#and I will get to you once i have an opinion on it! I'm so excited for more martian stuff even if it means more mgann headache lol
yeonjune · 2 days
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Yeonjun about the strain he felt while preparing for his debut solo project ✙ "GGUM" MAKING FILM
#yeonjun#choi yeonjun#tomorrow x together#txt#ggum: making film#gifs#creations#userzaynab#useryeonbins#skyehi#rosieblr#megtag#hibiebear#heyiri#ultkpopnetwork#kpopccc#kpopco#this are like the rawest emotions we've seen from him... I feel... it's really sad to watch him like this#i mean I know they're under lots of pressure and stress#It's only natural when you work with so many people who you could potentially disappoint#and I know it was his choice to make this solo project happen now but i feel like the company could manage his schedule better#because why he films till 3 am and then right next day has a flight to another country for a concert...#and now we know from soobin they're super busy again#I'm worried his body will just say 'enough' one day and something bad will happen :(#and you have him work so hard and stress and then all this losers online whose biggest achievement is getting 100 likes on a post#writing the worst things about him for no reason... its not that hard to be kind and you dont need to have an opinion about everything :D#at the end of the day that celebrity you hate so much is still pretty and successful#and you're just a friendless jobless empty-headed rotten fool with likes on a post that mean nothing once you close the ap#I'm just glad all this is still fun for him and that he has such a great support system: his members family staff who care about him and us#all we can really do is support them and send them lots of love fr ;; you've done well my jjunie ily ♥
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evilcarmona · 3 days
Once upon a time...
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I was having trouble with Clockwork's hair, and then I just thought about what kind of hairstyle I would draw for Diana. Now I'm haunted by the thought that she inherited her gorgeous hair from him, haha.
And in my opinion it is quite low. Very low. Lol, low Chronos is such a paradoxically funny concept that I won't give it up.
Clockwork: By the way, I can look more human, so can I go somewhere with you? Danny: looks around Danny: No, you'll get arrested for indecent exposure. You know you have to wear underwear under your miniskirt in this century, right? Clockwork: That's not a skirt! Is that how you talk to your grandpa?! Pariah Dark: Lol Serves you right
Then he still walks around this funny human world, and the superheroes try to figure out who this creepy guy is that looks like Diana. When Diana sees him, she's a little scared. Are you sure he's not going to eat her?
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raticalshoez · 3 days
I just feel the need to get this out there because this has been sitting in my Google Docs brainrot document:
I will always believe that Scar is the saddest, most tragic Life Series character.
I'm unsure whether this is an unpopular opinion or not, but I feel like if I were to ask people who they think the most tragic member is they might say Grian, or Martyn, or Jimmy simply because of #lore implications, but when I'm bored I like to reflect on the Life Series characters and...like...
3rd Life had Grian indebted to Scar, creating a narrative based around loyalty that inevitably had to end in tragedy when they were the last two standing, neither one of them wanting to be to one to lead to the dekise of the other. Everyone knows the origin story of Desert Duo, come on now. I'd argue this is one of Scar's less tragic seasons though because throughout the entire thing, he had the unfaltering loyalty of a person, and that loyalty didn't waver on his end either. One might be tempted to bring up the Bdubs friendship pass, but that was all part of a plan Scar formulated, and Grian just never happened to see the secret message sent to him. All in all, a story of companionship that's only tragic towards the end.
Then, Last Life comes, and he is lonely. People are really quick to point to Joel for being lonely this season, but if anything, I'd describe Joel as manic over just lonely. This whole season, Scar tries to make friends after losing his only one to the curse of a red life. Time and time again he's seen trying to help people, he acts as a life dispenser, and at every turn he us either dismissed and never truly seen as an ally, or he faces death, whether by natural causes or by the hand of another player. In fact, instead of making friends, he seems to make a sworn enemy out of Team BEST. This season is really what kickstarts Scar's progression into being one of the staples of Lonely Characters ™️ of the Life Series, for even his final death is practically alone, with no happy reunions with allies, and no boos from any sworn enemies either.
I could argue this is another case of Scar being faced with lonliness because his once closely knit ally in Grian, has now shown scorn for their new fated bond. Scar is left behind as Grian goes to be with BigB, and out of them two, BigB has the guilt to tell Ren the whole secret soulmate ordeal, but Grian keeps his mouth shut. Scar finds out about the whole situation on his own, bitterly offering gifts for Grian to give, and hanging out with Pearl, the girl who is quite literally the commonly accepted poster child for all aspects of loneliness depicted in the Life Series. In this series, I think Scar gets some sort of closure in Grian and him working together again towards the end of the season, but even so, the two of them die apart, in a way symbolizing the disconnect they had all season long.
Limited Life is quite possibly Scar's happiest season, and therefore I don't really have anything to say about it. I think to some degree, everyone in the Life Series has the ability to be an asshole, and I think every single character is morally grey, and with all that being said I think the person Scar needed most was Cleo. Sure, they enable him to be as chaotic as possible, and yeah, being around Ckeo thus season quite possibly made Scar the snarkiest he's been, but the connection he had with her, and just the Clockers overall was so strong. Yes, there's the whole Etho dad thing, and you could argue that's another tally for Scar's abandonment board, but really, that whole bit has always been more comedic to me than it has been entirely dramatic or angsty.
And everyone knows Secret Life. Once again, Scar finds himself in the role of the lonely merchant, running a shop solo, and constantly trying to make friends, but there is always something stopping him from doing so because something in this world HATES him. Scar doesn't make friends, no, in fact, the Secret Keeper screws him over so much that by the end of this season he is literally embracing the role of a villain. He goes on a killing spree, more successful than he's ever done before, and he finds himself face to face with Pearl, who wants him to take her life. He calls it lame, and not fair because if Pearl's good at the game, she should own it and between me and you personally, I think Scar's just got a soft spot for a fair fight between the last two standing. I think the saddest part of Secret Life is the lack of closure Scar gets because he is the only winner that doesn't get to die and meet in this sort of afterlife where everyone reunites and talks like friends again, as if they all hadn't caused each others' demise. Scar doesn't get that, and is instead stuck in, at least in Martyn's interpretation, an endless loop of pressing that succeed button over and over as he goes mad.
This is a ridiculously long post, but I just NEEDED to get it out of my system. I feel like people could argue the curse of having allies is more tragic because you have to witness their deaths, or you can make the argument that maybe trying to fund the most tragic Life Series character is redundant because with how this game is, everyone is bound to be tragic either way, and to which I say true. I just feel like in a game where it's so natural for people to split up into groups of 3, 4, sometimes even 5, Scar's a character that has ended up alone so many times. It's honestly quite insane. I will always say that Pearl and Joel are the lonely dog girl and lonely dog boy of the series, but if there was ever just...the Lonliest, that title would probably go to Scar.
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jesncin · 2 days
making my way through YJa so I can get to the Ma'al and martian stuff again but adfasdf things I have to say:
good things first: I love Victor's backstory, the voice actor is absolutely giving it his all. Great performances in the Stone family. The Accident was rendered so gorey and gross that it was hard to look at and I even involuntarily cried a bit.
The first few episodes of S3 are the strongest the show has been so far even if it's not as ambitious as previous seasons. The cast is way less bloated and they're taking time to introduce new characters to us.
bad things: M'gann calling the meta teens they essentially adopted "needy"?? god I'm not trying to hate her but what the heck? Brion is a banished prince and recently discovered he's a meta human, Halo is a traffic-ed teen, Forager was banished from his home planet (something M'gann should understand??) but no. They're needy for getting in the way of her and Conner's engagement era. It's not like they're struggling financially and don't have the space to take in strays. It's not like any of them are taking a break from being heroes. One of my least favorite tropes in Superhero stories is when an adult character is entitled to their superhero partner/friend's time when they should understand that said superhero is busy saving lives and is in urgent need. Yeah it sucks when you miss out on a date or two but being a hero is about that personal sacrifice. It's not like M'gann's a normie either! She's a super and should get it. "Aah but they should spend Engagement time together" Conner and M'gann are ageless beings in this show, they've got time! Argh. Hate it.
Beast Boy's episode is when the show falls back on its over-exposition weakness. Way too much told to us instead of shown.
There's probably going to be more reveals on Halo's backstory eventually but the current reveal I'm on where it turns out the motherbox device basically "possesses" this human girl's body and now lives through her? I don't like it. This alien technology took over a hijabi girl's body but still chooses to wear the hijab. It feels like getting muslim representation on a surface level but by removing all of the religious and cultural context out of wearing a hijab. How does the motherbox know that men shouldn't be around when she takes her hijab off? Especially when Halo has been so Born Sexy Yesterday clueless about how to be human this whole time?
Halo and Brion are too much of a retread of M'gann and Conner. Would've been more interesting if their genders were swapped or something.
It's getting a bit gratuitous how many times they're fake-killing or injuring Halo. I get it, they're showcasing her powers and ability to come back from the dead. But when it's mostly POC who are at the receiving end of the show's upgraded violence it starts getting icky.
I praised this show for pronouncing Ra's Al Ghul's name correctly in S1 and S2 but why are they changing the pronunciation in S3? ;_; yall were doing so well
it doesn't matter I'm still coming for you Ma'al
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Taking place during the Jason Todd redemption arc, Nightwing and Jason Todd (going by Red Hood) have made semi-amends and Nightwing wants his Batman (their adopted father) to talk and make amends as well, but he can only take that man's stubbornness for so long.
Nightwing along with Donna Troy enters the Justice League headquarters, spotting Batman talking to Wonder Woman.
Nightwing: Hey Batman, can you put your ego aside and talk to Jason?
Wonder Woman (perking up): Oh, the small warrior is alive! Fantastic!
Batman glares at Wonder Woman, but she rolls her eyes and puts her hand up.
Batman (to Nightwing): About what? Is he apologizing to me?
Nightwing: You know that is not what needs to be done.
Batman: I'm not discussing this.
Batman walks away, Nightwing clenches his fist, walking quickly behind Batman to call him out on how he's been acting.
Nightwing: You can disagree with his whole killing bad people rule, you have a right to not want to kill the Joker, that's your opinion, but you threw a Batarang at him and it pierced his neck!
Wonder Woman woman and Donna Troy who have been following the two gasp in shock.
Donna: You left that part out!
WW: Batman, that's wrong!
Batman (facing away from the group, but he stops walking): He was supposed to DODGE!
Batman: I'm not apologizing I said what I said to him and I will not take that back!
Nightwing (gritted teeth): I'm not telling you too! You already showed you'd rather let the Joker walk over avenging him and while Jason is rightfully mad at that, I have always seen what you mean, but you have to see how you're acting is making things worse.
Batman stays silent for a second then turns to Nightwing.
Batman: Or Jason just doesn't want to own up to the fact that I am right.
Wonder Woman facepalms.
WW: Really thought you'd say the right thing.
Batman: What do you want me to do lie to him?
Nightwing: Maybe don't tell him you regret adopting him!
Donna Troy (to Wonder Woman): He said that, but the context kind of makes what he said less awful.
Batman: See she gets it! The context is that I didn't want to adopt him because of what he has become! The former Robin is now a malicious murderer!
Nightwing: Who is coming around to not being that, no thanks to you, you ... ASS!
Batman: Take that back!
Nightwing: Okay, sure... You are being a shitty person! You can't just talk to him?!
Batman: No! Because I didn't do anything wrong!
Nightwing: You let the man's murderer walk, you threw a Batarang at him under the ridiculous assumption that he would read your mind or instinct or whatever you want to call it and dodge that over just killing his murderer! And again while I don't fully agree with killing someone... Jason has brought up a lot of good points-
Batman: Fuck off he hasn't!
Wonder Woman: Hey let's just calm down. Things are getting a little heated now.
Nightwing (ignoring the woman): You're just going to ignore the fact that Jason may have a point? I'm not saying becoming a killer or anything, but he has every reason to be mad that the Joker hasn't been killed yet! He told you to his face he forgives you for not saving him but he doesn't get why you kept the Joker alive or at least didn't try to kill him once! I fucking killed him once, but you couldn't try?!
Batman: No, because I'm not you!
Donna covers her mouth.
Batman: Finish the sentence and I will bitch slap you!
Nightwing (taking a deep breath to calm himself): Joker has no remorse for what he does. Jason still has emotions yet you're acting like he's on par with the Joker. I tried to put up with the Joker's "lol random, chaos, look at me!" But the whole clown schtick stopped being a schtick when he shot-
Nightwing: Oh so Barbara getting shot isn't something you want to talk about?
Batman: Don't you bring her into this.
Donna Troy: Hey, let's just take a breather. Step back and-
Nightwing chuckles angrily losing his patience with the man he saw as his father.
Nightwing: No, Donna, Diana let me say this. Barbara is wheelchair bound because of that... that sick bastard! So don't you give me some bullcrap speech about how "criminals should serve time over getting killed" because the Joker is the one who deserves the death penalty!
Nightwing: Who's next, who will he go after in this family of ours? Who will he kill or maim before you wake the fuck up-
Batman back hand slaps Nightwing nearly knocking the man to the ground. Donna and Diana gasp. Nightwing blinks, as his heart raced with rage. His clenched fist tightens as he looks at Batman.
Nightwing: Yup.
Nightwing punches Batman in the nose, knocking the man to the ground. Donna walks over to Nightwing as Wonder Woman looks down at Batman (she's not on his side here). Nightwing breathes heavy.
Donna: Relax, bluebird. He's not worth it.
Nightwing: You're right Donna. Bruce, I'm calling you that because you don't deserve to be called Batman right now, we're both heated at the moment, so I'm going to go. You will change your tone, I believe you will, and I won't turn my back on you, but if you hit me like that again I won't hold back and I will use a lot more than my fists.
Nightwing leaves, walking with a calm, steadiness even though his heart was still racing
Donna: That was badass!
Wonder Woman stares at Donna for a second, shrugs and nods.
WW: Good retaliation when someone slaps you as well. That precious blue bird has grown to be a great hero.
Donna nods with a smile.
Donna: All right, aunt Diana, we're headed back to the tower. The team and I are going to talk to him. You... you handle... That.
WW: The pitiful man on the ground? My pleasure.
Donna runs out while calling out to Nightwing.
Donna: Bluebird, you can't go punching the guy, you promised you'd hold back!
Wonder Woman sighs, rubbing her forehead.
WW: I swear, Bruce you are ridiculous. Are you okay?
Batman touches his nose that's bleeding.
Batman: Huh, this is a new feeling, pride in someone else.
Wonder Woman holds up her hands to countdown from three.
Batman (after three seconds): Unfortunately it's overshadowed by all this unyielding RAGE!
Wonder Woman presses her foot on Batman's chest to keep him down.
Batman: Diana move your boot!
Wonder Woman: Oh Brucie, you think I'm going to let you go after that precious man after all you said, after you pimp slapped him? Nah, you need a moment to collect your thoughts and calm your testosterone.
Batman (frazzled): It wasn't a pimp slap... it was a disciplinary backhanded slap.
WW (rolling her eyes): And I guess his was a self-defense punch.
Batman (mumbling): He- He caught me off guard.
WW: What ever helps you rationalize slapping him. I will remove my boot and you get your apology prepared for him and that precious young warrior who was a fan of me. Many awful things were said and done to both of them by you, but you can fix this.
Batman: I'm not apologizing because I'm not wrong.
WW: That does make things harder. Thanks for that.
Batman: No problem. Move your boot please.
WW (moving her boot and walking off): Grown ass man acting worse than Ares when the delivery man forgot his straw.
Batman: I heard that!
WW: Wanted you to, Bruce.
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The Misfortunes of the Silent
Third P3 Club Book, story time! This time, we're focusing on Minato/Makoto. Enjoy!
"Cool and taciturn."
"Brazen and emotionless."
"I don't know what you're thinking."
Ever since I became aware of things, I felt like I have been evaluated that way by others. It has been half a year since I transferred to Gekkoukan High School, but that assessment of me has not changed, and I think it is accurate. On the outside, at least.
Although this is merely my own assessment, I am by no means emotionless or cold-hearted. I enjoy talking nonsense with Junpei in the classroom - mainly about the types of women he likes. If a friend is hurt during a fight with a shadow, I naturally feel angry.
If Mitsuru finds out about the disastrous results of the short test and looks at me with a look of "it can't be helped," I feel a little sad, but when I go with Tomochika for some delicious Nabeshima ramen, I feel the utmost happiness.
I feel joy, anger, sadness and happiness just like everyone else. However, it seems like I just can't show it. Is it because of my hairstyle, which completely covers half of my face when I looks down? Or is it that the death of my parents 10 years ago is causing a communication disorder that I don't even realize I have?
If I were to criticize myself, it might be that I have a somewhat passive attitude toward things. When someone else is entrusted with making a decision for me, there are three options that come to my mind.
Of these three options, I tend to choose the lowest option, the one that gives up my decision. This may be a way of life I unconsciously acquired as I grew up, having lost my parents at an early age. Of course, in situations where such escape is not allowed, I have the ability to firmly judge whether something is right or wrong. However, in less important situations, such as when Yukari asked me what I was going to do after school, when Sanada asked me if he looked good in his summer swimsuit, or when Fuuka asked me how I was spending my days off, I gave answers that could be interpreted as either positive or negative. Just the day before yesterday, when I was asked for my opinion of Aragaki's homemade authentic Indian curry, I nodded my head so loudly that it almost made a buzzing noise, praising it, but this was purely because the curry was undeniably delicious. It had nothing to do with the fact that Aragaki's eyes were like, "I'll kill you if you say it's bad." No, not at all.
Anyway, in most situations, I'm able to get through with this iridescent reaction without any problems. I don't feel any particular inconvenience. Those close to me are already aware of my reaction.
Once they get used to it, they will ask you questions like, "So, do you want to hang out together?", giving you an easy answer with two choices, or they will automatically accept it and say, "Oh, that's fine."
So I thought that was fine.
("Is that so?")
That night when Aigis had made the effort to visit my room, I'd missed the crucial part of her question, probably because of my carelessness. Thinking back on it now, I probably should have just asked her to say it again. However, it was already past 1 AM when we'd returned from Tartarus, and my mind was filled with the usual thoughts of what to do about the English test I was due to study the next day. On top of that, I was feeling sleepy from fatigue, so the usual words slipped out of my mouth. "......XXXXX"
No, to be precise, I think I said it. To be honest, I don't remember what I said. What I remember, though, is the indescribable look on Aigis' face when she heard those words. "......!?"
Is this confusion? Disappointment? Sadness? Did I say something wrong?
However, just as I was about to ask again, Aigis suddenly lowered her gaze and said, "... Understood."
No matter how you listen to it, Aigis left behind a word that could hardly be described as a reassurance, “Understood,” and then she slammed the door shut.
My voice, which was usually low-key, seemed to have become even lower in tone. But I still didn't feel anxious. If there was a problem, I could just check it out tomorrow. Up until now, doing things that way had been fine. That was fine. So I changed my mood and went to bed as usual.
But that was not going to be good.
During the break right after the third period, while Junpei and I were having our usual silly chat, it was Yukari who spoke to me. No, she didn't seem calm enough to start a conversation. She leaned over me, one hand on the desk as if to put all her weight on it, and her posture and expression conveyed an extraordinary sense of tension. In short, Yukari appeared to be extremely angry.
"What's wrong, Yukari-chan? You seem pretty grumpy."
Junpei was about to say something when Yukari suddenly turned to him and fell silent at the look she gave him. A cold sweat broke out on Junpei's face. She had a look that said, "If you butt in, I'll kill you." In the background, I thought I saw the word "glaring" written in handwriting.
Then, her gaze slowly returned to me. I've said it many times before, but no matter how cool or calm I appear on the surface, I have emotions and get upset just like everyone else. I'm sure no one around me would understand, but right now, I felt the greatest fear of my life. Strangely, I felt a familiarity with this sensation. Was this from ten years ago? Moonlight Bridge? Such words came to my mind, and just as I was about to remember something I shouldn't remember, the threat that was unreasonably approaching me, Yukari's beautiful lips spoke the next words.
"Hey you, what happened with Aigis?"
What on earth was this all about?
Of course, I had a hunch. My conversation with Aigis last night was threatening to cause some kind of problem. But why was Yukari angry about it? And what about Aigis herself? It was then that I realized I hadn't seen Aigis since this morning. It was truly heartless, and I could only assume that she hadn't been there since the first period. However, my thoughts were cut short by Yukari's next words.
"Depending on the answer..."
Perhaps because I didn't answer immediately, Yukari's anger gauge seemed to be about three bars full. And it erupted in words.
"Your annoying bangs! I'm going to shave them all off and write the word 'meat' on your forehead!"
To repeat, no matter how calm or collected I appear on the surface, I have feelings just like everyone else, and there are situations I would rather avoid than risk my life for. That was the situation right now. I had no choice but to confess everything that happened last night to Yukari. Did anyone around me notice the greasy sweat on my forehead...?
"...I see."
Yukari said this while standing with her arms crossed, and then let out a big sigh. It was her reaction immediately after I recounted the events of the night before. I'd been daydreaming and missed Aigis' question, and yet had replied with something along the lines of "It doesn't matter," and that I'd meant no ill will in that response, it was just a conditioned reflex, and I'd even talked about part of the process that led to the formation of my own personality from the memory of 10 years ago to the present. Honestly, it felt like it'd been a long time since I'd talked this much. It was more than the amount of words I'd uttered in a month (including the summoning call for Personas during battle).
"I didn't know you... you were able to talk so much..."
Junpei, who had been listening to the whole thing from the side, said something rude and honest. It may seem annoying, but even if I appear quiet on the surface, it is possible for me to talk like a normal person.
I looked at Yukari's face with trepidation, and fortunately the anger had disappeared. Instead, I saw an expression of astonishment, or perhaps pity? And with that expression, Yukari began to denounce.
"...no common sense."
"...You have no understanding of women's hearts and are easily swept away by the situation. You are indecisive, shallow, and inconsiderate, and you can't tell the difference between what is right and wrong to say. You're just like Kitaro!"
I'm sure you're tired of hearing this, but on the surface- (omitted) -she hits hard- (omitted) -it hurts.
"Stop it, Yukari! This guy likes to have his hair like this!"
No, I like my hairstyle. Yukari ignored Junpei's stupid comment that didn't even help his point. Yukari began speaking seriously. "Okay. Now, I'm going to tell you all the horrible things you said to Aigis..."
The gist of it was this: in the second semester, Aigis, who had become a classmate, was worried about the eating habits of the person she had sworn to be by his side, and finally came to Yukari yesterday to ask for advice.
"...It appears that this person only eats bread purchased from the school store. In addition, he repeatedly eats fast food and ramen on his way home from school. From a nutritional standpoint, this is likely to pose a high risk of harm to his health."
"Hmm? Well, he likes it, so isn't that okay?"
"No! A healthy mind resides in a healthy body! Japanese people have the right to live a healthy and happy life!"
It seemed like she was extremely angry.
“Ah, yeah, yeah, I get it. Calm down a bit, Aigis. …Okay, then, how about this?”
And then Yukari suggested:
"What about lunch boxes? I make them sometimes too. It's easy to manage your nutrition, and if you do it well, it's economical too. Well, when I have morning practice I skip them though."
"Packed lunch...I see, this is what they call C-rations, isn't it?"
"No, I don't think it's a common term."
"Is that so? More importantly... how about some bento?... I can certainly say that this is the perfect strategy for the situation!"
"Oh, you're interested, Aigis. All right, I'll help you then!"
…And so, after that conversation, Yukari taught her as much cooking technique as she could, and finally, Aigis went to check on the menu I wanted.
Last night. I mean.
"Aigis was worried about your health and wanted to cook you a meal with love, but you said you didn't care!"
"H-how terrible..."
Even Junpei, who was usually a carefree person, agreed with Yukari's denunciation. It's true... I couldn't help it if she said that. Even I now realized that I said some terrible things. Even if it was due to an oversight or misunderstanding.
At that moment, I suddenly noticed people staring at me. They were cold, piercing gazes from all around me. I raised my head and saw my classmates, who had been standing at a distance with their ears turned up to the level of a microphone or a wiretap, staring at me and muttering to each other.
"...So that's the kind of person he is..."
"Aigis, I feel so sorry for you."
"Damn it, my Aigis!"
"He's really cold..."
They were all saying what they wanted, but right now, there was no room for them to argue. It was really annoying, but (omitted) they were just (omitted) crying (omitted). Unconsciously, I bit my lower lip hard. What I felt in my heart was not anger at the accusation, but a feeling of apology towards Aigis. So I accepted the attacks from those around me in silence.
"What? What's wrong?"
"Well, it was him who did this to Aigis-chan..."
Eventually, even students who were unaware of the situation began to join in the irresponsible and unashamed accusations.
"What?! Seriously?"
"Wh-what? What's going on?"
"So that's why it's so awful."
"That is a pity."
Blah, blah, blah.
A familiar, cool voice, followed by a commotion, caused the surrounding noise to stop abruptly. I looked up to see what was going on, and was so shocked that my heart almost jumped out of my chest. Then, a feeling of relief I had never experienced before spread through my heart. Of course, neither emotion showed on my face.
"You are someone important to me, but I cannot condone words or actions that hurt someone. Therefore, I demand that you apologize as soon as possible."
Of course, without any hesitation, I turned to the girl in front of me, Aigis, bowed deeply and apologized. Aigis, who was the one receiving the apology, tilted her head in confusion.
"Am I the one who was hurt?"
Later, during the lunch break after the fourth period class, we left our curious classmates behind and came to a place where we could have a leisurely chat - the rooftop. In front of me was, of course, Aigis, the main person involved. Next to me was Yukari, who knew the situation, and Junpei, who was not really involved but was still a friend, all listening to the conversation with serious looks on their faces. We explained to Aigis what had happened so far, and timidly asked if I had hurt her with my careless words and actions last night, and received a reply.
"These are completely unfounded worries. To be frank, I think they are completely pointless concerns. Thank you for your efforts."
To be honest, Aigis' words had probably hit me 100 times harder than the condemnation I'd heard from my classmates earlier.
Yukari asked Aigis in a panic, perhaps because of the harsh words she had spoken earlier.
"Then why were you so late today? I hadn't seen you since this morning."
"Of course, I was making lunch."
"You're kidding! Have you used the dorm kitchen?"
"Yes. However, there were limitations to what the dormitory facilities and materials could provide... You said anything was fine, right? You requested that naan should be used. However, the real thing should be baked in a special oven called a tandoor oven."
"Huh? Ah... well... I feel like we're not talking properly right now."
"And so..."
As she said this, Aigis pulled out a large basket from behind her and opened the lid.
"I have brought you the naan and authentic Indian curry you requested!"
A satisfied smile appeared on her face, as if she had gotten her revenge.
Normally, if you want to eat naan, you say "naan is good," not "naan is fine," and there were many other things I wanted to say, but for now, the freshly baked naan was delicious, as it was my first time eating it. The clear autumn sky and the open rooftop lunch setting added a nice spice to the meal. She had made extra, so Junpei and Yukari were all smiles as they alternated between munching on the naan and curry. By the way, it seemed that the authentic curry was given to her by Aragaki-senpai, who had given her some of the curry that had been prepared the day before yesterday.
I suddenly looked to my side and saw Aigis peering at me with a worried look on her face. When our eyes met, she asked me timidly.
"How does it taste?"
I would tell her without hesitation, blending my honest feelings with just a little bit of remorse.
"It's so delicious."
Junpei and Yukari looked surprised when they saw me like that. How rude. I have emotions like everyone else. Of course, when something makes me happy, I laugh like everyone else.
Tag List: @kerto-p
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darkbluekies · 1 day
This is not about my yandere writings, but one of my private stories, but I feel like you're the only ones where I can share these types of opinions of writing, since I know quite a few of you like to read and write too! I want to see if anyone else understands this
It's so disheartening when an idea doesn't seem to work anymore. I've worked on this story for 4 years, I have 15 different versions of it, my pinterest board of it has over 600 pins, its spotify playlist gave over 128 songs, and deep in my heart, it is my second main story (main stories are the ones I cherish the most, the ones I work the most on). I know it deserves better. I know that people would like it. It's, without saying too much, about 3 sisters where their older sister has to protect the younger two from evil people who want them harm and losing herself in the process. She's so young and the only thing she knows is to protect her younger two. It's a story in 3 parts where it gets sadder and sadder until, in the end, she's all alone, haunted with guilt, sorrow and revenge. I know that this kind of story would work and tug at peoples heartstrings ... and yet I don't feel like I can make it work.
Once upon a time, I could. Back in 2020/2021. But then my style changed, and the idea of the bad guys motive seemed childish and unbelievable. So I changed a part of it. And now I can't seem to find my way back. The more I write on it, the more dissociated from it I feel. No one will enjoy this. They won't understand what I see. They won't get it. I feel like I'm trying to reassure both myself and others that this is good when I feel like it is a sinking ship I'm watching from afar but can't do anything about. I don't want to write on it because it feels like I'm only kidding myself ... but I love the story so much, and I want to save it somehow.
Has anyone else felt this about their writing?
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themonopolyhat · 3 days
shoulder the sky: the Doll au
another AU spawned in the chat with @shootingstarpilot, cleaned up and preserved for posterity.
featuring helix (originally belonging to @swmoddy) and el pilot's own needle and stitch. this trio has me in a chokehold at all times. <3
what follows is 4100+ words of family by way of magical realism. in which i am nice to helix, for once!
Envision if you will a world not like ours, where everyone has the same face and new people are not born—they begin as small, plain Dolls made of cloth and seeds and yarn.
It goes like this: a person suddenly Receives a Doll. Everyone knows what they look like, even if they're not all totally identical when they arrive. The arrival of a Doll is always without warning, and nobody knows exactly how it happens.
One day, you don't have a Doll. The next, you do. Some people get two or three at a time. Some go for years without ever being a Recipient.
It's the Recipient's task to carry the Doll around with them, keep it safe, talk to it, show it new things, clean and mend it if necessary. Most people come to love their Doll. They imagine the sort of person their Doll might be.
Eventually, with no set timeline, most Dolls begin to Breathe—that is, the tiny cloth Doll is replaced by a living grown person. Many Recipients keep in contact with their Breathers long afterward, because it's something like a parental/sibling relationship, after all.
(It's said that a neglected Doll can die. Sometimes a Doll arrives damaged, or incomplete, and the Recipient has to figure out how to help as best they can. If a Doll is destroyed, it's a cause for genuine mourning—that was a new potential person, and the Recipient will never get to meet them now.)
Helix has been Breathing for ten years and working as a doctor for six, and he's never Received a Doll.
Until one day he does.
He is too stunned to immediately process this. He picks up the recognizable Doll Pouch from its place on his floor, feels it gently. There's a Doll inside, he can tell.
A Doll. He has a Doll.
He is not ready to have a Doll. But he's not about to let this one die, so. He supposes he'd better get his shit together.
He carefully undoes the cord and opens the Pouch. The Doll slides out with a gentle shake-shake-shake.
He cups it in his hand. It's smaller than he expected, though he's of course seen many Dolls before, tucked in others' hands and pockets and hats. It's floppy-limbed and has a squishy, seed-filled belly.
There's something not quite right about it, though. Helix immediately notices.
Two different fabrics. The body is one color, and the head is another color. Neat stitches connect the pieces together, completely purposeful, and the proportions are prefect. But the Doll has had its head entirely replaced at some point before arrival.
Helix touches the squishy belly and considers the blank cloth face. “What happened to you?” he wonders aloud, softly. “Did the celestial Doll factory hurt you and have to fix it before they kicked you down here? That's kind of a shit start.” The Doll is silent. “Well. We'll see if we can't do better from now on.”
On his way to work the next morning, Helix stops for two things: a coffee, per usual, and a waterproof protective case for the Doll. It's small enough to ride around in his pocket, he just figures the fewer bodily fluids it gets splashed with, the less he'll have to clean it.
Helix feels awkward as hell talking to the Doll. He feels a little bad not talking to it, though, even if it isn't really listening yet. (Or is it? Nobody recalls their time as a Doll, but everybody ends up influenced in some way by that time, all the same.)
“I work at the hospital,” he tells it as he carefully tucks it into its new case. “I'm a doctor. I specialize in critical care, so I'm usually in the ED or ICU. Hope you're okay with blood and weird smells.”
The Doll offers no opinion. It seems comfortable in its case, at least. Helix tucks it into his pocket and pats the new lump. He'll have to get used to this.
By the end of the first day, everyone in the hospital knows Helix has a Doll.
By the end of the first week, Helix talks to his Doll more than he talks to anyone Breathing.
The Doll goes everywhere with him.
He carries it around the apartment, and soon there are usual spots where he sets it so it can observe (so to speak) what he's up to.
It sits by the knife block when he's in the kitchen. Helix has Opinions on coffee, curry, and noodles, which are the only three food groups he can prepare for himself. Otherwise it's takeout.
He sets it on his nightstand at bedtime. A habit quickly forms—he touches the Doll's mismatched head, just a quick brush of fingers over the cloth, and tells it to have sweet dreams. (The first time he realizes he's been saying “Sweet dreams, kiddo,” he has to reevaluate himself for a few minutes afterward.)
When he's watching TV, the Doll sits with him. When he goes for a run, it's secure in his pocket. When he goes to the store, to the bank, to the park, to meet friends, it's with him, always small and still and perfectly receptive to anything Helix has to tell it.
It witnesses him at his best. At his worst.
He accidentally drops it in the trash one morning without realizing, and is frantic for a solid hour until he unearths it. “I'm so sorry,” he tells it over and over while he gently washes it with soap and water. “I'm so sorry. I would be so sorry if you were gone.”
He has to admit, sooner rather than later, that he loves having a Doll. He loves this Doll. He can't wait for it to Breathe, and say something back to him.
And then. Some weeks later. Maybe a month and a half.
Another Doll arrives.
The new Pouch sits on the floor, very close to where the first had been.
Helix stares at it, dumbfounded. He takes his first Doll out of his pocket and eyes it suspiciously. “I don't suppose you know anything about this?”
The Doll says nothing, of course.
Helix keeps it in hand and scoops the new Pouch up, setting both on the counter and turning on the overhead light to get a good look at the newcomer. Little gods, he thinks, ten years without a single Doll and now he's got two. It's not usual to get two staggered like this, he doesn't think.
He unties the cord and tips the Pouch.
A few loose seeds spill out.
Helix blinks. Oh, shit. That's Doll stuffing. Not supposed to be outside of the Doll.
“Damn, are you hurt, too?” he murmurs, reaching in to carefully extract the Doll. A couple more seeds fall from the Pouch.
It's immediately apparent that yes, this one is hurt. More than that, it's... lopsided. The proportions aren't quite right, and the pieces don't match well. There are a couple of places where the seams aren't snug, and the Doll is slowly bleeding seeds when it's moved in certain ways.
Shit. Shit.
Helix very, very carefully gathers the loose seeds into a pile and addresses the Dolls in turn. “Hang tight, newbie. You, watch your brother. I'm going to have to give him some grafts.”
Helix doesn't have any fabric that remotely matches the new Doll, so he cuts up a clean pillowcase, digs out a suture kit that snuck home with him at some point, and gets to work. Some of the seams just need reinforcement, but others need patched with the pillowcase fabric. The seeds are tucked carefully back into the Doll's body before it's closed up.
The result is... well. Functional, more than it's aesthetic. Helix isn't crafty. The grafts—the patches are neat and sturdy but hardly symmetrical.
Helix sets his forceps down and nudges the two Dolls together, looking at them wearily. “At least you're both a little mismatched now, huh?” he says, smiling crookedly. “And everybody's in one piece. That's progress.”
He hesitates, touches the new Doll more gently, aware that he's mostly handled it in a utilitarian fashion. “Welcome home, I guess is the thing to say. Sorry you had a bumpy start. You'll be okay now. Your brother apparently lost his entire head at some point, but the new one is doing just fine.”
Helix starts to fill Doll Two in on the things Doll One has learned, all the while chiding Doll One for imagined impatience. “I know you know this, but he's new, he doesn't know it, and you don't have a mouth yet to pass it on. So cool your little rag feet.”
They ride around in Helix's pockets, but he sits them together whenever possible, because it seems right. They prop up against each other so naturally.
Doll Two goes missing one day during a double shift at work, and by the time it turns up in the on-call room Helix napped in, he's an absolute mess. He's had to forcibly stop himself from squishing Doll One too much, like a stress toy.
He takes both Dolls into a bathroom and locks himself in a stall and hugs them both to his chest, biting his lip and swallowing the urge to sob. “I am terrible at this but please don't disappear on me, okay?” he whispers finally.
Helix can't remember what he did with his time before he had his Dolls. He wasn't bored, really, or lonely. But his days seems more full, now. Bright and anticipatory in a way he's never experienced before.
He wants his Dolls to Breathe. He wants them to live.
He can't wait to meet them.
So of course, the first one to Breathe does so while Helix is sound asleep.
He wakes up a little past midnight. Squints at the clock, then reflexively checks the Dolls.
There's only one sitting in the usual spot. Doll Two, slumped over a little without its companion.
Doll One is nowhere to be seen.
Helix is out of bed in a second, flipping the light, squinting and swearing and checking under the bed, inside the bedclothes, what if it fell—
He smells coffee.
It's strong, and strange enough to catch his attention. Did he turn the pot on and forget...?
Scowling, he picks up Doll Two and hurries out to the kitchen. He will keep looking for the other once he's sure he isn't burning his apartment down overnight.
A person stands at the coffee pot, examining a mug. He turns to look at Helix, a bright smile breaking into place the moment they make eye contact. “Hello,” he chirps. “I borrowed your phone to learn how to make coffee. Do you want some? I'm Needle, by the way. And you're Helix.”
Helix is, on some level, aware that he is standing like a complete feeb with his boxers slung low and his mouth hanging open in shock. The person in his kitchen is wearing a towel knotted around his waist and nothing else. He looks like Helix, of course. Superficially. His hair is different. He has no scars. And that smile is several degrees brighter than anything Helix has ever produced.
Doll One is Breathing. He's alive. His name is Needle, and he's making coffee at one in the morning.
Helix swallows his first three responses. "Hey. Yeah. Are you feeling okay? Everything, uh. Go okay with. Everything?"
Doll One—Needle, he's Needle—snorts. "I feel fine. Are you okay? Do you need a doctor?"
Helix rolls his eyes and gets his feet moving, padding the rest of the way in. "I am a doctor, thanks. I'm just surprised. When I saw you last, you were a sack of seeds on my bedside table."
Needle's smile goes lopsided. Fuck if it isn't charming. "Yeah. But I'm here now." He looks down at the remaining Doll in Helix's hand. "I hope he Breathes soon, too."
Helix inhales and refuses to let any sort of mist creep over his eyes. "Yeah. Me too."
The coffee pot bubbles. They're quiet a moment.
"Welcome to being alive, Needle," Helix tells him finally, reaching out to set a hand on his shoulder and squeezing gently. “I'm glad you're here. Really glad."
Needle grins and hugs him tight in return. "Couldn't have done it without you, I bet."
Helix dresses Needle in some of his own clothes—they're the same size, at least—and sits them down with the coffees. And they talk. Needle is... brilliant. Breathtaking. Annoying, and charming, and sweet.
Helix would have avoided him, probably, if they'd met under other circumstances. Unfortunately, he loves him already.
"You were so much more tolerable as a Doll," he growls into his mug after yet another terrible pun.
Needle just laughs, unoffended. "Too late to go back now, boss. You missed your chance."
"I should have gagged your little Doll face as a hint."
"You could always give it a shot with the little one?" Needle smiles at Doll Two, which remains quietly slouched on the tabletop where Helix set it. "Maybe he'll be even worse."
Helix picks up Doll Two and addresses its little blank face solemnly. "Do not listen to a single word your brother says. He's a terrible influence."
"I blame his mismatched head."
There's so much to do, but first: sleep. Helix staggers back to bed, and Needle crashes on the sofa. Doll Two gets placed back on the nightstand.
There are all kinds of programs set up to get new Breathers established. There are classes to get them oriented, case workers to get them housed and employed, funds to support them while they get situated. Helix takes Needle to a local center to get started, and together they read the literature and watch a short video with a couple of other new Breathers.
Afterward, armed with a thick folder and a schedule for the next few weeks, Needle asks if they can go get lunch together. Helix tries not to let his shattering relief show—he hasn't figured out how he'll say goodbye now that his Doll (his first Doll) is moving out and on with his new life.
"So Helix," Needle says once they've gotten their food and tucked in, "there's a couple of flyers in here about getting too attached to your Recipient, or your Recipient being too attached to you. What do you think 'too attached' means?"
Helix blinks. "I'd guess it probably means in the bad way. Like if you were afraid to be away from me, or if I was trying to force you to stay. You know, instead of letting you be your own person." He smiles a little, squashing the sadness. "You're not a Doll anymore. You have your own life now."
“Okay, that's kind of what I thought. But you're not creepy, and I don't feel like I can't do things on my own. I definitely can."
Helix pats his shoulder, proud despite everything. "I believe you. You'll be amazing, provided somebody doesn't sew your mouth shut and kill that budding career at the auction house."
“Rude." Needle steals fries from his plate in retaliation. "I was gonna say, I already know some things for sure. You're a doctor, so you make good money, yeah?"
“And you could afford a way bigger place if you wanted, right?"
“Yes? But I don't need anything bigger, I'm happy with the space as it is..."
“What if I wanted to stay?"
Which is how Helix ends up browsing for a house before the day is out. A house with three rooms, because as Needle puts it, a spare room is always practical.
(Neither of them mentions Doll Two or implies a single thing. It's just a spare room. Practical.)
The case worker insists on talking to Helix and Needle, once Needle makes the plan known to her. She interviews them separately and together. Helix wonders whether she's more or less mollified when he tells her that Needle is the most annoying person he's ever met—and whether it reassures her that Needle just laughs at him and hugs him, cooing about grumpy sleep deprived Recipients.
In the end, a case worker can't actually stop a Breather from doing what they like, so the plan goes forward. They find a house fast. Buy it without a hitch. The move is quick and aggravating, as moves are.
Needle is full of plans for decorating and enhancing and having friends over, when he makes some. "And," he announces with relish as he breezes out their brand new front door, "I think I want to be a doctor, too. Write me a good reference letter!"
Life goes on. Helix has one Doll in his pocket now. Doll Two goes everywhere with him, still. He talks to it, pats its little head and body gently, keeps it close. It sits with him and Needle when they eat together, watch TV together, look over Needle's schoolwork together. Needle is going to be a brilliant doctor, Helix can already tell.
They fight. They make up. Helix apologizes, sometimes with words and sometimes without. He privately tells Doll Two he's sorry if he makes it nervous about Breathing.
"I suck with people sometimes," he informs it. "Turns out it's easier with a Doll. But you should Breathe whenever you're ready, okay? Take a lesson from your brother and don't let me get away with being a jackass."
So it goes. Life goes on. Then comes the day when Helix is getting dressed to go to the gym, and he turns around to grab Doll Two and it isn't where he left it on the nightstand. Instead there's a person sitting on the edge of his bed, bare and new and staring at him with huge eyes.
Helix does not yelp. That would be undignified.
(He might have jumped a little.)
"Shit. Sorry. Good fucking gods, you need a bell. ... Sorry. Hi."
The new Breather says nothing, just watches him carefully. Helix feels terribly inadequate and thinks of yelling for Needle—but no. No, he carried his second Doll for so long, he wants to properly meet the new person. He can do this.
"Sorry," he says again, smiling a little and easing down to sit on the bed too. "Let's start over. I'm Helix. Are you feeling okay?" He recalls the Doll's weak seams and bleeding seeds, the patches he'd applied on their first night together. "Does anything hurt?"
The new person frowns, visibly considering. He looks down at himself. "Nothing hurts," he decides. His fingers flex slowly. "I was a Doll, before now."
"You were."
"I'm not anymore."
"You're not." Helix has no idea where he came from, this serious and quiet person who's spent most of his existence in proximity to Needle, or at least the Doll that would become Needle. “Why don't we get you some clothes and something to eat, huh? Got your name figured out yet? It's all right if you're still thinking about it, you're new."
The new Breather nods silently and doesn't offer a name. That's all right. Helix figures he might be overwhelmed. He digs out clothes and offers them. "We can take you shopping for your own things, but these should fit for now. —Oh, if you figure out you're a girl or something, just let us know."
That gets him another thoughtful frown. It isn't until the newbie is dressed that he speaks again. “I'm not a girl," he says. "I'm Stitch. And I don't feel okay."
The doctor in Helix leaps to the fore, which is handy because it helps tamp down an immediate burst of panic. "Thank you for telling me, Stitch," he hears himself answer levelly. "Can you tell me more about what doesn't feel okay to you?"
Stitch hugs himself, picking at the edges of his sleeves. He's quiet for a long, long minute.
“Everything is too much," he says finally, his expression unhappy. "It feels too loud. Too big. Like I'm going to unravel and not Breathe anymore."
"Sounds like you're anxious, at the very least. Let me check some things, okay? I'm a doctor."
“Okay, Helix."
It's the work of minutes to rustle up his stethoscope and take Stitch's vitals. His pulse is quick but strong, and his lungs sound fine. His pupils are responsive and even. Reflexes are good.
“You feel overwhelmed? Is that a good word for it?" Helix asks quietly.
Stitch nods, hugging himself again and tugging at his borrowed sleeve cuffs.
"Can you think of anything that might help you feel less overwhelmed? Do you want to be alone for a little while so you can process...?"
Stitch shudders and shakes his head firmly.
“Okay. No to being alone. Maybe music?" Also a no. "We could sit quietly a while. Do you want a hug?"
That gets him a pause. Stitch meets his eyes, looking lost. "I wish I was a Doll again," he says. “That's how it feels. Like I want to be a Doll in someone's pocket."
Helix doesn't think twice about that, he'll figure out later what it means. "Well, here, let's stick you in bed under the covers a while, you can pretend you're in a pocket and we'll see if that helps."
Stitch has no objections, though his frown doesn't abate as Helix tucks him in, pulling a blanket up around his head and shoulders. "Give it a few minutes and see if you feel better, okay?" Helix pats Stitch's leg through the blankets. "I'm going to message your br—Needle. I'm going to ask Needle to bring a glass of water and some cereal for you. You don't have to meet him until you're ready. Sound okay?"
"Okay Helix."
And it goes like this: ur bro is Breathing. DO NOT COME RUNNING IN HERE. he's overwhelmed + in my bed for now. bring water + cereal to door, thx
He sends it. There is a muffled thump from elsewhere in the house. A return message arrives in seconds: OH MY GODS OH MY GODS IS HE CUTE WHAT'S WRONG WITH HIM IS HE OKAY I'LL GET THE CEREAL BOSS NO PROBLEM WHAT'S HIS NAME DOES HE KNOW I'M HERE TOO
And then, immediately after: vitals?
Good fucking gods. Helix loves that idiot.
As promised, Needle knocks very softly a minute later and passes the water and dry cereal in. Helix clocks the anxious look on his face and is glad he asked Stitch about more company in the interim. "He says you can come in, but," and Helix gives him a stern look, "you have to be quiet. Gentle, okay? He's new and not as excited about it as you were."
Needle nods vigorously and mimes zipping his lips shut.
(It's not that Helix doesn't trust Needle to be kind. Needle is incredibly kind. He's just also got enough energy to launch a rocket into orbit.)
"Stitch," Helix says, sitting back down by the blanket lump's legs, "Needle brought you some water and food. Can you sit up and drink a little bit, at least?"
Stitch stirs. Peers out of the blankets. "I have to?"
“I guess not, but I recommend it," Helix tells him easily. "Dehydration doesn't help with anything."
Stitch considers this. "Okay Helix." He shuffles in place, sits up. Takes the water and carefully swallows some of it down. His eyes find Needle, who's sat down at the foot of the bed and is vibrating in place, from the looks of things.
"Hello," Stitch says. "I'm Stitch."
Helix's heart twists a little at the sheer sweetness in Needle's answering grin. "Hi, Stitch. I'm Needle. I'm sort of your big brother—Helix carried my Doll around, too."
"Oh." Stitch looks between them a moment. "You were both waiting for me?" Off their twin affirmatives, he bites the inside of his lip and picks at the blankets. “Was it hard to start Breathing, Needle?"
"No," Needle replies promptly, smiling, "but Helix says I have the attention span of a cabbage, so I probably just didn't pay enough attention to anything long enough. It is a really big thing to get used to, isn't it?"
Stitch nods mutely.
"You want to go back in the blankets?"
Another nod.
“You want company? I can keep secrets, and I'll tell you all of the best ways to get Helix to swear. It's funny."
Helix opens his mouth to interject and snaps it shut again when Stitch says, "Okay."
Which is how he ends up sitting quietly, reading, while Needle and Stitch huddle under the blankets and are quiet and whispery by turns. It's fine. He's very, very proud of Needle. He'll just have to make an effort to undo all of the terrible ideas he's putting in Stitch's head.
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11queensupreme11 · 2 days
Hi Queen ❤️❤️❤️
But he was desperate. They all were. Poseidon was wrecking the entire ecosystem with his nonstop storms and earthquakes
As he should, for once, he's doing something I can approve of, no, that will do nothing, but it's something.
Reading about them losing their heads... well, I kinda can see why she wants to go back, like, good friends, and having Sally as mom has to be really cool.
But then Hera shows up and I remember why she just should forget about them and ride Annubi's dick. It's one of the worst characters out there and you know, I'm pretty good at blinding myself of everyone's worst character traits.
No one worst than Zeus, that's also true.
Anyway, here in Colombia, we call two persons who sleep with the same person "hermanos de leche" which translates to "Milk Siblings" So, what I'm saying, is the bond between Hades and Poseidon has just got deeper, brother by blood and milk, thanks to Percy.
(Omg, can we start calling that threesome hermanos de leche?, you know that is funny)
Adamas is a better person than me, I'd care less about who Percy should marry, I'd just take her to my home and play some video games and maybe eat pizza if we want. Boo away those lunatics who think they best way to get the girl is inappropriate touches and some gifts (I'm not complaining tho, is really funny)
Adamas should get a trophy with "The world's best uncle that doesn't fuck his niece". In a Modern AU he gets Percy's custody and they just spend their time traveling in his car.
He heaved out a sigh. “You’re as bad as Zeus. Are you sure you’re not his daughter instead?”
“You’re trying to insult me, but jokes on you, my uncle’s actually cool,” she harrumphed. “Unlike you. Loser.”
Tumblr media
Someone make a react fic and just make Zeus vomit at the thought of dealing with Percy's madness.
GO PERCY, CALL RA FOR HIS NEGLIGENT BULLSHIT. Maybe her showing how she cares about Anubis, is going to make him better... or worse, but. maybe he would accept her in the family. Anubis needs a captain after all.
Artemis... maybe after all of this she would try to join her, like Thalia did. Talking about her original world, here we know she would join and a few minutes later some god comes and has sex with her to stop that.
You know all of this is very traumatic, and for one, I'd never trust a man's intentions again, even if I trust him. You never know when his lust is going to attack after all.
But here Artemis is that good mix of being cautious but not afraid of men. PJ Artemis and her group were shocking to me with their behavior and at the beginning, I didn´t like them for that, is good to see her more like a protector of those who need help, rather than a misandry that wants to erase all men (at least that's how I remember her, maybe is all those fic's fault and she was very tame)
All that time with Artemis was a good rest before all going to hell (pun intended) again.
Wondering how Apolo is going to be, I don't really have an opinion about him. Yes, he's obsessed, but so are the rest, so I'm waiting for what's is going to make him different, his own kind of yandere.
He's pretty cute tho, and love being shirtless, so I'm rotting for him.
(Anyway, Nico would look amazing as Percy's companion. You know my girl needs someone who is on her side and sees why she doesn't want to marry some god. For her mental health, at least.)
we're gonna get a lil more ra later on before this act ends, so everyone's gonna see his insight to what percy said to him!!!! (ra and percy interactions are just too funny for me, i can't let him go LMAO)
and omg a pjo reacting to arsenic blues would be so funny (and also very traumatizing for the pjo characters tho) imagine pjo!zeus being so offended that percy likes ror!zeus more when, in his eyes, he's just some wrinkled lil goofball (but that's why she likes him zeus, ur a fucking piece of shit 😒)
i always love your lil end notes about nico, you want him to survive me so bad 🥺💖💖
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i have decided to break my lack of original posting on this blog to bring you my Thoughts on Rot in Paradise. because i played it as soon as i got up this morning and i have scoured for some opinions after finishing it, and now i have my own!!
(and also i posted this on twitter but twitter has such a Shit wordcount that i'm also posting my things here with More Detail)
so! spoilers under the cut, please go and play the game if you haven't. it takes literally an hour (it only took nearly 2 hours for me because i like voice acting by myself and exploring every nook and cranny) and it's also free. so maybe come back into the tag once you're done.
okay, so i noticed quite a number of people being confused and disappointed on the lack of an explanation for the monster. it's brought up in the story as the central thing driving the plot, but it's never explained on what "she" is, why she's compelling people to eat a ton of fish-related food or hell, metal, and why this doesn't impact June at all.
but you know what I think?
i think that that's the point. the focus of rot in paradise isn't supposed to be on the monster.
yeah, it's the thing that pushes the plot along besides June and the gang going on vacation in this island. it's what's causing that uneasiness from the moment that guy grabs June's arm at the drinks, to the sheer unnerving feeling of witnessing people going to the ocean to get Raptured basically. i know i personally felt a chill when i saw that one dude literally eating chains and the other hauling an anchor, as if they're trying to make themselves heavier so they get taken by whatever She is.
but that's not the main point! the main conflict is about June and her friends.
as people have pointed out, this game is about toxic friendships and relationships! it's foreshadowed in the conversation that June has with the gang about her cousin (which i will also get into), and it carries it through the way her friends are horribly warped by this ocean Creature. June goes on a silly little vacation trip with her friends only for them to become so so different from themselves that they lash out at her and even hit her in McCoy's case.
but she still sticks it out with them. through the whole game, even despite their verbal abuse, despite being slapped, despite them being people that she can hardly recognise. she stays with them for the whole game, up until the point where you are given the two options at the very end. and she could still stay with them.
because they're still her friends. she cares about them even if they still hurt her. from the way June still tells Carmen to tell June if she needs anything after Carmen literally tells her to shut up and leave, the way June worries about Vonnie eating seafood even though she continues to stuff herself despite being implied to either hate or make an active choice to not eat seafood, to the way June still trudges out to sea screaming for McCoy to come back to the shore as he wades further in even after he slapped her until her nose bled.
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it mirrors the conversation about her cousin, the reason for why June was looking forward to the vacation. that while she did comfort her cousin through all of it, June clearly says that "they were dickheads, and she should have ditched them a long time ago".
but it's funny, isn't it? that June, an outsider to her cousin's friend group, easily sees the pain that her cousin's friends are causing her, and immediately calls it as it is. that her cousin should have left the second they hurt her.
and yet now, when her friends hurt her, even though this was a quick and sudden change that happened in a span of three days, June still sticks around. her friends are dickheads right now, and we can see that in the way they interact with June, but she still stays.
because they're her friends. and how could she just leave them like this if it's something that's causing them to be this way?
so no, i don't think the monster is supposed to be the main picture. we don't need to know what it looks like, or why it needs to do this to the islanders, or how it's even doing it in the first place. it adds to the scariness of the game, as per the Spooktober Game Jam, sure, but that's not the point. might be a bit disappointing to some, but that's not the point.
the point is about June, and the choice that she needs to make at the end of the game.
it's a choice on whether she chooses to be pulled deeper into the tides and be with the friends who hurt her and will continue to hurt her in this way,
or to leave them to their fates, whether deserved or not, and resurface to a world where she's alone without her friends.
and even though the first choice hurts much more in the long run, doesn't the second hurt even more in the moment? knowing that you're alone at the end of all of this?
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even if it is the right choice, i'm sure the pain must be unbearable in the moment.
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tangyangie · 1 day
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𝗄𝗂𝗌𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗅𝖾𝗌𝗌𝗈𝗇𝗌—! 🖇
𖡼𖤣𖥧𓋼 with. keiji akaashi 𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊
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part of him wants to refuse outright. what do you mean you want his help? you want to learn how to kiss other guys? it's bad enough that he likes you, and now you're going to rub it in by giving him a taste of what he can't have. but, when you look up at him with those eyes—those beautiful, pleading eyes—he can't find it in him to say no. this is a common occurrence. you've gotten him to do your laundry on numerous occasions. this is also how you got your dorm pet(s).
"i said, no."
"but, keiji, please? she's so cute, isn't she?"
"we already have one!"
"yeah, but he's lonely!"
"i'm not cleaning after them, though."
you're going to kill him. you're actually going to be his 'cause of death. sure, you might think it's normal; it's only kissing your best friend as practice for another guy. but, to him, it's way more than that. you're like a cigarette—he wants to try you, so bad, but he knows that once he does, he won't ever be able to go back.
"it's not my problem if you like someone. look up a tutorial on youtube if you're so curious," keiji hums, purposely avoiding eye contact—he's just so interested in this show.
"i have! all they say is 'once you get into it, you'll instantly know how to do it'. i mean, it's the dumbest thing i've ever heard. i didn't look up a step-by-step to skip from looking at them to after the kiss."
he simply shrugs. "they're right, you know. it just clicks when you get comfortable."
"well, i'm not going to be comfortable if i don't know what i'm doing, and i'm scared i'm gonna mess up and embarrass myself in front of him!"
"...ask someone else."
"keiji, no, please! you're my best friend, no one else will get it if i ask! they're just gonna think i'm weird!" you plead, kneeling down and hugging his leg as a last resort.
"what are you—"
"please, keiji?" you interrupt, not wanting your plans derailed.
"i..." he sighs, running his fingers through his hair before begrudgingly agreeing. "fine, okay."
with an excited squeal, you stand up and intertwine your fingers with his. "thank you! what's first?"
he loves your eyes. he thinks that they're absolutely gorgeous. with or without makeup to enhance your eyelashes, each wisp of color within your iris is a pathway that he wishes he could explore, simply by staring into your eyes for hours. he's a complete moth to the flame, because he swears that if he looks too long, he'll fall in.
"hey, keiji—is there something on my face?"
"what makes you think that?"
"...well, you've been staring at me for a good minute. is it paint, or something?l
"...okay, first things first—do not open your eyes unless you're ready to pull away. no one wants to see that right now, for one, and it just makes a kiss seem... not real. like you're not into it," he explains, pausing his show and turning to sit sideways on the couch. he lifts his glasses off from his nose and sets them on the coffee table.
"is that why you take your glasses off?" you ask, tilting your head curiously. "is it to prevent you from looking, or something?"
"um, no. i just don't like the idea of them fogging up," he says, thinking about what else to elaborate on. "closing your eyes is just because it'd be really awkward if you both started at each other in the eyes."
"okay, i get it, i think. when do i start closing my eyes?"
"whenever you start feeling awkward. or, probably better for you—because you're so inexperienced—is to just mirror him."
"oh, yeah, i'm sooo inexperienced," you scoff, leaning back.
"you asked for my opinion."
"fair enough. what next?"
to him, hands are the most useful part of the body. it controls everything—volleyball, writing, hobbies... even eating, though you can technically do it otherwise. it's just messy that way. one thing he does take pride in, though, is how his look. it's mostly your fault—you compliment them all the time.
"keiji, your hands are so pretty. you've got such nice nails, too."
"um... thank you? i think?"
"what do you mean, you think? you should let me paint them."
"try not to do too much with your hands. it'll just be distracting you or him from the kiss."
he'd almost wanted to intentionally give you bad advice. maybe, that'd keep you to himself. but, unfortunately for him, he's smarter than that. he knows you'd be hurt, and he knows very well that it probably wouldn't work in the first place, and that whoever you'd wanted to kiss would just laugh adoringly at your inexperience. he knows he would.
"where do i put them?"
"honestly, it can be almost anywhere you want."
"in between your toes?"
"...i don't want to know what's going on in your head. try to keep them on the upper body, at least." keiji says, rubbing his forehead with two fingers.
"come a little closer," he motions.
you crawl across a few cushions before plopping down in front of him.
"now, try and find the most comfortable spot for your hands so that you're not deciding in the middle of a kiss."
panic visibly sets within you, and you hover your hands in a multitude of places, when keiji gently holds your wrists as a request for you to stop.
"hey, calm down—here, i'll guide you. shoulders first," he hums, bringing your hands to rest on his shoulders, allowing you to get a feel for it. "next..." cupping his face, resting on his chest, arms around his neck... before you reached having your fingers tangle in his hair.
"oh, this is nice," you say, immediately settling as you gently scratch his scalp with your nails.
"yeah? here?" he asks, trying not to focus on the pleasurable sensation that would lull him to sleep if it were under any other circumstances.
you nod, playing with his curls. "definitely."
he barely notices the soft smile that slips onto his features, simply watching the glint of fascination in your eyes. "now, i'm gonna put my hands here, okay?" he whispers, trailing his hands down to gently grab your waist. "is this okay?"
you nod, still mesmerized by his hair.
"moving on..."
you talk way too much, in his opinion. not as much as bokuto, but a lot. to be fair, everyone talks a lot compared to his normal days. even though he may complain in his mind, he knows in his heart he doesn't care at all. he loves watching your lips move, memorizing how each individual letter looks on your lips. sometimes, he'll try to guess what you're listening to based on how well he can read your mouthing now.
"...are you listening to beabadoobee?"
"you listen to bea??"
"yoshimi, forest, magdalene?"
"wh—how'd you know? are you psychic?"
now comes the part he's almost dreading most—not that he could ever want to avoid your lips. he's just nervous. he takes a deep breath, starting his explanation.
"when you're kissing someone, don't tense up. you need to completely relax. no one wants to kiss a rock."
"weird metaphor, but i get it."
"you slightly part your lips. just a little bit."
"how much is a little bit?"
you slightly drop your bottom lip, and it's almost perfect. keiji lifts his hand to your chin, just barely pushing your jaw up with his finger.
"do you want chapstick?" you ask.
"are you trying to tell me that my lips look dry?" he raises an eyebrow.
"no! your lips look nice. i'm just saying, i've heard it helps." you defend, getting the chapstick out and applying a quick layer.
"sure," he sighs, leaning a little closer and allowing you to drag the chapstick on his lips for what seems like forever (it was two seconds. he was just focused on you instead).
"ready to focus?" he asks, watching you apply yet another layer. it felt like you were teasing him.
"yep," you smile, re-parting your lips. "like this, right?"
he nods, beginning his next explanation. "don't do that when you kiss people. if you start talking in the middle of a kiss, make it relate to the experience, at least. if you start talking about the weather, you're getting kicked out."
you offer a sheepish grin. be continues.
"anyway, when most people kiss, they tend to lean their heads to the right, but it really depends on the person. i go right, which means you should also go right. with me, at least."
"how do you know that? just how many people have you kissed?" you tease.
he purses his lips. "two."
"was one boku—"
"doesn't matter."
you stifle your giggle, waiting for keiji's next words.
"kissing isn't as difficult as you think. it really does just come to you."
"oh, plea—"
"i'm not done. i'll do my best to help you, but when you kiss someone, you're not really paying attention to that. it just kind of happens."
you nod and stay quiet as he thinks for a moment. "i tend to put whoever's bottom lip i'm kissing in between mine."
"should i try and do the same thing?"
"no. n—not with me, at least."
"and after a few kisses like that, you just keep going until it gets more intense."
"speaking of which..."
he doesn't have much to say about this. you use it lots? ice cream, popsicles, cleaning off butter knives—he could go on. you made him try the cherry-stem test once, though. he passed, obviously—that was definitely the main reason you asked for his help specifically.
"i don't get it. what's the point?"
"apparently, if you can tie a knot, you're a good kisser."
"hm. let's see if it checks out."
"what're you expecting? you look like the only thing you've kissed is your pillow."
"do i really have to explain this?" keiji sighs, burying his head in his hands for a moment.
"yes, come on! i need this one the most. what do i do with my tongue?"
"it's going to be so weird to talk about. and it's gonna sound so odd. i'm warning you."
"i understand the risks and i read all the terms and conditions. give me the goods. services? i dunno."
"definitely do not start off with it. if you shove your tongue into his mouth, he's gonna shove you away from him."
"honestly, don't do anything about it. let him slip it in and take control of it. you lightly suck on it, i guess."
"ew, you're right. i don't wanna hear about this."
"i told you," he responds, leaning back and resting his head above the armrest, his hands acting as a pillow under him.
"do you really shove your tongue down their throat?"
"god, no."
he knew it was coming. he knows you too well to think it'd be as easy as telling you what to do. unfortunately, he plays an incredibly well-developed game of denial. again—you've done this on multiple occasions. half of your essays are written by him. half of the recipes you've learned? him.
"thanks for teaching me how to make this! it's really good. i should get more recipes from you."
"i'm starting to doubt you actually listened."
"of course, i did!"
"then why did i end up making the whole thing?"
"i cut up the vegetables."
"after complaining that the onions were making you cry, so you couldn't cut the others."
"okay, then... i think that's it, right?" you hum, leaning forward and climbing onto his lap. "that's all the information itself?"
your action causes a sharp intake of breath from him, who does his best to hide it. he props himself up onto his elbows to get a better look at you. you look really, really pretty from this angle.
"i—what are you doing?" he stammers, his cheeks turning a pinkish color. in his mind, he blames it on the tv's screensaver. it's on green right now; so, what?
"is this not how people kiss?" you ask, tilting your head to the side.
"it is, but..." he averts his eyes.
"keiji," you whine, leaning down closer until you're laying on top of him. "i need the practice."
the way you say his name nearly makes him choke, but he covers it up. he's really going to try not to mess it up for you, even though it may benefit his (one-sided) rival.
"okay, fine," keiji sighs, sitting up again. he doesn't dare say anything more lest he seem too eager.
your eyes flit to his lips, barely breaking your shared gaze for less than a second. for this moment, you take in his current aesthetic. flushed, messy-haired, (how you wish he hadn't taken his glasses off so that they could be slightly askew), heavily breathing, shirt ridden up just enough for you to see his stomach... you could find so many little things like this to name.
and, finally, taking in what you've learned, you lean in just a little closer. tilting your head to the right, slightly parting your lips, and itching to tell him just how pretty he is. but, he said no unnecessary talking.
he mirrors your actions, feeling his heart beat so fast that he's genuinely scared he may have a heart attack.
when your lips touch, it's not like the movies. you don't picture a firework exploding in between you, and there's no dramatic music.
there is, however, the most polite man you've ever met on the other side. he's so gentle, kissing you slowly so that you don't get overwhelmed. you didn't even notice how his hands had gotten to cup your face, but everything about the interaction is soft.
it's almost like he thinks you're delicate.
you're both a mess of heavy breathing, your lips sloppily moving against his. and he was right—he does think that your inexperience is cute.
his lips move over yours, the soft texture you'd expect from no man but keiji as ever so gently nips your bottom lip.
your hands crawl up his nape to settle on the roots of his hair, tangling your fingers in the familiar curls as refuge from the unfamiliar feeling of the kiss. he lets a quiet sigh into your mouth, the vibration of the sound waves against your lips causing you to nearly melt.
noticing his hands move from your face to your neck, you take the moment to be just a little cheeky.
"i thought you said not to move your hands much, keiji," you teasingly whisper in between breaths.
he simply scoffs against your mouth. "actually, i said no talking," he murmurs, becoming less and less conscious of what he's doing.
the more your fingers massage his head, the more he wishes you were his. he hasn't kissed anyone like this before—it's simultaneously nothing special yet the most amazing thing he's ever experienced.
his hands slide down your body to rest at your waist, feeling your breath hitch the slightest bit. mumbling an apology he doesn't really mean, he leans forward a bit more to tilt your head back. only then, does it dawn on him.
he didn't think it'd get this far. he really didn't. he should've known better than to assume he had the self control for this. looking back on it now, he really did care for you too much. the time he spent with you felt romantic—like an old married couple that always argues yet never harbors the negative emotions. but, alas, you weren't his to care for... or, so it seemed.
"you really should be more careful. you're going to get seriously injured if you keep this up."
"no, i won't, 'kaashi; you don't know anything."
"do you know how many band-aids i've gone through in the past ten minutes?"
"...shut it."
"we should stop," he whispers, barely audible. he doesn't pull away, though.
"why? you want to?" you frown against his lips, brushing the corner of his mouth to place another kiss there. maybe, he just needs some convincing... if this is about what you think it's about.
your hands trail from his neck to his abdomen, your fingers tugging on hem of his shirt. you lean forward and cradle his head until he hits the armrest, and you realize he's much more susceptible now. good morals—he feels guilty about kissing you.
fortunately for him, you don't actually like someone else. dragging the fabric of his shirt up his stomach, you deepen the kiss as a form of distraction. it was a feeble attempt; he noticed right away.
"wait, wait," he breathes, pulling back for a moment. he can't seem to find his words when you look at him like that, your gaze all sparkly and enticing. "i thought you had your eyes on someone. why are you—?!"
"it was an excuse. i just wanted to kiss you," diving back in without giving him a chance to respond to the shock you've just supplied him.
you open a singular eye, noticing how his are wide open. "what happened to closing your eyes?" the giggle that travels through you isn't enough to soothe him. he needs to hear it directly.
his hands lift to your face, gently pushing your head back with his fingers tangled down to your scalp as he shares your stare. "y—you mean it? you actually want to kiss me?"
"was the fact i've been trying to get you to make out with me for the past 20 minutes not proof enough?"
he shakes his head. "you said that you wanted lessons!"
"so that i could kiss you! you're too smart for this, keiji," you laugh, brushing his dark strands of hair out of his face.
he groans, rubbing his eyes. "god, you're..."
"a genius? yeah, i know." you teasingly raise your eyebrows, as you reach over for his glasses.
the confusion evident on his face, his eyes follow your hand. "i was gonna say crazy," he mumbles, watching you place the glasses on his nose.
"but you've gotta admit," you grin, leaning closer again, "i was able to get this far without you suspecting anything. i'm at least a little smart, right?" he flinches when you tilt his glasses to the side.
"what's that for?" he asks, avoiding the question.
you kiss his nose before moving to his jawline. "keep your glasses on next time we kiss. it's so hot when they're crooked.
he gulps. "next time?"
"mhm," you sigh, connecting your lips to his.
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notes. this is probably university au 'cause i didn't have a specific time in mind but too old to be high school too young to have a working job... you get the point
also... can you tell i've never actually kissed anyone ha ha so silly (i'm going to cry)
edit: me forgetting to put tags
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joltai-showa · 17 hours
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still thinking about Obito's tendencies to hang upside down so why not talk about something even more funny
now Obito is obviously trolling the Konoha squad in that moment, acting like a complete idiot and weirdo and all, usual stuff for Tobi. Obito is being a weird little bat on purpose, it's all an act
you know who among Akatsuki, a very scary and a totally serious organization, also acted like a weird little bat, but without it all being an act?
allow me to introduce you to the final page of chapter 238
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Kishimoto, why is Deidara's first appearance is him being upside down during Akatsuki's zoom meeting?
(which is supposedly the first one in 7 years since Orochimaru ditched them, but whatever, no fucking way these guys can remain semi-organized without a good old online meetup, I do not care for canon's opinion when it conflicts with my funny headcanons)
But seriously, it's been almost 10 years since I read the manga for the first time and there's still no explanation as to why Deidara did that LMAO. Logic dictates that it's simply Kishimoto not finishing up the designs for his new villains (rinnegan's design wasn't finalized until, like, Akatsuki Supression arc, I believe? there's someone TOWERING over Kisame who is 195cm already and at the end of the day remains Akatsuki's tallest member, etc etc), but I've got a PhD in overthinking Naruto details and turning them into shitposts that sometimes also turn into fanfiction, so I will take this one tiny detail and make myself laugh until I cry.
To me this moment is just so precious because it's actually a scene from OG Naruto, meaning that it's pre-timeskip, so Deidara here is only 16. And this just proves to me that Deidara's puberty (there is no exact indicator as to when Deidara was abducted recruited into Akatsuki, but I assume it happened sometime when he was 12, because during his recruitment we see Itachi (and we know that he joined Akatsuki after the massacre, so he was 13 and he's got a 2 year difference with Deidara), Kisame (who, judging by his pre-death flashbacks, joined AFTER Itachi, meaning some time had to have passed since the massacre) and Sasori (who wouldn't have a partner after Itachi joined because Orochimaru just couldn't resist trying to get that Sharingussy, but Akatsuki don't operate on their own in general, so I doubt Sasori would have been left without a partner for a long time, a year max) and during this zoom meeting 16-year-old Deidara speaks like he's very much aligned with Akatsuki's goals and grudges which would be very weird if he joined them against his will just recently, so a year or more would have to pass between Deidara's recruitment and the OG Naruto zoom meeting) was arguably one of the worst things that organization as a whole had to go through because teenage Deidara was JUST BUILT DIFFERENT.
Don't mind the fact that even as an adult he starts tweaking if he doesn't get to explode something every few hours (I would imagine that teenage rage and angst would only exacerbate this issue), but he would also just want to "look cool" and wouldn't listen to anyone in any position of authority AT ALL. Going back to this scene of Akatsuki's zoom call, we can see (and for certain characters assume because once again designs here are kind of wack) that these overly serious members like Pain, Konan, Kakuzu and Sasori are PRESENT and just... don't do anything about Deidara's antics? They just gave up at some point LMAO. And a while ago, I presume.
16-year-old Deidara, proud and puffed up as a lion: You can stay on the ground as boring old men you are, but I'm going to hang upside down today, hm!
Pain, the acting leader of this very serious and lethal organization that for some reason took in a 13-year-old and a 12-year-old because, I dunno, the real leader thought it would be funny, sighing: okay, Deidara...
I also don't believe that it was ever specified how Nagato's zoom jutsu works, but I think Akatsuki's members simply sit in whatever position they want and their projection is different from their actual position which means that. yeah. Deidara does a bat cosplay. because he wants to. baby why are you like that.
but I also like to imagine Deidara actually hanging on the ceiling during the meetup and the gang just going
Pain: Sasori, can't you grab a mop or something and swat him off of there?
Sasori, in the most dead inside voice imaginable: you are not paying me enough to do that. in fact, you would not last a minute in the asylum I'm living in. you can't give me 40 minutes of peace, can you?
honestly props to Onoki for finding a way to both continue using Deidara's skills for his goals (by just fucking paying Akatsuki and calling it a day) and keep the village intact, teenage Deidara just seems like the trial version of what Akatsuki members could expect on their missions. like, if you can't manage the stress of dealing with the (pony)tailed beast, you have no business trying to fight an actual tailed beast.
I'm also thinking that adult Deidara aka Shippuden Deidara would think himself really cringe for doing this shit when he was younger and feels kind of embarrassed in front of the other members (who unfortunately besides Hidan were there to witness his cringe bat phase of growing up in your local terrorist daycare organization), so he's pretty quiet during the zoom meetings when we get properly introduced to him.
That's, of course, until Deidara gets partnered with Tobi.
I can imagine the two of them competing who can last longer hanging upside down and now Pain really can't do anything to stop this bullshit because it's his actual boss and his clueless partner making their own bat nest during their zoom meeting. He just tiredly glances over at Konan who gives him a "I told you Yahiko was right and we shouldn't have joined forces with this guy, but when do you ever listen to me" look.
The gang would be discussing something like Kakuzu and Hidan brutally murdering Asuma (who's Obito's classmate btw and whose mother he already killed a while ago) and trying to steal his corpse to sell for some cash and in the background above them Tobi'll be yelling something like "senpai, watch what I can do" and start turning cartwheels on the ceiling.
tl;dr Obito and Deidara match each other's freak when it comes to doing weird shit for no apparent reason other than to fuck with everyone while on the job. thanks for coming to my TobiTalk
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maippuccino · 2 days
hey babe :3 u said reqs r open so i hv an idea!! make like a fic w gunwook n its highschool volleyball au where u both r the captains of the boys n girls teams idk how to explain it.. also do u think miumuras is a good username for my blog cs im gna change it once my smau is overrr
this ask is so old, omg im so sorry!
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f!vbcap!reader x vbcap!rival!gunwook . fluff . no tw . rlly rlly cringe...
"gunwook." you say as you look up at him. "yn." he replies smiling, making fun of your seriousness. it really wasn't a big deal in his opinion, all he did was steal your court. "this is our court, we were here first." you state, trying to focus on his eyes and not the obvious smirk on his face, "yet you all left to get ice cream. meaning free opportunity, so i took it." he says, leaning down to get closer to your face.. you flinch away, scrunching your face up in the process. "bullshit. we booked this court a week ago! i'm getting coach." gunwooks smirk fades as he grabs your hand stopping you from walking away, "don't. fine, we'll give you the court, but only for today. don't keep expecting me to be nice." you scoff, watching him walk away 'what is he? some villian?' "alright, girls! on the court!" you hear your coach call out.
you walked out of the school, looking up at the heavy rain. quietly, you curse at yourself for not bringing an umbrella. "fuck. guess i'll have to run" you huff, annoyed since you're still sore from practice. "need help?" you hear from behind you. turning around you're face to face with the captain of the boys volleyball team, and your worst enemy. gunwook. 'great. just my luck.' you turn back around, rolling your eyes. "no. gunwook. i dont need your help." taking off your backpack you carry it above you as you step out into the pouring rain. "holy shit! its fucking cold!" you scream out, hearing giggles behind you, "do you need help now?" gunwook says, walking next to you with his umbrella dawning only above him. torturing you seemed like his favorite hobby. "oh fuck off dude. i dont wanna play today." you yell, walking faster than him.
it had been 10 minutes since you left the school, slowly hating how far away your home is from the school. weirdly enough, gunwook was still next to you walking with his umbrellla. you had passed by many people, staring at the two of you wondering why one of you was drenched in water, while the other remained dry. "fuck! fine I need your help!" you screamed in a last effort. the rain had gotten even worse. "okay!" gunwook said, instantly pushing himself closer to you. "feel better now, sweetheart?" gunwook smirks, "whatever, shut up and walk." you say shoving his side. you cant lie, his presence had been comforting. "say, do you really walk this far? everyday?" he asks, you nod before answering him. "i live this far, idiot." he laughs, looking down. "you're really pretty." he says randomly, a blush creeping on both your faces causes an awkward tension. "... you too." 'FUCK!' "you too?? can't even say thank you, huh?" he smirks, "shut up, i'll take that back too." yeah, maybe his presence wasn't so bad.
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eldaryasharbinger · 21 hours
Here's why I struggle to believe that people have made a secret group chat where they vote for each other in the style contests to win all the time:
(and also some other general comments)
The outfits we see are often similar, we all know that some people tend to copy other entries, confusing people who are voting to always vote for the same thing
We also know that butterflies, sparkles and both the elven call/e-girl packs are rather liked by everyone (specifically the e-girl pack since it was much rarer and still somewhat is)
Most of the time, the winners might be off-theme as well
What I personally get from all this, since it's happening in other servers as well, is that these people just KNOW what people will be voting for, and we all know that as well, so they're making their outfits accordingly every time to make sure they get on the podium
The style contests are more a "who's prettier" than a "who got the theme right" kind of contest as of now
I sincerely doubt there's a group, because then that would mean that there's a group for each server unless these are all the same people in each and every server (again, VERY unlikely)
Maybe I'm just naive, maybe THERE IS one group somewhere, but it's stupid to blindly believe this with no evidence other than speculation, and taking it for granted
I also want to ask everyone to PLEASE stop being mean to everyone who seems to win the style contests more than once (for example, Sophyllia whom I've talked to and I don't believe she's in any group at all, she's just doing things for fun, likes cute styles and that's what we've seen from her)
The past few days all I could see on my timeline here on Tumblr is a LOT of hate, towards pretty much every single aspect of the game and some players
we're all allowed to be disappointed, but here's a reminder to not share the outfits from the podium that you're going to talk about UNTIL the podium is gone, and also without the name of the winners
It's harmful to these people and it sends hate needlessly, I don't like to see people glorifying being a hater, why be so much full of hate? (This is also something I've always disliked and it's also stated in my game profile, if you've seen it or not, since day 1)
"Non fare di tutta l'erba un fascio", like we'd say where I live (I don't know how to properly translate this so I won't bother)
And one last thing, stop hating on everyone who has a different opinion from yours, like I've seen some people "attack" Tetrakys for having a different opinion on episode 8 and the general state of the plot as of now
Instead, try to understand things from others point of view
actually the very last thing I want to say is, if you all feel so uncomfortable about the story as of now, instead of asking beemoov to change the game to your liking (something that happens in so many games nowadays) protect your own peace by stopping playing the game, I know it's a big take to make, but when you go on AO3 to search for a fanfic to read, I'm sure you all check the tags before doing so, right? And if you find something with a tag you don't like, then you don't read it and go look for the next one (don't come telling me "but I've spent money in the game!" because I know that's the case for some people, and I can't do anything about it since that's on you)
Tell me if I'm wrong about this, but before doing that, think about it for yourselves
I haven't played episode 8 yet, so I don't really know what's going on, but I don't want to believe every single thing I see online right now because sometimes people tend to exaggerate (not saying it's what's happening right now, I literally CAN'T know until I see for myself)
I just wanted to say what I think about all these, and also express my general disappointment in the community these days (and that's on me for being disappointed, I'm not some higher being whose opinion is better than others, I just feel disappointed due to my personal beliefs etc)
Thank you for reading all this
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aahsokaatano · 1 hour
maybe it's just because I'm literally majoring in rhetoric but honestly to me the most interesting little detail of the VP debate that just finished on CBS was that Tim Walz referred to JD Vance as "Senator Vance" consistently (the few times he did feel the need to address him by name), while Vance was taking every single opportunity to call Walz "Tim" rather than "Governor Walz"
I also noted during the closing remarks that Vance almost slipped and referred to Harris as just "Kamala" but quickly corrected himself to "Kamala Harris"
The reason why this is noteworthy at all is because of an unconscious respectability bias that we all have - it might have different forms across different cultures and languages, but in this context (American English), people generally expect that referring to someone as [Title] [Surname] is a way of showing that person respect. Calling someone by their first name implies 1) friendship/familiarity (probably what Vance was hoping people would read it as), or 2) lack of respect/indication that you view that person as beneath you (quite possibly what Vance really meant by it, especially considering that Walz is older than Vance, and the Republicans are all about "family values," including respect for your elders).
I've seen a handful of posts about referring to women politicians by their first name being disrespectful (unless it's how they're branding themselves, such as Hilary Clinton's 2016 campaign being under just "Hilary"), and I personally think it's a very, very tiny concession that the Trump/Vance team is making in referring to Harris by her full name, instead of "Vice President Harris" or just "Harris" - Vance, to my recollection, didn't once refer to Harris with her title throughout the debate (in fact, he gave her the rather stupid title of "border czar" which doesn't mean anything and isn't remotely accurate, as the border situation is overseen by the Dept. of Homeland Security, not the VP).
Vance is, in my opinion, trying to both make himself look more put-together and respectable to the undecided voters (who may be turned off by Trump's unhinged ranting), while also still checking the boxes for the rabid MAGA fans in a more subtle manner - though, very notably, when Walz asked him directly "did Donald Trump lose the 2020 election?" Vance just sort of danced around the question without actually answering. I wasn't keeping a tally or anything, but I don't think he gave more than one or two straight answers throughout the debate. Everything was a meandering little sidepiece that he tried to desperately relate back to his grandmother, because that's the only thing he has going for him when you really get down to it. Hillbilly Elegy, as much as it's a heap of nonsense and hatred of poor people disguised as "folksy charm," is the only thing Vance really has to cling on to in terms of what he's known for. So he's still trying to sell it - and himself - as worth something.
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s10127470 · 16 hours
My X-Men Hot Takes
As I'm sure many of you who have been following me have seen, I'm a pretty big fan of The X-Men.
However, I do have some reservations with them.
And with their ongoing resurgence in mainstream popularity, I've decided to share my hot takes/unpopular opinions I have on the team.
Admittedly, I have some takes that are pretty commonly agreed by a majority of X-Men fans.
But still, I have a lot that would probably piss a lot of them off.
So without further ado, let's get started.
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-Mutants have become less interesting/The X-Men have WAY too many characters.
This is basically a two-in-one, but I decided to do them together since they essentially connect with each other.
Mutants have just become a lot less interesting due to the writers keeping them largely huddled together in recent years.
What made mutants so cool was that they were widespread and that not all of them were connected to the X-Men.
Which just made the world feel a lot bigger and fleshed-out.
But over the last few decades, Marvel has developed this mindset that EVERY mutant needs to be connected to the X-Men.
Hell, it was the reason for arguably the worse thing to happen to the team.
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This unfortunately has led to the issue of the X-Men just having.....way too many characters.
Like, remember when there were spin-off teams?
X-Factor? The New Mutants? X-Force? Excalibur?
Even though those teams are still around, they have the issue of being too connected to the X-Men now.
And this need to have all mutants to be connected to The X-Men, has lead to another major issue with mutants....
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-Retconning mutant heritages.
Over the last decade, Marvel has infamously went out of their way to retcon the mutant heritage of several mutant characters who weren't all that connected to the X-Men.
The most infamous examples being in the case of The Maximoff Twins and Franklin Richards, the latter of which was the most notable example of a mutant that's not connected to the X-Men.
Once again, this makes the world feel somewhat smaller and makes the mutants a lot less interesting.
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-For the Love of GOD! Stop with the romance/relationship drama!
Romance/relationship drama is one of the hardest parts of writing.
Largely because it's rarely ever done particularly well and often become incredibly annoying and usually makes the people involved look pretty bad.
Usually since it relies on stuff like cheating, infidelity, unfaithfulness, etc.
Which anyone with more than two brain cells would know isn't a good thing...
It's even worse when they try to make these actions actually come off as good and acceptable.
Which like....
But anyway, since the X-Men are essentially glorified soap operas, you better believe they have romance drama!
It's one of the best/worst examples of this I've seen in media.
They have it all!
Cheating. Unfaithfulness. Infidelity.
And since we're talking about the X-Men, we can't forget about their staple....
Love. Triangles.
Seriously, nobody in the X-Men are all that faithful to each other....
Except for Gambit weirdly enough.
But anyway, please just keep these guys in actual fucking stable relationships.
I cannot take ANOTHER FUCKING love triangle....
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-The treatment of Magneto.
I like Magneto, but even I have to admit I cannot stand how he's been treated in recent years.
Over the last few decades, there's been a lot of favoritism towards him.
And I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, it's borderline dick-riding.
Like, if we're had to make a list of the most dick-roded characters in the fiction.
Magneto would be at least in the top 5 alongside Bakugo, Severus Snape and even The Joker.
A lot of this comes from people believing that his mindset and actions were actually justified.
Leading to the infamous phrase that was founded by incel Quinten Quire....
"Magneto was right."
As you could tell, I'm hate this phrase.
For two reasons.
It's been ran into the goddamn ground. Like, I've frequently check out the X-Men subreddit, and I swear, I still seen people saying that Magento was right. Even on Twitter, I see this! Which, after seeing it and hearing it so much and so often, you can't help but just go....
2. It's led to this habit of writers constantly painting Magneto as this savior who's always in the right and that his mindset and methods are truly the way to go for the sake of mutantkind. This also led to the effect of trying to make him seem like he was always secretly a good guy. Even retconning events from the earliest X-Men stories such as him stealing missiles from the base and saying that he was actually doing this so that the X-Men actually had an enemy to fight. Like, prior to all this, Magento was depicted as being a villain. Even when the legendary Chris Claremont took over and gave him more depth and made him a sympathetic villain, he was still depicted as being kind of a terrible person who has done legitimately terrible things. What really made Magneto such as great villain was that he was a tragic one as well. Not just because of his backstory, but because of the fact that he became the very thing he hated: a bigot who wants to subjugate an entire group of people, no matter what. But in a way, I know this is gonna sound insane, Magneto is even worse than the Nazis! They were trying to subjugate a group of people, he's trying to subjugate an entire species! They needed an army and forces to do all that, he doesn't. Magneto is literally a one-man army. Now don't get me wrong, they're both REALLY bad. But remember, Magneto is literally threatening like, half the life on the planet. And although him finally becoming a good guy was the way to go, I'm still not a fan of it. Largely because he never really gets a redemption arc. We never see him actually show any regrets towards his past actions, or realize that he was wrong. Because they did, then he wouldn't be right. And GOD FORBID Magneto could be wrong about anything. I'm sorry man, but you're never gonna be him....
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-The mutant metaphor has become a bit of a problem.
Now this gonna be a real controversial one.
The mutant metaphor, while obviously well intentioned, is not exactly good....
99% of X-Men fans reading this:
When you really think about it, it doesn't really make much sense.
For starters, there's the obvious aspect about how most super-powered beings in the Marvel Universe tend to get a pass, but there's just no exceptions with the mutants.
Despite the fact that to the eyes of the average civilian, most of them could qualified as a mutant.
There's also the fact that having the mutants being a stand-in for minorities is kinda awkward given that most of the core members (not all of them mind you) are primarily white....and American.
I do think them being a stand-in for social outcasts does work, but even that's kind of an issue given that many of the core X-Men are incredibly and conveniently attractive.
Like, don't you dare even try to deny it!
I've seen you people simp for these guys!
So have I!
But the reason I say the mutant metaphor is problem is because there seems to be this mindset that this is all the X-Men are good for.
Just being an allegory, and nothing else.
And in all honesty, that's just incredibly restrictive from a writing standpoint.
Heck, if any of you've read my X-Men fanfic series, "X-Men: The Mutation", you'd probably noticed that the mutant metaphor, while there, isn't as present as most other adaptations, or even fanfics of the X-Men.
And that was because I wanted to focus on other aspects of the team and didn't want them to just be a walking allegory.
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-The Fox X-Men films are not that good.
While the reception of these films seem to be mixed nowadays, I've never really cared for these films.
Since I'm among the group of people who actually look at adaptations as, well, adaptations, as such, the X-Men films are quite pitiful.
The films never captured the appeal of The X-Men.
That being The X-Men themselves!
Like, The X-Men are literally an afterthought in their own film franchise.
Largely thanks to Fox constantly focusing on one member solely and hardly anyone else.
First it was with Wolverine, and then it was with Mystique.
There's also the fact that they hardly pulled from source material, largely because they were embarrassed by it.
Like, they were not being subtle about that at all.
Do I need to even play that line again?
The only films in that franchise I would consider good would be the Deadpool films.
They were actually good
They wore the comics on their shelves rather than being embarrassed by it
They were the most disconnected from the X-Men films
Speaking of which, this franchise is infamous for its absolute clustefuck of a continuity.
You know things are not that good when they can't even keep a consistent timeline.
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-The characterization of Cyclops.
Just like with Magneto, I really like Cyclops, but I'm not a fan of how he's been written for nearly 20 years.
Yeah, I'm not exactly big on Revolutionary Cyclops.
Apart from the fact that he emerged during the X-Men's roughest era, there's also the fact it's had quite the effect on any discourses surrounding the character.
Fans seem to believe that Cyclops can only be portrayed as a revolutionary in all forms of media.
Literally nothing else.
Hell, it's so bad that people are already begging for '97 Cyclops to become a revolutionary!
Look, I get that Cyclops wasn't too many people's favorite, specifically during the early years.
And the Claremont era didn't exactly do him too many favors since he would be slowly phased out along with the rest of the original X-Men.
But I feel like he really came into his own during the 90s.
Plus, '97 and Evolution Cyclops showed that Cyclops doesn't have to be a revolutionary in order to be a. engaging and interesting character.
There's also a few more issues that's arose from his characterization.
The last near 20 years have really highlighted Cyclops' skills, to show why he's the leader of The X-Men.
I get that you want to show that he is a competent fighter and leader.
However, it's gotten to the point where fans seem to believe that Cyclops can beat anyone in general, no matter how crazy powerful they are, with his ridiculous amount of plans and back-up plans.
Starting to sound familiar?
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There's also that fact that fans and even the majority of X-Men writers seem to believe that Cyclops always has to suffer just to be interesting.
Essentially, he suffers the same exact problem as another major Marvel character.
And just like what people have said about him, Cyclops constantly suffering has gotten incredibly repetitive and stale.
You can only do it so much before it starts to become boring and tiring.
And lastly, him being the leader of all mutantkind and the one to unite them all....
I don't like this.
He should be ONE of the leaders, but not THE leader.
Is there literally no one else that could co-lead?
Also, with him being the leader and unifier of mutantkind.....
I wouldn't say it's white saviorism or a Messiah thing, but it does feel somewhat adjacent to that.
I kinda feel like all this was done as a form of compensation for how much of a punk the character has been portrayed as in just about every major X-Men adaptation of the last near quarter century.
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Bar a few exceptions....
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So over the last few months, some fans have discovered about the infamous age gap between Colossus and Shadowcat during their early years with the X-Men.
Colossus was like 19 at the time, while Kitty was 13 to 14.
Which, for anyone that isn't asking to be on a list, isn't good.
However, people have taken to claim that Colossus is actually a pedophile.
But here's the thing people seem to forget.
He was written by John Bryne.....
For anyone who doesn't know, Bryne is infamous among comics for his habit of pairing underage girls with grown men.
He did this with Mr. Fantastic and The Invisible Woman, revealing the latter met the former when she was 12 years old and he was in college.
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He had Superman kiss a 14-year old on the lips.
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And perhaps most infamously of all, having Peter Parker lock lips with Mattie Franklin, a 15-year old.
While he himself was not only in his mid-20 around this time, but also still a MARRIED MAN.
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(Fun Fact: This was one of the earliest attempts of Marvel trying to get rid of Mary Jane for.....obvious reasons)
(Also, I hate this panel with every fiber of my being. And I typically I don't like to wish death upon people, but I'm making an exception. Bryne needs to get drug out into the street and shot, because I'm starting to think he may possibly be the EDP445 of comic writers. Like, you can not write this shit and not expect people to notice a pattern and raise a few eyebrows)
But besides that, it seems that since the 2000s, they've quietly retconned all this (for obvious reasons) to have Colossus and Shadowcat be much closer in age.
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The Summers Family Tree has become a problem.
Just about everyone knows that the Summers family tree is an absolute mess.
Like, there's only so many alternate reality children, alternate future children, and clones that you have before it seems to become old and tiresome.
There's also Mister Sinister's famous obsession with them.
Like dude, I understand that they're powerful.
But like, are just not any other powerful mutants you could be obsessed with.
What about Storm?
Hell, what about Magneto and his kids?
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The treatment of Xavier.
This is basically the opposite of how Magneto's been treated.
Whereas Magneto's been depicted as a secret hero, Xavier's been depicted as a secret villain.
I get that Xavier is not perfect, but the dude has been so villainized over the last 20+ years and revealed to have done a lot bad things, he might as well be called Satan.
And frankly, it's become tired.
Like, how many times have they done the "Xavier has done something terrible" shtick now?
The most recent was in The Fall of X.
At this rate, why is he even still here?
Since he's apparently never done anything good for anyone, he should just leave already!
There's also the fact that apparently his dream was always bad and never what mutantkind needed.
And to that I must say.....
While he may have not approached it in the best way, his goal was far more noble and frankly, what mutants really needed.
Showing that humans and mutants can peacefully co-exist with each other.
Maybe not all of them, but still, being able to show that it is possible.
And in general, this would be a future where everyone wins.
Whereas Magneto's, wouldn't.
This would be the most obvious in the case of the humans.
But even for the mutants, there would be a bit of an asterisk for them.
Magneto has proven he's not as accepting towards all mutants as he lets on.
Like remember Toad?
He fucking hated him and treated him like shit!
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The X-Men and their relationship with the much greater Marvel Universe needs to change.
To wrap this all up, we'll be talking about a big one.
Ever since the 2010s, the X-Men comics have become infamous how they characterize other major heroes of the Marvel Universe.
That being.....not in a flattering light.
Most of these guys are portrayed incredibly poorly, not acting like themselves at all.
The only exception to this is Spider-Man.
But then again, he gets written with more respect in every other title than his own.
This is obviously done in order to make the X-Men look good.
Plus it's pretty apparent there's a great bias towards them.
But however, I think this has the opposite effect.
All it does it make the X-Men look like egotistical, self-serving assholes who would gladly screw people over (no matter how disastrous) if it meant they got to survive/thrive.
"Yeah! I love seeing my favorite heroes being portrayed as selfish cowards!"
There's also this....
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These panels are from the X-Men relaunch, and they've been quite infamous for....obvious reasons.
And apart from that, it just makes the X-Men also look like self-victimizing douches.
Basically saying that they're the only ones suffering, and that nobody else in the entire damn world knows what it means to struggle.
And as you can tell, they'll usually say it to people of color.
You remember that panel from Ultimate Spider-Man when Spidey cursed out the X-Men and called them out on their bullshit?
Yeah, can we get that for these versions?
They really deserve it.
Also, I recently saw a comment that said that X-Men comics are the only place where white writers can fulfill their fantasies of yelling at people of color and then cry about how THEY'RE oppressed.
And after seeing these panels, I wholeheartedly agree.
Well that's all I have for now.
These were some grievances I've been having with the X-Men for a while now, and I wanted to finally get them out.
I really hope that anyone who reads is able to respond to this in a civil manner and possibly not call me a racial slur.
But I guess we'll have to wait and find out.
I have a few more of these, but these were the ones I could only do for now.
And I'm planning do something similar to this for undoubtedly the biggest Marvel character of them all.
But until then, I'll see you guys around.
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