#anbu shikamaru
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nonoel-art · 2 years ago
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Anbu Shikamaru
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teatitty · 6 months ago
Iruka casually dropping that his ma was ANBU and his friends are like "oh that's cool - WAIT WHAT???" and this is how Kakashi finds out that Vulture, the commanding officer who struck fear into every new recruit and once used a barrier to crush someone into paste against a wall, is Iruka's mother. The same mother he used to describe as "not big on affection and kind of a tough love sort but had a soft spot for sushi." The same mother he said "burst into tears one time because she was high on pain meds and was overcome with Feelings"
And now he just has to live with that knowledge. Forever. At least they finally have an explanation for Iruka's infamous temper
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lizajane2 · 5 months ago
I want to explain why Hidan and Kakuzu vs Kakashi and Team 10 is one on my list for top five fights. And up until this point, this is the first time you actually see why Kakashi is so well-known as a shinobi and feared.
Let's start with Shikamaru. He's extremely intelligent and already a few steps ahead of Hidan and Kakuzu, despite only seeing Hidan's abilities once and very little of Kakuzu's power, who is a beast all on his own.
I'm always impressed by Shikamaru's ability to utilize Asuma's chakra blades the way that he did. Absorbing the chakra and trapping Hidan and Kakuzu by their shadows. I don't think I've ever seen that happen again. The beginning of that fight was Shikamaru moving them, directing them in a way he wanted. Giving him that edge, that upper hand and it's absolutely remarkable the way it's executed.
This whole sequence is absolutely stunning to me for two reasons: one, Kakashi, while on the defensive, is seen as a threat to them because he's, in fact, stronger than Asuma, and two, how well Kakuzu and Hidan work together despite their differences. By taking advantage of Hidan's immortality, Kakuzu tries to take out Kakashi in a single blow.
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Let's not overlook that Kakashi blocked lightning like it was a regular occurrence. I wish i could find a gif of that cause fuck, where did that come from?! You've been holding out, and it's pissing me off now.
And of course, Hidan's face here makes me crack up:
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How priceless! LOL!
I also want to express my appreciation for Kakashi's speed, his reaction time, throughout this fight. It's not just Hidan he's fighting, it's Kakuzu too, and he almost makes it look effortless even though he's struggling.
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What made this fight, for me, is how they managed to get hold of Kukuzu's blood when Kakashi first used his lightning blade and had Hidan use it in his jutsu. My teenage self was mind-blown. It was fucking peak. Especially, when Kakuzu returned after absorbing one of his hearts. And then Naruto comes in at the right fucking time with his new jutsu.
This fight is so good and has stayed with me for years, not just because of its display of ninjutsu, but the taijutsu as well.
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okamirayne · 9 months ago
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Beautiful Art by Ysvel
Every time ❤️
So many ways to say those 3 unspoken words…
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el-moleskine-de-kusubana · 2 months ago
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Bueno no es suficiente, los ANBU primordialmente son asesinos
✿Género: Crimen, Angst
✿Personajes: Neji Hyūga, Rock Lee, Tenten, Kiba Inuzuka, Shino Aburame, Hinata Hyūga, Ino Yamanaka, Chōji Akimichi, Shikamaru Nara, Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki
✿Tipo: Canon Divergente
✿Estado: Completo (12 capítulos)
✿¿De qué va?
Una de las cosas que siempre me ha llamado la atención en el fandom (el clásico, al menos) es la idea de un ANBU como "lo mejor", pero esta idea es un poco vaga e imprecisa, sobre todo considerando que los ANBU nunca resuelven nada de los arcos argumentales y pareciera que caen como moscas.
Para mí, ANBU, es solo un asesino, los que hacen lo que normalmente no hace un ninja promedio, cosas no tan heroicas.
Así que, habiendo cientos de miles de fics en los que nuestros 11 de Konoha (más Sasuke) se vuelven ANBU, y haciendo énfasis en las chicas, que normalmente acaban ahí por despecho, decidí hacer un one shot con una misión de prueba, para ver si realmente tienen lo que se necesita para entrar en el cuerpo.
La verdad, cuando empecé el proyecto solo tenía perfectamente claras en mi mente la situación de dos: Neji y Shikamaru, y creo que se nota bastante, creo que son los dos mejores.
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Neji sirve como apertura y para establecer la premisa general: el examen no es para demostrar siquiera si tienes madera de asesino, el examen es para probar si puedes responder bien ante lo que más te duele, lo que sería lo opuesto a tu camino ninja.
Por eso, para él elegí aquello que lo marcó profundamente; la idea de que hay personas más "valiosas" que otras, y que todos están sujetos a ese orden natural.
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La inspiración para Lee llegó al revisar, literalmente en la wiki, la clasificación de las misiones, y saltó a la vista una en la que jamás me imaginaría a Lee.
Además, me di cuenta de que la dinámica del grupo tendría que ser importante, no solo argumentalmente, sino para evitar que uno como lector se aburra de ver el mismo patrón en las interacciones, sobre todo para dar esa falsa sensación de seguridad, de que puede hacerlo.
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Por lo mismo, me costó mucho trabajo Tenten, pese a que sí tenía en la punta de la lengua el tema que "debería" tocarle: la sexualidad.
Y es que, tradicionalmente, el rol de las kunoichi va precisamente por ahí, pero es algo que no se aborda explícitamente en el manga (por la clasificación, por supuesto), aunque se referencia con algunas chicas, a veces con humor.
Sin embargo, Tenten siempre estuvo lejos de ese tema, quizás por su poca participación en la historia, quizás por ser kunoichi de asalto, o quizás porque en general siempre se mantuvo lejos de los dramas de chicos y amores. Sin embargo, ahí estaba, servido en bandeja de plata, un evento para el que nadie se prepara, y ni siquiera teniendo el poder, se puede evitar.
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Kiba es resultado de varios experimentos para definir la dinámica familiar Inuzuka, de la que ya hablé en Alfa, y acá tomó forma en cómo afecta al núcleo familiar tener este rol de asesino para la aldea. Por eso la misión, aunque con cierto impacto, es secundaria al tema que realmente le importa a Kiba, y es cómo podrían cambiar las cosas en casa si no separa el trabajo de su vida personal.
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Por alguna razón, tengo head canon de Shino como reflejo de Kiba; los dos son hijos de clan relevante, pero sin estar ligados a la figura de herederos. También los suelo tratar como miembros de una familia funcional, cercana, y al margen de los detalles "normal". El capítulo de Shino va un poco ligado al de Kiba, al mismo tiempo en que toma un rumbo completamente diferente, aterrizando en la idea de que, pese a ser callado y bastante raro, para él, las relaciones humanas tienen mucho valor, incluso me animé a poner algo que no se esperaría de él; la forma en la que entiende a Naruto.
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Hinata es otra de las que más me costó, esta vez, porque es de los personajes que menos me gusta, sin embargo, quería un capítulo justo e imparcial que estuviera al nivel de los otros. Aunque había un segundo problema, y es que incluso sus fans pueden dar fe que esta chica no quería ser ninja, no realmente, y si se hizo más fuerte, fue en beneficio de terceros, para no ser una carga o un estorbo, pero que le hiciera ilusión subir de rango, ser una leyenda o cambiar el mundo, pues no.
Así que, ¿tendría algún interés especial en ser parte de ANBU?
Pues solo podía pensar en que no quería ser la desgracia del clan, y aunque mantiene la convicción de que debe dar lo mejor de sí, no puede imponer su voluntad a un sistema jerárquico que sistemáticamente la convenció de que no vale nada, aun antes de empezar propiamente su prueba.
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La trama de Ino, curiosamente, fue saliendo casi a la par que Hinata, porque es todo lo opuesto; ella si quería ser ninja, ella si aspiraba crecer en esa profesión, a ella no le pesa el legado familiar, y más que nada, deseaba servir en ANBU (en todos mis head canon). Sin embargo, abundando y sobrando las tramas de ella como una de las chicas de moral más ligera, decidí darle una oportunidad con un tema que ni ella esperaba.
La obligué a formar un lazo, un vínculo afectivo desdibujado por el papel que tenía que aparentar y uno de los aspectos más importantes (en mis head canon) de su identidad: el vínculo padre-hija. Y todo para que al final, sea ella misma quien tenga que cortar ese vínculo.
Para algunos es el capítulo más largo y lento, pero para establecer una cotidianidad, era necesario.
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Entonces, llegamos a Chōji, al que nadie le tenía fe, ni lectores ni sus compañeros y, sin embargo, toma fuerza de quien es y quién quiere llegar a ser para demostrar lo que vale.
Personalmente, el equipo 10, es que tuvo la mejor evolución; empiezan con la expectativa de ser los herederos de sus clanes, que, de hecho, son una formación estándar que va por su segunda generación (posiblemente más), para pasar a ser el peor de todos y volver a remontar el vuelo, quedándose sin maestro siendo muy jóvenes.
El capítulo de Chōji quise precisamente reflejar que ellos ya habían pasado por más, que en cierta manera van un par de pasos adelante en madurez y asientan sus carreras profesionales con más solidez, y la verdad, menos drama.
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Lo que nos lleva a Shikamaru, responsable de su equipo luego que de Hidan y Kakuzu despacharan a Asuma.
El fic iba a cerrar con él, la conclusión de todos los capítulos para que el chico tomara una decisión, saliera de su comodidad y aceptara la responsabilidad que viene con su talento (y a notar que lo escribí mucho antes de llegara a esa conclusión en el canon); Shikamaru es más que un estratega, es un líder, y toma responsabilidad por todos los que están a su cargo, explotando sus talentos y personalidades.
Como había decidido que Shikamaru sería el último, pero cambie de opinión porque el siete merecía su oportunidad, los capítulos de Sasuke y Sakura están un poco desconectados.
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De Sakura, la verdad, no creo que ella tenga esa aspiración profesional, sus prioridades claramente son otras. Aun así, pensé que sería bueno verla en una faceta absolutamente lejos de Sasuke-kun, así que me incliné por la faceta médica, en lo que sería bastante adecuado en la división ANBU.
Hubo algunos comentarios con un lector al respecto de por qué decidí que Sakura no tiene la capacidad emocional de permitir la tortura, incluso si se trata de un extraño, porque la verdad, pese a sus defectos de carácter, en realidad si creo que puede llegar a ser bastante empática y, sobre todo, tomar decisiones motivadas enteramente por sus emociones.
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Para Sasuke, opté por una historia del pasado, sobre lo que el consejo esperaba de él, porque decidí respetar el hecho de que él no quiere servir a Konoha, sino a Naruto (que este sí se preocupe por la aldea lo alinea con el concepto general, pero ni siquiera usa su hitai-ate).
También juega un poco con los head canon que tengo de la infancia de Sasuke post masacre Uchiha, y el proceso de manipulación de los viejos del consejo que acabo por llevarlo a donde acabó.
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Finalmente, Naruto funciona como un segundo epílogo, posterior al de Shikamaru, y en el que, la verdad, dejé ir toda mi queja sobre el guionazo para volver un villano como Orochimaru en el personaje cómico que puede andar libre por ahí pese a todo lo que hizo (que incluye, pero no se limita, a matar a un Hokage, provocar una guerra, secuestrar y torturar civiles y ninjas, masacrar aldeas, experimentación humana, y casi llevar a la ruina a Suna).
Dejé eso, pero sin el matiz "aquí nada pasó, mírenlo, es un buen tipo que cuida a su hijo ejemplarmente", e hice énfasis en la hipocresía de la voluntad de fuego en un sistema de mercenarios que hacen lo que sea por la paga adecuada.
Creo que, pese a todo, por eso el capítulo de Naruto funciona mejor como cierre que el de Shikamaru, porque aborda bien la premisa de ANBU como lo menos heroico, precisamente, lo que se oculta tras una máscara.
✿En FanfictionNet
✿En Wattpad
✿En Ao3
✿En portada
✿Ilustraciones de Higurashi Workshop Studios (editadas). Fondo, texturas, filtros y elementos varios recuperados de freepik. Tipografía: Appendix Normal.
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servenna · 5 months ago
Alone at last, and finally together. The time has come for confessions. Shikamaru reveals the truth behind the roles they played.
Promises made and kept, but what will the future hold for them? Their mission now finished, will their love end before it even begins? Or will both their lives change forever?
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Chapter 10 --》 considering we planned this as a oneshot, and then amended to at least stay in the single digits with chapters ... Guess that worked well 😏
dividers are curtesy of @sweetmelodygraphics
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sillysnowden11 · 5 months ago
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Chapter 9 of A.N.B.U.
Come and see what’s in store for our agents. ❤️
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nonoel-28 · 2 years ago
Ino: 'Person of Interest' is almost too flattering.
Ino: Like, if the Anbu were to pound on my door and go, 'A man has been murdered in your building and you are a person of interest', I'd be like, 'Moi? Oh, do go on.'
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cinamorolldesignaesthetic · 6 months ago
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009720kakashi · 1 year ago
His footfall was the only sound disturbing the silence in the Office building. Even for ANBU it was rare to be called to the Hokage in the middle of night. The order had been clear though. The messenger had said immediately. So here he was. The ANBU mask hid his face, Sharingan blazing crimson behind the left eyehole. Kakashi reached the double door to the Hokage’s office. Two ANBU guards stood rigid in front of it. The one with the bear mask turned his head when Kakashi stopped in front of them and gave a nod in greeting before opening the door.
There were others already. Silently he entered the room and joined them, dropping into a kneel like the rest of them. Sandaime had already commenced with the mission details. A brief glance acknowledged Kakashi's presence. He did not stop talking though. The Hokage was tensed. He looked tired. Not even the forgiving light of candles could hide the old man's waxen complexion.
In the front row Kakashi had recognized two Captains. Sheep...which was fairly fitting for the person wearing that mask and Sparrow. He did not know much about her. Kakashi had not made Captain yet. Skill was surely not the issue. Apparently he lacked the required inter-personal skills and was insubordinate. The first was just ridiculous considering they were talking ANBU Captain here and not kindergarten teacher. The second was simply not true. Well...not entirely. He had his reasons.
People had gone missing. Civilians first. The affected villages had called for help. Konoha had answered but the teams that had been send, had disappeared too. No trace. Four teams by now. The last team that had been send to the border between of Hi no Kuni and Yu no Kuni had consisted of 3 ANBU. All that was left of them were the shards of one broken mask.
“Find me whoever is responsible for this, bring them here if possible, if not kill them.” Hokage sama’s voice was tensed as it should be. This was far too close for comfort after all.
When they had left Hokage’s office Sheep stopped him once the door closed behind them. Kakashi's gaze dropped to the hand on his wrist before going back up, clearly saying 'No touching'. Sheep let go.
“Sparrow and I are in charge” he stated, apparently feeling the need to clarify that particular point. His voice sounded confident. Kakashi could smell anxiety on him though.
“No rogue shit” he added after a short moment. The comment amused the copy nin, making him smile under his mask. It barely reached his eyes though.
“In ANBU? Never.” There was nothing but rogue shit in ANBU basically. Though he had a point as in it was usually ordered shit.
"Meet up in 30 at the North gate" Sparrow said. Kakashi disappeared without another word.
30 minutes later he leant at the North Gate's archway, holding an orange coloured book in his right hand and waited for the rest of the circus to join him.
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yzxcvbn · 8 days ago
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Soul Flame / Kakashi x Reader - Teil 1: Schatten der Vergangenheit
Kakashi Fanfiction :)
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soleberlandieri · 1 year ago
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schimmelspore · 2 years ago
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My boys 💕
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skyahri · 9 months ago
Hate |Naruto Men X Reader| HC
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Characters: Kakashi Hatake, Shikamaru Nara, Sasuke Uchiha
Summary: Hate is a strong word, but it's also a very fragile one.
Warnings: Brief smut, kissing mentions of p and v. Some angst, but all comfort. Mentions of blood, violence, and death.
Masterlist Ko-fi
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Kakashi Hatake
You hated how full of himself he was. He was always talking down to people, to his teammates and so-called friends. He goes out of his way to show people up no matter how inappropriate the situation may be.
He hated that you always stuck up for people he considered weak. He hated how much time and energy you put into helping others instead of focusing on your own training. He hated that you had so much potential, yet seemed to waste it at every opportunity.
As time went on and you were forced into each other's inner circles, your occasional arguments became a constant bicker. It got even worse when you were assigned to his ANBU team. You questioned his every move and fought every decision he made.
In return, he always gave you the least desirable night shifts. He'd make you write all the reports, saying something about needing to learn to respect your elders (he's only a few months older than you).
Once you were put in charge of your own team, things quieted down. Not because either of you had mellowed out, but because you didn't cross paths as often anymore.
Because of how rarely you saw him, you always made sure to make your brief encounters worth it. You had practically written a list of insults to throw his way. He returned the same energy with out hesitation.
Eventually, after his genin team had gone their separate ways and you had finally retired from ANBU, you had a seemingly infinite amount of time to rekindle your rivalry with him.
He always seemed to be heading in the same direction as you were. It didn't matter if you were on your way to the Hokage's office, the shops, or meeting up with someone- he was always there.
You tried to fight with him like the good old days, but it was different now that you were grown adults. Maybe the ungodly amount of trauma combined with the wedge distance had created in your odd relationship had finally put an end to your petty war.
Thinking back, maybe this is what it had been all along, and your stupid kid brain was too proud to admit what was really going on.
Your arguing had turned into kissing the moment he stepped through your apartment door. Things moved quickly, expert hands doing away with endless layers of Jonin uniforms in a rushed attempt to feel more of each other.
It felt right. Like the decades of tension had finally come to a head and you were being forced to deal with it in the most animalistic way possible.
"I hate you."
Your mumbling between desperate kisses. He doesn't acknowledge you immediately, opting to instead lift you by your ass so your legs could wrap around him. He pushes you against the wall, pressing his clothed election right against your womanhood.
"I hate you, too."
Neither of you acknowledges the elephant in the room, that the word you're looking for isn't actually hate. But that's beyond your cloudy minds right now.
Shikamaru Nara
Shikamaru has never really bothered with social pleasantries or subjected himself to cater to what people like and dislike. In fact, he often chastised people for caring what others think.
He always commented about what you wore, how well groomed you were, and the overall effort you put into your appearance each day.
You hated listening to it, which is why you always did your best to avoid him.
It wasn't even about you specifically. You hated hearing how rudely he'd shut down Ino when she would ramble on about anything. You hated when he complained about how loud Naruto and Kiba were despite knowing that they're just excitable people. You hated hearing the damn near sexist remarks he'd make about how stupid people were for giving any shots about how they looked.
It was annoying. It didn't seem to phase anyone else anymore, but that almost made it worse.
You were at your breaking point. Just one comment away from losing your composure and you prayed to God you'd be able to refrain from saying anything too harsh.
But alas, Kakashi had assigned you to yet another mission with him- the sixth one just this month.
At least he waited until you were at the Inn before he started up with you. You honestly don't know why he let you shower first if it was going to be such an issue.
"Finally. I thought you'd be in there forever."
"What the Hell is your problem with me?"
He paused in his tracks. He wasn't expecting you to say anything to his usual grumbling, and especially didn't expect it to be so hostile.
"You always take forever in the bathroom."
"It was twenty minutes. You'll live."
"It wouldn't be that long if you didn't bother with all the extra shit you use."
"Why is it such a problem that I care about what I look like? I don't ever involve you in it and yet you're always talking about it."
He rolled his eyes, about to blow off whatever you were saying, but you started up again before he could.
"All you ever do is bitch and whine and moan about dumb shit that doesn't concern you. I like to look nice. I like wearing clothes that compliment my figure and putting time into the health of my hair and skin. It's not the end of the world, so shut the fuck up about it already."
You walked past him and lay in one of the twin beds, tired from the journey and pissed about your teammate's usual poor behavior.
He didn't say anything. He continued with what he was going to do before the argument and carried on like nothing had happened.
He kept any conversations strictly professional for the duration of the mission, something you were ecstatic about.
It wasn't until a few days after you returned home that you heard from him. He showed up at your apartment unprompted, looking irritated and slightly flustered.
"After talking with my team, it may have come to my attention that I might be kind of an ass."
You invited him in, curious as to what he had to say. He admitted that he had never been called out on it. Most people don't take him too seriously and he may have gotten a bit too comfortable voicing every thought that crossed his mind.
Although he had mostly soothed any nerves you had, you still decided he owed you.
You dragged him into your room, sat him at your vanity, and laughed when he groaned. You pulled out all the stops for him. You took him through your entire routine start to finish and when you were done, you asked him hiw it felt.
He hated that it felt nice. He hated that he suddenly realized how dry his skin usually was and how clean he suddenly felt. He would never fully admit that to you, though.
Him showing up at your apartment the next day, conveniently around the time you usually started these things, was all the confirmation you needed that he no longer deemed it a waste of time.
Sasuke Uchiha
He hated going to the Hokage's office, not because he was still in the thick of earning his freedom after the war, but because he hated Kakashi’s assistant.
You annoy him. He hates that you so confidently push his buttons. He hates that you're just a civilian, but you've been given so much authority over him. It was an unfit existence for the last Uchiha.
You enjoyed messing with him. He would grumble when given his assignment and you made sure to mock him with a playful pout. You'd check in with the ANBU watching over him to make sure he was behaving. You always used that word- behaving. As if he were a child.
Unfortunately for Sasuke, Kakashi isn't in the village right now, meaning he's stuck taking orders from you. He swears Kakashi picked you to oversee him intentionally, knowing how much it would bother him.
He's sitting next to you, helping you go through seemingly endless piles of paperwork. He wasn't sure if this was better than all the D-rank missions he'd been assigned lately, but he begrudgingly accepted the change of pace.
He glances at you through his peripherals. The sun is just going down, the orange light illuminating your soft features. Your usual bratty expression was replaced with a more peaceful one.
This was most likely just as much a break for you as it was for him. He wasn't oblivious to the way you had to reel Kakashi in every day, damn near having to tie him to his chair to get anything done.
"You can go home. I'll finish up here and we can resume tomorrow."
He didn't argue, thankful for relief from the horrifically tedious task. As he was leaving the building, he suddenly got this feeling in his gut that he should stay.
Of course, not wanting to do more paperwork than he was required to, he ignored the feeling and carried on.
He should've stayed. Just an hour after he left, while you were packing up for the night, the tower was raided by rogue nin.
The alarm sounded in the village, immediately calling all available shinobi. Bee, the ANBU assigned to him, gave him permission to lend a hand, and off they went to the tower.
He teleported himself to Kakashi’s office, knowing you would most likely be in there or at least somewhere near. What he wasn't expecting, however, was you standing over a body, kunai in hand and blood splattered across your body.
You didn't move, couldn't move. He reached forward, tugged the blade out of your shaky grip, and let it fall to the floor. You let him, not really in the mood to fight any more than you had to right now.
"Is he dead?"
Your question caught him off guard.
"I've never killed anyone before."
Ah. Civilian. Right. Sure, you belonged to a Shinobu village and even worked under the Kage, but that was vastly different than being on the front lines.
He thought for a second. Was he in any sort of position to be responsible for you at the moment? Should he hand you off to one of the other nin and return home?
"Cover your eyes."
It took a minute for his words to register in your hazy mind, but once they did you obeyed. If there was one thing you knew would benefit you, it would be allowing him to take the lead for now.
He put his hand between your shoulder blades and guided you through the hallways, down the stairs, and away from the tower completely. He glanced around, but couldn't find Bee, so he opted to take you back to his apartment. It would cause a lot less trouble if he was where he was supposed to be after all.
At home, he sat you down in the tub and turned on the water. He left you there, letting all the blood loosen from your skin. He returned a moment later, setting a stack of clothes down on the counter and grabbing a rag from the cabinet.
Neither of you spoke as he gently scrubbed your face. When he was done, he got a little bit of shampoo and worked all the red out of your hair.
You were slowly coming out of your daze. It was nice being brought out by something kind and comforting. It was almost enough to distract you from the night's events. Almost.
When he was done, he handed you the cloth, telling you to finish up and see him when you're done. You nodded, standing up and undressing when the door closed. You noticed how clean the water ran, most likely due to how thoroughly the Uchiha had taken care of you.
When you stepped out of the tub, you noticed the clothes on the counter. Upon closer inspection, they were similar to the ones he was wearing now- a t-shirt and sweats.
You joined him in the adjacent bedroom where he waited patiently. He all but forced you into his bed, shutting down all of your protests. When he went to leave the room, you quickly grabbed the fabric of his shirt to stop him.
"Please stay."
He didn't fight you. He walked around to the other side of the bed and sat down, leaning against the headboard and staring blanky in front of him.
You were thankful for the comfort of simply not being alone. Not after tonight, when so much had happened and the trauma was still fresh in your mind.
He tried telling himself that this was not a personal act, but instead one that would aid his village. But who was he kidding? He was realizing you weren't all that terrible and he had just allowed his angst brain to manipulate him into thinking so.
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servenna · 5 months ago
🥹 I still can't believe that you drew these amazing pics for us.
This is a freaking honor and you have no idea how much that means to me/us♥️.
Shikamaru and Temari look so bad ass, you did our story more than justice🫶
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'ANBU Shikamaru' prompt for #shikatemamonth24 from A.N.B.U by @sillysnowden11 and @servenna on ao3
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arabella0001 · 24 days ago
hellooo, i’m new to writing(pls dont be mean i cant take it-please read the end of the post)
🫧-my favs
MASTERLIST (smut + smau👻)
Jujutsu Kaisen
smau1 smau2 smau 3 smau 4 smau 5
1. The strongest tease (Gojo Satoru x Reader)🫧
2. Forbidden from the start (Toji Fushiguro x Reader)
3. Missing you (Getou Suguru x Reader)
4. Yours to break (Choso Kamo x Reader)
5.Confession (Megumi Fushiguro x Reader) no smut!
smau 0smau 1, smau 2, smau 3, smau 4, smau 5, smau 5 smau 6 smau 7 smau 8
1. Pushing his buttons (Sasuke x Reader ) - Part 1, 2, 3🫧
2. More than just a genius (Shikamaru x Reader)
3. Passion behind his mask (Kakashi x Reader)
4.Market by fate (Kakashi x Reader)🫧
5. Between two mask, beneath your skin (Kakashi x Reader x Obito) 🫧🫧
6. Unmasking desire (Kakashi x Reader)
7. One bed situation ( Sasuke x Reader)-Part 1,2,3
Attack on titan
smau 1 smau 2 smau 3 smau 4 smau 5 smau 6
1. Benearh the uniform (Levi Ackerman x Reader)🫧.
2. Comfort (Eren Yeager x Reader)
3. Nowhere to hide (Eren Yeager x Reader)
smau 1 smau 2
1. Under their spell/ Mastered by deception ( Urahara Kisuke x Reader x Aizen)
2. Unspoken Chains (Aizen Sosuke x Reader)
3.Curiosity killed the cat (Urahara Kisuke x Reader)
Hunter x Hunter
smau 1
1. Unspoken tension / Quiet Obsession (Illumi Zoldyck x Reader)
besides the kind messages I received in the last month on tumblr/ao3, I also got a few hate comments about my stories, like “AI generated,” and even insults directly at me where i’m not familiar with.
tbh, I’ve been reading smut and all kinds of books since I was 12 (thanks dad), making scenario at night was my favourite thing to do before sleep :)) so seeing those two messages stung a little. i only started writing in november and i usually spend at least 5 hours on a story (+10k words) just to write, edit, and review. right now i have two stories I’ve been working on for 2 weeks, so getting messages like that feels surprising and shows a lack of empathy for writers.
i should mention I’m not a native english speaker, but reading in english helped me. its kinda amusing because sometimes i'm afraid i'm writing too childish/cringe or too simple. but to be clear, i also use online tools to check grammar and how smooth it sounds – which I don’t see anything wrong with. keep in mind the plot and dialogue are entirely mine. so, I’ll be blocking and report comments like that. thanks!
much love💜
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