#and Cheetos sprinkles on top
corduroy-leggings · 7 months
It's about 11 degrees out and sunny right now but I'm missing winter so I'm going to explain how to make what I believe to be the best hot chocolate ever
Pardon the lack of precise measurements, this is a "measure with your heart" type recipie :)
You will need:
A microwave safe mug. If you don't have one, heat your milk beforehand in a Pyrex type measuring cup.
A spoon to get the powder.
2-3 heaping spoonfuls of hot chocolate powder. I use a jam/tea spoon to do this. It's probably about 2-3 tablespoons. If you're using pre- packaged portions, use one of those.
Around 300 mL (about 1 1/2 cups) of milk or as much as you want to fill your cup and then a splash more
Cinnamon, nutmeg, chilli powder, any other spices to taste (optional)
Peppermint or almond extract or some sort of alcohol if you're old enough (which I am not) (optional)
1 teabag if you want to make tea infused hot chocolate. My favourites are Earl Grey or bagged chai mix. I will put separate instructions for this at the end. (optional)
Marshmallows, whipped cream, infused or flavoured sea salt, chocolate chips, or anything else you like on top of your hot chocolate
Put the chocolate powder in your mug. If you're adding spices, put them in now.
Add a small splash of milk and mix. You will ideally get a doughy paste. Add another small splash of milk and mix until your paste is smooth. This will help eliminate the lumps that a lot of people get if you add all the milk at once.
Add a medium splash of milk, mix again, and if you want, microwave to help combine the milk and chocolate even more. I usually skip this step unless I'm getting bits floating around.
Now you can add the rest of the milk and stir until you're happy. Add your extracts here. I don't know if alcohol can be microwaved. If it can be, add it here too.
Microwave your chocolate at 30 or 45 second intervals until it's warm enough for you.
Garnish your hot chocolate! I like putting whipped cream, chocolate caramel sea salt, and cinnamon on top. Other things that I like include big marshmallows and chocolate sauce, or a blob of dulce de leche.
For tea-infused hot chocolate:
Heat the milk first until it's warmer than you would like it (it cools down a bit) and steep your teabag. I steep mine for about 5 minutes to really get the flavour in the milk. Prepare the hot chocolate as per my previous instructions, but ignore the microwave part.
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Devil May Cry Spice Tolerance Headcanons:
I had some mango habanero boneless wings (highly recommend if you love and tolerate spicy food), and that made me think of this idea for a series of headcanons.
Abnormally high spice tolerance:
Dante can definitely tolerate spicy.
If he was younger (DMC3 Dante) he would definitely be exaggerating about how his mouth was on fire.
Since we’re talking about a much older Dante here, he has built up his spice tolerance.
Give him multiple One Chip Challenges and he just eats them like they are normal potato chips.
Try to prank him by putting pieces of Thai Chili peppers on his pizza, he’ll enjoy it even more.
Dare him to eat a ghost pepper, he will do it.
You cannot get this guy to tap out and drink milk.
Like his twin, he has spice tolerance but for completely different reasons.
He has willingly ate a habanero before and shrugged it off, which horrified Nero.
Hates buffalo sauce, not because it’s too spicy, but because it’s salty to him. Anything that is too salty or too sweet, he can’t eat, because he can’t tolerate it, he says as he pops another habanero in his mouth.
Whenever Dante gets pizza, he tells him to put extra jalapeños on his half when they share. (Or they don’t share and Dante eats the whole thing)
Ghost peppers are his favorite.
He’s been in hell for years. Spicy food can’t phase him.
Has been around for a very long time and has tried various spicy foods.
This is where the twins’ love of spicy food comes from.
He has a bigger appetite than his sons as he eats more portions of food than the two combined, which yes, includes spicy food.
In his opinion, sushi is at its best when spicy. Hence why he seeks out scorpion hot sauce and DRENCHES the sushi in it, which horrified Eva.
He was a legendary demon knight, spicy food can’t phase him. (Like father like son)
“HOO-WEE! Who’s ready for an impromptu pepper eatin’ contest?”
Nico is the reason why Dante and Vergil now compete in eating the worst ever peppers.
Nico LOVES eating 4x Spicy Balduk noodles (I can’t even eat these) with some Carolina Reaper Pepper cheese on top, again which horrifies Nero.
Gets giddy at the suggestion of spicy food.
Give her some scorpion hot sauce, Carolina Reaper Pepper cheese, basically any spicy sauce or snack that Nero can’t even eat, you win her over easily.
LOVES Kyrie’s homemade chili especially when she makes a spicier version in a different pot just for her.
One chip challenge? She laughs and eats two and says that the chips ain’t spicy and eats chips like these on her break.
Girl is from the south and has eaten plenty of spicy food, she can handle a lot more heat.
Has Limits:
Trish herself can debunk the myth of all demons can handle spice. No, not all of them, she argued.
Jalapeños, spicy chips, red hot pepper flakes on her pizza she can eat with no problems or hesitation.
Trish will beg Dante not to put a crap ton of jalapeños on the other half of the pizza like last time.
Trish has tried mango habaneros wings before. Three wings in, she grabbed the milk and drank it in defeat.
“Yes, I am a demon who shoots lightning bolts who can’t handle a 577,00 Scoville unit pepper, deal with it,” she sassed Dante with her runny mascara.
She will stick with her hot Cheetos.
Also hates it when Dante and Vergil put too many jalapeños on the other half of a pizza.
A moderate amount of jalapeños is good enough for her. Same with buffalo wings, ignoring Vergil making a disgusted face.
Has judged the twins hard on eating a ghost pepper and a habanero.
“What the hell is wrong with you guys? Those things light your tongues on fire!”
Ate a small portion of a ghost pepper. Immediately tapped out and Dante quickly gave her the glass of milk.
She prefers to watch Dante and Vergil eat insanely hot peppers rather than participate.
Is intimidated by the sight of a Thai Chili pepper.
She is willing to sprinkle cayenne pepper seasoning on things like her homemade chili she gives to the kids, Nero and Nico, but doesn’t go too far knowing her limits and Nero’s.
Kyrie coughs after taking a small whiff of Nico’s chili. “Okay, hers is done.”
Jalapeños is something that she also enjoys as it’s not trying to destroy her tongue.
Trying Nico’s 4X Spicy Balduk noodles, even one bite was enough to make her face turn red and tear up.
“Girl, you got guts, but you got limits, drink up.” Nico gave her some milk to extinguish the heat.
“I’m not doing that again.”
Instantly Nopes Out:
Nero wanted to eat some pizza with Dante and Vergil, but after opening the pizza box, he immediately closed it.
Is scared by the sight of a ghost pepper. Only to witness Dante eat it like it’s a strawberry. Nero is once again horrified.
The only sensation he likes in his mouth (get your mind out of the gutter) is minty freshness like from gum.
“Does… cinnamon flavored gum count as spicy?” Nero asked Dante.
Dante, “No, that’s just sweetness with a hint of spice.”
Nero hesitantly ate a small piece of habanero. He very quickly went to the fridge to pour milk into his mouth. And onto his clothes. And onto the floor. “Do not tell Nico about this.”
Nero definitely inherited his grandmother’s hatred for anything spicy.
Eva absolutely hates the smell as it stings her nose.
She knows her husband loves spicy food and tolerates it, but she cannot handle it.
Because she loved him and wanted to eat some delicious food he made with him, she took a bite.
Sparda said, “My dear, you didn’t have to do that,” and tried offering her water Eva shook her head and said, “If you can handle surely I can…”
Eventually she gives up and drinks the water after snot and comes out of her nose much to her embarrassment.
In conclusion, never give Eva anything spicy. Only give it to Sparda.
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Imagine figuring out when King's birthday is
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That Fall
You: *notices King has it noted in his planner that he had no plans on the afternoon of December 1st* sir, would you like to schedule the quarterly finance meeting on the December first?
King: no, keep that afternoon open please, I'll be taking time off that afternoon.
You: I've worked for you for almost a year, and you've never taken time off. Is there any particular reason why?
King: ... No reason
You: *suspicious* okay.
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A week later
You: *has to pull the past three years worth of King's planners from the archive for actual work but checks December 1st in all the planners and deduces that it must be important to him*, so he always takes that afternoon off
Yamato: *sprawled on top of a desk, eating Cheetos and intentionally get dust on the floor of Kaido's office* hmm yeah, my father will usually give him some sort of gift, and they go out to lunch together. Although few times Father even tried to get him some of the girls from the brothels to entertain him for the night, but the last time was back when I was a kid. I'm pretty sure after his lunch with my father, he holes himself up in his room.
You: oh can't imagine that went over well.
Yamato: HaHa! No, one of the girls got pushy and King had to throw her out of his quarters.
You: it must be his birthday then, King is too much of a duty driven workaholic to take time off for himself for anything.
Yamato: oh my god, maybe, now that I think about it, I don't know his birthday.
You: in that case I need to move around a few of his appointments
Yamato: *crushes a handful of puffy Cheetos and sprinkles it across Kaido's chair* why would you do that?
You: because he works too much, so any chance I can get him to relax I'll take it.
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December 1st
King: when's my appointment with Orochi?
You: Tomorrow
King: You're wrong, check again, I scheduled it for today.
You: I'm not wrong, I moved it two weeks ago to tomorrow. In fact, I moved most of today's appointments to different days. The only thing on your schedule today is Queen's annual service review, torturing a few prisoners, and your lunch with Kaido.
King: oh my, what did I do to deserve such pleasant day?
You: *shrugs* just lucky I guess, it's not like it's your birthday or something. *Squints at King*
King: How'd you know?
You: because only you would need need to wait until your birthday to be able to justify taking time off to yourself. Oh, and remind me which restaurant you are going to with Kaido?
King: His chiefs are making Spicy Udon for us, it's one of my favorites.
You: but not your favorite, which is why I had a crew go out and get a bunch of flying fish to make sashimi for your dinner. It'll be delivered to your rooms at six, and the servants have instructions to deliver it to your door, where they'll ring a bell to announce that it's there, so you don't have to talk to or interact with anyone.
King: I don't deserve you sometimes.
You: I know
King: *ruffles your hair and laughs* you're not supposed to agree with me.
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That evening
You: *knocks on King's bedroom door* Sir, I apologize for interrupting your evening, but I've come to deliver something.
King: *currently doing some self-care, so he's not wearing his mask* ... come in
You: *drags in a bouquet of massive flowers you had the Tontatta's grow, and his present* Alrighty tidy, these are yours, happy birthday
King: If you keep this up you'll spoil me. What flowers are these? I've never seen them before, but they're somehow familiar.
You: That's because they're from atop the Red Line. They're called, Flame Daisies, they were once the symbol of the Lunarian Kingdom. They also remind me of you, and they're good for your skin.
King: *didn't anticipate flowers would open an emotional can of worms*, and what's in the box?
You: just a little something something,
King: *opens it to find boxes filled with paperwork and gives you a confused look*
You: those are the only remaining copies of your Punk Hazard records, to do with as you please.
King: you're kidding
You: nope, I destroyed the others, I even got Vega Punk to delete his mental records of them. Good night King, and happy birthday.
King: now wait a damn minute, you can't make me feel like a weepy little bitch, and then just dip. No, your ass is staying here and drinking with me. You're also getting a few face masks, because your'r skin looks awful, sit your ass down.
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pickalilywrites · 23 days
Niccosasha fic idea: something to do with what you imagine to be Sasha’s strangest/most unusual pregnancy craving(s)
strange tastes
nicosasha. modern au. 1213 words.
Niccolo had believed he did his due diligence when it came to preparing for Sasha’s pregnancy. He had read every book, watched every educational video, talked to all of his friends with previous experience preparing for babies. He’s now an expert in fluffing pillows for maximum comfort, giving massages for ultimate relaxation, and setting the bath water to the exact right temperature for the best spa experience. As for the cooking ... well, Niccolo had reason to think that he was well equipped for any craving Sasha might have. He had gone through five grueling years of culinary school and experience working in different layers of hell that were the kitchens of fine dining restaurants. He figured that Sasha’s requests might be strange — the books had warned him of this — Niccolo just wasn’t prepared for how strange Sasha’s tastes would become.  
It’s actually not all that hard to make the foods that Sasha craves. It’s typically just a mashup of things he can get at the grocery store or a nearby restaurant: cheeseburgers, potato chips, French fries. He just hadn’t anticipated how much of her cravings would involve mashing different foods together, especially foods that have no business being together in the first place. French fries sprinkled with cinnamon sugar and drizzled with chocolate syrup, crisp apple slices with cheddar cheese, black pepper sprinkled on top of ripe strawberries. They’re so simple to put together that it would be an insult to Niccolo’s culinary skills if he were to make this for anyone other than his pregnant wife. 
The cravings also come at the strangest times. It’s usually in the middle of the night or early in the morning before the sun even has a chance to rise. Sometimes it’s even after Sasha eats her fill and declares she can’t eat another bite only to look over at Niccolo sheepishly a few minutes later and mumble about how she might be able to manage a little snack of Cheetos and milk. The books had mentioned that pregnancy cravings like these would typically last until the beginning of the third trimester, but it’s past the seventh month and Sasha’s cravings are still going strong. 
These days Sasha doesn’t even have to ask for Niccolo to know that the baby is starving for something to eat. He can tell by the way she stirs in her sleep, the slightest shift of the bed enough to rouse him from his own slumber so that he can tend to her. Sasha will wake quietly so as not to disturb Niccolo, oblivious to the fact that he’s already awakened. Even though he’s assured her multiple times that she can let him know anytime she needs something no matter the time of day, she’ll aways hesitate just as she does now.  
Niccolo rolls over, draping his arm instinctively over Sasha’s stomach where the baby is steadily growing day by day. “What is it? Are you hungry again? Should I make you something to eat?”  
“It’s really, really late,” Sasha whispers even though there’s no need. Her hand reaches over to cover Niccolo’s, squeezing it gratefully. “I think the baby and I can wait until the morning. You should get some more sleep. You still have work tomorrow.”  
“That’s tomorrow. I can still make you something now. Besides, the baby is hungry,” Niccolo yawns. His words are muffled by the fabric of Sasha’s nightdress. He nuzzles his face against Sasha’s stomach affectionately. “It’s never any trouble. Just tell me what it is the baby’s craving and I’ll make it for you.”  
Sasha’s hand finds its way to the top of Niccolo’s head and she giggles as she runs her fingers through his blond locks. It’s the kind of giggle she lets out when she’s about to request something particularly ridiculous. 
“What is it?” Niccolo asks. He rests his cheek gently against her stomach so that he can gaze at his wife’s face in the dark of their bedroom. Even without the light on he can see the smile stretched across her face.  
“Ice cream,” Sasha begins. 
“Well, that doesn’t seem so bad.” They still have a half-finished tub of vanilla ice cream in the fridge. 
“With pickles,” Sasha continues, and she lets out another little laugh when she sees Niccolo wince. She fails to suppress another laugh, which tells Niccolo that her request is not yet over. “... and drizzled with olive oil.”  
He shouldn’t be surprised, but somehow he always is. He sighs through his nose before getting up, bending over to press a kiss against his wife’s belly and then the top of her head. “I’ll be right back.”  
“Thank you!” Sasha calls as her husband disappears into the kitchen to fetch her strange request.  
Niccolo comes back promptly with a bowl of perfectly scooped ice cream, dill pickles cut and placed in the shape of a flower on top of one scoop with a drizzle of olive oil on top. He presents it to Sasha who wiggles giddily in bed.  
“Oh, that looks amazing,” Sasha breathes, which is not exactly how Niccolo would describe the dessert. She takes it from Niccolo’s hands and takes a scoop that has a little bit of everything — vanilla ice cream, olive oil, and a bit of dill pickle — and eats it eagerly. She savors the taste of it in her mouth before swallowing, humming happily as she eats.  
“Do you like it?” Niccolo asks.  
“I love it,” Sasha answers happily. She makes another little scoop just like the last one, but this time she holds it out to Niccolo with an expectant look on her face. “Your turn.”  
It’s an unspoken rule that Niccolo has to participate in eating all of Sasha’s strange cravings with her. It had taken him off guard the first time, but he’s gotten used to it by now. 
Niccolo leans over to take a bite and shivers at the cold of the ice cream. It’s a strange combination of flavors: sweet from the cool vanilla melting on his tongue, the tart flavor and the crunch of the dill pickle, and the buttery olive oil that slides down his throat.  
“Do you like it?” Sasha asks just as Niccolo swallows. She scoots closer to Niccolo. “It’s good, isn’t it?”  
Niccolo makes a face. It’s not a combination he would ever think of putting together, but he doesn’t hate it. It’s not bad. In fact, he would almost say it’s good but his culinary expertise wants to say otherwise. 
Sasha reaches down to pat her belly. “Daddy loves the food you picked out, baby. You made a new dish that he loves.”  
“I didn’t say I loved it,” Niccolo protests. “Why does this baby have the strangest tastes?”  
“Come on, admit it. You love it,” Sasha laughs. She leans over and presses a kiss against Niccolo’s pouting lips. She still tastes of ice cream and pickles, and Niccolo enjoys the way the taste of it lingers on his tongue.  
He doesn’t realize why Sasha’s still laughing after she pulls away until he catches himself licking his lips. Feeling the tips of his ears burning, he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand in embarrassment. It turns out the baby might not be the only one with strange tastes.  
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ashintheairlikesnow · 2 years
Chris! What are your top five favorite meals, snacks and stim toys?
Chris has to take a breath and think about that, exhaling with his cheeks puffed out. Then he shrugs and smiles.
"Meals... Um." He counts off on his fingers. "I, I like... Biscuits and gravy, Jake, um, Jake makes them, and and and Nat's meatloaf, with, with mashed potatoes and and and peas but the frozen ones, um, cooked, canned ones are bad and and and fresh doesn't taste right, burger and and and and fries... That's, um, three... Fried chicken... And and and and... Um. And tacos. Tacos with um. With with with fish. But no red onions. And and and... And, and flour tortillas."
He has to think about the second question for even longer.
"Jalapeno potato chips," He says, finally, "But only the the the crunchier ones-"
"Kettle chips," Laken supplies.
"Yeah. And and and chocolate chip cookies, um, and and... Nat makes, um, it's called Chex Mix, it's good but I don't like the kind you you buy already made, plus Laken eats corn nuts-"
"Sounds kind of gross when you say it in English doesn't it."
"With lime and and and chili powder, and... Oh, um. Takis."
"Except those have Red dye 40 more or less sprinkled on top like Cheeto dust and I'm only cool with that when I'm prepared for Chris to literally climb the fucking walls."
"They're good though."
"So you say. Before you turn into the most cheerful version of that girl from the Exorcist."
"I, I, I haven't seen-"
"Good point. So... Top five stim toys?"
"Oh, my feather." He doesn't have to think before answering this time. He twirls the silicone feather pendant he wears. "And, um, my bracelet-" A black nylon bracelet woven around small metal pieces that can be moved around and around. "And then these, um I have a dinosaur I I I squeeze and a a a thing that snaps and, um, and I like... There's a llama. On my bed."
"It's fucking huge." Laken grins, rolling their eyes. "My mom sent it for him when I told her I had a boyfriend. Surprised she didn't just send a wedding dress and hope for the best."
Chris frowns. "Why?"
Laken sighs. "Because old Catholic moms are gonna old Catholic mom, Chris."
This clearly explains nothing to him.
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yardsards · 2 years
Are we sharing food sins now? Because one time I tried to make snack sushi from Steven Universe but had no nori OR rice and just wrapped hot cheeto puffs in string cheese I melted in the microwave and some bread I rolled thinly... the weirdest part is I remember enjoying it
that reminds me of this girl i used to be friends with in high school, whose idea of making nachos was to put doritos on a plate, sprinkle them with shredded cheddar cheese, and pop that in the microwave. now, i dunno if you've ever microwaved cheddar, but that shit becomes like grease-coated rubber. (this girl also sprinkled splenda on top of her pizza. not even real sugar: she craved the bitter chemical taste of splenda)
some other food crimes of mine that i can currently recall include: the time i ate cereal with water instead of milk out of a wine glass using a plastic spoon. all the times in like my sophomore year of high school when, at the end of lunch, me and the kids at my table would mix together leftover food into an unholy slurry and dare each other to taste it, like a bunch of elementary schoolers (most notable example: one mix that included, among other things, strawberry pudding and like 5 different condiments and somehow tasted like LITERALLY nothing. like air. like a 404 error of the tongue). the fact that i crunched into a bath bomb on TWO separate occasions cuz i didn't learn my lesson the first time
on a less cursed note, once me and my cousin made the together breakfast from steven universe (tho using microwave kettle corn instead of normal butter popcorn) and that shit slapped
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formeryelpers · 3 months
Alaska Bento, 5805 E Florence Ave, Bell Gardens, CA 90201
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Fro-yo girl here. I stumbled upon Alaska Bento while driving through Bell Gardens to get to the freeway. They have a huge sign that says frozen yogurt, boba, and agua fresca. They had four froyo flavors. One soft serve machine had a sign saying no working. Oddly, though the soft serve machines are dual hopper (meaning they can serve two flavors), each was only serving one flavor and the other handle had been removed.
Froyo flavors:
Creamy chocolate
Strawberry sensation
Classic tart: icy, tasted stale and old, sweet
Mango tart: super sweet and artificial, very icy
The froyo was self-serve and priced at $0.70/oz. Toppings included fresh fruit, cheesecake, candy, sprinkles, nuts, mochi, cookies, sauces, candy, popping boba, etc. The strawberries were whole. Other places chop up the strawberries. They only had huge plain white froyo cups.
Alaska Bento also has taiyaki, coffee, boba drinks, nachos, corn, hot Cheetos, etc. They also sold clothing and Korean cosmetics.
I could not eat their froyo. It tasted old. The strawberry was fresh though.
You know you love me. xo xo, fro-yo girl.
1 out of 5 stars.
By Lolia S.
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Week 20: Personal Week
Now that we have finished the shootings, therefore I felt like sharing my experience and mentioning all I had done throughout these days. What does an art director do? An artistic project is managed by an art director, who serves as a point of contact between a design team and a client and guides internal creative decisions while incorporating outside input. 
I recall that on the first day of the shoot, my friend Niharika and I arrived a little early since we needed to set up the table for our tale. We made the decision to make the surroundings a little chaotic because the guy was acting really agitated and worn out. The leftover pizza and noodles from the meal we had previously. In order to further the sloppy appearance we were going for, we sprinkled some Cheetos on top of them. We also lit a couple cigarettes to demonstrate the drunkard's negative side. We also burned a few pieces of paper with these cigarettes to draw attention to the ashes. Not only that, but we also included a few lighters, a can of energy drink, and a few cash. Because we were attempting to portray the man as middle-class, we were limited in what we could display, but I made an effort to do so. To illustrate what I was talking about, here is a photo. 
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Then there are the seemingly insignificant details that really count. For instance, I chose to use a light blanket to demonstrate how the man was shivering but still felt hot at the same time. To demonstrate this, we blended tomato sauce and water to create blood. Given that blood is thicker than water, I added tomato sauce to make it appear as though it were true blood. We made an effort to provide as much detail as possible
During this endeavour, I also tried to assist with guidance. Seyan is our primary director, but I also assisted him with a few shots.
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petnews2day · 2 years
Best Korean Corn Dog Recipe
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-news/dog-news/best-korean-corn-dog-recipe/
Best Korean Corn Dog Recipe
As a lover of portable snacks, like turnovers and Pop Tarts, I have been obsessed with corn dogs since I was a little kid. But, if you’ve been anywhere on the Internet during the last few years, you will have seen that cooks in South Korea have managed to take the humble corn dog to a whole new level.
With toppings like fries, puffed rice, and crushed ramen, and with a finishing sprinkling of sugar, corn dogs have proven to be the one of the most popular street foods in the world. In New York alone, there have been six or so new restaurants dedicated just to pumping out these delicious, crispy, golden brown dogs on a stick.
The best part is? They’re pretty easy to make. The dough has yeast in it, so it takes about an hour to proof, but once that’s done, the assembly and frying are pretty simple. I love the classic toppings, but if you have other ideas (maybe Cheetos? Or French’s crispy onions?), I’d love to hear about them in the comments below!
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potentialsandwhich · 3 years
Yes Ma'am
Pairing: PowerBottom!Wanda Maximoff x Top!Reader ; minor Bottom!Natasha x Top!Reader (MINORS DO NOT INTERACT)
AN: Milf!Wanda won, but not to worry, Sorority!Natasha is coming soon-ish.
I am so down bad for Wanda. And Natasha too apparently as I accidentally added her to this fic as well.
Summary: All your fantasies about fucking your hot next door neighbor was just that: fantasies. But when Ms. Maximoff unexpectedly invites you over to her house one night, you learn that even the best fantasies can't compare to the real thing.
Warnings (or blessings): 18+, Smut, porn with no plot, oral (r giving), fingering, strap, hints of possessiveness, sprinkle of praise kink, mommy kink (can you really have a milf fic without it)
(let me know if I need to add more)
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Moans echoed off the walls of your bedroom, firm hands on your chest pushing you down into the sheets of your mattress as the woman atop you bounced faster and faster in search of her high.
A thin sheen of sweat covered Wanda's face, rose tinting her face and neck as her breathing became more erratic. You tried to push yourself up, wanting to touch the goddess atop you, forgetting about the hands holding you down, and only managed to get up an inch before being roughly pushed back down into the mattress.
Startling green eyes bore down at you in seconds.
The orders in them were clear.
Stay down. Don't touch.
You quickly nodded in understanding.
Seemingly pleased with your easy obedience, the woman leaned down to reward you, never stopping her movements near your waist, and met your lips with a bruising kiss.
The door bell rang in the distance.
Her tongue entered your mouth without much resistance.
The door bell rang in the distance.
Her hold loosened on you and you leaned up to kiss her harder.
The door bell rang in the distance.
She moaned into your mouth.
The door bell-
Your eyes shot open.
Ding. Ding.
You turned to the clock by your bed.
2:34 P.M
Ding. Ding.
"Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit." You cursed, practically jumping out of bed.
Ding. Ding.
"Coming!" You shouted, running down the stairs.
The mirror in the hallway caught your attention as you ran past it. Seeing that your hair was wild, you took to quickly fixing it. The door continuing ringing annoyingly in the back, reminding you to hurry.
Deeming yourself presentable, or at least more presentable than before, you swung open your door.
Two boys stood on the entrance.
"Hello." You greeted it, gasping for breath.
"Hello Ms. (Y/N)!" They both chorused.
Tommy smiled widely at your appearance, "Wow, Ms. (Y/N), you look like you went through a tornado. Why is your face so red and your hair so messy?"
Billy elbowed his brother in the side, "You can't say stuff like that Tommy!" He objected, "And if anything, it looks more like she went through a hurricane."
You frowned at the brutal honesty of children, "Ignoring the state of my appearance, why don't you boys come on in. I have snacks ready for you in the dining room. And if anyone needs help with homework, I got that too!" You tried to segue before your feelings got hurt more.
The two boys came running into your house.
You were pretty sure that they had stopped hearing you after the word snacks.
A few hours later, the doorbell rang again.
This time though, only one ring rang out.
Dusting off your hands, you left the boys in your dining room and made your way to the living room to answer the door.
"Hi, (Y/N)! Thank you so much for watching the boys!" A woman greeted as you opened the door.
Your eyes widened at the sight of your neighbor.
"Oh, hey Wan-er Ms. Maximoff." You coughed out, startled by the sight of her. Usually, it was Vision who picked up the boys.
"Are you okay?" She asked in concern, reaching out to you as you started choking on the Cheetos you had been eating just seconds prior.
"Moooommmmm!" Two collective voices shouted from behind you.
"Boys!" Wanda laughed, pulling away from you as Tommy and Billy jumped atop her, catching them in her arms.
"I thought dad was suppose to be picking us up today?" Tommy asked with childlike innocence.
Wanda smile faltered a bit at the mention of her ex- husband, "He's running a little late from work tonight, so I came to get you two instead." She answered. You could tell there was more to the story.
"Why don't you come in for a while, Ms. Maximoff?" You offered, hoping to change the conversation.
Billy and Tommy nodded their enthusiastically. "Yes, come on in mom! (Y/N) was just showing us how to sound out words!"
"Oh, I don't know, we really can't impose on her-" Wanda began, but didn't have much of a choice as her sons were already dragging her into your house.
You sent her a reassuring smile, "Don't worry about it, Ms. Maximoff you are not imposing at all. It would be my pleasure to have you in my home."
"Please, call me Wanda." The Sokovian insisted as her boys continued dragging her away.
"Oh! Sure, ummm... Wanda." You tried out, liking the way her name sat on your tongue. An interesting look passed over Wanda's eyes as you said her name, and the redhead's gaze met yours for a second that was enough to send a small shiver right down to your core.
Stop. Not in front of the children.
Shaking away the dirty thoughts that had bubbled up in just that short interaction, you closed your front door with a slow sigh.
Fingers working quickly under the cover of your bed, you gently sucked on the skin of the woman above you.
"Right there. Yes!" She moaned in approval, clenching around your fingers greedily.
Ring. Ring.
Your phone buzzed from it's spot on your dresser. Ignoring it, you continued the ministration of you left hands, using your free one to grope a breast.
Ring. Ring.
"You didn't turn off your phone?" Grumbled Natasha disapprovingly as she felt the coil inside her tighten.
You smiled up sheepishly, "Guess not, my bad."
Ring. Ring.
"Do you want to answer it?" She offered, pushing herself up onto her elbows, allowing her reach of your phone if needed.
You leaned in to kiss her passionately, "Sure, just let me finish you off first."
She hummed into your lips, taking the bottom between her teeth, "But what if you miss the call?"
"I won't." You husked out, and with renewed energy, increased the movement of your fingers.
Lust filled green eyes playfully glinted at you, "Always so cocky aren't you?"
Licking your lips, you smiled widely, "It's not cockiness. I just know my skills."
Natasha opened her mouth to retort something back, but you didn't let her, instead curling your fingers expectedly into her g-spot.
Her words got lost in her pleasure.
Letting the Russian ride out her orgasm, you picked up the still ringing phone with your free hand.
The voice on the other side almost made you drop your device, "Oh, hi, (Y/N). This is Wanda. I wasn't sure if you were going to answer. I'm sorry for calling you so late, but there's a bit of trouble. Could you come over to lend a hand?"
Natasha was breathing heavily beside you, recovering from her orgasm. "Who is it?" She silently mouthed as her breathing evened out.
"Neighbor." You mouthed back, nodding to the window where Wanda's house could be seen. The Russian nodded in understanding.
"Sure, I can come over. How soon do you need me?" You asked back into the phone.
"As soon as possible, if that's okay. It's urgent."
Natasha saw the hesitance in your eyes, "You should go." She whispered.
You raised your brows for confirmation, "You sure?"
The Russian took your fingers out of her and brought them to her lips, tongue swirling around them as she nodded.
You watched in marvel at her actions, almost forgetting to reply to Wanda.
"(Y/N)...?" The Sokovian called through the phone.
"Oh yes. I'll be right over!" You answered flustered. Natasha bit back a laugh.
Hanging up, you went to fix your appearance a bit.
"Sooo, your neighbor - Wanda, right? The hot milf you've been drooling over?" Natasha asked as you moved to your closet to get a new shirt. "Why's she inviting you over this late?" A gasp escaped the Russian's lips, "Don't tell me you finally got into her pants!"
Rolling your eyes, you peeked out from inside your closet, "First of all, I have not been drooling over her."
"Riiiggght, so that's not a lady boner that I see every time her name comes up?"
You quirked a brow, "Lady boner?"
"Pitch perfect." She explained. "Yelena's friend Kate made me watch it with them a few days ago. But you're deflecting. Wanda. Hot. You. Horny for her. Yes?"
You didn't give her an answer, "I'm leaving now."
"If I were any one else I would be offended that you would leave me so fast after fucking me, but since you're chasing your milf, I will allow this!" She called out.
"Fuck you!" You shouted.
"You already did that." She laughed back.
Cursing your choice of friends, albeit special kind of friend, you made your way over to the Maximoff residence, crossing over your yard to do so.
As you got closer to the front door, though, the reality of your situation began settling onto you.
You were going over to Wanda's house. Late at night. Where it was just going to be you and her.
Fuck. Did you look good? Why didn't you ask Natasha that before leaving?
Standing outside the door, you hesitated to knock.
The door swung open without you needing to.
"Hey, (Y/N). Come on in." Wanda greeted with a warm smile, like she had been expecting you. Which, you suppose, she probably had.
Your eyes almost popped out of their sockets at the sight of her.
Dressed in what had to be the filmiest nightgown you had ever seen, Wanda's figure was barely concealed in the silken clothing (if you could even call it that) that she was wearing. You tried, and failed, to stop yourself from glancing down at her ample breasts that were all but exposed in the dress.
"Uhhhhh....yes." You muttered intelligently.
Wanda didn't seem to notice your utter lack of braincells due to her appearance and instead grabbed your hands, pulling you in. As she turned around to walk, her nightgown rose along her thighs and your eyes zeroed in on her ass.
"Thank you so much for coming over." She was saying, leading you into her house. Her hands stayed in yours.
You recovered enough of your senses to manage a reply, "Yeah, of course. Anything for you."
"Anything, huh?" She repeated, and you could hear the smirk in her voice.
"Oh... you know, like figuratively, of course. Like any good neighbor would be." You tried to recover, failing miserably, "So...ummm...what's the trouble around here?"
The two of you stopped moving as you entered the kitchen. You tried to glance around to see what she may have needed aid with.
"Well, it's not so much of a what as it is a who..."
Your brows furrowed, not following, "Sorry?"
Wanda slowly turned around, her intense green eyes meeting yours. Like always, you felt something deep inside you stir at the simple eye contact. You noticed that her pupils seemed to be more blown than usual, "You smell like sex, you know?" She asked, taking you by surprise.
You felt your eyes widen at the topic, "I- what?"
Wanda took a step towards you, head tilting, "You had someone over tonight didn't you? In your home? In your bed?"
Your throat felt dry all of the sudden, "I'm sorry, Ms. Maximoff, umm, Wanda, but what does that have to do with-"
"Now, why would you do that?" She continued, ignoring your interruption. "Were the fantasies of me no longer enough?" Your eyes somehow widen further, "Oh! Did you think I couldn't see how you look at me? How you would get all frozen and tongue tied when I'm around?" Wanda had been steadily approaching as she spoke and was really close now, close enough for you too count the individual lashes on her eyes. "Did you think I wouldn't know about all those fantasies you've had?" Her eye seemed to shine a dull red, but that may have been a trick of the light, "And there was certainly so many..."
Your mind was going completely haywire.
Was this happening right now? Was this is real?
"You should've known better, (Y/N)," She reprimanded, "Than to invite someone else over."
Were you dreaming?
Discreetly you dug your nails into the palm of your hands.
Ow. No, you weren't.
"But I suppose, in a way, it's my fault. I should've made my move sooner." Wanda raised a hand to your cheek, cupping it. Your skin felt like it was lighting up from just her touch. Slowly, she leaned in until her lips was hovering just over yours, "But don't worry, I won't make the mistake any longer, detka," The usage of the pet name went straight to your core. And with that, Wanda's lips touched yours and your brain stopped working entirely.
Tongue sliding into your mouth, it seemed to explore every inch of you. There was very little you could do to hold back a moan. Your hands went to Wanda's waist and pulled her closer to you, digging into the skimpy nightgown of hers. The two of you fumbled around a bit until you had her pressed against the kitchen counter.
"You're mine, you understand?" Wanda asked between kisses. You nodded eagerly, wanting more of her, "Good, then prove it." She ordered as she pulled back from you, much to your protest. But the redhead ignored your whining. Hands traveling up your face, they went to the top of your head where they started pushing you down to the floor and onto your knees.
It took you only a second to understand her intentions.
Catching on, you slid your hands down from her waist to her thighs, quickly hitching up the thin nightgown she called clothes.
The sight of her bare cunt made your eyes widen.
"You were...?"
Wanda laughed at your shock, "You were staring at my ass for that long and still didn't notice that I was bare underneath?"
You shook your head at the question, originally planning to verbally answer, but your eyes became transfixed on the wetness that was already dripping down Wanda's legs.
The only thought in your head soon became reserved for the question of how she would taste.
Not wanting to wait any longer for the answer, you hooked a hand around one of her knees and threw a leg over your shoulder, giving you a clearer access to her pussy. Immediately, your lips attached to her clit.
Wanda's breath hitched at the sudden contact, and her hands tangled itself into your hair.
You hungrily delved into her, alternating between lapping her folds and circling her nub. One of your hands went to keep her stable as you pressed your face into her core, and the other squeezed her ass purposefully. Wanda all but grinded her pussy onto you.
"Hmmm, that's it, good girl." She moaned, encouraging you as ate her out, and the little praise had you pressing your own legs together, where you were suddenly reminded that you were still packing from your night earlier with Natasha, before you had been interrupted. Like she could read your mind, Wanda's grip in your hair tightened, and she tilted your head away from her cunt and up to her face to look at her. Your nose brushed against her clit, and she bit her bottom lip to muffle a moan, "Please tell me that's what I think it is." She advised, referring to your strap.
You saw the excitement in her eyes and wanted nothing more than to please, "Yes, ma'am."
A smile spread across Wanda's face, whether from your usage of ma'am or the confirmation of your heat, you wouldn't know.
Leaning down, she captured your lips into a bruising kiss that had your head spinning once again. Maneuvering herself carefully, she got you completely to the floor, straddling your lap.
Her hands went to your thigh where she rubbed the strap between your legs. Her hips instinctively bucked in anticipation.
"You haven't use this on anyone tonight, right?" She asked, stroking the strap through your pants.
You shook your head no.
Nodding in approval, she moved to released the cock, pulling your pants down. The sheer size of the strap made the excitement in Wanda's eyes grow brighter.
Two hands on her waist, you helped the redhead as she aligned the cock to her entrance. The head was so large you questioned whether it would fit, but Wanda didn't seem to have the same worries.
The way she sank down onto your strap had both of your groaning in appreciation.
From your position, you had the perfect view of Wanda as she started riding you, especially when it came to her chest. Her breasts, long been freed from her night gown, jiggled in the air with each thrust, and it only seemed natural for you to lean towards them.
But Wanda, however, seemed to disagree.
"No. No touching." She ordered. You furrowed your brows in confusion. Wanda continued riding you, "Or did you already forget that you're still in trouble."
"What?!" You tried protesting, moving your hands up her side, "But momm-" You clamped your mouth shut immediately.
The lust in Wanda's eyes unexpectedly grew at your accidental outburst, though, and to your surprise, you felt her legs tightened around you, "What was that?"
Your embarrassment quickly gave way to an idea of how to get what you wanted, "Mommy, please, let me touch." You begged.
The result was almost instant. Wanda got noticeably wetter at your plead and you barely held back a victorious smile at your effects over her.
For a moment, you thought that maybe you had won in convincing her, but then red wisps suddenly wrapped around your wrists and pinned your hands above your head.
"Oh, detka. You should stop being so loud with your thoughts." The Sokovian purred. You didn't really understand what she meant. "No touching." She repeated, eyes hardening, "Understand?"
You weren't sure what was happening or what the red wisps around you were, but for some reason, you also didn't really care, "Yes, ma'am." You answered.
Wanda smiled and leaned down to kiss you, "Good girl. Now how about you give me an orgasm first, and then maybe mommy will let you touch her."
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smuttyassholes · 2 years
my new lotions smells like someone put their dick in the jar and sprinkled Cheetos on top
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everysongineverykey · 3 years
Which ones can handle spicy food? Like who can handle eating a hot chili pepper and not immediately try to drink milk? Kris or Susie? Or do any of them can handle a ghost pepper?
i mean susie is probably canonically a dragon so she'd be top of the list. kris has grown up eating nothing but their mother's pies and various soft things so although they probably absolutely can't handle spice they'll consume it anyway for the experience. noelle's actually surprisingly good with spice. no one knows why. does she get it from rudy? who knows. all anyone knows is that once kris sprinkled ghost pepper flakes onto her food as a prank and she didn't even notice when she ate it. just chowed down like nothing was amiss. it was mildly terrifying.
berdly can't even drink soft drinks cause the bubbles hurt his tongue. one time kris snuck a hot cheeto into his plate of worms and he spent the next twenty minutes guzzling milk
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disloopy · 4 years
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i wanted to write a college au but i was also horny so this came into existence.
tendou satori
word count: 6199
genre: smut but with a plot??
It was hard to study with your parents constantly bickering in the living room downstairs. Ever since you moved back in with them, you've found it hard to concentrate on virtually anything besides their frequent, yet petty, arguments. Sometimes you'd stay at college late into the evenings under the guise of classes and assignments but really you just hated being around them. The stress of school was already a mounting threat without the emotional toll of your parents' nearly shattered relationship.
Scraping your chair back as you stood up, you decided you'd had enough. You shoved your textbooks, notebooks, and some random clothing articles from the top of your drawer into a bag and ran down the stairs. Your mother twisted her body around to face you from the couch, an eyebrow raised.
"Where are you going, young lady?" 
You didn't look at her in the process of yanking on your shoes. "I'm going to Sam's house or am I not even allowed to visit her without you breathing down my neck?" you asked sharply, feeling your heart hammer in your chest. You were fed up. "I'm twenty and under no obligation to listen to the two of you arguing about whatever movie you want to watch just because you don't have the cajones to discuss the real issue!"
With finality, you slammed the door shut behind you and hopped onto your bike, pedaling as fast as legally possible out of the neighborhood. You always knew that the main reason your parents had urged you to move back in with them was to fill the empty void their failed marriage left in the house. At first, even you were convinced that your presence would revitalize their marriage and they'd remember why they loved each other from the start.
However, their own child wasn't enough to give them a reason to put aside their differences and love each other for what they were - a family; a family, you knew, should be willing to sacrifice a part of their individual lives for each other, that's what it meant to be married.
But your parents weren't even willing to confront the problem -- not being in love with each other anymore -- much less work it out. At your age, you were aware of the fact that love wasn't all a marriage needed, there was responsibility and sacrifice and with a little understanding, the love could be rekindled, not just once but multiple times throughout the life spent together. The last thing you'd want was for them to separate and you were quite certain that with a little communication this hellish nightmare could be put past them. They were immature, you concluded. Your parents wanted to ignore it altogether, which would only leave them stumped at this obstacle, growing angrier with each bland dinner and mismatched grocery.
You couldn't take it anymore. Stopping your bike at a nearby convenience store to pick up a few snacks, you texted your boyfriend, Tendo. He was usually around, and usually free -- plus, he lived in a dorm all by himself. It was the perfect escape from your exhausting household. Without waiting for a reply, you journeyed across a few streets to get to the college residence and parked your bike anywhere. It wasn't worth enough to get stolen and even if some desperate thief decided to have some fun, it would only serve as an excuse for your parents to finally get you a car.
After the long and silent elevator ride which seemed to compress you on all sides, you arrive at the seventh floor and felt your shoulders relax almost immediately. You'd been here so many times it was like a second home to you. Tendo's place always gave you the relief you wanted after a tiresome day of school, or your parents, or both.
Struggling to keep the strap of your heavy bag filled with books, clothes, and food on your shoulder, you lightly knocked on the front door. There were sounds of incomprehensible yelling and laughter coming from inside which you thought was strange but not enough to question it.
When there was no answer and you were fed up with waiting, you decided to try the knob which was surprisingly unlocked. So, you entered the house and called out loudly, "Tendo? It's Y/N". Not even a step later, a strong scent of weed hit your nose directly and you winced.
"Y/N?" said a voice, followed by Tendo rolling back in a computer chair, tugging his headset to his neck with the hand that wasn't latched onto the controller, his eyes wide in pleasant surprise. 
"Hey," you said quietly, smiling at the sight of him. "I texted you . . ."
"Oh, sorry. I was in a game so I didn't check my phone," Tendo murmured, throwing a distracted glance at his phone on the couch before immediately returning his attention to the screen, his headset back on his ears. "I SAID COVER ME!" 
"He's been yelling all match," someone said and you startled, looking back at the couch to see one of Tendo's friends, Semi, sitting cross-legged on the couch, a hoodie covering most of his head and a bong tucked between his thighs. It was unusual for Tendo to have friends over. Even at school, he rarely sat with a large group of friends for long. On weekends, it was mostly just you and him when it could be.
"I swear I'm playing with 11 year olds," Tendo remarked as the screen flashed red, signaling his team's failure. He spun around in his chair and glanced between you and Semi. "Sit down, Y/N, what the fuck. Semi got kicked out of his parents house so he's gonna be here for a while."
You widened your eyes. "You got kicked out?"
The ashy-blonde haired boy nodded, seeming casual as he fiddled with the bong. "They caught me smoking in the basement and said they didn't want me back till I quit," he explained with a shrug. "I miss my drum set but I'd rather be free to smoke, if I'm being honest."
Tendo shook his head, amused. "Get a fucking job, Semi -- then you can pay for half of this place and we can live together."
"Really?" Semi's eyes lit up and he seemed attentive for the first time that night. "I totally should, huh? I can work at some government institute, you know? They'll see that I'm smart since I major in political science . . ." 
"Tendo, can I get in the shower?" you asked and Tendo nodded of course. As you were about to disappear down the hall before turning around and feeling blush creep onto your cheeks when Tendo gave you a questioning look. "Um . . . I also . . . Wanted to stay here for a bit. My parents are just really . . ."
"You can!" Tendo said with an enthusiasm that made your heart jump with pleasure. "It'll be fun with the three of us. I'm sorry about your parents though." 
The shower was warm and almost therapeutic with the muffled sounds of Tendo's frustration with his team and Semi teasing him about it. You even sat down on the porcelain for a bit, the soothing water sprinkling down on your bare body. When you had finally decided to come out, you found that Semi was eating the snacks you'd brought along with you. Although you were initially doubtful of him staying over with you and Tendo, you quickly grew more open about it. He was normally quiet and serious, but the weed seemed to open him up to being actually friendly and talkative, not failing to make you laugh several times that evening.
"Yo, if you make my girl laugh that much I'm gonna have to ask you to leave," Tendo said, throwing a cheeto at Semi's head. 
You eventually fell asleep on the couch, Tendo and Semi's voice almost serving as a lullaby. You'd rather hear their weed-inspired symposium in your sleepy stupors than the sound of your parents arguing. Some time that night, unknown to the dizzy you, Tendo had hauled you into his arms and transferred you to the warm security of his bed, wrapping his covers around you, and then wrapping his arms around you. 
The next morning, Semi was already gone for an 8am class. Despite sharing Tendo's major, he had registered very late and got the worst schedule a student could ask for. You and Tendo, however, were able to fool around in the bathroom (no, not like that. Tendo spit toothpaste on you), and eat lazy bowls of cereal before heading out, walking under the warm morning sun to get to campus.
When you'd arrived at your own class, Tendo let you know he'd wait for you at the college center after class. You checked your phone while the professor was setting up his stuff. Disappointment settled in your chest at the realization that your parents hadn't bothered to check up on you. You hadn't given them the heads-up that you would be staying over at "Sam's" house and although you declared that you weren't under their jurisdiction, you half-expected a "should we wait up for you?" text from either parent.
You tried to push your dejectedness and self-pity in order to pay attention to your lecture. The anger formed into a kind of resistance, telling you to stay as contactless from them as possible, waiting for one of them to care about your absence, or at least notice.
After class, you stopped by the vending machine to buy Tendo and yourself two bottles of juice before walking with your head down to the college center. You didn't want to see any of your friends or anyone for that matter. You wanted to be alone . . . With Tendo. He knew how to give you the reassurance and comfort you needed without uttering a single word. Sometimes you wondered if he was even aware of the effect he had on you. Did he know how his mere presence could reduce your anxiety? The man was like a remedy.
You spotted Tendo slumped on one of the couches, thumbs tapping away on his phone and you were almost certain he was engaged in a game of COD mobile. Then he seemed to notice you and he lifted his bright red-haired head up, shoving his phone in his pocket.
"Damn bay-bee!" Tendo whistled and you rolled your eyes as an instant reaction to his typical attention-drawing behaviour. "Hot girl alert," he announced, grinning at you.
"Shut up!" you yelled, chucking a juice bottle at him, which he caught with extraneous ease. You would've been surprised if you weren't already familiar with the fact that he, along with Semi, were on the volleyball team of a prestigious high school. He never failed to remind you and always talked about a mysterious "best friend" named Ushijima who he strongly believed would be famous one day.
Grateful that no one was staring at you two anymore, you collapsed next to Tendo, resting your head on his shoulder. He had produced his phone once again and you realized he had been texting Semi. You didn't want to intrude on his messages but you couldn't help catch parts of the conversation. He was going out drinking with Semi later because they had both received excellent grades on one of their tests. This also didn't come as a surprise because although you've never actually seen Tendo studying, he always did well on his tests.
Tendo turned to you. "You can go ahead back to my place," he suggested, twirling his dorm keys around his finger as he handed them to you. You gave him a small smile when he left you with a parting kiss on the lips as you separated for your next class.
You didn't see him again before leaving campus to return to Tendo's house. As you walked, you felt a sinking feeling in your stomach. Why hadn't Tendo ask you to join him? You shook your head, why were you even thinking of such a thing when you knew you hated drinking? But some uncomfortable tug in your chest left you questioning whether Tendo even wanted you at his place. Maybe he had accepted to be polite, or because he felt sorry for you . . . or because he didn't want to say no to you in front of Semi.
The biting thoughts bounced around your head, a reminder that Tendo loved you popping up every now and then to shoot those thoughts into a corner but not doing much to quell your worries.
You spent your evening studying, getting excited only at the occasional text from Tendo, making sure you got home fine, or that you knew you could eat anything in his fridge, or sleep in his bed if you were tired, or play on his PlayStation if you were bored. You did neither of those things, not touching a single thing in his kitchen even while your poor stomach cried with hungry grumbles.
You felt sick to your stomach, opting to switch on the television for background noise as you hugged your knees on the couch. There was an aching fear building up inside of you, fear that you were as unwanted to your boyfriend as you were to your own parents. You knew you shouldn't have been insecure, he'd always been there for you and never gave you a reason to doubt him.
But it had been quite a while since he'd last told that he loved you, sincerely, from the bottom of his heart. A lot could change within a person in that sort of time. And the last time the two of you had sex or even really made out was several months ago before you moved in with your parents. You could blame that on the chaos of school, both of you being in your second-years with exams and pressure to find jobs keeping your heads under water.
Nonetheless, the fear of Tendo falling out of love with you the same way your father fell out of love with your mother still existed and was still very real. You could always untangle this very confusing frustration with Tendo, he'd never shied away from important conversations. However, despite the many insecurities he'd helped you through, this just wasn't one you wanted him to hear.
And maybe you were like your parents in that way . . .
You dropped your head into your lap, feeling the burn of tears in your eyes, your chest tightening under the pressure of the worries you knew had no foundations but still pushed their way into your system. Eventually, your eyes had drooped and your brain was shifting in and out of focus with the screen before you.
Before you could really fall asleep though, you heard the sound of the door opening and Tendo's voice informing you of his presence. You hummed in response and Tendo furrowed his brows at you, jumping in next to you on the couch. You could tell he was still a little delirious from drinking but not enough to turn you away from him, as you usually did when he got completely wasted.
"Y/N, I went to the corner store on the way back and got you the cake you said you really liked," Tendo mumbled, putting his arms around you and pulling you closer. You wanted the cake, sure, but to be truthful, you wanted him more than anything.
"I just wanna fuck," you blurted out and Tendo's head instantly snapped up to look at you, a lazy grin pulling at the edges of his lips.
"Uh? You wanna what?"
You blushed, tugging your knees to your chest but Tendo's hands were already on them, pulling them apart. "I said I wanna fuck," you murmur.
"That's right, baby," said Tendo, settling himself between your thighs as he licked his lips. "I knew what you said, I wanted to hear you say it again."
"I got it, stupid," you told him, curling your fingers around the shoulders of Tendo's shirt and bringing his chest to yours before connecting your lips. The effect was immediate. You simultaneously relaxed and tensed up underneath the weight of his body, completely winded by the effortlessness with which his tongue moved past your lips and pressed to your own.
"You're right, I deserve this," Tendo breathed against your lips, a hand going to your thigh and guiding your leg around his waist. You hadn't said that but didn't care enough to point it out. "I can't call it a treat without wrecking this pretty body of yours." Your heart fluttered with his words and you watched him trail his lips down your chin, jaw, and neck toward the now exposed skin of your chest as he hooked a finger over the collar of your sweater and forced it down.
You shut your eyes, drowning in the anxious ecstasy of what was to come, the outcome of all this; him inside of you, filling you up, and fighting off all your worries with each sway of his hips against yours.
His teeth grazed against your skin and you pressed your lips together, knowing it was going to be followed by a bite and it did. Tendo bit and tugged at your sensitive skin, earning a pained gasp from your lips before smoothing over the sting with his tongue. It hurt but in that good way you never wanted it to stop, not until every inch of your body was covered in marks from him and only him.
Tendo had always liked to take his time. Even now, with you practically squirming and wordlessly begging for him. You could tell by the way he rubbed the seam of his jeans right against the very spot you craved him most, knocking the air out of your lungs and making your hips snap up against his, which caused you both to moan (Tendo's turned into choked laughter). He usually opted to wear sweatpants or, at best, trousers, but the roughness of his jeans really did amplify the feeling and although it made you throb almost everywhere, you were starting to get impatient.
"Jinx," Tendo groaned, dropping his head into the crook of your neck as your fingernails raked through his messy hair.
"Shut up, Tendo, just . . . Fuck . . . Get inside already," you said between shallow breaths. Tendo was already doing that, wedging a hand between both your bodies to unbutton his jeans. But between making jokes of your desperation and dry-humping you right on his couch, Tendo (and you) failed to realize that you had company.
The sound of the door swinging open almost completely shattered your preoccupation with each other. Tendo dragged himself off you and onto his knees while you propped yourself up, slightly embarrassed but more so disappointed when Semi walked into the living room, squinting at the two of you.
"Oh," he said, realizing what he had interrupted with a nod. High Semi was a lot different than this not-very-drunk or just-sober-enough Semi, who was stoic and didn't laugh the awkwardness off like you expected. "S-sorry about that," he stuttered and made to head towards his own room.
Tendo turned back to you with a smile that told you he didn't mind continuing what you two had already started. He didn't mind . . . But that probably didn't mean he wanted to. Neither did you with Semi in the next room. The heavy feeling from earlier took residence in your stomach once more, unwarranted and so quick you felt tears spring to your eyes.
Pushing Tendo off, you ran to his room in order to cry without his prying eyes, kind as they were. But you knew you wouldn't have the room for very long. The five minutes you really were alone, you were quite sure Tendo was trying to give you space or wonder what he'd done wrong. Then the door opened and he stepped in and you buried your head in your hands.
"Y/N, what the fuck is up with you?" He asked, but in a gentle tone before you felt his hand on your back, rubbing soothingly. "Why are you crying, hm? Look at me." Tendo tugged on your forearm and practically forced your head up. You stared at him through tear-blurry vision.
"Why didn't you invite me to come with you and Semi?" You stuttered dumbly and Tendo blinked in surprise.
"I-I didn't think you'd want to come," he answered with a shrug and a look of guilt marred the fond carelessness of his face. "Usually you say no . . . I'm sorry, I should've asked."
You shook your head quickly and realized you were doing exactly what you hated about your parents: avoiding the problem. But how could you not avoid the problem when the problem was questioning his love for you? Maybe you were the immature one, thinking talking about those things was so simple. It wasn't.
So you just said, "Sorry, I've been having a rough week . . . "
Tendo nodded, understanding. "Do you want Semi out of here?"
"W-What? No, no, no," you said quickly, wiping your wet eyes. "He needs somewhere to stay, I-I don't mind. It's mostly just . . . " you braced yourself to finally voice your fear out loud. Tendo's eyes on you, full of concern and attention. "I'm sick of my parents," you ended up saying and then cringed with your whole body.
"They fighting again?" Tendo asked, wrapping an arm around your waist and maneuvering the two of you against the bed frame to lean back. You leaned into his chest and relaxed in the comforting scent of him.
"They haven't checked up on me," you murmured, feeling slightly embarrassed for needing your parents attention this much. Tendo just stroked his fingers through your hair, intently listening. "I didn't tell them I'd be away from home and I usually never am. But they haven't even texted me to ask. I just feel like I'm not wanted there."
"They're probably just lost in their own issues to even think about dealing with you," Tendo said and he seemed to have the simplest answers to the complicated worries in your heart. "Stay here with me, just until they really get worried. Besides you're wanted here all the time."
You lifted your head and smiled. "Thanks Tendo, I-I love you," you mumbled shyly and Tendo grinned, shaking his head in amusement.
"I love you too," he replied without hesitating. The two of you soon fell asleep, Tendo changing out of his jeans first and yelling at you to get in your pajamas, before throwing a shirt at your head. You were too tired to get up now and Tendo knew that but it didn't stop him from trying. He gave up shortly and muttered something about you being a stubborn little bitch before sinking into the mattress next to you and shutting off the lights.
The next week flew by just like that. You were getting quite used to living with Tendo and he seemed to be happy with that. Most days were just busy with school and assignments, the slower days were spent in wondering if Semi would be home now or then to gauge how long the two of you had alone. But in that worry itself, you and Tendo would miss the opportunity Semi seemed to have intentionally been giving you each time. Dinners were nice since the three of you got along very well. Tendo would usually make the jokes, vulgar or downright shocking, causing you to almost choke up your food and Semi to roll his eyes yet smirk all the same.
Semi had found a job as a male receptionist at some package delivering company, which was a grounds for all three of you to celebrate. Tendo explained that they probably only wanted Semi because he was eye-candy  for anyone entering the building. You agreed that Semi was very pretty and Tendo pouted at you.
Friday night, the bong was reintroduced and you surrendered to the thought of really forgetting all your stress and just getting high. Which you did. And it was really relieving. So the next day, you decided it couldn't hurt to have another session. Semi had gone off to work and he wouldn't be back till very late, which gave you and Tendo time to smoke a little and fuck a lot.
But neither of you were really in the mood that evening and you could tell by the lack of foreplay Tendo usually invested in before putting it inside. He was out of focus and so were you, lying in his bed and occasionally moaning when he hit the right spot.
And when he'd pulled out so quick, you couldn't help lifting your head in confusion. "T-Tendo, what—" but the question was cut off with warm liquid spraying over your bare chest and splashing onto your mouth, droplets almost hitting your eyes before you shut them.
"Ah shit!" Tendo gasped, giggling breathlessly. "I'm s-sorry about that. I just wanted to cum on your tits."
"I'm gonna get pink-eye!" You complained, wiping your eyes and mouth with the back of your hand.
"Don't be dramatic," he said dismissively, hopping off the bed and disappearing into the closet. You blinked, heavy breaths living your lips and slightly disoriented. But Tendo had really just . . . Done that, without bothering to ask if you'd finished (he never really asked because it was quite obvious you had every time, but not tonight).
Before the worthlessness could settle in, a towel was thrown directly at your face and now you were just . . . Really angry. Your own boyfriend seemed to have used you and discarded you, you thought, furiously wiping yourself down with the towel and watching Tendo from the corner of your eye light up a joint and take a deep drag from it.
You slipped your shirt back over your bare chest and stared down at your lap as he breathed out, smoke filling the air and your nose. You just wanted to turn around and sleep.
"Y/N," said Tendo, prompting you to glance up at him. You shifted your gaze to him and saw that he was dangling a pair of handcuffs in one hand and a collar with a chain attached to it in another. Tendo grinned lazily, the joint hanging from his lips as he tossed both on the bed, you gazing at them in wonder.
"Do you wanna try these?" He asked, setting the joint aside and crawling onto the bed. "I ordered them a while ago, they're cheap as fuck but if we like them — if you like them — we can get something proper."
You licked your lips, excitement rising in your stomach. "I . . . Um . . . Yes! I'd like to try . . ."
"That's my girl," said Tendo eagerly, clicking the collar around your neck with a sly smile. "You look pretty fucking hot, if I'm being honest." He turned your head to the side so you could see yourself in the mirror. You couldn't help but agree with your boyfriend. The presence of the collar on your throat did wonderful things to your conscious.
Then there was a rough tug on the chain, squeezing the collar around your neck, and a whimper tumbled past your lips as Tendo forced you to face him. Tendo's eyes widened in wicked surprise as he stared at you and felt yourself blushing.
"This chain comes in handy then, I bet," he muttered with a smile.
Once your shirt was off and the handcuffs were locked around your wrists, both behind your back, Tendo pushed you to the ground in front of him and swung his feet off the bed. He reached one of his large hands towards you, fingers immediately tangling in your hair as you made quick work of him. The constant yanking on your hair and the choked grunts Tendo made was really adding to the rush of it all. Especially when he pushed your head down and forced himself deeper into your throat. 
"Take all of my cock," he hissed out the order, the chain of your collar wrapped around his free hand, tugging at it every now and then when he wanted you to look at him. You accepted every  praise that followed, tears forming at the edge of your vision with each thrust. "You look so pretty like this, baby. God, I love face-fucking you . . . You're so good . . . You're the best." 
After he'd shuddered and his cock twitched, sending a warm stream of cum down your throat, Tendo didn't stop there. He pulled the chain up, your head rising with it as the collar squeezed your neck. "Let me see," he whispered, gently gripping your jaw as you opened your mouth, feeling the liquid drip down your chin. "Good girl. Now swallow." The instruction was followed by the harsh slap of his palm against your ass, prompting you to obey.
"Ah!" you cried out, biting your lip. "Y-Yes, sir." 
Tendo smirked and yanked the chain again, bringing your lips down upon his and the saltiness from earlier was wiped away as he sucked on your lips, grasping your hips and sitting you down on top of him where you could feel his cock pressing right against your entrance. 
"Tell me what you want, baby," Tendo groaned as you moved your hips against him, your head buried in his neck along with your lips grazing his warm skin. Your wrists were sore and aching and all you wanted was to latch onto him but Tendo didn't seem to want to take them off just yet. 
"Fuck me," you whispered against his ear.
Tendo didn't waste time, moving back so he was lying down on the bed, shirt off and you, on top of him, wanted to touch the tanned skin of his bare chest so bad. He watched your every moment with a dizzying intrigue, allowing you to fuck yourself on his cock while his fingers pressed bruises into your hips. 
"Just like that, Y/N," he grunted through a clenched jaw, pushing you all the way down as he lifted his own hips and thrust up into you. 
"Tendo!" You gasped, your head falling back, eyes shut tightly as the pain and pleasure shot up your body, releasing breathless moans from the base of your throat. "Fuck . . ."
Tendo grinned. "You ride me so well, Y/N . . . Ugh, fuck!" He pulled the chain towards him, swallowing your moan with the careful, wet kisses of his mouth. "You look so hot on top of me." You could feel the tight knots in your stomach slowly unraveling, the new angle doing mind-shattering things to your insides. 
"I-I . . . Tendo . . ." You stuttered, blinking rapidly as the feeling overcame you. 
Tendo's hands went to your thighs immediately, throwing you off of him and the sudden feeling of emptiness shocked you. "What the fuck?!" You cried, shaking the hair off your face as your wrists were still faithfully behind you. 
"Let me fuck that pussy," Tendo muttered, shifting you onto your hands and knees before sinking into you from behind as your head pressed into the pillow beneath you. "You're so tight . . . I love this pussy . . ." Tendo bent over you, till his chest was pressed to your back, his hand still clamped around the chain of your collar, making sure you were being choked how he liked you. 
"Moan for me, Y/N . . ." he whispered, lips and teeth clashing against the skin under your ear, your neck, your shoulder. You should've been embarrassed with the sounds leaving your parted mouth but you really couldn't focus on much besides the feeling of his cock buried deep inside you. 
The mindless euphoria and muffled pain of it all drove every thought out of your head, the uncertainty and unease. You wanted to be as close to Tendo as possible and he wanted to be deep inside you. As your vision blurred and you were so close to completely losing it, Tendo pulled out of you again. Your jaw fell open but he'd flipped you around and frantically uncuffed your now throbbing wrists, tossing the handcuffs to the side, before sliding back into you. 
"Fuucckkk . . ." He moaned, eyes fluttering but he tried to keep them open to watch your flushed face, your back arching until your breasts were pressed right up against his chest. The sound of profanities leaving his swelling lips was smothered as he sucked on your neck, your arms finally able to loop around his neck, yanking at his hair as he slipped his fingers between your legs. "C-Cum on my cock . . ." Tendo stuttered.
But you'd begged him to come inside and Tendo had to pull his head back to look at you with surprise. After the painful edging and denial, those words were enough to snap every knot in your stomach completely. Tendo had grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him. "I wanna see you when you cum," he managed to choke out as you tried your best to keep your eyes open, focused on his gaze and the way it sent goosebumps all over your sweat-glistening body. Tendo had sped up and groaned a string of curse words as he released inside of you, and you had given to defeat, throwing your head back, mouth open in a silent cry before Tendo's hips slowed down and the room was filled with shuddering breaths and occasional whimpers. 
"Holy fuck," Tendo whispered, unclipping the collar from around your neck and examining the red and almost bleeding skin before tossing the item to the side. "I'm so sorry . . . Did it hurt?" 
"K-Kinda," you squeaked as he kissed your neck softly. Truthfully, you hadn't noticed it then but the pain was coming back to you in short bursts as you trembled underneath Tendo. 
"I should've known considering it was like five bucks," he responded, dropping down next to you. You wrapped your arms around him and rested your head on his chest. Tendo seemed surprised by this as you two normally cleaned yourselves up first before cuddling. 
"My parents are falling out of love," you blurted out. 
Tendo scoffed, pushing your hair out of your face. "I just fucked you like you were a bitch in heat and the first thing you say is 'my parents are falling out of love' . . . What the fuck am I doing?" he murmured, leaning down and kissing the top of your head. "I'm sorry to hear that, Y/N."
You licked your lips, trailing your fingers over Tendo's bare chest. "I-I'm scared that . . . That you don't love me anymore either."
"Oh . . . This fucking girl, you can't leave her alone with her thoughts for a second," Tendo teased. "I can tell you this, Y/N; sometimes it doesn't work between people and forcing it will just make it worse." 
You nodded, shifting into a seated position so you could look at him properly. Tendo smiled at you, the mere action causing your heart to jump into you throat. "You're right . . . I'll have to hope for the best between my parents."
"That being said," Tendo continued, tucking your hair behind your ear gently. "I fucking love you and I don't plan on stopping so you can get that silly thought out of your head." There was a distant sound of the front door opening and when you'd glanced at the clock, you knew Semi was home. He'd announced his arrival and said,
"Keep fucking if you guys are fucking! I don't wanna ruin your relationship!"
Tendo rolled his eyes and hugged you closer, putting his chin on your shoulder. "You were amazing and I'm sorry about before . . ." You giggled. It seemed sort of trivial now. "You're beautiful by the way," Tendo said and you blushed. "Your face and body but also on the inside . . . and I'm not talking about these sweet insides I just ruined . . ."
"I know," You laughed as Tendo tickled your thigh with his fingertips. 
"Y/N," said Tendo suddenly and you glanced at him. "D-Do you want to try something new?"
You raised an eyebrow. "Hey, I guess the handcuffs weren't enough, huh? Yeah, let's do something new!" But you weren't expecting Tendo to call for Semi. To your own surprise though, you didn't stop him and even smiled widely when the boy pushed the door open and froze, blush creeping onto his cheeks. 
Tendo hadn't said anything further but your heart was pounding furiously again, especially when Semi's eyes shifted from Tendo to meet your own. He opened his mouth to say something but then thought better of it.
A second later, he was tugging at his own hoodie, the only two words that left his lips "fuck it" completely forgotten once the door shut and Tendo dimmed the lights. 
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hxneyandespressx · 4 years
sweet tea in the summer
summary: little blurbs of jj and elle being in a relationship
pairing: jennifer jareau x elle greenaway (jelle)
word count: 1.8k
lemon tea: mornings
Usually, Elle and JJ were up in the early hours of dawn, getting ready to head for work. The two of them don’t slow down as they just want to get out of their shared apartment. On the weekends, however, these two liked to take their time, savoring the calmness. Sometimes they rolled around in bed as Elle peppered butterfly kisses on JJ’s nose and cheeks. Sometimes, JJ woke up before Elle and made coffee for both of them. Two creams and two sugars, just how Elle liked it. And they spent their time in bed, sipping on their coffee and have sleepy conversations.
peppermint tea: ice skating
During one of their visits to New York, Elle and JJ were ice skating at Bryant Park in the crisp December air. Neither of them were experts at it, so a few tumbles onto the ice were granted. JJ held onto Elle’s arm tightly, as she was scared to fall down. After a while, JJ was able to balance and slowly skate alongside Elle. The two of them went skating around the rink, bypassing the other couples. At one point, Elle slowly brought JJ close to her and placed a chaste kiss on her chapped lips. After their time ice skating, Elle and JJ went to go get hot chocolate at the nearest kiosk and walked around the park before heading back to their hotel.
chamomile tea: bedtime
Either of them doesn’t have a set sleep schedule. They sleep when they can. But during the rare times when they get home early, Elle and JJ liked to take their time doing their nightly routine. JJ made some chamomile tea for the both of them while Elle fed their pet cat. They both drank their tea and talked on the balcony, letting the tea calm their body and mind. Slowly, they yawned and put their mugs away in the sink. JJ flopped onto the bed as Elle grabbed the blanket to cover the both of them. JJ cuddled into Elle’s arms and the two women fell fast asleep, catching dreams of moving to India forever.
earl grey tea: flirting
Elle was known to be the flirt in the relationship and JJ loved it whenever Elle flirts with her and makes her blush, even though the blonde wouldn’t admit to it. One day, JJ wanted Elle to get a taste of her own medicine. When both Elle and JJ working from home on a Friday, the blonde mustered up all her courage to at least try out her pick-up line. JJ called out Elle’s name and the brunette looked at her girlfriend. JJ said her cheesy pickup line and Elle laughed, but not at her girlfriend. It was at the pickup line. JJ pouted and slumped in defeat. Elle smiled happily and quickly pecked her sad girlfriend’s lips.
milk tea: hugs and kisses
Elle snuck up on JJ as the blonde was cooking breakfast. The brunette tickled JJ’s side as the shorter woman laughs hard, trying not to burn herself from the oil. Wanting the ticking to be stopped, JJ shooed away Elle, but her sneaky girlfriend couldn't keep her hands off of her. Elle gently wrapped her arms JJ’s waist as the blonde was curious as to what the brunette was going to do next. Elle placed two kisses on JJ’s cheeks. Then her forehead. Her nose. Finally, her lips. JJ deepened the kiss between herself and Elle. It was like it was only them and nothing else matter. That was until Elle smelled burning eggs and JJ furiously tried to salvage them.
iced tea: moonlight
Stars twinkled across the night sky as Elle and JJ took sips of their red wine. They were having a date night in and decided to finish off the night at the balcony. The moon shined bright, almost like a spotlight on Elle. JJ took in the sight that was next to her. The blonde was lost in her thoughts until Elle called out for her. Once being back to reality, JJ blushed in embarrassment and looked away. Elle tried her best to comfort her girlfriend, hoping that they could continue their quiet night while watching the moon.
black tea: baking
JJ and Elle were baking cookies for a Christmas cookie party. They were having fun until Elle threw some flour at JJ’s face. JJ stood in shock as Elle smirked, feeling proud of herself. That was until JJ scooped up some flour with both her hands and dropped it on top of Elle’s head. This started a food war between the two women, who were also wasting a lot of baking ingredients that were necessary for the Christmas cookies. JJ realized this in the midst of this food fight and had to stop Elle from throwing some sprinkles at her. The two women laughed to their hearts’ content and started to clean up themselves and the kitchen, hoping to salvage something for the rest of the Christmas cookies to be made.
pomegranate tea: fireworks
It was the Fourth of July and both Elle and JJ made plans to watch the city’s firework display. Packing up a small picnic for dinner, JJ hummed as she was making sandwiches. Once finished, JJ called out for her girlfriend to head out and seek the best spot. Elle appeared in time and the pair went their way to the nearest park. Elle set the blanket while JJ took out the food she made earlier. They quickly ate their sandwiches and guzzled some ginger ale. JJ quickly cleaned up their area in time for the firework show. The blonde cuddled up to Elle’s chest as the two women watched the sky is filled with many colors. They enjoyed their time watching the fireworks display. When it was over, Elle and JJ went on their way home, but not without having some ice cream to end the night.
matcha tea: drunken conversations
Elle and JJ were giggling loudly at a bar in their city. JJ took her last sip of her beer as Elle fumbled to try and find her wallet. Once the tab has been paid, Elle hooked her right arm with JJ’s left and the drunken pair slowly waddled out of the bar. Since the apartment wasn't too far, it wasn’t necessary to hail a cab. JJ shushed Elle as they entered their apartment building and was greeted by their stoic doorman. Their giggles got muted as the elevator door closed, JJ closing the gap between her and Elle.
chai tea: holding hands
JJ played with their hands as they were laying in bed late at night. Elle intertwined the fingers and softly placed a kiss on each knuckle on JJ’s hand. The blonde snuggled into Elle’s side and slowly closed her eyes. Elle watched her girlfriend, whose sound asleep, for a few minutes. She took in the beautiful sight in front of her. Gently pushing her blonde locks away from her face, Elle placed a kiss on JJ’s forehead and prepared herself to sleep. The brunette closed her eyes for the night as she continued to have her fingers intertwined with JJ’s.
hibiscus tea: road trips
Music played loudly as a car zoomed along the interstate. Elle and JJ had taken a month off to do a little road-tripping. JJ held her hand out of the window to feel the rush of the cold wind. Sometimes Elle would take little glances at her girlfriend to remind herself of the beautiful memories they will make. The blonde reeled her arm back in and started to search for the snack bag for one thing. When she couldn’t find it, she asked Elle, who in turn didn’t know. That started a very silly argument about where the Cheetos bag went. Soon enough, JJ found the bag of Cheetos right behind her passenger seat. She sheepishly smiled as she opened the bag, Elle laughing beside her.
green tea: bonfire
Elle poked at the small bonfire to get the fire going as JJ prepared ingredients for s’mores. The brunette sat down by her girlfriend, wrapping herself and JJ with a large plaid blanket. JJ handed a marshmallow on a stick to Elle and started to roast her own marshmallow. The crackling of the fire provided warmth as the brisk November wind passed by. Once the marshmallows were ready, both Elle and JJ constructed their s’mores as quickly as possible before the marshmallow would fall onto the ground. Giggles were heard as a smear of chocolate appeared on Elle’s upper lip. JJ took this opportunity to lick it off and laugh at Elle’s shocked expression.
russian caravan tea: music
Soft indie music played into the night as Elle and JJ danced slowly across the cold kitchen tiles. It was one of those nights where either of them couldn’t sleep. JJ had her head in the crook of Elle’s neck as the brunette had her arms wrapped around JJ’s waist. They let the music serenade them as they circled around the kitchen. Wanting to check up on JJ, Elle looked down and saw that JJ had closed her eyes. Elle gently waddled her way to turn off the music while trying not to wake up JJ. She picked up JJ in bridal style and walked over to their bedroom, gently putting JJ down on the comforter. Elle scooted up next to her and cuddled her in her arms, falling asleep to JJ's gentle heartbeat.
english breakfast tea: beaches
Elle and JJ held hands as they walked along the beach. The waves gently touched their feet from time to time. Something sparkling caught JJ’s eye and the blonde took the time to pick it up. To her discovery, it was a half piece of a seashell lined with nacre. Elle complained that she didn’t want to take home a smelly seashell but JJ wanted it. JJ was able to convince Elle into taking it home by her charming looks that Elle can’t resist. A smirk appeared on Elle’s face as she thought of a mischievous idea. Elle dragged JJ into the ocean up to their knees. JJ shrieked due to the cold salty water and proceed to scold her girlfriend for ruining her dress.
rooibos tea: anniversary
Both Elle and JJ would rather have a lowkey day for celebrating their one-year anniversary. Neither of them expects any gifts, as they do not want any expectations presiding in their relationship. They would have breakfast in bed together and reminisce their memories over the past year. Afterward, they would get ready for a hike at Shenandoah National Park. Depending on their mood, they pick a trail that could either be easy or more difficult, so they can challenge themselves. But once they reach the top, Elle and JJ take in the view of the sun slowly setting down over the trees and hills. Elle would grab JJ’s hand and take a look at her beautiful girlfriend, how the sunset rays filter her already beautiful face. They tell each other happy anniversary as they sit on the craggy boulders, watching the sunset over the horizon and the moon rise up into the twilight sky.
taglist: @homosexualyearning / @ssajelle / @iconicc / @sunlightgalaxy / @pumpkin-stars / @lgbtbau / @hotchgans / @abbyprentiss / @pen3mily / @morcias / @hotchsbabygirl / @gravelyhumerus / @notsosmexy / @cherrychris / @hqtchner / @girlbossjareau / @a-writers-ramblings
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vonxodd · 2 years
for the emoji thingy: 📱💕 and 🐷 please??
📱 Show your phone lock screen and/or home screen
Tumblr media
💕 Your two top fave fictional characters
im gonna have to give a nerdy answer and go with my two fav video game characters, steph gingrichs and chloe price both from life is strange <3
🐷 junkfood you can never get enough of
my gosh i love love love extra flamin hot cheetos ! also potato chips and valentina sauce with a sprinkle of lime juice smacks
ty for the ask <;3
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ticklish-touch · 3 years
I know Rags doesn’t need to eat, but I saw someone give him a chocolate bar one time lol xD And I know he has different opinions when it comes to food to, so IF Rags were to have like, a weird food/snack combo, what would it be? Like, mine is french toast sticks dipped in nutella and orange sherbet.
oh god I can see him having so many weird cursed combos. (Also what the heck, french toast with nutella sounds really good?? I might try that sometime.)
- spicy Doritos on birthday cake ice cream
- candy corn with spaghetti
- raw meat topped with syrup
- one of those absolutely horrid Chamoy stuffed pickles and a friend of mine offered the most cursed combo of all:
"Dirt n worms, with sour worms, too much ketchup, a sickening amount of oreos, some whipped cream and a mountain of hot cheetos as sprinkles"
Basically he'd be a vaccuum for any and all junk food. In any number of combinations. 👍
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