#and Fëanor
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nercynorning · 2 years ago
Comfort Character Tag Game
Thank you to @belovedblabber for the tag!!
In no particular order:
Maedhros (the Silmarillion): Mr. Doomed by the Narrative himself. The way he tries to do good (ceding the kingship to Fingolfin, the union of Maedhros) but ultimately will not give up the oath. He’s an eldest daughter, he’s a diplomat, he’s a war criminal, he’s a survivor until he’s not.
Celebrimbor (the Silmarillion): BABY BOI. Like his grandfather, he is a genius smith. Unlike him, he is trying to share his gifts. He befriends dwarves, he founds a guild, he creates the rings of power out of desire (in my opinion) to help rebuild Beleriand (and also probs for the Creative Challenge and Conceptual Implications of it all. Which. Same). Shame his boyfriend smithing partner turned out to be evil.
Mercymorn (the locked tomb): Eugh! Yuck! She’s iconic. Love to put her in Situations. Especially the “moments of unexpected tenderness between fucked up characters” type situation.
Harrowhark (the locked tomb): Sometimes a favorite character is just a little freak (affectionate). She exploded a man with soup made from her own marrow and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. I cherish her.
Jonathan Sims (the Magnus archives): Another little freak. Sopping fucking wet disaster of a man, but trying to do right by others even as he goes further down the road of becoming an avatar. One of my favorite character moments: burning Jerry’s page even though it causes him physical pain, because it was the merciful thing to do. Canonically likes cats.
Katara (avatar: the last airbender): Baby’s First Blorbo. I latched onto her like a limpet at age 10-12. I loved how passionate she was about fighting injustice. I also loved waterbending; how fluid it was and how creative Katara got with it.
Thanks again for tagging me, it was fun 😊
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maedictus · 3 months ago
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Fëanor, Lord of the Lights
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wroniec · 3 months ago
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The Door of Night
Manwë and Melkor
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balrogballs · 25 days ago
You know which two characters I’d love to watch interact? Fëanor and Bilbo. I just know that Bilbo would put the fear of god in Fëanor. The guy would change his name to Fëarnor after ten minutes in a room with Bilbo. Bilbo says completely out-of-pocket things every five minutes like it’s his day job. He once stabbed a pillar in Elrond’s house just to show Frodo that his sword was actually sharp as if there was no other way to do it.
That Hobbit would take one look at the Silmarils and ask Fëanor why he threw away his immortal soul for “what to me looks like a glorified matchstick, my dear fellow”. He would write a five page poem about all of Fëanor’s misdeeds from the time he broke a window as an elfling to the kinslaying, and then recite it to his face and make him give constructive criticism on the rhyme and meter. He’d say Nerdanel should have “gone for the smart one, not the pretty one”. He would say “my dear father is dead too but you don’t see me going around screaming like a banshee and killing everyone, do you?” He would tell Fëanor that many problems of the psyche can be traced to trapped wind, and inquire as to whether or not he ate anything “bean-adjacent” on the morning he made the Oath. He would ask him if he’d never heard of contraception, and suggest that he try breathing exercises next time he feels the urge to burn a ship or two. He’s mansplain Tengwar to him. He’d write a letter to Finwë telling him all this was the result of not disciplining his child at the age of five and send him a list of Supernanny-type childcare tips, “in case you want to try again, because I don’t think this world can handle underpopulation”. He’d have Fëanor crying in two minutes, I know it, I know it in my bones.
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ilaneya · 1 month ago
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fëanor!! my fire boi!!
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irithyllians · 3 months ago
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nerdanel the wise
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rputthebottledown · 11 days ago
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Look it‘s Nerdanel & Fëanor with cute little toddler Nelyo. Sometimes I just need some fluff in my life
part I
part III
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revee-nyardil · 5 months ago
I just saw Elrond described as Fëanor's "shoplifted grandson" and I just...I mean yes? I guess?
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silmalope · 4 months ago
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Thinking about the timeline where Maedhros is older than Finarfin always fries my brain, but it would be so cute.
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comeontakemyname · 1 month ago
Nerdanel and Fëanor over a baby Curufin:
Nerdanel: Absolutely not, Fëanáro, his first word will be ammë!
Fëanor: No, I can feel it, he is a father's boy! You named him yourself! His first word will be atar!
Curufin: -gurgles-
Nerdanel: Say ammë, a-m-m-ë!
Fëanor: Say atar! Or perhaps atya, which is a permutation of the--
Curufin: N, n, n, n....
Nerdanel: Oh! He's trying to say my name! How sweet! And see? An elfling will call for his moth--
- Camera pans to a frazzled, disheveled, and tired looking Maedhros with Maglor, Celegorm, and Caranthir already hanging off him -
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antlered-vixen · 2 months ago
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Curufinwë Fëanáro, disaster extraordinaire.
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serregon · 4 months ago
what annoys me most about the silm fandom is the tendency to take opinions on controversial characters to one extreme side or the other, brushing all nuance and complexity aside. Fëanor is either an abusive father who never loved his sons and a genocidal fascist, or he’s the world’s greatest hero and every single death at his hands was fully justifiable and actually someone else’s fault. Thingol is either an abusive father and a cartoonish caricature of a conservative racist and misogynist who committed cultural genocide by banning Quenya, or he’s the holiest king ever who never made any short-sighted decisions and actually never played an antagonistic role in B&L and asking for a silmaril was actually the smartest political move ever
like idk man if you hate ambiguities and complexities that create multifaceted characters with both flaws and virtues then why are you reading the ambiguities and complexities book
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ilaneya · 1 month ago
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i’m trying out new brushes so here’s fëanor and nerdanel sketch
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stitcherofchaos · 26 days ago
I can’t believe no one had said this but that crazy elf finally did it!
Fëanor killed the Duolingo bird.
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raointean · 5 months ago
Silmarillion Fandom Terminology Quiz
So, I'm doing a project for linguistics class and I'm studying fandom terminology in the Silmarillion fandom and whether or not demographics make a difference. The only demographics are age category, gender, continent, language background, and fandom background, after which you get into more fun questions, including but not limited to...
What is a Blorbo?
The Thorn Debate
What is "Accidental Baby Acquisition"?
Who is Crablor
What is a "PWP"
The quiz has three sections: Demographics, General Fandom Terms, and Silmarillion Specific Terms. Have fun with it, share it with your Silm friends!
Edit: Will close November 15th so I have time to process the results before presenting them.
Edit edit: Due to the sheer number of responses (I may have forgotten how... academically inclined this fandom is lol) I will be closing the survey on November 1st. Thank you all for your lovely contributions so far! I think I saw Fëanor called a "bitch-ass prescriptivist" and I think my professor will get a kick out of that 🤣
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inthehouseoffinwe · 5 months ago
Fëanor, Fingolfin, and Finarfin loved all their nephews and nieces I take no argument. They showed it in different ways, but there were never any malicious thoughts towards them.
Any competition they had was between each other (though Finarfin was very much youngest sibling literally cba to deal with his older brothers.)
Fëanor: Always has too much food, used to his kids bringing over their respective favourite cousin for a meal because they were out playing too late and he’s not exactly going to send a child home hungry. As they got older it was because they’d been out and this was the closest place to disappear away to and crash. He’s used to seeing various kids sprawled across the carpet in the living room, waking up with headaches and groans. He’ll never admit it, but he finds it hilarious and enjoys seeing the children happy. If his brothers ask? ‘What do you mean they were out, I’ve had your children here with me all night.’
Fingolfin: One day I’ll stop linking this post but I really like how it turned out so you get to see it again! Fingolfin happily lets them traverse his house, go through his belongings. He’s very much a partner in crime, helping them sneak around, acting as lookout. Pretending not to see a majority of sweet pasties disappear overnight. He lives closest to the busy parts of the city, so it’s not unusual for the kids to get ready at his house if they’re going out anywhere or even preparing for Court. Most of the kids have their own shared room, and they’re full to the brim of everyone’s clothes, jewellery, shoes. Essentially a whole wardrobe. It gets messy, but he loves seeing his house full of life. Even if he could do without the mess Tyeko and Iressë bring in… and the various musicals at 3am. ‘You know we never tire of having you here… but perhaps you could tone down the partying? Just a little?’ He wouldn’t have it any other way.
Finarfin: My guy ofc has his house by the sea which like Fingolfin’s, has many many rooms full to the brim with clothes and jewellery. It’s essentially a home away from home for his niece and nephews, they don’t have to pack because everything’s already there. As youngest uncle and closest in age, he’ll just so happen to tell the kids where to have fun. He had the least pressure on him growing up and knows the best places in Tirion and Alqualondë. Going to Finarfin’s is like going on holiday, he’ll back them up and make sure they can do what they want without worrying about their reputations as princes and princesses. ‘The kids are far too stressed and don’t get to come here often, brothers. Let them have their fun. I’ll take care of them.’
Finwë: The mastermind. The accomplice. The alibi. He has a wild side to him born in Cuivienen and honed over the Great Journey. Court life is too stuffy even for him sometimes, let alone his grandchildren. He’s the one telling them all the wild things he got up to in his youth with a wink at the end subtly telling them how to do things their parents definitely would not approve of. High King Finwë would never! High King Finwë definitely would, and he’s making sure his grandkids get the experience too. He’s the one who gets the parents to leave for weeks at a time and his grandchildren have the time of their lives. ‘My sons, you worry too much! Don’t you trust your father?’
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