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astromary01 · 9 months ago
Feng Shui is an ancient Asian practice that is literally translated as « wind and water ». It refers to creating harmony in your environment and in your life through balancing five main elements : wood, fire, earth, metal and water. It has become so popular, however today I have gathered some facts you have not probably heard about before :
1. Feng Shui is not only about design, but it is also a part of Chinese medicine system used to balance the flow of inner and outer energies.
2. The Feng Shui has become so popular recently that certain five-star hotels have hired specialists to create their interior design according to the principles of feng shui.
3. Feng Shui is not a belief system, but simply the technique for harmonizing the energy flow in your place of living, in the office , etc.
4. The Bagua map is one of the major tools used in Feng Shui to analyze the energy of the place and to be able to act upon it.
5. Feng Shui can help resolve the conflicts between the family members, open the channels of communication and achieve compromise.
6. « Spring-cleaning » that we are so used to is actually one of the major Feng Shui principles that refers to cleaning the clutter that accumulates negative energy and inviting novelty and change into one's life.
7. Feng Shui does not have to be expensive. It can be applied without spending considerable amounts of money to renovate your home according to the principles of Feng Shui. Some easy fundamental rules can be applied quickly and they don't cost a thing, like for example, removing the clutter I have just mentioned earlier or throwing away broken things, faded flowers, etc.
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espagnenews · 2 years ago
ANCES se persona como acusación popular en estafa con criptos Kuailian
La Asociación Nacional para la Defensa del Consumo Español de Servicios (ANCES) se ha personado como acusación popular en la causa que investiga la presunta estafa de criptomonedas Kuailian, que incluye estafa agravada, blanqueo de capitales y pertenencia a organización criminal.
La Asociación Nacional para la Defensa del Consumo Español de Servicios (ANCES) se ha personado como acusación popular en la causa que investiga la presunta estafa de criptomonedas Kuailian, que incluye estafa agravada, blanqueo de capitales y pertenencia a organización criminal.
En un auto fechado el pasado 2 de marzo al que ha tenido acceso EFE, el juez de la Audiencia Nacional Joaquín Gadea accede a la solicitud de ANCES de personarse en la causa como acusación popular, previo pago de una fianza de 5.000 euros.
Lo que investiga el juez es si se puso en marcha un sistema de inversión piramidal, denominado Kuailian, presentado como un sistema de inversión en criptomonedas con ganancias exponenciales para atraer inversores.
La captación de nuevos inversores alimentaría la base de la pirámide, permitiendo la restitución y el abono de beneficios a los inversores iniciales, sin que la operativa responda a un negocio real.
La presunta estafa de Kuailian, que cuenta con cerca de 50.000 inversores, podría haber alcanzado alrededor de 500 millones de dólares, unos 417 millones de euros, según el juez instructor.
El juez Gadea abrió a finales de abril de 2021 una serie de diligencias tras una querella presentada contra la plataforma de criptomonedas Kuailian, fundada en septiembre de 2018 por Cristian Carmona, David Ruiz de León, Javier Hermosilla y Miguel Tello.
Según el auto del juez, los inversores cambiaban euros por Ethereum a través de un monedero virtual con un contrato de 1.000 días de duración; además de la operativa piramidal con las criptomonedas, Kuailian podría haber cometido fraude fiscal, al estar domiciliada en Estonia aunque opera en España.
El pasado 6 de marzo el Tribunal Supremo rechazó una denuncia presentada por los principales acusados contra el juez Gadea, al que acusaban de realizar una investigación "meramente retrospectiva" atendiendo a un informe "anónimo y calumnioso".
Por ello, le atribuían "la deliberada intención de mantenerles sometidos a un procedimiento injusto, a medio del dictado de una serie de resoluciones que se consideran abiertamente contrarias al ordenamiento jurídico".
El pasado verano, Gadea dictó una orden internacional de detención para la extradición a España de los dos principales investigados por la presunta estafa, que por dos veces no acudieron a declarar.
Se trata de David Ruiz de León y Cristian Carmona, que presuntamente se encuentran en Dubái.
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smallscreengifs · 2 years ago
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mysharona1987 · 4 months ago
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This is literally that situation.
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stylincheetah · 10 months ago
This is not news I ever wanted to share with anyone online, but @maldreathezora, author of @anewcalamity, is currently in hospice care. Maldrea, or Faith, as I know her, has been fighting a very long, exhausting battle with cancer. Per those closest to her, her condition has progressed very quickly, and there is nothing more that can be done. I ask that those reading this post please do not ask for further details at this time while Faith is surrounded by the warmth and love of her family. 
Faith has always been an incredibly brave, joyous, and creative person. I gravitated towards A New Calamity many years ago, and had the privilege to work with her as an editor on the comic. It breaks my heart to have to deliver this message, but I know many have been waiting for an update since her last post in March. I also want to use this opportunity to bring awareness to Faith’s gofundme, which is being used to bring her the best comfort and care possible. 
[If you can, please donate here.]
At this time, orders are once again open for our previously released ANC fanzine, both to celebrate Faith’s work and to help raise money for her cause. 
[Fanzine available here.]
Finally, I ask for your understanding and patience. I have been receiving messages about the comic while it has been on hiatus. I do not plan to respond to these questions, or any others that come after. I would like to take this time to be offline and with my thoughts. Thank you so much for reading, and for your support. It really means the world.
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skyburger · 1 year ago
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is this anything
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anewcalamity · 9 months ago
Hello everyone,
This is @stylincheetah, editor of A New Calamity, and friend to its author, Faith / @maldreathezora. It is with a heavy heart that I inform you all of Faith’s passing last week, at 5:30am on June 4th. After nearly a decade of fighting against cancer, her battle came to an end with the sunrise of a beautiful morning outside her window. I was able to visit her and say goodbye just hours before she passed, and I am forever grateful to have been given that opportunity. She is, and always will be, dearly missed. 
I have been given access to the blog and Faith’s creative archive in accordance with her wishes. There are no plans to close the community discord at this time, and this page will be kept open in honor of Faith and her legacy. To all of our incredible readers, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting Faith through her journey. ANC has been a massive point of pride, and I know Faith loved working on it dearly. It was my privilege to be able to work alongside her for all of these years. 
I would like to once again highlight Faith’s gofundme on this main blog. Though previously used to bring comfort and care to Faith in her final days, it is now being used to raise money for her memorial service, which her husband is working hard to organize. Please consider donating if you are able.
[If you can, please donate here.]
Additionally, Junior of @growingupgerudo and I will continue selling copies of our tribute ANC fanzine, with all money raised going directly to Faith’s family in this time of mourning.
[Fanzine available here.]
This week has been a difficult one for me, and I cannot imagine how hard it has been for Faith’s family and husband. I ask for everyone’s patience as we navigate this loss. The comic will be placed on an indefinite hiatus in the weeks to come. I hope to find a way to complete the project in the future, as I know Faith would have wanted me to do. However, in the meantime, I will be stepping back to process and pick up the pieces for myself. 
Once again, thank you to everyone for your generosity and overwhelming support. Thank you all for loving Faith and her work. Be kind to yourself. 
Thank you for everything, Faith. Now and always.
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Thank you to @vigoburrito for this lovely tribute piece.
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lynnlyrae · 11 months ago
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On April 15 I’ve sent my friend this meme as a perfect description of Olivier. Yesterday I found vol 11 omake with Sister Olivier, and then my hand just slipped
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Also now I have some Chasseurs memes (and, apparently, a gift of prophecy) (also the first time I draw Charles is for office meme)
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Bonus inspired by second omake: Machina and Teacher being Machina and Teacher 
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sentient-stove · 5 months ago
*grabs your shoulders*
Listen listen to me
Godly Parent swap w/ Piper and Leo
Like please hear me out “fire of passion” with son of Aphrodite Leo, aka his fire being fueled by his love. His love is so destructive, people remember why Aphrodite has war epithets when he runs into a fight.
Piper who can quite literally coax machinery to life with her words, who builds and builds because she wants just any scrap of attention from her father(s). Automaton animals following her every step, eyes intelligent with more than just artificial life.
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kebriones · 2 years ago
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Odysseus x2 for @wolfythewitch .
I had so much fun making these I love him so so much.
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astromary01 · 9 months ago
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A lot has been already said about the importance of natal chart for precise astrological predictions. I wanted to attract your attention to one particular aspect that all the astrologers use while working on one's natal chart : that is the speed the planets move around the Sun with.
In fact, all the planets in one's birth chart are divided into fast-moving and slow-moving planets depending on the time they take to make the full circle and to pass by each of 12 Zodiac signs. The fast-moving planets include the Sun itself, the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars. The make the full circle in a laps of time which ranges from 28 days (for the Moon) to one year and 220 days (for Mars). On the other hand we have slow-moving planets : Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, make the whole circle around the Sun in the time-range between 12 (Jupiter) and 249 (Pluto) years.
So what's the difference in the interpretation of this planets in your natal chart ?
The fast-moving planets spend quite a limited period of time in each Zodiac sign, as a result their influence on your life in progressed charts is shorter, however it is very impactful and strong. They are also called individual planets, as they have a very precise specific influence on your character when their position in your birth wheel is analyzed.
Slow-moving planets are also called collective planets, as they spend a long time in each Zodiac sign and their influence is more generational. The show the deep tendencies in the society, especially in what concerns Pluto, the slowest planet in the natal chart. When applied to the progressed chart slow-moving planets indicate more long-term influences that need to be taken into account.
So you can see that despite the difference in the influence the planets have on your life, only the analysis of your natal chart as a whole can give you a complete picture and provide you with precise astrological predictions. The influence of the slow-moving planets is short and impactful, while the effects of slow-moving planets are long-term, profound and even life-changing.
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shadysadie · 2 years ago
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Owl House Episode Name References
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smallscreengifs · 2 years ago
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sylebs · 2 months ago
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retrogeographie · 2 months ago
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Toulouse, la résidence Ancely.
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luka-is-slightly-odd · 5 months ago
Currently obsessed with the concept of mutual and acknowledged hanahaki. Like two people who both have hanahaki for each other, and who both know about it, who both know that the other loves them and still aren’t cured.
The flowers stay, not because their love isn’t reciprocated, but because they don’t belive in it, or because its temporary, because the other deserves better, because they have complicated history, because they both already have significant others, perhaps the love isn’t enough because they both can’t put that love first, maybe their ideals and lotalties come first for both. Its not unrequited love, but its not quite enough.
just kinda love the image of two lovers-but-not-yet-maybe-never-lovers sitting together, picking flowers out of each other’s throats.
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