#an excursion
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ditzybat · 9 months ago
bruce: i just want to make sure you’re safe
tim: you microchipped me like a dog!
bruce, showing affection the only way he knows how to by planting a tracker in tim’s neck: exactly, safe.
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killabeeblog · 1 year ago
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anna-scribbles · 6 days ago
adrien would have such a hard time actually owning a cat because he would know how bad it is for the cat and the environment to let it just roam free outside but then his other option is keeping the cat locked inside the house and what if it feels trapped? what if it’s isolated? what if it hates being stuck in the house??? he can’t do that. what kind of cat father would he be.
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tourmaline-dream · 5 months ago
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But then…there’s Osha. 
Osha, who leans into him in the shelter of a doorway from the rain on Jabiim, caught in bad weather while buying necessities. Without even thinking, like a reflex he’s had for years, he curls his arm around her, tucking her in close to his side and away from the rain as they wait for the downpour to subside. She inhales, sharp and quiet, the arm not pressed to his side reaching up to touch his coat.
They both look at eachother, a little shocked at their placement, and neither move to change it.
He smiles. It pulls at the corners of his mouth before he can stop it. He watches as her eyes soften, her weight settled comfortably against him, and she smiles too. Her fingers tangle in the fabric of his coat, like she finally had permission.
(she always did)
They both turn away as her cheeks flush, looking at the sodden sky as they wait.
(image updated because his hand was bugging me oop)
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humanteethmarksonhumanbone · 6 months ago
my bad yall
this is a psa to NOT search up mr bonzo on ao3.
if you think it's funny, and it's gonna be silly: you're wrong. you will be traumatized. I'm still recovering.
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marypsue · 8 months ago
sometimes you just gotta put on the Dark Gothic Princess Dress that only gets to come out of the closet maybe once a winter and sit around in it doing nothing in particular. for a bit.
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levemetal · 1 month ago
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If you ever wondered what it feels like to write svsss fanfic, this is it.
Ironically my terrible sons SJ and LBG are the most behaved. MQF stole the plot and is about to murder me in my sleep.
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namgination · 8 months ago
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the cutest variety king
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vestaignis · 2 months ago
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Храм Изумрудного Будды в Бангкоке, Таиланд.
Храм Изумрудного Будды – это одна из главных достопримечательностей Большого Королевского Дворца, некогда бывшая в собственности короля и его семейства, а сегодня ставшая достоянием народа Таиланда. Тайцы называют его Ват Пхра Кео (Wat Phra Kaeo). Храмовый комплекс занимае�� площадь около 55 га в историческом центре Бангкока. Возведение шедевра тайской архитектуры началось в период правления Рамы I, основателя династии Чакри.Этот храм был построен, как неотъемлемая часть Дворца, и раньше был святая святых королевского семейства. Только самые знатные и приближенные к монарху люди вправе были сюда ходить. И сейчас никто не может зайти с парадного входа, кроме них.
В этом храме находится Изумрудный Будда, перед которым каждый новый тайский король дает клятву верности своему народу, восходя на трон. Эта королевская традиция началась с Рамы I и остается неизменной до настоящего времени. Дотрагиваться до Будды может только король Таиланда. А вытирать пыль с него разрешено исключительно ему или наследному принцу. Всем остальным прикасаться к статуе запрещено, это расценивается как святотатство. Кроме того, трижды в год король одевает Будду в различные, шитые золотом одежды. Считается, что данный ритуал должен принести народу страны процветание и благополучие, а его государству и монарху – могущество. Каменная статуя божества, сидящего в позе лотоса, имеет высоту 66 см и ширину – 48,3 см. Относительно материала, из которого она изготовлена, существуют разные версии: изумруд, нефрит или жадеит. Нет единого мнения и в вопросах об авторстве, о времени и месте изготовления статуи.
Помимо статуи Будды в храме можно увидеть впечатляющие и интересные произведения искусства. В отличие от Изумрудной статуи, другие статуи приглашают посетителей подойти поближе, сделать подношение и даже прикоснуться, чтобы завоевать удачу, успех или любовь. Другие экспонаты на территории включают библиотеку, содержащую сотни древних священных писаний, специальные настенные росписи и модель храма Ангкор-Ват в Камбодже.
Temple of the Emerald Buddha in Bangkok, Thailand.
The Temple of the Emerald Buddha is one of the main attractions of the Grand Royal Palace, once owned by the king and his family, and today has become the property of the people of Thailand. Thais call it Wat Phra Kaeo. The temple complex occupies an area of ​​about 55 hectares in the historical center of Bangkok. The construction of a masterpiece of Thai architecture began during the reign of Rama I, the founder of the Chakri dynasty. This temple was built as an integral part of the Palace, and used to be the holy of holies of the royal family. Only the most noble and close to the monarch people had the right to go here. And now no one can enter through the main entrance except them.
This temple houses the Emerald Buddha, before which each new Thai king takes an oath of allegiance to his people, ascending the throne. This royal tradition began with Rama I and remains unchanged to this day. Only the King of Thailand can touch the Buddha. Only he or the Crown Prince is allowed to wipe the dust off it. Everyone else is forbidden to touch the statue, as this is considered sacrilege. In addition, three times a year the King dresses the Buddha in various gold-embroidered clothes. It is believed that this ritual should bring prosperity and well-being to the people of the country, and power to its state and monarch. The stone statue of the deity, sitting in the lotus position, is 66 cm high and 48.3 cm wide. There are different versions of the material from which it is made: emerald, nephrite or jadeite. There is no consensus on the authorship, time and place of the statue's manufacture.
In addition to the Buddha statue, you can see impressive and interesting works of art in the temple. Unlike the Emerald Statue, other statues invite visitors to come closer, make offerings, and even touch them to gain good luck, success, or love. Other exhibits on the grounds include a library containing hundreds of ancient scriptures, special wall paintings, and a model of Cambodia's Angkor Wat temple.
Источник:/p-thailand.co.il/ru/достопримечательности/Wat-Phra-kaew/, //www.sputnik8.com/ru/bangkok/sights/hram-izumrudnogo-buddy/info, /idei.club/raznoe/9046-dvorec-izumrudnogo-buddy. html, /veryclose.ru/hram-izumrudnogo-budd-v-bangkoke/.
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oldschoolfrp · 3 months ago
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Castle on the precipice (John Kingsbury, Alarums and Excursions 138, February 1987)
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demi-pixellated · 2 months ago
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Mercs Gone Fishing🎣💨 --
Here's my full piece for "Just Another Day", a Shez zine (@/shezdiary on twit). So glad I got to be apart of this delightful book!
The zine's leftover sale will be wrapping up on Jan 7th, so if there's some extra goodies you wanna pick up make sure you swing by soon.
📔✨: Buy Here
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honey-dont · 6 months ago
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his stupid square helmet </3
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nikkento-writes · 5 months ago
Nanami likes to go with the flow when he's on vacation. He's not huge on planning out every single hour of his day with some activity or event. Sure, he'll book something here or there, mark certain places to eat, major landmarks he should probably visit. But he's isn't always go go go. Some days, most days really, he just wants to relax on the beach, feel the breeze on his face, listen to the soothing sound of waves crashing on the shore. He wants to dig his feet into the sand, feel the coarseness of it between his toes, bask in the heat of the sun until vitamin D is surging through his veins.
Most of all, he wants to enjoy all of this with you right beside him. You'd smear sunscreen on his back, a spot he always used to neglect until he met you. He'd hold your hand gently during a little stroll on the beach, waiting for the sun to seep into the distant horizon. The two of you would cheers each other at a cute little cabana bar, cocktails with tiny umbrellas in hand, sharing a tasty appetizer together.
He always loved to travel, but getting to do it with you has made it all the more special. To be able to share his bliss with somebody else, someone who understands him down to his very core...well, nothing can be better than that.
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elodieunderglass · 6 months ago
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Hi hello? I knew about Boromir bread but when did my captain branch into chocolate croissants? Fascinating
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ghostlyarchaeologist · 2 years ago
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“That’s why we don’t work in Canada.”
“Why, what did you do?”
Leverage Redemption S01E14 The Great Train Job.
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entities-of-posts · 27 days ago
HeLLo aRcHiviSt. dOn’T yOu hUnGer tO kNOw WhAt LiEs bEyONd tHe DOoR?
gO oN…
Oh come on now, this is such a crude trap, it might as well be a book under a box propped up with a stick.
*click of a doorknob turning*
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