#and also the diakko day thing
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hello tumblr, all I have to offer right now is some Dead End doodles I did for a friend because the show was cancelled
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incorrectfanfics · 5 months
Diakko Week 2019 "Competition"
“Alright!” Akko yelled. “Another year, another broom race. And now that I can ride a broom, I’m sure to win.”
“You sure about that?” Sucy asked. “You can ride one, but it’s not like you’re very good at it.”
“Huh? What kind of attitude is that?” Akko asked.
“Well, we had fun last time, so I guess I don’t mind,” said Lotte. “Right, Sucy?”
“At this point, it’s easier on all of us to give her want she wants than to fight against it,” Sucy answered flatly. “I’m used to it by now.”
“This is gonna be so cool,” Akko beamed. “I’m finally going to have my picture next to Professor Chariot’s!”
“So I heard Akko’s going enter the broom race again,” said Hannah.
“Really? Didn’t she learn the first time?” asked Barbara. “She doesn’t have the Shooting Star anymore. She can barely ride.”
“Maybe she hit her head too hard,” Hannah added.
“Girls, I’m right here.” Diana looked up from her tea. The icy glare was enough to freeze Hannah and Barbara in their seats.
“Oh,” Hannah said, “I forgot. You two are a thing now.”
“We’re sorry, Diana.”
“You’re not exactly wrong,” Diana sighed. “Akko has only just started to get the hang of the basics. She’s nowhere near ready to fly competitively.”
“Should we do something?” Barbara asked. 
“If we enter and win the broom race, we’ll be the first team in Luna Nova to win two years in a row,” said Hannah.
“Interesting,” Diana mused.
“Does that mean that they’ll put up two pictures of us next to Professor Chariot’s photo?” Barbara asked.
“Yeah, that’s kinda weird,” said Hannah. “To think that Professor Ursula was Chariot this whole time. She doesn’t seem like the type to go out and try to be a celebrity. She’s just so spacy.”
“She is a bit of an airhead. I guess that’s why she and Akko are a perfect pair,” added Barbara.
“People change,” Diana said, setting down her teacup. “We should focus on the matter at hand.”
Later, the time had come for the broom race. Teams had lined up on their marks.
“A’right,” Professor Nelson started. “Let’s get started with dis year’s broom race. Rules are simple. Fly to the next checkpoint and pass the baton to ya teammate. No rough housin’. I wanna nice clean race. No funny business, Miss Manbavaran.”
“Whatever,” Sucy said flatly.
“On ya marks. Ge’s set. ‘N go!”
Sucy flew off on a reasonably steady pace. The other witches did not follow.
“Wha’s the matter? I said go.” Professor Nelson looked over the broom riders to see that their brooms had sprouted vines attached to the ground. “Geez, not again.”
“You should have expected this from me,” yelled Sucy.
Diana and Akko were waiting at the third checkpoint. The other racers stood idly by, chit-chatting or stretching. 
“This is so boring,” Akko whined. “Are they here yet?”
“Calm down,” said Diana. “The race just started. It might be a few minutes. Just find something to entertain yourself.”
“You wanna make out?” Akko asked.
“Yes,” Diana answered, “Just not in front of Amanda.”
“Party pooper,” Amanda chirped.
“I can feel it. This is going to be the year when I get my picture next to Chariot’s!” Akko beamed.
“What’s the big deal?” Amanda asked. “Ursula is Chariot. We see her, like, every day. I would have thought you had a hundred pictures by now. Just take a bunch of selfies or something.”
“I mean in the trophy case,” said Akko. “You know? The one in the hallway? Maybe I could ask them to move Diana’s picture so mine could be next to hers.”
Diana bit her lower lip. She blinked and tried to compose herself when she realized what she was doing.
“You know,” Amanda started, “I heard you were also a big-time Chariot fan once upon a time.”
“That was a long time ago,” Diana snapped.
“I’m just saying, being from the Cavendish family and all, you could have gone to any school,” said Amanda. “Even Hogwarts.”
“Heavens no! That place is a death trap,” said Diana.
“Yeah, I was reading about that,” Akko said. “How that place still open? Didn’t a bunch of people die there?”
“Here they come!” someone shouted. Akko, Amanda, and Diana all turned to see the next racers coming. They were still too far to see exactly how many, but they could still see Lotte and Hannah close to each other.
“Diana, I know this is all in the spirit of competition. To show there are no hard feelings about who wins and loses, I wrote you this love letter.” Akko pulled out a folded paper from her pocket.
“Thank you, Akko,” said Diana. “That’s really sweet.”
“Read it now. Please?” Akko begged.
“Fine.” Diana took the paper from Akko and read aloud, “Dear Diana, I hope reading this letter will distract you long enough to get a head start on the rac-OH goddammit!”
Diana threw the letter and saw Akko already in the distance.
“I truely value our relationship!” Akko yelled.
“I can’t believe you fell for that,” Amanda laughed.
Diana took the baton from Hannah and sped off. It wasn’t long before she was able to catch up to Akko. 
“That was a dirty trick you pulled, Akko.” Diana headed towards Akko. Akko tried to turn, but couldn’t pull away in time with how fast Diana was going. Instead, Diana slammed into Akko with both of them falling off their brooms and tumbling to the ground. The two of them sat rubbing their bruises under the woods’ shade.
“Ow,” Akko whined. “What’s the big idea, Diana? The broom race is just supposed to be for fun. Now neither of us is gonna win. What the heck is wrong with you?”
“You’re the one who was cheating. You shouldn’t even-” Diana stopped when she felt tears well up in her eyes. Akko noticed too.
“Hey,” she softly called out. “Hey Diana, are you okay? What’s wrong? Are you hurt? Is something broken?”
“No. No, I’m fine.” Diana turned away. Akko grabbed her by the arms and pulled her closer. The pain on Diana’s face wasn’t physical. It was emotional.
“Hey. Talk to me. What’s wrong?” Akko pleaded.
“Akko,” Diana started.  She pulled her hat over her face to hide her embarrassment. “I understand how much the broom race means to you, but you know that I also liked Chariot. Having my picture next to hers in the halls of Luna Nova is special to me. She’s your mentor and sometimes I feel like that’s the closest I’ll ever be to Shiny Chariot.”
“I’m sorry,” Akko apologized. “I was being selfish. I don’t think I would have won anyway. Sometimes I forget you were a fan too. You wanna go back up?”
“In a minute.” Diana wiped her face on her sleeve. “I don’t want everyone knowing I cried.”
A few minutes later, Diana and Akko flew back up onto the course. They sped past the finish line and dismounted in front of Professor Nelson.
“You two are a mess. What happened?” she asked.
“We got a little competitive and had a bit of a tumble. I apologize, Professor Nelson,” Diana explained. 
“Eh, no harm, no foul,” Nelson replied.
“At least we got to finish the race,” Akko chirped.
“No ya didn’t,” Nelson said. “The race ended minutes ago. O’Neil won.”
“Suck it,” was heard from a distance.
“Aw man,” Akko moaned.
“I should have figured as much,” Diana sighed.
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rawrtriesagain · 23 days
Haaaaapy two years anniversary to this blog!! Wow, it doesn't feel like so much time have passed. Maybe it would be more proper to celebrate the anniversary of your main blog, I know, BUT! I like this one too, it's where we talked more, it's where we had a lot of fun with the Halls of Shame, and also, it's the one I follow since it's creation :3
I know it's hard to be online as much nowadays, but I just wanted to say that I love to see you around, and to chat with you the few times I had the chance to. You are a big inspiration for me as writer, and I've always been a fan of your art style, the way you color stuff, and all your Diana's!!
So I guess I'm just trying to say thanks for cheering up my tl (and my days), and feeding us with your amazing creations all this time, and for being such a nice, and kind, friend :)
(I know you usually don't read a lot of fanfic, but if you'd like to receive one as gift, please let me know, so i can hit you up. Give me a prompt and I'll be more than happy to write something for you, as treat!!)
Hi anon!! Thank you so much! I got notified that it was my two year anniversary but i didn't know you guys also would know its my two year anniversary haha so this is a nice surprise
I know my blog has been pretty much just me apologizing for disappearing these past few months/years 💀 but I do truly thank you for your support throughout all this time! Being in the lwa fandom as a diana (and sometimes diakko lol) artist holds a special place in my heart and I had a good time with everyone here! Things like Diana Week and Hall of Shame were just random dumb events I held but they were so much fun and I still think about the times when I was more active.
Thanks again for this message and here's another apology for being AWOL. You are the gift that keeps on giving (I think I have an idea of who this is hehe)
You are correct that I don't read a lot of fanfic, but honestly i don't even look at a lot of fanart either anymore LOL but that is very sweet of you to offer! If you'd like, write me a fic about uhh "a potion gone wrong" - diakko edition. I'll leave it up to you what that means and I look forward to your response 👁️
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billerak · 2 years
It's been a hot minute since I've done LWA but I have decided to do Femslash February (With tags offered by @ministarfruit) and though this is technically day 3, Feb 1 is also Diakko day so I just switched some things around, no biggie.
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betsuno-art · 2 years
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Hi Tumblr,
It’s been a while.
Idk exactly how to start with. But I felt like I could tell a bit what I’ve been through lol.
I’m actually trying to be a Mangaka in Japan, sideway on my Tumblr fluff account. It’s my dream since I’m a kid. And even if it’s something I deeply care about, it’s a really tough way. I lost an editor 3 years ago, and I guessed it affected me a lot. After I spend the last few years drawing for people, drawing for work. And I ended up being really sick.
Sick of trying so hard. Sick of failing. Sick of drawing.
I didn’t want to draw anymore. And I lost myself completely.
But that’s the thing, even if I’m deep down a hole, I still want to follow my dream. And I still want to draw for people, cause, as much as I want to be a Mangaka, I want to touch people deep in their heart. And I know I will in the future too.
Recently, I started school again, and I guessed it’s giving me more time for myself. I’m slowly building new story, new characters, and I’m getting my self confidence a bit back. I would like to share some of my story here one day too haha ~
Anyway ! DIAKKO DRAWING YES. I finally got a bit of time for myself, since a really long time, so I enjoyed drawing them again.
Enjoy !
(Also thanks for reading until there lol, and thanks for (still) following me)
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This is a very messy post and I might delete it cus it is very rambling and I don’t know how to format or make sense out of it.
Writing and day dreaming Diakko actually made me realize why relationship can be so hard to be written healthy(if that the right word).
The most easy way for me to explain what i am talking about is it:
I think Diana would be somewhat protective of Akko due to the trauma of losing a important person so early in life. (Side note: this is the exact headcanon that cause me to realize all this stuff)
Probably the “heathy” or “best” way to show/write the protective would be like Diana being a little to mildy concerned about the troubles that Akko might be in(also something unusual thing being happening as well, like Akko suddenly stoping replying to texts for few days), Diana teaching Akko lot of self-defensive spells and other way to contact help with magic, being fully honest and open about her feeling/concerns with Akko, completely trust Akko ability to ask for helps when she need to. The list goes on.
Here the things tho, if you aren’t careful, the way you write them can easily cause it to be very toxic, unhealthy, and even abusive. Especially if you didn’t put a lot of thought beside from “it sound cute and wholesome” if that make sense. Like there a lot of moments where I just write cus I thought it was cute and then when I actually re-read, I actually outright goes like “Wow Diana is fucking obsessive/controlling” and “Akko would just has lack of freedom!”
I think knowing how to write a healthy or unhealthy relationship is also a very powerful tool as well cus you can make such a good drama, hurt/comfort, and personal story with it tool. Like for example, it could make a story about Diana being scared that she is being too controlling of Akko and is trapping her of her dream like a person clipping a bird’s wing to prevent them fly would make a powerful story if you know how to do the relationship right.
IDK how to end this post. I also don’t know if I am the only one on this cus I am not experienced with healthy relationships and I don’t has really good socials skills. Tho I am trying to fix that. This also don’t just apply to Diakko.
Random note, but writing this remind me of a Japanese short story about a salamander and a frog being trapped. Forgot the name tho.
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2dfangirl · 3 years
EQUESTRIA GIRLS — When I was a young tennager, I got bored and decided to watch the first movie. "Whatever, I'm watching this". I loved Sunset, the bad guy, and guess what? SHE BECAME GOOD IN THE END! I was happy, for no reason. Thinking about it, I've always liked the whole reformed villain... ANYWAY- Then, a few years, or months, passed by and the second movie came out. And FOR CELESTIA'S SAKE THAT WAS AMAZING! The singing voices were amazing (the first movie ones weren't the best, not the original voices, the dub that I've watched). I loved Sunset even more and FOR SOME REASON I loved the scenes where Sunset and Twilight interacted, I just loved their ✨friendship ✨ and how they talked to eachother. Well, turned out that I actually didn't know I was into girls and, a few years after I discovered myself as bisexual I remembered the whole "I love their friendship" thing and thought that maybe I should watch the movies again and see if I was indeed liking them as friends or more. And now I'm a proud equestria girls fan and huge fan of Sunlight and Sciset!
MY LITTLE PONY — After I've watched the whole equestria girls series and specials and movies, like, THE WHOLE THING IN TWO DAYS- I was sad because I loved the characters and decided to watch My Little Pony as well. It was one of the best show I have ever seen in my whole life! The characters, the lessons, soundtrack, the story and, the best part, the humor, were breathtaking. I can't see myself without this show, it REALLY made me a more confident and decisive person, don't know why, but it changed me, for good.
LITTLE WITCH ACADEMIA — I was talking with one of my friends and she was like "There is this cute witch anime that I think you gonna like" and I was like weird about watching anime, don't know why, and then she said "There's a lot of cute ships between the girls" and I started to think about watching. I forgot about the show until I was looking for something to watch on netflix and LWA showed up and my brother said "Oh, my friend was watching this when I went to their home and, from what I saw, It is totally a >you< thing, you probally gonna like it. That was the moment I pressed play and I will NEVER regret my decision. Sucy and Diana are my favourite characters and Diakko is my OTP.
RWBY — After I started to use tumblr to look for equestria girls and my little pony content, I decided to follow some Little Witch Academia too, and there is a LOT of comparisons with Dianakko and Whiterose. I saw a lot of Whiterose on my timeline and decided to check RWBY, you know, for the ship. The show caught me with humour and characters, especially humour, I was laughing a lot watching it, even with the whole animation thing. Actually, it was interesting seeing the show animation and style evolving. Turns out that my OTPs are Whiterose and Bumbleby.
THE OWL HOUSE: Since I was watching a lot of gay cartoons, Lumity started to appear in my timeline. I decided to watch and TOH is a masterpiece, seriously, this show... I can't describe it, it has everything, truly amazing, and the fact that is a Disney show that has not only an amazing LGBTQ+ representation but also a lot of character diversity, it's really heart warming.
BLOOM INTO YOU (YAGATE KIMI NI NARU) — I've watched because I was looking for more gay stuff and the scene where Touko and Yuu were talking to eachother at the bed showed up in my twitter timeline. It is one of my favourite anime of all time. Truly beautiful, and then I discovered the manga and I cried a lot, laughed a lot, and got happy, a lot.
HIBIKE!EUPHONIUM — Before anyone shows up saying anything, I've watched KNOWING it was a yuri bait. I wanted to see what was that all about, the show and the girls almost kissing. Besides the bait, this show is one of the most beautiful anime I've watched. Animation is amazing, but not just that, the soundtrack is GORGEOUS. I'm learning to play guitar alone since I was a young tennager and got better each day. It was a few months ago that I rewatched Hibike for the 3th time and decided to learn how to play some of the background musics that I loved, but I couldn't find any guitar tab that I could read, but there was a lot of piano videos. I decided to create my own Hibike guitar tabs using the piano videos. I have three tabs now and I've learned so much doing that. But this isn't all about music, the yuri bait is there, sure, but you can think the whole show from the hetcomp perspective, Reina AND Kumiko relationship with eachother, Taki-sensei, Asuka and Suichi gets even deeper looking like that. AND LET'S TALK ABOUT DEEPER STUFF. Every character has a developing and story that got me thinking, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. Hibike and it's movies has humour, good music and animation, good ships, but mostly has the most incredible characters that you can relate or at least want to understand. I related a lot with Mizore and I feel her pain and the others characters pain EVERYTIME I watch that damn show. It is amazing.
BOKU NO HERO — I've watched because it had Tsuyu, a lot of my friends watched and I was thinking about it, but I decided to watch after seeing a few clips of Tsuyu. She was my favourite character, but then, it happened, the season 5 happened, the band concert happened. Tsuyu is still my favourite character, but she shares the number one spot with Jirou. Earphone girl is amazing, and when I discovered that there was a ship with her and Momo? I've got CRAZY. Momojirou is my OTP. And the show it's amazing, I loved, it's fun, also I kinda almost cried during the final battle in the second movie.
REVUE STARLIGHT — Ok, this isn't the best anime I've watched, but a Scene from Claudine and Maya showed up at my timeline and well, Why would I say no? It is fun, I love the characters, music (it is a musical, after all) and there is a lot of cute ships, all between girls. I still can't understand the story, but it is interesting to watch an anime that has a talking male giraffe that always says "wakarimasu".
GENSHIN IMPACT — It isn't a show, I know. A girl I liked played, she told me to play, it has pretty woman, pretty man, a lot of gay ships, I stayed playing, I don't know how to stop.
I've totally forgot something, I think, but this is what I can remember :)
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toasty-coconut · 4 years
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A family tree I made for my Diakko fankids!
As an adult, Akko becomes a magic performer. She tours all around the world, showing everyone just how wonderful magic is. Her specialty is slap-stick comedy and metamorphosis magic. Getting people to smile and laugh with her acts is the motto she lives by! Diana, on the other hand, has become head of the Cavendish family and does everything in her power to restore the honor that used to be attached to her family name. Along with that, she works as a doctor at Wedinburgh General with her main focus being melding medical science and magic together.
Aya is their oldest daughter. She can be on the quiet side at times, but is friendly and well-mannered. She’s a bit of a book worm with a love for writing and the Night Fall series (thanks to Aunts Barbara ad Lotte). She adores magic with all her heart and wants to do everything she can to become a proper successor to head the Cavendish family. Although she does well in school, her studies don’t come easily to her and she has to work exceptionally hard to stay at the top. Being a perfectionist, she often doubts herself and beats herself up over little things she gets wrong. Her team color is purple.
Emi is their second daughter and is younger than Aya by 4 years. She wants to be a great broom racer once day and idolizes her Aunt Amanda to no ends. She’s loud and rambunctious with a love for adventure. Magic seems to come naturally to her, but she has no interest in her studies. She’s always getting into trouble in some shape, way or form and is viewed as a bit of a rebel because of it. She often butts heads with Diana. However, her rebellious nature is more of a cry for attention. Emi feels as though she is standing in the shadows of giants with her mothers being the saviors of magic and her sister becoming head of the family. She’s more insecure than she lets on, but does her best to hide it. Her team color is orange.
Aya and Emi both have full profiles you can find here and here! They’re also featured in a fanfiction I’ve been posting on AO3. Also, in case you’re wondering how they came to be... my only response for you is “magic”. I’ll let your imagination do the rest.
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cashmoneyzone · 3 years
diakko hcs 0_0
below the cut bc this is kind of long. i dont remember if these kinds of posts show up in the tags but yolo
Diana doesn’t know how to use a phone or she does but is super stiff w it... like Akko’s contact name for diana would be “DIANA 💖💕💗💘” and diana’s for akko would be “Atsuko Kagari” LMFAO like her full name and she would sign all of her texts
But also she’s super formal but there’s always one thing off like she’ll write a whole paragraph and then end it with YOLO or she has to send an email and is fine writing it but ends it with “Sent from my iPhone”
Akko explains memes to diana and though there are some that she hates (bc akko uses them against her….. d0nt call her a boomer……) she eventually quotes memes a bunch when they’re alone because it makes akko laugh and she’s gay like that
Akko also shows her some of her favorite games and Diana gets really into ones like animal crossing, like daily check in kind of games. This bitch goes CRAZY on hay day my god. Don’t even get me started on dragonvale
Diana uses OLD ass memes and akko’s thinking “where tf did she learn this….” Like day 4 of having a phone she’s saying shit like “epic fail” and thinking she’s with the times yk. Everyone thinks it’s funny until she says “swag” after answering a question correctly in class (except amanda, who thinks it’s even funnier)
Diana would definitely say “is that your friend” when she sees akko watching a tiktok or something like a grandma
I’m obsessed with the idea of Diana just Not Knowing How To Act and akko constantly being like wtf is this bitch saying ...... like being formal but then every once in a while saying something super strange or just a little off where akko is just left like O_O .. ??
I think Diana is almost perfect but there’s just little things about her that are weird, like when there’s a room in your house where everything’s the same as it always is but your couch is gone for a couple days, and you know it’ll be back but it’s not there now so you’re just there looking at where it usually is
This could work w Diana having a crush on Akko and saying weird shit to her. I know people have done this situation switched but I think Diana being the weird one is so funny. Akko’s like hey Diana i noticed you were looking at me weird in class is something going on and Diana’s like it’s .. the fluorescence
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incorrectfanfics · 5 months
Diakko Week 2019 "Soulmates"
“Oh wow,” said Lotte. “The latest story in Night Fall is amazing. Annabel really believes that Edgar and Belle are soulmates.” Lotte giggled at her seat in the park bench. Her friends, Akko and Sucy, looked on beside her. 
“Soulmates?” Akko asked with ice cream on her face. “You really believe in that sorta thing, Lotte?”
“Well, probably not in real life,” Lotte answered. “But you have to admit, it does sound kinda romantic.”
“Sounds like a pain,” Sucy said. “Imagine being stuck with someone like Akko for a soulmate. Nothing but trouble.”
“What was that?” Akko yelled. “I’d be a great soulmate.”
“Akko, not so loud,” begged Lotte.
“So Lotte,” Akko started, “What do soulmates do exactly?”
“I’m not sure exactly.” Lotte flipped through the pages of her book. “In this latest volume, Edgar and Belle were finishing each other’s sentences. Then Edgar ordered Belle’s favorite lunch for her. And then at the end of chapter twelve, Edgar calms Belle down after her fight with the wicked headmistress. He knew exactly what to say to her. It’s like they’re totally in sync.”
“In sync, huh?” Akko mused. “Well, I bet it’s the same way for me and Diana.”
“You and Diana?” Lotte asked.
“That’s right. You two started dating not too long ago,” said Sucy. “It’s weird. Did you drug her or something?”
“I did not!” Akko yelled. “And it’s not that weird. I could get a girlfriend if I wanted.”
“Not the point I was making but okay,” said Sucy.
“I’ll prove that Diana and I are soulmates. It was meant to be,” Akko said, triumphantly.
“She’s not even listening,” Sucy thought out loud.
The next day at Luna Nova, classes were in session. The class was organized into study groups with Akko and Diana organized into the same group. The others listened in a circle while Diana started.
“With that the witch, Margret Craine started the cross wand method that would eventually be refined in the seventeen-”
“Hundreds!” Akko yelled. The rest of her group turned to look at her with blank stares. 
“...seventeenth century,” Diana continued. She gave Akko a sharp glare before picking up her notes. “When two witches cast the same spell, it can be used to amplify its power. It can also be used to cast two different complementary spells to create a third desired effect. The most important part is in the-”
“Timing!” again Akko yelled. Everyone turned to stare at Akko yet again.
“Y-yes, Akko. That’s correct.” Diana cleared her throat and tried to continue. “The timing of the spellcasting is important as the spell itself. Whichever spell is said first or if both spells are said at the same time is-”
“Important!” Akko yelled.
“Akko!” Diana snapped. “Is there something I can do for you?”
“Then may I continue uninterrupted?” Diana asked.
“Yes?” Akko sank down into her chair, hoping she was out of everyone’s view.
“I don’t think that’s what they meant by finishing each other’s sentences,” Sucy whispered.
Lunch was a packed mess as usual. Akko spun around the crowded cafeteria, apologizing to anyone she bumped into and hoping none of them would notice she was carrying two lunch trays stacked on top of each other. She dropped herself onto her seat near Lotte and Sucy.
“Whew,” she said. “That was a lot harder than it should have been. I can’t believe that goblin cook was so greedy. I just needed another tray for Diana. And would it have killed him to make her favorite?”
“Do you even know her favorite?” Sucy asked.
“No, but I bet it’s not this,” Akko answered. She pointed down at her tray. Her bowl of potato soup had spilled into her potato salad and her fries were scattered all over the place. “It’s always potatoes.”
“Miss Kagari!”
Akko turned around and froze when she saw Professor Babcock marching toward her.
“What do you think you are doing? Two lunches? I hope you paid for them. We still haven’t recovered from Professor Croix’s nonsense and then you have the audacity to steal two lunch trays for yourself!”
“N-no! They’re not for me.” Akko shook her head, desperately trying to explain her intentions until Diana showed up.
“Professor Babcock, please,” Diana explained. “I’m sure I can personally donate enough to cover a few extra lunches.”
“So generous,” Professor Babcock said in awe. “However, there are limits to this sort of thing. You understand that this will not happen again?”
“Of course, professor,” Diana replied. She watched as Professor Babcock walked away, talking to herself about, “the nerve,” and, “that girl.” Akko sheepishly lifted her tray for Diana.
“This one was actually for you,” she said.
“I already ate,” Diana said, coldly. “You and I are going to have words later.”
“Great,” Akko sighed. She sank slowly into her chair as Diana walked away.
Classes had ended for the day with everyone going to where they wanted to go. Some went into town while others went straight to their dorms. Diana however, was dragging Akko to the hallway outside of her room. She looked around to make sure they were alone.
“Now explain. You have been acting strange all day.” Diana whispered.
“Why are you whispering? We’re alone,” Akko asked.
“I’m trying not to raise my voice!” Diana crossed her arms. “And don’t change the subject. I want an explanation.”
Akko held her chin and looked up to the ceiling. She let out a “Hmm” as if to ponder something.
“What are you doing?” Diana asked. Akko broke from her thoughts. She looked straight into Diana’s eyes and placed her hand on her shoulder.
“Hey,” she said.
“Hi,” Diana replied. Akko raised her eyebrows. Diana sighed as Akko began to fidget. “You know I don’t get pop culture references.”
“I just wanted to let the most wonderful witch in Luna Nova know how much I appreciate her.” Diana remained silent. Her eyes locked with Akko’s. “Okay, fine…”
One explanation later...
“That’s what this was about? Soulmates?” Diana scoffed. “Honestly Akko, the definition of soulmates that you are referring to is a work of fiction. Nothing more. There is no such thing.”
“Well excuse me,” Akko said. “I just wanted to show everyone how in sync I was with my awesome girlfriend. But I guess that was just fiction too.” Akko turned to walk away but was pulled back by Diana.
“Akko, please don’t be that way,” she said. “You know you're very important to me. You don’t need to prove anything to me or anyone. We’d be more ‘in sync’ if you just talked to me about these things.”
“I know,” Akko whined. She wrapped her arms around Diana’s waist with her partner doing the same. They swayed back and forth in a little dance all their own. “You’re right, as usual. So are there really no such thing as soulmates?”
“In the magic world? There is this one thing, but it’s more of a curse,” Diana answered. “What we have is by choice. I want to be with you.”
“I knew were going to say that,” laughed Akko.
“Did you really?” Diana asked.
“Will you just let me have this?”
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rawrtriesagain · 2 years
Long post incoming idk how to do Read More on mobile, sorry. Tldr: just a post abt my writing as usual and stuff about my interest in lwa (nothing crazy)
I know I talk abt my old fuckin fics all the fuckin time (like Jesus theyre old enough to be considered toddlers now) but anyway this is my vent blog and y’all will never hear the end of it so guess what still has an absolute GRIP over my mind after 3 years
Its forest of arcan- im jk its dreamer of stars lmaooo. I reread it right now for the funsies after months of forgetting abt it, and each time I read it I think “surely I am over this story and can move on with my life” and like the first half of the story its like yea I kinda am over it haha but then the second half just obliterates the thoughts and runs me over and I just lay in my bed and contemplate my life and go into like a State of Emotions and simply have to talk about it (but it also could be because its 4am at the time of writing this)
I do think it mostly has to do with nostalgia though. Truthfully I’m probably not able to write smth like that again because it was 100% written completely on emotion and quite actually everything bad Diana was feeling in the story was smth i was also going through so it was easy to… write a vent and disguise it as a fic LOL. But I was also running on the high of being in love with my best friend which also really easily translated to everything going on in the fic blah blah nobody remembers it but me so this means nothing to anybody and im being cringe and gay on main (not even my main)
ANYWAY the point of my babbling here is that honestly I miss having that intense amt of emotions that would spur that level of creative writing? Like yea forest of arcana (not updated in over a year) is fun and all but it definitely isnt written on a personal level like dreamer was. I also just genuinely miss writing lol and its like ok bitch why dont you write then and then its like good question why dont i?? I probably still enjoy writing more than i do drawing and i know my blogs say otherwise but the two mediums are both definitely different outlets for my life. Maybe i would change my mind the day my art is actually good tho 😛
Im laffing rn seeing me talk abt this “deep” different outlets of life cause like when u think abt it im also literally just Currently describing little witch fanfic and fanart since thats all i do LOL. Not that theres anything wrong with lwa being my Muse of course, but it just adds humor in whatever the emo hell im going on about
Another side sad mini vent but i dont think im as into lwa as i used to be which also waters down my interests in doing things, but im literally not interested in any other media or fandom rn either so lwa stays my hyperfixation. Plz dont be alarmed lol im not saying im NOT into lwa anymore since diana is still a fuckin god to me like 10/10 chara design and vibes, but its definitely not as strong as it was when i first joined the fandom 3 years ago. And you know what maybe it has to do with me not watching little witch academia in full in those entire three years after i first watched it lmao. Most of the friends ive made in the fandom are pretty much gone too which is sad but is what it is. Sometimes i get a burst of seratonin when i think about smth diakko and definitely like now when i reread my fics i also remember the Emotions i had for these Gays and it like floods back for a bit like a buff.
I think something im very interested in for both the spark of writing and also the revitalization for my love for diakko is that i wanna do like a oneshot slice of life series for diakko. Just something easy, cute, subjectively funny, and a vibe. I still fantasize abt diakko shenanigans even if mundane and i wish i could also capture it more in my art but im not at that level yet, so writing it is. First i probably need to rewatch lwa in full since ive forgotten most everything except for key diana scenes haha oopsie And sucy world episode that was a good fuckin episode.
Anyway thanks for reading this far if you did lol sorry for the LONG ASS NONSENSE POST. Sometimes i see how i type in my blog and to people and compare it to my writing and its like where the hell did my comprehensive english go. Sorry if this was just hard to read from the lack of grammar and punctuation but thats showbiz anyway stay tuned for the next diana content ttyl bffl rofl xD zomg
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kayr0ss · 3 years
Hello! This isn’t really an ask and I’m sorry for any inconvenience! I'm Jays, and I've been a biiiiiig fan of your Diakko stories. It's quite late now but I really wanna express my love for your works! Botany is easily my all-time favorite even after my first or umpteenth time reading it because I really feel that speaking in flowers is totally Diana's way to convey her love. Such a hopeless romantic awww. And oh boy, how my heart swells whenever I reread Non-Verbal Communication and Rejected... And don't even get me started on Français and In Appropriate Language; those are gOLD, I'll tell you! The way you lead the stories and portrait the characters feel so natural, like, not even a single detail seems out of place. Maybe that's just how I feel, though, but I just loveeee your writing so so much, honest!
Which leads to my humble request for your permission! I'm Vietnamese and here in we have many Diakko fans, too. So I'm wondering if you would allow me to translate some of your Diakko stories and share them with some fellow fans. My translations are purely for entertainment purposes and I'll definitely credit you properly. I've been posting translations on my wattpad account and wordpress blog; I can always give you the links should you want me to. Translating fanfictions and doujinshi is my slow-burn solo project over the years, and I would very appreciate it if you let me add your stories to this collection. And I will also understand if you prefer not to as well!
Regardless, I will always look forward to your next stories, especially now that I just found you on AO3. Feel free share your thoughts on this matter anytime!
Have a great day!
P/s: You can also find me under the name guiltisgone at FFN (u/5591455) or wattpad (user/guiltisgone) or @guiltisgoneforgood
Hello! We've already spoken in DMs but I did say I'd answer this ask as well - and I've shared thanks so much it's crazy to hear that a few fics I wrote are going to be translated to a whole ass other language wow thank you. Hope you're doing great - and I think it's so cool that you do these things to make fandom content more accessible to your community. Right on, friend!
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cassielovesanime · 3 years
Since one of my friends asked for anime suggestions, I figured I would make a small list for them here as a post.
1. Welcome to demon school Iruma Kun
Type: comedy and school life
My personal summary: a hilarious anime about a boy who gets adopted by the king of demons. The protag is very likable in my opinion as he is a good guy but also a doormat so it’s fun to see him grow with his friends. Just genuinely very fun, but also follows somewhat of a story line and can have its touching moments. Just 10/10 if you want a good light hearted laugh I would say. Highly suggest for those who want to watch a casual anime that will make them laugh.
2. Toilet Bound Hanako Kun
Type: fantasy and school life (also bit romance)
My personal summary: girl meets spirit boy with a dark side and now is his assistant because she effed up because she is a little boy crazy for handsome guys. But it’s okay cause now she goes on whacky adventures with spirits and is trying to get to know the spirit boy who kinda saved her and continues to save her. This one is both funny and sweet, but also can be dark at times. The characters all have very interesting personalities and dynamics, and the cast is actually pretty small so you get to see a lot more of the main characters develop. Very good story wise and character wise. Highly suggest to lovers of fantasy but are also not too into anime.
3. Assassination classroom
Type: Comedy, coming of age, and School life
My personal summary: Teenagers are earths last hope to be saved from destruction as they are tasked to kill their teacher who looks like a man and an octopus had a baby that has super strength and speed. This is my all time favorite anime, and it is a very, very, VERY touching underdog story. It has so much humor but also so much darkness but so many of the characters feel real and it still to this day has arguably the saddest yet most satisfying endings in anime that I have seen, and I watched it back in 2017ish. It just has a bit of everything and the storyline is amazing, the characters are so well written, and the concept is very interesting as well. I just would not recommend this to those who aren’t comfortable with fan service, as it does appear a bit often in this one. Highly suggest to anyone who wants to watch a found family or underdog story. Also, amazing English dub, one of the few animes I suggest the English dub over the English sub (English sub is good too, but I love the dub so much).
4. Bloom into you
Type: romance, coming of age, school
My personal summary: very gay, and very well written. It’s a story that follows Yuu Koito who is a late bloomer who doesn’t get love, which she has constantly read in the media and had this big expectation for. She then meets her schools class president who takes a liking to her knowing Yuu doesn’t think she can fall in love with someone. This is very good I think for lgbtq+ rep as it takes the topics very seriously and handles them respectfully. It handles questioning sexuality and finding yourself, as well as taking pride in it. It expresses both being a lesbian and asexual, as well as late bloomers and domestic lesbians. It also handles topics of mourning and bad ways of coping and expectations from what I remember. I am more of a manga reader but I have heard splendid reviews about the anime, the only thing is that this series is a lot more serious and the anime isn’t finished (the manga is though, so I suggest this path more if you can afford it.) highly suggest for anyone wanting lgbtq+ rep.
5. Rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai
Type: sci-fi, romance (this one doesn’teel like school at all but they are high schoolers)
My personal summary: a sci-fi take on high schoolers teenage years and problems, following Sakura as he tries to help and solve the cases of people with “adolescence syndrome”, which is surrounded by their problems and insecurities in life that causes abnormal and supernatural things to happen. Very compelling story and again is more serious, but it also knows how to hit you in the feels. The main characters are lovable and have one of the best romances I have seen in anime, and all the other characters are really likable too. I highly suggest to anyone interested in a good story because this one just takes the cake.
6. New game!(!)
Type: slice of life
My personal summary: mc is a girl who gets a game designing job right out of high school and now must work on a team with her idol. Very light hearted, and also quite gay in my opinion. I personally like slice of life yuri genres and etc., but this one is my favorite. The cast is lovable again (always important), and it has this theme of working hard and going after your dreams. It is one with a bit of fan service (far less than others, but still a warning for my younger friends following), but it makes up for those moments with very heart felt moments between characters. I genuinely adore the second season as for a slice of life genre, it follows a bit more of a story and it gets a lot gayer. However, being a slice of life it isn’t really explicitly lgbtq+ rep, but there is one couple that has major subtexts and moments and a really cute scene at the ending. I do suggest this to those who like the slice of life genre and perhaps want a bit of lgbtq+ rep, but not to anyone who doesn’t like slower paced stories. Oh, and also the art style is adorable.
7. Rampo Kitan: Game of Laplace
Type: mystery, bit of a thriller
My personal summary: just a really good detective series. I haven’t watched this one in two years, but whenever I think about a dark mystery series, this is one of the top 3 to come to my mind, and is the most underrated one. It’s just very dark but also very compelling, so I suggest this to anyone who likes those sort of things. It also has an amazing English dub.
8. Little witch academia
Type: coming of age, fantasy, school life
My personal summary: another underdog story about a girl who dreams of becoming a witch like her idol and going to witch school… must I say more? It’s the gay witchcraft vibe that we all adore, a funny and lovable story that follows a girl chasing her dreams to become a witch. Again, likable characters, and an interesting story. It also has a unique art style that is adorable, and is very accessible seeing as its on Netflix. I highly suggest for younger viewers as this one is very kid friendly from what I know, but is also an amazing story with a nice fantasy aspect. Also, there is a bit of gay subtext and a hell of a lot of diakko shippers for wlw content if you like that (with a rival to lovers dynamic). MC can be paired with a guy or girl depending on how you wish to interpret it, and that screams bi rights to me :)))
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lauraluna98 · 3 years
Diana’s mothers fanfic
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Have you ever think about Diana’s parents?
Have you think how did Daryl become so mean with Diana?
Why only Daryl, the twins and Diana are the only Cavendish remaining?
Where’s Diana’s grandparents?
Who’s Diana’s grandparents?
Why they aren’t there?
Why Bernadette was dead?
Who’s Diana dad?
How’s Bernadette Luna Nova years? If she really studied there
What happened in the Cavendish manor?
I’m going here to ask all these question with this fanfiction I wrote that is going to give a proper and a writing you guys never seen about Bernadette Cavendish the mother of Diana and her wife
Things here are going to change from the canon a little but well this is fanfiction and this is what fanfiction stand for
“Wait Wife? How? Why?”
Yeah Wife, by magic they made their kid and I’m going to explain why I choose a woman to be Bernadette’s wife rather than a dad
Simply, because feels generic and shallow to just simply give Bernadette a generic husband, this wouldn’t give a better writing to Bernadette as if was with another girl, Bernadette would simply marry or just have Diana with a generic man #1 and then one day he will die, leave her, or even plan to kill her
Plus the great majority of the fandom shipps Diakko, and they never think about the whole dilemma around Diana, by Akko’s side is easier she just need to fell in love with Diana and then yay they are together. But What about Diana’s side? Have you guys ever think that she’s an aristocrat (I’m not assumpting that aristocrats are LGBTphobes), she needs to keep a reputation there, a image and even she needs to have kids in order to keep her lineage being the one who will keep the head. So by Diana’s side things are harder, the reputation side she just can be simply strong and say openly that she’s a lesbian and everyone needs to accept that because we are in modern days but things get complicated about having kids
And pretty much the fanarts about a Diakko kid the children is always 100% biological daughter of Diana and Akko, so an artificial insemination by a donator is out of question (unless the donator is someone from the family who looks like them). Trans headcanon? That’s a pretty cool concept I think, tbh I love it, but to that work Diana or Akko wherever is gonna be Trans need to froze their sperm before the HRT if they want to have kids in the future, because the HRT make person infertile after a while. So magic? Well this is a another cool concept if both are cis so a fertility spell enters here, but how this is going to work? Leave that to the writers to do it. This is the idea I pick up with the fertility stone
This is why I come into the idea of giving Diana two mothers rather than a generic dad, because with that possibility Diana would get into the conclusion that a fertility spell is real with her at the first not actually believing it, until she finds out that her father was actually an another mother and she used the fertility stone with Bernadette
See how cool is that? And I’m not even starting to tell about Diana’s mom deeply, because this isn’t a story that takes place in the modern days but in the past
This is going to focus on Diana’s mothers
Bernadette Cavendish (the one everyone knows) and Laura McLaren (better than the generic Diana’s father OC)
Just to enter into the context of this story, the Cavendish family was into a time where they are even more close minded than today, on a time where Diana’s grandmother was alive and she’s a very conservative person, she was LGBTphobe AF not allowing their two daughters being other sexuality rather than straight, she controlled a lot of Bernadette’s life and even pressure her to be perfect
So times there was even worse for her than what is today. Bernadette’s mother was someone who preserve for the traditions and the image of the Cavendish family and this is where Daryl’s hatred among Diana enters
“What? But Diana wasn’t even born”
Because the hate wasn’t with Diana, but at Bernadette, Daryl hated Bernadette
“But in the anime has shown that Daryl had some feelings with her sister”
Really? I’ve only seen her screwing up with Bernadette will to keep the traditions of the family and she simply sell everything, I’ve seen her pretty much being very mean to Diana, not even taking care of her niece, plus when Bernadette was alive she pretty much was bullying Diana for liking Shiny Chariot
Come on the twins are less worse because they are kids but Daryl was a grown ass mother with two kids, she was simply bullying her niece for nothing when Bernadette was still alive in the canon
So this is how I come that Daryl is envy of Bernadette and she in reality hates her and I pretty much think that she’s even responsible for her sister death
Because of power, money and the wish to be the head of the family, Daryl pretty much has shown that in the anime and even her redemption was more like “Yeah you didn’t leave me to die so I’m in debt with you” (If LWA was going to have a season 2 she could pretty much fit into a villain and even if LWA didn’t have, Daryl was more Villainous than Croix ever was)
This envy among Daryl was something that started since she and Bernadette were kids, because their mother prioritize all the attention to the eldest daughter, the eldest daughter should be the one who will deserve to be the head and all the attention, but this is how their mother think is right to do and because of that Daryl starts to hate Bernadette’s side, plus that she was educated into a different way, she got more “evil” and greedy with the influence of her great aunts that think like that, while Bernadette was educated to be someone more “nice” and preserve the traditions of the family, she was even a little influenced by her grandma that actually believes into the fertility stone legend, where all the family think that’s bullshit
Bernadette needs to improve herself as a person to overcome all that weight over her, to have her own personality and freedom, because she didn’t have any freedom on her residence, until she enters on Luna Nova and meet someone called Laura McLaren
Laura is the complete opposite of Bernadette with her family, the McLaren family was like the Cavendish but from Ireland, they are rich too, but they prefer to live on a more simple big house, rather than a big ass castle because is more cheaper to maintain, Laura’s family is open minded AF they already knew about the fertility stone because the matriarch of the family is a 88 years old trans lesbian who used the fertility stone back then, so they are pretty much very fine with LGBT thing. Laura is openly a lesbian and she’s free to be herself, even tho she was most of the time trained with magic to become a powerful witch, so that makes her a strong ass witch that she didn’t even need to study in Luna Nova, but she’s there just for the grade
Laura was going to show to Bernadette how’s the freedom to be herself and not accept everything, that she needs to impose herself when someone is making her feeling down and Bernadette was going to make Laura being more mature with herself, since Laura was a little teen rebel, since she didn’t care that much about the authority of older persons rather than the family, so she really feels like she’s an adult and wanted to be respected like one. She’s the kind of badass tomboy girl who don’t care about authority and thing that she knows how the system works, so she obeys only who she really want
The time was going to be set around 1987 on the very first chapter which could fit very well into the canon since the anime canon takes place 30 years later, plus the time they make into adulthood and when the couple finally have their kids
The 15/16 years students on that time are going to be born on July 1971 to June 1972 and their birthdates will actually fit into the school year
Daryl is 3 years younger in this story she will be born in 1975 just like Laura’s sister Chelsea
The main differs with the canon
Since the time is changed in this AU with the anime being set on 2014 the 16 years old characters of the anime are born in 1998 in this AU.
Another thing I’m going to fix from the canon is the School year, since Luna Nova is a British school I’m going to change the school year from the canon which use the Japanese school year starting on May, but here I’m going to make the year starting in September to June next year with three vacation, December on Winter, two weeks after the easter on a spring break and the 3 months vacations from June to September when the year ends
And the whole magic limitation of them need to be near the sorcerer stone in order to use magic, in this AU they can use magic wherever they want, the most powerful the witch the most capable she is with the magic to point some of them can use their own body as wands
The dates are going to differ from the canon on the AU only when Diana is born and Chariot/Croix age since this is a part of the whole AU where the “anime” is set on 2014 and I make them both on the 30s when I didn’t know their canon ages there, so Chariot will be born on 1984, this will make her a kid when she meets Laura McLaren when she come to the Du Nord family residence to research for the fertility stone this presence of Laura is what made Chariot enchanted with magic
Bernadette have olive green eyes, idk if this differs a lot since we didn’t have proper canon information of her eyes and we didn’t even see her eyes in the anime, the main information is that the Cavendish has mostly blue eyes and I put her with greenish ones just because I want to make her unique, being the only Cavendish with a different eye color in her family
Diana is Irish/Scottish here, since Laura is Irish and Bernadette Scottish this makes Diana half of each (making her more Irish than Amanda lol)
Bernadette didn’t die, but that part could be also the one with Bernadette die and the whole canon anime happen with Laura didn’t come back to see her daughter
The Claiomh Solais didn’t appear for Chariot neither Croix and the main reason is because wasn’t needed at that time, the magic was pretty good, so both girls still become rivals but into another thing that is Broom Racing, just like on the real life we have Formula 1, so why not a championship with broom racing like Formula 1? This is what I bring into the AU in the next story which takes place after this one
Akko still idolize chariot but into her dream to become a Broom Racer and you can see here
Diana also like’s Chariot career but her main Broom Racing icon is her own mother Laura McLaren which become a excellent Broom Racer on the 1990s decade, without actually know that broom racer is her mother
The fic
It’s a remake of The mysterious mother, a lot of things are gonna be like the original but I’m also going to do a lot of changes to give more development to the characters, give more reasons to them to do what they did and also I wanted to do a story to fit in my whole AU
Well I talked a lot but not about the story, but this is because I don’t want to give a lot of spoilers on what happened and the whole answers to all these questions, even the one where Laura leaves Diana, since she’s a nice person, something happened that Laura leaves her lovely wife and her daughter and how did Diana never knew about who’s her dad actually is
Take a read into the very first chapter and have fun because this is going to be a very looong story with some familiar faces around there and some of them that are OC’s but they are needed to appear since most of the cast isn’t born at all despite the teachers at Luna Nova or Chariot and Croix that are still pretty young
This story is also the 3rd part of the whole AU of the fertility stone which you can check out all the parts I’ve wrote just to be more clearer with this whole story
Part 1: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26913469
Part 2: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27899341
Part 3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31098311
Part 4: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23807575
Also not only we are going to know about Diana’s mothers but a lot of things that will play on the part 5 story read it to find out, since the story is going to take place 50 years after this one, also is going to be a very very long story with them I’m already with 30+ chapters wrote and I’m gonna write even more, plus I’m gonna do daily updates so stay all the days on Ao3 for updates on the same time if you got interested on this story (I’m also very sorry with bad English and Grammar since I just put the story into Deepl translator and I change a word or another into the translation, when things get confused, since English is not my language)
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31098311
Fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13875351/1/Laura-McLaren-The-mother-of-Diana-Cavendish-IV
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/1065632225-laura-mclaren-the-mother-of-diana-cavendish-iv-so
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blazestarninja13 · 4 years
ooooo can i request some cuddling headcanons for amanda and also possibly diana and maybe akko 👉👈
Ok let’s go! I’m gonna split this one into Diakko and Hamanda
Akko will find any excuse to cuddle Diana because she LOVES cuddling with her and also will hunt her down if she sees that she looks down or has had a bad day because cuddles can fix that!
Diana THRIVES on cuddling Akko, if she feels like crap, either Akko will go off and find her or she’ll come and find Akko herself
Akko will comb her hands through Diana’s soft hair while Diana will pet Akko as if she were a cute animal
They switch between big and little spoon but on hot days, Diana is big spoon since her body is somehow usually cool which Akko loves in the summer as her human air conditioner. On cold days, Akko is big spoon since she is a human heater and Diana loves the warmth
Sometimes whilst Diana is studying, Akko will transform into a small animal like a hamster and lay down on Diana’s desk so she can get extra pets while Diana is working.
Amanda is 100% big spoon and everyone knows it
Hannah will sometimes just drop by the green team dorm casually just for a relaxing cuddle sesh with Amanda (It’s become normal thing so Jas and Conz aren’t fussed about it and will usually just go hang out in Conz’s lab in the meanwhile since sometimes the cuddle seshs can turn into make-out seshs
Like Akko, Amanda is a human heater and Hannah loves it, except when it’s super hot
They’ll cuddle pretty much everywhere since Amanda is the master of PDA and Hannah is absolutely fine with that because that only means more cuddles
One of their favourite things to do is cuddle while watching a movie! Despite what people think, Hannah also loves action movies like Amanda but both of them love rom-coms and 80s teen movies! Both of them absolutely love The Breakfast Club and is their go to comfort movie is one of them feels down in the dumps.
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toasty-coconut · 4 years
I’ve decided to share the profiles for my two Diakko kiddos that I made a while back. Below is the profile for the oldest of the two, Aya! The full profile can be read beneath the cut.
Basic Information
Full Name: Aya Bernadette Cavendish
Nicknames: None
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: January 9th, 2027
Age: 17
School Team Color: Violet
Aspiration: Head the Cavendish Family
Horoscope: Capricorn
Being the oldest child of Diana—the head of the family—Aya is the Cavendish family’s heir apparent. Realizing the importance of her role in the family, Aya always tries her best to carry herself with the decency and manners befitting of a Cavendish. Her hope is to one day uphold the honor of the Cavendish name by heading the family in a way that would make everyone proud. She seeks to satisfy others, which can make her seem to be a bit of a teacher’s pet.
Wanting to live up to her family name, Aya often busies herself with studying and learning about every area of magic that she can. However, magic and learning aren’t things that come easily to her—as a result, she is an exceptionally hard worker who often pushes herself to the point of exhaustion. She is a perfectionist by nature, and won’t settle for anything less. 
She feels as though she has a lot to live up to in terms of her family’s legacy and is frequently filled with anxiety and self-doubt. She gets down on herself easily, especially when she finds herself struggling with things that she thinks should come naturally to a Cavendish. She often feels as though she needs to make up for these shortcomings by working herself to the bone. She is terrified of letting down those who expect great things of her.
By nature, Aya is an incredibly creative person. When she isn’t busying herself with her studies and magic, she can often be found reading and writing. She adores the Night Fall series and spends much of her time reading it and creating fan works for it in secret. She is very private about her work and doesn’t like the people she knows reading it. Whenever people find out about her writing she becomes incredibly embarrassed and tries to insist it’s “just a hobby”.
Aya loves to socialize when she’s able to, and would spend more time doing it if her studies weren’t so demanding. She is a naturally kind, friendly person who loves making friends and talking to others. However, her perfectionism can sometimes result in her neglecting the friendships that she has—even if she doesn’t intend to do so. Over all, she is a kindhearted person who cares deeply about others.
Hair Color: Brunette
Hair Texture and Style: Long, thick waves. Typically worn down with a bow at the back.
Eye Color: Crimson
Eye Shape: Sharp
Height: 5’6” (167 cm)
Build: Tall and lean with longer legs. Generally curvy with sharper facial features.
Interests and Hobbies
The Night Fall series
Writing (especially fiction)
Cute things
Learning history and tradition
Poor manners
Sharing her writing
Wasting time/sitting around
Receiving poor marks
Horror movies
Letting others down
Not meeting her own expectations
The dark 
Diana Cavendish: Mother. Ever since she was a child, Aya has always been particularly close with Diana. As future head of the Cavendish family, Aya feels as though she has a lot to learn from her and spends a lot of time around her as a result. Becoming someone who can make Diana proud in living up to her family name is Aya’s greatest goal. She typically feels comfortable in going to Diana for advice or guidance when she feels like she needs it. Aya deeply admires Diana and hopes to one day be half as great of a witch as she is. 
Atsuko Kagari: Mother. While close with Diana, Aya is equally close with Akko. Sometimes she finds it easier to confide her stressors and anxieties in Akko, as she relates to her previous struggles with academics and magic. Akko often worries that Aya pushes herself too hard, and usually encourages her to loosen up. She tries to find ways that Aya can have more fun and enjoy herself—activities that Aya deeply appreciates since they usually do help her loosen up.
Emily Cavendish: Younger sister. While the two were much closer when they were young, their relationship has become somewhat distant and strained since they have gotten older. Aya finds Emi’s rebellious behavior to be frustrating and worries about how it looks on their family name. However, at the same time, she is envious of the freedom Emi has since the expectations others have of her are much lower. She also finds it frustrating that Emi seems to have a natural inclination for magic and academics, but doesn’t utilize them to her best ability. However, despite everything Aya deeply loves and cares about her sister. She is far more protective of her than some people are aware, and will be the first to stick up for her if the situation calls for it.
- Aya can speak and read Japanese fluently. She has known how to speak it since she was young, but learning how to read it took much longer. She is still learning different kanji.
- The kanji Akko uses to write Aya’s given name is 亜矢.
- She was first introduced to the Night Fall series by Barbara and Lotte whenever either of them would babysit while she was young. They would often read to her from the books, and she fell completely in love with them. Her favorite character is Edgar.
- Aya adores magic, and always wanted to go to as many of Akko’s shows as she could when she was younger. She is often discouraged by the fact that magic doesn’t seem to be something that comes naturally to her. As a result, Akko was usually her biggest cheerleader and did everything she could to help Aya learn.
- Aya was easily frightened as a child, and to this day still does not like horror movies or the dark. She would never let others know that she sleeps with a small nightlight.
- She detests blood and gore, and has no idea how Diana is able to expose herself to it so easily when studying medical textbooks. Just glancing at it makes her feel faint.
- Aya has a soft spot for cute things and owns a small collection of stuffed animals at home.
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