#and apparently i'm also in the mood to write it idek
unforth · 5 months
Well, no one can see this, because it's a fill for the Rare Kink Buffet, BUT, this hidden mystery work that won't be revealed until May 30th is my fill for @duckprintspress May Trope Mayhem Day 1 - Secret Relationship!
I don't actually see anything in the rules for the Kink Buffet that says I have to keep what I've made a secret until the 30th, but in the spirit of the challenge, I'll just leave us at:
Fandom: Scum Villain's Self-Saving System
Any Major Archive Warnings Apply? Yes
Ship: Bingqiu
Length: 2,984 words (that I just wrote in like. 80 minutes. without editing. um. sorry.)
So, be on the look-out on May 30th, and I hope the requester and anyone else who reads it enjoys. :D
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starrierknight · 8 months
so reece, btw i’m a leo and ur an aries and apparently i think those two are, and i quote, HIGHLY compatible *winks* /p
also question ! so i saw that ask u replied to abt how pegging is in ur don’ts so i got it the faq and read through it but i didn’t find anything ? so just to clarify (cuz i’m a bit slow or maybe a terrible reader idek) but i a pegging okay or not ?
ALSO suguru fic u say ? i’m waiting very patiently, on my best behavior even,,
shiiiiii I think we should be making passionate love rn then. for science! ;) /p
ahhhh yeah, basically I'm chill with writing pegging, I'm just rarely in the mood for it? so I'm not against writing it in the slightest, it's just not one of my fav things to write yk?
edit: I feel a bit bad if someone sends me a thirst about pegging and I'm just like "😃👍🏻" because I'm not in the mood for it 😭
AND YES!!!! sexy lil suguru fic for your pleasure. it's probably the most... tense thing I have ever written. so sexy tho. mwah
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nicistrying · 2 years
Mon 19th Sep:
This might be a bit of a long post!
Apologies I've been MIA, last week was probably the roughest week at work I've ever had. Skeleton staff as everyone was on holiday, including the deputy manager who is back tomorrow after 10 days off. And then the store manager was going on holiday Friday to the following Monday so there was just me to run the store while both of them were away. And then the Queen died so everyone "got the day off" but myself and another lad had to go in this morning bc obviously deliveries weren't cancelled. So we had to work 6-10am to work stock and receive the delivery. And rearrange a load of processes we usually do on a Monday so they'd either be done Sunday or Tuesday. It was just a whole thing but because both of my managers were away it fell to me to organise all this. Which would have been fine if not for...
Me already having had to cover another store from 4am-1pm Tuesday, and then go to our store bc Uncle Manager was at breaking point. Ended up working a 12 hour day which I know is normal in lots of jobs but bc I had been up since 2.30am it was just rough
Two members of staff having butted heads with each other and then also with Uncle Manager just literally bc of stupid misunderstandings between them all
Me trying to mediate between everyone, failing horribly. Arguments coming to a head with Uncle Manager leaving his keys and walking out. Me being left to pick up the pieces: finding cover for the evening and the next day, discussing with the other staff involved to try to get to the bottom of wtf the problem was, keeping the store running in general, keeping a happy face on for all the other staff who were blissfully unaware of all this. Uncle Manager of course came back and talked it out with the person he'd argued with, for 2 hours upstairs while I was on the shop floor keeping everything together, making sure everyone else got their breaks, dealing with phone calls and customers etc.
The next day everything was apparently fine but I was emotionally exhausted from having had to take everything on my shoulders. I ended up breaking down in tears to Uncle Manager and saying I thought it was really unfair the situations I'd been put in this week and that I had done well to keep it together but now I was also at breaking point. He was nice about it and apologised for the way he'd acted etc and let me go home early.
Saturday idek what happened. Everything was fine all morninv until the newly signed off team leader came in in a horrible mood and was just being a dick. I don't have a better way to say it. He was storming around as though he knew everything, everything anyone said was a personal dig at him, another team leader (with 30 years more experience than him) was 'undermining his authority' and he kept shouting at me about how fed up he was every time I tried to speak to him calmly. So I ended up snapping and saying look if you want to talk about authority, I am in charge. I'm asking you to do something, go and do it. It was awful. I've never had to actually confront anyone at work and it was so shit. The other team leader was coming to me crying bc of the way he spoke to her and I was just going between the two of them trying to sort it out, an hour after my shift had ended.
Sooo that's been work. It's been honestly horrific. And I can't help but wish I'd been more firm tbh and given him a proper warning that if he speaks to anyone like that again at work it'll be escalated. But I'll discuss it with the dep manager tomorrow anyway and see what she says.
So yesterday when I finally had a day off, I was determined to work out to relieve some stress. So I did and I had a great workout and it made me feel so much better. A little flex for @idratherberunning49 !!
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I then spent my afternoon writing up a professional account of the shit storm of a week I'd had and logged that as a learning experience for my apprenticeship. Then I called my sister for 2 hours and we had a really cathartic vent about work, kids, family, everything. It was so good.
Today (Monday) me and the hot-head worked 6-10am just to get the delivery in and we had a really productive morning. I'm happy with what we got done. He had a few stupid little snipes about other staff but I just ignored him. Again I wish I'd said 'I will not tolerate you thinking you can talk to / about other people like that, we are a team and you are not the be all and end all. Wind your neck in' buuut I'm a pussy tbh. And I was keeping him in relatively good spirits by just setting an example of having a positive attitude and getting on with my job. Hoping he'll take something from it. Came home and had a lovely walk in the sunshine with Maggie, lunch with Matthew before he went to work, and now am going to do a couple hours of coursework and from maybe 4pm I'll say is chill time to do some yoga, start Christmas shopping, read my book etc. Hope everyone is well! Also, a selfie for the lovely @jenthebug thanks for tagging me! I'll tag @therambl3r @zombie-apocalypse-training @therunnymoonsover haven't seen you guys in a while!
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hotmess-exe · 3 years
how bout 24 (fav style of clothing) 84 (superpower of choice) and 137! (do you like your handwriting?)
24 - Favorite style of clothing
Oh man, where to even begin 😅 ever since i did this huge color purge from my wardrobe and committed to wearing only black back in like... 2014(15?), i've on and off referred to my style as hell or demon-casual 😂 i've reintroduced color to my closet, esp since finally giving in and embracing a general love for fashion that I fought against most of my life, and... it depends! I love black, minimalist ensembles; I love bold African prints on contemporary silhouettes; I love bodycon dresses and skirts; I love faux fur paired with big sunglasses; I love graphic tees and hoodies; I love over-sized, vintage sweaters; I love dainty, casually goth numbers.
I don't know that I have a favorite style, I'm all over the place!! I also love pairing anything at all with wild contact lenses; my fave colors have been red and lavender, but I can't wait to try gold soon! Annnnd I'm super into sharp eyeliner and have been known to beat the hell outta my face when the mood strikes xD.
84 - Superpower of choice
so, so hard to choose but... probably some form of lie detection. idek if that would be something I'd want but... idk. I'd live a totally different life with that superpower, almost definitely become a civil rights or anti-corruption lawyer or work directly in politics xD
137 - Do I like my handwriting?
Yes!! growing up, i would pretty regularly (once a school year or so) sit myself down with a pen and paper, and write out the entire alphabet, the numerical digits, and the most used punctuation and like... tweak! p sure i initially started doing that as an active effort to make my handwriting less bubbly (read as: girly. i was a nonbinary kid working thru some things ok 😂) but it was fun to redesign my handwriting and like... idk, also fun to integrate it in practice?
so yeah, I really like my handwriting. I'd hope so after all the times I've reinvented it 😆 some of my letters and characters aren't very traditional and raised eyebrows back during school days tho. I don't dot my i's and j's (if i can help it; studying in Turkey was such a bummer lol) and apparently most folks don't write the lowercase 'a' like... well, like a font. that a. <- that one. the one--the one you're looking at right now!
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jackidy · 7 years
Okay yeah that's fine, I'm from the North East but I don't really pay attention to what I buy because all I want is my chips and curry tbh, so instead could you do like a thing (maybe a Drabble idk your choice really) on Ireland,England,Wales,Scotland,North hats humorous because I need happiness rn, exams are pulling my mood right down, please?
I’m sorry this might be late! I’ve been working at a convention all weekend so I was away from a computer! I tried to think of something to write and this is the first thing that came to mind. No ships in this really but things are implied I guess??? idek. 
3 Times Arthur, Iain and Aeron made Patrick accidentally cry and the one time Sean did on purpose.
1, Arthur and The Vegetables (Late 1800′s)
It’s not the first time he’s dealt with a fussy eater, before Patrick came along he was sure Alfred had been the picture perfect example of a child who refused to eat anything that they perceived didn’t agree with them. Michael had been another example but Arthur could only put that down to Yao’s cooking having tainted the child’s tastebuds first, taking away any appreciation for British cuisine. 
But Patrick, Patrick was different.
Arthur isn’t sure how Aeron manages this, the Irish child usually wolfed down whatever the Welsh man presented before him but now he’s just sat, looking at Arthur with utter confusion. He still doesn’t know how to use cutlery, 4 months of attempting haven’t given any promising results and England would be lying if he didn’t say it bothered him.
He could forgive this with his more heathen colonies but not from a sibling, even if that sibling was Irish.
“Open up, Patrick, come on.”
Its been fifteen minutes now. Fifteen minutes of pushing boiled cabbage against unwilling lips, fifteen minutes of trying to trick a toddler way too smart for his own good into opening his mouth and fifteen minutes of biting his tongue to stop himself snapping at the empire sized audience behind him who had decided watching him try and feed a 3 year old was far more interesting than the food before them. 
Tickling is a cheap tactic but it works, Arthur more or less shoving the fork full of food in the toddler’s mouth, quickly ending the laughter and replacing it with horror. 
At least that what Arthur had hoped.
Instead of horror he gets tears, Arthur frozen in shock before quickly pulling the fork from the child’s mouth, grimacing as partially chewed cabbage was spat at him, the young would be nation starting to bawl as the colonies, primarily James, started howling with laughter behind him.
“Oh bother.”
2, Iain and the Glen (1912)
It had been a spur of the moment decisions to take Patrick for a walk in the woods, the situation in the house having grown more tense since Sean left and lord only knew how much everyone needed a break from it, Patrick most of all. Iain supposes it was either luck or a bad taste joke that what calmed Sean also calmed Patrick. 
“What do I do if I fall down there?”
Iain pauses and turns to look at Patrick and then to the steep, near vertical hill beside the walk way, the Scotsman shrugging and turning before the smaller nation could see the jokey grin on his lips. “You’ll hit your head and the kelpies will get you.”
Iain turns laughing at the scream, expecting to find the redheaded child behind him only to find a blank space and collapsed pathway, amusement turning to panic as the snapping of twigs stops, closely followed by a splash. 
He finds Patrick at the bottom of the steep hill, sat waist deep in the stream and rubbing his eyes, Iain making a silent prayer that his younger brother wasn’t crying before hearing a loud pitched whine followed by almost hysteric crying. 
Thinking Patrick had hurt himself seriously, Iain lets out a curse before making his way down the slope himself, moving as quickly as safely as he could, biting down a curse as his joined Patrick in the icy cold water. 
“I’m here, I’m here. Are you hurt anywhere?” 
His reply isn’t verbal, Patrick shaking his head but his crying doesn’t cease, only calming slightly as Scotland scooped him up into a hug as gently as he could. The reason for the crying become apparent when Iain makes the slow ascent back to the path, Patrick’s sniffles finally calming down to a mumble of “Please don’t let the kelpies get me.”
3, Aeron and the Compliment (1954)
Aeron remembers being a teenager, somewhat, he remembers the hormones, he remembers the terrible life choices and he remembers the annoyance of his voice dropping. He doesn’t, however, remember the attitude problem or the mood swings, raising an eyebrow at the teenager sat opposite him at Arthur’s kitchen table as Northern Ireland more or less brutalised his breakfast with a fork. 
“Nothing, just thinking about how much you look like Sean when you attempt to murder eggs with a fork.”
Its a dig, Aeron knows this, bitter over yet ANOTHER sibling out growing him but the reactions to the comment make him briefly reconsider making it. 
At first there is anger, brows furrowing and Patrick looking like he’s about to snap the metal fork in half from sheer rage. There’s a moment of acceptance that follows, Patrick sighing and seeming to consider the statement before the anger returns only this time accompanied by tears.
Aeron blinks but remains neutral as Patrick smashes his plate throwing it off the table and storms out of the room, sipping on his tea and turning back to the newspaper in his lap. 
That could have gone better, he thought, as the sound of smashing continued upstairs.
4, Sean and The Gift (2015)
Sean’s thankful that Patrick is playing video games for once when he lets himself into the younger nation’s flat, the red head too absorbed in whatever he was playing at the moment, Animal Crossing Sean guesses, to give more than a grunt of acknowledgement as hello.
“I bought you something.” He gets another grunt in response, Sean biting his tongue to refrain from laughing at the reaction, re-positioning the object in his arm as he walked over, leaning over the back of the sofa and waiting for the redhead to look up. “I think you’re going to like it!”
“It doesn’t smell edible so I dou-”
He’s cut off by a small bark, Patrick putting the DS down and looking at Sean, or rather whats in his arms, so quickly he’s surprised the young nation doesn’t get whiplash. 
“Is that a...”
“And they’re for...”
“Yes, she’s for you.”
It’s been a whilst since he saw Patrick this quiet, reminded just how much of a child the other still is when he gently takes the Border Collie puppy off of him, holding the young bitch in his folded legs and waiting for a verbal reaction only to get a loud sniff instead.
“Are you crying?”
“Do you want me to get some tissues and leave you alone with her for a while?”
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