simssaga · 1 year
To start fresh or not to start fresh?
OMG! It's been way too long - life got in the way again. I haven't played TS3 in forever... I feel like I'm so behind. Did any new CC drop? Where were I with my sim? Why am I feeling bored? Should I start fresh or...? So many dang questions... Help!
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simssaga · 2 years
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Even Evion seemed to be having fun. She had been a little shy at first, as she wasn't really familiar with anyone. But she quickly broke out of her shelf (helped by a good amount of juice) and made friends with a couple of the girls.
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simssaga · 2 years
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The pizza seemed to elevate the party 😁.
As soon as Jenna served up the deliciousness, all the girls gathered to grab a slice, before the guys could get their hands on it. All the juice and dancing definitely took its toll, so a munch-break was definitely in order.
Jenna smiled to herself as her guest happily finished up their slices and returned to their juicy shenanigans. She chuckled a bit and joined some of the girls playing party games.
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simssaga · 2 years
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🍕 Ain't no party, like a pizza party 🍕
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simssaga · 2 years
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Saturday night and the bonfire is lit, the music is popping and the juice is flowing ✨️. Jenna had originally only invited the sorority girls. Her plan was to have a cute juiced up girls night, filled with party-umbrellas, drinks and harmless gossip. But apparently word got around and before she knew it, a few handsome guys decided to crash the party 😉. In the end Jenna didn't mind at all. She easily struck up conversations and even hit it off with a couple of the guys.
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simssaga · 2 years
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The days are slowly going by, one by one. Jenna's mostly been focusing on her studies, doing not much else. She figured, that if she starts off by cramming the books right from the beginning of the semester, she won't get too stressed out once the exams comes around.
But it's no fun just studying, which is why Jenna decided to throw a small Juice-kegger party this upcoming weekend - besides she figured it would be a good opportunity to celebrate being 1/4 of the way.
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simssaga · 2 years
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After class Jenna decided to stop by the local park. Most students gathered there in between or after classes, so it would be a perfect spot to socialize and make some new friends. And to nobody's surprise - Jenna's little masterplan worked! She fell into conversation with Ashley DeSorrento, who took a liking to Jenna and invited her to join her and the sorority girls for a casual picnic-lunch.
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simssaga · 2 years
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Get to know me tag 💖
I was tagged by the lovely @hazely-sims, who apparently wants know more about lil' old me, which I'm very honored by 😊. I thought, I'd share my answers with you guys. Thank you so much sweetness for tagging me.
Relationship status: I'm a ✨single pringle✨ - who's undeniably and slowly turning into a crazy cat-lady and regretting absolutely NOTHING! Cuz you can't hate on fluff and toe-beans 😁.
Favourite colour: Green 🪴🌿🌱.
Three favourite foods: Comfort food in all it's different variations - Delicious!
Song stuck in my head: I actually do have Youtube Music running in the background right now, but a song that I have started to karaoke while doing household chores lately is Flowers by Miley Cyrus - I blame it on my addiction to the clock app, but hey - it's a bop and somewhat of an independence anthem already. Soo... I'm not sorry 😁.
Last thing I googled: I'm boring - I needed to translate a Danish word into an English one. I therefor googled "ordbogen" (which means "the dictionary"), in order to get to the web-dictionary.
Last song I listened to: 🎶 Calm Down by Rema and Selena Gomez 🎶.
Dream trip: Oh! How can I choose?! I have so many places I wanna see and visit. My list is looooong, but one of the bigger ones is definitely Australia and New Zealand or a roundtrip throughout Asia ✈️.
Time: It's currently 08:05pm on a regular Wednesday night.
Anything I really want right now: A job... I would like to get back into routine and have a little more financial freedom - But I'll settle for some cuddles with my Murder Mitten and a glass of chocolate-milk 😁.
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I guess, it's my turn to tag 10 amazing people. So... Here are a few amazing ones, you def. should check out, btw 😘. @johziii, @happy-lemon, @simmingaroundtheworld, @surroundedbythestjamesfamily, @pixelbasil, @neillesimstories, @confessionsofasimmingfreak, @theplumlady, @muckleberri and @hurricanesims I could tag more wonderful tumblrs, but tbh I feel like if I do that, I'll just end up annoying people for real. So... I guess I'll stick to 10, as the rules dictates.
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simssaga · 2 years
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I might not post as regularly and often as I would like, but I'm active and trying my best ❤️.
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since my break, my dashboard is kinda dead and i would like to find more active ts3 & ts4 gameplay simblrs.
please reblog, comment or like so i can find you!
let’s be friends and support each other ♡
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simssaga · 2 years
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Hi guys!
Soo... I feel like, I need to update you a little bit 😔😟. Recently I've been struggling a bit mentally 😢. I've been having a hard time finding motivation to do anything - be it playing, posting, jobhunting or keeping my home 🏠. Things have just been a bit grey, if I'm being honest. That's why the posting have been very inconsistence and down right lacking, lately. It's no excuse, but an explanation. I won't make any promises going forward in terms of the frequency of uploading posts, but I will definitely try my very best to post a bit more frequent. Hopefully my mental health will turn around soon and things will get better and my motivation will return for good ❤️.
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simssaga · 2 years
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Jenna had worked her pretty little peach off cramming all the textbooks and studying hard, just to get accepted into University. But it was nothing compared to the difficulty of her first class 😖
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But even though the topics were hard and questions even harder, it was all interesting to Jenna and she actually enjoyed herself tremendously - Time flew by in no time.
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simssaga · 2 years
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Rise and shine! 🌻 Nothing like a little morning cardio workout before class.
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simssaga · 2 years
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The two girls hit it off right away. The black-haired beauty's name was Tammy Parker and she was so funny and smart. Jenna really enjoyed her company and decided to ask if they should grab a bite together at the local diner, which Tammy agreed to 😊
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simssaga · 2 years
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After the welcome meeting at the Student Union Jenna decided to explore more of the campus. Everything was stunning, with it's historic buildings and cute parks. You could sense the excitement and enthusiasm from the other students, all eager to make new friends and start their terms.
Jenna stopped at the local park where some students had gathered for an impromptu jam session. She was beginning to feel a little hungry and wondered, where she should grab a bite. Jenna looked around to see if there was any signage toward the local diner or coffeeshop. That's when her eyes spied a cool and collected girl reading a book, completely ignoring the less than great jam session. Maybe she would know which way to go, so Jenna decided to approach and ask.
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simssaga · 2 years
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The first day was rather overwhelming for Jenna. Right when entering the Student Union building, she was bombarded with an obscene amount of information, both practical and trivial - all from pushy but friendly students and professors, all eager to welcome her to campus. At least Jenna could reward herself with the little freebies, they were handing out at the stalls. But even though it all was a little overwhelming, Jenna was truly happy and excited. Who knows what amazing experiences this term has in store for her! Oh... And is it really a true and authentic "welcome-party", if the way too old and way too creepy weirdo, dressed in a llama mascot costume, doesn't hit on you the moment you entertain his greetings 🤣 I think not! Jenna handled it like a pro though.
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simssaga · 2 years
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Off she goes 🚲✨
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simssaga · 2 years
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It took almost no time for the girls to fix up their little house and make it into a home. Decorating is so much more fun once the walls are dry and the juice poured into red cups 😂
And before the girls knew it the first day of the semester arrived. Jenna didn’t close an eye that night, she was too excited. This is a dream come true! Maybe she should pinch herself to see if it’s real. For so long Jenna had been dreaming of this moment and now it’s finally here.
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