#am i doing one of those tumblrs that all you rave about
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suprocboy · 4 months ago
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Hello, fellow tumblrians! It's my first post ever. Im so nervous.
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heavywithourbabies · 6 months ago
First off, I'm a guy. So there's that.....
Ok, making one of those little intro pieces so you can get to know a little about me. This tumblr page is nothing more than the ravings of an obsessed lunatic hiding away from the world. My only real kinks are Breeding, Lactation, and the biggest pregnancy fetish you can imagine. (Please take note, I am not sexually into Birth. I am all for fucking so hard your water breaks, sucking on your nipples, rubbing the belly and giving gentle head during contractions, etc. As soon as the baby is in the birth canal, I'm going full on daddy mode. Horny time is over. Anyone else feel the same?)
I am a 40 year old man and I am very attracted to women. In particular, I am aroused by thick, extra curvy, big ass having women. I am feral for HEAVILY pregnant women. I have tons of reasons why but at it's core, I believe it is the ultimate form of femininity. There's nothing more womanly than having a gravid belly heavy with child. Even the phrase "heavy with child" weirdly turns me on.
I'm also very very much turned on by all the side effects of pregnancy including big dark engorged nipples, stretch marks everywhere, not just the belly, the little treasure trail some women get, the bigger hips, your face getting chubby, and a very swollen vagina. That all said, I'm not into Morning Sickness. wakka wakka.
I fully support the LGTBTQ community. I just can't keep track of all the new names and terms. I blame my shitty memoir on wasting my twenties drinking. But I totally support it. be who you want to be and love who you want to love. This life is rough enough without people being shitty to you for your basic human needs.
I am utter devotee to horror movies, and I live for the month of October. Halloween is the greatest day of the year. If you don't like Halloween...... honestly, who are you? Who the fuck hates Halloween? I love the art form of sequential art (comic books) and my favorite Character is Venom from Marvel Comics. I would literally kill to get a chance to write for Venom. Marvel will NOT return my phone calls.
I still write stuff (a lot of half started scripts and abandoned graphic novel ideas mostly) and I will and often shamelessly promote myself and the written erotic stuff I create on here. Enjoy my sexually frustrated ramblings and badly edited prose. Remember kids, it's free.
I am a lonely werewolf hopelessly howling at the moon.
I say love who you gotta love. Do what you need to do. Try to have fun and just don't hurt other people.
I was born in Canada and raised in the States. Toronto is the old country and Denver was home base. Currently in the windy city.
NO MINORS. Seriously, get the hell out of my joint! THIS BLOG IN NO WAY ENDORSES, PROMOTES, OR ENCOURAGES ANY HEINOUS USE OF MINORS. I honestly struggle talking to people under the age of twenty five. I hope I don't have to repeat any of that.
Any Trump supporters who follow my page, I would also ask you to leave. There's nothing here for you at this establishment.
Need to know anything else? Feel free to ask.
-The ghost host with the most, the ghoul that'll make your lady parts drool, and every other terrible joke I can think of.
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roscolate · 3 months ago
It’s officially 2025 where I am, so…time for a lil’ reflection and appreciation post of my own!
If you told me two years ago I’d find myself with a whole silly lil’ Tumblr blog and three fics on Ao3, I’d have a hard time believing you 😅 Over the past year, this community has become more than just a fanbase where we rave about Mario, express our love for characters and post about our gaming experiences. It’s a place where we share bits of our lives, celebrate the goods and seek and give support or a listening ear through the bads, and pour out our individual talents. Writing and sharing the fics I’ve wanted to write has taught me the good that can come from online communities and the positive influence fan-work creators can have on others. And it’s also changed me as a writer and moved me to be more confident! And I’m so grateful for the change I have undergone throughout the year because of all that.
I haven’t shared much about my personal life, but 2024 was a mix of great achievements and growth but also loss and change for me. I graduated college with a bachelor’s (tho it was tough and partially put my fic-writing on hold). I completed my multi-chapter fic and pumped out another fic, which I once never envisioned myself doing. But I also lost my grandmother along the way, which- although it wasn’t unexpected- has left a big void in our lives, especially during the holidays. Although the loss and its aftermath froze my writing productivity for a bit, part of what kept me going afterwards was knowing my grandmother would have wanted me to. She always loved to read the stories I wrote for my classes and supported me in my endeavors to become a writer. She would want me to be happy and continue doing what I love. She would want me to continue writing for myself, sharing my fics with the world, and eventually turning my passion into a career. So, that’s what I’ve done, and I think she would be proud of me ❤️
Alright, that’s enough of sad life stuff! Let’s tag some lovely mutuals and fanwork creators I follow (and I’m really sorry in advance if I miss some of y’all 😣): @multicolour-ink @bberetd @megamagimugi @dreamyluigi @silenzahra @vulpixfairy1985 @katlyntheartist @elitadream @stripetkattelalala54-gf @jelly-fish-wishes @itsavee4117 @peaches2217 @akiiame-blog @1-upboys @pianokantzart
Y’all, thank you so much for all the love and support you all have given me over the past year. The fact that y’all find such joy in my fics and look forward to each one inspires me to keep going. And the fanart, fanfics, headcanons and commentaries y’all have made have brought me joy as well as comfort during rough, stressful times. Most importantly, I love you all for just being your unique, lovely selves ❤️
I’m looking forward to another year with all of you! I’ll be starting my masters program next week (which I’m looking forward to as well), but I’ll certainly be around! In fact, I have two fics in the works, so stay tuned for those 😉 May your new year be filled with goodness and opportunities! 🥳❤️
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tc-lp · 5 months ago
Comment Bingo: Old Fic Edition
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Original Bingo Card by @feedthefandomfest
This card is to encourage commenting on older fics.
I realize this doesn't have to be all for the same fandom or pairing. But I'm gonna count only kylux fics.
I'm also aiming to comment on fics I've never read before. Some of them are in my ever growing reading queue, others I found while searching for a square's exact criteria.
List of fics under cut.
1. Posted First Year of its Fandom's Existence
Stopwatch Hearts, by Clarice Chiara Sorcha (claricechiarasorcha) ⎢ 3k ⎢ Rated E ⎢ posted 6 February 2016
The general is just doing his job. Kylo Ren isn't sure why that's so fascinating to him. (It's because he's naked. Isn't it.)
2. 6+ Years Old & Under 30 Kudos
For Those That Follow, by jediluke ⎢ 8k ⎢ Rated E ⎢ posted 9 September 2018
No one understood what it was. They called it "the shimmer". The walls of the otherworldly substance had the appearance of oil on black pavement, of bubbles shimmering in the summer sunlight after being blown out of a yellow bubble wand by a small child. Except, this wasn't explainable. Hux, a botanist is sent into The Shimmer along with a group of ex-military memebers to conduct research and try to figure out the cause of the mystery.
3. Posted 10+ Years Ago Since the pairing is younger than 10 years I'm going for: Posted Within the 1st Month After TFA's Release
once I could see (now I am blind), by cracktheglasses (cormallen) ⎢ 4k ⎢ Rated E ⎢ posted 16 January 2016
If Ren dies, they’ll all be joining him, Hux thinks, because he’s going to have to scuttle the ship. Pick a camp on D’Qar, or whatever other pathetic hell-hole in the Outer Rim the Resistance calls home, and smash all three kilometres of the Finalizer right into the gooey center. (Or, the map is lost, Starkiller is lost, and Kylo Ren is seriously injured. Hux doesn't deal with it very well)
4. Rec Fic (1+ Year Old) on Tumblr and/or Discord & Tell the Author So
sensory memory, by Lost_In_Mind_Palace ⎢ 4k ⎢ WIP, but can be read as a stand-alone ⎢ Rated M ⎢ posted 13 July 2023
Rec post can be found here!
And Ren's back here, by Hux's side, invading his personal space, probably with his personal interests which Hux can't quite figure out yet. 'Who are you?' Hux mumbles, pushing his face into the warm chest so he doesn't have to see this odd, foreign face anymore. Ren laughs madly, not paying much attention to the ravings of the madman Hux became. 'Someone who's gonna take you away from here.' As if that was enough of an answer. Before Hux blacks out again, he's sure of one thing--the only place where Ren is able to take him is hell. * After losing everything, the last thing Hux needs is his long-gone home. Ren disagrees. Alas, Ren is also the pilot here.
5. Posted in the Past 2-6 Months
Expedition Unsolved, by A_Poison_Tree ⎢ 8k ⎢ Rated M ⎢ completed 30 July 2024
When Armitage Hux is disowned, he's left scrambling for everything from rent money to purpose. A spur-of-the-moment application to an on-site research position ends up with him joining the cast of a schlocky documentary series as its host, Ben Solo, """"investigates"""" far-flung corners of the world. At least the horrors of camping take his mind off how attractive his boss looks while covered in mud. (An entry to #KyluxShortShorts that Evolved!)
6. Sort by Date Updated: Fic Listed in Final 10 Pages
lover of the devil, by selenedaydreams ⎢ 2k ⎢ Rated E ⎢ posted 4 January 2016
“I worry about you.” His fingers tighten around the blanket until his knuckles turn bone white. “That’s not your job.” “Was it my job to find you almost dead with snow clinging to your wounds?”
7. 1-2 Years Old & Under 5 Comments
bittersweet wishes, by WhitRewritesCanon ⎢ 6k ⎢ Rated G ⎢ posted 31 July 2023
When Han Solo died suddenly, he left behind a fractured family. Armitage picks up the pieces of his husband.
8. Comment on an Author's Oldest Fic
Love, Your Crooked Neighbor, by imperialhuxness ⎢ 11k ⎢ Rated T ⎢ posted 17 February 2018
When Snoke assigned Hux to bring in his newest asset, Hux was expecting some everyday Coruscanti underworlder on a low-profile Core World. Predictable. Routine. What he gets is a burning compound on a nameless hunk of rock, a confused young pseudo-Sith, and oh, yeah. Feelings.
9. 3-5 Years Old & Under 20 Kudos
10. Sort by Dates Updated: Fic Listed on LAST PAGE
broken wishbones under your bed, by Anonymous ⎢ 2.5k ⎢ Rated E ⎢ posted 27 November 2015
“Just,” and Kylo stops short, closing his eyes. He takes a deep breath. “Pretend.” He turns his head, and Hux knows that he's facing in the direction of Dameron's cell. His throat is long and pale, and Hux leans forward and brings his hand to it. Through his gloves, he can feel Kylo's pulse jump. This, this is what Hux likes. Control. Kylo is never more lovely than when he gives in to his desires, when he comes to Hux to get what he needs. He presses his thumb against Kylo's thudding heartbeat, and nods.
11. Posted 6-9 Years Ago
fever to tell, by IrisParry ⎢ 8k ⎢ Rated E ⎢ posted 1 January 2017
Hux was waving the thought like an obscene placard, and when Kylo latched onto it he made a low sound, half surprise and half pleasure, grip tightening around Kylo's wrist. It was crude, but appealing nonetheless, and it rose up on a seething mass of images and emotions that Hux hadn't a hope of concealing now. Kylo took a deep breath, centring himself, resisting the temptation to just take and take. Hux thinks he understands what Kylo Ren wants from him. So does Kylo Ren.
12. WIP Last Updated 3-5 Years Ago
Days Under Different Suns, by GingersSailboat ⎢ 18k ⎢ WIP ⎢ Rated M ⎢ last updated 20 Feb. 2020
Armitage Hux wakes up on a shuttle he doesn't recognise, drifting through dead space with two open wounds and an air supply that's running out fast. He has no idea who put him there, and remembers nothing beyond being shot by General Pryde. Ben Solo is slowly integrating with the Resistance, who are now intent on restoring peace to the galaxy and ending the cycle of hatred and wars that has plagued them for so long. Although every effort is being made to accept him and put him to use, there is a part of him that can't stop thinking about Hux, who he believes to be dead and continues to mourn despite the conflict it brings to his new relationships among the Resistance. (A.K.A - a much-needed fix-it fic wherein Hux survives his execution, with the help of some loyal First Order officers, and sets about attempting to find Ben so they can continue the relationship that had been developing between them before the events of RoS. Please read notes for more information!)
13. Free
14. Sort by Date Updated: Fic Listed on Random Page
15. Comment on Every Chapter of Long-Running WIP
16. WIP Last Updated 1-2 Years Ago
To Take The Sun, by phylonoe ⎢ 30k ⎢ WIP ⎢ Rated M ⎢ last updated 7 Aug. 2023
As a professor, you really shouldn't fall in love with your students. That's gotta be the number one uh-oh. Unfortunately, he's beautiful, and Armitage can't do much but let it happen. or Ben Solo wakes up with a panic attack for the third time in as many days. He's tired. So is Hux. The term is just about over, and neither of them have anything they can do except finish finals and figure out how to avoid the other one. With two people trying, you'd really think that would be easier.
17. Posted Completed in Your Birthday Month at Least a Year Ago
strange days (no colors or shapes), by technorat ⎢ 28k ⎢ Rated M ⎢ completed on 25 April 2020
(Major TROS spoilers in chapter 1) Hux chose to leave with Finn and Poe, deserting to the enemy, with the knowledge that he would never have to see Kylo Ren again. He was wrong.
18. 6+ Years Old & Under 15 Comments
19. Posted 3-5 Years Ago
20. WIP Last Updated 6+ Years Ago
21. 3-5 Years Old & Under 10 Comments
Just This Once, by StarCrossedRebel ⎢ 4k ⎢ Rated E ⎢ posted 20 December 2019
I know that this idea is kinda outdated, but I just really wanted to do a quick one chapter story of Ren and Hux's first and last time together intimately after the destruction of Starkiller.
22. Posted 1-2 Years Ago
My Bark, Your Bite, by JayneSilver ⎢ 16k ⎢ Rated E ⎢ posted 31 May 2023
Kylo Ren hasn't left his room since Starkiller was destroyed, and General Hux will no longer tolerate his dereliction of duties. After he goes to Ren's room, and discovers that that Ren is an omega caught in an unexpected heat, Hux struggles to determine where his loyalties lie – as a General, to his Order, or as an alpha, to an omega in need?
23. Sort by Date Updated: Fic Listed in Middle Pages
That Which Survives, by trill_gutterbug ⎢ 6k ⎢ Rated T ⎢ posted 9 January 2018
Stranded in a broken-down shuttle with Kylo Ren after the destruction of Starkiller Base, Hux is forced to confront some unpleasant realities.
24. Comment, Kudos, & Bookmark Fic Completed 1+ Year Ago
Powerless, by Kyluxtrashpit (ApostateRevolutionary) ⎢ 6k ⎢ Rated E ⎢ posted 19 April 2017
Kylo has always found his sexual trysts disappointing, has always been left wanting more. An idea born partially of desperation leads him to Hux in the hopes of changing that.
25. 1-2 Years Old & Under 10 Kudos
Throw Away After Writing, by bunnybinnie ⎢ 1.5k ⎢ Rated T ⎢ posted 22 May 2023
The teenage years come with a lot of first times. Being in love is one of them, and Ben would be okay with it, if it wasn't also the first time he's in love with his best friend. He writes what he can't say.
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1uc0z4dee · 7 months ago
so hi. i haven't opened tumblr in like a month as i was away from home for my scholar internship, now i'm back and i don't even know where to start. first of all, i hate my house and my parents, i wish i could go back to vienna every single moment of every day since i've been here. i despise my bedroom, i eat too much, my bed stinks and everything reminds me of depression. today's been the worst so far, i don't even have the strength to wake up or answer some texts. and viennaaaa, oh how i miss the place, and the people. to them, it probably isn't as important, this is just a normal experience a lot of teenagers do, but to me, it was most likely the closest i'll ever be to knowing what it feels like to be alive, to have a group of friends you can laugh with and get high with and to have people who care about you and know you, even if just a little bit. i was alone and i was alright. nothing will ever bring me back to those feelings. feelings my mind has already erased due to how i'm used to this sick place. and i don't want to go back to school, i fear there's no more energy in me to spend another year like the last few ones. always swinging, ranting and raving, feeling like I'm being dragged around. and that one boy...for the first time ever, i felt like i could be interested in someone in a normal way. for the first time, i wasn't obsessive or unnatural, at least not while living through the moment. only he has a girlfriend. and like, who am i fooling? i am able to recognise that i am not his person anyway, and that nothing would have happened even if he hadn't already been with someone because of how i normally act and handle these situations -i don't feel like i deserve to be with someone, I'm firmly sure nobody will ever feel romantic attraction towards me-, the problem is that i don't know how to forget and how to move on from all of the simple, yet special things that have come upon me, as it never happened to me before.
sometimes i just feel like i wanna hang myself
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sudokufag · 8 months ago
Mmm it's something I've always wanted a chance to talk about but have never gotten a real chance to online or in real life but since it's disability pride month and all
I wanna give a huge shoutout to people with phobias. (long post ahead)
I feel like phobias aren't talked about nearly as much as they should be in mental health spaces. We talk a lot about people's triggers related to traumatic events, but we don't really cover what it's like to have a trigger from a phobia.
Phobias can come from trauma, but just as many times that happen for no reason at all. Sometimes a slightly uncomfortable, embarrassing or spooky one time occurance buries itself into your mind for no reason at all and it just stays there because the human mind is funny and often slips up.
There's not really a community for phobias, if you look up your phobia online you will be flooded with really triggering images, you can't search any tags online because those tags exist to censor triggers, not to form a community. (not to say that those tags aren't important ofc they are) The closest I've seen is the tag "actual phobia" in Tumblr but this seems small and drowned out by fandom posts somehow.
Phobias are hard and exhausting. They effect you in ways that people wouldn't expect and you cant really explain. They can be humiliating to have: kids in middle school intentionally would trigger my phobia because they didn't understand the severity until I fainted onto the floor. I'm an adult by my mom has to hold my hand and head at the doctors office so I don't break down like a child, the worst was when I had to get my covid shot and confused children and judgemental elderly people alike stared at me in the midst of my meltdown.
Phobias are very isolating. That new movie everyone raves about has triggering subjects right on the poster and no one really thinks to tag it while it's trending. That video game looks right up my alley, but oh, it triggers my phobia and theres no way to censor it in the settings. You try to tell friends and family about your issues as they halfway pay attention as they file your fears under the same urgency "needs to ask their partner to kill the spider". If you've got an uncommon or silly sounding phobia, you will straight up get laughed at for expressing your fear, even in what should be really progressive and accepting places.
It's hard to really describe a meltdown to someone who's never had them. Phobias often make people cry and scream and kick involuntarily, we can vomit and drop in blood sugar and have migraines and faint. To say that it's the feeling of walls closing in on you is to only put in the slightest terms. When I have a meltdown, I feel like I am dying. It's the most pain and fear you can feel, reverting you back into a confused childlike state, and the only reprieve I can get is knowing that I 15 minutes I will feel better if a little tired and I will get to drink a coke with a silly straw as congratulations for making it through.
Lots of people will give you a flat and unsympathetic "get help." even when they're typically progressive enough to know it's rude to say that to people suffering from things like depression. It applies to us too! It's damn hard to get a therapist already, even harder to feel ready to look a phobia in the eye. Signing up for exposure therapy is a very scary thing to do.
So to anyone reading this with a phobia or phobias:
Weather being the very common ones or ones so rare and niche that you aren't taken seriously, and God help you on avoiding triggers
Being unable to enter doctors offices or grocery stores or the post office without shaking in fear
Those whole also struggle with OCD too and have intrusive thoughts about their phobias, triggering them even when sitting alone in their room
Those who's circle doesn't take their phobia very seriously and feels lost and alone when triggered
For those who have been hospitalized or institutionalized because of their phobia
You're not alone! And all feelings, even the very worst feelings, always will come to pass.
I wish that there was a community around phobias the same way there is for my conditions ADHD and anxiety, so we could learn coping mechanisms and better understand ourselves as people through each other's experiences. I'm not sure how that'd work or what that'd look like, but the best way I can think of to get started is to post things like these!
*feel free to share you experience if you want to in the tags
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dyrewrites · 3 months ago
I am in a weird place. Not here, specifically. You are weird Tumblr...but it's why I love you. More a life...place?
I'm an author, this is what I'm told, this is what I answer when asked what my occupation is--as being a raccoon wife is apparently not an answer. It doesn't feel like I am though, on account of people have always made it seem that 'author' meant 'writes and publishes novels' and while I have written novels...I've not published them. I plan to, but until I do my name will bring up short fiction.
All my experience with writing and publishing is through a lens of short horror and flailing around on my own to get it out there.
And it is the wrong way. That's what all the articles say anyhow. All of those 'how to publish' pieces where they tell you to study the market and what the 'ideal' word count is for what genre and whatnot.
Those 'experts' insist you can't publish short fiction, unless you're joining in on an anthology (not your own, mind, apparently that's for 'established authors' whatever that means), and expect people to care.
You're meant to submit short stories to magazines or contests. You try for a big payout instead of publishing it yourself and hoping for pennies.
Because people don't buy short stories. They buy novels.
Well, I did submit to magazines. I read all those articles, followed their advice, researched magazines and found which ones would accept what I wrote. I even read through the magazines to make sure my stories fit their vibe.
My stories were rejected. I expected them to be, honestly. That's what writing and submitting is. Takes many rejections to get in, right?
But I also got a few claiming they didn't take the genre I wrote, despite having it listed in their submission guides as approved. Instead of saying, "this isn't for us" or "we don't like this" they said, "we don't take this genre"
How bad could it have been that they didn't even see it as part of the genre?
Killed me dead. Obliterated.
A friend who read it insisted I just publish it on my own, because she liked it and thought others would. Which they did! Quite a few even.
So I've not submitted anymore stories.
I've been publishing on my own and while I've not made enough for the government to think I'm employed, I have sold enough stories to prove people wrong about short fiction.
You can publish it on your own and people will buy it. They'll even rave about it and leave reviews and tell others. You know, like people do with novels.
I had a point to this, I really did, I think I might have lost it somewhere?
I just...I see other writers worried they're not real because they write shorts or serials and I want you to know that's bullshit and your gremlin needs a gag.
You're real. People love short stories as much as any other story and they've love yours too if you put it out there.
So put it out there.
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blackbatcass · 9 months ago
If it’s okay could you recommend comics for the flash fam? I really want to start reading them but I have no idea where to start 😅
YES I ABSOLUTELY CAN ANON!! reading flashfam comics can change your life for the better fr, unlike batman comics which usually change your life for the worse. Flash comics are honestly very simple to get into? for the most part you can just pick which era you want to start with, hop on that mainline ongoing and read from there.
this got kind of ridiculously long (i ramble about flash sorry)
i am not by any means a well-read silver age fan so I'll just skip right over those LMAO. if you want to read barry's run i assume you can just read flash v1 up until crisis. if you're interested in reading wally as kid flash he's featured in backups throughout a lot of v1 iirc!
unsurprisingly, my number one rec for the flashfam would be the flash volume 2 (1987). it's got pretty much everything you need. it introduced the speed force, basically created what we think of as the flashfamily, reintroduced & created beloved characters, and built up wally into the loser we know and love today<3 at its core it's the story of wally's journey from the very start of his career as the flash, learning how to fill barry's shoes and be a grown-up. it starts when he's this insane cringe 20 year old loser and ends with him as a full adult who's married with two kids LOL. it does soooo much work for wally as a character it's unreal.
but to keep it real flash v2 is......very long. like Incredibly long. it is 200+ issues and ran for over 20 years. so i can break it down into some smaller pieces & try to provide a roadmap so it's maybe a little less intimidating
the bad news is that the first guy to start out on the run fucking HATED wally for some reason lmfao and it shows. it's painful to read. the good news is he only stayed for the first 14 issues lol so honestly you can just skip those and start at #15 where william messner-loebs took over. now......the messner-loebs era is also not perfect and can be a bit of a slog. I love it in the fond 'wow wtf was all that' kind of way but it is definitely not a masterpiece. there are a lot of unmemorable, bland (occasionally batshit & ridiculous) arcs and he introduces a whole army of mostly forgettable side characters. credit where credit is due there is a lot of good stuff in there, he set up some stuff that is foundational to flash lore (like LINDA!! and hartley!) but it's not for everyone. if you want you can jump in at #31, where wally moves to keystone, or if you read some of it and it's not for you it's honestly fine to just skip to #62 where waid's run begins. #62-65 are a flashback retelling of wally's origin story (basically flash year one) and it's sooo good. essential wally reading.
the waid run is definitely the best section of the comic. it's classic it's iconic it builds the flashfamily it creates the speedforce it introduces bart allen. it's phenomenal. if you are interested in characters like bart, the garricks, johnny & jesse quick, and max mercury they are all integrated into the flashfam over this run. if nothing else i would recommend reading this part. oh and SPEAKING of bart allen, he gets introduced in issue #92! he hangs out in flash for a bit, zero hour happens, and pretty soon after his impulse series starts in 1995.
this is my #2 flashfam rec! if you have been in these tumblr circles at all then you've heard us rave about impulse 1995. it's simply Thee comic of all time. everyone on earth needs to read it im not kidding. it follows bart's life living with max mercury and his daughter helen, trying to adjust to normal life in the past. it's just. it's the best. it's 89 issues long, but honestly it goes by SUPER fast. i would recommend doing what i did and reading impulse and flash in parallel, just to get that organic experience & context. they cross over several times until impulse eventually ends.
ok back to flash v2. once geoff johns takes over..... i mean i won't say it ruins the comic and there is definitely stuff worth reading but i love waid infinitely better. it's really up to you. waid also comes back now and then to write a few chunks.
the flash series doesn't end until 2008. the next big thing after would be flash: rebirth, which. i am not a fan of for obvious reasons (get back in that coffin barry) but it's essential to understanding the plot so i have to include it lol.
i honest to god have no idea wtf was going on during flashpoint & new52. I will not pretend to understand that era. however if you are interested in the modern flashfam & the introduction of characters like ace west and avery ho, there are a couple good places to start! if you want to read williamson's run, you can start at the rebirth flash run (flash v5 #1). wally is eventually reintroduced (thank god) during this run.
if you want to start at the jeremy adams run (which features lots of members of the flashfamily) you can start at flash #768, which runs all the way to #800.
I would personally recommend the current flash ongoing written by si spurrier! it is kind of a lot and I'm in the minority in my love for it but it's interesting, thoughtful, has a role for pretty much every character, and has a lot of really cool cosmic horror elements. i will concede that it is VERY complicated and technical but you can tell spurrier has things to say and honestly it's so rare that a comic makes me think these days that i'm eating it up.
there were also two recent flashfam miniseries that just finished, speed force and jay garrick: the flash! i enjoyed both. they're short and fun.
aaaand that's my list! it is by no means comprehensive and it is very possible i got some things wrong so I apologize in advance. if you have any more questions I will be happy to try and answer them. I hope this was at least a little bit helpful and not even more confusing lol!
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lesmisletters-daily · 26 days ago
The Beginning Of Repose
Les Mis Letters reading club explores one chapter of Les Misérables every day. Join us on Discord, Substack - or share your thoughts right here on tumblr - today's tag is #lm 1.6.1
M. Madeleine had Fantine removed to that infirmary which he had established in his own house. He confided her to the sisters, who put her to bed. A burning fever had come on. She passed a part of the night in delirium and raving. At length, however, she fell asleep.
On the morrow, towards midday, Fantine awoke. She heard some one breathing close to her bed; she drew aside the curtain and saw M. Madeleine standing there and looking at something over her head. His gaze was full of pity, anguish, and supplication. She followed its direction, and saw that it was fixed on a crucifix which was nailed to the wall.
Thenceforth, M. Madeleine was transfigured in Fantine’s eyes. He seemed to her to be clothed in light. He was absorbed in a sort of prayer. She gazed at him for a long time without daring to interrupt him. At last she said timidly:—
“What are you doing?”
M. Madeleine had been there for an hour. He had been waiting for Fantine to awake. He took her hand, felt of her pulse, and replied:—
“How do you feel?”
“Well, I have slept,” she replied; “I think that I am better. It is nothing.”
He answered, responding to the first question which she had put to him as though he had just heard it:—
“I was praying to the martyr there on high.”
And he added in his own mind, “For the martyr here below.”
M. Madeleine had passed the night and the morning in making inquiries. He knew all now. He knew Fantine’s history in all its heart-rending details. He went on:—
“You have suffered much, poor mother. Oh! do not complain; you now have the dowry of the elect. It is thus that men are transformed into angels. It is not their fault they do not know how to go to work otherwise. You see this hell from which you have just emerged is the first form of heaven. It was necessary to begin there.”
He sighed deeply. But she smiled on him with that sublime smile in which two teeth were lacking.
That same night, Javert wrote a letter. The next morning be posted it himself at the office of M. sur M. It was addressed to Paris, and the superscription ran: <i>To Monsieur Chabouillet, Secretary of Monsieur le Préfet of Police</i>. As the affair in the station-house had been bruited about, the post-mistress and some other persons who saw the letter before it was sent off, and who recognized Javert’s handwriting on the cover, thought that he was sending in his resignation.
M. Madeleine made haste to write to the Thénardiers. Fantine owed them one hundred and twenty francs. He sent them three hundred francs, telling them to pay themselves from that sum, and to fetch the child instantly to M. sur M., where her sick mother required her presence.
This dazzled Thénardier. “The devil!” said the man to his wife; “don’t let’s allow the child to go. This lark is going to turn into a milch cow. I see through it. Some ninny has taken a fancy to the mother.”
He replied with a very well drawn-up bill for five hundred and some odd francs. In this memorandum two indisputable items figured up over three hundred francs,—one for the doctor, the other for the apothecary who had attended and physicked Éponine and Azelma through two long illnesses. Cosette, as we have already said, had not been ill. It was only a question of a trifling substitution of names. At the foot of the memorandum Thénardier wrote, <i>Received on account, three hundred francs</i>.
M. Madeleine immediately sent three hundred francs more, and wrote, “Make haste to bring Cosette.”
“Christi!” said Thénardier, “let’s not give up the child.”
In the meantime, Fantine did not recover. She still remained in the infirmary.
The sisters had at first only received and nursed “that woman” with repugnance. Those who have seen the bas-reliefs of Rheims will recall the inflation of the lower lip of the wise virgins as they survey the foolish virgins. The ancient scorn of the vestals for the ambubajæ is one of the most profound instincts of feminine dignity; the sisters felt it with the double force contributed by religion. But in a few days Fantine disarmed them. She said all kinds of humble and gentle things, and the mother in her provoked tenderness. One day the sisters heard her say amid her fever: “I have been a sinner; but when I have my child beside me, it will be a sign that God has pardoned me. While I was leading a bad life, I should not have liked to have my Cosette with me; I could not have borne her sad, astonished eyes. It was for her sake that I did evil, and that is why God pardons me. I shall feel the benediction of the good God when Cosette is here. I shall gaze at her; it will do me good to see that innocent creature. She knows nothing at all. She is an angel, you see, my sisters. At that age the wings have not fallen off.”
M. Madeleine went to see her twice a day, and each time she asked him:—
“Shall I see my Cosette soon?”
He answered:—
“To-morrow, perhaps. She may arrive at any moment. I am expecting her.”
And the mother’s pale face grew radiant.
“Oh!” she said, “how happy I am going to be!”
We have just said that she did not recover her health. On the contrary, her condition seemed to become more grave from week to week. That handful of snow applied to her bare skin between her shoulder-blades had brought about a sudden suppression of perspiration, as a consequence of which the malady which had been smouldering within her for many years was violently developed at last. At that time people were beginning to follow the fine Laënnec’s fine suggestions in the study and treatment of chest maladies. The doctor sounded Fantine’s chest and shook his head.
M. Madeleine said to the doctor:—
“Has she not a child which she desires to see?” said the doctor.
“Well! Make haste and get it here!”
M. Madeleine shuddered.
Fantine inquired:—
“What did the doctor say?”
M. Madeleine forced himself to smile.
“He said that your child was to be brought speedily. That that would restore your health.”
“Oh!” she rejoined, “he is right! But what do those Thénardiers mean by keeping my Cosette from me! Oh! she is coming. At last I behold happiness close beside me!”
In the meantime Thénardier did not “let go of the child,” and gave a hundred insufficient reasons for it. Cosette was not quite well enough to take a journey in the winter. And then, there still remained some petty but pressing debts in the neighborhood, and they were collecting the bills for them, etc., etc.
“I shall send some one to fetch Cosette!” said Father Madeleine. “If necessary, I will go myself.”
He wrote the following letter to Fantine’s dictation, and made her sign it:—
You will deliver Cosette to this person.
You will be paid for all the little things.
I have the honor to salute you with respect. - FANTINE
In the meantime a serious incident occurred. Carve as we will the mysterious block of which our life is made, the black vein of destiny constantly reappears in it.
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gcantread · 2 months ago
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January 2025 reads
[loved liked ok nope dnf bookclub*]
Saga (Vol 6) • Saga (Vol 7) • Safer Places • A Desolation Called Peace • Bingsu for Two • Water Moon • Anne of Green Gables* • The Scourge Between Stars • Witchcraft for Wayward Girls • Practice to Deceive • Driftwood • The Tyrant • Anne of Avonlea • Witchcraft: A History in Thirteen Trials • A Company of Swans
Remember when I, like a moron, typed the following:
I doubt I’ll beat last January’s total of 14 books, but then again I’m already 7 books in, so… maybe? We’ll see if I get snowed in again lol
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so anyway I read ✨15 books✨ this month 🤪
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Saga (volumes 6-7) ★★★★☆ - What can I say, it's Saga! I mourn those weird fundie meerkats but maybe it's for the best if we were gonna be kissing them. I can excuse Winged Lady x Horn Man but I draw the line at Winged And Horned Girl x Just A Really Big Meerkat
Safer Places ★★★★☆ - A real trip! I loved the art and the vignette vibes. Very peaceful.
A Desolation Called Peace ★★★★★ - Slapped tbh. I love a first contact story, I loved getting to check in with the characters from book 1, I was rapt the whole time, and I wanted to cunt punt Sixteen Moonrise.
Bingsu for Two ★★★1/2☆ - One of my last ARCs from ALA Annual, where @uncancellable and I had a lovely chat with the author. Not my usual genre at all, but I still had fun and it was serendipitous to read this ideal beach read on an actual beach
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Water Moon ★★1/2☆☆ - Another ARC. One of those books where it's like oh, cool concept... if only the story was good. It's not, though—I compared this reading experience to "eating a cake that is all icing." Would have DNFed if I'd had other options around!
Anne of Green Gables ★★★★★ - She was the moment, she is the moment, she will be the moment. I loved revisiting this as an adult who has now read many more of L.M. Montgomery's works. Call me a Maudball the way I'm reading these Texts
The Scourge Between Stars ★★★1/2☆ - Exactly as promised, a quick and clammy-palm-inducing space thriller novella you can read in one sitting. Not the most original work ever (it's basically just Alien) but that's ok, I love Alien!
Witchcraft for Wayward Girls ★★★★☆ - Grady Hendrix is pretty much an autobuy, I appreciated what he was trying to do here, and I inhaled this in like 2.5 sittings, but that said as a person looowkey squicked by pregnancy I could probably have skipped this one. Should be mandatory reading for cis men though
Practice to Deceive ★★★☆☆ - I read that one tumblr post raving about Patricia Veryan's historical romance and was intrigued enough to pick this one up! Not a bad little book. Will it stick in my memory? Probably not, but for the first time in the romance genre I can see myself picking up more of this author's work when I'm in the mood for an easy read.
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Driftwood ★★★☆☆ - An intriguing concept, and I liked the execution much better than Water Moon's, but ultimately I was a little bored and not all that invested.
The Tyrant ★★★☆☆ - And, snowed in by the fire again, I did indeed end up reaching for another Patricia Veryan! I liked the characters better in this one, but the ending dragged a bit.
Anne of Avonlea ★★★★☆ - She was back at it again at Krispy Kreme and was likewise once again eating it up. I am READY for AotI book club!
Witchcraft: A History in Thirteen Trials ★★★1/2☆ - Finally fulfilling last year's goal of "reading nonfiction ever." This was an interesting and informative supplement to my Malleus Maleficarum research, but felt like it couldn't decide whether to be dry/academic/facts-only or go on long flights of dramatization... and so kinda landed on "confused." Nice message though!
A Company of Swans ★★★★☆ - A book I read to see if it'll work for book club... and it just might! So I don't wanna say too much about it. Eva Ibbotson was one of my favorite writers growing up and it was a delight to find that her writing is still Comfort Writing even in her adult books. I was quite literally laughing out loud. Perhaps even, occasionally, guffawing
DNFs: None, though I probably would have DNFed Water Moon if it hadn't been the only unread book I had with me on a plane. I've also stalled out on reading The Lies of Locke Lamora. Debating whether to return it to the library and try again some other time when I'm in the right mood!
January superlatives
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Next up:
I'm once again in one of those "fuck ME all my library holds are ready at once" situations. This time around we've got Paladin's Grace, Four Ruined Realms, and a nonfiction book on perfume. Plus I'll be participating in February's Anne of the Island book club and the third Emily Wilde comes out on the 11th! Busy month ahead during which IT DOESN'T HAVE TO SNOW, @ APOLLO
previous months:
2024: july august september october november december
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mr0moll · 2 months ago
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☆★☆My name is Mr.Moll★☆★
I’m a young artist new to tumblr, wanting to share my art and exploring the community ᐢᗜᐢ
Some information about me:
I am what I like to call a triple A battery (Autism+ADHD+Anxiety)
I usually do traditional art, using different mediums and tools such as alcohol markers, pencils, watercolours and water based markers, but I prefer using acrylic markers
My favourite colour is Rainbow X3 Buuuut if I did have to chose just one colour, it be Yellow
Im also really in crafts, wether it’s working with clay, recycled cardboard, sewing or making jewellery! Recently, as of making this post, I’ve been really getting into Kandi and the subculture of the rave scene! I mostly enjoy making the kandi and handing them out to my friends, but I really do wanna go to a rave one day, if any ravers have any DJ or song recommendations, please let me know
I come from Australia 🇦🇺🐨🦘🏉
I love toys, collections of any sort, plushies, and anything really that reminds me of my childhood (Last time I counted, I have 150 beanie boos)🧸
I’m one of those people that really got into different subcultures, fashion and aesthetics during 2020! Before that, my go to outfit was a Mickey Mouse shirt and a pair of short of some kind, with absolutely no accessories. Nowadays tho, my outfits are more colourful and thought out, inspired by the different aesthetic I explored online during the days of lockdown and homeschooling, my favourite aesthetic to explore to this day being ‘Weirdcore’ and ‘Kidcore’ 🌈
I am indeed a fellow furry •ﻌ• I have a fursona I’ll post on here once I complete his design and create art of him :3
I have ALOT of interests, here a little list of them:
My little Pony
littlest pet shop
beanie boos
mickey mouse and friends
The furry Community
Sonic the hedgehog
DogMan (My lil sister got me into the books lol)
Fashion & Clothing
And the list just keeps on going and going
I think that’s it for my first post, I’ll post my art every now and then, and reblog different things I think are cool here, but for now I think that’s it •ﻌ•
Thank you to the people who took there time to read my little (Big) introduction, I hope to see you all very soon on my blog
꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎Love you꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎
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cadybear420 · 11 months ago
Cadybear's MC Wardrobes: Evie Ayana, OG HSS Book 1 (Part 2). Featuring some edits by me!
How this series goes: With each book, for a MC I'm invested in, I'll assess each of their in-game outfits. How much do I like or dislike the outfit? Is this something that suits my MC's style, or does it make me go "My MC would NOT wear/own this"? And for the outfits that my MC would not wear or own, how would I alter or replace them? I'm not going to use screenshots from the actual game because I can't be arsed. Also I want to use the different sprite expressions to express how my MC would feel about each outfit.
I like to think this is a good opportunity to elaborate on my MCs' dress styles, and show off some edits :D
Because of the 30-image limit on Tumblr, the wardrobe for Book 1 had be made into two parts. If you haven't seen it already, I recommend reading Part 1 first. But if you have, then let's continue on!
Ch 12: "Berry Pride" Premium Outfit for the Homecoming Parade
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The top is great, but uhh... short shorts are the bane of Evie's GNC woman existence. Also the m!MC version has him wearing cargo pants, soooooo yeah. Not fair.
Unfortunately, buying this outfit is the only way to get that nice yearbook photo with her and Aiden waving from Ms. Maddox's car, so I had to make a sacrifice. Luckily the shorts don't appear in the photo, so I can at least still enjoy it and pretend Evie's style wasn't viciously violated. (Speaking of which, yes I do plan to make edits of some of these yearbook photos for Evie. They'll get a separate post).
Verdict: Only partly in Evie's wardrobe. Alter by replacing the shorts.
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Here's what the outfit would look like with Evie's actual preferred style of shorts.
Ch 14: "Emerald Fantasy", "Lovely in Lace", and "Off the Rack" Homecoming Outfits
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I actually think Evie would like all three of these. They're not fully her style, but they're not something she'd hate wearing either, and they don't violate her skirt preference rules too egergiously.
I tend to pick the green one in some of my main playthroughs for the sake of the color scheme with Aiden in formal outfits (he wears a black suit to hoco, and then at prom I chose the black tux for Evie and he wears a green suit). But the purple one is also really nice, especially as it is a favorite color of hers.
However I do still think Evie would feel most comfortable in the gray free option, even if the color is pretty bland for a homecoming dance. She would probably own a couple of identical dresses with different colors and wear one of those instead, and save the grey one for a more casual chill social event.
Of course, I am still a bit disappointed that we don't get any suit options for f!MC here, like we do in OG's prom, CA's homecoming, and CA's prom. While Evie probably wouldn't mind wearing either of these dresses, I'd definitely have picked the suit/tux option in a heartbeat if they offered it.
Verdict: While Evie would like wearing both of the premium dresses, I'm actually unsure about them being part of Evie's wardrobe. The grey one is definitely part of Evie's wardrobe, leave it as is but also make a couple of alternate versions in different colors. But for her official homecoming outfit, probably replace with a party suit.
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Recolored versions of the free dress, so she has some that are both colorful and comfy. I also think these would be really cool at the Retro Rave theme, as that's the homecoming theme she chooses.
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And here's a hoco suit for Evie, straight from the HSS m!MC's Book 2 wardrobe. I made sure it was a greenish one to keep the color scheme thing with Aiden.
Stay tuned for Evie's OG HSS Book 2 Wardrobe!
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dreamysekai · 2 years ago
Hi there! I’m so happy to see new talented writers on tumblr💖
Can I request Ena and Tsukasa with a reader who is shy/scared of social interactions. I just imagined that “they asked for no pickles” meme and thought that would be interesting.
Feel free to ignore if you’re uncomfortable!
A/N : hello!! FIRST THINGS FIRST i'm so sorry it took like, a whole year to get to this lol. hopefully i'm back? life hit me and then i forgot about the blog. but now i remember the blog. SECOND THING thank you very much for the kind words :) absolutely i've got you. i just feel like their social confidences are so wildly different in flavor i love thinking about the contrast between something like the way Ena would correct an order vs. Tsukasa
what losers, all of you, fluff, funnies, this is generally pretty light-hearted in tone, x shy!reader
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Ena's definitely the type to stand up for you over just about anything.
She takes note of all the little things about you; she's always had an eye for detail
And quickly did she figure out what exactly you like and dislike
It's one thing if her order gets messed up. She's frustrated, but she can cope
But her friend? Her soft-spoken, too-sweet-for-this-world friend?
Immediately she's heated, ready to fight in a war that you didn't even know was happening
Ena would notice the pickles in your burger before you do. The way the bun is shaped, she'd know innately
And before you get the chance to say anything, she's hailing the waiter over, a look of determination in her eye that was comically unfitting of this situation
She'd get your order corrected in a record pace. She'd even look proud of herself for doing it
"You didn't have to do that, you know..."
"And make you eat something you hate? Just what kind of person do you think I am?"
No room for argument with Ena Shinonome on the case
Somehow, though, it's comforting to know she's got your back at all times, no matter what
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Tsukasa is absolutely 100% ready and willing to do the talking for both of you and then some
He'd hold your hand in a crowd and (somehow, with his volume) steer people away so you felt comfortable
He'd order your food for you. He'd forget to order his own food in his focus to get your order right and you'd have to remind him of such as he raved about how well he just ordered that meal
When your dishes arrive, he'd start talking about how good it looked
Before coming to a total halt upon seeing you carefully picking those damn pickles out of your burger
"WHAT? Why didn't you say anything? WAITER!!"
"Lower your voice! It's okay..."
"No it is not! A star such as myself could never let a friend be just 'okay' with something! Not when I have the power to fix it!"
With how confident and... jovial? He is, very quickly would your order be corrected to perfection.
And with nothing but a satisfied smile on his face, he would return to eating and talking. 'Cus of course he'd wait for your food to be back before going back to his
Always so happy to help, Tsukasa is, no matter how quiet his co-star in question might be
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use-your-telescope · 1 year ago
Let's spread some positivity! Tag some of your fellow content creators here and let them know why they are absolutely amazing!❤️
OOOOOOOPS I think I have had this sitting in my asks for a while and completely space cadet-ed on it...
@infinitystoner my first tumblr friend!! You are so freaking talented at every genre and trope you tackle in fics - I am so grateful you thought to message me via the hellsite those many months ago!! Your smut? Immaculate. Your angst? Hurts so good. Your character chemistry? Simply divine! The way you create atmosphere and use language to create such nuance is truly a masterclass.
@loki-cees-all CEEEEEEE you are my beloved angsty queen. The way you are able to get inside Loki's mind and really dive into the little details that bring the hurt is so fucking delightful. I know I owe you at least a few raving reblogs of your most recent fic, so stay tuned!
@the-lady-amphitrite my fellow lore and world building lover!! Any time I get to see behind the curtain in your work is such a blast, and you also crack me up on the regs. Plus video game nerding is alway a delight!
@sarahscribbles Smut goddess! Whether looking for soft or kink, Saz has got you covered. Saz also does such a beautiful job of highlighting relationships in her smut and really giving them depth. She also has some absolutely delightful fluff to investigate, if you're looking for pure warm and fuzzies.
@cleo-fox I am still working my way through your catalog (god damn I am so behind), but YO everything I've read is a straight BANGER (literally and metaphorically). You balance environment, chemistry, and pacing so perfectly in every story I've read, and you've turned some of the more mundane moments into straight up steam sessions.
@maple-seed THROWN. HOLY THROWN. If you, random hellsite user, are reading this and have not read Thrown, *DROP WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND GO READ THROWN!!* It is the *perfect* comfort fic - friends to lovers, slow burn, so soft I want to scream. I'm not on the tag list because I get the A03 emails, and let me just say the *moment* I see that notification in my inbox I drop what I'm doing and go read the update (even if I'm in the middle of a meeting, haha!). I'm behind like, four chapters on reblogs because I have so many thoughts (most of which are OH MY GOD MY HEART IS GOING TO EXPLODE FROM THE SOFT!!). Also, Maple's portrayals of Thor and Valkyrie are delightful!!
@tripleyeeett You are SO FREAKING AMAZING AT WRITING ASTARION and so funny and down to earth and I love your no-bullshit attitude and nerding about BG3 and all sorts of stuff.
Also, I know that they haven't been posting stories for a while, but I do also want to shout out @asteralpine (kaeorin on AO3) - their Loki's Lullabies series was my first introduction to Loki fics (back in 2021); part of why I made a new tumblr account was to be able to share their stories, but more importantly I don't think I would have even started WEMTBB if I hadn't discovered the Lullabies! I have slowly been working on a mega post of all my favorite stories from the series and why I love them so much, but I'm starting to think it's going to be a multi-part post because with over 250 entries in the series, there are too many to fit in one post. These days, the lullabies can only be found on AO3 and you need to be logged in to read them, but I highly, highly recommend them. Oh, and also, there are other non-lullaby stories, and they also are all A+.
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One such example of the difference between "Good" and genuinely bad form vivziepop/Hazbin Hotel Fans that drive everyone to hatred, is that are those of us who are absolutely avoiding the leaks and want fuck all to do with that shit and will block you if you so much as mention it to us, and can afford to do such a thing as a fully matured adult audience with lives and interests outside of just constant cartoon consumption....
And then there's genuinely off putting pigfucker bitches like petitprinces1 who are so sloppy they can't be bothered to find a header that isn't a moving gif with the freaking "AMAZON" logo still attached and they're just like:
"Erm....Yusss.....x3 I seen da leaks.....x3 Nope wont spoil anythin' even tho im answering asks abt it right the fuck now n' addressing Viv herself like shes in da room w me rn anyway KUDDOS Viv i did NAWT see dat 1 cumming!!!! x3 If da rest of u who put the dumb in fandumb literally want lil' ol' meh, ur reigning princess of stupidity, to send u the leaks so u can potentially spread them moar bein an idiot like i am plz DM meh cuz u kno ill delete u if ur dumb enough to actually ask in a reply id rather if u ask me to spread the leaks 4 u in meh DMs if ur gonna ask 4 leaks cuz im not a regular fandumb mom im a 20% COOLER fandumb mom!!! x3 Im so cool that if u ask me for leaks in my replies I GUESS....... ill prolly just delete ur comment instead of just blocking u like everyone else would bc im different and *i* have no boundaries and *i* dont know *HOW* to block ppl!!! x3 i also apparently wrote DISNEY JUNIOR FANFICTION at one point when i was in my late late teens/early early 20s which would imply i went directly from *THAT* to HAZBIN which explains a lot about me dont it? x3 ANYWAY HMU VIA DM IF U WANT ALL DA SEASON 2 LEAKS!!! x3"
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Like gurl ...
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Like, gurl...
Fake arse fan here to stress real people out just like like all the shitty clickbait bros here only you're a little Candace Owens about it it...
Speaking of Candace...
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Uh, once again, my name is NOT "Hearts" and yes the fuck I did Ashface Snitchdale, again, it's free internetz, it's my hot blog and I do what I want, and yo' mama's been blocked for over 4+ years even before she tried and failed to troll me via block evading on anon... I just use an incognito now sometimes when I wanna roll my eyes because my block and stayfree options get broken and I'm forced to perceive she exists and re-block her anyway, keep scrollin'!
Oh and again, it's not "a real double edged sword" or whatever the fuck fandumb centrist bullshit that petitprincess1 is spouting as she's helping spread the leaks to people and let us be very fucking black and white about this okay? Okay. READY? I DON'T CARE! :D
If you indulge the leaks or help spread them, in public or in DMs... You are not a true fan... You are a fake fan... And you need to delete and leave the fandom!
If you: "Feel bad for being happy or excited over something that was so devastating for the crew and feel guilty for finding joy or even 'relief' in those leaks 'because of the results' of the US election.." or whatever the fuck bullshit excuse you made up to help you feel better or whatever... I'm paraphrasing because I don't fucking care what made you do it ... You SHOULD feel bad, you SHOULD feel guilty... You are not a true fan, you're a fake fan.... You not only need to delete and leave the fandom, BUT, you should feel even WORSE for confiding all of your bullshit to the tumblr fandumbs biggest bullshitter, Leeanne, (petitprincess1) someone who should've deleted her online presence years ago for presenting and behaving with all the tackiness and immaturity a of young/republican Trump Supporter anyway... THERE I SAID IT, and I'm probably not the only one too! I mean Viv herself is like... The cutest lil' Scene Kitten/Drunk Girlie at the party who actually thought Coconut Charli XCX Lady would win while raving to that Practical Magic Margarita Song all night long while making Actual Margaritas ...Those of you of you who've actually indulged the leaks and spoiled yourselves for ANY reason are selfish and entitled (as I always knew some of you were) and should be ashamed for doing that to her! You are not true fans. You are not one of us. Leave the fandom.
To think I once called out petitprincess1 for stealing my friends shit and running them off the internet and block evading to further harass me and now I'm calling her out for being complacent and helping spread leaks of the second season of Medrano's entire show! I was going to make a sort of Deep Cut TMI (for some of you people, not for me..) joke about how me and Leeanne ("apparently") shared "the same" Blorbo in the "Lion King" fandom albeit in two entirely Different Eras of Fandom ( mine being the superior one) but I think all of the obvious caveats and quotation would imply how I don't even so much as acknowledge disney junior shit as canon and because I don't watch shows meant for toddlers and therefore it's not the same fandom and not even the same "blorbo" at all and then I got angry and went on the other, more important, vent session because, yeah... It really did all just come down to one big, full circle of bullshit with her this time, didn't it? I'm truly done!
Like, bye bitch I'm never tipping your lolcow again.
Speaking of tipping... She's probably never actually paid an artist in this fandom or brought any actual art in like a while has she? No.
I peek at her blog to see if she posted her playbill if she even paid for one and I find something so much worse.
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demonicintegrity · 1 year ago
Watching from the sidelines as photomatt makes a fool of himself. and I'm just tired.
Listen im not gonna say "i hope someone dies in a car explosion full of hammers" has like, the strongest high ground standing. I'm above that. So may you. But I am gonna say it highlights the double standards pretty well. Are we gonna pretend like half the site wasn't openly wishing for Trump or any sort of alt-right politician to die? Not even like in a cartoony way? Just straight up memes about preparing the crave rave if anyone went? Which was a lot more passionate and strongly motivated than this? I watch so many people get straight up nazis in their askbox. I see so many bigots remake blogs without a sweat if they're even deleted in the first place. Misinformation and racist memes abound. But this small thing gets someone and all their blogs nuked off the website? Okay. Sure. Yeah. That tracks.
Hell, the fact no one can even tag him now shows a special standard. Wdym none of us can blocked being mentioned by others but the specialist ceo can because he's getting flamed for his own double standards? We can actually, its just buried in my settings I didn't know was possible until writing this and double checking. LMK if yall knew that was an option cuz I sure as hell didn't. @staff can still be mentioned and replied to on some of their posts, I'm sure some genuis is gonna have the bright idea to bother them even though they have no control over him. Hell, I've seen them being tagged in posts about policies and drama and all that! The ability to bother the working folks is never taken away but the ceo is above that.
(and no, it's not comparable to a kys joke, which I have never and will not ever condone. That's a fucking crime and terrible.)
(And if the average person can't get the police to do anything about the weirdos in their dm's, if celebrities couldn't get the police to help by being stalked by paparazzi, I doubt they're gonna take "someone on the internet I don't know wished I would be dead by a silly way" seriously. They wouldn't even take my roommates bike being stolen on camera seriously. That was a bluff out of his ass and we know it. He just wants to throw around power he doesn't/shouldn't have.)
("I hope X person dies" is harassment at best but not a credible death threat. It's hard to prove any sort of legitimate attempt behind the words. I would know, queer people get told they should be dead all the time and there's nothing that can be done because it's not a threat. I don't even think it was mentioned at him or anything like that, so it wasn't even intended to be seen by him. So yeah.)
And that's what all the outrage is about. It's the double standards. It's about how all these legitimately awful people still stick around because its not hard, but some random queer or otherwise marginalized person will get scrubbed off the face of the Earth because they were a little rude once. Or because they've done nothing at all. Remember when normal-horoscopes' blog got nuked for no fucking reason at all? Have no idea if that blog was ever restored. But man, all those posts unable to be searched for again.
And to be clear, I'm not surprised by this. In the slightest. When have ceo's ever reacted will to the people using their product not giving a shit about them? I may not know the entire story of who this trans women is and her history but like. But this part doesn't shock me. It sucks but its not surprising when Whatever Rich Ceo picks an enemy out of thin air and tries to drag them around as an example. It's happen so many times. I'm not shocked.
Nor does seeing the transphobia spike AGAIN because of it.
It's just exhausted that I set up myself here all comfy and everyone I follow is considering jumping ship again. I doubt I'll ever use any of the tumblr copycats. I got rid of my twitter. I've been putting off making an instagram for forever. If this goes assume your best chance is finding me on discord or by carrier pigeon. And ill be upset as hell because I love tumblr, it's my homebase, and I just set up my art blog here.
Yeah. So none of this is surprising. Disappointing, but not a surprise. You mean the website that regularly thinks any depiction of a queer person deserves a mature label with no ability to really appeal and fight against that, is being mean to a trans person?? Is the sky being blue also shocking??
Yeah whatever. This isn't changing or personally affecting me in any way but like. Man. Sure. Okay. Might as well be an issue on top of the others on this god forsaken webbed cite.
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