#an educational Aid
loveisinthebat · 2 years
Griff , Bat Superstar
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mohamedabushaban06 · 29 days
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Hello people, 👋
THIS PICTURE YOU SEE👆 WAS MY HOME FOR 3 MONTHS (the war tent) i don’t wish it for my enemy! It made me learn so much things in life and turned to another person i faced suffer, pain, fear, killing, fighting, guns, missiles and so on..
I know it's weired to answer a message for the first time from a stranger, but please please dont skip and give me only 2 minutes to tell you my story🙏
My name is mohammed and i really hope you can share and understand my message🥹 i am an 18 year old young man from gaza. I evacuated out of gaza ,but my family are still in Gaza under the war attack i evacuated to continue my bachelor degree but my financial issues are really hard to afford for continuing my college dream ;because everything i had or shared for my whole life unfortunately now turned to dust and ashes that's why i had to walk in the lane for the power of the internet that why i opened a gofund me campaign so i can reach my current goal for 3000€ and i am so close to reach the goal please i need your help and your hand of support🙏😭
i wish it can really make a difference in my new refugee life. I'm really in need for your help and support for the campaign, and again i'm sorry for bothering
@feluka @timetravellingkitty @lesbianmaxevans @nabulsi @irhabiya @jezior0 @reemash456 @rebecca-levin-art @kyrasantoro @kyrartz @kyra45-helping-others @imjustalazycat @mauesartetc @malewifeandgirlboss @beccadrawsstuff @blumineck @bellabayushki @commissions4aid-international @newsfrom-theworld @nvdish @victoriawhimsey @beezonia @beezinthetraps @kibumkim @love-personal @maxcapacity @mahoushojoe @neechees @neetols @gofundmereach-blog @postanagramgenerator @kaapstadgirly @softwaring @escuerzoresucitado @mushroomjar @palestinegenocide @pikatik @bisexual @sayruq @yelyahwilliams @understands @ur-daily-inspiration @beccadrawsstuff @calladraws101 @cherifaouachani @permeate @nepeteaa @hauntingyourself @girlinafairytale @glassshine
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violette-blr · 2 months
Hi. I've been struggling to come up with the needed downpayment for my school this semester. I've tried selling things online but theyre not enough. I am already in my 4th yr hoping to enroll this semester so I can proceed to internship next sem. If you need any proof of my university and existence, I'll gladly share them. So please.
Any amount will do. Thank you for your kindness in advance. 🙏🩷
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labutansa · 1 month
via the futureofthecongo
“In North Kivu, Congo, children face the harsh realities of displacement, conflict, and limited access to education. The Future of Congo, in collaboration with Congo Focus, is dedicated to changing this by providing essential educational opportunities for these resilient young minds. Our mission is to empower these children to become the future leaders and change-makers of Congo.”
“With your support, we aim to provide school supplies, rebuild and equip classrooms, support teachers, and engage the community. Your donation will directly impact the lives of thousands of children, giving them the tools they need to succeed academically and personally.”
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reality-detective · 5 months
"WHATSHERFACE" (13 FEB 2022) "now EVERYONE has AIDS" 🤔
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crazycatsiren · 1 year
We're half way into 2023 and I'm begging parents to teach your children about disabled people so they don't go up to a stranger who's a disabled cane user in a store and say "why do you have a cane? You're not even old!" loud enough for all to hear.
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greentreesredhearts · 9 months
I'm in endangered of being kicked out of school for lack of fund. After working a full time job and unable to get a loan, I've exhausted every other avenue. I know as a black queer woman the importance of having a degree and really don't want this to be the end for my academic career so any help would be much appreciated. I’m trying to raise some of the funds by January 10th to be able to attend the spring semester. Thank you for reading and please share if you can.
C@shapp: $Sunnishin3
v3nmo: @Sunni-Stewart
Any donations made to v3nmo and c@shapp will be added to the gofundme
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dotted-clouds · 6 months
Guess who is opening emergency commissions because a personal issue regarding school just landed on my lap...
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Reblogs are appreciated. Contact me on [Twitter], Tumblr Messages, Ko-Fi Messages, or email [[email protected]]
Ko-Fi Link: https://ko-fi.com/dottedclouds
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pisshandkerchief · 8 months
why do you mean you have trouble discovering new music. back in my day we got our obscure music recs from the welcome to night vale weather and we fucking liked it
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sag-dab-sar · 2 years
When I say don't touch my wheelchair this includes doctors, nurses, and med techs. It also includes when I'm not sitting in it.
I am so fucking angry about this atm. In hospitals I usually have to transfer to special medical chairs or tables for things. The medical professional will then proceed to move my chair out of the way without asking. And if they don't ask they are annoyingly stupid and don't unlock the breaks when they move it, that fucks with the tires— stop it.
All it takes is a "can I move this to right over here?" that way I can say "yes, please unlock the wheels and move it" or "I need something out of my bag first" or anything of that nature.
I don't care who you are, I don't care if you are medical staff—don't touch a person's mobility aid without permission.
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sharkboyry · 1 year
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Hiiiiii everyone! Happy disability pride month! I’m a black autistic enby currently trying to raise a bit of money to pay off prior school debt so I can reenroll this fall!Additionally, I’m trying to raise money for a tablet to use for school work and as an aac device! I’ve been experiencing severe panic attacks lately and Verbal communication has gotten increasingly difficult for me after experiencing a sexual assault in an abusive relationship. If you can’t donate, please help me spread the word!
Csh app
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icemav86 · 5 months
1980s safe sex posters
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Part 1
[Part 2]
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philsmeatylegss · 6 months
Have seen very little discussion on this website about the situation in Haiti and figured maybe I’d try to start the conversation?
For those who aren’t aware, Haiti is the only country that led a successful slave rebellion which led to the establishment of an independent country, and a day hasn’t passed where they haven’t been punished for it. The country never had a chance to flourish as the west made sure to suck it economically dry and then dip when nothing was left.
This has left the country horrifically unstable in every way possible. However, the last few years, it has been on the brink of collapse due to absolutely no political leadership and as of now, Haiti has completely collapsed. The country is mostly run by gangs all competing for power. There is no where for refugees to escape. The west has completely abandoned any meaningful intervention and it has mostly been South American, Middle Eastern, and African countries who only seem interested in trying to bring peace. But since 2024 has begun, it is a terrifying place to be full of completely innocent people being screwed over by the west for standing up for themselves.
Of course, this is heavily over simplified and I have no personal connection to Haiti. So under the cut, I’m adding much more accurate and insightful information, as well as fundraisers, books, petitions, and Haitian run businesses and social media accounts. As someone who is studying history, it doesn’t take long to realize most nations struggling today have been victimized for wanting autonomy and freedom. From Palestine to Sudan, to DRC to Ukraine, there is so much preventable tragedy. As someone from a country who has historically inflicted these conditions on a lot of these nations, it’s frustrating to feel powerless to the injustice. I truly find the only thing that puts my mind at peace is education and spreading awareness. Don’t let their suffering be in vain.
*please correct me if any of this information is inaccurate*
Basic information:
HAITI: A Brief History of a Complex Nation
Britannica: History of Haiti
How Haiti Was Forced To Pay Reparations For Freedom
[video] A Super Quick History of Haiti
The Root of Haiti's Misery: Reparations to Enslavers
Timeline: Haiti’s History and Current Crisis, Explained
[video] Why Haiti is in a Constant State of Emergency
A Brief History Of Haiti
The Haitian Revolution and the Hole in French High-School History
[video] How the World Destroyed Haiti
A Timeline of Haiti
Haiti: a history of intervention, occupation and resistance
[video] Fighting for Haiti
How Toussaint L’ouverture Rose from Slavery to Lead the Haitian Revolution
The Disappearing Land : Haiti, History, and the Hemisphere
History of Haiti
A History of United States Policy Towards Haiti
What is the history of foreign interventions in Haiti?
Haitian history and culture: A selection of online resources
The Black Jacobins: Toussaint l'Ouverture and the San Domingo Revolution
The Haitian Revolution
Silencing the Past
Fault Lines: Views across Haiti's Divide
Awakening the Ashes: An Intellectual History of the Haitian Revolution
Haiti: The Tumultuous History
Written in Blood: The Story of the Haitian People 1492-1971
The Haitians: A Decolonial History
Why the Cocks Fight: Dominicans, Haitians, and the Struggle for Hispaniola
Outrage for Outrage: A History of Colonialism in Haiti and Its Legacy
Avengers of the New World: The Story of the Haitian Revolution
Black Spartacus: The Epic Life of Toussaint Louverture
The Black Republic: African Americans and the Fate of Haiti
The Farming of Bones
The Rainy Season: Haiti Since Duvalier
The Uses of Haiti
The Butterfly’s Way: Voices from the Haitian Dyaspora in the United States
*rating of 80+ on charitynavigator*
Hands Helping Haiti
Heartline Haiti
Hope for Haiti
Haiti Outreach
US Foundation for the Children of Haiti
Hands Together for Haitians
Haiti Empowered
Mission of Hope Haiti International
Haitian Health Foundation
Haiti Partners
Haiti Cardiac Alliance
New Life for Haiti
Locally Haiti
Clean Water for Haiti
Meds & Food for Kids
Haitian Roots
Project Medishare for Haiti
Friends of the Children of Haiti
Childrens Nutrition Program of Haiti
Haiti Crisis Relief Fund
Haiti Emergency Fundraiser
Urgent Need to Complete Our Haitian Adoptions
Desperate Plea to Help Haitian Family
Haiti Food Emergency
Help a Deaf Haitian restore his life in Maryland
Help a friend get her sister & 3 kids out of Haiti
Daniel Jean - Haitian friend relocate to the US
Help Support My Family in Haiti
Support Young Haitian Artists!
Haitian Artists Need Your Help
Help My Mother and Brother from HAITI PLEASE
Urgent Help for Marc Henry and his family in Haiti
Help Michaël in Humanitarian and Political Crisis in Haïti
Lycender Chery & Family
Trapped in Port au Prince, Haiti
Help Rosemica have surgery for her tumor!
Help My Family escape from ruthless gangs
Haitian Orphanage School: Classique Mixte du Rivag
Help Support a Hard Working Mother of Two
Haiti Emergency Relief of artist community
Help Save Gabe's Life and get him from Haiti to US
Aid for Haitian Artist Mario and his Granddaughter
Haitian-Owned Businesses
Kreyol Essence
LS Cream Liqueur
Creole Me Up
Fanm Djanm
Makaya Chocolate
Kòmsi Like
Créations Dorées
Aeva Beauty
Levie's Essential Care
Bel Ti Boujique
It’s Seasoned™
Cremas Absalon
Kreyol Pale Creole Konprann
Bijou Lakay
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labutansa · 2 months
(Shared by bsonblast on instagram stories)
The campaign of a student in Sudan who is trying to raise £5,000 to finish her studies - she needs £500 to pay her tuition to keep her spot in her program
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thoughtportal · 2 years
pointing out the hypocrisy is a waste of time. Show up. Show up to your local city meetings. show up to your local school board and library board meetings. show up to your local mutual aide groups. show up to your local DSA and IWW groups. 
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jadafitch · 6 days
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Cover sketch for I Love Birds, Nature Smarts Activity Book number 5! Not out until April 15th, but available for preorder now through Amazon and other retailers. PREORDER
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