#and I'm 15
phantomrose96 · 11 months
I think we should have a turn of phrase for "I'm not in the right, but I AM annoyed with this situation, so I just need to go bitch to a friend about this before I suck it up and go do the right thing" because more and more I'm finding this is a critical element of functional adulthood.
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silvermoon424 · 8 months
This is a subject that really interests me because I (28 years old) had computer classes in grade school where learning how to efficiently type was a big focus. As a result I have a very high WPM (words per minute) count and am an excellent touch typer.
However, I've heard that they started phasing out computer classes in a lot of schools because it's assumed that kids/teenagers already know how to use a computer in this day and age. But smartphones are more popular than computers now, and as result a lot of Gen Z/Gen Alpha kids are able to text very quickly but their typing skills aren't as good.
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yesokayiknow · 6 months
i know we won't but GOD i hope he never tells her he's an alien i hope we have a whole series of ruby thinking he's just a time travelling human until he gets hurt and is like ohhhhhh ruby love can you check my pulses and she's like check your fucking what now
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tardxsblues · 11 months
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Because you and Mr. Fell don't ever talk to each other. We talk all the time. We've been talking for millions of years. Bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla. I say something brilliant, and he says something unintentionally funny back. It's great. You never say what you're really thinking.
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starvinginbelair · 2 months
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the best explanation of the pre-flashpoint batfamily i think i've ever seen
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tag yourself: intrepid heroes' alter emos as ppl who went to my public high school
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pedro-pascal · 6 months
every film maker should have one thing in mind: will this be a good gif?
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royalarchivist · 3 months
Tubbo: IT'S OK!!!
Coypiso: Is this a bad time to say I don't believe in vaccines?
[The toaster lights on fire and everyone starts screaming as the fire alarm goes off]
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mwagneto · 2 months
15 revealing that apparently the bigeneration was hugely traumatic and not something he could survive again is already insane but especially considering that when he was with 14 neither of them acted like it was anything other than amazing which makes me think 15 was the only one who felt that it was something incredibly damaging but he didn't wanna tell 14 coz he wanted at least one of them to be happy which is sooo.. ough....
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khytal · 9 months
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more assorted detco memes
spoilers (up to scarlet arc):
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mod2amaryllis · 10 months
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despite everything
(happy 8 years undertale)
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donutdrawsthings · 5 months
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Some crossovers I thought would be fun and the first doctor and his granddaughter Susan! I've been watching some Classic Who and I cried at her departure :'o)
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fuckspn · 7 months
imo one of supernatural's greatest weaknesses is what i'm going to call its locational homogeneity. like. obviously this is largely a side effect of filming a show set all over the united states in the same small area of canada for 15 years but there's just a certain sameness to every location and every episode that's uncanny at best and breaks immersion at worst. they should have gone all in on southern gothic horror and spooky old northeastern coastal towns and rural midwestern isolation and instead it's just episode after episode of identical suburbs with arbitrary location titles slapped over them. the seasons never change. the weather is always mild, never with extreme enough temperature or precipitation to require a change from the standard jacket-over-flannel-over-tee costuming even when we see snow on the ground. this episode is set in the summer in idaho. no, wait, it's set in the winter in kentucky. this episode is set in the summerfallwinterspring in kansachusettohiowa. sam and dean travel all over the country and yet stay completely still. supernatural shows us a massive world and it does not turn and absolutely no one lives in it.
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yesokayiknow · 6 months
incredibly enamoured with the way that so far fifteen can't wear an outfit for more than ten minutes before changing. he said no more looking like a cartoon character
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tardxsblues · 11 months
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key to a successful marriage: always support your partner's dreams even if they are rubbish
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bet-on-me-13 · 6 months
Thats not Fair!?
So! Danny is a Member of the JLA. He is a Millenia Old Ghost who is stuck looking the same as the day he died, so he never aged over all those Centuries. While the JLA is slightly uncomfortable at him being on the Team, they know his circumstances and try to ignore his appearance. He can't control it, its not his Fault.
Or at least, that's what he tells them.
Danny is in fact, a 15 Yr Old Kid, who used his experience as a Time Traveler to trick the JLA into letting him join the Adult Team. He is actually doing a good job in tricking them!
Then, in a complete accident, he runs into Jazz while talking to a few fellow Leaguers.
She showers him in older sister love, hugging him and giving him Nuggies, and when a Leaguer asks how old she is she says "Oh I'm 17, 2 whole years older than this little scamp!"
So there goes that lie.
Fortunately, the League decides to let Danny stay on the Adult Team.
Unfortunately, Young Justice learned about his admittance to the Adult Team and kind of lost it.
"What?! Why is HE allowed on the Adult Team!? He's only been a Hero for a Year! We've all been Heroes for so much longer!?! And for that matter why is Shazam still on the Team!? Is that the new Rule? If you can trick us into letting you in the Team you can stay? Cause we can do that! We can sneak our way in too!"
Basically I want to imagine YJ's reaction to 2 Child Heroes on the Adult Team when they are stuck on the "Baby Team"
I think it would be funny.
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