#also he’s trans. his name is jimmy t shot
skillbattle · 10 months
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i need to go back in time to when this game was created and join character design team bc he should’ve been black all along in this essay i will
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patrick-ch · 5 years
Ch.1 Valor Academy
In order to fully grasp the current situation, I have to take to you back to the beginning. Before we became Spartans..
The Year is 2568, a little over a decade after Fire Team Osiris retrieved Master Chief and his team. The 6 of us just graduated from Neo Los Angeles Prerequisite Academy and got accepted into Valor Academy of UNSC. Where are my manners;
my name is Will “Zero” Martinez Age: 21 Height:5′5 Weight: 160lbs Favorite Weapons: Battle Rifle, DMR, and Sniper Rifle, Specialty: Thinking Outside The Box, I’ve never been a fan of conventional thinking, always looking for new ways to come up with a solution. 
The tall islander looking one next to me is Pj “Sachi” Hidalgo Age: 20 Height:6′0 Weight: 156lbs Favorite Weapons: Battle Rifle and Sniper Rifle and the occasional Rocket Launcher, Specialty: God Hand, He can tell how much bullets have been shot based on the vibration of each shot, which also allows him the perfect time to reload.
To his right we have Bernard “Relentless” Cabrera Age: 20  Height:5′5 Weight: 150lbs Favorite Weapons: Battle Rifle and any Sniper Rifle, Specialty: God Eye, give him a scope and target and he will automatically know how high to aim and how much to lead his shot within seconds.
And then we have Nathan “Lucky” Nobleza Age: 19 Height: 5′7 Weight: 170lbs  , Favorite Weapons: Battle Rifle, DMR, and his all time favorite Dual SMG, Specialty: Perfect Angles, he’s always finding new ways to use grenades or even off angles to shoot from. 
Next we have Deneb “Mizu” Arillaga and Ray “X-Ray” Esperanza, these two are the... “HEY MAKE SURE YOU DON’T GET KICKED OUT AND WATCH OUT FOR THOSE TWO!!” a woman screamed from a nearby van. “ YEAH WE GOT IT! NOTHING WILL HAPPEN TO THEM! I hope...” Pj says with heavy sigh. “PHILLIP! I mean it, if anything were to happen to them I swear on my grave I will enlist myself and beat all of you in front of everyone! LOVE YOU LITTLE BROTHER!” Sher yells out loud. That’s Auntie Sher, after we lost all of our parents in the Invasion of New Los Angeles, we all moved in with her and her husband Nelson. 
We all head to the gate to check in, we are then greeted with an A.I. “Please Scan Your Identification Card.” *Scans ID* “William Martinez, Code Name: Zero, Welcome to Valor Academy” After the rest of us sign in we head to the field for Orientation, as we get to the field we see more and more Fire Teams. Some newbies, and some teams that have been there from the semester before. Pj notices the all female Fire Team. “YOOO! Who is that beautiful piece of everything?!” Pj says with a big smile on his face. 
Deneb stops Pj from approaching and tells him “DUDE! That’s Fire Team Demon Rose, Lead by Alexis Shon, call sign “Mercy”, next to her is Kayleen “Shadow” Kamimura, Alice “Rose” Chan, and Logan “Logistx” Edra. They’re called Demon Rose, because they are not only beautiful but they’re also very lethal. Also they are Ranked #2 in the Elite Class, but rumor has it they could have been #1 but Mercy threw the match because she felt sorry for Team Oblivion.
 As they’re talking two figures start making their way towards Zero and Company. “DO YOU PUSSIES HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY THEN COME AND SAY IT! And for the record, we won fair in square. Mercy just couldn’t finish that’s her problem, SHE’S TOO SOFT AND DOESN’T BELONG IN THE SPARTAN PROGRAM!”
At that time the Head Master walks to the podium. *Clears Throat* “Welcome to those of you joining us for the first time and those of you that have returned. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Kenneth “Sanctifyed” Obrique and I am the Head Master here at Valor Academy, We at Valor Academy expect the very best of you, as you do the same for the staff and instructors. Today I welcome all of you to a new year, and  with something new that myself and a couple of the Instructors here have come up with ourselves, to make sure you do your best. At any time you are allowed to challenge any of the Elite Teams for their spot in the Elite Class . The current rankings are as followed,
Oblivion: Jasen “HB/Steezee” Lau, Ralph “Samurai” Rumbaoa 
Demon Rose: Alexis “Mercy” Shon, Alice “Rose” Chan, Kayleen “Shadow” Kamimura, Logan “Logistx” Edra 
 Atlantic: Ken “Ziggy” Dela Cruz, Bryan “Ah Hell Yeah(AHY)” Gutierrez, Andrew (T-Eyez) pronounce as Ties, Moses “Dandy” Galvan
Gamma : Jordan “BreezY” Barnachea, Gerald “Trigun” Barnachea, Jimmy “Uncreated” Baton, Bernard “Influent’ Credo
Elements: Kathleen “Ice” Tran, Jackie “Fire” Tran, Eric “EXT” Cordova
Fire Teams can have a minimum of 3 Members and a maximum of 4. Seeing how Fire Team Oblivion has two members, they will be demoted to the regular class and will have find one or two more members to make a squad. After this you will locate your quarters and fit yourself with an AI.  With this being said, I wish you all the best of luck and Welcome again to Valor Academy.”
“Excuse me sir, but does this mean we are allowed to challenge an Elite Team right now?” Someone says from the crowd. “Yes that is correct, who may I ask is asking?” the Head Master questions while squinting into the crowd of students. “Sorry for my rude behavior Sir, that would be I, Pj “Sachi” HIidalgo, First Year, of Fire Team Hayabusa.” Pj says as he stands and saultes. “Well cadet, what did you have in mind?” the Head Master asks in wonder. “I would like to challenge Fire Team Oblivion, Sir!” Pj says confidently. “Alright, well do you accept the challenge Fire Team Oblivion?” the Head Master asks. “ Yee we accept, easy claps! Am I right Samurai? We not gonna lose to a team that barely made it through the qualifying test” says HB as he high fives his only team mate. “Okay well that settles it we have our first challenge of the year, Fire Team Oblivion vs. Fire Team Haybusa. But before we can finalize the match we will need Oblivion to find two more team mates to fill in their squad.” “No need for that sir, we’ll take those the one with the big mouth and the one next to him.” HB says confidently. “And what are your names cadets?” Head Master questions. “My name is Deneb “Mizu” Arillaga, First Year of Fire Team Hayabusa B, and I am Ray “X-Ray” Esperanza also a First Year of Fire Team Hayabusa B.” the both of them said. 
“Okay, well as of now both of you are now a part of Fire Team Oblivion. The match well be a single match. To win the match you must immobilize the whole enemy squadron. You will be fitted with Mk4 Training armor once you are fitted with an AI, These Mk4 Armor can only handle one armor ability. Active Camo will not be available but Armor Lock, Evade, Bubble Shield, and Dash will be available. Also these Armors can only handle one ability, so choose wisely. Each of you will be given 2 Grenades, a weapon of choice, and pistol. All weapons are loaded with a Armor Locking Agent, that once it comes into contact with a surface and or air, it instantly hardens. As long as you can still move you can fight, so a headshot will only impair the vision. This will test your teams trust in one another. After receiving your AI, you will head to the armory, suit up, and choose your weapons. The best of luck to both teams.”
“YES SIR!” Both Teams yell.
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