#ancient runes
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the-magiarcheologist · 1 year ago
Secret Ancient Rune Message
Oh my god! Guys!!! I'm fluent in ancient runes now!!!
Basically, I noticed that in the Feldcroft catacomb there are several walls with some runic writings on them.
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Sorry for the weird lighting, I used lumos to try to make the runes more readable. (Also you can notice that the first wall is actually upside-down 😂)
I had also found in the game files, this texture that had the same runes on it:
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The runes on the texture image were much easier to read than the ones on the walls in Feldcroft catacomb so I used that as my Rosetta stone, if you will, in order to crack the code!
I wrote down all the different types of runes that I could see then I counted how frequently they appeared and, assuming that the secret message was written in english, I compared the frequency of the runes to the frequency of letters in the english language. (I also noticed other little characteristic, like letters that appear together often, letters that are repeated, etc.) Anyway! I was able to piece it all together and a message appeared!!
I used "_" for the places where there are some runes I cannot read. The beginning of the message is hard to see. I'm not sure of the letters "MARD" for instance. There is also a strange symbol after 'used their life on the pursuit', a cross inside a diamond. I'm not sure what it means. It could be a punctuation.
But appart from that, here is how each rune translates as an english letter:
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(Sorry, I had to handwrite this and then scan it. I don't have a fancy tablet to draw this digitally). I have not encountered the letters J, Q, V, X and Z so those are left empty.
Anyway, after that I went back to the runes on the walls of the Feldcroft Catacomb and from the runes that I could read I can tell that it's actually the same message, repeated over and over on the walls.
The secret message is probably about the relic. It says you must master one spell in order to use the relic and it warns anyone that Dark Magic like that can make you mad or lead you to your death.
But beyond that I feel so vindicated that the runes actually mean something! Like, guys, I'm not crazy!! The devs have hidden some secret messages in the game!
(Oh my, this is gonna make my obsession even worse, isn't it? đŸ€Ł)
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klaus-littlestwolf · 8 months ago
Random Thought
The Mikaelsons at Hogwarts: Students and Teachers
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Elijah Mikaelson:
Student- He would absolutely be a Ravenclaw but that one Ravenclaw who is smarter than everyone including the teacher and yet never turns in the homework at all (but passes all his OWLs with Outstandings every time). Elijah was also a very talented Quidditch player, enjoying his role as a Keeper and staying on the team all 6 years after his first year watching from the stands and becoming obsessed. He actually went on to play on a professional team for quite some time after school.
Teacher- He would probably teach Ancient Runes and while everyone would hate the class they would love him and appreciate how he actually makes the class enjoyable. He would be best friends with Professor McGonagall 100% and would be one of the toughest graders in the entire school despite being generous with his help
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Klaus Mikaelson:
Student- Klaus would be a Slytherin and while he would be cocky about it to everyone, he would actually hate it and believe that he was destined to be everything his father told him he was. However he would eventually let go of that worry as his best friend (who is a Hufflepuff) constantly tells him how smart and good he really is and will stick up for him to everybody that teases him in anyway (despite the fact that she cannot stick up for herself and Klaus has to do it whenever someone makes fun of his sweet, innocent friend). He is a talented student and excels in potions and charms, often Hexing whatever Gryffindor was mean to his sweet Hufflepuff for being friends with “evil wizards”.
Teacher- Klaus would teach Care of Magical Creatures with Hagrid and he would be the only one who could reign him in, though he also enjoyed Hagrids love of creatures and helped him learn about them (even gaining the trust of the werewolf pack in the Forbidden Forest as well as being on good terms with the Centaurs). He would also teach an elective Muggle Arts class for students that love to be artistic to have an outlet in a school where such things aren’t considered important, wanting students like he would have been to have somewhere to go and not feel judged for being different.
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Kol Mikaelson:
Student- Kol would probably be a Hufflepuff and while he would be the kind of student that coasts along the middle when it comes to grades, he would be friends with almost everyone regardless of their house. He would be incredibly talented with Charms of any sort (including Jinx’s and Hexes) and teach his friends more than their own teachers did on a regular basis. Kol would be one of the most talented wizard in his year by far.
Teacher- As a teacher Kol would definitely be the fun one that every student loves. He would teach Charms class and take it very seriously even while still allowing the students to enjoy themselves. He would be a hard grader but also be the type to help students and offer extra credit to kids that are actually trying their best and just not being the best in Charms. He’s also the kind of teacher who would happily try and help his students to find a class they enjoy and excel in, often signing his kids up for Hagrid and Klaus’ class. Kol was also very prone to creating his own charms which often ended with him visiting Madam Pomfrey at least once a week.
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Rebekah Mikaelson:
Student- Rebekah would be a Ravenclaw like her older brother but she would focus on her studies far more than Elijah did. She would be a good student but would definitely excel more if she wasn’t constantly hanging on whatever Slytherin boyfriend she had that month. Rebekah would always put too much effort into whatever Slytherin boy was interested in her
Teacher- She would teach Herbology, loving her garden that she had been given permission to grow herself in a special clearing in the Forbidden Forest. She became good friends with Professor Snape and often grew unique plants for him to use in his advanced potions or stock his stores with things that were hard to find (as very few witches in the world were as talented in Herbology as Rebekah) or were too expensive. She was a fantastic teacher and very easy on her students, taking the time twice a week to have an advanced class for students who wanted extra credit and to learn harder material
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Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
Elijah Mikaelson Masterlist
Kol Mikaelson Masterlist
Random Thoughts
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ansatsu-sha · 9 months ago
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Senshi / Dungeon Meshi S1E24
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hazedwords · 10 months ago
Chaos Club Headcannons (Lucius Ver.):
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Lucius Malfoy:
áȘ„ Wears clear lipgloss
áȘ„ Naturally sensitive to the cold
áȘ„ Can not sing for the life of himself
áȘ„ Started to like Narcissa around their third year (they started to date in the end of their fourth year)
áȘ„ Has to go through an extensive night routine for his skin
áȘ„ Sleeps with an essential oil air humidifier (he likes lavender the most)
áȘ„ Will flip if anyone touches his hair
áȘ„ Needs a full 10 hours of sleep or else he wakes up with eye bags and looks like a zombie risen from the dead
áȘ„ Everyone thinks his favorite class is potions, when it is actually Ancient Runes
áȘ„ Carries around a satchel (for his books) that has his family crest embroidered smack dab in the middle of it (gets one custom made for Narcissa and eventually Draco)
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nidamae-approvedhpfanfics · 4 months ago
Harry Potter and the Unlocked Runic
Another fabulous tale by the wonderful VashonBeader.
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What happens when canon goes off the rails when Fawkes, upset with Dumbledore, takes Harry away for healing after facing the basilisk? This AU is what! A bit of adventure, a bit of mayhem, and dealing with death eaters. Certain death-eaters seek redemption while others plot to bring back the glory days. Canon characters added with a few OC's, add AU, shaken, stirred and served.
Harry Potter, T, English, Adventure & Family, chapters: 14, words: 124k+, favs: 708, follows: 799, updated: Oct 2 published: Aug 27, [Harry P., Hermione G.]
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crossthread · 5 months ago
What really pissed me about Harry is that he took fucking Divinition instead of Ancient Runes like wtf Potter
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daughterofyourdarklord · 1 year ago
tattoo, sender gives receiver a tattoo. (let’s give Delphi runes that match mama’s!!!)
It’s incredibly dangerous. 
Stitching magic into one's skin, something so permanent. If it’s not done with complete accuracy, not a line out of place, the results can be disastrous. Many a witch and wizard have died, accidentally calling upon the wrong magic, sowing in the wrong rune. 
Of course, there are always ways to make it worse. 
Using blood as ink was made illegal centuries ago. A rare form of dark magic, it’s history tied up within the ancient houses, some more than others.
Of course, Delphini is far too small to understand this. Not that it matters. There’s no one in the world she trusts more than her parents. So when mama sits her down and explains to her that this is necessary, that it’s for her safety, Delphini doesn’t bat an eye.  
Mummy shows her the 'ink'. Explains that it belongs to them, mama and father, that once this is over their protection will be with Delphini always. She doesn’t recognize the magic as dark, instead it feels like home. 
“It's critical that you stay absolutely still, darling.” Mama reminds her. Delphini nods, clearing her throat before her mother moves to start. She flinches at the first cut, body involuntarily tensing. Before Delphini even registers what's happening her whole body goes slack, all she can do is gasp, her own limbs suddenly refusing to respond to her. She feels her mother's hands along her sides catching her before she were to fall. Gently, Bellatrix is repositioning the little witch she just stunned. “I know it hurts but I can't have you move, okay? I need to use magic to keep you still. It’ll be over soon. You’re a brave girl, aren’t you?” She is.
It is a strange kind of pain, it stings worse than a snake bite but the magic in it somehow soothes at the same time. Bellatrix is extremely precise. 
Not only is the entire act illegal but tattooing this kind of magic onto a child - it’s borderline unthinkable. 
Only it’s not, nothing is for this family. 
Mama seems calm and her calm makes Delphini calm despite her inability to even lift a finger. It was entirely the opposite just days ago when all those strange wizards - those bad men - broke down the doors to Lestrange Estates. They came after mama, they came after Delphini too! She remembers how horrible their hands felt on her. Mummy was certainly not calm then and neither was Delphi. 
“Almost done.” Bella reassures her again. Delphini is trying to think of anything else, she hates this very much, eyes welling with tears that she can't even attempt to keep at bay. It’s a handful of deep breaths later and her mother’s steady hands finally turns gentle. 
Her wand is still on the back of Delphini’s neck, only this time she whispers a quiet healing spell. The angry red that was wrapping around the runes slowly begins to fade. 
Cosmic Protection. Guidance. Intuition. Love. 
The runes run red along the little witch’s pale neck. 
“You did so well.” Autonomy finally returns to her, Delphini is quick to turn at her mother’s encouragement, her throat too heavy to allow her words. She buries her face into mama's neck instead. A few tears escape, if mummy notices she doesn’t say anything. Comforting hands surround Delphini, slowly coaxing her out of hiding. 
She pulls back, tiny fist swiping at her eyes before she looks up at her mother. 
“It feels funny.” She doesn’t know how to explain it. There’s magic humming at the base of her skull, it’s not unfamiliar nor is it unsettling, the feeling is just new. "It tickles!" the mother smiles, lifting her daughter carefully, balancing her on one hip as she walks them to the large mirror. 
“Look.” Delphini does, glancing back as her mother pushes her braid just over her shoulder so that the little witch can see. The red is pretty, it looks just like daddy’s eyes. Delphini grins at the thought, glancing away briefly to catch her mother’s gaze, the older witch shares the same expression.
“We match!” The pain that consumed her mere moments ago now all but forgotten.
"We do." Bella agrees, fingers tucking a stray curl behind Delphini's ear.
She can feel them - through the runes - their magic surrounding her.
She straightens the moment she notices, eyes wide before she lifts her hand to touch. 
“Careful.” Her mother reminds her. The magic hovers slightly, she can feel it without even touching her skin. Delphini reaches down, little fingers pulling back her mothers wide sleeve, her hand hovering over the dark mark there just the same. She looks up at her mother, surprise spreading across her features. It takes everything in Bellatrix not to laugh at Delphini making the connection. 
"All to keep you safe, love."
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maretriarch · 1 year ago
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will i ever get over the way this way they draw ponies? no
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elvenarcanum · 6 months ago
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Druid woman
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thelashjedi · 2 years ago
The idiom “let the chips fall where they may” is said to have originated with American wood choppers in the 1800s — the idea being that woodcutters had to focus on larger logs and not worry about the small pieces (“chips”) as they fell. A version of “don’t sweat the small stuff”, if you will.
HOWEVER, an Icelandic poem from 1225 CE uses the same expression referencing a type of rune casting — i.e. throwing marked chips in the air, seeing how they land and using the placement to divine how best to proceed. In this instance the expression “let the chips fall where they may” meant more along the lines of “whatever will be, will be.”
I’d bet the idiom survived long enough to be completely divorced from the original practice of rune casting that humans forgot and unknowingly came up for a new origin story for the idiom — as though the generations in between were unwittingly playing an ancient version of the telephone game.
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kathrynalicemc · 2 years ago
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HPMA | Study of Ancient Runes | Professor Clodagh Dromgoole
A gifset for Dafne’s favorite professor (and later will be Mikael’s fav too). Might give her a fc for my universe 👀
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ask-magical-total-drama · 8 months ago
Who gets the best grade in each subject?
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For our year at least, Ellody, Mary and I set the curve in every class except Potions and Ancient Runes.
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Those are set by Max and Spud, respectively.
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Which is—fine! We shouldn’t begrudge the savants their due.
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Your eye is twitch—
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I know.
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harmonyhealinghub · 2 years ago
Unlocking the Ancient Wisdom: Exploring the Mystical World of Runes
Shaina Tranquilino
August 30, 2023
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If you take the time to observe and look around, we are surrounded by ancient symbols and mystical practices. Runes stand out as one of the most fascinating forms of divination and communication. Originating from ancient Germanic and Norse cultures, these enigmatic characters have captivated scholars, historians, and enthusiasts alike for centuries. In this blog post, we will embark on a journey to uncover the secrets behind runes and explore their significance in contemporary society.
What are Runes?
Runes are a system of ancient alphabets used by various Germanic tribes such as the Vikings during the early Middle Ages. These characters were typically inscribed onto stones, wood, or metal objects and carried deep symbolic meanings. Each rune represents a specific sound, but they also hold broader associations with natural elements, gods/goddesses, and various aspects of life.
The Origins of Runes:
The exact origins of runes remain shrouded in mystery. However, many scholars believe that they evolved from older writing systems like Etruscan or Anglo-Saxon scripts. The earliest known runic inscriptions date back to around 150 AD and can be found across Northern Europe.
The Rune Alphabet:
The runic alphabet is known as "Futhark," derived from its first six letters: Fehu (wealth), Uruz (strength), Thurisaz (thorn), Ansuz (divine breath), Raido (journey), and Kaunan (torch). Over time, different versions emerged within different regions, resulting in variations such as Elder Futhark, Younger Futhark, and Anglo-Saxon Futhorc.
Divination with Runes:
One of the primary purposes of runes was divination – seeking insight into future events or guidance in decision-making processes. To perform a rune reading or casting, practitioners would traditionally draw runes from a bag or scatter them on a cloth, interpreting their meanings based on their positions and interactions.
Each rune carries its own unique symbolism, allowing for nuanced interpretations. Some common interpretations include Fehu representing wealth and abundance, Thurisaz symbolizing protection or defense, and Raido signifying journeys or travel.
Runes in Contemporary Society:
Despite being rooted in ancient cultures, runes have not lost their relevance in modern times. Many individuals find solace in exploring the wisdom embedded within these symbols and seek to incorporate them into their spiritual practices. Runes are often utilized for meditation, personal growth, intention-setting rituals, and even as decorative elements in jewelry or artwork.
In popular culture, runes have made appearances in various forms of media such as books, movies (e.g., "The Lord of the Rings"), and video games (e.g., "The Elder Scrolls" series). These depictions have further fueled curiosity about runes among enthusiasts worldwide.
Runes continue to captivate our collective imagination as powerful symbols of ancient wisdom and divination. Whether you approach them from an academic perspective or seek personal connection through spirituality, exploring the world of runes can be a transformative experience. As we unravel the secrets behind these enigmatic characters, let us honour the knowledge they carry by embracing their lessons with reverence and respect.
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lordboomslang · 1 year ago
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I don’t care to spread this out so we gonna answer it all here.
1. The Prisoner of Azkaban
2. The Chamber of Secrets
3. Tom Marvolo Riddle (Not Voldemort)
4. Luna x Rolf
5. Harry x The Basilisk
6. Luna Lovegood
7. The Room of Requirement
8. Slytherin
9. Wampus
10. Hidebehind/Lethifold/Nundu
11. Sectumsempra
12. Ralph Fiennes
13. Evanna Lynch
14. I read the second book for a book project in the 2nd Grade
15. Way too many to count. (Slytherin Paraphernalia and two horcruxes and more)
16. Hedwig
17. Ancient Runes
18. He’s just a child following the example of his idols
19. Slytherin’s Locket (pre-horcrux)
20. Filius Flitwick
21. Peverell
22. He’s a bitter man that needs to grow up
23. The Felix Felicis Scene
24. A Snake
25. The Invisibility Cloak
26. Bloodpops
27. Newton Scamander
28. Neville Longbottom
29. Hermione Granger
30. Mahoutokoro
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The Enigma of Darkwater Lake: A Viking Adventure for Ages 12+ | Mystery, Myth, and Monsters
In the heart of an ancient forest lies Darkwater Lake, a place shrouded in mystery and fear. Legends speak of strange creatures and otherworldly dangers lurking beneath its dark waters. Bjorn the Brave, a fearless Viking warrior, leads a daring expedition with his loyal companions—Freydis, Erik, and Ragna—to uncover the lake’s secrets. Armed with courage, ancient runes, and unyielding

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sidlarsson · 4 months ago
u can totally ignore this ask but can we get a snippet of next chapter :0
Oh, sure. I'm still editing a bit, but here's a little of Lily and Remus. I love their friendship.
Even from behind, Remus looked better groomed than Lily could recall in recent memory. The boy seemed washed, at least, in his dingy clothes. His brown hair was all cowlicks.
“Merlin, are you hungover?”
In any case, he looked better than she felt.
Lily flicked a gesture, not responding to the inquiry, as she clattered about in the kitchen. It was late for breakfast, but time meant little anymore, at this point, considering the patterns of her sleep. She set a kettle on the stove, flicking on the burner. She rummaged in a cupboard for biscuits.
“To most people...” she said, after a pause, in which her intruder didn't explain himself, “breaking and entering is considerable a punishable offense.”
“You like me.” Remus rolled his eyes. “You’re fond of me, really.”
“Or—” Behind jars of potions supplies, Lily procured cookies, which she brought to the table. “Touching my things without asking. That would be rude.”
Remus grinned. At least, beneath the narrowing of her gaze, he appeared somewhat sheepish. “Right
 right, you are.”
“So, what’s this book of mine you found?”
The tome in question, which was cracked in front of him on her workspace and which he must have taken from a shelf, was wide-backed. Inks glimmered metallic on parchment. It had been one of Slughorn's books, she recognized, a first edition that dated from the mid-thirteenth century. Of all the resources that Lily referred to, it remained one of her more priceless possessions.
The parchment was delicate. Remus was careful with it, she appreciated, holding the pages gingerly.
“Soul magic,” Lily commented.
“Curiosity got the best of me, I admit. 'Can’t say I've much luck understanding it, though.” The boy said this, accepting a steaming mug she set down. Lily flicked her wand to summon cream. “This stuff is pretty dense. I'd done well enough in class, you know, but
” he shrugged. “Well, then there was you.”
“There's nothing useful in there. Nothing practical, at least. Only legends and myths.”
“Oh, really?”
Lily made a thoughtful noise. She drummed her fingers on the table, taking a sip from her cup. “Speculative accounts, hearsay... So little material remains from the Old Age, about Ancient Runes, this is as close as we can get. It’s a fictionalized account, at least parts of it. But—supposedly some fiction contains truth.”
She hesitated. Remus, perhaps out of politeness more than anything, was nodding along as she spoke. “It’s helpful, I suppose,” she continued, after a beat, “in developing theory, understanding spells. Ancient people had different ideas about magic, the way they derived their enchantments. So, I suppose, reading as much as I can is a way to understand how they thought.”
It wasn't as if Lily and Remus had much of a rapport about Ancient Runes, she thought, as the hour extended between them. In the cottage workspace, dried herbs swaying in the breeze, he asked her questions, prodding to explain things. From what she remembered, the two of them had shared classes together, even worked together, but her interest always surpassed his. Lily was unusual; she ruminated on the ancient language in a way that was distinctly excessive.
Still, it became clear over minutes that Remus had developed a fresh interest in the topic. Perhaps because of Sirius, Lily's healing him. Or maybe to humor her, too.
“You remember this
Once she started talking, it became difficult to stop. Remus allowed Lily to ramble. “From class, we did an exercise, d'you remember? Thinking on etymological roots
“Ancient people had different ideas about humanity, thus their magic system is different. The clearest example of this, when I think of it, is to compare this,” she scribbled, “with the Imperius Curse. It's... this ritual accomplishes the same thing, or at least you'd think it does, on the surface. The Imperius Curse overrides consciousness—controlling another person's reasoning. But, the ancients did something different, you see.”
More scratching on parchment.
“You see?”
In rows, Lily etched symbols. Intonations that referenced each other, repetitively, looping around like melodic lines of prose. Ink glittered on the page as she raised it, while Remus' brows furrowed together.
“This ritual has the same effect, the same result as the Imperius Curse. But the way it controls people is different. Runic enchantments don't override your rationality, it doesn't order your thinking. It gets at something deeper... What they did—in the Old Age—is tap into one's subconscious. Ancients believed you control others not by forcing them... but by changing what they want.”
At length, their coffees turning cold in their cups, Lily realized she was babbling. Remus hadn't spoken in a while. She flushed, rubbing her arm, and muttered an apology, looking down.
Among the many subjects she returned to—brooding, whittling at obsessively—this, possibly, ranked highest among which Lily couldn't turn away from.
And—control. What did that say about her?
Remus looked uncomfortable, then. He turned a page where, in faded colors, there was an elaborate illustration.
“Er—they didn’t believe in free will, is the point.” Lily cleared her throat, swiping the book away. The image he had found, graphic though it was, she wasn't open to discussing. “Anyway... runic spells have a different logic to them, that's why they're so tricky. To change what you do... change what you want. They believed your desire is your fate.”
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