#and a lens popped out that we had to find lmao
fell on my face rollerblading and now i’ve got a sweet ass scar above my left eyebrow where my glasses bit me 😎
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remimibanana · 11 months
AnimeGO 2023 Report!
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I had the opportunity to go to AnimeGO this year! It was a Japanese Pop Culture Festival that had so many things there! There was an arcade there, kimono dressing, yummy food and so much more!
I went with my good friend Pie (@piedivide), which you’ll see him appear throughout this report! Thank you for the fun time, Pie!!! ヽ(>∀<☆)ノ
The report is below the cut!
So, context time.
Pie told me about this festival one day about a month or two ago. I didn't even know it was a thing in all honesty, but it sounded so cool! The tickets were pretty cheap as well, and was filled with things that we both liked (aka anime and Japan lol).
And so, we decided to go!
We bought tickets as soon as they came out, and awaited the day to come.
A few days before the Festival, we met up and looked through all of the activities that it was offering on the day. One of the activities that interested us the most is the Kimono Dressing. It only cost $10 for a ticket and you could dress up in a Yukata and take photos!
We literally bought the tickets right away (I pulled out my laptop just so I could buy it lmao), and we managed to get the same timeslot too!
With all of that, we were ready for Sunday!
Day of the Festival!
Before we went to AnimeGO, we took a detour to the UNIQLO store because they were having a Cardcaptor Sakura collaboration and I wanted to get a top if they had any left. Spoiler alert, they did not have any left ;;
We then went to a new bookstore that opened up in the same building, I had no idea it was even up there. I don't go into the city too often so it's always a surprise for me. The inside was very lovely, and of course we gravitated straight to the manga section.
A lot of older manga were there, especially the first three volumes of Animal Academy, one of my favourite manga! I used to borrow the first six volumes from the library, but they only have the second one now which sucks ;;
And so, I couldn't pass up this opportunity. I bought all the volumes lol
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And now all we had to do was find the entrance to the venue.
We knew the general direction, but not where it was exactly. We went up and down, thinking we were going the wrong way until we spotted a Nezuko cosplayer who saved us lol
Pie and I went all the way around to get to the venue and even got on an elevator, when we could have just walked through the train station ( ˙-˙ )
It's about the journey, not the destination! (tells myself that to make myself feel better lol)
We got these little wristbands to prove we bought tickets as soon as we got there and I managed to break the one I got for Pie orz
He had to get a new one. I’m sorryyyyyyyy (シ. .)シ
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We paid our respects to our Fumo overlords (or I forced Pie to)
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Arcade!! I love arcades.
The Arcade was the best part to me. All because they had Hatsune Miku Project Diva MegaMix + with the the arcade controls!
I freaked out a bit as soon as I saw it. I've never played this game with the arcade controller so I was pumped to try it!
I played Senbonzakura first, although I probably should have chosen the F version so I could have gotten the pretty MV but that's okay! I got to play and that's all what matters to me lol
I then played my favourite Vocaloid song ever, Butterfly on Your Right Shoulder. I actually failed it the first time because I forgot all of the controls for some reason lmao
I redeemed myself at the end and passed it, don't worry. I was so happy to play it. Len and Rin make me happy!
I also did Hand in Hand and that was fun too! Next time I want to play it more!
Pie did Ghost Rule with this lovely Module that looked so pretty. This is Snow Miku 2019!
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We tried out Sound Voltex, which was something I never heard of before. It looked sort of confusing at first, but was a lot of fun once you got the controls down! Aqua from Konosuba was the navigator and she made funny faces at you on the results screen if you did not so great.
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Would love to play it again some day.
We also played Taikou no Tatsujin and Muse Dash! We played the heavenly melody, the Calamari Inkantation by the one and only Squid Sisters, blessing the whole Festival with squid music.
Muse Dash was very enjoyable, it was my first time playing it. I heard of it beforehand but never had the chance to try it out. I tried playing it without knowing what the controls were but Pie was smart and pulled up the tutorial lmao
After 3pm, they had a prize gacha system in place where you had to play either a full session Taikou no Tatsujin or Muse Dash and you would get a gacha card upon doing so. You would then line up and roll for two coloured marbles from this white dispenser. The colour determines what type of prize you can choose from.
Yellow was the best one.
Although by the time we got there, most of the cool prizes were gone. They had a Lumine and Aether plushie, I would have so loved to have gotten one of them. But alas.
I only got to choose one prize, while Pie got to choose two.
I got this Haru Okumura from Persona 5 clear card hehe that I stuck up on my wall. Pie got a Marth amiibo and a Yusuke Kitagawa from Persona 5 clear file.
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We also walked through all the different stalls that were present! We saw a stand that had retro games, and Pie managed to snag the Ocarina of Time 3D for the 3DS for only $40, which is such a steal! I'm glad he was able to be reunited once again with the game.
Pie and I have this tradition where we each buy each other a print (only one, mind you) while at a convention/festival/wherever there is a print, and that’s what we did!
We went to the main artist alley and spilt up.
Pie got me a Kafka print (thank youuuu, I love it) and I got Pie a Kazuha print!
As soon as I saw it, I knew it was perfect. And it was even more fitting since it was Kazuha’s birthday too! ٩( ᐛ )و
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Here is us in our pretty Yukata!
I chose this lovely blue pattern with flowers that caught my eye from the moment I saw it. And I chose well, it looks so good!
I felt so cool in it.
The original hair clip I wanted to use kept falling off my head, I felt bad for the person helping me get dressed aha
And then my hair was literally in the way the whole time, next time I'll tie it up. I did actually bring a hair tie but I forgot about it, welp aha
I'm glad I had this opportunity to do so!
Who knows when I’ll have another opportunity like this (unless I go to Japan….one day I’ll go!)
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There was a lot of Japanese food there as expected from a festival such as this one! We tried this Japanese cheesecake which was really nice. Reminded me of something my grandma would make.
The daifuku was a bit too sweet for us both, although it wasn't bad! We got three different flavours: Mango, Strawberry and Matcha.
Much more squishy than I assumed it would be. I liked the mango one the most, I made a "mmh!" sound because I was so surprised at how mango it was and Pie laughed at me.
I can't understand what Pie meant when he says matcha tastes like a tree, I couldn't taste anything I swear lol
I was sitting there, chewing my heart out but the matcha flavour never came...I think my sense of taste was gone that time...
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(i forgot to take a photo of what I ate i'm sorry)
We went to a maid café! It was our first time at any sort of maid café. The maids were very pretty and so kind! I ordered a Matcha Custard Puff and Pie ordered a Pumpkin Mini Loaf, which you can see above!
When I received my order by a lovely maid, I was asked if I wanted my food blessed by them. And of course I said yes!
Gotta go all in after all.
We did this little blessing sequence together and it was actually pretty fun! I managed to say everything properly, I thought I messed it up at the end but I did it!!
The food was pretty good. Blessing worked! The matcha custard was really nice. Even Pie, who doesn't like matcha liked it.
Blessings are powerful.
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AnimeGO ended at 6pm, and we were about to head home. It felt sort of unfinished to me, like it didn't truly feel like the end. I didn't want to leave so quickly and so suddenly.
I still wanted to do more.
While I was waiting for my train to arrive, Pie suggested we should go out to the bridge that's outside of the station to kill some time. We walked across a bit of it, and we saw that there was a different festival going on below.
For context, AnimeGO was part of a bigger festival called OzAsia that's been running for the past two weeks I believe. That's the one we saw going on below.
Pie and I saw this other festival from the time we got to AnimeGO earlier in the day, but we assumed that we had to pay to go to that one so we took no heed of it aside from commenting it looked cool.
But that's when I spotted a large sign that said "Free Entry" from the bridge and I was like...we should go there. It was free and we were literally right there. It was still light out!
I never did tell my mum when I was heading home anyway. So it was all finee.
And we did go! It's sort of our thing, doing things rather spontaneously haha
It was the Lucky Dumpling Festival, filled with stalls of food you could buy and a stage with performances! It was really cool.
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We saw a stall that sold Takoyaki, which was actually the same stall we bought Karaage Chicken from AVCon!
We missed out last time, so we couldn't miss this chance this time. Pie and I bought one to share, since it was a bit expensive and we weren't sure how much we would like it either.
We had to wait like 20-30 minutes. In the meantime, on the stage arrived three idols.
They started to sing.
And the first song they sang was Saijoukyuu Paradox (最上級ぱらどっくす), Idol Time Pripara's second opening.
When I heard it, I was like "WHATTTTT".
I freaked the heck out, I literally never thought I would ever hear this song in a random festival. I love Pripara, and so to hear this song made me so so SO happy.
Pie can attest to that.
I did not catch nor their names or unit name after the song ended aha
We were sorta far from the stage to hear it properly. But they looked so cool! I loved their outfits. I loved the fact they sang that song like aaaaaaa
And so I stanned these idols who I had no idea what their names were lmao
Our Takoyaki was ready after a while, and we looked for a seat...which was rather hard. There were no seats at all, and we were going to use a random table I saw that we would have to stand at or sit on the grass.
That was until we walked through the front area where the stage was, which had loads of benches.
And lo and behold, there was an empty bench I spotted. Right near the stage. I literally pointed to it aggressively and sprinted to it, so no one could take it. It was ours!
Takoyaki was really good. Like wow! I wished I had more of it then. I am so buying it next time it is available somewhere. So warm…
Of course I am a failure when eating so my Takoyaki balls were falling apart aha ( ´_ゝ`)
We ate it while watching the idols perform various songs and it was so much fun!
There was death metal screaming and it was incredible. The talent.
Such awesome idols. (*≧∀≦*)
Pie and I learnt that we could actually meet them and buy merch from them after the performance.
And of course we did! We were again there already and it’s not everyday you meet idols!
At this point I learnt they were called A-Muse Project, and there was usually 6 members but there were only three here today. It was their first time in Adelaide in fact! They're from Brisbane!
They were so nice and so kind! It was hard to hear them because we were right next to the stage and the next performance was on. And the wind was freezing by the time we managed to talk to them, I was so cold.
Was worth it. Anything for idols lol
We got these little group Cheki with them for $15 and they signed it too! I've never done anything like this before, but it was a lot of fun!
There were also penlights on sale for about $40, which was a bit too much for us so we passed on them.
We didn’t want the signatures to smudge so we just held them carefully for a really long time to make sure (even if we checked they were dry) lol
It now felt like the day was complete. I'm glad we did go to this festival as well!
It’s my first Polaroid I’ve ever gotten and I stuck it up on my wall hehe
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We saw many cool cosplayers too, and we vow to cosplay next time we go because it felt sort of like a missed opportunity.
We didn’t get any photos with any of them because it’s honestly rather awkward asking people randomly “hey, can I take a photo?” while not in cosplay aha(´-`).。oO
But I did stare in awe.
There was this maid Xiao that we kept seeing everywhere, quite literally. We saw them at AnimeGO and at the Little Dumpling Festival.
We joked that if we called Xiao’s name, they'll come lol
There was a really cute March and such a cool Stelle! And a really cool Dottore that kept eluding me and disappearing randomly, it was rather incredible and creepy at the same time lol
There was also this Flandre Scarlet cosplayer which I absolutely loved. I watched them play Taikou no Tatsujin while waiting in line for the game.
I want to do that one day too, do that cosplay and then play Bad Apple lol
Point is, a lot of cool cosplay.
This place is literally like paradise for someone like me. I love anime, manga and gaming! People are so nice at conventions, I love the atmosphere and simply, I'll never get enough of it all.
We did so many things. It was such a fun day, and I won’t forget about it for a long time.
Thank you for reading!
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angelvyxen · 2 years
Ok question how do I write a book like here’s the beginning of it in a way I scraped this tho cause I didn’t think it was good enough :/ ACTUALLY NO IM NOT ABOUT TO EMBARRASS MYSELF LMAO
It’s just idk how to describe a lot and plus idk how to make the characters talk it’s weird and idk why either can you give me some pointers + tips?
Ahh, a writing advice ask, it’s my time to shine lmao. You should have put in what you had so far so I can get a feel for your writing. If you feel comfortable, message me privately so we can talk (please do because I’m all excited now lol). Don’t discourage yourself or feel bad about your writing, most of what I write is hot ass sewage anyways.
The way you describe things and how your character talks depends heavily on if you’re writing in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd person. All of my imagines are written in a mix of 2nd and 3rd person because I want to avoid falling into the Y/N style of writing, but if that works for you, that’s fine!
With character dialogue
• Try to avoid writing like you would text. EX:
“She looked a hot ass mess, lmao 🤣.” She said.
Nobody says lmao when they’re actually talking, nor do people use emojis when they talk. I know it may seem bland to write without them but steer clear of that, it doesn’t read well.
• Try to build a personality around your character.
I’m not too sure if you’re writing imagines or full stories, but either way try to give your character some kind of personality that would set them apart. This doesn’t mean that they have to have some kind of elaborate back story, but if you can think of little quirks for them it helps. When I wrote “You got me fucked up.” I kept in mind that Melo’s entire personality in that imagine was him being fucking crazy over his ex, so I made sure not to stray too far away from that. Sometimes people tend to make their characters seem like they have multiple personalities on accident.
If you’re writing about a person that already exists, you might not need to do this depending on what you’re writing about. With my imagines, I try to imagine how I’d think Melo would actually act but sometimes I deviate from that because he acts like an actual toddler most times. No shade to LaFrance lmao.
• Don’t fall into the ‘said’ trap
Try to have variety when you write the way your characters say things. You don’t always have to say ‘he said’ or ‘she said’, try to find other substitutes based off the emotion you’re trying to give off. Like blurted, announced, murmured.
There’s a big difference between,
“Because I don’t want you talking to him!” Melo said loudly, looking at you mad.
“Because, I don’t want you talking to him!” Melo snapped, his face contorting in rage as he glared down at you.
• Describe their expression.
Like the example above, try to describe the characters expression. You don’t have to do this every time, but adding it in when needed (I feel) elevates your writing,
With describing things
• Describing Things: People.
My biggest thing with this is to make sure you reread. Sometimes something will be playing out perfectly in your head and then you go over it and realize it makes no sense (I do this alll the time).
When describing people try not to go all 2013-17 Wattpad.
“Hi my name is Marie and I’m 5’2 and I’m lightskin and I have short curly hair all the way down to my back and I’m thick as fuck!”
No. Just no. I’m not saying don’t have short, thick, light skin characters but don’t describe them like that. Instead build up to their character description rather than having them spit out a long, run on sentence about what they look like. I like to describe characters while they’re doing something, like getting ready for the day or going to work, etc.
Here are some first person examples:
“I ran the lotion over my skin, loving how it brought out the natural glow of my dark skin.”
“After popping in my last contact lens, blinking a couple times to get use to the feeling, I looked at myself in the mirror. My full, heart shaped lips were coated in my favorite gloss and my almond shaped eyes were accentuated with the few layers of mascara I put on that morning.”
“I stood up from the chair, smoothing the wrinkles out of my dress as I fully came to my feet. I was wearing one of my favorite black, bodycon dresses today. It hugged my curves perfectly, accentuating my thick thighs and hips without making me look like a slut. Just the right amount of sassy and classy.”
Now, these aren’t perfect because I made them up on the fly but you can see the difference.
• Describing Things: Places
If you’re writing about an actual place, like if the characters are walking through uptown Charlotte, find pictures of place and use them to help you describe where they are.
Because I’m a crazy person who loves detail, when I’m describing a place like a restaurant, I’ll go on google and look at actual restaurants that match what I’m thinking of in my head and use that.
Try not to make every place sound like the same place if that makes sense. Not every restaurant has white table clothes, or chandeliers, or waiters who dress in crisp, black suits.
Additional tips!
If you want more describing words for things, consult google! Searching up synonyms for certain words has been my saving grace.
But, also bear in mind that you don’t have to use a bunch of big words to make your writing good. There are plenty of books written in good ole’ plain English. You don’t need to sound like Shakespeare to be that bitch in these streets.
If you want inspo, look at other peoples writing. That helps you get a feel for how you can write and how it will come off to reader, just don’t copy.
Proof read. Proof read. PROOF. READ! You may find some spelling mistakes or think of a better way to describe something.
If you want me to go more in depth, just hit my line. I hope this helped somewhat. 🫶🏾
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**4 RECT@L us3 0NLy** <spam Moosiboobie>
wE 4GoT ouR Politival Values just to dance @ a les tUrkish Klub in silverLake cuz FUG it!!!! it’s not lyke we made the LA times front pg Once At an armenian protest against turkey!!!!!!!!!!!!! <it wuz her sis> n walked all the way from bev hills to santa Monica in Chunky demonia platformZzz just to make sure we Stood up 4 our beliefs n Freedomzz. <it wuz jusT once.> i luv my best fwend lily !!!!!!!! she is the literal best n No one else is as Hawttt as her n she wants 2 taste my blood n die next to me while we both hav guns in each other’s mouthz n tht is the kind of Luv i need n want n whut fuels meh to be alive 2Day <3 :-3 we had a kute sleepover the day i came over n i tried 2 feed her oppossoum Mochi dried berriezz but she wuz scared of Meh. after dancing til Akbar closed n some cute Kunty gayzz wanted to take pix with Us cuz they thought we were Kute!!!!
i has bden outtah Townxx 4 Lik a week n i hav luved tha sun in Cali butt i yam now on tha plane back to NY n god im so fuckin happi to go back . this plane smells like brioche bunz n Air fried Potaotezz. hehe. Idk why.? but Ya being back home made me go into a crisis sort of just being wiff mi Mum n being forced to go to church n being emotionally violaiLe . i did a live tweet during moi tIme @ the candlelite service tht kind of went Lyke dis.
Haii !! Ok im HEREEESS.
sooooOoOo high on @dderaL i wish my legs would stop shaking . im hidIng in tha BathrOom and im Also like pooping sooOo much cuz of the anxiety idk how My Body is producing Diss wiff just 1 meaL a day. ?! i do NOT wanna go to outpatient facility for Ed probzz but my doc n i r on a safety plan .
oLd lady h3Re forgot to TurN heR pHone off Sooo her ringer is just going oFf . she doesn’t know how to turn it OFFF. shuld i HelP or just keep live twEeting??
oOk oKokOk dude who sang Mary did U kno kinda slapped . Got DaMN!!!!!!
kinda feel like mi Mum likes church sm cuz it makes her forGet ab pain which is like rly Fucked up?!?! Le sighh..!
idk if i shuld go public on twitter Cuz tbh i hav almost 6,000 tweets n they r all a mix of nudezz, rantz/ramblingzz, emo shit, random pix of kuromi n Domo n actually sum vulnerable shit lmao. Plus twitter is fallin off lowkey . Tumblr 4EVER!!!!!!
Xmas wuz funn tho outside of dat. lots of beach hoppin then i dressed uP 4 a party in which i put a pic of Jesus on my shirt n carried around a mini bible n alSooo made. A choker out of an OLd xmas ornament i Stole from mi mommi tht said No3L . i learnt tht cards against humanity has a card tht says Br1ght pink pussy n thts now my fav word besides coochie cheeze. i saw a swiss cheeze plant tht made me hungry at a fancy plant store in Laurel canyon where i drove around in circles just to find a sewing machine store tht turned out to B a vaccuum storefront tht sold broken singerz. Butt i went to peetz afterwards N got sum grass jelly brown sugar drink N i asked them Y n When they Decided to Go fuLl Bob@ gangster Cuz it didn’t seem so american Franchise now. I didnt get the answer i wanted.
Then i took some pix of me on the toiLet with .5 lens then sent it to my fwend then i found some Seggggxxyyy jeffrey campbellzz at crossroadz for like $18 IM OBSSESSEDD WIFF. then i def Wuz late to Brunch at Sunset rooftop bar which was a flashback 2 when i tried 2 get a job there n they rejected Meh even tho they asked me my availability n basically told me i was hired like summer 2021 during my haituS Back to the W3st c0@sT but it’s ok cuz the Hollandaise sauce did NOT smack.
i Luv overhearing 50-60 yr old favgots in La geek ab their green new lululemonzz n plan their nose jobs “while they r still young.” It is soooo hot and so celeb Cotoure to mEh it makes me feel sooOooo pop culture being around itz .
i wrote a lil poem ab seeing old friendzz dis week :-D <3
they remind me i pierced their ears
cuz it’s been a couple of years
and we had to do it twice.
and it wasn’t so nice
cuz the holes kinda closed
but at least we succeeded
when we tried.
they remind me i brought them coke
when we were all trying to cope
during 2020 quarantine.
and that nite we ate shroom filled oreos
while some of us threw up
and others held our hair back
and i kant help but
feel like a teen
tho this time im seen
so it actually feels rather nice. “
it’s been 9 months since i’ve been back home so old friends and i hold each other close
and swing in each other’s bedroom stripper poles while we sing to avril lavigne . and khole at parks and look at the bark on trees at the arCadia arboretum. we admire the lights on the race car speedway along the highway and get stuck driving on the hill up to the hollywood sign but it’s ok cuz even tho we almost got in a car accident we were 2gether n shared the sunset listening 2 fly Like a G6 . got nauseous from the K then ordered mcdonalds on door dash . shared fries then reminisce on the poetry that we’d write and the weed that we’d smoke tho i no longer toke but they remember when i used to wear lavender oil and
dreads in my hair and we all kind of laugh cuz we’re so evolved now from the naive christian girls we used to be . and we sit across the bar from one another with our gin and tonics and sodas and cran while taking multiple trips to the bathroom to snort kitty off keyz. asking what new mental illness diagnosis we’ve received now that it’s been a year since we’ve caught up with one another N continually 4give ourselves 4 who we used to b . …..
being reminded by friendzz ive known since i was like 18 tht i wuz gaslighting myself into believing i had a personality disorder summer 2021 wuz CRAZYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And i explain to my therapist i embrace my “youth” but not being “young” anymore because that’s something kinda cringey for me now. That theres a difference now for me. I kan feel it and it feels good to feel. it Seeps into the way i am able to call my old friends from the hospital anytime n i know they’ll pick up and we’ll cry n share poetry ab the people we’ve lost cuz sometimes it still doesn’t feel fair we made it this fair and they didn’t. But forgetting is nvr the answer. N it’s good to remember.
YgghHhhHh Yea!!! soooOooo ucla knows my pretend Gf is now goin thru an immense break up n they r over the possessive sheit !!! Cuz when u lick someone elses strap it’s kinda awk now !?…? thA boba gangster Store i grew up hanging around turned into an Anime boba little maid cafe ???? and all the asian food now is served w a side of rice n Beanzz instead of soy sauce egg n fried tofu w/ cabbage??????? .!!!! @quarius moons can hav my third hole , i regret not going to the froYo place in Hollywood called frog cuz mochi + plain tart yogurt is tha Besssst. Car rental place in la gav me a fuckin race caR n It Wuzz jUdt like Sosooooo h@rd to drive it made me wanna go cry in A trader joezbathroom n eat calufiflower rice smothered in butter . Dude who waited in line wiff meh for the shuttle to car rental place rite when i Landed as well gav me an egyptian cigarette n an I <3 ME liter. <3 <3 heheheh. i Def lost the liter immediately idk where it went Ugh. also i wiSh i a partner to take good pix of Meh :-[
i wuld do anything to hear an english man whIsper “beans” into moi Earzz cuz i yam bunion sun , ingrown toenail moon , and callous rising. N did hella become cali slang bc of the coachella car stickers that peel off then become just hella???? Alsoo hello kitty weighs 3 apples and is pro ana for that . Cuz why the fukk we gotta know that .
Ok well i think i typed 2 much diss week n ih8 lookin forward 2 2023 but i Dink it’ll b a good yr. ima leave behind so much bullshit n delete contactzz n old pix n msgs cuz I don’t need any of dat this upcoming yr. i wanna fall in <3, invest in my business andd focus more on long term stability + my career <3 i don wanna feel lik i need to prove anything to any1 ima jus put my head to tha sky n stay Fly lik a cheese stick. n keep my eyes on tha prize : spam musuboobiez. <3 Im landing now in Newark n hope to see more dykes w star face pimple patchezz n i STG if this white girl nxt to me doesn’t stop puttin her baby powder dookie smellin lotion on around meh Ima SCRWEAAMMMM!!! i rly rly loveeee u all !! :-3
Xxxxxxoxoxo renchang 1201 (my twitter username n 12/01 is my Old dogs bday if anyone was wondering)
0 notes
Are there any bangtan performances that have caught your eye as having potentially queer interpretations outside of the obvious mma black swan choreo?
I've always found Jungkook and Jimin's Adult Ceremony piece as being super gay lmao but if not for the amusing behind the scenes
Adult Ceremony is such a good case study because we have the performance and the rehearsal in behind the scenes and the acts have different meanings, at least in my interpretation.
I know I sound like a broken record, but I will once again go back to Chuyun Oh's article ''Unmasking Queerness: Blurring and Solidifying Queer Lines through K-Pop Cross-Dressing''. I really recommend this article for anyone who is interested, you can find it online. Oh analizes two performanaces by male K-Pop idols, one in which they use humor to reinforce heterosexuality and heteronormativity and a second one that manages to blur the lines by using subversion.The original performances are made by girl groups and the boys are trying to imitate that. Despite Adult Ceremony not involving cross-dressing, I think I can use the author's analysis because she makes some really good points that can be applied to this particular situation.
Oh starts by contextualizing how queer Asian identity is understood saying ''focusing on liminal features of queerness decolonizes Asian queer aesthetics by unmasking Western-centered gay subjects. Queer is often understood as a Eurocentric concept with the implication that the non-Western subject should follow Western models''. I only have to look at shipping spaces and 90% of the bloggers and twitter users are guilty of doing this because they can't get rid of their Western bias and lens through which they try to understand Asian queer aesthetics.
Going back to using humor to reinforce heterosexuality, we can see that in BTS as well, especially back when they had to pretend to kiss each other, or they were dressed up in women's clothes. They always ended up laughing, breaking the fourth wall so to speak, in order to remind the audience that they're just playing for entertainment, it's nothing serious, this is not them as men, because they are ''real men''. Chuyun Oh goes back to theater and the theories about presentational (Brecht) and representational acting (Stanislavksi) to frame these types of performances.
A presentational acting style is a technique in which the actor maintains a distance from the roles they play, it creates an alienation effect. I could say that this applies to some acts of fanservice, but to get to the point of this actual ask, I think what Jimin did in the rehearsal for Adult Ceremony was presentational acting. He couldn't get into the ''role'', and the role was that he as a man had to dance on a song and choreography in which the movements were gendered and specifically female for the most part (although for JM and JK's performance they did add some Michael Jackson inspired moves for a short bit if I recall) and the original message was that of a woman offering herself to a man that had waited for her to become of legal age so they can finally have sex. Jimin was shy and always breaking out of his role, while Jungkook was playful, but despite that, I didn't see him using humor to deflect from what he was actually doing. It's also important to remember that Jungkook, when he dances girl group choreos, he doesn't turn to parody in order to reinforce that he's still a man. If the movements are feminine, he will move his body the exact same way. What Jungkook does is representational acting, the technique in which the actor immerses themselves into the role they play.
This representational acting happens during the actual performance because none of them break that fourth wall. Jimin and Jungkook are not imitating the women who dance, but they embody on stage their femininity as men. Wearing masculine fitting black costumes doesn't erase that. They also have a part of themselves that can be considered more androgynous in appearance. (As I said, one part of themselves, I didn't label any of them as androgynous men in general, this is important to note).
You said ''this piece is super gay'', but I would rather say it's a queer performance because it plays with gender presentation and blurs the lines between socially established genders and it creates a space for queer expression, a ''third realm, a space of possibility in gender construction''. I would like to end this with a last quote from the article because it sums up what performances like Adult Ceremony and Black Swan can be interpreted as, without using some very narrow, Western-centric concepts that require definitive identities:
''The ambivalent construction of homoerotic role-play signals that anyone can act, feel, and be queer without the danger of directly being marked as gay or homosexual. Such ambiguity has potential to liberate individuals and to allow alternative sexual identities moving away from stereotypes of homosexuality embedded in Western culture''.
I believe that narrow mindedness, a Western perspective of gender and sexual identity and being art and media illiterate, stops this fandom from being able to talk about Adult Ceremony or Black Swan as being queer performances, as they believe that by saying this, it automatically adds a certain label to these two men and assuming their homosexuality (as we all know, assuming straightness is completely fine apparently). It's ignorance because assuming men could be queer is not wrong and second, they are not able to separate someone's possible sexual identity from the art they are doing. If those two are connected, fine. It usually is in a lot of cases, but in this particular situations when someone's sexual identity becomes a blank canvas because of the industry, then I say that once again, it's fine to just focus on the art and if the art can be interpreted as queer, then so be it. We can look at them as artists and the art they're making without automatically making statements about them as private individuals.
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zozophoenixxx · 3 years
Serotonin Booster :D 🐉
How to train your dragon edition
Here are some things I had forgotten or little details I just noticed on my rewatch, maybe even Unpopular Opinions 🤭👀
✨Race to the Edge ✨
Meatlug and Toothless messing around in ep1 when Hiccup and Fishlegs are trying to figure out how to stabilize the island 🥺
I remember when I first watched this I was actually in bio and hearing Ruff and Tuff talk about symbiosis was like " WOW IM LEARNING THAT" 😂😂😂
Symbiotic relationship - symbiosis is the interaction between organisms living in close physical association to the advantage of both
It can lead to -> parasitism - a non-mutual symbiotic relationship between species where the parasite benefits at the expense of the host
- Hookfang and Snotlout have a parasitic relationship JAHDHAHSHA
wait I like that instead of calling a relationship toxic now imma be like "this shii is parasitic peace out ✌🏼️"
I like how Barf and Belch are incredibly strong, I feel like it's a fact that's usually ignored about them
Astrid: *talking about Garf* that dragon has a lot of fight in him
Hiccup: *while placing his hand on her shoulder* he's not the only one
I can't ok I love them too much 🥺
Fishlegs licking Astrid's hand is hilariousss nonono it's just that scene in general when Fishlegs is trying to help Astrid find the betrothal gift for Hiccup and she judo-flips him and then sits on him like 🤔
Sandbuster - doesn't like the light. Lives underground.
Astrid riding Toothless to save Hiccup. Just badass.
Hiccup giving Astrid the betrothal necklace and telling her that it's ok that she didn't get him anything bc she's the best gift in the world 🥺
And their hug and the way he moved her out of harm's way whenever Snotlout threw the sword
Still sad abt Shattermaster being replaced by the Triple Stryke
I really liked ep3 whenever they were in Berserker island bc we got to see them actually fighting in battle without their dragons it was pretty cool
The beginning of ep4 is also hilarious I can't with Astrid and Snotlout fighting and then also Astrid beating him up JAHDHAHSHA
- I also always wanted to know what Snotlout said to her 😭😭😭 all of them were just extremely concerned and shocked and Snotlout even had to leave the Edge UGH AHZHZHAG
Atali and the Wingmaidens 👏🏼🤩
"Males would neither understand, nor would they be helpful." Atali is a queen
Vanaheim - the last resting place of all dragons
"Sadness is a matter of perspective. It is how you choose to view something that makes it happy, scary, intriguing, or sad"
Ok so is Stormfly a tracker-class dragon or a sharp-class dragon?
Sentinels - Know all the dragons so they know how to deal with each of their tactics. Run Vanaheim. Have never encountered night furies. Good trackers. Blind. They tend to the island
Hiccstrid kiss count: 3😘
It's the way it's so realistic too, the way he smiles at her, the way he holds her hand and looks at her, the way she puts her hand on his chest and he lightly touches it with his free hand I just can't they're too perfect
Snotlout's excitement to see that Fishlegs was Fishlegs again and not Thor Bonecrusher- I mean the dude went running towards him🥺
I love how Hiccup just knows when Astrid's thinking about something
The way he's just in such a good mood afterwards 🥺
The scene leading up to the moonlight flight in ep7. I love them so much.
Hiccstrid Scene: ep7 min 5:42 -> 7:24
Meatlug's shot was the first to free a Singetail from a dragon flyer
Just realized that Johan not being able to get Hiccup's oil was probably also part of a plan to get them away from the edge to attack
Ok but Snotlout actually taking the initiative to be the leader while Hiccup and Astrid were away
The edge 🥺and when he destroyed his own Hut 🥺 I can't 🥺
I love how Mala and Throk were both trying to put the gang in a better mood
Silicates makes Meatlug drool
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Tuffnut's Spanish is amazing we love to see a bilingual king✋🏼👑
Just realized that Krogan's name is well... Krogan. I never actually paid attention to the dude.
I really like the twins in the Wings of War Episodes, the way they attempt to speak Spanish and start pronouncing the Rrrrrrrrs
Spitelout too lmao the way he helped Hiccup 🤩
It was also Spitelout the one that figured out that the Singetails don't like the altitude
I really love how Hiccup actually found a way to fight the flyers without hurting the Singetails, OMG IT REMINDS ME OF AANG when everyone was telling him to just kill the FIRELORD he found the right way
Tuff has a feet fettish
Stormfly and Garff messing around is too funny I love them sm 😭
Snotlout can be so sad sometimes
The twins singing >>
And that hug between Stormfly and Garff, they're just adorable 🥺🤧
Slitherwings - very poisonous dragons! Even their skin is coated in poison. Like snake appearance. Not much is known about its poison and how it works but there is an antidote -> combination of angel fern root, pine sap and Slitherwing venom. The skin coating protects them from Garff's amber
Stormfly is such a badass omg I love her sm the way she protected Garff
Garff is an excellent shot according to Fishlegs
Fishlegs telling Astrid to look at him is just adorable, the way he wanted her to feel better 😭
Have I mentioned how much I love lil Hiccstrid moments? They dont even have to be romantic but just them? Like he just lightly touched her shoulder and told her to be strong and be there for Stormfly 🥺
Snotlout actually being worried about Astrid 🤧
I will never get over Astrid and Stormfly's relationship and how close they are, they would do anything for each other and Astrid just proved that by going up to the Slitherwing and PUNCHING THE LIL SHIT just to get Stormfly the antidote. AND WHEN SHE STARTED CRYING!!! As Tuffnut said "no one has ever prepared us for something like this"
And the Ruffnut being there for her and protecting her 😭😭😭
Astrid can actually draw
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Still pissed about the fact that Hiccup never knew Astrid got poisoned NOW I NEED TO READ A FANFIC ON IT
That scene in Snuffnut [ep11] where Throk arrives to take Ruffnut as his wife is too funny. The way Astrid is pissed since the beginning and both Hiccup and Fishlegs are like "umm nope" AND WHEN HICCUP TAKES ASTRID OUT OF THE SCENE AND ALL YOU CAN HEAR IS HIM SCREAMING AND THESE RANDOM NOISES 😩😩😩😂
It really bothered me that Astrid had to stay behind in Looking for Oswald... And Chicken [ep12] just to take care of the twins when we could've had some Hiccstrid 😩😭 but it makes sense because Astrid is the only one Hiccup can actually trust on to keep things under control because even though Fishlegs is kinda sane neither the twins nor Snotlout would listen to him and Snotlout would definitely join the twins or just make things worse somehow. I mean they've both proven themselves to be fully capable but well- yk... Astrid is just Astrid
Astrid and Stormfly's faces whenever the twins said they needes a dragon that loves tracking and chicken😭😂😩
Chicken covering her tracks and Snotlout as narrator 😂
Omg Dagur saw Oswald's dead body... He even had to bury him and wow-
Grim Gnashers - hunters that prey on the sick dragons in Vanaheim.
"Please let me hurt him. Please? Just-- just a little?"JAHSHAHAJAJ I LOVE AGGRESSIVE DAGUR
Fishlegs saying that "Snotlout can actually be pretty handy in an air battle" is so true. Like we mostly see Snotlout as this dumb, sarcastic, rebellious dude who doesn't care about anyone but himself and but that's actually not true he's actually caring and will fight for the ones he loves but he won't say that because he cares too much about what others think of him 😭
I really dislike Johan sm u guys don't understand like I used to like him and feel bad whenever ppl cut him short but ughhhhhhh it's the subtle things too like him telling Heather to give them the dragon eye, him screaming in Snotlout's ear, not extending his hand to grab Heather, and him putting his hand out to "grab" the lens but just causing Snotlout to drop it
The way Heather jumped to get Windshear and the way Windshear kept telling her to leave and save herself
Archipelago gold = The clouds of corn = pop corn
I can't believe I'm about to start season 6 this is actually so sad
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caesarflickermans · 3 years
sup, top 5 thg characters and why
beee c:
caesar flickerman is my top favourite mostly based on me having written and headcanoned him for such a long while now. on the one side, he's fun. he's the charismatic guy who bounces up and down a stage, who loves himself quite a lot and whose ego is as big as the planet. but on the other side, he's this quite loving guy who deeply cares for others, maybe too much in a way, and who really tries to make the interviews a decent enough moment. who knows that the games are terrible, but he also knows that it's not guaranteed that whoever follows would do a better job. so he does those interviews because he must. what helps this ranking is my perception of him as a secret rebel who was the first recruit to plutarch, who is the very heart of this operation and who keeps in contact with the tributes not only because he cares for them, but because there's a plan in the making. speaking of which ~
plutarch heavensbee is a good second. my own headcanons jump in the way here, of course, but he's all that caesar is not - in a way - where he's the mind, instead of the heart, of the rebellion. he's this brilliant person who has a selected few he can trust, and who is quite so calculated in his life. and obviously, because i am me, it's interesting and nice to find those moments where the calculated and rational isn't the solution. on top of that, having founded the rebellion (in my headcanon) quite early on, i see him as an enduring and hopeful kind of person who plays the long game rather than the short one. in a way, i wish collins had given us more, but then i also quite like that we've got this solid character that's so open for interpretation.
my oc, virgilia snow, because lmao, she's the first original character that really stuck with me and i love her such a great deal. she's the second wife of snow, and i greatly enjoy her story from no-thoughts-in-this-brain to one of a person discovering her strengths in life, figuring out who she is and wants to be outside of the perceived duties in her life, and, above all, not only enduring and surviving the abusive people she has had to live with and that shaped her point of view, but living beyond them. finding and shaping herself throughout that; despite them having existed/existing in her life. yes, a great deal of her story is about a hetero romance and whatever opinions might have popped up or will pop up when i finally write that beast of a fanfiction - it's all thoughts i've already had. but at the end of the day, virgilia is a deeply romantic character who wants to believe in the good in people and the good in having any kind of relationships with someone. she has experienced abuse in her relationships, so it feels like a good and logical part to have her not only move on from that, but find trust and love in another person.
katniss everdeen is my fourth pick, but there's quite some distance between her and the other 2 (+1). i didn't always appreciate katniss like i do now, which partly is based on me not really liking main characters. but, especially with academically writing on her, i've come to appreciate her story from a completely different angle than beforehand. her struggle for agency in this story is ever so evident. katniss isn't your typical YA protagonist that wants this rebellion and wants to fight. i appreciate her being controlled by adult parties, which all fits neatly into the YA angle, and i've come to appreciate her character through that lens. on top of that, her narration can be quite sarcastic at times and i truly. truly. love that.
finnick odair is somewhat equal to katniss in the sense that i've not always liked him as much. he's a wonderfully written character whose complexity adds up within the two books we have of him. i deeply appreciate him on a literacy point of view for collins having subverted some of the gender stereotypes here. but above all, i enjoy all sides of finnick, and i enjoy how smart he is about plenty of the situations he is in. however, i wouldn't call myself a finnick fan, because i don't always quite like the fandom around his character and this idealisation of him being the perfect boyfriend trope. there's for sure good and complex versions of him out there, several authors with whom i've had the pleasure of talking to and roleplaying with, but for every good finnick writing there's ten bad ones, and i don't enjoy this perfect boyfriend writing.
honourable mentions go to: paylor and pollux, who i would love to rank within the top five but they just don't do enough on the pages to warrant putting them above any of the previously mentioned characters, though i would love to read more about both of them. cinna who is such an iconic and wonderfully crafted character to me. rue who feels like the original mockingjay and where i plead for an au of her becoming exactly that. mags who was so wonderfully fleshed out in the movies and the only on-screen death that left me teary-eyed in the whole four movies. cressida who you and i have our own headcanons on (though i gotta admit i don't like natalie dormer's attempt at looking badass). coin who we should have learned more about and, lastly, peeta, who i have many thoughts on and plenty relate to own headcanons and writing, including caesar feeling very fatherly on this kid.
this is my full ranking and, yes, i made this tiermaker because no tiermaker really had all the characters and, yes, the bottom spot was solely created to slam on claudius the clown. may he be forgotten and never forgiven.
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rawbin69 · 4 years
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*Slowly walks up to you, cradling this*
*Gently sets it down in fromt of you*
Okay anyways hi I’m back after like, months lol, sorry about that (but I’m not actually back because I’m busy trying not to die because of school-work and trying to work on some MAP parts. I literally said five days ago on my yt channel “Hi I’m back now!! :-D” and school just said “no <3″ which, um, rude. So yeah I might come on and occasionally come post something but I’m really not gonna be coming on here to be active
OKAY OKAY but I need to explain these sketches because they will be suuuper confusing without context, I am very aware, yes, so there’s an explanation (+ some extra art and a non-shaded version of the stuff above) under the cut :-)
BASICALLY, @lulzyrobot​ made this AU of Pokémon Sword and Shield and now I have brain rot because of it. Also this AU will indeed be confusing to those who have no knowledge about sword and shield so here’s a skippable paragraph about the game:
Basically, SwSh is just a Pokémon game (no surprise there) and its gimmick or whatever is Dynamax, which turns Pokémon like. Really fucking large. (Some of them can also Gigantamax which changes their appearance as well as size, but we don’t care about that here bc it really isn’t relevant). In all gyms (except one, Spikemouth) there are power spots, which are needed for a Pokémon to Dynamax. If they’re not close to a power spot, they can’t do it. There are also power spots in the Wild Area (which is, you guessed it, an area in the game). At one point in the game, the villain -- Chairman Rose -- starts up something called “the Darkest Day”, which happened before in the Galarian region (which is where everything takes place), in hopes of getting infinite energy for them or something like that (really makes no sense but like ok pop off ig). To do this, he basically uses these things called Wishing Stars -- which are what allows Pokémon to Dynamax -- to summon a Pokémon called Eternatus. In-game, you basically just summon two other legendaries (Zacian and Zamazenta -- they’re on the cover of the games) and fight Eternatus and then catch the fucker. That’s all context you need for this AU so let’s move on to that now:
The AU is basically that Eternatus sends out a powerful blast which fuses trainers with Pokémon, to varying degrees. The closer to a power spot you are, the more likely you are to get it bad. If you’re far enough from one you won’t be affected at all. A person can merge with multiple Pokémon, but the more of them, the harder it is to not go wild. If you merge with a wild Pokémon, you’ll become a Wild Trainer (and those basically act like, well, wild Pokémon).
If you want more info (which you do want, trust me on this), here’s a post made by the creator themself!! https://lulzyrobot.tumblr.com/post/610890677032747008/pokemon-dynamorph-au-masterpost
OKAY ANYWAY, back onto this specific sketch (wow I really went on a rampage there lol)
I decided to Dynamorph my trainersona(??????) (btw, both the Dynamorph version AND the “human” version are WIPs, I’m not completely happy with either of them) and this was the resuulltttt
- Their name is Robin (because I’m a bastard that does self-insert ships with no shame)
- They merged with their Arcanine (and I’m considering also adding a wild Lycanroc, both so I can give them Epic Claws™ and so that their whole extremely volatile nature makes any sense)
- They have some REAL trouble keeping themself in check. Like. They’re constantly on the edge between becoming a Wild Trainer and being “normal”
- Because I am, like I said, a bastard who does self-ships without any shame they are together with Piers. yes I am a simp for him. 
- Robin has their select group of friends (made up of all gym leaders minus Opal because they have no idea what the fuck is up with her, as well as Marnie, Hop and Leon. No they don’t give a shit about Bede) which they are super protective of. They have to be reminded that they can all handle themselves, because they might otherwise become a bit possessive.
- While they are a raging storm you do NOT want to get involved with in any way to anybody outside their friend group, they are really nice to be around when they really care about you. They may be pretty stubborn, but they always do what they think is best for their loved ones. On multiple occasions, they’ve gone out to collect any sorts of gifts they can find that they think their friends will enjoy. They are super gentle and kind with Hop and Marnie (which, by the way, they’d literally die for either of them) and they’re overall a good friend/partner. Their main flaw here is their temperament and somewhat possessive nature.
- If anybody did something to even moderately hurt any of their friends... hoo boy, you do NOT want to do that. They’ve nearly killed people for leaving so much as a scratch on their loved ones, and have to be physically dragged away so they won’t really kill somebody. 
- However. Despite really, truly believing they'd never, under ANY circumstances, hurt ANY of their friends... they’re wrong about that. The only ones they could truly never purposely cause harm to would be Piers, Marnie and Hop. Yes, it would take A LOT for them to hurt any of the others (like, they’d only hurt the others if they tried to, idk, kill them or something. Or if they tried or actually did kill somebody else in their close circle) but it could hypothetically happen.
- If they ever were to see Rose, he’d probably be torn to shreds on sight. Literally nothing would be able to stop them. 
- While it’s near impossible for anybody they don’t care about to calm them down, it’s pretty easy for especially Hop, Marnie, Piers, Raihan, Leon and Milo (and the others, but less so for them lol). 
- They were right by a power spot, like they were about to step into a den, when the blast happened so they were. Really fucking affected by it. They stayed in the Wild Area for a while after that, searching for their Arcanine who had “mysteriously vanished”, before they transformed. They were basically a Wild Trainer for at least a month before Piers found them and managed to get them to remember who they actually were over the course of two days. It was,, really concerning when they’d at first been texting him pretty much non-stop to update him on what was going on with them just to then go radio silent for a few days, especially since people had begun transforming at that point. Haha angst go brrr
- You must ignore how their clothes still kind of fit despite them growing to be both more ~muscular~ and tall and how it’s not dirty for the sake of my convenience ok
Ok I think that’s all? woah that was a long post lmao
Anyways, here’s the promised extra art (first one is the same sketch without any shading and that stuff (buT I MISSED ONE, I DIDN’T REMOVE THE SHADING FROM ONE I AM SORRY LOL), second is Robin as just a regular trainer)
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Oh also some context for some of the sketches:
Bottom one where they’re screaming “yOU mOthErFuCKeR” is what their reaction would be to one of their loved ones being killed
The one with Milo is Robin just. Being near him. After probably having some sort of panic or anxiety attack because they’re worried about everyone. Because Milo is a really calming person to be around.
Top one in the middle is Robin just patting the red eye-lens-things Raihan got from his Flygon because they find it to be Very Entertaining to just pat them for no reason at all.
The ones where they’re hugging Marnie would take place right after they come back to Spikemouth after their month(s) as a Wild Trainer. They still weren’t used to being around people (and much less BEHAVING like a PERSON) so they were pretty awkward about Marnie hugging them.
The one where they’re surrounded by darkness to the right and kneeling forward is them in the middle of their “transformation” after the blast happened.
Fiery ones at the top right are just Robin being pissed as fuck lol
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(Still haven’t decided if this will be the “official” team of Pokemon I have, but it’s cool for now. Also yes, I added an extra Pokemon to my “team” who isn't actually a battle-Pokémon or whatever. I NEED APPLETUNS EMOTIONAL SUPPORT OKAY)
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blueeyedgeorgie · 4 years
“could I request a will imagine where the reader is mia in his new video? like she's his girlfriend and reacts to all of the things belle got him?”
“can you do a will x reader fic where the reader reacts to the belle delphine box lmao x”
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Gif cred. @sdmngifs​
Pairing: WillNE X Reader
Word Count: 2.6k+
Pronouns: She/Her
Opening the door, Y/n's attention first went to the corner of the room. A giant pink bear sat there with two pink crates, a giant blown up donut, and a canvas with a pink-haired girl holding a gun. Glancing over to Will's desk across the room, her boyfriend sat there, not bothering to look back at her. "What is going on here?" Y/n made her way over to the empty seat next to will, a grin was spread across her face. She was a bit excited about whatever her boyfriend was planning. "That smile is will be gone soon," he hadn't made eye contact with his girlfriend yet. He focused on the camera, leaning in to readjust the lens. "Alright, here's the plan, I'm gonna show you all the stuff by the bear. But first you gotta know, all of it is from Belle Delphine." Y/n's mouth shaped in an 'o',  it made sense from the canvas leaning on Will's table. "I need you to close your eyes for the first surprise," her boyfriend stood up from his seat, making his way from behind Y/n. "Oh no, I'm scared already." Hesitantly, she raised her hands to her face. "This first surprise you shouldn't have to be scared about," Will replied. Y/n could hear Will moving around, the sound of his closet door opened before closing again. "So you're telling me I should be scared of some of Belle's gifts?" "Well... yes and no." "Wait, what does that mean, Will?" Y/n let out a giggle fueled with nervousness. "Alright, open your eyes." Taking her hands away from her face, Y/n took a second to let her eyes readjust before looking to her boyfriend. Will stood there with a stupid grin on his face as he wore a white ahegao hoodie. "Oh wait, that's actually really cool," A smile appeared on her face. "I think I might steal that from you for some Instagram pictures." "Really?" he raised a brow at Y/n's reaction. It was only the first gift, but he knew it would get worse. "Yeah, that with some fishnets and some platform boots, it'd be a look," She brushed her hair back out of her face, a grin still staying on her face. Will took a glance at the camera for a moment before walking off back to his closet. "Am I the only one you're showing this stuff to? Or some other friends?" Y/n turned, watching Will pull the hoodie off himself. "Yeah, I'm just having James, Alex, and George stop by to have them check it out too," as soon as the hoodie was off, Will made his way to the other belongings in the corner of the room. "Alright, here's the next gift." He had picked up a box, bringing it back over to the desk. Getting closer, he revealed the front of the box with a bit of art of Belle on the from. Belle had been making a "shush" motion as the art of her was drawn with her finger over her lips. "Is that Belle Delphine fanart?"Y/n asked as she admired the art. "I have no clue, what do you think is in it?" "Huh, probably more photos of her." "George said the same thing," Will grinned happily, his hand snaking down to open the box. "Great minds think alike." Will paused as Y/n spoke, only making his girlfriend let out a giggle, "Are you gonna keep opening it or not?" "I'm opening it, I'm opening it," he let out a sigh before flipping the top open. A dartboard with Morgz mum's face on it was shown. "That's so cool," Y/n grinned happily. "Are you gonna hang it up somewhere?" "Maybe, I have no clue where I'm gonna put it yet," Will shrugged before closing the box. He made his way back to the corner of gifts. "I'd just like to say Will hasn't let me into his bedroom for the past couple of days because of all the gifts," The h/c girl smiled before looking back at Will as he picked out a new gift. "That looks like a Belle Delphine shrine, doesn't it?" Will had approached with a different box that had the same art sprawled out on top of it. Taking a seat next to Y/n, he handed her the box before quickly snatching up his Go-Pro camera. Taking a glance at Will, Y/n slowly opened the box. As soon as they realized what was sitting in their lap, a giant grin spread across their face another time. A pink BB gun sat there with 'Belle Delphine' written across it. "Can Belle become my sugar mommy?" Y/n spoke as she picked up the gun. Will let out a laugh from his girlfriend's response. "I'm surprised how well you're taking this." "Well, I haven't seen anything too concerning." "Yet." "What?" After taking the BB gun back, Will had returned with something else. A pink machete. "My god, Belle is really preparing you for an apocalypse, isn't she?" "I literally have no clue what I'm going to do with this," Will shrugged, going back to find a safe place to secure the weapon. After the machete, Will had brought the portrait of Belle over to Y/n to give her a moment to admire it. Belle was painted holding a gun as she said 'Subscribe or die.' "Just wondering why you haven't drawn up a canvas like this yet," Will grinned cheekily. "You see, I was gonna say I liked the painting until you made that snarky little comment," Y/n shook her head, her smile disappearing. "But you know what? You want a canvas? I'll give you a canvas. Don't be surprised when one day you walk into your bedroom and you'll see a painting of me covering up your walls." her smile appeared from Will's mouth falling open. "And I'm gonna get one of your friends in so they get the video content before you do." "Alright, that's where you hurt me, Y/n," Will shook his head, walking off with the canvas. "Anyways, I think it's about time we open the crates." As soon as the crate was brought over to Y/n, she opened it. The crate had been filled with all different sorts of things. The first thing Will had pulled out was a pair of cat mittens. "I think these were made for you." "No love, those were made for you." Y/n pushed the mittens towards Will, only for him to put them on. "Looking good." Instead of continuing to go through the crate, Will had brought over the inflatable donut. He had ended up making Y/n wear it while pointing his go-pro camera in her face. "I'm scared," Y/n bit her lip. "Why am I sitting in the donut?" "There's no reason to be scared." Will let out a giggle of excitement mixed with nervousness. "Is Belle gonna pop out of the closet or something?" She looked behind her over to the row of closets in Will's room. Will let out another giggle. "No, no, no. Don't worry about that. But do you think you could smell it?" "What?" "Just smell the donut, Y/n." Keeping eye contact with her boyfriend, Y/n hesitantly leaned in towards the plastic, sniffing it. There was no scent besides the smell of plastic. "There's no smell Will." "Alright, there's another donut. This one smells like an actual donut," Will had brought a smaller donut over to Y/n. "And on the back of it is a YouTube URL." "Oh no... what happened?" Y/n's voice cracked as she moved to take the piece of plastic off of her, "I don't wanna wear this now." Will took a seat next to Y/n, letting out a laugh as he typed in the URL. "The URL leads to a video titled, 'Belle vs Donut.' And the channel is 'Willne and Belle forever'." "It should be Y/n and Belle forever," Y/n gave a mischievous wink at the camera while Will typed in the URL. Her boyfriend had taken a moment to stare into the camera just from hearing that. "Am I gonna lose my girlfriend to my sugar mommy?" "Hopefully." The video had started, revealing Belle had sprayed whipped cream on most of the donut before slipping into the donut from using a children's slide. After she was in the donut she had slapped her head against the donut before the video ended. A moment of silence followed after the video ended. Y/n was a bit speechless for a moment. "...Wow." "I know," Will chuckled with his usual grin reappearing on his face. "You commented 'pog'?" The h/c girl let out a giggle as she scrolled down to the comment section, "You're this channel's only subscriber. That's sad." Will couldn't help but let out some more laughter from Y/n. "Guys, go subscribe to Willne and Belle forever and try to get Belle to change the channel name to  'Y/n and Belle forever'." Will looked into his camera once more with the usual look of disappointment. As Will had gone back to bring the crate back, Y/n quickly scrolled down to the comment section, typing in 'Y/n + Belle forever.' The crate had been reopened, revealing the content inside for a second time. The first thing Will had pulled out was a photo of Belle with a note on the back of it. "Dear WillNE, I hope you enjoy your mystery box! Love from Belle Delphine." "That's sweet," Y/n smiled. "I'm just so confused how you aren't upset," Will placed the photo back down before turning to Y/n. "Oh, the only thing I'm upset about is that she chose to be your sugar mommy over mine." Will had shown off a pink Xbox controller with Belle's name engraved on it. Y/n had found it cool and was a bit jealous she didn't have her own. After the Xbox controller, Will brought out Belle's pet named 'Fluffy.' He was a small crocodile with a ribbon tied around his neck. "Omg, I love him. Could I keep him?" Y/n smiled, taking the crocodile out of Will's hands. "Yeah, I thought he was a real animal when I first opened the crate." Y/n let out a laugh at her boyfriend before they continued on with the rest of the items. Will had brought out a Dive blaster from OverWatch to show off, Y/n really didn't care much for it. Up next, Will had brought out a pair of pink darts with the Britain flag on them. SO the couple had decided to walk over to the dartboard to play a short game. Will had brought out a mug with custom art on it. The art had shown Belle watching WillNE on it, meanwhile a few of Will's friends' videos had been put on the sidebar of recommended videos. "It says Will and Belle forever... wow," Y/n gave a look to the camera before handing the mug back to her boyfriend. Will brought out a polaroid of Belle that had a button connected to it. The button had said, 'send nudes.' "I'm starting to get concerned she's actually trying to steal you from me," Y/n muttered quietly as she stared at the polaroid. Will did feel a bit bad, he knew he had to spoil Y/n some way for her later on to make up for the video. Y/n looked back at the camera before blurting out, "Belle I love you, please date me instead of my boyfriend." Will had swapped out the first crate for another one, this new one being called 'the fanny crate.' He had first pulled out a bowl of cereal, handing it to Y/n. "Oh, that's cute. It says sub to WillNE," Y/n smiled at the bowl. "It might not be what you think it is." "Nevermind." She quickly placed the bowl down, refusing to take a second glance at it. The brunette boy had pulled out a purple teddy bear that had no face, merely a giant black hole for a mouth and prickly white teeth. "Oh, I love him too. Could I also keep him?" The h/c girl grinned, holding the bear close. "Take him, he's scary." Will shook his head, going back into the crate to pull something new out. A syringe of pink glitter appeared in his hands. As soon as Y/n saw it, she blurted out the first thing that came to her mind. "Mikey, could you please edit James in when he says 'Inject this into my fucking veins'?" Y/n let out a giggle as she looked over at the camera. "Don't listen to her Mikey!" "Joke's on you, Mikey likes me." Will had next pulled out a pink condom that had been titled 'Gamer girl condom.' Of course, Will had ended up asking the dumbest question yet. "Could we use it?" "She could've poked holes in it," Y/n shook her head. "You're insane." Will had ended up bringing out a new gift that just happened to make Y/n a bit jealous. A brand new seventh-generation Ipad. The couple had found themselves talking over if Belle had possibly uploaded anything to it. After putting the Ipad away once again, Will had told Y/n to close her eyes once again. "Will, you keep scaring me," Y/n sighed, her face covered with her hands. "Well none of this stuff has been that terrible yet, has it?" "You said 'yet' earlier." "That's because I thought you were gonna be much more upset over the stuff in the crates!" After a moment of shuffling footsteps and silence, Wil spoke up once again, "Reach your hand out." "Oh no," Y/n muttered before hesitantly moving her hand out. It took a few seconds before she felt anything. But as soon as her hand came in contact with something, she flinched. Opening her eyes, Y/n had realized what her hand came in contact with. "She got you a fucking chainsaw?" At this point, Will was grinning like a child who had been spoiled on Christmas. "Gotta protect myself." "From what? Wood?" Y/n raised a brow, a smug smile on her face as she watched Will walk off with his new machine. Soon enough, Will had come back with one last item. A small pink box. Getting into arms reach of Y/n, he quickly handed the box to her, not bothering to take a seat before doing it. Y/n let out a gasp at the sight of the box, could Belle have tried to propose to Will? "I swear if she proposed to you with an engagement ring I'm breaking up with you," shaking her head, Y/n opened the box. A small necklace fell out with a small red crystal connected to it. After taking a moment to admire it, Y/n spoke up. "Will... what is this?" "Blood." "What the fuck?" As quickly as the necklace had been brought out, it had been put away. And just like that, the filming had come to an end. Y/n had stuck around to help Will clean everything up for Alex to show up. By the time they had finished, they had a bit of time before Alex would show up, leaving the couple free time together. "Hey Y/n," Will followed Y/n downstairs. They had planned to watch a bit of TV and cuddle for a bit. "Yes?" "you know I love you, right?" "Of course," Y/n stopped walking, turning to face her boyfriend. "I love you, you know that, right?' "Yeah." "Good," the h/c girl took a seat on the couch, scooting over to give Will room. "You're not mad about Belle?" "Not at all, I get stuff like this happens. Also, Belle is Belle, what do you expect?" She moved over, cuddling up to Will's chest as he moved to hold her close. "God, you're amazing." "I know."
Taglist: @anyasthoughts @multifandom-but @springholland @blondiee-seaveyy @caswinchester2000 @glossystyless 
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eatyourfruitkids · 4 years
and i thought, oh shit, what about my hot female body?
my female ego was toxic. it wasn’t her fault, she thought her presence in my brain was necessary. my family never quit gave off the vibes that the one daughter, the one sister, was ever allowed to deviate from such a norm. though i love and loved him dearly, my twin brother’s role in my view of gender was one of contrast. from the youngest age, as in, when we were born, connor got the blue teddy bear, s***** got the pink one. later, when our mom dressed us, connor wore the hats and s***** wore the bows. connor got the bionacles for christmas, s***** got the zuzu pets. that was just the way it worked. i was a girl and he was a boy, after all.
it’s not like i ever really minded. i’ve always loved animals, hoarding their stuffed counterparts felt natural. my brother and i would play together, littlest petshop pets living in lego spaceships. our genders were defined, but we never let that separate us. i never let that grave burden, being a girl, bar me from playing with power rangers, even if i was immediately cast as the pink one.
in middleschool, something changed. i became hyperaware of my gender, though i never once questioned it. while i had always been a girl by default, now i was beginning to feel the social anxieties of a young, adolescent Girl. i stuggled greatly for an identity, finding one for a short while in anime fandoms and watching gaming letsplays (i never played; girls were bad at video games, as according to my three brothers. i just had shitty hand eye coordination, fuck me) and later in an obsession with emo bands and new cartoon network cartoons and being pansexual or a lesbian. my fashion sense was terrible until i saw cute girls on instagram wearing “aesthetic-y” clothes in seventh grade and decided to emulate them. this was just one of many instances of me confusing my attraction towards females as desire to be like them.
with today’s insight, i can say with confidence that i would far rather put my head in a nice pair of tiddies than own that nice pair of tiddies.
i came to realize that my female ego was a problem close to the time where i realized that smoking weed was the best shit ever. here, i’ll take a break to rip bong and reminisce on this night, the night of the smoke off. im kinda high rn lol but its okay i turned adult recently lol. anyways *bong rip*
ok anyways sry
i didnt realize being a girl was a problem for me when i first started smoking weed. in hindsight, i now know that smoking everyday longterm while mistakenly identifying as female highlighted some less-than-savory areas of my psyche. 
my dysphoria makes me think that people are simping for me, sometimes when they’re not. although i am a sad, emo, five-foot-seven twitter meme cat boy of a trans “man,” i’m a cute nerdy stoner girl with winged eyeliner n a sexy female body, relatable-if-severe social anxiety and a porn addiction i’m, unfortuately, not always too shy to talk about.
long story short, something i now know to be dysphoria pushed me to start Smoking Weed With The Boys frequently, and something called dysphoria-plus-my-female-ego created this weird, unhealthy narrative that my friends only all liked me bc i was Hot Sessy Girl and they were only friends with me to hold out past my sweet, sunshiney (beta?) bf. this narrative fucked with me (probably because it wasnt true and created by the same part of my anxious brain that would repress my fucking transness, also because i love and care for my bf and felt terrible “letting this continue”) and yet, i continued hanging out with The Boys (besides when sometimes id flake on everyone for periods of time bc i felt Too Bad for bf lol) not even for attention-- although sometimes id get it, word-- even if it was magnified through the lens of my dysphoria, but because i had this deep urge to fit in with them. 
besides having a legit problem with the way i use weed and being high literally all the time, i wasn’t a huge “stoner” by my town’s standards. 
so, without getting into the elaborate details of my life and my twin’s cool fucking weed basement and my real life picture of marilyn monroe’s tiddies, The Boys had a smoke of at my house. i realized i wasn’t that much of a stoner when i got too high (something that deadass never fucking happens) and violently shook for like thirty minutes until my friends sent me upstairs for ice, i put on a hoodie, looked in the mirror and realized id prefer life as a boy.
it could’ve been because my toxic, ill-built stoner female woker-than-u ego had finally been popped, kinda like a bubble, or it could be because i was wearing a crop top and had gone silent because i was fixated on how i wished boys wore crop tops, and the hoodie had alliviated that. 
now i only think one friend simps for me, but hes such a nice dude that i could never say anything, fuck. hes such a homie tho if i were ever single id take his v card as a favor lmao
i figured out what i wanted to be called that night, 
stu. idk if its short for stuart, which is gross but fuck it, or if i want to be a stew/art or what the fuck but. stu.
a few friends and no family know. i chopped my hair off and a binder is on route. im lifting weights w one of the boys.
happy adulthood to me
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
1. What color does your hair look like when it’s wet? I dye my red hair red, but when it’s wet it looks really dark. 2. Do you remember the date of your prom?  May something, 2008.
3. Was your last kiss long and sensual or short and sweet? Why’s that? It was just a quick one.
4. When kissing, do you like to be on top or bottom? I haven’t kissed lying down if that’s what you mean. If you mean like whose lips are on top of whose lmao I want them to lead the way.
5. Do you think your boyfriend really loves you or is he just saying it? I’m single.
6. My boyfriend used to tell me he loved me several times a day..now he doesn’t even say it when I tell him I love him..do you think something is going on? Uh, yeah.
7. Is it time to clean your cat litter box(assuming you have a cat)? I don’t have a cat.
8. By cat litter box, I mean your vagina? Wtf.
9. Basically, are you clean? I’m clean, thanks.
10. Why are most surveys made just for girls(with questions about boobs, lipstick, boyfriends, etc)? You’re doing that in yours, so ask yourself that.
11. Oh well, this survey’s for girls, do you wear dark lipstick? I haven’t worn any lipstick in years.
12. Do you own any red high heels? Nope. I don’t own any heels.
13. Can you even walk in high heels? Well, no. For very obvious reasons.
14. Do you have any make-up on right now? Nope. Haven’t worn makeup in a long time.
15. What are your measurements? Blah.
16. Does your boyfriend/husband know what size your boobs are? Another thing survey makers tend to do is assume you’re in a relationship.
17. He should so he can buy you sexy lingerie, right? Sigh.
18. If you wear glasses, do you have those little disposable lens wipes to clean them with? Nope.
19. Of if you have contacts, are they coloured?
20. Have you ever fallen asleep with your contacts in and then woke up to them basically sticking to your eyeballs and your vision is all fuzzy? I’ve never worn contacts. The idea of putting them and taking them out freaks me out, as well as what you’re talking about possibly happening. 
21. Do you have hair extensions or do you think those are strictly for the scene kids? Wtf. A lot of people wear hair extensions, for one. Second, I’ve never worn them but I’ve wanted to. 
22. Am I scene for saying, “kids” in the last question? Uh, how does saying “kids” make you scene? I’ve never heard that. Also, this is stupid.
23. List all the things you have from your boyfriend at your house right now? Blahhhhhh.
24. Do you feel uncomfortable when crossing busy streets? Yeah, it did make me anxious. Even non-busy streets made me nervous. I always made sure to make eye contact with the car and make sure they came to a complete stop before crossing.
25. Last time you exercised and for how long? Hahhah. Good one.
26. Have you ever worn guys’ Nike shorts? Nope.
27. How does your hair look/smell right now? It’s in a messy pony tail.
28. Last girl who called you hot/sexy/something else of the sort? No one has called me any of those things in a very long time.
29. Was she hitting on you? 30. Last guy who called you hot/sexy/something else of the sort?  ^^^^
31. Was HE hitting on you?
32. If you got a pet today, what would you name it? I have a doggo that I love very much and that’s perfect for me. We don’t have the space or money for another pet at this time.
33. Have you ever taken the 5,000 question survey? Not the whole thing, but almost. It’s been like 2 years since the last time I did it. I should finish it soon.
34. They say sneezes are like miniature orgasms…do you agree with that? I’ve never had an orgasm, but I’ve sneezed countless times in my life and I don’t find it enjoyable at all.
35. Do you think a virgin would enjoy getting fondled more than a person who has had sex multiple times? Anyone could enjoy that.
36. Does wearing long sleeve shirts irritate you? No.
37. Last nice restaurant you went to? The Blue Bayou in Disneyland.
38. Who were you with, what did you order, and how much was it? I was with my mom, brother, aunt, and cousin celebrating my brother’s 21st birthday. I ordered pasta with pesto and a coffee. They also brought out delicious bread and butter and a cake for dessert.
39. What would you do if your boyfriend/husband got drafted into war tomorrow?
40. Does the smell of vinegar make you feel like you’re going to throw up or do you like it? It doesn’t make me gag, but it’s definitely not a pleasant scent. 41. Do you know anyone who has committed suicide?  No.
42. If you do and you don’t mind me asking, how did they go?
43. Do you think it’s unladylike for a woman to say, “fuck”? I thought it was 2020, not 1920.
44. Are any of your friends upset about anything right now? There’s things my family is stressed out about.
45. Have you ever attended a high school Homecoming dance and football game? Who was your date? No.
46. When you have a rubber band and you’re around someone, do you feel the urge to pop them with it? Nooo. That really hurts (I’ve done it to myself), I have no desire to do that to someone. 
48. Has a guy ever touched your butt without permission? If so, how did this make you feel? No. Thankfully, as someone in a wheelchair, no one can do that unless I allow them to. 
49. How many formal dresses do you own? I don’t have any anymore. I recently got rid of a lot of clothes, including dresses. I haven’t worn them in years and I see no need for them for the foreseeable future, so they were just taking up space. If something happens to come up that I need a dress for in the future then I’ll just get one.
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living-dead-parker · 6 years
‘60s - P.P
Summary: Peter and some of the team go back in time
Read Part 2 Here!
Warnings: mentions of drugs and drug use, lazy writing but I’m not gonna go in-depth on time travel bc idc lmao, very stereotypical but I’ve been in a ‘60-’70s music binge and this was inspired by the Mamas and Papas ngl
(seriously, I’m having a huge “I was born in the wrong generation” moment but I’m glad I was bc I probs would’ve died sometime between the ‘60-’80s from a hallucinogenic drug overdose or smth)
Word Count: 1.2k
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It felt almost like a movie montage to Peter. Running from one period of time to another in a matter of seconds. He ran behind Tony, who was being led by Carol and Stephen. The two had figured out a way to make time travel easier for everybody involved in the mission while making themselves nearly invisible. Behind Peter is Steve, who is being followed by Bucky, Sam, Nat, and Wanda. The group had just exited the early 2000s, on a wild chase to the late '60s.
"Alright, can you get us there faster?" Tony asks as he sees that the group stands somewhere in the mid-'90s. The group is chasing after some book with ancient spells that could be of use to Stephen to protect Earth. However, the only known copy was found and lost in the '60s.
"Well, we're not completely invisible to people, there are a select few who can see us, so we need to tread lightly. You think you can wait?" Stephen nearly hisses. He's not a fan of having his methods questioned. Especially because he knows what to do. He's seen every outcome, he knows of three possible successful solutions.
"Well, we have a book to steal from some druggie that we have to take to our present, make copies, travel back to the past, and then ditch the book as if nothing happened. How do we know we got the right guy? What if we're lat-"
"Anthony Stark, don't make me ditch you in the eighties. I really don't care for your attitude. I know what I'm doing," Stephen says sternly, giving the older man a simple eye roll. Stephen goes back to doing his thing, masking them as Carol leads the way. They zoom through the next two decades and suddenly, they come to a halt.
When Peter looks around, he sees an enormous crowd of people. Many dressed in large flowy clothing; dresses, bell bottoms, vests, and flowers. Lots of them. Circle frame glasses, the John Lennon kind. Flowers in people's hair, bandanas or scarves wrapped around people's heads, and tie-dye. The sound of music plays loudly but Peter can still hear Tony let out a silent curse.
"We're surrounded by fucking hippies, Strange."
"Our guy is here. He's got a Volkswagen parked outside the fairgrounds, he's in the crowd for The Grateful Dead right now. The parking lot should be empty or filled with morons who are completely out of their minds on drugs. Let's get going now," Stephen instructs. Peter can't help but look around at everything,
Peter sees signs everywhere, fliers for the festival. The Monterey Pop Festival. He quickly grabs a flyer and reads over the whole thing. June 16 -18, 1967. The Who, Mamas and Papas, The Jimi Hendrix Experience. Peter began to feel very awestruck. He can now say he's witnessed the '60s. Sure, he doesn't listen to the music, but surely this is a historic moment?
Unbeknownst to Peter, it really was a historic moment. Almost as historic as Woodstock, which would take place two years after the very moment he's in. Peter looks at everyone, enjoying the culture of it all. Sure, it was a little worrying for him, as he keeps seeing people left and right taking some sort of drug and spacing out. There's some partial nudity but he ignores it. Different time.
When the group all reaches the parking lot, Peter sees a woman standing by a large Volkswagen Bus, all decked out in a tie-dye paint job, giant peace sign on the hood of the van. She seems a bit shorter than Peter, she has h/c hair and she seems to be alone and waiting for someone. He can't help but be mesmerized by the beautiful woman. Her h/c hair adorned with chickweeds scattered through it. She has a patterned dress with flared sleeves and it cuts off at her knees. She has on some black sandals and some pink circle-lens glasses.
"Come on, Donnie. We're gonna miss out on Jimi. He's already playing!" the woman speaks and even her voice seems to captivate the young man. Tony notices Peter staring as Stephen tries to locate the book.
"I need to burn the book first, Y/N," a man inside the van speaks.
"You can do it after the Mamas and Papas. Who are after Jimi. The book will always be there. Come on!" the woman whines. A sigh is heard but a man walks out, taking Peter by surprise as he smiles at the woman and presses a kiss to her lips. He's a very toned black man, with an afro that could put anybody's to shame. He has on some a brown vest with no undershirt. He has some flared pants on and brown boots. He follows the woman, Y/N, and Peter feels a sense of sadness that he'll never see her again.
"If it's any consolation," Tony says out of the blue, "she's most likely way older than me at this point."
Peter sighs as he watches the woman walk away. He really won't find another woman like her. Quite literally, as she's from the '60s.  Stephen begins working on getting the book. He instructs half the team to stay and the other half to go back to the future with him. So Carol goes with him, followed by Bucky and Steve.
"He's right, little dude," Sam speaks up, "she's probably old enough to be your grandma or something."
"I get i-"
"No, really think about it," Nat joins in. "She has to be 20 here in the '60s. So, say from '67 to 2019, that's 52 years. Add on those twenty and she's gotta be 72. Give or take."
"I get it, guys. She could be my grandma or something. Too bad I was born too late," Peter says sadly. Tony holds back a chuckle, seeing the poor kid beating himself up for being born decades after some random woman on drugs at a music festival in the '60s.
When Stephen and Carol arrive back with Steve and Bucky, they put the book back in the van where the Donnie guy left it. It seemed to be just in time, as Y/N was making it back with Donnie in tow. Peter watches as she stares in their general direction and he can feel himself begin to blush as she stares at him.
"Hey, Donnie. Do you see those people? In the suits?" she asks as she points in their general direction. Everybody's eyes go wide and they seem to be stuck in their spots.
"I don't see anything. But you did eat some mush, you'll be fine."
It didn't hit Peter what that meant until they were back in the '90s. It took him some time to realize she was drugged, but there really was nothing he could do. So, as he left the '90s and made it back to 2019, Peter felt a sense of relief and a bit of sadness. He experienced love at first sight with some woman who's now old enough to be his grandmother, but he can't help but cling to that brief moment where she saw him too. Where she smiled at him and looked at him with a drunken - or more like drugged - gleam in her eyes.
Please leave feedback or requests. Come ask me questions or just come talk to me!!
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shiniganja · 2 years
8, 31, 34
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how many water bottles are in your room right now?
8-12 empty/half empty ones in my little floor nest (we get free water at work and I take anywhere from 2-7 a night depending on how much bullshit I had to go through lmao), 3-4 in my mini cooler, and 35 pack hidden somewhere in my closet.
what type of music keeps you grounded?
Utsu-p and Dir en Grey are typically my go tos, but I also really like the upbeat, dreamy, kinda Japanese city pop vibes YOASOBI gives and I like how weightless listening to Nujabes makes me feel, especially their song Imaginary Folklore. I have a lot a memories listening to that whenever I'd had anxiety/panic attacks. It's really weird, but I've found that whenever I'm in an "out of it" state fast, aggressive music or music that puts me in a "fairy tale" state will snap me back to reality. (not music but I've also found that buying energy drinks when my brain is going to fast helps to bring me back down and I find that both really weird but still neat). Also the song If You Steal My Sunshine by Len for some reason. It just makes me really, really happy whenever I hear it and all other thoughts go away. It's sort of like a 'brain wiper' so after it's over I can go back to being present.
is there a song you know every word to by heart?
Yeah. There's a lot, so I'll just go with a few that I really like. God = Dog by Behemoth, Forced Gender Reassignment by Cattle Decapitation, Gurenge by LiSA (was actually learning this to do a cover at some point), every 2000's rap song, and the theme of Laurence the First Vicar from the Bloodborne ost. It's where the title of my blog comes from actually.
uhhhh these turned out really long but I hope u enjoyed learning about shini n his collection of water bottles, also thank u for the ask, it makes me happy when my friends want to know more about me
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dwtspd · 7 years
DWTS S24 W8 - Time for Trios!
I always love the trios. Or well, I love the idea of it. We get to see another pro/troupe dancing, the extra person could add some creative possibilities, and some of my favourite dances from past seasons have been trios.
This time though instead of the couple picking an eliminated pro or troupe member however, they are assigned by the judges. This is kinda shady, and also makes moot another good thing about the trios - seeing the friendships amongst the pros. Think the Wit/Linds or Mark/Derek trios. I like how they utilised so many troupe members though - perhaps it’s also a ‘test’ for them for the producers to gage how they may fare as a pro.
For the regular dances this week, the pros also picked a song to represent their partner (also realistically it also has to be a song that fits a dance style they haven’t done yet).
We get a preview of the Hot Summer Nights tour featuring five couples. Nice number, if the costumes don’t look reused (haha).
Anyway, Julianne is back from Move tour.
Rashad and Emma - Jive Emma picked “Shake a Tail Feather” by Ray Charles. I don’t think his footwork has any problems. Yes he didn’t point his toes but his did point his feet and I don’t really put that under footwork. To me it’s more of like posture...but also not really. There was a moment near the beginning where he seemed to loose his bounce, but it was brief. Very fun, lots of content. The staging didn’t let me see some of the movements all the time. Definitely a joy to watch! 9-9-9-9 T36 Seems fair, but I think in the grand scheme of the night, he should have gotten 1 or 2 more tens.
Normani and Val - Contemporary Val picked “Free”. Also I kinda like her new hair. Normani talked about social media bullying, quite a prevalent issue today. I think this is the first time we actually learnt something about Normani beyond “I always wanted to be a pop singer and now I’m living it with 5H”. I don’t think contemporary was a very good dance to give her since she’s still injured, especially when the injury is in her back. Contemporary (when done right) uses a lot of the core. I liked the concept of this dance, and the costuming was good. There was some nice moves thrown into that dance. And I’m VERY glad that it wasn’t just made of dragging and lifts that many DWTS contemps are made of. I think it could have done with less running around and angsty hair-grabbing-arm-waving though. I gotta disagree with some of the judges’ comments though. Of course Normani has good performance quality. It’s part of her profession. 10-10-10-10 T40
Bonner and Sharna - Argentine Tango Sharna picked “Believer” by Imagine Dragons for Bonner. Bonner mentioned that it’s hard having to keep talking about his injuries etc for the show, and I think that’s a problem DWTS has to keep working on. Now you want to talk about footwork, dear judges? Bonner was kinda stompy and flat footed. Rashad looks like a ten next to that. He had some sharp arm movements where it counted but his intensity didn’t really meet the mood of the song. I’ve come to accept that Bonner’s movements are never gonna be sharp or strong enough for a dance, so there’s that. The ending choreography was very underwhelming. Doesn’t mean it’s good, but it’s just something we have to accept if he sticks around. Len was mean to say he shouldn’t be here this week. Even if there are better dancers who have gone, that’s not something you tell someone outright. 8-7-8-7 T30
Simone and Sasha - Foxtrot LOL it’s okay Sasha, I would react that way if someone told me we were dancing to One Direction, much less that 1D song in particular. It’s so weird a song for a foxtrot. I don’t think Simone wasn’t not authentic unlike CAI - she’s a naturally smiley goofy person. That’s who she is. Anyway it’s a foxtrot. If it’s not graceful and elegant, it’s all happy and smiley. I agree with Julianne though - it was “safe”. A very good dance, but nothing outstanding. What do they mean by “rawness” though. It’s a happy dance. Plus like Simone said, maybe some emotions she’s never experienced before. That’s not more to that to the point that you can be raw. Everyone “awwwwws” at the scores in a disappointed way. 9-9-9-9 T36
David and Lindsay - Viennese Waltz Lindsay chose “Humble and Kind” by Tim McGraw for David. I’ve never heard it, but it’s a very nice song. Really great dance by David! After a couple of goofy and latin dances, it was nice seeing David doing a good proper standard ballroom dance again. Apart from throwing his arms too far back a bit some times, I didn’t see anything around with David’s dancing. He did not loose his frame and knew all his steps. He wasn’t stiff, and the travelling steps were done very smoothly. Dance of the first half of the night!! 9-9-9-9 T36
Now for the trio rounds!
Rashad, Emma and Witney - Argentine Tango I thought they could have better choreographed the parts between Rashad dancing with Emma and Rashad dancing with Witney besides him just running from one to the other. The lighting was a very good way to complement the story. Okay Len, we get it. His feet aren’t pointed all the way but everyone’s feet are like that. Normani and Simone flex their toes. Bonner’s are stuck at right angles. Why pick on Rashad in particular? Moving on, can someone gif Bruno waving his arms and saying “eVErYWHERE”? I just find it really amusing. 10-9-10-10 T39 Len you party pooper.
Normani, Val and Alan - Jive That truck looks like it’s from Chris Soule’s jive too. “How would you describe your ideal Southern gentleman?” “...Bonner.” Hahahaha. Apart from one particular move where Normani was a bit squatty in her stance (it lasted like, 2 seconds), I didn’t see anything wrong with this dance. No CAI, I don’t think there was a lot of acting in this dance. It was just Normani being happy. Which is what jive is. Len, expectedly, throws a fuss about the country-freestyle section done right on the judges’ table. Was Alan supposed to take his shirt off at the same time as Val and failed to get it off? I thought that was unnecessary. Do all Southern guys always take their shirts off? I thought it was just Bonner’s model thing. 10-9-10-10 T39
Bonner, Sharna and Britt - Jazz Hello, Britt! First season, am I right? She seems like a cute girl. I feel like Bonner really enjoyed this dance because I saw him singing along to the music and looked like he had fun in rehearsals, as with the boy bands group dance (maybe he fares better in group settings). His problem is that he just can’t display and project emotion. Choreo wise it was very very simple, but at least Bonner looked like he knew what the steps were. Nice seeing some hip rolls from him. But it felt more like a music video than a dance, and some music videos have more dancing than that. Set design was very good! Performance wise I thought this was waaayyyyy better and definitely more clean than his first dance and to recognise that, he should have gotten all 8s. 7-7-7-7 T28
Simone, Sasha and Brittany - Paso Doble okay, even if EDM-pasos are a thing now (and it’s not something I’m against), that’s a weird song to pick. Anyway, the silver foil paso skirts are back! Anyone thought the costuming and lighting harkened back to Alfonso’s Turn Down For What? But with way more lasers. I saw some very good shaping from Simone. There was one move where she threw her arm back too much and arched her back a bit. Typical gymnast problems. Overall I thought she held her own with Brittany. Did Bruno fall out of his chair? 9-9-9-9 T36 I thought they should have had one ten.
David, Lindsay and Hayley - Paso Doble not to be outdone by silver foil skirts (that she patented along with Witney), Lindsay has upgraded to gold foil paso skirts. Before they dance though, David gives us a little “brownie points” jig. David definitely had intensity, if he was a little stiff. I was worried he couldn’t fill the grandeur of the music and the set but he did. He lacked shaping, obviously, and was a bit hoppy sometimes when he prepared for the next move. I wouldn’t say it’s “clumsy”, but it did feel a bit heavy. Lindsay cheers so loudly you can still hear her when the camera is wide. 7-7-8-7 T29
Elimination time...Normani is safe, Simone is safe, David is safe. Between Bonner and Rashad, going home is...Bonner. Well he did overstay his welcome, not that Len should have told him outright. Hope he enjoyed himself, because I think he did. It’ll be interesting to see which is the favourite dance he encores during the finale.
Combined scores: Normani - 79 Rashad - 75 Simone - 72 David - 65 Bonner - 58
I will do a data analysis post and post it up later this week!
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miyaameow · 8 years
RFA+Saeran & V x MC - Please Don’t Hurt Me (Pt. 2)
hehe sorry for like taking forever with this part 2 (I made it significantly longer then part 1 lmao oops). Anyways I hope you enjoy this Anon~
She was always stressed out - whether it be over one project or another, there was just no time for her to take breaks. Whenever she had even the slightest sliver of spare time it would be like heaven had descended upon her, and she’d take out her limited edition DVD of the “Promiscuous Jalapeno Topping.”
It was her favourite show of all time, and to her, it was probably worth more than any other treasure in the world. You made sure not to touch her things because you didn’t know what was confidential or classified, furthermore, if you messed anything up, it would just add to her work load. That was something you never wanted to do.
But it was Sunday, and she was still in bed, so you decided to pop in the show so she could wake up to Zen’s sweet singing voice; but when you did, it didn’t play. The machine then began to make violent whirring sounds, spinning the disc inside so fast, you thought you could smell smoke from the overheating and friction against the delicate surface of the DVD. Out of fear, you pressed the eject button several times, praying that nothing bad had happened to it. With one final press, the slot opened, and sent the disc flying out with so much speed it grazed your cheek, cutting the outermost layer of skin, exposing blood to the air.
Before you knew it, the disc had hit the wall with a loud clank. It wasn’t broken, not in two at least, but it was terribly distorted, the originally flat surface now wonky and twisted. Your eyes widened at the horror of its new shape.
What were you going to do now? It’s ruined and completely unfixable! Jaehee was surely going to cry out in despair, she might even lose her mind - it was her treasure after all. There was no way you could do anything to make it work again. This was a total disaster.
“MC?” a sleepy voice came from behind.
You turned around, desperately trying to hide the broken disc. With a sheepish smile, you tried your best to cover up your face paling with fear and your trembling hands behind your back.
Jaehee took a step forward. She’d noticed your growing anxiety and your alarming eyes. You withdrew from her touch, flinching at the thought of her gentle hand slapping you hard across the face. The scenario brought tears to your eyes, it’s like you could already feel the stinging sensation reddening your cheek.
“What happened here?” she pointed at the cut caused by the DVD. “What are you hiding behind your back?” You clenched your fists, wary of the bent plastic now slicing into your palms. She tugged at your wrists and you collapsed onto the floor as she pulled the foreign object away from your hands.
This was it, she was going to kick you out for sure. There was no way she’d forgive you for this.
“You… you broke it? W-why would you do that, MC?” Her voice shook with disbelief and confusion.
“I didn’t mean to,” you sobbed, “the machine tried to eat up the disc, and when it finally released it, it flew out and hit the wall. I know it’s my fault. I’m sorry, Jaehee, I broke something so precious to you. I don’t deserve to stay with you anymore, I’ll just… leave.” With that, you stood up, ready to walk out of the apartment.
“Where do you think you’re going? I’m not going to kick out my girlfriend over a stupid DVD. This may be precious, but my real treasure, is you.”
Always joking around, he was obviously an outgoing type of guy. Nothing seemed truly important to him - other than a floppy disk he hid inside the secret chamber of a children’s book. Sometimes you wondered what was inside - was it some type of adult content? Even if it was, it peaked your interest. You just had to know what else he was hiding, he was already secretive enough.
While he was off filling gas into his baby cars, you took the floppy disk curiously and inserted it into his computer. As the file opened, it displayed a sort of slideshow. Pictures of Seven began to pop up - he looked so adorable as a child and his eyes… wait, it wasn’t Seven in the pictures. It looked like him, but there was something different about the child in the pictures. Something... unsettling. Before you could figure out who it was, the screen blacked out. Panic overtook you and you ripped out the disk. Was it a virus?
Before you had a chance to worry about the overridden computer, you noticed that the floppy disk had a fallen apart. Shit. You broke it for sure. You didn’t really know how floppy disks worked, but it surely didn’t look like it could be stuck together again.
Your curiosity killed the cat, and now you were in trouble for breaking something you shouldn’t have touched in the first place. You desperately tried to piece it back together, hands shaking out of nervousness, but it was no use. Just as you were having a mental break down, the front door opened with it’s announcement of unlocking, further adding to your unstable state. Seven stepped into the room and found you huddling against his computer. At this point, the computer displayed an error message.You could only hide your face in your knees, in attempt to curl up into a ball and disappear from the reality that you had brought upon yourself.
Seven was definitely going to be angry. Those pictures… they must’ve meant a lot to him. Just who they were and what it meant, you didn’t know, but you were sure as hell that he cherished the person who shared the same features as himself. Would he hit you? Yell at you? … Break up with you? You never saw him angry, and that was what scared you the most. He could blow up on you completely. Of course, you deserved any pain he had coming for you - but you were scared nonetheless.
“MC, what’re you doing? Do you know what happened to my computer?”
You couldn’t answer him, all you could do was nod your head in shame, slowly showing him the broken object in your palms. He grabbed the pieces quickly upon realization of what it was you were holding.
“I’m sorry Seven…” you couldn’t look him in the eyes, “I didn’t mean to break it. I was just so curious… I wanted to know more about you. I was wrong, and I know that you won’t forgive me for breaking it.”
“You know, I was mad a first, but… you didn’t break it. It just fell apart, I can easily put this back together. I guess it’s also partly my fault for being so secretive about myself. I’m sorry I made you feel that way.” He pulled your shrunken body into his arms.
This boy treasures everything he has. Nothing is garbage to him, as long as he owns it, it’s precious. And that makes everything a little complicated. Whenever you clean the house, you have to be wary of the things on the floor. None of it is garbage according to him - and if he finds that he’s missing something… God knows what would happen? In a way, it made you nervous about throwing stuff out. Would he want to keep this? Would he want to keep that too? It was impossible to keep everything he ever came across, but he seemed so attached to it that it was just cruel to get rid of anything.
As usual, you were contemplating whether or not he still needed a vase he’d found on the side of a street and decided to call his own. Flowers weren’t a thing in this household - you were allergic and he never seemed fond of them anyway. The vase sat in the lounge empty and wasted space most of the time - so you were going to ask him when he came home for sure.
You turned your back away from the vase for a second. It was just one second, you swore to God… but that didn’t justify the sound of shattering glass in the next. Your mind began to race as you saw what now remained of the original. It was shattered in a million pieces, glass shards scattered all over the floor, sparking in the brightly lit room. You bit your lip as your stomach turned with uneasiness. A wave of sickness hit your gut as you realized what he was capable of doing to you. He was much stronger than those who’d abused you previously. He was capable of much more than a few bruises on the face and a hard kick to the stomach. There was no way of telling just how much he was going to hurt you for breaking the vase.
While you tried to shake the thoughts of this sweet boy ever doing any of those things, it was just impossible not to let it cloud your thoughts. Without even noticing, you had begun to weep. Kneeling, your teardrops began to hit the shards of glass as you picked them up piece by piece. The sound of footsteps entering the threshold caused you to quiver in fear, and before you knew it, you had started to blurt out apologizes, as if they were going to lessen his anger the more you said it.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so, so sorry. I really didn’t mean to break it. I swear it wasn’t my fault, it just somehow lost it’s balance and fell onto the floor. I was too late to catch it before the fall and it’s- it’s…”
“It’s okay.” his voice was oddly emotionless, “Doesn’t matter, we didn’t use it anyway.” his curt answer surprised you. So… he didn’t care? You looked at him in a weird light, was this the Saeran you really knew?
Without another word, he came over, wiped the tears off your face and pulled you in for a light peck on the lips. “As long as you’re not hurt, nothing else matters. Now let’s wear some gloves so we don’t get cut.” 
Jihyun may be blind, but he can still very much see. He watches the world through a pair of lens capable of capturing any moment with beauty and grace. His cameras were his eyes, and he cherished them as so. You didn’t know how he did it; how he was able to create art even when he couldn’t see - maybe it was something felt rather than seen, but it peaked your interest dearly. And you were curious to know if you were also capable of such an artistic medium. Never once did you think you could come close to his level of expertise, but you wanted to try nonetheless.
It was foggy when you woke up, seeing the curtains blow away from the sliding glass doors, you walked onto the patio and found Jihyun musing at the grey sky with his favourite camera on hand.
“Morning, Jihyun.” he turned at your voice and pulled you into his arms, protecting you from the chilly breeze.
“Morning.” he replied sweetly, nuzzling his head into your shoulder.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Can I take a picture of you?”
“Right now?” you pulled away from him and took the camera gently from his hand.
“Stand near the railing... and stop laughing at me! This picture could be even better than the ones you’ve taken!” you teased him for smiling like an idiot, trying to hide his growing laughter. With a quick snap, the camera captured the most beautiful Jihyun you had ever seen. With his hair still slightly tousled from sleep and his white pajama shirt against the ashen city background, he looked like pure art himself. But the most beautiful thing in the picture wasn’t the backdrop or his strangely perfect hair - It was his smile. The way it was so natural, so… real, gave you shivers down your spine.
“MC, are you still taking the picture? Do you have shaky hands like Jumin?” he chuckled at his remark, teasing you was fun, but he opened his arms, waiting for you to slide back into his embrace. Just when you thought this moment was the epitome of perfection, it was ruined by your clumsy habits.
Before you could regain your balance after stepping on a slippery patch, you fell face first onto the hard concrete floor. It was a disaster, not only did you sprain your ankle, but his camera - his beloved camera - was smashed into a million pieces. You couldn’t even process the words of worry coming out of his mouth, all you saw were the broken pieces of what once was deemed a camera, lying helplessly on the floor.
If only you hadn’t been so nosy. Why did you act like that anyway? Why did you even try to do something so stupid? Jihyun’s cameras were his eyes; his entire life depended on them and yet, you, who claimed that you loved him, broke the only thing that kept him alive. How much more horrible could you be? What kind of evil person were you? You mother was right. You were born a demon. You should’ve just-
Your thoughts were suddenly cut off by someone shaking you back into reality. Only then did you realize that your cheeks were stained with tears and that you’d cut yourself on the shards of the broken lens.
“I’m- I’m sorry Jihyun,” you couldn’t even look at him, “I didn’t mean to- my mom was right… I’m really a demon in disguise, I even broke your camera. I did the most awful thing-”
“MC! Stop and listen to me! It’s okay, so please, stop thinking about those things. I know you’re blaming yourself again. You do this every time you break something.”
“B- But this time, it’s your camera and-”
“It’s not true, okay? You’re not evil, you’re not a demon and you don’t deserve whatever your parent’s have said to you in the past. Ignore those words and listen to mine. You’re the most important person I have in my life. Please stop hurting yourself with those thoughts. The camera may act as my eyes, but without you, I’d have no one to lead the way - and what’s the point in seeing if I don’t know where I’m going? ”
~Cherry L.
Part 1: click here
Masterpost: click here
Askbox/Requests: click here
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purplesurveys · 3 years
What does the song you're listening to remind you of? No music for me tonight. Have you ever written anything on your walls? No, I have absolutely no reason to write directly on my wall. I have a corkboard should I ever have the need to put up a note. Do you brighten and contrast your pictures? Only if I post photos on social media, which is very rare to begin with. Have you ever attended a private school? That’s what I attended from kindergarten to high school. What do you do when you need to relax? Fix myself a cup of coffee, or take a nap.
What thing(s) annoy you the most? I feel like my pet peeves are always changing but my biggest one at the moment are local bloggers (that I engage with for work) adding me on Facebook. I usually ignore their requests, but 100% of the time they end up sending a message insisting that I add them, leaving me no choice but to oblige. I hate that my supposed personal space is now intertwined with work as well. They’re also the type to send me questions or messages late into the evening or on weekends, which absolutely grinds my fucking gears. Who is your favorite cartoon character? Mr. Peanutbutter from BoJack Horseman. What do you usually order from Starbucks? Iced caramel macchiato, though I might also start ordering iced Americano regularly because I had no idea it actually tastes pretty good until I tried it out last week. The food I order differs per visit, but the last time I got something from Starbucks it was their salmon dill sandwich. What did you look like when you went out today? I didn’t go out today but I miiiiiiiiiiiiiiight have to tomorrow to finally get a new pair of eyeglasses with updated lens for my ever-deteriorating eyesight lol. I just realized Angela, Reena and I will be heading to Mega next Saturday for the BTS pop-up store, so I will be needing new eyeglasses so that I can drive properly. What's a habit that you wish you could break? Impulsive buying. I can already tell it would potentially be an issue if I don’t get a grip soon so I’ve made a promise to myself to calm down on the merch. I won’t be buying more albums for now and will just save up for them so I can get one big bulk order as a Christmas gift to myself instead. What is something you're really good at? Not needing an alarm to wake up on time. My body clock always just knows. What's a song you could listen to over and over, and never get sick of? Sweet Night by V. What are you looking forward to? Continued from last night. For all my merch orders to arrive one by one heehee. What is something you really need to do? I have a press release to write and a Powerpoint deck to do this weekend, so that’s dandy. At least I’ll be paid for it, but still :/ What kind of cell phone do you have? I have an iPhone 8, still. What is your favorite color scheme? Any pastel combination works for me. What is the last thing that you watched on TV? I watched an episode of Run BTS through the TV last night even though I technically played it through the YouTube app of the PS4. Do you wish anyone was still in your life? I think this way about several people, but I never feel sad or regretful about it. It just makes me think what life would’ve been like if they were still a part of my life. What color are your nails painted right now? They are never painted. Are you more factual or random? I’m struggling to find the connection between these two but I suppose I’m more factual.  What is something you do often that annoys people? I dunno. I definitely don’t seek this information from people, lmao. You would have to ask others.
What is the worst movie you have ever seen? I don’t know if it’s the worst but The Notebook can definitely be a runner-up for being one of them. I was really excited to see it but was so crestfallen when I had to acknowledge it was terrible barely 10 minutes into the movie. What are you going to do after this? I want to look for another survey but looking at my pattern these days it seems like I only take one a day during the weekends now, so I’m not so sure if I’ll actually fulfill this. I might just go back to watching BTS content, idk. How many windows are open on your computer? I have 7 Chrome windows open right now. What is your desktop background at the moment? BTS. What is something you say a lot? It’s a local phrase but I always catch myself saying, “Ayoko na,” which basically means “I give up,” or “I don’t want/like [this] anymore,” usually by the end of my shift hahaha. What's in your purse right now? I don’t have a purse. Do you still have feelings for your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend? Not at all. It’s situations like ours where I feel grateful for my ability to cut off people in a snap of a finger, regardless of the bond we shared. How many CDs are in your house? Too many. Favorite music group of all time? Paramore. What are you wearing right now? I have a black halter top on and a pair of shorts. Have you ever had hair extensions? I don’t think so. Do you have a last.fm account? I think I had in the past, but I wasn’t excited by it so I never used it. Do you have a good memory? Yes. What is something that can't be joked around about? Rape. Have you ever been in love? Sure. Do you take vitamins? No. What kind of pets do you have? Two dogs. In your opinion what is the best car? I don’t know enough about cars to make such a bold opinion. What song are you currently listening to? Still no music for me this morning. What is your favorite kind of ice cream? Cookies and cream or ones with cookie dough chunks. Have you ever bought anything off the internet? That’s how I mainly purchase stuff now. Have you ever talked back to a teacher? Not that I remember. Do you get excited when you get a text message? No. What's something that freaks you out? Cooking and doing things in the kitchen. Have you ever met anyone famous? Sure. Have you ever whitened your teeth? No. What was the last interesting thing you learned? I read Reena’s ballet-themed thread on Twitter explaining the choreography of BTS’ song Black Swan that got crazy big and viral it apparently made it to Korean national news. Her analysis was beautifully in-depth and was written so passionately I had to ask her if she was a ballerina, which she confirmed. Have you ever had a bad feeling about someone? Sure. What's your favorite way to wear your hair? Ponytail. Do you miss the way things used to be? No, I like where I am.
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