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My name's Robin :-] || 19
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rawbin69 · 2 months ago
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rawbin69 · 2 months ago
i love how everyone on this website is kind of pathetic it brings such a sense of understanding and community
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rawbin69 · 2 years ago
hey psst, idk if you were aware of this already but the linked blogs dont actually link to anything, due to the username changes. it also means that like no links work; be it masterlists or links to other posts in general
Oh shoot thank you for reminding me of that!! I completely forgot 💀 I’ll fix that when I can!!! It’ll probably be tomorrow or the day after that when I can get to it :’-)
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rawbin69 · 2 years ago
im glad to hear that! honestly i wasnt even expecting a reply due to the inactivity so thats a nice surprise! im happy for you thought :D!! the internet still eats up an embarassing amount of my time whoops ^^;;
also have fun playing ut w the friend! i replayed it recently due to just... a sudden urge to do so and here i am... <3 obsessing over it once more <3
but ive also been doing great! in my... 3rd wave of undertale hyperfixation rn, which is actually the thing that made me reach out im the 1st place. just needed to check in on a writer im a fan of yknow? <3
I'm glad you did, I've missed hearing from you!! :-D Hopefully I do end up getting another undertale hyperfixation, it would be great timing lol
I may be inactive but I do often respond when someone else initiates!! Unless I accidentally open the notification when I'm not free because without the reminder I do forget 😭
I still have a lot of requests in my undertale inbox and I do have a lot of half-finished responses,, I'm hoping I'll get the motivation to answer them fully soon because it would be really fun to finally get back to those!! It was a lot of fun writing and sharing, and interacting with you and everyone was so lovely!!!! :-D
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rawbin69 · 2 years ago
Sorry to ask you this, but with under my skin having been cancelled, what would the outro have been?
I don't really remember but I think I was planning on doing something with the now rabies infested ShadowClan camp. Like, the cats there suffering from rabies, maybe end it on a jumpscare where one of the infected cats spots the camera POV and attacks it? The newest arc hadn't come out yet so I was hoping I maybe could set up an actual proper sequel this time for it eventually where the new protagonists from what's now A Starless Clan could navigate through what would basically be a zombie apocalypse of rabies infected cats. I had not done any research at all on rabies and was purely using rabies as a stand in for "oooh spooky spooky virus!!1!" which may not have been a great idea, I should've just made some kind of sickness up if that's the kind of idea I wanted to go for 💀
Tip for people wanting to do horror MAPs: don't use real sicknesses or use "tropes" from horror films without doing at least a little research first!!
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rawbin69 · 2 years ago
hi robin!
its 🌌 anon from the undertale side blog talking here!
im unsure if youre still active or not on tumblr in general, but i figured i could pop by in honour of it being the year of our lord, 2023 now.
so hi :) hows it going? <3
Hey!! It's good to see you again :-D
Things are fine with me! I'm uploading a lot less now than I used to which is a bit sad, maybe, but I'm kind of happy about that since the reason for my lack of content is that I'm a lot more happy and have more of a life outside of what I do online now than I did before :-) I am, coincidentally, going to be playing undertale in a few days with two friends of mine since one of them is woefully uneducated about all things undertale, so I'm excited for that! Maybe it'll trigger another undertale hyperfixation, who knows lol
How are things going with you? :-D <3
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rawbin69 · 3 years ago
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Babe wake up new Robinfire sona just dropped
ANYWAYS BHADBHJDHJAS HELLO. This is probably what will be my absolute final sona, because unlike with the others, I've actually given it proper thought this time around. Shocking I know 💀 The only thing that may be changed is their ref, but the design? I'm confident it'll stay around, maybe with some SLIGHT alterations but definitely nothing major like before.
I'm very happy with them <3 I think this ref may be kinda meh, the presentation of it isn't top notch, but that's fine because I'm not trying to make the most beautiful ref sheet in existence I'm trying to get their design across, yk? Anyways yeah I just wanted to update people on it since I've been asked about it :-D
LAST THING: none of you will be able to contact me basically at all for the upcoming few days. I am not ignoring you, I am simply not online, I will get back to you when I can :-)
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rawbin69 · 3 years ago
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Babe wake up new Robinfire sona just dropped
ANYWAYS BHADBHJDHJAS HELLO. This is probably what will be my absolute final sona, because unlike with the others, I've actually given it proper thought this time around. Shocking I know 💀 The only thing that may be changed is their ref, but the design? I'm confident it'll stay around, maybe with some SLIGHT alterations but definitely nothing major like before.
I'm very happy with them <3 I think this ref may be kinda meh, the presentation of it isn't top notch, but that's fine because I'm not trying to make the most beautiful ref sheet in existence I'm trying to get their design across, yk? Anyways yeah I just wanted to update people on it since I've been asked about it :-D
LAST THING: none of you will be able to contact me basically at all for the upcoming few days. I am not ignoring you, I am simply not online, I will get back to you when I can :-)
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rawbin69 · 3 years ago
Commissions are open!
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These are the prices. If they're of any interest at all, here's the link to the doc giving details on everything <3 :-)
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rawbin69 · 3 years ago
Hey could I use your df and sc designs for my map?
Ofc! :-]
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rawbin69 · 3 years ago
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Hello!! Across all my blogs, "Sweetfrost" has been changed to "Robinfire" just so y'all know 😌
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rawbin69 · 3 years ago
Okay so I'm home alone for once in my goddamn life and I decide to use this time to my full advantage. By singing really loudly. So I'm belting it out to "meant to be yours" when I hear my dog suddenly barking extremely loudly before I hear somebody ring the doorbell. I look who it is, and it's this really cute guy around my age. I try to shush my dog (which doesn't work, my dog is apparently very determined to bark) when I open the door. I only open the door slightly because, while this person looks pretty harmless I'm not taking any chances, and also I don't want my dog to run off. He starts to explain that he has a band, though I only catch about 50% of it because my dog won't shut up, but like. I was JUST singing so loudly I was sure I was about to get yelled at, and this kid is talking about a band he's in. So I'm super confused because "???? IS THIS GUY ABOUT TO INVITE ME TO HIS BAND?????????" and starting to think I'm about to live that Y/N dream and be invited to some cute guy's band because my singing is apparently that good.
Then he jokes "so I was wondering if we could move in here". I'm too caught up being confused because what the hell is going on and embarrassed because my dog won't shut up to realise he's joking and am extremely startled and he notices and feels the need to tell me he's joking 😭
Anyways, obviously no, I was not about to live out that Y/N life because he was actually just doing rounds around the neighbourhood to try to sell his bamboo socks, which he had in a luggage that I did not see because like I mentioned, I didn't open the door enough to see he'd brought anything with him. So, super embarrassing. Especially because I couldn't buy anything since I was home alone to make up for being so awkward. Also feel really bad for him who had to stand there and be nice to me while my dog was just going off on him. Anyways I'm going to jump into a dumpster now.
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rawbin69 · 3 years ago
HEEY, SHOOT, I FEEL LIKE I KNEW YOU HAD A TUMBLR, i'm so sorry for neglecting to follow you until now lmbo--
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rawbin69 · 3 years ago
i’m ok with posts about fictional men on this site getting more and more deranged because fictional men are there for you to study like a bug and shake around in a pringles can and i’m glad we’re all acknowledging this. 
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rawbin69 · 3 years ago
having ocs is like she's my daughter. she's my power fantasy. i'm giving her everything i hate about my personality. she's a war criminal. she's never done anything wrong in her life ever. i love her. i hate her. i'm making her life miserable. who did this to her. she's unlikeable but everyone should like her. she's baby. she does cocaine in the bathroom
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rawbin69 · 3 years ago
story time: when my brother was born I was about three years old and I can’t remember much, I just remember wanting to pick his name and finally settling on “Rainbow” and telling my parents hey so I decided we should name the kid Rainbow, top name right
bear in mind i was three and had all the naming capacity of a young fan making their first forays into making a power fantasy self-insert oc
but apparently dreams can get you somehwere because years later, when i was about thirteen i mentioned this memory to my mother, and she said “yeah, we called him that” and I was like “lmao as if you called him that I know brother’s name duh” and in short she got out his birth certificate, and yeah. My brother’s fucking middle name is, officially and legally, Rainbeau.
ok but it gets better. because my brother’s first name is Morgan, a welsh name which by some translations means “arc over the sea,” which can be argued means “rainbow”
my parents called my brother Rainbow Rainbow
i had too much power when i was three
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rawbin69 · 3 years ago
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in case you're wondering how redesigning my sona to feel/look like me is going
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