#and also wario
yellownote0-0 · 1 month
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Summer is just around the corner! 😎☀️
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freakartack · 7 months
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"...Hello? Ma! I told you not to call me today, I'm making a movie!" -Wario, Mario Power Tennis
The most important lesson from Ma that Wario took to heart was the endless pursuit of cold, hard cash. Unfortunately, the one lesson she could never teach him was the importance of hard work to get it.  It wasn't for lack of trying; Wario's Ma is the hardest worker this side of the Mushroom Kingdom.  Raising Baby Wario was a herculean enough task on its own, but ever the enterprising spirit, she had also set out to grow one of the most profitable crops: garlic.
Her backyard business quickly expanded into a veritable garlic empire. Wario's mother toiled away tirelessly each day from sunrise to sunset to grow and harvest as much garlic as she could possibly achieve.  Much of Wario's current strength and endurance can be attributed to helping his mom on the farm as a child, although the teeth-pulling task of getting him to actually work was almost as difficult as preventing him from eating all the garlic straight out of the ground.  Wario's nose for instant gratification has always been a thorn in his mother's side, but try as she might to instill a solid work ethic into the boy, her "get-rich-slow" schemes could never appeal to him.  Still, Wario enjoyed his surprisingly agrarian upbringing. Along with garlic, his mother also raised chickens for eggs, inspiring in Wario a lifelong soft spot for poultry.  (He also had a pet hamster named Fluffy, who sadly passed away in 1986.)
Today, Wario is still on good terms with his mother despite their physical distance, and frequent phone calls keep her updated on all of Wario's business successes.  Of course, being Wario, he heavily embellishes the amount of work he actually does at his company.  If she only knew...
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skillbattle · 9 months
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ummm hi take this
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funky-dealer · 6 months
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drew my pokemon guys again 👍
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cozystars · 3 months
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tee hee
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axollyon · 8 months
guys am i cooking
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jupitercl0uds · 8 months
i love how out of all the little things idw has confirmed canon, one of the most prominent ones is that robotnik is a gamer and specifically a twitch streamer.
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like this is a real official idw illustration
also the chat is hilarious
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perhaps he makes everyone watch splatoon 2 letsplays BY EGGMAN
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garlculean · 7 months
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Toadette's gotta lil crush it'd seem...wah ha ha.
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stupidhany · 30 days
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I like you! Have some Orbulons
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And some alts
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bloompompom · 2 months
who do you play as in mario kart/party
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2dmarioart · 1 year
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mario kart 8 line stickers
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chongoblog · 5 months
Have you heard of Mindwave? It's like Wario Ware but targeted more towards gay neurodivergent trans girls...no idea why I'm telling a bi boy this lmao but hey who knows you may like it regardless.
anons stop trying to imply im a trans girl challenge [infinitely impossible]
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freakartack · 7 months
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a boy and his hen
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skillbattle · 10 months
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i need to go back in time to when this game was created and join character design team bc he should’ve been black all along in this essay i will
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carinane · 2 months
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magma doodle from a bit ago idk if ill ever finish
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cozystars · 7 months
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Waaaaaaaaaaaat the fuck kind of tension is this
Bonus! A personal Wapeach design - Princess Plum
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