cecilitou · 1 month
i've carved out a home
for my flesh to rot,
away from the blinding lights
and unabated murmurs of monotony.
here i will die the million deaths
i dream of in the daylight,
and smile and laugh as i fall and fall and fall.
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cecilitou · 1 month
thunder struck
tinder lays damp
our monuments are silent,
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cecilitou · 1 month
my pillow hides no dreamy diary,
underneath is only sere futon
and unyielding ground
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cecilitou · 1 month
climbed mountains
fall away beneath my feet,
washed away to the sea
by the pouring rain
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cecilitou · 1 month
the shingle rooves
ring sharp with the rains
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cecilitou · 7 months
February 14
Alone or in love,
I expect too much
so that I never receive enough,
and I break my heart a hundred times
in dreams of pasts unrealized
and futures impossible.
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cecilitou · 7 months
My daylight dreams are not daydreams,
but dreams of deep sleep despite the shining sun.
Drawn shades would dampen the warmth of the day,
giving way to a mockery of the stillness of night,
and in this stillness, I would sleep
and toss and turn in my restless dreams
of hope and songless winter birds.
Not like the freely flowing love of summer songbirds,
the winter waxwing's cries are sparse and unheard,
yet no less sweet.
I long to know its silent cries,
to hear its heart, so often inscrutable
and feel its warmth from the unwavering wick,
that I might understand how it loves.
Have I ever truly loved?
Unwilling muses come and go,
and I profess my love to the stars,
the flowers, the oceans, the hidden, the liars, the nameless, the winters,
and sometimes they accept
and sometimes they agree
but have I ever truly loved
or been loved?
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cecilitou · 8 months
as i tried not to weep
the crescent moon grinned
in the frigid night.
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cecilitou · 8 months
something so simple:
holding a hand.
it puts my heart in a tumult.
i'll never be content with myself.
i'll never hold my own.
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cecilitou · 9 months
i've dreamt a world for you to live in
a cold and kindly world, sere and sunless.
here your tears fall as gentle as snow
never making a sound,
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cecilitou · 10 months
i found that i am not entirely human, and a strange calm seemed to wash over me. everything and nothing made sense, and i thought about dazai: was this catharsis what he felt every day of his life? i was surrounded on all sides by all kinds of people, but only i stood alone. the sea of bodies undulated and laughed and crashed and cried out, but i stood on an island, alone. alone i stood and alone i stayed, until i washed myself ashore. there was no great pain in this departure, yet my body seemed to create tears on its own, as if it had expected a stronger response. the tears fell, but in my heart i felt nothing at all. my voice quivered, yet the usual pain had not come. have i finally shattered into the million pieces i wanted to become all those years ago? gather me up in your arms, and you'll find room for two hearts in the shell of my being.
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cecilitou · 10 months
like an awl's piercing
i have found my way into your lives.
and i shrink myself away
knowing the hole will be sealed,
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cecilitou · 11 months
As autumn's chill compels the trees to weep their lives away,
so too do I shed my colors with the changing of the seasons
and flee for poignant flames of longing
and hope.
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cecilitou · 1 year
Allayed by you, not by gods, is what I wish: if not for you, would flames of searing passion now lick tortured flesh?
Heichu Monogatari
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cecilitou · 1 year
i find that in reality we all are more similar than we seem. our cries are unheard and ever-present, echoing in a room too dark to see each other. our scars lay open and bleeding, far before and long after we etch relief into flesh.
it seems so calm just after, like everything has stopped. the air grows light and the weight in my chest mercifully falls away. sometimes i run them under the sink, watching blood drain away with the water. it stings, and i look myself in the eyes in the mirror.
the tissues i used to dry the blood lay crumpled in a pile, folded together into a beautiful white rose stained with drops of red. i could fall into a deep sleep at that moment, as i lay on the carpeted floor, staring up at the ceiling, unblemished and unending.
i feel your pain, even if only a fraction. i have wept for you, i would do anything for you. i love you. i love you even if you hate yourself and think everyone else does too. i'll always love you.
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cecilitou · 1 year
I insisted the nights were mine
as the sea beneath my pillow
grew ever more overcast.
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cecilitou · 1 year
malaise fills my heart every night as i try to sleep
something's wrong everything's wrong
the world conspires against my every action
and every moment spent with others is mired in laughter
yet happiness continues to elude me
i am unhappy and i couldn't tell you why
why why why?
there is no respite from a pain i can't identify
i'm so afraid of everything and everyone and i can't do it
i wish everything would stop
i wish the night were forever
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