#amongst the horrors there are also the joys
justablah56 · 2 years
maybe I don't want to do school. maybe I don't want to go to college. maybe I don't want to work I don't enjoy. maybe I don't want to force myself to work on things that dont matter. maybe I just want to knit socks for my friends. maybe I just want to make a nice meal. maybe I just want to cuddle the people I love. maybe I want to clean up my room and feel proud of myself. did you ever think of that ?
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spacexseven · 1 year
tuna I'm about to go to bed but consider. demon au fyodor. hangs around you for no discernable reason. gives you terrible nightmares for fun (and later pleasant dreams as he starts to like you more, so he can see you smile when he watches you sleep). keeps wanting to play with your computer. ooo maybe he could possess your phone or something, so you can go out like normal but he'll Always Be There! Watching!
do u think gogol and sigma would be fellow demons or fyodor cultists
- 🩹
demon fyodor is a tech genius you heard it from us first! also also i like the idea of gogol and sigma being demons but like fyodor's little helpers mayb...ill think about it
cw: yandere character, stalking, invasion of privacy, hacking?, sleep deprivation, paranoia,
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unlike dazai and chuuya, who came to stay with you because they have no choice, fyodor's just there because...he wants to. he hates humans but loves tormenting them, loves watching them lose their mind from weeks of sleepless nights and constant paranoia, loves watching them stare at him when he finally comes to claim his prize (their tortured souls), and loves the many fantastic emotions they show him. he's definitely a lot more...evil as compared to the other demons you may have met.
so you start off as his latest prey. maybe he saw you strolling past, maybe he just happened to land at your doorstep, but whatever cruel twist of fate brought him there, it sealed your life forever. you're just as entertaining as he'd hoped; he watches you 'patrol' your room with your phone flashlight and a useless object in hand, delights in the way you jump and knock over your water when he blows into your ear randomly, and most of all, he adores the fearful expressions you show when he's consuming you in your nightmares (literally).
while you're suffering from a lack of sleep and spending more time outside your home, fyodor puts his knowledge to good use and looks around your devices. he's become used to how they work after studying them for so long, and is able to easily infiltrate your computer and later your phone. (it's terribly funny to see you search up all sorts of outlandish things as a way to explain the horrors happening to you)
but you're persevering, to his surprise. and perhaps, that's what ultimately saves you.
though you're thoroughly sleep-deprived and trembling, you still go on with your life. you go to work, continue with your hobbies (even if the shaking hands and jumpiness doesn't help much), and try to keep up the image of a stable life. sure, you don't talk to people much anymore, and you need to try out new things every night that promise you a well-needed rest, but for the most part, you're trying.
this would be his favorite part, usually. completely destroying whatever will was left in you, watching you become a shell of who you were, but things were different this time. he's not sure what brought upon the sudden change, but he stops interrupting your sleep for just one night; and the soft smile that stays on your face the whole time mesmerizes him.
fyodor has seen his share of beautiful sights, but you stood out amongst them all. when he saw you whistling while making breakfast, the lost sparkle in your eye returning, when you look happy to return home after a hectic day for the first time in weeks, and when you're singing while cleaning up, the radiant joy almost blinding—that's when he knows what he really wants to see from you.
and when he takes a liking to you, no matter how twisted it was, he takes it to an extreme. he wants to be the sole decider on whether you'd be having a good day or not, so eliminating any influences in your life comes first. it wouldn't be fair if all his hard work was ruined because a friend buys you a cup of coffee or you're let out early by a superior who thinks you look too tired, right?
fyodor doesn't stop his torment; not immediately. he lets you bask in the joy of going about a day unbothered and feeling free, and then immediately snaps his jaws down on you to visit you in your dreams and frighten you. he loves watching all of you; scared, happy, carefree, stressed—but now, he can't help but be curious. what face would you show when he reveals himself to you? he's hoping it would be anger; a deep, violent, rage. something he hadn't quite had the honor of seeing from you yet.
there was only one way to find out...
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generalluxun · 3 months
Fit for Inspection
A little 'what if' scenario set a year or two pre-canon, with Transfemme Sabrina Raincomprix.
The reflection in the mirror made Sabrina’s heart race, but also set the roof of her mouth and backs of her knees tingling. Thoughts, joys, fears, hopes, and anticipation all burned in the crucible of her belly. The sounds of Chloé grumbling from her bathroom was a blessedly normal thing on this most experimental of days.
The blonde head in question poked out into the bedroom, hair still loose. “You’re wearing that?”
Sabrina swallowed, and told the reflection. “It makes me happy.”
Pink lips parting around a pinker tip; her friend literally biting  her tongue before, “Fine. Whatever, “ and vanishing again.
Sabrina looked back at herself. It was a huge change. She couldn’t really blame Chloé for being shocked. Memory painted itself across the reflective surface; a first meeting. That one girl amongst the kindergarteners who shone above all the rest. The perfect model of commercial womanhood, at age five.
“Can you show me how to be pretty?” she had asked the golden goddess.
Lips plump with baby fat and painted bloody red had pulled into a grin. “I can show anyone how to be pretty.”
She had. Outfits, makeup, walk, posture, tone, everything that was feminine Chloé had known before she had known addition. Sabrina had wrapped herself in it, safe.
Today was different. Sabrina’s hair fell in a straight bob. No clips, no pins, no braids or tails. It was just her. Her glasses were a pair she had picked out with her father, not any of the dozen designer frames Chloé had bestowed upon her. Her blouse was plain, soft, comfy. The sweater vest she wore was cozy, but not stylish, not ‘girlie’, not a shield. Practical, unflattering shorts and warm leggings that weren’t even remotely good at hiding her stick legs and knobby knees finished off the look that betrayed everything she had learned.
One part of her mind was shouting for joy, another was screaming in horror.
Sabrina’s nerves frayed and she was thumbing the hem of her sweater when Chloé came out. Maybe I can wait one more day…
Chloé’s hands gripped her shoulders and spun her, dislodging the thought. Deft judgmental fingers plucked and primped the outfit, anchoring Sabrina in her body. Sharp tsks and huffs judged Sabrina’s choices, but not her.
“... kept the lipstick at least. This is really what you’re going with?”
Sabrina fidgeted, “It’s me.”
Chloé klucked her tongue, “It’s horridly unfashionable.”
Sabrina nodded, eyes downcast. “I know.”
Chloé sighed and flicked her nails, “Well, I suppose you’ll make me look better by comparison… not that I need it.”
Sabrina looked in the mirror again, two images overlapping in her reflection. “There’s nothing else… wrong… with it?”
Chloé had been about to walk away. She looked back, “What, being the mousiest girl in the classroom isn’t enough? You’ll give Du-Pain-Cheng a run for her money.”
Mousiest girl. Sabrina smiled to herself. Her doubts wouldn’t quite leave her alone yet though. “Chloé,” she asked, “Do you remember Sean?”
Chloé’s pause was long enough to be an admission. It made her faux disinterested answer, “Am I supposed to?” banish one of those two reflections.
Sabrina shook her head, smiling openly this time, “No.”
Chloé turned away, “Hurry up, Sabrina. We’ll be late.”
Sabrina jogged to grab her bag, “Coming!”
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The trolls making it super clear that they're just review bombing
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So I added to the 5 star reviews:
Rings of Power is a magnificent magical and epic show on all levels. It not only looks absolutely beautiful from the golden leaves of London to the majesty of Numenor but the costumes and orcs are stunning also. Nothing else on TV compares to the incredibly detailed and beautiful world that is a treat for the eyes. Bit not only does the show looks stunning it also has a fine cast all clearly putting their hearts into their characters. Elrond played by the wonderful Robert Aramayo is a joy to watch and this season to see his disillusionment and battle to fight for good is very moving and there isn't a bad performance by anyone they give their all. It also embodies the spirit of Tolkien and ties in wonderfully to Peter Jackson's trilogy. It really is a must watch its fantasy TV at it's very best it even has moments of humour amongst the horror and epic scale. It delivers not only on a huge level but a micro one too, caring as much for the relationships between characters as the battle for Middle Earth itself. The show and cast are phenomenal and in no universe is this a one star show, that is just pure hate and a travesty against everything Tolkien stood for. Rings of power is not only a visual spectacle but an emotional one too driven by a superb script and transcendent performances. The music too matches this high quality and so if you want to escape to Middle Earth once more I can't recommend this more highly.
Edit: oh no it defaulted to London agdhshsjsjsjs 😂😂😭
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Your Eyes Whisper Have We Met? - Chapter 15
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Ch. 15 | Ao3
Thank you @witch-and-her-witcher and @popjunkie42 I love you!
[Some NSFW content and a dash of horror! Enjoy!]
For a while, their days and nights were exactly the same, something so horrific starting to feel commonplace as they neared the end of the second week. The first task was coming, and everyone could feel it in the buzz of the air. Amarantha had said nothing to them in the way of a time frame, likely hoping the element of surprise would work against them, but the hum of anxiety and excitement in the air belied the truth. 
The days ran together, the hours hard to track without the sun. It left her feeling a little crazy, and disoriented that her body and the anxiety contained within it would spike, clock or no, as they neared time to go to the throne room each night. But still, Feyre treasured every moment she spent with Rhys, even in that place. Even with the time lost, she was keeping her mind and body as busy as possible, keeping herself focused on other things and doing her best to move forward through each day. 
Feyre would wake up with Rhys curled tightly around her, they’d eat breakfast, train as much as they could get away with before sunrise, pack away additional food, and then he’d winnow her down to the dungeons. She’d bring that food to Calla, then also give Calla her portion from the guards. Calla looked exhausted, but Feyre and Rhys were doing their best to keep her fed well and her spirit buoyed as they ambled towards the first task. 
“Are you sleeping at all?” 
“There’s a lot of screaming at night, but I’m okay.” Feyre was worried, but despite seeming tired, Calla was clearly trying to remain upbeat. They’d had a chance to discuss Feyre’s magic in more detail as they scrubbed the floors one day. After talking it over with Rhys, Feyre had chosen to only disclose that she could occasionally speak in others’ heads along with the fire magic. True to her nature, Calla had been openly annoyed that Feyre had kept it from her. 
“Did the curse keep you from telling me about that, too?” she’d bit out as her scrubbing became nearly violent.
“No, but I had only told Lucien and Tamlin the night before the attor came.”
“So not another secret you were all keeping from me then?” Calla refused to look at her when she asked, focusing all her attention on the grimy floor in front of them that she was scrubbing raw. 
The comment stung, but Feyre deserved it. She focused on turning the murky water clean in a manner so agonizingly slow that Calla wouldn’t notice. She felt guilty, but she was still keeping secrets for everyone’s sake. Calla didn’t know how to guard her mind–if any other daemati happened to join Amarantha’s court, it would take nothing to breach the walls of her thoughts. Truly, if Feyre hadn’t slipped to speak in Calla’s mind in the throne room, she likely would have kept that from her, too. She wondered if she should be concerned with how easy it was to explain all this away, but it was for the good of everyone, even if it made her feel like shit. 
“No, Calla. I’m sorry.” Calla sighed, her shoulders dropping, but she said nothing more. 
Most of the time was spent in companionable silence, Feyre not sure how to go about repairing the trust that had been broken while still finding companionship within the trauma they were suffering. 
“Are you doing okay?” Calla asked. Feyre was shocked by the question. 
“I’m okay. All of this is so overwhelming, but being here,” she lowered her voice to barely a whisper, “with him. It’s all I’ve wanted for so long that it doesn’t feel real, even amongst all the horrors.” It was true. Feyre almost felt selfish for the joy that she was getting to experience amongst all this misery. Calla stopped scrubbing to put a hand on her thigh.  
“He healed me when no one else came. As long as he is good to you, I don’t care about the rest.” 
Feyre hadn’t realized how much she’d needed to hear it, tossing her own brush into the half-clean water and throwing her arms around Calla’s neck. Calla froze for a moment before returning the hug. 
“We can make it out of here. We can.” Feyre wasn’t sure if her words were meant more for Calla or herself, but she said them with conviction anyway.
Aside from the daily chores, Feyre and Rhys were allowed more time than she’d dared to hope for. Every afternoon, she’d return to his room, spending the few moments she could with him while Nuala and Cerridwen prepared her for court. She didn’t miss the way his eyes roved over her hungrily each night, the desire in them so thinly veiled he might as well have come out and said it to her face. 
Despite that, all they’d done since her arrival was kiss, quite passionately at times, and Feyre was jumping out of her skin. She ached to run her fingers along his skin, her body seeming to reach out for his every time they were near each other. But she knew what Rhys had gone through, knew what he was still going through, and she would give him the right to choose when he was ready for more with her. 
Despite the requirement for their presence every night at court, it had provided them with some excellent quality time to talk while she sat at his feet or in his lap as his toy. Occasionally, she would dance for him like the courtesans that filled the halls once dinner had been put away and entertainment brought in. She’d been shy at first, the thought of what all those human suitors back at home might have thought edging her mind with shame. But at the feral, possessive look in Rhys’s eyes despite his nonchalant expression, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of enjoyment at the activity. Knowing that she had that power over him, the ability to send small cracks through that mask he’d perfected for so long, left her feeling confident beyond measure. At first, the high fae had giggled and pointed, but then, after a night or two, it had become as normal and commonplace as everything else, exactly as they’d been hoping. People lost interest in Rhys and Feyre and what they were doing, and it allowed them more freedom to sit and speak mind to mind for the hours they were expected there. 
Rhys told her all about the way they’d been trapped there, the details that Vincent hadn’t known well enough to share with her becoming clearer. He told her about how with the last dregs of waning power, he’d cast the strongest protective spell he could over his home, warning his family and effectively trapping them there to keep them safe. 
Tell me about your family. She glanced sidelong at him as she asked, and though she could hear his longing sigh in her mind, his face remained impassive, almost cocky as he surveyed the crowd while she sat at his feet. 
Morrigan, Mor, is my cousin by blood, born and escaped from the horrors of the Hewn City. You and her are going to get on impossibly well, I can already tell. I’m sure you’ll both be driving us up the wall in no time. 
Feyre thought she might like her a lot, too. 
And Amren is a terrifying creature millenia older than all of us trapped in a teeny tiny fae body. We try not to piss her off when we can help it. She cares a lot about us though, in her own way. I think that the two of you will get along nicely. I’m certain you’ll have earned points with her already for your grit and determination. 
Feyre loved that Rhys spoke of their time together in the future as though it were a sure thing. It gave her so much hope to see him imagining her meeting his family, blending with them as though it was a certainty. 
Cassian and Azriel are my brothers. They’re Illyrian, so they have these massive wings. 
Feyre was intrigued by that--she tried to picture it. 
Like a bat? She could hear Rhys’s rolling chuckle in her head. 
Much larger than a bat. The Illyrians are the Night Court’s most fearsome warriors, and they make up a majority of Prythian’s aerial forces. But Az and Cass are my brothers–we met in Illyria during my time training–the half breed and the bastards. Truly, you remind me a bit of Cassian. 
It was Feyre’s turn to laugh. I remind you of a fearsome, winged warrior? Did you drink the wine tonight?
No, smart ass. You have that same spirit, that unbreakable hope and stubbornness of will. And I can see so clearly the way you dream. They way you fight for something more. In truth, I see a bit of all my family in you. I know that they’re going to love you. 
I can’t wait to meet them. 
Feyre paused, wondering again about his home. She’d seen the maps of the Night Court when she was in Spring, remembered the separateness of it all and wondered what part of it Rhys lived in when he hadn’t been trapped here. She remembered the way he’d told her about the mountains of the ring she wore, glamoured here to be invisible. He’d said they were representative of his home. If he’d thrown wards up to hide it like he said, perhaps it wasn’t on any maps she’d seen.
Where do you live in the Night Court? 
Rhys paused a moment, not speaking immediately as he had been. She could feel a rush of nerves through his mind straight down through her chest, as though the emotions were her own. 
Will you let me show you?
Of course. 
She felt the gentle caress of him against her mind, pushing just past where they spoke, and she bit back a gasp as she felt their thoughts meld into one. Suddenly, she was soaring, the scene in front of her no longer the macabre visage of the throne room Under the Mountain, but the sprawling white-tipped mountains of a city far away. 
The stars shone like diamonds above them, the sky fading from a periwinkle at the horizon to the shades of deep navy, plum, and burgundy above. She felt the exhilaration as the wind whipped at her face, her eyes drawn down to the city of lights below, wrapped like a gift by the gentle, winding curve of a long and lovely river. She could smell the rich spices and cooking foods from the city below, hear the peals of laughter and feel the joy of the citizens. The air smelled like citrus and the salt of the sea–it smelled like Rhys. It smelled like home. 
The city was cradled on the other side by mountains of the deepest red clay, the lights twinkling from it as though a dwelling had been carved directly into the face of it. As she drew closer, she could see that’s exactly what it was: a home carved into the smooth face of the mountain, and she was nearly to the balcony of it. 
She dropped in the sky, circling around as the people below came into view. A beautiful female with flowing blonde hair, smiling and waving excitedly. A petite female next to her with a black bob and goblet full of dark liquid, looking imperious except for the relieved glint in her eyes as she looked up. Finally, she saw two winged males, exiting the massive double doors and shoving at each other while they laughed. Her heart leapt into her throat to behold them all there, all smiling up at her. 
A word flashed through her mind that wasn’t her own, a sigh on the breeze. 
Home . 
She blinked and she was back in the throne room, her eyes feeling strangely misty as she drew in breath. 
That is your home? It looked like nothing she’d seen on the maps or books of Night. 
That is Velaris, the City of Starlight. Mine and my family’s home. 
It’s the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen. 
You won’t find it on any maps , he said as though reading her mind. Centuries of High Lords have kept it guarded from the world, and I have kept that tradition up. I sacrificed myself here to make sure Amarantha never found out.
Thank you for sharing it with me, Rhys. 
I can’t wait to share it with you in more than just memory. Feyre felt her heart clench again at the longing and determination in his voice. 
More than anything, she hoped that he was right. 
When they arrived at court the following night, something was different. The tables were not set out for dinner, and Amarantha already sat on her throne, the crowd full and flush with high court and low court fae alike. Strangely, Tamlin was nowhere to be found, the seat beside her vacant. Feyre steeled herself, ready for whatever horrors might be coming–a change in routine here typically meant something gruesome. 
But instead, the crowds were focused on Rhys. She schooled her face, looking ahead as they parted. 
“Rhysand,” Amarantha’s voice rang out above the near-silent crowd of fae. “Come here.” 
Stay close to me.
He put a guiding hand on her arm, securing it more roughly when he remembered people were watching, then walked them towards the throne. As the crowd parted, they saw a male, a high fae, sobbing on the floor. His beautiful, dark skin was shining with sweat and tears, and even with the walls high in her mind, Feyre could feel the anguish washing off him. 
Amarantha did not deign to look at Feyre or Rhys as they approached, her predator’s smile locked in on the male on the floor. 
Remain at the edge of the crowd. If something goes wrong, find Lucien. 
Feyre did as he said, reluctant to leave him alone, her heart thundering in her chest. 
Amarantha finally turned her eyes to Rhys as he stopped at the foot of the dais, sketching a low bow. 
“My queen.” 
“Rhysand. The Summer fae,” she said of the male cowering at her feet, “tried to escape through the exit to the Spring Court lands. I want to know why.” Feyre knew Amarantha would be using Rhys to break into this male’s mind, cracking him piece by piece until he gave the information she wanted. She felt a crush of guilt in her chest. Was it because she could easily do the same? She had that same power beating through her body right this moment, and yet, the entirety of the burden fell on Rhys. 
Rhys slid his hands into his pockets and sauntered closer to the male on the ground. The Summer faerie cringed, his face shining with tears and the sobs choking out of him in croaking breaths. Feyre wondered how much information Amarantha had gotten on her own before they had arrived. The fae turned his eyes down, and Feyre looked away as he wet himself while Rhys grew closer. 
Gods, but they feared him.  
She was glad Rhys was turned away from her while he approached the male. She knew she wouldn’t be able to see the feral smile on his face matched with the pain she was certain she’d find in his eyes. 
“P-p- please ,” the male gasped out. 
Feyre could hear the silence around her, the air so quiet that it felt thick. She took the opportunity to scan the crowd, finding Lucien across from her, a short sprint away if things went awry. Halfway between the two of them stood a lovely young fae male, the same dark skin as the one kneeling on the floor. However, this fae had hair the soft white of the sand on the beaches her father had visited and told her about when he'd brought her home that shell. It seemed centuries ago, an entirely separate lifetime. 
She recognized this male though, from the books in Spring. It was Tarquin, the High Lord of Summer. That's why he looked so young–he'd been instated when his court had rebelled. Rhys stopped short in front of the fae, tilting his head to the side as he looked down into the broken male’s eyes.  She could tell Rhys was inside of his mind when he fell silent, his shaking ceasing as he slumped to the ground. 
Tarquin stood as still as stone, and his face was contorted with the true pain of seeing someone die from what was likely his own machinations. He was young, new in this position. Feyre wondered if he'd ever had to make choices that cost him lives before. He looked sick to his stomach. 
Rhys spoke and Feyre nearly jumped; she'd been so lost in her own thoughts. 
“He wanted to escape. To get to the Spring Court, cross the wall, and flee south into human territory. He had no accomplices, no motive beyond his own pathetic cowardice.” 
A lie. 
Feyre knew it, though Rhys’s voice remained steady and nonchalant. She could see Tarquin’s whole body deflate, as though sighing in relief. And Feyre knew what Rhys had risked, what he’d lied for. 
Amarantha simply huffed as she slumped back in her throne, resting her head back against the backrest. 
“ Fine. Shatter him, Rhysand. Then Tarquin can take the body.” The High Lord of the Summer Court bowed as if he’d been given a gift. The unnamed male from Summer had gone entirely still on the floor–Feyre was shocked to find him looking relieved . Rhys took his right hand from his pocket, letting it hang limply at his side, the only movement a slight curling of his fingers.
“Hurry it along, Rhysand. I grow bored.” Feyre felt guilty at the relief that Amarantha’s attention was not on her. 
Feyre watched closely as darkness, the full force of night, seemed to wrap itself around Rhysand’s shoulders as his fingers curled into a fist. The male on the floor went boneless, his entire body crumbling down into the puddle beneath him, blood pooling from his ears and eyes. 
Rhys had killed him. 
“I said shatter his mind, not his brain,” Amarantha snapped. She was visibly irritated, her dark red brows furrowed in agitation. The crowd murmured and rustled around Feyre, but her attention was on Rhys, still holding himself as though it were just any other day. He shrugged, putting his hand back in his pocket and looking up at the throne. 
“Apologies, my queen.” He was already walking away, back to that chair in the far corner of the room. Feyre hustled to catch up to him, falling in step right behind him so as to not raise suspicion. The crowd parted for them as though they were on fire, the berth so wide it would have been comical in any other situation. Rhys didn’t acknowledge her, didn’t acknowledge anyone around them, just walked with his shoulders still loose as though he had all the time in the world. 
That killing had been a mercy, and whatever he had seen in the male’s mind, Rhys had lied. Lied to save others, lied to spare Tarquin. The High Lord of Summer had known it, and so had the male about to die. It was why he’d looked so relieved, so ready. Rhys had spared them all, taken pity on all their lives and shown mercy. And yet, everyone here tonight would view him through the lens of the monster he’d made himself out to be. 
Rhys didn’t stop until he reached the table full of food and wine, servants now milling about and refilling it each time something was taken. This was clearly in lieu of the dinner they’d forsaken for Amarantha’s entertainment tonight. Rhys grabbed a goblet from a serving boy and drained it in one gulp, grabbing two more and handing one to her. 
They moved to his seat, her choosing to sit on his lap instead of the floor tonight. She ached to take his hand, to comfort him in some way, but the physical proximity would have to do. For the first time, she took a sip of the faerie wine, the taste sharp and somehow still sweet on her tongue. Perhaps it would help a bit to forget. 
The night went on in a blur of movement and drinking, Feyre sticking to only one cup and still feeling nearly out of her mind while Rhys threw back goblet after goblet, drinking himself into oblivion. They didn’t speak, not even mind to mind, and Feyre didn’t push, choosing to respect his space and be there for him when he was ready. But she hadn’t anticipated how lonely it would feel without his presence in her mind. His soft voice and low, rumbling laugh while they discussed any and everything had become so commonplace during their nights here, she felt empty without it. Her chest felt hollow and she wondered if she’d ever felt so alone, even though she was warming his lap beneath her. 
By the time it was acceptable to leave, Rhys was hardly able to function. He missed the winnow three times, dumping them into multiple hallways before finally landing in the room. As soon as they did, he waved his hand to lock the door and set up the sound shield, slumping back onto the bed and falling to his back. He was a sight, and Feyre decided to return the favor of running a hot bath for him, assuming he didn’t pass out before she’d returned. Once she’d lit the candles and filled the tub to the brim with steaming water, she returned to get Rhys. 
At first, she wondered if he had fallen asleep, his hands pressed over his eyes as though blocking out the low light. But then she saw the glint of the tears on his face.
He had been crying. 
She approached the bed, gently touching her hand to his as he pulled back, his bloodshot, wild eyes meeting hers as though he was surprised to see her there.
“Come on, to the bath.” She pulled him up, her hand grasped in his as she led him to the washroom. She untucked his shirt, pulling it from his waistband and undoing the buttons, then easing it off his shoulders. She unbuttoned his trousers, bending down as she removed those, too, then pulling his socks from his feet one by one until he was left in front of her in only his undershorts. She removed those too, his body shuddering beneath her fingers as they brushed his skin. 
“In you go.” Her voice was gentle, and he stepped into the steaming waters. 
“Don’t leave.” His voice sounded stronger than Feyre had anticipated, but that edge of need in it stopped her short right before the door. 
“You want me to stay with you?” He nodded. “Out here or with you?”
“With me. Please.” Feyre didn’t say any more, simply stripped off the scraps of fabric and belt and stepped into the bath with him, settling across from him in the tub and meeting his eyes across the water as the paint bled off her skin and into the steaming bath. The pain on his face nearly debilitated her, knocking the wind from her lungs and filling her with such a powerful sense of hurt and guilt and shame and rage that she gasped for air. 
“You saved Tarquin tonight, didn’t you?” Rhys’s eyes locked on hers as he nodded again. “It was a bigger plot?”
“You chose to save that male a life of suffering. You took his pain, didn’t you?”
“But I still killed him.” 
“You showed him mercy.”
“I am a monster.” She swam across the tub and found his arms open and waiting for her. He pulled her into his lap, turning her and resting his chin on her bare shoulder. She could feel the rasping exhale and ragged inhale of his breath on her. 
“You are no monster, Rhysand.” 
“You don’t know me, Feyre.”
“I do, though. I do know you.” She turned, tipping her head back to look into his eyes, pressing her lips to his. He was still for a moment, her lips eclipsing his before he relented, moving against her as though resisting the temptation were entirely beyond the realm of possibility. 
I do know you, Rhys. A monster would not have shown mercy.
He gasped against her lips at her voice in his mind. 
I do not deserve you, Feyre. But I will selfishly keep you as long as you let me. 
Forever, then. She could hear him sigh in her mind, his body going slack finally, the tension starting to melt off of him. 
Feyre could tell it annoyed the guards that she was able to complete her tasks each day, and always early. They were too stupid to tell she was using magic, and Feyre was being far too careful to get caught. Even when she reached the point where she could have done the chores with a snap of her fingers, she paced herself, whittling the time away until it seemed more realistic. 
Each day, they came up with something more stupid and tedious, and each day Feyre thought through a way she might make it easier to complete. Between time speaking mind to mind in court and time spent in their room together, Feyre had been able to train more with her magic since arriving. She’d had a good enough handle on the powers before coming Under the Mountain to impress Rhys, but to be fair, he always acted awed at anything she did. It was a lot easier to practice with someone else than just alone in her tub, though, and getting to flex her powers a bit every day was certainly helping to strengthen them. 
Today, the guards led her deep into the mountain down dark hallways that reminded her of her first day there. The walls were more roughly hewn here, the air damp and heavy. Every room held a heavy iron door similar to the ones in the dungeons, but they were much closer together than the room she stayed in with Rhysand. She wondered what designated where people would stay here, how the mountain itself could possibly hold all the people currently living there. 
An abrupt turn led them into a massive, dark bedroom. It looked unused, an unassuming layer of dust across all the surfaces. As Feyre’s eyes adjusted, she could see there were no real items of personality to be found, simply some old stacked boxes, and a sword with so much dust on the pommel that a spider had strung its web between it and the wall. 
“Today you’ll be cleaning the fireplace. A servant spilled lentils in the ash.” Feyre wondered what a servant had been doing in here since it didn’t look particularly clean, but she kept her mouth shut. She wasn’t too ignorant to tell that the guards and Amarantha used these daily tasks to screw with her–she was certain they’d just tossed a bag of lentils in this morning. She fought the urge to roll her eyes. 
“Clean it up before the occupant returns, or he’ll peel off your skin in strips.” That got her attention. 
“Someone lives here?” The guards sneered at her and laughed, slamming the heavy iron door behind them as they left. Feyre rushed to it and bolted the lock as soon as they did. 
Peeling off skin in strips?? Whose room was this?
She wondered if she should try to call out for Rhys, but she wasn’t sure how far the connection stretched. Certainly by now everyone knew he was using her as his property. Surely they’d know he would be irritated at least if someone touched her instead? Rhys wasn’t exactly portraying himself as someone who liked to share. 
The thought reassured her, but she still scoped out the situation in the hearth so she could start getting to business. There were so many lentils in the dark fireplace that the little rounded dots blurred together before her eyes. There was hardly any light to see by, either, which made picking them out more difficult. She sighed, calling on her magic to find it…lethargic. A wash of panic came over her then. 
Oh no.  
She pulled again, calling from that now-familiar well inside of her. 
A tiny, distant hum of nothing. Not even enough to conjure fire in her hand to light more candles. 
This was not good. 
Feyre pushed the panic down, reached into the fireplace, and began digging. 
Two hours later and her eyes were burning and aching, the joints in her hands feeling tender and swollen from the meticulous picking through the ash. Every time she thought she’d reached the end, there were always more she found–a never ending task that was exhausting her, her stress so palpable that she’d begun shaking and never stopped. 
With no magic, she couldn’t call Rhys. With no magic, she couldn’t finish this task or defend herself. No wonder Calla always looked so exhausted. 
The guards hadn’t specified how long she’d have to complete the task, and she was terrified that the owner would be back any moment. Who could it possibly be? One of the High Lords, perhaps? They’d all looked so stern and unforgiving in court. If anything, though, she knew the one from Autumn was the most bloodthirsty. She sent up a little prayer to the Mother that it wouldn’t be him. 
Her thoughts were interrupted by the turning of the lock, Feyre whipping around and grabbing the wrought iron fire poker to defend herself. 
Surely none would dare hurt her , she reassured herself. She was in the deal with Amarantha. But her thoughts stuttered there. Was she, actually? Calla was. But to the court member’s knowledge, Feyre was nothing more than a slut for the High Lord of Night. Would they think she would perform for them, too? 
A racing darkness entered the room, the candles blowing out as though a strong gale had blown through. The door never opened, despite the clicking of the lock, and Feyre’s breath caught in her throat as she gripped the fire poker tightly in her hand. She would not go down without a fight. 
The darkness settled on the bed, nearly glittering in what was left of the low light, and Feyre’s shoulders slumped as a familiar, grinning figure materialized on the bed like some trickster of lore. 
“Rhys,” she breathed. “Thank the gods.” She was so relieved to see him she was nearly lightheaded with it. 
“As wonderful as it is to see you, Feyre, darling,” Rhysand said, sprawled on the bed, his head propped up by a hand, “do I want to know why you’re digging through my old fireplace?” He seemed to be in a much lighter mood today, and Feyre was relieved to see it.
“They said I had to clean out lentils from the ashes, or you’d rip off my skin.” 
“Did they now?” A feline smile crossed his face, a perfect brow lifting, and Feyre couldn’t help the heat that settled in her stomach. In another world, she wondered how this cat and mouse game might go. She wondered if Rhys might have still chased her without having met her outside of all this. Would she have let him having only seen him as a villain? She shuddered at the thought, but the reaction was not born of fear. 
“Do I have you to thank for this idea?” She cocked her head playfully at him.
“Oh, no,” he drawled. “This is my old room. I almost never use it any more. I came in today simply because I was told to vacate the rest of my items for a new tenant. I'd moved to the other one higher in the mountains years ago. I use this one only for storage purposes. I'm truly surprised no one else has moved in before now.” This room was bigger than the one they shared, but farther from the court. She didn’t know where Amarantha’s quarters were, and she didn’t want to know if the implications were what she thought they were. 
 “Is this clean enough for you?” She gestured back to the fireplace teasingly. He took in the pile of lentils and her dirty appearance.
“Why were there lentils in my fireplace to begin with?” 
She gave him a flat look. “To toy with me, I’m certain.” 
“Hm,” he said, sitting up on the bed.
“What's her goal here? She knows you and I are together every night, why put me here?”
“Likely more torture for Lucien. She asked if I was enjoying this the other night. I might have implied I had a few more sick plans for you, to which she seemed delighted. Perhaps she’s just giving me the opportunity.” 
Feyre immediately went on edge. “Or setting a trap for you.” 
Rhys suddenly cast out his power, sitting all the way up on the edge of the bed, the darkness snaking around the room as though searching for something. He furrowed his brow as it wrapped around the room, skirting over the walls and then pulling back into him. 
“No magic is spying on us here; nothing is listening or tracking as far as I can tell.” He cast what Feyre now recognized as a sound shield anyway. 
“I couldn’t use my magic here.”
“I cast a damper when I lived here,” he grinned. “Only I can use magic in this room. Now, are you going to put down that poker, or can I expect you to start swinging soon?” Feyre had forgotten entirely about the fire poker, laughing lightly as she leaned it against the wall. Rhys stood from the bed, walking slowly towards her. 
“So vicious, my Feyre.” His voice was low and predatory, the tone of it entirely changed. Feyre’s stomach fluttered, her heart racing as he closed the space between them. 
“A valiant effort, but useless,” he said. Why did the words turn her on so much? 
“How is it that you have such power still and the others don’t? I thought she robbed all of you of your abilities.” 
He lifted a groomed, dark brow, now only inches away from her. “Oh, she took my powers. This…” A caress of talons against my mind. Feyre sighed into it, back meeting the stone of the fireplace behind her. “This is just the remnant. The scraps I get to play with. Tamlin has brute strength and shape-shifting; my arsenal is a far deadlier assortment. And stronger ” He wasn’t bluffing– he was by far the strongest High Lord, and that did something else to Feyre’s fluttering heart. 
She swallowed, trying to continue talking. “So you can’t shape-shift?”
He stepped closer, his face nearly touching hers as his fingers caressed her jaw and she closed her eyes. 
“So many questions from my little human.” But just as she felt his lips graze hers, just as she was about to give him and press against him, she heard a crack like the snapping of leather or a whip. 
Her eyes shot open in awe, the most unbelievably beautiful set of wings now present on Rhysand’s back, a smile of male pride across his face. These were the wings of his brothers, the wings of the Illyrian aerial forces. They caught the low light, illuminating red through the veins and scars of the membranes that looked velvet soft. 
“Beautiful,” she whispered before she could stop herself, and his expression softened into something different. She reached out to touch one, and he let her, though he shuddered as she pressed her fingers gently down the flesh of it. His eyes closed, his breath inhaling between them. 
“Feyre,” he whispered it like a prayer, his eyes opened but hooded, now shining with something that looked a lot more like lust than anything else. Every nerve ending in Feyre’s body was firing, the intensity of it all lighting her up like the solstice. 
“Well, Feyre, are you going to finish the task, or not?” His voice was rough, hoarse with need. She nodded absently, catching on to his game as his voice sent shivers down her spine. 
“Yes, High Lord,” she said coyly, turning just as she saw his eyes gutter shut again with the words. 
She turned back to the fireplace, jutting her hips back as she did, bending low to the ground again and making a show of it as she knelt. Rhys didn’t say anything, but his sharp exhale made her smile as she ducked back into the hearth. 
She didn’t even hear him move before she felt his warm hands on her back, the teasing touch as his fingers brushed over the thin fabric and up and down her spine. She arched into the movement, swaying her hips and grinning again as he bit back what sounded like a curse. She busied herself with shuffling absently through the ash, though she felt nearly certain there weren’t many more lentils to be found. Rhys’s fingers found purchase beneath her tunic, pushing it up and wandering around the skin of her back and hips while she sighed. When those fingertips met her waistband and tucked into the sides, she wiggled her way out of them as he tugged. She could feel the cold air against the wetness forming between her thighs, the position she was in preventing her from rubbing them together for any form of needed friction. 
“Eager, Feyre?” The low timbre of his voice shot straight down her spine, her heart pounding in her chest as she practically vibrated from the absence of his touch. 
Yes . She jutted her hips out further. She had waited so patiently for him to touch her, to want this intimacy outside of whatever strange Calanmai magic or dreams they had shared before. 
She felt him pause. Had she said the thought aloud? 
Tell me you want this. 
I want this. 
Thank the Gods. And his hands were on her. She felt everything as he gently slid a knuckle up and down her slit, gasping for breath as the touch shot zaps of lightning through her veins. She whined as he pulled away. Just how I remembered. 
She turned in time to see him pulling a finger from his mouth, the movement nearly causing her body to buckle and collapse. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be working on something, love?” His voice was nearly a purr in Feyre’s ear, and she whipped her head forward, the remaining lentils in the fireplace taunting her even with her bared lower body exposed to the open air. Rhys didn’t waste time, his fingers back to exploring the second she had turned to the ashes. Feyre absently reached her fingers out, running halfheartedly through the cinder as Rhys ran his broad fingers through the wetness between her legs. She barely caught a breath before he was bent over her back, the solid, warm weight of him barely pressing into her. 
He dipped his fingers in right at her opening, then returned them upwards, her body banking as his fingers circled her clitoris. Feyre was so wet that his fingers easily glided in circles around her, her body already shaking with the sensation of it, her breath coming in short gasps. 
She was so close already, so tortuously close and the magic in her chest began to swirl violently, as though he’d lifted the damper on the room. She could feel everything , the lust, the desire, the pure, unadulterated want suddenly crashing through her and it was impossible to breathe. 
And Rhys didn’t hesitate, plunging his fingers into her, letting his thumb take over their previous job rubbing tight, quick circles around her as she fell apart. Feyre whimpered and ground back against him, entirely lost to herself and the whims of his fingers. She didn’t even attempt to control herself, letting the sensations guide her. Rhys bent just slightly more, his lips finding her neck and placing kisses on it as she writhed beneath him, the lentils and the fireplace and the task forgotten as he pushed his own hips against her. When he bit down with his sharp teeth on her earlobe, pressing his fingers firm and deep, she was lost. 
Feyre’s whole body quaked with the force of the orgasm he’d pulled from her, his free arm winding beneath her stomach and holding her steady as she came and came and came. It seemed to last forever, the sensation of his fingers slowing and caressing gently as she came down from it all, her body shaking and pulsing and her magic humming like a renewed beast between her ribs. 
They breathed together for a few moments, allowing Feyre to come back to herself and lightly whimpering as he removed himself from her body. He cleaned her gently, lovingly, and when she raised to her feet, he pulled her in to press the softest kiss against her lips. His lovely wings had disappeared, pulled back into his back as though they’d never been there at all.
“But you didn’t get to–” He shook his head, smiled and gripped her hands.
“We will have time. This was perfect.” Feyre chose to believe him, though the need to put her hands on him was becoming overwhelming. He looked down, seeing the soot that covered her hands and arms and his tunic now, as well, snapping his fingers to vanish it all away. The hearth was now cleaned, too, the lentils neatly piled in the provided bucket and the ashes pushed back into the fireplace as though she had done it all alone. 
As if summoned, the door roughly swung open, the guards on the other side stomping in then slamming to a stop once they realized Rhys was present. The panic in their eyes made Feyre smile. 
“She accomplished her task.” They grabbed for Feyre, but Rhys bared his teeth at them, a snarl ripping from him that sent heat flying through Feyre’s entire body. “She'll be staying with me for now.” 
Then, their eyes went vacant, as though they were no longer seeing, their bodies swaying slightly in place. “No more stupid tasks. One task, every three days. Otherwise, I will be taking over her chore assignments. Tell the others, too. Stay out of her cell, and don’t touch her. If you do, you’re to take your own daggers and gut yourselves. This applies to the other prisoner, too. The human. Understood?” 
The guards nodded in synchronicity, their glazed eyes staring out at nothing while Feyre smiled smugly at them. She was glad Rhys had included Calla, too. There was no denying the guilt she felt that Feyre was here, able to train and use magic and eat nourishing meals at a table while Calla all but rotted below. Even with the additional food and blankets and healing and protections, there was no denying the discrepancy in their stations here. It ate at Feyre, but knowing Calla would get a break too, especially as they neared the first task, set her mind at ease. 
As the guards left, the door slamming and bolting by itself behind them, Feyre let her shoulders drop, feeling safe as Rhys pulled her into his arms and winnowed them back to their room. 
The next morning, Rhys woke Feyre gently, his nose nudging into her neck as she sighed. 
She closed her eyes, knowing that they’d soon have to get out of bed and eat and begin the day, but she wanted to savor the few moments in between. They were the moments she could pretend they were elsewhere, one of those lovely, large beds from their shared dreams in a place far away from here. 
Slowly, the two became aware of a rush of sound from the passage that led alongside their room, the voices and footsteps echoing off the walls as though many were passing through it quickly. Feyre turned in Rhys’s arms, looking into his eyes with renewed anxiety. 
The first task.
They shot out of the bed, dressing and throwing the necessary glamours over Feyre. 
“No matter what she faces, Feyre, you must let her. We cannot interfere.” Feyre blanched at his words. She knew he was right, but who knew what was waiting for Calla in the throne room? Could Feyre let her face it alone? Leave her to die? She would have to. 
Rhys put his hands softly on her face, pressing a fierce kiss to her brow. “Promise me, Feyre.” 
“Okay.” She nearly choked on the word. 
He flung open the door, Feyre letting him pull her along the hallways that were now nearly vacant of people. They must have been some of the last to arrive, the news spreading fast in the cave systems throughout this horrid nightmare court. They were not, however, going to the throne room. At the final moment, they cut left, equally massive doors opening into some sort of rock-hewn amphitheater. As they neared the doors to the arena, Feyre could hear the cacophony of sound ramping up to violent levels, hoots and hollers and shrieks that sounded like a crowd about to rip someone apart–thirsty for blood. 
They descended the endless stairs, the crowds jeering and shouting around them, but not focused on them. The attention was all aimed down at the bowl of the arena, a large platform built out to the sides and high fae surrounding it on the sloping walls of the audience. Rhys tugged her along behind him, the crowds dispersing row by row as they continued down, down, down. Amarantha sat on the platform in a new throne, the smaller one beside her holding Tamlin, vacant-eyed and more exhausted than Feyre had ever seen him. For the first time since that first day, it was pity she felt for him instead of resentment. He looked broken, that mask of indifference cracking a million different ways. 
As they approached the platform, Feyre could see five other high fae lined out around the thrones; Tarquin was one she recognized. Rhys took his place in line, her instinct to fall at his feet now second nature in these situations. She kneeled on the floor in front of him, taking in the rest of the motion around her. Even on the busiest nights at court, she hadn’t seen this many fae. Down in front of the platform, at the very center of this arena, was some sort of strange maze, walls of mud and clay seeming to defy gravity and draw upwards. Would they make Calla run this maze?
It wasn’t long before Calla was dragged in by the attor, her body thrown to the muddy ground in front of the platform. She and Feyre made eye contact for a moment, then she looked at Tamlin. Feyre was positioned behind the thrones, so she couldn’t see Tamlin or Amarantha’s faces anymore, but the crowd quieted as their queen began to speak. 
“Well, Calla, it’s time.” Feyre could almost hear the taunting smile on her face. “The first task has arrived. Let’s see how deep that human love and loyalty runs. This task seems fitting for you. I hear you’re a huntress.” 
Calla looked like she wanted to smile, but bit it back at the last moment. She would need that grit, that spirit for what remained. 
“Go ahead, look.” Amarantha goaded, as Calla rose from her knees to lean over the edge and look down. 
What is it?
Rhys didn’t answer, and Feyre didn’t dare turn to look at him. Calla didn’t see the attor coming, and Feyre’s warning scream died in her throat as Calla fell deep into the muddy trenches. In the chaos  and jeering and cheering from the crowd that followed, Feyre got to her feet, joining the people in crowding the edges to peer down into the muddy pit of dug out walls. 
Muddy walls, dark, carved caves. 
The stench was overwhelming. Feces and mud and stagnant water and death. Below, Calla struggled to keep her balance, the mud already swallowing up her legs to the shin as she strived to stay upright. 
“Hunt this,” Amarantha called out from the platform as a great rumbling began beneath their feet. Calla looked back up at Tamlin, and though Feyre couldn’t see his face, she wondered what was happening in his own mind as he beheld what were potentially Calla’s last moments. 
Feyre beheld in the distant trenches what looked like pieces of wood sticking out from the mud as the rumbling grew loud enough to vibrate their feet. 
Not wood. Bones. Mud and trenches and bones, and a body large enough to cause the whole mountain to shudder. 
The crowd moved to near silence, only whispers finding Feyre’s ears. 
She had read about this before, a lifetime ago, in one of Vincent’s books. 
Calla looked up to the platform one last time before the beast barreled out into the arena, Amarantha’s gleeful whisper filling the quiet air. 
Then all hell broke loose. 
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shallansolem · 4 months
ARC Review: Bury Your Gays by Chuck Tingle
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5/5 stars
Wow, this book is amazing. I don't even know how to start my review because there are so many important topics covered in Bury Your Gays. This book is jam packed with horror and action and queerness. I didn't want it to end. What a perfect thriller.
The author did an incredible job handling queer trauma and I literally had to stop and breathe a few times because it all hit so close to home. Growing up queer is hard and while the author didn't shy away from that, the author made sure we knew that there's joy in queerness, too. I also greatly enjoyed the discourse surrounding capitalism and AI and how queer identities are discussed.
Bury Your Gays is incredibly well written and a breath of fresh air amongst horror books (and this is coming from a huge horror fan). I'm already thinking about rereading it in the near future because so much happened. Truly, the queer horror book of my dreams. I wish I could thank the author for writing it. I have never preordered a physical copy so quickly.
PS. The ace representation in this book is 🤌🏽.
This book comes out on July 9th, 2024.
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alienoresimagines · 3 months
HI! Can I ask about “We Should Just Kiss Like Real People Do”? (I love Hozier hehe).
Also, every single one of your WIPs that you’ve talked about already I am now SO excited to read. They all sound incredible!! Your mind 🤯♥️
Hey 🤗 This song is one of my favorite of his so I had to include it in my Clegan obsession 😂
Here's the summary written in my drafts :
Nobody’d ever understand the horrors airmen faced when 20,000 feet in the air. Disconnected from the world, one with their crew and their flying fortress. The aftermath of a mission always left Buck reeling. It was such an eerie feeling, to know that dozens of men were gone, their bodies never to be found. Most of the airmen’s graves were empty, almost none held only the body of the man whose name was engraved. Thorpe Abbotts was more of a haunted base than anything. Ghosts wandered and mingled amongst them, disappearing whenever Buck turned to see Dickie’s scribbling in a corner or reached out to steady a victorious Curt, leaving him cold and alone in the midst of faces too young to be this haunted. 
They all had different ways to cope with the ghosts. Bucky numbed himself with whatever he could find. Smokes, alcohol, fighting sometimes. Buck worked himself to the bone, took care of the men around him hard enough that he could barely think about the men gone. 
In the midst of it all, they both come to an agreement to help each other feel alive.
Basically, it'll be a multi chapter fic not quite friends with benefits but Buck and Bucky decide that the best way to feel alive is to kiss each other (hence the title). No feelings tho cuz that'd be weird right?
Bucky has a crisis because he feels like he's taking advantage of kind Buck and it really isn't fair to Marge but now that he knows what Buck's lips feel like on his own, he just can't bring himself to stop since y'know he's been in love with Gale for what feels like forever
Buck has a crisis because how come it feels so right to kiss Bucky ? Why does it feel better than kissing Marge ? surely because he's forgotten what she felt like right ? It's just been too long but when he'll come back to Marge, it'll be like nothing's changed. Bucky and him are just buddies helping buddies
Except at some point he has to realize his own feelings for Bucky but by the time Gale goes past his own inner homophobia (everyone says thanks Gale's dad for that), they're in the Stalag and Bucky's too miserable to feel joy or act on it.
There'll be lots of angst, plenty of pining, a healthy dose of hurt/comfort (which by my standards means they'll both have absolute terrible time) and perhaps a bit of fluff. Also lots of kissing, with maybe a tad more feelings than Buck had in mind when he offered the deal to Bucky
Ahhh thank you!! Hearing that you're as excited for them as I makes me sooooo excited to write them! I hope my words will be good enough to do these stories justice 😊
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raaorqtpbpdy · 6 months
Wish upon the Stars
Untold years have passed since that portal accident so long ago, and Danny Fenton is dead, but maybe his dreams don't have to be.
Based on the prompt: "What did you want to be, when you grew up?" [from @anguishedlurker]
Read also on AO3
[No applicable warnings]
It had been a long time since Danny was fourteen.
He'd experienced horrors and joys the likes of which were beyond human conception. He'd watched the world change around him, for better and for worse. He'd lost everything and everyone he loved a dozen times over, but he kept on loving and losing. It was, as had been said, better than never having loved at all.
Danny Fenton wasn't fourteen anymore. Danny Fenton had passed away a long time ago. But when he looked in the mirror, Danny Phantom looked the same as he always had.
Even after decades... centuries, probably, at this point, people still looked at him, a hero from their grandparents' grandparents' time, and saw a dead fourteen-year-old, saving people, fighting ghosts, protecting the Earth from Ghost Zone invasions.
Nobody talked about it.
For all that Danny was famous, known planet-wide as the greatest hero in this world or the next, the topic of his age always seemed too grim for anyone to broach in his presence. He was sure people would mention it in hushed tones amongst themselves, but never anywhere Danny could hear it.
Now that he was a full ghost, Danny didn't need to sleep. He would fly from city to city, taking care of people, helping ghosts find their way back to the Zone, or encouraging them to treat humans with more care. To remember that humans were fragile, and that they could still die. 
It was growing increasingly rarer the more time that passed, for ghosts to come into the human world with deliberately hostile intentions, but it still happened from time to time, and when it did, Danny would fight like he always had.
It was lonely work. 
For many years, Danny had helped him, traveled with him, but after a time, she'd declared that there wasn't a single inch of this world she had yet to explore, and she moved into the Ghost Zone, hoping the infinite realms would keep her occupied with new sights to see and people to meet for a good long while. He hadn't seen her since, so he supposed that must mean she'd gotten what she wanted.
He was happy for her, but he was lonely.
He'd been alone for a long time.
He was not fourteen anymore.
Even though he always would be.
Thailand was nice this time of year, balmy but breezy, with gorgeous flora and lively people. As soon as he dealt with this ghost, he might even take the time to enjoy it.
He didn't know what the ghost called herself, only that she was playing a little too rough with the local kids and needed a little reminder about how mortality worked. 
It didn't take too long. This kind of discussion usually didn't. The ghost, Rosie Ring, wasn't malicious, she just wanted to play. She reminded him a bit of Youngblood. Ancients, it had been a long time since Danny ran into him. She apologized for her carelessness and asked if the kids wanted to keep playing, some did, some said they needed to go home, and a couple invited Phantom to stay and play with them.
Danny had refused at first, but there wasn't really anything else he needed to do, so he joined their little game until it was time for them all to go home to their families.
"Excuse me, Mr. Phantom?" asked a little girl. 
Over the years, Danny had learned many languages, mostly just to pass the time since ghost speak served as a universal translator, with the only drawback being an accent that creeped people out. Thai, unfortunately, wasn't one of them. He crouched in front of her, hoping he wouldn't have to speak and risk scaring her.
"Will you walk me home?" she asked. "I'm scared of the dark."
He nodded with a calming smile and offered her his hand.
The girl couldn't have been more than ten years old, but she was very polite, and walked hand-in-hand with Phantom without a hint of fear.
"Mr. Phantom?" she asked.
"What did you want to be, when you grew up?"
Danny paused a little, floating in the air, but the girl didn't notice and kept walking, dragging him along. In centuries, no one had ever asked him that. No one had been brave or reckless enough to bring up the fact that he'd never gotten the chance to grow up—not to his face anyway.
It took him a long moment to answer, it almost hurt him to think back that far, but the girl didn't push, just waited patiently.
"I wanted to be an astronaut," he responded. He felt her grip tighten in mild alarm at the sound of his voice, but she didn't jump or try to run. "I wanted to go to the stars and explore the universe."
"Did you want to meet aliens?" she asked.
"Maybe," he said. "But it turns out all the aliens are in another dimension not too far away, and I'm to busy with them to go to space now."
"Did you ever get to go to space?"
In the early days, after learning he could survive in a vacuum, Danny had gone to space fairly often. But as the years passed, and he had more responsibilities on Earth, his trips to the upper atmosphere and beyond became fewer and fewer, and he hadn't gone at all in over a decade.
"But I can't go very far. I'm needed here."
She nodded thoughtfully, watching her feet swing, one in front of the other, as she walked along the road toward her home.
"Do you like what you do here?" she asked after a moment.
"Most of the time," he said. "It's important work, and it makes me feel good to help others... but some days it's tough."
She nodded again, and again lapsed into momentary silence, watching her feet.
"Do you ever wish you didn't die?" she asked.
He froze again, and again, she pulled him along after her as she continued walking home, navigating the darkening streets by his ghostly glow.
"I used to, a long time ago," he admitted. "I've accepted it now, though."
Another quiet nod and silence.
"When I grow up, I'm gonna be a doctor," she said. "I know I'm gonna have to go to school for a long time, but I want to be able to help people, even though I'm not a ghost with cool powers, like you."
"That's very noble," Danny told her. "I think you'll make a great doctor."
She finally looked up from her feet to smile at him.
"Thanks! I hope so."
They didn't talk much more on the walk, and parted ways once she reached her home and greeted her family. 
Danny waved goodbye and wished the girl good luck with becoming a doctor.
And when he was alone on the street, he looked up to the stars. With the light pollution, few were visible, but if he just flew up... if he just got a little bit closer....
Before he knew it, Danny was floating upward, his speed steadily increasing, and a few minute later he was out. He'd escaped Earth's atmosphere and was floating in the vastness of space. It was beautiful. It was peaceful.
He'd forgotten how much he missed this feeling.
He'd forgotten how much he'd longed for it, once upon a time.
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anonymouse1312437 · 10 months
Matthew Lillard Smut Story
Scream VII: The Extras
18+ Only 
Minors DNI! 
This contains some backstory and ends with a smut. If you came here purely for the smut scroll towards the bottom.
Word count: 11,321
(Sorry this is a long one.)
Today is the day I get to audition for a new movie that's happening in this area. All I know right now is that it's a horror film and they really only need extra’s right now. Which is fine I am just starting and shouldn't expect anything more yet. All I have done is commercials and well I have been stuck doing that since those come around more frequent then movies do. 
They made it very clear to show up with a clear face and no makeup. No lines were going to be given they just wanted a very specific look and would go off of our everyday appearances. They also made sure to add that it was to be only casual clothing. Which was fine. I didn't exactly own anything fancy anyway.  
I looked through my closet trying to find something that didn't have name brands or any writing on them as that could be against some kind of unspoken rule. After flipping through fifteen shirts I found a black shirt with bleach stains on it. It came off looking like it was distressed in some spots. I pulled out my black skinny jeans that had a hole in the knee. I grabbed my black combat boots out of the closet and started to get dressed. 
This was a normal everyday appearance for me. I didn't need to brush my hair. I curled it last night so I could have more of a loose lived in beach wave curl. I just dyed my hair black last week so it looks even better than normal. I think I look alright. I hope they are looking for my style. I walked over to my dresser and grabbed my Scooby-Doo themed wallet that I got from hot topic when I was a teenager. It's intended to be a man's wallet but I don't like the bulky women’s wallets. They are inconvenient. I put it in my back left pocket  and grabbed my phone. I unlocked it and opened up my browser since the address was on the ad I found. I copied the address and opened up the GPS. I pasted the address and pressed on go so it would route me to the place where the auditions and casting were going to be held. I am really excited. I made my way to my parking garage and walked over to my 2008 jeep wrangler. It was an army green color and is a four door. My pride and joy.  
Once I was in my jeep I hooked my phone up to my bluetooth and opened my Spotify. I put my 2023 jams playlist on and Because boobs by Pyschosticks came on. I turned up my car radio so it was blaring and started to drive to the auditions. 
Thirty minutes of zoning out and jamming out to music passed and I was pulling into  a building in Santa Rosa. It took an additional fifteen minutes to find parking. I am glad I gave myself the extra thirty minutes. I turned my music down and sat in my car for a couple of minutes. It's going to be okay. The worst they can say is go home. Rejection happens all the time.  
I finally turn my car off and grab my phone out of the cup holder. I turned it on silent and slid it into my back right pocket. Remember everything is going to be fine. 
After five minutes of walking I found the building with a sign that said auditions being held here. I opened the front door and met the other fifty people that wanted to be cast. I heard a different door open and most of everyone fell silent except for a few who still were chatting amongst themselves.  
"Alright, everyone thank you for coming. We are going to quickly look at everyone and the one's that fit our style will get a name tag and will need to stay. If you are not chosen then you are free to leave thank you." The person said. I couldn't see who was talking so this just became more intimidating. I heard the door open again and the sound of shuffling feet. I started to hear some tears spill from a couple of people who were headed in my direction. They walked past me and left out of the door. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. This is going to be okay. 
"Remember to stay put.” A mans voice said and I opened my eyes and three people were in front of me and one of their hands was extended towards me with a name tag. Shut up! Shut the fuck up! I got  a name tag! I grabbed the name tag from the man and smiled at the three of them as they continued to walk through the room and more tears were shed and heard.  The sound of the door opening and closing became harder to hear.  
"Alright everyone. We are going to have tou come up one by one. When you get to the desk in the next room we are going to have you write your names down on the name tags and we will also be taking your pictures for passes for the film. As well as you will be signing a contract saying you will not disclose any information about the movie to anyone until after the movie is released. Once that is done we will group up again and we will discuss what the movie actually is and your roles in it. Okay. Let's get Started." The man that handed me the name tag said. 
Everyone formed a line and because I was standing closer to the door it meant I was the middle of the line. It wasn't as long as it was waiting for the name tag. It took twenty minutes and then I was going through the second door and making my way to the table. I bent forward picking up the pen and writing my name on the name tag and then signing the contract. I put the name tag on and was guided by one of the people to the camera set up when the next person came in and started the process. They took the picture of me and told me to find a chair and sit down. I followed their directions and found a seat in the back and waited. Another twenty minutes passed and the chairs were filled and the three main people moved to the center of the room. 
“As you can see a total of thirty- five people were selected. We will be using everyone of you in this upcoming film. Each of you will have specific things to do. None of you will have speaking roles. This is a horror movie as stated on the ad we posted. This isn't just any horror movie. It's the most loved horror film series. This is going to be Scream VII. You will be working along side some of the best actors and actresses. This does not mean this is your chance to befriend them. You are not allowed to be around them unless you are used in the same scene as them. Do not go out of your way to get their attention. If you do you will be removed from this project. Every day on set you will get new directions on where you are supposed to be. We will be starting in two weeks on Monday. We will start at 8 a.m on the dot do not be late." The man said. 
Hell yeah! I am excited! They had us jot down our phone numbers when signing all the paperwork so I assume that's how they will be contacting us if they need anything.  
"Can Josh, April, Samuel, and y/n stay behind a little longer please." The same man said. 
The four of us stayed seated while the rest of the extras left.  
"We happened to think your overall style fit in great but, we have decided we would like to use you as side characters and not extras. You will have speaking roles. You won't have a lot of lines but these were preplanned characters that the actors decided against being in the movie last minute. We will be using your real names for these roles. It will make it easier on your cast mates. Here are the scripts we are going to have you highlight your lines. All of you will die in this movie. Two of you will die at the end. Making it to the very last minute.” I smiled and tried to hide the excitement I was getting from this announcement. They passed out the scripts and we got to work highlighting all of our lines. They were right when they said we weren’t getting many lines. I’m okay with that. I mean honestly it’s not a bad thing.  
We were flipping through the script highlighting lines still but we got to a page and my eyes nearly bulged from my eyes. They had me saying a couple of lines with Stu Macher. I KNEW IT! HE DIDN’T DIE! Oh my gosh I’m going to be in the presence or Matthew Lillard. Oh my God I have lines with him. He is the one that kills me sort of. I don’t mind my death at all. I die after a sex scene. I mean you don’t see anything it’s just heavily implied until they pan the camera over and see Billy stab me to death as revenge. I would also like to note that I make it to the very end. I am so freaking happy.  
“Alright you guys thank you for coming. We look forward to working with you and will see you in two weeks.” The three of them said and all of them stood up and shook our hands. This is truly a dream come true. I walked myself out of the building and back to my jeep. I unlocked it got in and immediately locked it again. I put my keys into the ignition and started it up. I put my bluetooth on and grabbed my phone out of my back right pocket , unlocked it, and put Spotify on to the same playlist I had on earlier. I turned it up so it was mildly loud and then screamed with joy. The smile on my face was huge and I wanted to celebrate but I wasn’t allowed to tell anyone which made that hard to do. I can’t believe it. I’m really getting to do this. I finally put my jeep into reverse and started my thirty minute drive home.  
Once I got home I was antsy. I didn’t have to work today and since this is supposed to be a paying job I will have to take a small break from work when this starts so I will have to get it sorted out. I’m a waitress and they make it very clear I’m replaceable but I don’t really care. If they fire me yes that would suck but there are other places I could get a job too. I decided to celebrate with some wine and a movie marathon of all the screams. That would be awesome.  
The next two weeks felt like they took forever. My job told me if I took a couple of weeks off then I was going to lose my job so I let them put my two weeks in. Every shift they made it a nightmare for me. Every massive table and multiple big parties at once. It wasn’t easy but I stayed on top of it and I made enough tips that I was a couple of months ahead on bills and would still have playing around money. I wasn’t going to be hurting right at this moment so that was nice. I have always been relatively smart with my money. Tomorrow is the day I get to go to this acting job and start the project with everyone. I’m truly so excited. I got a phone call earlier this morning letting me know to come not made up tomorrow and that they would be doing hair and makeup for me on the set. The other three and I get to share a space together as far as trailers while the bigger stars got their own space. Totally fine I’ll just have to remember to not bring a lot of stuff.  
I woke up before my alarm went off. I was up two hours before my alarm. Great, I was too excited to stay asleep. Alright if I’m up I mine as well as stay up so I don’t sleep through my alarm later.  
I got out of bed, made my way to my closet and through on some black skinny jeans and a frumpy grey t-shirt. I put on some black no show socks and then made my way to the kitchen. I started to brew myself a pot of coffee and made my way to the fridge. When I opened it I smiled at what I saw. My roommate left me a cinnamon roll. It had a note on it saying congratulations on the new job I hope you have a good day. I smiled and pulled it out of the fridge along with the eggs and milk. I grabbed a pan off the drying rack and fried myself two eggs and grabbed a paper plate from the cabinet. I put the cinnamon roll on the plate and put it in the microwave for a minute so it would heat up. They always taste better heated up. I poured myself a cup of coffee and when everything finished I sat down and ate breakfast. This is the first time I have ate breakfast in forever. It was so good. I found the remote on the table and turned the TV on and opened up Netflix and decided to watch a couple of episodes of good girl.  
Every episode with Matthew Lillard was the best. The one tacky blonde he cheated on Beth with was lucky. To have been “sleeping” with him was lucky. Beth was also lucky. She had proof that she was screwing Dean. She had kids with him. Granted he was lucky too she had massive boobs. Not to mention Dean’s ass was so round in some scenes. It’s just something you want to sink your teeth into and hear him groan in pain. I got chills up my back just thinking about it.  
I heard my phone go off and saw it was my original alarm. I had thirty minutes before I needed to leave the house. I got up and threw my plate away and washed my dishes really quick. I turned off the TV and went into the bathroom and brushed my hair and brushed my teeth. I went back into my room and slid my combat boots back on making sure to tie them tight. I grabbed my wallet and phone and slid them into my back pockets and grabbed my keys and made my way back out to my jeep. 
As directed by the three members of staff that hired me I drove down to Woodsboro. Once I got to the town I followed the directions they texted me and found myself at the entrance. When I pulled up a guard asked for my name and ID and when I gave it to him he verified I was part of the cast. He told me where to park and told me to wait by my jeep. Someone was going to be by with a cart to get me. I waved goodbye to the guard and smiled. 
As soon as I parked I got out of the jeep and waited behind it. I saw a golf cart headed my way with two of the others that were with me. April and Samuel. They stopped in front of me with the worker driving and he greeted me and told me to hop on in. He spun us around in the golf cart and took us to our trailer where a makeup artist waited for us.  
“Hello. My name is Mykie and I will be doing your makeup and hair today. It’s going to be pretty light for two of the four of you for now and I know they dropped off a couple of outfits for the ones they asked sizes for.” She motioned to the clothes. It wasn’t me so I assume what I am wearing is fine. She started with April and made her way through those three before I sat in front of her. She took like twenty minutes on me makeup wise but when I looked at myself I was in awe. I looked like a true goth. Eyes all black, a droopy but sharp wing. Big false eyelashes. My eyebrows were shaped to perfection and then she curled my hair. She handed me a small amount of accessories. A couple of rings and a thick chunky black bracelet that looked like a belt. I am digging this look.  
We all stopped moving and chatting with each other when we heard a knock on the trailer door. All of us looked pretty awesome. April looked like a cheerleader which is fitting. She looked frail and cheerful.  
“Hey everyone I hope you are all ready. I want you to make your way out to where we are shooting some clips.” One of the casting members said. We all smiled and ran out of the trailers following behind them. They hushed us and had us follow in behind them. We started to hear some voices saying lines and I heard the very familiar voices.  
“Come on Stu. We can do this together again. We are best friends Stu. We can do this.” Skeet/Billy said. I cannot fan girl right now it will cost me this job. I’m not willing to lose this job.  
“You left me behind you dick. A TV fucking fell on me and you never even looked back or tried to help me. You threw a god damn phone at my head. I don’t want to help you!” Stu/Matthew said.  
“I’m sorry Stu. We can get past this can’t we. We have something to finish here. We have kids who continue this on for us. They can get back at everyone who bullied them. Let’s get back together in this.” Billy said to stu trying to convince him. 
“look who’s here. Your exs daughter April. The ex who also ditched your sorry ass. Just do it stu. Get back at her and hurt her the worst way possible. Like the good times.” Billy said. April made her way to the edge of the scene and Skeet dragged her into frame. I just noticed that they had put some wounds on April.  
“No man I’m not doing this.” Stu said  
“This is crazy man.” Stu added.  
Billy forced April to fall in front of him and put a knife in Stu’s hand.  
“April tell him how old you are.” Billy said.  
“Why does that matter?” Stu asked looking confused.  
“I’m seventeen.” She said whimpering starting to cry.  
Stu looked at her with confusion.  
“You can’t be seventeen. Your not my kid.” He said. The hurt becoming more visual.  
“Did she cheat on me man?” Stu asked Billy.  
“She had David’s kid. He had a blast knowing she did it behind your back.” Billy said now laughing and making Stu more upset. 
“DAMN IT!” Stu yelled. His hands running to the side of his head. Grabbing the knife with a firmer grip.  
“Stupid fucking bitch!” He yelled again. Within moments he started to stab April. It looked so real. April looked like she was actually terrified.  
“CUT!” The director yelled.  
“That was awesome everyone. I’m just going to have Stu feel bad for what he has done and then drag April off scene okay?” The director made the note. They yelled action and Matthew did as he was directed to do. Once April was off screen Skeet walked towards the camera where it cut off when the screen went black. It was a way to transition to a new part of the movie without having to clip it. Matthew and Skeet made there way over to April who was standing next to me.  
“Hey are you alright? Sorry if we actually scared you.” Matthew said putting a hand on her arm. She wiped a couple of tears away and smiled.  
“Being yelled at is never fun whether it’s for real or acting. It did scare me a little bit but, nothing I can’t get over.” She said smiling at them. They gave her a hug and walked off. Now that she was dead I am pretty sure she doesn’t get to come back.  
“Does that mean you don’t get to come back now that your character is dead?” I asked her.  
“Yeah they gave me a one day pass. They said I won’t actually be on screen anymore. They would just use a snippet of my death later if they needed it.” She said smiling.  
“Oh well that sucks I’m sorry.” I said. I really felt bad for that. I mean I know we all have to die during this but that really sucks. To only get to be here for a day.  
We continued this routine of arriving and getting brought to the trailer by a golf cart to get ready. Then walking to set. It was really nice. Today is the day I died. I didn’t get to see Skeet or Matthew in a while since I wasn’t going to be in the background or much of anything today.  
“Y/N get ready.” Someone on the sidelines said.  
I walked to the side of the set scene and waited for my que.  
“Y/N! Where are you?” Stu dragged out every word.  
“I’m gonna find you.” Stu dragged out the words again.  
I followed the que and started to crawl under the bed on the set. I started to hear the footsteps next to the foot of the bed and it made me shiver with anticipation. I felt a hand wrap around my ankle and pull me out from under the bed.  
“You can’t hide from me baby.” Stu said. He pulled me up so I was standing next to him and he wrapped me in a hug.  
“I will always find you and be right at your side.��� He added. He pulled away from the hug and puts his hands on my cheeks. He pulled my head up to look at him.  
“Let’s do this before Billy spots us okay?” He smiled and leaned towards me. They warned me there was a kiss and that I would be led to the bed but I didn’t know if that was going to actually happen or not. He continued to lean forward and closed the gap between us and kissed me. He pushed me back against the bed and then the director yelled cut as that was the end of the scene.  
“Let’s set it up for the next scene. We changed your death a little bit Y/N.” I heard the director say. Fuck. Does that mean this is really it. I got to kiss Matthew Lillard and now I have to die? Can’t we kiss for at least another half hour and give me time to memorize the feeling? Please?  
They started setting up the next scene. They didn’t tell me how my death was going to happen just that it was happening in the next scene. My guess is they want a genuine reaction for this. Which is fine I just hope this isn’t too bad.  
“Are you okay if we put you in a nude colored tube top? It’s just we want to make it seem like your bare and have nothing on for the next scene. We know this is a bit of a change but if your not okay with it we can find another way.” One of the makeup and wardrobe people asked.  
“Yeah that’s fine.” I said more than happy to be adapting to the change. They tucked me away behind a curtain and gave me the nude colored tube top that perfectly matched my skin tone. There was a small bit of padding to keep it so my nipples didn’t poke through it. I assume for some sort of protection from the other person. I stepped out from behind the curtain with the new top on and they smiled. They fixed my hair and makeup a little and gave me a couple of capsules to put on the side of my gums inside of my mouth.  
“Alright when the time comes and you will know we want you to bite down on the capsules and the fake blood from it will pour out. It’s edible but doesn’t taste very good as a warning.” The makeup artist said. I grabbed the capsules and tucked them next to my gums.  
“Sounds good.” I said  
“You better get over there I think they are ready to start.” They both said to me. I smiled and walked back over to set.  
“Hey I know this is a little more intimate then you were prepared for so if your uncomfortable just tap my arm okay?” Matthew who was now shirtless and in front of me said. Uhm is he hoping for a response because I can’t find any words. I just stared at his bare chest.  
“Did you hear me?” He said.  
“Oh yeah of course. It’s going to be hard to make me feel uncomfortable though.” I said and smiled.  
“Okay good. Just remember it’s just a scene I’m not sure if this is the only thing you have done but, it’s just acting.” He said to me. I smiled at him.  
“Alright everyone places.” The director yelled out. Matthew lifted up the sheet on the bed and I crawled in and he crawled on top of me.  
“And Action!” The director yelled.  
Matthew or should I say Stu leaned down and started to kiss me. His lips were soft. They were slightly small but I didn’t mind. He started to slightly grind against me which was a bit shocking but I tried my best to not have a reaction to it. He moaned a little into my mouth and it turned me on a little too much. I heard a door creak open.  
“You fucking bitch. You stupid fucking bitch!” Billy yelled at us. Or rather me. Stu pulled away and looked at Billy and laughed at him.  
“What can I say she has good taste.” Stu said.  
“Not any fucking more!” Billy yelled and stomped over to me. He pushed Stu off of me and started the motion to stab my stomach repeatedly. I move the capsules in my mouth to between my teeth and bit down on them. I let the fake blood run down the back of my throat so it could trigger a gag response so it started to spill out of my mouth giving me a convulsing reaction. I heard them finish off the scene after it was panned off of me and waiting for them to yell cut so I could be removed from the set. After another five minutes with me in the background the director yelled cut and it was the end for me. My death was kind of lame but it’s fine. At least I can say I got to kiss Matthew Lillard and he dry humped me. Not everyone can say that. They handed me back my shirt and told me good job. They thanked me for being a part of the movie and I made my way off of the set and to my car. Once I got to the car I felt some tears near the brim of my eyes. I haven’t turned my jeep on yet so I was just sitting there in shock from the past couple of weeks on set. I heard a knocking on my window and I looked over my shoulder and saw Matthew standing next to my car door. I turned my jeep on and rolled down the window.  
“Hey I was wondering if you wanted to grab some coffee or something later. Make sure your okay. I did it with the rest of the extras. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable or that you have to. I know it can be scary sometimes or in this case sad when your released from a project “ He said to me with a shy smile.  
“I would love that actually yeah.” I said.  
“Mind if I get your number and I will let you know what day and time?” He asked me.  
“Sure do you have your phone on you?” I asked him and he dug his phone out of his pocket and handed it to me.  
“Don’t you have to put your password in?” I asked him.  
“I don’t use them. No need for one.” He said with a smile. Damn he is a trusting man. I nodded and opened up his contacts and put my phone number in his phone and texted myself so I had his. That way I knew not to ignore the texts or calls.  
“I hope you don’t mind but I texted myself so I also had your number. I normally ignore numbers I don’t recognize and I don’t want to miss your call or text.” I smiled at him.  
“Not a problem. Then I will see you soon.” He smiled back at me and I handed him his phone and he waved goodbye to me. Once he wasn’t near my jeep anymore I rolled up my window and started to drive away. I memorized the pathway to get home at this point so I didn’t bother with my GPS and I was so lost in thought that I didn’t bother with the music.  
My phone started to ring ten minutes into the ride and I reached forward on my stereo and answered the phone through my bluetooth set up.  
“Hey it worked you didn’t ignore my call.” I heard Matthew say with a bit of a laugh following his words.  
“Nope I sure didn’t.” I said also laughing with the words.  
“Anyway Skeet and I are going to dinner tonight with a couple other members of the cast. If you haven’t gone far would you like to join us?” He asked.  
“Yeah I would love that. Where at?” I asked him.  
“We are going to head over to BJs meet us there in like fifteen to twenty minutes?” He said. Okay that’s doable. It won’t be too expensive I don’t think.  
“Sounds good.” I said and hung up the phone. Okay this is perfectly normal. This is totally normal. I’m just going to a casual dinner with coworkers. Cast members. It’s going to be okay. I know I haven’t passed BJs yet it’s another block away so I was going to be early. That’s fine. I have a couple of shirts in the back I can change into and I can brush my hair really quick and get more of the curls out and loosened.  
I found a parking spot near the back of the parking lot and smiled. I put my jeep in park and reached behind me digging through some of the clothes in the back seat. I grabbed my Metallica black, grey and white shirt and took off the shirt I had on. I was wearing a tank top under my original shirt since I had to give back the tube top they had me wear for the scene. I wasn’t going to be flashing anyone today. I grabbed my hairbrush from my glove box and started brushing the curls out some more. I opened up my sun visor and looked at myself in the mirror and I looked decent. I checked my teeth in the mirror to make sure there was nothing in it anymore. I was able to get all the fake blood out of my mouth by swishing water all around it and spitting it out. When I put my hairbrush back in my glove box I pulled out a tin of mints and put two in my mouth and closed the glove box back up. Alright I looked decent. I smelled decent I’m pretty sure I have perfume in here some where. I bent back over and reached back into the back seat and started to dig around. I found it under the passenger seat finally and brought it up in front of me and started to spray a crazy amount onto me. It was the Japanese cherry blossom scent from bath and body works. It smelled so good. I put the perfume back into the backseat and looked in front of me. I saw Matthew getting out of his car and walking to the front door so I decided to get out of my car and walk over to meet up with him. I didn’t see anyone else yet. Maybe I should hang back so I am not going to make things awkward. Whatever I got this. It won’t be awkward unless I make it awkward right.  
“Hey.” I said from behind him. He turned around and greeted me with a smile.  
“Hey, so a little bit of a change it’s just going to be Skeet, you, and me. Is that okay?” He asked me.  
“Yeah of course. If I get in the way I can leave. If you would rather hang out with your friend.” I offered.  
“Oh don’t worry it’s fine. I’m glad he invited you to hang out with us. We wanted to get to know you a little better miss Colgate commercial.” I heard Skeet say. He walked in front of me and smiled down towards me. Wow they sure did make me feel short.  
A hostess walked over to us with her jaw hanging open.  
“Hello. Two for a table?” She asked. I assume she must think I don’t know them which isn’t her fault.  
“Three.” Both of them said and she blushed feeling a tad embarrassed and grabbed a third menu.  
“Do you prefer a booth or a table?” She asked.  
“A booth somewhere in the back is fine. A little less public if you don’t mind.” Skeet asked.  
“Of course follow me.” She said and guided us to the back of the restraunt and sat us at the booth that wasn’t directly next to a window and was a bit out of sight. No one would come back here that wasn’t supposed to be back here so that was nice.  
Our waitress came out pretty quick and she was a really pretty petite blonde. I noticed she was eyeing both the men. I don’t blame her I have been too. I know both of them are married so that’s a bummer but awe well.  
“So Matthew how is everything going you know since that thing happened?” Skeet asked.  
“It’s been fine. I’d rather not talk about it too much right now.” He said peering at me a little. What does that mean? 
“I can go. It really won’t hurt my feelings any if you both want to catch up.” I said again.  
“No don’t go. It’s perfectly fine and we trapped you on the inside of the booth so we can learn about you more.” Matthew said.  
“Uhm okay I guess. What would you like to know?” I asked confusingly and slightly worried.”  
“All we know is your name so how old are you? Do you have family around here? Are you from California? Do you have someone that makes you happy?” Matthew was throwing a few questions out there.  
“What about your favorite color? Is that your natural style? What’s your favorite kind of music?” Skeet mentioned a few questions himself.  
I think I might need a drink for this. The waitress was still here. “You know what can I get a margarita on the rocks please?” I asked her and she jotted that down.  
“Can I see your ID?” She asked and I dug my wallet out of my back pocket and handed her my ID after digging it out.  
“Okay awesome I will get that started for you and what about you two?” She asked bringing her attention back to them while handing me back my ID.  
“We will both take the beer on tap.” Skeet said. With our drink orders in she made her way behind the bar and started getting our drinks.  
“Alright to start answering some of your questions I am 27 years old, I don’t really associate with my family anymore. They aren’t really accepting of me which is fine. I am not from California I am from Arizona. If your question is more related to happiness then yes I do have someone and that someone is my roommate. They have been my best friend since I was little. If it's more towards romantically then no I am single. My favorite color is an earthy green more so the color of the trees in fall. This is more of my everyday style except I really don’t like to wear makeup. I think I’m pretty on my own and don’t need it. I am all over the place with my music style. I like the 70’s- 2000’s style of music more than the current music in 2023 but I still listen to a few here and there.” I finished up the line of questions they threw at me and smiled with a bit of relief when she made her way back over with the drinks. She handed me my margarita first and I chugged it.  
“Can you just bring me like two more for now?” I asked her and she just smiled.  
“Sure thing. Are you all ready to order?” She asked.  
“Yeah I think we are ready.” The boys ordered burgers and were looking at me for my order.  
“I also will get a burger and your fries and do you mind adding on the sample platter you have and just add your favorites onto it? I haven’t been here before so I kind of want to try something new. Oh and here. Can I pay for it right now?” I asked her handing her my card.  
“Are you going to be drinking more?” She asked.  
“Yeah probably I’m not sure. If I decide to drink more I can pay again later if that’s okay.” I said.  
“Sure thing. Is this for everyone or just yourself?” She asked.  
“Everyone.” I said and smiled back at her. She smiled towards me and took my card.  
“Hey wait a minute.” Skeet and Matthew tried to grab her attention but, she didn’t hear them.  
“What are you doing? You didn’t have to do that. We could have paid for ourselves or even better we could have treated you.” Skeet said and Matthew agreed.  
“Oh no, let me treat. I don’t want you guys paying for me. You barely know me.” I said with a grin.  
“Well that’s not exactly fair you don’t really know us either.” They said almost in unison.  
They had a point. I didn’t care about the point but that’s my problem.  
“Well I am also a secret fan. I admire both of your work a lot.” I said with a lot if honesty coming from me. The alcohol will help me a lot. This might be a better night than I thought. A couple of minutes later the waitress brought my two other margaritas and came back a moment later with our appetizers and my card. She handed my card back to me with a smile.  
“Alright your food should be out in a moment does anyone else need another drink?” She asked smiling. I had finished another margarita by the time she went and grabbed our food. I should slow down but I felt like I needed a buzz to keep me going.  
“You know can we get a couple of waters for the table? “ Skeet asked her.  
“And another margarita if you don’t mind?” I added.  
“Sure thing I will be back in another moment.” She added.  
“Are you okay? Is something wrong?” Matthew asked and Skeet was waiting for my answer too.  
“Yeah I’m fine I will just be starting another job search tomorrow. My waitress job fired me when I told them I needed some time off for this project. I can always get another one no big deal.” I said smiling. The booze was starting to catch up with me as I slowly drank on my third margarita. My vision went a little blurry.  
“Alright hand me your keys. Your not driving home if your going to drink like that. I can see it in your eyes already.” Matthew said.  
“I’m not going to fight you on that.” I handed him my keys that were in my back pocket and smiled.  
“I can make sure you get home safely. Don’t worry. Drink away of you want to.” He added.  
“Thank you.” I said and continued to drink my third margarita and I started to slow down. The one she is bringing needs to be my last one. I have one more on the table so that means it will be my fifth one. The waitress rounded the corner with food in her hand. She handed us our food and walked away.  
Oh my gosh it looks so good. It’s been a hot minute since I have had a burger that doesn’t come out of a brown paper bag. I picked it up and took a big bite from it and practically moaned as I swallowed. I would normally be embarrassed but right now I couldn’t be because of all the booze. I washed down everything I ate with the other two margaritas and pushed the plate away from me. I’m going to be sick tomorrow. No doubt.  
“Oh here.” I said through the small talk we were having and handed them my wallet with all my stuff in it.  
“That way I can pay the rest of the tab.” I said. Skeet and Matthew both looked at each other and Matthew pulled out his wallet and went and found the waitress leaving my wallet on the table. I didn’t pay a whole lot of attention to that though. Matthew was gone for a good twenty minutes before he came back to the table.  
“Alright he came and picked up my car ill just drive her jeep to her place. I’ll let you know if you need to come by. If her roommate isn’t there to keep her safe I might stay until she sobers.” Matthew said.  
“Sounds good. The bill has been taken care of right?” Skeet asked to double check.  
“Yeah of course.” Matthew answered his question.  
“Alright come on y/n let’s get you to your jeep and home okay?” Skeet said pulling me out of the booth. Both of them put their arms around me to keep me stable in a standing position and we started to walk to the jeep. We managed to make it there without having to stop to correct my balance which was really nice. They both got me sitting down on the passenger side seat and Matthew buckled me in.  
The two men hugged goodbye and Matthew attempted to get into the driver’s seat.  
“Holy cow are you crazy? I’m going to be smooshed to the steering wheel and my knees will be to my chest if I don’t move your seat.” He started to laugh which made me laugh.  
He fixed the seat so he was able to get in and comfortably sit down.  
“Alright how do I get to your apartment?” He asked.  
“Uhm here.” I pulled out my phone and opened up GPS and clicked on the shortcut labeled home and started the route. Oh my gosh my wallet.  
“Wait I forgot my wallet on the table.” I said looking panicked.  
“Don’t worry I grabbed it. It’s in the cup holder. Why don’t you try and nap a little bit and when we get there I will let you know.” He said. I just nodded and set the phone in the cup holder next to my wallet. I rested my head on the door and dozed off quickly.  
Thirty minutes later he was lightly shaking me awake.  
“Hey we are here. Which one is your apartment?” He said. He parked in the guest parking spot which is fine.  
“It’s 122C.” I said.  
“Okay so let’s go to the C building and get you to your actual apartment.” He said and started to pull out of the parking space. He drove around to the C building and parked in one of the parking spaces that said 122. He noticed the second spot was empty and he assumed my roommate wasn’t there.  
“Alright wait for me.”  He said quickly grabbing my phone and wallet from the cup holders and then exiting my jeep. I felt the passenger side door open and I unbuckled myself and tried to get out by myself. I went to try and walk but I was a little wobbly.  
“Don’t bite off more than you can chew too fast. Let’s go. Here.” He said and wrapped his arm around my waist. He was still being so respectful when I was trashed. He was so sweet. We made the journey to apartment 122 which thankfully was on the first floor. We came up to the room 122 and all the lights were off. 
“Don’t judge me. I don’t know what state my apartment is in. My roommate works night shifts so sometimes her messes are all over the place by the time she goes to work.” I said as he was going through the keys trying to find the right one. He managed to find it pretty quick and he opened up the door. He helped me inside and sat me on the couch that was right by the door and closed and locked it.  
“What time does your roommate get home?” He asked. She was a nurse so she might not really even be home tomorrow.  
“I’m not entirely sure. She is a nurse and she might not come home for a couple of days.” I said yawning. I’m so tired.  
“Okay, I’m going to hang out for a little bit until you sober up which one is your room so I can get you to it.” He said.  
“Oh forward I like it. It’s this one.” I stood up and angled for the master bedroom.  
“No I don’t do that with people who are drunk. You would have to be able to spell your name forwards and backwards twice before I would be willing to.” He laughed a little bit. Damn this booze is kicking my ass with confidence. He walked me to the bedroom and watched as I laid down.  
“Okay I’m going to be out here if you need me in your living room.” He said. I couldn’t even reply. I was fast asleep.  
A couple hours went by before I woke up sweating my ass off. Oh my God what happened? Why am I sleeping with clothes on. I got off my bed with a pounding headache and got butt naked. I walked to the living room and turned the thermostat down to 67 degrees and went to the cabinet above the sink and grabbed the aspirin. I grabbed a cup off the drying rack and set it on the counter. I opened the fridge and grabbed our filtered water pitcher and poured my cup with half a cup of water and put it away and drank a sip and downed two aspirin. I really hoped waking up and taking this in the middle of the night killed whatever hangover I was going to have in the morning. I walked back towards my room but noticed someone in my living room staring at me. Fuck he didn’t leave. Oh my God I’m fucking naked. I ran to my room and closed the door.  
“I’m so fucking sorry. I figured you had left. I grabbed my robe that was on the floor and put it on around me. I walked back out to the living room and he just looked at me with a blush on his face.  
“You have a tattoo.” Matthew started to say.  
“Yes I do.” I have a few which one is he referring to? 
“You have a shaggy and scooby-doo tramp stamp.” He said. I’m not surprised that’s the one he is hooked on.  
“just above that one is tinkerbell smoking pot and holding a beer and on your butt you have bite marks tattooed into your skin. Who bit you for that?” He asked.  
I blushed.  
“My best friend. My roommate. We are close. My teethmarks are also on her ass cheeks. I bit both sides on her.” I smiled at the memory of the tattoo artist getting hot and bothered by the action. I remember after hers was finished he railed her in the bathroom. They have been together ever since. He follows her around like a puppy. It’s actually very cute.  
“I’m sorry I shouldn’t have looked but it’s hard not to when it’s all right there. How are you feeling?” He asked.  
“I mean beside the headache I’m fine. I’m sober enough that I can make decent decisions and not accidently kill myself.” I said laughing.  
“Oh good. I should get out of your hair then. We had a really fun night tonight and were happy spending time with you. It was fun getting to know you a bit more.” He said.  
“I really appreciate being invited. I really am a fan of yours and his. It made my night. I’m sorry I got drunk. It wasn’t my intention going into that dinner but, I started to get nervous and the only way for me to get rid of my nerves is to drink through them and I don’t do that often.” I said.  
“Well that’s good. That stuff can get addicting so maybe you should look for another way to cope with your nerves.” He said.  
“Yeah did you by chance go in my room?” I asked now terrified of the answer. 
“Yeah but I didn’t really walk into the room I just watched you go over to your bed and get into it. I didn’t really pay attention to all the scream posters you have up with the hearts around my face or anything like that.” He said.  
“Oh gosh I’m so embarrassed.” I said holding my face in my hands.  
“It’s okay but, your robe is falling open a bit.” He said looking away for a moment. I looked down and noticed he had a full glimpse of my breast. They are practically completely out. I closed my robe again and held it closed. I mean I don’t mind him staring at me. I hope I look okay right now.  
“Are you sure you are good to go?” He asked.  
“Yeah of course. But, hey its like two or three a.m. no one’s going to be out at this hour you mine as well stay here until morning.” I said.  
“I think you might be right. Are you sure it’s okay?” He asked.  
“Yeah of course come on.” I said and motioned for him to follow me to my room.  
“I’ll find some pajamas to wear so I don’t make you feel uncomfortable. Come stay in here. I have a king sized bed and it’s super comfy compared to that couch.” I said and he stood up and followed me.  When he walked into the room he started to kick off his shoes and socks and waited for me by the door. I walked into my closet and because it doesn’t have a door I tried to keep my robe on while I looked. I found some shorts hanging up that were some what comfy and a tank top. I took the robe off letting it fall to the floor and as I was reaching for the shorts I felt a his right hand on my right upper arm. I’m naked and he is touching me.  
“You won’t make me feel uncomfortable. Sleep how you normally would. I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.” He said as he pressed himself to my back and brought his mouth down to my ear. Feeling him was something else. Hearing him so close made what hair I had on my body standing. He lightly dragged his right hand down my right arm and it gave me the chills.  
“Are you sure you are sober?” He asked.  
“Y-yes. I’m sure.” I said.  
“Turn around.” He said and I did as he told me. I turned towards him now looking up at him. His left hand now under my chin keeping me in that position. He leaned down and gently ran his lips over mine.  
“Did you really forget that I was out there? Or was that intentionally done?” Matthew asked me.  
“I actually forgot you were out there but it’s turning out to be a good surprise.” I said in a hushed tone against his lips. He brushed his lips against mine one more time before gently kissing my lips. He pulled away and walked over to my bed leaving me standing there in my closet butt naked and now completely wet and turned on. Fuck I want him. I want him very badly.  
It takes a moment for me to process but I walk into my room next to my bed and noticed he took his shirt and pants off and got under the covers. He was on my side of the bed. Where I lay every night and sometimes master bate to the thought of him. In the end table directly next to him is my vibrator and dildo. I walk over to the other side of the bed that is now very cold since I adjusted the air and slipped under the blankets. I didn’t reach for him right away. Instead I just sat there and waited for him to make a move but he didn’t. Maybe I have to make the next move.  
I scooted closer to him and that’s all I could pull myself to do. I’m to nervous to do anything else.  
“Are you scared to make the move on me y/n?” He asked and started to look at me. He turned his whole body on his side and looked down at me again.  
“Yeah, just a little bit. I don’t want to do something you don’t want to do.” I said very honestly. He leaned down and kissed  me slowly. He kept his lips feeling gentle like they were barely there but then he slid his tongue into my mouth and brushed it against my tongue. Something about it made me even wetter. My pussy felt like a dam and he has barely touched me. His right hand kept his head propped up while he kissed me and his left hand was lightly running down my body from my neck, to the middle of my breast, down my stomach, and stopped right above my clit. He is just barely gliding his finger over my clit and I felt my pussy clench around nothing. I wanted to feel him so bad. He pulled away from the kiss but stayed very close to my lips.  
“When’s the last time you were fucked?” He asked me.  
“It’s been a year. Probably almost two.” I said. All I have done is masterbate. I didn’t want anyone. No one was physically attractive to me.  
“Fuck me. You are going to be tight aren’t you?” He said now lightly kissing my cheek and down to my neck. He bit down a little on my neck where my collarbone is and it sent another set of shivers down my spine. He started to add more pressure against my clit and started to rub circles against it. I moaned at the touch and immediately  felt an orgasm filling my senses. Oh fuck this is going to be embarrassing. I pushed my head back into the pillows more and moaned again as he slid his fingers past my clit and lightly traced my entrance. Oh fuck please. Please I need it. I need him.  
“Do you think you could handle me?” He asked.  
“Y-yes. Please.” I said moaning out the Please. I need him so bad. He traced my entrance one more time before slipping his middle finger into me slowly. His first knuckle going in as his kissed the spot on my collarbone going in. The second knuckle going in deeper as he kissed down to my chest and finally feeling his third knuckle on the inside of me while the rest of them rested against my ass and he wrapped his lips around my left nipple. Fuck. He is driving me crazy.  
He started to pump his finger in and out of my trying to drive it deeper and deeper while he massaged my nipple with his tongue and nibbled on it with his teeth lightly. As he pulled his middle finger out and I lost the feeling of him inside of me he started to lick down my stomach and without warning other than him shifting between my legs. I felt him lick right between my pussy lips sucking my labia’s into his mouth and moaning against my pussy.  
Fuck fuck fuck fuck. Oh fucking God.  
“Oh fuck.” I said moaning. My head can’t be pressed harder into the pillows as it already was against them as far as it could go. He started lapping his tongue against my clit gliding his teeth against it as he slipped a second finger in with his middle finger. This time I can feel his fingers stretching me open and moving in an up and down motion against the soft spot of my vagina at the very top. He moaned against my clit flicking his fingers very fast against my g-spot. It was making my toes curl and without thinking I let my left hand run through his hair and grab on hard.  
“Oh fuck. Please. Oh my God that feels so fucking good. Please.” I kept saying it over and over again and he continued to repeat the same motions over and over again.  
He pulled his lips and tongue away from my clit and started to forcefully flick his fingers against my g-spot and got rougher in the motion with his wrist. I started to hear what sounded like a sloshing sound from within my pussy and a gush of fluid left my body and I was shaking and grabbed onto the bed sheet beside me tightly. I felt like the wind was sucked out of me and my abs tightened.  
“Oh fuck!” I moaned out loud as he dove right back between my legs licking every drop that was between my legs. Oh fuck it’s so sensitive. He pulled his lips away from my pussy lips again and pulled his fingers out of my pussy. Oh god no. Please. I want more.  
He moved his left hand to my clit and started massaging it again. Oh god the orgasm was coming back quickly.  
“Fuck please I need you I need to feel you.” I said whining out a bit.  
“You can’t I wasn’t planning on having sex so I didn’t pack a condom on me.” He said.  
“I’m allergic to latex. I had my tubes tide two years ago and they checked and made sure it stuck. I’m not going to get-“ He cut me off my kissing me quickly and then pulled me to a seated position and he laid on his back. Oh fuck he wants me on top? I hate being on top. Fuck it.  
I got up and straddled him as he positioned his cock right at my entrance I slowly forced myself down on him. I managed to get half way before it started to hurt a little. He was bigger than anyone I have ever been with. He was also thicker than everyone I have been with. I tried to get further down but it was too painful to do all at once so I started to pull him out a little and forced myself down again. Hissing as he slid deeper but not much farther. He sat up a little and wrapped his arm around my waist and picked me up enough with him still tucked inside me and put me on my back. I think I might have been going to slow for him.  
Fuck me. He rolled his hips in towards me and he managed to get further inside. He started to pull out and rolled his hips back into me and managed to bottom out inside of me. I felt his balls slap against my ass as a moan escaped his throat. Oh god that was so sexy. He pulled my legs up towards his shoulders and rested them against his shoulders and started to lean against my chest. My knees now touching my shoulders as he rolled his hips into me thrusting further into me. As his arms stayed by my head keeping himself up. He kept us like that for a couple of minutes before releasing one of my legs and driving his cock deeper into me closing the gap between my mouth and his and kissing me. He put all of his weight on his right hand and moved his left hand to my throat. Oh god. He started to put some pressure against my throat and it proceeded to get me wetter and closer to another orgasm. It started to sound like a gush of water again.  
“Open your mouth.” He said. Oh fuck what’s about to happen? I opened my mouth as much as I could with his hand pressed against my throat. He spit in my mouth and I immediately closed my mouth and swallowed it. That wasn’t what I was normally into but right now this man was making everything hot and a turn on.  
“Oh fuck me. You are fucking tight and I’m going to cum. Where do you want it?” He asked and moaned out every word. I know where I want it. I want it buried inside of me. I have no reason to be worried about it.  
“Please. Oh god please inside of me.” I moaned out.  
“Only if you squirt for me again. I know your ready too.” The sloshing sound got louder. He gripped my neck tighter and another gush of liquid came out of me. Soaking his cock with my squirt and he returned the favor slamming his cock balls deep inside of me. Moaning and groaning as he released his cum deep inside of my pussy. I felt his thighs tighten as he was Cumming inside of me. Oh my God that was so fucking hot.  
After a moment of him leaving his cock inside me he started to pull out. He started to soften up again and he laid down next to me. Fuck I’m tired for real now. Oh god I don’t want to move but it’s a mess down there. I need to clean it up.  
“Where is your bathroom and rags or wipes or whatever you use?” He asked me. “My bathroom is right there and” I pointed towards the door next to my closet, “the rags are under the sink along with wipes. You just have to pick your poison.” I said.  
He got off of the bed and made his way to my bathroom. It was so quiet in the apartment now that even with the door closed I could still hear him peeing. My eyes started to close and when I thought I was on the brink of sleep I felt something very cold between my legs.  
“Oh my god.” I said as I looked down. He was using the wipes to clean up the cum he left inside of me that was now dripping out of me.  
“Such a pretty sight to see too bad.” He said as he continued to wipe everything out and then dried my pussy with the rag in his hand. He walked back into my bathroom and put the rag in my hamper and the dirty wipes into the trash can.  
“I thought you said your tubes were tied?” He asked but it sounded more like a statement as he walked put of the bathroom holding my birth control tablets. “I am I just don’t take chances. I take that as a secondary. I don’t want kids of my own. If I did that whole thing I’d rather adopt or join someone’s family. I don’t want to do the baby thing. I worked to hard to lose weight I don’t want to gain it back during a pregnancy.” I said very honestly. He walked over to the end table and sat the birth control on it. He crawled back into bed next to me and pulled me back into him so my back was to his chest.  
“Goodnight beautiful. I’m really glad you decided to stay around at dinner. Thank you for dessert.” He said putting a kiss to the side of my head.  
I felt the heat rush to my cheeks as a blush formed and I dozed off pretty quick laying next to him.  
*The aftermath*  
8 hours later is was close to noon I heard some banging on my door.  
“Hey y/n are you alive in there?” my roommate screamed through my door.  
I started to rub my eyes to get some of the fogginess out of them. I felt an arm around my waist and I turned my head towards the back of me to see Matthew still asleep. I felt something poking me between my legs and moaned against him trying to move my pussy closer but immediately regretted it because it was sore from a few hours ago.  
“y/n if you don’t open or at least answer me then I’m going to be forced to come in.” without missing a beat or giving me a chance to respond she walked right into my room and her mouth fell open. I shushed her and motioned for her to leave the room. My boobs on full display not under the covers and his hand was grabbing my left boob. He squeezed it gently and got closer to my ear and moaned into it thrusting against me. I closed my eyes and moaned at the motion and my friend slowly backed out of the room closing the door. Oh my God. I could stand to have a few more orgasms. Fuck I’m going to need a couple of gallons of water first though.  
~sorry for the very drawn out fanfiction. If I had just gotten straight to the point I wouldn’t have been able to picture the full story. I have read through this twice so if there are errors in this I am really sorry. This took me a couple of days to write and I hope you enjoyed it. If you want more please let me know in the comments and give me some ideas. I’m open to requests.~ 
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aylish91 · 1 year
You! You beautiful, creative, amazing person! It's your fault I got back into the fandom and now I'm hyperfocused on Leviathan!Tale, again! (No but seriously your works are amazing and you should be proud of yourself!)
I have a request for Leviathan!Tale, (if you have the time) when did the reader join the shiver? And how? Were they wondering alone? Maybe almost killed off for being different? How did the others react to reader joining? Were they scared and refused to eat unless Nightmare or Dream was near?
Hello beautiful Anon! I deeply apologize for how long this has taken me to get to. I have kept it and hoarded it like a dragon with its precious treasure. It has brought me such great joy every time I reread it.
I have made this for you, dear friend. I hope you are still with us undertale folk, and thank you! May you find answers within these chapters!
For those looking for the new/fresh chapter:
or below
New awakenings
You did not feel quite right. Your body was heavy and ached like you were coming down from a fever, lungs and throat burning and agitated. Guess it serves you right for going out on such a stormy night. Shrine Rock was sketchy to traverse on the best of nights, what possessed you into thinking you could do it with no moon and turbulent seas?
Uuuugh. You could be extremely reckless sometimes, but at least you were alive. A bit worse for wear, but alive.
Shifting, you contemplated opening your eyes. Despite your condition, you were starving and needed to get up and ready. It would be the last morning in your childhood home on the island and you had to get to the ferry by nine if you were going to make the bus into the city. You could tell by the muted bickering of your neighbors that it was already far past time you should have woken.
Groaning, you rolled to reach for your phone, blanket tangling around your legs uncomfortably. Shifting again, you weren’t expecting your bed to move or something else to wrap around you. Eyes snapping open, a frightened gasp left you breathless.
You weren’t in a bed at all. You weren’t even in your house. Wrapped around you were absolutely massive tentacles boxing and encasing you within their mass. They were a deep black, hints of bioluminescence giving them an iridescent sheen.
R e a l.
You would have thought you were in some sort of dream if you couldn’t physically feel every panicked movement. It made you roll and squirm, trying to bring your legs up to brace yourself against them. It also made you realize why the blanket had been so uncomfortable.
There was no blanket. And there were no legs…
In place of your legs were a mass of bunched and tangled tentacles, much like the giant ones surrounding you. They were curled up close to your center, winding amongst themselves. Out of reflex, you pushed away from them, only to have them unfurl and chaotically flail around. It was uncanny how you could feel each individual limb as they whipped around.
Then, everything tumbled and moved, the larger tentacles sliding away to open to the outside. There was a drastic drop in temperature as water flowed around you. Your breath hitched. Hunching into yourself, you frantically looked around.
To your horror, an animated skeleton seemed to climb or slide over the top of one of the tentacles, black trailing down from its sockets with a shark’s lower body. The connection of bone and body was seamless from the lower ribs down, some sort of glowing energy in the shape of a target above its bony chest.
You couldn’t move as it spoke.
“Finally! Would ya look at that. You made a little you boss.” It swam closer. “How interesting.”
Another, larger, voice vibrated the water. “Killer—"
To say you had a bit of an overreaction was an understatement. Adrenalin swamped your systems when the creature came forward with an outstretched clawed hand. Crying out, your first reaction was to kick it away. However, without legs to kick, your tentacles were the things that lashed out.
Two smashed into the face of its skull as a third and fourth wrapped around their arm. Startled, the creature jerked backward with a yelp, pulling you further into the open. Your limbs tightened, the rest flailing and grabbing anything they could reach. In the end, you grappled both of its arms and the majority of its torso.
You both made undignified panicked noises as tentacles and fins thrashed about, each of you doing your best to simultaneously free yourself while attempting to maintain some sort of hold on the other. The glowing target pulsing above his sternum continued to glow brighter and more erratic. One of your tentacles almost made contact with it but the creature managed to grab the appendage with a desperate snarl before it could.
“Boss! Nightmare!” A different tentacle found an opening around an upper rib causing a choked gasp. “A little help!!?”
You were so preoccupied unwillingly wrestling that you missed the laughter building around you. It took the rising rumbling chuckle vibrating the water again before you noticed it all.
Why was it so familiar…
Water swirled around you before large dark skeletal hands gently took hold of you, slowly removing your offending appendages from their target. “Calm yourself little fish. Do not fear. You are safe here among my own.”
You stilled, eyes wide.
The great Guardian Nightmare, thought to have been nothing more than a dream, held you in his hand, his fabled servants hovering not too far past the edges of his great limbs.
His shiver of loyal sharks.
Skeletal Mer sharks…
All the stories and warnings your grandmother had ever told you swarmed your mind. Everything simultaneously made sense and didn’t. You had heard many stories of the guardians saving wayward travelers and those loyal to them. But you were regular old you.
Had you really been judged and chosen?
Your thoughts were interrupted by a skeletal mer with shimmering golden fins and eyelights appearing over Nightmare’s shoulder, their subtle glow stunning you into stillness.
Their voice was as soft and smooth as you had once imagined…
“We’re glad you are finally awake. We were beginning to worry.” Gliding closer, he smiled, just close enough to be friendly. “I’m Dream. It is lovely to finally meet face to face. Nightmare was quite quick to hide you away.” His eyelights brightened with a sly look back. “My brother seemed to think you were quite agreeable.”
The giant hand you were in pulled away, another coming to shield you from view. “Brother. Perhaps you could be more useful and take the others to fetch some nourishment. Their sleep has been unexpectedly long.”
Circling your living barrier, Dream chuckled, playfully twirling his body as he went. “Of course. This is quite the occasion. If I must, I will keep the others busy while you get them comfortable.” Flicking his tail, he slipped past the shiver to call over his shoulder. “Come along then. We wouldn’t want anyone else spooking them and ending up like Killer.”
The circling mer erupted in laughter once again, the mer from before giving an indignant squawk as he darted after the mischievous guardian. It wasn’t long before the sound of their teasing banter faded into the distance.
The tension in your shoulders and… limbs eased, your fears fading away. Settling into the palm, you idly wrapped around the large bony fingers as you processed. Despite how far down you seemed to be, the world seemed clear and bright. Sunken ships of various ages littered the open expanse around you, your host casually sprawled atop an old wooden vessel elevated atop a rocky platform.
You knew beyond shrine rock was referred to as the depths, but still. How had something like this never been discovered? None of this felt real. You didn’t feel real, but the subtle twitch of tentacles and the feel of the cool water around you kept you grounded.
Your Grandmother’s stories didn’t do any of this justice.
You took a breath and looked up when you felt everything shift, Nightmare’s low calming voice bringing you back to him. “You must be full of questions. It is not very often a mortal finds themselves within our realm.”
You did have a lot of questions, but they all swirled and meshed together until they stuck in your throat. What was appropriate to ask? How should you address such a being? What did he expect of you?
Looking into the dark skeleton’s singular eyelight, A sense of calm overtook you. You had already talked with him before. There was no need to be so afraid. No questions had been wrong and there was no proper way to speak with him. Simply being yourself had been enough.
He had been so curious, kind, and alluring…
Regaining your courage, you attempted your voice. It cracked and burned, but you managed. “I had thought all of this was a dream, but… If this is true, I offered you my… Shouldn’t I be…”
He hummed, socket lidding. “Dead? Indeed. But I did warn you. When you offered me your soul, I took it for myself. You live, because I breathed life back into it.”
You could feel the sting around your eyes. “Why?”
“You intrigue me. It is rare to find someone such as yourself and you had already proved your loyalty. Sometimes, for a being like me, that is all that is needed.”
You mulled that over as you fought your emotions. “You are a Guardian. A king of the deep abyss. You chose to save me, grant me one of your gifts, because I was Interesting?”
That same deep chuckle vibrated the water, his body moving to lean against the mast. “In a way, little fish, yes.” He paused, grin turning solemn. “As I said that night beneath my raging storms. I am a greedy and selfish creature. I found you upon that rock, worshiping a being you had never seen and who had been silent for a great many years. You were not angry or pleading when you witnessed my approach. You did not beg or demand anything of me. We spoke cordially, as if we were equals. And when I then offered you my most coveted of gifts, you instead offered me that which was most sacred of yourself.” Tilting his head, he delicately ran a clawed bony finger under and along a few of your tentacles. “For that, you have earned my favor. Whether from my own greed or your appealing nature, it matters not. I have already claimed you as my own.”
Just like the night you died, you found yourself in utter awe of him, a warmth spreading through your chest from his admission. You couldn’t help redirecting away from yourself and your bubbling mix of feelings.
With a shaky chuckle of your own, you playfully looked up. “You might regret this later, you know. Look at me, I don’t even know how to tentacle properly.” As if by fate, one immediately jerked back to smack you in the face, making you grunt and quickly shove it back down.
The Guardian, much to your embarrassment, did a good job holding back a laugh, only letting out a quick rush of air… water?... before hiding behind an amused smile. “You will learn in time. You are still young and new. A pup does not learn everything in a single day.” He turned his head. “Isn’t that right, Cross?”
Your entire body twitched when you followed his gaze. A skeletal shark mer with one red and one white eyelight hovered a little away from the mass of Nightmare’s tentacles. The thing that struck you the most, however, was the jacket and belts he wore despite being underwater. The jacket was black and white with a fine amount of floof around the edges while two belts criss-crossed on what would have been his waist. The next thing that got your attention was his tail. Purplish in hue, it darkened around the tips of his fins and reminded you of a thresher shark’s tail. It especially gave you that impression when compared to the first mer, Killer’s, mako-esk body. When he looked up in greeting, there was a small scar beneath his right socket.
He looked uncomfortable, sending subtle glances your way as he fidgeted with something in his hands. “Um, yeah...” There was an awkward silence until he coughed. “I uh… Dream sent me back with something light while he helps the others. They went topside closer to the reef.” He held out a small mesh bag with what looked to be two crabs moving about inside.
Nightmare sighed. “I see. Let us take it elsewhere then.”
You had to brace yourself when everything around you began to move. Bringing you near his chest, Nightmare slipped down from the ship towards the bottom of the rockface. Once there, he ever so gently extracted you from his palm and fingers to set you down amongst a soft pile of seaweed and sand. Backing away, you watched in awe as he maneuvered the bottom half of his body into the curved opening of a cave. Even though it wasn’t very deep, it was enough to get his tentacles snugly within. It allowed for a better position next to your resting place more at your level. While you watched, Cross hesitantly swam down to join you, staying closer to Nightmare’s elbows a safe distance away. He didn’t relax until the Guardian had settled.
Loose sand clouded the water where the leviathan lay. “There. Now, if you would Cross.”
The mer scrunched into his jacket, looking anywhere but at you. “Yes sir.” Ever so carefully, he swam close enough to hand you the bag. “It’s not much considering, but they still taste good.”
Yep. Live crabs. You now had a big bag of crabs, and it wasn’t even market day. You suppose you were going to have to put them in your mouth.
Heh… Focus.
You had never eaten a crab raw before and they were still moving. Would the meat come out the same if it wasn’t cooked? Were you still susceptible to seafood poisoning now that you weren’t technically human? You were starting to get nervous.
Just staring…
Cross didn’t know what to do with that, becoming visibly more distressed. “I mean, I could go get urchins or oysters or something?”
You felt just as awkward. “No, no. This is fine. I mean, the other two things sound wonderful too, but I can just… Uh… I’ve never eaten it raw before? And they are still alive so… Um…”
You were floundering.
Nightmare chuckled when understanding dawned on Cross’ face. “Oh. Yeah. I forget humans like to cook their food.” Your tentacles curled when he came forward again, this time getting close enough to reach inside the bag. “They should be fine to eat. None of us have any problems. Here.”
Taking one of the crabs, he turned it over before jabbing the underbelly down the center with a crack. With it now limp, he grabbed all the legs on one side, pulling the entire chunk away from its body to hand to you. You tried not to grimace.
You had seen the fisherman at the docks and market do something similar (although either with a sharp knife, pick, or bang) so you weren’t surprised. But it was still raw, and he made killing it with his fingers seem so easy.
Cross was watching with such hopeful attentiveness now though. Quietly thanking him, you gave him a gentle, yet uneasy, smile and did your best to separate meat from the base portion connecting the legs. Using your newfound sharpened nails, you were able to get some just fine, and the smell was actually quite nice.
You still hesitated.
“Go on, little fish. You need it. Others before you have questioned. They too found their way. You will find your taste in food has changed alongside you.”
You couldn’t really argue with that. He was an ancient being after all who had undoubtedly gone through this with countless others. You wondered if Cross was one of them.
Nodding, you took a breath and made the plunge. It was startling how different it tasted compared to when it was cooked. Or when you had been human? It was good! Better than plain, although, you wished you were able to dip it in butter. Your stomach was at least ready to accept more if nothing else. The single taste was not enough.
You were suddenly aware of just how empty your stomach was, quickly digging, mashing, and pulling more from your meal. Cross graciously passed over the other half during your ravenous display, taking the time to prepare the second crab for you as you ate. You were so focused on eating at the time, you almost didn’t catch the dopey grin spread across his face as he watched. Nightmare grinned down from the palm of his hand. Your mind was too overcome by the frenzy to care.
They were kind enough not to mention it.
By the time you had finished, your stomach thanked you. However, you were far from satiated and your body still ached.
You sighed.
Tidying up your mess for Cross, you quietly thanked him when he took it and swam off to dispose of it. Nightmare looked on, eyelight sharp and focused.
Feeling self-conscious and uncomfortable, you sank into yourself and took a tentacle in your hands. If you focused on it instead, perhaps you wouldn’t feel so much. There were a few things you were curious enough to ask about too…
“You are in pain.” One of Nightmare's bony fingers startled you as it brushed against your limbs. Unconsciously, you willed one of them to wrap around it for comfort.
You had to look away. Cross was in the distance heading upward and towards something.
Something in you shivered at your name, but you never got the chance to answer him. A shout along with other voices announced the return of the others, Killer making a particularly quick approach. Circling the patch of seaweed, he smirked at your flinch.
“Wooow. Movin pretty quick Boss. Only the first day and ya already got em—”
You didn’t know tentacles could move that fast. One moment Killer was circling above, the next he was wrapped up tight enough to clamp his jaw shut. Nightmare was no longer as relaxed, spilling out of the cave enough to effectively sit among his agitated limbs, a couple looping around your little area.
“That is enough teasing for the day. Behave yourself. I am hardly in the mood.”
Killer didn’t seem affected by his predicament in the slightest, nodding with a muffled reply. As soon as he was released, he let himself sink to the ground with a wink. Dream, Cross, along with two others soon joined him with their spoils.
You ignored the pain and the suspicious eye of Nightmare in favor of looking over your new companions. Everything was strange and new. Only time could tell what was ahead of you.
You only hoped you were worthy of it.
Grand Master Post Leviathan Au
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To Take Up the Shawl (2/3)
Pairing: Liandrin Guirale x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None
Notes: In the show, many of the Aes Sedai have been aged up rather considerably (ie. Liandrin being 100-110 years old in the show and being 34-ish or so in the books. So I shuffled around some characters to account for that. Also this story takes place around 990 NE, 8 years before the book/show begins. Lastly, I don’t own any of the books beyond Eye of the World. So the descriptions of the final test are slim and just there to get the point across.
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After your night in the garden with Liandrin, things had shifted. You could find neither hide nor hair of the red sister anywhere. Without her guidance, you forged ahead, studying alongside Desandre Sedai more closely than you ever had before. The Yellow sister was as haughty in attitude as she was strong in the One Power. If any of your weaves were less than perfect, you were ordered to take a chore off a novice and burden yourself with it instead. And there were few better motivators than keeping that list of responsibilities as short as possible. But perhaps more than anything, the increased workload kept the vacuum left by Liandrin’s absence at bay. That is, until the day your final test arrived.
You were once again brought to the basement of the White Tower, just as all those years ago. In the center of the room was another ter’angreal, different from the silver arches and in the shape of an oval ring. In attendance stood seven full sisters poised and ready to administer the test, amongst them your mentors: Liandrin Sedai and Desandre Sedai.
You watched as a complex weave channeled using the combined strength of all present Aes Sedai activated the oval ring. It shimmered with various colors and you knew the path was open. Words were spoken and warnings given, but you could pay little attention to anything other than what horrors awaited you. Not that it mattered. By the time you had stepped through, all was forgotten. There was no memory of being in a test. The world you saw was your only reality. You would be thankful after that so few sisters knew you well, their attempts to distract you weak as a result. But Desandre knew you buckled most for children and elderly alike and Liandrin knew the worst of it: your need to protect both herself and her fellow Reds.
You almost failed because of her. The expectation was full detachment, something you could not manage completely. You saw a figment of Liandrin and channeled when you weren’t supposed to, the call to protect her from danger too great to ignore.
One hundred otherwise flawless, well-timed weaves and innumerable tasks and distractions later, you emerged from the mirror world, injured but victorious. Alive. You passed, just barely. Your compassion was a stain, but your skill with the One Power undeniable.
The rest of the night was spent in contemplation and prayer. Time passed quickly after that. Raised to the shawl in the morning, ajah chosen and oaths made; everything had changed and yet you felt the same. Maybe it was because there was little joy in your success. Liandrin wasn’t there and Desandre seemed disappointed in your choice. Never had an accomplishment felt so meaningless.
You knew what you had to do if any of this was going to feel right. Things had to be reconciled with Liandrin and whatever wrongs were made had to be corrected. You just needed something first.
ᕦ ˚✧˳ ˳✧˚ ˚✧˳ ° ˳✧˚ ˚✧˳ ˳✧˚ ��
“Two honeycakes, please.” You smiled to a familiar old woman. You had come to her stall many times over the years, finding her sweets the best the city had to offer and the company even sweeter still.
“Of course, dear!” She was all smiles until she saw the ring—now with stone—on your hand. Her lips made an ‘O’ and her eyes widened with shock. “Sorry, Aes Sedai,” she corrected.
“Thank you, Galaina,” you managed meekly, feeling momentarily self-conscious. “But you don’t ever have to be formal with me.” The woman looked ready to counter, but when she saw the pleading look in your eyes, she nodded her head in acquiescence.
“Alright, sweetie.” She finished wrapping up the honeycakes and gave them to you with shaking hands.
“Are they hurting again?” You asked as you slipped extra coin into her palm, a habit she long since stopped questioning you over.
“I think it might rain today.” You nodded in understanding, pulling the woman aside and sitting her down. You had developed a weave of your own just for her which used not only the typical flows of air, water, and spirit, but also fire. You both found that it would ease her pain for about a month, sometimes more, without Galaina feeling too fatigued after. After five minutes of careful, practiced healing she sighed with relief and thanked you. “You work wonders for me.” You kissed her knuckles and rubbed her hands affectionately, which drew her eyes back to your ring. “So you’re a Red sister now. I’m a little surprised.”
“Well, I couldn’t join the Yellow, you see. Can you believe they want healers? I haven’t the Talent for it.” Galaina swatted you gently on the arm and made a tutting noise.
“Are you going with the others today then?”
“The others?”
“Yes, the other Red sisters. They were here in the market earlier buying some last minute supplies.”
“No, I—I have to go. Thank you, Galaina.” You kissed the shopkeeper on her forehead, and hurried off back toward the tower.
ᕦ ˚✧˳ ˳✧˚ ˚✧˳ ° ˳✧˚ ˚✧˳ ˳✧˚ ᕤ
“You promised!” You barged into Liandrin’s room without so much as a knock at the door.
“I promised nothing.” To her credit, Liandrin didn’t even turn to look at you, her body turned away as she gathered what remained of her travel gear.
“‘I would like to, I think.’” You recited her words back at her, almost mocking if not for the obvious strain of hurt in your voice.
“Those words do not a promise make, child.”
“But they were as good as to me. They carried me in your absence and they were my guiding light during the test. Despite everything thrown my way—everything you threw my way.” You were a full sister, just like her, why had things not changed for the better? What good was being an Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah if you could not be at Liandrin’s side? “I should have chose Yellow. At least then your indifference would feel warranted.”
“You are no longer Accepted. Reign yourself in, girl.” Liandrin hissed, turning toward you in acknowledgement. Unlike the irritation in her voice, her face remained an exemplar picture of Aes Sedai calm.
“I thought you were different. But I see now I was foolish to think otherwise.“ Your hands shook in quiet anger and you felt the weight of the honeycakes you had purchased. You looked down at the beige wrapping encasing them and saw a tear drop darkening the cloth. Of course. You stepped further into the room, fighting the urge to drop them on the floor and instead left them unceremoniously on the nearest table. Liandrin simply watched you and said nothing even when you turned and left. “Light shine on you, Liandrin Sedai.”
Fifteen minutes later, Liandrin had joined her sisters at the stables. There was an eagerness in the air. Her particular group of Reds were so used to constant travel that staying in the tower too long made them all restless. The White Tower, as luxurious as it was, would always be steeped in political intrigue and machinations, her own included. Sometimes it imposed a certain mental drain that even the most veteran and steeled of the Aes Sedai needed breaks from. Sure, the Red Ajah was tasked with punishing any misuse of the One Power and it was by no means an easy task, but the travel between it all? The open fields and still mountains? The camaraderie between women with a common goal? It was a welcomed reprieve even at the worst of times.
Courser saddled and bags tightly packed, Liandrin prepared herself to mount until she noticed something was off. Only four horses were readied. There should have been five. Someone was missing.
“Where’s Cariandre?” Liandrin swung her head side to side, but the dark haired sister was nowhere to be seen. None of the horses had her tacky grey, embroidered shawl thrown over them either.
“Ordered to stay in the Tower by Pevara Sedai,” answered a sister to her right.
“What in Light’s name does a Sitter need with her?”
“It wasn’t said, but if our eyes-and-ears near Illian are to be believed, the man we hunt is strong in saidin and a sennight away from claiming he is the next Dragon Reborn. If he hasn’t already. Maybe we should—”
“They all think themselves the Dragon Reborn. They’re mad!” Liandrin snapped back.
“But would it not be wise to bring another sister? Perhaps our newly raised friend.”
“How strong are her stunning weaves? Hard to justify throwing her to the wolves so quickly.” Piped up another sister, erring on the side of caution despite her own apparent curiosity.
“She trained with Desandre Sedai. Say what you will about our Yellow sisters, but they are not weak. At the very least, we can keep her in the back for protection, as well as her healing Talent.”
“Fine!” Liandrin relented, “I’ll get the girl.”
ᕦ ˚✧˳ ˳✧˚ ˚✧˳ ° ˳✧˚ ˚✧˳ ˳✧˚ ᕤ
You stood at your window, eyes fixed on Tar Valon’s gates. Liandrin and her band hadn’t yet left. You would know. You were all but nailed to your vantage point since you returned to the room. The tears you shed had dried, leaving in their wake salt on your cheeks and a pounding ache at your temples. All your studies for the past four years as an Accepted were geared toward this one, singular purpose. Without it, you felt hollow and directionless: adrift at sea. The same way it felt the first time you channeled saidar. If life was a wheel, it had looped back around to the beginning.
Then to your left, the door swung open, loud enough to startle, but controlled enough to not cause a commotion. Liandrin stood within the threshold, her face stern and as unyielding as the day you met. She tossed a brown saddle bag into the room.
“You have thirty minutes. If you are not at the stalls by then, we leave without you.”
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weird-tea · 1 month
You know that game where you take a movie that is allowed one 'fuck' due to the rating but doesn't have one, and you pick where the 'fuck' should go? That but for Dracula.
So many of those characters deserve a nice cathartic swear, but where would it be most impactful?
Van Helsing arriving to find Lucy dead with the garlic gone feels like a strong contender. There are so many moments of Jonathan at castle Dracula that it would make so much sense. Quincey being the only one with a foul mouth feels right so maybe it's him, maybe in his final moments he realises he's dying and says it. Maybe it's dignified Arthur Holmwood breaking down for a moment, at the death of his love, in the aftermath of having to slay her vampire, or realising his dear friend Quincey is also lost. Perhaps it's Dr Seward feeling guilt & sorrow at finding his his patient Renfeild dead, realising he failed to help him just like he failed Lucy. Maybe it's 'school teachers never swear' Mina after reading of Jonathan's time in captivity.
Or maybe it's something joyful. Maybe it's uttered in the bright moment of Jonathan & Mina's wedding night amongst all the horror. Maybe it's spoke in ruful joy by Quincey or Jack to Arthur because fuck yeah man I'm heartbroken for my self but so fucking happy for you my dearest friend that she said yes. Maybe Van Helsing has a drink with his old pupil to celebrate when it looks like Lucy may recover, and it's a break in the mentor/pupil dynamic letting Jack see him in a human moment but it's all right because they are more than that now they are old friends truly and isn't that absurd and wonderful. Maybe is Lucy & Mina talking about men and marriage and giggling together under the covers in Whitby. Maybe it's Jonathan getting fired up in his passionate devotion to Mina on the train to hunt Dracula, surrounded by darkness and despair but still holding fast to and so blissfully overwhelmed but his love for this astonishing woman.
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monsterbeetlebug · 6 months
A quick turn of events, Part 7
Fem reader, smut
Tw: Sex, some exhibition and voyeurism, mentions of unwanted touch in the beginning.
Part 6 <-
Reading exercise
After the event that happened in the club, Y/n had spent a few days getting over the feeling that guy at the club gave her. The fear and the pain from his grip. The gross feeling of him groping and grabbing at her like he owned her. She had decided that it was enough of that. And obviously no-one else than Lorenzo owned her if someone were to even own her. Him and the clones were the only ones she would let manhandle her if that was the case. And even then she knew thay wouldn't do anything to harm her. They did nothing else than protect and spoil her. Shaking her head she stod up from her bed. She freshened up a bit and put on some comfy clothes for her escapades in the house. What would she do today?
After thinking while walking through the halls she decided that the library would be a good place to explore. She hadn't really been in there and looked around yet. Maybe she could find s good book to settle down with. Making her way through the house she felt that it was way too quiet. Usually someone was yelling after Valentino at this time. She didn't see Dominic in the kitchen either. Maybe something work related had happened? But she also doubted that, Lorenzo would have given her some sort of message.
Once she arrived at the library she pushed the big dark door open. It was creaking as she stepped inside. It was a huge room filled with books from floor to ceiling. It had lots of comfy places and nooks to sit down and read in. She looked around a bit when she suddenly saw him. Lorenzo? How the hell? Since when could he fly. He was standing high up in the air holding a book. Busy studying something. She spoke out to get his attention.
"You didn't tell me you could fly."
He shut his book close and it vanished. His head snapped towards Y/n. A grin grew on his lips. Slowly he started to float down towards the ground and walked over to Y/n.
"Telling you everything would spoil the fun dear, wouldn't it now?"
He put a finger under her chin and softly made her look up at him. His dark eyes looking into hers.
"Want me to show you where all the good books are darling?"
Y/n nodded. She was mesmerized by his eyes. He started walking and pointed to a section to the right. It was a quaint little corner with soft lighting.
"This is where Dominic spends a lot of his time. Reading recipes and studying different foods. He is quite the intellectual when it comes to the culinary word."
He kept walking and gestured to the next place.
"We also have alot of different genres. Romance, horror, novels, poetry and fantasy amongst others."
He glanced at her as she looked around at the different books. His stone cold face didn't show alot but he was happy. He actually felt joy from her being so invested in his library. As they continued to the left side he gestured at another section.
"This is all of the books on Occultism, Witchcraft and so forth. It's quite interesting stuff if I may say so myself, being a demon and all of that."
Y/n giggled at his comment. For being such serious man he really liked to have his moments. She looked at the next section he pointed out to her. He smirked as he told her about this one.
"And this. This is the erotic section."
He could see her starting to blush a little. A pink shade tinting her cheeks.
"Valentino is a big fan of this section. He probably knows it by heart at this point."
Y/n gulped. She didn't know what to say. She was a bit flustered. Erotica wasn't something she really had read alot of, but it was exciting that they had it in the library. Lorenzo stood behind her and put his hands on her shoulders. He gently massaged them. Feeling how tense she was and how she started to relax by his touch. She sighed quietly. Still a bit flustered she felt her cheeks blush more. Then Lorenzo leaned closer to her and his course voice filled the air.
"You know, we could make those stories come to life."
Y/n felt her cheeks burn up. She put her hand to her face. Even though she liked the though of it she felt so on the spot. His confidence in suggesting such a thing made her insides melt. He started sliding his hand down her back. He stopped at her hips as he moved closer and held her thigher to himself.
"What do you say baby? I want to hear those pretty sounds you make."
She felt unable to speak. The tingling sensation had begun and she could feel herself become wet by his suggestion. How could she ever say no to this. She nodded while she breathed out her answer.
He chuckled lowly. One hand slid up to her breast as the other one down south. He massaged her breast as he started kissing along her neck. Y/n's breathing became heavier every second. Lorenzo slid his other hand into her pants making contact with her nether region. Warm and wet. He smirked against her neck.
"So wet for little old me already?"
The charm in his voice and the feeling of his thouch making her thoughts spiral. Her body felt like jelly. She felt him rubbing on her clit. A feeling of ecstasy rushed over her. She whined at the feeling of wanting more. Lorenzo nipped at her earlobe.
"Impatient are we? You needy little thing."
He sucked onto a sweetspot along her neck. Licking and nibbling. He slowly inserted two fingers into her while he kept his thumb on her clit. A moan escaped her mouth by his actions. At the same time she could feel him growing hard against her ass. She felt him rubbing against her. His finger curled inside her. Repeatedly making the come here motion against her spot. It amazed her how well he knew her body. Her eyes shut thigh and she was whimpering for release. She would have come undone was it not for him slowing down.
"Not yet sweet pet, not yet."
Pulling out his fingers he put them up to his face. Smelling her juices before he liked it of. A guttural groan coming from him after tasting it. He pulled her with him over to a table nearby. Pushed her forward to bend over and halfway lay on the table. He pulled down her pants and underwear. Sliding his thumb through her wet folds. With his other hand he undid his belt and pulled his cock out. Slowly sliding the tip up and down between her folds. Y/n was whimpering and desperate for him to push into her. He chuckled.
"I don't think I can hear you properly. I think you'll have to speak up."
Y/n gulped. She didn't have a choice but to speak. She softly moaned out her words.
He pushed determined into her with a groan. She moaned loudly by his move. He set a steady pace as he leaned over her with his hands on either side of her body on the table. Sounds of heavy breathing, moans and skin slapping filled the room. Lorenzo put a hand in her hair and got a good grip before he pulled on it. Y/n's mouth fell open and her moans got louder. The feeling of controlled pain made the pleasure stronger. She was so lost in the feeling she didn't even register the door to the library opening.
It was Dominic. He was a bit taken back by what greeted him when he walked in. Y/n drunk in pleasure and Lorenzo pumping into her from behind. He was frozen in place for a second. Only when Lorenzo locked eyes with him did he quickly move to the corner with all of the food related books. Dominic was blushing and he felt himself getting hard. He couldn't get the image of Y/n's face out of his mind. How cute and delicious she looked. His urges got the better of him as he started rubbing himself to the sounds of their fornication and her moans.
Lorenzo grinned, knowing exactly what Dominic felt. He picked up his pace. He let go of Y/n's hair to rub her clit instead. She was starting to clench tighter around him. Her moans sounded like music in his ears. Just as she was about to climax he bit down on her shoulder making her scream in ecstasy as the wave of her orgasm hit. The pulsating sensation of release. He groaned as he pushed in for the last time. Spilling his seed deep into her. His dick pulsing as it emptied inside. Y/n laid her head on the table. Taking the time to come back to her senses. Enjoying the feelings rushing through her body.
Dominic had quickly picked a book to sit down with to cover his crotch. But he couldn't help but rub against the back of the book. He felt embarrassed about his actions, but it felt so good.
Lorenzo pulled out of Y/n and helped her to get dressed again.
"Such a good girl."
She smiled and hugged Lorenzo. Happy with having experienced the most exhilarating trip to a library ever. Lorenzo stroked her back.
"Hey baby?"
Y/n looked up at him wondering what it could be.
He grinned down at her with a way to knowing look.
"I think we might have had a guestviewing of our little library trip."
He chuckled as she got panic in her eyes. She turned around to see who it could be. Her eyes landed on Dominic blushing in his corner with a big book in his lap. Oh shit, oh fuck. She felt so embarrassed. She turned back to Lorenzo.
" Why didn't you say anything?"
He chuckled. Amused.
"You seemed to enjoy yourself too much darling. Why stop in the middle of something so good?"
Y/n was a bit shocked. So Lorenzo didn't mind? He really didn't let it embarrass or bother him. Maybe he like people walking in on them during something like this? Once she really thought about it, it was kinda fun making someone else flustered just by seeing them in action. She giggled to herself. Lorenzo tilted his head slightly.
"What? What is it baby?"
She looked a him with a spark of joy in her eye.
"It is kinda exciting to think about actually."
He smirked at her answer and ruffled her hair.
"Atta girl."
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grumpybunny-edith · 4 months
Furry HRT comics have been something my brain kinda constantly returns to over the last... since people started making them, and so just like anything else I'm really invested in, I feel like I need to analyze them as a phenomenon a little bit.
In some ways, I feel like the most popular formats of these comics are informed by a traditional or uncomplicated view of medical transition. Every character is presented as being able to get an appointment pretty simply, and all live in proximity to their endo. Their initial appointment usually sucks, but characters get what they're looking for and generally don't experience any more roadblocks. The meds people take are always compatible with them, and do not cause any unexpected or adverse side effects.
There's also the assumption in many of these comics that transition has a definite "end". There exists a point where a character is "done", more or less, which isn't accurate to transgender experiences and pushes some of the harmful narrative perpetuated by the medical system. This structure, as well as the fact that furry HRT generally functions more quickly than transgender HRT, is helpful to the format of the stories as short-form narratives, as it helps create a satisfying conclusion.
This is all great for what the format and narratives seem to be trying to convey. Even in amongst the body horror which is common to the narrative, which is in itself useful for exploring how something many view as horrible or uncanny (such as gender transition), they are stories about trans joy. They're about some of the adversity we face, finding happiness among that adversity, and sharing in it with our communities. They're also about finding an authentic self through a medical process that isn't seen in reality, and how regardless of how strange people find something, happiness and self love are what is most important.
But also, when I reflect on these narratives, I sometimes struggle to see myself in them. I'm a person who has spent her entire time medically transitioning dealing with shitty, non-fantastical roadblocks; and it's never the fault of a shitty doctor. Prescriptions take a long time to deliver, insurance doesn't wanna cover it, drugs don't work properly (or sometimes too well, and my doctor starts thinking I have a tumor in my brain), that kind of stuff.
And part of why this bums me out is that there's still so much joy there. It takes more work to love oneself when you spend a month or two off for every three months on, but it's a beautiful thing when you do. There's a whole side of the community engaging with things like DIY HRT, helping and looking after one another even when the medical system won't. There's also people microdosing HRT, either because they're unsure how they feel about it, or there's something in the "in-between" that feels right for them.
Of course artists should put to the page the stories that they want to tell. This post honestly was helping me do the same thing by orienting my thoughts. I'm just yearning for stories that feel a little bit closer to the life I've lived and noticing trends that feel reminiscent of the ways the system hurts us. I love and appreciate every single one of these stories and I hope people don't stop making them - there's so much uniquely trans joy to be had in them. I guarantee this isn't the last of what I have to say about the topic; there's too much here worth celebrating and reading closer.
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kosukeiichi · 4 months
may we have lore/info about the Zukyunlets? even just their individual names, ranks and powers will suffice
i'm so glad you asked !!!
the little zukyunlets are called homunchemies , they're the offsprings of zukyumpire and nosu !! this happened because of the fact that zukyumpire himself is an impossibility so i can just do whatever the fuck i guess . anyways here are their kids !! ( also for simplicity's sake i'll be referring to the chemies using it / its pronouns but note that all of them use any and all )
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LOVELYPER ( raburipa ) is the reaper chemy ! Despite it's cute appearance , Lovelyper has the ability to suck the joy out of someone , leaving them gloomy and depressed . It doesn't like horror movies .
PRIREI ( purirei ) is the bedsheet ghost chemy ! It loves to dress everything up in bedsheets , leaving cute little ghosts like it everywhere . It's dream is to build a pillow fort , no , a pillow castle !!
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VEENAMOUR is the corpse flower chemy ! When angered , it lets out a stench that could make people faint just from a single breath of it . It usually stays in it's flower bud form , releasing a more pleasant floral scent . It loves spending time by Zukyumpire's side to make him smell pretty .
BATAKUMA is the bat demon chemy ! While it may seem a little aggressive at first , it's power is like cupid's arrow ! Anyone that gets poked with a tail falls into infatuation with the first person they see ! It gets a little angry when teased , but deep down , it enjoys it .
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TENOHIME is the tenome chemy ! It can hypnotize people using the eyes on it's hands , putting them under it's control . It enjoys being complimented and may act innocent at first glance . Though , it finds joy in annoying it's father .
NAIGYOU is the ragdoll chemy ! At first it may seem like an ordinary doll , but when it's damage , a dark liquid oozes out of it . The chemy living inside could transform into any shape it wants to , though it prefers to sit dormant inside the doll . You may see it often being carried around by Tenohime .
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MENIMEN is the mannequin chemy !! It's primary ability is to affect others' emotions by putting one of it's faces on them . It moves around by crawling , scaring others when they see it appear at their ceiling . Despite this , it's a very friendly chemy , having a sort of older brother role amongst the other homunchemies , it keeps the others in check and makes sure they don't get into any trouble !!
KOKORING is the ring chemy !! It tends to wander and fly away from the crowd , being drawn to a distant light source to reflect off of it's ring and many eyes . It enjoys acting as if it were the sun , though as of now , it doesn't seem to show any remarkable abilities .
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YUREHI is the will-o-wisp chemy ! It can create illusions and loves to trick others with them . It's known to be quite a trouble maker and it's hobbies include pulling pranks and mobile gaming .
GAIRYUU JIN is a human boy (?) . He possesses no supernatural power as of now except for the fact that he could understand chemy speech . He was birthed as a baby and seems to go through the natural growth process a human does . An albino though has naturally dark eyes . He loves being with his family :]
anddd that's all !! if you have any other questions , feel free to ask :3 !!
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triglycercule · 14 days
me when i find the PERFECT mtt song (yamitsuki,,,,,,,, maretu my king how did you do it,,,,,,,,,,,,, literally HOW did you do it why is this song weirdly accurate wtf and its for a completely different character 2??? HOW DID YOU DO THIS??? THE ENTIRE FUCKING SONG FITS??? THE ENTIRE SONG COULD BE MADE TO HAVE CONNECTIONS WITH ONLY MILD REACHING??? HELLO??????) (this translation!!!) (the translation is not.linking i will be shooting myself. its the on on the vocaloid wiki NOTthe video....)
literally like. 1/3 is horror. 1/3 is dust. and then the last is killer. in that order. the first 2 verses talk about bloodshot pain (bloodshot EYES.... HORROR'S EYE) and a rotting fatal wound (THE FUCKING HEAD CRACK!!! HIS GODDAMN HEAD WOUND!!!!). commiting brutality. i dont think much else is needed. wrong/right and judging biases,,,,, jesus fuck wtf. AND THEN in the next verse there's a mention of "starving for necessary evil" HELLO!!!! HELLO!!!!!!! him starving himself while also feeding snowdin human which totally sucks,,,,,, horror sans,,,,,,???? chorus of shrill voices (duh snowdin. or also could be undyne and royale guard. i like snowdin more). and then the last line of the second verse mentions sadism. nothing more to say. horror sans i mayhaps perchance mightve just encountered you in a song. or maybe the translation is freakily accurate and the song itself isnt that specific (probably but hey i can dream)
and then th next 2 verses r dust except i dont really know about the first verse but also a line that says "this is the death of the conflict, come and see me" could be referring to the human's death which like. man. and then the next verse is just dust sans but in a single verse. give me more excellent pain could be interpreted as LV but also the mental pain that comes with yk..... killing all you love.LOVE. LV. he needs more LV... anyways. mad off the beaten track. MAD. MENTION OF MAD LIKE CRAZY LIKE MAD TIME LIKE DUST SANS!!!! echoes of a haughty voice resound,,,,, phantom paps,,,,, "severe punishment, 100 renouned sights, i long for pure pessimism" i cant explain this one well i think but just think about it okay. this time you get to be the one coming up with the ideas (σ´∀`)σ
killer only has one verse that i can link this song 2 but i also think its th most freakily accurate. verse 1 is "through instantaneous joy, entertain me for my whole life, i'm cunningly"LUCKY". i get completely bored. give me pleasure without worry. and now, right away." and then "i'd rather head to eternal darkness. i'll abide by you always, emptily "HAPPY". i shed tears from my clear white eyes. come and show me your best smile!" HELP HELP HELP THEYRE SHOOTING ME HELP HELP!!!! THEY JUMPING ME (these lyrics) because WTFyhis isFREAKILY accurate. the entire first verse and its spiel on boredom and having someone else manage the entertainment/emotions,,,, and the cunningly lucky part is just. i think the word cunning is just really good to describe killer (sneaky little bastard) and then he's "lucky" emphasis on quotes because idk he got chosen for whatever the fuck his chara wants. what luck. really bad luck but whatever. and then MORE on the following another person and EMPTILY!!! EMPTY!!! KILLER FEEL NOTHING EMPTY!!!! fake happy too,,,, and killer has white eyelights sooo IM NOT REACHING!!! also he literally cries
in conclusion MARETU is a god amongst men and somehow this song managed to fit the mtt i have no idea how. next coming up: how NAMIDA fits horror. how thirst fits dust. how i'm high fits killer. idk if i already said this one probably did BUT JUST IN CASE maretu also has maegamist,,,,, maretu i knew i listened to you for a reason. so i could make totally irrational and unreasonable connections of your songs to the fucking murder time trio of all things. what joy
#me when i complain about not listening to music in english and then i see this GEM#yk what... its okay i'll never get to understand songs on the first listen#its OK that ill never get to have it easy when it comes to lyric translations...... ITS OK!#i might totally be upset that i cant just point to a song and be like this is mtt or something because i have to check the fucking wiki#this is your sign to listen to more vocaloid. you probably already do but like. LISTEN TO MORE#last years spotify wrapped for me was all pepoyo can i be considered a true fan now#everysong is murder time trio if you reach hard enough. if you just SQUINT..... you can see them in it#cannot believe ive been listening to this the entire time and i never checked the lyrics to see#see this is why!!! im missing out on mtt content if i dont check lyrics!!!!!!!!#and the songs a fucking banger too. i love how dramatic snd threatening it gets on the killer section#idk i just think the chanting in the background is cool. and so killer. thats him btw. he's waving wave back to him!!!!!#i cant WAIT for Spotify wrapped this year.... im so excited to see#i already know who's gonna be number 1 (my queen pepoyo) but still#i found lonePi later in this year so i wanna know if lonepi managed to beat maretu or not. probably not idk#theres a lot of songs i consider mtt related. theyre in a differently filed section of music in my head than everything else#tricule rant#days of not posting about mtt has my brain thinking about them in overtime#or these are just built up ideas from the past few days i didnt talk about. eitherway a person that thinks all the time#i dont feel like making more posts explaining those last few songs i mentioned in the last paragraph#if you read the lyrics on the wiki youll understand. if not you need to adapt my mindset
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