#and I put my laundry on
shatterthefragments · 8 months
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Hot choccy and I’m trying to keep an eye on the candle to see if I caused it to tunnel when I tried out some of the body butter from it after my shower (it’s a lotion candle from Rosalie Body Works!)
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bonetrousledbones · 10 days
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hakusins · 21 days
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whitney stuffs i did during lectures
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brainrotcharacters · 1 month
"get 😠my country's 🇨🇦name out📤 of your 🫵 fucking🖕 mouth😗
and my sword 🗡️
give me that 🤨"
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wombywoo · 8 months
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SoapGhost doll update: I amuse myself by putting them in various locations around my house. Rest assured, they're being taken care of~
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smilesflower · 2 years
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interview crashers
+ bonus:
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I need to clean my room but I can't clean my room because in order to clean my room I have to clean my room
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ramblingsofamuskrat · 2 months
dropout knew what they were doing when they clipped chanse saying angela… in the dirty laundry trailer. i feel targeted and i am so freaking excited for these two smosh episodes
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dear-ao3 · 11 months
branch basics oxy boost cleaner my beloved
never met a fucking stain this thing can’t handle.
burned milk spill on my stove? gone. scorch marks on my pot? poof. weird mysterious shower rings? not here. mystery caked on stain in the bottom of a mug? not anymore.
my bestie, oxy boost my beloved
among my friends we all know that if my mom purchases a thing it is the least non toxic thing in the whole world and if i say it’s good that means it works so if non toxic cleaners that work are important to you i implore beg and beseech you to buy this. and this is tumblr so there’s no way in hell it’s sponsored.
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shoshiwrites · 1 month
In which I said “there’s no way I could make Jo and Stalag Bucky truly cross paths other than postwar but a bitch does wonder for the vibes” and then proceeded to take it totally seriously. Enabled by: @floydmtalbert, @basilone, @mercurygray
@junojelli, @upontherisers, and @rosies-riveters. (Seriously, most of this is direct quotes.)
My apologies for the time skips, but it’s just the way the brainstorming cookie crumbled. For those of you unfamiliar with Jo, 1. I'm sorry 2. More here! Bucky Egan/War correspondent OC
→ Jo’s even more restless in this version, and doing some very stupid things. Namely, getting herself in Buck’s fort for the Bremen raid. → (Why would you do that, Jo? Well.) → Bucky’s been wearing his heart on his sleeve — much more obvious, with regards to her, and she doesn’t want him to be a rebound. Maybe said something in an unguarded moment that sounded a lot like love, and she’s not ready to let herself be loved like that. Maybe a sleepy mumble into her hair. It just slipped out. → So she’s really running away. → Easier to fling herself up into a plane, clearly. → And maybe people are doubting her previous stories. Some pencil-chewing prick in the London office telling her the folks back home need to feel more of what our brave boys are doing in the sky to stick it to the Germans. Maybe Jo’s trying to record à la Ed Murrow, so they can broadcast it over the radio later. Maybe the original thought is a milk run, and she pushes for a mission over Germany. A milk run could turn into something else, but she knows it needs to be something bigger for a chance at a harder-hitting story. Tells them that if they want to know “what it’s really like,” they’ll send her on a different mission. → Kay would be furious but also ! at the story and good thing Jo doesn’t quite tell her. → The way she's trying to prove to herself that she has nothing tying her down. Benny’s not about this at all. Buck: "Come on then. Before I find you mid-flight in a place you shouldn't be." He’s practical like that. → If she hadn’t been up before she would not be getting the time of day. And Buck's not about to let her fly with anyone else. He sighs, just the tiniest bit. Gestures, like, well, come on then. "At least you know the risk." Benny's little "last chance to go to London, Jo. tell Buck to scrub this flight." Later — "Going to tell home about this, Jo?" (he’s shouting a little, gesturing at the amount of enemy fighters).
→ So Our Baby goes down. → "John is going to kill us" — Buck’s first words when he sees Jo. To be fair to him, Jo is alive. Which is Benny’s argument. “She’s not dead, Buck, I think we did okay??” Buck just shakes his head. → So Bucky’s in that phone booth. Unaware that Buck went down but also that Jo was even there. Red only tells him about Buck. Because the people who know he should be told about Jo are not anywhere near a phone. → He heads back to Thorpe Abbotts. Red is fuming about a reporter crashing with them. They’ve got the worst discipline, they’re not hitting their targets, and now they’ve gone and killed a reporter, and a woman reporter to boot. There’s no good way to sell that to the homefront. Red and Harding and maybe Kidd are having a bitch session in an office. Bucky goes up to the door, to tell them he’s back, and overhears. “What a goddamn mess. That reporter — she was on the goddamn plane too. Brown, was it?” Bucky, in the doorway, on the edge of the fucking darkness: “Brandt.” → Because he wouldn’t know what to do with himself beside get in the plane, right. → Like maybe no one saw any chutes. Maybe she’s reported missing presumed killed. → And let’s not pretend Harding would be able to keep him off the roster, Major Rear Backup Observation Pilot, who is definitely not in the rear or backup or observing. He'd assign himself another made-up role just to get on the next plane if he had to. → I’m even sorrier to Brady than to Bucky and Buck in this whole thing actually. Jo owes him drinks for the rest of his life. He wanted a passenger princess who could be trusted with the aux cord, and instead he got Bucky.
→ So Bucky’s lying on the ground in the forest thinking he doesn’t mind if he dies right there. → We see a man ten miles from the end of his rope and we drag him further away. → Jo seeing him again, seeing him all bloody and bruised. Maybe this is the processing camp and they see each other in the corridor — he’s coming in, she’s being taken somewhere else. The double-take. The recognition. Both of them fighting the guards to try to get to each other. In her jacket that’s too big for her and her hair messed. → I don’t know how this works from an intelligence standpoint shh I know it doesn’t but her using those few moments to tell him Buck’s alive. Just the quietest whisper, if she can manage to get that close to him, trying to hide it with a cough. → So he knows they’re both alive now. Can’t get that info out of him if he already knows. So all you get is John Egan, Major, fuck you very much. → I know it doesn’t really have lasting potential because she wouldn't really stay with them in the stalag (like any of this is really plausible lmao) but if I want her to then, well, it's my AU. Like, maybe she’s with them in the stalag for a little while, while the Germans figure out what to do with her/negotiate some kind of prisoner swap with the allies. They've never had this happen before. They’re wary because she’s a reporter — about keeping her but also about letting her go. She could get swapped home after the processing, or some time in the stalag if we’re going for something longer. → So there’s a version where he sees her first when he arrives at SLIII, standing back from the crowd or back at the hut. → The embrace though. He's never held on tighter. Her toes are scraping the floor. → He’d absolutely brawl if he sees her being flanked by soldiers being taken out of the camp by herself later on. Maybe she gets out on one of the Swiss Red Cross visits.
→ Also. The issues this causes between Bucky and Gale. Very chewy. Gale letting her. Not telling Bucky he is letting her. Bucky's "wouldn't flat out stop her from doing stupid shit because he also does stupid shit and also knows she's her own person" vs. Bucky’s "why didn't you stop her, Buck.” → Gale knows what running away looks like. And he knows she won't stop until she realizes some things. This will make her realize faster. IT SURE WILL, GALE. → This is the dumbest thing Jo has done in any universe in a very long time and I’m processing but also living for it tbh. → Benny, probably: can I interest you all in talking about how you fucking feel. → Buck and Jo at the same time: shut up. → Benny’s bailing half to get away from them lbr here. Composing a letter to Kay in his head about this. → I have a hard time believing that Bucky would hold onto this toooo much once he's in SLIII and they're all alive but also. Like the relief is there but so is the "why didn't you tell me what the fuck.” And Gale is very…easy about it. “She wanted to, John." (If you have to argue take it up with Miss Wanted To, John.) “Maybe you need to hear her out." → The unspoken "maybe you need to actually say things" at Jo (even though she's not here for this conversation). Which he’s made pretty clear — maybe no in so many words, but his "I hope you had the right reasons to fly with us" is loud. Jo: wow must be a coincidence that I feel nauseous rn it’s definitely not Buck’s tone. → Speaking of Benny’s “leave me the fuck out of this” — Brady. He’s sinking down next to Benny, holding his head like it’s about to explode. "He wanted to go down with the plane, Ben.” (Benny, not paid enough for ANY of this.) → Jo this is an awful lot of trouble to cause because of your situationship. → Benny's commiserating. telling Brady they will get a very strong drink when they get out of here. And Jo is buying. → Once again, Jo, drinks are on you for the rest of forever. → Uhhh that’s all, folks! → For now.
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Swapped Daniel and Emma for Kara and Alice
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They are like… two sides of the same coin
bonus- Emma and Daniel in the gallery lighting cause it's so much better
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titanbabyeams · 4 months
As I write my pre-war fic, I cannot stop thinking about the canon dynamic between The Ghoul & Lucy. They could’ve had something impossibly soft and kind, if the circumstances had been different.
Cooper has been hardened into something non-human, to protect himself. The question remains of whether or not he’s even capable of the loving affection he used to show his wife anymore. If he is, how difficult would it be for him? Centuries of pushing those feelings away and locking them up would make it painful to express again, in any capacity.
And poor Lucy. Lucy, who has been thrusted into this cruel reality and forced to take up arms to protect herself and her loved ones. Who has quickly becoming comfortable with the cruelty of the Wastelands and while she’s maintaining her kindness; it’s jaded.
I don’t know. There’s something bittersweet about writing a dynamic between them that I’m certain we’ll never see; but something that could’ve happened, had the circumstances been different.
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insufferablemod · 10 months
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top 10 worst celebrities ever
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cheruib · 8 months
i look kind of cute today which means im also immune to feeling sad today 👍
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malinaa · 1 year
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
The most infuriating form of sanism is this idea that mentally ill people/people with mental disorders are just too stupid or too unenlightened to know how to be a proper, well-adjusted person
So many therapists have ignored signs of my unwellness simply because they assumed I was just... being stupid, and I just needed educating about why I'm acting disordered (apparently, mental disorders stop disordering you once you are condescendingly told why you're just disordered and dumb, who knew (sarcasm)).
Like, I could tell them that I knew my behaviour wasn't "rational," wasn't "reasonable" to do or believe and I'd still be treated like I was so dumb I needed hand-holding and scolding about why I'm acting disordered.
I truly wish that people would be able to take the idea of guidance and stop twisting it into "I am superior and enlightened and the people I am trying to help are stupid and wrong and beneath me!"
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