, babe."
Her hands slide down your waist as she loves on your other tit now, fingers tugging below the waist of your panties. Finally, she has given you something to look forward to, and your hips lift all too eagerly to assist her. Ellie pulls back for a fleeting moment to slip the cotton down your legs and expose your wanton core to her. 
"Aw, look at that…" Ellie coos, hands pulling your thighs apart to take a look. You're glistening beneath the lamp-light, a sight not only so beautiful but so tempting to the vampire. Your heart is beating so fast inside your chest, so much so that for Ellie, your heart is louder than the thunderous weather outside. "What's all this about? Is there something you want, baby?"
"No, what do you want?" Ellie repeats, laughing quietly. The rubbing of her hands on your thighs is only to keep you present, her cold palms jarring enough to keep you from shying away. "Not who."
She knows exactly what you want. If it weren't for the way your thoughts echo in her head, it'd be blindingly obvious from the way your eyes flit to her hands. But being able to know what you want from her is only half the fun. 
It excludes the best part: seeing you shield your gaze out of humiliation, whispering your responses in order to keep everything hush-hush. 
"Your fingers," you mutter, looking at Ellie with your brows knit to the centre of your face. "Seriously, Els, stop tea–"
"You want my fingers?" She questions you now, taking in the puzzled look on your face. Her fingers press against the folds, tips teasingly dipping into your entrance but not quite, only to see it clench and weep. "You want them here? Or maybe here..?" 
Her thumb flicks against your clit almost as though it's a button, each circle her thumb makes around the bud evoking a tiny moan from your lips.
Teasing is where Ellie has always felt she was skilled. She's playful, always a fan of the occasional practical joke here and there, and without a doubt, it shows the most when she's in the bedroom. The reward for it is like no other; you turn into putty, begging her to give it a rest and take things your way for once. And she's certainly committed to giving you what you want tonight, but that won't mean she's going to be any less mean than she feels like being.
"I want–" God, you just can't get a word out, at least not without interrupting yourself with a broken moan every time you try. You swear on your humanity that you aren't that sensitive, but her fingers are so cold. The contrasting temperature of her hand compared to you is startling.
"Hey." She leans closer to you, dark hair falling into her face. She whispers against your neck, and finds it hard to distract herself from it now, knowing what awaits her patient tongue. But she has to remain controlled. "Tell me. Do you want them in here?"
Two slender fingers prod at your entrance again, and you nod. In fact, with little shame in it, you helplessly plead. And so she obliges hastily, slipping the digits in with ease. 
Her calloused fingertips prod at your inner walls, roughly thrusting in and out. Your hand reaches around her wrist, only to be pushed away within seconds. The once silent room is now filled with obscene squelching sounds and moans from your lips, all that accompanied by Ellie's quieter murmurs into your neck.
It should be mentioned that she is not yet biting you, but so meanly sucking your soft skin into her mouth. It can be hard to do so without those large canines pricking you—they get in the way far too often—but Ellie makes an effort just to keep you on edge.
Ellie knows that you're waiting for it, trying to anticipate the bite, and that's not good enough for her. She wants it to come as a total surprise for you. She wants you distracted, embracing the pleasure, only to daze you when you least expect it.
She is usually the spontaneous type, but she's proven herself meticulous when she wants to be.
Plump lips seek the last place she fed from, a small bruise felt in the shape of her teeth right at your pulse point. The thumping of your heart against the very spot leaves Ellie almost tempted to abandon her plan whole, give in to her hunger, but she refrains. Instead she litters harsh kisses over the spot, tongue laving over it desperately.
A loud yelp befalls you as she sucks the very spot, and she chuckles against your skin. "Oh yeah, you like that, baby?"
It should serve as a warning of what's to come later, but you're too far gone to comprehend it. Lost, lost in the speedily building high. Ellie's demeanour changes none, she continues until you can't take it anymore and finally pulls her slicked fingers from your cunt. It seems so final for a second that once you regain your bearings, you question her.
"I thought you were gonna f–"
"Oh, I'm not done, silly girl." Ellie laughs at you softly, pulling her shirt over her head in one fell swoop. She lets you have this mere moment to recuperate, stripping herself fairly quickly. "I'd quit questioning if I were you, and just relax."
She's leaning over you, meeting your lips as gently as she can. She spreads your legs again, wordlessly manoeuvring herself atop your pussy. Bare skin against bare skin, shiny and soaked cores kissing. 
She grunts a short curse, beginning to roll her hips back and forth against you. She's really not sure why she had never thought of this whole feeding-and-fucking thing before you did, but she's wholeheartedly thanking the stars above that she was able to get this idea from you.
"Mmh, Ellie, n- it's so much," you say between breathless moans, unable to muster anything else. That oversensitivity kicks in hard already, with you pawing at Ellie and trying to catch a break.
"Sh-shh, you can take it," Ellie quickly reassures, and she's trying her hardest to keep her composure, but it all goes out the window once you start writhing, pointlessly rambling because you aren't sure if it's too much or if you want more, and now getting handsy. 
At first, she isn't proud of her reaction—bringing her palm down against your cheek, that is, and slapping you hard. "I said, you can fuckin' take it."
Pathetic. The way your voice breaks and lets out a honeyed whine, it's pathetic, but Ellie's conscience feels guilty no longer. She's almost satisfied—and she'd been able to hold back, insisting upon not getting too far ahead of herself here, but she's lost her patience. Her hunger must be sated.
Ellie cages you between her arms, once again finding home in the crook of your neck. This time, she bares her teeth against your throat, finally sinking them in. She's hit with the most addicting flavour on the planet: your blood. A syrupy, warm, and delectably sweet liquid. 
She groans, beginning her feast far too eagerly. She isn't too focused on drinking it yet, still grinding her slippery cunt into yours and nipping all around your neck. Blood spills out of every little bite and trickles down your body. It stings, of course, but the feeling is far away. Underwater.
"You like that?" Ellie asks, voice gritty and yet a little more subdued now. The way that you look, shirt stained wine red and body a quivering mess, is entirely enthralling. Ellie is more than just a little proud of her work here. 
"It hurts."
"That's not what I asked, is it?" Ellie takes your chin in hand, facing you towards her. Shining teardrops streak your cheeks and pill against her hand. Since when were you crying? "Do you like it?"
 "Good girl." The words are forced out of her throat at this point, struggling, because she's so close. It's filthy, watching you get so worked up over being turned into her very own living blood bag. "Good girl, I'm gonna– gonna fuckin' cum, baby, you feel so good."
She holds you still as she rubs herself over you, clit rolling over yours one last time before she snaps. Ellie moves faster as she rides out the high, glowing eyes rolling back. 
You're growing lightheaded, watching Ellie so intently. Her lips are stained with blood, her cheeks beginning to turn a more lifelike tone—one matching in colour to the elixir trickling from your neck.
And she seems to wait a moment. You think it's over. You sit against the headboard and spot the simplest grin on Ellie's face as she begins to lick up the mess on your collarbone.
"Better than a normal, boring feeding, yeah?" She murmurs, once again slithering her hand to feel the sodden spot between your legs. You attempt to close your legs around her, but she laughs, forcing them open.
It feels all too familiar now, her fingers rubbing your puffy clit in circles and tongue slurping up the blood on your body. She doesn't care to take it from the source, letting you bleed all over yourself so she can lap it up.
It seems so similar to a time you felt lost in your head, the girl of your fantasy off at work. You had been forced to resort to nothing but your imagination, rutting into your own hand—you couldn't help thinking about what would happen if Ellie were there to assist. 
You couldn't stop yourself from wondering what she would do if she let her instinct take over. Your mind overran itself with images of her penetrating gaze, face covered in a smattering of the blood she's so obsessed with, watching her play with her food. It would feel so fulfilling to be at her service in this way. And yet, it seems that it's coming to fruition.
"Oh!" You gasp, restlessly moving against her. "Ellie, Ellie, why're you–"
Never usually do more than a few red droplets spill and stain. Tonight, the ivory sheets are covered in them like a splash of paint.
"I'm just trying to make you feel good." Ellie hums lowly, licking a stripe from collarbone to the bite that's now beginning to clot. "It's working, yeah?"
Voice riddled with tremors, all you can do is reply half as loud as she. "Yeah, fuck, yeah."
Ellie's teeth repierce the nick in your throat, and this time she stays close, gulping down mouthfuls of your blood. You writhe less and less, head gaining that floaty, fluttery, dream-like sort of lightness the more that she leeches off of you. 
Days will be spent recharging, resting, and earning back your strength, but that's the price you're willing to pay. Ellie is a great caretaker.
"Close," you whisper, clear enough for Ellie to hear and pepper sweet kisses up to your jaw.
"You're a dirty-minded girl," Ellie murmurs, finally explaining herself. None of this was her own innovation. It was all you. "But so clever, aren't you? Now I don't have to worry about it hurting you when I feed. Isn't that smart, babe?"
You want to ask how she knew, but simultaneously, you don't really care—this experience is so overwhelming. You can barely lift your eyelids to look at Ellie, can barely speak or do anything but nod anymore. But you feel safe. You know you're in reliable hands, the strong-willed woman sure enough to control her darker urges.
The only words to escape you now are breathless murmurs of her name, and at last your body seems to calm itself after a final release of built-up pleasure makes its rounds through you. 
You are given moments to steady your breathing. A wet washcloth wipes the dried blood off of you, and she's soon encouraging a glass of water and a few sugary snacks into your hands. 
The healing process will be the same as it always is—but perhaps she might have to give you a little more grace this time round.
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elikajinnie · 1 day
Was I Just A Bet? - P.J
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P: Gryffindor!Jay X Fem!Reader
Warnings: Angst, Misunderstandings, Hurt/Comfort, Feelings Realization.
Synopsis: At Hogwarts, you built a reputation for rejecting every romantic advance. Jay, a popular Gryffindor, asks you out on a dare.
Ever since you were a child, you watched people fall in love—the way their eyes lit up around each other, the way they cared deeply, selflessly, doing anything to make the other happy. It was something you had always longed to feel for yourself. You wanted to experience love, to be someone's first thought in the morning and last before they drifted off to sleep. But as you grew older, no one ever stirred that feeling in you. You waited, hoped, but there was never anyone who made you feel truly seen, let alone loved. And with each passing year, the frustration built.
Eventually, you had enough.
You decided to renounce love, at least from any guy. "It’ll be better this way," you told yourself, over and over again, a mantra each time you passed a couple in the streets or saw friends paired off, hand in hand. Love wasn’t for you, and that was fine. There were other things to focus on, more important things.
Then, the day your Hogwarts acceptance letter arrived, you had allowed yourself to hope. Maybe here, in this world of magic, you could find your place. You could study, make a few friends, and graduate without the complications of love, without boys breaking your heart. It seemed like a simple enough plan.
But life had other plans for you.
During your first few years at Hogwarts, you built yourself a reputation without even meaning to. Word spread quickly that you were untouchable when it came to romance. Your focus was on magic, your friends, and your studies—nothing else. You rejected every boy who tried to ask you out, and there were more than a few. Some asked you shyly, others with confidence, but your answer was always the same.
“No, I’m not interested.”
At first, your friends teased you about it, telling you to loosen up, to have some fun. But they didn’t understand. You weren’t interested in getting hurt, in wasting time on something that, in your eyes, had become trivial. You had seen enough of your classmates go through the highs and lows of relationships, and none of it appealed to you.
The rejections continued throughout your years. Some boys were persistent, believing they could be the one to change your mind.
They weren’t. Over time, people began to accept it. The offers stopped coming, and with them, the whispers about who might try next.
Your reputation solidified. You were the girl who didn’t date. The girl who couldn’t be won over. To some, that made you a mystery, an unattainable challenge. To others, it made you intimidating. Either way, it didn’t bother you. In fact, it gave you the freedom you’d always wanted. No more awkward conversations, no more rejecting people’s advances. You could focus on what really mattered: honing your magic, learning every spell and potion with a precision that set you apart.
But even as the castle echoed with rumors of your romantic disinterest, you couldn’t escape the moments that gnawed at the edges of your resolve. The fleeting glances in the Great Hall, the flutter in your chest when someone smiled at you just the right way—moments you forced yourself to bury.
By fifth year, no one bothered asking you out anymore.
And yet, despite the peace that should have brought, you couldn’t shake the feeling that something was missing. That even though you’d built this wall around yourself, there was a part of you that wondered what it would be like to let someone in.
It crept in late at night when the castle was quiet, and the fire in the common room flickered softly in the hearth. You’d sit by the window, watching the stars, your friends laughing in the background, and you’d wonder. Wonder what it would feel like to hold someone’s hand, to have someone look at you like you were their whole world, to be vulnerable with someone and not feel like you were losing control.
You always pushed the thoughts away, focusing on your studies or your friends, but the feeling lingered like a shadow. The life you'd crafted for yourself was solid, predictable, but there were cracks. You could feel them. And with every passing day, that nagging voice in the back of your mind grew louder, asking the same question over and over again:
What if you were wrong?
You were sitting in the Great Hall, laughing with your friends about something silly that happened in class earlier. The chatter of students filled the air, the clinking of cutlery and the low hum of conversation creating the familiar buzz of Hogwarts. You were completely unaware of the conversation taking place just a few seats down, a group of Gryffindor boys exchanging glances in hushed tones.
"I don't know what to do anymore, man. She won't go out with me," one of them, named Lucas, muttered in frustration, poking at his plate. His friends looked at him with a mix of amusement and pity.
"Maybe she just ain't interested," another, Kieran, said with a shrug, clearly stating the obvious.
"Nah, that's impossible. Who wouldn’t date me?" Lucas scoffed, running a hand through his hair like he was trying to convince himself more than anyone else.
"Many people," a quieter voice added dryly, smirking. "Like her." He discreetly pointed in your direction.
You were oblivious, too caught up in the banter with your friends, smiling as you dipped a piece of toast into your soup. But the boys had their attention on you now, casting brief glances toward your end of the table.
“Bet she’ll date by the end of this year,” Kieran said suddenly, breaking the tension.
The others turned to him, eyebrows raised in surprise. “What?”
“I’m just saying," he continued. "No one stays single forever. Bet someone could get her to go out by the end of this year."
A third boy, Jungwon, shook his head firmly. “Guys, no. We’re not doing anything stupid. You know what they say about messing with people like that.”
"Yeah, don't be thick. We’re not pulling some sort of prank on her,” Kieran replied saracastically, though his eyes glimmered with a hint of mischief.
But Lucas, still stuck on his own bruised ego, leaned back in his seat and raised an eyebrow. “Okay, but let’s be real. Which of us would she even accept?”
There was a pause, and the group collectively turned thoughtful. No one spoke for a beat, as if they were sizing each other up. Then one of them muttered under his breath, almost as if he didn’t mean for anyone to hear: “Jay?”
All of their heads turned in unison to look at Jay, a quiet but undeniably popular Gryffindor, who was currently sitting across from them, completely absorbed in his meal. He had been oblivious to their entire conversation, minding his own business as he ate.
Jay had always been different from the others. Where the rest were loud and reckless, he was calm and thoughtful, the kind of person who didn’t seek attention but always managed to get it anyway. His sharp features and easy smile didn’t hurt either, making him someone who easily caught people’s eye, whether they wanted to admit it or not.
Kieran nudged Lucas. “You think he’d have a chance?”
“Maybe,” Lucas said, leaning forward. “He’s the only one who hasn’t tried.”
Jungwon rolled his eyes. “Because Jay isn’t stupid. He’s not going to go along with this.”
Before any of them could say more, Jay finally noticed the attention. He looked up from his plate, fork still in hand. “What?” he asked, sounding more curious than annoyed.
The others exchanged glances, unsure how to even start explaining what they had been discussing. Kieran, never one to shy away from a challenge, decided to go for it.
“We were just… talking about how you’re probably the only one who could get her to go out with someone,” he said, jerking his head toward your end of the table.
Jay followed the gesture, his eyes landing on you for the briefest moment before flicking back to his friends. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” he said flatly, turning back to his food.
Lucas leaned in, lowering his voice. “No, seriously. She’s turned down everyone. But you’re different. I bet you could—”
“Stop right there,” Jay interrupted, his tone now clearly annoyed. He put down his fork, his usually calm expression replaced with a frown. “You guys need to stop treating her like some kind of prize to be won. She’s not interested, end of story.”
The group fell silent, awkwardness settling between them. Even Jungwon seemed to agree with Jay’s sentiment, nodding slightly.
But Kieran, never one to back down easily, leaned back in his chair, smirking slightly. “What if she was interested in you though? Would you give it a shot?”
Jay hesitated for the briefest moment, his eyes flicking back to you once more. But instead of answering, he grabbed his bag and stood up. “I’ve got better things to do than play these kinds of games,” he said, and with that, he walked away, leaving his friends to stew in their own thoughts.
Unbeknownst to you, a ripple of tension had settled between the boys. But Jay’s words stuck with them, even after he’d left.
The boys didn’t let it go.
The next few days, every chance they got, they found a way to bring you up in conversation with Jay. It was subtle at first—side comments, casual jokes—but when Jay continued to ignore them, they ramped it up.
"Come on, Jay, just ask her," Lucas said one afternoon while they were lounging in the common room. He had a tone of desperation in his voice, like this whole thing was his last shot at redeeming his bruised ego.
Jay barely glanced up from the book he was reading. "I told you, I'm not interested. Find someone else to mess with."
"She’s not gonna say yes to any of us," Kieran added, flopping onto the couch across from Jay. "But you? You've got a chance, man."
Jay sighed, snapping the book shut and fixing them with an exasperated look. "I’m not asking her out for you guys. What are you even trying to prove?"
The group exchanged glances. There was a beat of silence before Lucas blurted out, "Okay, fine. We made a bet. Happy now?"
Jay raised an eyebrow, looking unimpressed. "A bet."
"Yeah," Kieran continued. "That someone could get her to go out with them by the end of the year. And look, if you do this, we’ll—" He paused, clearly trying to think of an enticing offer. "We’ll do anything. Name it, and it’s yours."
"Anything?" Jay asked, skeptical.
"Anything," Lucas confirmed quickly, leaning forward. "You want help with Quidditch practice? Done. Extra study notes for exams? You got it. Just name it."
Jay leaned back in his chair, arms crossed, watching them with growing amusement. "And what do you get out of it, besides winning a stupid bet?"
Kieran smirked. "Bragging rights, mostly. And maybe the satisfaction of knowing we finally figured out what she wants."
Lucas nodded. "And we’ll stop bugging you about it."
Jay let out a short laugh. "This is ridiculous. You realize that, right?"
Jungwon, who had been quiet for most of the conversation, finally chimed in. "It’s not like we’re asking you to date her. Just ask her out once, see what happens. You don’t even have to mean it. We just—" He shrugged. "We want to see if she’ll say yes to anyone."
Jay's expression shifted, his initial irritation fading as he considered their offer. There was no denying it—he could get almost anything he wanted out of this. And truthfully, he was curious. He’d never thought about you in that way, but the way the others talked about you, with that mix of fascination and frustration, made him wonder. You were untouchable to them, this mystery they couldn’t figure out. And as much as he hated the idea of using someone to win a bet, part of him was intrigued by the challenge.
"Anything, huh?" Jay repeated, making them all sit up a little straighter.
"Anything," Lucas echoed eagerly.
Jay was quiet for a moment, then finally, with a resigned sigh, he nodded. "Fine. But I’m not doing this for your bet. You guys owe me—big time."
Lucas grinned, slapping Kieran on the back. "Done. Whatever you want, mate."
Jay rolled his eyes, already regretting his decision. He wasn’t one to play games like this, but if getting them off his back meant asking you out once, it couldn’t be that bad, right? He just had to approach you, see what happened, and that would be the end of it. Simple.
But something about it felt anything but simple. You weren’t just some random girl, after all. You were smart, independent, and completely uninterested in dating. You had turned down every guy who had approached you, without even a second thought. And while the others were too focused on their bruised egos to see it, Jay could sense that there was more to your refusal than what met the eye.
As the group dispersed, leaving Jay alone with his thoughts, he found himself wondering—if he did ask you out, how would you respond? Would you see right through him, knowing it wasn’t genuine? Or would you surprise everyone, including him?
One way or another, he was about to find out.
The days following their agreement were relentless. The boys wouldn’t let up, bugging Jay every chance they got about asking you out. Every time they passed him in the hall or caught him during meals, they’d throw out some comment about “the bet” or nudge him about “getting it over with.”
“You haven’t done it yet, right?” Lucas would say, leaning in with that expectant smirk.
“C’mon, it’s not that hard. Just ask her,” Kieran would add, like it was the simplest thing in the world.
Jay did his best to brush them off, but eventually, it became clear that they wouldn’t stop until he went through with it. He wasn’t sure why he was so hesitant. Maybe it was the way they were treating it like a game, or maybe it was because you were different from the others they’d approached before. But either way, Jay knew he had to get it over with.
Then, one afternoon, the golden moment came. You were sitting by yourself in the courtyard, your bag leaning against the stone wall as you flipped through a book, your focus entirely on whatever you were reading. Jay, spotting his chance, took a deep breath and walked toward you, trying to push aside the strange nerves building in his chest. He wasn’t usually nervous around people, least of all girls, but something about this felt different. Maybe it was because he knew you wouldn’t be easily impressed. Maybe it was because, despite his intentions, he was genuinely curious about what you’d say.
As he approached, you looked up, your gaze meeting his. He saw a flicker of surprise cross your face, probably because you weren’t used to him talking to you. For a brief moment, Jay hesitated, but then he forced himself to speak.
“Hey,” he said casually, shoving his hands into his pockets.
You raised an eyebrow. “Hey.”
He could feel the weight of your stare, sizing him up in that same quiet, thoughtful way you always had. Jay wasn’t like the others who had come to you with grand gestures or awkward flattery. He didn’t try to impress you with rehearsed lines. Instead, he simply looked at you and said, “I know this is probably not your thing, but I was wondering if you’d want to go out sometime. Just… I don’t know, grab a butterbeer or something?”
For a moment, you didn’t respond. You just looked at him, your gaze steady, but Jay could tell you were actually thinking about it. You didn’t reject him immediately like you had with the others. There was something in the way your eyes flickered over him—taking in his composed, relaxed posture, the sincerity in his voice. It caught you off guard, maybe because he hadn’t come across as desperate or pushy. He was just… asking.
But eventually, after what felt like an eternity, you shook your head softly, a small, almost apologetic smile on your lips. “Sorry, Jay. I don’t really do the whole dating thing.”
Jay wasn’t surprised, but something in the way you said it made him feel like it wasn’t as easy for you to reject him as it had been with the others. There was a pause, and then you added, “But… thanks for asking.”
He shrugged, offering a half-smile. “No worries. Figured I’d give it a shot.”
And with that, he walked away, no drama, no hard feelings. He didn’t seem upset, just accepting. But as he left, you found yourself watching him go, your thoughts lingering on him longer than you expected. Jay was different from the others. He hadn’t made you feel pressured or uncomfortable. And while you had rejected him, part of you wondered if it might have been a mistake. You watched him until he disappeared from sight, a thoughtful look crossing your face.
When Jay finally returned to his friends, Lucas and Kieran were waiting, their eyes lighting up with anticipation. “Well?” Lucas asked, leaning forward. “How’d it go?”
Jay shrugged, sitting down on the bench beside them. “She said no.”
“That’s it?” Kieran frowned, like he couldn’t believe it was that simple. “You just walked away?”
“What else was I supposed to do?” Jay shot back, his voice calm but firm. “I asked, she answered. End of story.”
But his friends weren’t satisfied with that. Over the next few days, they kept at him, pushing him to try again. “Come on, Jay. You can’t just give up like that,” Lucas would say. “You’ve gotta try harder. She didn’t outright reject you, right? There’s a chance.”
Kieran would join in too, nudging Jay with a grin. “Maybe she’s just playing hard to get. One more try, and I bet she’ll say yes.”
Jay, however, had had enough. He shook his head every time, rejecting their ideas. “I did what I promised,” he said firmly. “I’m not doing it again. It’s done.”
But something had changed. Even though Jay refused to entertain their pestering, he couldn’t help but keep an eye on you more than before. He didn’t know why, but he found himself watching you when you were in the common room or when you passed by in the halls. He wasn’t interested in winning any stupid bet anymore, but there was something about you that had stuck with him.
You were different from what he had expected—stronger, more thoughtful. And now, every time he saw you, he couldn’t help but wonder what was really going on behind those quiet, steady eyes.
It happened so quickly that you barely had time to process it. One minute you were walking down the corridor, minding your own business, and the next thing you knew, a strong gust of wind rushed behind you, practically shoving you into an empty classroom. The door slammed shut behind you with an unsettling finality.
You spun around, eyes wide, reaching for the handle, only to find it locked tight. Panic briefly flared in your chest, and you tried again, jiggling the handle harder this time. It wouldn’t budge.
“Great,” you muttered under your breath, giving the door one last shove before finally stepping back. That was when you noticed you weren’t alone.
Jay stood at the other end of the room, frozen in place, staring at you with wide eyes. He looked just as surprised as you were, a book in his hand and several parchment scrolls spread out across a desk near him. It was clear he hadn’t expected this any more than you had.
“What are you doing here?” you asked, still trying to wrap your head around the situation.
“I—uh—was just helping Professor Flitwick with some charms work,” Jay stammered, glancing around the room as if trying to figure out how you’d both ended up in this position. His brows furrowed, and he took a few cautious steps toward the door. “Did someone lock us in?”
You crossed your arms, sighing. “It feels like it.”
Jay tried the door, tugging at the handle with just as much frustration as you had, but it didn’t budge. After a minute, he gave up, turning to look at you with a resigned expression. “I guess we’re stuck.”
There was a beat of silence as the reality of the situation set in. There was no getting out anytime soon, and the room was completely empty except for the two of you. With a sigh, you walked over to one of the desks and sat down, resting your arms on the surface. Jay hesitated for a moment before following suit, taking the seat across from you.
For a while, neither of you spoke. The room was filled with silence, punctuated only by the faint sounds of the castle’s distant creaks and murmurs. Jay shifted awkwardly in his seat, glancing at you occasionally, while you stared at the desk, trying to figure out how to handle this.
Then, after what felt like forever, Jay cleared his throat. “So… this is awkward.”
You snorted despite yourself, glancing up at him. “Yeah, you could say that.”
There was a brief pause, and then Jay spoke again, more softly this time. “Look, I didn’t ask for this, and I’m guessing you didn’t either. But since we’re stuck here… maybe we could just talk?”
You raised an eyebrow, unsure whether to humor him. But something in Jay’s expression—his genuine attempt to break the tension—made you decide to give it a shot. After all, it wasn’t like you had anything better to do.
“Alright,” you said, leaning back in your chair. “What do you want to talk about?”
Jay smiled, relieved, and for the first time since you’d met him, you saw a spark of warmth behind his usual laid-back demeanor. “Honestly, anything. You know, I don’t think we’ve ever actually talked before. Like, really talked.”
You shrugged, giving him a slight smile. “Not much of a talker, I guess.”
Jay chuckled, nodding. “Fair enough. But I’m curious. You’re always so put together, like nothing rattles you. How do you manage that? Doesn’t anything ever get to you?”
You blinked, surprised by the question. No one had ever really asked you that before. And certainly not with the kind of sincerity Jay was showing now. For a moment, you considered giving a vague, dismissive answer, but something about the quiet intimacy of the room made you feel like it was okay to let your guard down, just a little.
“I guess… I’ve learned not to let things get to me,” you said slowly. “People expect a lot, you know? So, I just stopped caring what they thought.”
Jay nodded thoughtfully, leaning his elbows on the desk as he listened. “That makes sense. But it’s gotta be exhausting sometimes, right? Keeping that wall up.”
You hesitated, glancing down at your hands. “Yeah… sometimes.”
You were quiet for a while after that, but the tension had eased. Jay wasn’t trying to pry, and you appreciated that. The conversation shifted into lighter topics, and soon enough, you found yourself laughing at one of Jay’s stories about a disastrous Quidditch practice that had gone hilariously wrong. It was easy, natural. He wasn’t trying to impress you; he was just… being himself. And you realized, much to your surprise, that you actually enjoyed talking to him.
The laughter died down, leaving a comfortable silence in its wake. Jay leaned back in his chair, a soft smile still lingering on his lips. And then, without warning, he looked at you with a seriousness that hadn’t been there before.
“You know, I wasn’t going to bring this up again,” Jay began, his voice quiet, “but since we’re stuck here, and you don’t seem to hate me…” He trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly before meeting your eyes. “What if I asked you out again? For real this time. No bets, no pressure. Just… a date. What would you say?”
You could feel your heart racing in your chest as you considered his offer. Part of you wanted to retreat, to protect yourself like you always had. But another part—the part that had been curious about Jay ever since that first conversation—was tired of being so guarded.
So, after a long moment, you took a deep breath and did something you hadn’t done in years.
You smiled at him, genuinely, and nodded. “Okay. I’ll go on a date with you.”
Jay blinked in surprise, as if he hadn’t expected you to say yes, but then his expression softened into a warm, almost disbelieving smile. “Really?”
“Really,” you confirmed, feeling a strange mix of excitement and nervousness.
And just like that, for the first time since you were a child, you allowed yourself to step out from behind the walls you’d built. You didn’t know what would come next, but for the first time in a long time, you were ready to find out.
The conversation between you and Jay eventually faded into a comfortable silence, but the reality of your situation remained—you were still locked in the classroom. That is, until Jay suddenly sat up straight.
"Wait," he said, his face lighting up with realization, "I have my wand."
You blinked at him, momentarily stunned by how obvious the solution was. "You’ve had it this whole time?"
Jay rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, pulling his wand out of his pocket. "Yeah… sorry about that."
With a flick of his wrist and a muttered charm, the door clicked open. You stood up, crossing the room toward the door, but something caught your eye near the floor—your own wand, lying forgotten. You must have dropped it when you’d been shoved into the classroom. Picking it up, you felt a wave of relief wash over you.
“Nice work,” you said, flashing Jay a teasing grin as you stepped into the corridor. The castle was quiet now, most students in their common rooms or already asleep.
Jay walked out after you, looking a little embarrassed but smiling nonetheless. “I’ll do better next time.”
You raised an eyebrow at him. “Next time?”
Jay’s eyes widened, but he quickly recovered. “I mean… for the date. If that still stands.”
You found yourself smiling again, that rare, genuine smile you hadn’t used much in recent years. “Yeah, it still stands. We’re still on for butterbeer.”
Jay grinned, and for a moment, he looked more relieved than anything. “How about next weekend? Hogsmeade?”
You nodded. “Sounds good. The Three Broomsticks?”
“Yeah, perfect,” Jay said, his smile growing wider.
There was a brief pause as you both stood there, not quite knowing how to end the conversation, but eventually, you gave him a small wave. “See you then.”
“See you,” Jay replied, his voice carrying a hint of excitement as he turned and walked down the corridor, disappearing around the corner.
When Jay finally found his friends, they were sprawled out in the common room, looking like they were waiting for him. As soon as he stepped in, they all jumped up, expectant looks on their faces.
“Well?” Kieran asked, barely able to contain his excitement. “What happened?”
Jay leaned against the wall, a small, satisfied smirk on his face. “She said yes.”
The room erupted into chaos. Lucas threw his arms up in victory, and Kieran did a little celebratory dance. Jungwon clapped him on the back, grinning like mad.
“I knew it!” Kieran shouted. “I knew she’d say yes eventually!”
“Best day ever!” Lucas added, punching the air. “Jay, you’re a legend!”
Jay rolled his eyes, but there was no denying the grin on his face. Still, he held up a hand to quiet them down. “Alright, alright, keep it down. Let’s not make a big deal out of it.”
Kieran, who was practically bouncing on his feet, looked confused. “Wait, why? This is huge!”
Jay’s expression softened slightly. “I don’t want to mess this up. I don’t want her to think it’s some big joke, alright? So, let’s keep it quiet.”
Lucas and Kieran exchanged glances before nodding. They owed Jay that much—after all, they’d bugged him relentlessly, and he’d finally succeeded.
“Fine, fine,” Kieran agreed, still grinning. “We’ll keep it quiet.”
Jungwon gave Jay a more serious nod of approval. “Good call, man. Don’t worry, we won’t mess it up for you.”
Back in your own dormitory, things went down a little differently.
As soon as you told your friends about the date, they exploded into a frenzy of squealing and excited chatter. You hadn’t even finished the sentence before one of them screamed.
“Wait, you said yes?!” your friend Eliza shrieked, her eyes wide with disbelief.
You nodded, watching as the other girls jumped up from their beds, surrounding you with beaming smiles.
“I can’t believe it!” Hannah exclaimed, clapping her hands together. “We thought you’d never say yes to anyone!”
Another friend, Layla, stared at you in shock. “You rejected Jay the first time, though. What changed?”
You shrugged, feeling a little overwhelmed by their excitement. “I guess… I realized he’s different from the others. He wasn’t just trying to ask me out because of some dare or whatever. He actually seems to care.”
Hannah squealed again, nearly jumping up and down. “This is amazing! You’re going to have so much fun.”
Eliza grabbed your hand, shaking it as if the excitement was too much to contain. “This is huge! You have to tell us everything afterward, okay? Every detail!”
You chuckled softly, feeling a little embarrassed by all the attention. “Yeah, yeah, I’ll tell you. But it’s just a date. No big deal.”
Layla shook her head, still smiling. “Are you kidding? It’s a huge deal! You’ve been saying no to everyone for years. This is… this is a breakthrough!”
The room buzzed with happiness, and while you didn’t say much more, you let them have their moment. They were excited for you, and deep down, you were starting to feel the same.
For the first time in a long time, you had let someone in, and instead of feeling vulnerable, you felt something else—something almost thrilling.
And as your friends squealed and planned outfits for your upcoming date, you couldn’t help but smile to yourself.
Maybe, just maybe, letting someone in wasn’t so bad after all.
The news of your date with Jay spread faster than a wildfire through Hogwarts, much to your dismay. You had hoped it would stay between your close circle of friends and his, but that was clearly wishful thinking. By the time Monday rolled around, whispers followed you down the corridors.
People were talking—about you.
“Did you hear she went out with Jay?”
“She said yes? After rejecting everyone for years?”
“I thought she wasn’t into anyone… Guess Jay must be something special.”
You ignored most of it, focusing on your classes and trying not to let it bother you. It wasn’t like you hadn’t dealt with attention before, but this felt different. Now, instead of just admiring glances or half-hearted attempts to ask you out, people were actually speculating about your private life, and it was unsettling.
It didn’t help that some of the guys you’d turned down in the past were less than pleased to hear about your date with Jay.
One afternoon, as you were making your way to the library, you felt eyes on you again. It was a group of boys, some of whom you had rejected before. They were leaning against the stone walls in the corridor, their voices low but clearly directed at you as you passed by.
“Well, look who it is,” one of them muttered, his tone laced with sarcasm. “Guess she’s not as untouchable as we thought.”
You kept walking, trying to ignore them, but another voice piped up. “Yeah, I thought you weren’t into anyone. What, Jay’s better than us now?”
That made you stop. You turned to face them, your heart pounding in your chest. “It’s not like that,” you started, trying to stay calm. “Jay—he’s just…”
But before you could finish, one of the boys, a Slytherin you’d turned down last year, stepped forward with a sneer. “What’s so special about him, huh? You rejected everyone else, but he gets a free pass?”
You felt a flare of irritation rising in your chest. “This isn’t any of your business,” you said sharply. “I can go out with whoever I want.”
The Slytherin smirked, crossing his arms. “Yeah, we get that, but don’t pretend like you’re above us just because you finally said yes to someone. It’s a bit hypocritical, don’t you think?”
Your stomach twisted with frustration, and you took a step back, wishing more than anything that you hadn’t stopped in the first place. Just as things started to escalate, a familiar voice cut through the tension.
“Is there a problem here?”
You turned to see Jay walking toward you, his expression calm but his eyes sharp as he glanced at the group of boys. The shift in the air was immediate. The guys who had been giving you a hard time suddenly seemed less confident, their smirks fading as Jay approached.
“Jay,” the Slytherin started, his voice faltering slightly, “we were just—”
“You were just what?” Jay interrupted, his tone steady but firm. He stepped closer, standing beside you in a way that felt protective. “Trying to make her feel uncomfortable? Or are you upset because she didn’t say yes to you?”
The boy opened his mouth to retort but quickly closed it, looking flustered. His friends were already backing away, clearly not wanting to get involved now that Jay was there.
“No, man, we were just talking,” another one muttered, shrugging as if the whole thing had been a misunderstanding.
Jay didn’t seem convinced, but he didn’t push it. Instead, he turned to you and gave you a reassuring look. “You alright?”
You nodded, still a little shaken but grateful for his timing. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Good.” Jay looked back at the group of boys, his expression unreadable. “I think we’re done here, don’t you?”
Without another word, the boys scattered, disappearing down the hall without so much as a backward glance. The tension in the air lifted, and you let out a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding.
Jay turned back to you, his demeanor softening. “Sorry about that,” he said quietly. “You okay? I didn’t mean to jump in like that, but it looked like they were giving you a hard time.”
You managed a small smile, feeling a surge of appreciation for him. “No, I’m glad you did. Thanks.”
He gave you a nod, his eyes lingering on you for a moment before he spoke again. “Look, if anyone gives you trouble about us, let me know, alright? I don’t want you to feel like you have to deal with that on your own.”
There was something in his tone—genuine concern, not just for the situation but for you. It made your chest tighten in a way that wasn’t entirely unpleasant. “I will,” you promised. “Thanks, Jay. Really.”
He flashed you a small smile, the kind that made your heart skip just a little. “Anytime.”
With that, Jay walked you to the library, the earlier confrontation already feeling like a distant memory. You couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of comfort in his presence, like maybe—just maybe—letting someone in wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
As you parted ways, you found yourself thinking about how easy it had been to accept his help. You’d spent so long keeping your walls up, but with Jay, things felt different. Natural.
As the weeks passed, the dates with Jay became something you looked forward to—no longer something to be nervous about, but a time to relax and enjoy his company.
Jay had this way of making everything feel effortless. He never pressured you, never pushed for more than you were ready to give. Instead, he created a space where you could simply be yourself, something you hadn’t realized you craved so much.
One chilly afternoon, the two of you found yourselves in the Three Broomsticks again, sharing a butterbeer in your usual corner booth. The fire crackled nearby, casting a warm glow as snowflakes danced outside the windows. Jay was talking about something that had happened in Potions class—a small explosion that left half the class covered in purple goo—and you couldn’t help but laugh at his animated retelling of the chaos.
“Merlin, I wish I’d seen that,” you said between giggles, picturing the scene.
Jay grinned. “It was a disaster. But a hilarious one.” He took a sip of his butterbeer before giving you a thoughtful look. “What about you? Any crazy class stories? You always seem to have things together, though.”
You rolled your eyes playfully. “Oh, trust me, I’ve had my fair share of disasters.” You thought back to a particularly embarrassing Charms mishap during your second year, when your spell went wrong and sent your quill flying across the room, hitting a professor in the face. You told Jay the story, and his laughter echoed through the tavern, making you smile even wider.
It felt so natural, this easy back-and-forth between you. And it wasn’t just laughter. As the days passed, you started to open up about deeper things, the kind of things you had kept buried for years.
One evening, while walking back to the castle from Hogsmeade, the topic turned to your past, to why you had been so guarded for so long. The night was quiet, snow crunching under your boots as you made your way up the path.
Jay looked at you, his expression soft but curious. “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, but… I’ve always wondered. Why didn’t you want to date anyone before?”
You hesitated for a moment, but something about the way he asked—gentle, without any pressure—made it easier to answer. You took a deep breath, watching your breath form little clouds in the cold air. “It wasn’t that I didn’t want to date anyone. I guess… I just didn’t trust it. I’d seen so many people fall in love and get hurt. And I didn’t want to be like that. Vulnerable.”
Jay was quiet for a moment, processing what you’d said. “I get that. But… not everyone gets hurt, you know? I mean, yeah, love can be risky, but it can also be worth it.”
You smiled softly, appreciating his perspective. “I’m starting to see that.”
Jay had never been the type to get too caught up in feelings. He was easygoing, the guy everyone liked because he kept things light. When his friends had first dragged him into the bet, he went along with it more for the fun of watching them scramble than anything else. And yeah, he’d admit it—he enjoyed the perks of having them do favors for him, running around trying to make sure he didn’t give up too easily.
At first, it was simple. Ask you out, get you to say yes, and then maybe after a few dates, he’d call it quits. That was the plan. He didn’t expect to actually like you beyond the challenge. It was all supposed to be a joke, something to laugh about later with his friends.
But then the first date happened. And something shifted.
You weren’t like anyone he’d ever spent time with before. You were sharp, independent, and you didn’t let people in easily. He respected that. At first, he thought you were just closed off, that you had a wall around you because of past experiences. But during that first butterbeer, when you opened up just a little, he saw a glimpse of the real you—someone with layers, someone with a mind full of thoughts and a heart full of untold stories.
And it hit him—he liked you.
It had only been one date, and already, he felt a pang of guilt. He had no idea it would get this far, no idea that this wouldn’t be some simple, fleeting fling. And suddenly, his initial plan—dating you for the sake of a bet—felt like a dirty little secret. He hadn’t expected to care, hadn’t expected to enjoy your company the way he did.
But then came the second date. And the third. And each time, instead of feeling like he was closer to ending things, he found himself wanting more.
By the fourth date, he was all in. The guilt lingered, gnawing at him, but there was no denying it anymore: he was falling for you. Hard.
He started noticing everything about you—the way you smiled when you thought no one was watching, how your eyes sparkled when you talked about something you were passionate about, and the quiet strength you carried with you. Jay wasn’t sure how it had happened, but somewhere along the way, this had stopped being about the bet. It had become real.
One evening, while the two of you sat by the lake, watching the sky turn shades of pink and purple, Jay found himself thinking about all of it. About how wrong it was in the beginning, how his intentions had been shallow. But more than anything, he couldn’t stop thinking about how much he had changed since that first date. He had been pretending to care at first, but now… now he didn’t have to pretend at all.
He wanted to be with you. For real.
Sitting beside you, Jay turned to look at you, his heart heavy with unspoken words. He wasn’t sure how or when he would tell you the truth about how this all started, but he knew one thing for certain: he couldn’t lose you now.
“Hey,” he said softly, breaking the comfortable silence between you. “There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.”
You looked at him, curious. “What is it?”
Jay hesitated, the words catching in his throat. He wanted to confess everything right then, to tell you about the bet, about how it had all started as a game, but also about how real it had become for him. But he couldn’t do it. Not yet.
“Just that… I’m really glad we’re doing this,” he said, his voice sincere.
You smiled at him, a soft, genuine smile that made his chest tighten. “Me too.”
For a while, you both just sat there, side by side, watching the light dance on the water. The quiet seemed to settle in around you, creating a little bubble where it was just the two of you and nothing else mattered.
Then, a sudden cold breeze swept through, causing a shiver to run down your spine. You instinctively pulled your robes tighter around yourself, but it wasn’t enough. Without even thinking, you scooted closer to Jay, drawn to the warmth of his body. Your shoulder brushed against his, and you could feel the heat radiating from him, a contrast to the chill in the air.
Jay glanced over at you, noticing the movement, and a small smile played at the corner of his lips. “Cold?” he asked softly.
You nodded, rubbing your arms to warm yourself up. “A bit,” you admitted with a soft chuckle, trying not to focus too much on how close you were sitting now.
Without a word, Jay lifted his arm and draped it casually around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him. The gesture was natural, as if it had been something he’d wanted to do all along. His warmth enveloped you, and you relaxed against him, letting the tension in your body ease.
“There, better?” he asked, his voice low, almost teasing, but there was a gentleness behind it.
“Yeah, much better,” you replied, leaning into him just a little more. The cold was still there, but it didn’t bother you as much anymore—not with Jay so close, his arm wrapped securely around you.
For a few minutes, the two of you stayed like that, wrapped up in each other’s warmth as the night settled in around you. It felt… right.
You glanced over at him, your gaze meeting his. There was something different in the way he was looking at you tonight—something deeper, more intense.
Neither of you spoke, but slowly, Jay shifted closer, his hand finding yours and lacing your fingers together. The warmth of his touch sent a shiver up your spine, and your breath caught as his thumb gently traced circles on the back of your hand.
He looked down at your joined hands, then back up at you, his eyes dark with something you couldn’t quite place. "I’ve wanted to do this for a while," he murmured, his voice low, almost hesitant.
Your heart raced, and you swallowed, the tension between you growing thicker. “Do what?”
Jay didn’t answer with words. Instead, he leaned in, closing the distance between you, his lips brushing against yours in a tentative kiss. The world seemed to slow in that moment, the soft press of his lips against yours igniting a fire that had been smoldering for weeks.
You melted into him, your hand tightening around his as you responded to the kiss, a rush of warmth spreading through you. His other hand gently cupped your cheek, pulling you closer as the kiss deepened, turning from soft and hesitant to something more urgent, more intense.
Jay’s fingers slipped from your cheek to the back of your neck, pulling you even closer as his kiss grew more heated, more desperate. His lips moved against yours with a hunger that mirrored your own, and without thinking, you reached up, your fingers tangling in his hair.
A soft groan escaped Jay’s lips as you tugged lightly, and in response, he wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you flush against him. You could feel the heat of his body through your robes, the way his chest rose and fell with each ragged breath. His hand slid down your back, finding its way under your robes, his fingers brushing against your skin, leaving a trail of fire in their wake.
Your head spun as the kiss intensified, and for a brief moment, you tried to pull back, needing air, needing to catch your breath—but Jay wasn’t having it. With a low growl, he pulled you back, his lips crashing against yours once more, more desperate than before.
“More,” he mumbled against your lips, his voice thick with want. “More.”
His hands roamed over your body, caressing you through the layers of fabric, as if he couldn’t get enough.
When you tried to pull back again, needing just a second to breathe, Jay’s grip on you tightened, his fingers digging into your waist as he pulled you impossibly closer. His breath was hot against your lips as he murmured, “Don’t stop. Please. Just… more.”
Your heart raced, your mind spinning with how much you wanted him, how much you needed him in that moment. Every time you pulled back, he was right there, pulling you in again, kissing you deeper, his hands exploring every inch of you as he whispered “more” over and over, his voice heavy with desire.
You didn’t know how long the two of you stayed like that—wrapped up in each other, kissing like you’d been starved for it, for each other. Time seemed to blur, and all you could feel was the heat of his body pressed against yours, the way his hands felt against your skin, the way his lips moved against yours with a need that matched your own.
When you finally managed to pull back, gasping for air, your foreheads rested together, both of you breathing heavily. Jay’s eyes were dark, filled with a longing that made your stomach flip. He didn’t say anything for a moment, just stared at you, his thumb gently brushing against your swollen lips.
And then, in a voice so quiet it was almost a whisper, he murmured, “I’m falling for you. Hard.”
You stared at him, your heart pounding in your chest, and for the first time, you realized that the walls you had built around yourself weren’t just crumbling—they were gone.
“I think I’m falling for you too,” you whispered back.
Jay smiled softly, his hand still tangled in your hair as he pulled you in for another kiss, this one slower, sweeter.
The library was your sanctuary—a quiet place where you could escape from everything. You were there to gather a few books for your assignment, your mind focused on Potions and Charms, anything to keep yourself productive. The familiar scent of old parchment and ink surrounded you, and the soft sounds of pages turning from students studying filled the space.
You were reaching for a book on a high shelf when you heard voices from the other side of the bookshelf. Normally, you would’ve tuned out background noise, but something in the conversation caught your attention. It wasn’t loud, but it was just close enough to make out the words.
"Is Jay really dating her?" A girl’s voice. The tone had a hint of disbelief, as if she couldn’t quite understand the idea.
Your fingers paused on the spine of the book as your stomach tightened. You told yourself it wasn’t worth eavesdropping. That you shouldn’t care. But something kept you rooted in place.
"Nah, he isn’t for real," a boy’s voice responded. The casual tone in his voice made your heart race. "He made a bet with Kieran and Lucas."
The words hit you like a blow to the chest.
You froze, your mind reeling. A bet. You stood there, motionless, feeling like the ground had just been ripped out from under you. The voices continued talking, but you couldn’t hear anything else after that. The buzzing in your ears drowned out everything else as you struggled to make sense of what you’d just overheard.
It felt like the world tilted, your thoughts racing as you replayed every moment with Jay in your head. Every conversation, every laugh, every kiss. Was it all part of a game? A cruel joke?
You didn’t want to believe it. But there it was—the truth laid bare by careless words spoken in a dusty corner of the library. It wasn’t supposed to hurt like this. You’d never let yourself get this close to anyone for this exact reason, but Jay had somehow slipped through the cracks of your defenses. And now, everything was crumbling.
The voices moved on, the conversation shifting to something trivial, but you remained frozen in place. Your heart pounded in your chest as anger and hurt swirled inside you, your thoughts muddled and spinning out of control.
Slowly, you lowered your hand from the bookshelf and stepped away, your head spinning. You needed air, space to think. You needed to be anywhere but here, surrounded by the suffocating silence of the library.
You pushed past the shelves and made your way out, the noise of students chattering and studying blending into a blur. The only thing you could focus on was the betrayal clawing at your chest, the feeling of being played—by the one person you had let in after so long.
The memory of Jay’s smile, his gentle touch, the way he looked at you like you were the only person in the world… Was that all part of the game too?
You thought back to that night by the lake when he kissed you for the first time, when he told you he was falling for you. Was that a lie too? Had any of it been real?
Your heart pounded harder with each step as the pain built, a lump forming in your throat. You needed to find Jay, confront him, get the truth from him directly. You deserved that much, at least.
As you rounded the corner into the courtyard, your eyes immediately found him—Jay sitting with Kieran and Lucas, the same ones who had apparently been part of the bet. They were laughing, oblivious to the storm brewing inside you. The sight made your blood boil.
Without thinking, you marched over, the fury in your chest rising with every step. You could feel their eyes on you as you approached, the laughter dying down, replaced by confusion as they noticed the look on your face.
"Hey," Jay started, his voice light, as if nothing had happened, as if your whole world hadn’t just shattered.
You didn’t give him a chance to say more. "Was it a bet?" you asked sharply, your voice trembling with anger. You didn’t waste time, didn’t dance around the question. You needed the truth, and you needed it now.
Jay’s smile faltered, his expression shifting from confusion to concern. "What?"
"A bet," you repeated, your voice louder now. "Was I just a bet to you, Jongseong?"
His friends exchanged glances, and Kieran shifted uncomfortably in his seat, avoiding your gaze. Jay’s face went pale, the blood draining from it as he realized you knew. You could see the guilt written all over his features, the way his eyes darted from you to his friends, as if searching for a way out of this. But there was no way out.
"Tell me," you demanded, your voice shaking with fury and hurt. "Tell me the truth, Jay."
He stood up, his hands held out in front of him as if to calm you down, but it only made you angrier. "It’s not—look, it wasn’t supposed to—"
"Answer the question!" You cut him off, your voice loud enough to make heads turn from nearby students. You didn’t care. The world could burn for all you cared in that moment. All you wanted was the truth.
Jay let out a shaky breath, his eyes filled with regret, but it was too late for that. "Yes," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "It started as a bet. But I—"
That was all you needed to hear. Your heart broke in an instant, the crack so deep it felt like it would never heal. The sting of betrayal cut sharper than any spell, sharper than any pain you had ever felt.
You took a step back, your entire body trembling with the force of your emotions. "You used me," you said, your voice cracking, the tears you had been holding back threatening to spill.
"No, it wasn’t like that," Jay pleaded, his eyes desperate now, stepping toward you, but you took another step back. "I swear, it wasn’t supposed to be like this. I didn’t mean—"
"But you did," you snapped, cutting him off. "You made a choice. You played with me like I was just some game, some prize to be won. And I fell for it. I fell for you."
The pain in your voice must have hit him, because Jay’s face crumpled, his hands falling to his sides. "I didn’t know it would turn into this," he said softly, his voice breaking. "I didn’t know I’d fall for you, too."
You shook your head, unable to believe anything he said now. "But it doesn’t matter, does it? Because I can’t trust you anymore. I can’t trust any of this."
Jay took another step forward, reaching out as if to touch you, to make you stay. "Please, just let me explain—"
You shoved him back, your hands shaking. "No. We’re done, Jay." Your voice was final, the weight of your words sinking into the silence that followed.
His friends, Kieran and Lucas, stood up, shifting awkwardly, guilt written all over their faces, but you couldn’t care less about them. You pushed past them, not even bothering to look back as Jay called your name, his voice thick with heartbreak.
"Wait!" he shouted after you, his voice cracking with desperation. "Please, just let me explain—"
But you didn’t stop. You couldn’t. You shoved through the crowd, the tears you had been holding back finally spilling over as you made your way through the courtyard, your heart shattering with each step.
Behind you, you could hear Jay’s friends trying to comfort him, but their voices faded into the background as you walked away, leaving him standing there, devastated and broken. But that wasn’t your concern anymore. Jay had made his choice, and now you were making yours.
You didn’t look back. You couldn’t.
The news that you and Jay had broken up spread like wildfire, igniting whispers and speculation throughout Hogwarts. By the next day, it seemed like everyone knew, and yet, you couldn’t find it in yourself to care. It didn’t matter what anyone else thought—it was your pain, your heartache, and no one else could feel the weight of it the way you did.
Your friends rallied around you, their support constant and unwavering. They sat with you at meals, made sure you were never alone in the halls, and listened when you needed to vent. They didn’t press you for details, only offering comfort and reassurance whenever the hurt became too much to bear.
But despite their kindness, there was a part of you that remained hollow, a wound that couldn’t be healed overnight. You’d loved Jay—deeply, unexpectedly, against all your defenses. And now, that love felt like a weight you couldn’t shake, like a burden you carried with you no matter how much you tried to push it down.
You focused on school, throwing yourself into your studies with a renewed intensity. If you could just keep busy, maybe you wouldn’t have to think about him—about how much you missed him, despite everything. You wouldn’t let this break you.
But every once in a while, when you walked past the places you used to sit together, or saw him from across the Great Hall, the hurt would flare up again, raw and painful. It took everything in you not to look back, not to let yourself fall into that sadness that lurked beneath the surface.
Jay, on the other hand, was struggling. The smile that once lit up his face had faded, replaced by a hollow expression that even his closest friends noticed. He hadn’t spoken much to Kieran or Lucas since everything came out—they knew better than to approach him, especially after the guilt of what they’d done. Instead, Jay gravitated toward the friends who had always had his back, like Jungwon.
But even around them, he was different. His usual charm, the confidence that once radiated from him, was gone. He wasn’t cracking jokes like he used to, wasn’t the center of attention like before. He was just… broken.
Everywhere he went, it seemed like there was some reminder of you. The places you used to hang out together, the sound of your laughter still echoing in his mind. He hadn’t expected to care this much. In the beginning, it had been a game—a bet that had spiraled out of control. But somewhere along the way, he had fallen for you. Hard.
Now, every time he saw you, it felt like another knife in his chest. He watched you from a distance, seeing you surrounded by your friends, trying to act like everything was fine. He hated himself for what he’d done, for the hurt he caused. He hated that he’d ruined the best thing that had ever happened to him.
Jungwon would sit with him, trying to pull him out of his thoughts, but it didn’t help. Nothing did. Because all Jay could think about was you—how much he missed you, how much he wished he could turn back time and change everything.
As the Yule Ball approached, the atmosphere at Hogwarts shifted. Excitement buzzed through the halls, a constant reminder of the impending event. Students adorned their robes in bright colors and practiced their dance moves, whispers of who was going with whom filling the air. You had initially planned to attend with your friends, but as the weeks passed, it became clear that they were all pairing off with their significant others.
One by one, you watched them receive their invitations, see their faces light up, and hear their laughter echoing through the halls. It was bittersweet, a reminder of how alone you felt, especially since your breakup with Jay. As the date drew closer, the thought of being a third wheel began to loom larger in your mind, making you reconsider going at all.
You walked out of Charms class, lost in thought about how to politely decline attending the ball. Maybe you could just stay in your common room with a stack of books, avoid the heartbreak of watching couples dance together while you nursed your own wounds.
But as you rounded the corner, your heart nearly stopped when you came face-to-face with a shy Ravenclaw, his cheeks flushed and his eyes darting nervously to the ground. He was a quiet boy you’d spoken to in passing but never really knew well.
"Um, hey," he stammered, scratching the back of his neck. “I was, uh… wondering if you’d like to go to the Yule Ball with me?”
Time seemed to freeze for a moment as you processed what he was saying. He looked genuinely hopeful yet equally terrified. You could see the way his hands trembled slightly, his expression a mixture of anticipation and fear of rejection. It was sweet, really. And it tugged at something inside you, a flicker of warmth you hadn’t felt in a while.
You hesitated, considering your options. On one hand, you could accept, and it would mean you wouldn’t have to be alone at the ball. But on the other, you weren’t sure if jumping into a date was the best way to move on from everything with Jay. Still, you didn’t want to shut yourself away completely.
After a long moment of silence, you decided that maybe going with someone new could be a step toward healing. “Sure,” you said, forcing a smile that felt slightly wobbly. “I’d love to go with you.”
His face brightened, relief washing over him. “Really? That’s awesome! I’ll, um, get us some butterbeers later to celebrate?”
“Sounds good,” you replied, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement.
As you parted ways, you felt a strange mix of emotions swirling inside you. You knew this wasn’t going to fix everything, but maybe it was a start. A small step forward.
But as you made your way back to the common room, you couldn’t shake the thought of Jay. You wondered how he was handling everything, how he was feeling about the ball. Would he be going? Would he be with someone else, smiling and dancing while you tried to enjoy yourself with a new date?
The night of the Yule Ball arrived with a flurry of excitement, and you could hardly contain your nerves. You and your friends gathered in your common room, laughter bubbling between you as you helped each other with last-minute touches. You slipped into your beautiful long-sleeved dress, the fabric hugging your figure just right and flaring slightly at the waist. The color complemented your skin tone perfectly, and the matching heels gave you an added height that made you feel more confident.
Your hair was elegantly pinned up, delicate flowers clipped in to add a touch of whimsy. As you applied the finishing touches of makeup, you glanced in the mirror and couldn’t help but smile at your reflection. You felt beautiful, ready for the evening ahead.
“Wow, you look stunning!” one of your friends exclaimed, making you blush.
“Thanks! You guys look amazing, too!” you replied, your excitement building.
Once you were all ready, you made your way out of the common room and down the winding staircase toward the Great Hall.
When you reached the entrance to the Great Hall, you spotted your date, the shy Ravenclaw boy, standing nearby in a sleek dress robe that fit him well. He looked nervous but flashed you a warm smile as he approached.
“You look incredible,” he said, his cheeks reddening slightly as he took your hand, guiding you forward.
“Thank you! You clean up nicely too,” you replied, your heart fluttering with the thrill of the moment.
As you stepped into the hall, the decorations took your breath away. Twinkling lights hung from the ceiling, and the atmosphere was alive with music and laughter. You could see groups of students dancing, chatting, and enjoying themselves, but your gaze was drawn elsewhere.
You scanned the crowd, your heart racing for a different reason now. You were searching for Jay.
You scanned the crowd, your pulse quickening as your eyes searched for him. The hall was alive with the shimmer of enchanted lights, the buzz of conversation, and the sound of music swirling in the background.
Then you saw him.
Jay stood with a group of friends, dressed in a clean, perfectly tailored suit. His hair was slicked back, the usual mess tamed into something more refined, which only made him look even more handsome. He looked every bit the heartthrob he was known to be—confident, sharp, and effortlessly magnetic. But what made your breath hitch was the fact that he was already looking at you.
Your eyes locked, and for a split second, the world around you seemed to blur. There was something intense in the way he looked at you, a softness in his gaze that made your heart skip, but also something else—a tension, a simmering heat. You followed his gaze as it flicked from you to your date, Eli, his eyes darkening just a shade. Was that… jealousy? You wondered, your chest tightening at the thought, the way his jaw clenched, and the subtle flicker of irritation in his eyes when they landed on Eli sent a confusing swirl of emotions through you.
The music shifted, signaling the start of the festivities. The champions were first to take the dance floor, swirling gracefully with their dates. You watched, trying to lose yourself in the celebration, but your mind kept wandering back to the boy standing across the room, who seemed to burn his way into your thoughts.
When the champions' dance came to an end, Eli turned to you, his expression warm and hopeful. “Would you like to dance?” he asked, extending his hand.
You forced a smile, pushing aside the jumble of emotions Jay’s presence had stirred up. “Sure,” you replied, taking his hand.
Eli led you to the dance floor, his grip gentle but firm as he guided you through the steps. The music was beautiful, the lights soft and romantic, and everything around you should have felt perfect. Eli was kind, polite, and sweet. He held you with a respectful distance, his movements smooth and practiced. He was everything you thought you wanted—until now.
Because as you moved through the motions of the dance, something was off. You tried to focus on Eli, on the moment, but your heart wasn’t in it. You looked at him—his bright eyes, his easy smile—and felt a pang of guilt. He didn’t deserve this, because deep down, you knew.
Your heart wasn’t his.
It still beat for someone else. For Jay.
You couldn’t stop yourself from glancing over your shoulder, searching for him again. And there he was, still standing with his friends, his eyes locked on you. But this time, the jealousy was more evident, etched into his expression as he watched you dance with someone else.
The realization hit you hard, like a wave crashing over you. You had tried to move on, to push Jay out of your heart after everything that had happened, but it hadn’t worked. No matter how much you wanted to deny it, your feelings for him hadn’t faded. They were still there, pulsing beneath the surface, undeniable and raw.
Eli spun you around, his hand warm against yours, but your mind was miles away. You couldn’t keep doing this. Not to yourself, and not to Eli.
As the song came to a close, Eli smiled at you, clearly pleased with the dance. But you couldn’t return the smile fully, not when you were so conflicted inside.
“Are you okay?” he asked, his brow furrowing in concern.
You nodded, but it was a lie. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just… thinking.”
He didn’t press, but the disappointment in his eyes was hard to miss. Still, he squeezed your hand, ever the gentleman, and led you back toward the edge of the hall. But as you followed him, your gaze drifted back to Jay once more, your heart aching with the realization of what you really wanted.
The Yule Ball began to shift into a more relaxed atmosphere as the night wore on. The formal dances gave way to a more carefree kind of celebration, with students letting loose and enjoying the music that filled the Great Hall. The tension of the earlier part of the evening dissolved, replaced by laughter and movement as friends grouped together on the dance floor.
You found yourself in the midst of it, surrounded by your friends, swaying to the music and laughing at the jokes they made. For the first time in what felt like ages, you allowed yourself to relax, to let go of all the stress that had been weighing you down.
Your friends were fully immersed in the fun, pulling you into their dances and twirling you around. It was hard not to get caught up in the energy of the moment. You danced without a care, letting the music drown out your thoughts and the laughter of your friends fill your heart.
But as much as you tried to lose yourself in the music, there was still a lingering thought in the back of your mind. Jay. You hadn't seen him for a while now, though you knew he was somewhere in the hall. It was impossible to ignore the way his eyes had followed you earlier, the weight of his gaze like a presence you couldn’t shake.
"Come on, have some fun!" one of your friends called, pulling you back into the moment. You smiled, pushing thoughts of Jay aside, at least for now.
You twirled around, your dress spinning with you as the music grew louder, the crowd of students around you caught up in the same carefree energy. For a while, it was easy to get lost in the atmosphere, to let the magic of the night sweep you away. You laughed, feeling lighter than you had in days, maybe even weeks.
The music thumped softly in the background as you spun one last time with your friends, a wide smile plastered on your face. The night had been more fun than you'd anticipated, and for a while, you had managed to forget everything that had been weighing on you. But after hours of dancing, you began to feel the tiredness creep in, your feet aching in your heels, and a faint dizziness from all the excitement.
You laughed, out of breath, and excused yourself from the group. “I need a break,” you said, flashing a sheepish grin. They waved you off with good-natured cheers, still caught up in their own fun.
Eli, your date for the night, noticed you leaving and approached you before you could disappear. You offered him a smile as he walked up, looking as polished as ever in his sleek robes.
“Hey, Eli," you began, your voice soft, "I just wanted to say I really appreciate you asking me tonight. It meant a lot, especially with everything going on—”
But Eli stopped you with a gentle hand raised. He smiled, though there was a touch of sadness in his eyes. “You don’t need to explain. I understand.”
You hesitated, feeling a flicker of guilt. “Eli, I—"
“It’s okay,” he said kindly, cutting you off again. “You’ve been through a lot, and I don’t blame you for still having feelings for him. You don’t need to apologize or explain yourself.”
His words were a relief, but they also made your heart ache a little. He had been so thoughtful and understanding throughout the night, and you had hoped you wouldn’t hurt him.
“Thank you,” you murmured. “For everything.”
He smiled again, the weight of understanding hanging between you. "Go on, then," he said, giving you a small, encouraging nudge. "Take the night for yourself."
With one last grateful nod, you left the Great Hall, the sound of music and laughter fading behind you as you made your way down the dimly lit corridors. The stone walls echoed softly with the distant noise of the celebration as you wandered further from the hall, needing space to breathe, to think.
Eventually, you found yourself in the courtyard. The cool night breeze washed over you, a refreshing contrast to the warmth of the packed hall. You inhaled deeply, letting the crisp air fill your lungs, and walked over to the fountain at the center of the courtyard.
You sat down by the edge of the fountain, taking a moment to collect yourself. Your fingers found their way to your hair, gently undoing the intricate updo your friends had helped you with. One by one, the flowers they had carefully clipped into your hair began to fall into your lap. You plucked them from the strands, watching as they floated in the water, drifting lazily across the surface of the fountain.
There was something calming about watching the flowers drift, their colors bright against the dark water.
As you sat there, you allowed your mind to wander back to the ball, back to Jay. You had seen the way he had looked at you, the jealousy, the regret—his emotions had been written all over his face. And in that brief moment when your eyes had met, something inside you shifted. You couldn’t deny it anymore. You had feelings for him, strong feelings that hadn’t gone away, no matter how hard you had tried to push them aside.
A part of you still hurt, still felt the sting of betrayal from what had happened. But another part of you—one that you were only now starting to fully acknowledge—wanted to fix things, to give him, and maybe even yourself, another chance.
You stared at the water, the ripples distorting the reflection of the stars overhead, and wondered what your next step would be.
Jay had just returned to the Grand Hall after a brief escape to the bathroom, hoping to clear his head and settle his nerves. The night had been overwhelming, seeing you with someone else and feeling the regret gnawing at his insides. As he re-entered the hall, his eyes immediately scanned the room, searching for you in the sea of dancing students.
But you weren’t there. His eyes darted between groups of people, hoping to catch a glimpse of your dress or your hair, but no luck. His heart sank. He quickly looked for your friends, figuring you’d be with them, but they were too deep in the crowd, completely absorbed in the festivities. A frustrated sigh left him as he slumped back into a chair by the side of the hall.
"Where is she?" he muttered under his breath, his mind racing with thoughts of what could have happened, why you had suddenly disappeared from the hall.
Jungwon sat beside him, quietly observing Jay’s anxious behavior for a moment before speaking. “She’s in the courtyard," he said, his voice calm but knowing.
Jay turned to him, surprise and gratitude crossing his features all at once. "Alone?" he asked, his heart pounding faster now.
Jungwon nodded. "Yeah. She seemed like she needed some space, but if I were you, I'd go talk to her. Now’s your chance."
Without a second thought, Jay pushed himself out of his chair and headed towards the courtyard. He didn’t stop to think about what he was going to say or how he’d explain himself. All that mattered was that you were out there, alone, and he needed to see you, to fix what had been broken.
When he reached the entrance to the courtyard, he saw you sitting by the fountain, your back to him, your head slightly bowed as you released the last few flowers from your hair into the water. The soft light of the moon bathed you in a pale glow, making you look almost ethereal. For a moment, he stood frozen, just watching you.
You looked so peaceful, but at the same time, he could sense the weight you were carrying, the conflict inside you. It pained him to know he had been the cause of it.
Taking a deep breath to steady his nerves, Jay slowly walked towards you. The night air was cool, but he barely felt it—his focus was entirely on you. When he got close enough, he spoke softly, not wanting to startle you.
"Hey," he said, his voice gentle, almost hesitant.
You turned your head slightly at the sound of his voice, your gaze meeting his. For a moment, neither of you spoke. There was a tension in the air, thick with unspoken words and emotions. You could see the uncertainty in his eyes, the regret etched in his expression.
“I... I was looking for you,” Jay admitted, stepping closer. His eyes flickered to the fountain where the flowers floated gently on the water, then back to you.
You sighed softly, your fingers playing with the edge of your dress. “I just needed some air. It was getting too much inside.”
Jay swallowed hard, nodding. He hesitated, unsure of how to begin, how to explain the whirlwind of feelings inside him. "I get it. The ball... everything, it’s a lot."
There was a pause, the air between you heavy with all the things left unsaid. You turned back to the fountain, staring at the drifting flowers, your mind a storm of thoughts. But Jay couldn’t stand the silence any longer.
“I never wanted things to end the way they did,” he said, his voice raw with emotion. “I messed up, and I know I hurt you. But I never meant for any of it to happen like this. I didn’t expect… well, I didn’t expect to feel the way I do about you.”
You glanced at him, your eyes soft but still guarded. “And how is that, Jay? How do you feel about me now?”
He ran a hand through his hair, his voice shaking with honesty. “I’m in love with you.”
You stared at him for a moment, his words lingering in the cool night air. It was a confession that you had never expected to hear from him, not after everything that had happened.
Your heart raced as you took a deep breath, gathering your thoughts. Could you do this? Could you let him in again, knowing what had happened?
“I…” You paused, your eyes flickering down to the flowers still floating in the fountain. “I love you too, Jay.”
The words spilled from your lips softly but with a certainty that surprised even you. The weight that had been pressing down on your chest for weeks seemed to lift, leaving a lightness in its wake. You had been holding onto this truth for too long, trying to deny it, but it was always there, waiting for you to acknowledge it.
Jay’s eyes widened in disbelief, a slow smile spreading across his face as he stepped closer. “You… you do?”
You nodded, finally looking up to meet his gaze. “I do. I was angry at you—hurt—but that doesn’t change how I feel about you. I tried to push it away, but it’s still there.”
Jay exhaled deeply, relief flooding his features. His happiness was so palpable that it warmed you from the inside. “I didn’t think I’d hear that from you again,” he admitted, sitting down beside you on the edge of the fountain. His knee brushed against yours, sending a familiar warmth through you.
There was a comfortable silence as you both sat there, processing the moment. Jay turned to you, his expression softening. “I need to tell you something. I never wanted to hurt you with the bet. It started as something stupid, something I didn’t even care about, but when I got to know you, really know you…” His voice faltered as he swallowed hard. “Everything changed. You changed everything for me.”
You gave him a small, understanding smile. “I know,” you said quietly.
Jay blinked in surprise. “What?”
“Jungwon. He told me before the ball. He said that you never meant for it to get so far, that you didn’t want to hurt me, and he thought I should know the truth from someone else before making any decisions.”
Jay’s eyebrows shot up. “Jungwon told you?”
You laughed lightly, the sound easing some of the tension between you. “Yeah, he did. He’s more observant than you give him credit for.”
Jay let out a short laugh, shaking his head in disbelief. “I can’t believe that little sneak.”
You smiled warmly, feeling a sense of comfort that you hadn’t felt in a long time. “He told me what you said to him—that you realized you had real feelings for me. That you didn’t want to lose me over a stupid bet.”
Jay's expression softened. “I didn’t. I really didn’t want to lose you.”
“I know, Jay,” you said, your voice gentle. “And that’s why I didn’t walk away forever. I was hurt, but… I knew you didn’t mean for any of it to happen.”
Jay reached out, his hand brushing against yours. His fingers curled around yours, and you didn’t pull away. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered. “For all of it. I should have been honest from the start.”
You gave his hand a soft squeeze, feeling the sincerity in his words. “I know you are. But let’s not dwell on it, okay? We’re here now. That’s what matters.”
Jay’s eyes shimmered with gratitude as he smiled at you, his thumb gently tracing the back of your hand. “I don’t deserve you.”
You laughed, the sound light and genuine. “Maybe not, but you’ve got me anyway.”
His smile widened, and for the first time in weeks, you felt like everything was going to be okay. The hurt, the confusion—it was all fading away, replaced by something stronger, something more real.
“I love you,” Jay said again, his voice filled with warmth. “And I’ll spend every day proving it to you, if you’ll let me.”
You looked at him, your heart swelling with affection. “I love you too, Jay.”
As you gazed up at the sky, the stars twinkling like distant diamonds, you felt a sense of peace. You felt… whole.
But as you marveled at the beauty above, you didn’t notice that Jay was watching you instead of the stars. His eyes were soft, full of something deep and unspoken. He wasn’t in awe of the night sky—he was in awe of you.
Without saying a word, Jay reached into his pocket and pulled out his wand, his gaze never leaving your face. With a flick of his wrist and a subtle murmur, he cast a spell. You were so lost in thought that it wasn’t until you noticed movement from the corner of your eye that you looked down.
The flowers that had been floating serenely in the fountain began to rise, swirling around you like petals caught in a gentle breeze. Your eyes widened in surprise as the flowers danced gracefully through the air, forming intricate patterns before slowly weaving themselves into a crown.
Before you could fully process what was happening, the delicate crown of flowers gently settled onto your head. Your fingers instinctively reached up to touch it, feeling the softness of the petals against your skin. You looked at Jay, your mouth slightly parted in shock.
He was smiling at you—his signature smile, the one that always had a way of making your heart flutter. There was something different in his expression now though, something tender and full of emotion. He had never looked at you like this before.
“Jay…” you whispered, still a bit stunned by the beautiful gesture.
He slid closer to you, the space between you disappearing in an instant. His voice was low, almost reverent when he spoke. “You look even more beautiful now,” he said, his eyes flicking up to the crown before returning to yours. “But to me, you always are.”
You felt a warmth spread through your chest, your earlier surprise melting into a soft smile. “That was… really sweet.”
He reached out and gently tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear, his fingers brushing against your cheek. “I meant every bit of it.”
Your breath caught in your throat at the closeness, the intensity of the moment settling between you like a charged current. His touch lingered, and you could feel the soft rhythm of his breathing as his gaze fell to your lips. He wasn’t rushing, just savoring the quiet, the connection that had always been there.
The stars sparkled overhead, but it was nothing compared to the way Jay was looking at you now, like you were his entire world.
Slowly, almost hesitantly, you closed the distance between you. You could feel the heat radiating from him, the thrum of anticipation humming in the air as his lips inched closer to yours.
And then, without another word, his lips met yours in a kiss that was soft, tender, and full of everything unspoken between you. It was a kiss that erased the past, the hurt, and the misunderstandings, replacing them with something deeper. Something real.
The soft kiss between you and Jay slowly deepened, the tenderness giving way to a quiet urgency. His hands, which had been resting gently on your waist, tightened slightly, pulling you closer. You could feel the warmth of his body against yours, and it only made the moment more intoxicating.
Just as you thought things couldn't get more intense, Jay shifted, his arms wrapping securely around you as he gently lifted you up and placed you on his lap. The sudden movement caught you off guard, and you let out a squeal of surprise followed by a burst of giggles. Jay chuckled along with you, his forehead resting against yours as he peppered your lips and face with a series of playful, teasing kisses.
"Jay!" you giggled, your laughter echoing softly through the courtyard.
He grinned, his lips brushing over yours again before moving to the corner of your mouth, then your cheek, not missing a beat. “What? Can’t help it. You look too cute when you laugh,” he teased, his voice warm and full of affection.
You couldn’t help but smile wider as his kisses continued, your hands gripping the front of his shirt to steady yourself. For a moment, you were both lost in the playfulness of it all, the earlier tension replaced with something light and free. The sound of your shared laughter mingled with the night air, making it feel like you two were the only ones in the world.
When he finally paused to look at you, you noticed the smudges of your lipstick now staining his lips. “Jay…” you said, biting your lip to stop from laughing again. “You’ve got my lipstick all over you.”
“So?” he shrugged casually, still holding you close. “I don’t care.”
You laughed softly, shaking your head in disbelief. “You’re impossible.”
Jay grinned, his hands resting on your hips as he pulled you in for another kiss, completely unbothered by the lipstick now marking his face. “Yeah, but you love it,” he murmured against your lips, his voice a mix of teasing and sincerity.
You couldn’t argue with that. Your heart swelled as you kissed him again, deeper this time, more passionately. His fingers trailed up your leg, sending shivers through you as the kiss became more intense. You felt him smile against your lips again as his hands steadied you on his lap.
Your breath came in short, heated gasps when you finally pulled back, only for Jay to tilt his head, catching your lips again as if he couldn’t bear to be away from you even for a second. “More,” he whispered in a hushed voice, his lips barely leaving yours as he spoke.
You let out a soft laugh, your hands now gently running through his hair, pulling him even closer. “More?” you repeated, your voice light with amusement.
“Yeah,” Jay whispered again, his breathing heavy, eyes half-lidded as he gazed at you. “More.”
After what felt like an eternity of kissing, you finally pulled back with a soft laugh, your fingers tracing the faint lipstick marks that still stained Jay's lips. “Okay, okay,” you said breathlessly, gently cupping his face. “You need to wipe this off.”
Jay chuckled, his hands reluctantly loosening their grip on you. “Fine, if it bothers you that much.” He pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his lips with an exaggerated motion, making you laugh again.
“Much better,” you teased, sliding off his lap with a soft smile. As your feet touched the ground, you smoothed out your dress, adjusting the fabric over your legs. You felt the cool night air once again, and without warning, a shiver ran through your body.
Before you could even react, Jay was already moving. In one swift motion, he pulled off his jacket and draped it over your shoulders, the warmth of it instantly enveloping you. “Here,” he murmured, his voice gentle, “don’t want you to get cold.”
You smiled up at him, touched by his thoughtfulness. “Thanks, Jay.”
He shrugged as if it were nothing, but the small smile that tugged at his lips told you he was happy to help. “Anything for you.”
With his jacket snug around you, Jay slid his arm around your waist, pulling you close as the two of you made your way back toward the grand hall. The night air still carried a faint chill, but with Jay’s warmth by your side, you hardly noticed it. You leaned into him, resting your head lightly on his shoulder, and he welcomed you into his embrace without hesitation.
When you both stepped back into the grand hall, the atmosphere had shifted. The music was softer now, and there were far fewer people on the dance floor. Many of the students had already retired for the night, leaving only a handful still swaying to the music or talking quietly at their tables.
You glanced around, noticing that your friends were nowhere to be seen, but instead of feeling worried or out of place, you felt a sense of peace. It was like the world had shrunk to just you and Jay.
Leaning further into his side, you sighed softly. Jay’s arm tightened around you as he pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head. “You okay?” he asked, his voice low and comforting.
“Yeah,” you replied, looking up at him. “I’m perfect.”
As the two of you stood together in the quiet grand hall, Jay turned to you, his eyes soft and full of affection. “Do you want to dance?” he asked gently, his hand already extending toward you.
You glanced around the hall, noticing how the crowd had thinned even further, the music slow and sweet in the background. It was the perfect moment, and you knew it. With a small smile, you nodded, slipping your hand into his. “I’d love to.”
Jay’s face lit up, and he led you to the center of the dance floor. His hands found their way to your waist as you rested yours on his shoulders. The two of you moved together slowly, swaying to the rhythm of the soft music. His touch was gentle, and there was a tenderness in the way he held you, as if he was still savoring the fact that you were back in his arms.
“You look beautiful tonight,” Jay murmured, his eyes never leaving yours. “I don’t think I’ve told you that enough.”
Your heart fluttered, and you leaned closer to him, resting your head against his chest. “I think you’ve made up for it,” you teased softly.
Jay’s grip on your waist tightened slightly, pulling you closer as he rested his cheek against the top of your head. “I’m so glad I have you back,” he whispered, his voice barely audible over the music.
You smiled, your eyes closing as you savored the warmth of his embrace. “Me too, Jay.”
(´ 3`)
a/n: Jungwon is next! Then Sunoo, Sunghoon and Heeseung!
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demonlorddiva · 2 days
Obey Me! Side Characters Accidentally Hurting Mc
I had ONE person ask for the dateables so here ya go! Not the best at writing them but I’ll do my best! No Luke I don’t wanna see him sad 😭
Lucifer tasked you with delivering some papers for Diavolo to sign
Barbatos greets you at the castle doors, telling you he’s in his office
Meanwhile, Diavolo just had the best idea for a new school event he wants to have
He throws the doors of his office open in excitement ready to tell Barbatos about his idea
…the second your right behind it ready to knock
The force sends you and the papers to the floor
It takes him a second to realize what happens before he absolutely freaks out
“Oh my goodness! MC! Are you alright???”
He thinks he’s killed you, or broken a bone, or both or anything terrible that could happen to a human
He’s on the ground with his hands on your shoulders
Meanwhile your giggling, telling him your fine and to calm down
When he sees your fine, he pulls you into a bear hug
“Thank the stars your okay”
Your helping Barb cook in the castle
He’s trying out a new dish you showed him from the human world
As your chopping the vegetables, he’s called to help Diavolo with something, so you tell him it’s fine and continue with the recipe
While he’s gone, you find yourself in your own little world, doing a recipe you’ve done so many times
You don’t notice when he walks back in the kitchen and he thinks you do
He walks up behind you, admiring your work
“Have you finished chopping?”
His words startle you, causing you to drop the knife your holding onto your hand, slicing it
Immediately he grabs your hand and spins you around so your facing him, inspecting your wound 
“Apologies MC, I thought you heard me, and now look at you.. we’ve got to get this cleaned up”
Before you can even think, he’s got you sitting on the counter with a first aid kit bandaging your hand.. looking very apologetic might I add
You have to tell him your fine a million times before he believes you.. at least you think he does
Once he’s done patching you up he kisses your hand where the bandage is 😭💕
Your partners in a project at RAD so your at the library with him sorting through books to help you study
He’s on the ladder handing down the books while you set them on the table
On the last set of books Simeon loses his balance
Sending you, him, and the books to the floor
He manages to catch himself before fully landing on you but the book he was holding hits you square in the face
“Oh MC! Are you alright?”
His hands are on your face, checking to see any injuries
Your blushing and stammering out that your okay
Finally the realization hits him. He’s on top of you, your face is so close…
He sits up, looking away but you can see his cheeks are RED
He helps you back to your feet
While you guys continue to study after, you can’t help but notice how he looks at you and how he blushes when he looks away
As his apprentice, helping him with his experiments and potions is a regular thing for you too
So when he asked you to come over and help him with his latest potion, you agreed
Everything was going according to his plan, this was gonna turn out amazing!
They were just about done, all of the sleepless nights of working on this project will finally be completed
“MC, could you put the contents of that container into the cauldron?” He says across the room, checking his spellbook
Unbeknownst to the two of you, Solomon mislabeled the contents of that certain ingredient in his tireless haze to finish the potion
That mistake had big consequences, as soon as you added some of it, the contents of the cauldron exploded, sending the scalding potion to burn your hand hovering over the pot
He was quick enough to send a protection spell so the potion didn’t spray over your entire body, but not quick enough to keep you fully unharmed
He quickly ran to you, inspecting your hand with gentle hands looking completely baffled at what just happened as were you
When he realizes his mistake he’s incredibly sorrowful. His own negligence caused his favorite person to get harmed
“I’m so sorry MC, my poor judgment caused you so much pain. I hope you can forgive me.”
Luckily, being the worlds greatest sorcerer came with his perks. Before the pain can set in too bad, he chants a spell until your hand returns back to its normal state before the incident
Afterwards, your in charge of reading the spell book while he deals with the potion. At least if he messes up again you won’t be hurt.
Definitely try’s to cheer you up by teaching you some spells you’ve been wanting to learn
“All right my little apprentice, since you’ve been good how about I teach you that illusion spell you’ve been so excited about huh?”
I mayyy have been drinking when I first made this and forgot to add Solomon. But here he is! In my defense my phone froze and deleted most of this before I could upload and I had to rewrite everything. So sorry but he’s here now!
Hope y’all like it! Got a lil spicy with Simeon there at the end but I just can’t help it 😫
Comments are appreciated! Always trying to improve on my writing!
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Pairing: Aged up Damian Wayne x f reader
Tags: academic setting, rivals to lovers, friends with benefits, smut, fingering, edging, oral, p in v,
You guys have been in the same program for a year now. Being who he was and having the skills, family, and privilege he had, Damian was used to getting what he wanted. He could tell you wanted him too. There were the obvious signs like the pink blush under your glasses coloring your cheeks whenever he'd challenge a point you raised during your physics lecture. Then there were some hidden signs like the way your breathing would pick up whenever he made his presence known. To any clueless passerby wouldn't think twice of it, but for someone like him who'd trained in the art of detective work - you were practically panting.
Every day, you came into your lab dressed pristine like you were in some prep school. Today, you wore a white button-up tucked into a plaid skirt, dark leggings, and some leather shoes that looked like they belonged on a doll. Damian grinded his teeth, grasping at his bicep as he watched you make your way to your seat, ignoring something his friend, Felix, was saying about their previous night's escapades. So prim and proper. Always. He wanted to tear that skirt off you. He wanted to untie the bow, holding your hair in a ponytail. He'd let you keep your glasses, thinking they made you look so, so cute. He wanted to see how much cuter you would be disheveled and writhing under him.
"Are you boys coming to tonight's kegger?" A feminine voice spoke up, and his view of you was disrupted by a pair of women taking their seat at the table in front of Damian and Felix.
"Kappa is hosting!" One of the girls, Joanna excitedly spoke. "It's gonna be fun! Damian?"
"Hmm?" Damian raised a brow distractedly before remembering what was just said at him. "Oh, sure. I might need to leave early, but I'll drop by."
The second girl, Marcy, tisked, pursing her lips in mock dissappointnent. "You always leave the parties early! I swear to God you're like the only college freshmen I know who's bedtime is at 10 pm!"
Sure, he was fine with them thinking that. Most nights, Damian went off to patrol gotham with his brothers and father. Sometimes, he went to meet with his mother and granfather. But he still wanted the campus experience. He still made an effort to show up.
"Yeah, Wayne tech isn't going to run itself when Daddy retires." Felix jabs, leaning back and giving Damian a cocky sideways glance.
Damian turns to him, unbothers and winks. "You know it won't."
Joanna and Marcy both flush red in their cheeks. Damian presumes it has something to do with the reminder of his bloodline and power, which Felix just provided, in an attempt to put him down. From his peripheral vision he can see Felix's shoulders slump as the man realized he fumbled his goal. It's okay, tiger, there's always next time.
"Is y/n going?"
Marcy tilts her head. "Who?"
Damian nods towards you, sitting a couple rows below them and reviewing your notes. From where he sat, he could see your writing was organized but not neat at all. You were in the wrong major.
The girls follow his gaze to you and share a look.
"We didn't ask everyone yet." Marcy nudges Joanna, who goes down to talk to you.
Damian watches as you look up from your notes as Joanna talks to you, nodding along with what she's saying before politely smiling and shaking your head before turning back to your notes. Joanna nodded and walked back up to rejoin the group. She opened her mouth to speak, Damian was eager to hear the excuse you offered, but at that moment, your professor walked into the lecture hall.
You turned away from your phone and towards the source of the masculine voice that's just spoken to you. A tall, broad shouldered freshmen who you came to know by now strutted out of your lecture hall, hand clutching the strap of his bag while the other was in his jean pocket.
Damian wayne had caught your eye fairly easily - as you're sure he did with everyone else. For starters, he was the only man in your engineering major who didn't come to class everyday in sweatpants.
You detested the inequality you saw each day, where girls put an effort to dress nice, no matter how they felt and guys just gave up. We were representing the future of our country, you once thought while cringing at your freshmen year gathering, if we cant even dress ourselves well, how are we supposed to inherit our responsibilities well.
Damian was a breath of fresh air. He typically wore some variation of neat button ups or golf tees tucked into his jeans, and the sleeves usually rolled up, emphasizing muscular, tattooed forearms The top button was typically undone, showcasing his necklace, the symbol of which you were unsuccessful in spotting, above a hard muscle chest. Sometimes, he wore his signature leather jacket, creating an image that had popped up more than once in your head before falling asleep. He also smelled like some sage.
Today, Damian went the casual route with a Gotham University hoodie and jeans falling into classic black Converse. He exceled at his rugged look. Facial features sharp as usual, with angular eyebrows that often give him a serious, brooding expression, like his father often held in conferences. Black hair swept slightly forward. His green eyes were always striking. They mesmerized you when you first met him, and they mesmerized you still.
"Damian, hi." You said, gathering your textbooks in your arms. "How are you?"
"I heard you're not coming to today's kegger at Kappa." He didn't answer your question.
"No, I can't tonight." Or any other night, until I graduate, you wanted to add.
"I haven't been seeing you much around lately," he raised a sharp brow.
You grasped your textbook against your chest, chuckling nervously. "Yeah, I went and got myself the idea of doing a double major. And now since we're sophomores, I have a whole year to catch up on. So I spend most of my free time studying."
"What's the other major?"
"Math. Statistics and probability." You said, then opened your mouth to tell him you'll see him around.
"How come?" He beat you to it. Students and faculty were making their way past you in the hall, and you made sure to get out of their way. Damian hadn't moved an inch.
"Uhm, it's kind of a long story."
In truth, interning at Wayne Tech for the summer has been eye-opening. You loved getting to work with the engineers developing weapons and defense systems, but you also found yourself constantly curious about the work the data analysts did. It didn't take long to realize you found their skills and knowledge in predicting contingencies to every possible outcome really cool and wanting some of it for yourself. The next week, you went to your academic advisor and asked how you could do a double major.
"Come to the party tonight." He ordered. "We'll have plenty of time."
"I..." you rushed to refuse but his gaze wasn't leaving room for argument.
"Come to the party. And tell me what possibly inspired you to take up maths and physics simultaneously." He took a step closer to you, crowding your space. You swallowed nervously, looking around to see if anyone was watching you. He gazed down at you.
You nodded, swallowing nervously, then something caught your eye. There was a bandage on his neck, just below his ear. "What happened to your neck?"
"I'll see you tonight." He brushed past you and kept walking to his next class.
Damian dropped his gym bag in the trunk of his Camaro and slamed it shut before making his way up the busy street on frat row. It was still early in the night, but Kappa's party was already in full swing. People were out on the lawn, on the porch, and the muffled music from inside the house could be heard down the street.
Someone offered Damian a drink, which he politely waved off as his keen eyes searched the first floor for a particular person. It didn't take long, surely enough he zeroed in on you, standing with your drink awkwardly linking hands with a girl he remembered to be your roommate, Alice. You exchanged your sweater and skirt for a t-shirt over a maroon colord silk dress. You let your hairdown, styled in perfect curls, one side pinned up by a maroon pin. Ever the color coordinating type, Damian snorted.
"You came," he approached you slowly.
You offered him a timid smile. "To be honest, you intimidated me into thinking I had to."
He raised a brow, pursing his lips. "Good."
He then turned to your roommate, tilting his head towards you. "Mind if I take her for a moment?"
Beside you, Alice gave you both a knowing look. "Take her for longer than that." Before gently unlinking your hands and walking off somewhere.
Damian tilted his head towards the window behind you. "It's nice out, wanna go for a drive?"
You followed his gaze to a black, shiny Camaro parked out front, and you felt your face flush. Did you just get offered a ride in Damian Wayne's muscle car?
"Umm, I wasn't planning on staying long -" you began.
"Just long enough to tell me why you changed your major."
"I didn't change it, I'm doing an additional -"
"Tell me in the car," he says and takes you by the hand, leading you to some cheers and hollers from your classmates and fellow program students. Some are patting Damian on the back, others are catcalling the two of you for being the "fist fuck of the night". You're in disbelief that even in college, people behave like they're in high-school. Damian mostly ignores them. You avoid eye contact as much as you can.
When you two are seated and on the road, you're still as tense as always. You turned to look at him in the drivers seat. Always so at ease, with one hand on the wheel, the other resting between your seats, ringed fingers tracing a pattern on the skirt of your dress.
"Where are we going?" You ask.
He doesn't meet your eyes, watching the highway intently. "My place."
"Oh, umm." Your heart picks up and you feel a tingle between your legs and especially on that spot where his finger is fidgeting. "I'm - Damian I think you're really nice. Definitely attractive," you babble nervously.
"Thank you."
"And what's more is you're smart, and that ticks off a lot of boxes." You continue.
"Does it?"
"And from a well off family."
"Very much."
You go on, unable to stop yourself. "I mean, I'm so flattered. I could do so much worse."
"So much worse." He supplies.
"But I'm just in a state in my life where I'm not really looking for a relationship." You scratch behind your ear. "Which is true, I'm not just saying it to you, I said the same to another guy who asked me out last week."
"Who asked you out last week?"
You saw his hand tense around the wheel, and your eyes widened. "No one! It doesn't matter since I'm not really dating right now."
"Who said anything about dating?" He asked.
You blinked at him. "Huh?"
"Sweetheart," he turns to face you, the speedometer showing the speed excelerating as you two merge onto the highway. "I'm not interested in dating you either."
"Damian, watch the road, please." Your hand shoots to the handle bard as your breathing speeds up. "A- and then why are we going to yours?"
You turn away from the highway and back to face him only to see the smirk he's giving you. "What?"
"Why do you think?"
You turn away, unable to hold his heated gaze. "Well..."
"Y/n, I want you. And I know you want me. In order for us to move on happily with our lives, we need to get each other out of our systems. Capiche?"
Not expecting such blunt honesty, even though your should be used to it by now, whitnessing it in your joint lecture halls for three semesters now. Your gaze travels down to where his hand is now holding your thigh. Your skin is so warm there. "I... yes. Capiche, I mean."
He grins, turning back to the road. "Good."
Damian's building was in the upper side of Gotham, where most of the upper class resided. His elevator led straight into the penthouse suite. You followed him into the big room, taking tentative steps and looking around. Like his wardrobe, his apartment was clean and crisp. Every item was organized or folded in its dedicated spot.
"You have a nice place."
"Nicer than the Gotham U dorm room?" He asked from the kitchen, making you snort, covering your mouth.
"You want something to drink?" He asked from the kitchen island.
"No thanks, I'm good." You shook your head.
"Perfect." It took him three strides to reach you. He cupped your face in his hands, lowering to kiss you.
Surprised by his dedication not to wasting time, you were too overwhelmed to resist as he walked you back into a wall, all while his lips never leaving yours. His kisses ranged from playful bites of your lips to long licks against your tongue as he tilted his head to fit you against each other like two puzzle pieces.
One of his hands left its place on your cheek to travel down to your shoulder, lowering the strap of your dress and reaching in to lift the t-shirt under it, exposing your maroon colored bralette. Your hands slowly brought themselves to his hair as he moved the cup of your bralette aside, circling your exposed nipple with his finger. You let's out a breathy moan against his lips, and he drew back to assess the "damage."
There you stood, leaning against the wall, panting. Your parted pink lips were shiny with saliva, and your pupils were wide, gazing up at him with a glazed look. The left strap of your dress hung off your shoulder, the left side of your shirt lifted, and your cute breast was exposed, pretty nipple raised in excitement.
Damian felt a surge of extasy gazing at your mouth. "I wanted to mess up that lipstick all day."
Your knees buckled, and you were afraid you were going to fall, only to look down in surprise to see his knee had wedged itself between your thighs. "Why did you stop?"
"I just wanted to see what else I could mess up about your perfect look." He said before his hand traveled to your panties under your dress. "Are you wearing a matching set?"
"Yes," you panted.
Damian raised his brows. "For who?"
"For- ah!" You moaned as his finger found your clit, rubbing slow circles on it. "For me."
He lowered himself onto his knees in front of you and lifted your dress, then you heard a tear and realized he'd just ripped off your panties. You gasped. "Damian! They're expensive!"
"Oh no!" He whined, mimicking you. "Feel free to charge me for your troubles."
"That's not funny - oh!" You tilted your head back as he licked circles around your clit. "I won't forget this." You struggled to say.
"I wasn't kidding." He wispered against your pussy, licking eagerly. "I'll buy you a new pair."
You whimpered, your fingers tightening around his hair as he ate your pussy. "Fine,"
You arched your back, feeling the familiar tremors of orgasm start in your core. "Oh!"
Suddenly, he pulled away before you could reach your climax.
You tanned, looking down at him. "I was close! Why did you stop?"
He gave you a shit-eating grin and shrugged, those green eyes shining with mischief. "I wanted to see your reaction."
You didn't understand him. "Well, umm could you... please..."
"...Make me come?"
He shrugged again, as if to say 'well see' before spreading your legs and diving in to lick your pussy again.
He eged you three more times. Each time, he stopped just as you were about to climax. You let out a frustrated whine, pouting. "Damian!"
"Why are you doing this?"
He stood up to wisper in your ear. "Because you like it."
He lifted you up with ease and carried you to his bedroom, laying you down on his massive bed. Your mind was swimming on oversensitivity and overstimulation that you'd barely registered him taking off his clothes and positioning himself at your entrance. Only when he was on top of you again did you have time to take in his glorious physique. Muscles upon muscles from his arms to his shoulders to his back and his abdomen. When he finally entered you, all of the edging you'd experienced until then made you nearly come simply from the first penetration.
You moaned, arching as your hands grasped against the black silk bedsheets.
Damian groaned above you, causing your ears to vibrate with the erotic sound. You gazed down at you. "You look perfect. Just like this."
You bit your lip, whispering. "Wait, please give me a moment."
"No." He began thrusting slowly.
"Damian, its too much-"
"You can take it. You excel in everything." He let out a sound which was a mix between a moan and a chuckle. "My little perfectionist."
You arched your back, feeling him fill you up. "I'm close again!"
His hips increased their speed against you. The both of you moaning with each movement. Your nails clawed on his back as you felt him hit your g spot.
"I know." He smirked, grinding in and out of you. "I know. You're so good, baby. Come for me again."
"Please, don't stop!" You begged.
"I won't," he panted. "Kiss me," he ordered.
You lifted yourself to meet his lips as he sped up, his finger back on your clit, making you whimper into his mouth, the two of you reaching your orgasm.
That was the last thing you remembered before falling asleep.
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undisclosedproxy · 2 days
Possessive, obsessive, aggressive T.R T.N M.R
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Summary: Tension in the manor 😵‍💫
(p.s I accidentally posted it half way so if you read the half written one, ignore it)
Awkward glances were shared between Mattheo and Y/N as they watched this very tense, awkward, genuinely just uncomfortable moment play out. The three boys and Y/N were out at dinner, normally this would be a normal experience, a nice one too but Theodore decided to bring his latest hookup, Little miss Astoria Greengrass. It was a very unexpected situationship, due to all of them being close friends with her older sister, Daphne.
”So..” Mattheo started awkwardly, trying to ignore Astorias fatass black eye from the heel Theo had thrown at her the previous day.
”Why are you here.” Tom said bluntly obviously staring at the fat bruise.
Before Astoria could snap back at Tom and get herself hexed, Y/N excused them and she dragged Tom off, her heels loudly clacking on the floor as she walked through the busy restaurant.
“Hurry up,” Y/N scolded softly, she got met with a muttered insult.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” She asked looking out at the sky as they stepped foot in the balcony area, they were currently at a very fancy gourmet dining experience, it looked elegant and looked like royalty stayed here before, it was very aesthetic with significant little touches on everything, it gave a very expensive aura.
“Not the best.” Tom sighed as he leaned on the railing.
”You need to calm down.” Y/N said straightening his collar as he looked down at her with a soft look.
“She’s just being silly, she’s already a couple drinks down, i’m sure she doesn’t mean to make you angry.” She explained softly. As she looked into his dark eyes.
She suddenly presses a warm, soft kiss on his cheek and started to walk inside not looking back. This was the one time in Tom’s whole life he felt genuine shock. The feeling of her lips lingered on his cheek as he quickly rushed after her.
He was met with concerned eyes from the boys as he sat down all red and flustered.
”You okay? You’re red.” Theodore said concerned as he sipped his red wine.
Silence filled the air, Y/N now looked over to him too, concerned.
”Yes. Yes. I’m fine.” Tom quickly blurted out as he wiped his face on a hanker chief.
There was tension in the air, everyone could feel it. Mattheo was shooting daggers at Tom, he looked so betrayed and hurt? Y/N was feeling confused and at this point a little overwhelmed, she’s had to diffuse so much tension, and deal with Astorias drunk-ass who is now trying to make out with Theodore in front of the whole fucking restaurant.
“What a brother you are.” Mattheo said, barely audible, as he stormed out, hitting the table with his leg harshly as he got up, causing everyone to realise the actual intensity of this situation.
”It’s alright, I’ll go.” Theodore quickly blurted out when Y/N was getting up.
”Just, try to have something to eat, okay?” he murmured softly to her, causing Astoria to have a very sour look of jealousy on her face.
”You whore!” She slurred loudly, basically spitting all over the table, other tables looked over curiously.
”You already have him.” She said now standing as she swayed in the air, nearly falling.
“Leave Theodore alone, let me have him.” she spat angrily, all the other tables were now openly staring.
Suddenly a large light zipped through the air, too fast for anyone to react. One moment she was screaming at Y/N drunkly then next she was unconscious on the floor in the middle of a pile of chairs. Toms hex had thrown her several feet across the restaurant with a bunch of chairs, plates and utensils. Tom was standing up now, breathing heavily, his wand drawn staring down at Astoria with a type of happiness.
Everything around them descended into chaos, servers scrambled around to try to calm angry and scared guests, some even pulled out their wands too. Y/N whimpered in thought, she grabbed her purse and threw a lot of notes on the table and started to rush out as she forcefully dragged Tom with her by his arm.
There was a lot of different opinions but Y/N just got them out of there. Outside she was met with an obviously very upset Mattheo and a very concerned Theodore.
”We need to go.” Y/N said quickly.
”Why?” Mattheo snapped unintentionally.
“Tom- he- he hexed Astoria, we need to go!” Y/N said louder.
”Oh my fucking god it’s always ‘oh tom this’ ‘oh tom that’ give it a fucking rest” Mattheo yelled at her.
”Stop, stop.” Theodore muttered grabbing his shoulder trying to cla him down.
”Why are you acting like this?” Y/N asked obviously not believing this is happening.
”BECAUSE I FUCKING LOVE YOU OKAY? BUT YOU’RE TOO FUCKING BLIND TO SEE IT. AND YOU” Mattheo screamed pointing at Tom right in his face. Tom stared back menacingly.
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chiyuuchu · 2 days
Just another star in the sky <3 (5th October 2024)
Izuku Midoriya x Reader ; Uraraka pov angst
Prompt! Uraraka experiences unrequited feelings while watching him choose her
Class 1-A was always filled with energy, but amidst all the chaos, there was one person who never seemed to make much noise—Y/N. She was quiet, graceful, and admired by many, both for her personality and her unique quirk. With a soft glow of light following her wherever she went and delicate wings that fluttered when she used her fairy quirk, Y/N seemed to embody a calm and gentle presence that stood out amongst the usual rambunctious nature of the class.
Ochaco Uraraka sat at her desk, her eyes lingering on Y/N as she floated quietly around the room, her wings glimmering slightly under the fluorescent lights. Y/N wasn’t someone who demanded attention, but somehow, she always got it. Everyone noticed her. Uraraka especially noticed how he noticed her—Izuku.
It wasn’t that Izuku was obvious about his feelings, but Ochaco had known him long enough to recognize the subtle changes in his behavior. The way he glanced at Y/N when he thought no one was watching, the way his face would turn just a little red when she walked by. It was like a stab to the chest every time Ochaco caught him staring.
As Y/N gracefully floated past, her wings barely making a sound, Uraraka clenched her fists under the desk, feeling an uncomfortable tightness in her chest. She had always known that Y/N was beautiful, kind, and admired by many. But knowing that Izuku—her Izuku—liked her was harder than she’d anticipated.
Uraraka had never said it out loud, but she had harbored feelings for Izuku since the beginning. His kind heart, his determination, and the way he always tried to help everyone—those were the things she had fallen for. But Izuku? He had fallen for someone else. Someone like Y/N, someone who was effortlessly perfect in every way.
She lowered her gaze, staring at the wooden surface of her desk as her thoughts swirled. How could she compete with Y/N? Y/N’s quirk was beautiful, elegant—she was beautiful and elegant. Uraraka’s quirk was practical, but not graceful. Y/N never stumbled over her words like Uraraka often did. She never had to worry about blushing too much or saying the wrong thing. She was always so poised.
It wasn’t that Uraraka disliked Y/N—how could she? Y/N was nothing but kind, always offering a smile or a helping hand when someone needed it. But it hurt. It hurt knowing that the person she liked admired someone else. That the person she admired thought so highly of someone she could never compare to.
She bit her lip, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to well up in her eyes. It wasn’t fair. She didn’t want to feel this way. She didn’t want to be angry or jealous. Y/N had done nothing wrong. And Izuku? He couldn’t help who he liked. But it didn’t make the pain go away.
Uraraka’s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Midoriya’s voice. She glanced up, her heart sinking as she watched him nervously approach Y/N. He looked flustered, rubbing the back of his neck as he always did when he was nervous.
“Um, Y/N,” Izuku stammered, his cheeks tinted pink, “I was wondering… uh, if you’re not too busy, do you want to help me with the homework later? I mean, only if you want to—! It’s fine if you don’t have time.”
Y/N turned, offering a soft smile that made Izuku’s blush deepen. “Sure, I’d be happy to help,” she replied, her voice as quiet and calming as always.
Uraraka felt like her heart was breaking. She could see how much it meant to Izuku, how much he liked her. The way he looked at Y/N was different from the way he looked at anyone else. And Y/N? She was so sweet, so unassuming, that she probably didn’t even realize how much of an impact she had on him.
As she watched them, Ochaco’s mind began to spiral, comparing herself to Y/N more harshly than ever. I’m not as graceful, not as calm, not as beautiful, she thought bitterly. No wonder Izuku likes her. Who wouldn’t?
She clenched her fists again, feeling the frustration and sadness bubble up. It wasn’t Y/N’s fault, and it wasn’t even Izuku’s. But she couldn’t stop the hurt from creeping in. It felt like she was losing a battle she had never even entered.
She jumped, blinking rapidly as she realized that Kirishima was standing in front of her desk, a concerned look on his face. “You okay? You look a little out of it.”
Uraraka forced a smile, pushing her emotions down as best as she could. “Yeah! I’m fine,” she said, her voice a little too bright. “Just, uh… thinking.”
Kirishima raised an eyebrow, clearly not convinced, but he didn’t push. “Well, if you need anything, just let me know.”
“Thanks,” she muttered, grateful that he didn’t ask more questions.
As he walked away, Uraraka let out a quiet sigh. She glanced back at Y/N and Izuku, who were now sitting together, their heads bent over a notebook. Izuku was explaining something excitedly, and Y/N was listening intently, nodding along.
He looks so happy, she thought, her heart aching. Why can’t I just be happy for him?
But deep down, Ochaco knew why. She was in love with Izuku. And it was tearing her apart to see him fall for someone else.
Later that evening, as everyone was winding down in the common room, Uraraka sat by herself, watching as Izuku and Y/N interacted with the others. She couldn’t help but feel invisible, like she was standing in the background of someone else’s story.
And maybe that was what hurt the most. Because in her heart, she had always hoped that her story would be with Izuku. But now, she wasn’t so sure if that was ever meant to be.
Days turned into weeks, and Uraraka found herself watching the gap between her and Izuku grow wider as Y/N quietly filled the space. It was never anything blatant—Y/N was too kind and unassuming for that—but little by little, she saw how Izuku gravitated towards her. It was the small moments that hurt the most: the way his eyes brightened when Y/N entered the room, the way his smile lingered just a little longer when they talked, the way he seemed more comfortable around her as time went on.
Uraraka tried to keep her feelings hidden. She smiled when she needed to, laughed when she could, but inside, she felt herself shrinking. Every time she saw Izuku with Y/N, her chest tightened, and the weight of unspoken emotions threatened to drown her.
She couldn't hate Y/N—there was nothing to hate. Y/N was always kind, always so soft-spoken and gentle. But the bitterness that clawed at her insides grew stronger each day. Uraraka was falling apart in silence while Izuku and Y/N got to know each other more, and it felt like she was watching her worst fears unfold right in front of her eyes.
It all came to a head one afternoon when Izuku invited Y/N to join them for lunch.
“Hey, Y/N! We’re all going to grab lunch together. Wanna come with us?” Izuku asked, his face lighting up as he extended the invitation.
Y/N hesitated for a moment but eventually nodded. “Sure, if it’s not too much trouble.”
The group, consisting of Izuku, Iida, Todoroki, and Uraraka, all gathered at their usual table in the cafeteria. At first, it seemed like a normal lunch, but Uraraka could feel the tension building inside her the entire time. She sat quietly, picking at her food, while Izuku and Y/N talked and laughed with the rest of the group. Even Todoroki, who was usually quiet, was engaging with Y/N more than usual.
"Y/N, your quirk is really unique," Iida said with admiration. "I’ve never seen anything quite like it. It must take a lot of control."
Y/N smiled softly, her wings fluttering gently behind her. "It does take a bit of practice, but I’m getting there."
Izuku beamed at her, as proud as if he had trained her himself. "Yeah, Y/N’s amazing at controlling it. I saw her during training the other day—she handled it so well!"
Uraraka’s fork clattered onto her plate, and everyone looked at her. Her heart was pounding, and her chest felt tight. She could feel the anger bubbling up, threatening to spill over.
"Are you okay, Ochaco?" Izuku asked, his concerned green eyes searching her face.
That was the last straw.
"No, I’m not okay!" Uraraka snapped, her voice trembling with anger and hurt. "I’m tired of this! I’m tired of pretending like everything’s fine when it’s not!"
The entire table fell silent, everyone staring at her in shock. Y/N’s expression was a mix of confusion and concern, and Izuku’s eyes widened, looking genuinely taken aback.
"Uraraka, what’s wrong?" Iida asked, his tone calm but laced with worry.
But she couldn’t answer. The emotions she had been bottling up for so long were crashing down on her all at once. Tears burned in her eyes, and she clenched her fists, trying to keep herself from crying right there in the cafeteria.
Without another word, she stood up, her chair scraping loudly against the floor as she pushed it back. The weight of everyone’s stares was too much. She couldn���t handle it—not the confusion, not the pity. Especially not from Izuku.
"I just—" Uraraka’s voice cracked, and before she could finish, she turned on her heel and bolted from the cafeteria, her tears finally spilling over as she ran.
The hallways blurred as she sprinted, her heart hammering in her chest. She couldn’t face them, couldn’t bear to see the confused expressions on their faces, especially Izuku’s. She had tried so hard to keep it all in, but it had become too much. Watching him fall for Y/N had been like slowly pulling a thread until everything unraveled.
She didn’t know where she was going, but it didn’t matter. All she knew was that she needed to get away from the cafeteria, from the people who didn’t understand, from the pain that had been eating her up inside for so long.
Finally, she found herself outside, breathless and shaking as she leaned against the wall of the school building. Her tears fell freely now, her body wracked with quiet sobs as she tried to catch her breath. The jealousy, the sadness, the guilt for feeling that way—it all hit her at once, and she felt like she was drowning in it.
She wasn’t mad at Y/N. She couldn’t be. But the truth was, seeing Izuku with someone else, seeing how happy he was when he looked at her—it had broken something inside of her.
And now, there was no taking it back. No pretending that everything was fine.
Because for the first time, she had let herself acknowledge the painful truth: the boy she liked was in love with someone else.
A few weeks had passed since Y/N and Midoriya had started dating, and Class 1A was buzzing with excitement. It felt like everyone knew, and they couldn't help but talk about it. The once-quiet Midoriya, who had always focused on training, now had an undeniable spring in his step whenever Y/N was around. It didn’t take long for the rest of the class to catch on, and before anyone knew it, teasing him became their favorite pastime.
Uraraka, on the other hand, was doing her best to hold herself together. She had watched Midoriya and Y/N grow closer, their bond becoming something more than just friendship, and now they were an official couple. Every day felt like a slow, painful reminder of what she couldn’t have.
At lunch one day, the teasing was in full swing.
“Hey, Midoriya,” Kaminari called from across the table, leaning in with a smirk. “How’s it going with Y/N? You two are practically inseparable now.”
Midoriya flushed, his cheeks turning a deep shade of red. “I-It’s going fine,” he stammered, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “We’re just—”
“Oh, come on, man, don’t be shy!” Sero grinned. “You’re dating her! That’s a big deal.”
“Yeah!” Mina added, giggling. “You’re living the dream. I mean, Y/N’s so pretty and cool, and you two look super cute together!”
Midoriya’s blush deepened as he mumbled, “It’s really not a big deal…”
But everyone was having too much fun to stop. Even Todoroki, who usually remained quiet, chimed in, his voice deadpan but his eyes glinting with amusement. “You’re doing well, Midoriya.”
Y/N sat beside Midoriya, smiling softly, her own face pink from all the attention. She wasn’t used to being in the spotlight like this, but she handled it gracefully, simply nodding and occasionally glancing at Midoriya, whose awkwardness was both adorable and endearing.
Across from them, Uraraka sat quietly, her chest tightening with every passing second. She felt like an outsider in her own group. The laughter, the teasing—it all felt so far away, like she was watching from behind a glass wall. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t break through.
Her food sat untouched in front of her as the others continued to talk about Midoriya and Y/N’s relationship. The more they talked, the heavier the weight in her chest became.
She had been holding it in for so long—bottling up her feelings, trying to be happy for Midoriya, trying to be supportive. But every time she saw him with Y/N, every time she heard him laugh at something Y/N said, it felt like another crack forming in the walls she had built around her heart.
“Uraraka, you okay?” Mina asked suddenly, her voice cutting through the chatter. “You’ve been super quiet.”
All eyes turned to her, and Uraraka froze. Her hands trembled slightly, and she clenched her fists, forcing a smile onto her face. “I’m fine,” she lied, her voice barely above a whisper. “Just… not really hungry.”
Midoriya looked at her, concerned. “Are you sure? You don’t seem like yourself today.”
Hearing his voice, his concern directed at her, made her heart ache even more. She couldn’t bear it. She couldn’t sit there any longer, watching them, feeling like she was suffocating in her own emotions.
“I… I think I’ll head back to the dorms,” she mumbled, standing up quickly. The chair scraped loudly against the floor, and everyone stared at her in confusion.
“Do you need help? I can walk with you,” Midoriya offered, already half-standing from his seat.
“No!” Uraraka’s voice came out sharper than she intended, and she winced at the way everyone’s expressions shifted from confusion to concern. She quickly backtracked, her voice softer this time. “I mean… no, it’s okay. I just need some air.”
Without waiting for a response, she turned and walked away, her footsteps hurried as she left the cafeteria. She could feel their eyes on her as she went, but she didn’t stop. She couldn’t.
As soon as she was out of sight, Uraraka found a quiet corner in an empty hallway and leaned against the wall, her breath coming out in short, shaky gasps. The tears she had been holding back for weeks finally spilled over, and she slid down to the floor, pulling her knees to her chest.
She had tried so hard to be strong, to be happy for Midoriya, but it hurt. It hurt so much more than she ever thought it would. And now, sitting alone in the quiet hallway, the truth was impossible to ignore.
She had lost him.
And it was breaking her.
That night, Uraraka was curled up in bed, her room dimly lit by the soft glow of her desk lamp. She had spent most of the evening hiding away, avoiding everyone and everything, too emotionally drained to deal with reality. The weight in her chest had become unbearable, and she didn’t know how much longer she could pretend she was fine.
A soft knock at the door broke through her thoughts. Uraraka’s heart skipped a beat. She didn’t want to see anyone right now.
“Uraraka? It’s me, Y/N.”
Uraraka’s stomach twisted at the sound of her voice. Y/N had never done anything wrong. She had been kind and quiet, never flaunting her relationship with Midoriya. But the very thought of her brought back all the pain and jealousy Uraraka had tried so hard to suppress.
There was another knock, and this time, Y/N spoke a little louder. “Can I come in? I just wanted to check on you.”
With a sigh, Uraraka wiped her eyes and slowly stood, opening the door just a crack. Y/N stood there, her expression soft but worried. “I noticed you haven’t been yourself lately. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
Uraraka stared at her for a long moment, and something inside her snapped. Her emotions, which had been building up for weeks, boiled over all at once.
“Why are you here?” Uraraka’s voice was low but sharp, her anger barely contained. “To make sure I’m okay? How can I be okay when you’ve taken everything from me?”
Y/N blinked in surprise, her eyes widening at the sudden outburst. “Uraraka, I—”
“You got everything,” Uraraka continued, her voice rising with each word. “Everyone admires you. Midoriya admires you. He… he was the one thing I thought I had, and now he’s yours too.”
Y/N’s face softened, and she looked down at the ground. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
Uraraka’s anger flared even more at Y/N’s calm response. “How can you just stand there and say that? You’ve taken the person I care about most, and you act like it’s nothing. Like it doesn’t even matter.”
Y/N bit her lip, nodding slowly. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, her voice gentle. “But I won’t break up with him. I care about him too much.”
Uraraka stared at her, tears welling up in her eyes. She wanted to scream, to yell, to make Y/N understand the pain she was feeling, but deep down, she knew it wasn’t Y/N’s fault. It wasn’t anyone’s fault.
Y/N nodded again, offering a small, sad smile. “I’m really sorry, Uraraka. I didn’t want things to end up like this.”
With that, she turned and left, leaving Uraraka standing in the doorway, her heart shattered.
As the door clicked shut behind her, Uraraka slumped back onto her bed, her emotions swirling in a chaotic storm. No matter how much she wanted to hate Y/N, she couldn’t.
At the end of the day, it wasn’t about blame or anger. It was about the reality of unrequited feelings and how life moved on, no matter how much it hurt.
At the end, he was the sun, and she was the moon.
And I was just another star in the galaxy watching.
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vilsoo · 1 day
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nanami kento x fem!reader || WC: 5,660
𖤐 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒. the owner of a five-star restaurant in kyoto seems to have his eyes on you as his regular, hiding his dark jealousy of your boyfriend. but there are many different ways to consume you as his and feast on his love for you forever…
𖤐 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒. cannibalism, chef/restaurant owner nanami, poisoning, murder, infidelity/cheating, slight dubcon, eventual smut, kitchen sex, unprotected sex, jealousy, dark obsession, slight stalking, gore, mutilation.
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[RIDE ANNOUNCER] As you are getting seated, be mindful that this 4D simulation ride contains flashing scenes, special effects, and jarring motions. Please remember to stay seated and keep all arms and legs inside when the vehicle is in motion. Keep your 4D glasses on for a better experience. Any kind of photography is not allowed during the ride. And absolutely no eating, smoking, or drinking while riding. Thanks for your attention and cooperation. We hope you enjoy.
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“If you were on the menu, I’d eat you instead.”
The night your boyfriend uttered these words to you was the night the restaurant’s owner, Nanami Kento, lost his mind. Forcing himself to shrug a cold shoulder as condemning emotions threatened to boil inside him, he tried his best to stay composed. Was it a joke? An attempt at flirting? Regardless, such forbidden jealousy was enough to plague his mind like a vice that it made him clench his jaw.
Ever since you stepped foot into Nanami’s restaurant and became his regular, something brewed inside of him when he first saw you. A gorgeous woman with great taste in food; also elegant in style from the way you dolled yourself up for your dates every Friday night here. It’s as if the image of you was permanently cemented to his eyelids whenever he shuts his eyes. Nothing but a small secret crush, until, this fondness he has for you gradually developed into this forbidden, dangerous, dark, and twisted obsession.
Behind his charming and professional demeanor as the owner of a famous five-star restaurant in Kyoto, he was driven by the thought of consuming you.
Literally consuming you.
Something was wrong with him and he knew it. He knew how deeply unsettling and disturbing these kind of intrusive thoughts were. But god, if he were to indulge himself in his sexual appetite and have just one taste, just one taste of you— a piece of you, rather— no euphoric moment in the world would ever live up to what he’s been dreaming of.
Savoring you as his.
Nestled in a charming alleyway near the historic Gion district, Nanami’s rich and elegant restaurant was busy every weekend. It was hard to book reservations, but because you and your boyfriend were regulars, you get seated in less than 10 minutes. The diverse menu consists of a unique fusion of Japanese and Dutch cuisines, like sushi bitterballen, ramen stroopwafels, udon friknadel, and many other signature foods. For years, his fine-dining restaurant has had a great reputation. It was also recognized with numerous awards like Michelin stars and accolades from prestigious food critics. Designed as a sleek, modern high-rise restaurant with panoramic city views, plush velvet seating, and contemporary decor, the service still remains exemplary.
Nanami comes every Friday noon to observe his employees and maintain the restaurant, which is coincidentally the only time you come with your boyfriend. Of course, he takes good care of his chefs and the satisfaction of his guests, all while sneaking glances at you through the windows of the kitchen and watching you. Enjoying the food and laughing at whatever rubbish your boyfriend says to you, he keeps his professional facade while trying to hold every fiber of his being to not brutally murder him.
Sometimes Nanami would try to catch your attention with small talk whenever you stopped by the restrooms. Always complimenting your outfits and looks, asking how you think of the food, and just checking in on you overall. And you must admit; Mr. Nanami Kento is indeed a fine man. There was something about his luxurious aura and his warm presence that was so charming to you. He even dresses so impeccably; a tailored suit of deep midnight blue, complemented by an off white dress-shirt and his silk tie. It’s as if this man has the power to captivate anyone he speaks to. And even you felt a strange admiration for him the more you spoke with him…
It wasn’t until months later, the more you frequently visited the restaurant, the more you wanted to see Nanami. You’d often catch him sneaking glances at you, walking past your table just to banter with you in front of your boyfriend, and even serving your food on the house as a surprise. But you knew deep down, or maybe just presumed, that you were Nanami’s eye candy for those Friday evenings. And you couldn’t help but bask in the hint of attention he gives you— it’s even gotten to the point where you’d go to the restroom more often just to “bump into him.”
“Hey. Always happy to see you here again,” he greeted, standing by the corner as you got out from the hall to the restrooms. “You doing alright, miss Y/N?”
You beamed at the handsome man. “I’m doing good, Mr. Nanami. It’s also nice to see you, too.”
The hallway radiated a soft, gentle light from the chandelier sconces, creating this intimate atmosphere in this elegant restaurant. You can feel the way Nanami’s eyes shamelessly lingered on you, trailing from your sweet lips and down to the way your maxi dress hugged your skin. You were so goddamn beautiful; it was a shame that the only thing stopping him from pressing you against that black and gold marble wall and aggressively kissing you was your pathetic boyfriend.
“You know… as much as we love having you here on Fridays, I have something to offer you— if you don’t mind,” the man reckoned, immediately intriguing you.
“Oh? What is it?”
“This is the first and probably the last time I will ever do this, but if you want to learn our recipes at home, I can offer private cooking lessons. Not only does it save time and money coming all the way here every week, but you also have the luxury of making these recipes at your very own home anytime you want.”
“Private cooking lessons?” you ponder, looking around to see if anybody nearby was listening to such an exclusive offer, especially your boyfriend who was still waiting for you at the table.
All Nanami did was smile at your hint of interest. You couldn’t help but find odd comfort and reassurance in his warm smile, the way his offer was an expression of gratitude and genuine kindness just by your support. “Yes, ma’am. My method of teaching is preferably one-on-one, just like how I trained all my chefs here one-on-one. So it’d be best if you came alone, as long as your boyfriend is fine with it.”
“He doesn’t have to know,” you muttered, gazing at Nanami with the right kind of heat in your eyes. And suddenly, an uncontrollable eruption of erratic desire detonates within in his body.
Just by your unmatched beauty alone, and sensing that the intimate, ardent feelings you both had for each other was mutual, he’ll finally have a taste of you that he’s been so desperately ravaging for. You alone have beguiled him wholeheartedly as his object of obsession. He couldn’t believe how he maintained this insanity brewing inside of him as he stands before you.
Nanami slipped a card out from his breast pocket and handed it over, giving the address of his loft and his personal phone number. “Whenever you have time, you can always call for that private session. My address is also on here.”
Forbidden lust pools in your eyes from such an intense, unspoken yearning for each other. When your fingers graze with his as you reach out for the card, a shiver courses down your spine. Nanami can feel the infatuation spread in his limbs from the sensation of your fingertips, so soft and gentle, a tantalizing caress that sent his body ablaze. The way your skin and flesh felt from just a light graze was enough to make him drool.
“Thank you. I’ll see you soon, Mr. Nanami.”
You knew deep down how fucked up this all was. Tangled in these intense emotions of guilt, shame, and regret of what’s bound to happen during these private “cooking lessons.” But you try your best to convince yourself that this was exactly what you wanted; taking thrill in decepting your boyfriend behind his back, emerging into this temporary escape from your emotional constraints. You may have loved your boyfriend, but this tantalizing effect that Mr. Nanami has on you was something you were begging to explore more in depth…
When the next week rolls in and you give the feeble excuse to your boyfriend of having to work late at night, you arrived at Nanami’s loft. The modern exterior had a nice blend of Japanese architecture and modern elegance, with the wide windows capturing the skyline of Kyoto. Once you stepped inside, you felt like entering the building complex of a very rich and powerful CEO. Though Mr. Nanami may have radiated this kind of energy as a rich and elegant restaurant owner, he wasn’t too formal with the interior of his home. He had nice contemporary furniture with plush cushions and lovely decorations. The color palette features accents of natural tones like deep browns, beiges, greens, and grays.
As you ambled into the kitchen, you see his high-end quality appliances like a sleek induction cooktop, a built-in wall oven, and a discreetly hidden steel refrigerator and dishwasher. His quartz countertop already had the ingredients nicely organized, designed for cooking, casual dining, and maybe for something else... The lighting from the pendants hanging over the island was just as soft and intimate as his restaurant.
You watch as Nanami pours Château Mercian into a glass. “For you,” he offers. “Let me know if you need anything else before we begin.”
“I’m fine for now,” you feigned a smile as you took a sip, the rich flavors enveloping your senses and easing your anxiety. That feeling of guilt still lingered in your gut, and you were desperate to take your mind off the thought of ruining your relationship like this…
“Tonight, I’ll be showing you how to make the sushi bitterballen. I know that’s one of your favorites,” he murmurs fondly, the husk in his voice so bone-chilling and titillating to you. “Are you ready to begin?”
The warm, rich, and sultry tone of his voice reverberated in the back of your head, like dipping into radiant velvet and cream. Your body felt like it was caving in on you, striking erratically and so suddenly you weren’t in control of holding your own guard. The way he kept inching closer to you had your chest thundering, the forbidden lust and desire for him scorching your veins like wildfire.
Nanami offered an extra apron to you and started demonstrating on how to mix the cool sushi rice with chopped fish, cucumber, avocado, nori, soy sauce, rice vinegar, and sesame oil all well combined. Then with the mixture, you took small amounts to form them into balls to dredge them in flour, beaten eggs, and panko breadcrumbs. Preparing the food and cooking alongside with him has definitely eased your mind as you were heavily focused, but the more he kept invading your personal space, the more he kept touching you and even helping you from behind, you knew you couldn’t contain yourself. And Nanami couldn’t either; no matter how calm and nonchalant he tried to stay.
The way his hand overlapped yours as you were cooking and his darkened gaze tells you that there are parts of you that were unfamiliar to him. Parts of you that he would like to acquaint.
There was nothing more tortuous than being plagued with guilt and desire tonight. You were both lost and saturated with vivid insights, raging with such fiery passion. Oh, how you wanted him to fuck you on this countertop. But God, how Nanami was depraved to explore you from skin to bone. Allowing him to inch closer, feeling his breath tickle the hairs in the back of your neck. He dared not to touch you— he fucking dared. But the moment your hand couldn’t help but caress his face, inhaling your scent, stealing the air he surrenders to— his stab of burning hunger for you cannot be tamed anymore.
“God… you’re so beautiful,” he whispers. “Tell me you want this. Tell me right now, or I will stop.”
“I’ve always… wanted you, Nanami. I want you more than ever right now.”
And just from hearing those words alone, there was no spiraling lust and sexual appetite in the world more uncontrollable and possessed than Nanami's.
Now his hands are finally on you, sliding down to your waist, taking in your body he’s been dreaming of touching, dreaming of tenderizing, that it made him violent. Your ravishing beauty intoxicated his blood stream like a madman. He even tasted his own blood at one point just by the thought of you. Both of you were facing two very different tormenting battles; you had your instincts shouting at you to just say no, to just go home… But your body kept faltering.
You knew everything about this was wrong. You knew the consequences would leave you more miserable if things were to escalate more. But everything about Mr. Nanami was so… irresistible. Everything that was ever wrong about this has never, never felt this good to you.
But for Nanami, who was blinded by the horribly sweet feeling of violence and the rapacious urge to fuck you like a cheating little whore in his kitchen, couldn’t contain himself any longer that he presses his lips onto yours. Your bodies melt together like caramel, pleasure rushing and swilling. Such forbidden lust for each other was boundless; you were enthralled, exhilarated, and liberated all at once. As you feel his hand slither down your stomach and into your pants, a flashing image of your loving boyfriend came across your mind.
“Wait, wait— stop,” you stammered, having to shove him off of you. “I— I’m sorry. I’m not thinking clearly right now…”
Nanami panted heavily, furrowing his eyebrows from having to control his delirium. “Hey, hey. If you want, we can take this slow. I didn’t mean to get very aggressive—“
“No, no. It’s just— I don’t know if I should be doing this,” you drawled, wallowing in the guilt overtaking you it almost made you feel sick. “This isn’t right. Gojo is still waiting for me at home, I really should just be thanking you for the—“
“Y/N, hey. You’ll be fine,” he asserted as he cupped your face, having to press your waist against the counter like you were trapped. “Forget about him just for tonight. Pursuing a man like that is no use for a beautiful girl like you. You deserve to be cherished. Loved. Adored. Taken care of. And I can give all that to you in ways he can’t…”
Your chest felt warm under his and your lips were barely touching the corner of his mouth. Your inhibition had already faltered the moment you easily cave into his touch, kissing you softly just for reassurance. A slow, soft, and delicate kiss until a gradual intensity of control rushed through, infected with such fervor that you desperately cling your arms around his neck and pull him closer to deepen the kiss.
Nanami’s sly hands tug on the seam of your top, and you lift your arms up for him to slip it off and toss it on the floor. Then you proceed to undo the buttons of his dress shirt, continuing to be raptured by his kisses and writhing in the sensation of his hands all over your bare skin. It wasn’t until he gets on his knees and parts your thighs slightly open, his head meeting at the level of your navel to pull your pants off, planting kisses on your stomach and all the way down to your panties.
“Get on the counter and keep your fucking legs open,” he commanded. “I’ve been wanting to do this to you the moment I saw you…”
Hesitating just the slightest, you still hoist yourself up, feeling the cool surface fusing onto your skin. When you lay on your back, you meet Nanami’s heated gaze right between your legs, sliding your panties aside and kissing your clit. His face is now buried into your pussy, plunging and flicking his tongue while licking up your arousal, humming in amusement while doing so. All of your senses surge with such nourishment that you throw your head back and grind to the pace of his insatiable tongue.
Never has your boyfriend ate you out like this, compared to Nanami who was feasting on your cunt that you’re holding onto the hair from his scalp for your dear life. The taste is sweet but the high is oppressive, and the desire in his ribs after finally discovering how you tasted made him unhinged. As if his eroticism speaks millions of sensual nightmares, he couldn’t wait to experience the depths of your beautiful anatomy, your rufescent flesh, your liver, your heart, all those precious guts and organs that makes of you… finally becoming one with him.
You couldn’t stop squirming, hips almost stuttering like a riptide when your orgasm was about to wash over you. “Fuck, Nanami! Please, slow down— I can’t take it!”
“Why? You’re gonna come already, I can feel it,” he coaxed, thrusting his fingers faster and harder as he sucks on your clit. “Let it out all over my face, beautiful. You deserve it.”
Your legs were locked on his shoulders and your back was arched in ecstacy as you can feel an earth-shattering orgasm rippling right through you. And at this point, Nanami was as vicious as an animal than a man, driven by the primal need of ravaging into you with his hard cock. As your juices coats all over his mouth and chin, your mind falls into a haze. Seeing your soul ascend from your body for a few moments, laying right on his counter with your cunt flexing over nothing, he took the opportunity to undo his belt and free his cock, rubbing it against you.
“You did so good for me, coming all over my face like that,” he praises into your ear. Just by his words and his breathless voice was enough to make your body crave for more of him. This is, after all, exactly what you came all the way here for; fulfilling that desire you have and indulging in something so filthy behind your boyfriend’s back.
If you only knew what Nanami’s plan was for you.
The anticipation and quenching desire worsened the throbbing ache in your cunt. Sure, he made a mess of you already, but he couldn’t wait to do it again, over and over, not until he’s finished with you. Once you nodded at him, Nanami pulled you to the edge of the counter by your legs, forcing them to stay open as he slides inside you. Your breath starts to eratically hitch from the sensation of getting stretched out from his size. Penetrating into you as if you were made for his cock to fuck. Made for his sexual appetite and greedy, disturbing desires. Made for your flesh to become one with his…
Your arms cling around his neck as he fucked into you, and you were both in complete wanton. Skin, flesh, and blood— Nanami took in everything that makes of you in cold calculation. Such filthy, cloying sounds you made as you threw your head back, eyes fluttering shut as you were trapped in a bliss. His lips brushed against your open neck, panting heavily and his animalistic groans filling your ears as your sweet scent invades him tremendously. But fuck, he couldn’t resist biting onto your neck as he thrusted harder, right by your carotid artery…
“There you go, cockslut. Taking my cock like the good girl you are.”
“You’re so beautiful. Fuck, your cunt feels so good tightening around me.”
“Soon you’ll be all mines once I’m done with you.”
… All mines?
His words flew past your head when you lay down on the counter and Nanami throws your legs over your shoulders, fucking you so viciously that he kept stroking your g-spot. You were lost in a fog of lust, stuck in this grip of desire, and at this point you could feel your orgasm blossoming. Your senses blurred. Your defenses shattered. Shameless, loud moans soaked into the air and reverberated through the walls; you wouldn’t be surprised if his neighbors heard.
Nanami’s eyes were dark with rapturous desire, surrendering to his unquenched, carnal hunger for you. He could create some of the finest Japanese-Dutch cuisines across the country, but you were just so perfect as his masterpiece. As if you were a muse for him as a professional chef, he knew that you were going to be the most perfect dish that no one will ever get to taste. Your delicate sweetness dripping like nectar from your pussy, the savory, meaty flavor of your beloved flesh, everything that makes of your body and soul once devoured by him were the finest ingredients he ever needed.
He needs to consume.
He needs to tear you apart with his teeth.
He wants your blood dripping all over his chin.
He needs to eat you.
Just when both of your orgasms washed over you so suddenly, Nanami’s teeth sank so deep into your cartoid artery. At first, your brain couldn’t register it. How you screamed so loud, so raw, that it nearly tore Nanami’s eardrum. This tremendous, torturous pain stemming from your neck was enough to have the memories of your boyfriend flashing through your mind, tears starting to well in your eyes. But with his mouth buried into your neck and forcefully pinning your arms down from squirming away, you struggled to fight every rough, jagged bite penetrating your skin. Nanami was enthralled in his long-awaited bloodgasm, coming so deep in your pussy while tasting your blood gushing all over the counter.
You tried to fight back by shoving him away with your legs, but the more his teeth sank deeper, your strength started to stagger. He was brutal. Feral. Vicious. Wild. Untamed. Starving. You tried to scream, beg for him to stop, but you choked on your own blood. You started to fall paralyzed, delicate tears trickling down your face just by looking one last time into Nanami’s darkened gaze, the dangerous flaunt in his eyes like you were nothing but a piece of meat for him to knash on. You no longer knew this primal man, seeing your own blood dripping down his chin. The despair and betrayal spreads through your limbs, knowing that you can’t fight your way out of this in your helpless state.
The pulse in your neck gradually slowed, a sign that your life was beginning to fade. All Nanami felt was sex and ecstasy as he was about to become one with you like forming a scabrous bond. He is the type of man who can never feel close enough to someone. A mere embrace, not even rough sex could ever fulfill him other than your sweet flesh and veins and blood intertwining. You were like the tenderest morsel, the sweetest delicacy he has ever savored in his years. Yearning for the taste of you in every way has never been this intoxicating, as you are now his most cherished dish, devouring you with the deepest adoration.
It would take an entire army of men to pull Nanami away from this maddening hunger for you that he would rather suffocate within your flesh. But he couldn’t ruin you much further. Not yet. Just as you slowly died on his countertop, he gave one look at you one last time, analyzing every inch and every crevice of your body like you truly were his masterpiece of fine dining. A beautiful meal he could make out of you right now, the thought of cooking and tenderizing your organs and eating you like some writhing sea-shape into his gaping maw overbeared his senses just by how delicious you tasted for him.
It was time.
It was finally time.
He cleared his counter and cleaned everything else in his kitchen, leaving your dead, gorgeous body laying there displayed for him like a buffet. A brand new knife he unsheathed from his drawer, sharpened very precisely for cutting into your skin and mutilating your limbs with no imperfections. He proceeded to slice thoroughly, just like every animal meat he’s ever touched, wanting to save you and marinate most parts of you for future meals. He started with your arms, saving the tough meat from your forearms for soups and the upper arm to slow cook like lamb shanks. Then your ribs, which is his favorite meal that he couldn’t wait to grill for barbecue some day. And then to your neck, which was perfect for hungarian goulash.
There were so many parts of you that he managed to chop up and save for BBQ steak, scotch filet, slow roasts, and soups for future recipes. And then there was the rest of you that he couldn’t wait to eat raw, like your heart. Your lungs. Your spleen. Your thighs. Your eyeballs.
But of course, there were parts of you that he couldn’t eat. The human brain may seen fatty and tasty to some, but it’s enough to kill your braincells if ever ingested. Liver is also toxic; with too much of its Vitamin A, it’s enough to weaken your body, make you nauseous, and induce general body aches and pains.
He had a plate of your fresh heart right before him, seated at his dining table. Taking his knife and fork, he chopped a fine piece for him to eat. As powerful as an orgasm fulfilling him, kindling flames of carnal ecstasy and desire, he’s never had anything so delectable that the taste of you ripped through him like wildfire. You were perfect. You tasted orgasmic. Ravaging and ravishing in your flavor that he couldn’t wait to eat the rest of you. And now that you were apart of him, together forever, nothing was going to separate this beautifully morbid union.
But it wasn’t until another wicked idea comes across his head.
It’s only been a day since you’ve gone “missing.” You weren’t answering when your boyfriend, Gojo, tried calling you; absolutely worried that you didn’t make it home last night. But when he finally received a text sent from your phone saying to meet him back at the restaurant at a specific time, he was relieved that you were okay.
But something wasn’t right.
The restaurant was empty. Most of the chairs were stacked on top of the table and there weren’t many employees. Somehow a hostess allowed him in and directed him over to a single table in the center of the restaurant, the table candles brightly lit and a single chandelier illuminating right above him. It was quiet. Uneasy. A little bone-chilling to be the only one sitting in this restaurant all alone with a hostess. He tried calling for you, but the service appeared to be down. He looked around and was about to get up from his seat until the kitchen doors swing wide open.
A tall man with neatly styled blond hair and glasses steps out with a tray of food, dressed in a waiter attire with a white apron. Gojo halted, drawing his eyebrows together in bewilderment as the he walks over towards his table and gently sets the tray down, revealing a large bowl of hot soup that he’s never seen on the menu before.
“Apologies for the inconvenience. I believe I also haven’t properly introduced myself,” the man spoke so eloquently. “I am Nanami Kento. The owner of this restaurant.”
“Oh.” Gojo was still slightly frazzled with confusion, nervous eyes darting every corner and avoiding eye contact with Mr. Nanami just to find you. “Well, it’s nice to meet you, sir, but have you seen my girl? We’re regulars here. And where is everybody?”
“Your girlfriend is already here.” Nanami’s gaze grows cold and aloof as if the frames of his glasses grew dark, unable to recognize his eyes. “And because you two are my regulars, I decided to give you the extra special treatment and booked you for today only. Everything is on the house, including this soup. Tell me what you think.”
Gojo inhaled the bowl of soup, taking in the aroma of hints of vegetables like onions, carrots, potatoes, herbs, and other spices. But there was an unfamiliar, pungent scent that he couldn’t quite put his finger on…
“Wait, is this new? I don’t think I’ve ordered the soup from here like this before. What is it?”
“This is the Rich Liver & Potato Gratin,” Nanami deadpanned, trying his hardest to contain himself from how much of a nuisance your boyfriend is to him. “It was just added as my latest rendition to the menu and you will be the first to try.“
Gojo hummed in response, now piqued with curiosity from the slight reassurance. He took his soup spoon and delved it in the bowl, picking up a pieces of liver and the chopped potatoes. He gently blows on it before taking it to his lips and slurping it, the savory broth enveloping his body with warmth.
“Fuck. Holy shit this is amazing.” With every spoonful, his entire body relaxed, and a sense of nourishment washed over him. “What did you put in this, sir? Is this like beef broth with pork liver?”
“No, sir. It’s your girlfriend.”
Just as he swallowed a piece of the “liver” from his “soup,” a horrifying clarity washed over him after his brain thoroughly registered his sentence. At first, Gojo was in denial. He frowned. Then hefted out a weak chuckle. Then he threw his head back in maniacal laughter that his spit and tiny pieces of his food landed on the table from chewing with his mouth open. “What! I didn’t know you were this fucking funny, man. I mean, I’d say this tastes just as good as my girl. Is that what you mean?”
“No, sir. I completely made this with just her remains.”
“Wait, what?” Gojo scoffed, and Nanami tried his best to contain every fiber of his being from literally stabbing him repeatedly until that cocky grin disappears from his face. Hopefully the affect wouldn’t take too long to kick in before your dumb boyfriend’s brain could finally click.
“This soup that I presented for you… is made out of your girlfriend’s liver. Her beautiful flesh that I cut out of her precisely, all cooked and ready just for you. But do be warned…”
The aftertaste suddenly became grotesquely rich and acrid to Gojo, lingering disturbingly in his mouth with an unsettling metallic tang. It wasn’t until the horrifying realization dawned on him slowly, making him feel physically nauseous. A creeping unease settled in his stomach. He could feel the pain gradually intensify into this gnawing pain as Mr. Nanami’s words reverberated like a distant echo in his mind. Sweat started to break out on his forehead. His stomach couldn’t stop twisting and contorting erratically that he clutched on his abdomen.
“… and because of overdose of Vitamin A, the human liver is too toxic to be consumed. At least I was nice enough to share her distasteful leftovers to you,” he spoke lowly, ominous and threatening. “It was just like you wanted. Eating your beloved girlfriend if she was on our menu.”
Gojo’s numb body collapsed to the floor, the cold tiles pressing against his pale face. The Rich Liver & Potato Gratin that has never tasted so delicious to him was nothing but a cruel, insidious poison. Darkness edged into his sight and his consciousness wavered, a sign that his life was fading greatly.
Nanami stared blankly at his dead body as if he was unamused, but inside he was finally relieved that he’s no longer alive to pester him or anybody else. He had enough money to cover the whole crime scene, including the mysterious disappearance of you. Hell, even his employees under his wing would take care of the situation for him, like his hostess that cleaned up the mess on his floor and the chefs taking care of his body and getting rid of him forever.
As the weeks progressed, Nanami still made meals out of your flesh that he’s been storing in his freezer. On Saturday night he made ribs with Korean BBQ inspiration. And the moment he indulged in your ribs served sliced, rolled in romaine lettuce leaves with white rice, browned garlic slices, gochujang, along with the sweet and savory sesame and soy sauce marinade, he almost came in his pants seated at his dining table from just how beautiful you tasted.
And eventually, if he were to run out of your flesh one day, at least he got to keep your beautifully decapitated head in his freezer like a trophy.
[RIDE ANNOUNCER] Please remain seated until the ride comes to a complete stop. Then collect your belongings, watch your head, and step carefully out the vehicle. Don’t forget to dispose your 4D glasses at the bins before you exit. On behalf of all of our crew, thanks for riding with us, and we hope you have a happy and memorable visit here at Horrorland!
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𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊𝐒 𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐎 𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐒𝐎𝐎 © 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒. do not steal, plagiarize, translate, or repost/share any of my works on any social media where minors have access. will be cross- posted on my ao3 soon.
𖤐 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: @screampied @gloomiigloom @cloudi-eyes333 @isuckatmakingusernamess @aestheticgals-blog @lik0 @shintax-error @oneyedwillie @st0nedbitch @yaeil @alittletiredcry @salems-trial @kenniekenns @celcstia @thescorpiohottie @jnoppy @drowning-dee @meepmidget @chocolategirl38 @kidding3 @ggukiespace @migueloharacumslut @writtenbyawoman @iss-chromatica @zionysuss @colortheoryrocks @bigg1ow @slutforaz @unknown-borealis @doestalker @ghostlvmi @deftoneslut004 @yongi-lee @glittergagged @virgobitch00
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misasimagines · 2 days
graveyard shift / reader x Jiro (Tokyo Debunker)
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included characters: Jiro!
rating: NSFW!
warnings: if you are morally opposed to receiving oral sex in a cemetery, then this is not for you. FEM BODIED READER, NOT GN!! Smut beginning is marked with (***) in case you want to read up to that point and stop for whatever reason.
um....anyway [peace sign and i kick my leg up]
“This is where you take me on a date?” You questioned, watching with apprehension as Jiro pushed open the wrought iron gates to the cemetery. The same cemetery you had recently been nearly murdered in by a giant arachne and her ghost cult. It wasn’t ideal and you weren’t feeling the romance, but you would have followed this man into an active volcano you were so whipped so your presence tracked.
He stepped through and turned to look at you. He didn’t look confused, he looked like he always did, but you could read the vibes around him and he was slightly puzzled. “Romeo said it was a popular date site.”
You nodded slowly, “Mhm… And you want to look around for more of those creepy spider eggs, don’t you?”
He nodded politely.
With a sigh, you hopped past the threshold and linked your arm around his, “Fine. But next time, we’re getting boba or something, okay?”
Jiro led you down the path, deeper into the graveyard, “I can’t drink boba.”
You sighed and poked his arm, “I’ll get you a lovely room temperature water.” 
“That would be fine,” he agreed. 
You two strolled around under the watchful eye of the full moon. He searched around graves and trees and came up empty handed each time. In typical Jiro fashion, he didn’t look disappointed, but you could tell his list of “where to find spider anomaly eggs” was growing shorter by the minute. Even if you couldn’t, and didn’t particularly want to, help on that front, you could at least make the rest of the night marginally more enjoyable.
“Do you want to play hide and seek?” You tugged on his arm.
He slowed in his steps and glanced down at you, glasses sliding down his nose, “Why?”
“Could be fun,” you gave him your sweetest smile, even though you knew puppy dog eyes and pouts never worked on him. Whether he agreed to your requests or not depended solely on a list of criteria you had no way of knowing until after the event had occurred. Let's go on a date- okay, but he’s pairing it with his spider egg hunt. Let’s go enjoy the nice weather together- okay, but he’s picking a bunch of weird flowers in Obscuary for one of his experiments. Let’s get boba- okay, well, you weren’t sure yet why he agreed to that one, but you could guess he had something in mind to make it an efficient and productive trip.
How pragmatic he was bothered many people but it didn’t bother you. Truly, it was comforting. He wasn’t easy to read but he was straightforward and reliable. If you ever didn’t know why he had done something, you could just ask and he would tell you. There weren’t several layers of lies and misdirections with him. It was a relief. He was so easy to be around, you thought everyone who felt different was insane.
He considered your offer, looking around the empty cemetery, back towards the gate, and then down at you. “Okay. You can hide first, just don’t go too far,” he finally agreed.
You grinned and gave his arm one last squeeze before shoving him lightly to turn around, “Okay, close your eyes, count to 100, and don’t peak!” You waited until he started counting at 1 and then ran off in the opposite direction of him.
The grass was thick under the soles of your shoes and the cool night air had left every other blade tipped with dew. It splashed up on your bare shins like little sharp pricks of ice. You stopped at a large tombstone and turned to make sure Jiro wasn’t cheating. 
He was, of course, not cheating. He probably felt confident he’d find you easily which is why you ran off as loudly as you could in the direction you did. You felt so mischievous, so evil, as you started off, more quietly, at a hard right angle to your position. He might still see through your ruse, but a ruse it was and you were going to make him work for it. You ran through the grass, around headstones and flower pots and benches and paths, until you came across a section of mausoleums. 
You pushed on the gates of few, all locked, and then eventually found one that was almost temple-like in size. There were not closed doors or gates, just a straight through entrance that you used to creep inside. It was a grand mausoleum by all accounts, but quite old. You gently dusted off an epitaph on the wall and read that it was from the 1700’s. 
Creeping further, you were sure the 100 seconds were up for you, so you found a quiet corner and crouched down, balancing on the balls of your feet. The floor was incredibly dusty, so thick it looked and felt almost like a fuzzy carpet. It muffled your footsteps at least…
Looking around while you waited, you read what you could on the epitaphs, seeing dates all throughout the 1700’s. There were two large rooms placed across from each other, each housing a large stone coffin overlooked by a stained glass window. You couldn’t see these from your current position, but you could see the moonlight, colored in jewel tones, displayed on the ground around the corner.
You wrapped your arms around yourself and it began to dawn on you that you were in a cemetery, currently completely alone. Jiro didn’t know your location and you had, not that long ago, nearly been killed by a ghost cult in this very place. 
God, were you the stupid character who died first in a horror movie?
Something shrieked- no, something scraped the window or something. A tree, probably. The ghosts were all gone and Romeo had headshot the arachne. You were fine.
But why was there a crack in the wall there? It loomed down at you, an empty space where a casket or a body was supposed to be. If it were old, there would have been cobwebs crossing over it, right? So why did it give you a clear look into the pitch black recess? And why, as far as you could tell, was it empty? 
Something scraped again but this time you were sure it was a low, hissing moan. Something from the crypt had crawled out and was lurking, footsteps muffled by the same dust that muffled your own. It was only a matter of time before it came upon you.
Something howled.
You lost your balance, your back hit the wall behind you, and you felt something cold drip down the back of your shirt. 
Immediately, you threw yourself forward and slapped your hand over your neck, rubbing frantically at the chill and uncomfortable sensation. Drip. You watched a bit of water fall from the ceiling, right where you had just been crouching.
Drip. It was just water, right? 
You backed up into the hallway, into the moonlight, and looked at your hand.
Why was it red?
You screamed.
And someone laughed at you.
You spun around on your knees, heart pounding, only to see Jiro standing in the middle of the mausoleum. He was laughing at you, hand raised to cover his mouth as he did so. It was a relief to see him, but you couldn't bite down the embarrassment that filled you at the sight of him.
“Did you try to scare me on purpose?!” You demanded to know.
He offered you a hand to help you up, “I didn't do anything. You chose to run off on your own.” He kept laughing quietly as he pulled you to your feet.
You brushed off your hands on your skirt. There it was. He agreed to hide and seek because you were going to work yourself up, get scared, and then he'd get to laugh at you. You frowned and felt your cheeks burn in embarrassment. “But you knew this would happen…” 
He was looking at you with a small smile, clearly very entertained, but there was also something more behind it. It made your heart race. Something about how inscrutable he was, how you could never tell with any certainty what was going on in his head, was intoxicating. 
“You brought me to a graveyard because you wanted to see me scared?” You suggested, crossing your arms and leaning against the stone coffin behind you. You still didn't completely trust your knees to not buckle. The air was thick with dust and the scent of mildew and it made your breaths weaker than you'd have liked.
“It's fascinating when you are,” he admitted. “I didn't want to upset you, though. I should apologize.” He took a step closer and your eyes widened when he dropped down to his knees in front of you, hands sliding down from your waist to your hips as he did.
You grasped the edge of the stone sarcophagus. “Jiro! Are you- in a cemetery?” You stammered.
He looked up at you, unaffected, fingers brushing against your thighs, “It's a popular date spot,” he repeated from earlier.
Did he plan this too?
His hands inched up under your skirt, the tips of his fingers at the bottom of your underwear. “Does it bother you?”
Your stomach did flip at the idea. In public and in a cemetery no less… it was still closed by Darkwick so, theoretically, you shouldn't be caught…and he was very persuasive. To you, at least.
He looked so pretty, the stained glass casting colors across his face, illuminating him like he was the one depicted in the window’s scene. His eyes seemed to almost glow in the moonlight, and you would have been lying to say you didn't love to see him on his knees.
“Not enough to say no to you,” you brushed your fingers lightly through his hair in admiration and gently took off his glasses, setting them on the coffin behind you. Your heart thrummed in your chest and you already felt a heat growing between your legs.
“Then please accept my apology,” he said, hooking a finger under the elastic of your underwear and pulling it down. You stepped out of it and he didn't waste much time letting his head disappear under your skirt.
You felt his breath against your thighs and then his tongue against your slit. He was straight to the point; It was one of the many things you loved about him. He licked up, letting the tip of his tongue drag against your clit. He circled it a few times and you grabbed a handful of his hair, pulling him closer to you.
Jiro lifted one of your legs over his shoulder and pressed his tongue to your entrance. His fingers lightly separated your folds and he sunk his tongue into you while you gripped his hair and tried to keep from collapsing. He ate you out with the same meticulous dedication he had for experiments. You often wondered if you weren't just another one of those and if it would be so bad to let him strap you down to an operating table and just let him do whatever he wanted. The thought made your head spin more than it already was.
You moaned uselessly, trying to keep your mouth closed as if you could hide the depravity you were engaging in. The way his tongue felt inside you and his fingers rubbing your clit took you past any sense and you let out a whine when he curled his tongue against your walls. You leaned back on the cold stone of the tomb and let out a silent apology to those intombed there. Just in case.
He tightened his grip on the leg you had over his shoulder, leaning in closer to you, thrusting his tongue in as deep as it could go. His thumb pressed against your clit, sometimes unmoving until you rolled your hips desperately against him, and then he'd roll it gently until you were shaking.
He kept going until you couldn't even see straight and you let out a warning without much preamble, “Jiro-I-” Your fingers tightened in his hair, grinding his face against you while you came.
He didn't let up until you were weakly trying to shove him away, his touch providing too much stimulation while you were so sensitive. He ran his tongue up your cunt, licking away your juices and letting his tongue flick your clit once more. You squeaked at the feeling.
You relinquished his hair and he stood up, watching you try to control your breathing. There was something so self satisfied in his non-expression, something about how his eyes stayed trained on your parted lips. You ran a hand up his chest, grasping his shirt and tugging him towards you. 
He acquiesced and leaned down to kiss you. It was a slow kiss, slow and tempered. You started parting your lips, your tongue eager to feel his own, but he pulled away when you tried to further it.
You whined instinctively and immediately flushed at your own desperation, “Why?”
“It'll be inconvenient if you can't walk after. I'll take you home first,” he responded bluntly, picking up his glasses and putting them back on.
If your own embarrassing whines and squeaks didn't send a blush across your cheeks, that certainly did. You pulled your underwear back on, now with an uncomfortable, cold, wetness in them and returned to your place hugging his arm. “What a gentleman,” you teased sarcastically.
Jiro agreed with a short hum, beginning to walk with you out of the mausoleum. “Also, there might be someone outside.”
As if on queue, that same scraping/moaning/hissing sound rang out and you shriveled, blood turning cold as you clung to Jiro and ducked your head down. “What?!” You freaked.
He started laughing, “Sorry, there's no one out there. That's just a tree.” If his laugh wasn't so soft and rare to hear and his smile wasn't the cutest thing you could ever hope to imagine, you would have been more upset. As it stood, you gave him a lot of leniency with his teasing. If your scared reactions gave him that much joy, you'd just deal with it until he inevitably gave you a heart attack. At least he'd probably be able to bring you back.
You slapped his arm without force, “Now you're going to have to apologize again,” you pouted at him. 
He directed his smile down at you while you made your way back out to the grass of the graveyard, “I’ll apologize as many times as you want.”
Your heart fluttered and you wondered if needing to walk was so necessary. You leaned your head against his arm and strolled with him back towards the gates to leave. He was so not getting away with just one apology tonight, even if you had already forgiven him.
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cuppajj · 2 days
I’m gonna close the askbox soon for the time being, I’m getting a little overwhelmed and there have been some recent instances that have made me feel a little uncomfortable. Vent below but fair warning I get a little critical
TL;DR: you are not entitled to my askbox responses, please do not talk at me in tumblr dms, I am not your friend, please don’t come to me seeking personal validation and please do not be parasocial with me
This may sound extreme to some of you, but I want you to know that even though my askbox is open for people to ask me questions about crk and baau, there is no guarantee that I will answer them. I am not obligated to answer everyone’s ask because at the end of the day it’s down to my comfort level and if I feel like answering a specific ask at all, and for some asks I haven’t felt like I can gain much mutual substance from it. I can hear some people out but I don’t want this blog to turn into a place where you can say anything and be guaranteed a response like this is a DM. I get overwhelmed pretty easily if I feel like I’m being talked at and not talked to. I have had instances where a single person will send me a DM or ask everytime moment I mention something they like, but saying nothing in that ask that I can make an answer to. I highly discourage this behavior for my askbox specifically, as I grow generally uncomfortable because I feel like I’m being talked at. And feeling like im being talked at and not talked to is a huge ick of mine spurred by real life experiences.
And no I am highly unlikely to post privately because I barely use that feature, and then it just goes back to feeling like a DM which I don’t want. I don’t want to open up cans of worms with my askbox. I don’t want people to flood my inbox with X reader requests simply because I answered one ask related to it, I don’t want people to flood my inbox talking about themselves and their lives because I answered a few asks related to it. I don’t want to set any more impressions than I already have, also why i have stopped answering asks like them.
I also just want to say that, to avoid fostering parasocial relationships, I hardly know most of you people, and most of you aren’t my mutuals and friends. I appreciate your support and friendliness but I have a fine line between friend and follower. I don’t make friends through DM spam where someone who i barely know and haven’t interacted with talks about themself to me. I also am not here as an approval machine to validate people’s opinions or thoughts. I feel like some people have been growing parasocial with me which is deeply unsettling. Please do not DM me with random things unless we’ve previously interacted as tumblr and especially discord friends. I only accept questions asking for help, comments about specific things related to me, and general notices about things I should be aware of, like someone stealing my art. Please don’t expect long and/or consistent conversations with me if we are not mutuals and especially if we are not friends. And please do not be someone I barely know coming to me seeking personal validation from me.
I should also add that mutual in this instance means mutual follower, not mutual friend. I see mutual on the same definition as an acquaintance in most instances. I consider us friends if both of us are calling each other friends.
So this means do not send me pictures of you or your pets. I will see it but I am very likely not going to answer.
For BAAU specific questions, I have also had people ask me about why I haven’t answered them and it goes back to A). Their questions may have already been answered previously and B, most importantly,) I don’t answer asks I don’t feel like answering. This latter point is v important to me because the last thing I want is for people to feel entitled to know certain things about my AU. I am, for the most part, a one person team working on this, and I decide what’s known and what’s not. If I feel like something isn’t worth answering for whatever reason I feel, I will not answer it. I’m saying this now to—hopefully—lessen the chance of people expecting responses from me.
Edit: However i can also not answer an ask simply because I am waiting for a good time to respond. Whether that be with a drawing or, for baau specifically, when I am ready to share lore pertaining to it.
Edit 2: I know I can respond quickly at times but the speed of my responses should not be treated as a constant, nor indicative of my interest or engagement as a whole.
Again i greatly appreciate how much support I get, and how many people are interested in my AU and what I have to say, but i want to keep the barrier between myself, my friends, and everyone else. I hope this humbles some of you and I hope you can still enjoy my blog and au as they are, but I want to say here and now that I am someone with their own comfort levels, expectations, and thoughts. I still encourage people to send in asks but I want to set the expectation that I am more likely to answer questions/comments about my au or art, and other asks where I feel like a mutual part of the discussion. But even still I can get rid of asks if I feel like they aren’t needed.
Most of you are cool people who im glad to see in my notes, comment sections, and inboxes, but I also respect people who have some consideration for myself as well. Not everyone knows what and what doesn’t make me uncomfortable which is why I’m saying this now. I hope that everyone here continues to be aware and respectful, and most importantly, patient and understanding.
If you read all of this, thank you.
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fayesia · 19 hours
Day 6 - edging
"Tongue twister" - Aaron Hotchner x reader
ִֶָ𓂃˖ ִֶָ✰࿐ warnings - cunnilingus, fingering, edging, size difference, dom!Hotch
ִֶָ𓂃˖ ִֶָ✰࿐ wc - 846
Aaron's lips crashed against yours, a flurry of clothes being thrown to the ground while both of you stumbled over to the couch. Pushing you down, Aaron kneeled onto the ground in front of you. You felt a hitch in your breath when you realised what was happening. Positioning you, Aaron's hands were large against the expanse of your thighs when he spread your legs apart.
"You okay?"
His gentle whisper soothed you, but at your affirmative response of 'yes' followed by a smug smirk from him you were fucked.
Running his fingers from your knee down to your inner thighs you knew he could see the way your pussy got wetter. Droplets of your sweet honey soaking between your thighs, but he was not a bee giving in, rather he avoided that area of you completely.
Much to your annoyance as you huffed out and moved your hips to urge him but Hotch, as usual, took control and firmly stilled your hips with his strong hands. Keeping you in place he lowered his head to pepper your thighs with kisses, soft suckles that soon transitioned into nibbled, and then small bites that had you twitching in Aaron's hands. Looking down, you both made direct eye contact as he licked a line up your thigh gathering your dripping juices into his mouth and relishing in the taste.
"Please~ no more teasing"
Ignoring your whines of need, Aaron continued to explore you, now edging closer to your folds and licking at the wet skin between your thighs and labia. Your hands grabbed the fabric of the couch waiting for the torture to end. But rather than loosen your grip, your fist only clenched tighter when Aaron's mouth unexpectedly came in contact with your pussy.
The curse word transformed into a stretched out moan as Aaron's tongue traced your crevices and his lips wrapped around your sensitive pearl. The ferocity of his movements was a complete opposite to his gentle prods before. Locking eyes with him once more, your back arched uncontrollably as he prodded your hole with his tongue, the wet muscle squeezing its way inside you.
Something he had never tried before that rose sensations you were not used to. His large arms held your legs in place as they contradicted his harsh mouth actions with gentle stroking to your thighs. You stared at his concentrated face, trying to make you come as more moans continuously escaped you. Your breathing picking up pace in a rushed tandem before they fall flat with a heavy groan leaving you.
"What the fuck Aaron I was just about to come why would you stop"
His words followed a harsh slap brought against your thigh, too close to your pussy, unexpectedly making you clench around nothing.
"I'll do it more if you keep up with that smart mouth, is that what you want"
"Exactly. So be a good girl and take what I fucking give you"
His order was punctuated by another slap, this one even close to your pussy that his fingers just brushed the edge of your core. The slap still making a resounding noise from the liquids escaping you. He kept using his mouth on you remembering the talk you had about how much you enjoyed your first experience of oral with Aaron.
Except he did it again. Just when you were about to come, back already arching and ready to grab onto Hotchs hair, when he moved away from you.
"Ngnh pleaseee Aaron let me come please"
"Hm fine have you learnt your lesson"
"Ye..yes won't do it again"
To be fair, the prank was orchestrated by both you and Reid, but of course, only you were punished in this manner. The look on Hotchs face when the pen cap splashed into his coffee from all the way across the Bullpen was so so worth it. Especially the laughs that followed from the rest of the team who had seen the two of you come up with ideas to tweak the physics in order to make the cap project further.
You wouldn't do it again though, not after you feel Hotchs tongue span over your pussy and his teeth graze against your sensitive clit, your body begging for climax. His hands draw up pushing your legs closer to your chest as his fingers pinch your nipples. The added friction mixed with his mouth on you is that little bit you needed to come. The coil inside you snapping finally after far too long, your body writhing but held in place by Hotch as he keeps licking. Only giving in when you push away at his face, mewling at the overstimulation on his tongue against your clit making you twitch and writhe.
The two of you panting out from the brief "exercise" but Hotch knew the message had made it across to your dumbed out brain and wasn't expecting any more pranks. Unless you preferred not being able to sit down from a sore ass or walk from getting dicked down by him.
Kinktober Masterlist
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pjo-tvs-version · 13 hours
I know that no one asked but I just wanted to add my to cents to the current pjo era we are having right now...
First off, I love Rick and the books he has written but honestly tsast and wottg aren't some of his best works. That's not the problem because yeah not all books can be amazing but the problem is that they are his most recent ones. Cotg was better than these 2 but it too had it's drawbacks. Now I have this thing where if I like something then however bad it it, I try to make myself enjoy it. It's like a coping mechanism- delusion. But with wottg, I actually sat back and thought. Since when did I take a week to finish a pjo book? I am the person who finished Hoo in like less than a week and I took a week to finish wottg which took me aback. The characters were very oc. Grover was perhaps the only character close to his actual well character. I don't usually nitpick but like I had said in a post earlier, continuity and callbacks in a book series are what make them extremely enjoyable and small textual errors are like pricking needles to me.
My main issue was Annabeth and then Percy. Look in know in this fandom there are many Annabeth antis and that's fine, I accept that. But now the worst part is that what they have said about Annabeth is to some extent true in this current Annabeth version we have. Look Leah is great and I love her with all my heart but Rick please don't mingle both of them together. Let show cannon be separate and book cannon to itself. Let Annabeth in wottg be her book character like please. She has friends? Great! The main thing we know about her friends are that they think Percy isn't GOOD ENOUGH for her? Awful! She is the mom friend? Okay(though I personally believe it should be Grover but fine if people are okay with it this is just a personal opinion guys)! BUT that should not make Percy 'alley boy.'
This brings me to the second part. We love Percy and love his humor. Well I recently reread the Battle of the Labyrinth (don't ask why I don't know I just had the sudden urge to read it). He isn't very confident and does underestimate himself often but it wasn't taken this FAR. Every single next line was describing how Percy sucks at everything while Annabeth is here in all her perfect glory and believe it or not this is coming from me, who loves Annabeth. I love Percabeth because it's a balance. They balance off each other soo well. They both comfort each other. They both know that they are smart. They both know that the other person has flaws. But in wottg it's just downright annoying because the dynamic is just "ooh look my gf is soo amazing, totally flawless with no error and here is me who sucks at any and every thing possible." This isn't the Percy we know nor Annabeth nor Percabeth.
LET ANNABETH BE IMPERFECT! AND PLEASE GIVE PERCY THERAPY because he needs it. For the next book Rick please just hire a better editor because I am not going into the MISTAKES in these books. You can hire me if you want because I swear I can do a better job than your editor. Seriously literally any pjo fan would do a better job. Wottg felt like maybe the second draft of the work which required maybe 3 more drafts to be published. It felt like an unchecked fanfiction and believe me that I have seen better fanfictions on AO3. The pjo fandom is an extremely loyal fanbase which is an extremely cool thing. But the problem here is that people like m even though I didn't really enjoy wottg, I would still hope for a better sequel because gaaahhhh optimism. I am actually wary of the sequel to tsast but that's for another post.
Whew! Talking so negatively about something was a new experience for me because I absolutely love pjo and will always keep it close to my heart. Rick please for the sake of advertisement please don't publish uncooked gibberish because it actually breaks my heart too see the hate and for once I understand it. Anyway, wottg wasn't all that bad. To balance out this post, I'll make one on the portions I liked because there were a few moments that were worth reading. Extremely sorry for the scattered thoughts and the rant but thank you and have a great day everyone !
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sssammich · 2 days
day 4: garden | hallucinations
note: this story is about death, but with a twist. but still, death.
supercorptober / whumptober
her dark brunette hair, pulled into a low ponytail over her shoulder, swishes across her shoulder when she turns her head to a blonde woman standing at the edge of her yard, her hand hovering over the makeshift wooden fence she'd erected a handful of decades ago.
she shuts her eyes, echoes of echoes of memories float in her mind of many bygone eras, but the blue of the woman's eyes remain the same through them all. perhaps it's just a hallucination. beautiful blue-eyed blonde women come around often enough.
"you've finally found me," she says finally, after having opened her eyes and confirming that she's now face to face with the very woman she's been waiting to cross paths with.
"so i have," the woman says, her voice soft and gentle.
for the first time in almost a century, the evader of death stands in front of death herself.
death asks, "how are you?"
against her better judgment, her face breaks into an amused smile. "i'm just fine."
death nods, as if receiving her answer like they're simply discussing the weather.
after a muted beat, she comments to death, "you took your time."
"i was needed elsewhere." death says it with a half shrug, her hands resting on her waist. an image of innocence that completely belies her true powers or the true cost of her role.
she dusts her hands of the dirt and grime from her garden. she'd just gotten the hang of planting plumerias, but perhaps she'll have to worry about them at her next destination. "until next time?"
when she attempts to walk towards her house, death's voice rings in her ears from behind. "do you want to go?"
she stumbles in her steps, grabbing hold of her porch railing. she whips around, the green of her eyes studying death exactly where she stands.
"isn't that up to you?" her voice comes out strong, but quiet.
death, for the first time since her arrival, looks away.
the time between them, naturally, stretches and contracts, the two of them once again stuck in limbo.
from the foot of her porch steps, she takes decided steps towards the wooden fence. she grabs hold of the handle and swinging it back to eliminate the one physical barrier between them. mere minutes ago, she'd just been thinking about her impending departure, determining which of her contingency plans would work best for her current situation.
yet now, as she observes death's face standing in front of her, she catches a rare glimpse of death's true state of being. deep and tired and burdened, the millennia of millennia death has lived betraying the arrested youth of her face.
resolute blue eyes stare into the very depths of her and at once, a surge of renewed energy flows through body of the evader of death.
there is a lifetime of lifetimes shared between them, every single moment paired with every single emotion one could ever experience. hurt. joy. anger. sadness. pride. jealousy. happiness. pain. contentment. love.
love. grief. love. grief. love. grief. love. grief. love.
though her impossibly beating heart thunders in her chest, in her stomach settles a sense of peace. a difference in every other moment prior to this one. a change in the wind, a change in the weather, a change in time.
she brings a hand up and brushes death's blonde hair out of the way, going so far as to tuck it behind her ear. when had they done this last? before everything changed? after?
days and years and seconds and millennia.
her lips, a pale pink hue and chapped and teeth marked, press upon death's cheek. a mortal damp warmth against the coolness of immortal skin.
"will you really do it?"
death's jaw tightens. "i have caused you enough suffering. a lifetime or two, some would say."
it's a terrible joke: on the nose, expected. but the evader of death laughs because this is it. this is where they have found themselves, in a shaded garden so far away from who they used to be, once upon a time.
she sticks her finger out, pointing, accusatory. "if this is some trick—"
"it's not a trick." death grabs hold of her finger before cradling her hand to a cold chest. "it's not a trick. if you want to go, i will let you go."
grief. love. grief. love. grief. love. grief. love. grief.
she takes purchase in a singular moment, her answer having made a home on the roof of her mouth for as long as she can remember.
"i do. i want you to let me go."
death releases a shaky breath, one that falls warm on her face. "okay."
you see, the evader of death is a misnomer. incorrect. a bastardization of the truth.
the evader of death has never wanted to escape the natural progression of life, to disrupt the order of chaos. she has wanted to embrace death for all of her life, for all of the lives of her lives, but death herself has evaded her.
because death wants her but she cannot be anything but herself. neither of them can be anything but themselves.
so they have been playing an interesting cat and mouse game where the cat hides from the mouse instead, the mouse placing herself in all facets of discovery, only for the cat to betray her very being and leave the mouse alone.
the evader of death brings her arms up to wrap them around death's neck, death immediately cradling her in her arms.
a sad smile appears on her face, one overflowing with great sadness only equal to that of great tenderness.
"do you remember who we were? the first time?" she asks, their faces practically touching, their noses grazing.
death's own lip quivers. "yeah. i've never forgotten."
"that's how i want you to remember me. that's the best of me."
"all of you is the best of you."
for the first time in a long while, her body vibrates in laughter. the freest she's felt in an open cage. "i'm already in your arms, darling."
death's laugh comes out stuttering and wet, but it is more life than she has expressed for so, so very long. "can you ever forgive me for keeping you here all this time?" death asks hers.
she slides her hand to caress death's cheek, the same one she'd pressed a kiss to earlier. "i forgave you a long time ago, kara. i've just been waiting for you to forgive yourself."
kara sniffles, a tear making a run down her cheek, her name uttered out loud after years of disuse. "can i do anything for you?"
she sighs, an exhalation of all the tension she's held for all of time she's held within. this is what's right. this is correct. her body feels at home and her soul feels at rest.
"say my name. tell me a story. hold me."
"in that order?" a lopsided smile appears on kara's face. a better joke, she thinks. she appreciates. her heart sings.
"in that order."
kara clears her throat, bravely pushing past the threat of sobs, and tightens her hold.
"oh, lena. well, i think you'll like this story about these two imperfect people who met a long, long time ago. against all odds, they found each other. one of them was shadowing her cousin to interview this young ceo who was taking over her family's company. ever heard of it?"
lena's mirth splits her face and she tucks her head in the crook of kara's neck, tightening her own hold of kara's body pressed against hers. satisfied, held and cradled in kara's arms. they don't let go of each other, not even when kara's tears spill and drop on alabaster skin, not even when death's grip inevitably takes over and the brightness and vibrancy in green eyes disappear once and for all.
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evvyyypeters-fics · 22 hours
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Bark Like A Dog [Part One]
Dog!Kit Walker x f!reader
Warnings! Suggestive, ahs asylum lore mentions, fluff, alluded sexual encounters, dog mutant stuff, not proofread
Part two
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Kit and I were used to being abducted by now. The loud whirring and bright light that always appeared, ringing through our ears and burning our eyes was an experience we’d grown accustomed to. The white void, the poking and proding, the years of torture spent only to come back like nothing had happened. It was routine. At this rate, we were almost unphased.
So it was a shocking surprise when one day Kit was the one abducted once again, but this time. He came back…different.
“They don’t look too weird, do they?” He asks shyly, the apples of his cheeks completely pink.
I prodded the tip of the fluffy ear, causing it to react with a small flinch, flicking rapidly against his head, blended into his brown curls.
I would be lying if I didn’t say he was even cuter, not to mention the obvious long furry tail wagging behind him. He was, dare I say, truly a golden retriever boyfriend now. It was a blessing and curse for this gift from the aliens. And I would definitely be using it to its extent as much as I could.
“No, honey, you look adorable.” He blushes even harder and his eyes dart away, his head tilting even lower. It was unusual for him to be this shy, so I could tell the change made him really self conscious.
“C’mon, look at me. You’re fine. I’m sure whatever reason they did this, it will be finished soon.” I tried to reassure him, even though I had no idea truly, tilting his head up by pressing my finger under his chin. His eyes lifted with his chin to meet mine, they were wide, and oh so brown, just like a real dog.
The sight made my heart squeeze. He nods understandingly, his new ears and tail flickering with his mood.
“Seems you’ll have a hard time keeping things from me now. My own little lie detector.” I joked, smirking as I caught the change in position. His gaze quickly darts away again in embarrassment.
“Oh, please don’t be like that, Kit. It’s really sweet looking, really.” I smiled at him warmly and he sighed.
“I know. It’s just….everything feels different now. It’s almost overwhelming.” He mutters. The realization hits me, he doesn’t just look like a dog now, of course. Poor baby was experiencing new sensations than a human because of the weird mutatio— disease, whatever the fuck is going on.
Comfortingly, I place my hands on both of his cheeks in a gentle hold and place a soft kiss to his face. In my hands, I can feel him shiver a moment, but ignore it.
“How about I make you your favorite meal to take your mind off things for now?” I ask, pulling away to see his slightly pouted face and he nods.
I wondered, truly, how long it would be until Kit was back to normal. Or if he ever would be. Would I be ok with it if he stayed this way forever? Would he be ok with it? I’m sure he would adapt, we would adapt. But do I want that? Would that be ok? All these questions, and still no answers.
This ran through my mind as I stirred the pot with simmering tomato sauce and other spices. My mind wandered somewhere else as I stirred blankly, just staring into the red slop.
I don’t even notice when Kit walks into the kitchen again and creeps up behind me until I feel his breath tickle down my neck, warmly. Warm breath. I was stunned for a moment, feeling engulfed by his shadow. My ear was met with the soft ambience of a quiet night, and also Kit’s soft heaving pants.
I put the wooden spoon down a moment and turn my head a little to try and meet Kit’s gaze as he pins me against the kitchen counter. Not wanting to risk it, I turn off the burner on the stove.
“Kit, everything alright?” I ask anxiously. No response.
“Kit?” I say softer this time, I jolt when he softly bites into the space between my neck and my shoulder, his tongue tracing ovee the skin as he sucks, pulling away to leave an obvious mark.
“Kit!” I yelp. But he only presses closer to my back.
“What’s gotten into you?” I ask with concern, still no response. Only the extreme heat radiating off of him and now closer, thick and heavy breaths in my ear.
“Fuck…you smell so good…I can’t..” He finally whispers lowly into my ear, his voice quiet and shockingly desperate. It was a tone I’d never heard from him before.
“Need it so bad….need you so bad…” He mutters aimlessly as he starts to nibble on my skin again in various places, his hands finding my hips and sliding up and down my thighs, rubbing every possible part of the plush fat he could without breaching any further.
“You need what, honey? What’s wrong??” I ask, still pinned and unable to meet his gaze.
I feel his nose press against my nape, close to my hair, and he inhales deeply.
“Need to breed you, please…” He mumbles into a breath and the words shiver down my spine.
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