genderqueerpond · 3 months
finally watching two's era in order completionist style and uh
they've stolen him away. they've literally stolen him away. they are the fae to him and they've pulled him into another world and told him he can never go home
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fourmoony · 1 year
james potter x f!reader
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fluff. 1.5k.
Summary: James brings home a baby. A baby that is not kidnapped.
part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - masterlist
James is standing in the doorway with a baby in his arms.
You’re so grateful he’s even there, that he’s made it back alive – albeit a little bloody and battered, glasses askew and his face covered in dirt – but alive nonetheless, that you don’t even notice the baby, bundled in a warm, fluffy blanket, wrapped safely in his arms. He’s bouncing his arms gently, probably trying to soothe the baby who’s making soft noises, and it’s really a sight to behold. It’s not until he steps through the doorway and gives you a nervous, lopsided smile that you fully register your boyfriend is holding a baby.
You blink. Once, twice. A third time.
James grows progressively more antsy. He chews his busted lip, winces, and then shifts back and forth on his feet. You have no idea where he could even have procured a baby. He’s been on an order mission for the past four days, scouting possible allies with the vampires whilst simultaneously moving important potions ingredients from one safe house to another, making sure the Death Eaters are always two steps behind order movements. Realistically, there’s been zero opportunity for James to come across a baby that he could just – take home.
“You’re home,” You breathe, because truly, that’s the most important part of the whole ordeal. James is here. He’s safe. He’s alive. Another mission down, and James has returned home. So, you’re glad. Grateful, unbelievably so. But also confused. Deeply confused.
“You have questions,” James is arguably calm about the situation, like he’d expected you to be eyeing him with hesitation – he was right – and he’s already rehearsed this in his head. “That’s normal.”
“Normal,” You repeat, the word tasting foreign on your tongue because nothing about this is normal. “Jamie, you’re holding a baby. Tell me we’re just like, babysitting, or something and you haven’t kidnapped someone’s child!”
James winces at your – albeit, quiet – yelling. The baby whimpers in his arms and immediately James shushes it, bouncing slightly on the spot with a desperate look in his eyes. He’s out of his depth, it’s obvious by the panicked way he’s looking between you and the baby, something pleading in his eyes.
“I didn’t kidnap her,” James argues childishly.
Okay, so, the baby is a girl. And James didn’t kidnap her. You turn and walk towards the kitchen, James follows, hot on your heels. The kitchen is a bit of a mess. There are your dishes from dinner, the bin is full, and there’s a couple of empty cartons for the recycling dotted on the counter closest to the back garden door. But James doesn’t flinch, he surveys his surroundings, but ultimately ignores the mess you’ve allowed to take over the small space in the days he’s been away.
“We were flying over Surrey when Marls spotted the dark mark over a muggle area,” James launches into explanation while you busy yourself with leaning over the sink and running the warm water. “We stopped to assess damage, but the Aurors were already there. Her family was killed, baby. The muggle government won’t touch the scene with a ten-foot pole – not that the baby had any other family, anyway, Alice already checked – and the Ministry won’t do anything except send her to an orphanage.”
The suds around your hands suddenly feel too much. The soup crusted around the side of your dinner bowl won’t come off and you scrub aggressively at it, focussing on that instead of the fact that your boyfriend has essentially just told you he’s informally adopted a child at random, without discussing it with you first.
Well, you know there was no time for him to discuss it. You can’t be mad at him for that. And, really, you can’t be angry at him, either, for bringing her to your home. She’s safe here. She’s already suffered an incredible amount of trauma, and she barely looks more than three months old. Your heart softens with your resolve, and you lift your head to look out of the window above the sink. The cottage you and James live in was a gift from his parents – a gift that had made you incredibly overwhelmed until you found out it had been under their ownership since before James was born, anyway – and has enough room for a swing set and a slide, maybe a trampoline. There’s a spare room, upstairs. Sirius will grumble about giving up his room for when he visits, but you’re sure he’ll get over it with some encouragement from Remus. The cottage is pretty much baby proof for James and Sirius’ sake, anyway. You have enough expendable income to completely kit out an emergency nursery necessary.
The argument isn’t really that you can’t afford to have a baby, or that you don’t have space for a baby. It’s that you’re nineteen, a year out of Hogwarts and in the middle of a war. Things are bad, times are scary, James is gone at least a week out of every month, you spend most of your days confined to the inside of a potions lab with Lily, making key potions that the Order need to work efficiently. You’re still kids yourselves, fighting a war that is taking everything from you.
But the way James is holding her like she’s the most precious thing he’s ever seen, rocking her, and cooing at her, you melt when you turn to face them, and it just feels – right, you suppose.
James looks up, smiles tentatively. You’ve always known he’ll be a great dad. He’s so full of light and love. When he loves, he loves with his entire heart. He loves dotingly and loyally. He’s so sure, standing there. Even though you can tell he’s trying to respect you, waiting to show his excitement until he knows how you feel, you can also see how much love he already has for this little girl, how sure he is that here, with him and with you, is the best place for her.
You take a step towards him, around the kitchen island, and hold your arms out wordlessly. He places her in your arms so gently and then watches as your eyes meet hers. They’re big and round and so blue you feel the breath hitch in your throat. She’s gorgeous. Big puffy cheeks and tufts of dark hair on her small little head. Her tiny lips are curved into a tired pout. You can’t help the smile that overcomes you. When your eyes lift – reluctantly – James is staring at you both. There’s something sickly sweet about the look in his eyes, warm like coffee, sweet like honey.
“We’re at war, Jamie,” You tell him, “Having a baby is a bad idea.”
James nods, “I know.”
A beat of silence passes. An understanding, maybe. It’s a bad time to be two nineteen-year-olds having a baby. But it’s there, in the way James looks at you. He’s never been one to have perfect timing. He asked you to be his girlfriend in the middle of an argument. He asked you to move in with him after school when the first Daily Prophet announcement about the war being confirmed happened. He’s brought a baby home out of nowhere, in the middle of said war. But it feels right. Holding her in your arms, James standing so close you can feel his warmth.
“What’s her name?” You ask, smiling sweetly at James.
He beams. He just – he beams. You know that he knows, then. You’re in. For better or worse.
“No idea. Alice had the muggle police contact the muggle social workers, who had no idea of anything about her. Bit of a mystery, really. But we get to keep her. Keep her safe, love her, raise her. So, I think it worked out. Is that bad?" James whips his head up, like his words surprised himself.
You chuckle lightly, "A little."
"What do you think we should name her?" You ask, eyes flitting back down to her. She's fallen over into sleep, blue irises gone from the world and you feel a tinge of sadness. You miss the bright blue of them, already. She's huffing softly, lips parted cutely. There's something magical about the way she's captured your heart in ten minutes flat. She might have magical powers, after all.
"Not sure. We can think on it. Our meeting with the ministry to officially adopt isn't until Monday." James speaks softly, in awe of the sight of you both.
You nod, "We better ring for Sirius and Remus, send them off for a cot, and then coax them into helping us build it."
You hand her over to James, he takes her, and then make for the phone. James stops you when he speaks, voice an amused whisper, lips pressed to her head, "They're already on their way."
"You knew I'd say yes."
"I knew you'd say yes. How could you not? Look at her." James is all honey voiced as he coos and holds the baby up for you to see and you melt.
She's the cutest thing you've ever seen. You're in awe. She's got your heart, well and truly. It's a strange feeling, to have such adoration for a human so small, who you've only just met. But you know you'll lay your life down to protect her. You'd do anything to make sure she's safe. She promises love, in the darkest time. You can already see the difference in James since returning home. He's lighter, full of smiles, gentle, happy. Usually, after missions, James is dark and brooding. He's filled with a darkness that only being a soldier can bring about.
James is looking at her so lovingly it makes you want to cry. She's happiness, and love. She's-
"Hope." You say, the ghost of a smile on your lips.
James looks up, brows furrowed, a question.
"Hope Potter." You affirm, tears in your eyes.
Your heart fills when James leans forward, presses a kiss to your lips, careful not to jostle Hope, "I love it. I love you."
"I love you. Both."
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sebbianas · 1 year
fuck it parent trap jegulus au
jegulus having twin girls named aurora jamie and selene leona their nicknames are rory and sel
after the divorce regulus and rory went to france and james and sel stayed in london
sirius, the annoying uncle he is, decided he wants to be in both the girls life and he doesnt care about jegulus’ drama so every summer he gets to have the twins but during separate days
how it works is rory is with sirius the week when summer starts and sel the week before summer ends
(rory goes to beauxbatons and sel goes to hogwarts she’s a slytherin lol)
one summer when sirius was busy both at the start and end of summer (he’s a freelance artist his sched is hectic) he ends up planning the twin’s visit at the same time (he refuses to have to give up one or the other he wants to see them both because he’s loves them)
when the twins met they immediately clicked and pestered sirius for all the details about their family and sirius, the weakman he is when it comes to his nieces, told them everything
sirius never really understood jegulus’ reason for divorce has always wanted to fix their shit for them or at least get them to see each other again because he knows they still love each other
taking advantage of the situation he with the twins planned to get them back together
the plan involves getting james and regulus into his house (he usually travel with the twins to bring them home to their parent)
he started with regulus and he threatened to keep rory in his house forever if regulus doesnt come and pick is daughter up (and regulus promptly replied “sirius we dont need another black kidnapping drama just give me back my daughter you mother—” eventually he let up and said he’ll arrange for an international floo
james was relatively easier all sirius had to do was pout and beg him to come pick his daughter up and that he misses him dearly and james was already packing his back
james arrived before regulus and they didnt need any dramatics and sirius just let the twins greet him and when james saw rory he immediately pulled her into his arms and cried goes on and on about how beautiful she is and he cant believe she has a french accent and is fluent in french (then he hugged sel and proceeded to tell her how proud he is of her scheming)
regulus they decided needed to be prepared so when he flood into sirius house the person that greeted him was just rory
as soon as he settled in rory told him she made a friend and regulus just smiled and said thats wonderful mon cheri and rory just smiled and goes do you want to meet her and regulus nodded of course and almost had a heart attack when his daughter’s new friend looks exactly like her
he freezes and then let out a soft “sel, my darling, my baby” and then he pulls her into his arms and holds her and he pulled rory into the hug as well and he cries because its his girls and he never thought he’ll see them together and he loves them so much and the memory of buying two of everything he buys for rory because he wanted to buy things for sel even if he knew she’ll never get it
and then as he holds him he tells them he’ll do everything to make sure they’ll see each other again and make arrangements with james so he could get to know sel and make sure he’s part of her life again
and rory goes “thats good dad’s here”
and he looks up and there leaning on the doorframe is james potter looking as handsome as ever and all the walls he had built around his heart just breaks he knows he was still hopelessly in love with james
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toastedkiwi · 3 months
Bastard Child Outline
Pairing: Chris Evans x Bastard Child/Daughter!Reader
A/n: this shit has been sitting in my drafts for like three years and a year in my queue so it wouldn’t get lost in my drafts. I’ve decided I’ll just post it because I honestly don’t know if I’ll ever actually write the parts. So this is for those who were holding out hope. I’m sorry to disappoint. (Also, some bits and parts might be triggering for those who’ve dealt with abuse and self harm.) it’s long too. Not at all perfect either.
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Born 1999 in Hawaii.
Mom, Emily Reed, had you when she was 15 and Chris was 16. She’s a decent person and obviously got married to surgeon. They had kids. Stepdad, Dr. Issac Reed, is a decent guy but works a lot. You’d never be his kid however. He made sure you were alright but he never had the connection with you as much as that sucked. It happens.
Your grandpa was stationed in Boston when your mom and dad got together. They had a huge fight and another girl was caught with her lips on his right before she moved with her family to Hawaii.
At 11, you start a YouTube channel under the name xXBOSLEYXx (named after your grandpa’s dog) and start posting covers since you love music. (2010)
At 12, you audition for a role in Hawaii Five-O. You get it and end up being a kidnapped kid that they have to find. It leads more people to your YouTube channel. (2011)
At 13, you go to LA by yourself since your mom had just given birth. Your aunt who’s a publicist gets you signed to a record deal along with a manager by the name of Marie Trevor. It’s decided that you’ll be known as BOSLEY. (2012)
You end up moving to LA. You record some singles which is received amazingly. You easily rise to the ranks especially with the help of some modeling gigs and acting gigs.
At 14, your mom doesn’t approve anymore as you’re gaining fame and your dad is getting bigger than ever. You get into a huge argument. She pretty much drops you as her child and your aunt is responsible of you. You drop an album. (2013)
At 15, You stop smiling for pictures which becomes signature of BOSLEY. You’re offered a small role in The Bronze getting to tell Lance Tucker to fuck off in a moving car. You happily take it and managed to befriend the actor. (2014)
At 16, You’re fully doing music and touring. School is pretty much dropped. You find that your boyfriend knocked you up. You want your mom but she won’t pick up. You end up having a miscarriage while on touring. You’re given a day to grieve and the next you have to continue on. You also perform at Kylie Jenner’s birthday party. You end up becoming good friends with the Jenner sisters which gets you more fame. You got another role playing Peter Parker’s neighbor and his second best friend. (2015)
At 17, you perform on SNL with Scarlett Johansson as the host. You release another album which kicks off another tour after you finish filming Spiderman: Homecoming. Tom Holland actually invites you to the Civil War premier and you join him. Sebastian hugs you tightly when he sees you. You don’t meet your dad. (2016)
At 18, rumors spark that you’ll be taking over the mantel as Captain America as filming for Infinity War starts. You start getting compared to Chris Evans as if it’s a fair comparison. There’s also rumors that you two might be related. You also start dating this actor, Max Wess. You attend the Spiderman premier with him. (2017)
At 19, your birth certificate is leaked.
Chris freaks out over the news. He knows your mom. He remembers her and the last night they shared together before she left without another word.
Your boyfriend ends up beating the shit out of you which one of your friends finds you barely alive and calls you an ambulance. This happens in your LA home. It’s a huge story.
Chris gets in contact with your aunt Jamie Y/l/n and she happily helps him sneak into the hospital without paparazzi catching him. He ends up sitting in the chair close to your bedside waiting for you to wake up if you ever will. He expects Emily to come. She doesn’t.
You wake up in a panic and Chris’ face is what you first see. He’s the one to tell that you’re okay and you’re safe. You learn that your jaw is wired shut. Your ribs are broken. You’re missing a kidney. You had a lot of internal bleeding. Your right hand is busted and took many screws and rods to fix. You’re definitely worried about your career especially when you found out that they had to slit your throat and put a tube in it. Your dad luckily distracts you and is sure to not bring up your mother since he’s been warned by Jamie.
“I’m really wondering how you got BOSLEY from Y/n,” Chris said.
You tapped on the keyboard of his iPad using your left index finger as he holds it for you. Chris can’t help but chuckle.
“He really named all his dogs Bosley?”
You nod and your grandpa said, “it’s a strong name.”
You turned head seeing the old man and Chris hasn’t seen him in two decades. You haven’t seen him in a good 3 years. Your grandmother heads to you easily freaking out over how you look but Chris knows you looked a lot worse. He wants to so badly ask why they didn’t tell him about you. They surely should’ve known. But he doesn’t for your sake.
“You don’t have to stay, Christopher,” your grandpa said.
Chris moves to stand up but you grasp his hand. You give the nastiest glare to your grandfather.
“Is she even gonna come?” You hissed through the wires. You aren’t supposed to try and use your voice.
“Honey,” your grandmother said. “She’s gotta look after the kids.”
You rolled your eyes and Chris could see the tears start to form. Your heart is beating faster on the monitor. He’s just as mad as you. Are you really not that important to her? If you aren’t, why didn’t she just give him you? He without would’ve taken you in and loved like a parent should.
You wave off the hands and swat them away. Tears streamed down your cheeks. You yanked out the leads as the monitor started to beep louder. It ends up showing that you’ve flatlined. You try kicking off the blankets.
“Hey, Bubba,” Chris said but you aren’t listening.
He ends up wrapping his arms around you. He takes the hits you give him. It’s heartbreaking to watch especially when you give up and cry as he held you. Nurses and doctors rushed in.
“She’s okay,” your grandpa informed as Chris comforts you as a parent should.
Once you fall back asleep with the help of some sedatives, your dad pulls your grandparents outside of your room.
“Where the fuck is Emily? Why isn’t she here? It’s clear Y/n wants her,” Chris said.
“Let’s go somewhere more private,” Lucille suggested.
Chris ends up taking them to his place after running into Tom Holland and Zendaya who are obviously there to visit you. He informs them that you’re asleep but it’d be fine for them to stop by and have them watch over you.
“They got into a huge fight over Y/n becoming BOSLEY,” your grandma said before her husband could speak. “Emily couldn’t handle it. She still holds a lot against you and she didn’t want you meeting her.”
“Really?” Chris asked.
“Yeah,” your grandpa said. “Emily practically disowned her. Probably should’ve called you.”
“No fucking shit. When was the last time they talked?” Chris asked.
“3 years ago,” Lucille said.
“It’s been five since they’ve seen each other. That’s when they had their big fight,” John said.
It’s late at night when you get released from the hospital. Your dad drives you to your house. You end up getting panicky and not wanting to go in. He takes you to his place and has his assistant go tomorrow to pack some bags for you. It’s a rough night so he stays up with you watching movies together until you fall asleep.
Chris takes you to Boston the next morning on a private jet. He sets up some appointments for you with doctors in Boston to make sure you’re recovering just fine. You meet Dodger and the two of you become best friends. It’s a lot of watching movies with your dad until you ultimately crash against him due to the meds. You also can’t seem to sleep alone in the guest room due to having terrible nightmares. With the first couple, Chris didn’t want to overstep and climb into the bed to hold you and try to make it go away. But it was clear that Dodger wasn’t cutting it. Just a couple nights a week, the three of you will be together in the same bed. Chris jokingly got you one of those starry night projectors but you both love it.
“What are you doing here?” You hear you’re dad hiss.
“It’s called dropping by unannounced to annoy you and to rescue your child from you,” Scott sassed.
“You are not taking my child anywhere, Scott,” Chris said.
“You make it sound like I wouldn’t bring her back,” Scott said.
Scott ends up taking you both out of the house. You have to listen to them both sing along with the radio. You end up capturing the two brothers on your phone. You agree going over to your grandparents house and meeting them even though you’re still recovering. It distracts you for awhile.
You get some news you don’t want to hear about your hand. It’s not healing as the doctors would like. They don’t know if you’ll be able to play guitar or piano (which will be one handed) like you had before. You end up having the surgery. Sebastian Stan surprises you when you wake up.
“Fuck off,” is what Sebastian says to you. You a small smile.
“Why’d ya say that?” Chris asked.
“It’s what your child first said to me when we met,” Sebastian said.
You hummed loudly to a song in your head making them laugh.
“She acts exactly like you when you’re drunk,” Sebastian teased.
As much as Chris wants to stay with you during your recovery, he does have to film but thankfully it’s in Boston. It’ll be like he has a regular job. However, there’s not much for you to do or you can do. You can’t sing or write. You end up getting stuck in your thoughts which isn’t a great place to be in for a long period of time.
Scott and Chris can clearly tell you’re absolutely miserable. Nobody knows how to help you out and get you out of it. Your dad ends up calling whoever he can. He calls Sebastian, Tom Holland, your manager, Scarlett, his mother.
Scarlett asks him, “what does she do for a living?”
“She’s a popstar,” Chris said.
“There’s your answer.”
He ends up getting a grand piano and putting it in the living room where the dining room table is. The table ends up in the garage with the chairs. It takes Chris playing a song poorly on it for you to come over and smack his left hand off the keys. It makes him smile as you play the song with your left hand and he plays with his right.
“Sit down next to me,” Chris said.
You sit next to him on the bench. He puts his left arm around your shoulders pulling you closer.
“Play me something,” he requested.
You give him a look that he’s been known to give people. He smiles. You let out a sigh- it’s more like a slight hiss. You play him a song. It turns into two and then into more.
You and your dad fly to LA as he’s got meetings and your ex has finally been arrested for what he did to you. You definitely built some walls up and retract from your dad as much as that sucks. Chris just knows he’s gotta be patient because he can’t force you to open up to him or you’ll probably push him so far away to the point of no return. Besides it’s only been 7 weeks since you first met each other.
“Hey, Y/n. I’m gonna watch The Muppets, you should join me,” Chris said after knocking on the bathroom door. “I’ll be in the living room.”
You stared at the door and listened to him walk away. You look back at the OxyContin in your hand. The pill bottle has your name on it. It was prescribed and filled once you were released from the hospital. There’s five pills left. You unscrew the top with some difficultly. You dump the little pills in the toilet and flush them. You drop the pill bottle in the trash and turned on the faucet. You let your left hand go under the water and you see the faint lines on your wrist. You’d let a blade run over them again but The Muppets will have to do.
“You’re just in time,” Chris smiled seeing that you took him up on his offer.
You sit right next to him. You both end up sharing a blanket as he noticed you getting cold.
You get your wires out in LA making it much easier to hold a conversation with people. You also get spotted out with your dad to dinner to celebrate that you can finally eat soft foods which blows up everywhere. You easily get backlash and told that you’re using him as a publicity stunt. Both his team and your own team finally meet on how to deal with the situation.
You finally speak up in the meeting. “I’m not doing fucking GMA or Ellen to talk about my sad little life and how it’s all good now ‘cause Captain America’s my dad. Are you insane? Have you not seen the shit I get from everyone? How everyone believes that everything that has happened— my boyfriend beating shit out of me because I told him to ‘fuck off’ to a leaked birth certificate revealing that fucking Chris Evans is my dad is just for publicity. It will not go over well especially with that fucking asshole out on bail talking shit because he can.”
You leave after snapping at everyone. Chris tries to talk to you but you snap at him telling him that he doesn’t know you and he’s not your dad. It definitely hurts to hear.
You don’t go back to his place which has him worried. He checks your home. You aren’t there.
You end up going to Hawaii to see your mom. It leads to a huge blow out. You’re screaming at her and she’s screaming at you. You’re told that she never wanted you and you were a mistake that she was saving Chris from. It truly destroys you.
Chris doesn’t see you again until he gets a call from your assistant in the middle of the night after she found you unconscious in the pool of your own blood. He of course comes even if you don’t want him there. He’ll sit at your bedside or the waiting room. He has to know that you’ll be okay.
“I’m gonna state this once and for all,” Chris said to you. “You’re stuck with me and I’m sorry that I’m your dad. I don’t know how to be one but I’ll figure it out.”
You cried which makes him climb into the hospital bed. He holds you tightly as you cry. He can tell you’ve gone through so much and you haven’t really had anyone. They’ve always left.
Chris takes you back to Boston once you get your cast off and sadly you’ll need another surgery but it thankfully can wait a bit. You start seeing a therapist that he helped find. You don’t talk about what was said in the room but he can you’re coming out of shell a bit.
You and Chris are seen again going to a courtroom in LA with Scott coming along. You even have some friends come in support. There’s tons of paparazzi and gossip sites covering it. It’s not a very fun experience especially with you having to take the stand and Chris learning some very heartbreaking things that you went through. Your ex tries to spew more lies about you and drag your dad into it. It’s thankfully over after three days and your ex is found guilty.
A celebratory dinner takes place at your favorite restaurant in LA. Chris gets to see you let loose a bit and smile more. He knows as BOSLEY that you don’t smile especially not in pictures. It’s your whole image that has been created and with everything that has happened, it hasn’t been a happy experience.
“Get next to her,” Chris is told.
You both grin widely with cheeks pressed together for one of your friends to take a picture. It gets posted on your dad’s twitter with a caption “there’s no denying it, I have a mini-me.” You retweet it.
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mythorhuman · 3 months
What about Bonnie's canon ships? Do you think they had potential?
Soooo, I'm rarely on here these days and I'm super inconsistent with checking my inbox. I have no idea when this was sent. Sorry!
Anyway, screw them. I can't put into words how much I hate Bonnie's canon ships. The way people completely disregard Jeremy's disloyalty and infidelity makes me sick. The devil tried to rewrite Jeremy/Anna as some love story just so Bonnie experienced pain. Anna was using Jeremy the same way she was using Ben. Bonnie revived this loser and he cheated on her with the same vampire that kidnapped Bonnie. She revives him again with the expense of her own life just for him to cross relationship boundaries again with Liv Parker. Beremy was a shit relationship because Jeremy has the maturity of a toddler, constantly walking himself into danger cluelessly with Bonnie playing the mother who needs to protect him. Almost every single man who showed interest in Bonnie did so to use her (Ben, Luka, Shane). Bonnie didn't even like Jamie which is why she ditched him immediately.
Her relationship with Enzo brought a regression of Bonnie as a person. She was reckless for the sake of love. He was carelessly poisoning her to death which mirrored their entire dynamic. Bonnie wasn't even Enzo's first choice nor was she his second or even his third. He was supposed to be the "love of her life" and yet everything about them revolved around Damon. The devil wasted Bonnie's love on the most irrelevant characters to give them substance. Even in her relationship, she's written as a tool. Firstly, she's used for keeping Jeremy safe. Secondly, she is used for making Enzo matter and persuading people to care about him as a character (no matter how many storylines they threw him into, no one cared). Her relationships are all about Bonnie serving a purpose for the betterment of the men and Bonnie gets absolutely nothing out of it.
The devil = Julie Plec for clarification
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feyhunter78 · 30 days
ms girl I'm begging you to be added to you tag list for the jon snow fic cause I can't keep maniacally scrolling every 2 days this is very very serious.
thank you.
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I'll add you to the taglist, but I also thought I'd reward your patience with a little chapter delivery!
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Chapter Seventeen - Within the war camp of the Starks and Tullys you find yourself facing your family in different ways. CH 18
You try not to laugh as you watch Margaery smooth down her skirts, Robb’s tunic laces strung back up incorrectly, hanging uneven as he addresses his men.
“Tyrion Lannister has responded quickly, as we expected, considering we have his children and grandchildren.” Robb says, letting your grandsire’s letter be passed around among his bannermen. “He will meet us in the fields outside Bitterbridge and asks that we list our demands so that he might decide if they are worth considering.”
“Does he truly believe he has any leverage? My entire family is here.” You whisper to Jon, feeling a pang of guilt for not immediately inquiring after the health of your family. You have been so preoccupied with Jon, with sticking to him in order to avoid the harsh stares, the whispers that circulated throughout the camp. True you may have Jon’s heart, and Robb liked you well enough but their men? They did not trust you; you remained a lion at the side of a wolf, and it will serve you well to remember that.
“You know your grandsire; he will not give in so easily.” Jon whispers back, his eyes on Robb.
Robb continues, his voice gaining in volume, in confidence. “We know our terms men, the throne for Stannis Baratheon, more bodies for the wall, the annulment of Queen Margaery’s marriage—”
“And enough Redwyne wine to last us through the winter.” Theon chimes in from his place behind Robb, a tongue-in-cheek smile on his face, his eyes bright with mirth.
“Aye, enough drink to warm us while it snows.” A Northman you do not recognize says.
“And perhaps some pretty Southron wives too.” Someone else calls, as laughter begins to roll through the crowd.
Margaery laughs, and it sounds like bells, clear and pure, all eyes shift to her. “While I cannot speak for every woman of the south… I can say that I have found myself quite content with my Northman, and I am sure many others will feel the same once they are rescued from their soft willed and greedy husbands.”
A cheer rises at her words, and you find yourself biting your tongue to keep from laughing once more. Only Margaery can make possible bride kidnapping sound like a heroic deed. Though you guess you cannot blame her, nor would you blame any women that left the South for the North. If you were married to one of those lazy, greedy lords who spent all day chasing after servant girls and squandering away his gold, you would rush into the arms of the nearest Northman as well.
Even though Robb had dismissed everyone hours ago, their cheers still ring faintly in your ears as you walk towards the constructed cells that held your aunt and uncle. They were less cells but cages, bars of iron stuck into the ground, a metal sheet hammered atop for a roof. You had not wanted your aunt and uncle put in these things. They were people, not animals, but you know your presence in the camp is still a precarious one. You are still a Lannister, still an enemy of the North, and your voice is not one they wish to hear.
Tommen and your father have been put in a tent, of course. Your father had helped organize this entire plan and no one truly thought Tommen would run, he was still a boy, but your aunt and uncle? Perhaps your aunt would not run if she were alone, but with your Uncle Jamie by her side? Anything was possible.
Your aunt and uncle look up when they hear your footsteps, both dirtied and tired, the smell of smoke clinging to them.
Your aunt’s eyes are wildfire, the heat directed at you, while your uncle’s eyes are dull swamp water, and downcast. “How could you do this to us?” She spits, rising to her feet when you approach.
“I did not, I had no idea, you must voice your complaints to my father.” You tell her, handing her and your uncle bowls of oatmeal.
Your uncle takes it quietly, giving you a nod of thanks, but your aunt slaps it from your hands, the mushy oats splattering across the ground and the hem of your gown. “Tell your snake of a father I will not be given gruel and locked up as if I were a common criminal. I am the Dowager Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.”
“I will tell him, but I cannot promise much, he is sitting on Lord Robb’s war council at the moment, preparing for Grandsire’s arrival.” You say airily, trying not to look at your uncle, trying not to see the defeat and acceptance in his eyes.
“War council? That boy truly thinks he will defeat our father? You disappoint me, niece; you have squandered my lessons.” Your aunt says, her arms crossed over her chest, her head held high, even in a cage she still looks every inch a queen. “Pray to the Seven that your grandsire will be merciful and send you off to become a septa instead of taking your head.”
“Cersei…” Your uncle says quietly, leaning his head back against the bars of his cage.
“I will pray that King Stannis grants you mercy.” You tell her, collecting the bowl and spoon from the ground before turning on your heel, a mountain of guilt ever-growing in your heart.
As you walk back to the kitchen tent you spot Ser Arthur, he is polishing his sword, his eyes drifting in the direction of the cells every so often.
“My uncle spoke very highly of you.” You say once you get closer. You do not know what he had said to your uncle that day he claimed Jon in court, but it had struck him to his core. “He wished to be you, to live up to the standard you set.”
“I know.” Ser Arthur says softly, a frown etched into his weathered face, his hand stilling in its task. “I told him the truth, the whole of it, and in return he told me why he had done it, of the wildfire beneath the city. I have told Lord Robb; he will write to King Stannis and inform him of the danger.”
You are still holding your aunt’s rejected bowl, your grip on it tightening at his words. Your uncle had only once told you the story, you were young, and he was deep in his cups, the words spilling out like water. You wanted to tell everyone of his brave actions, to erase the title Kingslayer from his name, but he forbid you, said it did not matter now.
“He is better than me, surpassed the standard I set, he had always been rebellious, or we thought him rebellious. We did not see it was a conscious he possesses not a nasty streak of near insubordination.” Ser Arthur sighs.
“He hated it, standing guard while two kings raped their queens, it would have been three if Joffrey had lived, I do not know if he could have survived three.” You admit quietly, scanning your surroundings.
It is early morning, the sun still rising, the birds still waking, the breeze slightly cool but ever warming. There is dew on the grass, and in the quiet stillness you look at Ser Arthur. He is soon to be your good-father, you have grown up hearing tales of his greatness, but in this moment he is nothing but the man who failed your uncle. The man followed his oath to a mad prince so blindly he could not see the bodies left in his wake, and could not muster the courage to flee, to take Lady Lyanna somewhere safe. You know he is Jon’s father, that his acknowledgement of Jon, his affection for him has made your sworn sword happy beyond words, but you would trade Ser Arthur for your uncle in a heartbeat. Your Uncle Jaime is a good man, he saved millions. Defended you, protected you, even now as he sits in a cage, he has not lost his honor, has not spat cruel words at you for your part in this scheme.
“My uncle is a good man; he does not deserve to die.” You whisper, hoping the wind will take your words before anyone else hears them.
Ser Arthur stares at his sword, his eyes reflected in the metal. “I will ask the king to send him to The Wall, I cannot see Ser Jaime lose his head, not when he saved the whole of King’s Landing. I trained that boy, he was five and ten when he came to us, I watched him become a man with great honor, I know he has been tainted, manipulated by your aunt, but he is not beyond saving.” He says, beginning to polish his sword once more.
You nod, but do not let your hopes rise.
Your father and cousin sit playing cyvasse in your father’s tent, the entrance watched by two Stark guards, who give you a cautious look but allow you entry. Your father’s tent is large, not as large as Robb’s but more than enough for him and Tommen. Furs are laid out on two cots pushed in the far corner, a small table and a few chairs sit in the middle with a large chest set against one wall of the tent. A fire pit has been dug, a low flame within to heat the tent.
Tommen looks up at your approach, his eyes rimmed with red. “Cousin.”
“Cousin.” You echo, taking a seat between them.
“If I am to die, will you ensure Ser Pounce, and Lady Whiskers are looked after?” Tommen asks, his voice shaky, his eyes on the gameboard.
Your heart leaps into your throat, and you grip the edge of the table, glancing at your father. “You will not die; you are a child.”
Tommen nods and wipes at his eyes with his sleeve. “That is what your father said too, but I wished to hear it from someone the Starks truly trust.”
Your father looks away, and you can spot tears forming in his eyes as he stands. “I must go and meet with Lord Robb; I will return for dinner.”
He makes a hasty exit, leaving you and Tommen at the table, the silence only broken by Tommen’s soft sniffles.
“You will not die; I will beg the king on my knees for your life if need be.” You tell him, taking his hands between yours. Besides your father, Tommen is all the family you have left, Myrcella is in Dorne, and your aunt and uncle will likely be killed. Your grandsire will surely be killed as well, if not imprisoned or sent to the Wall for the rest of his life.
“What will happen to me?” He asks.
You curse your father for his quick escape, it should be him who explains all this to Tommen, why is it left to you? Because Tommen trusts you, he finds you far more comforting than I. You can already hear your father’s explanation in your head.
Reaching out to brush away a few stray tears for his cheeks, you lay out your plan. “I will advocate for you to join Lord Stark in Winterfell as a ward, I do not expect it to be allowed, so my next suggestion will be for you to become a septon or a maester in the Citadel.”
“But they will hate me in Winterfell.”
“No, no, you will find happiness there, Bran and Rickon are near your age, and the Starks are good, honorable people, they understand you are not to blame.” You reassure him, squeezing his hands tightly.
“What about Margaery, what will happen to her?” Tommen sniffles.
You bite the inside of your cheek. “Margaery will be marrying Lord Robb, to help secure peace.”
“They are a similar age; she will be happier with someone who likes what she does.” Tommen sounds almost relieved by the news, then his bottom lip begins to tremble, and his shoulders slump. “What if he hits her, like father or Joffrey? I saw father hit mother, I saw Joffrey hit you and Myrcella simply for speaking your thoughts aloud. Margaery has many thoughts, and she enjoys voicing them. What if Lord Robb does not like that?”
You squeeze his hands again and give him a soft smile, your heartbreaking at the thought of Tommen seeing what you, your aunt, and Myrcella had tried so hard to hide from him. “He will not, Lord Robb finds everything she says interesting, and if he does then I am sure one of his sisters will make him pay. They do not tolerate such things; you will see when you go to meet them.”
Tommen nods but does not relinquish your hand. “Will you come visit me in Winterfell?”
“Of course, Tommen, I will come see you in Winterfell then I will go see Uncle Jamie at the wall and then when I return, I will stop by and see you once more. Perhaps I will even be able to bring Myrcella.”
He smiles, it is slow to spread across his face, and it is watery, but it is still a smile. “I would like that.”
TL: @mostclevermiss, @solacestyles, @2valentines, @sharknutz, @idohknow, @bdudette, @pluraldoggo, @legolastheleafyelf, @faerie-film, @wifiatthetrainstation, @duskypinki, @tartine-de-pain, @rebeccawinters, @taylorsfemalerage, @rax-raxus, @certainwonderlandperfection, @designatedramaiver
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s-rosie · 4 months
hiiii!!! i hope everyone is doing wonderful and taking care if themselves, with that said, i hope you like these!
jameson can rub avery’s stomach in just the right way, it gets rid of her period cramps
they make each other those aesthetic, cute, and meaningful gifts when the other is feeling shitty
they tried that “you need a hug” trend when the boyfriend jumps on the girlfriend’s back, and avery fell over and hit her nose (jameson then felt so bad, he gave her so many cuddles and kisses)
they have onesies that are stitch for jameson and angel for ave
they sing musicals together and assign each other characters to play
i hc that ave has hormone problems, so jamie will help her by holding her hair when she throws up, holding her when she gets dizzy, and giving her cuddles (not me projecting again 💀)
in their room, they have a whole corner filled with cute stuffier
they take long drives sometimes and just talk about life and scream sing their fav songs
jameson once pulled ave into a closet (😏) and oren was going crazy trying to find her because he thought she was kidnapped again (they then had to sit through a 20 minute lecture)
everyone online calls them “america’s favorite couple”
jamie loves going shopping with her and he has good fashion taste, so he will help her find outfits
one time nash told them to get a room, so jameson was like “fine maybe i will” and avery was like “fine by me” as a joke (not really) and nash was mortified
xander once dared them to play 7 minutes in heaven, and it got a bit heated
they went on a trip to nyc, and jameson taught avery how to ice skate at rockefeller rink because i hc he plays hockey
i hc ave is allergic to metal, so jamie covers all of his rings and jewelry with a clear coat so she can hold his hand, and he always makes sure to gets her hypoallergenic jewelry
they are both obsessed with combat boots, especially doc martens
they have spa dates before big events to make sure they look ✨fabulous✨
jamie and avery are the best at just dance, like if they team up against you you know its over for you
after “activities” (😏) jamie will carry her wherever she needs to go until she can walk
ave always takes the blankets and makes herself a burrito in the blankets (jamie acts annoyed but he obviously finds it adorable)
jameson loves olives, but ave hates them (the olive theory)
one time at the beginning of their relationship, she got overwhelmed by jameson touching her so she pulled away, and he felt like he did something wrong. she assured him it was ok and she just got overwhelmed so they made a secret tap that ave can do on jamie’s arm so he knoes to let go and give her space (though, she uses the tap less and less now)
at their wedding, jamie cried seeing avery walk down the isle, causing her to start crying and they met at the alter a bawling mess
they always hype each other up and stand up for each other no matter what
since i think it is pretty much cannon that jameson does nascar at this point, before his races, ave gets really scared that he will get hurt, so she will tell him things like “don’t die” and “if you die, ill kill you” and he just laughs and tells her he will be ok
at any event that either of them do, the other always brings them a gift pertaining to that event
ave is SUPER tickle ish, and jamie will tickle her sometimes until she cant breath (she pretends she hates it, but jamie kbows she loves it)
thank you so muchhhh! i hope you like these as much as i enjoyed making them. please give me some recommendations as to what yo make next. i will be busy for a while, so if i post few and far between, just know that i will be back (tho i will post more then that) so if i dont get to your request right away, just know i will eventually. thank you 😊
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 5 months
avery head canons
@ariscats requested these, and avery's my fav girl so of course i'm gonna make them. hope you like them<3! (i apologize for any spelling mistakes). @catapparently helped me with some of these.
avery loves phoebe bridgers
she's also secretly a swiftie (she was a hugeeee love story stan when she was younger bc she dreamt of a love like that)
she relates to nothing new (ft. phoebe bridgers). she's always blasting that song in her room, crying. (jamie finds out she feels like that song and tries to comfort her by telling her she isn't just something that everyone will get tired of eventually).
she lovesss thrifting her own clothes.
avery pretends to hate her new wardrobe but she secretly likes it.
she used to only drink black coffee but then she found out she actually really likes flavored coffee (vanilla, caramel etc). she loves making her own little coffees at home (xander loves it too)
she went to the eras tour with a reputation/midnights crossover outfit
she loves candles, she has a ton of them in her room
the sheffield grayson kidnapping affects her more than she lets on (sometimes she imagines sheffield walking behind her while she's taking walks and stuff or she'll see his face everywhere)
she has an addiction to those shitty app store games
she used to be a huge star wars fan. she would force libby to watch the movies with her.
sometimes, during family dinners, she'll look at all the people around her (libby, max, the hawthornes, rebecca, etc) and think about how lucky she is to be loved by so many people. she sometimes tears up cause she used to wish to be that loved when she was younger. jamie always notices but knows that she doesn't like it when people point it out.
she loves fanfiction (xander and max introduced it to her)
she loves taking pictures of nature (her and grayson have a shared aesthetic insta account where they post all of their pictures) (i personally really love this one)
avery used to have a percy jackson fan account on insta when she was really young (her mom was her biggest fan) (the hawthornes found the account and find it adorable)
she's a huge percabeth shipper
her favorite book genre is murder mystery (holly jackson stan)
she used to love editing (there was this one percabeth edit of hers to my blood by ellie goulding that went viral)
her mom and her used to love watching rom coms
she used to wonder why no one wanted to be her friend when she was younger (cause she only has max)
ok this one's a bit dark and sad, but we all know she grew up poor in a shitty old town, and that's where you find all the weird creeps. based on the books, she seems to not really be comfortable with physical touch from strangers, so i hc that the reason why is bc walking home from school, she'd sometimes be harassed by these creeps.
she has scars from the bombing and the attempted shooting. she's insecure about them, but jamie always tells her they look beautiful (he also tells her they're proof of how strong she is)
she loves the beach (jamie brings her on dates there all the time)
she tends to get hate comments about her looks (this isn't really a head canon since it was kinda implied in tbh when those people were whispering about her looks (i may be imagining this). sometimes she gets insecure, but jamie always makes sure she knows how beautiful she is by kissing her and whispering sweet nothings in her ear etc. (this one was more of an aj one but oh well, i can never escape them)
avery has really good taste in clothing. her fans are always commenting about how hot she is.
she was times person of the year once
(this one is based off of a pic i saw on pinterest) avery once did a shoot for vogue where she wore a suit vest and nothing underneath and everyone went crazyyy (jamie too). (i'll insert a pic at the bottom)
she's convinced people hate her
she sometimes has nightmares about jamie breaking up with her (jamie proves her wrong in bed if you know what i mean)
she loves interacting with fans (she comments on posts, take pics with them in public, etc)
when libby and her used to live together in lib's apartment and they were struggling to buy food bc of money issues, avery would always leave the food to libby and tell her she ate at the diner (she actually didn't bc she once tried to steal some food but got caught. she didn't want to lose her job so she stopped).
avery secretly loves heels (they make her more confident)
her and rebecca vent to each other sometimes (avery feels really comfortable with her).
she lovesss sushi
absolutely love my girl avery (fav character of all time). i sort of see myself in her so i might be projecting in some of these. she's so underrated and it pisses me off (she easily solos all of the brothers).
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riddles-n-games · 7 months
Can we talk about the fact that most of the atrocities committed against Avery were not by the Hawthorne brothers but by those apparently close to the family or in the family themselves? Like, yes, the boys did trick her here and there but they were harmless compared to what Thea, Rebecca, and Skye did. And I’m only talking about those that are alive or close to the family (so not Emily, Tobias Hawthorne, Sheffield Grayson, Vincent Blake, or Eve).
Quite frankly, I don't care that many of you still like Thea (no, she's not a girl boss in my eyes nor will she ever be) and Rebecca. The fact that Avery is still friends with them in a way is even more despicable. It's basically a toxic friendship if anything and I doubt she would do anything to them but they clearly believe her to be expendable. Actually, the best comparison to this is Avery going with Jameson to confront Skye in person with no security after the murder attempt via Drake.
Thea sabotaged Avery to make her look like her dead best friend to get at her current boyfriend and his brother but only ended up triggering Gray instead (this boy has PTSD and depression, can't convince me otherwise). Then, she literally lured her and basically helped to get her kidnapped by Sheffield Grayson which could have easily contributed to her second potential murder if Toby and Oren didn't get there in time.
Rebecca may be in a better place compared to Thea but she still kept a very key piece of information hidden until the very last possible second. She could have said something that day when she came back to the cottage where Avery was recovering and quite clearly, the alarm bells going off in Avery's mind were right that something was off with her. Even though she at least asked for forgiveness, Avery had a right to be mad at her but the fact that Thea expected her to just shrug it off and carry on as if nothing happened was purely ridiculous. (Oh so quirky Thea, yAy! 🙄)
Last but not least, Skye. She was responsible for Avery's first murder attempt and thankfully it failed but that really could have been a deadly blow. What's worse is I feel like she didn't even care that Jameson was there. Her own son, her flesh and blood. Maybe Drake had pretty good shooting skills but if he had misdirected accidentally, we easily could have seen a shot and bleeding Jamie, too. It goes to show how this woman could easily be interpreted as a sociopath (look up the symptoms; she matches some of those pretty well) especially since I think empathy is not a word in her dictionary.
There you go. Anyways, have a good day. I know I just soured mine with this post.
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐃 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!
a/n: minor spoilers, everyone is over the age of 18. Their names are linked with my fancast as well xx
Warnings: kidnapping, well more so mentions of kidnapping?
Confident & Flirty (Rhaenyra) x Has Never Been Flirted With Before, Thinks They're Just Being Nice (You)
・It was her father’s idea to cease the feud and move forward. To start fresh. 
・To have the both of you ... spend time together. 
・ You to visit King’s Landing and Rhaenyra to visit your home
・Rhaenyra was adamant that she was still able to choose her partner, so this is what Viserys came up with 
・Platonic, romantic, it didn’t matter what came out of the time together, just as long as things were learnt and traditions were honoured 
・Daemon wasn’t happy with this, but Rhaenyra...well she was fine with it
・Until she realised just how sheltered you grew up, and knew you weren’t going to be as wild as she
・There was a mutual understanding about your new “friendship”, that you both played along while everyone was watching but when their backs were turned, you acted as you pleased
・Both of you thought the other was weird in some way
・But with time, you... fell into platonic love
・Protecting the other from slanderous accusations as well
・You did each other’s hair, picked clothing for one another
・Opened up about your thoughts, your feelings - not just about this situation but about ... everything. The world and all its wonders, its evils. 
・Talking about your maesters and what you’ve been taught - how you’ve been taught, what your favourite things are/your special interests
・The absolute best thing that happened was riding Syrax though
・The dragon, a gorgeous burnt orange beauty, was hesitant for the first half an hour. 
・It was well known that Syrax was a tad ... moody
・The weather had to be right for her to go out flying
・So when you sat down on the sandy, dusty ground of the dragonpit and ...spoke to her, she was rather startled
        “...had a good sleep Syrax?” 
・You said it so casually
・Rhaenyra burst into laughter, but made sure you wouldn’ be able to hear her. She wasn’t expecting this interaction. Her fearsome dragon, crouching down to look you in the eye, her tail flicking back and forth. Like some sort of interested cat.
・But you continued on, not caring about the world around you
  “To be honest, I didn’t. I’ve been a bit nervous about today. And it’s completely okay if you don’t want to take me up.”
・But Syrax was more than happy to take you flying, in fact, she flew farther and longer than usual
・It was one of the best experiences you had ever had 
・And soon Rhaenyra’s romantic love followed
Excited ALL. THE. TIME. (Harwin) X Oh God I Cannot Be Falling In Love With This Dipshit (You)
(think Jamie x Claire from Outlander)
・Harwin saw your family’s feud as kinda stupid. He isn’t the type of guy to hold grudges. 
・So when you came into court, with a scowl and a mean look in your eyes, he knew you were going to be fun
・He wouldn’t leave you alone 
・This hulk of a man, with a tinge of red on his cheeks would always find you during feasts and banquets - any reason for celebration, he would be right by your side
・You were fighting feelings inside of you every time Harwin was around
・The way he winked at you from across the hall, always asked for a dance during feasts (even when no one else was dancing), even when you were outside sitting on one of the benches; he would silently sit down beside you and bump his knee to yours 
・It was an internal fight every. single. time. 
・In the beginning you thought maybe he was just teasing you, trying to rile you up, get a rise out of you. Maybe even get you into his bed and then shame you 
・But Harwin was ... so different. To all the other men at court. Or that you’d met. Even different to your family; your brothers, your father. 
・You knew there was some sort of golden light, or ... good seed, inside him. You knew you could truly trust him
・And so you did
・You started to open up to Harwin; stopping the insults and cold exterior
・He didn’t even make fun of you for it - 
・For changing how you interacted with him. Because he knew something about you too. That you were different; like him. 
・You were thankful for that. There was something about opening up that was difficult for you. And having that grace was one of the reason’s why ... you loved Harwin
・There were times when Harwin’s father shook his head and sighed, knowing that your own father (who was the enforcer of the hatred toward the other) would explode if he found out 
・And one day he did
・But you knew exactly who you needed to go to. You knew exactly where to run
・Harwin’s arms were waiting for you, as soon as he saw your face he knew
Menace To Society (You) x Living Moral Compass (Jace)
・You Confessed Your Love When Thinking He Was Unconscious. There was a lot of history between the two of you - not family related, but friendship related
・You were set to marry someone else and Jacaerys felt like his heart had shattered well and truly
・It was your wedding night, and right before you were going to say your vows, the enemy had hit 
・They took the wedding as the weakest moment to attack
・And the pillar that had crumbled atop Jace made you scream
・Running to him, nearly tripping over the rocks on the floor, you pushed everything that was on him to the side and started to cry 
・You sobbed and sobbed, while holding his body in your hands
・The blood running down his face, you used your clothes to clean him up
     “Don’t die on me, don’t you die on me Jacaerys Targaryen. I love you too much.” 
・Magic words
・Fated words actually
・Because it was destined that the two of you were to be together. Although no one but the stars and the ancestors knew
・Your fiance was shocked by your confession; disgusted, betrayed, but they understood. To some degree, they understood. 
・After the battle had been won, thanks to Daemon and Caraxes, Rhaenyra smiled at the memory. The way you so desperately needed Jace to live. 
・It wasn’t until Jace was in recovery, conscious and healing when Rhaenyra told him what you’d confessed. He had been completely out of it when you’d said those words. 
・Before he had woke, you’d visited him everyday. Bringing flowers, momentos, things you thought he’d like
・You sat and spoke to him, read to him
・But when he awoke, you couldn’t bear to see the look on his face. To look him in the eyes. 
・Rhaenyra had to practically drag you to see him
・Yet, when you did, you ran to each other and embraced so strongly that you nearly fell over
Both Wary of Love & Don’t Think This Can Be Real
・Wary doesn’t describe how distant Alicent was with you
・She truly thought of you as an enemy. And when Alicent sees someone as such, well, the interaction is never pleasant
・Because when the two of you were together, something lit up
・It was a pull from both of you; magnetism, and it took everything not to take each other when you were alone 
・But your families had a firm disdain for each other. Which didn’t make sense for the Hightowers’ as they tried to get on with everybody
・And it wasn’t until you and Alicent kept up your interactions that your family were forced to confront their hatred
・You and Alicent continually went behind their backs because your curiosity outweighed your dislike
・Why did your families hate each other? Where did it start? Why can’t it stop?
・The usual obedient Alicent was heavily influenced by you. Who had a warriors heart - you were brave, braver than many family members who came before you
・And you built a bridge with Alicent. 
・Even if she didn’t want to, you were adamant that you could rectify the wrongs that had plagued your family for generations
・Because if you didn’t, then your family would crumble into nothing
・Alicent didn’t know this. That you had more motive than curiosity to build friendship
・And she did eventually find out the true meaning behind your interactions
・But instead of being angry, she shocked herself by being ... impressed
・You had a drive that she had seen. But that drive wasn’t to better yourself, but to keep your family alive
・She loved it. Ambition, but not for yourself. For the ones you loved. 
・And that’s why she went against her father’s wishes, and kept seeing you. 
・The two of you were practically super sleuthing as neither of your family members’ would tell the same version of events
・So digging up you went, searching for answers, interviewing family and trying not to be too suspicious
・And during this time, Alicent started to develop a crush on you. A hardcore crush on you... 
・Otto soon found out and banned you from seeing each other. 
・But one taste of rebellion and that’s all Alicent needed to go against her father’s wishes ... again
・After finding out what actually happened, you went to Alicent to show her your findings and when you explained what happened, she flung her arms around you and gave you a kiss
Complete And Utter Badass, Rather Monstrous (Daemon) x Their Ray Of Light Who Has Them Wrapped Around Their Finger (You)
・Only someone as badass as you could grab Daemon’s attention and hold it (not that you cared much for it)
・He had seen you on the battle field, a bow and arrow in hand
・Taking down enemies left and right, and when you entered the battle, every strike ran true. There wasn’t a man alive whenever you swung your sword
・There was something so invigorating about seeing your body move in such violent and graceful ways 
・Daemon knew that no matter where you came from or who you were, you were going to be his 
・So it was a shock to find that you were on the opposing side of the battle
・You hated the Targaryens, namely Daemon who had inadvertedly taken your family from you
・But Daemon saw your abilities and knew he could make you into one of the best fighters there ever was 
・So he ... kidnapped you
・Only to explain why he thought you’d be one of the best warriors Westeros has ever seen
・Under his guidance of course
・It wasn’t until the third night that you accepted. He thought it was because of the ... benefits, that you had accepted. But no, it was because you secretly wanted to slaughter him and his entire family
・However, you played along. Under the gauise of wanting to expand your prospects. You had terms, and the main was that he was never to come near you with desire 
・All was going well; he taught you a lot. Not just about combat, but about yourself, the world and challenged what you thought you knew 
・Your family history wasn’t as straightforward as you had believed. And what more, was that the Targaryens barely had anything to do with your family’s downfall. 
・It had been your own kin who had slain one another
・Brother had turned on brother, and it left you with nothing but a fable 
・Daemon had given you this information because he knew you weren’t training just for the sake of glory. You had something planned and he needed you to know the truth before you took action
・It was difficult to deny your feelings growing for Daemon, whose personality seemed to mesh with yours so well, that even Viserys saw a difference in him
・It was astonishing to see what a focused Daemon could do, and the worries that Viserys had were gone, when he saw how far you’d come
・You became a beacon for Daemon; someone he could go to not to talk, but to train. To let off steam, to go on adventures with (under the pretense off “teaching” you something)
・Caraxes became very familiar with you, and would actively seek you out as well, as he was so disliked amongst the other dragons, that companionship was sparse
・The bond between both beings meant that you often forgot your hatred, which had lessened with each day 
・You soon saw Daemon as a companion, a friend; someone who saw all of you and didn’t shy away. He saw all your darkness, your rage, your violence, chaos, confusion. Everything. He saw everything. 
・And he didn’t shy away
・What brought you together was that you reciprocated this
・You saw Daemon’s violence and didn’t blink an eye (NEVER towards you though)
Always Bringing Them Rocks They Think They Would Like x Keeps The Rocks
・Your grandfather had a long lasting hatred for the Targaryens. It was personal, but it kept your family at a distance 
・But your fascination with the Targaryens was always prevalent throughout your childhood
・And whenever you brought them up, your family would shush you. Telling you that you aren’t supposed to ask anything about them
・But it wasn’t until after your grandfather’s death that your family was invited to court by Viserys
・As it turns out, Viserys had been sending invitations for years but your grandfather was declining every single one
・And when your family finally accepted, Viserys ordered there to be a huge feast awaiting for your arrival
・You weren’t expecting this, but your eager eyes were looking for something in particular. 
・But you didn’t expect that certain thing to be kept chained in a pit 
・When you were in the throne room, being introduced to Viserys’ children, the news about the dragons was disappointing
・And a young Targaryen woman shared that same disappointment 
・Around the same age as you, the two of you would have quickly been pushed together. To get to know each other, but both your families knew how ... peculiar you both were, and were adamant that the two of you should be left apart. Since they were scared their offspring would say or do the wrong thing 
・But somehow you bumped into each other in the castle halls, and in the garden, and somehow ... in the dragonpit 
・Soon you came to know Heleana. Both her physical and emotional quirks
・ And gods, Heleana was one of the sweetest people you have ever met. She wasn’t like the rest of the people you had come across. 
・She understood how your brain worked and you understood hers
・The white-haired woman’s love for you came about because you actually listened to her. You always wanted to know what she thought, what she felt. 
・You actively asked her about her visions, and you believed her. 
(𝒔𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒍𝒚 𝒏𝒔𝒇𝒘)
Tough on the Outside, Soft on the Inside (Aemond) x The Top (You)
・Aemond was never the type of person to go against his family’s wishes - especially his mother’s. 
・So when he found you underneath his bed, waiting to attack, he found it quite amusing. 
    “Your name, what is it?” He had snarled, still in his night clothes. 
“My name is of no importance to a dead man.”
   “I see no dead men here.”
・And then somehow he had you pinned on the floor, knife at your throat and white hair like a curtain. All you could see was Aemond’s face; pink tight-lips, pale face, his one good blue eye and his other eye socket was empty, his sapphire orb lay on his bedside table. 
・Your body reacted in a way you did not wish it to 
・You blushed
    “Big bad assassin,” Aemond whispered, the cold blade still pressed against your throat. You could feel his weight and as you started to whisper back, you used it to your advantage. 
・Moving your legs so they were around his waist, you stunned him with a kiss and in one fluid moment, you flipped him over and pinned his arms above his head
    “Remember,” you panted, “I’m always on top.” 
・It was then that Aemond realised he was in trouble
・Because your blade didn’t slice, nor did it cut. It clattered to the side as you got up and left 
・The next day your House was introduced to court and Aemond did everything he could not to react
・You were the direct heir to your House, and when you spotted Aemond in the Throne room, all you could do was smirk. He had no idea. No idea that you were now going to live in King’s Landing - in the castle itself
・Those months were excruciating for Aemond, not just because he thought you were going to kill him at any moment, but because you acted as if he was nothing at all. Nothing more than a Prince. 
・You bowed when you walked passed him, stood when he entered a room
・It became a common occurence for Aemond to look under the bed. To see if his little nightmare was real
・And all the while, you watched from afar, a delighted smile on your face
・It took 6 months of Aemond to make his move. It had to be well thought out of course
・He couldn’t just try anything. No. It needed to be the perfect plan, one that would both out and villainise you
・But again, unbeknownst to the One Eyed Prince, you were three steps ahead
・He hated you; he loved this game even though he tried to hide it and in turn ... he ... loved ... you
・It was a horrible realisation. One that Aegon, of all people, pointed out to him
・And Aemond avoided you (yes, like the plague)
・It took two weeks, that’s all he could bare - of not looking at you, not hearing your voice, your laugh 
・And when he went to leave his chambers to seek you out, you were already at his door...
Arranged Marriage
・He had been sent to Oldtown and had no idea that you would be there too
・Otto had arranged your marriage; your father agreeing to it only under the circumstances of equal opportunity
・You were emblazed with anger
・And on your wedding day, you had screamed and cried and fought until it was time to walk down the aisle 
・Your father explained how important this marriage was. This alliance would bring safety to your House, and it was in that moment that you knew what you had to do
・You had never seen Daeron before, but heard of the story of how he got his name, “The Daring.”
・And the fact that it was nationally know that he was the most likeable out of the Targaryen brothers... 
・You knew your father had bargained for him rather than Aemond, who was harsh and unforgiving 
・Daeron stood at the end of the aisle, a charming smile on his boyish face. 
・ I can do this, you thought triumphantly, I can, I will. 
・When the ceremony was over and the reception was done, you were escorted to your marriage bed with Daeron, who had made every effort to make you feel comfortable 
・While alone together, in your shared room, with the fire blazing, Daeron’s kind smile did not change. There was no flip of personality or loss of kindness. 
・You soon realised that what you saw in Daeron is what is truly there 
・And you felt safe with him
・Which made it even harder to hate him. 
・With each insult you slung his way, he seemed to side step it
・And when you realised that the Prince wasn’t going to hurt you, or take you away from your family or traditions...things started to change for you. You saw him as he is. Golden hearted. 
・Life with Daeron is full of sunshine, blue skies and love
・Meeting Tessarion was a big experience and one that you will never forget. 
・Through the bond she knew your relationship with Daeron, and was apprehensive about you but allowed you to clamber onto her anyway. 
・Considering she was one of the younger dragons, she had incredible speed and stamina. 
・That ride bonded all three of you. Making you feel closer to Daeron, wanting him...the seed of desire had started to grow
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Random Thoughts on a Very Specific Thing: When Companions Choose Companions
Okay, so, off the top of my head, this has happened four times in Doctor Who's televised run. I'm not familiar enough with EU companions to say anything about what happens there.
Companions have become companions for a variety of reasons. The new series has this idea that the Doctor only travels with "the best" and they usually choose their companions. The classic series had a lot of Companions via Circumstance. Dodo and Tegan thought the TARDIS was a real police box and just walked in at the wrong time. Ben and Polly saw the Doctor enter the TARDIS, got curious, followed him, and then he took off before noticing that they were there. Victoria and Nyssa both lost everyone close to them and became companions because they had nowhere else to go. Ian and Barbara were straight-up fucking kidnapped.
There have also been several stowaway companions. The Doctor didn't invite them, but they Insisted. There are very few classic series companions the Doctor chose. In Logopolis, Four even goes on a rant about it. It's actually a big stand-out moment when One invites Vicki to join him and this would go on to be a bit uncommon. Three had Liz and Jo basically assigned to him by UNIT. That's why companions were often called assistants back in the day. They were basically lab assistants. It was literally their job.
I could go on and on about this, but this thing is supposed to be about the four companions that were chosen by another companion: Jamie, Peri, Ace, and Adam.
Yes, I'm counting Adam for this, not because he completely counts as a companion, but because he was invited to be one and basically failed his test run.
Here There Be Spoilers for the episodes these companions debuted in and probably more.
It's funny how the four examples here are split down the middle. The blondes, Polly and Rose, chose companions to come with them, while the gingers, Turlough and Mel, chose companions to replace them. It also splits down the middle in that Jamie and Ace became the definitive companions of their Doctors, while Peri and Adam didn't work well with the Doctors the joined, with Peri not having much time with 5 before constantly bickering with 6, and Adam just failing completely.
I think some of the reason for this seems to be based on the mindset of the companions that picked the companions. Polly and Mel were mainly thinking of the new companion when they chose them. Polly realized that Jamie was in a rough part of history and maybe it would be nice to take him out of it. Mel spent a while bonding with Ace and realized that she could use a Space Dad.
Rose wasn't really thinking when she invited Adam along. She basically did it because she thought he was cute. 9 was never into it, just humoring her, and then they both sort of ditched him on his first trip to the far future. Look, Adam made his own bad decisions and shouldn't have been a companion, but he also shouldn't have been left completely unsupervised in an unfamiliar time period. He got that stupid computer thing in his head because it was basically required to do anything around there, and then decided to be stupid with it.
Meanwhile, Turlough was thinking of the Doctor. 5 didn't handle Tegan's departure well and admitted to being depressed. When he realized he was going to have to leave, Turlough was aware that the Doctor shouldn't be left alone while already feeling depressed and abandoned. So, he assigned Peri as a replacement.
The actual scene where Peri becomes a companion has 5 clearly reluctant. Either he's decided that he wants to be alone or he's just not that interested in her specifically. Turlough telling Peri to keep an on him probably factored in to him accepting her. Strangely, like with Adam, the Doctor took on a new companion whom he didn't like to humor another companion. The difference was that Turlough chose a better companion than Rose did, so Peri stuck around and the Doctor warmed up to her. That also connects to motivation. The reason Adam was the only truly bad choice is that it was made for stupid reasons. Polly and Mel were thinking "the Doctor would be good for this person". Turlough was thinking "this person would be good for the Doctor". Rose just didn't think.
This isn't me bashing Rose, by the way. Everyone's allowed to make bad choices. But, I admit, comparing her to three random classic companions in this situation doesn't make her look good. Rose was a good companion for 9. Her relationship with 10, no matter how much one might enjoy it, might not have been the most emotionally healthy for them. But, she still was a good companion for the most part. She just doesn't have very good judgement when it comes to who makes a good companion.
Also I did sort of accidentally parallel 9/Rose and 5/Turlough. I did not actually mean to do that.
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fourmoony · 6 months
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
stamina - smut, no plot. nsfw. minors dni.
fizz pop lolly- smut, no plot. perv!jamie. nsfw. minors dni.
hope - james brings home a baby. a baby that is not kidnapped. sfw. fluff.
hope (2) hope (3) hope (4)
ice burn - james is there for ex!reader when she has an accident on the ice. sfw. angst. fluff.
lazy - reader and james end their lazy day with lazy sex nsfw. fluff.
personal trainer - reader has a crush on PT!James sfw. tension.
personal trainer 2 - reader has a bad gym experience and jamie gets protective. sfw. fluff.
the poster boy for bad dates - reader isn't as subtle as she thinks about her crush on jamie sfw. fluff.
flying with jamie sfw
reader buys james flowers sfw
reader gets james out of trouble sfw, suggestive
james sees reader interact with her large family sfw
post wedding kebab with james sfw
drunk jamie sfw
reassurance from jamie sfw
socially anxious reader feels too much for james sfw
james sucks at making soup and reader is pregnant sfw
insecure hockey!james just needs some reassurance sfw
lazy weekend with jamie is good for the soul sfw
285 notes · View notes
mitchhbitch · 6 months
The Unknown: The Strangers!Nick Folio
Tumblr media
Pairings: Nick Folio x OC
Warnings: Angst. It contains language. Blood/Violence. Dark themes. If this makes you uncomfortable or you are under 18, please do not read! Thank you.
Summary: A weekend getaway turns into a nightmare when Nick and Michelle's vacation is disrupted by three masked intruders, one least expected.
Authors Note: First off, I want to say that this is the first fic I have ever written. It is something that I enjoyed writing, so I hope you enjoy it just as much. I am sorry that it took me this long to finish it. This is based on one of my all time favorite horror movies The Strangers. Thank you for reading it! I hope you all love it. Also, shout out to my bestie @thescarlettvvitch for helping me with this and for showing amazing support and love.
TAGS: @thescarlettvvitch @thefallennightmare @spicywhenspeaking @cookiesupplier @dsireland86
As I get out of my car, I see nothing but darkness. It was late by the time I pulled in. All I can hear are the animals being vocal. My boyfriend Nick invited me to his family’s cabin. It was an exhausting three hour long trip. 
Nick came bounding down the stairs with a big smile on his face, “Hey babe. Glad you made it here safe. I’m sorry I wasn't able to drive up here with you. There was a problem with the shower so I had to come and fix it up.” He greets me with a kiss. 
I smile excitedly and kiss him back “Hi baby. I’m glad I finally made it. No worries. Were you able to fix the issue?”
He grabbed both of my bags with one hand. How he managed the strength? I couldn’t say. 
“Oh yeah. It took about half of the day but I got it all fixed up. Plus I needed everything to be perfect for when you got here” he winked at me as he went inside the cabin.
I blushed. My cheeks turned a vibrant red in hue as I followed him, “It’s going to be perfect because we are going to be together.” Closing  the door and walking into the living room, “wow this place is nice. Feels very homey.” My eyes gleamed with warmth. 
“Are you ready to just relax this weekend?” Nick said softly, grazing my cheek with this thumb as he passed by me walking into the living room.
Sitting on the green sofa, he looked so content. I turn to look at him with a big smile, getting up from my spot on the lounge chair to go sit next to him.
“Yes. School has me wanting to rip out my hair. It's just been so hectic with studying for finals. It has me on the verge of a breakdown. But I am so glad to be here with you. With that, that also means no school and work talk anymore.”
Gently  putting  his arm around me, I nestled under the crook of his arm. I looked up at him longingly, he placed a  kiss on my forehead, “Sounds like a plan babe. I forgot to mention that being up here, we don't get very good or any signal and the wifi has been out for a couple of days. I got an email about that before I came up here. I have been trying to get someone up here but it's been difficult.”
Leaning into his arm, I joked, “well that sucks. How am I supposed to let my family and friends know that I haven't been kidnapped or killed?” 
Nick throws his head back and lets out a loud laugh, “Don't worry. I’ll protect you from anything Michelle.”
—------------------Line Break—------------------------------------------------------
While cooking dinner, I pour myself a glass of whiskey. Whiskey was my weakness. Hennessy and a lot of bad decisions. 
 Nick shouted from the living room “I'm going to go take a shower. I'll be back.” He left for the bathroom. Once I hear the shower start, I put my phone on the speaker and play some music.
There was a knock at the door. It was loud and echoed through the house. I was Confused. We weren’t expecting anyone. I went and opened it half way, peeking my head out. “Hello. Can I help you?”
A woman with long black hair, yellow beanie snug on her head. She was short in stature and whispered low while looking down at her shoes. “I'm looking for Jamie.” 
I couldn't see her face because of the porch light. It was too bright, I responded with a scowl. “I'm sorry there is no Jamie here.”
She asked me again, more demanding while keeping her head down  “Is Jamie here?”  
I sighed, already fed up. “There's no Jamie here. I already told you.”
The woman brought her head up to look me in the eyes, her gaze penetrating. “Okay. Whatever you say.” Slowly began walking away from the door. 
I closed and locked it shut. Walking towards the kitchen. Another knock is heard from the door. 
Frustrated, I turn back over towards it, peeking through the peephole. 
Christ, these people. Slowly reopening it, I was greeted with a different female this time. I couldn't make out her features but was only able to see her short and crimson locks. 
She quietly says as she looks down to the heels of my feet.  “Is Jamie here?”
I look at her, irritation steering through my veins. “Look I told your friend that there is no Jamie here. So leave before I call the police.”
The girl replies “okay.” She slowly looks up at me for a couple seconds and walks off. 
Closing and locking the door with a sigh, Nick asked from behind me “who was that?” 
I  jumped and turned to face him, “You almost gave me a heart attack. I don't know who that was. It was a strange chick looking for someone named Jamie. It was weird.” Shaking my head at the thought. Maybe I was losing it.  “Anyways, dinner is ready. Let's go eat.”
As we eat our dinner, Nick looks up from his plate, placing his fork on mine, fiddling with my carrots.  “How was the drive up here?” Did you enjoy it or was it too much for you?” He was never one for a quiet dinner, rambunctious by nature. 
I look at him with a bright smile, all teeth.  “The drive was okay. I'm not a fan of long drives but this one was manageable. It was peaceful.” 
Nick gave me a goofy grin. I melted internally as he grabbed my hand and placed to his lips leaving me a tender kiss, “You know i wouldn’t torture you with a very long trip.”
 I chuckled, taking his hand in return. “How very thoughtful of you, baby.”
I start gathering the dishes and take them to the kitchen. I place them on the sink looking out the kitchen window, I see a person standing near the trees. Confused, I called out for Nick “hey babe! Come here please”
Nick walks into the kitchen “what's up?” he goes over to me and puts his arm around my waist. 
“There is someone out there. I saw someone standing near that tree” I turn to look at him
Nick turns to look out the window “I don't see anyone out there babe. Maybe it's just the drink getting to you.” He looks at me and smirks 
I roll my eyes and move away from him “I only had half a cup. I swear to you I saw someone out there.”
As soon as he opened his mouth to reply to me there was a loud bang coming from the front door. 
Nick goes to the front door and opens it only to be greeted by no one there. Confused, he looks around and goes back inside “that was weird. There was no one there.”
I shrug and go back to the kitchen. I see that my phone isn't on the counter, confused. I start looking around for it “babe have you seen my phone? I left it near the counter when I was cooking and it's not there.” 
Nick leans against the door frame “no i haven't seen it. Are you sure you left it there? Maybe you just misplaced it.”
Looking at him annoyed, I answer “No Nicholas. I didn't misplace it. I know where I left it at. It couldn't just get up and walk away from me.”
Nick “I'll help you look for it. I'm sure it's around here. Like you said I don't think it got up and just left.” he looks around the living room.
I walk into the bedroom and look around for it. I get on the floor to look under the bed when I see a pair of feet on the other side of the bed. I see the person wearing black dress pants and black boots. Confusion running through my head, I sit up and look up to find no one there. 
“Nick come here please” I say from the bedroom while getting up. Nick walks into the bedroom “yes Michelle?” I look down to his pants and his shoes and see that he is wearing black levis and all black nike air max 90s. 
Nick smirks at me “baby if you want something you just gotta say it, you don't have to be a tease about it” he sits on the edge of the bed close to me. 
I roll my eyes “have you always been wearing those shoes or did you just change them?” 
Nick replies “I have always been wearing these shoes. Why?” I look at him horror flashing through me making me get goosebumps “I I think someone is in here. When I was looking for my phone under the bed, I looked across and I saw a pair of legs. The person was wearing boots”
“Are you sure? The only people here are us. I would think we would have been able to hear if someone came in here. Again, you need to stop watching horror movies” Nick says as looks at me 
Frustrated I responded “I swear on anything I saw someone standing on the other side of the bed. Stop gaslighting me Nicholas. I'm so close to leaving you here. I still can't find my phone.” 
Nick sighs “I'm sorry. Please forgive  me?” he pouts and brings me close to him.
I smile and kiss him “I guess I can accept your apology Folio. You are going to have to make it up” I put my hands on his shoulders as I stood between his legs.
Nick looks up at me and smirks “you don't have to tell me. I have thought of every way I am going to make it up to you baby.” 
Just as I was about to lean down to kiss him, the lights were cut off. I gasped in horror not knowing what could have caused this. 
Nick looks at me “well that's strange. I'm going to go to the garage to get some flashlights. I’ll be back babe.” He says as he makes his way out of the room to the garage.
I make my way to the living room to see if I can find some candles. I hear a tapping sound coming from the back door. Confused, I make my way to the back door, pull open the curtain when I'm greeted by a girl in a mask holding a knife. I scream and back up.
 As I'm running to the bedroom, I see a shadow down the hall. I gasp and run into the bathroom and lock the door. I go inside the bathtub and sit. I bring my knees up to my chest. Crying and shaking out of fear, I look at the door. I see it being shaked and pulled. I cry even more. 
The door gets kicked open and the shadow gets close to me. “Michelle, what are you doing here?”
 Nick asked me while standing near the bathtub. When I hear his voice, I get up and encircle his waist.  “Oh Nick. I saw someone outside holding a knife and I don't know if it was the same person b b but I saw someone in the hallway. I want to leave. Please, I want to go home.” I plead.
 Nick sighs and holds me tightly in muscular arms, “Alright, Alright. Let's go back home. Let's start packing” He goes to the bedroom.
“No! I don't care about my stuff. I just want to get out of here!” I get out of the bathroom and go to the living room. Nick follows me “What is going on with you? There is no one else besides us here” I turn to look at him and see someone standing a few feet away from him. I scream. 
Nick turns around and backs up to me “who are you!” he calls out. The masked person walked to us slowly. It was the same girl that was tapping the window. 
Nick holds my hand and runs out the front door to the car. I held and ran with him. As we got to the car there was a masked man standing near it. He had a ski mask and was fairly tall. He was holding a lighter in his hand. As fast as we saw the lighter in his hand was just as fast as he threw it to the car making it light up. 
Nick looks at the car “fuck. We ran back inside. As soon as Nick closed the door an ax came down on it. Screaming, I backed away from the door. Nick ran to me and turned to look at me. With his hands, he grabbed my face looking at me.
 “I need you to go hide for me, okay? I have a weapon in the garage and I need to go get it. I'm going to come right back for you. I love you” he kisses me softly and lets go of me and makes his way out of the room.
 I grab his hand to stop him “Nick I want to go with you please. I don't want to be left alone here.” Nick looks at me “it will be okay. I promise you. Everything will be fine Michelle.” I let go of his arm “please be careful Nick.” I say to him as he walks out of the backdoor. I follow behind him slowly watching him till he gets to the garage. Suddenly I hear a noise near the garage thinking that Nick could have gotten hurt, I go out and start walking towards it. 
Once I get close to it I see that there is a girl standing there in a pin up mask. I look at her out of fear and start walking backwards. As I take my steps she starts walking towards me. I turn to run and she walks behind me. 
I ran into the house and hid in a closet. I cover my mouth to keep any noises from coming out of me. I suddenly see a silhouette standing across the closet door. 
Suddenly the door gets pulled open and there is a girl wearing a doll mask standing in front of me. I let out a horrified scream.
 Trying to run past her, she slices my arm with her knife. I ran to the living room. As soon as I got to it, I saw a man in a mask dragging Nick by the shirt and tossing him into the middle of the living room. Nick is beaten and bloody.
 I gasp and go to kneel beside him and hold him. I cry and look at him. The three masked strangers stand in front of us next to each other. The masked man squats down to look at us.
 I look at him and say “Why are you doing this? Why us?” He looks at me with a smile and says “because you are here and you answered the door.” He stands up and stands next to the other two girls.
The masked man looks at both of the girls and says “It's time”. He takes out a knife and looks at Nick and I. The room is silent except for the sobs that are leaving my mouth. 
“Please don't do this. Please. You can take whatever you want. I-I promise I won't say anything to anyone.” I plead to them. 
The girl in the pin up mask takes it off and throws it on the ground. Next to take off their mask is the girl wearing the doll mask. 
The last one to take off their mask is the guy in the ski mask. He stands out to me the most because he looks familiar. 
Nick looks at me and says “I'm sorry this had to be done.” 
He gets up and stands next to the girl with the long black hair. He wipes the blood from his lip with the back of his hand and takes the knife that the guy gives to him. I look at him shocked and confused and angry not knowing what to do. 
“I I don't understand. Why?- Wait- you’re apart of this? Why did you do this?” 
Nick looks at me expressionless. “Because you were so different from the rest, don't you get it? You sweet, sweet dumb girl. You were a mere ploy, a means to an end.”
 I look at him shocked. “You don't mean that, I don't believe you!” 
Nick goes to me and squats in front of me “you don't have to” He traces the knife along my jawline. 
I look at him with a terrified expression and whisper “Nicholas, don't do this please.” I beg him crying on my knees. He leaned so close to me, his lip grazing my ear and whispered,  “Nicholas isn't here right now, please leave a message after the beep.” 
Three long beats go by and he leans back to look at me. I look at him and see his pupils are dilated.His eyes are no longer the light brown that I know, all I see is darkness showing no emotion. No love. No worries. Nothing. 
Nick looks at me with an evil smirk and grabs my jaw, squeezing it hard, he licks his lips and said;  
“You look so delicious like this, so weak and defenseless. Makes me want to put on a show before you lose.” 
I look at him angry and spit at him “Fuck you Nick! I hate you!” Nick laughs and wipes the spit from his face with the back of his hand, “those are some nice last words you have to say baby.” I try to move his hand from my jawline but he's stronger than me.
 He lets go and pushes me back, making me fall back onto the floor. I turn to see that one by one the strangers are leaving the cabin. Nick stands over me and knees down to straddle me. 
His knees are on either side of my hips. Eyes locked on mine as he spoke harshly,  “You know, I wasn't lying when I said that you were different from the rest. You were my favorite one.”
 I look up at him screaming, a guttural and loud growl erupts. “Please! Nick please! Don't do this! I-I promise I won't say anything to anyone!” I kicked my legs and hit him on the chest. 
Nick takes one last look at me and pushes the knife right above my right breast. I scream in horror and try to fight him off of me. 
Nick pushes it deeper and takes it out. As he takes the knife out,  blood starts seeping out and spilling on my shirt and on the floor. 
Specks of blood land on his arms. He stabs me a couple more times and gets up to look down at me. I open my mouth to scream but nothing comes out. I roll over onto my stomach and cry. 
Trying to crawl away from him, he grabs me by the foot pulling me back. I turn to him to look at him, still on my stomach as tears fall down my face, I whisper “I love you Nick”. As those words leave my mouth, no emotion is being shown by him. 
I close my eyes to not look at him. Remembering all the happy memories we shared together. He brings down the knife stabbing me on the back. 
Nick takes out the knife, setting it on the kitchen counter. He takes one last look at me before walking out of the cabin. He gets into a car with the three strangers. 
Taking off. I open my eyes and look around to make sure he isn't around anymore. I get up slowly and make my way to the kitchen, seeing my phone on the counter as if it was never missing. 
My hands shake as I pick it up making a phone call. Hearing the dial tone on the other side, I take a deep breath.
911 what's your emergency?....
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ryeriy · 11 months
candy, please?
warnings: fluff
a/n: how yall liking these?
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"Did you think they'll like Kit-Kats, Reeses, and butterfingers?" Jamie asked as he grabbed the bags of candy he had bought at the store.
"Jamie, there are kids on Halloween! They'll take any candy they can get!" The two ud laughed.
I came over for Halloween this year with Jamie to keep him company. Trevor was out with some other friends at bars and Jamie asked me to come over. We decided to stay at home and hand out candy to the kids.
"You're right about that," he said, "I hope you didn't mind coming over. It's just I missed you and wanted to see you, plus we could stay here and eat all of the leftover candy." Jamie smiled at me as he said that.
"No problem! I'll never say no to coming over, besides I love handing out candy on Halloween!" I told him while smiling at him. Walking over to him and kissing him on his cheek before giving him a peck on the lip.
"Well, we better turn on the porch light if we want anyone coming." He said as he walked to the front door and switched on the light switch.
"When do they start coming around the neighborhood?" I asked him.
"Right about-" he got cut off by the doorbell ringing "now."
I walked over to the door with the bag of candy that's assorted. We didn't have enough time to put it in the bowls yet.
"Trick or treat!" the little girl said. She was wearing a ladybug costume.
"Well, aren't you adorable! You can take two for having an adorable costume!" She smiled and said the cutest thank you I've ever heard.
"Jamie, these kids are so adorable. I might actually kidnapp them," I say while laughing at him.
"Well, I wouldn't kidnap them we'd just have kids of our own," he said while grabbing bowls for the candy.
"You'd want that?" I asked. Pouring the candy into the bowl. Taking a Butterfinger out of the bowl and eating it for myself.
"Well yeah, eventually maybe." He smiled at me and he took a piece of candy too.
We spent the rest of the evening passing out candy to children who came up to the door. Once trick or treating was declared over we decided to eat the rest of the candy and watch the Halloween programming that was on.
"I love you," I turned my head to look over at him. Putting a smile on face when you said that.
"I love you too," smiling back at him. I gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Okay, but seriously we need to eat all of this before Trevor gets back." He said letting out a soft laugh.
"I'm trying my best here," I said with a full mouthful of candy on my face. We both almost started to laugh. If I started to laugh though I would spit this all out. This byfar has been my best halloween ever.
31 days of Halloween
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mentions: @hischierhaze @67-angelofthelordme-67 @huggy-hischier94 @trevorzegrizz @francesfarhadi@cole-mcward48
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yandere-paramour · 2 months
Hii! I have a question that I would love if you could answer.How would Atalanta go about getting her darling if they were also a very wealthy figure like herself?Because I’d assume it would be hard for her to just have her assistant kidnap her with darling also being in the public eye quite frequently. I’m very curious on how she would handle this situation.Would she be a normal person and actually try to court her,would she just fake her darling death, would she blackmail her darling?Or something else, sorry if this was long😭
Haha it's cute that you think this is long, it's nowhere near the essays I get sometimes (And I love every single one of them).
Obviously, it would be a lot more difficult for Ata if her Darling was wealthy like her. They probably have bodyguards and kidnapping insurance and all the things that make them suddenly disappearing very hard. So she can't do the whole kidnapping thing.
Atalanta's new plan will actually turn out similar to her mother's. Actually, Asteria will step in and advise on what to do. Atalanta will have to calm her more... yandere tendencies and try to be a bit softer. She'll start by sending luxurious gifts and inviting her Darling on outings where she can show off her power and influence and the good it can create. Darling's family will certainly be thrilled that the Montclair heiress has taken an interest in their daughter, and the relationship will be encouraged. So here is where Asteria will step in. She regrets moving too fast on her and Jamie's engagement, so she will advise Atalanta to slow down and really give the love a chance to develop.
But this is still Atalanta so the relationship will be sped up. They don't have to be married right away but getting engaged and moving in is a must.
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racefortheironthrone · 10 months
I just came across this bit of reddit dribble and was curious what your opinions were:
“Tywin doesn't think he's smarter than he is. I'm not just saying this because he is actually pretty smart, but because he doesn't overestimate his intelligence or it's ability to get him and his family out of trouble. So much of what he does in the series is defensive actions based on the assumption that his enemies know what they are doing and are smart enough to be threats.
You have to remember, he doesn't actually start anything. He sent the Mountain to raid in the Riverlands because Cat kidnapped Tyrion unprovoked. That actually gave him Casus Belli against the the Tully's at minimum, and the Starks once Jamie confronted Ned about it and Ned backed up Cat, and the Arryns once Lysa imprisoned Tyrion. Tywin tried to avoid open war by raiding instead, as a means to pressure Hoster Tully to influence his girls to let Tyrion go. It was an action that could be easily walked back if Tyrion was released, allowing everyone to move on. Everyone involved should have recognized that Tywin was within his rights to outright invade the Riverlands in response to the kidnapping, and his merely raiding was restraint meant to leave room for de-escalation. The problem was that Lysa was insane, Cat and Ned were morons being manipulated by Little finger, and Hoster was incapable due to illness. Tywin overestimated the intelligence of his opponents in this instance, by a lot. He also never underestimates the Tyrells, unlike everyone else, because he understands how cunning Olena is and how she runs the House. While everyone else assumes the Tyrells are jokes, Tywin understands that he has to keep them happy. He likely figured out that Olena was the mastermind behind Joffrey's death and chooses to scapegoat Tyrion to maintain the alliance.”
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How does the line go, "every word you just said is wrong"?
Cat did not just kidnap Tyrion, she exercised her rights as a noblewoman to have him arrested - that's why Tyrion is put on trial at the Eyrie. The proper response to that is to use his family's position at court to win a trivially easy legal case and completely maneuver his political rivals out of royal office by exposing them as paranoid and lawless, not to send the word's most identifiable deniable asset to attack the Riverlands, making his enemies the injured party. Far from avoiding open war, Tywin got maneuvered by Hoster and Ned into violating the King's Peace and committing open treason by attacking the King's banner. If Robert hadn't conveniently dropped dead exactly when he does, Tywin would have been denounced and attainted as a rebel.
Likewise, Tywin was losing the war in the Riverlands when the opportunity for the Red Wedding dropped into his lap, and almost lost the Crownlands too if it hadn't been for Littlefinger's "just in time" arrival bailing him out.
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