#anakin vs younglings
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glorbs-dominion · 1 year ago
Coarse Decisions
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Yeah, that must suck. As we all know, sand is coarse and rough and gets everywhere. An unpleasant experience. One that got it's way into "Funny Channel" in this meme!
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agent-starbuck · 2 years ago
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"I have seen a security hologram of him... killing Koroks."
Link vs. Koroks giving the same vibe as Anakin vs. Younglings.
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ae-targaryenz · 2 years ago
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Oh my, it seems Anakin was here…
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roseaesynstylae · 9 months ago
A Collection of Posts about the Jedi, Part 1
I am pro-Jedi and interested in worldbuilding. Here are some a lot of posts I've found on Tumblr. Some are long, some are short, all are interesting. Hopefully you'll find them helpful, inspiring, and/or useful. There's also my collection of fics, My Favorites of Jedi Appreciation.
They're not really in any order, but they are roughly grouped by subject.
Edit: I'm just going to keep updating and organizing this with any interesting posts I find.
Here is Part Two, as Tumblr made me split it.
Jedi Defense
why the jedi couldn't walk away from the republic
Debunking more myths in the GFFA: the Jedi and the clones.
Mace Windu
before the acolyte releases
agape love
i would not want a romantic relationship if i was a jedi
the jedi did everything they could
jedi are aro
When a Star Wars writer engages with the material but not the narrative.
jedi and attachment
jedi and attachment 2
jedi and dbt
in defense of the jedi
the je'daii order
shmi skywalker adhered to the jedi code more than anakin ever did
Attachment Theory and Master Yoda - the Jedi Way to Security
The Parallels Between Antisemitism and Certain Arguments Against the Jedi
Jedi do not steal children
Some basic points to remember
Color and Jedi
Jedi as peacekeepers
Three flaws in the Jedi order you can concede
in defense of the jedi 2
The Jedi Council were reasonable in the Wrong Jedi Arc actually
The Jedi are not out of touch
An analogy
A defense of Ki-Adi-Mundi
Every instance of touch between a Jedi and another physical being
Jedi are allowed to visit their families
Jedi are allowed to leave the order
Jedi do not steal children 2
Kanan and Hera are not against the rules
Mace and his troops
Jedi do not steal children 3
Why the Council couldnt've prevented Order 66
1000 Jedi isn't a lot
The Jedi aren't corrupt & slavery isn't their fault
Padme, the Jedi and slavery
Prosset Dibs is a moron
"Jedi-Friendly" bashing of the Council is not a thing
Yes, the Jedi have flaws (everything has flaws)
Jedi and compassion (+ Ki-Adi-Mundi)
Mace Windu is a compassionate person
The Jedi aren't eugenicists (that's the Kaminoans)
Padawans are not child soldiers
Debunking the lightsaber vs bullet thing
Legends!Luke is not better than the PT Jedi
Jedi Culture
jedi culture
martial arts
Guide to Jedi Ranking Terminology
jedi "labels"
jedi melting pot
jedi gifts
jedi healers
jedi culture 2
young jedi
jedi and taxes
jedi sects
jedi weddings
jedi robes
jedi order corps and subdivisions
jedi order bureaucratic structure
Jedi robe significations
Jedi clothing
Jedi Temple Guards
Jedi culture 3
Feelings soaking in
Jedi and teaching
Jedi are empaths
Bag of flour and the 212th
Plo Koon
Jedi debates
Jedi views on blood ties in Lucasfilm canon
Other faiths in the order
Jedi meeting their bio families
Different adoption scenarios
Jedi music
Jedi healers
Jedi and emotions
Padawan attire and conduct
Jedi younglings
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starbeltconstellation · 1 year ago
Exactly! 👏👏👏 ✅
The thing that occurs to me after reading all of these posts discussing fans' lack of familiarity with Eastern values and philosophies as part of the reason why the Jedi are so misunderstood and hated, is that it doesn't seem that unfamiliar at all actually.
Once I understood the general concept behind non-attachment, it started to become apparent just about everywhere. Star Wars obviously takes it to certain extremes to make a very insistent point (don't burn down the entire world and/or murder children in order to save just one person), but the basic idea of letting go is in SO MUCH Western media.
It isn't always about letting go of a person, either. Sometimes it's letting go of a selfish ambition, or a dream the character is clinging to because they've had it since they were a child, or a place. There is SO MUCH "letting go of fear and not letting it control you" or recognizing that being brave or courageous doesn't mean not being scared.
Think about Princess Diaries which literally states out loud that "bravery doesn't mean the absence of fear, but merely that something else is more important."
Think about Tangled where the characters both have to give up their prior "dreams" to save each other selflessly and it's that selflessness that allows them to succeed. The Princess and the Frog has a similar concept.
Think about the recent Dungeons and Dragons movie where the main character's desire to bring back his dead wife inadvertently causes harm to his daughter and he has to let go of his attachment to her by the end of the film in order to repair his relationship with his child and save his friend.
Once you understand the message being sent by the Jedi's values and philosophies, you'll literally see it just about everywhere in Western media. Their values aren't so far from our own, they're honestly quite similar. The messages Star Wars is sending through the Jedi are messages that a LOT of other Western media has been sending for ages, it's just packaging it a little differently with some slightly unfamiliar wording.
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u2fangirlie-blog · 1 year ago
Star Trek vs Star Wars
Here's a a comment I wrote on a YouTube video comparing Star Trek and Star Wars. I've been trying to explain why the philosophy of Star Trek is better than Star Wars and give examples to support my argument.
As a lifelong fan of both franchises, I agree that Trek offers better ideologies. It took me more than 30 years to realize "do or do not, there is no try" was fundamentally bad advice! How many fans live by Yoda's aphorism? There is no room for trial and error and improvement in black-or-white thinking. Yoda failed Luke. Look at the results in The Last Jedi. Luke was literally hiding from the rest of the galaxy because he failed. What would Spock or Picard teach Luke about learning a new skill? Get up and do it again until you can do it or find another way to do it. Then there's the issue of the Jedi rejecting people because they sense too much fear in them. Why not teach healthy coping skills to younglings and padawans? Fear can be a useful emotion. In Dune, the Bene Gesserit have the Litany Against Fear, which teaches you to allow the fear to pass over and through you. What do the Jedi teach about overcoming fear? Fear is bad. Don't feel it. You're bad for feeling fear. Another failed teaching. What would Spock or Picard teach Anakin about fear? Apply logic. Feel the feelings, but don't allow them to take over.
ASMR Muzz. “Why Star Trek is Better than Star Wars.” YouTube, 21 Oct. 2020, https://youtu.be/48Dj1KEM6QY?si=mEhKnHoZruFEaPHr.
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queer-starwars-bracket · 1 year ago
Queer Star Wars Characters (Round 3): General Bracket Match 7
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Kaeden Larte | Identity: queer | Media: Ahsoka novel
Kaeden Larte was a young farmer on the isolated moon of Raada. When she was fourteen her parents died in a farming accident and she was given special permission to take their job. She also became the guardian of her younger sister Miara. When Ahsoka arrived on Raada, Kaeden was quick to welcome her and developed a crush on her. When the Empire arrived, Kaeden joined a resistance cell. Their attack on the Imperial garrison failed, and Ahsoka to save them, was forced to reveal that she was a Jedi. Feeling betrayed that Ahsoka kept such a secret from her, she abandoned their hiding place in the caves and was captured by the Empire. They tortured her, but Ahsoka was able to rescue her. When Ahsoka left Raada to get help, Kaeden was captured again by the Sixth Brother to lure out Ahsoka. When Ahsoka rescued her again, she confessed her feelings, which Ahsoka gave a noncommittal answer to.
After Ahsoka’s battle with the Sixth Brother, the residents of Raada were welcomed to Alderaan. Kaeden eventually went to medical school and afterwards joined the Rebellion as a medic. If she ever reconnected with Ahsoka is unknown. She was present at the medal ceremony at the end of A New Hope.
The episode “Resolve” from Tales of the Jedi is based on the same episode concept as the Ahsoka novel, and thus has potentially retconned Kaeden and replaced her with a white man. However a reference book has attempted to establish the two as just coincidentally similar separate events. The identity “queer” is based off E K Johnston’s statements regarding what orientation she imagined Kaeden with. 
Art by @jedikvghts on tumblr
Sister | Identity: trans female | Media: Queen’s Hope/Brotherhood
Sister was a trans female clone trooper who played a minor role in the novel Queen’s Hope. She transitioned before leaving Kamino, where she was given the name Sister by her fellow clones. She was nervous that the Jedi wouldn’t accept her gender, but they did. As part of the 7th Sky Corps under Obi-Wan Kenobi, she fought beside his Padawan Anakin Skywalker. After the battle, she created a memorial for her fallen brothers, where Anakin approached her and they talked about her gender. 
After Anakin’s knighting, in the novel Brotherhood, she commanded a transport that was part of an aide mission performed by the 302nd battalion. She briefly met Anakin again, who was supervising the Jedi Initiates joining the aide mission (because Palpatine suggested that Jedi younglings needed to get used to clones). What happened to her later in the war is unknown. 
She is the first trans female Star Wars character and the first binary trans person in the New EU.
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seven-oomen · 1 year ago
The great debate of; will I send Cal with Obi-Wan to Kamino (read Cal sneaks on board somehow), or will I send Cal with Anakin and Padmé to Naboo/Tatooine. (again Cal sneaks his way on board.)
I'm leaning towards the latter because it makes more sense to me that a youngling (9,5 years old) would be able to sneak on board a refugee freighter without getting caught, vs Cal trying to sneak his way into Obi-Wan's fighter jet.
And it is already established on multiple occasions that Cal has the capabilities to sneak out of the Jedi temple and into places he shouldn't be able to get into.
But now I am debating.
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ophiespeaks · 9 months ago
Can you please go over this?🥹 I've been agonizing over what to do about making Anakin NOT join the empire. I also can't decide if I want the clone wars to happen or not😭
omg so y’all are gonna hate me but i’m shifting for the sequels…but i promise it’s not that bad!!! i’m actually changing like pretty much the entire plot and only salvaging characters and very small additions! i saw this youtube video essay that someone gave ideas for a bunch of ways the sequels actually could have been good that the directors just didn’t do, and i’m stealing some of those. the main one is instead of it being the New Order VS New Republic, there’s a secret even bigger third threat that forces both sides of the Force to work together so the universe isn’t destroyed. i LOVE theatrics apparently!
i’m personally down bad for kylo ren so i can sorta still answer this ask because they’re so fundamentally similar of characters! also, i love star wars, so i’ve definitely thought about Anakin not becoming sith and how that would play out!
i think force visions are very underutilized. it’s a canonical part of the universe that we know Anakin DOES have, because it’s part of the reason he turns to the dark side anyways (he sees himself slaughtering the younglings). i think just scripting that he doesn’t turn to the dark side is a good safety net, but if you wanted to make it more “realistic” in a sense, you could definitely have him get a force vision of you or obi-wan or his mom dying or getting hurt over his actions, which would make him more apprehensive towards the dark side. yes, those visions were most likely sent by palpatine to convince him to join the dark side, but i think an authentic vision of what would happen if he turned to the dark side would keep him wary to the idea.
i also think if anyone got between anakin and palpatine early enough that he wouldn’t be so delusional. maybe script you know/find out palpatine is a sith lord early-on, and the Jedi become aware of it. If you want to be the main character (i totally do this 😭) you can have the council assign you to go spy on palpatine instead of anakin, which would break their bond and make him less likely to fall to the dark side.
Anakin is also literally the chosen one, so he’s meant to bring balance to the force. i personally think the wording of the prophecy doomed him from the start. because, as we learn from Yoda— there’s always two sith. a master and an apprentice. after darth maul was killed in ep. 1, Palpatine needed a new apprentice anyway. And, if he could convince a Jedi Padawan to join the dark side, that would be a double success. The way the force needed be balanced at that moment was with the sith taking on a new apprentice, not by the Jedi defeating the sith like they thought the prophecy meant. So, I think another good way to establish a realistic reason for Anakin not being swayed could be instituting another sith apprentice for Palpatine after darth maul, or simply having it that maul escaped the fight with qui-gon and obi-wan. If palpatine has an apprentice, and Sith come in pairs, he has no need for Anakin Skywalker to become a sith.
On the topic of the clone wars, i mean, you can absolutely do whatever you want. i would just remind you that it is a war— clones, droids, etc. are going to die. if you do want the clone wars included in your dr i would definitely put up some safety nets in your script! things like “i will never be in a position where i have to kill someone” or “broken droids are later fixed” so you don’t feel bad about taking them out! but at the end of the day it’s really up to you! the clone wars come with so many interesting stories and characters, but you also have to remember that it is still a war at its core, even if it is a space war with lightsabers and funky little droids! leaving it in or taking it out both kinda have their ups and downs. if you script, i would add some safety features just to resolve your own worries. if you don’t script that’s also perfectly fine, your subconscious knows what you want and will have it there for you in your dr!
i hope any of this helped! thanks for the ask :)
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labrats-and-clonetroopers · 2 years ago
So, continuously thinking about lab rats/star wars (clone wars/bad batch era) crossovers, and my subsequent favorite pairing from that. Thinking about Star Wars comics/movies/tv-shows existing in the same way Mighty Med comics do. Thinking about how Leo was always into superheroes because that's essentially what he aspired to be, and that's how he viewed Adam, Bree, and Chase. Thinking about Chase being more into Star Wars because he identifies more with the clones, with the struggle between personal identity and freedom vs the desire to fulfill your duty to sacrifice your life because it's what you were engineered to do.
Thinking about when they find out the superhero world is real, they also find out the Star Wars galaxy is real too, and the sudden horror of realizing the tragic fates of the clone army and the jedi almost certainly, actually happened.
Thinking about Chase having a collection of Star Wars action figures that he brings with him to Centium City, and Ahsoka trying not cry when she sees all the miniaturized figurines of the 501st.
Thinking about Skylar being miffed that companies still keep producing Ahsoka merch, while nothing new comes out themed on Skylar Storm.
Thinking about Ahsoka realizing that a number of her embarrassing moments have been immortalized and seen by a good majority of a planet's population. As well as some of her more heart-braking failures (She cannot, and will not watch the Clone Wars: Season 7 finale). Refusing to believe that what happened to Anakin was accurate. She uses the excuse that Ambrose occasionally takes creative liberties, even swaps out one character for another, so that has to be what's happened here. Because Anakin could never join the Sith, could never kill younglings.
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pyrrhicraven · 7 months ago
We love your fics!! 100000000% worth the wait!! 😁😁
Can we maybe have some scenes where the partners stand up to their “in-laws”? I wanna see Bowser and Boo VS Mario and Shredder VS Splinter! Ooh and definitely Dooku in an argument with Anakin
I had to go with that last one because It was all I could think of at IRL work most of this week 🤣
Anakin looked like a mulish youngling as he watched them interact and honestly, Yan was far too old to deal with a temper tantrum from a young adult. Obi-Wan clearly could see what was happening but didn't want to light the fuse so he would.
"Spit it out Skywalker, we both can see you have something to say." Anakin inflated like a tooka. They did that to make themselves bigger if threatened, he almost lost his straight face at the thought, and he blamed Obi-Wan for getting him to lose the mantle he'd worn for so long.
"I don't like you! And I still don't believe you were really a spy for everything!" Ah, this again. He blamed himself for being such a good spy, a good liar, he'd had to be to survive the chancellor. Taking Anakin's arm had been something he'd not wanted to do but had no choice if he wanted to look like he was actually trying to kill him and Obi-Wan. Yoda had arrived at a perfect time, too bad it had been after he'd severed Anakin's arm.
"Anakin we've been over this. He had to do what he did to be sure that the Sith lord did not know he was being tricked." Anakin glanced down at Obi-Wan's legs if he could have...If Yan had been faster or stronger maybe Obi-Wan wouldn't now match Anakin.
"What if I don't think that completely true? What if I think he liked the dark side more than he admitted!" This again. Anakin had been fascinated by the dark side and Sidious would have more than likely been feeding that fascination as long as he'd known Anakin.
"It is a cold and hungry thing the dark side. It will take from you and give you nothing but pain in return. Even if I were more invested in the dark side than I have admitted, it would eventually show would it not?" Reason would mean nothing but he had to appeal somehow, to outright deny that he had been tempted by the dark side was a fool's errand and untrue.
The temptation had been vast. But he'd been playing a role, biding his time to strike like a true shadow. They all had their brushes with the dark side and that was the task of a Shadow-to overcome the temptation. Anakin would have made a terrible Shadow.
"You lie as easily as you breath, why would I believe anything you say?" And there it was. He'd expected that but Obi-Wan made an aborted sound, eyes swinging between Yan and Anakin.
"Do you trust me Anakin?" Anakin frowned,
"Of course I do!" He hadn't always, Obi-Wan had admitted as much to him one night. Realizing that Sidious had been feeding Anakin paranoia and distrust, eapecially at Obi-Wan.
"Then trust me when I say that Yan can be trusted, that he helped us in the final moments because he was Jedi the whole time." Anakin scoffed and Yan shifted, just a minuet thing but it sent Anakin off the edge.
Anakin interpreting the move as aggressive force pushed him, He stalled it, keeping his feet under himself and snarled at Anakin.
"Anakin!" Obi-Wan said in shock and Yan brushed away another force push.
"I know you hate me for what I did, but look past your hatred before it consumes you." As it had nearly consumed him, Yan didn't want to see a new Sith born after an old one was put down like the beast he was.
"You almost killed us so many times and you think I'm just going to believe you were really on our side this whole time? I don't know what you told the council or Obi-Wan but I know what you really are!" Anakin shouted a new wave of force hitting Yan so hard that his teeth rattled, and he slid backwards into a wall.
Pushing away from the wall Yan summoned every ounce of patience his mind had to offer. It shattered the moment Obi-Wan was pushed away from Anakin and crashed into the couch sending him tumbling out of sight.
With a shout he shoved Anakin with as much power as he could muster in the force. Sending Anakin flying out of the window, fear jolted through him and Yan raced to the overturned couch, Obi-Wan was grimacing and holding his hip, but looked otherwise unharmed.
"Yan what did you do?" Yan huffed pressing his hands to Obi-Wan's hip to force heal him.
"I might have a weaker resistance to my anger than I led others to believe." Obi-Wan snorted.
"You pushed my former padawan out a window. Anakin will survive but he certainly won't trust you more for it." Obi-Wan with an amused look on his face. Yan rolled his eyes but flinched as the door to Obi-Wan's quarters burst open, Mace looking wild and half mad with his purple Lightsaber ignited in one hand.
"What the kriff happened here?" They both snorted at the man, more than aware that he cursed like a pilot and unbothered by it.
"Oh, you know just arguing with Anakin." Obi-Wan said blithely as if it were a stroll in the gardens. Mace turned off his lightsaber and placing it on his belt before eyeing the broken window and overturned couch as Obi-Wan sat up with a hiss.
"I take it he's still convinced Yan pulled the Bantha's wool over our eyes." Yan snorted and nodded sharply because yes exactly that.
"We really need to get him to talk about what Sidious made him feel, a mind healer to make sure he's alright...Or as alright as someone who was being manipulated by a Sith Lord!" That was rather generous of Mace considering normally he'd be up in arms over a shattered window.
"And you! What the kriff did you do to get him to break a window!" Obi-Wan snorted, a hand over his mouth as if to stop from laughing.
"Yan chucked Anakin out the window." Obi-Wan said with almost a straight-faced if it weren't for the hand and the way his eyes crinkled at the corners. Then he burst into laughter as if throwing people out windows was hilarious.
"I'm missing something here, because it sounds like Yan killed Anakin." Obi-Wan shook his head still laughing and held out his communicator, it chirped and Ahsoka appeared with an arm over her shoulders.
"Ah hi! Anakin is safe managed to catch him in the net!" Mace's mouth twitched and suddenly he burst into laughter.
"You got his former padawan to save his ass? How much are you paying her because I don't think it was enough!" With both men basically rolling on the ground with laughter Yan pulled the communicator from Obi-Wan's hands. Ahsoka looked amused by their antics.
"I would apologize to Skywalker, but he pushed first." Ahsoka snorted and Anakin pulled his head into the call, eyes fierce but his mouth struggled not to smile. Fighting perhaps the urge to laugh with the two men who were now wheezing and laughing at the same time.
"Yeah, I still don't trust you but if Mace thought it was funny I'll let it slide for now."
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corruptedforce · 1 year ago
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The thing that I feel is so often missed, with what people wanted to happen vs fall/no fall is what his destiny was. The Jedi were not hearing what he was saying anymore, and one of his Jedi skills is that he has prophetic dreams. He felt like a pawn being pulled, by being asked to spy on the Chancellor. Then, the Chancellor was sowing all these seeds of mistrust in him about the two people he did more or less trust. The trust between Anakin and Obi-Wan was always iffy at best, but you see many things happen, where it gets damaged, especially during The Clone Wars show. Anakin lost a lot of faith in Obi-Wan with the Rakko Hardeen plot. Ahsoka leaving really did a number on him with the Jedi, and then with Padme, he was feeling off, because he wanted to save her but with the Chancellor breathing in his ear and what he saw and not heard about from his wife in the Chancellor's office, those seeds of doubt were growing. When she asked him to speak to the Chancellor, it was more frustrating for him, because the council already had him spying and they had sent Obi-Wan where he couldn't reach him. This was all coming after so long in the Outer Rim, countless lives lost, and the thing with Dooku had just happened. He was being told things by so many people and he is responsible for his own actions, but the thing about Revenge of the Sith, is it is almost clear that Anakin's path is growing into a lonely path the whole movie.
No matter where he turned, people were telling him his nightmares were wrong. He needed to let go of attachments. When he needed Obi-Wan to actually be firm with him, he told him he was proud of him. The one person saying all the right things was the wrong person.
Anakin had those seeds of mistrust his whole life, along with the fear, anger, etc. But when he found out Palpatine was the Sith Lord, he did go right to Mace Windu. He did make a big deal about wanting him to stand trial. He was trying to do what was right but Palpatine manipulated the whole thing.
Is Revenge of the Sith partly a love story? Yes. He wouldn't have sought her out right after the temple, ran to her in Mustafar or had the reaction to her being dead if it wasn't.
But, it is also a tale of brotherhood being stolen, essentially. He only was going to turn on Obi-Wan because Sidious told him that he had to. The thing so many people miss, is the temple was a mission. They also act like he killed all the people inside. Did he kill the younglings? Yeah, he did. There is no excusing that. I don't mean to excuse anything he does. I simply try to explain the behavior and where his thought process was.
Anakin also is pretty textbook BPD, and it is very evident that he disassociated from the Chancellor's office probably until he was told Padme's dead and then again for a long time. That love in Anakin never died, but the pain that existed in Anakin laid buried deep for a long time, and it was just easier for him to say that Anakin Skywalker was dead, because to him, that part of him was. But, he was never more machine than man. He still had it in him. There was still good in him. It just only would come out, with the adult child that he had wanted from the moment he was told they existed.
But back to his journey in Revenge of the Sith. There's a time when it is all about himself and not about those in his life. He destroys those close to him. In the novelization, there is even a point where he thinks the following: "And there is one blazing moment in which you finally understand that there was no dragon. That there was no Vader. That there was only you. Only Anakin Skywalker. That it was all you. Is you. Only you."
That is it in a nutshell. He had to become this isolated person to continue his journey, and it would be his next part of his journey that would be almost equal to this previous part of his life. So many people guessed that Luke was the Chosen One. But, it was always still Anakin, and when he killed Palpatine, he wasn't thinking about that, he was thinking he was saving his son, and didn't care if it hurt himself.
We see in Ahsoka even, that his journey is still continuing. He is the Chosen One. There is only one Chosen One. He had equal time with light and dark and that phenomenal episode with the duality in that episode of Ahsoka shows kind of what full on Chosen One could be.
So while his relationships with various people are important yes, his connection to the force supercedes everything. It shows in both trilogies how strong it is, and it is because he is the Chosen One.
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indighost77 · 1 year ago
the citadel trilogy isn't bad, but i don't think it's very good either if i'm gonna be honest. it's the middle episode that's the weakest of them; it mostly just feels like padding and repetition. anakin and tarkin talk, tarkin whines about the jedi, everyone runs into another one of the citadels many security systems, a clone dies, rinse and repeat until they get to the shuttle and it gets destroyed in a dumb senseless sacrifice that's kinda rendered moot in season seven. like what was echo's plan exactly? i keep forgetting he's even in this arc lmao
oh and speaking of anakin and tarkin! i like the arc they have in these three episodes, but i don't feel like the end result of that arc is well done? like i don't feel like tarkin's respect for anakin is really earned. most of the time they're just disagreeing with each other's ideals and then suddenly by the end of the citadel trilogy tarkin's all "i wish more jedi had your military sensibilities, perhaps i'll inform the chancellor of your valor". like... huh?? for most of the arc they're at odds with each other it seems and then it's just suddenly "oh you're cool now" lmao. i like that this arc between him and anakin is here, but i don't like how half-baked it feels, like... it feels like it was intended as mainly an ahsoka-focused arc but then the anakin and tarkin stuff was added partway through writing these three episodes when they realized they had two ahsoka arcs in a row between this and the trandoshans vs younglings episodes
idk, maybe i'm crazy for thinking this way about the tarkin and anakin stuff in the citadel episodes, but surely i'm not the only one who feels the second episode of the citadel was the weakest of them, right?
anyway tldr, the citadel trilogy is just okay, i think the anakin and tarkin stuff is fine but doesn't work super well at the end of it, and the second episode of that trilogy is the weakest episode of those three just for the sheer padding in it
and with that, i'll re-watch the last two episodes of season three later :)
am i crazy for thinking echo's death in the citadel trilogy (except he didn't really die and is now in the bad batch lmao) was the dumbest thing to happen in the clone wars?? like it feels like it was done purely for shock value
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anbarelectrum · 3 years ago
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Seeing newly-knighted Anakin channeling a substitute middle school teacher while a bunch of Jedi younglings run roughshod over him: amazing beautiful 11/10 laughed out loud for exactly four seconds
and then I remembered
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shit man they all gon’ die
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spacefighting · 4 years ago
hey y’all i’m thinking about how grogu most likely has memories of who anakin was and could feel maybe a little bit of him in luke and it’s making me think and feel things i don’t want to think or feel
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gaily-daily · 2 years ago
Anakin vs Younglings
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