4gravitons · 3 months
Amplitudes 2024, Continued
Completing this year's Amplitudes conference coverage
I’ve now had time to look over the rest of the slides from the Amplitudes 2024 conference, so I can say something about Thursday and Friday’s talks. Thursday was gravity-focused. Zvi Bern’s review talk was actually a review, a tour of the state of the art in using amplitudes techniques to make predictions for gravitational wave physics. Bern emphasized that future experiments will require much…
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technician-the · 10 months
amplitude modulation
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west-brooke · 8 days
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“Even teenage vigilantes need a nap”
Through gritted teeth. It’s okay to post my oc content on here it’s my blog it’s my house. Anyway really proud of the lighting on this one and figured I’d share. This is the first time posting my own stuff on here but I’m trying to branch out. This is Amp she lives rent free in my brain.
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Postpunk shampoo commercial (Bono in the "Desire" video)
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moneyisnobject · 7 months
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M51 Concept
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voltrixz · 2 months
never become a self shipper that shit ruins YOUR LIFE!!! (< having a lot of fun actually)
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poesia · 3 months
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Foi em julho de 2019. Há cinco anos atrás saia o terceiro e idealizado-para-ser o último número de Amplitude. E da terceira para a segunda edição, o lapso fora já de três anos. Como um editor pode explicar uma periodicidade assim? Me ajude, amigo leitor!
Cara de pau por cara de pau, deixe-me replicar um trecho de minhas desculpas pelo enorme hiato entre a segunda e a terceira edições, citando a mim mesmo:
Neste tempo, pude dedicar-me, além dos compromissos acadêmicos, à edição de diversos livros e recursos em serviço da igreja e da Literatura, e à manutenção religiosa dos blogs de serviço.
Sim, nestes anos todos não cessamos de produzir livros e recursos, tanto  enquanto autor, quanto como organizador e editor (dê uma olhada em nossa biblioteca de recursos gratuitos, AQUI ). Mas nada podemos contra a verdade, senão pela verdade. E a verdade é que editar uma revista — ainda mais uma com as propostas de Amplitude — é trabalheira de assustar até a um editor já meio calejado. Por isso seu irregular avanço e eventual queda — queda não, tropeço — para o prático, embora doloroso, abandono.
No entanto, compreendemos por fim que Amplitude precisava viver. Mas as dificuldades permaneciam as mesmas; assim, como recolocá-la em sua jornada? A solução encontrada foi retomar as atividades entregando ao leitor uma revista mais enxuta, embora mantendo boa parte das seções que ditaram o estilo da publicação. Opa, na verdade criamos até novas seções, como a de Games ou a Pharmacia.
Com a retomada, inauguramos também a chamada para publicação, abrindo espaço para que autores submetam suas obras para a seleção e eventual veiculação na revista.
Amplitude é uma revista de posição e cosmovisão declaradamente protestante; no entanto, somos amplos em nossa irmanação criativa com nossos co-navegantes do mistério do Deus de Abraão, Isaque e Jacó: Cristãos de todas as vertentes podem ser lidos em Amplitude. Nesta edição, temos poesia e contos, crônicas e artigos, quadrinhos, resenhas de livros e até de games para refrigerar nossas almas.
O trabalho de Amplitude é fruto e consequência de um esforço de divulgação e promoção literárias iniciado no já longínquo ano de 2006, com o blog Poesia Evangélica. Até hoje, o blog já publicou em torno de 700 autores, desde iniciantes a grandes nomes do protestantismo brasileiro e mundial — alguns, de quem você jamais imaginaria terem escrito poemas. E o blog segue a todo vapor, com postagens a cada dez dias, em média. Não deixe de visitá-lo: www.poesiaevanglica.blogspot.com .
No mais, tenha uma boa leitura, e compartilhe esta revista com quantos você puder.
      Sammis Reachers, editor
A revista também está disponível no Google Play Livros, AQUI.
Issuu, AQUI.
Scribd, AQUI.
SlideShare, AQUI.
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chiltern100 · 10 months
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zinkadear · 4 months
I made a family tree for Midas and Lorenzo's closest relatives. More members may be added at some point, such as kids for Redux and his wife, but I haven't decided on any yet.
Lorenzo's biological mother is at the top, and the two below her are his adoptive parents. He ends up reconnecting with his bio mom, but his bio dad will never be in the picture, so I'm not going to bother adding him. I haven't found a skin for him anyway, and it's not important.
Jules's mother passed away and is obviously no longer with Midas, which is why there's a dotted line between them.
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This was fun to make! I won't be doing this with most pairings, but Midas and Lorenzo are very special to me, and I want to include their family in content.
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faceless-dude · 5 months
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I couldn't help it
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4gravitons · 4 months
At Quanta This Week, and Some Bonus Material
When I moved back to Denmark, I mentioned that I was planning to do more science journalism work. The first fruit of that plan is up this week: I have a piece at Quanta Magazine about a perennially trendy topic in physics, the S-matrix. It’s been great working with Quanta again. They’ve been thorough, attentive to the science, and patient with my still-uncertain life situation. I’m quite likely…
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zen-shenanigans · 1 year
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[OC] for those that have seen Ravewave, he’s part of this group known as the Music Bots. Here’s the rest of them!!
They perform a lot!
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widevibratobitch · 11 months
so i am singing that vitellia in the end... but at what fucking cost.
'you gotta sing this softer'
'this is mozart'
'this is vitellia'
'this is mozart'
'im singing about how much i hate this mf and want him dead before the end of the day'
'this is mozart'
'i wanna murder a guy'
'this is mozart'
'softer. gentle. mozart'
#they're killing me here#i already bargained for ONE (1) note in chest (thank you so so much that i am ALLOWED to sing an A3 in chest voice <333) and now THIS#THIS is why people hate mozart. fuck you.#i recorded that rehearsal and the first version sounds SO MUCH BETTER. after i did what she asked me to do its just. so fucking boring.#i hate it here#i love this duet so much but frfr im not sure i wanna do it if i have to do it on their terms.#also like sorry to be a bitch but you're a pianist girl. just stick to your stuff and let me take care of mine.#just because you're playing this like you're constipated because tHiS iS mOzArT doesnt mean the rest of us dont care either.#its possible i never will get the chance to sing the entire vitellia so i want to do justice. as much as im able. to this one chance i get#it took me A Long While to deal with the fact that i wont be able to bark that 'indegno' and 'regno' like i always envisioned.#but like. ok. whatever. i can still make it Entertaining. THIS however. no. no fucking way.#and its not even about me being a big-headed know-it-all who thinks she's better than everyone because. lol and lmao clearly im Not#but this is about having a fucking SOUL. its about actually taking the libretto into consideration too. its about trying to figure out#WHY mozart wrote it the way he did. like sorry but this is another fiordiligi case where its CLEAR that the amplitudes the crazy jumps#are there FOR A REASON. the reason is HE WANTED A CONTRAST. some fucking EMOTION. he sure as hell didnt want it to be Soft And Gentle.#i know it because i talked to him and he told me im right about everything as always and you can eat shit girl bye#grrrrrrrr im so angry#i knos i sound so arrogant here but please. please i just want to make this music fun and enjoyable. i just dont want it to be boring#please understand my vision im begging you
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cuntylittlesalmon · 1 year
ooh this short story is short storyingggggg
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This photo has been approved by the staff of Achtoonbaby.com.
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moneyisnobject · 1 year
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M51 Yacht Design
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