#among us emma
fancytigercupcake · 7 days
Episode 1/?
Emma oc × Indigo
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eminsunnytoons123 · 4 days
4th gift for @fancytigercupcake :
A lovely hug~ 🩷 💜
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Since I have created three gifts for @fancytigercupcake , the first one being an art of her OC Keiji, and the other two being picrew images of her OC Keiji again and even Emma, so here's now a drawing of Emma and Indigo hugging =^_^=
And, I really hope ya will like this gift I made for ya again @fancytigercupcake , since ya liked the last three, ESPECIALLY the picrew image of Emma, and I really like yer comics and arts just like how I love all the arts and projects made by all my other loved ones in my tumblr family, so I hope this drawing brings ya lots of comfort, joy and happiness =^//////^= 💜🩷
Note: I'm still in a mood for some class of 3000 requests and art ideas ^///^;
I hope y'all will like this, especially @fancytigercupcake =^/////^= 💖💜
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 5 months
Between the hotvintagepoll, the vintagestagestars poll and the vintagetvstars poll, my conviction that people were just hotter last century is getting increasingly cemented
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trobednation · 1 year
i swear I hate ripperisWEAR I SWEa
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total-feminism-takes · 5 months
The day lesheather shippers realize “toxic yuri” is not an excuse to ship someone with another character that frequently says really racist shit about them is the day that I will be able to die happy
Might I add while I do like the idea (the IDEA) of lesharold it’s execution is somewhat fetishy especially on Harold’s end and while it does get marginally better him referring to her as a goddess as a pet name really icks me (sorry Harold)
- 🧡
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trailsofmemes · 2 years
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heartfulrosebud · 26 days
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Mia is dead, long live Emily
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Me trying to reason with myself: not every obscure question you have will have an easy to access answer
Me, snapping back at my reasonable take: how hard can it be to find something on how vertebrae jaws work for carnivores, which traits are favored, especially terrestrial ones! All I can find are papers on different families. One on mammals, some vague ones on dinosaurs, and when I look up reptiles all I get are comparisons! It’s all “the difference between reptiles and mammals” and “synapsid vs diapsid” all interesting topics but I’m trying to design a terrestrial carnivorous alien with a vaguely vertebrae style skeleton here! Sure, I’m making them a shape shifter, I’m not going for total realism, but I’m hung up on jaw anatomy! I don’t want to do the whole “make the face flat, bam! Alien” thing, no shade to people who do, but I’m trying to figure out if there is a reason most of their (the real animals) jaws are long-ish and if the mammal style dip between the brain part and the mouth and nose part that you see in Carnivora for example is just a mammal thing or is it advantageous in general?! I know all vertebrates evolved from a common ancestor, even more recently terrestrial ones, but I don’t care! I’m already borrowing enough, I just can’t design a skull! And dentition! I’ve made a few designs but I wasn’t happy with how they fit the rest of the character. And of course I had to make even more species of aliens! Tearing at my hair like an ace attorney witness.
The chill me again: who tf would have an article video or post on that specific thing and how would you phrase it? Nothing you’ve tried yet has gotten anything. Just accept that you might have to ask a subreddit yourself and see what happens. Dig through sci show first though
Frazzled me: but… what if they don’t have anything? I wanted a video or article. :( and what subreddit would I even ask? World building? Would they know what I mean? Is anyone else as autistic about skeletons AND making ocs?
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an-sceal · 1 year
Apparently Keeley is a fan of Emma Thorne. And she also thinks these questions are stupid.
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chronnellian · 2 years
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Just cute Emma art , my baby <3
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fancytigercupcake · 27 days
Episode 1/?
Emma oc × Indigo
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English × Czech
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eminsunnytoons123 · 28 days
Special gift for @fancytigercupcake #2:
Emma in toonme picrew 🩷
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Since @fancytigercupcake and I became besties on April this year and she always likes lots of my arts and projects and I even like her Projects, and since I have made for OC Keiji in toonme picrew, heres now Emma =^_^=
And I really tried to make Emma look like her human self like how @fancytigercupcake did, but her clothes on toonme dont really match her original style but oh well ^/////^;
I really hope ya will like this, @fancytigercupcake , you're really a good loved one to me along with all my other loved ones in my tumblr family, so I thought of making ya another special gift 。⁠•́ w •̀⁠。 🩷
Heres the link to the game:
I hope y'all will like this =^///////^= 🩷💖💝
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heyitslapis · 3 months
The argument of "well people are offended by ANYTHING these days, so thats their fault not mine and i dont have to change my behavior just cause im 'offending them' haha got'cha!" doesnt make any fucking sense to me either bc like. I remember when i was like 13/14, when i had just gotten a tumblr, i used to call girls "chicks" without giving it any thought. it was just a word i was raised hearing. I wasn't doing it in a hateful manner and my goal wasnt to be offensive, but still, someone was uncomfortable with me using that term used to refer to women. I received a simple anon that said "hey do you mind to not use the word "chicks" (when referring to women), it makes me uncomfortable". And you know what? I told the anon no worries and that i'd not say that word from there on out.
It didn't hurt me to find another word, the word wasnt special to me in any way, i didnt take offense to it, because i was unaware that i was causing harm, so its not like it was an attack on my character, and i knew the anon was coming to me for a minuscule, easy to grant request. The word held no real meaning to me, but to someone else, it did, and because i dont want to hurt people on purpose or to have people feel like im not a safe space, i adjusted my behavior AND my vocabulary accordingly. it was no skin off my back, and i was happy to do it because i was able to help someone else feel safe around me/my blog. No, i dont HAVE to cater to peoples requests, and i dont HAVE to change my vocabulary just because someone else has an issue with what i say, but why would i not? it doesnt inconveinece me, it doesnt harm me, its not much extra effort to spend .2 seconds thinking of a different word to use, and that teeny tiny grain-of-sand sized request meant something to the anon who asked it, so why would i argue or fight or piss and moan about a single little word? why is that so hard? why is common courtesy, mutual respect and kindness such a chore to these people? why do you so desperately want to defend your right to be mean and harsh and callous toward people? what do you gain? arent you tired?
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ur-mag · 1 year
Former WWE champion among top stars axed by Vince McMahon as Emma is forced to backtrack ‘dream come true’ tweet | In Trend Today
Former WWE champion among top stars axed by Vince McMahon as Emma is forced to backtrack ‘dream come true’ tweet Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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thirsty-4-ghouls · 1 year
I don’t know how Reddit-only people lived like that. Sure, I would ask questions on subs, but I’ve always been so much more at home on tumblr. Here, you can say the weirdest shit and will probably be ignored entirely, but on there you ask a “stupid” question and get your head bitten off. Sorry you misunderstood my question, elderscrolls lore subreddit users. No I was NOT asking about scrying. I suppose that is very close to what I was asking about, but I wouldn’t have asked if I was wondering about scrying existing! Jeebus crisp. I’m at least meticulous enough to look through wikis and stuff before resorting to the subreddits. I may have only played Skyrim but I’m not about to go on a subreddit for the ENTIRE series’ lore without nerding out learning about the rest of the games’ lore and the other medias stuff. I might not have played every game and whatever but I literally have TWO dovahzul to English dictionaries on my laptop, that’s not something someone who is normal about Skyrim, and by extension the rest of the lore, would do.
This is just me venting about something that happened a year ago that I almost forgot about. The whole Reddit migration reminded me of it. The Skyrim subreddit was pretty chill and fun but my gods the elderscrolls sub was like a pack of African wild dogs (look up how they kill if you want to see a way of dying to avoid at all costs)
#emma posts#the most fun way to commit blasphemy is to do it in an objectively cringe way#I was like ‘is there a way to use magic that is something akin to security cameras#and went into exactly what parts of security cameras I mean#and they were like ‘scrying. idiot’#I KNOW WHAT SCRYING IS! THAT IS NOT WHAT I WAS ASKING ABOUT!#as far as I’m aware you can’t ‘record’ what you scry#i suppose I could have changed the story I was writing (for my own amusement#to fit scrying instead. but it would be nice to know if that’s something I would have to do to fit canon#or if there was another type of magic I could have used#scrying is also not a super common practice even among mages#and I was thinking of something that would be easier for a normie to use#because while my db is a mage. the people using it in that story aren’t#or at least aren’t as dedicated to it as she is#I patiently tell the tenth person that day that they found a crinoid#you attract someone for something that WASNT EVEN THEIR REAL QUESTION#we are not the same#I will patiently answer questions about the fossils I’m most familiar with#but if I see one more conspiracy theorist ignore that and claim it’s some prehistoric screw#and that it was machine made or something#I will kill them with my bare hands#that. however. is not someone asking a seemingly obvious question like the former#no. the latter is someone blatantly denying scientific information and spreading conspiracy#it’s not even that hard to understand that kind of animal! we have some survivors in the modern day!#they aren’t as numerous now and aren’t as well known as their more common modern relatives#but they are still a thing!#now I’m on a fossil tangent#oops
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matan4il · 4 months
An incomplete "there's a good chance the icon you love and support is a Zionist" list
🌟 Raphael Lemkin, a Jewish Holocaust survivor, whose family was murdered during it. Lemkin is responsible for coining the term "genocide," and for every legal provision that exists today against it. His work against genocide was inspired by his Zionism.
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🌟 Martin Luther King, Jr., who did not only support Israel and its right to security, a fellow participant at a dinner with MLK shortly before his assassination quotes him as having stopped a student attacking Zionism, and replied, "When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You’re talking antisemitism." He also encouraged Americans in 1967 to support the Jewish state, as Egypt blockaded the Straits of Tiran, endangering Israeli citizens by cutting the country off from its oil supply.
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🌟 Emma Lazarus, a Jewish American poet, whose words ("Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breath free") are engraved on the Statue of Liberty's pedestal, after they helped raise the money needed for its completion. Drawing from the value of Jewish solidarity, she also wrote, "Until we are all free, we are none of us free," adopted as a slogan by intersectionality (while many in the movement exclude Jews from it). She was a great supporter of establishing a state for Jews in the Jewish homeland, having argued for this idea years before the word "Zionist" was even coined.
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🌟 The 14th Dalai Lama, the leader of the fight against the occupation of Tibet, who was invited in 1994 to Israel, at a time when China's communist regime did its best to prevent his visits anywhere in the world, and who came to Israel more than once, talking about the 2000 years long Zionism of Jewish culture in exile as an inspiration and role model for Tibetans. "Among Tibetan refugees, we are always saying to ourselves that we must learn the Jewish secret to keep our traditions, in some cases under hostile circumstances."
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🌟 Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who spoke more than once about how her pursuit of justice is a continuation of that very same thing in Jewish tradition. She had repeatedly referred to American Zionist Jews as sources of inspiration. For example, in 2018, during her fifth visit to Israel, in a speech she gave when receiving the Genesis Award, she mentioned two such women, Emma Lazarus and Henrietta Szold.
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🌟 Nelson Mandela had an ambivalent view of Israel, but repeatedly recognized its right to exist, which makes him a Zionist, he also called upon Arab states to do the same, and was favorable towards the Zionist Jews who supported him during his underground days. Mandela being critical of Israel and still a Zionist is an apt reminder that criticizing the Jewish state and opposing its very existence are NOT the same thing, and only one's antisemitic.
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🌟 Felix Salten, the Jewish author of Bambi (the book Disney's movie is based on). The tale was originally a metaphor for Jews suffering antisemitism, something Salten personally had to cope with. He was also an ardent Zionist, feeling the self-liberation at the core of this ideology suited his idea of how to deal with Jew hatred.
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🌟 Sun Yat-Sen, who helped end the rule of China's last imperial dynasty, was its first provisional president, and is nowadays honored as an important Chinese leader in both China and Taiwan (sometimes referred to as "Father of the Chinese Nation"). He was an enthusiastic supporter of Zionism. Among other instances of expressing that, he wrote in a 1920 letter to a leader of the Jewish community in Shang Hai about Zionism that it is, "one of the greatest movements of the present time. All lovers of Democracy cannot help but support wholeheartedly and welcome with enthusiasm the movement to restore your wonderful and historic nation, which has contributed so much to the civilization of the world and which rightfully deserves an honorable place in the family of nations."
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🌟 Magnus Hirschfeld, a gay Jewish sexologist, nicknamed among other things "The Einstein of Sex" and "The Father of Gay Liberation," because his medical and scientific work on human sexuality, as well as social advocacy for women's, gay and trans rights, was nothing short of pioneering. He was persecuted by the Nazis to the point where he died in exile. They broke into his institute of sexual research, where the world's first clinic performing sex reassignments surgeries was located, and burned down the institute's library. Hirschfeld had attended a Zionist conference following the Balfor Declaration of 1917, and his work on sexual liberation found inspiration in young socialist Jewish Zionist workers he met during a visit to the Land of Israel in 1931-2.
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🌟 Marcia Langton, a professor and prominent Aboriginal rights activist from Australia, who has been leading the fight against racism and for her community. She spoke out against the hijacking of native rights movements by terrorist sympathizers and antisemites, and has clearly stood against all loss of life, including that of Israelis.
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🌟 Felix Zandman, a Holocaust survivor whose work on resistors is integrated into many smartphones, laptops, cars, satellites, hospital ventilators (saving many Covid patients), airplanes and more. Whenever the anti-Israel crowd is scrolling social media on their phones, they're enjoying the work of a Zionist, who enthusiastically supported the State of Israel, and even introduced an important improvement to the Israeli Merkava tank, which has likely saved many Israeli lives, Jewish and non-Jewish alike, and others like him, since Israel's high tech is considered only second to Silicon Valley (going back to at least the 1990's). If they truly wish to boycott everything that's been "contaminated" by Zionism, they should probably just boycott technology.
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🌟 Rosa Parks, an African American leader of the civil rights movement (and someone who personally demonstrated how one can resist without turning violent). She was one of 200 notable black American leaders who publicly organized to express their support and respect of Zionism as the Jewish right to self-determination, and Israel as the manifestation of that right.
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-> Like I said, this is VERY incomplete, even just in terms of how the overwhelming majority of Jews are Zionist, and have been since the inception of Judaism, which is itself Zionist. Over the years, this led to many non-Jewish human and native rights champions to be supportive of Zionism, too. Take note of who is being vilified, when the term "Zionist" is ignorantly used as if it means anything other than belief in the equal right of Jews to liberation and self-determination in the Jewish ancestral land. Especially when it is used as being inherently evil.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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