#and I do mean hostility over the smallest things too
pinktief · 10 months
maybe it's the old age but is anyone else exhausted from how hostile every online space is
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cuppajj · 2 months
I want more fun facts about living in Midnight Lilys kingdom / about Midnight Lily herself. I am curious about every day life in her kingdom.
Outsiders overlook how serene the silver kingdom is with how brutal they can be to everyone else. Through the hostile, deadly forest that protects its borders, and indeed much of the safest entries to Beast Yeast, lies a kingdom ever at work. Ordinary silver fae live most of their days doing what they’ve always done, caring for themselves and their kingdom in whatever duty they have. Under the Beast of Sovereignty, their individuality freedom is as valued as their devotion to her. (Ordinary fae are encouraged to assist in protecting the kingdom; in fact I see some of them hanging around the perimeter or going off to play tricks on unknowing cookies who stray too close.
I need to know more locations and info on Beast Yeast to really say how Midnight Lily has an influence over it, but what I can say is that the ancient history and magic of the Silver Kingdom makes it a slumbering superpower. Ordinary fae rest comfortably and oblivious to the means of Lily’s end, pay no mind to how slaughter is made from the serene and iridescent wildlife. There’s no questioning, only praise. Also a lot of ordinary fae like to hang around Midnight Lily in her garden; most keep a respectful distance doing other things for her, such as singing her songs or tending to her plants, but others are given permission to rebraid her hair or brush the dust off her dress. You’ll often see Lily surrounded by adoring fae who do anything and everything on her behalf.
Which might not be far from the truth; Lily can certainly make every fae in her kingdom stop what they’re doing and do everything for her with unseen devotion, but there hasn’t been a call to action yet.
Silver tree knights remain fiercely loyal to the silver queen. They are the ones who guard the kingdom and go abroad to wherever Lily goes when she leaves it. Their loyalty is expected twice as much now in comparison to their sovereignty; they might actually have little of it anymore, swearing it off when they gave their flavor up. They’re valued highly as loyal guards and soldiers, but anyone who questions that loyalty—or witches forbid the Queen herself—may put a new stigma on them, one that sees them as incomplete at best and unfit for the silver kingdom at worst.
TLDR life is normal but everyone serves Midnight Lily in the smallest of ways. It’s basically become the new culture, as well as being free to do whatever outside of it. And when the kingdom’s tainted by the will of a Beast, fae reflect it in what they do. Still waiting for more BY lore to flesh out Midnight Lily stuff tho
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sillybucket · 1 year
Can we please get Loona from Helluva Boss General Relationship Headcanons? Thanks for your time!
Oh boy , this is actually my first writing request - thank you so much , it really means a lot that you asked me to make this :D ❣️ I hope I got everything right , sorry in advance if I messed something up or if it’s a bit ooc :,I
Loona general relationship headcanons { g/n reader }
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🍃 Warnings 🍃 : there’s a little bit of swearing in some parts , but other than that it’s mostly fluff :)
🐺 . 🐺 . 🐺 . 🐺 . 🐺 . 🐺 . 🐺 . 🐺 . 🐺 . 🐺 . 🐺 .
l🌙l Okay , first of all let’s just say it took a while for the two of you to get this far : Loona has been interested in you for quite some time , but given how insecure she is under her tough exterior she spent months just asking herself if starting a more serious relationship with you was going to work out , if you actually enjoyed being with her or if it was all just a twisted prank to make fun of her … 
Yeah , despite being very aware of her feelings Loona always felt too anxious to talk about them when you were there , so in the end you were probably the one who confessed first . 
l🌙l When the relationship begun Loona was surprised you actually felt the same , and while she was definitely happy she was also still on edge , wondering if you were actually going to stick with her or if this was all just temporary … 
But when she realized that you weren’t going to leave , that you loved her for who she was , Loona started to slowly let her guard down and begun to fully trust you .
l🌙l Now that Loona has opened up to you more , we may begin to talk about what it’s like to date her a bit more in depth : since outside of her work at I.M.P she doesn’t have that many interests , she likes to listen to you talking about the things that you like , and the more she does this the more attached she becomes to you …
Have an hobby that requires specific items ? Loona will get them for you no matter what , and if her coworkers or Blitz ask something about she won’t take it lightly …
“The hell you looking at me for ? This is none of your business !” 
l🌙l Speaking of I.M.P , Moxxie and Millie are both supportive of your relationship , especially since they noticed Loona has become a bit less prone to yell at them during work hours now that you two are dating …
However , Blitz was very , very hostile towards you at first , scared that you were going to end up hurting his daughter ( he may or may not have  considered to murder you at some point ) , and he’d frequently rant about you to both Moxxie and Millie even during killing missions .
“I mean , what does my Loonie even see in them ? They’re just so … so … 
UGH , it doesn’t matter ! That (y/n) better watch their back , cause I’m gonna watch their EVERY fucking move of EVERY fucking second of their day !”
However once he got to know you some more he became used to having you around , and while he’s still sending you a million texts to know if Loona is okay every time you hang out you could say that Blitz has come to trust you over time .
l🌙l Loona’s usual short temper notably changes whenever you’re around … 
Even if she’s had a really bad day , as soon as you enter the room she feels more at ease , and if you sit next to her and pet her head for a while ( she only allows you to do this , NO ONE can pet her head without getting their hand ripped off ) she instantly melts to your touch , leaning in your hand while giving you what seems like a genuine , loving smile . 
Only problem is , you might not be able to get up for a few hours … 
“… hmm … c’mon (y/n) , just a little more … whatever you gotta do can wait .”
l🌙l Aside from her dad no one usually gives gifts to Loona , so if one day you walk in and surprise her with even the smallest thing ( could be some new makeup , a new outfit or even just a meal that she likes , you name it ) , she will remain speechless …
If the two of you are alone at that time she might even give you a hug , and she’ll definitely look for a way to pay you back even if you insist she doesn’t have to . 
l🌙l If you’re a non smoker or simply don’t like the smell of cigarettes Loona is going to try and smoke as less as possible whenever you’re together , though this might bring to her being a bit more nervous … 
Just cuddle her for a while and she’s going to feel much better , and she might even consider to quit smoking more often if that means getting you to give her affection . 
l🌙l If there’s one thing Loona absolutely hates , that’s definitely having to go get her Hellbies S.H.O.T … 
She’s terrified of needles , even the thought of them makes her uncomfortable , so usually you and Blitz are the ones that bring her to the hospital ( he insists he needs to be there , no matter how much trust he has in you he’ll come along anyway ) : 
normally if she was alone with Blitz Loona would rebel as much as possible to avoid getting the shot , running around the doctor’s office and throwing around all the objects she can get her hands on , but if you’re there … well , that changes things . 
Hold her hand through the entire process and she’ll do her best to stay still , keeping her eyes closed to avoid watching the needle enter her skin and panic , and if you praise her and tell her she did great when the three of you get out of the hospital Loona will definitely be happy .
“Thanks (y/n) … this … it really means a lot .” 
l🌙l Loona is very protective of you , and if someone , anyone dares to insult you or worse , tries to put their hands of you , she absolutely won’t hesitate to tear that demon to shreds : no one touches her partner and gets to just walk away afterwards . 
“That’s what you get you bitch , if I ever see you near them again I’ll fucking kill you !” 
l🌙l Sometimes Vortex likes to invite you and Loona to his girlfriend’s parties in the Gluttony ring , and given how anxious she gets during those kind of very crowded events Loona is going to stay near you at all times … in this case , just holding her hand is going to make her feel way less nervous .
She finds comfort in your presence , you’ve truly become Loona’s safe space and while she’s not really the sappy type she can’t help but feel grateful to have someone like you by her side , making her life down that literal hellhole much more tolerable .
🐺 . 🐺 . 🐺 . 🐺 . 🐺 . 🐺 . 🐺 . 🐺 . 🐺 . 🐺 . 🐺 .
Thank you so much for reading this until the end :D ❣️
At some point I really got into it , so I might’ve made these headcanons a bit too long … sorry about that , I hope it didn’t make them boring ! Make sure to leave some feedback if you feel like it :) ❤️
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love-beyond-space-war · 8 months
Atriox x Female Civilian Pet Reader; has really long hair down to her bottom and has the same braids and war face paint has him
❤️ Your TUMBLER! Keep it up 👍🏼!
Oh hey! I know you on my main blog :) Sure! I'm happy you enjoy my Tumblr(s). Made these HCs if that's fine, I don't have a lot of those on this blog. Not fully proofread, sorry for mistakes!
Atriox x Female! Civilian Pet! Reader
Synopsis: HCs of Atriox caring for a young human woman like a pet and companion.
Content Warnings: Romantic Pairing, Female Reader, Human/Jiralhanae pair, Human pets mention, Slight degrading behavior, Some possessive/protective behavior, Leans into dark territory at times but I kept it light, Canon typical violence.
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You are easily Atriox's most prized companion.
He is fine with humans as some Banished are actually human.
Although... you're different.
You are no fighter, you aren't meant to be.
No, instead you were taken in as some sort of "pet" for Atriox after having nowhere else to go.
Despite this... the Banished leader treats you with care.
Care enough to leave his mark on you, anyways.
By that I mean he models your looks in his image.
He has your long grown out hair braided similar to his beard.
He's careful with it, probably doing it himself as you sit very still.
That along with similar face paint to what he wears.
When people see the skull-like war paint on your face... they'll associate you with Atriox.
Which is exactly what Atriox wants.
I say this as I imagine Jiralhanae are possessive of what's theirs.
If Atriox has claimed you as his human companion, a pet to pamper and coddle, then he wants the rest of The Banished to know.
Another way to show you're claimed is him dictating what you wear.
Atriox probably has Banished humans get your size then create human armor tinged a crimson red.
You're dressed like a warrior, even if you couldn't harm even the smallest creature.
That isn't your role... your role is to attend to the needs Atriox has.
Atriox has Banished members close to him, yet you're closest to him.
Atriox always has you around him.
Even during meetings others will catch him holding onto you, a young human woman dressed in Banished paint and clothing, sitting beside or on the large Jiralhanae.
The role itself is a bit degrading.
Yet Atriox doesn't harm you, surprisingly.
Atriox could slaughter or have others slaughter countless humans who oppose him.
Yet then he comes back to you and gently brushes his claws against your cheek or rubs your head.
You reciprocate, too.
Perhaps you were against this role in the start... but now you respect and maybe even adore Atriox.
He's your leader... a master probably... and the one who tends to you.
You can be Atriox is hesitant or even hostile to the idea of having other members around you.
They may speak to you briefly... but he will cut them off if they are too close.
He's possessive and dislikes the attention others give you.
However, he is quickly reassured when you go back to clinging to him and listening to his words.
Atriox finds pride in how well you listen to him.
If he asked you to roll over, you probably would.
As a result... your loyalty rewards you freedoms.
After all, he's already dressed you like him to show others not to touch you.
You can roam Banished areas as long as you come back to him.
Atriox keeps you clean and makes sure when you sleep it's in comfort.
If someone advised against him caring for you they'd be dealt with.
Atriox may not show it but he loves it when you declare your devotion to him.
Tell him you love him... tell him you're his... show your loyalty and he'll praise you.
He's taught you well, no?
Atriox definitely seems like he'd keep you in his lap.
His prized lap dog.
I imagine when it comes to treating you like a pet he'd call you things like, idk, "Good Girl?"
Again, it can sound degrading, but he means it in an oddly affectionate tone.
Especially when he says it while squeezing you tight or tracing a claw around your cheek.
I imagine if Atriox dies he'd have it set for you to go to who's next in charge.
He hates the idea of giving you to some other Jiralhanae... but he'll give you to someone he trusts to be cared for.
Which would most likely be Decimus or Escharum.
So despite your position, Atriox would take care of you.
You're protected... and in a way loved.
Atriox may not fully see you like he'd see a mate, but it's pretty darn close.
He is surprisingly caring towards you in private.
If you got injured he'd no doubt kill whoever allowed it to happen.
Atriox hasn't cared for any human as much as you.
You may be considered a pet to most others...
But to Atriox? You're most likely much more than that.
Which brings you a strange, but welcome sense of comfort when you see him.
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inkblot22 · 6 months
Idia and the expression of displeasure
Uh, shoutout to that guy who I thought was my friend, asked me if I wanted to hook up despite being over 1000 some-odd miles away, despite me being very openly not that into men and, more importantly, telling him very clearly that I have no interest in dating him specifically. You're so cool for that, man. I just love to feel like an object. The "something about me" is the crippling c-PTSD, anxiety, and possible psychotic illness rotting my brain and your reading of me as a "Creepy Goth Chick", thank you.
Anyway, I hope I was able to direct that shitty man behavior onto our beloved Idia. I did tag you, it's later on and if you'd like me to remove it, I can absolutely do so, just let me know. Also all I can think about is this vine.
Dividers by @/cafekitsune
TW for verbal abuse, manipulation, emotional abuse, captivity, use of a shock collar, mention of physical abuse, Idia is an asshole, abusive relationship dynamics, lack of communication.
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Idia is the type of person to believe he is pragmatic, when, in reality, he is rather mercurial. He will fly off the handle at the smallest thing but be completely unbothered by larger issues.
I imagine this could lead to a few problems for his dear, sweet partner. (By the way, I refer to Idia’s darling as his partner because that is what they have rationalized their situation to be, currently: they are Idia's captive partner. Idia doesn’t label them very often, and although he does call them his partner, he definitely sees them as an endearing pest, kind of. Despite them being there because of him, he often acts like they're a mouse or roach that popped up one day and he grew attached to.)
Idia is not the type to like striking or physically harming his partner. He’s the type to get rude and nasty, and play victim. This does not mean he doesn’t ever physically harm his partner.
See, that shock collar around their neck? We have previously established that this is connected to his technomantic energy, and his technomantic energy is connected to his inherent magic ability.
The collar is set up with a warning system. If Idia’s partner does anything he remotely dislikes or any set of pre-established actions that they are not made aware of, they will receive three low-voltage, quick-tap jolts of electricity right against the column of their pretty throat.
These actions include, but are not limited to: acting in any way to harm Ortho or Idia, attempting to harm themselves (this one had to be added after the hanger incident), walking too close to the door or the covered-up window, touching any of Idia’s current or past projects without permission, touching Idia’s gaming setup, ignoring Ortho (this only is put in place if Idia’s partner is hostile towards Ortho at any point, even just once) and refusing any food or drink given to them by Idia specifically. It's important to reiterate that Idia has not told his partner literally any of these rules. Much like the ways that some people train a dog, they have to learn the hard way.
After the three taps, Idia’s emotions and/or intentions dictate how intense the next shock is. Sometimes it’s a bored little zap, like a fourth warning to cut it out before he gets mad, sometimes it’s a rolling pulse that pulls them away from whatever they’re doing, sometimes it’s a tidal wave that literally brings them to their knees and makes them throw up. It really depends on the most annoying kidnapper in the world. 
Idia is very aware that holding this person hostage because of his own predilections and perversions is a wildly morally incorrect thing to do, but Idia also doesn’t give a steaming shit. He’s been given what he wants, having grown up as a member of the upper crust, and if he doesn’t get it given to him, he finds a way to get it.
This means that, as much as we all love him, Idia is a whiny pisslord. The second his partner doesn’t do what he wants, he’s grumbling about it, he’s whining, playing victim, getting huffy.
While that might not sound bad, please remember that Idia’s partner has a bunch of exposed wires situated with the intent of shocking them around their neck at all times, and the shock collar is connected to Idia’s emotions. While getting shocked in a more violent manner isn’t very common for them, it can still happen, and therefore it's possibly best to do a little eggshell walking.
Besides that, it’s not very pleasant to be around someone who is so volatile, even if at their most disappointed they just complain for a few hours or days. Having to deal with someone else’s displeasure in life while being more or less unable to discuss your own does not do wonders for your mental health.
Let’s go over some scenarios and the punishments connected to them.
Idia has been playing some online fighting game all day, pretty much ignoring his partner. He hears them move during a cooldown between matches, turns around in his chair, and asks demands that they come over and let him kiss them a little. Of course, Idia’s partner declines. In this situation, Idia would usually get upset and complain about it for a while, name calling included. His words and mood definitely have the vibe of, “How dare you breathe around me and then not let me touch and kiss you. That’s just leading me on, breathing around me.”
Idia’s partner made some cup noodles while Idia was taking a nap after he raged all night and well into the afternoon. He wakes up and sees them sitting in his gaming chair, facing away from his computer and eating. In this situation, Idia would straight up zap them for two reasons. Number one, they didn’t make him anything to eat, and number two, they’re not supposed to be sitting in his chair or at his desk. Anywhere near his computer/anything that could possibly be used to contact someone on the outside without supervision is a huge issue. Keep in mind that he never deigned to share this rather important rule with his partner.
Idia’s partner has a bad day and snaps at Ortho, shoving him away very, very gently. It almost goes without saying; they’re getting zapped to the point of unconsciousness, because Idia panics and then gets mad, in that order and in rapid succession. The emotions blend together for a moment which makes the jolt stronger. This is when the “no ignoring Ortho” rule would be implemented, because they’d better be really nice to Ortho for the next few months before Idia decides he can trust the two of them to interact without his watchful eye. He trusts his little brother, but he doesn’t trust his partner.
In honor of a certain discussion I had with @tht0nesimp (thank you so much, you're very insightful,) Idia’s partner has a meltdown (understandably) and starts throwing things, including a glass of water that was brought to them after they had a bit of a cry in the shower (stay hydrated, everyone.) The glass, still with the water in it, sails across the room and clocks Idia right in his pretty face, ideally breaking his nose. While it’d be understandable to assume that Idia would be mad enough to hit his partner with a jolt of electricity that would bring them to their knees, Idia is sensible enough to understand that this is a display of some form of hysterical emotions that his partner has been bottling up until this point. Therefore, instead of electrocuting his partner, he just starts complaining, more loudly than usual. It is not peculiar for his voice to rise in volume but not in inflection, we hear this in game, but imagine that just a bit louder and more whiny.
“Wow, and here I thought you were an adult. I can’t believe you can’t even control your emotions.”
“My nose hurts. No, don’t apologize. It’s your fault anyway. I don’t even want to know what you’d do if you were really mad.”
“If you want to make it up to me, you could- don’t make that face. Whatever, I knew you weren’t being serious. Whatever. Just ask Ortho to get me an ice pack and go sit somewhere away from me. It's fine. It's fine!”
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obsidiancreates · 8 months
Seriously, it drives me nuts that occasionally the characters closest to Shawn will say that they do recognize that he has some severe issues, but never in a like... way that suggest they... care?
Like, Jules outright says she knows Shawn doesn't even know what a healthy, loving family looks like- she says it to Shawn's face, as an attack on him, and then never brings it up again even when they're dating and she sees his dad be awful to him and sees how despite all that Shawn loves his father enough to do anything to keep him in his life.
Gus says more than once an outright "You've got issues." he knows Shawn is incapable of turning off his detective brain, knows Shawn is dangerously reckless with his own life, and was present for moments of Shawn's upbringing that showed how Henry never allowed Shawn to have even the smallest boundaries. He still doesn't seem to grasp that hey, yeah, Shawn having issues means Shawn has issues.
Henry always goes in on Shawn about his lack of boundaries, lack of respect for authority, lack of safety- but Henry never allowed Shawn to have boundaries or taught Shawn what appropriate boundaries even are, he taught Shawn that authority is Relative with his attitude towards superiors he was displeased with (I respect Shawn for this one- but Henry doesn't and I'm just saying Henry is responsible for this thing he hates in his son), and spent Shawn's whole life telling him "You are destined to be a man who puts his life on the line every single day, and you have no choice in that matter." And then Henry claims no responsibility for these traits in his son, insisting Shawn just developed them out of thin air.
I just- everyone shows they're aware that Shawn has some serious issues, but none of them like... care? Shawn has no concept of boundaries, he shows he has no concept of them, it's treated as though he does and is willfully ignoring rather than just genuinely lacking any understanding. He shows, over and over, that he is genuinely just not capable of comprehending what going too far is- he's always genuinely confused by how bothered people get, because he's had his boundaries crossed and ignored an stepped on so much throughout his life that he just doesn't know what they are, in general.
He often shows genuinely reluctance and regret when he deduces something he knows will upset someone but is met with hostility while expressing that deduction, no matter how many caveats or "maybe not" or margins of error he pads it with, and they treat it like he's being malicious and it just-
I have so much more to say but I'm starting to shake a lil' so I'll probably elaborate again another time.
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fever-project · 2 months
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What if the LU guys get cursed into beings of endless agony. What then. Idk, I’m kicking and screaming to not get back into my creepypasta phase(I don’t think it’s working) and I finally watched a few mlp infection aus(basically zombie aus). I got inspired. Please ignore the crappy names I gave them, I just felt like I needed to put something there. The colors are also off(I didn’t even properly color Marin, I just blocked out the shapes). I got lore for them ig and reason for why. Yeag
So it’s like an au where the black blood can like, infect people, specifically the Links. Marin, the Dream Granter, comes from Legend’s infection. He gets trapped in a twisted version of Koholint with that thing chasing him around. He has to wake himself up by speed running getting all the instruments and waking the Wind Fish all over again. All the while plant-based body horror is happening to his actual body. Plant-based body horror actually freaks me out so bad, so I can’t draw that hah. But he will free himself in the end and will be coughing up various plant things for weeks. He’s overall fine physically in the end 👍
Warriors is the smallest one I drew, Heroic Face. He’s actually coated in black blood, and crying it out. Eyeless Jack looking mf lamo. He hostile to everyone, but can eventually be talked back into reality. The Links cannot fight him, he’s used to fighting many enemies at once. He keeps mumbling about not being an actual hero, about the war, about how different he is compared to the other Links. So, they enlist in the power of friendship to help snap him out of it. Of course, that’s not all they have to do, they also then need to beat him into next Tuesday. Wars will still be fighting them, he can’t control that, but he will hold himself back for a moments, letting them get a few hits in. At the end, he’s better mentally over all. Physically, he won’t really be able to move much for a while.
Idk how Ravio would work tbh, maybe even after being infected he would act like his usual self for a while. But over time, he’d get more and more aggressive, hating things that bare any sort of resemblance to him. Of course that mean he would eventually go after Legend and the other Links as well. I’d image there is a giant maw under his bunny head, he would try to bite his friends and also just try to attack them any way he can. They have to smash the mirror to finish the first phase, after that he’ll be inconsolable, unable to be reasoned with at all. Before that he’s more aware of what he’s doing, but can’t really stop himself too much. It’s like the opposite of Warriors fight. They still need to beat him into next Tuesday. He’s doing terrible at the end, physically AND mentally. Though being technically a Link, huh.
I’m also thinking of it infecting the Zelda’s as well, but idk yet. Idk if I’ll continue this. Tell me if you want more ig lol.
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eddygoldarm · 20 days
Could you just do like a headcannon drop? About any character I don't mind!
Okay I'm gonna use this post to HC drop about the general lore I built myself since I started playing the game in 2018. It deviates a bit from the Starr Park/arg stuff, there are some things that I don't personally like and that "destroyed" my view of this world so I'm willingly ignoring some of it, in favor of my own little narrative. It's just me taking bricks and making a fun little house, don't be mean about it. If you find things that could be interesting feel free to share them.
Okay so, in my head, BS takes place in some kind of post-apocalyptic wasteland in the future. It's not as bad as in fallout lol, but something happened that made most of the land dry and hostile. It's now inhabited by a small number of communities, but also by criminals, robots and strange creatures, mutated by the radiation emitted by the purple gems.
The gems are probably what caused the event in the past, most people were affectes by this, and are mutants to some degree. Some humans gained subhuman abilities : better strengh, perception, regeneration, intelligence, or even powers like invisibility or shooting lasers. And some robots, plants or animals gained intelligence, making them human-like. This turned the land into a melting-pot of many creatures and cultures, most of them trying to emulate what was before them (that's why we have places like Oldtown and Retropolis).
Of course, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, this being an hostile environnement, there were many tensions between the people of the land. And many fights were held over ressources, mostly the gems, who were an invaluable source of energy. In order to solve the tensions, and to protect the innocent, two main things were done :
Some people stood up as mediators in order to limit the conflicts and arrest criminals. They later united and founded the Park Rangers. They're now the ones who keep order in the land and protect the innocent.
Some others, with the hopes of uniting the people, opened a modest but colorful fair, right in the middle of the desert. This surprisingly worked, the fair quickly becoming a beacon of union and harmony in the lonely badlands, were no conflict was allowed, only fun and friendship. Understanding their common goal, the fair and the rangers partnered together to make the frontier a better place.
Eventually, the fair was bought by a powerful family of the land, and started to develop even more, and taking inspiration from the environnement to create more and more impressive attractions. It's become what we know today at Starr Park. While it is a place of fun and joy, few people know what's really going on behind the scenes, and what their final goal is. Sadly, it has become so powerful today, that everyone who tries to fight it gets pinned down as an ennemy.
Today, while it is still hostile, the frontier is a way better place than it was before thanks to the efforts of its inhabitants. But who knows for how long?
So that's about it. Now I'll list most of the factions (trios) of the world and were I think they belong to. It's basically divided between the people who work at Starr Park and the rest of the frontier, so :
-The frontier/Oldtown: It's the smallest city of the frontier, it's very isolated, and has kept the charm of and old desert town. Because of this, many criminals lurk around, and a lot of people leave, attracted by the bigger cities. The Rangers, Townsfolk, Junkers, Mystics, Miners, and Goldarm gang hang around here. The stuntshow and mexican entertainers (wtf is this name) also live around here but they also do shows for Starr Park.
-The jungle : Far removed from the civilisation, it is a wild and luxurious, but even more dangerous place than the desert. They say if you go too deep, you will come back cursed. The Shaman tribe, Enchanted forest and Biologists hang around here. The biodome, at the limit of the forest, is a research laboratory dedicated to preserving and observing the mutated wildlife of the area, they are partly financed by Starr Park.
-Retropolis : A more developed city in the desert, it has a dark 50's aesthetic. It is a safer place than Oldtown, but it is still riddled by gangs. The Arcade and Retropolis gang hang around here.
-Super City : A big city with skyscrappers, a bit removed from the desert, most of the people have moved here now, but it is still often attacked by kaijus. The Superheroes hang around here, and most of the people who work at Starr Park live here (Starr theater, Brawlywood, Gift Shop, Candyland...)
-The BAD badlands, very creepy and dark place, were mutants are numerous. The Undeads and Swamp creatures, and bizarre circus live around here.
-Starr Park : A place of joy and fun, throning in the middle of the frontier! A lot of the brawlers work/live here. The Starr Park hub bots reside here permanently.
-The sea : There is a beach, it's one of the only safe places in the frontier. If you don't mind the pirates and mutant fish of course, the pirates and deep sea trios hang around here.
-There is a train connecting all these parts of the lands, but they say not to stay too long in it, or you might end up lost forever!! The ghost train people hang around here.
Edit : I forgot about Starr Force, they live in space but sometimes the ship lands in the desert which causes a lot of mayhem.
The distinction between who works at SP and who doesn't isn't really clear so maybe I should make a tier list or something idk 😭😭 In the actual lore I think they all work more or less for it but I prefer them all to be seperated, they feel more independant this way idk.
Anyway that's about it, I hope you enjoyed my stupide lore soup?
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tsarisfanfiction · 5 months
Butterfly Effect
Fandom: Trials of Apollo Rating: Gen Genre: Family/Angst Characters: Apollo, Lee, Michael, Will Being the god of prophecy, Apollo saw many things, including the futures that could never come to pass. TOApril day 18 - In The Next Lifetime, although I misremembered it as In Another Lifetime, so that's actually what I went with. Close enough, right?
The thing with being the god of prophecy was that Apollo saw things.  Many things, many futures, all delicately tangled together and fragile enough to be altered beyond recognition by the smallest, most insignificant-seeming thing.  Mortals called it the Butterfly Effect, the concept that even the simple flutter of a butterfly’s wings could escalate into something so extreme it was unrecognisable from its original form.
The rise of Kronos was infinitely more disruptive than a single butterfly could ever hope to be, and yes, Apollo had seen plenty of futures to do with that, too, possibilities where Kronos had rose and won, where he’d risen and lost, where exactly what had happened had come to pass.  Still, it had been a shift in the Fates’ strings that was easily trackable and even more easily curseable.
Apollo had seen many futures that would never happen, and some of those came with relief, while others he grieved with every molecule of his essence, because they had been good futures, so much better than the way the future had evolved so far.  It hurt to think about them, but he also revelled in them, tearing his heart apart as his perfect recall showed them to him again and again – the what could have beens.  The what should have beens, if Kronos hadn’t risen, if a thousand butterflies hadn’t flapped their wings in those exact spots and collided into a hurricane that attempted to destroy the world.
Just because it had failed in that didn’t mean it hadn’t failed in destroying many, many other things in the process.  Worse futures, yes, but also better ones, and there were times when Apollo couldn’t help but wallow, just for a while.
“No, no, you’re not stupid.”  Lee smiled at the young child sitting the other side of the desk.  His suit jacket fit him perfectly, or would have done if he’d been wearing it, but instead it was thrown carelessly over the back of a chair, and the tie that was supposed to be snug in the hollow of his throat was loose and floating down somewhere near the second button of his shirt.  “It’s the letters that are stupid.  They never stay still for me – do they keep moving for you, too?”
The child – seven or eight years old, perhaps, and looking like they were a single wrong word away from either bursting into tears or storming out of the room in a screaming fit – visibly faltered, looking up at Lee with wide, startled eyes.
“They move for you, too?” they asked, and there was wonder in their voice; they were too young to have worked out how to try and hide their emotions, and Apollo was glad for that, because young children shouldn’t know how to hide emotions.
Nor should older children, but life always collected its dues eventually.
“They do,” Lee confirmed.  “How about we try a few tricks to get them to behave a bit?  It won’t be easy, but I bet you’re more stubborn than the letters are.”
Clearly, those were the magic words, because the rest of the hostility drained away from the child, to be replaced with determination.  Lee had always been good with children, had always known exactly what to say to make them feel like he was with them, that they weren’t stupid for whatever emotions they were feeling at the time.
He made a good teacher.
He would have made a good teacher, if he hadn’t died when butterflies created hurricanes and the result was a giant’s club caving in the skull of Apollo’s son, sending him straight to the Underworld for the rest of his existence.
That was the future-that-had-happened that Apollo didn’t like to dwell on, if he could help it.  Not when there were what-ifs that were so, so much better, for all that they hurt in their impossibility.
“Get back here, you little shit!” a man snarled, stalking towards a slightly run-down, clearly low-funded building.  A preteen, or perhaps a growth-stunted young teenager, darted inside ahead of them, breathing hard with tears running down their face and a stuffed bag on their back.  Probably not homeless, but desperate nonetheless, if they were fleeing towards child services.
The child got in just fine, running straight to a desk and gasping out pleas for help even as they nervously looked back over their shoulder.  Lizzie stood up immediately, ushering them deeper inside the building and sending a single, poisonous look over her shoulder at the angry man that was so clearly a threat.  “You’re not welcome here,” she said.  “Leave.”
“Don’t you know who I am?” the man roared, but Lizzy didn’t give him any more of her attention, completely blanking the intruder as she coaxed the scared child into an office, out of sight.  She didn’t need to.
“We don’t give a shit,” Michael said, initially overlooked in the presence of his taller, more colourful sister but dragging the man’s attention to him with ease.  “You could be the fucking king of England for all I care.  You’re not fucking welcome here.”  Lizzy had been dressed for comfort, oozing vibes of big sister or cool aunt.  Michael was dressed for fighting.
A mortal wouldn’t recognise it, straight away, although if they were paying attention they might have noticed that he was carrying.  He wasn’t dressed like a typical security guard, but despite being barely taller than the child they were protecting, he carried himself with all the confidence of someone who knew who was going to win in a fight – and that it wasn’t their opponent.  To someone familiar with demigods, though, the clothing was clearly an outfit that wouldn’t get in his way if he had to move quickly, or agilely.
The man getting offended at his attitude was predictable.  So was Michael’s escalation, when the man got aggressive and started to storm towards him.
“Fuckers like you make me sick,” he spat, drawing a weapon.  Not a bow – concessions had to be made for the mortal world – but any ranged weapon was putty in the hands of an Apollo kid, and Michael was old enough to know which one was the best in any given situation.  Clearly, it wasn’t a gun situation, but tasers were just as effective at stopping abusers in their tracks.
Maybe if Michael had had a taser on the bridge, he could have one day reached that future, the one where he helped to protect children trying to escape their abusers the same way he’d once needed (and hadn’t got).  Maybe that would have caused another butterfly, and spared his life.  Maybe Lizzy would have survived that night, too, if she’d been closer to her younger siblings, if they’d worked together rather than apart.
Too many what-ifs.  Too many brighter futures where his children were still alive that hadn’t happened, because Kronos had risen and his children had paid the price.  Even the ones that were still alive struggled in ways they wouldn’t have done, in a different lifetime.  Apollo had seen Will sitting calmly in a paediatric ward, changing bandages and applying band-aids with children’s favourite fictional characters to insignificant boo-boos, in another future that would never happen, now.  Not with too much war trauma, too much reliance on his healing powers rather than skills to be able to sit in a mortal hospital.
Will wasn’t dead, not yet – and Apollo hoped he would live for many, many more years, that the futures where he dies a teenager wouldn’t come true – but the wars took from him, too.  He’d never be free of the demigod world, even if Apollo was still partial to the future where Will established himself as a permanent supervisory adult at Camp Half-Blood to help keep the children there alive.
Any future where the children – his, and the other demigods, and all children, actually – survived to adulthood and thrived was a good one, in Apollo’s books.
If only it actually came to pass more often.
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shortest-jorts · 2 years
Scary isn’t a villain.
I had to say it somewhere.
I’m writing a character analysis essay on this, so I’m not posting my full thoughts here just yet, but I have to get this off my chest.
Scary Marlowe is not a villain. She’s a tragic figure. Albeit, her tragedy is biblical in proportion, and it’s a bit hard to sympathize with her as a character, but she is still tragic in nature. By definition, a tragic hero is a character who faces difficulty and eventual downfall at the hands of some intrinsic fatal flaw within. While I don’t think Scary is going to face literal downfall - after all, she’s still one of four main characters in a long-running podcast - I do believe her flaws and weaknesses need to be seen in the greater context. Scary’s fatal flaw is her hostility and her wallowing, I think we can all agree on that; she’s a lonely figure who seeks out someone, anyone who will understand, and she lashes out to the ones that don’t get it. She hurts the people she loves because she projects her self-hatred onto others. Simply put, it’s hostility rooted in self-loathing, rationalized by the idea that anyone who thinks her worthy of love must themselves deserve repercussions for their poor judgement. She refuses to be empathized with because she refuses to let her guard down, knowing that she’s already so broken that the smallest chip in her armor will make her shatter like glass. She drives people away because deep down, she knows whoever actually will understand her must be “dark and twisted” like her.
And what do you know. William Stampler. Dark, twisted, morally bankrupt, the most detestable villain I’ve seen in a while. As if being abusive and hateful wasn’t enough, he exploits a young girl that he can see weakness and naïveté in. He knows she’s impressionable enough to get her on his side with enough emotional bribery (and magical bribery too). I think sometimes fans forget that Scary is a fourteen or fifteen year old girl. She’s a kid. Not only does she not know better, she finds comfort in shutting out the ones that do. Though she may be hostile and contemptuous, it is Willy that fueled the destructive flame. She’s a victim of manipulation, and her clear need for help is answered by the worst possible human to help a child. He uses her, and it was never the other way around.
Her relationship with violence is obviously harmful on a good day and massively destructive on a bad one, but it’s worth noting that she often is short-sighted when it comes to consequences. Whether she means to hurt or kill anyone she’s done so too is really up to interpretation of the nitty gritty, but it’s clear she doesn’t fully understand the repercussions of her actions. She thinks she’s in the right, and I’ll admit that anyone who commits violence thinks they’re in the right. Scary is really a matter of nature and nurture, being fed only the idea that violence can solve her problems and not that there’s a functional better way. The one person who actually did, to his credit, fully understand her, used it to take advantage of her. She’s correct in saying that no one understands, but this doesn’t discount the fact that she makes herself hard to understand. She fears being perceived in a way that won’t validate her hostility.
Scary is not just one thing. She’s not a hero, she’s not a villain, not a victim or a perpetrator or a redeemable figure. She’s all of it at once. Scary is complex and should be allowed to be such.
Stay tuned for my extremely nitty gritty and over-complicated character analysis essay about Scary, because when they say brain rot is a disease, they mean it’s debilitating.
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starlitangels · 1 year
Falling Stars
@ryn-halo26​ You asked if I was ever gonna write fics for the Sovereigns and I had this idea in the shower the other day (before the Avior videos dropped) so... here you go! I cried a lot writing it. 1.5k words
Posting this early so when the next Avior video drops and I’m proved wrong about something I can at least say I didn’t know yet lol
“Min’Ara! E’Laetum!” a voice cried. The two Sovereigns whirled. A mass of light and energy whizzed over the heads of the humans and daemons on the ground, pulling to a sharp stop before the enormous physical forms of the Sovereigns.
“Rak’Xit. What are you doing here?” E’Laetum asked, more curious than hostile. Min’Ara was already preparing some sort of magic if this turned violent.
Rak’Xit hovered, his energy spinning fast. “I made a mistake,” he said.
“You’ll have to be more specific,” Min’Ara said sharply. For the Sovereign of Serenity, aggression lurked between her stars—protective of her beloved starchildren, and the land-born they fought with, to the very end.
Rak’Xit turned his attention to her. “I found the path to the land from the sky,” he said. “I led our kind here. This war is my fault. I want things to end.”
“And how do you plan on doing that?” Min’Ara challenged. “Even switching sides—three Sovereigns aren’t enough compared to the might of the rest of our kin.”
“Dear, loving Min’Ara,” Rak’Xit said softly. “Large amounts of power mean nothing. If this conflict has taught me anything, it’s that the smallest of forces are the ones that tip the scale.” He looked across the human and daemon forces.
“What... do you mean?” E’Laetum asked.
“Three Sovereigns may not be enough—but hundreds or thousands more land-borns with magic will be.”
Realization dawned on Min’Ara’s face. “How are you going to do that?” she asked. “None of us are strong enough to give that many land-borns magic and survive.”
“I don’t plan on surviving.”
“Rak’Xit, wait. There must be another way—” E’Laetum tried.
“There is no other way. My mind is made up. Thank you, both. For helping me realize my part in this. And what I can do to try to make things right.”
“Rak’Xit...” Min’Ara whispered.
“It’s alright, you two. I know what this means. I accept it. Love your starchildren and the land-born to the end, understand?”
“Of course,” E’Laetum and Min’Ara said at the same time.
The buildup of Rak’Xit’s magical energy took less than a moment. In an explosion of light, his formless being shattered into countless shards, shooting away from the assembled daemon and magical-human forces, toward the nearest non-magic humans like falling stars.
Min’Ara and E’Laetum watched the lights disappear past the horizon.
“Brachium!” Min’Ara called.
In a moment, the daemon slid to a stop at the feet of the two Sovereigns. “Lady Min’Ara,” he greeted with a duck of his head. “How may I assist?”
Min’Ara knelt to look the daemon more directly in the eye, considering how much larger Sovereigns were from their starchildren and the land-born. “I need you to take as many of your brothers and sisters as you can to the surrounding areas. Countless land-born are about to emerge with gifts. They can turn the tide of the conflict, but we need them here, and we need them to understand their gifts. I trust no one more than you to show them. Please, dear Brachium.”
Gentle teal eyes widened at her. “Of course, Lady Min’Ara. Right away,” Brachium said. He bent slightly at the waist before turning and disappearing into the assembled forces.
Min’Ara straightened, standing, throwing some of her teal hair away from her face. “We can only hope this works,” she said softly to E’Laetum. “That his sacrifice wasn’t in vain.”
“We’ll make sure it wasn’t,” E’Laetum promised. “We’ll free the land-born from our brothers and sisters, and make sure all starchildren are safe too.”
Min’Ara nodded. “Of course.”
“Traitors!” a familiar voice snarled. E’Laetum and Min’Ara both turned to attack at the same moment. A’Xerahn took both strikes and barely flinched. “You would betray your own kind? For your starchildren?”
“For being a being of Desire, you have nothing in your heart,” E’Laetum snapped. A bolt of pink light streaked from his palm that A’Xerahn barely dodged.
Min’Ara grabbed at A’Xerahn, restraining him. “Please. Surrender now, and it won’t have to end the way it’s going to,” she said, her soft tone cutting perfectly over the bedlam.
“To the starchildren and the land-born? Ha!” A’Xerahn spat. “I do not bow to slaves.”
A low roar of raging magic thrummed between E’Laetum’s stars. “They’re not—”
“E’Laetum. He can’t understand that,” Min’Ara bit out, struggling to hold A’Xerahn in place. “He has no love for anyone or anything!”
The Sovereign of Desire laughed derisively. “The two of you were always pathetic,” he spat. “Starchildren are disposable servants—and land-born are even weaker.”
“You’re wrong,” E’Laetum said quietly. “They are children to be shepherded. Cared for. Loved, and capable of love.” He met Min’Ara’s eyes over A’Xerahn’s shoulder. “It’s time.”
Min’Ara nodded. “Brachium! Now!” she shouted. Her voice rang across the entire battlefield.
In the distance, magic started building. 
“Wh—what...?” A’Xerahn breathed. “What is that?”
E’Laetum and Min’Ara locked eyes. “Reinforcements.”
Brachium and his team led the new magic land-born—the waves and waves of unspecialized empowereds—to the fight.
“Where did they come from?”
“You underestimated the empathy of the Inchoate,” Min’Ara growled in A’Xerahn’s ear.
“Lady Min’Ara?” a familiar voice chimed. 
She turned and knelt. “Yes, my dear Brachium?”
He met her eyes. “This isn’t over. The rest of the Sovereigns were defeated, yes. But they cannot be left in the darkness without being watched.” He looked back at his team. “We will go into the darkness after them. We will be their wardens. Keep them imprisoned. Until they starve, then we do. And we all cease to exist.”
A tear of starlight dropped from Min’Ara’s eye. “Brachium...”
“It must be done. You and E’Laetum must stay here, with the rest of the starchildren. Me and mine will Walk in Death, and hold the rest of the Skygods at bay. To prevent more war.”
“You don’t know what you’re sacrificing.”
“We do. Our lives will be worth it, to save all the rest. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.”
“But not the worth, my starchild.”
“Lady Min’Ara. This is a sacrifice we make willingly. And we trust it will not be in vain. You have been a kind, loving steward of your starchildren, and we are grateful. Please, allow us to make this decision for you and the rest of the starchildren and land-born. We want to keep them safe.”
Min’Ara shed a few more tears. “Of course, Brachium. If it is what you choose. I will be honored by your choice. My love goes with all of you.”
Brachium nodded. “Thank you, my lady.”
Min’Ara smiled sadly at her starchildren leaving for the darkness with Brachium before tearing open a path between the land and the darkness.
Each starchild stepping through gave her a nod and a bow before they left, with Brachium leaving last of all. “Lead them well, Brachium,” she said.
“Of course.” He stepped through.
E’Laetum wrapped an arm around Min’Ara as she sank to the ground, starlight falling from her eyes. “They made their choice,” he said.
“They gave their lives,” she replied.
“Yes. And it will not be in vain. We will honor their sacrifice,” he promised.
“Lord E’Laetum! Lady Min’Ara!” a voice shouted as a starchild skidded to a stop before them on the ground, throwing curly pink hair away from his face.
“Cetus. What is it, my child?” E’Laetum asked, kneeling.
“The barrier between Aria and the land—it’s crumbling. We fear it does not have long. It will consume the land-born! What do we do?”
E’Laetum stood and met Min’Ara’s gaze. “We have to bolster it.”
“H... how?” Cetus asked, looking scared.
E’Laetum reached up and looped a finger around a strand of Min’Ara’s hair. “We’ll weave a reinforcement.” He gave Min’Ara a significant look. “We’ll have to give it everything we have left,” he whispered to her. “It’s the only way to keep them all safe.”
“Do you believe they’ll be alright without us?” Min’Ara whispered back. She looked out over the land. Slowly being rebuilt after the conflict. The starchildren helping the land-born piece their world back together.
“They’ve come to love one another. United by what hurt them. They’ll be alright,” E’Laetum said.
“I believe so too. I just needed to hear you say it. We will keep them safe.”
E’Laetum smiled sadly at her. “For our starchildren, and the land-born they love.” He knelt again. “Cetus, step back, please.”
The Empathy Daemon backpedalled several steps.
E’Laetum stood and plucked the hair off Min’Ara’s head that he’d looped his finger around. She didn’t even wince as it broke away. E’Laetum pinched one end himself, and handed the other to her. She took it. They both looked out on all they loved one last time before tearing open a rift to Aria, knowing they would never reach home again.
“For our starchildren,” Min’Ara whispered. “And the land-born who love them.”
E’Laetum nodded.
They began pouring their power into the strand of hair between them before even stepping into the rift.
For Brachium’s sacrifice, Min’Ara added silently.
It shut behind them, and closed before it reached Aria.
The Meridian slowly wove into place as the last two free Sovereigns gave themselves to it.
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catesartworks · 2 years
I’m really curious as to what isekai you’ve read because I haven’t really encountered this maid abuse trope as much I mean usually the story makes the maid do some unforgivable shit then she gets beat or it’s usually the villainess that does the beating to show just how morally crooked they are just to glorify the proverbial angelic MC but I digress. the isekai I read are mainly Korean manhwas and they tend to make their mc’s morally righteous (honestly there is a serious problem with how they pit women against each other too and how there’s any lack of other well written women but that is a separate topic) So I got a bit confused at the beginning of your comic ( i’m still thoroughly enjoying it though)
Hey there! Thank you so much for reading Isekai Maid!
I actually saw this comment on my webtoon, but I will answer it here. I've read an unhealthy amount of Rofan/Otome Isekai, so I come across this trope a lot. Here is a list:
Warning, gonna about abuse and some light spoilers
Here is a compiled list of every maid slap I've come across (light spoilers):
Iris: lady and her smartphone - slaps her aunts maids instead of the aunt to teach her aunt a lesson. Only hits the aunt when she is already powerless.
Duchess 50 tea recipes - slaps her employee after coming from a hostile workplace. Talks about how she understands what it's like to be demeaned, only for her to slap and threaten her employees, and then brags about it later internally.
I’m deleting them from my life - slaps a maid for stealing from her instead of just firing her.
Author of my own destiny - slaps a maid twice for giving her dirty water. Throws water on her. We are meant to hate the maid because we know her thoughts. Uses intimidation, knows the maids behavior is due to wanting favor from the countess, who is higher in the social order in the house than the mc.
The lady needs a break - Sleeps in all day, asks for breakfast from staff when breakfast is already long over. Then she slaps maid over food that wasn't good enough. Her stepmother verbally abuses her and she doesn't even consider slapping her even though she is much worse than the maid. Rubia reminds me of customers who came in too late for breakfast, and accused me and coworkers of hiding food or personally withholding it from them. This one makes me especially angry. I see comments celebrating this abuse, and it makes me think that they would cheer for the customers who hurled verbal abuse at me because they were late for the breakfast menu.
Untouchable lady - throws water on maid to “show her her place”
The villainess wants a divorce - Slaps maids for bullying her. She is a princess by the way.
What it takes to be a Villainess- Main character abuses all her maids to see which one is the spy.
Everybody Loves the Villainess- protagonist whips and abuses her maids, she is determined by the reincarnated saint who inhabits her body to not be a bad person who only wanted love only because she doesn’t abuse her stepson. Her maids (except for the pet maid) are deathly afraid of her wrath.
I am the Real One--One of the few titles that actually shows that maid slapping only fosters a negative work environment. The main character tries to connect with others, and is friends with her maid, Rose. (SPOILERS) The only thing I didn't like was how they resolved the "evil maid" in the second timeline.
More thoughts below if you want to read:
The thing about the maid abuse trope is that, to me, it goes out of it's way to make a noble the victim of their own employees who they can fire at any time. It doesn't make any sense either. It takes a lot of leaps in logic to understand why someone, who really needs the money, is of a low social position, can be killed by nobles over the smallest things, would go out of their way to abuse their employer's children or the employer themselves (no matter if they are illegitimate) when the ramifications would be astronomical and life destroying.
It is a trope, I feel, that is mired in a deep disdain for people in the service industry, or in professions deemed "inferior." This is a worldwide problem to be honest, and I see it in the west a lot. It's easier to make the people who work in service jobs "ungrateful and lazy" rather than confronting awful behavior from customers who look down on them.
Whenever I see a maid character who is evil, their behavior usually echos the things that I heard from customers while I was working as a drive thru cashier:
"I'm going to hide the best food from the noble Main character because I'm evil! This noble who employs me can just eat slop hehehe"
Maid characters and their relationship with the protagonists are also a symptom of the unfair relationships that female characters have with each other in this genre. The MC must always be the one in charge. I've seen maids infantilized (Millionaire Divorcee) and become fangirls for the MC with no lives of their own. That or they are used baby machines for nobles and cast aside in backstories (Abandoned Empress, Behold the True Villainess, a ton of titles).
Main characters can be friends with maids, as long as they gush about how pretty she is, how smart and talented she is, and how they would sacrifice their very lives for her. Anything less than that, and they are suddenly horrible, untrustworthy, scheming, they "don't know their place,' they should be taught a lesson.
Power imbalances are glorified. What kind of pains me, is that a lot of these main characters come from the modern world and shouldn't be as tolerant of this abuse of power. The main character's family can abuse her all they want and she can use her words against them. she can make intricate plans to take them down, all without having to use physical violence. Her love interest can grab her, scream at her, isolate her, demean her, and she shrugs it off and gives them the benefit of the doubt.
But when it comes to people of lower status, all bets are off. The MC will use physical violence. She will use threats of violence, slap them, throw water on them. While I get that social dynamics play a part in why she won't do the same to the people who literally had the maids do to this, we often see reincarnated modern women engaging in maid slapping with no thought about the implications.
She is their employer, and many times the lady of the house. She can just fire them, remove their references. Why use physical violence unless she herself wants to hit someone who can't socially fight back? Slap the stepmother, slap the shitty dad. Punch up, not down.
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remedyxtragedy · 4 months
Now, I've already posted plenty of pictures of these characters on my other blog idiosyncraticoffical, however later today I'll either be deleting some pictures permanently or temporarily taking them down so I edit them, since very recently I have tweaked and refined some details involving their backstories, traits, and such alike, and obviously I want the descriptions I share with you all to be as accurate as possible.
It's gonna be a whole lot of work on my half, but ultimately it's probably the best decision. For now, I'll just offer general synopses on them so you get what I'm going on.
I should note, however--some important Idiosyncratic lore--in the town of Baltimore, there are classes. A very strict and rigid system of classes, indeed, and wherever you land on the hierarchy can control subjectively trivial things ranging from who you're allowed to talk to for a given amount of time and what places (restaurants, libraries, hospitals, etc.) you have clearance to enter, all the way to way more major things like what kind of food you have access to--whether its filling and lavish or straight up rancid and mockingly small in proportion--and how aggressive or unpleasant Baltimore citizens will be to you when you're in their presence. There are numerous ways to digress back down on the hierarchy, you can commit a crime that seriously offends Whitman, you can get into a hostile altercation with one of the locals who will not only gladly fight back but will also prompt a Baltimore policeman to rush to their aid (it doesn't matter if there are even police personnel in the vicinity, they always somehow know when one of their own is being attacked), and you can also just fail to perform your daily deeds which are absolutely unnegotiable if you want to survive (actors can eventually choose what deeds they wish to perform, and even do as many as ten in a day, but the daily ones assigned by Whitman himself are mandatory). Ironically enough though, as far as most actors are concerned, there is only one way to consistently rise up the social ladder and that is by doing as is required of you and excelling at it. You can technically also make the townspeople and even the big mayor himself like you and that can boost your reputation and reliability a ton, but not only is that pretty difficult and to some, downright impractical, it would also mean you have to became very active in the community, and most actors much prefer wallowing in their despair and relishing the scarce moments of peace they have over intermingling with the people who pay to see them do unspeakable things, so yeah. Not the most appealing route, for most anyways
The hierarchy goes as followed--
Whitman and his son, Lazlo (Whitman has always made it tremendously clear that he reveres this world he's created, almost as much as he loves money. You'd think the proprietor of a society like this would also be just as unsound and mad as his people and every one of his avid partisans but in truth there's not a single thing more dear to him than the profits he reaps from the constant slaughter and mayhem he orchestrates. He's emphatically the kind of leader who doesn't need to raise his voice, sound alarms at the smallest demonstration of rebellion, or walk with a sense of entitlement wherever he goes to reiterate that he is the one at top and his reign cannot be stopped, he fancies far more calmer and calculated approaches--exploiting his magnetic personality and dazzling wit to get people to grovel beneath him, willingly. That's not to say, however, that he isn't against using methods of violence to get people to play their role in his perverted chess game, hence why he has a massive unit of policemen who ferociously pummel people into mushy pulps when they push the limits of their beloved Mayor's grace a little too far. No one knows who Lazlo's mother is, not that actors even really care, but it's generally assumed it's one of the Baltimore women so as you can imagine the young man is pretty off the rocket, all things considered. He does indeed love his father though, they often take trips together and Whitman happily gets him anything he wants--when he wants it)
Saxony, Mr. Vanausdoll, & Script Directors (all work directly under the big man at top, and they each handle various responsibilities that they tend to all day around, including monitoring/recording the economic activity that goes on in Baltimore, distributing the Whitman propaganda, choosing what deeds are available for the day, and further glorifying the Baltimore way of life in media)
Groundhogs/Rackateers (Very strange fella in masks who never speak and only lurk in the shadows of the Baltimore underbelly, quietly stalking unknowing lower class actors who've hit rock bottom, and taking pictures at the most humiliating and compromising moments of vulnerability which they use for likely unscrupulous means considering these actors are never seen again one they've piqued the interest of these strange underground dealers. It's unsure if they're also in some sense Baltimore Citizens since Whitman seemingly does nothing to restrict their activity, which would suggest that he oversees their operations to some degree, or if they're all actually one of the many factions of actors who've grouped together and found a way to make a living out of some secret illegal market, but that's the less popular and far more confusing theory)
Police department (It probably won't strike you as surprising to know that they are the most fanatic diehards of Whitman, and will do anything to defend his legacy. If you thought changing the views of a Citizen and trying to befriend them was risky enough, approaching a policeman with the same intention is a sure death sentence--a single slip up of your words and they'll immediately switch from being taciturn and mildly irritated to outright aggressive. Most interactions end with the daring actor limping away bruised or beaten, and a lot of their dignity shattered from the brutal castigation they just endured. Needless to say, rumors of what they've done to actors who've failed to heed their commands, resisted arrest, and spoke of Whitman and his hegemony in a way that can just slightly be interpreted cynically has deterred most from trying them as a means to finesse their to the top)
Shareholders and Trade Partners
Baltimore citizens (They're all usually very friendly and outgoing, almost to the extent of it being unnerving, waltzing around the town with their signature big grins and wide unblinking eyes--its impossible to miss them, even though many wish they could. Most Baltimore Citizens or Whitizens, if I may, have been observed come in families of three--typically a mother, father, and a child--but many other relationship dynamics have been observed, some without children entirely. Some not in a relationship at all, like humans love and marriage seems to be something they get involved in at their own accord. Whether or not you're in their good graces, what is almost universally agreed is that interacting with them for an extended period of time is uncomfortable, to say the least. They're simply...not normal, as much as they act like they are. Staring at them for too long is like an uncanny valley. But more importantly, another major characteristic of the citizens is that they all talk with very distinct and unique accents that aren't easy to describe--kind of strong yet pleasing to the ears, kind of like those 1900s American accents that are synonymous with old cartoons and movies. Regardless, lower class actors have grown to dread entering Baltimore during the day because of all the 4,000 or so approximated citizens that reside in Baltimore, you're sure to bump into one while carrying out your errands, and that just spells for disaster. If they're not close enough to enact some form of violence or degradation upon you, they'll insult and swear at you from where they stand and even chuck whatever is closest to them in your direction, even if it happens to be a very jagged saw blade. On the brighter side, if you've managed to work your way to a high class and have repeatedly demonstrated to be a good source of entertainment, they'll be their usual jolly selves around you and if you're even luckier they may even invite you over for dinner, bring you gifts, or offer you tasks in exchange for good money. Stay on their good side, and all will be swell)
Last but not least are the actors (Some actors have the luxury of living in their own humble homes, or having the materials and support to construct their own small communities, but most of them have to get cozy with the ramshackle slums they return to every day after a hard days work. Actors actuallyhave their own mini hierarchy, ranging from Dogs--which is the absolute lowest tier--to then Paupers, Unremarkables, Panjandrums, Splendors, Mavens, Sxtraordinaires, until finally Bravos--which is the absolute highest tier. Strangely enough, no one really knows what happens when you stay stagnant at the lowest tier for too long or when you've ascended so far in Baltimore society that there is no longer a social ladder for you to climb--actors of both spectrums seem to just disappear one day with no evidence to suggest that they even existed to begin with, which is just skin-crawling to actors who are stuck in the limbo of the polars. Dare to do nothing and eventually you're gonna crumble all the way down to society's scrap-eaters, follow the unspoken actor motto of 'do what you must and thensome' and eventually you'll find yourself at the tippy top of the anarchy, only a shell of the person you used to be, broken and scarred, awaiting the legendary 'light at the end of the tunnel' Whitman always promised you--your faith ultimately and cruelly still being placed in him even at the end of your strife. Actors can only go on in second nature, driven merely by the innate incentive to survive long enough to see a fulfilling conclusion to the tragic game of flourish or perish they've been thrusted into presumably by the madman at the forefront. Of course, however, that sentiment is not shared among everyone--particularly those who've developed a insatiable taste for the mandated anarchy and carnage of this world, and that so called 'light at the end of the tunnel' is a holy grail for sure worth fighting, maiming, and killing for. In their eyes, there's nothing better)
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【𝑶𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑸𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 → 𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒆】
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1. Describe the first date.
“I remember it was at an amusement park. Though at the time we didn't really do much since someone was too nervous to get on most of the rides~ It was more of an unofficial first date in that sense.”
“...It was just a moment relived of one of the unofficial dates back then when we were still in some kind of situationship kind of thing—like what he said, the first hang out together, specifically. ”
2. Who wakes up early/Who sleeps in late?
“I wake up earlier to prepare..most of the time. But Kuron sleeps in later, since he's always working on things so it's rare to see him go to bed earlier.”
“More like I go for the '5 more minutes' nap before jolting awake to prepare myself a few minutes later before I'm actually late for work—By that time, Kou is most likely all prepared waiting for me in the limo that we used to travel to work every morning.”
“As a teacher, I tend to stay up late to finish my school duties, it's simply inevitable as part of a responsibility that I signed up to harbor.”
3. What was your first impression on each other?
“In a few words, a good looking but very odd teacher that came out of nowhere. Though that was before we properly interacted.”
“He was just the kind that at the time...looked weird, talked weird, dressed weird and acted so snobbish and almighty then just butted in on everything I did....at least that was what it seemed like back then hehe~ ”
“If you mean by when we first met...he was that blonde little boy resembling of a doll, beautiful yet abandoned by the world that had saved me during my weakest moment, thereon as I start to view him as my little young master, that I'd like to always be there next to him to protect, cheer up and make sure he never feels lonely with my presence by his side. ”
“Then the next time we encountered each other again...by then, we've both grown up, and he seemed to not recognize me upon my changed outlook. He was cocky, stuck up, narcissistic, conceited, and especially hostile towards me since I was that sudden unannounced new comer inhabiting his house. Though, despite all of that...I still remain to see the existence of the young master and friend that I'd known of in the days of yore, regardless the outward change of attitude and behavior. To me, he'd always been the same existence of light, the hero that had pulled me out of darkness and brought back a meaning to my life, and I could never bring myself to hate him. ”
4. Who initiates affection? Why does the other not initiate affection as much?
“I think we do it equally. There's no saying who does it first all the time. Maybe one of us does it more than the other but there's no fix saying who goes first.”
“Its pretty mutual. It's more of a habit than anything since we are both touchy and affectionate when it comes to each other. I like hugging him out of nowhere while he enjoy giving me pecks and kisses anytime he finds the position convenient.”
5. Do you argue often? If so, what are the arguements about?
“Ohh there's definitely arguments. But I wouldn't say they're anything serious. More like bursts of fits that we just argue about over the smallest mundane things.”
“They're mostly about serious matters like work, our personal projects and professional case businesses. Kou isn't the most sharpest person out there I don't care what the love struck fans think— So at times of his blanked out moments when I need him to concentrate, it simply strike a nerve or two and I'd end up ranting on him which...would sometimes get a little more nasty than needed, especially during the times when I'm coicidentally more stressed out on that day.”
6. How do they make up/apologize after an argument?
“Okay well...for me since when Kuron gets angry, half the time, I'd be buying him tiny gifts, or snacks, or get him a rose...or by acting cute to gain his forgiveness.”
“The other half there's not much I could do since Kuron can be scary when he's mad, so I'll just wait until he calms down and then he likely will take over on his own before I can do more...I would just apologize over and over and cling to him and do whatever he wishes.”
“Simply put, I handle all the work when it comes to comforting and making things right again. Isn't that right, hun? ”
“Meanwhile, I'll do so by doing almost the same thing, since act of gift is one of my prior love language and it just doubles the level if its for comforting someone—well, Kou.”
“Its rather easy to make up to him as all he needs after an argument is to feel wanted and loved again. Most of the time I would excuse myself from work or immediately after a concert to get home or to his place just to comfort him by the form of expected approaches. By hugging him and caressing him in my arms, apologizing and reassuring him again and again that I'd not leave him and that everything will be okay since I'm here now—”
“Once he's calmed down enough, then comes the act of gifting, I'd usually get him an undying bouquet, cook or get him some food, or just spoil him with little gifts and whatever that he wants to do or like.”
7. How often do you say “I love you”? to each other
“More times than I can even count. A day doesn't pass until someone says those three words, either vocally or text ~”
“Indeed. To put it simply we never miss a day without saying that to each other—Though more often than other times, I'm the one that initiate it first since I like seeing his reactions whenever I blurt it out of the blue during any kind of moments at all. He's usually quite taken aback by the sudden confessions, but it follows with a soft smile and sometimes a sheepish giggle afterwards, it's cute. It usually comes along with hugs and kisses, I'm general during afternoon or night time cuddling most likely.”
“At other times it happens through casual texting, it's like a habit from me actually—whenever I'm stressed out at work my mind would just randomly thinks of him, and all the stress seems to dissappeared at that instance, so I'll just proceed to send him a random xoxo text of 'I love you' as a way to thank him for appearing in my mind on the jiffy of moment, heh.”
8. What do you love most about the other? Why?
“In terms of physically, those beautiful eyes, marbly, reflective...shiny... beautiful. Ohh and Kuron's body is extra warm to snuggle~” “As for non physically, he's the most caring, loving, spoiling and drop dead amazing lover that always goes above and beyond expectations and of what's even normal just to show he cares and loves someone...as much as I don't like him showing that to other people, it's not a bad thing either, because I know all that extra love and care is only exclusive to me in the end anyway ♪ Kuron's just simply the best lover to me and he always makes me so happy...treated like a baby with everything he ever wants~”
“...Hah well...I simply love his eyes, they're the most captivating part of him, looking into them is like looking into different weather of sky, full of life.”
“His hair is also another trait I like, it's fluffy and soft to touch and ruffle, and the bang ponytail trademark of what I call it...the wheat grass, it's cute, I can never get tired of looking or touching it, and the best part is it's only him that has such a weird hairdo like that, this its exclusively part of him.”
“Then...I love...how he can be so unexpectedly gentle...and openly possessive, territorial, flexibly dominant, hardworking, passionate, fun and cute personality. Especially the fun personality, it's so unique and I love that, I love how open he can be when it comes to expressing. I love how he seeks for my pamper and attention, it's cute. I love the fact he loves being gifted and that he'll always openly appreciate it. I love that...he let me be there for him, and always let me love him by my own way without complaining that it's too much or too little...but through the looks of his reactions, just right.”
9. What do they dislike most about the other? Why?
“Well I wouldn't call it dislike but it's up there...like his temper. And his insatiable need for perfectionism. It would drive any other normal person crazy or mad just from how much he just pushes things and forces it. Not to mention that he gets angry about the tiny details so easily. He really is the living definition of 'Why so serious' ”
“Eh...I dislike how he can be so forgetful sometimes, or just fail to grasp an important point, it makes me so annoyed...”
“But I guess I can't blame him much for the forgetful part, he's hardworking and got tons of work related matters storaged in his mind just like mine—only that I have a bigger storage and always jot down the more important things because frankly...I'm even more forgetful than him, I'm a mere goldfish due to how much plans and ideas that pour out keep stored and end up overloading my brain to function efficiently.”
“Ah...for just a little bit, I don't really enjoy listening to him grumble and curse under his breath whenever he's upset, it just riles up my anger more and I'll end up making him feel worse than he already was. He can be a little too narcissistic and become inconsiderate of others’ cases, and that's one of the traits I detest about him, though that's no biggie.”
10. Do they share any hobbies or interests? How do these things bring them together?
“I guess we have the same passion for music, and cats above all things. We like to travel to see things and foods. What else do you think dear?”
“I like dancing, he enjoys it too. It's one of our hobbies that are mutually favored. Let's see...what else—oh and stage and off stage performances? That's one of the things that we enjoy doing together and bring us together too. Actually when it comes to filming a movie or drama, we often partake on it as a collab project and had fun through all the makings~”
—𝒯ℴ 𝒷ℯ 𝒸ℴ𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓃𝓊ℯ𝒹—
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It’s CMA-
I’m on my way to the zoo so if this comes off as being disjointed, it’s because I’m writing it throughout the day at different times lol.
Clover calling herself his wife 😭😍😍
The way that you wrote clover’s insecurities and thought process in a way that feels realistic and you feel sympathetic for her but are able to the see that it is still objectively humorous👌👌👌
Clover is so petty lmao I love it. I love that both of them are frustrated with the other over their poor communication skills.
Awww the tuberoses!!!! Cute, and I love that he mentions all these sweet things he’s clearly brainstormed that they could do together. I also think that Ben is not only the type of person who researches to try and find out what clover’s love language is and how to communicate it with her (spending his time looking these places up) but also that he’s the type to hear of something in passing and think ‘oh clover would love that!’. It’s very sweet and wholesome, and both of those types of loving show how much he cares.
It also shows how much he’s thinking of her and how she receives love. He’s trying all the love languages and it’s clear that quality time is the one that seems to stick, so he puts in a lot of work to make sure that she will enjoy every moment they have together and even those when they’re apart.
Oof dream going from a fluffy moment to a shockingly angsty moment is like…. Your speciality I feel like. Also clover’s. Just trauma dumping and ending things right then and there lol.
Also wow another piece of clover’s backstory… dang girl what even is her life
I love that as soon as she asks for space, Benedict immediately complies. He doesn’t push her, doesn’t ask questions; he just leaves and that’s it. That’s good on him but I’m sure it takes its toll after a while; how she completely trauma dumps and refuses to let him ask questions or anything. It’s a lot for someone to handle. I commend him, but I do worry.
Her conversation with Anthony is a very interesting look at cherie vs clover. Besides the obvious hostility and sarcasm compared to unbridled enthusiasm and naïveté, cherie was very much concerned about her husband’s finances before getting married. One of the reasons Anthony was able to get her to hesitate about Pierre was his finances after all.
Clover is a survivor though, and she knows she can do so no matter what happens, but it’s interesting how boldly she overestimates how well she could survive on her own, or if something happened to her support system. She insists that no matter what happens she’ll be fine because she’s all too aware of how things can be taken from her in the blink of an eye, and facing that prospect every single day means that she needs to cope, even if by coping she means that she’s heavily in denial.
Idk a lot of thoughts lol. I think when you’re forced to be strong for so long, you’re so used to seeing yourself as strong that you don’t realize that the weight you’re carrying is taking a toll, that there comes a point where the smallest thing could break you. That despite your strength, or maybe even because of it, you are left far more vulnerable than you ever were.
The way that she finally called benedict a part of her family (crying screaming throwing up etc)
This is also an interesting analysis of Anthony and how he doesn’t think before he acts either, or how in denial of the risks he takes he is. He’s reckless, but maybe that’s too nice of a word for him. Careless isn’t the right word; it’s more caring too much that you become dangerous. Stubborn and headstrong, perhaps.
Idk he’s a good character analysis for when caring goes too far lol, and him and clover are good examples of people who care so much that they try to control everything and end up making it all worse.
There’s also this thing called frustration tolerance and there’s a lot of research on it (I’ve probably mentioned it before). But this is basically how much difficulty/frustration a person can handle before they blow up/get irritated. The more stressed out a person is, the lower their frustration tolerance tends to be, especially when dealing with relatively minor issues.
A really good example of this is when someone who is overstimulated (maybe they’re tired, haven’t eaten, or are going through something) ends up snapping at the people around them for seemingly no reason.
Anyway when people have severe chronic stress (like ongoing trauma or anxiety or something), their frustration tolerance can be seriously messed up all of the time, especially if they never developed a proper frustration tolerance in the first place.
We see this with clover since she gets so easily frustrated and reacts so dramatically when things that might not be a big deal happen. She doesn’t or can’t regulate her emotions and it’s made worse by her narrow window of tolerance.
People (including her) can’t tell when she’s getting near her peak because a) she’s always there and b) she’s learned to mask it over the years and to hide many of the signs of her distress so that things don’t get worse. As a result, it takes someone who’s paying very close attention to her to tell when she’s about to explode, which Ben does.
You know as I’m typing this I feel like I’ve shared all of this before and I’m just rambling and repeating the same five points I make every time lolololol.
Idk lots of thoughts. It’s also super hot where I am and I’m tired so idk how much sense this all makes lol.
Anyway how are you doing?
Hi my loveeee! ❤️ I'm doing well, hbu? 🥰
She did not even hesitate to call herself that 😏🥰
I really wanted this chapter to be funny so that's wonderful to hear that! ❤️
The tuberoses! ❤️ That's becoming the flower of their relationship 😏 And I totally agree, I think he pays attention to like everything and makes a mental note to check out places with Clover later on 🥰
He’s trying all the love languages and it’s clear that quality time is the one that seems to stick, so he puts in a lot of work to make sure that she will enjoy every moment they have together and even those when they’re apart. THIS IS SUCH A GOOD POINT!❤️
You're right, Clover's love language is quality time and the fact that Benedict picked that up and finds different ways of doing it...😍
Fluffy to angsty is fun😏
Benedict doesn't want her to pull back into her shell again the way she did in the earlier days of their marriage, so he makes sure not to push her I think 😍
Yessssss and also like, Cherie has never been without money in her whole life, and though she kept saying only love mattered to her, she was used to a certain lifestyle even if she didn't realize it 😂 She was very much coddled and protected by the harshness of the real world, first by her mother, then her father and Elias, and then by Anthony ❤️Clover on the other hand never had any of those luxuries until she and Teddy moved in with their uncle ❤️
I do think that Clover has what it takes to survive in any environment, but also she is hyper aware of any and every danger around her all the time, so that's very exhausting for her ❤️
Benedict is her family yesssss and she didn't even realize what it actually means for her feelings for him 😍
Both Anthony and Clover have control issues for sure 😂
Wait wait, I didn't know about the frustration tolerance! 😱 And oh my God that actually explains a lot about me 😂 Very interesting! ❤️
Benedict is getting very good at reading her especially when she's overly stressed so I think he will be pretty understanding with her in the following chapters ❤️
HONEY OMG I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS! 😍❤️ Thank you so so much, you're amazing ILYSM! ❤️❤️❤️
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piqued-curiosity · 2 years
Update on Bette Midler:
She saw the backlash, and tried to save face.
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The article is a good read, and I’m familiar with it because I was listening to this stream from Lisa Michele and Radical Ramblings where they talked about it (they start reading it around 17:30). Because I’m familiar with it, I immediately knew that this attempt at saving face wouldn’t work, because the article is one that puts women first. In similar fashion to JK Rowling’s essay, it isn’t some huge transphobic rant about how we all need to gang up on trans people and kill them or something. It just points out how women are being negatively impacted by gender ideology. The closing note is essentially saying to respect trans women, but to not disrespect women while doing so. How does this come off as transphobic?
“Tolerance for one group need not mean intolerance for another. We can respect transgender women without castigating females who point out that biological women still constitute a category of their own — with their own specific needs and prerogatives.”
Because as we’ve seen repeatedly, women cannot say anything unless it is complete unwavering support while censoring our thoughts. We have to sandwich our words between “trans women are women!” And “trans men are men!”. We have to refer to ourselves as “cis” and consider ourselves a subset of women. We have to put the voices of men first and ask their permission to think what we do (“I’m a lesbian who doesn’t like dick, and it’s okay because this trans woman says so!”, or “I asked my trans friend if it’s okay for me to think trans women and women are different, and she said yes so you can’t be mad at me”). This article doesn’t do that. So of course, here are some responses to Bette’s tweet. They seem to sum up the attitude many people have.
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That last one is interesting, considering the point of the article Bette responded to was that women are being silenced.
In between the “too bad, you’re transphobic” tweets, there are people who either acknowledge that she didn’t mean any “harm”, and people who don’t think the article is harmful at all and see the backlash for what it is; silencing women. Here’s one that’s on the money.
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Exactly. Why does she have to be nice? Why does she have to put niceness before speaking about the erasure of women and our language?
I do believe that Bette meant no ill will towards trans people. I think she read an article about women, agreed with it, and used her huge platform as a celebrity to make a statement about the issue she’d read about. Unfortunately, that’s enough to be branded as a transphobe.
So, as with all women who deal with this; daring to speak out, getting loads of backlash, trying to backpedal only to find people don’t accept it…Bette Midler has a choice to make. Either way, she has to accept that as a woman, the only way she can please those calling her transphobic is to be silent. The choice is whether she shuts up or gets louder. It’s the same choice every single woman who has even the smallest criticism of gender ideology has to make. Some get bullied into silence, some see the bullying as a reason to keep speaking.
It’ll be interesting to see how this turns out, but either way I think we’re going to see the same thing that happened when JK Rowling started getting backlash. People, specifically women, see a famous woman get torn to shreds just for raising a concern over being called things like “menstruators” or “birthing bodies”. They see just how hostile people are towards women who voice opinions they share. They think, if this is happening to her, it could happen to me. They conclude that the backlash is wrong, and start speaking out themselves or at least quietly start questioning what they’ve been told. They conclude that any ideology that tries to silence women is misogynistic, and that gender ideology is no exception.
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