#am i still salty? yes
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secondgenerationparrothead · 8 months ago
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Art Fight Day 1: Tzatziki by @catbatart
This is my first time joining in art fight, and posting my minis on here! Hoping to keep this rolling throughout the month
My profile can be found here
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candyheartedchy · 3 months ago
I wish I had the original drawing, but back in elementary school we would have these Dr Seuss weeks once a year were the whole school would do actives and projects based on the characters and books. And one year in the 4th or 5th grade (I can’t remember..) they had a drawing contest for our grade to draw ourselves hanging out with our favorite Dr Seuss character and I went with Thing One and Two because I figured everyone else was going to draw the Cat in the Hat (they were) and had an excuse to draw two characters because the Things came as a pair. So basically I ended up getting second place while this one kid got first place and basically traced the Cat in the Hat and didn’t even include herself in the drawing (because she couldn’t trace herself) so it’s like why did we even needed to draw ourselves with these characters if the person who won didn’t?
Anyways I just think it’s funny that here I am still drawing Dr Seuss characters years later and now publicly posting about them and even made my self insert the adopted mom of the Things.
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scarefox · 2 months ago
whatever is going on in here, glad I am distracted with renovating my flat
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The only thing I say is that Spare Me Your Mercy was amazing, one of the best shows for me.
I don't care that the romance plot isn't standard / regular / normal / linear. These guys are a bit weird, love can be weird and have layers and a spectrum. Humans are irrational, contradicting sometimes, feelings over logic. So can be fictional characters. Just flow with it. Accept them as they are with their flaws, instead of being mad they don't fit in regular romance plot boxes. Instead of saying "that is impossible" say "crazy that it is possible for them, i wonder what different corners and paths they went in their brain to land there".
And yes I get that they didn't want to add too much horny in a show that is constantly about death, dying, killing, euthanasia, one being an on-off murder suspect. That's not censorship, That's respect for the topic. Despite that they did kiss and had sex at the end when the pressure of the investigation was gone. The investigation + grief was the reason for Tiu to hold back the whole time. I also get why he started to love Kan between all of that. First of all he's adorable and smart and an open communicator when he doesn't try to hide his illegal side service. He is an ideal partner for him if they weren't on the opposite sides of the law.
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greenleaf4stuff · 3 months ago
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Fallout 4 Everyone Disliked That Meme - 'When they killed off Adar in s2e8' edition.
(my other trop memes)
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fyodior · 1 month ago
raw, raw, gentle handshake, raw, CERVIX FUCKING
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scribefindegil · 1 year ago
& it's always especially frustrating when people use the "well SOME ace people have sex!" to shoot down sex-repulsed ace headcanons and rep that are explicitly based on a character in the source material saying they don't want to have sex. Like, yeah! Fine! Some ace people like it! But this character doesn't! She said so with her words in the text!
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jeremysknoxes · 9 months ago
FUCK aroace erasure
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aliciavance4228 · 5 months ago
"Medusa x Perseus" Why don't you guys ship Bellerophon with Chimera? Or Heracles with the Hydra?
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half-man-half-lime · 1 year ago
Virgin Joseph Fink & Jeffrey Cranor: if we explained why this rock could talk it would suck all the joy and poetry out of everything
Chad Wildbow: the complex and intricate worldbuilding on the nature of others means I can explain why this cigarette is near-sentient in a satisfying and interesting way, and then some magical teens can go interview it in a dream where they're all film noir in a smoky speakeasy overhearing local chatter
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tntduopolls · 3 months ago
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guardingthegalaxy · 10 months ago
You know, I feel like it's finally safe to say that gone are the days where the MCU just treated Quill like absolute shit.
He took so many losses throughout each movie. He lost his mum, he found his dad, found out that said dad was evil, lost his true dad yondu, lost Gamora twice, not to mention the fact that he's been the butt of so many jokes for no real reason at all.
One thing that always bugged me was the way the Guardians acted towards Peter in Infinity War. They spent four years together and grew closer and respected one another after the events of Vol. 2, only for that to all be taken away once Thor came along. That in particular baffles me because I feel like if it were the Guardians mid way through Vol. 1, they probably would've been that way to Quill. It has always pissed me off because it seems out of character. The Guardians only became closer and respected one another due to finally putting each other's differences aside and being brave enough to work together in order to save the universe, and even more so because of the high stakes and how deep the emotions ran in Vol. 2 and the loss of Yondu. So, wouldn't they actually respect him?
Don't get me wrong, in IW Rocket could be seen as having a sort of pass with the way he acted, but that was only because he didn't want to face Thanos. But even so, Quill ended up on the receiving end of that more than everyone else.
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mayasaura · 2 years ago
imagine trying to understand the locked tomb without knowing anything about whakapapa
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thatswhatsushesaid · 6 months ago
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it is SO rich for the jgy critical crowd to insist that it's the jgy stans who are being weird and defensive given /gestures @ all of this. like what's the opposite of defensive 🧐 because that's what this is.
as i said to someone else earlier tonight, i'm manifesting the capability to climb through these anons' phone screens so i can chase them through their houses with a nerf gun. every little foam projectile will include a relevant printed out page from the EXR translation. probably with highlights and notes in the margins. maybe some frowny faces for emphasis.
anyway this is why i'm insane
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A Pacifist’s Fury and Grief
The one of the things, I absolutely love about the Iwamoto manga, is the demostration of X’s grief and Fury in the wars.
This Fury was first shown to us in the final chapters of the X3 Manga
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Keep that in mind he never acted like this in the final chapters in the X1 and X2 Mangas. The way he acts like this shows that he’s at his limit. It doesn’t show it that often but fuck I love how it demonstrates, that he is not okay and how he views himself. How much he wants sigma dead so the wars can stop. He stopped him so the world is saved and everything is restoring itself so things are going to be okay!
Then the Replaforce mess happens and well…during a mission Blizzard Buffalo against Ice Walrus. Sacrificing himself to save X and look what happened…
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His friend died cause he was weak and helpless to stop walrus.
His mind and his heart where damaged convincing himself that…he needs to be stronger to stop this madness (Hi double for that speech 💥💥) going on a Rampage of grief and Fury. Going on a war path of destruction
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Enter the ultimate armor and if anyone read the manga knows what happens next…
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X was lost in the war that he nearly lost himself because of that grief and fury. To the point that he aims his weapon at Zero, his best friend. How his heart was so wounded from the battles that he nearly forgot who he was…thankfully he was reminded of his heart by General gently embracing him and sacrificing himself.
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Allowing himself to let go of his hatred and rage, and attempted to be better, embracing the blast. Cause of his heart that ultimate armor purifies it self.
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The Moral of the lesson here kids is to never invoke the Pacifist Fury.
Aka don’t piss of X or murk his loved ones.
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uchihasavior · 1 year ago
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[[ You're aware Itachi was 13 years old at the time of the Massacre, correct?
You're also aware he was being pressed by both sides to spy on them, correct?
Danzo also kept oppressing the Uchiha so he could force a coup and declare them a threat to the village.
So the massacre was not Itachi's fault and he's just as much a victim of it.
"No, it was his fault and he should've said no lol" ]]
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local-gay · 1 year ago
oh surrrrrreee, james somerton can lie, cheat, and steal his way to success, but i use the word "idiosyncrasies" once in an essay about MY OWN LIFE in 6th grade and get accused of plagiarism
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