#and added the tiny rays on sun
gayest-squrrel · 1 year
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you take the moon ! you take the sun ! you mess with me you're gonna get the GUN !
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7s3ven · 9 months
PART 1 > PART 2 > PART 3 > PART 4 (last pt)
( master list )
IN WHICH… Y/N L/N, after spending a decade at Camp Half-Blood, still remains unclaimed. Luckily, Luke is there to keep her company as her good friend. And to, perhaps, provide a bit more.
“I’m in the wind, you’re in the water. Nobody’s son, nobody’s daughter.”
( follows the show - kind of just a oneshot bc i’m bored )
Warnings : fighting, violence, a little too much of a description about injuries
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Nobody had been this excited about a new kid since three years ago, when a H/C-haired girl showed up holding a Harpy’s head. The new arrival had slain a Minotaur, which Clarisse wasn’t too happy about. She was convinced he was a liar.
Y/N sat in the Hermes cabin, closely inspecting her empty juice box. She had waken up an hour ago yet her good friend, Luke, still woke up earlier. She always wondered where he went in the early morning. Perhaps to get some sword training in before the day started. He was, after all, the best swordsman in camp.
The rays of sun poured through the window, bathing the wooden floor in light. A few of the Hermes kids groaned, knowing Luke would burst through the doors any second and force them to get up. He always did when the sun rose.
As expected, Luke kicked the door open. “Good morning!” He exclaimed, as energetic as ever. “The new kid’s coming today so get up and start cleaning! I’m mainly talking to you guys.” Luke sent the group in the corner a stern look and added, “Y/N, you’re fine.” He pointed at her with his usual boyish grin.
Lately, Y/N had been sleeping in Luke’s bed while he slept on the floor. They took turns switching. Lying on the ground for more than a decade now wasn’t good for the back.
After all this time, Y/N was still unclaimed. It usually took a week or less. Y/N was a prime example of the Gods above ignoring their children.
“He’s the one who killed the Minotaur, right?” Y/N questioned as Luke collapsed onto his mattress, partly to annoy Y/N who was sitting on it. The H/C-haired girl scoffed and playfully rolled her eyes, yet she couldn’t contain the amused smile on her face.
“Yeah. He can join your little monster slaying group. Let’s hope he gets claimed because I can’t deal with a boy version of you.” Luke teasingly grinned while Y/N scoffed and slapped his shoulder.
“You love my company.” She uttered, rolling her eyes.
Luke’s friends snickered to themselves. “More like he loves you.” One whispered to another.
“What’s his name again?” Y/N asked, tilting her head to the side. “Was it… Tom?” Luke stared at her in disbelief before lightly snorting.
“You’re way off, Y/N. Stop thinking, you’ll hurt that tiny brain of your’s. Just do what you do best; sit still and look cute.” Luke ruffled her tidy hair, turning it into a bird’s nest again.
Y/N flung a pillow at him, and glowered at the Hermes boy. “I’m going to kick your ass in capture the flag.” She threatened, poking his shoulder. Clarisse, out of all people, was her best friend. So naturally, she teamed up with her.
“I wouldn’t be so sure, princess.” Luke lightly shoved her which caused Y/N to gasp in disbelief.
“Don’t push a lady, Luke!”
The other campers, already used to their antics, just chuckled. “Hey, love birds!” One of the unclaimed kids exclaimed. “Get a room!” With her smart she was, Y/N assumed she was Athena’s child.
Y/N and Luke liked to play a silly game where they guessed which camper belonged to which godly parent. It was fun. Luke was never wrong until the day he tried to guess Y/N’s.
A year ago, he guessed Aphrodite. His explanation? Because she was charming and she had a certain aura that followed her. And because she was pretty. That was the only time he was wrong because Y/N never ended up in a cabin.
“So, what do you think of the new kid? Which cabin?” Y/N asked as she and Luke walked outside. He shoved his hands into his pockets, laughing.
“Tough call. I haven’t even met him yet. Apollo, maybe?” Luke shrugged and frowned. “I’ll tell ya my guess when I see him.”
“I’m guessing… Poseidon.” Y/N uttered, earning a light snort from Luke.
“No way. Is that your confirmed guess? Being a child of Poseidon would mean being a forbidden child.”
The game had a few rules.
One. You can only take a single guess and once you confirm it, you can’t change it.
Two. You can’t ask the kid you’re talking about. Luke considers that cheating. You can only observe them.
Three. No asking Annabeth because she’s always right.
“I guess. It’s not like I ever win, right?” Y/N laughed, grinning at Luke. He stared at her for a moment before returning her bright smile.
“I know we don’t usually make bets, but if your guess turns out right, I’ll willingly give up in the next capture the flag game after he’s claimed.” Luke puffed out his chest, certain Y/N wouldn’t win.
“And if you win?” She asked, arching an eyebrow.
“You give me your strawberries.” Luke had an obsession with strawberries that everybody, even the gods above, knew about.
“You’re on, Luke.” Y/N held out her hand with her lips curved up into a teasing smirk.
“Good luck, princess. Looks like I’ll be taking all your strawberries.” Luke ran his tongue over his teeth, already being able to taste the sweet, red fruit in his mouth.
He walked off, playfully winking at Y/N. Clarisse, who saw the whole conversation go down, hurried over to Y/N. “Looks like you and lover boy have a bet going in.” She smirked, raising both her eyebrows. “You two are cute together.”
“Don’t mess with me, Clari. We’re just friends.” Y/N rolled her eyes at what her friend was suggesting. She had been friends with Luke for three years now and she had known him for even longer.
“Are you just friends… or you want to be more?” Clarisse leaned forward with that taunting glint in her beautiful eyes. Y/N groaned, shoving her away. Clarisse simply laughed. “Come on, princess.” She mocked.
“Oh, come on, Risse.” That was a horrid nickname given to Clarisse by an Apollo boy who seemed to be obsessed with her.
“Shut up!” Clarisse exclaimed, eyeing Y/N up and down in disgust as if she was the Apollo boy. “You know how I feel about him!”
“And you know how I feel about Luke.”
“Yeah… but do you?” Clarisse tilted her head to the side before her gaze flickered to something, or rather someone, behind Y/N. “The Minotaur kid is out.” She grumbled and sharply clicked her tongue.
“Great. I can see if my stupid guess was correct.” Y/N glanced over her shoulder, watching the boy walk beside Chiron. His hair was curled, much like Luke’s, and blond. Clarisse had wandered off in the midst of Y/N’s staring, but she didn’t mind.
Suddenly, the boy lifted his head. His eyes clashed with Y/N’s, and he almost jumped at how intensely she was staring at him. Y/N merely smiled before turning away.
“So, what do you think?” She asked Luke as they walked towards the Hermes cabin side by side, their shoulders brushing against each other.
“Hard to say for now.” Luke replied. Y/N looked at him and he stared back before the pair burst into quiet laughter. Just locking eyes could make two friends find anything hilarious.
“I assume you’ll take him under your wing? Good luck.” Y/N nudged him with her elbow, which seemed to be a normal gesture between them.
“Thanks, princess. See ya.”
Y/N turned around, almost crashing into a disoriented Percy Jackson. He seemed jumpy and panicked. Of course, how couldn’t he be? He had just unknowingly killed a monster and his mother had been taken.
“Hi. The first day is always rough. Don’t beat yourself up about it.” Y/N muttered to him before she passed by.
She didn’t stick around to hear Chiron announce him. She sighed, wandering aimlessly around the camp. She saw Clarisse talking to her siblings. Y/N had always wondered what it was like to have siblings you could relate to. What did it feel like to understand each other? To go through the same difficulties?
The Hermes cabin was comfortable and friendly enough but it wasn’t the same. She wanted to feel what a true family felt like, or at least was supposed to.
As Y/N had expected, Luke was the first to talk to Percy.
“I’m Luke.” He introduced himself to the boy after the rocky start to their conversation.
“Percy. Hey, uh, who was that girl before? The H/C-haired one?” He questioned, clearing his throat.
“Y/N. She’s nice most of the time the time but a pain in the ass during capture the flag.” Luke chuckled, shaking his head. “Nah. I’m just kidding. Don’t tell her I said that, though.”
“You guys seem close.” Percy uttered, remembering the way Luke looked at Y/N when they talked.
“Yeah. She’s my best friend. Unfortunately for me, her best friend is an aggressive Ares kid.” He grinned, fiddling with the hem of his shirt. “Feel free to lie down anywhere. Just don’t get too close to Y/N. If she’s having a monster dream, she kicks in her sleep.”
One of the campers across the cabin groaned. “I know how that feels. The bruise lasted for weeks!” The others burst into laughter while Percy hurriedly made a mental note.
Avoid the pretty girl when she sleeps.
Percy was lucky that Y/N, who lay on the floor a few feet away from him, wasn’t having one of her infamous nightmares. He couldn’t say the same for himself, though.
Percy sat up, panting and sweating. He looked around, realising where he was. Birds chirped in the distant and he could hear the faint sound of chatter through the wooden walls.
“You okay?” Luke asked.
“Super.” Percy sarcastically responded.
“We all have them here, you know.” Luke clicked his tongue and sighed. “Intense, reoccurring nightmares. That’s normal here. Take Y/N for example. When she first came here, no one wanted to get near her while she slept. Girl’s a bloody good kicker.”
Percy lightly chuckled while Luke smiled. “The daydreams and ADHA and dyslexia are normal too. Demigods just process reality differently than humans do. For the first time in your life, you’re just like everyone else.”
“So, are you also…” Percy trailed off, not wanting to sound rude to his first friend at camp.
Luke found his hesitation amusing. “Am I unclaimed? No. Hermes is my father.”
“And Y/N? Is her father also Hermes?”
Luke scrunched up his face like he had just eaten a sour lemon. “Oh, no. Heck no. Y/N’s unclaimed… still. She has been for a while.” The brunette pressed his lips into a thin line as he gazed at Y/N, who was laughing with Clarisse.
“Why hasn’t Aphrodite claimed her? I mean, she looks the part.”
“That’s what we’re all asking ourselves. We all thought she’d be Aphrodite’s kid.”
Boys and girls flocked towards Y/N like she was a muse. It was no secret that out of all the campers, Y/N stood out the most. There was something unique about her, how she always hung around the aggressive Ares kids like she wanted to be one of them.
She was a tough opponent but a little too soft for Ares’ liking.
Too gentle for Ares but too angry for Aphrodite. She was constantly stuck in the middle. It almost seemed like no god or goddess wanted her in their cabin because she had proved herself over and over again.
“How long has she been unclaimed?” Percy inquired. Kids before him had asked that very same question and every time, they were never ready for the answer.
“A decade.” Luke replied, “She’s been here for a decade. Last year, there was a stupid rumour going around that she was fully mortal but that doesn’t make sense. If she was, she wouldn’t be here in the first place.”
“Why so long?”
“Nobody knows.” Luke shrugged. He had wondered that too. And he could see how it was weighing down on Y/N. The unclaimed kid was what campers referred to her as. They used her as an example of what not to do.
“Will she ever get claimed?”
Luke hoped she would. For her sake. He knew how she felt about not having a related family of her own. For now, she was satisfied laughing over silly tales with the Hermes kids.
“So, where does she go during the day? She disappeared yesterday and today.” Percy tilted his head to the side, not being able to spot Y/N anymore. Luke paused. It was uncommon for him to not have an answer to everything.
“I… don’t know. I assume Clarisse and her go somewhere.”
“Probably swimming in the lake.” Grover said, overhearing the two’s conversation.
It was scorching during Summer at Camp Half-Blood. Most stayed in the shade while an occasional kid or two tended to the plants. So it would make sense that Y/N would go to a lake to cool off.
Luke left Percy in the company of Grover and made his way towards the Lake in the middle of the forest. As Grover guessed, he found Y/N and Clarisse and a few other Ares kids swimming in the water or sitting on the nearby rocks.
“Hey, Y/N, your lover boy is here!” One of them exclaimed. Y/N, from her spot in the middle of the lake, glared at him. She huffed before swimming over to Luke, easily heaving herself onto shore.
“Hey, Luke, ready to make your guess yet?” She asked, grinning up at him. “Or do you wanna swim?”
“My guess is definitely not Hephaestus.” Luke said as he sat down in front of Y/N. His gaze flickered to her new swimsuit. “New bathing suit?”
“Yeah. Miya got it for me.” Miya was a child of Aphrodite and favored Y/N quite a lot.
“Ah. No wonder it’s so…” Luke hesitated, “Revealing.” He tried to act like a gentleman but his cheeks flushed every time he even looked at Y/N.
“One more day until I kick your ass.” Y/N laughed as she sank back into the water, returning a moment later with her hair dripping wet and her face shining in the sunlight. She looked effortlessly angelic.
“Are you sure you’re ready to handle Y/N again, Luke? She almost beat you last time.” Clarisse snickered as she floated on her back.
Luke scoffed. “Keyword. Almost.” It was true that Y/N had almost beaten him in his own game of sword fighting but that was because she was becoming increasingly more distracting.
Gone was the shy and quiet kid who always trailed behind Clarisse. With every passing year, Y/N became more headstrong and, well, beautiful. That’s why it was so hard for Luke to keep his feelings to himself now. Even Clarisse could see through his facade.
“I’m ready to make my guess.” Luke finally announced, catching Y/N’s wavering attention. She arched an eyebrow, intrigued. “My guess… is Demeter. I met the kid and he seems gentle. A soft and kind soul.”
“Nice. I guess we’ll find out soon.” Y/N’s guess was nothing but a joke and she’d end up laughing if she was actually correct.
“Join me for a little swim?” Y/N asked, reaching out to tug on Luke’s shirt. He sighed while Y/N merely smiled. A moment later, he gave in. Luke lifted his shirt over his head while Y/N stared at him a little too shamelessly for her liking. Some of the Ares boys teasingly wolf-whistled which made Luke chuckle.
He jumped into the lake, practically tackling Y/N and taking her under with him. “Luke!” She yelled, hitting his shoulder when they resurfaced.
“Oh no. The married couple is fighting again.” Zyra, Clarisse’s half-sister, said. She and Clarisse shared a knowing grin.
“They’re so whipped.” Clarisse whispered, subtly swimming away to give the two more space.
It was the day Y/N had eagerly been waiting for. Perhaps her favourite day at Camp. Capture the flag day.
Clarisse handed Y/N a spear. “I got it fixed for you.” The brunette said. During the last game, Y/N’s spear had broken. She was forced to fight with half of it after that.
Y/N adjusted Clarisse’s armour, ensuring that it was tight enough before putting on her own helmet.
“You’re gonna love this.” She overhead Luke say to Percy as they passed by. “Camp-wide mock warfare. All glory to the victors. Annabeth’s the head counsellor. She’s led our team to three straight wins.”
Y/N looked away, giving Luke the perfect chance to gaze over at her. “Y/N and Clarisse lead the other team. Clarisse is rather… impulsive, though. Y/N’s come up with some good plans but Ares kids always go off the rails.”
“What’s the deal with you and Y/N anyway?” Percy suddenly switched the topic, much to Luke’s surprise. “I mean, you guys say you’re just friends but you’re always looking at each other. And talking. And you stare at her like she’s your world. Sometimes I wish I could look at someone like that.” Percy sighed while Luke was left speechless.
Luke cleared his throat and shook his head. “Let’s just… focus on the game.”
The conch shell blew. Y/N stood side Clarisse, twirling a strand of hair around her finger. “Heroes, it’s time.” Chiron announced. “The game begins. The first team to retrieve the opposing flag and return it across the river shall be the victor. As always, there will be no maiming and no killing. I trust these rules will be respected.”
He subtly glanced over at Clarisse and her cabin.
“Let the games begin.”
There was twenty minutes until the next conch shell, which meant game-on. Normally, Clarisse and Y/N would pair up and hunt through the woods for the first few hours. But Clarisse had a different idea this time.
“Good luck.” Y/N said to her friend, slinging her spear over her shoulder. Y/N split up with the rest of her team, taking with her small portion of campers.
“We follow Clarisse’s plan this time. We’re the last defense meaning that if the blue team manages to get through, we fight like our lives depend on it.” Y/N said as she gripped her spear tightly.
“What are going to do?” Someone else asked.
“I’m going to…. look around.”
Luke grunted as a sword piercing his upper arm. He easily disarmed his opponent and kicked them to the ground.
“We give up.” The red leader grumbled, wincing as their brushed their fingers over his cuts.
“I wanna move quick. Straight through the woods for their flag.” Luke uttered.
“Y/N and Clarisse hunt in those woods for the first few hours, you know that. They’ll cut us down.”
Luke grinned, shaking his head. “Annabeth has a plan for Clarisse. And Y/N, as always, is mine. Don’t worry about her.”
“Last time I didn’t worry about her, she almost chopped my head off. By accident!” Chris loudly exclaimed, shoving Luke. Unbeknownst to the pair, Y/N was watching from above in the trees, hidden by the thick leaves.
She skilfully hopped from branch to branch, sliding down in front of her teammates. “The blue team is coming. They got past the other defences. Get in position.” Y/N hid behind a thick tree branch, panting and listening carefully for the sound of Luke’s voice.
She heard a twig snap and peeked her head out slightly to see Luke, Chris, and the rest of their small team. Y/N looked up, signalling to her friends above that it was almost time.
The moment Luke, who was leading the pack, stepped right where Y/N wanted him, she revealed herself. “Now!” She shouted, raising her spear and striking Luke. He easily blocked her attack.
“Thought you could ambush us, princess? Nice try.” Luke chuckled, pushing Y/N back.
“I’d say that it worked just fine.” Y/N retorted, lunging at Luke again. She pinned him to a nearby tree, holding the blade of her spear to his throat.
Chris grabbed Y/N by her shirt, pulling her back. Luke swung his sword at her but Y/N simply ducked to avoid the blow.
She tried to run off to help her teammates but Luke blocked her path. “Where do you think you’re going?” He uttered, playfully furrowing his eyebrows.
Y/N scoffed, kicking his ankles. She pointed at spear at his chest, poking it ever so slightly. “Ready to give up, Luke?”
“In your dreams.” He rolled over, latching onto Y/N’s arm and pulling her down with him. Y/N yelped, quickly scrambling up before he could grab her again.
She looked around at her surroundings, finally understanding what Luke’s plan was. It was to keep Y/N away from her team so that Luke’s could take them down. That left Y/N solely alone, standing between the flag and the blue team.
She panted, glaring at Luke. “Bring it on, Luke.” She muttered, holding up her spear. Luke was the first to make a move. He jumped at her, swinging his blade. Y/N dodged it and blocked another attack from Chris.
She quickly lowered her head, tackling another Hermes kid. Y/N rolled across the floor, swiftly standing up. “You won’t be getting near that flag on my watch.” She kicked Luke and whacked Chris. One of the Athena girls launched herself at Y/N, gripping onto her leg.
Y/N shook her off but the girl’s weight caused her to topple over. The bits of debris grazed at her skin. Chris swung his sword, slashing at Y/N. The blade cut her lower arm and blood welled up from the slit.
Quietly groaning, Y/N heaved herself up. She lightly swayed, unbalanced and a little weak. “Like I said,” She murmured, “You aren’t getting that flag.”
Y/N blocked every attack and blow aimed her way but she was getting slow. She could barely lift her weapon fast enough to stop Luke from successfully landing a hit.
Everything was becoming too overwhelming as she struggled to keep up. It was all a fast blur filled with weapons violently clashing against each other and shouting.
Up above, thunder crashed and lightning flickered through the darkening sky. Rain poured down, drenching the campers.
The thunder got louder and the lightning brighter as the seconds passed until nobody could ignore it. A harsh flash of lightning hit a tree nearby, setting it alight.
“Y/N, watch out!” Luke shouted, reaching out. Strings of electricity rippled around Y/N as a burning tree branch fell towards her. Luke sprinted towards her, dropping his sword in the process. He tackled Y/N, shielding her from harm’s way.
She groaned as she hit her head, black dots swirling around in her vision. She felt numb and her head lolled to the side as she heard shouts of victory followed by gasps of surprise.
“Y/N L/N has been claimed by Zeus, the king of Gods and the God of thunder and ruler of the sky.”
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pickingupmymercedes · 3 months
“you’re so warm.” blurbs with lewis. reader is pregnant and the hormones is acting up so she's dying to give love bites on lewis' neck.
That was fun, maybe it has its own part 2 someday. Hope you like it anon!
"You're so warm"
The sun was beaming down on the sleek lines of their yacht, the Mediterranean Sea shimmering like it always did. Y/N, laid down on a chaise lounge in a breezy sundress, tried her best to relax.
Keyword: tried.
The reason for the unrest? Lewis, of course.
He was striding across the deck, phone on his hands, a mischievous grin plastered on his face, while he sported a pair of swim shorts, the kind that left very little to the imagination, and his adorned abs.
Y/N knew for a fact there were paparazzi lurking somewhere nearby, their long lenses trained on Lewis, as photos of their little summer getaway had already filled the gossip pages.
"Lewis?” she called out; her voice laced with mock sternness despite the fluttering in her stomach "care to explain why you're practically mooning the entire Italian coastline?"
Lewis chuckled, sauntering over to her with a playful strut "Just catching some rays, love" he winked. He leaned down, his warm breath tickling her ear. "Besides, who says I can't share the beauty with the world?"
Y/N raised an eyebrow and glared at him. He knew damn well what she meant. But still there he was, flaunting his abs to the world to see as she tried to hide the small, but very visible, tiny bump on her stomach.
"You are a menace," she mumbled, but couldn't help a smile tugging at her lips. He had been extra playful and carefree during the trip, a constant reminder of one of the many reasons she had chosen him.
"Jealous?" he teased, leaning in closer.
Y/N narrowed her eyes playfully. "You know I haven’t been the best at resisting you lately" she admitted, unable to tear her eyes from him, and succumbing to the urge of running her fingers across the expanse of his sculpted chest.
Lewis's grin widened. "Well then," he murmured, his voice dropping to a seductive whisper, "how about I give you a private show later?"
Y/N's whole face and neck flushed, her body temperature going up by at least a couple degrees. "Don't tempt me" she warned, though her voice lacked conviction.
Lewis raised an eyebrow, a playful challenge in his gaze. "You’re so warm, babe. Something the matter?"
Y/N responded with the mischievous glint in her eyes. The pregnancy hormones, their new constant source of amusement and occasional bewilderment, were at it again.
"As a matter of fact" she declared puffing out her chest. Reaching out, she pulled him to her on the lounger, his arms holding his weight just above her as she gently nipped at the exposed skin just below his ear, leaving a faint mark.
Lewis yelped, more in surprise than pain, his hand flying to the exposed skin of her thighs. "Babe" he exclaimed, his voice sounding just like a warning more than anything.
She giggled, the sound his favorite melody. "There," she said, feigning satisfaction. "Now everyone knows who you belong to."
Lewis mused her a grin "Alright, alright," he conceded, shaking his head but unable to hide his amusement. "You win this one, love." He pulled her close, her warmth enveloping him.
"What’s my prize?" Y/N murmured, nuzzling into his chest.
"Tell you later" he teased, nuzzling back.
TAGLIST - @saturnssunflower @xoscar03 @chocolatediplomatdreamerzonk @happy-golden-hour @vicurious28
@0710khj @thecubanator2 @neilakk @bigratbitchsworld @adriswrld
@fearfam69691 @cmleitora @goldenroutledge @timmychalametsstuff @jpgnsf @priopp123 @jajouska
If you’d like to be added to my taglist you can leave a comment or send me a dm/ask.
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irulaan · 4 months
Batstarion who relishes in the simple pleasures of his new form, savoring juicy fruits until his fur is stained vibrant hues of berry and peach. He delighted in the way your eyes lit up with joy at the sight, your laughter—a melodious tune— filling the air and his heart alike, even if it sounded different in his bat form.
Batstarion who had a penchant for snuggling into the crook of your neck, nestling close, or curling up comfortably on your lap if you were sitting down. In those moments, he felt a profound sense of belonging and peace.
When you stroked his tiny, delicate frame, Batstarion would immediately succumb to the soothing touch. Soft, contented squeaks would escape him, trailing off as he drifted into a serene sleep. He felt an unparalleled comfort with you, trusting you completely.
Bastarion, who now can bask in the sun rays without being scorched to ashes. The sun, once a feared enemy, had become a new love for hum. In his bat form, he can savour the warmth that he had been denied for so long. Those fleeting moments in the sunlight filled him with a joy he hadn’t known he missed.
Batstarion who, accompanying you to the market became another of his favorite pastimes. Clinging to your arm or nestled in the crook of your neck, Batstarion enjoyed the bustle and color of the marketplace. His mischievous streak remained intact, though; he'd swipe a crystal or some other pretty bauble for you, his tiny claws deft and quick. How could you ever be cross with him when he looked up at you with those beady eyes? His bat form rendered him irresistibly endearing, his antics only adding to his charm.
And when he felt particularly neglected, Batstarion would nibble and sometimes even bite you, his tiny teeth seeking your full attention. It was his way of demanding that you focus entirely on him, ensuring that your love and affection were solely his.
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this isn’t ASCENDED ASTARION ok? he just found a way to turn himself into a bat, ok? Right? Please
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raitonsfw · 9 months
𝚐𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚟𝚒𝚋𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚋𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚑 𝚋𝚘𝚢𝚜 | 𝚓𝚊𝚎𝚐𝚎𝚛 𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚗
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synopsis: You adored beach days with Eren, it was one of your favorite pastimes. You two would lounge in the sun, basking in the afterglow of a tan. But when he’s got a remote controlled vibrator pressing incessantly against your clit… suddenly relaxing became much harder (or easier) than you expected.
warnings: 18+ mdni, smut, fem!reader, modern!eren, boyfriend!eren, exhibitionism, sex toy but more specifically a remote controlled vibrator woohoo, dirty talk, petnames (babe, baby), slight degradation but mostly praising, fingering, finger sucking, overstimulation, squirting, eren gets jealous over the vibrator, rip mikasas’s pink towel. 
a/n: my best friend requested a beach vibrator/exhibitionism type scenario and eren was the perfect character to write it with, literally having aot brainrot rn so enjoy me simping for this fucker in my writing! wc: 1.8k. m.list
now playing: good vibrations by the beach boys (obviously)
divider credit: @benkeibear
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The beach was awfully cramped today. Dozens of families cluttered the golden sand and you instantly felt self conscious. Not because of the swimsuit you were wearing, but the oval vibrator that was nestled right against your clit, waiting to be switched on. You glanced at Eren who was casually setting up the umbrella into the soft patches of sand and you crossed your arms against yourself, looking back out towards the glittering ocean. 
It wasn’t your idea to wear the vibrator, Eren had insisted with a ‘it’s waterproof, you’ll be fine honey,’ and you took his word, thinking what could possibly go wrong? But now that you're actually standing in the middle of the beach, you weren’t so sure if you could play off your arousal as you anxiously waited for him to press the button. 
Eren had his hair pinned up in a small bun and when you glanced down to his body, you nearly went stupid. It was hot outside, so of course he was already sweating as he set up the beach essentials, the sweat gleaned from underneath his white shirt as it lifted up when he stretched over to move something. You didn’t have much time to soak it in though before his shirt was promptly pulled off and his muscles were on full display in front of you. 
And oh fuck, maybe you didn’t even need him to turn on the vibrator. 
“Y/N, come sit down.” You heard him say as he sat down and you obliged, patting the sand off of your flip flops and putting your belongings on the edge of the salmon towel. You pulled off the cover up you had on, revealing your swimsuit and your hand subconsciously grazed over your lower tummy, worried that people could see the vibrator’s prominence. Eren whistled sharply as he looked you once over from his sunglasses. “Damn, babe…”
You shot him a look but then your mind wandered off as you took a good look at him. You just wanted to know where he kept that devious thing. But seeing as he leaned forward with his knees up and his forearms resting on them, his hands were completely empty and he smirked at you when he noticed where your eyes landed. 
“Looking for the remote?” 
“N-No, I was just thinking about how funny you looked sitting on a tiny pink towel.” You stuttered back, sitting in between his parted legs. His hands came to rest against your shoulders and you sighed, leaning back into him. It was truly a beautiful day, the sun glistened onto the sea with the rays beaming against your skin. The umbrella didn’t shield you two much but it was better than nothing, the inch of privacy comforting you as you waited for the inevitable. He had propped the two beach chairs on either side of the towel as well so that added to the depth of what covered you two.
“It’s Mikasa’s towel.” Eren admitted with a chuckle, like you didn’t already know. He planted a kiss against your exposed shoulder as he rubbed his hands gently down your arms.
Your eyes slipped closed as he trailed his lips up towards your neck, but you shook off his teasing. You vaguely felt him shuffle behind you, unaware of what he was grabbing and you clenched around nothing as you thought of him pressing the remote. “Eren, there’s people around.” 
“That’s the whole point, duh. Besides, I’m only putting sunscreen on you.” He grinned slyly as you heard the click of the sunscreen bottle echo in your ears and the cold lotion basically felt like ice as he slathered it against your back. Your skin was already so unbearably hot, from the sun and from his constant teasing, and the fucking devil basically sitting in between your thighs. You flinched, earning another quiet chuckle from him. 
“You’re so on edge today, it’s cute.” 
You didn’t respond as you tried to relax in the way he massaged the sunscreen into your skin, but all you could think about was the pressure you sat against and you couldn’t help but subtly grind against it. It barely did anything but you still sighed as you felt a tiny ripple of pleasure erupt throughout your body. You felt Eren’s calloused fingers stop rubbing the sunscreen in and you stopped your hip movements with a shudder as he sucked a slight hickey into your neck. 
“Someone’s excited, hm?” Eren hummed as he gave you the sunscreen bottle, a smirk buried in the crook of your neck. “Here.”
You lathered the sunscreen over the rest of your body as he turned on the speaker you two had brought, not very loud of course; you didn’t want to draw too much attention to yourself. Your music playlist came pouring through the speaker and you relaxed a bit more, the bass of the song thrumming into your veins. It distracted you from the vibrator dilemma and you happily sang along to the tune, watching some kids near the water make a sandcastle.
And then the fucker pressed the button. 
“Eren!” You gasped out suddenly, dropping the sunscreen bottle in your hands. They flew to his forearms that had wrapped back around you and your legs clamped shut as it seared pleasure into your clit. It buzzed viciously against you and you couldn’t do anything but take it, shaking lightly in Eren’s arms. He had put it on high too, that goddamn bastard and a moan threatened to spill from your lips. 
“What is it, baby?” He asked, his voice almost mocking your high pitch. The remote was wedged into his left hand and you wanted to snatch it away and throw it into the ocean. You were much too close already, the comfort of the song you sang falling away and you leaned back into his chest with a tremble. 
Your fingernails dug into his forearms and you felt him hard against the small of your back, pressing into you there as you got off on the incessant vibrations. You tried to keep your mouth shut but tiny whimpers forced their way out and you swore you felt him grind up into you with a breathy laugh. Eren flipped the remote in his hand, toying with it and your back arched into the droning sensation. 
You squirmed against him, trying desperately to stay still and to stay fucking quiet. But it was insanely difficult, especially when Eren parted your legs again as he threw your disposed cover up between them. His free hand slipped underneath your arm and down your chest, straight to your swimsuit bottoms and you keened at the way he pushed the vibrator harder onto your clit. He kept it there as his middle and ring finger plunged into your slick without warning. He gathered some of it onto them and then pulled them out with ease, tutted quietly as he examined with a furrowed expression.
“All because of this damn vibrator, huh?” Eren sucked them into his mouth like a fucking whore, tasting you on his tongue and you whined at the action. “How come this doesn’t happen when I’m fucking you?”  
You didn’t know if anyone was looking your way and honestly, you didn’t care anymore as your orgasm came bubbling up to the surface. Eren clasped his hand over your mouth, muffling the moan that came from you as you convulsed against the softness of the towel. It crashed over you harshly and you almost bit the remote that was pressed against your lips as the vibrations overstimulated you– it was too much, all too much and you gasped for air as he switched it off with the press of his thumb. 
“Shhh, it’s okay baby.” He shushed you, kissing the back of your neck as you came down from your high. “Breathe.”
His palm fell from your mouth, dropping the remote near your leg and you audibly sighed out in relief until you felt his other hand back between your legs. His fingers slid back into your wet heat and your breath hitched, discomfort circling in your abdomen. You were so, so sensitive and all you could think about was how to get your thighs to stop twitching involuntarily. “I’m not fully convinced. How the fuck did you get so wet from a toy?” 
“Eren, hold on, please hold on…” You pleaded, your entire face flushed red and you panted as you felt pleasure seep into the pit of your tummy again. You felt the cover up fall from your waist and you knew you were exposed now, his hand inside your bottoms and-
“Don’t worry, no one’s looking. I promise.” His words flew out in almost one breath as he felt the flutter of your walls against his fingers. He was so fucking hard in his swim shorts, he needed to get his hand on himself so badly but he wanted– needed to watch you squirt from just his fingers. How could such a little toy be so enticing to your pussy when he was right here? In the back of his mind, Eren knew it was probably just the scenario he set up for you, his control over a toy looming over you like a dark cloud. But it still made him fucking jealous.
God, he really wanted to make you squirt in public. He wanted you to fall apart all over his fingers whilst families sat a few feet away, tending to their screaming children or drinking from beer bottles without the slightest clue as to what’s going on right behind them. 
He curled his fingers into you headily, right against your sweet spot and you moaned at the overwhelming feeling hurtling up your spine and fuzzing your mind over. The music had been turned up a notch, you vaguely realized, for your sake. Because you just that fucking loud, mewls and whines coming from you. Eren pressed his dick up against the small of your back harder, grinding into it as he kept pushing into you quickly.
“C’mon, baby...fuck, I know you can squirt.” He groaned into your ear, watching over your shoulder with darkened eyes. He fumbled for the remote again, aiming to turn it on to rush you along but it was too late as you leaked all over his fingers, against the polyester fabric of your swimsuit, and all over Mikasa’s towel. It gushed out of you with a high whimper and you bucked his hips into his fingers in ecstasy. 
“Yeah, that’s it, my God. So much for me…” He cooed, pulling his fingers out and covering you up again with your pull over. He patted your thigh lovingly and you scowled at him, smacking him on his leg hard. 
“Mikasa’s gonna kill me!” You whined out, still out of breath and all Eren did was laugh. 
“Mikasa’s not going to get her towel back.” 
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a/n: wanna get tagged in future writing posts? join my taglist!
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leonw4nter · 9 months
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Hold Me, Hold Me, I'm Your Bunny
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RE2R!Leon x F!Reader AU
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“It’s cold, rookie. Go put on a jacket,” Marvin tells Leon.
His superior isn’t wrong; the night had turned out to be a bit more chilly than Leon had anticipated, which prompted him not to bring a jacket or coat– not that this bothered him; he didn’t get cold easily and acted as a walking heater to anyone who wanted to feel a little warm and fuzzy.
“I’m fine, sir. Thank you,” he responds with a tired smile.
Ever the gentleman that he is, a gloved hand flies up to cover his mouth as he yawns, a small puff of steam billowing out of his mouth. As much as he loves his job, there’s no place he’d rather be than at home with his girl, cuddling and joining the rest of the world in dreamland but alas here he is– duty calls. Calloused fingers threaded through strands the color of wheat, slightly causing his usually neat hair to appear slightly fluffy. He turns his head, summer sky blues trained in the vast darkness to look out for any threat that he could quell. He does this for about an hour or two– or four… or five. He lost count, distracted by the biting cold that slowly started to settle in his bones. Pink settled in Leon’s cheeks and the tips of his ears, adding color like watercolor to a blank canvas; goosebumps rose on his arms and on the back of his neck, jaw clenching to keep his teeth from chattering. He did his best to look as if the cold wasn’t causing him some discomfort, only rubbing his hands together for warmth every now and then. 2:45 AM, his black sports watch reads. “She’s probably asleep by now,” he fondly thinks as the corners of his lips curl skyward. “At least she’s warm and cozy,” he wistfully adds, the feeling of his body craving sleep growing even stronger with each passing moment.
7:35 AM, he finally gets to head home after a long and cold night; he feels odd, a lot more susceptible to getting cold. The patrol car’s air conditioning felt several degrees colder, even if neither he nor Marvin changed the temperature and he felt a lot tired. After shifts like that, he always felt tired but this kind of exhaustion is different; it’s like his body weighed a lot more and he felt a headache slowly crawl up on him. He blamed these odd sensations on not drinking enough water, gaze falling on the thermos his girlfriend bought him as a reminder to hydrate often. He takes the bottle and drinks from it, dampening his dry throat only for his throat to feel a lot weirder and the water making him feel slightly nauseous. Marvin picks up on Leon’s sudden paleness, a frown placed on his chapped lips.
“Rookie, you alright? You don’t look like your usual self right now,” Marvin observes. Stopping at a red light he takes the opportunity to look at Leon, the rookie leaning against the corner near the door and shivering, rubbing his hands together to  try and stay warm.
“Yeah. Just… a little cold… and tired,” Leon responds, flashing him a tiny smile, an attempt to downplay what he thinks is a fever going on. Regret on not bringing a coat or jacket sets in, knowing his error will cause his girl to worry for him on top of all the workload she already has.
“You sure, kid? You don’t look too good right now,” Marvin adds.
“Promise, L.T. It’s just been a long night,” Leon reassures.
They finally arrive at the station, Leon’s head spinning slightly since he got carsick from the overwhelming sensations in the car ride back to the precinct to gather his things before clocking out only to groan when he realizes he has to use a car to get back home as well. Grabbing his backpack, he waves the officers bye and heads out. Even with the sun’s rays not fully beaming down on the slowly waking world, he squints his eyes and closes them for a bit, finding it too bright. With a tired sigh and a silent prayer that he doesn’t collapse from exhaustion on the way home, he walks over to the side of the road and waits for a cab to come and pick him up whilst also fighting the urge to hunch over at the sidewalk and hurl.
He finally reaches home, resisting the urge to doze off on the floor within minutes of unlocking the front door. With a groan, he hobbles over to the medicine cabinet and takes some Advil before heading up the stairs. He forces himself to take a quick shower to cool himself off before grabbing some plaid pajama bottoms and a worn out gray sweater from the police academy. He draws the curtains, slides into bed and huddles under the sheets before turning his body to face your side of the bed, inching his face nearer to your pillow and inhaling the scent of your coconut shampoo. Just before he decides to take a nap, he takes his phone and sends you a message saying that he’s home. Even with the curtains already drawn he still finds the day too bright for his delicate eyes so he pulls the duvet over his head, closing his eyes and eventually falling asleep.
You get home to a dark and silent apartment, the lack of Leon anywhere throwing you off. Closing the door, you drop your bag off at the couch before heading upstairs to the bedroom. “Honey?,” You call out. At first you don’t get a response but you do hear a low groan coming from the bedroom. You finally reach the door and push it open to be met with the faint warm glow of your bedside lamp and your boyfriend huddled nicely in the sheets. He shoots you a small grin but you know something is up with him with the way he doesn’t get up and practically lunge at you for a hug.
“Sick,” he quietly says, readjusting his position again and pats your spot beside him. You walk over to the side of the bed and place the back of your hand against his forehead to feel for his temperature. You leave his side for a few minutes, only to come back with a thermometer. After double checking his temperature, you finally confirm that he has a fever. “How’d you get sick?,” you ask him as you pat his fluffy hair. “Stood out in the cold from 10 PM to 7 AM, no jacket,” he sheepishly says. His response earns a small frown from you, going off into a lecture about how he should’ve brought something to keep him warm because the temperatures are a lot more extreme these days to which he nodded and mumbled an “mhm”. You place a small kiss on his forehead, telling him that you’ll make dinner for the both of you before getting in bed to cuddle with him. He nods and smiles, probably the brightest smile he could muster for today before turning over and dozing off again.
“Dinner’s ready,” you softly say in a sing-song voice as you bring in rice porridge on a tray, along with a bowl of cut-up fruit, and a glass of water. You set the tray down before helping Leon sit up, propping the pillows up on his back so he’d be cozy. You drag a chair beside him, waiting for him to take the bowl and start eating but he doesn’t.
“Why aren’t you eating yet?,” you ask.
“Can you feed me? Please?,” he asks as he shoots you the most kicked puppy dog eyes ever. He takes his hands together in prayer position, mumbling please and saying something along the lines of letting the patient have complete rest.
“God, you’re so cringe,” you scoff but you still decide to grab the bowl and give him spoons full of the porridge. Your boyfriend can be a bit silly sometimes but it’s why you love him. He takes a large bite, a pleased hum coming from him as he swallows down the food. “Taste good?,” you ask which he responds to with a smile and a thumbs-up. While Leon’s still got some porridge in his mouth, you take the time to contact his superior about Leon’s sick leave for two to three days.
“Umm, hi. I’m Y/N, Leon’s girlfriend and I called because he’s going to be on sick leave for two to three days, he came down with a fever so I hope you’d understand,” you say to the phone.
Leon simply looks at you with a slight look of surprise in his eyes; he already mentally noted that he’d call up Marvin later on after his dinner but turns out his thoughtful girlfriend had beat him to it. Looking up from his bowl, he keeps his gaze on you as you converse with Marvin, his heart thumping in his chest whenever you smile. The call went on for a few minutes before it finally ended, walking back to Leon’s side only to see his bowl finished.
“Your boss sounded a little surprised to hear that you’ve got a girlfriend,” you shyly say with a giddy grin. Leon laughs softly, running his fingers through his hair.
“Yeah, I don’t talk about you a lot at work– not- not because I don’t love you or a-anything, no– it’s, well, you know–,” he stammers which causes you to smile sweetly with your eyes squinting slightly and he swears he just fell in love all over again.
“I don’t have um– l-lots of y’know– friends at the station– there’s only Marvin,” he finally finishes. He realizes he sounds a lot like his pre-girlfriend self from when he first decided to ask you out on a date, back when eye contact with you and a simple graze of your fingers got his system undergoing a factory reset (not that things have changed: he’s still having factory resets from when you touch him).
“Well, I should stop by at work when you get back and I dunno– maybe get you lunch and kiss you in front of everyone,” you joke as you take his hand and place a kiss.
“God I need to get well soon,” he responds. He looks a lot less miserable now but still very much feverish.
“Hey I meant that as a joke–,” you say.
“Nuh-uh,” he says as he waves his pointer finger in front of you. “You need to keep your word or else I’ll be sad.”
“Fine, fine but only because I love you,”
“I love you more.”
Soon, it’s time for bed and you get into the sheets with him, wrapping your arms around him and nuzzling your face into the nook of his neck.
“Baby you’re going to get sick too if you’re too close to me,” he softly says as he pats your hair.
“That’s not so bad if you get to take care of me,” you softly respond with a smile before placing a tender kiss on his neck. He shifts his position so now he’s the smaller spoon and you get to hold him like a stuffed animal. A pleased sigh could be heard under his breath as one hand strokes his back and gives him a soft pat while the other strokes his hair. “It’s not so bad being sick,” he happily thinks to himself– not that you don’t take care of him, of course you do, but the experience of being taken care of when he’s unable to care for himself brings a comfortable feeling of assurance that you’ll be right by him when things get rough; you’ll be there for him as a ray of sunlight on a cloudy day, an umbrella underneath the pouring rain, and a warm drink on a chilly night.
With your care and constant reminder to take pills and drink water, he managed to get better after two days and is clear to get back to work (bringing along a coat with him, of course; you’d flip if he got sick due to being out in the cold again). The brightness of his eyes have returned and he’s back to being the golden retriever, greeting everyone a ‘good morning’ before settling his things down at his desk and working on papers that piled up while he was gone. Stretching his fingers and grabbing a pen from a cup in his desk he takes a sheet and starts signing and going through reports whilst sipping his coffee, very much in a good mood. Marvin decided to let him work on reports first and not start patrolling around since he just got back from a fever and deemed it best that he shouldn’t move around just yet. After working for several hours straight he finally finishes his workload, just needing to file these reports away– the only task left before Marvin hands him a new set. Stretching his lower back and rolling his shoulders, he grabs his coat and wallet to head out and grab lunch.
“Officer Kennedy please report to the front desk,” the intercom blares. With a slightly frustrated sigh, he mentally prepares himself that he might have to skip out on lunch as he heads to where he’s needed.
“Good noon, ma’am– Baby!” he happily exclaims. His entire face brightens up and he beams brightly, running over to you and pulling you in for a tight hug as he rocks you from side to side. After a bone-crushing hug, he pulls away but he keeps his hands on your waist.
“It’s so good to see you. What are you doing here?,” he asks. His blue eyes were like waters, his gaze pulling you under and deeper into the spell he cast on you.
“Lunch. Kept my promise from days ago just like you wanted.”
“So… I’ll finally get that kiss in front of others?”
“Maybe. If you want–”
“I do want it so… come here.” Leon says with a cocky smirk as he pulls you in for a tender kiss.
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NOTE - If this is a little bad then I'm really sorry because this fic has been marinating in my docs for 2 weeks now and I kinda lost the idea mid-write so... yeah (I also finished this fic during math class because the question I got for an activity is so damn DIFFICULT-- KILLING MYSELF I HATE MATH I HATE THIS SHIT SO BAD FUCK MATH). Anyways, I'll try to write for RE4R!Leon soon-- I just love RE2R!Leon a lil tew much hihi ;) The title is taken from a lyric in a song called "Puppy Princess". I'll be busy in the next coming weeks so I won't be posting a lot. I'm going to try and make my fics look a lot more cute soon so ermm yeah that's it!! I hope you really liked it :) (also I ordered Leon photocards saur... the horrors are endless but I stay silly)
The dividers (lace and ribbon respectively) are from @plutism and @baefleurs , the images are made by me (sourced from Pinterest).
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satorusugurugurl · 5 months
Blueberry Pancakes
Pairing: Choso Kamo x Reader
Word Count: 633
Warning: Pancake fail, nothing just fluff!
A/N: I was working on a Geto fic for Fluff Friday but I feel like we all needed a little fluffy Choso in our life! 🥲
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The morning sun shone through your bedroom window, causing you to stir in bed. Slowly lifting your head, you grumbled, noticing that your boyfriend was nowhere to be found. Your fingers sped across the bed, feeling his lingering warmth, which meant he wasn’t far away. Letting the sheet fall from your bare body, you grabbed his shirt from the ground, slipping it on along with a clean pair of his boxers.
As you snapped the band over your hips, you heard a crash from the kitchen, followed by a curse and the smell of something burning. Hurrying out, you walked into a slightly smokey kitchen, finding Choso with his back turned to you. One hand held the handle of his frying pan while the other tried scrapping at something in the pan with a spatula.
You said nothing, joining his side as you peered into the pan. Inside was, well, something? It was lumpy, charred, and full of blueberries.
“Yeah?” The spatula aggressively smacked and prodded at the substance in the pan.
“What are you doing?”
“I was trying to make pancakes.” Your boyfriend winced as the ‘pancake’ bubbled a mysterious smokey bubble. “But well, it uh—” this time the substance hissed, “it didn’t exactly go as planned? I’m pretty sure I’ve failed at making food, yet succeeded in making a cursed spirit out of pancake mix.”
You glanced at the bag full of blueberries and the bowl of batter he’d made. You’d told him how much you wanted blueberry pancakes the previous night. You felt like he reached into your chest and squeezed your heart. He was too flipping cute! So cute, you reached up gently, biting his cheek.
Choso sighed softly, allowing you to nibble at his cheek with a gentle smile. “I suppose you eating my cheek would be more suitable instead of,” the lumpy concoction hissed again, “well, this.” It bubbled more until you stepped in, removing the pan from the heat.
“No worries, we got this.” You scraped the hissing smoking substance into the sink before wiping the pan out. “Let’s see.” You eyes his batter. “All it needs is a little TLC.”
Choso helped you fix the batter, adding more water, sugar, and vanilla to the lumpy substance. Once you deemed it suitable, you sprayed the pan with non-stick spray, poured in the batter, and handed some blueberries to Choso. He patiently waited until tiny bubbles formed at the top before he added them in, making the cutest little smiley face.
“And now we flip!” Choso watched in awe as you flipped the pancake over with a flick.
Choso’s eyes glittered with childlike excitement. “Amazing!” His eyes watched as you lipped the pancake again.
“Yeah?” His warm eyes were focused solely on you. “I should put pancake flipping on my resume.”
Choso shook his head, stepping behind you, his arms snaking around your waist. “I wasn't talking about the pancake flipping.” His lips gently pressed against your cheek. “I was talking about you.” Tuck your face felt like it was on fire at Choso’s words.
“I think you're pretty amazing yourself, Cho.”
“Even though I made a cursed spirit out of pancake batter and blueberries?”
“Especially because of that.”
That was god's honest truth, and Choso knew it too. He smiled wide before leaning in and biting your cheek, winning your giggle. In the warm rays of light that morning, you and Choso stood in the kitchen, flipping pancakes with your lover's arms wrapped around you—one of the best mornings of your entire life.
Forever Tag List!
@darkstarlight82 @pandoness @nealeart @simp-plague @sugurubabe
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jellyfishoreo1206 · 1 month
Fun in the Sun (Sebastian Solace x Reader)
Notes: Part Four! This was a requested idea by @fishwitthouteyes, who had a wonderful idea for this part of the Slice of Life series! I hope you don't mind that I added some extra parts ^^ Lots of fluff upcoming, ugh I love writing this fishy so MUCH
Also, this is NOT smut. I repeat, it's NOT smut. 100% fluff
Also I forgot to mention that this is an established relationship! I apologize for being neglectful :<
Credit for the divider to @cafekitsune
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It's early in the morning, 8 AM in fact, Sebastian, you and Painter all in the living room. Sitting on the worn-out couch while nursing a mug of coffee in your hands, bringing it up every so often to your lips to take a quick sip, the hot beverage waking your senses a tiny bit. The sun shining brightly through the windows and sheer curtains, the rays of light giving the place a cozy feeling, watching as the light reveals the particles floating through the air. A certain glow that can't be achieved with simple lights.
It was a slow morning really. Sebastian was lying on the rug all curled up—like a cat—directly in the sunlight, eyes closed. You watched as his chest rose and fell with each breath he took, it seemed a lot slower than an average human, could be because of a bigger lung capacity. You feel a small ping of jealousy, oh how you wished to at least hold your breath for that long.
His angler lure twitches every so often, along with the fins on the side of his head. If you listened closely, you could hear a low rumbling-gurgling sort of purr coming from him. It . . . it kind of sounds like someone drowning for some reason.
Ah whatever, it's cute.
Painter seemed to be feeling the sleepy early morning vibes as well—despite being a computer—their screen dim as they lazily draw something on the tablet only to erase it out of frustration with a few sleepy grumbles.
Downing the rest of your coffee, you slammed the cup down onto the table, standing up from the couch with a sudden determination filling your veins; your fast movements and loud noise startling both Sebastian and Painter awake, Sebastian's tail hitting the coffee table with a loud *SMACK* as a yelp left Painter. You winced at the loud sound, especially at the loud 'FUCK' that Sebastian lets out, his hand immediately going over to smooth the part of his tail that was just hit.
"Sorry." You immediately say, a glare being all that returned your response, an apologetic smile on your lips. Shrugging it off, you walked over to your room, changing into more comfortable clothing suited for walking, grabbing a bag with some extra clothes and towels in it on your way out to the kitchen, packing plenty of snacks and drinks for the small outing.
Sebastian looks at you in curiosity when you came back into the living room with a different change of clothes and a bag, your hiking shoes in hand, "Where are you going?" He asks with a tilt of his head, his lure bobbing slightly with his movements, eyes narrowed a fraction.
"Correction," A grin tugs at the end of your lips, an air of excitement surrounding you, "-it's where we're going! Now get changed, we leave in 10 minutes."
The crunch of small twigs and the rustling of leaves filled the air as you walked along the well-worn trail, Painter held firmly in your hands as you avoided all the dips and rocks along the trail to the best of your ability. The sun peaked out from the trees, bringing light down to the forest floor, the life of the forest seemingly becoming livelier.
Sebastian trailed behind you, swiveling his head to take in his new surroundings with of look of amazement and curiosity, stopping every once in a while to observe something for a little longer before catching up to you. A smile stretches across your face when you risked a glance back at him, a feeling of joy buzzing throughout your blood as you continued forward.
"You never told us where we're going." Sebastian mutters, catching up to your side. In his hands was a Baby Blue Eye, bringing it up to his face to examine the delicate bright-blue petals closer. Eventually, he tucks the flower behind your ear, making sure it was secure before taking his hand back, face flushed a pretty blue. "It looks prettier on you . . "
A flush floods your face, averting your eyes away from him as a wobbly smile threatens to break out on your face, "Oh, thank you!" The beating of your heart was loud in your ears, you wouldn't be surprised if Sebastian hears it. Quickly trying to shake off the feeling, you answer his previous question, red still tinting your cheeks.
"We're uhm, we're going to a place I used to frequent before . . before that." It seems that he understood what you implied, nodding before looking forward, his hand occasionally brushing against yours as you walked deeper and deeper into the woods, sun slowly climbing up higher and higher in the sky.
The sound of rushing water could be heard, getting closer and closer the more you walked, your pace slightly increasing in excitement once you saw the familiar tree you used to climb came into sight. Finally coming to the end of the path, a massive grin now present when a large waterfall greeted the three of you. It still looks the same as it did before you left; moss-covered rocks of all sizes scattered around, plants still flourishing as they glowed vibrantly—colors of all sorts dotting here and there, trees towering over the whole entire area as they swayed gently to the breeze, frothy white water gushing towards the lake below surrounded by a shore of gravel and sand.
It's good to come back to this place.
Carefully placing Painter down on a rock without moss and away from the water, you quickly stripped yourself of the clothes you were wearing. Sebastian sputters, looking away hurridely as the blue flush from before comes back in full force, "What are you DOING?!" A look of confusion overcomes your features at his sudden outburst—taking off your shoes and socks, putting them in the bag you brought—before a look of realization washes over you, a teasing smirk now present.
"I have swimwear on, dummy~" Hesitantly, he looks back at you, seeing that you were indeed in swimwear. Embarrassment floods his body once again, a scowl overcoming his features. "I didn't know you had swimwear underneath!" Crossing his arm, he grumbles out a, ". . at least warn me next time." You couldn't help a small snort slipping past your lips, walking over to the grumpy fish, cupping his face once you got close enough.
"Sorry, sorry-" Standing on the tips of your toes, you gave a small peck to his chin as a way of apologizing for the small misunderstanding, giving him a big smile when you moved away. The fins on the sides of his head twitch at the gesture, his features softening just a fraction. He looks at you for a few seconds more, expression unreadable, before grabbing you with all three of his arms. A yelp slips out from you only for it to be interrupted as his lips meet yours for a proper kiss.
Shock fills your senses at what just happened, before smiling into the kiss, eyes fluttering close as you let your hands caress his cheeks, butterflies erupting in your stomach. It's not everyday that Sebastian decides to lead, so you'll savor this.
"AHEM." Or maybe not. Quickly breaking away from the kiss, you both look over to the AI still sat upon the rock, unimpressed look on their screen. You felt a little bit of embarrassment forgetting that Painter was there, but you couldn't help the chuckles that left your mouth, sheepish smile on your lips.
"Sorry, Paints."
"You seem to be saying that word an awful lot today, aren't you?"
"Oh shush! Put me down!"
A low chuckle leaves him as he places you back on the gravel-sand floor, playfully sticking your tongue in his direction as you walked over to the water.
You know the water will be cold, it always was whenever you came here, so without hesitation you took a running start—jumping straight in. For a few seconds, you were surrounded by cold water, prying your eyes open as you observed your surroundings. Everything seemed so peacefully quiet—save for the silent roaring of the crashing water—flickers of sun gave way to the greenery at the bottom of the lake as they gently swayed to the soft current, rocks big and small wedged into the wet earth, a few fishes swimming past you only to flee once you moved.
Breaking the surface, you took a deep breath of needed air, letting out a laugh of joy as you float in the water. Swiveling to face where Sebastian was—about to call him over to join you—only to stop short in confusion when you didn't see him there, only his shirt on the ground and Painter, who had a look of mischievousness when he saw your face of bewilderment.
"Wait, wher-?" A shriek interrupts your sentence when you were lifted up from the water, looking down only to meet those smug fluorescent eyes you've grown to love as he sets you atop his bare shoulders, looking very pleased at what he done.
"Hehe, sorry sweetheart~" Oh he so wasn't sorry.
After several hours spent within the water, the two of you finally decided to take a break, the sun now high in the sky as it shined down on the two of you. Painter was now atop a towel you brought along in the shade, peacefully drawing with a look of content on their screen.
Not too far away from them, you laid stretched out on Sebastian's tail directly in the sun, the light feeling great on your skin after being in the cold water for so long. Drops of water still littered the both of you, mostly on you since they seemed to literally fall off Sebastian quite quickly after you left the water.
Watching the clouds pass by, you munched on a few snacks that you brought with you—offering Sebastian some every now and then, who happily munch on them. The man seemed to preen in the warmth of the light provided, that same purr he made earlier in the morning coming back full force, you could practically feel them.
Though, it does make sense that he might like sunbathing, since he's quite cold. Like, very cold. It doesn't seem to bother him much, though.
"You really remind me of a cat." You tease, popping a chip into your mouth as you continue watching the clouds high above, watching how some of them began to take on shapes. Hey that one looks like a fish.
"A cat?" He mumbled out, cracking his eyes open a fraction to look at you, a bemused smile on his face. He looks so handsome when he smiles, his hair framing his face perfectly, eyes gleaming with joy.
"Yeah, you purr like one, sometimes you act like one too." Another tease, offering him another chip before continuing, "Grumpy but always looking for affection."
"I'm not grumpy."
"Uh-huh, sure gramps. Let's get you back to bed."
"Oh you are just begging to be thrown into the water, aren't you?"
"Mm, not convincing enough."
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Last Part, Next Part
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damned-punk · 7 months
Love your Valentines Kid and Killer HC ❤️💖 especially the Poly. Could you do a nsfw Poly? Reader is seduced by Kid and Killer and spends a night with them. 😏
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Depraved (Kidd x Reader x Killer)
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Content Warning: nsfw, afab!reader, light spanking, masturbation, fem!terms used, descriptive language, penetrative sex
Content Description: Killer requests the help of the reader but the situation isn’t what it seems ♡
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You were on the last step of your routine following a shower when you heard heavy boots approach your cabin, the handle of the door being roughly twisted to no avail. You’d only locked the door to change, something that had apparently interfered with the plans of your visitor as several knocks filled the silence in the room. You’d quickly slipped on a nightie in order to address the knocking, curiosity turning to amusement when you swung the door open to reveal Killer. The sun was just starting to slip past the horizon and the last golden rays of the day illuminated his blonde hair in such a beautiful way, you couldn’t help but admire him.
“I need your help if you have a minute.”, he stated flatly, tucking unoccupied hands into the pockets of his jeans.
“Absolutely.”, you replied quickly, following after him as he took long strides toward the cabin he shared with Kidd.
He entered the room first, it was rather dark and left you with more questions than you had before. You’d turned to close the door behind you but before you could get a grasp on the situation, Killer caged you between himself and the painted wood. The lack of escape coupled with the feeling of his massive body easily overtaking your own was dizzying. You recognized the familiar clicks of his mask being removed, his bare lips making their way to your neck.
“Killer…”, you mewled out to him at the sudden contact, a chuckle coming from across the room causing you to flinch in his grasp.
“Such a needy little thing aren’t you?”, Kidd teased as he watched the situation unfold in front of him.
It had become glaringly obvious that this was no simple request for assistance, that was only an excuse they’d come up with to corner you. Killer could feel you start to squirm against him, prompting him to lift you at the waist and take you to the bed. He sat himself down and positioned you on his lap while Kidd sat on the loveseat parallel to the two of you. Kidd’s eyes were sitting low and you could only imagine that Killer held the same dark expression, the intensity of the moment causing warmth to pool between your legs to the point of throbbing arousal.
“What’s… going on?”, you managed to ask, totally embarrassed at how much they were affecting you.
“Well…”, Killer started as he tilted you to rest your back again his chest, spreading your legs to sit across his thighs, “The Captain asked me to bring you to him and who am I to disobey Captain’s orders?”
You instinctively reached to pull the hem of your nightie down, exponentially more embarrassed that you hadn’t put on any bottoms. Kidd rubbed a hand over his face to ground himself in the moment, watching you struggle to cover yourself while Killer maneuvered you as he pleased was such a sight to behold. He could feel himself strain against his pants, internally fighting the urge to reach out and take you from his partner for himself.
“Hey, it’s alright.”, Killer rubbed your thighs with big, warm hands, “Let us take care of you.”
He placed a few soothing kisses to your cheek and shoulder as his hands massaged the plush of your inner thighs. Your head fell back against his shoulder while your hands gripped his forearms, fire seared through your nerves as his fingertips gently caressed your folds. He brought them higher and added a bit of pressure while rubbing tiny circles against your sensitive bud, humming in response to your gasps and whimpers.
“Does that feel good sweetheart?”, Killer mumbled in your ear, relishing the way you writhed in pleasure for him.
“Yes, Kill…”, you spoke softly, leaning your face up to place a kiss on his lips.
He quickened his ministrations on your clit, anticipating the impending climax that was clearly dangling you off a ledge. Kidd watched as glistening slick dribbled down your tender flesh, an indication of how well Killer was servicing you. He freed his aching cock from his bottoms, stroking himself a few times to find some semblance of relief but it just wasn’t enough. He needed to touch you, to be as physically close to you as Killer and perhaps more. The sound of Kidd standing and walking caused you to divert your attention to him, immediately tensing when you felt his thick fingers begin to circle your opening.
“Relax for me, (Y/N).”, he huskily commanded, your widened and glassy eyes spurring him on.
He worked a finger in and out a few times before quickly following with a second. The combination of sensations had you mumbling incoherent phrases, clamping down on Kidd’s digits while throbbing against Killer’s. All the muscles in your body tightened, your abdomen spasming as you came undone for the both of them. Killer slowed his pace to allow you to ride out your climax before bringing his hands up to massage your hips as Kidd’s fingers made scissoring motions inside.
Kidd leant down to bring you into a feverish kiss, sucking your tongue and hooking his arm under your back. He lifted you to sit up on the edge of the bed with your thighs dangling on either side of his own, grinding his hips into yours. The sticky sound that emanated from his motions was pornographic, effectively causing your arousal to create a mess between your legs. Killer took the opportunity to shed his own bottoms, stroking himself to the sight of Kidd manhandling you in the same manner that the Captain had observed before. You steadied yourself by throwing your arms around Kidd’s shoulders, resolving that his patience had certainly dwindled by this point. He trailed the head of his cock up and down your puffy folds, settling his motions by nesting the tip at your entrance. Your hands gripped at his hair as he thrusted himself in, prompting the Captain to groan at the mixture of pleasure and pain.
“You feel so fucking good (Y/N)…”, he grunted into your ear, kissing your neck before continuing, “You love this don’t you? Getting your little pussy fucked by the Captain and his first mate, it makes you feel so good doesn’t it?”
His filthy words mixed with his unrelenting pounding had driven all the air from your lungs. He was just so big and warm, always filling you up perfectly. You couldn’t muster any words, only capable of moaning and nodding your head as a fiery sensation began to build in your lower belly for the second time that night. A strangled gasp escaped your lips when you felt a harsh slap on your ass, Kidd hissing as you clamped down on him from the unexpected impact. The sudden change in friction caused him to cum almost immediately, inadvertently bringing an end to his time with you.
“Use your words.”, Killer said authoritatively, bringing himself against your back once more.
“Y-Yes, it feels g-good.”, you forced yourself to speak, earning a rather sadistic sounding chuckle from Kidd as he playfully nipped at your neck.
“Good girl.”, Killer praised you, moving his hands to grasp the underneath of your thighs.
“You took that so fucking well.”, Kidd kissed your forehead as he removed himself, “You’re such a good girl.”
His praise caused you to tremble, he wasn’t usually quite this soft so you were certain he’d needed this. You watched him plop back onto the loveseat and resume his initial position for observation, your thoughts of him being cut off as Killer positioned you over his own member. His strength was on full display as he effortlessly guided you down onto his cock, the change in position and sensation of being taken from behind with so much extra slick in the mix caused you to whimper loudly. He shushed you and cooed at how proud he was of you, how pretty you were all laid out and open just for the two of them.
He pistoned his hips at a feverish pace against your own, that familiar burning in your belly returning at full force as he pounded so unrelentingly deep. His moans were low, sitting just below your own pleasure constricted mumbling. He could feel your wonderful spasms begin to flutter around his length, urging him to bring a hand back to your clit. He was already so close himself and did everything he could to hold off so that he could feel you come undone around him. His calloused fingers brought you right over that blissful edge once again, him filling you past capacity in tandem.
Kidd’s face, neck, and ears were glowing the brightest shade of blush you’d ever seen. He could be so domineering in the moment but the clarity after seemed to leave him a bit shy. Killer had a tendency to ease into the moment at the expense of his own shyness, reclaiming confidence after the fact and always providing the best aftercare. It was such a wholesome dynamic and the more you thought about it, the faster the tears welled in your eyes. They made you feel loved, wanted, and safe above all else. You brought your hands to your face to try and conceal your sobs, immediately causing worry to erupt between the two men.
“Talk to us (Y/N), are you hurt?”, Killer gently pulled your hands away and brushed away the falling tears.
“I just love you so much.”, you admitted while nuzzling against his chest, a content smile breaking out across his features as he rubbed your back.
“What about me?”, Kidd grumbled from across the room, not doing a very great job of hiding his jealously.
“I guess I love you too, Captain.”, you teased, cementing the sweet moment in your memory.
“HEY! WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU GUESS?!”, He raised his voice but not at all out of anger, instead looking to tease back and lighten the mood.
“We love you too.”, Killer rolled his eyes at Kidd and placed a kiss on your temple, “Now, let’s get you cleaned up.”
Kidd huffed his way into the bathroom to help get ready for aftercare, the remainder of your evening spent being pampered and held by your partners.
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thelittleliars · 7 months
Valentine's day getaway
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Warnings: fluff
Words: 1.6K
Summary: A little roadtrip on Valentine's with your girlfriend.
A/N: a little one shot for valentine's day because I want Nat to be my Valentine 😭
The sun rays shone directly through the window of the car where you sat. You didn't mind feeling the warmth of the first few sun rays on your skin, you actually liked it. What you didn't like was the long sitting, you itched to stretch your legs and get that pain away that your butt got from sitting for nearly three hours. Those two little breaks you already had did not help a bit. You groaned in discomfort. "Tell me, why are we even driving again? We could have borrowed a quinjet." Natasha, your girlfriend quickly looked over to you with a grin before focusing on the street again. "Because I like driving and I love spending time with you." 
"I always love doing something with you Nat, but driving 3 1/2 hours just to a cabin up in Northville is not something I imagined when you say you want to spend time with me."
"Yeah well.. I wanted some alone time with you, away from everyone and it's a cabin nobody knows about." She told you softly. You nodded and then added your thoughts to it. "Nobody but your sister, you mean." 
"Only because she helped me with the final decision." Your girlfriend revealed as it made you even more excited to arrive there. "That's nice of her." Natasha snorted, knowing Yelena only did something nice if it benefitted her. "It's obvious she only did that for her own gains. It'd be another safe house."
"That or so that she could annoy her big sister." You teased but it kind of backfired when you heard more of an angry grumble. "Probably both." You instantly shifted the conversation back to the cabin alone. "I want a whole tour when we arrive." Natasha didn't say anything else, she only gave you a smirk that made you sigh in relief, she wasn't angry or mad. 
The rest of the drive was silent except for the punk-rock radio station that was playing in the background. You became giddy as your girlfriend pulled into the tiny driveway. The cabin looked small but also cozy from the outside. Natasha quickly hauled your duffel bags out the trunk and joined you at the front door. She unlocked it with the keys she had and let you in first. You were too amazed with how pretty it looked that Natasha had hushed past you to even close the door. Only after you heard her cursing further in the cabin, you put your admiration aside and rushed after her. Then there you saw the blond widow, Yelena Belova as she had made herself comfortable on the sofa. 
"I made plans Yelena." Natasha didn't shout or yell at her sister but her frustration was still very clear in her voice. The blonde girl ignored it and smiled at you two. "Great! Now you can include me in those plans." You didn't know if the little widow had the same idea as you, a weekend away from the Avengers or if she knew about the older woman's plans and simply were here to annoy her.
"No." She said it sternly and glared hard at her sister, hoping that the little widow would get a hint. But she did not or she ignores it and continued to fuck around with the older widow. "Why not?" You waved to her as a little hello, she greeted you back with a grin and a nod. "Because that would be fucking disgusting!" Yelena furrowed her eyebrows. "So you're calling me disgusting now?" You were holding yourself back from laughing. The sibling interaction was too funny for you. 
"Let me spell it out for you since you can't seem to get it." Natasha grunted. "I have planned romantic and sexualthings."
"Eww why'd tell me about that?! I didn't need to know it." Yelena made a gagging noise while she shows the disgust with a clear expression on her face.
"As if you would have stopped at the romantic part!" The redhead basically growled out in anger. The younger sister seemed to take it as a direct attack. "I would have!" She countered back with the same amount of passion in her voice as Natasha. "No you wouldn't and I know that for sure because you came along on so many of our date nights." You put a hand on Natasha's arm to calm her, you knew how deeply it affected her whenever her sister came to your dates. All Natasha wanted was to be the hopeless romantic she knew she could be but without getting teased for it and with Yelena in tow it was simply not possible.
Before it got out of hand you decided to speak up. "Yel, it's Valentine's day.. and we really need some time just for the two of us." The younger sibling looked at Natasha intensly. "My god." She groaned and sighed in annoyance. "If you're really that desperate then okay I'll be gone in an hour."
"You better be." Nat's voice was so cold that if you wouldn't drag her away something awful would happen. You took her hand in yours and dragged her outside. Once you were near the water, you sat down on a stump. It seemed like the tree that was once there got chopped off a while ago. "Don't let her get to you. She'll be gone within the hour and we'll be all alone and have a lot of me & you time." A small smile tugged at her lips when you pulled her towards you, hinting that you want her to sit on you. She willingly placed herself on your lap, exhaled loudly as she leaned against your front with her back, your arms wrapped around her waist.
This was heaven for her, being held by you  and hearing you hum soft melodies. "You know, if I knew you'd drag me out of bed early in the morning on Valentine's day then I'd have gone to a flower shop the day before to get you the most beautiful bouquet." She turned her head towards you. "I told you before that I don't need a physical gift for today. Being with you is all I want." She laid her warm hands on your arm, squeezed it gently before simply just holding onto it.
"Do you even realize how much my heart always melts whenever you say stuff like that and with that look in your eyes?" 
"Well now that I know I won't ever stop doing it." She teased you. 
"That is cruel my love." You joked back. 
"Being loved by me is cruel now? Weren't you the one who told me not to stay around toxic people?" Tilting her head to the side she gave you a pointed look. 
"You have way more green flags than red flags so I guess I'm good." You smiled happily at her. "And don't you even start with you being an ex-assassin is the biggest red flag of all time because you my dear black widow redeemed yourself a thousand of times."
"I don't know what to say." 
"Say you love me."
"I love you."
"And I.. love you more." You hugged her tighter. "You know.. I've been here for a hot minute and I can already see how we grow old and settle down in this humble abode."
"Hmm, that sounds amazing. Are we married in your vision?" She bit her lip. You shook your head. "No. I don't have anything against marrying you though." Nat raised an eyebrow. "So you'd want to be married to me?" She asked warily. 
"Oh c'mon Nat, you're an amazing woman. You have skillsets like no other, you're  very intelligent and funny, you're humble and a big soft heart and let's not forget you're beautiful like a goddess. Anyone would be lucky to have you as a wife." 
She turned away from you as she started to blush deeply. "Stop it or I slap you." She threatened as you nuzzled your nose back into her neck and though you couldn't see the redness in her face, you could feel the warmth radiating from her.
"I don't mind being slapped by you. Maybe you'd even do that thigh move of yours to stop be completely huh?" 
"I want you to be alive."
"I trust you to not crush me. Though I wouldn't min-" She cut you off. "Get those sick thoughts out of your head Y/N. I liked you better with a rather innocent mind."
"You definitely won't get that wife title if you stop me from trying to communicate my needs with you." You loosened your grip on her to poke a finger into her side. She turned her head towards you and mumble an 'I hate you' before she leaned in to kiss you. "If I hate you is the new I love you then okay I hate you too babe." You both continued sitting there in comfortable silence. 
A gust of wind blew from time to time, tossing Nat's kinda shortish hair right in your face but you didn't mind that, the birds chirped and the ducks that were on the lake quacked. The soft rustling of trees intruded your ears as if it was a soundtrack playing in the background of a movie. And then there was suddenly the noise of a bike starting and driving off. You guessed that it was Yelena leaving. But before you two got up you to go back inside, you watched some cute little ducks walking on the shore a few feet from you.
The rest of the day contained a lot of giggling, chasing each other around the house and making out. Towards the evening you had a very romantic candle light dinner that you both helped to get it done. To top it all off you two had a very intimate night with the promise of repeating everything at one point in the future.
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wordbunch · 11 months
a little secret (Bilbo x f!reader)
a/n: my brain wrote this on its own while i re-watched the hobbit trilogy twice within like, a week, so... there is that!! it's been sitting in my drafts for months??? anyway it's just a fluffy little piece cause he is an absolute cinnamon roll (i've been neglecting him too much and i'm gonna fix it) 💖 let me know ur thoughts and opinions, and please be so kind to reblog? 🥺 i'm exciteddd to be back and figuring out new things to post!
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Yet another all-day-long march was behind them, and the setting sun signaled that it was time to set up camp for the night, and rest, as much as it was possible by sleeping on the ground and eating tiny portions of anything that was at all edible.
[y/n] let her weighty bag plop down onto the rough forest terrain and she let out a weary sigh, stretching her back and arms as much as it was humanly possible, wishing she could stretch away the negative feelings and thoughts that plagued her mind on that particular day.
As soon as Bilbo neatly stored his belongings near the bark of a tree, which seemed like a moderately comfortable spot to take a break in, his eyes keenly followed the movements and expressions of his beloved, who was uncharacteristically quiet and perhaps even sorrowful during the day. Normally she would put her things next to his and enjoy the few short hours of peace, but this time she just tossed them onto a random patch of grass and turned her back to him and the rest of the company, who were already discussing dinner. Before anyone asked her to weigh in with her opinion, she took the chance to walk away and among the trees, away from the commotion of the dwarves. 
Bilbo's curious eyes followed the shape of her in the shadows as long as they could, but soon enough she was out of sight and, inevitably, he began to worry immediately. As much as he wanted to let her have a few minutes of silence and contemplation, it was too dangerous for any of them to go wandering around alone, especially while exhausted in every way; so his anxiety got the best of him, and even though it was nice to finally sit down for a moment, he had to make sure she was alright.
She was expecting he would follow after her shortly, as she stood among the trees and hugged her own arms for extra warmth; trees were swaying in a chilly breeze as the last rays of sun painted them in saturated hues. The moment she heard some shuffling she turned around cautiously, but sighed in relief at the sight of her favorite (as a matter of fact, the only one she knew) hobbit. A small smile stretched her lips, without quite reaching her eyes, and that’s all it took for Bilbo to all but run to her and pull her close.
“What’s the matter, sweetheart?” he spoke, albeit a little bit breathlessly, as soon as he reached the taller woman. “All day you have been acting…differently.” He murmured with caution, hoping not to offend her with his probing.
[y/n] released a shaky breath and shook her head slightly, looking down at his hands on her waist. Even though she felt like she would start crying if she spoke up, she didn’t want Bilbo to think she was keeping something from him; she knew him well enough to know he would surely overthink it later in the night, instead of sleeping.
“You know you can tell me anything,” he urged her in a soft voice, reaching up to her cheek and stroking it with the back of his hand. “Even if it’s about something that i’ve done,” he added, half-jokingly.
After a string of rough days packed with danger and uncertainty, she was rather moved by the display of tenderness, and she felt her lower lip quiver. At last her eyes, that were brimming with tears and exhaustion, met his, and he let out a quiet gasp. [y/n] could swear he looked like he could start crying only at seeing her like that.
“i just- I cannot,” she confessed shakily, while he pulled her as close to him as possible, “I cannot really handle all of this right now. I’m so tired, a-and there are so many terrifying things going on all the time, and it seems like this whole undertaking might never end, and I just can’t,” she rambled on, trying her best to fight the tears that wanted to spill. The grip she had on the hobbit’s shoulders was so strong, as if he was going to evaporate if she let him go. It was terrible for him to see her feeling that way, and for a second he felt a stab of guilt - maybe he was failing her - but he had to fix it as soon as he could. Both of his hands found a way to her tear stained face, and he gazed at her with so much love and understanding that she could have melted right in that moment. [y/n] wrapped her fingers around one of his wrists to ground herself in reality.
“My beautiful flower, most beautiful in all the world,” Bilbo began, speaking so lowly that only she could hear him, “do you want to know a little secret?” he raised his eyebrows with a playful glint in his eyes and a smirk on his lips. If he couldn’t make her smile, then what was the point of anything at all? She immediately recognized a small attempt at cheering her up, and her heart fluttered in her chest. she really considered herself lucky amid all the chaos.
“Yes, dearest,” she sniffed, but the beginning of a smile was playing on her lips too.
"I can’t either,” he chuckled airily, with a small shake of his head, “but with you by my side, maybe I can. And all of this has been… well, insane, to say the least, but it won’t last forever. I mean, I really hope so.” [y/n] finally laughed, and a tremendous weight was lifted off of his chest. Bilbo stood a little taller as he looked up at her with more hopeful eyes.
“But sometimes insane things lead to beautiful things, I suppose,” he continued, still cradling her face as if it was made of the finest glass, and his smile was contagious as she let those words sink in. “Trust me, I would love nothing more than to be at home with you right now, holding you close, wrapping you in blankets when you get cold, bringing you breakfast every. single. morning,” he accentuated his words with three taps of his finger to the tip of her nose, and her giggle warmed him up from his curls to his toes. “And look at the stars with you on every clear night, and read by the fire together, and chase away visitors because I want you only to myself…” he trailed off, suddenly very aware that she was looking at him with such open love that he needed to remind himself to breathe before continuing. “And, petal, I promise you, very soon we will be doing exactly that, we just need to finish up this-this little dwarven errand.” 
[y/n] all but threw herself over him in a haphazard hug, drawing out a startled laugh from the hobbit.
“Thank you,” she muttered into his hair. “I cannot wait to do all those things with you.”
“Anything for you, my love,” he replied, “and until then… even if we can’t, we can’t together.”
taglist my beloved @starlady66 @queenmeriadoc @entishramblings @thesolarangel @silversword7000 @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @averys-place @valkyriepirate @emmaarenstarr @noldorin-painter @asianbutnotjapanese @adamgetawaydriver @fenharel-enaste @ironmandeficiency @starryeyedrogue @dinofromspac3 @wisheduponastar @lady-of-imladris @frodo-cinnamonroll @unethicallypleistocene @deadlymistletoe @suncran @high-sea-husbands @asianbutnoteastasian @aidansloth @moth-makay
@bubbleyukismile @kitexvi @herstudios @babe-bombadil
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torusdove · 11 months
— Amor suave.
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Pairing: Satoru Gojo + you
Author's note: 'm a teeny tiny bit obsessed with this man lately, hehe.
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Gojo Satoru was rarely quiet. He was a whirlwind of constant motion and sound, a lively presence that never seemed to rest. His voice was a symphony of words and laughter, an ever-present melody that danced through the air.
His expressive gestures were like punctuation marks, adding exclamation points to his every statement. With bright, sparkling eyes that radiated enthusiasm, he had an uncanny ability to turn even the most mundane of moments into a lively conversation.
It was only natural for him to be the centre of a bustling room, where his gregarious nature shone like a beacon. Satoru thrived on interaction, easily striking up conversations with the old ladies on the street, children running around after school, and even salarymen who seemed beat on the subway back home. To him, silence was a foreign concept.
He was the first to share exciting news, the loudest to celebrate a success, but also the most comforting presence during hard times.
In his presence, life was an adventure, and silence, a rare and fleeting visitor.
That didn’t mean, however, that Satoru was unfamiliar with situations wherein silence seemed to be the only visitor.
As the sun bled her last rays of red across the horizon, casting a beautiful, gold sheen across the rivers, you approached the front door.
With a sigh that seemed to carry the weight of the day, you pushed the door open after irritatingly having to fight the familiar resistance of the door.
For a mere second, you let your tired silhouette slip against the doorway, shoulder slouched under the weight of the day’s demands. Your eyes slipped to the black shoes that had been flicked beside the shoe cabinet, instead of put inside it, as you had told him numerous amount of times before.
The world outside seemed to fade away slowly at the familiar scene, a heavy exhale that transformed into a breathy chuckle accompanying your moving feet. The scent of the familiar home, your familiar home, embraced your exhausted body in a tight hug, welcoming you home.
In the dimly lit room, a figure stirred on the couch, looking up with eyes that held a recognition of shared weariness. A smile, tired but genuine, formed on the lips of the one waiting patiently. Without a word, your feet dragged you across the room, shedding the burdens of the day like layers of heavy armour.
Your head felt too heavy to hold up any longer, body limping down onto the couch and your head finding comfort on the soft flesh of his thighs. His fingers found their home in your hair, softly combing through the strands as his lips settled on your temple, lingering long enough for it to be considered some sort of embrace.
The action spoke volumes, a silent understanding passing through his mindless gestures of love. The fatigue of the day began to dissipate in the comfort of the familiar touch, the comfort of his love.
Home wasn’t just a place: it was the refuge found in the arms of your loved one.
There was no need for words to be exchanged, to fill the silent space up with verbal communication. The challenges faced, and the victories won were conveyed through soft kisses, gentle squeezes and soft breaths.
In that very moment, the world outside ceased to matter. The shared silence spoke louder than any conversation could.
As you turned over to catch a glimpse of his eyes, a glance exchanged between tired eyes. Eyes that held promises of shared evenings, shared burdens, and shared joys.
Your body gave up entirely, sinking into his completely, surrendering yourself entirely with everything that came with you. Like a silent affirmation of his presence, of his support, of his love, his hand found yours and subtly intertwined his fingers with yours into an organised mess.
The world beyond the walls of home could wait. In the quiet comfort of your shared space, the echoes of a tiring day were replaced with the soft murmur of shared whispers, a sanctuary found in the presence of a loved one.
Gojo Satoru was rarely ever quiet, but the times he was, he was just as comforting.
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floral-force · 1 year
Fire Up the Engines - oneshot
din djarin x female reader, mechanic!reader (no y/n)
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summary: Din Djarin's ship is in need of intense repairs, and he lands in Peli's hangar for help. The witty mechanic assisting Peli with the work might be too enticing and seductive for Din to ignore.
words: 5.9k+
warnings: Explicit, 18+ ONLY; smut (rough sex, fingering, p-in-v), unprotected sex
note: this is filth. plain and simple. have you ever thought about fucking din in his ship? me too--so i wrote a fic. read on ao3 | fic masterlist
Peli shielded her eyes from Tatooine’s blazing twin suns to watch the pre-Empire ship that was landing in her hanger, its engines roaring. She grinned as Din Djarin walked down its lowered ramp with Grogu in the satchel across his chest. He met her where she stood in the shaded tool shed, light bouncing off his armor and onto the curved ceiling.
“Didn’t expect to see you back so soon! But I’d never turn down a chance to see my little buddy!”
Grogu chirped at her and looked up at Din, wiggling around. His helmet tilted back slightly and he sighed, lifting the child out of the satchel and handing him to Peli. He popped his hand on his hip and let the surrogate aunt coo and bounce his strange, adopted child in her arms, the large ears on his wrinkled green head perked up. Din knew Grogu liked visiting Peli—she coddled him almost more than Din did. Aside from that, he could never deny one of the few people he trusted Grogu’s affection.
“I need some repairs,” he stated, watching some of her droids hesitantly pick up toolboxes.
“Already? I just got you this while you were here helping the other guy! Should be as good as—well, not new, but as good as we got it when you were here.”
Din exhaled and crossed his arms. “I had a rough couple of bounties.”
“And raiders.”
Her eyes widened and she shook her head. “Well, thank the Force you made it here. If it’s really that bad, then I think I need to contact one of my guys.” 
“I don—”
She waved a hand and shushed him. “Before you even start, I trust this one. She’s my go-to when I know that only using my droids won’t be enough.”
Din rolled his shoulders back and looked at Grogu, who tilted his head and gurgled. He sighed and simply said, “Fine.”
“Alright!” She smiled, her missing tooth adding to the charisma and brightness that she managed to bring no matter where she went. “I’ll go give her a quick call. Shouldn’t be long.”
Din took a step forward and extended his arms. Grogu’s tiny claws wiggled at Peli as she gently passed him off to Din, telling him she’d be back soon with a snack for him. Din cradled the child in his left arm and turned to face the hangar. His visor settled on a crate on the other side, his boots kicking up tiny puffs of sand as he walked over to it under the suns’ relentless rays. The clan of two was soon hidden again in the shade, Din’s knees cracking as he sat on the crate. 
“What do you think, kid?” he asked, running his index finger along one of Grogu’s large, pointed ears. 
“Patu,” Grogu chirped, tilting his head in response, his large brown eyes fixed on Din’s beskar helmet.
Din nodded in agreement and tried to ignore the heat of Tatooine even as he sat in the shade. He hoped that Peli’s contact would be over sooner rather than later and would help make short work of the damage his attackers had done before he blasted them to bits.
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Din watched her with crossed arms as she inspected the ship with Peli, her brow furrowing when she noticed a dent or carbon scoring. She was constantly taking notes on her holopad, wiping her brow while she wrote and listened to Peli. At one point, she squatted down ten feet in front of where Din stood to point something out to Peli—a couple tubes were exposed, the metal covering completely blown off—and his eyes lingered too long on the wet spots that had already formed on her back before they trailed down further. He had to avert his eyes, turning his head ever so slightly. 
After what felt like hours, she walked over to where he stood in the shade with Grogu at his feet, curiously peeking out from behind his calf. She chuckled at the green toddler, wiping her brow as her eyes settled onto his visor.
“So, Mando, you’ve had quite the adventure, huh?” she asked, the corner of her lips quirking up into a smile.
“You could say that.”
“I think the carbon scoring and the busted turbine in one of your engines said it for me,” she teased, looking down at her holopad and leaning on her hip. “Well, it might take until the suns set, but Peli and I can get it done. It’ll set you back, though.”
“I can pay.”
She looked up at him through her lashes and his heart quickened when he noticed her gaze linger on his utility built, grazing slowly back up to his helmet. “I’m sure you can.”
He hesitated, his pulse pounding in his ears as she smiled coyly at him. Din was good for the money—and whatever else she desired from him. 
She finally broke her gaze, turning over her shoulder to wave at Peli and give her a thumbs up. Peli nodded and started rounding her droids up and yelling at them to pick up their tools and hustle for her best customer. When she turned back around to face Din, he focused on how soft her lips looked as she flashed him yet another killer smile. He tried his best not to let his eyes get too greedy taking in her figure, but he couldn’t help stop himself from watching a bead of sweat travel down her neck and across the ridge of her collarbone, slipping into her cleavage. A heat rushed throughout his body, and it wasn’t from the brutal midday heat. 
“Well, um…I’ll get to it then.” She rubbed the back of her neck and took a step back towards the tool shed. “Shouldn’t be long, Mando. I’ll try not to keep you waiting.”
Din stared at her as she turned and walked away, his attention stolen by the way her long brown cargo pants perfectly outlined her ass. 
Grogu’s chirps snapped him out of his trance, and he picked his son up, letting him nestle into the bend of his arm.
“You hungry?” he asked, looking down at his son. “Me too.”
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After taking Grogu to a nearby market for a meal and ration restock, he arrived back to the hangar as the suns were setting. The sky was turning a light shade of pink, purple melting into it as dusk approached. He saw Peli’s droids wiping down different parts of his ship with polishing rags, their binary chatter filling the empty evening air.
“Make that hunk’a junk sparkle!” Peli yelled, her hands on her hips.
“Thought you said my ship was in the best condition you’d ever seen for what it was.”
She jumped around in surprise, her unique smile lighting up the hangar as he stepped into it from the entryway. “Mando! You’re back right in time. Droids are polishing her up, and she’s finishing up one last thing with one of the guns.”
Din nodded, feeling Grogu wiggle in the satchel. “Can I set these things down in the hull?” he asked, lifting the bags of rations—and a few special treats Grogu had waved into Din’s basket with his powers—he carried in his hands.
“Go right ahead! But before you do—” Peli ran in front of him and held her hands out. “Lemme have the little womp rat! I gotta show him how to kick butt at cards.”
Din heard Grogu babble up at him, and he sighed, setting the heavy bags down. Those eyes were his biggest weakness. He gently took the satchel off, handing the gurgling bundle off to a very excited Peli. He watched her walk away with a spring her step, responding to Grogu’s chirps with colorful commentary. He shook his head and chuckled under the helmet. Something told him Grogu would leave Tatooine even morespoiled than the last time they’d visited. 
He pressed a button on his vambrace, and the ramp lowered. Din picked the bags up again, his muscles straining with the weight, but it was nothing he couldn’t handle; Tatooine just made every physical task more tiring than it was to begin with. He walked up and into his ship, heading over to the ration crate. Din dropped the bags in with a grunt, then put his hands on his hips, satisfied. After raising the ramp and closing the ship up, he dropped to one knee and sifted through the bags, looking for Grogu’s special treats so he could set them aside. 
“You’ve got quite a unique ship, Mando.”
Din immediately drew his blaster, his head snapping up so he could better his aim at the woman in front of him.
“Whoa! It’s me!” she said, throwing her hands up. Her clothes had splotches of dirt and grease on them, the palms of her working gloves dirtied as well. There was a smear of grease on her cheek, and it wrinkled when she smiled at him. The sweat on her brow and under her eyes sent a chill down his spine; it was oddly enticing, highlighting features he hadn’t noticed earlier.
He should know better by now when it came to Peli and trusting people. It only got him into trouble he hadn’t wanted in the first place. 
And this mechanic was the epitome of trouble, her seductive smile and enticing body only fueling the growing fire within him.
He squeezed his blaster, the pinch of his glove snapping him back to the present threat. “How did you get in here?” Din asked, his voice darkening.
“I was fixing the gun and had to open the belly up a bit to get to some wires. I ended up over by the privy.” When Din didn’t lower his blaster, she quickly added, “Don’t worry, I didn’t touch anything! You do a good enough job messing her up on your own.”
Din answered her quip with silence. Her smile fell, and she looked down at the floor. He kept his blaster raised only so he could keep her in front of him—he wanted to take in every part of her that he didn’t get to earlier, from her messy hair to her scuffed-up boots. The cargo pants she wore were now stained with dirt and grease, and they hugged her perfectly in the thighs—and he knew from earlier that they made her ass look delicious, too. They were sloppily cuffed over leather lace-up boots, but he paid no mind to them. His mind was focused solely on how fast he could undo the belt cinched around her waist and gain access to the skin hidden under fabric and mesh. The thought alone was enough to send a chill down his spine and make his cock twitch; she was totally clothed and yet his head grew heavy with lust.
Din had to wrench his eyes up and away from the belt; any longer, and he knew his cock would grow visibly hard. The gray sleeveless shirt she wore clung to her body, grease and other random splotches lightly patterning it. His eyes landed on her chest, and he noticed that she was breathing a little heavier than she had been earlier, her chest rising and falling in a rhythm driven by nerves and, maybe, anticipation. The straps of the sleeveless top rested on top of darker ones, which led him to believe that she was wearing some sort of bra; Din made a mental note to take care of that when the time came. He’d been too busy studying the way sweat dripped into her cleavage to have noticed it earlier. Even in the cool hull of the ship, her bare arms and shoulders glistened with sweat. Her gloved hands were trembling so softly that Din wouldn’t have noticed if he hadn’t been imagining them clutching his armor.
Under his scrutiny, she felt her skin tingle. Her heart was starting to speed up, banging against her ribs, pumping her blood full of adrenaline. Underneath the anxiety, though, was a hint of excitement. Something about the void of the visor sucked her right in, dropping her into a black pool of desire—desire.
He tilted his helmet up at her, and her eyes caught the movement. He stood and holstered his blaster, and she dropped her hands, a sigh escaping her lips. Din took a step closer, invading her space. Her breath caught in her throat as she looked up at him through her lashes. Din clenched his fists when she bit her bottom lip and looked down at the ground again. He almost wanted her to see his growing erection, wantedher to see that she was close to pushing him past the point of no return.
“You’re a man of few words,” she quietly remarked, her heart fluttering a bit when he tilted his head to the side.
“I’m more of a man of action.”
His smooth voice ran over her like water after a long day, seeping into her bones—but his voice was pure gasoline, lighting her insides on fire instead of quenching her thirst for more. Heat rushed to her cheeks, and she gingerly placed a gloved hand on his chest, the metal dividing them. Din didn’t even care that he’d have to polish it and work a little harder to get the grease and grime off it; his thoughts were clouded with her, desire starting to overtake him.
“Wanna show me, Mando?”
Her sultry invitation sent flames through his veins. She yelped when his hands pushed her back into the wall near the ladder to the cockpit; her coy smile up at him and soft nod let him know that she liked it. The force of him pushing her back and pressing her against the cold metal wall added fuel to the growing fire he’d lit within her, and she squirmed when she felt a throb between her legs. She squeezed her eyes shut and bit her lower lip. Din wished he could be the one tugging on it with his teeth, but he’d have to settle with the show she was giving him, her lovely face’s demure expression beginning to melt and reveal the neediness below the surface.
Din used her need to his advantage, crowding into her, slotting his left thigh between her legs. He could hear her soft pants, his helmet close enough that the hot exhales fogged up the beskar. The way her legs shifted to welcome his leg gave her growing arousal away. He chuckled, and she immediately perked up, her eyes opening and centering back on his visor. Her pupils were blown, her lips gently parted, sweat gathering again on her forehead because of the Mandalorian pressing up against her. Din drank it all in, his lips parted underneath his helmet, eyes heavy with want.
She whined and looked up when his hands trailed slowly down from her shoulders to her chest, the rough leather dragging across the sensitive, sticky skin. 
“Do you want more?” 
Her eyes dropped back to his visor. She nodded enthusiastically, whispering yes please touch me more as Din traced a finger back up to her shoulder, his cock aching in response to her plea. When he took a small step back, she whimpered, already feeling an ache at the loss of his thigh and the pressure from his armor. 
She kept her eyes on his helmet, watching it turn to the left as he toyed with the straps on her shoulder, pulling them up with two fingers. 
“Take these—” He released the straps, the snap against her skin making her whine, “—Off.”
He took his hands off her, taking a few more steps back so he could take all of her in. He dropped a hand over the bulge in his pants and roughly palmed it through his pants as she lifted the dirty shirt over her head, letting it fall to the floor. Din choked and his cock throbbed when she pulled her banded bra off, finally revealing her tits. He noticed her nipples pebble almost immediately, accenting the soft skin she’d been hiding from him all this time. 
“Fuck,” he growled, closing the short distance between them with heavy, needy steps.
She giggled when he lifted her off her feet, moving her back to the wall, closer to the ladder this time. He set her down with a low groan that sent electric shocks throughout her body and heat to her cheeks. She closed her eyes, her mind racing as much as her heart was. She wanted to run her hands across his body, finger the uncovered parts of him, work him and unravel him as much as he was doing it to her.
She was also perfectly happy to let the Mandalorian grip her skin hard and tight, make her hiss when he pinched her nipples between gloved fingers, and to let him press into her, the cold metal of his armor leaving shallow indents in her skin. His roughness enticed her and made her burn even more, the heat starting to pool in her core, more dripping down with every squeeze of her ass and heady groan that escaped his lips.
The clang of metal hitting metal disrupted her thoughts of peeling the armor off piece by piece, and she looked down to see the Mandalorian on his knees, his helmet fixed on her face. When his hands came to grip her shins, she closed her eyes and let the back of her head hit the wall, arousal pooling low in her core and dampening her panties. She giggled when one of his hands squeezed her thigh, almost missing the low groan that slipped out of him. 
“So fucking sexy,” he purred, his hands now running up and down her legs, the pads of his fingers digging in and applying pressure.
Her knees trembled, and the whine that slipped out of her mouth made him pause for a moment. Din Djarin wasn’t normally greedy, but in this moment, he wanted to own every part of her. Every part of her demanded attention, and he was determined to be the only one who could tame and satiate her. He wanted to be the one she thought of when she touched herself, the one she compared every other person to, the one who drove her crazy with lust.
Din knew exactly where to strike next to make his purpose clear.
He looked up at her, the skin of her torso glistening with sweat, her breasts tempting him and teasing him. Din edged his right hand down to her knee, and his left resumed stroking up and down. With no ceremony or grace, he looped his arm under her left leg and lifted it, adjusting his position and her leg so her knee came to rest on his shoulder, the cool metal of his pauldron slowly seeping through the fabric of her pants. She gasped and her hands clutched the wall, her left landing on a rung of the ladder. Din smiled under his helmet at the sight of her, half naked and unconsciously rocking her hips towards his helmet.
He cupped his left hand against her hidden sex, and she whined, pressing down for some sort of release. His quiet laughter at her neediness only made her cunt ache more, his roughness only turning her on more.
“Please, touch me,” she panted, her knuckles white and skin sensitive.
“I already am.” When she groaned at his snarky answer, he abruptly pressed the palm of his hand against her with more pressure, whisking the irritation right out of her mind. “You’ll have to be more specific.”
Her head felt light as he began to slowly rub his hand back and forth, the broad pressure and sensation making her wetter by the second. She managed to collect herself and mumble between pants and whimpers, “Please…Please touch my…touch my pussy.”
“Good girl.”
The purred praise made her body shake and the whine that she released was music to Din’s ears. Under the helmet, a devilish grin spread across his face as he lowered her leg off his shoulder and then quickly undid her belt, throwing it to the side, the tools attached to it clattering on the metal ground. All she could do was watch him stand up and yank her pants and underwear down to her boots. She hissed when cold air hit her hot skin, her naked body on display to the Mandalorian. Leather traced down her legs as she drew her arms back in to her body. She tore her gloves off and let her bare hands find their way to her tits, massaging them and slipping over the sweat that had gathered on her skin. 
“Wish I could just cut these in two,” she heard him growl before forcing her to spread her legs as much as she could.
“Gotta make it challenging somehow,” she teased.
He nodded, his left arm wrapping around her waist, lifting her off the wall a bit. His left leg came to rest between hers, and she whimpered when he pushed against her right leg, forcing her to stay spread open for him. Din’s free hand came to rest on her cheek before pushing her hands out of the way so he could roughly massage her tits, the force of it all making her melt. He could smell her—sweat, grease, lust—as he bent his neck and nudged his helmet against her head, pleased when her hands gripped his wrist, begging him to explore her further.
He straightened up, his helmet once again focused on her, her wide eyes and sweaty brow giving him a primal satisfaction that rushed to his cock. He saw her eyes dart to the obvious bulge, and as her hands started to make a dive for it, he clicked his tongue and snatched her wrists in his hand.
“Not yet,” he said in response to her whine. “Keep massaging those pretty tits of yours for me, baby.”
She nodded, immediately doing as told. When he interrupted her, taking one of her hands in his, she gave him a quizzical look, catching her breath. “Something wrong?”
“Take the glove off for me, pretty girl.”
Her plush lips spread into an eager smile, and she quickly yanked his glove off. Before he could work any lower, she looked right into his visor and gripped his wrist, bringing his index and middle fingers to her lips. Din sharply inhaled when she took them into her mouth, her tongue swirling around them, carving patterns only she knew into his skin. His cock was heavy and ready, and Din had to bite the inside of his cheek so he didn’t just fuck her right where she stood. Her pretty lips wrapped around his fingers, and she moaned at the salty taste of his skin, knowing exactly where his fingers were going next when she took them out of her mouth with a pop.
Din pulled his hand out of her weak grip, reaching between her legs and sliding between her folds. He focused on her the entire time, his helmet never focused on anything other than her face, perspiration sitting at her hairline. Noticing hers made him suddenly feel the sweat dripping down his neck and temples, physical proof of the heat from his motion and of the fire within him. 
When his fingers graced over her clit, she jumped and hissed, arching and bucking into him. He pushed further back, and when his fingers grazed over her slit, a loud whine filled the hull, a moan trailing after it when he slipped a digit into her. He exhaled a gentle laugh at her neediness as he listened to her begs for more, more fill the air. He could feel her walls already starting to tighten, and he couldn’t deny her any longer. 
Din slowly pulled his finger out of her slick cunt, trailing it back up and adding a second to rub slow circles on the sensitive bud. She keened and pressed her hands against his shoulders at his achingly slow touch, her fingers clutching at his pauldrons. Heat ran through her, sweat dripping down her forehead and starting to collect behind her knees as she chased her climax. The Mandalorian’s fingers worked her clit perfectly, her achingly empty cunt starting to tighten and flutter. He sensed her growing desperation and traced his fingers back to her slit, the pads of them circling and dragging the slick that leaked out of her around her entrance. She whined even louder, moaning and begging and bucking her hips forward. 
“You’ve been so good for me,” Din purred, his head light. “And you know what good girls get?”
She opened her eyes and shook her head.
“They get to come for me.”
As Din spoke, he slid two thick fingers inside of her, her gasp making him grin in satisfaction. Her eyes went wide, and then she squeezed them shut, her entire body tensing up. Din pumped his fingers, his left hand splaying across her back to hold her steady and support her as she reached her peak. Her mouth fell open, her eyelids fluttering. He curled his fingers and stroked back and forth in a certain spot he’d noticed had been making her cry out, focusing all his attention there. Din was rewarded with a strangled cry and felt her tighten around him, even her legs getting tense.
“Look at me.”
Din’s command broke through her ecstasy. Her eyes opened and focused on him. A bead of sweat trailed down her neck—he wished he could lick it up with his tongue.
“Don’t hold back,” Din grunted, “Be a good girl and come for me.”
She kept her eyes open as her jaw dropped, a silent scream escaping her open mouth as her climax set her on fire. Her legs shook and Din licked his lips as her cunt pulsed and contracted around his fingers, dragging his fingers against that spot one last time before pulling them out. Her chest heaved up and down, waves of pleasure and flames of want still clashing within her. She whined at the empty feeling, then yelped in surprise when he slid his fingers into her mouth, her orgasm still coating them.
“Taste yourself.” Din’s helmet tilted up slightly as he slid them into her mouth all the way to the knuckle. She stared at him as her tongue went to work, eagerly licking his fingers clean. Her head was heavy with pleasure, and she worked fast so her empty cunt could be filled again.
“Good fucking girl,” Din growled. He slid his fingers out of her mouth and placed his hand on her waist. He took a moment to take in her sweaty skin, his eyes scanning her again, plotting his next move.
He wanted that tongue on his cock, but he’d tortured himself enough. 
From the look in her eyes, Din could tell she knew it too.
Under the helmet, he spotted two crates stacked on top of each other to his left. His eyes went back to her, and before she had time to process what was happening, he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her off the ground. She squealed, stumbling when he roughly set her down. After she caught her balance, he pushed her lower back down, forcing her to bend over. The slight arch of her back skillfully presented the thighs and ass she’d kept hidden under the cargo pants; the seductive sight of it caused Din to already start to unravel.
“How’s the view?”
Her cheeky question made him laugh as he quickly undid his belt and dropped his pants enough for his cock to spring out, the tip leaking sticky beads of fluid. He stroked himself, giving her plump ass a smack with his gloved hand and enjoying the way it moved. She recoiled and hissed at the sting, but it sent a jolt of electricity through her, the fire in her core sparked and growing again. 
“I love it,” he said, accenting his statement with another spank. 
He pressed the fat head of his cock against her slit, soaking it in her arousal and groaning at how wet she still was. Din guided his cock up and down through her folds with his bare hand, biting his lip when he felt her juices start to coat his fingers. Slowly, he started to rock his hips into her, his restrained moans joining her shameless begging as his cock glided back and forth from her slick entrance to her clit and back again at a faster pace. He placed his hands on her hips and massaged the sensitive skin, enjoying the warmth of it. It was torture for both, flames engulfing them and demanding attention. She gasped and mewled—Mando, Mando, fuck—and pressed her ass back as much as she could just to feel more of him. The desire to be full of him was overriding everything else within her, and Din had teased himself long enough.
“Fuck, I can’t take it anymore,” he growled, his fingers digging into her flesh.
He slid into her cunt, her walls still slick from the orgasm he pulled out of her. Her moan echoed in the hull and bounced around in his helmet, a sound he never wanted to forget. A moan slipped from Din’s mouth after he buried himself to the hilt inside of her, a strangled groan and growl from deep in his throat. 
“Stars, you fill me up so fucking good,” she mewled, a sharp thrust eliciting a high-pitched whimper immediately after.
Din’s brow furrowed and sweat dripped down his temples. He was already close to spilling, his cock throbbing as he fucked her, his speed increasing after her praise. The obscene sound of skin slapping skin reverberated in the hull, the canvas that they painted with their moans and whines. Her ass bounced beautifully with every thrust, and the way his greedy gloved hand massaged the meaty flesh sent jolts of pleasure throughout her body.
She had never been fucked like this—so primal, rough, fast—and it made her cunt clamp around him again. When he placed his bare hand on the small of her back and pushed down, pressing her into the crate, she gasped, her fingers flexing out for stability. The new angle allowed his cock to drive into her, filling her to the brim even more than he already had. She whined and her cries grew louder, finally turning her head to try to see the Mandalorian. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw his helmet was tilted back, his groans so loud that they overpowered the vocoder in his helmet. 
He was raw and burning and harsh. The way he fucked her without mercy made her eyes roll back into her head; he impaled her on his length and she loved it. Every thrust was pushing her closer to the edge again, and she made sure he knew it. She twisted her arm to find the wrist on her back and gripped it. The contact caused his hips to stutter briefly as she started to meet his thrusts with needy movements of her own, pushing back with her ass to chase her growing orgasm. He was lavishing her with aggressive attention, slamming into her just to prove his point, driving her further into pleasure. Her mouth fell open, eyebrows scrunching together as his cock tore through her and shocked her entire body.
“Please don’t stop—Mando—fuck, I-I’m so fucking close, I’m right fucking there,” she whined, moaning Mando over and over, a prayer that flooded his entire body with fire, shooting electricity into his veins.
She moaned and her walls fluttered around him, the movement making his head light and his breath quicken. He fucked into her faster, harder, relentlessly so he could follow with her. Din’s grip on her tightened as his thrusts became erratic. She was already committing this to memory—his sharp thrusts, the modulated groans and growls, the full feeling in her core—just so she could pleasure herself to it again.
There was only one piece missing—one thing that would send her toppling over the edge. She forced her lips to close again, willing her muscles to work so she could speak coherently.
“Breed me,” she groaned, twisting to look at him with drool dripping down her chin.
The sight alone nearly tipped Din over the edge, but he held back just to fuck her a few moments more. He wanted to selfishly relish in the way he’d made her look, all messy and subdued. Tamed. And now, she wanted to be bred, claimed. 
She had pushed him to the edge, made his cock throb against her walls. Din gasped and grunted as he kept fucking her, knowing he couldn’t deny himself much longer.
“I wanna be fucking leaking after this,” she growled, gritting her teeth. “Breed me, Mando.”
Din threw his head back at her demand, screwing his eyes shut as he felt himself tip over the edge. She growled when he yanked his hand out of her grasp to grip her hip, slamming her back onto his cock. Their animalistic grunts and moans reached a crescendo as Din felt her cunt clench around him right as he erupted, his cock entirely sheathed inside of her. Din groaned with every pulse of his cock, the tight grip he had on her hips slowly loosening. She was gasping, her body shaking with the force of her orgasm.
Din pulled out with a hiss, and he spread her cheeks with his hands, stepping back and tilting his head. His seed was already spilling out of her hole, and she gasped when he gently fingered it back inside of her.
“Can’t waste a single drop of this,” he murmured, licking his lips.
Her small laugh was muffled. He stepped back and gingerly sheathed his cock as she slowly stood up on shaking legs. 
“Your ship is a real—ah—piece of work,” she said as she tugged her pants back on, using too much force and irritating her still-sensitive cunt. 
“You may have mentioned that,” Din replied.
Din watched as she walked over to her discarded shirt and bra, smiling to himself when he noticed how her gait was a little more awkward than it had been before he bent her over and fucked her senseless. The proof of it was on his fingers, but he destroyed the sweet evidence with a quick wipe of a cloth lying in his rack. The hole she’d climbed out of was nearby, her tools forgotten about. He looked at it, then at her. Sweat glistened on her chest and forehead, the smear of grease on her cheek had disappeared—smudged off on the crate as he fucked her, most likely.
She shot him a shy smile and turned around to pick up her tool belt, facing him again as she strapped it back on. Her work gloves lay near the ladder, and she bent over to grab them. His gaze made her skin feel hot and nervous, but excited. Her body was already begging for more, the fire still raging despite the water thrown on it.
Her fingers toyed with the gloves, and she tapped the toe of one scuffed boot into the metal floor. Her eyes were focused on the floor, teeth worrying her bottom lip. She slowly looked back up at the Mandalorian, trying to push back thoughts of their animalistic sex and the dull throbbing of her cunt. 
“Maybe you could use a mechanic,” she shrugged, a playful smile teasing across her lips.
“Yeah,” Din nodded. “I think I could.”
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taglist: @charlottetownwaffles @theamuz @jellybeanstacey0519 @elinedjarin @kaqua @tortor-mcgee @tizylish @graciexmarvel @dheet @kalea-bane @mymindfuckery
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Text below is transcribed from Ray Lederer's 2012 blogpost about Adam Adamowicz after Adam had passed away.
Both were artists on Skyrim and shared an office together. They were very very close.
[Ray Lederer (L) and Adam Adamowicz (R)]
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-Tuesday, February 14, 2012
I first met Adam when I started working at a tiny game development studio in Boulder, Colorado back in 1998 called Devil’s Thumb Entertainment. I walked into the studio on my first day of work and I’m pretty sure The Cramps were playing full blast from his general direction. There he was, sun baked and surrounded with what at the time I assumed were rare Jaimie Hewlett sketches pasted up around him, loads of cds and flyers for rockabilly rollerderby raver chicks with squids on their heads. ‘Welcome to the monster factory!’ he said and I thought instantly ‘Oh hell yeah! I came to the right place!’ It didn’t take long to figure out that what I thought were Jaimie Hewlett drawings were actually his and to be quite honest were 10 times more appealing and hilarious. (No offense Jaimie!)
When I finally got the chance to see his apartment in Denver I realized I was stepping into the mind of a creative genius. His entire apartment from floor to ceiling, front to back was covered with his paintings, massive cardboard sculptural cat like gargoyles, christmas lights, intricate costumes (designed with little more than a leather jacket, cheap sombrero, toys from a thrift shop, black and silver spray paint and hot glue) flyers for previous rent parties from his old warehouse, Tank Girl comics, Low Rider and American Artist magazines, Thomas Pynchon novels and a constant stream of music. Every square inch was interesting and VITAL and ALIVE. This was an intellect far beyond anyone else I’d ever met and there was not a single hint of pretentiousness to him. His entire life was a beautifully structured and disciplined chaos. Even then I began to see that not only was I in the presence of greatness, I was in the presence of one of the more important illustrators of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. He just didn’t know it yet and neither did anyone else. Quite frankly he wouldn’t give a shit if someone gave him that label. He simply wanted to come up with more ideas and get better at drawing. Period.
Since then we got into many beer soaked adventures that sometimes included late night bike rides through the city streets of Denver with a boom-box strapped to the back blasting Big Audio Dynamite with sparklers hanging off the handlebars(and some stiches on the scalp of yours truly). Dangerously drunken skateboarding with cap guns, ditching psychedelic parties to go laugh our asses off and throw giant rocks in a frozen river, concerts, weekend long patio surfing tours in the Colorado summers, trips to the reservoir to float around wearing finely crafted and thrilling 12pack headgear, lunchtime bike rides up to our favorite outdoor patio Rhumba in Boulder for $2 Red Stripes and then back to work again, and many hours working close to him and learning as much as I could about being an artist and a better human being. He once said to me “I may not be Mozart, but at least I can try to be the Pixies.” He just wanted to entertain people in any way he could.
In his last few days we spent together in the hospital we sat on his hospital bed listening to music for hours, talking, and drawing in our sketchbooks. Our conversations were tinted with what was happening for him in the moment certainly, but mostly we talked about friends, art, music, and life. We spoke without much nostalgia or finality, just very real and present and forward looking despite the circumstances. He kept drawing until he couldn't possibly draw anymore, squeezing every last ounce he could out of life, just as he always had.
Watch papa go to work.
I love you Adam. You continue to be my friend, mentor, and greatest inspiration
Original post can be found here:
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Agreement with the Sun
An Arataki Itto x Reader Fanfic
Tags: Arataki Itto x Ruler!Reader, Fake Marriage, Made-up means of governance for Inazuma haha, SLOW BURN (At least I think it is <3), Reader is reserved but a little arrogant, Workaholic Reader, Himbo! Arataki Itto, Sunshine Arataki Itto, Eventual Fluff
Author's Note: Wow I actually gained the courage and posted this fic! Constructive criticism is much welcomed! Take note, I got too silly...
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First Sunrise, First Moonfall - A Child of Ame-no-Uzume
🎶 O, Sunkissed Moon, beloved by the Sun, Its rays kiss your face, love questioned by none 🎶
He didn’t know what he expected. But, definitely not this.
If only he could get into a spar right now. Bust some bad guys with a jab, left-right, and a 'kapow!' that would be sure to wake him! But instead, the insanely boring stacks and stacks of papers made his eyes heavy even though he usually slept with his eyes open. Like, dude, what were these even for? It was a waste of good trees if you ask Itto.
If only he could catch some awesome beetles, he would have some fun with a bunch of kids by now and finally break his ridiculous losing streak which has been a major headache! However, two out of three cups of tea got cold from the incredibly long conversation by nerds who he would rather not upset unless he wanted to live in a nightmare.
Without having anything fun to do, he just spaced out. After all, Itto was surrounded by walls made of the finest purple silk and materials. Its design resembled the gentle waves of the sea and the eloquent color of electro. He eyed the gifts of foreign jade trinkets, placed proudly on quality wooden tables and the illuminating lanterns crested with Inazuma’s proud element. The scent of fine sakura perfume wafted through the air in the dim yet well lit room in Tenshukaku.
Man. He shouldn’t be spacing out like this! He is Arataki Itto for archon’s sake! The Arataki "Above All, Bold-Blooded" Itto! He can do whatever he wants… So why couldn’t he do all those he would rather do?
Well, it was because of you, The reigning ruler of Inazuma. He didn’t realize there was another ruler other than the Raiden Shogun. He didn’t really care who is in charge of Inazuma as long as he can live life as much as he wants, but maybe, you were also the reason why the humans became friendly to the onis and the rest of the yokai. He huffed, only a little as to not interrupt the conversation you and Shinobu had.
If only he wasn’t so awesomely charming and handsome that night!
You were just looking around that night. You were tiny, small compared to him, maybe, a little shy. With your cloaked figure, were you possibly a traveler?
"Hey, man! You look like you ain't around here!" he chirped as he tapped your shoulder and his hand returned to his hips. "Enjoying the festival so far?"
"Oh. I actually live in Inazuma. I just don't come out often." "An introvert! Hey, gotta respect that. You know, a lot of cool people I know are introverts like the renowned golden-haired traveler! Savior of Dragons, Conqueror of the Abyss, Teyvat's hero! Too bad, they ain't here though. Miss 'em." You nodded at his words as you dropped your hood down. And here it is, Itto always knew he was talented since birth at making friends! You finally lowered your guard, and you even gave him a smile.
…Hm? Pretty?
"Haha. I did meet them. I'm glad they reunited." Oh, so you knew the Traveler’s goals too? You’d have to get pretty close to them to do that. Just who are you, small mysterious person? "I haven't enjoyed the festival yet. I don't really know what to do," you added with fingertips pressed together and an awkward smile.
A smile curled up and a loud boisterous voice emerged from Itto, "Hahaha! Well, you are in luck, my compadre! I, Arataki the "Festival King of Fun and Revelry" Itto is here to serve you! When there's fun to be had, I am most undoubtedly there!" Oh, he could feel that adrenaline pumping into his veins! He has to get the gang into this! He looked over at his growing gang and shouted, "Hey, guys! Let's show 'em how to rock a real Festival!"
That was how the great Arataki Itto managed to get the seemingly-uptight you to a night of holler and laughs. What surprised him the whole night was not during the height of the clinking drinks and shared enthusiasm, but during the distant singing of an old man and the diminishing hype of the night. Shinobu had just pointed out your status as ruler, as the esteemed sun of Inazuma.
No way. No way.
You know how to party, he'll give you that. But, he can't believe he has been picking up, carrying you, oni-handling the second-in-command from the Raiden Shogun like a bunch of boxes… For the whole night no less!
He was also crazy loud, and he hoped he didn't say a joke that was offensive that could ruin his 150-day streak without getting into jail.
He began to shove the feeling of cold sweat in the backroom of his mind, and Itto smirked as his pointer and thumb framed the chin of his gorgeous face, "Heh, looks like Arataki the "Festival king of Fun and Revelry" served a hotshot tonight! Was my service just as awesome as you expected, esteemed sun?"
You let out a laugh. "Mister Arataki, you are adorable."
Shinobu and Itto flinched and widened their eyes. A hoot of laughter was so unusual to see from someone who is deemed stoic by the public. And, a compliment? Surely, Itto has greatly achieved many things tonight compared to everyone else in Inazuma. Of course, it is expected of the oni king! And, "Mister Arataki"? Prissy and pretty name to add to the long list of titles and all, but where did the sudden politeness come from? He just remembered that you were calling him "Itto" as the whole gang hollered while you were trying to scoop some goldfish.
"Of course, I had fun," you grinned.
Phew. Good thing you aren't nitpicky. He bowed exaggeratedly as he chuckled, "I am glad to be of service."
Itto knew you could see how his head was getting bigger than his body now. You smiled a little wider, "I enjoyed it so much that…"
Huh. There's more? Well, he was ready for you to compliment his entertaining charm.
"I wish to be your betrothed. Arataki Itto, will you marry me?" Itto witnessed you shine and sparkle to coax him to agree— you placed your hand on your chest as you knelt down on one knee, staring into his eyes with eager glee.
You met eyes with your day-dreaming future husband, and gave him a welcoming smile in the midst of an important discussion, cold tea, and stacked papers. It was a little forced, but the way he smiled back was so genuine and infectious, your true eloquent smile appeared. His infectious aura and presence was what made you enjoy that night and what made you choose him.
Good. He is the perfect candidate as a husband for you: an intimidating resting face everyone will cower in fear from, then the friendliest smile that knows no inequality, inclusive and outgoing personality, the leader of a gang that has been giving itself a good name in recent years, and no true influence to the government of Inazuma.
You were glad to have met him that night.
It was your time to rest in the stuffy yet plain room. Tired eyes fluttered to the beautiful sights of the Festival. Dancing sakura petals of the wind waltz with the lights of the city. The hustle and bustle sang and harmonized with the music of Inazuma. Culture of games, masks and silk infested the streets to satisfy the people and Yokai. Commissioner Kamisato was right; the Shirasagi Himegimi outdid herself this time. The night was too alluring to stay in your room as warmth started to bubble in your heart. Maybe, you won’t spend your night in your stuffy room today.
Indeed, those elders would criticize and lecture you, but at the very best, those grimy sons or selfish daughters of theirs will have no room in your work and your thoughts. At the very least, in your marriage with Itto, he wouldn’t do much for Inazuma other than some minor inconveniences. He would do his own things, and you would do yours. He wouldn’t have any problems with money, shelter, and clothing, and you wouldn’t have any problems with annoying suitors. Now, you have a reason to turn them down.
You also gave your husband his freedom to love whoever he wants.
In the lengthy contract that cited rules and regulations and written agreements between the Arataki Gang Leader and the Esteemed Sun of Inazuma, there, you have written: “The Esteemed Sun of Inazuma, □⁠□⁠□□, agrees for the Arataki Gang Leader, Arataki Itto, to have a romantic or sexual relationship outside of the contractual marriage between the two parties.”
“Hm, are you sure you want this part to be in the contract? Won’t it cause some kind of scandal? It might not jeopardize you, esteemed sun. But the Arataki gang will face grave repercussions." Kuki Shinobu voiced out.
How lucky was Arataki Itto to have a jack of all trades like her? You got a little envious, but the feeling hid behind the curtain. "Dear Kuki, is someone with the likes of Itto even interested in romance?" you whispered.
She actually pondered on your joke, but you pressed on with a grin. "Either way, please notify me if he plans to have a lover. I will make a scandal wherein I have another lover as well as make the narrative sympathize with Itto. Now, they won't be so rude if they think with their little heads. To kill the attention on me, I will announce something beneficial to Inazuma’s-"
"Wait," Itto tapped in, long fingers playing a rhythm to the dark wood. "You're going to sacrifice your reputation? For me to have my own lover?" He raised his brow.
"Of course? My "love life" won't affect my service.”
“Aren’t you technically my lover according to this contract?”
“Well, do you love me?”
“Think of this as a marriage for convenience, Itto,” you gently smiled, mostly because he was cute, but slightly you placed him at a corner. “We don’t have to love each other.”
"Heh! Well, think again, sunshine!" He crossed his arms and widely opened his mouth. "I'm not gonna be some kind of cheating jerk and fail this marriage! I ain't gonna fall in love with anyone or ain't gonna make out with anyone else but my future wife! I am gonna be an awesome and committed husband as granny oni taught!"
Honestly, you stifle a laugh. "Is that so? It isn’t really cheating since we don’t have feelings for each other, and this relationship is obviously one of empty commitment. You will get bore-"
Before you could add anything, you could feel Itto's hand grab yours as he brought it to his lips. "Then, I'll use my good ol' Arataki "The Handsome Oni" Itto charm to make you fall for me" he winked.
You pondered. Does he read those cheesy light novels?
Thank you and God bless!
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asumofwords · 1 year
Smoke, Fire and Ash
Warnings: This fic includes noncon, dubcon, manipulation, violence, death and inc3st. Tags will be added as the fic goes on.
This is a dark!fic. 18+ only. Read at your own discretion. Please read the warnings before continuing.
Summary: You are the eldest daughter of Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen. You are forced to navigate the difficult surroundings of your upbringing and the eventual disintegration between your family and the Hightower's relationship. What will happen when your older and estranged uncle suddenly takes a more sinister interest in you? (Dark!Aemond x Reader)
Characters: Aemond Targaryen X Reader, HOTD characters.
Note: Daemon looked at his daughter and was so proud of her, and also so frightened for her. He was like oh shit.... Please don't go sicko mode on me right now. If he was anyone else, she would have done it...
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Chapter 45: Smoke, Fire and Ash
The look your father had given you was new, but a command nonetheless. And so after Vermithor had finished feasting upon the dead horse from the camp, you followed your father on Caraxes, flying back towards Dragonstone.
The flight seemed longer than the journey there.
It seemed to drag on as you flew beside your father, his gaze on you, burning a hole in the side of your face. You glanced at him few times, offering smug smiles to the Rogue Prince, to which he returned.
You are your father's daughter.
As you reached the ocean and began to fly across it, the sun had slowly begun to rise high in the sky, and you felt a small ache of fatigue. The suns rays glistened on the water below like diamonds.
Your side had begun to burn from tensing, but that could wait until you delivered the good news to your Queen.
You could not wait to tell your mother of what you had done. You had singlehandedly secured the Riverlands for her. This was a win for you all.
A step closer to securing the Iron Throne.
The sky was a soft and gentle blue when you finally reached Dragonstone, circling around the volcanic top beside your father, as you both made your descent down to the island below.
Vermithor landed shortly after Caraxes, and clunkily moved to allow you to slide from his back. You walked alongside his body until you reached the side of his face.
There was ash caught in the crevices of his scales, and blood smeared along his snout and the front of his chest. He smelt of fire and smoke, and the metallic tang of blood, and gore surrounded the both of you.
The smell of war.
And whilst the scent was repugnant, you sighed dreamily, leaning your forehead against his scales, hand brushing gently as you whispered praise to him. The dragon purring in response.
“Ao gōntan sīr sȳz.” (You did so good.) You scratched at his cheek, eyes still closed, forehead leant against him.
“Sȳz, Vermithor.” (Good.)
You felt the Bronze Fury bristle slightly, and the burning gaze of your father on the back of your head once again.
He uttered your name.
You turned, looking at the man.
The Rogue Prince, for once in his life had no witty quip, no snarky comment, or jest to make. He stood stiffly as he looked at you, small amount of ash on his person and hands resting at his sides.
Daemon simply stared at you with an intense warmth. 
Why was he looking at you like that?
Then just as sudden as he appeared, he had pulled you desperately into his arms, tucking your head beneath him.
“You stupid girl.” He uttered into your hair.
You were so shocked by the movement that your hands hovered beside him, until finally coming up to grasp around his waist. He was warm, and inviting, and safe.
A small huff of a laughter left your lips as he squeezed you tighter, kissing the top of your head roughly. Daemon held the back of your skull roughly as he always does with one hand, as if terrified you may fall away beneath him with the wind.
“You stupid, stupid girl.” He repeated.
A tiny smile slithered onto your face as he held you.
He pulled you roughly away from him, gripping your arms as they slightly stung from the movement. His light, violet eyes searched your face crazily, fingers brushing your hair behind your ears, before pulling your face towards him, lips pressing against your forehead. 
“You stupid, brilliant, little thing. Ñuha byka vīlībāzmio.” (My little warrior.) He breathed breathlessly. 
His eyes floated to the large dragon behind you, who watched the interaction with curiosity, and also possessive protectiveness of his new rider.
Vermithor had lost one rider, and he surely would not lose another.
Daemon's fingers brushed against your cheeks roughly, seemingly trying to rub away what you assumed was settled smoke and ash upon your pores. You smiled up the Rogue Prince as he continued to stare at you.
He was not mad.
He was proud.
You had done well.
“We should tell the Queen of the new updates in the Riverlands.” You said breathlessly.
A guffaw left Daemon's mouth as he watched you, before roughly pulling you to his side and down the track, towards the castle. 
As you walked, neither of you spoke. You could tell the mans mind was racing away from him as he continued to glance at you, mouth opening and shutting. 
Then finally,
“Are you mad?”
You shrugged in humour.
“You claimed the Bronze Fury, flew across the ocean and decimated an army.”
You shrugged again.
“Do you have any idea of what you’ve done?”
“You may have won us the war.”
You blinked.
It would not be that simple, but it would definitely get you one step closer.
Once you entered the castle walls, you felt jittery in anticipation of what was to come.
Of walking into the Painted Table chambers and declaring a victory for your mother.
Of showing proof of your usefulness.
To prove that you were better suited out there, than in here. That you were willing to do anything to win this war. 
All heads turned as you entered.
Your arrival was announced and suddenly the air was sucked out of the chambers. Your mother walked on stuttered steps, looking at you in confusion before standing before you, hand coming to touch your face softly as she looked you over.
You only beamed, back straightening as you lifted your head, nodding at your Queen.
Rhaenyra looked at her husband beside you, then back to you, before she returned to the table. 
Before she could even reach her usual place, Daemon's voice excitedly carried across the room.
“The Riverland’s have been secured. Harrenhal and House Bracken have been taken.”
All eyes were on you again, and Rhaenyra looked at you in confusion. 
“Vermithor has a new rider.”
You lifted your chin higher, as you walked towards the table with your father.
Pride swelled in your chest. 
Was this what it felt like to be a Queen? 
To be a God?
“The Princess claimed Vermithor, took to the Riverlands and burnt the entire Green stronghold there to a crisp.” Daemon's voice came quickly.
“The Riverland's are yours, Your Grace.” You bowed your head as you spoke.
I did this for you. 
For us. 
For them.
“You claimed the Bronze Fury?”
You nodded.
Jacaerys stood behind your mother, at the side of the table walking closer to you now.
“You flew to the Riverlands?”
“Yes, Your Grace.”
“What of Harrenhal?”
“Yours, My Queen.”
She smiled, looking at the Painted Table, as Lord Bortimos stepped forth to place a metal indicator over the Riverlands and Harrenhal. 
Rhaenyra gave you a nod and smiled, and the pride rushed back inside of you. She was pleased. You had done good. You had made her see what you could do.
What you were capable of.
Jacaerys however, did not look pleased. 
She nodded to the table as all stepped forth, hand pointed towards map. 
“With the Riverlands secured, we can now cut off trade to the Golden Tooth, weakening the Lannisters. This will shift the tide in our favour considerably. Though I have fears, not enough.”
She smiled at you again, and you beamed, feeling Daemon beside you.
Not one of the Lords spoke, nor congratulated the Queen, instead they all stared at you.
They looked almost shocked by your presence, your actions. The actions of a woman, you likened. Let them underestimate you. You were ready to open your mouth to address the tension, but then your hands caught your line of sight.
Slender fingers were covered in ash, and hints of blood, likely from rubbing the scales upon Vermithor's face. Your fingernails were caked with the ash, as grey and black smudges were smeared along the skin.
The sleeves of your dress were covered in a thin layer of the grey powder, causing the black to look almost white.
And now you knew why they stared. 
You probably looked like you had crawled from the Seven hells themselves.
You wondered what the state of your hair looked like now. Perhaps just as dark as your brothers...
And yet despite the tension from the Lords watching you, there was something unmistakable coming at you in waves from your eldest brother. His eyes never once leaving yours as he stared. 
His posture was stiff, and those hands you had held many times before, were bawled into fists beside him. Sensing the tension, Rhaenyra cleared the room of the Lords, dismissing them and thanking them for their time, only to reconvene when summoned.
You watched as your cousins, Rhaena and Baela gawked at you in awe as they left. Prince Corlys nodded, and Princess Rhaenys smirked.
They were proud.
So why was Jacaerys so visibly enraged?
As the last of the Lords left the chambers, your mother turned to her knights, dismissing them and the guards as well, until all that were left in the room were the four of you.
It was silent for some time, as both parties waited for the other to speak up, to voice their gripe. To begin the argument that had been brewing the moment you arrived.
“Have you gone mad?” Jacaerys asked incredulously.
“Have you?” You scoffed.
“You left us, without consulting first, without a note. Not even a word to the council? To us?” Came the aggravated voice of your brother, who stood wearing all black, watching you intently.
“I saw a problem, I found a solution. And now, the Riverlands are ours.” You smiled.
Your mother and father watched the both of you bicker in uncomfortable silence.
“What would have happened if Aemond was there? If you had been killed?”
“I wasn’t.” You bristled.
“You could have died.”
“And yet, I didn’t. You should be happy. At least I did something.”
“You put us all at risk!”
“Risk?! At least I’m taking them. I know you would much rather have me stuck in these walls, all the more useless than already, so that you can look like the better fit for succession.”
The words rushed from your lips before you could stop them, but you held steady.
Rhaenyra shifted as she stepped forward towards you, whispering your name softly.
“Don’t.” You snapped. 
The tension back inside of you.
“What did I do wrong? What did I do, but do what was asked of me. What was needed of me. I went to the Riverlands and I did what I had to, because I knew what needed to be done.”
“If you had been caught-“
“I had spent Gods know how long in that Keep after Lucerys was murdered. Do you think another day in that very Keep would make any difference? Do you think any of that would make a difference? Whilst I waited for you to come?”
You let out a bitter laugh, “Because I just did something that did. We hold the Riverlands now, there is no question about it. Which means we are one step closer to taking back Kings Landing.”
“You could have died!”
“Dying would be better than sitting here, watching you all cast me aside, time and time again! I am not weak! I am the eldest, and I have done things you could not even imagine to keep you all safe. To keep this war from breaking sooner than it would have.”
“Y/n-“ Your mother started.
“Let me finish! I have spent my entire life preparing myself for the throne. Preparing myself for my duties. Preparing you for yours!”
You angrily looked at Jace, “Why was I not named successor? Please tell me, because I had time plenty to think about it in the Red Keep with Aemond watching over me as I slept.”
“Now is no-“
“No, please. Please mother, I beg you to enlighten me. Because when has Jacaerys shown even a skerrick of interest in the throne? When has he ever known duty? Sacrifice?”
“I have sacrificed plenty.”
“Oh, what? Being called a bastard? Is that your only suffering in your life?” 
“Watch your mouth.” Your mother snapped.
“Tell me!”
Your chest rose and fell rapidly as you wildly looked at your mother and brother before you.
Both looked shocked at your outburst, like they had been waiting for you to snap, but the reason for it was not what they expected.
“I have just claimed, once again, the second largest dragon in the realm. I flew to Riverrun, for you. I razed their army to the ground and watched every single man fall. I made sure that each and every single one of them burned.” You scoffed a laugh.
“So tell me, why not me?”
“You have gone rogue.” Jacaerys growled.
You laughed. 
It was funny.
As you stood next to the Rogue Prince himself.
Your father.
You looked at Daemon and Rhaenyra.
“As if you didn’t have two men sent to the Red Keep to take the head from Helaena’s child in front of her. As if you didn’t make her choose which son to save, and then do the opposite."
You spin to look back at Jacaerys, "And you call me rogue? This is war! Unlike you, I know my duties, and I am willing to do anything to ensure mother takes back her rightful place on the Iron Throne.”
“Y/n, enough. You are clearly in shock, and need to rest.” Your mother pleaded, though you could see the patience in her eyes begin the flicker.
“Tell me why, and I shall never ask you again. Tell me why, and I will go rest.”
It was silent in the chambers. 
You felt Daemon's hand come to touch your back but, you shrugged him off angrily.
“You don’t even truly know why do you?”
You were met with silence.
You shook your head angrily.
“I have done everything that you have asked of me. I have held my decorum. I have gone to meetings with Lords and Ladies. I have studied philosophy and politics, and language and war. I trained with the sword, with Ser Harwin, with my brothers. With father. I ride the second largest dragon in the world! I have readied myself for the throne since birth." You spat, pacing about the chambers as you spoke,
"Gods, I let him touch me and did not say a word to any of you, so that war would not break loose! I have done everything to keep you all safe, and you throw me aside like some second fucking son.”
“Wh...Touched you?” Your father halted, grabbing your arm as you looked up at him angrily.
“Oh, don’t you all act as though you did not notice something had happened. You were all so pressing with your questions on what was wrong, and I had dismissed them knowing it was the right thing to do. I did this to protect you.” You sneered, shaking him off.
Your mother and Jacaerys suddenly looked less angered, and all the more concerned, stepping towards you.
The Queen's hands came out to touch you but you moved back away from it, shrugging your father from you again.
“He didn’t take my maidenhead if that is what has you so worried. Don’t worry, I won’t give birth to a bastard child.” You hissed angrily.
“What did he do to you?” Daemon's voice became raw with anger. 
Your mothers face held some form of understanding. 
She was a woman. 
She would know.
“I don’t want your pity. I don’t care about what he did to me. It is meaningless now. I want to know. Why not me? Haven’t I given enough? Haven’t I given you everything that I have? That I am? And yet all anyone else does is take from me!"
You stepped forward, hands angrily moving across your body, "Would you have named me successor if I had been born a man? I have been cursed to the same fate you were born into. I have done everything that was needed of me, and more." You inhaled raggedly as you felt a familiar rage begin to build higher and higher inside of you.
"I have been the dutiful daughter. Princess Sister. Niece. What more could I give? Will it ever be enough for you? Will I ever be enough?"
You look at your mother, and sneer.
"I will never be a son."
"You are my daught-" Rhaenyra begins and you interrupt her.
"Do not mistake me, I love you all dearly. I would throw myself head first into the flames for you. I would lay on my own sword if it is what you asked me to do. Though sometimes I question if it is reciprocated.” 
The bitter words spilt from your lips before you could even stop them. The more they came out, the more words followed. It was a never ending of stream of consciousness, that you had tried so hard before to bury. 
But burying oneself is suffocating, and for the first time in months, you felt yourself breathe. 
“Y/n…Please.” Daemon touched your face, pulling you to look at him as he watched you sadly.
“Tell me.” You turned your head to look at your mother. 
The woman you loved most dearly in life.
Someone who had raised you to be as headstrong as you were today. To believe that men and women were equal, and that women deserved to be in positions of power, where men had previously prevented it.
And that is why this stung you so greatly.
“Please, mother.”
Rhaenyra stepped forward and grabbed your hands, looking down at them. You kept them limp as she held onto you, watching her face.
She sucked in a breath.
“The realm is simply not ready for two Queens. One is a shock enough already, and we have seen the way that the people have split the realm in two; in support of Aegon, and support of me. If I were to name you successor, our support would be halved."
She took a deep breath, squeezing your hands tightly, "Please know that I did not do this because I didn’t think you were not worthy, or ready to sit on the throne. You both are.” She looked at Jace who was still intently watching you, though all malice had gone from his face, and a solemn frown replaced it.
You gripped her hands roughly.
She gave you the saddest of looks and it made your stomach clench. 
“It is not what I had wanted for you. You know more than anyone that if Aegon hadn’t-“
“I understand.” You said dully, voice devoid of emotion. 
“Y/n.” Your mother pleaded.
You squeezed her hand once, and gave her a short and curt smile. You pushed down your anger deep into your chest, letting it burn inside of you.
You knew there was nothing more to be done. 
And so you bit your tongue. 
“Apologies, Your Grace.” You paused, giving her a small smile, squeezing her hand in assurance, “I will continue to uphold my duties to this family, and to the realm. I swear to you as my Queen, that I will do everything that is needed of me in order to win this war.” You bowed your head before turning to look at Jacaerys.
“I am sorry, my Prince. Please take no offence to my outburst. It seems I am tired after all. You will be a fine King, just as mother said.”
You let go of your mothers hands before turning to smile stiffly up at your father, and began to make your way to leave for your chambers. Rhaenyra called out to you and you turned.
She looked as though she was struggling to find words.
“It’s okay. Once we have won this war, and you take back the Iron Throne, you will be able to create a new order. Like the one you have spoken about for so long." You paused, looking at your family before finishing,
"And I will make the realm bend to it.”
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