#and also I love my bookmark manu
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wanologic · 1 month ago
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Hey guys!! Get ready for a silly little pop-up shop!!
👻 Site will be live Feb 8 - March 1 for preorders 👻
I expect production to last anywhere from 4-6 weeks and plan on shipping everything out in late april or very early may! There won’t be second sales, but I will have leftover stock at any conventions you see me at : )
[store link]
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mercurymacaroons · 6 months ago
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another wip of mr disco ninja frog himself
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wip . ۫ ꣑ৎ . do you fw this twink
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ruporas · 2 years ago
apologies if you've already been asked this but do you have any favorite trigun fics? i absolutely adore your art btw!
thank you!!! and i've answered this on insta, but i don't think i've ever shared on tumblr... i'm not good at reading fics, esp long ones, because my attention span is pretty bad, but from the ones i have bookmarked, i'll share some that i like in no particular order
hills like white elephants (meet me halfway) - adlvnam
pairing: vashwood word count: 1.1k, sfw, vague post v.10 spoilers ‘I read a story once,’ Vash says, unsure. ‘I’m kind of thinking about it right now.’
i like a lot of adlvnam's fics, i find them very unique and creative in their execution, and their writing is wonderful! this was the first fic i've read from them and it's stuck with me ever since. others that i like from them are in manus tuas (no spoilers) and vox dei (warning for post vol.10 spoilers).
stay - Anonymous
pairing: vashwood word count: 2.3k, sfw, no spoilers “Hold up,” Vash groans. He presses his free hand to Wolfwood’s mouth and shushes him. He’s probably going for a stern look, though between his poor attempts to stop grinning like the biggest idiot this side of the planet and the way he’s patting him, it’s hard to take him seriously. “Stop laughin’. Where’s the keys?” “What keys?” Wolfwood tries to ask, muffled by Vash’s hand, and his tongue is a little thick and slow in his mouth so… something comes out, but it’s probably not very wordy. Word-like. Not a sentence, probably. (or, wolfwood and vash get drunk, bicker, and then share a bed together.)
i enjoyed the mundanity and silliness of this fic and i think about it from time to time... i think fics where one of them or both drink together are pleasant to read.
Last Summer - varilien
pairing: vashwood word count: 741, sfw, no spoilers You are what you love.
tags on this one are "sunrises, morning routines, coffee, sentimental" which caught my attention. very sweet and beautiful.
Rain - Kokohamstar
pairing: none, wolfwood centric word count: 768, sfw, major spoilers - post v.10 Ever since he was a little kid listening to Bible stories, he dreamed of the day the world would be washed clean and wondered what the rain would feel like on his face.
as most wolfwood centric fics, it was a gutpunch and melancholic, but still soooo.. augh.... the last paragraph really does it for me.
water bucket blues - fathomfive
pairing: vashwood word count: 3.7k, sfw, major spoilers, post trimax Vash the Stampede goes on the record about a friend he once had. Also about card games, cats, family, and some other things. "Start with a piece of the whole, Meryl said. It doesn’t have to be the first piece. Start with a specific. That’s what they mean when they throw around the words human interest. I know the pieces. Believing they make a whole is another thing. But she’s a broadcast professional and I trust her advice. Maybe if I can figure out how to tell one piece—like the story of Wolfwood as I knew him—I can learn how to tell the others."
i love vash pov fics and i love it when it's first person and this one in particular hits because it's his pov and he speaks, honestly, openly, telling a tale that he can't really flub because it's about the people he loved. i love how grounded this fic is in the present of max, i love how vash grows within the 3.7k words, i love how he moves forward with the world he's living in. this fic makes me teary if i think too much about it... it's really wonderful.
it’s a summer day, and I want to be wanted more than anything else in the world - goldenglitz
pairing: vashwood word count: 3.9k, nsfw, no spoilers Vash has the lung capacity of a man who’s cried for 150 years. It isn't like Wolfwood takes more than he gives — but like with most things, he barely keeps up with Vash. He works his body to the limit, even as his lungs burn and his legs and arms give out under him. They fuck like they’re on borrowed time. All of this makes it so easy — so much easier than just talking. Wolfwood would sometimes rather pull new and interesting noises from Vash with just his mouth than do anything else with it. Their own dialect: moans, groans, and four words. “Yes” — “Please” — “Vash” — “Wolfwood.”
i love all of their vashwood fics, they only have 3 but they're all lovely and has a sort of characterization to both vash and wolfwood i don't see often. definitely one of my faves, especially when it comes to explicit vw fics.
i think these are all the ones i'll share for now!!
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katcadecascade · 3 years ago
Pressed thin like your favorite page (Silco x Reader) Chapter 4
Chapter One: Oh Teacher My Teacher
Chapter Two: Song of Iliad
Chapter Three: Tale of Two Cities
Chapter Four: I Write Sins not Tragedies
Additional Notes: Allusion of a bad past relationship, Reader endures, rating is now mature on ao3 but this chap is still pretty tame in this context, Soft Silco, Sevika gets some love, more oc introduction 
Word Count: 6486
From what your publisher told you, normally authors have to go through a lengthy waiting process to get their book manuscript reviewed and sponsored by publishing organizations for mass printing production. Then something about profit being split between the publications, the advertisement, and lastly (and minimally) the author.
“But we’re gonna do things our own way,” she winked at you.
Usually anonymous authors go through a similar process, just with more contracts of disclosure and stuff. But like your publisher said in your first business discussion, your book deals are solely signed with her small publishing office.
It’s squeezed between a law firm owned by two college grads and an empty jewelry shop that has been out of business for a while, the ‘FOR RENT’ sign has been ignored for just as long.
Yet finally, after misplacing your manuscript’s final chapter…
After falling victim to a paint explosion…
After being stuck close to your boss (and maybe flirting with him?) and getting his coat, feeling warm and stunning only to fall face first into guilt and torment of realizing you’re failing to be there for your friend (and meeting his partner/roommate (and they were roommates)), you finally fucking made it to Alexandria Publishing House.
You pass the receptionist with a little wave, “Hi Noah.”
“Hi Mx late again,” he doesn’t even look away from his book, sitting way too relaxed during working hours.
Then again this is a small business space with one lobby and three other rooms for the agents. There’s not much for the young man to do but enjoy a good book and schedule meetings. Sometimes you envy his job but you’d probably be too lost in a book to even look away from it.
It looks like your agent is the only one in. Her door is wide open for your late arrival.
“Hey,” you softly knock on the door before stepping in. “Sorry I’m late, Rebekka.”
As expected, your publisher has dressed up in a business casual white blouse. Along with her curled and styled hair, her usual chic look makes you want to wear clothes that match her and this Piltover successful businesswoman aura.
You note that she’s also wearing a headband you gifted her. The last time you saw it was when she nearly threw it at your eye.
“No, no you’re fine,” Rebekka assures as she finishes writing some papers. She grins at you, “I could never be mad at you, honey.”
You force yourself not to wince at the ending endearment, quickly closing the door before Noah could drop his book in favor of what’s between you and your agent.
“Still, I promise to not be late next time.” You take your seat in front of her desk, digging through your bag for your manuscript. “But I hope this finished story is worth it.”
“I expect nothing less from you. Come on, I want to read it!”
Rebekka practically bounces in her chair, already clearing her desk away for you.
“Ha, I know, I know,” You dig through your messenger bag for the heavy stack of papers and your notebook. “Just let me at least put it together.”
“Huh, you’re usually more organized than this. You must have really been in a rush.”
“Yeah, this morning was a little hectic.” You open up your notebook to where your ending chapter was tucked in. Apparently it bookmarked a very colorful page full of Jinx’s scribbles and monkey faces. You smile at the art, “Left this at a student’s house.”
“No way!” She laughed.
“Just the last chapter, nothing too dirty was in there,” You said that more for yourself but you know that Jinx would not pry into your stuff without your permission.
“Okay, now that will be the first thing I need to review,” Rebekka accepts your presented manuscript, already flipping to the end.
You don’t particularly mind her rushing and pickiness. She’s just been excited for your newest work. It is titled, Escaping Ogygia.
A story about a trapped Calypso fated to meet and fall in love with heroes who always leave her. That is until a morally grey woman gets washed upon her shores and well, much like your other novels, have hot sex and overcome obstacles got get a happy-ish ending.
“Not every ending needs one last climax,” You shrugged.
“Ah,” Rebekka smirked, flipping through the pages with delight, “but not unless this is an erotica.”
Reed Eros, an alias for your saucy and spicy erotica novels.
So far you have three novels published under Rebekka Manette’s expertise, all featuring the many forms of lust and romance that, Rebekka’s words, have taken the hearts and loins of many married spouses.
Technically you have other books under other aliases but the Reed Eros bookline is by far the most successful due to Rebekka. She just knows which stories are gonna be good. From the impressed and blushing face of your publisher, it looks like this fourth book will be sent to the printing presses in due time.
You’re oddly proud that any of your writings got published as novels but you know you have to keep the genre down low. Only Viktor and a few other friends know about this, that’s enough for you. But out of everyone in this circle of yours, Rebekka has to be the most giddy about this arrangement. After all, she gets to promote and sell the novels all over Piltover.
“I just know this one will be another hit!”
“Jeeze, Rebekka, how many people need horny fiction?”
“Enough to make you my best seller.” She sets the manuscript aside to lean over her desk, fake whispering, “Between you and me, I think the women of the council have a book club about your last novel.”
“Oh?” You force a smile but under the table you dig your nails into your knees.
Rebekka laughs, “I know right? I mean, not only was the beach scene good but there were a lot of positive reviews about your character arcs.” Her signature excited smile softens and for a moment, you want to kiss her like nothing bad ever happened months ago. “I’m really proud of you, Reed.”
In a pure genuine reaction, you smile back, “Thank you, Bekka.”
You relax your hands on your knees before you could do something stupid like tuck a loose hair strand back behind her ear. The way she smiles at you, praising your writing and joking with you, it’s all too familiar.
So you let your hands play with the ends of your coat sleeves. Silco’s coat you remember. You wonder if he’ll look at you differently after finding out your author career. You’re a little tempted to ask Rebekka for a copy of one of your novels, “Hey I was wondering-”
“Oh right! I have a surprise for you,” Rebekka impatiently prys open a drawer and you hear a jiggle sound. “Your last book, a new wave of sales came in, maybe because of someone on the council?” She jokes, barely suppressing a laugh. “Anyway, you got a heavy sales bonus!”
Dropped ceremonially on the desk is a large sack, ringing and clinking together.
“Whoa,” You gaped, scooting closer to open it up.
“In coins like you always prefer,” Rebekka said, her tone drops from her cheerfulness to an all too familiar disappointment.
You dare not look up at her, staring at the bag of coins that will definitely be heavy. The noise alone will alert keen pickpockets. Maybe it’ll be a former student this time.
“I could transfer it into a check, you know, like we discussed?”
Rebekka continued to babble about how easy it is to simply go to a bank and then something about the accounting system but you zone it out.
She’s rephrasing words from the ‘like we discussed’ moment as if it was a casual lesson and not the turning point of your last argument together.
You keep your earnings in coins, never bothering to get a check like Rebekka’s other authors. Because they have bank accounts, linked with their residence and real names, none of which you are eager to partake in.
Retying the string of the sack, you slide the money into your bag. It might be heavy but it’s worth it, it’s easier for your lifestyle. Paying in book supplies in coins, simple receipts that won’t trace back to anything of yours. Also a checking book is worthless to you, no bank would accept an address from the undercity because there are no real addresses according to their databases. Then there is one last important reason that you never want to tell Rebekka.
Once the money has been collected, you make a move to leave, scooting your chair back but Rebekka pleads, “Wait, please.”
You hesitate, a tight grip on your messenger bag strap. It might be a bad idea but you’re so used to listening to her advice, for notes, for when you’re stuck in a block, for when you want to spend a day in Piltover but don’t know how to spend it.
Rebekka takes your silence and stillness as an open door and not a guarded wall.
“Honey, you make enough to rent an apartment here,” she said with a grace as if she had all the answers you needed. “You could finally stay here.”  
Stay in Piltover?
Where the affluent get off to filthy fantasies which are actually true stories that happen to your friends in the brothel?
Where Rebekka is all smiles and joy, wanting to play out scenes from your novels when you tell her not to ask for that? Where she laughs at your memories of your students when really you’re trying to push the point about how important they are and their struggling isn’t funny to you? Where Rebekka drunkenly kissed you, and you, equally intoxicated, accepted it until she pressed against your lips the words, “Let me save you.”
You take a deep breath, your hands soothing down the Zaun coat.
“No, it’s not enough,” you say with a finality but your stern and tensed expressions get ignored.
“Please, consider it,” she begs. “I thought if you don’t want to move in with me-”
“Rebekka, not this again, we broke up a book ago and-”
“Then maybe your own place would be good,” she interrupts with a fury. “I just want you to be safe, you deserve more than that place and if you need money then I can up prices or, or maybe you could write other genres? This manuscript can easily be released to the general public too! Anything, I’ll help you so that-”
“So that I’ll be a real Piltie and you could ignore everything about the Lanes?” You stand up, “Because everything I write about is, of course, artistic liberties about sex between crime lords or spoiled sugar babbies geting adored by the rich. A fabricated world to escape to and lose yourself in bliss.”
You glare heatly at your current manuscript. It was Rebekka’s strong suggestion to focus more on fantasy worlds.
“I take your editing notes seriously, Rebekka, especially when I apparently need to tone down the gritty details about abuse or plot points where rich gentlemen actually toss out the femme fatales.”
There are more examples on the tip of your tongue. Ones about brutal law enforcement but of course that is too sensitive or about the illnesses that make it hard to breathe but of course that is too disturbing or, your personal favorite thing to argue with her, about children losing their family and friends over a war they don’t understand.
But of course, that storyline does not fit your target audience.
Your target audience is anyone willing to read erotica.
When you first started writing you wondered that if you wrote about what life is like in the undercity, maybe someone in Piltover would read between the lines and send help.
But no, your novels sell based off of delightful and entertaining sins. Rebekka told you that tragedies are not hot on the market.
Up to this moment, you had a small semblance of hope that one day Rebekka would understand you and your writing.
Now, by how she’s close to tears, silent but there’s a desperation in her eyes, begging you not to leave her.
You stand, pulling the coat tighter, “Thank you Rebekka, really. Bye.”
Thankfully she doesn’t say a damn thing as you leave and close the door behind you.
What’s not so relieving is how quiet it is as you’re passing the receptionist.
“Hmm?” It comes out bored, his entire face a little too close to the book, effectively shielding his face.
“Your book is upside down.”
He freezes and then sinks into his chair, the book tossed on the desk.
Noah has the decency to cringe apologetically, “Uh, sorry. You two okay?”
“No, we’re…” You shake your head.
“It looks like you two aren’t on the same page,” he pops that last word and even turns a page.
“Wow,” You deadpanned, “real funny.”
“Look, I know that she’s been real prissy since the break up.” Noah gives you an exasperated look when you facepalm. “Reed, she wasn’t subtle about it. All mopey and reading your books, kind of pathetic by the way.”
“Damn,” You shift your weight uncomfortably. “Okay, I’m gonna leave now.”
“Wait,” he whispers to you, motioning you to lean in. You do, intrigued because this is more from Noah than anything. “I caught her talking with an Enforcer about it.”
“Wait, what?”
“Her friend I guess, I don’t know, but they talked here and Rebekka was having a fit about you dumping her.”
You glance back at Rebekka’s door. “I’m, um, a little worried? A lot worried really, but uh, right now I’m just gonna go. Thanks, I think, Noah for telling me.”
He nods his head, knowing completely well that he both simultaneously helped and not helped.
So you head out. With all your new money, you mentally divide it up. Most are for the people you’ll meet up later tonight but you believe you have enough to buy new books for students. You’ve been meaning to buy a replacement copy of Tyson’s favorite book.
You spend your day in Piltover in a bit of a dulled enjoyment, just doing your shopping and walking but even with your Piltover clothes you still feel uneasy.
It’s not the matter of disguising yourself with nicer clothes to fit in nor feeling like an imposter envying to have a life here. No, you always feel overwhelmed in the City of Progress. They have an abundance of everything from stones, flowers, clothes, water, books, and so much more that could be sent to those living in the fissures.
You can’t help but wonder if there exists a person who actually cares about the people down below. A part of you knows that Viktor is up here, trying is best but last time you two talked he was stuck with assistant work with the Headmaster.
After your shopping, your feet took you back to Viktor’s doorstep. A hand was lifted up, wavering from knocking or not. You assume that Jayce is still there, taking care of Viktor.
A heavy sigh escapes from your lips. Your head is still frazzled from your manuscript handoff. You decided you’re not in the right headspace that deserves Viktor’s time.
The money in your bag has lessened a bit and you’re sure it’s a safe amount to carry down to the fissures. Combine that with buttoning the coat, you’re confident you won’t get pick pocketed.
You accept Silco’s assurement that you don’t look like an easy target. The bathysphere  has a crowd for you to blend in once down in the undercity. You always noticed how Piltover is routed in a grid system while here in the Lanes, its roads are a curvy path of least resistant snaking around clutches of food stalls, wareshops, and traders. Yet it’s not claustrophobic. While the air is stale, the people are in constant motion, making deals or eating slop, fighting in the alleyways or playing cards and smoking.
You breathe in the air, the foul stench has been around for ages and you and everyone here was born in it. This earthy, brittle air that mixes with the river spoils. You can’t imagine the day you’ll never breathe it again, either through death or moving topside.
It’s just not a story you ever want to write.
You continue on your path, stopping by Jericho’s stall for a quick bite of chewy mystery meat. The seasoning in its marination is worth its coin.
Anyway you avoid the usual spots where the thieves lure in marks but a former student does pass by you. You had to pull his ear to get back the fake wallet you carry for these exact moments.
There have been a lot of times where your wallet was stolen before your friend gave you the fake wallet idea. Sometimes you believe that being known as Reader makes you an unassuming and nonthreatening person next to everyone else down here.
That is probably accurate as you soon reach the brothel. It used to be on the main path of one the many hidden elevators but it moved here for a more secluded and private area.
With a knock on the door, you’re let in.
It’s one long and narrow hallway with multiple lobbies with some sort of curtain or wall divider for privacy. The lighting is low and there’s an ambiance of moans and chatting. If you strain your ears you might be able to identify a few familiar groans.
At the end of the hallway is the only room with a door. After knocking twice you let yourself in.
“Hi Babette,” You greet the elder yordle.
“Reader, hello,”  Babette gives you a tired smile as she finishes writing in her ledger. “You dropped off your manuscript today, yes?”
“Yeah I did and guess what,” You place your bag on the edge of her desk and bring out the money sack. “I got a sales bonus for the Patroclus novel.”
“It’s a good thing I have this old thing out,” Babette chuckles, patting her giant book. “I swear everyone here goes crazy when your payday comes in.”
She pulls over a coin scale as you tip the sack over to let some coins spill out. You don’t believe any of the coins are fake or anything, it’s just a fun way to count the money. Babette also knows it’s mostly for your amusement but she doesn’t mind. So coin by coin you stack them on your side of the scales and Babette matches it.
The scale tips and rebalances with each weight.
“Hmm, now I’m tempted to get this book now. It was River’s right?” Babette smacks her lips together, scolding, “Ugh that boy is gonna be so smug from his cut.”
“He deserves it,” You chuckle, “River gave me a lot to work with. A three hundred page book was a challenge.”
You sang that last word, dropping three coins on your scale dish.
Babette adds in her own three before the scales dipped. She hums for you to stop and let her tally up this amount. As she is busy with that, you get more coins from the sack.
You already spent your cut on books and writing supplies but there is still plenty to be given for the deal you struck with the courtesan house.
This place and its people are important to you. There’s a chance that Rebekka suspects where the inspirations of your novels come from but you doubt she’ll ever come down here herself to get the confirmations.
You never want Rebekka to meet the people here. It’s a ridiculous thought but you can’t help but be worried if she’ll treat your friends as fictional characters and not real people.
With your friends’ and other escorts’ consent, they give you sex stories and you turn them into published novelettes.
It’s for the money, it’s for the fun, it’s for this ironic praise and ego stroking of being the muse of a writer.
But underneath all those reasons, there’s something else you’ve learned after talking with each person you wrote about. They want to fabricate their own fantasies of escapism, safety and freedom, of a real romance that lasts after the morning.
As you pinch another coin onto the scales, you recall River.
He was Patroclus and his lover was Achilles, someone who always had a greater duty to fulfill. River always spoke so wishfully of this person, someone self sacrificing yet seemingly immortal. He asked if you could write an ending where Patroclus and Achilles survived a war.
River always used the past tense when talking about his lover. You never ask if they left or died. You are not that close to him. In fact you were supposed to write the Calypso book as your third best seller but she recommended River instead.
“Is Adora busy?”
“Likely,” Babette glances at her wall clock before reaching for the last coins in the sack. “Around this time is when her favorite regular comes in.”
“Ah,” you smirk. “That means Eden is also busy.”
You really want to tell Adora that her story got approved for printing. She’s been excited to see herself as Calypso. Then with Eden, she just wants her girlfriend to stop whining about how her favorite author hasn’t been updating her on new chapters.
In due time you’ll give Adora the finished product.
“Alright, that’s everything.” Babette has all the coins in neatly stacked columns.
She pushes one towards you.
“No, no need Babette,” You wave your hands in a refusing manner, “Just take it all.”
“Are you sure? You deserve your own earnings.”
“It’s fine, I already spent my cut,” You assure her. “Besides, I’m getting paid for teaching now.”
Babette frowns deeply, “Yes, by Silco.”
You tense up, curling your fingers on your coat sleeves. It can’t be too obvious that the coat isn’t yours, right?
“Babette, I…” You helplessly trail off, not sure what to say to her concerned look.
It’s vastly different than when Rebekka lectures you. There is genuine fear in the yordle’s eyes.
“Reader, you have to be careful with him.”
“I… I will.” You say as if you have not been in contact with him today.
As if you didn’t spend the morning with him viewing the seaside, as if you didn’t get a ride from him, teasing you, and as if he didn’t lend you his coat.
You say you will be careful as if you did not feel like the world stood still when he called out your real name.
The coat is warm on you but your hands are cold, digging in for comfort as you break eye contact with a woman who looks after the people most dearest to you.
Babette sighs, “I should be the last one to tell you that your head is in a book but you need to be aware of his power.” There’s the clinking sound of coins collected. “Have you heard about Shimmer?”
You swallow a lump down. “...Yes.”
“It’s starting to hurt a lot of people.”
You let out a sharp laugh, “I can smell it in your hallways.”
“The intense stuff is what we’re all scared of.” She warns you and this time you meet her frown, feeling worse. “You heard about Benzo’s death.”
And Vander’s but that’s better left unsaid.
“I know nothing about what he does,” You defend yourself, attempting to forget that you rode his personal bathysphere that overlooks his compounds.
“That’s a good thing,” the yordle nods, “but I’m still going to worry.”
You nod back. A part of you knows this is when you should thank her for caring about you but another little voice in your head spits that worrying is what she’ll only do. Babette wouldn’t actually do a thing to protect you. You’re not a part of her brothel, you’re just another client that’s allowed to be close to the escorts.
Leaving Babette with her newly collected money, you take a deep breath in the hallway. You do smell it, the Shimmer guests and courtesans are vaping. No doubt Adora, Eden, and their favorite regular is also partaking in it.
Shimmer has passed around very quickly since Silco’s debut. The moment someone figured out how to evaporate it, it soon became a hit like one of your books. Yet some people claw their way for the raw viles, monsterication be damned.
As you’re walking down the hallway, you hear the voice of the one you’ve been looking for.
“Do you really have to leave so soon?” Adora whines, clinging onto the arm of the exiting guest.
“Even I am saddened,” Eden adds, trailing her long nails on the collarbone of regular. “Were we not to your satisfaction?”
“No.” Lips press against Eden’s fingers, delicate but then Adora’s waist is held tightly, pulling her close, “You two are more than I could ever imagine.”
You blink.
“‘You are more than I could ever imagine’,” Adora swoons. “She’d say that to Eden too but unfortunately Reyna doesn’t get an Eden character.”
Reyna, the lover of Calypso. In an older draft she was also the lover of an unnamed character meant for Eden but she didn’t want to be in the book. So it was solely an Adora special.
The two escorts described Reyna to be this woman of strength, and used it to her own advantages, be it beating someone up or threatening others. But alone with them, she was endlessly tender and knew exactly what to say to charm them.
You blink again to make sure your eyes are seeing things right because nestled between your two best friends is Sevika.
“Uh hi,” You break the moment, not maleficently or teasingly, you just kind of want them to know you’re here. “Your new arm is cool.”
Sevika snorts at you, “Oh, you’re here too.”
At the same time, Adora gasps happily and lets go of Sevika’s metal arm in favor of wrapping her arms around you. Up close you see hickies on her neck and one of her space buns is lopsided.
“Reader! You’re here!” She spins with you, caught up in her joy and after a second rotation she stops and grins at you, wiggling her eyebrows, “How’s the you-know-what?”
“Very subtle my love,” Eden mutters, taking up Adora’s spot in Sevika’s arms.
“Looks like you two got another toy to play with,” the buff woman gives a farewell bite on Eden’s lips. “Don’t break them. Silco likes this one.”
Your brain is torn from analyzing Sevika’s confident tone and what she said last. On how she absolutely is certain that no one else compares in Adora’s or Eden’s favor. But there is a loud screaming inside your head about the Silco thing.
“Silco likes me?”
“Aw,” Adora pinches your cheek, “They’re blushing! So cute. All it took was his name.” She sighs dramatically, “Now I’m jealous, it took me years to get you flustered.”
“It took me a day,” Eden boasted, winking at you as her hands scratched through Sevika’s hair.
“Adora!” You complain, face still warm. You lightly slap her hands away and try to laugh away the embarrassment. “Nice to see you too. I was going to give you good news but now I don’t feel like it.”
Instead of more whining or teasing, Adora cheers, “Good news? That means you did it! We have to celebrate!”
“Yes, yes,” You agree but your shoulders sag down, “but later. I kind of had a long day.”
“Did she throw something at you again?” Eden immediately is in front of you, checking your head for injuries. Her nails are careful on your face, ever so elegant and thoughtful.
“No, she didn’t do anything.”
“She upset you,” Eden rightfully concludes.
It’s confirmed when you break eye contact. Eden hums sadly, petting your hair in a soothing manner. Meanwhile Adora is fuming, already cursing and damning your ex.
Eden gives her girlfriend an unimpressed side glance before telling you quietly, “Go relax, now. You’re far away from her. Come visit us soon, okay Reader?”
You gratefully nod, “I will Eden. Thanks.”
She gives you a kiss on your temple before waving Sevika goodbye. Adora grumpily follows her lead, still mad on your behalf, “One day I’ll tear the bitch apart.”
“You don’t have to.”
“But I want to,” she pouts.
“I’d like to see that,” Sevika unnecessarily added.
Ignoring that, Adora gives you one last hug. “Oh hey, nice coat by the way. New?”
“Uh yes.”
“You hesitated,” she sings, teasingly grins at you. “I wonder why.”
Thankfully she doesn’t pester any further and gives Sevika a too-long kiss before joining Eden in their room.
With that you and Sevika exit the brothel.
You press your lips together, unsure if you should say anything to her. You’re aware that your best friends care about her very much but you still feel awkward for knowing Reyna the character first and Sevika second.
Now that you know it was her who Adora and Eden grew to lust and love over, you oddly understand Sevika better. It’s kind of hard to unsee her as the one who your friends fawn over, the source of both their dreams and dirty thoughts.
“So,” You begin testingly, “More than you imagine, eh?”
Sevika rolls her eyes. She pokes a prosthetic finger at your gut, “Don’t push it.”
“Alright, fine,” You grin crookedly, “I just never thought I’d meet their third heart.”
“Right back at you,” Sevika’s grin is deadly. “Adora’s little bookworm.”
…You take a deep breath of undercity air to calm your nerves. “I thought she stopped that.”
“Not at all,” she laughs loud. “Eden also has a nickname for you too.”
You cover your face with your hands, defeated, “You win! Please stop.”
Sevika pats your back, a bit too forcefully as you nearly stumble over. “For now, Reader, I mean, it’s just so easy.” She crosses her arms, smirking at you, “So, Silco’s coat, eh?”
Of fucking course she’d recognize it.
You clutch tightly onto your bag strap, “I’m gonna give it back.”
“Uh huh. Right.”
“I will!”
She tilts her head, still smirking but now it’s all schemey. “I’d like to see you try.”
With a hand back on you, this time corralling you to walk with her, you gap at her, “What are you doing?”
“Gonna see you talk to Silco about the coat. I bet he wants you to keep it.”
“What?” You narrow your eyes at her. “You can’t be this serious.”
She is so confident about Silco but she must be wrong. He can’t be that attached to you in only a matter of weeks. You know you get attached fast and you are nothing like Silco. He plays the waiting game with wars and drugs. A spark of something so volatile as feelings shouldn’t be risked in the name of revolution. That and you know that Jinx is who his heart and priorities are in favor of. His attention has been divided enough, you’re just here to help with Jinx’s care. You’re just meant to be a small part of his life and support Jinx.
“I’ll even buy you a drink if I’m wrong,” Sevika bribes, still walking you towards The Last Drop.
You can’t find it in yourself to argue. There’s no real harm in this dumb bet. Besides, you were planning on giving the coat back to Silco. And if you do then you’ll get a free drink.
The bar has a fair amount of people in it. It’s the older crowd that used to come in. From what you heard they remember Silco in the old days. Either they’re here because they want the Zaun that Silco promised or want front row seats to when he’ll fuck it up. After all, it was Vander and Silco as the pillars for the raids. If they’re gone for good, you have no idea who would take up as figurehead.
The more likely possibility is that they’re all here to drink. The moment you and Sevika step in, there’s a bunch of drunkards in their own corners of the bar. There’s even one guy slumped over the jukebox.
You follow Sevika to the bar where automatically you two get served two mugs. Sevika looks at a henchman guarding the staircase and does a hand signal. That guy huffs and walks up the direction of Silco’s office.
“Why do you even care about this?” You asked, raising the mug to your lips.
It’s a spiced rum, something strong but you get the feeling that Sevika can handle it. Unlike you, you swallow down a gulp and nearly gag at it. Despite that you go for a second sip, you always crave a drink after dealing with Rebekka.
“I needed to come here anyway, tight schedule and all.” Sevika takes a big swing of her drink, “Might as well get entertained.”
“Aw,” You snicker and tried to mimic Adora’s playful tone, “and you still managed to see your girls even in this tight schedule of yours.”
“If you’re gonna tease me, at least don’t copy Adora. Whining is her thing.”
“Yeah, that’s true.”
“Your thing is being a brat but with a touch more of respect and cowardliness.”
“...Wow thanks,” You grumbled that into your drink. “I didn’t know that’s how you thought of me, considering we don’t talk much.”
“Oh I learned plenty from my girls but mostly from Silco.”
“Yeah, right,” You said disbelievingly.
“Shouldn’t you be happy that I’m telling you all this?” Sevika leans in, whispering, “Considering you like him.”
You scoot away from her, speaking just as quietly, “I’m not in the mood to think about him like that.”
You’re still a bit frazzled from seeing Rebekka. It was mere seconds apart when you thought about kissing her to her making you feel like a ragdoll she impatiently patched up. Then there’s that tip from Noah. Rebekka has been talking about you to an Enforcer. You don’t recall her ever mentioning a friend in that position because she never introduced you to them. To be fair, you also treated her like a dirty secret but you can’t help but feel like you both came out of the relationship with significantly different heartbreaks.
From the sour look on your face, Sevika said, “Adora was cursing about some bitch earlier. She never gets that feisty so fast.”
She’s not outright asking but you can tell that Sevika is waiting for an answer. You grimace and try to chug down your drink.
“Hm, cheers then,” Sevika accepts your silence, slamming down her own rum.
“This is not the sight I was expecting.”
You nearly choke, quickly putting down your mug. Sevika doesn’t, taking her time to finish hers.
Approaching you two is Silco, still dressed impressively for business but with a sleek long jacket on. The coat on you would look better but in general, Silco looks good.
“Hi,” You greet, grabbing a napkin to wipe the rum off your chin.
He stares at you, similar to how he saw you head out of his vehicle, right when he called out your name. You still feel weird about how you froze up, how easily you’re alerted to his voice.
“Reader, you’re here,” Silco tilts his head a little at his henchman, “with Sevika.”
“We ran into each other on the way here. Anyway, don’t you have something to say Reader?”
She elbows you for good measure, much to your annoyance. Your glare does not affect her wry smirk.
“I just wanted to return this back to you.” You take a stand and begin to shuck off the coat, it's warmth leaving your back but you know it’s not meant for you.
“You don’t have to do that.” Silco raises a hand to pause you. “I’m afraid that your coat is still not ready. I don’t believe Jinx even started cleaning it as she was running around in it.”
“Well that does sound like Jinx.” You laugh. The coat is bundled around your elbows, and you wonder if Jinx played around with it like when you were younger. “I don’t mind if she keeps it.”
“The same applies here.” The corner of his lips quirk up for a second. Silco looks you up and down and does a small approving nod. Once more you’re frozen under his eyes. He waves over to Sevika. “Now Sevika, let's go. Finn has been causing a few problems as of late.”
“Hate that guy,” she mutters. Then she turns to you, not bothering to whisper, “Told you so. Enjoy your drink and coat, Reader.”
The duo leaves the bar to do another job in the name of Zaun. Meanwhile with you, you order another drink, specifically a cold one since you feel too warm even with the coat half off.
Silco is complex and interesting to you, of course he is since he’s the most powerful man in the Lanes. You’re aware of his influence, his drugs on the streets and the many people that are in his pocket. Yet he treats you like this, no sense of ulterior motive for simply giving you his coat.
You can’t help but wonder if all this friendliness is all in your head. If you’re just inside another fantasy, the same easygoing and romantic genre that can consume you. You let that story be narrated by Rebekka for the longest time.
After this last drink you tug on the coat and leave The Last Drop.
It’s been a long day honestly. Fortunately the path to your place is quieter, this side of the neighborhood is left alone for the most part. Other people are off doing their own business and there’s an unspoken rule to not steal from each other. That and there isn’t anything good to steal in the first place too.
Yet your keys are in your hand just in case. You walk through the alleyway between the two apartment buildings, the one you used for your classroom. The narrowness wasn’t the greatest place to teach kids but it left an easy way to check for dangers. There are multiple fire escape ladders for your kids to escape up into. It’s not ideal but it worked for the most part.
You arrive at your doorstep and your jaw drops.
A small lump under rags is burrowed below the doorknob. Bare feet are poked out.
You kneel down, carefully placing a hand on it, “Hello?” The shape shivers and you lift up a corner of the rag for a head to pop out. “Franny?”
They sniffed and with a wobbly frown, asked, “Can I stay with you tonight, Teacher?”
Chapter 5: Yesterday Upon the Stair
Taglist (Thanks yall!):
@sana-within-you @masteracewindu @shameshomalo @dovahdokren @ancientbeing10 @totallylostinfeelings @cyborgjules @shadow-pancake9 @potato-dragons @subbing-for-clones @faraige @testsubject24601 @accordionplayingrat @idiotic-canadian
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lacetulle · 5 years ago
Hey there! Aspiring fashion designer here! I'm getting more and more into fashion and designing/ planning more and more outfits and I was wondering if you have any tips to get more into haute contour and fashion in general. Your blog has really helped me get a grasp of what I like and I all around love it!
I’m happy this blog could help in figuring out what styles you like! There are a ton of different mediums to get into fashion! I’ve compiled a list of options via videos, websites, and books. So strap in, this is a long post.
Since you already have an idea of who you like, I always suggest reading up on that brand/label/designer and going through their archives. For me, when I realized how much I loved Dior and knew I wanted to learn more, it was overwhelming at times because the label has such a long history. If you really like newer labels, like Zuhair Murad, Elie Saab, Iris van Herpen, etc., it’s a little more manageable to read up on the history and designers just because they were founded in the ‘90s/‘00s.
In terms of websites, I have a few to talk about.
Vogue. This is the easiest avenue to get into fashion. I’m not knocking it, because I use it the most for photos, but as far as websites go, it’s the most dumbed-down. But I mean that in the best way! The features, trend reports, and runway news appeals to even the most casual fashion fan. Vogue focuses mainly on big name/commercialized brands (Dior, Valentino, Gucci, etc.) rather than smaller ones (like Guo Pei and Ralph & Russo, two big couture names these days, get minimal coverage with Vogue). Vogue is a great resource for runway looks...it was my gateway into studying older runway collections. All in all, in terms of websites, Vogue is the tip of the fashion media iceberg.  If you want to get into the more meatier parts of fashion, there are better sites.
Harper’s Bazaar. Like Vogue, it’s easy to navigate and leans more towards the more well-known fashion brands. Pre-covid, they always had a weekly street style recap as well. They have great lists but stay away from the business side of fashion. I typically use Harper’s Bazaar for the street style/every day fashion inspiration and news.
Who What Wear. A great site for following trends. They don’t focus so much on brands, but it’s a great resource for seeing what’s trending and options to buy said trends. For example, Who What Wear is the first place I went when I wanted to find a list of brands who were starting to sell masks.
WWD. Supposedly most designers prefer WWD to Vogue coverage.  And it shows, since parts of the site require a subscription. WWD is one of the more technical sites and could be overwhelming for someone who doesn’t really understand the industry. They talk about the comings-and-goings of creative directors, financial news, and general fashion trends/news. It also has runway recaps and photos, which is typically what I use it for. If you’re really want to be in the know with breaking fashion news, they do offer email newsletters as well for a more condensed version of the site. Also, a super helpful page I’ve had bookmarked, their fashion dictionary.
Business of Fashion.  The name is pretty self-explanatory.  BoF is another one of those meatier sites that could be overwhelming at first. It’s also one that has a subscription service. BoF has great profiles of designers, so I’ve used the site as my starting point when learning about someone new. The BoF500 also showcases anyone and everyone who has a hand in shaping the industry.
The Impression. The cheapest of the subscription sites and the one I had until I cancelled a few months ago (not because it sucked, but, you know…corona). I mainly used them for their runway pictures. They were so fast to upload them, with details and backstage footage. The big draw is the fashion week/runway photography, but the talk about street style, short films and ads from brands, as well as fashion trends. At the end of every fashion week (New York, Milan, Paris, etc.) the put together a recap list of biggest trends, top shows, top models, and break down the numbers. I love the site for its minimalism and whenever the industry decides to have fashion weeks again, I’ll renew my subscription.
Magazines:  Most people would say Vogue is the holy grail for fashion magazines, but I don’t think it’s that great (at least the US version).  Vogue Paris, Italia, and UK are better in my opinion. And just because I don’t think the print version of US Vogue is the holy grail, doesn’t mean I don’t like it.  I have a subscription and read it every month. Other options I really like are Harper’s Bazaar (any country’s version), Elle, InStyle, and W.
Videos: Other than the first one listed (which can be found on Netflix or Hulu, depending where you live), everything can be found on youtube. And now i’m constantly getting fashion recommendations on youtube, so it’s an easy rabbit hole to fall into.
First Monday in May. I’ve talked about this documentary before, but it bears repeating.  It’s a gorgeous journey of how the Met Gala and Costume Institute Exhibit was put together. It’s about the ‘China: Through the Looking Glass’ exhibit in 2015. They interview big designers about how China has influenced some of their collections, and takes on the debate of whether fashion should even be in a museum. It was the first fashion documentary I ever watched and only made me fall more in love with fashion (and want to see every fashion exhibition).
The September Issue. Vogue’s September issues are always the biggest of the year.  This documentary follows the process of designing the famous September issue of Vogue. I believe it was filmed in 2007 or 2008 so it’s dated, and digital media has changed the game, but it’s a good watch to see just how influential and important the September issue is in terms of forecasting fashion trends for the following year.
Savoir Faire: Christian Dior Haute Couture Spring/Summer 2011. A 50 minute video on how one, just one, piece from the couture collection was designed.  It’s a great insight on just how much work goes in to creating a couture collection.
7 Days Out with Karl Lagerfeld. Another great showcase of the week leading up to a couture show, this time with Chanel. The documentary follows the 2018 show, which is one of Lagerfeld’s last few couture shows before his death.
Battle At Versailles: The Competition that Shook the Fashion Industry. It’s no secret that Paris is the epicenter of fashion.  The couture houses are all based there, so France is typically where you needed to be to be a world renowned designer. In 1973 French and American designers competed against each other and brought American designers into the spotlight. There’s an hour long documentary on youtube and there’s a book that I’ve linked below. I’ve seen the video and I’m currently reading the book, so you have options here.
Christian Dior: Designer of Dreams. A good look at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs exhibit for the 70th anniversary of Dior. This documentary gives a nice, condensed look at each of the artistic directors of Dior and showcases some of the most iconic Dior looks. I knew about it, but didn’t go see it. I only saw pictures, which were beautiful…but to see it all come together on video was a dream.  They talk to Celine Dion for a minute at the end, and her words sum up my feelings best about Dior, “I would love to wear one of these dresses one day, maybe in one of my lifetimes, or every night in my dreams.”
Inside Haute Couture: Behinds the Scenes at the Paris Ateliers. A gorgeous book with tons of photos about the intricacies that go in to a couture collection.
Kate Spade New York: All in Good Taste. I originally bought it for my coffee table collection, but it has some great style tips.
The Battle of Versailles: The Night American Fashion Stumbled into the Spotlight and Made History. Just in case you’d rather read about this legendary fashion show than watch. I’m currently reading it, so I can’t give you my final take on it. But I’m loving it so far.
Dior by Dior: Christian Dior’s autobiography. Who better to tell you about the history of Christian Dior, than Dior himself.
Elsa Schiaparelli: A Biography. I’m a big fan of Schiaparelli and would love for her legacy to be more widely known. She was a very private person, so when this biography dropped I was excited to read more about her. Elsa Schiaparelli was Coco Chanel’s biggest rival and was a household name in her time, but most people know Coco’s name over Elsa’s today. This is a nice dive into Schiaparelli’s life, since most people focus on Chanel’s legacy (and let’s be honest, Chanel is very idolized, which is so unfortunate, given her Nazi ties, but I digress.)
Gods and Kings: The Rise and Fall of Alexander McQueen and John Galliano. I tend to rave about the designs by these two, so it’s a good look into their journey in fashion.
The Beautiful Fall: Fashion, Genuis, and Glorious Excess in 1970s Paris. If you’re interested in Lagerfeld (pre-Chanel days) or Yves Saint Laurent, it’s a great retrospective look at their rivalry.
Champagne Supernovas. If ‘90s fashion is something of interest, this book is a great read on how some big name rebels (McQueen, Marc Jacobs, Kate Moss, etc.) in the industry remade fashion as we know it.
Any of the Met Gala books: Camp: Notes on Fashion, Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty, Manus x Machina, Heavenly Bodies, etc.  My first one was the McQueen book, and at the time I didn’t know it was the official book from the Costume Institute Exhibit.  They’re not all hardcover coffee table-esque books, but if you can’t attend an exhibit it’s the next best thing. They’re all great in-depth resources for learning about a certain area of fashion. They can be expensive, so I wouldn’t suggest investing in them unless you’re truly interested in that specific aspect of the industry. This year’s exhibit - whenever it opens - is About Time: Fashion and Duration.  The exhibition book is already available and I think it’ll be an incredible exhibit of how current designers pull from older designers and trends.
The Fashion Book.  It’s expensive. It’s massive. And it gives you a wealth of information. It’s essentially an encyclopedia for fashion. It’s not just designers; it highlights models, high profile photographers, style icons, and all those who influenced fashion.
I know this was long, but these have been the resources I’ve used over the years. I hope this can help you along your journey and if anyone has other things to add, please do!
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kjissexy1994 · 4 years ago
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WORDS OF SHAKESPEARE: The Return of a very Supa Occasion! (Special guest: Richard)
On the 19th of June 2021, my old friend, Maiwel alumni and acting veteran Richard and I went to the Supanova Comic and Gaming Convention at Sydney Olympic Park in Homebush Bay. The 2021 edition of Supanova was the first time in two years that it was held in Sydney as last year’s edition was called off due to “You Know What” alongside Adelaide, Brisbane and Perth.
To implement with the health and safety protocols, the layout of the convention was more smaller and laid out to comply with physical distancing measures as well as entering via a QR Code.
When I first entered the Dome Exhibition centre seeing all of the convention goers and Cosplayers of superheroes, sci-fi and anime. I kneeled down and proclaimed “HALLELUJAH!” as many of the convention fans from NSW were starved of a taste of a full-on convention since the world went upside down early last year (Outside of the smaller edition of Oz Comic Con titled OCC POP UP which was held earlier in March of this year).
Supanova contained a teeming amount of Cosplayers from DC Comics and Marvel Superheroes, Rick and Morty, Steven Universe, Star Wars, Ghostbusters, Doctor Who and Power Rangers, Cosplayers from anime such as My Hero Academia, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Naruto and Disney films including Mary Poppins, Mulan and The Little Mermaid, Cosplayers from Video games including Overwatch, Pokémon, Super Mario, Sonic the Hedgehog, Street Fighter, Resident Evil, Mortal Kombat, Cyberpunk 2077, Final Fantasy, Sonic the Hedgehog and Undertale, Cosplayers from Web animations for instance including RWBY, Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss as well as various furry Cosplayers and cosplays of my childhood such as Pingu. There was also a very innovative cosplay such as an attendee dressed up as a giant functional Nintendo Game Boy System! The costumes looked absolutely well designed and spot on as I asked kindly for photos!
A number of RWBY fans and Cosplayers noticed me wearing Jaune’s Pumpkin Pete Hoodie. I must admit, I’d make a pretty good Jaune cosplayer if I could get his armour, his “Crocea Mors” sword and shield and dye my hair blonde!
There was also the Cosplay stage across from The Dome where there was a competition for the very best and innovative costume, as well as seminars of the bigger name Australian celebrities.
Speaking of the celebrities, Due to the international borders being closed until either the middle of next year or when the majority of the population of Australia is vaccinated, Supanova relied heavily on home grown talent from our country for example (but not limited to) Manu Bennett, David Wenham, Josh Lawson, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Georgia Haigh, Nicholas Hamilton and frequent Supanova Attendee, John Jarratt who is famous for portraying the infamously ominous and frightening Mick Taylor from the horror movie franchise “Wolf Creek.” I still remember being scared straight to high heaven watching the movie when I was very young due to Jarratt’s portrayal of the heinous horror character next to Bill Skarsgard’s portrayal of Pennywise the clown in Stephen King’s IT Chapters one and two, but alas Jarratt was a very generous and friendly larrikin!
There was a lot of great activities to do including the “Black Widow Obstacle Course” where you had to complete a number of tasks within the time limit in order to win a prize, Star Wars Lightsaber demonstrations and tutorials and the “Battlecry” LARP (live action role playing) battle displays and demonstrations where you could fight your friend or one of the friendly Battlecry veterans such as Sammy Owen from the recent Medibank Commercial with a rubber sword or axe. This was a very great debut for my LARPING alter ego, “Boar-Head: The Sworded Brawler” and I am very interested in joining a Battlecry LARP group in the future!
There was a very colourful display of artwork, comics and prints at the Artists Alley, with various comic book artists from across Australia such as (but not limited to) Queenie Chan of Fabled Kingdom, Anthony Christou of Luminous Ages and Camillo Di Pietrantonio famous for illustrating the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IDW comics.
The Fabulous Wonder Mama also made a guest appearance as she is a superhero representing the LGBT Community.
The Artists Alley also had tables of independent artists selling comics, prints, bookmarks and badges available. Looking at the artwork made me feel like I was at an Art Museum for the fans of pop culture!
For those who want to spend some dough, there were also stalls selling new and vintage comics and trading cards, Pop Vinyl Figures, Animation cells from cartoons and movies of yesteryear, Action figures and gaming consoles from the eighties and nineties, LGBT pride flags, rock and metal band t shirts and apparel and Plushies from Japanese anime and video game franchises such as Pokémon and Digimon. There were also games to play such as Super Smash Bros Ultimate for the Nintendo Switch so fellow gamers can smash their friends out of the arena! For the con-loving geeks who were hungry, Dominos had a stall selling various flavours of pizzas and garlic bread and the canteens in the Sydney Olympic Park Dome sold fish and chips, bagels, sushi and coffee. Byron Beef Jerky also had a traditional stall selling all kinds of flavours such as Teriyaki, Chilli and the infamous “Devil’s Doo-Doo!” (Not for the faint hearted!)
Whilst Supanova Comic and Gaming Con in Sydney was a fun event for the inner nerds, parts of the con had to be completely modified and or removed in order to be healthy and safe for example, the discontinuation of handing out free goodie bags containing the guidebook and map of the layout of the con and other cool things making both the map and guide digital exclusive via the Supanova Website.
Another notable absence was the Australian Wrestling Federation wrestling ring where the pro wrestlers of the aforementioned promotion would host a series of three wrestling matches per day and the wrestlers would hand out free autographs, this really kind of hurt me as a fan of pro wrestling for sixteen years but it’s better to be safe than sick. At least the Battlecry LARP displays and demos filled in its place!
For the seminars, gone are the days of staff handing the microphone to the audience for the Q&A’s as they have to lineup behind the microphone in order to ask an interesting question to the guests.
I also didn’t like how some parts of the convention was a bit squashy when you first entered, in the artist’s alley and in some of the stalls. Like I said, we are in a receding health crisis and we need to wear masks, be physically distant, wash our hands and get the much needed vaccine shot against the you know what!
All in all, Supanova had a amazing return to full flight in Sydney despite the scare earlier in the week and the lack of International guests. I was starved of a full on convention throughout the year of misery last year and as a person on the autism spectrum, cons are such an amazing way to make new friends and to show out your inner geek, nerd,fanboy or whatever via cosplaying, gaming, greeting guests, purchasing artwork and so on and so forth all in a very safe measure!
I give this year’s Supanova in Sydney a 7 out of 10. This edition was absolutely different compared to last year’s and I have strong confidence that next year’s edition in Sydney and abroad will have well known and beloved international guests back to the much loved Comic and Gaming convention next year, just in time for Supanova’s 20th birthday!
Next time I am in Sydney, I will be going to the Vivid Festival which will be in August so stay tuned for that!
Happy trails!
K.J (Kane)
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manuelmueller · 7 years ago
Ask number four: The fics I reread because I liked them most were the one in which Neuller attend that wedding and the one in which Manu and Matze meet while sneaking back to their rooms, I enjoy the angst. Feel like I bookmarked those two and gave all the kudos!
Ask number three will be answered later – I very much think it’s a thing that needs and should be addressed, but I’d need to elaborate a bit more and I don’t really have the time for that now.
The wedding fic made it up there? Awww, thank you! It’s my newest one, I wrote it in about three hours and it’s easily the most cheesy thing I’ve ever written .... but also so fun, and people enjoy it so ^^ OH MY GOD I LOVE ANGST. As you probably noticed when you’ve read most of my fics, I do like making Manu suffer from a bit of existential angst every now and then (I’m so sorry, baby) and I know it happens in almost everyone of my fics ... And I certainly noticed the increase in kudos and bookmarks, thank you so much!!
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twistednuns · 7 years ago
April 2018
Rediscovering an old passion of mine: The ice. I went to another ice-hockey match the other day and the atmosphere was fantastic - tense, excited, the players were really going for it. Hannes bought me beer and a hot dog and I enganged in friendly banter with the enemy (I wished him a safe trip home to Karlsruhe after Mannheim had lost and he winked at me). I really hope we'll win the semi-finals. I desperately want to go to the final! Ice-hockey brings back childhood memories for me because I used to join my dad who had season tickets for the LA Cannibals. He was allowed to bring children under 6 for free (I think I must have been 6 until I was about 10 years old...) I also saw the movie I, Tonya about the infamous figure skater Tonya Harding on Easter Sunday, sitting alone in the cinema, enjoying my popcorn. I loved this film. The soundtrack is awesome, the acting and the humour are spot-on. A few days later I actually went ice-skating with Korbian (in the EHC Red Bull rink!) and even though my feet still hurt so much that I have to unfasten the ice skates every twenty minutes it was great fun. Water and ice - I'm in my element.
A small present from a sixth-grader: a sticker of a smiling bowl of ramen noodle soup!
I can see that I'm so much fitter now than a few months ago. I can run up a flight of stairs without being out of breath. Not even a bit.
Sewing together all the granny squares I had lying around. The size is still on baby blanket level so just give me a few more years to finish it...
The first warm days. Planting flowers in front of my window (primrose, forget-me-not, buttercups). Setting up the canvas chair. Hanging up the laundry on the balcony. Eating outside, walking over Viktualienmarkt just before sunset. Great light and amazing smells.
Climbing the hill in Olympiapark. Lying in the grass, making out with K., enjoying a spectacular view over the Alps and the city.
Having painted toe nails for the first time after the winter. I especially like O.P.I's Tickle my France-y (and how every nail polish just looks so much prettier under water).
The Describe Yourself Like a Male Author Would Twitter thread: Her breasts entered the room before her far less interesting face, decidedly maternal hips and rounded thighs. He found her voice unpleasantly audible. As his gaze dropped from her mouth (still talking!) to her cleavage, he wondered why feminists were so angry all the time. (stellar example by Jennifer Weiner)
Watching Gegen die Wand by Fatih Akin for the first time. And Frida - seems like I'm quite into biopics considering how much I liked I, Tonya.
Seeing how the cat reacted to Korbinian. She just rolled into a little ball in his palms and he held her in his hands for quite a while. Seems like she prefers men...
Amira Casar is very pretty.
He said I didn't snore!
Unter Glück hatte ich mir eigentlich was anderes vorgestellt.
A new double-ended eyebrow brush.
Talking about that one illustration in Janosch's Post für den Tiger (mole network!) and Lena knew immediately what I meant.
Walking over the playground with Lena and Alexandra. Trying out the seesaw, a carousel and the swings. Climbing a jungle gym, squeezing through the ropes, sliding down (my ass didn't get stuck!!)
Lying outside in the sun on a deck chair after one hour of swimming. Cold at first, very very nice after I was dry. It's incredible how much power the sun already has.
Sore muscles from ice-skating. Hill-climbing. Swimming.
Talking a walk in the Nymphenburg castle grounds. Taking a photo of Magdalenenklause (as always - I think it's fascinating how you can see the reflection of the trees and the blue sky as well as the interior of the chapel and the windows at the far end). Reading at Königsplatz. Buying food at the Asian market and some candy at Pomeroy & Winterbottom. Meeting Lena and Obi, having avocado toast with fried eggs at Holzkranich in Schwabing. All in all a really nice day even though I wasn't in a great mood to begin with.
Trommeln in der Nacht was the best play I've seen at the Kammerspiele so far. I really liked it. I mean, an Australian guy singing pop songs during a classic Brecht play - what can go wrong?
Swimming freestyle laps for the first time! My technique is probably shit but all that matters is that it gets my heart rate up.
Finding four tiny holo stars on a page in a librabry book.
Deciding to ride my bike down to Großhesselohe - I lay around in the sunshine in my bathing suit. And I needed sunscreen for the first time this year! I love the smell of the Garnier sun oil. Felt like summer! Isarkaribik... I also lay across from a nudist guy with a pretty good ass. Doesn't hurt.
Moser Roth lemon yoghurt chocolate.
Getting a bunch of Alstroemeria flowers at the supermarket. They were so pretty and stayed fresh for weeks.
Scene hunting.
The sound of the woodpeckers in the trees outside my apartment.
Delicious recipes for all kinds of wraps in the latest issue of Schrot und Korn.
Walking barefoot.
Meeting two huge, fat cats on my evening walk over the fields. Seeing the illuminated living rooms, watching people having dinner, wondering if they actually like each other. The smell of the first blossoming trees. The view over the forest after sunset, watching planes rise above the clouds. The sound of last year's leaves in the wind. Still some traces of light left. Seeing a hedgehog behind a garden fence.
How interested the cat was in the little blooming twig I brought home from a walk.
Reading so incredibly much.
Reading, yes, again - reading about Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes in Connie Palmen's Du sagst es. It's a fictional autobiography of Hughes. All these feelings, so much drama and a life for literature.
Another evening walk (I like them best) - lying down in the big nest swing at the playground. Finding a pile of free give-aways on a bench, taking home paper plates (I use them for acrylic paints).
Trauringe have only one letter more than traurige.
Going to work by tram on a sunny morning. A book in my lap, eating fruit salad. Seeing the city in a different light and discovering places I had never seen before because I usually only go there by night (for example the square/monument left of the Isar near Müllersches Volksbad).
The fact that the laundry dries in a matter of hours on the balcony now.
Taking a random library book to read on my way to work. Reading the passage "Es war April, der Monat, der von T.S. Eliot zum grausamsten unter seinesgleichen gekürt wurde, und es war Freitag, der dreizehnte." in April, on Friday the 13th. The likelihood of this happening is approximately 1 in 2500.
Meeting basically everyone at Muffat-Biergarten. The Fabis, Claudia, Frank, Manu and Susa. Even Lucy the dog-lady was there.
Paying Rasmus a compliment which he was really happy about.
Hanging up some crystals in the trellis on the balcony.
Spending a day at the Northern part of the English Garden with the "family". Playing Kubb, somersaulting spontaneously, so much delicious food (pizza, chocolate fruit, chickpea salad, sushi, cold drip coffee, ...), exploring some old trees at the riverside, climbing, playing with cheeky dogs, reading Lena's graphic novel.
The Destiny's Child reunion at Coachella.
Ferrero is making mother-effin' Kinder Bueno, Milchschnitte and Kinderriegel ice-cream now! Deliiiish.
Going to a workshop about voice and body language. I actually got way more positive feedback than expected. Apparently my voice and articulation are quite nice and I keep eye contact much better than I thought. Also, I asked another girl from the group to join me for lunch. Yay, talking to people! Hello, new extrovert me!
Foldable silicon lunch boxes.
Playing badminton in the park. I want to do that more often!
Getting eight more books from the library even though I still had five at home.
When your book fits exactly into the handle on the seat in front of you and you don't need a bookmark.
Having a monthly ticket for public transport is surprisingly nice. Hop on, hop off.
Visiting some of my students at their work place on Girls'/Boy's Day. We went to Deutsches Museum and a kindergarden, for example. It was great to see how much the kids enjoyed their days.
The playoff final!!! Two goals in 10 seconds, omg. So EHC Red Bull Munich won for the third time in a row. There were gold glitter, beer showers, the players' children on the ice. And I flirted with a dude from Garmisch who kept calling me princess.
Woodworking. I'm currently carving a bowl and a small bird out of limewood.
Carrying a huge pot of flowers all the way home on the train.
That other kind of mango. The type you usually get in Asia. Less sweet, creamier.
Going to the market on Saturdays. Getting fresh bread, vegetables or flowers for the balcony.
Riding my bike through the forest in order to get to the garden centre.
A weird childhood flashback while washing my dirty feet in the sink: the memory of my grandma who wouldn't let us sit on the sofa in the summer if we didn't do that.
Spending a day with a happy-go-lucky woodworker. Playing games at the Starnberger See. Driving around in his Skoda. Eating pizza.
Wearing the &otherstories sunflower necklace with the one I bought in Portland and had always been to tight for me. And wearing the pink-blue checked pyjama pants in combination with a soft grey longsleeve shirt. Another thing that used to be too small.
The balcony!!! Tomatoes, yellow zucchini, pink poppies, multi-coloured petunias, I mean, YES. The light breaking in one of the crystals. Rainbow reflections.
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dccomicsnews · 8 years ago
Stephen Amell is the star of the international smash hit TV show, Arrow. This is the series that launched the DC TV universe, which is now collectively and lovingly known as the Arrowverse, the Flarrowverse (Flash and Arrow) or the Berlantiverse (After Greg Berlanti – executive producer on Arrow, and on all it’s various spin-off shows: The Flash, Vixen, DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow and Supergirl, as well as the forthcoming Constantine Animated Series and Black Lightning.)
Mr. Amell is also an athlete, fitness guru, philanthropist and co-creator of The Heroes & Villains FanFest.
DC Comics News, and our sister site Dark Knight News, were on location, at the Kensington Olympia in London, reporting on the convention’s first foray overseas. Whilst there we were fortunate enough to secure six exclusive one-on-one interviews with some of the cast of Arrow, Legends, Supergirl and Gotham. We also covered many of the excellent Q&A panels.
DCN is now proud to present to you, our readers, some of the highlights from Stephen Amell’s sold out session. You can catch the whole panel on video too. It’s here in print form for those who can’t stream video on the move, and for our readers who may be deaf, or hard of hearing.
For those who may not have seen any, or all of Arrow season five, please be aware that this article contains some huge spoilers. You have been warned.
American Arrow Warrior
Stephen Amell: My goodness! Good morning! Wow! This is, if not the prettiest crowd, also the prettiest venue that we’re ever gonna be in. It’s fantastic!
Moderator: You guys have been fabulous, by the way. This is an amazing first time event, the energy is just… it’s like nothing else. Thank you, London. That says a lot for you guys.
(Massive round of cheers and applause)
American Ninja Warrior – the Red Nose Day… That’s been a long time coming. Talk about that, and what it was actually like to run that course.
SA: So, running the course for (American) Ninja Warrior… if you haven’t seen it, it aired this past week. We raised some money for Red Nose Day, which I know is something that originated here, in the U.K. which is very cool. Running the course… it’s terrifying! All the lights… when you see it, they put everything over water. Walk across a balance beam that’s two inches off the ground, but it’s solid ground underneath you… you’ll zip across it. You won’t even think about it. Do the exact same thing, exact same width, and do it over water… and you panic! Immediately, because you think you’re gonna fall in.
SA:  Ninja Warrior was great! I got pretty far, but after the second obstacle – if you see it – you’ll see me, before the third obstacle, go (touching his right arm, like in pain) like that to my arm. It’s because I thought that I’d torn my bicep off of the bone, on the second obstacle. I couldn’t feel anything from (my shoulder to my forearm). So, all things being considered, it went pretty well!
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Mod: Did you make it as far as you thought you were going to? As far as you thought you were gonna go?
SA: I made it as far as I thought I could go. I was really worried about those blocks that rotate when you run past them. They say, don’t worry if they’re tilted off to the side, or if they’re level. Just hit the middle, and go as fast as you can. Which, again, is a great idea, except for when they’re tilted in a weird way… and they’re over water!
So, you’ve just got to get over it. Just… charge ahead.
Fan: Which obstacle did you find the most difficult?
SA: The one that I fell on. I saw a guy do it, and how they do it, and what you have a tendency to do – if you’re inexperienced with climbing, and you’re used to utilizing your upper body – you make everything very tense, and you make it all about your arms. When, in actuality, you’re just supposed to hang there. It’s supposed to be your core that helps you sway… which is much easier, because then you’re just basically hanging.
That was obviously difficult. I think I could learn that one… but the most difficult one is those floating blocks, that you have to run across. It’s just like (he crosses himself, like saying a prayer to keep himself safe from injury, then points forward)… and zoooooom!
Which is, basically what I did. That was definitely the most challenging.
The Magic Of The Arrowverse
Fan: In season four you became the “Magical” Green Arrow. Do you think that was really the greatest thing? You would have thought that they would’ve brought back Constantine, or maybe Zatanna… or someone like that. But they had you as the magical person, to take out Darhk.
SA: Yeah. We tried magic on the show, and you have to try things… We’re gonna try things in season six that maybe are going to work, or they’re not going to work.
I was reading a review about season four – and there were lots of parts from that season that I loved that people didn’t like – and there are parts that I dislike that people enjoy, from every season. That’s all a part of viewing a television show. The reviewer said something that I really respected, he said that the most Arrow part of season four didn’t even happen on Arrow itself, it happened in an episode of Legends of Tomorrow, where they showed the older Oliver. I read that, and I thought… s#!+, he might be right.
I just loved having Neal McDonough on the show – so I thought I’d have him back in a second – but I thought that going back to what we’d cultivated in the earlier seasons was the way to go.
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Arch(ery) Nemesis
Fan: Who is your favorite villain on Arrow?
SA: (After a very long pause, and looking around him) Is Josh (Segarra: Adrian Chase/Prometheus) right behind me?
(Laughter from the crowd)
By the way, just quickly. If we get a chance to come back to London, and we’re in this venue… next year for my panel, you have to just let me just rappel down from my booth.
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I thought that Manu Bennet in season two did a marvelous job. I don’t think of John (Barrowman: Malcom Merlyn) as a villain so much… maybe because I know him. I didn’t really know about reaction videos, and then I ended up on a big deep dive on them – after I had an email telling me I needed to see some – and every person, to a man and to a woman, while watching the final scenes of this season were all like, “Full circle… OMG, full circle. It’s season one!” That really meant a lot. So, I think that the personal element this year, between Oliver and Adrian… that Josh as Prometheus probably fit the very best into a season.
From an iconic standpoint, then it’s certainly Deathstroke.
A very young fan: When I’m older I want to be an actor. What do you suggest I do to become one?
SA: The awesome thing about acting is that you don’t have to wait ’til you’re older… you can do it right now! Do you own a phone with a video camera? Yes? Do you have internet access? Yeah? YOU can be an actor!
(Huge applause)
What I mean by that, is in this day and age there’s nothing that can keep you from practicing, and creating content, and putting yourself out on platforms that allow you to get real time feedback. As long as you can differentiate the positive feedback from the people that are being mean for no reason, then you can start to move in the right direction.
I would then find classes, find movies and television shows that inspire you. Then try to emulate that, and from that experience you’ll start to find your groove.
Smoak And Mirrors
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(At this moment the crowd goes wild, as Emily Bett Rickards – Felicity Smoak herself – walks onto the stage)
Emily Bett Rickards: How does one crash a panel effectively? (Stephen greets her with a huge hug)
Fan: You’ve both done a lot, when it comes to Arrow, Flash and Legends. What’s been your favorite part, over all three series for the two of you?
EBR: I fondly remember when we introduced to the universe The Flash as its own show. That was a big change in where we were going, or at least where we thought we were going. It gave us a new bookmark, a new chapter… whole new novels! It’s been awesome.
SA: I like the quieter moments. Emily and I had a lot of fun shooting the episode where we’re trapped in the bunker.
(Huge applause)
The only part that wasn’t fun, is that we filmed that episode right around the time that I shot American Ninja Warrior
(Cheers from the audience)
Where I badly injured my bicep. I had to keep picking up Emily…
EBR: And I couldn’t help, because I wasn’t supposed to have full use of my legs, so I was just dead weight! (She laughs) And he was injured.
SA: Yeah… It was good, though! That was fun… climbing ladders.
In general I like when we have the quieter moments. We’ve all done action scenes, and Emily’s coordinated the team in the field, and been in the field a thousand times. It’s when you stumble into an episode and you find a three and a half page scene that’s just between two people talking… that’s really exciting. I like that.
Fan: After seeing the musical crossover episode of Flash, would you be interested in doing one of your own in Arrow?
SA: No, no, noooooo… (to Emily) I recently just found out how good a good singer you are!
EBR: Oh, well…
SA: People need to know these things!
Fan: Will you sing for us, a little bit?
SA: You want the musical episode now? You’re pressing your luck!
You should just Google us singing at Comicon last year… it was a one off.
EBR: Nooo waaayyy…
SA: (To Emily) If you were asked to appear on one of the other shows to do a musical episode, would you do it?
EBR: Yeah! As long as John Barrowman was there, I would do it.
SA: As long as John was there, I’d do it.
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Arrow, The Movie?
Fan: If you made a feature length, big budget episode… who would you like to team up with, who would you like to go up against, and why?
SA: If we were going to do a feature-length film, what I would like to do is… I would actually use every single important character from the history of the show that people thought were really important, I’d like to put them all in a situation where they’d all have to work together, and I would like to put the entirety of the amount of money that we put into an entire season into, like, 98-minutes of screen time and see what happens.
EBR: And Batman!
(Massive round of cheers and applause)
SA: (Nodding and giggling) And Batman… played by Robbie Amell.
EBR: I’ll take it!
SA: It’ll be great.
Mod: Could I have a big hand for Emily? Thanks for crashing in.
EBR: Thanks for having me!
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Amell v Arrow
Fan: Have you ever wanted to slap Oliver in the face, and ask him “What are you doing?!?”
(Huge chorus of approval from the crowd)
SA: I do like playing a character that has flaws, for sure. Flaws are what make us interesting. I haven’t talked with the producers a lot about season six, but one of the things that I did say is that – based off of everything that has happened this year – everything about the introduction of a team, and relying on other people, not just getting yourself into a predicament, and immediately drilling down and saying I’ll handle it by myself… I said Oliver has to have learned that’s not the right way.
If we’re still doing that, after everything that happened this year… people are gonna be, like, he’s never gonna learn and they’re probably gonna change the channel.
(Applause and a roar of approval from the audience, as Robbie Amell takes to the stage)
Amell v Amell
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SA: Oh, my God… Did you hear Batman, and just come to the stage?
Robbie Amell: I was wondering where everybody went! I was standing at my table and… (Spins around, as if searching for somebody, anybody!) I was wondering if you’ve told anybody what you’re doing on Thursday?
SA: Yes! At long last, Thursday is the first day of principal photography on Code 8 (A highly anticipated sci-fi project starring Stephen and Robbie).
(Robbie raises his arms and the crowd goes wild)
RA: That’s all I’m here for, have a great panel.
SA: Thanks, buddy.
RA: Bye!
Mod: Back to slapping Oliver in the face…
SA: As I was saying that, and everyone started cheering… I’m like, Oh my God, does everyone agree with me that much? That timing made me feel awful for about four seconds.
I think it’s very important that next year, he learns those lessons. It would be nice to see someone being irrational, and brickheaded, and have Oliver go, “You know…maybe think about this one a little bit, for the following reasons.” I think that would be a more interesting thing to play, going forward with the show.
The Arrow Of Inspiration
Fan: What was your inspiration to be an actor?
SA: Inspiration comes at different times. My inspiration to really get on the path that I (am) on now came after being in Toronto, and being in the business for a good 8/9 years. I hadn’t really had a lot of success, and I’d had a really awful year.
I just started thinking about the things in my life that made me happy. Family was one of them, friends, my dog – Louie – was in there… I kept coming back to acting, and how happy it made me. It’s when I started doing it for those reasons, that a lot of the elements of my career that you guys have seen, and that have brought me to a spot like this… that’s when they started to happen.
Fan: What’s your favorite thing to do in your free time?
(The crowd erupts as Josh Segarra – Prometheus himself – walks up on stage behind Stephen and puts him in a headlock)
SA: He actually was right behind me!
Josh Segarra: He lets me do that to him right now, but in real life he’d kill me. It would be the fastest death ever!
(The audience laughs, and while the moderator helps find a seat for Josh, Stephen goes on to answer the question he’d been asked, before the latest surprise guest appeared)
SA: What’s my favorite thing to do in my free time? What’s your favorite thing to do in your free time?
Fan: I just play sports.
SA: OK! My favorite thing to do, right now with my free time, is to hang out with my family. There’s lots of times where – my daughter’s a champion sleeper – and there are lots of times where I have to leave in the morning before she gets up, and I’m back at night after she goes to bed. So I wanna make sure that I’m spending as much time as I can with them, when I’m free.
(To Josh) What about you? Free time?
Prometheus Unbound
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JS: The same, bro. I’ve got an 8 month old son at home, and he’s a pretty hilarious cat! So when it’s not with him… I watch a lot of professional wrestling.
(Cheers of approval)
We’ve connected on that… I’m a big WWE mark.
Honestly, I’m a… we talked about it right before we got up here – we’re geeks man – so, I read a lot, I like to watch my TV that I enjoy and, just kinda, hang out. I eat a lot of food, eat a looot of food.
Very young fan, in Green Arrow costume: (Who’s) your favorite superhero?
SA: Who’s my favorite superhero? The Flash!
(Laughter, cheers and applause)
(To Josh) What about you?
JS: The Flash.
(More laughter, cheers and applause)
SA: Dumb question: Who’s your favorite superhero?
Fan: The Green Arrow!
(Applause from all round)
SA: Is it? Or did your mom tell you to say the Green Arrow?
Fan: My mummy didn’t.
SA: She didn’t?
Fan’s sister, who is dressed as Rapunzel: No, (he) really is his favorite superhero.
SA: He is? I appreciate that very much. (To the sister) Who’s your favorite superhero?
Fan: Supergirl.
SA: OK! A more important question; who’s your favorite Disney Princess?
Fan: Rapunzel.
SA: OK… I like Rapunzel too.
Fan: What’s the hardest stunt you’ve had to do on set?
SA: I was saying last night… I don’t know if it was the hardest, but (gesturing to Josh) our day on the boat was exhausting! It was really… We were out on a boat for an incredibly emotional scene, that was very delicate, very tricky, and had so many moving parts to it; everyone was worried about the weather, and I was really worried that we would be so caught up in getting the “Cool” shots, that we would miss the important ones, which are the ones that are right there (drawing a circle with his hand around Josh’s face), and right here! (Doing the same around his own face) That’s what the scene was about.
The last thing that we shot that day, before we lost the sun, was a drone shot of the boat… so, it didn’t require anything from me and Josh. It just required us to be in our positions. It was just gonna show the size and the scope of everything. In between those takes – where we had to stand up – the two of us would just be sitting there, like (hangs his head low, looking exhausted… Josh does the same). It was a hard day.
JS: Let me tell you about this guy (gesturing over to Stephen). Do you guys remember that episode in the cell, where I got to torture him a little bit? This man was shackled to the ground! Those were not fake shackles, they were real shackles. We were in that cell for 12 hours! He would take them off, and you could see the marks on his wrists. It was a pretty cool day, and my respect for this guy grew a whole lot… because those were the days that we knew were really important. Those were the days where we were starting to get into the guts of these guys, where you’re starting to see what they’re made of. Those were some fun days, for sure.
Wrestling with your conscience
Fan: You’ve touched on this one already, a bit. I know, Stephen, that you appeared in WWE, and it was one of the better celebrity appearances (they) had.
JS: It was the best one, bro. It was the best one! The man hopped the ropes, dude! He hopped the ropes… OK?!?
Fan: Is that something we can expect to see ever again? Maybe bringing in someone else? Maybe a bit of a villain?
(All the while, Josh is doing his best Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan impressions. Flexing, pumping up his muscles  and grimacing, and the crowd are loving it.)
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SA: The worst thing that I had to do to Josh this year, had nothing to do with what happened on screen. It had to with with when he couldn’t join me at Wrestlemania. It was so sad.
JS: So sad, man… we’d been planning this for about a year. He’s, like, next year, April 1st/April 2nd, we’re going. Cool, man. Two months out we’re like, two months, we’re gonna go! A month out, oh my gosh… we’re gonna go! Literally, two weeks before, he texts me… “Have you heard?” Did I hear what? He’s, like, “You gotta work on Monday, bro!” I was, like, Nooooo… Man! So then on (the) Tuesday before I get a text from him, with a giant cardboard cut-out of my head. It said “Don’t worry, homey… you’re coming with me!”
(Huge laughs)
That day, every hour on the hour, I got a text from him smiling… my head smiling, and the wrestling. Just all day, tracking the day. “Me” in the front row, my head… and I was, like, getting to meet guys. I had the best time, I met so many wrestlers that day, bro…
(Lots of laughter)
SA: I would love to do something in wrestling again… but I don’t know what that’s gonna be. I think that being with the WWE would be really cool. Cody (Runnels/Rhodes), who I worked with… is doing such great stuff with Ring Of Honor and New Japan. That would be cool. I need to get back in the ring one more time! The first time I was so… the second that I stepped outside of the curtain, all the moisture zapped from my entire mouth! I was so nervous! I was so nervous that I literally forgot to get in the ring!
Fan: We couldn’t tell.
JS: You wanna know a funny story? So, like I told you, I’m a big WWE fan. I was at that Summerslam, where he had his match with Neville, as a fan. So, I became a big fan of this guy, no lie – because I’ve watched a couple of celebrities trying to get in there and do their thing – and, all of a sudden I see this guy, who fits perfectly in there, and I’m fangirling, you know? My hands above my head and (in a real fangirl voice) “Oh, he’s doing amazing! I’m so proud of him!” (Stephen is cracking up, along with the crowd).
Fast forward, I get to work – the first day – and I met him, and (in a serious business voice) like… hey, good to meet you, “Good to meet you” (back to fangirl voice) So… I saw your wrestling match, man… Oh, it was awesome!
(Big laughs)
SA: That’s really how that went, too.
JS: Legit, man! (Fangirl Josh) And I saw Ninja Turtles! You were so good in that, bro! (Stephen and the crowd are laughing).
Looking To The Future… And The Past
Fan: Can you tell us what the theme for season six is?
SA: The theme of season five was legacy. From what I understand, the theme of season six is family.
Fan: So we’re gonna see William again?
SA: (After a long pause)… Sure.
Fan: What’s your favorite Flash crossover?
SA: My favorite Flash crossover, was when I appeared in the very first episode, of Flash… for a variety of reasons. It was really cool to say a line like, “Saving people… in a Flash!” You live, as an actor, for that moment. The cooler part about it was that – this was during the second season of Arrow – it was an opportunity for me to go back to do a pilot. To, basically put together the exact same crew to do the pilot of The Flash, and just to think back to that moment, and to be a small part of it happening all over again, for someone else – someone else being Grant (Gustin: Barry Allen/The Flash) – that was really cool. That will always be very special to me.
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Changing The Script
Fan: Stephen, we know that you and Emily do a lot of improv, and (they) did release the script for (episode 20 of season five). In the salmon-ladder scene, how did it go? Because it’s nothing like (what) you shot. Did Emily and you just come up with something better, and everyone just went with it?
SA: No. I always explain this… if you come by table, you will see this really awful drawing of a tree, which I was trying to use as an analogy. The script is like a tree. You don’t want to poke a hole in the tree, but you can add additional stuff around it that they can take, or they can leave.
A lot of things that happen on the show that are ad-libs, are not me creating lines. A lot of times that stuff is written, it’s written like speeches, and not like conversation. I think this is a commonality through all of television and film. Just occasionally it’s honest and truthful to react to something, and they can take that reaction, or they can leave it.
Emily and I just had fun with that scene, and I’m sure that there was a version that was close to exactly what was on the page, and we leave it up to the director, and the editors, and the producers to pick the moments that they like. Sometimes they do, more often than not they don’t, and it more closely resembles what you see on the page.
I like playing red wine, drunk Oliver.
JS: Yeah, that’s a good Oliver. Hey… I’m outta here, I’ll see you guys later.
(The crowd cheers and applauds, as Josh Segarra makes his way away from the stage.)
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Sneak previews
Fan: Do you get to see the completed episode before it airs, and if not, do you watch it at home?
SA: That’s a great question. I watch the network cut; (this) tends to be somewhere in the area of 45 seconds to a minute longer than what you guys see, so that they’ll take a minute out of that. Generally that’s not by taking out a scene, it’s more you sort of pluck the air out of things, where you condense something.
The network cut is the equivalent of… do you remember that trend of people that were taking selfies of themselves first thing in the morning with no makeup on? That’s what the network cut is like. If you like the network cut, you’re gonna love the episode. It’s not color corrected, the sound mix is not done, it has a temporary score in it, and it has temporary visual effects. So you really have to focus in on the performance, and the story, because all the other bells and whistles aren’t there.
I watch that episode. That episode is the proper litmus test of; are the performances on point? Do I like the story? Also, at that point too, if i have a note or I find a glaring omission… I can pass it on.
Mod: Do you find yourself too critical of your own acting, or are you somebody that can look past it?
SA: Yeah, I feel like if I notice a tic, I’ll try to deal with it. It’s mostly… if I’m ever upset about something, it’s mostly that I know – due to the nature of our filming – that even if (the first) take is terrific, we’re probably gonna do two or three. So, occasionally, they pick a take and, selfishly, I wish they would’ve picked another one.
My Name Is Oliver Queen
Fan: Can you do your little speech? You know, from the beginning of the episodes where you say. “My name is Oliver Queen”?
SA: I totally forgot it, I swear to God! I don’t even remember what it was this year. Again, I never watch the episode that airs. I record it in August and then I never think of it again.
Fan: From season one, maybe?
SA: Oh, I can’t remember that one! I tell you what… when the next one comes out I’ll Tweet it. I’ll Tweet that I’ve just done what they call “The saga sell” and I’ll make sure that the next con that I go to someone will ask me, or I’ll have James (the moderator) remember to ask me, we’ll do it and we’ll put it on the internet.
No Man Is An Island
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Fan: We saw in the season finale how everyone seems to have (been) killed off on the island. If something was to happen to Samantha, how do you think Oliver would cope with being a full time dad, being Green Arrow and the mayor of Star City?
SA: That would be a very interesting story, I’ll tell you that much. I think Oliver is more equipped to be a father than maybe he realizes. I hope that he’d do a really good job. That would certainly create an interesting dynamic. It’s too bad that at the end of the season everybody died.
(Nervous laughter from the audience)
Fan: If you could get rid of any (of Oliver’s traits) what would (they) be?
SA: Eye shadow?
No… Oliver is a very linear thinker. He’s a very task oriented person, and – based on the nature of our show – he doesn’t take a lot of time to stop and relax. In our penultimate episode this year Felicity says to Oliver, “How’s this going for you? Kinda relaxing”… and he’s “It’s torture, it’s awful, I hate it!” It would be nice if he didn’t need conflict, and strife, and adversarial people in his life in order to feel normal. That would be nice.
Variety Is The Spice Of Life
Fan: If you could play anyone other than Oliver in Arrow, who would you play?
SA: Diggle!
(Huge applause)
Look, I’m not telling you how to live your life, and enjoy the show… but if that’s not your answer you should rethink your position! I get why other people may be picking someone else, but… Diggle!
Fan: I know that you and John (Barrowman) are good friends, but what was your favorite scene to play with him?
SA: That’s tough to say. I didn’t have a favorite scene, per-se, to play with John… but, when we were filming in the first season they didn’t even tell me that he was the dark archer. No one told me! When I found out, it corresponded with our ninth episode, which was his reveal, our first big fight, and our first time spending all night shooting together.
It also corresponded with Friday October 12th, when the show premiered for the first time on October 10th. I had so many thoughts, and so many questions, and the premiere had been a success, and John with all of the knowledge that he’d derived from his career, from Doctor Who and from Torchwood, from all the different shows, and from everything that John does… I was just able to pepper him with questions. Just like Josh Segarra peppering me with wrestling questions.
That was one of, if not the most, valuable nights and experiences I’ve ever had shooting the show.
Fan: Would you ever do a charity campaign along with Emily, so we can have both your faces on a t-shirt, and not just the one?
SA: The only t-shirt that I own with two faces on it is Jared (Padalecki) and Jensen (Ackles: Sam and Dean Winchester, from the CW’s non-superhero hit show Supernatural).
(Massive cheers and applause from the crowd)
I think that would be fun. Teaming up for a charity campaign would be fun. If we found the right cause, and the right time, and the right design… I think that would be great!
Fan: I recently had the experience of going for a drink with my hero. Who would yours be, if you could go for a drink with someone?
SA: Can they be a fictional person?
Fan: Fictional, alive or dead.
SA: I’m gonna go with John McClane! (Bruce Willis’ legendary hero from the Die Hard franchise)
(Huge round of applause)
Seems like he’d be a good guy to have a drink with… as long as he was super pissed off about something. I’d love to hear late eighties, still rated ‘R’ John McClane just bitch about politics, or something. Or just aaarrrggghhh millennials, stuff like that. That’d be great!
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Ladies’ Night
Fan: I have two questions. Of all the girls that Oliver’s been with, who would you choose?
(The crowd erupts with laughter)
SA: It’s Sunday morning, and what do you mean “Been with?”
(More laughs)
Do you mean been with, been with?
Fan: Love interest been with.
SA: Oh! You mean like, had a meal with.
(Even more laughs)
What’s your next question?
(The crowd is now cracking up)
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Fan: If you could be in any of our British programmes, which one would it be?
SA: You mean other than Loose Women? (The UK chat show similar to The View) I was on Loose Women on Friday with John, and I found out about the British term for… never mind.
(The laughter continues)
I would love to be somebody in the original UK version of The Office, which is one of my favorites of all time!
(Appreciative applause)
I’d be like the stupid copy guy who’s from Toronto, who speaks super Canadian. I dunno… That’d be fun.
Fan: Concerning Earth 2 Oliver. Do you think he would have treated Laurel better than Earth 1 Oliver?
SA: I think that everything is different for Oliver if he doesn’t get on the boat. There’s a version there… there’s an Earth where it’s Oliver and Laurel forever. But I think that the Queen’s Gambit, Sara and a variety of other things – almost all his fault – sorry, no that’s wrong – all his fault – made it so that it wasn’t meant to be.
And that’s it! We hope you’ve enjoyed the coverage from London’s first ever Heroes & Villains event. Please, as always, leave us some feedback.
The show will be back in the UK next year, so hopefully your mild-mannered British DC Comics News correspondent will be on hand, to get the low-down.
Until then… take care y’all!
Right On Target – Live In London With Stephen Amell Stephen Amell is the star of the international smash hit TV show, Arrow. This is the series that launched the DC TV universe, which is now collectively and lovingly known as the Arrowverse, the Flarrowverse (
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breakdancedecoded-blog · 8 years ago
157 Bboy Tracks That You Must Listen to Before You Die
(This post was originally published on breakdancedecoded.com)
In 1972, a man of towering physique – and street influence – travelled the Bronx with the loudest sound system (within the neighbourhood) in his car. Wherever he went, young boys and girls would flock around him, as if he were a real life Pied Piper.
This man had an acute sense of what made the young ones tick. And he knew how to get people’s feet moving. By looping the heavily percussive parts of certain funk tracks, you would have seen a sea of humans going wild.
In other words, just by repeating the ‘breaks’ of a song… It got everyone dancing in a frenzy.
It was pure magic – and it hasn’t stopped since!
So what is the particular cause-effect relationship that I’m highlighting here?
Since the birth of bboying, people created movement as a reaction to music.
That is the relationship. Music = cause; dance = effect. No music, no dance.
If there’s any one thing you MUST know inside out, it’s the music.
You don’t watch bboy videos without turning on the audio.
You don’t feel the hype without the music during your practice. You don’t feel the funk and energy during a jam without a bboy track in the background.
James Brown wouldn’t have his footwork without his music in the first place. Kool Herc wouldn’t have been able to call anyone a “breakboy” if not for the young kids going wild to the beat.
The bottomline is, music is the bloodline of bboying (or any dance for that matter). No music, no bboy.
And I want to inject more life into your breaking, so here’s a list of beats that bboys are lining up to kill. It includes both classics and new beats, both funk and unconventional genres. Some names appear just once, others might come up a dozen times.
Buckle up, bookmark this page, and amp up your speakers. Because this list consists of some of the greatest tunes to have landed in the pages of humanity’s history.
The 157 Songs That Should Be On Your Breaking Playlist
Fred Karlin – You’re Hip Miss Pastorfield
Kraak and Smaak – Squeeze Me
Eruption – Funky Lover
Franki Valli and the Four Seasons – Beggin’
Budos Band – Up From the South
The Lovomaniacs – Sex
MOP – Ante Up (Remix)
Eric B & Rakim – Juice (Know the Ledge)
Dave Cortez – Happy Soul
James Brown – Sex Machine
Kool G Rap and Polo – Poison
Run DMC – Beats to the Rhyme
The Apples – Killing
Arthur Baker – Breaker’s Revenge
Black Heat – Love the Life You Live
KRS One – The Sound of Da Police
Noisette – Bridge to Canada
Head Automatica – Brooklyn is Burning
Incredible Bongo Band – Apache
Eric B & Rakim – Don’t Sweat the Technique
Johnny Bristol – Lusty Lady
Dennis Coffey – Scorpio
The Souljazz Orchestra – Insurrection
Laura Vane & The Vipertones – Man Of Your Word
A Tribe Called Quest – Scenario
Waheymi – Underdog
Isaac Hayes – Disco Connection
Badder Than Evil – Hot Wheels (The Chase)
Pete Rock and C.L. Smooth – The Creator
Curtis Mayfield – Move On Up
Black Sheep – Strobelight Honey
Laura Vane and the Vipers – Roof Off
Frankie Cutlass – Puerto Rico
Binary Star – Masters of the Universe
Manu Dibango – African Battle
Mobb Deep – The Learning (Burn)
Dennis Coffey – Theme from Blackbelt Jones
Mr Wiggles – The Spaniard
Baby Huey – Listen to Me
Manu Dibango – Soul Makossa
DJ Shadow – Organ Donor (Remix)
Cypress Hill – Latin Thugs
Aretha Franklin – Rock Steady
Nice and Smooth – Old to the New
Beastie Boys – No Sleep Till Brooklyn
Cookin’ on 3 Burners – Feel Good Inc.
Cut Chemist – Drums of Fire
Mark Ronson – Ooh Wee (ft. Nate Dogg and Ghostface Killah)
Masta Killa – Masta Killa
The Mohawks – Champ
Toploader – Dancing in the Moonlight
Mr. Wiggles – Top Rock and Roll
Uptown – Dope on Plastic
Yellow Sunshine – Yellow Sunshine
The Blackbyrds – Rock Creek Park
Pete Rock and C.L. Smooth – T.R.O.Y.
Exit 9 – Fly
Mongo Santamaria – Cloud Nine
Wu Tang Clan – C.R.E.A.M.
Danny Hibrid & James Brown – I Feel Alright
The Fatback Band – Spanish Hustle
Das EFX – They Want EFX
Osibisa – Fire
Bobby Byrd – I Need Help (I Can’t Do It Alone)
The Bamboos – Tighten Up
Candido – Soulwanco
Big Daddy Kane – Set It Off
Edwin Starr – I Just Wanna Do My Thing
Babe Ruth – The Mexican
Roxanne Shante – Have a Nice Day
Ray Baretto – Pasttime Paradise
Tower of Power- There’s Only So Much Oil In The Ground
BT Express – Energy Level
King Khan – On The Street Where I Live
Jackson 5 – What You Don’t Know
Eric B & Rakim – I Know You Got Soul
Crazy Elephant – Pam
James Brown – Get Up Offa That Thing
Nice and Smooth – Dope Not Hype
Esperanto – Night of the Wolf
Big Daddy Kane – The Wrath of Kane
Poets of Rhythm – Funky, Funky, North Carolina
Nicole Willis and The Soul Investigators – Holdin’ On
Greenwood Rhythm Coalition & Luz Mob – Guajira 78
Masta Killa – No Said Date
The Dap Kings – Nervous Like Me
Fusik – Higher
Esther Williams – Last Night Changed It All
Bob James – Farandole
Electric Light Orchestra – Fire on High
Black Sheep – The Choice is Yours
Chuck Brown & the Soul Searchers – Blow Your Whistle
Roberto Roena – Que Se Sepa
James Brown – Superbad
Herman Kelly and Life – Dance to the Drummer’s Beat
Breakout – Planet Rock Part 2
Breakestra – You Don’t Need a Dance
Mongo Santamaria – Crazy Lady
Run DMC – It’s Like That
Frank Ferrer – Pa’ Los Obreros
Jackson 5 – Life of the Party
The Sound Stylistics – The Taking of Peckham 343
The Pharcyde – Passing Me By
Edwin Starr – Time
Los Tios Queridos – Si Me Ves Volar
Breakestra – Humpty Dump
Wu Tang Clan – Ain’t Nuthing ta  Fuck Wit’
The Mike Theodore Orchestra – The Bull
The Heavy – How You Like Me Now?
Climax Blues Band – Sense of Direction (Looped Version)
DJ Nas’D – It’s A Great Situation
Lack of Afro – The Outsider
James Brown – Get on the Good Foot
Brownout – Homenaje
The Prodigy – Invaders Must Die
Rhythm Heritage – Blockbuster
The Soul Searcher – We The People Side B
Sam & Dave – Hold On, I’m Comin’
Nas – Made You Look
Jimmy Castor Bunch – It’s Just Begun
LL Cool J – Mama Said Knock You Out
Fusik – Fusik For The B-boys
The New Mastersounds – Bondo Sama
Rhythm Heritage – Theme from S.W.A.T.
Redman – Time 4 Sum Aksion
Cookin’ on 3 Burners – Tokyo Saucer
Run DMC – It’s Tricky
Black Grass – Queztalcoatl Returns
Spanky Wilson – Sunshine of Your Love
Jun Mayuzumi – Black Room
George Benson – Water Brother
Rufus Thomas – Itch and Scratch
Can – Vitamin C
RJD2 – 1976
The Roots – Here I Come (ft. Dice Raw)
Mark Ronson – God Put A Smile On Your Face (ft. the Daptone Horns)
Lords of the Underground – Chief Rocka
Smoove – I’m a Man
Fusik – Funktana
Gary’s Gang – Do It at the Disco
Nas – Hip Hop is Dead
Alice Russell – All Over Now
Mountain Mocha Killimanjaro – Yellow Soul Force
J-Walk – Soul Vibration
Gwen McRae – All This Love That I’m Giving
Harvey Averne Barrio Band – Cucaraca Macara
Ashley MacIsaac – Sleepy Maggie
Hawkeye – Still Jivin’
Jackson Sisters – I Believe in Miracles
Naughty by Nature – Hip Hop Hooray
Brian Auger & Julie Driscoll – Let the Sunshine
DJ Premier – Classic (ft. Rakim, KRS-One, Nas, Kanye West)
Gang Starr – Full Clip
Big Boss Man – Kelvin Stardust
Chuck Brown and the Soul Searchers – Bustin’ Loose
James Brown – Give It Up or Turn It Loose
Coke Escovedo – I Wouldn’t Change a Thing
After listening to the entire treasure trove above, I’m sure you have a greater appreciation of music in bboying. Obviously 1 listening session isn’t going to dramatically change the way you approach music, but these bboy tracks are to be enjoyed over and over. Because good music speaks to people without becoming stale; it’s timeless.
Listening to music is just one half of how you engage with the dance that is breaking. How you interpret the mood, how much fire or energy you put into your steps… All of these take guidance and training; it’s a tedious process that you’ll learn to love.
By the way, you can even play the above list of bboy tracks at your next practice or house party! I created a playlist of all 157 songs just for your next practice, so check it out by clicking this little link filled with bboy tracks.
Have I missed out any of the classic beats? Share it below in the comments section!
Just remember your priorities… It’s music then dance.
P.S. In case you haven’t already noticed, the man at the beginning of the story was also known as Kool Herc, one of the pioneer DJs to cut the breaks and develop music in hip-hop.
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twistednuns · 6 years ago
August 2018
I'm gonna be a maid of honour for the first time! And since I'm also responsible for the invitations, the decoration, the schedule... hell lotta work ahead of me but I'm kinda looking forward to it!
I'm hopelessly in love with Daddy on Orange Is the New Black. Exactly the kind of woman I like... that is a soft butch, I suppose? The fact that she is dating officer McCollough IRL is pretty awesome (although I'm obviously very jealous).
Hardcover books with a bookmark ribbon.
Attending the Itchy concert with Manu who acted as a human fan by waving his hat through the air.
A trip to Walchensee with Raphaela! I met her neighbour's huge cat, accidently found out she was pregnant (nobody had known so far), we enjoyed the crystal clear turquoise water and got ice-cream from the van at the edge of the forest. Later: pizza dinner. The best.
Pub Quiz with Lena, Maike and Barbara (I'm still her secret admirer, she's pretty damn cool).
Spending time with Ashley and Kilian! I like the outdoor swimming pool in Dinkelscherben.
A good yoga session. Being really bendy comes in very handy.
Sitting on a hill in Olympiapark with Frank during sunset, seeing the lights from the fair below us getting brighter as the contrast sharpens.
Joan Wasser. Jesus, what a... presence. Aura. Coolness. Whatever it is. Great concert!
Hanging out with Bibi at Starnberger See.
Meeting Kazuki from Tokio! Weird setting though: he cleaned my teeth at the dentist's.
Elsa and Andi's wedding: riding over the fields on a tractor in order to fell a tree in the woods, the train ride, so many storks. The song they played during the ceremony. Dancing until the wee hours. The new house Andi and Elsa built.
Australia. Phew, where can I start. So, the accent is definitely amazing and I'd love to be able to imitate it more appropriately. Anyway. The first thing I noticed upon arriving was that the moon seemed to be upside down and there were new constellations - I saw the Triangulum Australe for the first time and the Big Dipper was invisible. There were strange smells and sounds, I recognised Let it Be just from the beat - someone played it in their house. I arrived at my hosts and cuddled Rabbit the tailless cat in my comfy bed. Avocado on toast and matcha latte for breakfast was a pretty good idea, too. Bless the vegan café!
Petting my very first koala. Watching the fruit bats and the wombats - my favourite. Feeding wallabies and kangaroos. The smell of dextrose and eucalyptus in the Koala Sanctuary.
People getting out of the bus yelling "Thanks, mate!" to the driver. / Seeing my first ibis in the middle of Brisbane, right next to the bus stop. Nobody cared but me. (Later I also saw wild cockatoos and a weird breed of turkey everywhere.) / Pygmalion at the Gardens Theatre in Brisbane. / Thrifting next to the river. / The outside pool at night. / Getting lost on Mount Coo-Tha. / Buying a linen dress at Valley Girl. / My Baskin Robbins obsession. / Australians coming in in slippers and a dressing gown for breakfast at Arlette's Kitchen. / A British teenage girl feeding me with mint chocolate Oreos on the train up north. / Giraffes at Steve Irwin Wildlife Park.
Spending the evening with Gabriel and Jennifer hiking up Mount Ngungun to watch the sunset from up there. The view over the Glasshouse Mountains was breathtaking. I loved the stories she told us about the Aboriginal spirits and climbing up into the cave. She even drove me to my hostel in Caloundra!
Sitting at the white sandy beach one morning after Dutch style apple cinnamon and cream pancakes for breakfast. A pelican casually flying by. Of course. / The fact that the word haberdashery actually exists and that Australians actively use it. / Drawing the beautiful scenery into my sketchbook at a Greyhound bus stop. Sitting next to a giant kangaroo statue. / A sentimental moment: they played Layla by Eric Clapton and the Dominos on the bus and I thought about my dad who loved that song and had never seen Australia before he died. / Speaking of music - I love Australian radio stations. Selected gems were Prince's Raspberry Beret, I Believe in a Thing Called Love by The Darkness, I Try by Macy Gray and The Magic by Joan as Police Woman. /
Staying at Dave's place in Hervey Bay. I mean, he was a show-off cheapskate and probably a bit sexist, too - but we did have fun at the dinner table and Lucie's cooking was delicious. The best part were the two help-ex Frenchies: one of them gave me his car so I could drive to Rainbow Beach and go diving with the Grey Nurse Sharks at Wolf Rock. I loved the diving instructor (long, dark blonde hair and light green eyes, yes please) and we saw loads of pelicans from up close. Well, and the sharks, even a manta ray. So exciting.
Whale-watching! I saw whales for the first time in my life. Absolutely majestic. When you're diving you can hear their songs, one instructor even said that his chest vibrates whenever a whale is close by. From the sailing boat we saw a nursing humpback mother with her calf and quite a few males. One would beat his tail fin repeatedly on the surface because I boat came too close for his taste.
Sailing in the Whitsundays. Seriously, I was very lucky - arrived in Airlie Beach without a booking. Just ran into a random travel agency and boom, there was Mary, selling me a two-night-ticket for a boat leaving in an hour. I met many great people - Peter and the skipper who worked many many years as a diving instructor and told the best stories, the German dudes from Flensburg, Ben from Western Australia (I had a tiny little crush on him), Kelsey from the Isle of Man, Charlotte from the Netherlands. Johanna from Karlsruhe. My highlights: Climbing over the rail, jumping into the ocean right from the boat / meeting George, the toe-sucking giant fish / finding five turtles on a snorkelling tour / Whitehaven Beach - the most gorgeous white silica beach ever, they even filmed parts of Pirates of the Caribbean there; I was able to follow around some lemon sharks and stingrays in the shallow water / feeding seahawks from the boat by throwing pieces of meat up in the air / the swaying motions of the sailing boat make you feel like a baby in the cradle, they make you fall asleep instantaneously / friendly banter with Timo / sleeping in the Orgy Room. Back in Airlie I slept in a room at Magnum's with Charlotte and Johanna and we spent the evening with some others from the boat. We ended up in another hostel's yard where Charlotte was kidnapped by a weird dude who immediately started making out with her.
The Yongala wreck dive. Amazing, seriously. There was a huge school of rays (mainly sting rays and eagle rays) swimming with the current right above me. And I had a close encounter with a white sea snake... Seriously, what a gorgeous experience. Staying at the diving centre in Alva Beach was pretty nice, too. Riding the van with Patrik, getting ice-cream at the store (when we picked up Iolo from Wales and the German travelling with Sasha the budgie), a sunset walk at the beach (woah, crazy tides - I saw a jeep getting stuck in the sand). Oh, and the night out at the pub in Ayr. Meeting Kirsty, the wombat-whisperer. Wearing weird hats, singing, drinking free Rum Fists all night long.
Meeting the South-African sailing instructor at Magnum's. Who told me stories about diving for diamonds in Namibia. It's crazy how much you learn and how many interesting people you meet when you're travelling.
Making my way up to Cairns. Listening to the reef teach lecture about seven-gill sharks. Shopping with Friedericke. And obviously Uncle Brian's waterfall tour. I saw several wild platypuses (platypi?), took hair flip pictures in front of the Millaa Millaa waterfall (and I swam through it - the water was freezing but I loved the prickling feeling on my scalp and watching the water falling down from behind was kinda amazing) and used some boulders as a water slide. We played games and sang along to old songs on the bus and made our way back through the Atherton Tablelands. Adam, the tour guide, was especially great. He made us lick green ants because they really do taste like limes.
Meeting Johanna once again up in Cairns, spending a last day together (snorkelling on Green Island where I got a glimpse of a snapper turtle but apart from that the Great Barrier Reef was pretty sad to look at in that area).
0 notes