#amira season
madame-fear · 2 months
Continued rant!
The only good thing about this episode was Seasmoke being all “where are you going my love!? My heart only beats for you! Come back to me at once!” to poor confused as hell Addam!
AGREED! I can’t wait to see more of them in the next episode!! Poor little Seasmoke just wanted a good proper Velaryon rider frfr! 😭😭
Seasmoke was literally like this:
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justalexx-things · 5 months
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5 years <3
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stellamancer · 4 months
top 5 gojo screencaps please :3
aMIRA PLEASE....... since i also have pANELS for him from an anonymous sender i will try to reduce overlap lmao. no particular order.
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there is, of course, his classic whore look.
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'name everything you love about satoru gojo!' 'nothing!!!'
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i don't have anything to say about this.
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show off needs to sleep.
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this list wouldn't be complete with a screencap from this episode. unfortunately i could make a top five from this episode alone.
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Can you believe it? We are back! 🥳
Exactly 4 years after Amira’s season started to air, it finally will be available in the DRUCK Experience Bot!
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We’re excited to spend the hot summer days at the lake together with Amira and the girls, to have some ice cream together and sing karaoke. Maybe someone will even bring homemade baklava? 👀
See you on Friday!
Thanks dearest @anderwater for the beautiful gif
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holly-mckenzie · 2 months
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#Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point
DRUCK: Season 2, Episode 1
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evakuality · 2 years
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Druck Abi special
First I have to say that I know that we as a fandom collectively think of this as the last hurrah of Matteo's season or like as its own entity.  And in some ways that makes sense - it is, after all, the culmination of the themes of the previous season.  The end of school, the moving on and getting ready to launch into a new life etc etc.  But I think it’s fairly obvious that this episode mirrors the ‘revisit characters in a clip show’ episode of Skam itself and so should actually be fitted in as part of Amira’s season.  It is a very clever way to do that episode and to pass the torch from Matteo to Amira.  Either way, wherever it fits, I do (mostly) love this episode.  It’s a beautiful way to wrap up some loose plots and to celebrate these characters and the end of their time at school.
Clip one - I’m sorry to everyone who likes these two, but I just can never bring myself to care about this clip.  I never warmed to Alex (though in isolation from Mia he seems to be kind of fun in some scenes) and so I’m just not invested at all in this whole ‘oh no we’re going to be apart’ thing.  I often skip this clip when I watch this episode because it bores me.  Still, it does its job to start this episode off by showing a whole lot of the nostalgia and angst you get when things start to change.  Moving on and away from each other may be the right thing to do but it can often feel like a wrench.  You know, what if making these changes leads to something bad?  So it does set up for the themes and messages of the episode where it’s one last moment when things can be kept in a crystal but it’s there in the back of our minds: things are changing.
Clip two - I mean.  It’s Davenzi so obviously I’m going to really enjoy this one.  One thing I really do like is that it holds the opposite message to the previous clip.  In that one, moving on is hard and scary and worrying.  In this one, it’s exciting and exhilarating and I love that we get the two sides of the ‘end of school’ idea.  The message of ‘I’m excited for us and everything that’s coming’ is such a great one because there is that sense that endings can be scary and unnerving, and I’m not going to lie: I love that it’s these two who get that message.  The fact that Matteo has always been somewhat scared and intimidated by the future  has been such a huge part of him that seeing this now is just such a development.  Anyway, the other thing I love (and which I have discussed elsewhere) is that this clip really establishes (again!) that Matteo and David are total equals.  This clip, the way David motivates Matteo to study is by reminding him what life would be like if he fails: that David will be the mature adult one dating a high school kid.  That the balance between them would shift and be lost.  That potential for a loss of equality is what makes Matteo reluctantly move into study mode.  Anyway, I just really appreciate that the drum I spent the whole season banging was corroborated by this clip.  Also, clothes sharing!  Again!  I love that the show is so dedicated to this.  They just continuously wear each other’s stuff from the minute they properly got together and never stop.  The fact that David is in this top is also interesting.  It’s one that Matteo spent a lot of time being very unhappy in.  When David had pulled back and he felt alienated and rejected this is what he was wearing.  That it now signals their togetherness is a nice touch.
Clip three - I know we all knew that Amira’s season was coming and we would get to be with these characters again, but there was still something so nice in getting to hang out with them all here (apart from Carlos which was kind of sad.  I missed having him in this whole thing).  The reason why they’re here makes sense and I love that they’re all so supportive of each other.  Poor Kiki though.  She does take things onto her own shoulders so much more than she should.  I do think having a Kiki season would have been fascinating (as would a Vilde in the og) but I do love that this tendency of hers was explored further in Nora’s season and that we got to see how all of this impacted on that whole family.  I didn’t really like s1 and 2 Kiki even as she was growing but by the end of Nora’s season she was so much more rounded and developed and I really really love that we got to take this journey with her.  And this is such a nice part of that for her.  Despite how uncomfortable she made me in the early seasons, she’s now one of my favourite characters.  And I again really love how easily they have all accepted David in as part of this group.  That Kiki is easy enough with him to steal his snacks is a really nice touch.  I will say it forever: I adore this group of kids.  The way they connected as a whole big squad is so cool.  I will say, though, that I am not a fan of Stefan being shoe horned into this whole thing.  I know it was because of the s4 weird pov shift episodes and that makes it almost worse.  I wish Amira had been able to have her full story explored and developed rather than whatever this is.
Clip four - For quite a short clip a lot of stuff sure does happen in it.  The sharing of the grades, Amira being almost embarrassed about doing so well, Mia’s ‘everything fun starts now’ which is again referencing the ways life changes after school finishes.  Then Kiki, who is clearly still fragile in a lot of ways (interesting how much she has to grow up in Nora’s season - this is all a lot of responsibility being placed on these 3 girls’ heads) being so happy that she and Carlos will move in together.  I know that in the end this actually does work out and I love that this couple has been so strong through so much of the show and the ways in which they develop.  But of course everyone here is a bit ?????? about it.  Carlos is not in a great place, Kiki is clearly hiding stuff and under stress from her home life (which it feels like maybe the others don’t know about) so this doesn’t seem like the most sensible thing to do.  Of course it’s understandable why Kiki would want to leave home and it’s so cool that we do eventually see 3 different ways of dealing with a home life like this - and hers is to actively remove herself from the situation.  And perhaps Carlos knows all of this and so that’s partly why he suggests moving in together.  Anyway, one thing I do appreciate about all of this is that nothing happening with these characters over the next 2 seasons comes out of the blue.  The seeds have all already been planted.  
Clip five - I really love, once again, that Druck knows when a scene needs time to breathe and to live (another reason why I suspect people were so annoyed at how short the last clip of Matteo’s season was cut: it’s not usual for them to misfire like that - and we know why it happened but it doesn’t change that Druck is usually very good at this and so it stood out).  Anyway, this clip also has a lot going on but it works very well.  Because this really is that last moment of school where you’re on the brink of becoming adults and going out into the world and spending time as they make those goodbyes feels important.  I’m glad too that it isn’t the last we see of the characters, that we do get to spend Summer with them as well.
Anyway, there’s nothing more iconic than having your girl squad walk together in a shot and this is such a beautiful version of this image.  As much as Matteo’s season is dearest to my heart and he himself is my most beloved character, these girls are the real heart of the show and I really really adore seeing them together like this.  They all look wonderful, they glow and they’re so happy.  It’s just such a lovely moment.  The fact that they split up and go their own ways but come together over and over again during the evening is hopefully some sort of symbol of the future - they may not always be in the same place, but they can always come back together.  The conversation they have about splitting up and making sure they stay in contact feels like an necessary bookend to the one the boys had last season.
I love that Abdi finally actually takes the boys’ advice and uses direct communication with Sam.  And it’s really nice that he makes it clear that he wants this if it’s also okay with her.  It may not go as he planned to start, but at least this direct communication gets him what he wants by the end of the evening.  Who’d have thought that being open and honest gets you what you want (maybe David and Matteo know what they’re talking about!)  
While I don’t love this whole Stefan bit with Hanna (it feels so unnecessary to me to have this weird smarmy guy be the one she gets with ‘when I was your age’ - ugh just stop; that’s so gross and condescending and I don’t understand why my sweet Hanna likes him), I do love that it gives us a way to see how supportive Matteo and David are with Jonas.  We spent an entire season watching Jonas help Matteo out and try to be there for him so it’s nice to see it in reverse here.  Also the way these two tag team - Matteo taking on Stefan while David quietly supports Jonas - is just lovely.  They’re a team and they slide into it so effortlessly, and after very little time and effort they rescue Jonas and get him out of the situation.  
This is also a nice introduction of Amira’s family and the way her brothers are with her.  Essam is such a brat (in the best way) and even before we meet him we can tell that he’s a bit cheeky and likely to do chaotic things through the phone call with Amira.  By the end of the clip we can tell that Essam is the one who will get them into trouble and try to charm his way out and that Omar is much more chill and responsible.  It’s a nice introduction to them and I really really love that we already know them before her season starts.  And obviously that we see Mohammed.  I again enjoy the little differences here.  Sana already clearly had a crush (which was adorable) but Amira doesn’t appear to know Mohammed at all.  I love that their dynamic gets to be somewhat different and so she gets to have her own take on the story.  Once again, this has always been a real strength of Druck that allows it to make its characters their own people and keep us, the audience guessing.  Also, Mohammed is absolutely adorable, clearly super smitten with her already and just all over a great pick for this role.  
I know it was kind of predictable but I actually like the way Matteo and David winning best couple was handled.  Specifically that Matteo is so convinced this is all David’s fault for being so amazing (he literally accuses him of being the one to do this), while David is just shocked it happened at all.  It all feels very much in character.  David still can’t quite believe that he’s accepted and seen in this positive light.  That’s unsurprising - he’s had some very traumatic experiences at school and you can understand why he might not expect to be seen in this way.  Whereas Matteo has always been convinced that David shines like a beacon and everyone who knows him must love him (think him assuming he’s with Leonie because they hugged once) so their reactions are so perfectly them. Side note: both Leonie and Sara look amazing and they really should just get together.
This colour thing is cute and I do love the way it looks in so many of these shots, but I kind of wish it had been the Abi prank rather than here.  It feels a little out of place here but it is still fun I guess.  But I just spend my time thinking about all those lovely clothes' and how they’re now ruined.  But that’s probably the penny pincher in me.
I’m going to finish with the moment Matteo hands over the crown to Amira - I know we all discussed it at the time how it was symbolic of handing the reins over to her season, but even though it’s been discussed at length I think it’s a good point to leave this.  Matteo’s season is over, Amira’s is to come and I am so so grateful that we got such a lovely summery ending to this group.
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blairswldorfs · 1 year
I can't believe I had forgotten how badly skam españa fumbled amira's season
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fullcfphobias-a · 2 years
one of these is not like the others
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madame-fear · 2 months
And just to clarify, I should have previously, my rant about Jace was in no way an attack on the person who made the prev comment! (I forgot their name 😭). I’ve just seen a lot of other ppl, (particularly green Stan’s) basically throwing a parade at how “terrible and classist” he is and their hatred for him is now justified and just trashing his character and I’m like no! Stop taking everything at face value, it’s usually deeper than that, KNOW your characters 😭
it’s okay lovely, it was all perfectly clear !! 🫶 and yes you’re absolutely RIGHT in all the facts you just spitted. I’ve also briefly seen some people basically crucifying Jace for being “classist” and something else that I don’t remember,,, and it’s like… What? No.
Clearly, you can see in Jace’s face how all this situation was being awfully rubbed in his face, spiking his insecurities. STOP TRASHING HIM FOR ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AHAHJS 🫠
All characterd have their own psychology. All the things they do & say have a deeper meaning— you can dislike them, but you also have to understand where they are coming from. In Jace’s case, the only thing that gave him worth, distinguished him from others... That made him feel more Targaryen, was his dragon. And what for now, if they are just throwing away all of that, in a way?
poor Jace, sincerely. WE STAND FOR OUR BOY ✊✊✊
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justalexx-things · 5 months
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5 years ago </3
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lamey-amy · 1 year
Finally watching season 4 of Skam España. Amira and Dani are so cute but I really give zero shits about Lucas' storyline. I just want to skip his clips, then I feel bad cuz I'm sure he's going through something serious that I just don't know about yet.
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amirasainz · 5 months
Baby!Sainz!Sister Masterlist💋❤
started: 19.04.24
last updated: 29.07.24
Baby!Sainz!Sister (Amira Sainz) Introduction
Baby!Sainz introduction
Amira Sainzx Driver (x WAGs)
Chaos before her arrival
The killer Fruit 🍓🍓
The avengers of Formula 1
The unexpectet red flag
Baby! Sainz as F1 driver
The Met Gala
The After Party
Rapunzel Style
The Aftermath
Fight club
Prince Charming
Mother knows best
The other woman
Baby!Sainz relationships
The broken arm
¡Feliz cumpleaños!
The Szoboszlai case
Happy House
Keeping up with the Kardashians
SKIMS for everyone
Her own kind of wisdom
Childhood memories
A mothers helping hand
Mother knows best
Bondi Rescue
I like you, have a cupcake 🧁
Mango Dragon Fruit Refresher
20-Step plan
The secret boyfriend
Trouble in paradise
Busy Girl
She's dancing like a stripper
Amira Sainz x Drivers (specific)
Charles Leclerc
The pregnancy
The pregnancy (Part 2)
The better girlfriend
The better girlfriend (Part 2)
Max Verstappen
Sunset Serenade
Lando Norris
The move
Welcome to the familia Sainz
Three times when
Three times when.....Part 2
The winner takes it all
Spill your guts
The pheromone perfume
Trouble in paradise
Oscar Piastri
She's dancing like a stripper
Daniel Ricciardo
La princesa ansiosa
Lewis Hamilton
The Met Gala
The After Party
George Russell
You're enough
Alexander Albon
Lance Stroll
On Vogue
Pierre Gasly
Pierre as...
Pierre as boyfriend
Hiding the princess
Whipped Cream
Sitting in the middle
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jsprnt · 3 months
Americano PT. 13 | Jude Bellingham x Reader
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What happens if two individuals who absolutely despise each other are forced to interact after unforeseen events occur?
A/N: took me so so long, but I think the wait was worth it. 😭 let me know what you think, love u!😉
W/C: 4.072
part twelve
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"Okay, is there anything left for me to do?"
I raise my head, looking up at my dad from my phone. The stack of papers on the dining table immediately giving me a headache.
"Are you asking me, dad? Or are you talking to yourself?" I ask, getting up from my position on the couch to see what his mid-life crisis is about.
"Myself.." He replies, bringing the ugly ceramic mug I’d decorated at the age of five up to his mouth.
The blue cursed-looking unicorn, with the biggest red eyes staring back at me, makes me clear my throat.
I mean, even I would have thrown that thing away after my child forgot about it.
"What are you doing?" I ask, leaning forward to flip through the stacks of paper.
Poor trees...
"Stop messing with them, y/n. They are important documents for work.."
I hum in understanding, holding my hands up in surrender.
"You're really killing off nature with these.." I add, scratching my itchy nose.
"Will you please go and do something useful, sweetheart?"
I sigh, instead of walking away, I sit down next to him. Turning to him with a smile on my face.
"Give me something useful I can do.." I ask, giving him a sickly sweet smile.
I hear him chuckle, his hand coming to rub my shoulder, before he points to the stack of papers on his left.
"The other documents I’d rather not have you go through.."
He reaches for the papers, placing them in front of me.
"Can you sort these in chronological order? It's images of camera footage, date and time are on the top right."
"Sure, dad.." I agree, flipping through the black-and-white printed images. Curiosity raised at what I'm seeing.
An individual, with more of a masculine frame standing outside of a huge, luxurious house.
Dressed in- from what I can make out to be, a black t-shirt, along with the ugliest pair of jorts I have ever seen.
"Where is this from? New case?"
"Bellingham's case." He replies curtly, writing something down on his notepad.
It was astonishing how anyone could read his handwriting.
Were lawyers second in 'the most unreadable handwriting' competition, next to doctors?
I raise my brows at his answer, interest peaked suddenly. I look around the house, as if Jude would pop up like some ‘Bloody Mary’ game if called out for three times- but I remember he is out tonight, enjoying his break from training at fuck-knows-where.
"Footage from the break-in?"
"Yes, honey- any more questions?" He glances at me for a moment, raising a single brow in question.
"No, not really..." I say, eyes flying to the date and time.
I only recognize the date as the first match we played in the Champions League this season, back in September at Bernabéu.
The dates do match up, and when I continue flipping through the images. Seeing more and more images of different dates, with more damage done to the home, makes me gasp.
How did Jude and his mom even live here for many more months after the first incident?
I feel goosebumps rise up on my skin at the thought of feeling unsafe in my own home. Had I known how terrifying the things that happened to Jude were, I wouldn’t have been such an asshole when he first arrived.
My stupid mouth and I...
I shake my head as if to remove my thoughts, taking a deep breath before quickly sorting and stacking the images correctly.
If I had known sooner, maybe I could have been more civil towards my unwanted roommate..
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"Girl, turn the lights on. I literally cannot see a single thing." Amira complains, smacking her bubblegum in the loudest way possible.
"I hate winter. Seriously, why does it get dark so early?.." I complain, hurrying over to switch the light on in my bedroom.
"Stop complaining and do a twirl for me.." She says, placing her phone against something stable, so she can see me properly.
"Oh, sure your majesty.." I mock, chuckling at her, before doing a 360.
"You look so damn good. I swear, if you don't take a man home-"
"It's a party- or event , full of my colleagues. I can't be a hoe tomorrow night.."
"If you wanted, you would.." I watch her smirk, before she runs a hand down her dark locs.
"We can do that when you're visiting next time.."
"Can't- I have a man." I hear her chuckle, and definitely don't miss the sound of another, deeper laugh in the background.
"Oh, great thanks for reminding me. Hey Trent, stop listening in on us.." I say sternly, leaning in towards the screen.
"He's not listening in. He is on the phone with Jude.."
Oh, fuck, great.
I turn towards my door, praying Jude or Trent wouldn't be too loud on the phone.
At this point, I was surprised that the jig wasn't up yet.
Amira already knew about it, of course. I just hoped Trent didn't.
I mean, it would be foolish to think that Jude and I could keep our secret to ourselves. But for once, I trusted he would keep his mouth shut about us living together.
Everyone knows that men gossip more than women. They could know the most intricate details of the juiciest drama you'll ever come across, and never utter a single word about it until you ask about it directly.
"Trent's gone, now speak. Why do you look like you're sweating buckets?"
"I feel sick, like- my stomach hurts.." I begin, struggling to take my dress off.
"Maybe you got your period?" She suggests, using the screen to watch herself dot the pinkest liquid blush on her cheekbones.
"No, my Clue app says I'm getting my period in six days.." I reply, hanging my dress back into the closet. Then, I grab my pajama set, pulling the comfy clothes on quickly.
"You're probably nervous about tomorrow.." She mumbles, fidgeting with the lamp next to her, before blending the blush seamlessly into her foundation.
"What could I possibly be nervous about? I've been going for like two years, since I became eighteen.." I flop onto my bed, cuddling my soft pillow against my body.
My thoughts wander for a moment, something close to déjà vu washing over me.
"It's the butterflies.."
I snap my head back towards my phone, pulling a confused face.
"For Jude- You have butterflies in your stomach for Jude!" She screams unnecessarily loudly, making me drop my phone onto my bed.
I gasp, retrieving my phone from the mattress, looking back at her with wide eyes.
"Are you crazy?! Dude, he's literally across the hallway!" I exclaim, burying my head into my pillows.
"He probably heard you!" I cry out, giving her a middle finger.
"Exactly my intentions! I swear, everybody in the fucking world knows he wants you at this point. I've never seen two people in this much denial before."
"I literally don't know what to do with myself, thanks for emphasizing that.."
"How long is it going to take for you to be honest with yourself? Another six months, yeah? You like him, come on. You like him.."
"I haven't liked anyone since high school.."
"Let's not bring high school love into this. You were sixteen, should’ve been worried about GCSE's instead..."
"Okay, let me do a little magazine quiz for you.." I watch her spray her fixing spray onto her face.
She dries her face with a small fan, before leaning in and looking at me with a serious expression.
"Go ahead.." I groan, sitting up properly.
"What do you think of when you see him?"
"I don't know? 'There he is again'?" I answer stupidly, looking at her. I watch her cover her mouth, probably disappointed with my reply.
"Okay- let's try this. Imagine, tomorrow, you see him in a suit, tie all of that-  dresssed up nicely, with his hair freshly cut. He smells like the sexiest cologne you have ever smelled. No 'Doir, Sauvage' shit- think 'Tom Ford, Oud Wood'.."
The rest of whatever the fuck she says doesn't register in my brain, but the heat slowly pooling into my body, down my stomach and thighs, tells me enough.
It tells me too much.
I’m fucked, done for.
A lost cause.
I need an exorcism..
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"I'm ready!" I shout, taking one quick look in the mirror, before grabbing my handbag off my bed.
I stuff a powderpuff, some lip products, and my phone into my bag and rush down the stairs.
"Come on, honey. It's one thing to be late- another thing for me to be late to the event I'm co-hosting.." My dad says, already standing at the front door, navy blue suit making him look handsome.
"Ready! What do you think?" I ask him, pointing to my dress and heels.
"You look very beautiful. I did not think you'd wear such a daring colour.."
I know what he wants to say. ‘You look just like your mother’, but ignore those thoughts.
I shrug at him, glancing in the mirror again. The scarlet-red dress clinging to my skin is just the right amount of sexy and chic.
Of course, I had to go for a mini dress, ignoring my dad's wishes, because I could and I'm an adult.
I adjust my silver necklace, watching it glisten in the overhead light.
"Come on, y/n. Enough admiring.."
I nod, quickly walking behind him into the car.
I buckle my seatbelt, the mix of my dad's cologne and my perfume overwhelming me for a second.
"Wait? Where's Jude? Is he not attending?" I look at my dad, watching him pull out of the driveway.
"He will attend, but he said he would arrive with his teammates. He didn’t want to inconvenience us."
What did he mean with that?
I mean, we had not spoken properly for days- but inconvenience?
Am I overthinking things?
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"Come and grab a drink with me.." Lina says, grabbing my wirst to pull me towards the cocktail- or in this case, mocktail bar.
Due to the discouragement of the players drinking alcohol, mid-season- it was the upmost important for this party to only offer non-alcoholic drinks.
And considering what had happened last time I was drunk- I wasn't complaining, at all..
The party had started two hours ago, though a little formal. We made the most out of it, while dancing along with the beautiful live music. The clock would strike twelve in a little, indicating the beginning of a new year.
Something about New Year’s Eve made me incredibly emotional at times. Maybe, it was the realization of life going faster than I thought- or maybe, it was some resentment I held against the negative things that happened in the year.
Even so, I tried to make the most of this party every year. Dancing wholeheartedly, tasting the food the chefs had worked so hard on, drinking the delicious drinks made by the bartenders.
"I'm going to get a Negroni- How about you?" Lina asks, wrapping her arm around mine as we walk towards the bar.
"I don't know- maybe I’ll just ask for a recommendation.." I speak, looking over at her. Her black dress hugging her figure as our high heels click against the floor.
"Oh, look who's here too.." She says, motioning ahead with her eyes and chin.
I follow her gaze, furrowing my brows in confusion. My eyes land on a couple of the football team players, all looking happy as they order their drinks one by one.
"Oh.." I mouth, lips pulling back into a straight line as I spot Jude next to them.
And of course, just like my dear best friend had described last night. He is dressed in a sleek, black suit matched with a crispy white shirt.
I watch him interact with his teammates, unconsciously staring at him as we near the bar.
His pearly white teeth show as the corners of his eyes crinkle, probably laughing at something funny one of the guys said.
I almost gasp out loud when he turns around, my eyes moving down to see the deep red handkerchief, placed neatly in the pocket of his suit.
Why in heaven's name- did we match?
I lean against the bar by instinct, drawing my attention back to the bartender who's standing in front of me. Eyes darting to the menu, of course- to only see non-alcoholic options.
Maybe, I did need a different type of drink.
'I'll have a Negroni, please.." I hear Lina say, and look at her for a moment before turning back to the bartender. Trying to ignore the fact that I can feel a pair of eyes burning holes into the back of my head. 
What was that called again?
Whatever it's called, there should be a name for someone's warmth too- because Jude probably could feel the heat radiating off my body at this point, even if he isn’t standing that close to me..
"And what would this beauty like?”
I stand up straight at the words, looking at the smiling bartender.
I give him a soft, appreciative smile back, enjoying his non-creepy way of delivering a compliment, and quickly ask for a recommendation.
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As y/n speaks to the bartender, he laughs back, leaning in to whisper something into her ear. It earns a chuckle from her, making her lean against the bar again.
Unaware of his own body language, Jude tightens his grip on his glass. His jaw twitches, and he turns away from the scene, scoffing to himself before taking a gulp of his drink.
His body tensing up does not go unnoticed by his friends slash teammates. He gets a pat on the shoulder from Dani, making him relax for a moment.
"Loosen up, brother. Have some fun.." Eduardo speaks, giving him his signature smile while clinking his full glass with Jude's.
Jude nods, walking closer towards the crowd of his teammates, trying his absolute best to remove his brown eyes from the girl.
The girl his brain has not stopped thinking about, ever since that drunken night..
From the way she looked, spoke, dressed- he was infatuated with her.
And tonight?
The sexy red dress, hugging her body- showing skin-
He is fucked, absolutely fucked, especially when he realizes how clammy his hands are.
The normally confident and playful Jude vanishes for a moment. He's acting like a lovesick teenage boy, too nervous to ask his crush out for prom.
The hour passes painfully slow, with the both of them sneaking glances at each other every other minute. Their friends notice, of course, smirks on their faces as they realize how clueless they are.
Young love shouldn't be this complicated, they think, wanting to push them towards each other already. Tired of the back and forth they were a part of these past months. The patience they had was running low, even though it wasn't anything harming or hurting them.
"Ladies and gentlemen, your attention, please!" A sharp, ear-piercing sound echos from the microphone, booming out of the speakers.
The speaker is none other than a Real Madrid executive, standing next to the chic, wealthy woman, is y/n’s father.
The entire venue’s attention turns to the two individuals, conversations and laughter cut off immediately.
"Just like every year since our successful partnership with Mr. l/n. We thank you for being here at our annual New Year's event!"
The room answers with happy and loud cheers, some clapping along in agreement. An interesting mix of almost all the athletes signed to Real Madrid, their hardworking staff, and not to forget, esteemed lawyers from the law firm.
"We will enter the new year in ten minutes! Please enjoy the rest of your night!"
As if on cue, the room goes back to their own conversation. And the restless, nervous wreck y/n immediately turns around to visit the bar again, asking the bartender for another one of the drinks he'd made for her earlier.
She didn't even remember what it was called. All she tasted and saw were strawberries- which meant that the bright pink, iced drink was good enough.
She grabs the drink off the counter, thanking the bartender, before turning around to return to her friends.
She looks down to watch her step, high heels starting to hurt her feet, as she tries to walk without tripping, making her forget to watch where she’s going.
Before the girl is aware of it, her body collides with a harder one. Glass in her han, tipping over, the pink drink splashing all over a white, crispy shirt.
y/n gasps, eyes widening in horror. Looking up from the disaster, she makes eye contact with a shell-shocked Jude. His own, brown eyes widening impossibly wider than hers.
Covering her mouth, she places the glass on a small, round bar table next to her, turning to him wordlessly.
"Oh- I, umh.." She stutters, sweat practically visible on her temples at this point.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" She thinks, multiple thoughts running through her head like Usain-fucking-Bolt..
With only one brain-cell working in between them, and their hearts beating like crazy. She grabs his hand, pulling him off the dance floor- into a small closet, behind the stage. Away from the peering eyes and cameras at the event.
She turns away from him, closing the door, before locking it. Ensuring no one would walk into this disaster of a sight.
"Take it off.." She begins, speaking without thought. Reaching for a roll of paper towels, ripping off a stack of them before starting to dab away the moisture from his now pink-stained-shirt.
Her eyes dart up, lips parting slightly as Jude shrugs off his jacket, throwing it to the side.
The dim light flickers in the small, suffocating room. She halts the hurried dabbing, making eye contact with an equally entranced Jude.
"Sorry.." y/n whispers, breath hitting his plump lips. Her hand moves up again, rolling some more of the paper towel around her hand, before wiping off the excess moisture again.
Jude's body stiffens, particularly his abdomen. He takes a sharp breath, looking down at the flustered girl.
For some reason, a sudden switch flips inside of him. He sighs, eyes roaming up and down her form, a warm, but burning feeling settling in his stomach.
He decides to move for a moment, unbuttoning the cuffs of his shirt, and rolling his sleeves up to his elbows. It causes y/n to freeze up this time, her body going rigid as she watches him expose his arms.
Even in the dim light, his muscles protrude, along with the bulging veins running down his forearms.
"Fucking hell.." He says in a low voice, unbuttoning the top buttons of his ruined shirt, making the girl’s eyes widen again.
"What- What are you doing?" She asks, heart almost exploding due to the pace it’s beating at.
"I'm burning up in this room.." He replies, making direct eye contact with her, as he fidgets with the white buttons.
Revealing more, and more skin..
It's like he's dropped the nervousness within seconds. Looking into her eyes while fixing the collar of his shirt.
Even though it takes him approximately ten seconds, to the girl in front of him- the moment is dragged out horribly long and in slow motion.
Her breath hitches at the delicious sight, and she gulps while looking up at him.
Deeply entranced in the tension filled- sensual moment, she drops the wet, used paper towels mindlessly onto the floor.
The lights flicker once again, making her eyes squint as she takes him in.
No doubt, the image will be burned into her infatuated mind from now on. Gnawing at her sanity and logical thinking.
Of course, he smells good. So damn good, the perfect mix of musk and powdery cologne.
Not only is the sight delicious, but the smell is too.
The loud music outside of the small enclosed space continues, the crowd singing along to the chorus of a well-known song.
She looks down for a second, trying to collect her thoughts before she says something completely unhinged.
"Jude.." She whispers, heart beating erratically in his chest. y/n can feel her hands shake, her legs trembling in her high heels.
Their breaths mingle as they look into each other's eyes. A silence settling in between them after she says his name.
Jude's veins practically burst at the sound of his name leaving her lips. His eyes dart to the perfectly glossed lips that say his name so sweetly, so softly..
His mind goes dizzy at the sound. Wanting to hear it over, and over again. Loving the sound most ardently..
A soft groan leaves his mouth, and he traces her beautiful features with his eyes, until he makes eye contact with her, again.
"We should leave this place. The countdown is about to begin.." She whispers the only words she can think of saying, breath shaky and faint.
Jude does not answer with words, but his eyes do dart towards the door. Ears perking up as he hears the familiar countdown begin.
"Twenty!" The crowd exclaims, happiness and excitement buzzing throughout the venue- except in the small room they are in.
"Jude!" She says again, voice a little more stable than before. She raises her left hand, pulling on the hem of his now- untucked shirt.
He snaps his head back at her, watching the soft skin in between her brows pinch together in frustration.
"y/n.." He whispers back, head leaning closer against hers. Making her grip on his shirt grow tighter. Skin on her knuckles tightening from the strength she's using.
"What?" She asks, voice fiery sharp, and impatient. Emotions making her eyes glisten, along with the jewelry adorning her neck and ears in the light.
Though, the tension is high and suffocating- Jude grins suddenly, plump lips stretching as he leans in closer. His own eyes, now with a hint of playfulness in them, roaming around her face.
"Ten!" They hear the crowd exclaim, continuing to cheer and laugh together.
"What?" She says again, lifting her chin up to look him in the eyes. Her breath hitches at the playful expression on his face, like he's an imminent danger to her heart and lungs.
"You're the most annoying fucking person I have ever met.." He speaks, with no real malice in his tone. A chuckle leaves his mouth, soft breaths hitting her lips.
y/n's heart stutters at his words, and the change of emotion in her eyes makes him go absolutely crazy.
"Fuck, and I love that. I love you, y/n.." He breathes, his hand cupping her jaw.
He watches her face intently, watching her blink multiple times, before her hand travels from the hem of his shirt to his unbuttoned collar.
She wraps her hand around the fabric, pulling him closer with a small jank. Wetting her lips with her tongue, she speaks again.
"Then fucking kiss me, you annoying douche bag.."
The words leave her mouth in a fluid, rehearsed way, and she loses herself in his deep eyes.
"Fucking gladly.." He mutters, both of their eyes fluttering shut as his hand moves over to the small of her back impatiently.
"Happy New Year!"
Their lips brush against each other, her hands gripping onto his shirt with a vice-like grip.
Her breath hitches at first, making him chuckle cockily against her lips. His hand supporting her jaw in the most tender way possible, as his thumb rubs against the softness of her cheek.
The soft press of their lips touching make their hearts flutter.
Realizing there is no point of return from this, the feathery touches turn into heated, greedy ones.
The rush of adrenaline makes them lose their self-control, an unstoppable, alluring feeling injected into their veins as they continue soaking in the moment, until they part for air.
Their ragged pants brush against each other's faces, a small smile pulling at her lips. Eyes finding each other again, as their hearts beat in unison.
Jude stares into her eyes, thumb running down her jaw, as he smiles back at her.
"Beautiful. You're beautiful.."
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queers-gambit · 2 years
[ series masterlist ]
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prompt: at a rare family dinner, you have news for your husband.
pairing: Aemond Targaryen x wife!reader
fandom: House of the Dragon
word count: 5.9k+
note: i didn't want to like him but the pirate baby war criminal does something to me.
warnings: cursing, spoilers, Aemond being a little shit, basically the dinner scene with Aemond's wife. canon-level incest (?) and dialogue. not edited!! ❗️major season one, episode eight spoilers
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"How's this?" You asked Amira, your handmaiden, showing her the sixth dress you've tried on. You observed all angles of yourself in the mirror, smoothing over the material of your dress in worry.
"I like it better," she nodded, admiring your figure. "And you can't even tell you're hiding - "
"Mira," you warned, sighing sharply.
"When are you going to tell him, my Lady?" She demanded, helping you into your shoes as you fixed jewelry around your neck, wrist, ears, and fingers. "It's killing me!" She whined lowly.
"Soon, Mira," you rolled your eyes.
"You've been saying that for a month, and now you're starting to show!" She snipped, hands on her hips. "He's not stupid - "
"He's been distracted as of late," your eyes rolled. "He is not paying attention to me right now, I've time to think."
"I beg to differ, but sure, let's be ignorant."
"Mira," you sighed, or more like whined. Your head tilted back and you sighed sadly, pinning her with an exasperated look.
"I'm being honest, Princess, and I'm telling you the Prince absolutely adores you. How he's not noticed yet is beyond me."
You sheepishly admitted, "I might've... Lied a wee bit."
"And said what?"
"I was bloated from bad fish and my cycle," you shrugged. "He doesn't know much different, and he's been coming to bed in exhaustion that he doesn't much stay awake to notice my growing figure."
"Well," she sighed, hands slapping her thighs as she shrugged with defeat, "this dress hides everything better, it fits nice. It's a winner for tonight's dinner... Just - "
"Don't eat too much," You ended for her, smirking. "I know... I know."
"You should just tell him, Princess. Rid us of this game, please."
"I will..."
"He has the right to know," she whispered.
"He will - just once I figure out what to do."
"What do you - "
"Once I figure out how to be okay with this," you sighed sadly. "Look... I just... Aemond doesn't seemed thrilled by the idea of being a father but his mother insisted on lineage. He only did his duty," you shrugged, fiddling with your fingers as emotion caught in your throat, "and I'm nervous to tell him, because... T-Then it's over."
"What's over?" Amira asked softly.
"The marriage," you sniffled, "the bliss, the partnership. I just become a cast-aside-milk-machine."
"You know the Prince would never - "
"Truthfully, Mira, we don't know," you cut her off sadly, "because nobody can predict what Aemond will say or do next."
"He wants to be a father," Mira nodded, but both of you froze when a new voice asked from the doorway,
"Who wants to be a father?"
Recognizing your husband's voice, Mira was swift to answer when you froze in fear, "My husband's brother. He's trying for a baby with his wife and I was telling the Princess how excited he is because he really wants to be a father."
"Hmm," Aemond considered a moment, stepping into the room in-full and letting the door close softly behind him. "Well, speaking of my dear wife, are you almost ready, love? We've dinner arrangements."
His eye raked over your form and when he settled on your face, he smirked with mischief. Gulping from the flush of heat his gaze brought, you glanced at Mira before affirming, "I'm ready, my Prince Ameond."
His brow furrowed as Mira showed herself out, Ameond asking, "Since when do you address me so formally, my love?"
"Oh, well, just - you know, we're going to have dinner with your whole family, Ameond, I just wanted to remember formalities and, you know, my place..."
"Your place," he reaffirmed as he reached for you, "is at my side, sweet girl. You worry for nought, my family adores you."
You sighed lightly, "As if you gave them a choice but only to accept me."
His smirked broadened, "You're right - I gave them none. Come, you're worrying yourself silly. It's nothing, my sweet girl, Father called for this dinner to celebrate us being together."
"Might you promise me something, then?"
Aemond sighed, "You know I cannot break promises to you."
"Exactly," you smirked lightly, feeling his arms tighten around your waist to keep you pressed to his front. You worried he'd feel the small curve of your belly, but distracted him by asking, "Do not antagonize anyone while your King Father is present, my love, please. He's old, he's sick, let us grant his wish of having a meal together - in harmony, in peace..."
He sighed again, letting his eye shoot over your face as you pouted lightly. "All right, my love," he agreed, "I will behave myself while Father is present."
"Thank you," you whispered, thinking that was the end of it. Your Lord husband smiled and took your hand to tangle his fingers with yours, pressing a lingering kiss to your lips.
"Shall we, my love?" He muttered softly.
"Hmm," you hummed, kissing him again. "All right, yeah, let us go. Shouldn't keep the family waiting."
He smirked, "Come."
Aemond liked keeping you close, moving from your shared rooms and down the halls to reach the private dining room the Royal Family was to take their meal in tonight. Upon entering, you discovered the fires ablaze and torches set to provide ample lighting, making you smile as the room was the perfect temperature for your pregnant, flushed-flesh.
As custom dictates, you bowed to the Queen Mother first; greeting the Hand of the King after, then with similar bows, greeted the crowned heir to the Iron Throne, your birth mother, Princess Rhaenyra. You gaze shifted to your mother's husband, the Prince Daemon, your step-father, and offered him a polite greeting. Truth of it was that you were always cautious of Daemon, and the way he looked at you was hard to decipher; never knowing if he even liked you or not. You skin was toned down from your father's, the late Lord Laenor Velaryon, but your hair was as bright as your mother and father's, and all who shared your blood.
Your marriage to Aemond was a bid for peace after your younger brother, Jace, took the young Aemond's eye about 6-7 years prior. To placate tension, your hand was offered only 2 years ago, and it turned out to be a surprising love-match. You and Aemond grew closer after the years apart, and though you tried to understand all sides of the situation, you knew the truth behind the loss of his eye, and only tried to offer comfort for your husband on day's he became overwhelmingly insecure.
You loved your family, but you loved the man you shared your life with now and did your best to keep the peace.
You greeted your brothers and cousins before looking back at your mother, who grinned in excitement.
Your mother breathed your name and stood from her seat, making you match her excitement as you let go of Aemond's hand to hug her tightly. "Mother," you gasped into the tight embrace. "Oh, how you glow! Pregnancy has always agreed with you. How are you feeling?"
"I'm well, my sweet love," Rhaenyra nodded, pulling away to gently pet a stray hair from your forehead. "Your hair's grown so much in these years."
"Do you like it?"
"You look beautiful, my love, I adore it," she promised, squeezing your hand. "How are you fairing?" She glanced over your shoulder to your husband - who was greeting his own siblings.
"I am doing well, Mother, you do not need worry," you assured. "Aemond is good and kind to me, I promise. I have known only love and warmth from him, and I feel I should both apologize to you for protesting the arrangement, and then thank you for it..." She smiled fondly, caressing your jaw and chin. "It has worked out better than I ever could imagine."
"I am delighted to hear it," your mother spoke with so much love and kindness that a light sheen of tears coated your eyes. "You look well, love," she sighed lightly, petting over your long hair. "You know I miss you daily, my sweet girl. It is not the same without you."
"I miss you, too," you swore. "More than words..."
She sighed, "Well, go on, we should find our seats..."
"We'll talk again soon," you assured softly, giving her hands another squeeze before breaking apart. You nodded to her husband, "Prince Daemon."
"Princess," he nodded back, watching you move around the table to snag Aemond's hand in yours, and together, the two of you made it to your seats at the head of the table. Aemond pulled your chair out and let you sit before taking his seat between you and his grandsire, leaving you between him and his sister, the Princess Helaena.
"Good evening," Otto muttered to you, nodding with a soft smile. "You look beautiful, Princess."
"Thank you, my Lord," you smiled. "You look well yourself. And you, Princess," you directed at Helaena, "that dress befits you."
"Thank you, my Lady," she smiled, "you're glowing... In this light," she spoke with a knowing twinkle in her eye.
"Love?" Aemond muttered, a servant holding a goblet. "Would you like wine tonight?"
"Oh, please," You accepted, Aemond taking the goblet to pass along to you. "Thank you, sweetheart."
"Hm," he acknowledged with a small smirk, raising his own to his lips as he observed the whole of the table and slowly turned in his chair to crowd into you. "Say the word, love, and we'll leave..."
"We're fine," You assured in a soft whisper, bowing your head to speak in his ear. "You are on edge, my Prince."
You could almost physically feel his nerves.
"With reason," he sighed, leaning in to press a kiss to your neck. "Aegon wants a word, my love. I'll be a moment."
"Go on," you sighed, smiling with a nod as he stood from his seat; leaving you with a parting kiss on the top of your head. The table was still being dressed for dinner and the Targaryen-Hightower families all sat around as they all waited for the King to arrive. Aemond and Aegon stood for their conversation at the corner of the table, leaving Helaena to rise to her knees in her chair; giggling with you over whatever riddles plagued her mind in that moment. Otto smiled as he watched you two for a moment.
From your place, you could feel the tension from Queen Alicent and Princess Rhaenyra, knowing all of their feud from your limited years at court prior to tonight. When the doors opened and a procession of Kings Guard was seen, you all pushed from your wooden chairs to stand for the King's arrival; your husband reaching for your waist to stand together as a united front. Aemond always took your union very seriously as your birth appearance only left room for rumors to fester about your brother's lineage, and Aemond took immense pride in calling you wife.
You, who had the color of your father's skin, and the hair color of your mother; you, who was a highly desired prize to the courts; you, who was desired over others, and looked at only as a trophy - but being that you wed a man who had known you your whole life, he treated you as much more. You were proud of your marriage, and stood tall at his side.
The King was carried in a chair that would double as his seat for the evening meal, requiring a set of guards to carry him up to the table before being lowered.
When everyone was allowed to reclaim their seat, Aemond held a hand to the servant boy who meant to push your chair in; smirking at you as he took the liberty himself. Say what you wanted about the lad, but his mother raised him right...
Much could not be said for his brother, but Aegon was not your worry.
Aemond took his seat after, letting his hand drift to your thigh in invitation; smirking again when both your hands tangled with his. You noticed both of your brothers now sat with their betrothed, who were Daemon's daughters with your Aunt Laena - who passed seemingly only days before your father. Both tragedies left your mother, Rhaenyra, and uncle (?) Daemon available to marry, and you remember standing on your ancestral home of Dragonstone, watching the Old Valyrian customs come to life as they wed.
A beautiful ceremony in truth.
Around the table, all members of the Targaryen-Velaryon-Hightower family claimed their seats as King Viserys Targaryen, First of His Name, was set down at the large gap separating your mother and step-mother...
How odd to think about the relations around this table.
As the guards retreated, Viserys croaked, "How good it is... To see you all tonight... Together."
You smiled at Aemond and let your head fall into the crook of his neck when he glanced at you; his arm readjusting to better hold your hand, both attentively listening to the King's words, but not before his chin caressed the top of your head when he returned your brief show of affection.
The tension at the table was nearly palpable, leaving Alicent to ask her husband, "Prayer before we begin?"
"Yes," Viserys agreed.
Everyone took proper prayer form, you glancing at your seemingly confused mother for a moment before to your lap as Alicent lead the prayer: "May the Mother smile down on this gathering with love. May the Smith men the bonds that have been broken for far too long. And to Vaemond Velaryon, may the Gods give him rest."
You ignored the under-breath huffy responses to Queen Alicent wishing for rest upon a man slain in court today, nodding when the prayer was over and lifting your head to reclaim your husband's hand in your own. Viserys continued, "This is an occasion for celebration, it seems. My grandsons, Jace and Luke, will marry their cousins, Baela and Rhaena, further strengthening the bond between our Houses." You nudged Aemond gently when you saw him staring at Jace with unnerve. "A toast to the young Princes and their betrothed!"
"Hear, hear," Daemon mocked as he took up his goblet, your husband spying your smirk of amusement.
And though he lowered his voice so his father did not hear, Aegon's words reached your own ears as he muttered to your brother, "Well done, Jace. You'll finally get to lie with a woman."
Jace let his goblet set to the table forcefully, catching your eyes as you subtly shook your head at him. He ignored Prince Aegon's antagonizing words.
"Let us toast, as well, Prince Lucerys... The future Lord of the Tides."
"Hear, hear," his future sister-cousin toasted with a soft smirk.
"You'll be great," his cousin-fiancé assured.
"Love," you reprimanded softly, catching his stare again. He only sighed at you as Aegon was turning to Jace again.
"You do know how the act is done, I assume? As least, in principle? Where to put your cock and all that?"
"Let it be, cousin."
"You can play the jester if you wish, but hold your tongue before my betrothed," Jace defended, keeping his voice low so the adults would not hear him.
"Hmm," Aegon sighed, nodding once before sitting forward in his seat. You sighed to yourself, feeling Aemond's hand stroking over the meat of your inner thigh and leaning into his arm slightly.
But all came to a stand-still when Viserys grunted and stood uneasily to his feet, leaning forward on the table to hold himself up. His words were spoken between huffs of breath, "It both gladdens my heart and fills me with sorrow to see these faces around the table." He looked around with meaning, "The faces most dear to me in all the world... Yet grown so distant from each other... In the years past."
Aemond blinked once, then twice, and lowered his gaze to the table before looking down at you. You offered a silent smile and pet over his hand. But both of your smiles dropped when you looked up again, watching Viserys reach for the latch that kept the golden facemask in place; realizing his intention. You were used to Aemond's injury and scar, but the King's was something else entirely, and with your pregnancy stomach - you were unsure how you would react seeing it.
Aemond's hand squeezed yours when the King dropped his mask and gave a front-row-viewing to his decaying face. Aegon and Helaena refused to look, their eyes set to the table as Viserys looked around; Rhaenyra seeing the extent of his illness, and how his children could not look at him for longer than a few seconds.
Viserys continued, "My own face... Is no longer a handsome one," he snorted lightly at his own joke, "if indeed it ever was. But tonight... I wish you to see me... As I am." Otto watched the King directly, boldly, and your eyes could only handle small glances, focusing on the way Aemond was distracting you with his fingers running up and down your thigh in your lap. "Not just a King," Viserys continued through haggard breathing, "But your Father!" He turned his eye to Daemon, spitting, "Your brother!" His head turned to Alicent, "Your husband." And then he looked to the middle of the table, "Your grandsire. Who may not, it seems... Walk for much longer among you." He slammed the gold mask to punctuate his point, all eyes staring at him now. "Let us no longer hold ill feelings in our hearts. The crown cannot stand strong if the House of the Dragon remains divided. But set aside your grievances." You felt emotion swell in your chest as Aemond's hand paused to squeeze your hand. "If not for the sake of the crown... Then for the sake of this old man! Who loves you all so dearly!"
He panted in exhaustion as he fell back into his seat with Alicent's aid; fixing the mask back over the decaying half of his face. Suddenly, your mother, Rhaenyra, was shooting up from her seat with her goblet in hand; making you sit up straighter almost subconsciously. Aemond fought off his knowing smirk as he watched your mother hold her goblet with intention.
After a moment, the crowned Princess spoke, "I wish to raise my cup to Her Grace, the Queen." When Alicent had helped secure the gold mask, she looked up in curiosity. "I love my father," she continued to Alicent. "But I must admit that no one has stood... More loyally by his side than his good wife." After a meaningful look, your mother spoke to the rest of the table, "She has tended to him with... Unfailing devotion, love, and honor. And for that, she has my gratitude... And my apology."
When your mother's eyes caught your own as she sat down, you nodded with your own toast, "To the Queen Mother."
The others echoed your words and took their obligatory sip of wine, watching Alicent accept your mother's words. "Your graciousness move me deeply, Princess." Daemon sat forward at the Queen's words, your mother watching her as your own husband seemingly stilled to watch the tense exchange. "We are both mothers... And we love our children. We have more in common than we sometimes allow." Your mother accepted her words, in turn; and the Queen Alicent Hightower stood to her feet, and hoisted her cup high, "I raise my cup to you and to your House." After a moment, she ended, "You will make a fine Queen."
You smirked gently as your mother fought off her emotion, raising your cup again to call, "To Princess Rhaenyra, our future Queen!"
The rest of the table followed suit, and with King Viserys, took their gulps of wine. Aemond smirked and pecked your temple, earning your attention for you to grin at him - feeling as if this was a perfect moment to announce to your husband and family that you were pregnant. But his attention drifted when his brother drained his goblet, cleared his throat, and stood from his seat.
He sighed and kept close watch as you silently turned your attention as well. Aemond knew better than anyone how protective you were of your brothers, and though you shared different traits in appearance, they were still your blood, and you, and your gorgeous green dragon, Kasta, would defend them until your death day.
You could not make out the words Aegon was muttering to your cousin, but you knew the lad liked to instigate; his farce of pouring himself a new goblet of wine only getting him so far.
Whatever was said upset the Prince enough for his hands to bang on the table as he stood; Aegon's smirk assuring you he meant for this reaction. "Jace," you heard Rhaena try to intercede.
But as Aegon made for his seat, your husband stood to his feet, and stared Jace down as if in challenge to say anything. The table all stilled, and even Viserys, who had witnessed your husband ferocity, waited with held breath. "My love," you whispered, reaching for Aemond's sleeve to give a simple tug. "You promised," you reminded softly, begging him to sit down again. But when his fist formed, you stood from your seat to press into his side, whispering urgently, "Aemond, please, do not do this, I am begging you."
His arm slithered around you to keep you at his side as Jace only pounded his fist into Aegon's shoulder in a show of good faith; noting the way Aemond went rigid even under your soothing touch.
Jace toasted with his own goblet, "To Prince Aegon and Prince Aemond. We have not seen each other in years," Jace glanced from Luke to you and Aemond, "but I have fond memories of our shared youth. And it is obvious the love, devotion, and respect you show my sister - and for that, I give both gratitude and thanks." He paused to look at Aegon, who looked sour at the show of responsibility and educated-tongue. "And as men, I hope we may yet be friends and allies. To you and your families good health, dear uncles. Or, should I say, dear uncle, and brother," he smiled at you after, seeing you return it with all-teeth.
But when Aemond's hand tightened on your waist in anger, you whispered again with urgency, "Please, let it go."
Behind you, Jace had gripped Aegon's shoulder, giving a tight squeeze, before another friendly fist pound - making the Prince reply tightly, "To you as well."
"A moment," you called, making Aemond pause in his descent to his chair, and prayed you could cause reason to smile again, "because I'd like to toast my good and loving husband." He offered you a solemn smile, but cocked his head in confusion. "And... I'd like to take this moment, before our families, to share the good news..."
"Love," Aemond whispered in shock, Alicent perking up as Otto did. "You speak what I think you do?"
You nodded, glancing at the table, but telling Aemond, "I'm pregnant. We're going to have a baby, the Seven's heard us at last, my Prince."
There was a round of cheers and applause as Aemond breathed in relief and pulled you in, letting both his hands caress your cheeks as he kissed you tenderly. "Truly?" He muttered, making tears brim your waterline.
"Yes," you confirmed, feeling one of his hands drop to press against you gently swelling womb. "Just a bit over three months in."
He laughed and pulled you in for a proper hug, the table sending their congratulations to you both - and you foolishly thought you were successful in distracting Aemond enough. You took your seats again, him fully turned to keep his arms around you, as the family all muttered in good tidings.
But above them, you could hear Helaena mutter, "Beware the beast beneath the boards."
You didn't get to question it because you were leaning over to give Otto's hand a squeeze - thanking him for his good tidings. Your mother caught your eye after, giving you a bright and happy grin; silently toasting to you, making you return the motion and take a sip.
Thinking you had ended the toasts for the evening, imagine the surprise when Helaena, a usually quiet girl, stood from her seat as if it burned her. Aemond and you both paused to look up, listening as she spoke, "I would like to toast Baela and Rhaena. They'll be married soon. 'Tisn't so bad," she assured sincerely. "Mostly, he just ignores you..." Then, a thought came to her, "Except sometimes when he's drunk."
You honestly didn't mean to, but you laughed a little - eyes widening as you look at Aemond with your hand over your mouth. But he chuckled, too; and dare you say it, but you swore Otto let out a singular chuckle to his granddaughter's words. In fact, you knew he did, when Helaena found her seat again and he nodded at her, muttering, "Good."
"Let us have some music," Viserys spoke, and a moment later, the live musicians struck a tune. Curiosity burned in your gut when Jace stood from his seat, muttered to his fiancé, and then stepped around the table to approach Helaena with an offered hand.
"Jace," You warned your brother when he halted beside you; watching as Aegon could not tear his sights away from his wife as she accepted, and let the Prince lead her to a small clearing for a dance.
Aegon turned and shared a hardened look with his brother. Aemond let his chair push back some to give him a proper view of his surroundings, taking your hand, and encouraging you closer. You sighed with mild worry, muttering, "Won't you eat something, my love? Please?"
He hummed, tearing his gaze back to you. "No, sweet girl, you go on. Eating for two now, aren't you?"
You sighed lightly, "W-Was this alright?"
"Telling you here?" You wondered, genuine fear flooding your chest.
Aemond sighed and leaned forward to crowd into you again, despite the head of the table posing with natural privacy. "My love... This is," he sighed lightly and took your hands in his, meeting your gaze, "The best news you could've given me - in any way. But in front of our families? That is special, indeed," he smirked some, leaning in to press a linger kiss to your forehead. "Worry not, sweet wife, for this is joyous news. I am just..."
"Uneasy?" You filled in with a frown. "I know this family likes to push buttons but please do not say or do anything - not with the King here, my love."
"I know," he assured softly, "I made you a promise, I will not break it."
You nodded in response, letting his lips meet yours for a slow kiss, his nose nuzzling against yours before he leaned back in his chair - nodding at your plate to silently encourage you to take another bite.
Some minutes passed and after laughing with Otto over something silly, you caught your husband's gaze again. You offered him a small look before leaning in, making him sit up and bow his head to hear your words, "You're staring again."
He chuckled, "Perhaps I am enjoying the view."
"Oh, of me eating, is it?"
"Of my beautiful wife, yes," he smirked, leaning back again, and leaving you to get sucked back into whatever was being spoken of now. You did not notice how the King gazed fondly at you all, taking note of his gathered family, until he was wincing and moaning in pain.
Slowing your chewing, you watched silently as Alicent called for the guards, and Viserys was then being pulled away, and carried away from the table. You stood with respect as he was dismissed, Aemond's hands smoothing over your waist to guide you back into your seat - a moment before he did the same.
Aemond sat at an angle, not eating, and leaving place at the table before him for the servants to raise and set a roasted pig before him. You eyed it wearily, knowing of the torment your brothers and Aegon put Aemond through for being dragonless in his youth, and tried not to think further of it. You reached to lay your hand on Aemond's knee in comfort, just placing your next bite to your mouth as Luke's snickering amusement enraged Aemond.
"Don't," you gasped after you swallowed when you noted the way his entire body turned to regard your younger brother; sighing in defeat when Aemond's fist rapidly pounded into the table's top as he climbed to his feet and swiftly picked up his goblet.
"Final tribute," Aemond proposed, ignoring the way you sighed and remained still in your seat. When the hall quieted and turned their attention to him, Aemond continued, "To the health of my nephews: Jace," he looked to the boy still-standing, "Luke," his sights turned to your brother that slashed his eye from its socket, "and Joffrey. Each of them handsome," your eyes met Alicent's, as if anticipating his words, "wise..." He paused, the tension brewing to a new height.
"Love, please," you whispered, watching him nod silently, and then finish,
"Aemond," his mother tried, but was ignored.
"Come!" Aemond barked as you slowly stood to your feet out of worry; his arm extending to wrap around you and settle you on his other side - as if to protect you. "With my sweet wife, let us drain our cups to these three..." Aegon rose his goblet with enthusiasm, ever the one to hide behind his brother's brute, words, and strength, "Strong boys."
"I dare you to say that again," Jace barked.
"Why?" Aemond instigated as his head snapped to look at your brother, you sharing a look of unease with Alicent. "'Twas only a compliment." He let go of you as Jace started forward, turning instantly to meet him. "Do you not think yourself Strong?"
Luke stood in anger as Aegon met him, Jace launching his fist into Aemond's jaw - making you wince slightly upon the impact, and making you call your brother's name in protest. You felt Otto raise to his feet and pull you back from the fray, as Aegon smashed Luke's head to the table. "THAT IS ENOUGH!" Alicent raged.
Seemingly unfazed by the fist to his face, Aemond smirked at Jace before pushing the younger boy back off his feet. He sprung up with a growl - making two guards lunge forward to restrain him - as your husband turned with a broad grin and his goblet, still in hand.
Jace and Luke were both restrained as you freed yourself from Otto's grasp to reach for your husband, who sat his goblet down in order to hold onto you. "What was that? Huh? You lost your mind finally?" You demanded in disappointment, hearing your brothers still growling and grunting with effort to free themselves.
Alicent descended upon you two, demanding in a lowered tone, "Why would you say such a thing before these people!?"
"I was merely expressing how proud I am of my family, Mother," Aemond rounded on her, one arm still tight around your waist. "Mm," he considered, raising his voice as he let go of you to turn, "though it seems my nephews aren't quite as proud of theirs."
Jace broke free and charged forward as Daemon barked, "Wait, wait!" With a silent finger held, he stalked between the two Princes; easing Jace backwards without uttering a word. When the boy was back by his brother and both of their betrothed, your mother was demanding of them, "Go to your quarters. All of you go, now."
Daemon turned and settled his sights on Aemond, making the hair on your neck stand on end with worry as you held your husband's hand tightly - as if it would keep him at bay. Your step-father came to a halt and sighed, still staring at Aemond, and you knew that just because your husband was unhinged, didn't mean you were, and Daemon genuinely made you nervous. He was undefeated and rumor of his win in the Stepstones was told to you directly by your father, who bore witness to the Rogue Prince taking the entire beach by himself.
Daemon was not someone you were eager to cross, but your husband loved a good challenge - and by the look in both man's eye, you knew they had met their matches.
Aemond sized Daemon up for a moment before your hand tightened in his, begging quietly, "Can we go, please?"
He hummed in response and tightened his hand in yours, leading you past your mother and step-father, but pausing when Rhaenyra spoke your name. Your mother reached for you, smiling, "Congratulations, my sweet girl. You'll make a beautiful mother."
"Thank you," you whispered to her, leaning in to kiss her cheek, and whisper, "I'm so sorry."
She winked at you in return, letting Aemond take your hand again and lead you onward into the torch-lined hallway. You sighed when you pushed from the room, leading in the other direction of the guest rooms, meaning, you did not have to worry about running into your brothers.
"You're angry," he mentioned in observation after a few moments.
"No," you answered quietly, leading up to your chamber door. "Just uneasy."
"Over me?"
"Over all of this," you admitted softly, entering first and hearing him follow. When the door closed, you continued, "It pains me to feel and see the divide in the family. And I walk both lines of it..."
"'S not easy," he agreed.
"No, it's not," you sighed, pulling your jewelry off. "And now isn't the time for petty games, my love. We've a child on the way, the time for grudges has passed - though I will not tell you to let this go." You turned to look at him in the firelight. "I know the pain caused, and I know what was taken from you..." He lowered his gaze, making you slowly approach him and reach for either hand. "But I need my husband with me, and not lost to some vendetta. We're having a baby, Aemond, and I'd like for them to know their uncles."
He sighed, nodding as he wrapped his arms up your waist. "Aye... I'd want that, too. But they can't call me brother, please, my love - "
You chuckled, "I will make sure they understand. We do not have to see them often, but the times we do, I'd like for some semblance of peace and normalcy."
He nodded with understanding, "Aye. For you, my love, I can do that."
"Yeah," He sighed.
"Then please - no more Strong comments," you begged quietly. "They're leaving soon, please, do not instigate this further. You do not have to see them again, but I'd like to see my siblings off."
He nodded, "Whatever you want, my sweet."
"Well, I want my brothers and husband to get along but that's not happening, is it?"
"Not likely," he teased. "But I will do my best to restrain myself."
"I only ask that you try," you agreed, pecking his lips. "Now, are you gonna run off anymore or do I have my husband for the night?"
He smirked, "You have me, my love. I am here with you."
"Good," you smirked, letting a hand snake along the back of his neck to pull him down; searing a heated kiss to his lips.
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kyoukamybeloved · 1 year
« Chuuya-sama and Dazai-san stood side by side. Surprisingly enough, there was something similar to perfection about the two. »
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« As if they are one soul in two different bodies. »
soukoku webweaves: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
rule of wolves - Leigh Bardugo// harrow the ninth - Tamsyn Muir// the sorrow festival - Erin Slaughter// the prisoner - Octavio Paz// the final empire - Brandon Sanderson// wuthering heights - Emily Brontë// 21 - Gracie Abrams// slow like honey - Fiona Apple// Sue Zhao// art by @/57and13 on twitter// the dead man - Georges Bataille// Art by @creantzy// Frankfurt song - Marina Tsevetaeva// Lazarus, L. Munir// call me what you like - lovejoy// Crush - Richard Siken// art by @/ossukii// confessions - Elle Emerson// I wish you would - Taylor Swift// motion sickness - Phoebe Bridgers// art by @/ossukii on instagram// bittersweet - Rumi// Stigmata; love of the wolf - Marina Tsevetaeva// art by @/Zrainmtast on twitter// west wind - Mary Oliver// step on me - the cardigans// good looking - Suki Waterhouse// Letters from Medea - Salma Deera// valentine - Laufey// art by @/1110yu_ku_si on twitter// Amirae Garcia// the grudge - Olivia Rodrigo// The epic of Gilgamesh - Danny P. Jackson// art by @/Yuyii_Ju on twitter// he shifts from east to west - Margaret Atwood// happiness - Taylor Swift// afterglow - Taylor Swift// These hands, if not gods - Natalie Diaz// manga panel by Sango Harukawa// 100 love sonnets - Pablo Neruda// tis the damn season - Taylor Swift// it’s all futile! It’s all pointless! - lovejoy// All about love - bell hooks// art by @/FloreSuika// Germaine de Staël// 
tagging moots and users who seemed to lose their minds at the other web weaves, since this is probably the last part, thank you so much for all the love :)))
@philzokman @amagami-hime @nnavia @dinosaur-mayonnaise @zamxii @the-gayest-sky-kid @vinylbiohazard @bunglegaydogs @lotus-reblogs @ricelover888 @pendragonstar @slug-behaviour @ghostsinacoat @miltseyx @homuncvlus
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roguishcat · 5 months
Conversations with a vampire - part 4/10
Summary: A story told through a series of conversations between Astarion and child Tav, tracing the slow and steady progress of trust and friendship.
Rating: Teen. Mild language, mentions of abuse in later chapters, some violence.
Setting: Set before the events of the game.
There was a chill in the air and evenings were turning colder, seasons changing with slow grace, first leaves falling and scattering on the ground in a multitude of colors. Astarion started wearing his doublet more, his usual shirt being too light for this time of the year. That is, it would be if he could feel the cold. He supposed that was one of the few perks of his current state.
Tav was autumn personified, wearing an ankle-length coat in shades of bright amber with a brown fur collar which she left unbuttoned, revealing a shirt and trouser ensemble of a lighter shade that matched her leather boots. Her hair was in a low braid with shimmering golden threads woven along the tresses.
“You know, it’s the first time I see you wearing something other than that frilly shirt,” she commented, throwing a pretty sparkly ring into the air, and snatching it quickly before the trinket hit the ground. “You look nice.”
“Well thank you, not that your opinion was wanted or needed,” Astarion rolled his eyes. He didn’t need Tav to know he looked good, though he didn’t mind being admired by all. The doublet was beautiful, although the golden embroidery was a pain to look after. Not all his conquest were gentle when handling him and his clothes had a fair share of wear and tear. He took care of the little he had meticulously and carefully, as Cazador did not see it fit to give the spawn any more than bare minimum.
Yet, flattery would really get people everywhere and his mood was decidedly better now than it was before he set out for the night. Thus, assured of his good looks, Astarion strolled down the street with unhurried steps, keen eyes observing those he passed by. They passed the potion shop and were nearing Wyrm’s Rock. There were more people around for this time of night and not the usual crowd too. Families, children, young couples, their excitement for the fireworks display in celebration of the grand re-opening of Felogyr's Fireworks so palpable he could almost taste it.
“I just don’t understand why you don’t just come and work in Sharess’ Caress, with your looks you could make tons, tons!” she gesticulated wildly in her excitement to show just how astronomical his earnings would be. “And then you could have everything you wish to have, which whoever it is that you work for doesn’t provide. Mamzell Amira is not exactly nice, but she treats everyone well enough, better than you get treated clearly. I am sure-”
“I don’t need your advice. Or your pity,” he spat, cutting Tav off sharply. “I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Find another charity case if that’s what you are after.”
Tav frowned but did not flinch or move away. She was used to adults having little patience when dealing with her, perhaps understandably. She did go on and on sometimes. Besides, she had her suspicions about Astarion for a while now, and she knew the defeated look of a person who had no power to make their own choices and hated it. It was useless to pry, for now.
“Sorry, that was wrong of me to say that. It wasn’t meant to be pity. I really do say the dumbest things, don’t I?”
Astarion sighed, a little annoyed at himself for this display of emotion. Yes, she was an insensitive, intrusive little idiot, but she did it out of some feeling of misplaced kindness. And whilst he did not necessarily need her kindness, it was quite refreshing to talk to someone who wanted to converse just for the sake of it.
“Well, I guess it can’t be helped,” he brushed his fingers through his silver curls, “your atrocious lack of manners is especially obvious today, that’s all. You should really work on that.”
“Maybe. But at least I’m trying. Wouldn’t hurt you to be nicer, you know. Once in a while,” Tav said petulantly.
“And it wouldn’t hurt me to be less nice, so your point is moot,” he countered.
“Oooh, someone is in a bad mood. Fine, I’ll shut up,” she huffed and turned away, seemingly determined to show that she was upset.
That lasted for a grand total of two minutes before Tav started fidgeting and shooting furtive looks his way.
“Want me to do your nails then? It is party tonight, after all. I have everything with me. Polishes and all,” she asked hopefully.
Apparently, it was physically impossible for the girl to be quiet.
“Aw, come on!” she whined in a most aggravating way. “You have beautiful hands! Like the bard with the lyre that played at Sharess’ the other night.”
“Well, I do know which strings to pluck to make everyone sing for me.”
The innuendo went completely over her head.
“So, is that a yes on the nails?”
“Still no.”
She pouted but did not insist anymore.
“The human delivery boy who brings the groceries to Sharess’ Caress asked me to go watch the fireworks with him tonight.”
“Oh?” He looked at her with his eyebrows raised. “Sounds like somebody’s got a date.”
“Eww, gross” Tav scrunched her nose at the suggestion. “He is a year older, but so juvenile for thirteen,” she said, clearly unimpressed with whatever the boy did to try to get her attention.
“Because clearly you are a picture of wisdom and maturity,” Astarion quipped.
“Well, maybe not,” she agreed, “but kids my age are boring. They see one gash on my leg, perhaps bleeding too much and maybe there was a bit of bone sticking out, I admit, and just faint! Wimps,” she scoffed haughtily.
“Not everyone has the devil-may-care attitude you do, it seems.”
“Exactly! And why would I want to hang out with someone bland and boring like that? They won’t be able to keep up.”
“Which is probably a good thing for them, as they clearly have a sense of self-preservation, and you don’t.”
“Whatever,” she smiled, apparently choosing to take his comment as a compliment. Tav flicked her hair over her shoulder, the golden threads making her blonde hair twinkle as if lit up my magic. “Besides, the fireworks are going to be down by the river, not far from Felogyr's Fireworks. I wouldn’t be able to go even if I wanted to.”
Ah, yes. There was the ever-present issue of her having to traverse these streets over and over again without being able to explore the rest of the city.
“You are not missing out on that much, fireworks are frightfully dull, overrated really,” Astarion said with a longsuffering sigh, as if going to a party was such a chore.
“Yeah, baby stuff,” she looked up, catching on quickly.
“Quite so.”
Her lips quirked into a smile. It was a ghost of her usual enthusiastic grin, but better than nothing.
“Ya know,” Tav looked down, suddenly finding the cobblestones worthy of her attention, “I decided I’m going to marry you when I’m older,” she said in a nonchalant manner.
“Are you now?” he snorted in amusement. “And I suppose you didn’t think to ask my opinion on the matter?”
“Just you wait, I’m going to grow up to be strikingly beautiful. Well, maybe not as beautiful as you”, she sighed, accepting that as a fact of life, “but close enough! And I’m going to save you from your master, because he clearly does not treat you as well as he should, and you will fall hopelessly in love with me!”
“Didn’t you say that this isn’t what you really look like? You might be quite a bland thing. Terrible warts on your nose. Missing teeth, bad breath.”
“Stop it, don’t be horrid!” she laughed. “You are just saying that to be mean.”
He was needling her on purpose, that was true. But Tav could take a joke and wasn’t fishing for praise. It was a nice change of pace when he didn’t have to needlessly stroke someone’s ego and come up with artful, empty compliments. Words were usually just another arrow in his quiver, a tool used for seduction to ensure his survival. It was pleasant to talk to someone just for the sake of it.
“Well, even if I am beastly and ugly, and you will not want to marry me, I hope we can still be friends even many years from now. And I am going to set you free no matter what.”
Set him free, she said. And who was going to set her free before that? Because no matter how negligent her family was, she was being educated, provided for, dressed in the best of the best. One did not just do that out of the goodness of their heart. There had to a purpose for whatever this was.
“Well, that sounds like a plan,” he rolled his eyes. “It may be missing the how and when you are going to best Cazador-”
Fuck. He didn’t mean to say his name. The less she knew about him, the better.
“Don’t make fun of me! I may be measly twelve now, but in a few years, I will be old enough to decide my own destiny. One day, I will do something great, really great, and it will change everything.”
“If you say so,” he allowed, relieved that she did not latch onto the name and start asking questions.
The fireworks display started abruptly, painting the sky a myriad of colours. It was obtrusively bright and showy, but seeing all this in his world where colours were muted and dull had a certain appeal.
“Right, whilst you idle away the hours, some of us have things to do, places to be,” he walked off, moving with the crowds that started making their way towards the Lower City.
“Okay,” she ran up to Astarion to hand him a potion, upholding her end of the bargain as usual, “hope your hunt goes well!”
Hunt. Yes, that is exactly what he was doing. And the crowd tonight seemed so ready for the picking, oohing and aahing at the beauty above them, drunk on their excitement and cheap beer. It was almost too easy to engage one, two, three victims in quick succession. Pluck them like ripe fruit, ready to be devoured.
The other spawn quickly caught on to where his hunting grounds were for the night, and he started glimpsing them here and there. Dalyria grasping a tiefling’s chin and bringing his lips closer to her own to whisper something seductively, him following her completely enthralled by whatever she was saying. Petras loudly propositioning a human pair, them laughing and calling him daft, which was obviously not the effect he was going for. Astarion scoffed. Petras was terrible at being suave, he lacked the finesse, the ability to improvise on the spot.
At one point, Astarion had a niggling suspicion at the back of his mind that Tav was watching him from the rooftops, he thought he saw her once or twice. But, when he crossed the bridge yet again and noticed her up on the roof of the potion shop, she was looking at a human family with a wistful expression, the child holding his father’s hand and gesticulating animatedly, clearly excited about being out and about after dark. The mother crouched beside the boy and tucked a strand of hair behind his ear, eliciting delighted giggles. Tav scowled and quickly turned, walking away from the edge of the roof and then bleeding into the shadows.
A child without a name, without a family, and without any history.  Astarion supposed that she had little in common with children that sought her company, who had the luxury of enjoying the care and love of their parents, or at least were free to come and go as they pleased on a whim.  
She was a specter that haunted the streets of the city she could never properly explore. It was little surprise that she identified with him on some level. He was a creature who was a ghost of his former self, who was compelled to act as he was bid. A former elf without a past, a vampire spawn without a future.
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Tag list: @ninty900 @dajeong @ayselluna
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