#alvis x reader
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frickingnerd · 3 months ago
yandere A
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pairing: A / ontos x gn!reader
tags: scheming!yandere, A using visions on reader, emotional/affectionate!A, moebius slayer!A, rational yandere
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A is a quiet and scheming yandere. with their ability to receive visions of the future, they're always one step ahead of everyone!
A doesn't like using their powers to manipulate the future, as A believes it's best to take the future into their own hands
only when the situation is dire, like your life being on the line, does A allow visions to influence their behavior
A seems rather emotionless, but only with you does A truly display emotions. after all, A loves you and it's hard for them to hide those feelings from you
A isn't above threatening people they view as a threat to you, but not in the romantic way. A knows your friends and family won't steal you away from you, but moebius might do!
A has made it their mission to slay all the moebius coming their way, to secure your safety. the less people threatening your life there are, the better!
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thequietkid-moonie · 27 days ago
Surprising reader with a birthday gift
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[ SCENARIO ] [ Alvis ]
[ Xenoblade Chronicles ]
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I love Alvis character, he is cool and has a really interesting lore! I mean, I only know more about him thanks to xc2, I know I'll probably will get to know more about him in xc3 aaaand that just makes me feel more excited to get in xc3!!!
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Its not easy to tell whats going on inside Alvis' mind, no matter how close you two are to each other he never stops being rather misterious, still he always tries to leave clear how sincere he is whenever he expressed care for you
As well, Alvis is not much of talking about himself, no matter for how long you two know each other there is always some mistery about him, even when you end up asking something he doesn't really want to talk about himself he simply gives a rather vague answer, while in the other side he is always paying close attention about you, whenever you talk about yourself he is always paying attention (even if he sometimes may look like he is not or you think you are talking about trivial things)
Alvis shows his care in more indirect ways and remembering important things about you is one of them, he likes to remember the small details because it makes him feel closer to you, even when he doesn't say it out loud, so of course he will remember things like your birthday, is part of who you are as a person and he find it fascinating to some extent
Then again, since he doesn't normally express it directly and he keep himself rather misterious it wouldn't be too rare to think that he won't really think on something like a birthday, even if you bring up the topic of you birthday getting closer he simply says that he knows with his usual smile, he doesn't want to come across as rude but he doesn't want to mess up his surprise gift (specially if he knows your birthday is important for you), still if you put enough attention you can notice that he is happy for it too (probably not as happy as you could be but the excitment is there)
Once the day of your birthday finally arrives Alvis doesn't waste too much time before giving you the gift, unless you are too busy or with a lot of other people but if thats not the case he wishes you a happy birthday with the gift just after greeting you, nor really wanting to wait nor make you wait
The gift he gaves you is actually really meaningful, is either something you wanted or something either homemade or collected on the wild, something he knows you will like and actually has a important meaning for you
He can tell that you are surprised for his present even if you don't say it out loud, and he is not offended that you thought he would forget or even don't care, he finds it rather funny and, at the end, if it have managed to make you happy then he is happy too
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moonstruck-poet · 1 year ago
For All Time
Pairing - Loki x fem!reader
Summary - the reader was Loki's bestfriend since childhood until teenage and he was in love with her but maybe they were just never meant to be.
Warnings - death
Requested by - @akshinayak I reaally hope it was good enough and tysm for the request!
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They say breaking up with your partner hurts the most. That's not true, Loki thought to himself. They say falling out of love hurts the most. That's not true, he thought.
"What really hurt-" he whispered to himself and clenched his jaw. His crown of long, black horns feeling a lot burdensome. "-Is knowing that you would've had a chance, would've had a future together. But you didn't. All because of your own selfish reasons and insecurities".
He scoffed, leaning back onto his new throne, one that he ironically had no intentions of wanting and gripped the handle.
The frustration about himself melting away to make way for deep, agonizing pain and heartbreak as he caught onto a thread of your lifeline.
Loki's lips were tightly pressed together when he decided to watch over you, something that he had done last night itself. He couldn't help himself, seeing as your condition was deteriorating day by day.
With a deep sigh leaving his lungs, he closed his eyes, head leaning back against the throne as a certain memory drifted into focus. Putting everything else on hold.
"Fancy any one of them, do you?" Your playful voice asked when he looked at various pictures of princesses.
"Absolutely not," he slammed the last one on the table.
"Pity. I would've loved to see my best friend getting married".
Best Friend. He gritted his teeth, running a hand through the long locks and looking out of the window. That's all he would ever be. A best friend. Nothing more. Never.
Despite being able to sense emotions and read people well, the God of Mischief failed to recognise your feelings. He somehow never took notice of your lingering touches, of your constant staring and looking at him as though he had hung the stars."
Do you have anyone in your mind Loki?" You asked quietly and stood next to him. His emerald irises clashing against your golden-brown ones. "You can tell me, you know?"
You. Its always been you.
He wanted to scream it out loud, wanted to yell and make the whole world know the fact that it was you whom he had fallen for.
"There's no one," he answered abruptly and completely avoided your gaze, and in the meanwhile also not noticing the way your eyes seemed to dull.
He had loathed himself for every passing second after that incident. How different would life have been had he confessed his feelings right then?
He would still have to go through everything, but at least he could've had you right by his side. And that alone would've made all the difference in the world.
He swallowed the misery before regaining control and finally looking at you from high above. But in an instant his facade broke, face contorting in pain upon seeing your weak and frail body. A startling contrast to the strong and regal woman that you had once been.
"Oh my love," he whispered to himself, his eyes raking over every little change that had taken place in the short course of twenty four hours.
You had injured yourself, heavily. A group of oursiders had somehow managed to invade your territory, catching everyone off guard and naturally you had taken the lead.
Fighting alongside Lady Sif and your husband, Alvis.
Another painful wound struck his heart when he saw the said person entering your room, his face drowned in sorrow and desperation.
"How are you, my queen?" Alvis sat down next to her.. Next to his queen, Loki said in his mind.
"I am fine," you smiled back, your expression the epitome of exhaustion.
"Rest, yes?" He said and took her hands in his, caressing the skin. "I will be back soon enough, have to go through some work".
Loki watched as you barely managed to nod, he watched as your loving husband pressed a kiss on your forehead, something that he was supposed to do.
A harsh breath escaped his throat and he let go of the branch, his heart not being able to see its other half being in immense pain.
He had no rights, absolutely none to want himself to be in the place of your husband. He was selfish, arrogant, entitled, pessimistic whereas Alvis was the complete opposite.
You had found yourself a man who loved and worshipped you exactly the way you were supposed to be. He could've never been able to do that. You deserved someone so much better than him. Always.
"Would it be so bad, hmm?" You questioned softly, searching his eyes for an answer.
"I fail to understand what you are talking about," he muttered and looked anywhere but at you.
"I think you understand perfectly enough".
He didn't answer and walked away, because what else was he supposed to do?
"Is the idea how us getting merried so bad that you can't even look at me?" You asked, a small smile on your face.
"I did not say that".
"You surely implied that".
"I-" he cut himself off and turned to face you, his expression holding anger. "I do not wish to get married," he stated, his eyes glaring into yours but you were barely fazed.
"Okay," was all you could say and Loki immediately noticed the way your face changed drastically. You tried to offer him a smile, but for once he saw right through that.
"Okay," you repeated again, backing away from him, taking one step at a time which lead to a huge barrier between the two.
He merely watched you leave, rooted the spot. He probably didn't know it, but he had lost you at that moment. Not as friends no, you would always continue being friends. No one in the universe could possibly break one of the strongest bonds between two people.
"I love you," he whispered to the now empty room, falling down to his knees as a lone tear slipped down his cheek. "Always".
Loki let out a bitter laugh at the memories. Out of all the things he could've said, he uttered the most bitter lies.
He was a changed man now. He replayed all those moments in his head, being able to see all the chances that he had lost. Seeing just how hurt you had been from every selfish comment he had made.
What would he give to go back and change everything instantly.
It was unfathomable, the amount of love his entire being held for simply one person. Nobody ever came close, and never would. He may have been a narcissist, an arrogant liar, a tricking asshole.
But there was one thing that nobody else could do other than him. And that was to love you, adore you in such a way that a mere hiccup in your life caused him pain. To care for you like you held his lifeline in your rough, scarred, but soft hands. To want you in a way that nobody had done before.
Because that's how Loki has. If he loved someone, he loved them enough to terrify himself about the lengths he would go for, namely for the person's happiness.
He had done so countless of times for you, and unknown to him, you had cherished every single minute of those special occasions. Keeping them so close to your heart that they bloomed whenever you were happy and blocked your breathing when you were devastated.
He was lost in thought, but a sudden tug in his chest pulled him out. Loki frowned at the strange feeeling, his intuiton telling him something terrible had happened.
His breathing quickened as he gripped the branch, your branch, noticing the fading green light causing sweat to erupt on his forehead and neck.
"No, no no no," he chanted, feeling as though the world had collapsed upon seeing the scene in front of him. "No," he whispered, heart slowly but surely shattering.
He watched Alvis, tapping your cheek frantically and gently shaking your body as he yelled for the doctors to be brought. "Stay with me, my queen. The doctors are coming, please, stay with me!"
Sif was on your other side, holding one of your hand in hers, pressing the back to her lips. "I'm sorry," she whispered in between tears as her body shook.
Your face, Loki saw and swallowed. It was still as beautiful as ever. Those golden-brown eyes that made him catch his breath everytime he glanced your way, those sharp eyebrows arching whenever you narrowed your eyes playfully and that gorgeous smile that you presently held.
"I'm okay," you croaked out, "I'm alright".
The two people surrounding you simply cried harder at that, bowing their heads and pressing the back of your hand to their temple. Their way of paying respect to the bravest warrior they'd seen.
Loki's chest felt empty, as though his heart too was slowly dying, following his soulmate to the afterlife. Silent tears were flowing down his cheeks without a halt. There was only one thing he could think of to do now and he did just that.
Your eyes were half open, understanding that your end was nearing soon and you didn't have any regrets. You had lived a beautiful life inspite of the hardships.
But then a sudden warmth made you open your eyes completely for one last time. Your head tilted to see the rays of light gushing in through the open window, bathing your entire body in its glow.
You didn't fail to notice the green tint that was present and your heart skipped a beat, despite already being in a fragile state. "Loki," you whispered, your voice barely audible but the one who needed to hear it heard his name clearly.
And you took your final breath, a content smile on your face as your eyes closed.
His soul shattered next, everything suddenly feeling cold all of a sudden as he slumped back in his throne, breathing heavily and swallowing harshly.
"Rest easy, my love. I will love you, for all time, always," he said to the skies.
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bbnibini · 5 months ago
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To commemorate the success of the exchange program and your official enrolment as a regular student in RAD for the upcoming school year, Diavolo invites the House of Lamentation and Purgatory Hall to a slumber party! What better way to celebrate than playing video games? Unfortunately, one such game among them called “Olympus Moon” is more than just a game: it is said to be cursed by an evil spirit! By a terrible stroke of luck, you and everyone else had somehow been transported inside the game, at the mercy of the rumoured curse out to kill you all!  Will you and your friends be able to get out of the game? Or will he get to you first? (part 5 of the Hamartia series) ~bannerart by alvimint
Pairing(s): "Aphrodite" x MC, "Aphrodite" x Reader
T/w: Graphic depictions of violence and gore, major and minor character deaths
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coming soon
Song: Aquarium by Megumi Nakajima Artist: Alvi Rough translations/lyrics/edit: BBnibini Gdoc srt: To be shared on the release date
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carrd (WIP)
masterlist (you are here)
original AO3 version (WIP)
gallery (wip)
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ARC 1: EVERYONE'S APHRODITE (release date: December 9, 2024 GMT+8)
Optional PSISLY branching route
Day 0
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
ARC 2: OCEAN AND HEARTH (release date: early 2025)
coming soon
coming soon
ARC 4: WIP TITLE/it's spoiler so I'll put it as wip for now lol
coming soon
coming soon
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lizzyk137 · 2 years ago
I'm All Yours - A Chani Fanfic (Chani X Reader)
Description: You and Chani get paired for a school project. When the project material starts to ignite secret feelings between you two, what will happen when your project is finished? Warning: Absolutely none, just pure fluff and love :3 Materials mentioned: Jane Austen's Persuasion, Mamma Mia's 'Lay All Your Love on Me', Dirty Dancing's 'I've Had the Time of My Life' dance scene.
Want to read more, visit my Masterlist!
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"Okay, drama nerds! Please welcome your new classmates for the rest of the semester!" Mrs. Elven announced as she made her way down the aisle to the stage area. "Classes have been meshed this semester with our writing friends so they can get an idea on how to write for those preforming on stage, tv or movies, along with getting better feelers out for how things get imagined in our minds when we read." She pointed to her head for affect.
"Along with the switch for this semester, we will be switching next semester also. You will all be writing together so you can get a feel for what a good script is and how the writer wants the characters to feel so when you act you can better understand what you're portraying." Mr. Alvis stepped in next.
"You'll be partnered up with one person from each class to help each other better understand the other's major. Now each class will still have one class each week away from each other to focus on our own curriculum. Mr. Alvis will call out partners, please stand up, find each other and introduce yourselves."
"Ally and Cole, Sam and David, Mark and John, Tyra and Annebelle." Mr. Alvis started calling off names, and you squirmed in your seat, nervous of who you would be paired up with. You took this class because you loved writing and a good challenge while writing, but acting was something new to you and something that you knew you weren't good at.
"Chani and Y/N." Mr. Alvis called, and you stood up and looked around to find a tall, attractive boy standing up in the front row looking around.
His brown eyes caught yours, and he gave you a small wave and made his way over to you. You sat down, smoothing your skirt, nervous about what you got yourself into. You took a deep breath in and turned to look at one of the most handsomest guys you've ever seen.
He was tall, with kind brown eyes, a bright smile that made you warm inside, and sturdy but thin build. His brown hair was short, but his bangs hung almost into his eyes. He smiled more, showing off a perfect row of teeth that made your stomach go a flutter.
"Hi, I'm Chani. It's nice to meet you!" His head tilted at the end so cutely, making the butterlfies in your stomach freak out even more.
You gave a small wave and a nervous smile. "Hi, I'm Y/N."
Chani dropped his bag and sat down next to you. "So, are you excited to be learning everything there is to know about theater?"
"Kind of," you said while nervously playing with your hands. "I'm a bit nervous. I've never done anything like this before. I'm not one to really put myself out there."
"Ah, well, I'll help you through it. If you have any questions, just ask! I'm more than happy to help, plus the theater teacher is great at helping you get over any nerves you have."
"That's good to know. How about you with the writing assignment next semester?"
He shrugged and gave a grimace. "I know it won't go too well for me. I'm not exactly great at creating words."
"Well, like you said, you can always ask if you have any questions."
You both smiled at each other, and then silence filled in the rest of the convo. It wasn't awkward but it wasn't comfortable either and you sat there clutching your skirt waiting for the end of class to draw near.
"I heard there are three different scenes that we need to preform. They're short, possibly five minutes for each scene which is good but they can range from different topics or different types of things a performer may do, like singing or dancing." Chani whispered, while you both took notes on the course direction and what was required for you to pass.
You looked at him scared. Dancing? Singing? You could barely tell a lie, how were you supposed to do all three things in the course of a few months?
Chani offered you smile as he watched your face turn to panic. "Don't worry, they'll prepare you for it all beforehand but i guess we get our scenes within a few weeks."
You nodded and went back to trying to pay attention to as much as you could from Mrs. Elven's lecture on theater. You needed to be prepared as much as you could for the amount of stress the next few weeks was going to bring.
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"Alright, pair up and we'll be going around and handing out your scenes and explaining them."
"Now theater kids, you will be letting our new friends take the lead on the everything, while you are directing and helping." Mrs. Elven explained.
Mr. Alvis continued where Mrs. Elven left off. "Throughout the course of the next few weeks you will be practicing and perfecting your scenes under the guidance of myself and Mrs. Elven. Schedules will be posted to let you know when we will be reviewing your progress."
You spotted Chani on the steps of the stage talking to a few of the theater girls and your slowly made your way over there. Chani was nice but he didn't go out his way to get to know you the past few weeks of lectures. You noticed he was more interested in his friends or staying by himself than he was with you, and you were just too shy to go over and start up a conversation. You passed each test so far with flying colours and you were hoping you'd be able to do the same physically all while praying that Chani would help you out.
"Oh, hey, Y/N." Chani said as he spotted you lingering near the front row." He got up and leaped down the stairs with ease. "Are you excited to see what we got for our scenes?"
You nodded and gave a smile smile. Words didn't come easily to you when Chani was involved you've noticed and you could tell it was putting him off by the awkward silence that always followed.
"Chani, Y/N, good I found you. I gathered up some great scenes for you." Mrs. Elven said as she rustled through to find a greeen folder with both of your names written on the top. "Now, Chani, I know you're great at what you do when it comes to a happy or serious scene but I have yet to see you do romance."
"Wait, I can do romance." Chani spoke up defensively.
"Not that I've seen, nor have I seen it in person yet from you. And I hear that miss Y/N, enjoys a good romance story and that Jane Austen is a favourite of yours. So open up and see what you got." She gave you the green folder and you opened it up to find a piece of paper detailing your topics and scenes.
Topic One: Musical- Lay All Your Love On Me (Mamma Mia Musical)
Topic Two: Dance- I've Had The Time of My Life (Dirty Dancing Dance Scene)
Topic Three: Acting- Persuasion's Letter Confession Scene (Jane Austen)
"Wait these are all love scenes, Mrs. E." Chani exclaimed as he took the folder from you looking at the rest of the material in it.
"Why, yes it is. It's supposed to be challenging and a learning opportunity for my students. Have fun, my lovelies!"
You watched her walk away while Chani quietly complained to himself as he looked over the material.
"Great, class is basically over. Let me research these scenes and next class we'll start learning, okay?" Chani gathered up his bag and walked away before you couold say anything.
This is awesome, you thought, you're stuck doing love scenes with someone who clearly does not enjoy doing them all while you learn a new skill set so you can pass your class this semester. Welcome to hell.
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The next two weeks where absolute shit, constant studying on your part to get the dance down while trying to protray a confession to someone who stares at you with annoyance as you fumble everything anf that's not even including the singing lessons that he quickly gives. You really needed this class to pass so you could keep your scholarship and with two weeks of barely getting nowhere, you were starting to get pissed off.
Setting your bag down on the dance studio's floor, you connected your phone to the stereo's bluetooth and put on your small heeled shoes. You didn't let it on but Dirty Dancing was one of your favourite movies and you wanted to do it justice. You had gathered from the costume department an outfit that was similar to Baby's and you were hoping it would channel your inner Patrick Swayze.
Turning on the song, you closed your eyes and started dancing by yourself as you remembered each move that was created during the movie all while remembering Chani's notes and tips.
The song slowly ended and your eyes flashed opened to the sound of clapping behind you. You quickly twirled around to find Chani leaning against the door frame smiling. "Chani! You scared me!"
"You did really good. I'm impressed to see you practicing on your own." He said as he walked over to you.
"Well, I need to pass this class in order to graduate and keep my scholarship." You said irriated that he didn't think you'd actually take this class seriosuly, unlike him who was clearly uninterested during class.
"I haven't gotten much help so far, so I've been learning on my own."
"I haven't been a great teacher the past couple of weeks have I?" He sat down next to you as you wiped off some sweat on a small towel.
"Not really."
He sighed and leaned back on his palms. "I just don't get romance. I've never really liked anyone so I don't know how to feel it in order to protray it correctly."
"Really?" He looked at your shock face with some annoyance. "Don't think of me as rude but you're constantly flirting with the girls in class, so I figured you've must have been ina relationship."
"Nope. I just flirt to work on my presentation for auditions or characters, that's all. I have no feelings for any of them. In fact, most of them annoy me."
"I must annoy you a lot then with not knowing what to do." You laughed.
Chani chuckled, "Actually you don't surprisngly. It's nice to have someone focused on their work like I am. I may not have shown it the past couple of weeks, but I've got the best grades in my department."
The next hour was spent talking as you both got to know each other, and you noticed Chani opening up to you as the next few classes went by as you practiced your dance sequence and song.
"I think it's good, but the characters are in love and I don't see it being shown." Mr. Alvis said after Chani and you showed your dance and music scene.
"I agree, the characters are in love and both sets of characters have a sort of sexual attraction during each number. For your song, I want your lips barely brushing while you sing back and forth with each other. PLay around with it. PLus I'd like to see you lay her down during the chorus as your hands play down her arms."
Chani looked at you, his eyes asking for permission to do what the teacher asked and you hesitated for a second before nodding your reply.
"Oh and Y/n, for your singing part can we get the crawl towards Chani then I'd like to see how it looks with your chest to chest before the chorus." Mrs. Elven said as she turned the music back on.
"I don't know what you've you done to me" you sang as your sank onto your knees the on all fours.
Chani fell to his knees a small smirking playing on his lips as he watched, a slight hunger burning in him as he saw you in a barely there swimsuit starting to crawl towards him.
"A grown-up women should never fall so easily."
You reached him and you let your hands slide up his torso to his neck where you looped them around your chest pressed against his as he wrapped one arm around your waist as the other tangled into your hair.
"I feel a kind of fear, when I don't have you near."
He pulled your closer as your hands slide down to his chest and hsi head moved in closer your lips barely brushing as you sand the rest of the bridge.
His head moved away as he looked at you longingly before slowly pushing you down till your back gently touched the floor and he crawled on top of you straddling your legs and he sang out the chorus. Your arms moved above your head as he pushed them up his lips close to yours before getting off of you as he completed the song.
You laid there stunned as the teachers clapped as you replayed what had just happened between you and Chani and the burning fire you had in your gut for him.
"That was perfect!" Mr. Avis said. "Please just repeat that for when you preform it."
Mr. Elven smirked as she watched Chani help you up off the floor. "Keep practicing the dance. Incorporate what you did just now into it."
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A week blew by and you were back in the dance studio covered in sweat as you rewatched the final dance scene in Dirty Dancing on your phone while you had 'I've Had the Time of My Life' play on loop in the background. "Ugh!" You shouted and fell back onto the floor. You were never going to get this down, and without this being completed you weren't sure you both would even start the acting portion of Jane Austen's Persuasion.
"Taking a break?"
You opened your eyes and looked behind you as you laid on the ground to find Chani once again leaning against the doorframe. A playful smile on his lips as he gazed down at you. He gently licked his lips and you quickly turned away as you felt your face burn under his gaze but the mirror on the wall betrayed you showing your face flush a dark pink.
Smirking he walked over and stood over you looking down. "So, Baby," he said teasingly using the name from the main character of the film as he offered you a hand, "Shall we dance?"
You took his hand in yours and he pulled you up as your body slid up against his. Chani's other hand slid to your waist as you danced to the music. The music looped over again and you continued, forgetting the steps and what you were there to do as your gazes were locked onto each other. Each spin and and hip grind sent you over the edge, making you feel like you were floating on cloud nine.
Sweat poured off your bodies as your clothes clung to you as he twirled you into his body, his leg between yours as your body grinded in his, your thigh being lifted up by one of his hands as your skirt shifted down showing your bare thigh, your lips dangerously close. He opened his eyes and looked into yours, his eyes darkening at the sight of you. Drenched looking, your heaving chest, your lips slightly parted as you looked at him with innocence. He pulled you closer to him, your breath hitting his cheek and he dipped you slightly, pulling you up slowly before dipping you again, swinging your body to the other side of his before pulling you up sharply, noses touching.
He almost kissed you right there but the music stopped and the room fell silent besides the sound of your chests rising and falling as you tried to catch your breath.
"Um," his breath shaky, "I think we're good on the dance portion."
You took a deep breath in, "Yeah I think we definietly are."
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It was the day of your performance. The auditorium was filled and your musical and dance number went by without a hitch.
You stood in the side wing as they announced the next group to go on. All that was left of your final assignment was to get over the monologue part, the ending letter in Jane Austen's Persuasion, and you were nervous about it. Spending so much time with Chani and getting to know him for the past months has been nerve-wracking. He was handsome for starters. He could make any girl blush under his gaze, and he certainly knew how to make you turn a dark shade of red.
Your relationship started off as one of annoyance then turned into something else once you got to know each other. Every time you saw Chani, it was like your body was on fire and only he could extinguish the flames he created.
Every time you met up with him to practice, the feelings you had kept growing, and now everything he does sends you over the edge. You didn't know how you got through the musical and dance number without being completely red. You weren't an actor, and the feelings that needed to be portrayed by the characters in those scenes you didn't have to act for - they were your own feelings. Every touch, every smile, every almost lip touch was all you. Even though you were friends, you knew more than likely nothing would grow past that, so if you had to be selfish and take those chances during practice and your performance, then so be it.
You weren't popular like Chani. He made friends wherever he went and had a line of girls to choose from when he wanted to. While you kept your nose in a book or writing one, blocking the world out besides the one that was in print. The only experience you had with relationships and love was just in books. Imagining how it felt to be kissed or your hand held. How it would feel to be kissed in the pouring rain as the main male lead said a love filled confession.
But Chani had been giving you that recently. The looks, the touches, the little flirts. You thought he felt the same as you, just too shy to admit it or ask you out. But every day, those small touches to your back, the slight hand holds, the hair tucking behind the ear made you feel his affection and possible love. But there was one thing you couldn't get your brain wrapped around. Heartbreak.
You could feel longing, happiness, love, a high that you didn't want to come down from when you were with him, but for the past couple of months, he didn't leave your side. You weren't alone. And to portray that emotion of loneliness and breaking apart was difficult.
Chani had given you every tip and trick to getting your body and acting skills to understand it. You couldn't cry on command, and you couldn't use fake tears. It's not like you couldn't cry at the scene. From reading to watching it in countless movies, every time the scene came up, you couldn't stop the overflow of tears, and when Chani performed the whole thing, you were left a crying mess.
The scene started off just reading the letter, and you were supposed to break down as you read it. But you just couldn't cry. You had been trying for weeks, but you were on cloud nine because of Chani. Nothing had brought you down. And now that the time had come, you were nervous to perform it.
You looked across the stage to find Chani standing in the other wing. He saw you and gave you an encouraging smile. You put down your script, which you had for a last-minute refresher, and straighten your dress out. It was a beautiful ocean blue historical dress with gold accents, and you had some white gloves on to match. In the pocket of the dress, you made sure you had the fake letter in which you were supposed to read from.
Looking back up, you saw Chani chatting with one of the other actresses, her back to you. One hand wrapped around her waist and the other on her back. At first, it looked like a hug, but looking closer, you could see it was a romantic touch.
Chani tucked a hair behind the girls ear, something he did so tenderly to you not so long ago, and the smile on his face was of pure affection and fascination as his eyes took in the girl's face.
Your breath caught in your throat as he dipped his head down towards her, his hands holding her face tenderly. Your eyes closed, and you turned away, not wanting to see more. It felt like you couldn't breathe.
You gripped your chest, your other hand finding its way to your mouth so a cry didn't escape from your lips. Over head, you could hear your names being called out and the roar of the crowd clapping, waiting for your entrance.
You quickly wiped your tears, taking a shaky breath in as you pulled out the letter from your pocket and walked on stage, not bothering to look in Chani's direction.
The lights had dimmed till there was just a mellow blue spot light on you. You looked at the envelope in your hands, your breath still shaky, which suddenly hitched in your throat when you saw your name printed on the front with Chani's handwriting. You had thought it was supposed to be the actual letter from the novel inside, but now you weren't so sure, and it scared you a little.
Your hands shook as you undid the envelope and opened up the letter. Your name was written neatly on the top and you tried to read it as the violin started to play, signaling the start of your speech, your eyes having a hard time focusing on the paper.
You looked out in the crowd, your voice somehow strong but quiet as you spoke a loud. "I can listen no longer in silence. I must speak to you by such means as are within my reach."
You paused for a second as a lump in your throat grew when your eyes caught the first sentence of the handwritten note in front of you. 'I'm surprisingly not good with words, but if there is one word I would use to describe you, it would be perfection.'
"You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope." Your voice started to shake, as you continued reading what was written to you.
'You have struck my every being. Every inch of you is perfection. Every touch. Every glance. Perfection.'
Your voice cracked, tears finally spilling down your cheeks. "Tell me not that I am too late, that such precious feelings are gone for ever. I offer myself to you again with a heart even more your own than when you almost broke it, eight years and a half ago."
'Oh, god, Y/N. I love you. I think I always have since our first encounter. How you looked so nervous and adorable. My thoughts had started to be consumed of you, ever growing the more I saw you. When you brought me down to earth that day in the dance studio, I knew. I knew it was you.'
Chani's footsteps echoing on the stage brought you back, your head turning to see Chani on the other side of the stage, waiting for you so you could speak the next passage together. "Dare not say that man forgets sooner than woman, that his love has an earlier death." He turned to face you, small tears forming in his eyes. "I have loved none but you. Unjust I may have been, weak and resentful I have been, but never inconstant. You alone have brought me to Bath. For you alone, I think and plan."
How could he love you and still kiss another girl? Was this a game to him? His sweet words filled you with hope, but you'd rather have none if the aching feeling in your chest was always constant with him. But how could he love you? True, he spent the past few months with you constantly, but how could one night, tonight of all nights, turn his love into nothing. If you consume his thoughts, then how could another women stray him so easily?
You looked out at the crowd before you, each person intently listening as Chani spoke the next part. "Have you not seen this? Can you fail to have understood my wishes?" He walked towards you, his hand motioning to the letter in your hands. You looked down again, a few tears falling onto the paper in front of you. "I had not waited even these ten days, could I have read your feelings, as I think you must have penetrated mine. I can hardly write. I am every instant hearing something which overpowers me."
'Y/N. My dear, sweet Y/N, I can't picture my life without you in it. It's only been a few months, but all I can think of is you. You're the sun, the sky, the darkest and most stormy of days, you're the ray of light breaking through the crowds. You're my dreams, my hopes, and my ambitions. You're my everything. I couldn't face tomorrow if you weren't in it.' You looked up to find him standing in front of you, a tearful smile on his face, his hands finding yours and cupping them in his as he raised the letter closer to you to finish reading. 'Every smile, every almost kiss, every touch. I can't imagine not being able to do all those to anyone else but you. Please, my darling Y/N, be mine and mine alone. I'll cherish and protect every minute we have together and shower you with love. Lovingly yours, Chani'
You looked up to find him finishing the monologue, his face dangerously close to yours, his eyes searching for an answer in your eyes. You stared back for a second before the thought of his letter being a lie struck you again, your heart cracking under his beautiful gaze.
Turning away and towards the wings of the stage, you saw the same girl from earlier dressed up in battle gear with a woman in a dress. Her arm around her waist, and then she carefully cupped her cheeks, giving the girl a passionate kiss.
"It was a fake kiss. Yours is the only lips I want to touch mine with." Chani whispered, his voice barely audible over the loud violin, his one hand which was still holding yours squeezed yours. You turned slowly towards him, the violin cut off, leaving the room in silence. Tears formed in your eyes as his whispered, "I love you, my dearest."
He pulled you close, one hand holding the small of your back and the other gently cupping your cheek. His lips touched yours, sending waves of pleasure and love through your body. You stood in shock for a second before your hands found their way to his chest, his heart beating hard beneath your hands.
The crowd around you exploded with applause, tearing you both away to look at the crowd, a laugh escaping from your lips as you looked back to Chani, who had the biggest smile on his face. He gently pulled you in again for a small kiss, his forehead resting on yours as he looked longingly into your eyes.
The curtain closed, and you stood still standing in each other's embrace, not wanting to let go of one another.
"Be mine?" Chani whispered, his lips brushing your cheek.
"I'm all yours."
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I literally finished this on the train cause I couldn't get this story out of my head :3 Hope you enjoy! -Liz
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quinloki · 2 years ago
If you haven't read Quicksand up to chapter 5 you're going to be terribly confused.
Fem Reader x Sir Crocodile
CW: Language, violence, blood, moral ambiguity, murder, sexual themes and situations, yandere, angst with a happy ending, a referenced instance of physical abuse. 18+ only
ADDITIONAL CW: Dub-con, kidnapping, imprisonment
The alternative version picks up at Chapter 6- there's a lot of overlap for the first few chapters as the story slowly peels away from the original. The alternative chapters explore Sir Crocodile's yandere tendencies in a setting where the reader rejects him (vs the original where she never ran).
You can read it as it posts to Tumblr, or sate your curiosity on AO3 // Wattpad immediately.
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Chapter 7: Shifting
Going to work was utterly nerve-wracking, to the point that you nearly considered calling off. Spending the day job hunting seemed like a better use of your time than spending the day nearly ready to vomit because you weren’t sure when the CEO would decide on a surprise visit.
You checked your phone one last time to see that there weren’t any missed calls or messages. You hadn’t heard from him since you left, and it was one-half a relief, and one-half a concern. Sunday, you had been in a fit of sleeplessness and nerves, randomly napping when your tension had simply forced you to rest. Last night at least you got a few hours in a row, and hopefully it would be enough to get you through the day.
Getting into the office, you checked in with Buggy. He gave you an odd look, but wasn’t prompted to say anything. You’d come into work on Monday’s a little strained before, but it had been quite a few months since anything had happened to cause it. You wanted to ask him if Crocodile had said anything, but if something was already being done against you from an employment standpoint you were sure Buggy would’ve cut to the chase and let you know.
Asking about Crocodile yourself would’ve been completely out of character for you. Your job was almost entirely internal within the West branch, you had no direct concerns or contact with the CEO. You barely had direct contact with anyone higher up the ladder than Buggy.
"So, how'd it go?" Alvida questions as soon as you were out of Buggy's office. Her voice had the usual almost melodic tone it got when she knew she was on the verge of juicy gossip.
"Horrid," you assert, and something on your face must have backed you up because Alvida’s entire demeanor slumped.
“Oh, honey. I’m sorry.” She gives you a hug, patting your back a little. “I expected if it went poorly you would’ve come in with too much makeup or a really bad new haircut.”
You snort and lean into her hug a little. Alvida was a good friend, and even as the main hub of gossip in the office, she’d never betray your actual trust.
“It was good for a moment, but,” you heave a big sigh before moving to sit at your desk and begin to work. “Well, I got cold feet I guess.”
“At least it wasn’t Buggy.” Alvida offers, starting a pot of coffee for the three of you.
“Haa, I almost wish it was.” You admit with a chuckled sigh.
“… Oh dear.” Alvida replies after a moment’s shock. “Can I… I mean, you need to talk about it?”
You shake your head. “I don’t want to just yet, and I don’t even know that I should.”
“Alright. Well, if you just need someone to confide in or vent to, you can trust me, (Y/N).” Alvida says, setting a cup of coffee next to you before sitting at her nearby desk.
“I know Alvy, thank you.”
You start sorting through your work, making idle talk with Alivda.
“Do you know what Buggy did over the weekend?” You ask with a little less energy than you meant.
"He's been working on starting his own business. I guess he's been consulting with some of his old friends." Alvida said absently.
"Oh wow." You stop working and look over at her. "Seriously?"
Alvida shrugs. "As seriously as I think he does anything. I have no idea what kind of business it is."
“Huh… I wonder if he needs any help organizing it.”
Alvida nearly drops the papers she’s working on. “You? Change jobs?” She looks completely flabbergasted. “I… mean this as politely as possible, but I honestly thought you’d retire from here. No risks, no changes, no leaps of faith. You fit in well here and enjoy it, I’m surprised.”
“Mm, maybe I could use a challenge.” You say with a small smile as you return to your organizing. “Besides, it’s not that much of a change, I already know how to handle and work with Buggy.”
The two of you worked in silence for a while longer before you came across a piece of information that nearly made you groan. "The auction next week is being hosted by Donquixote Doflamingo?"
Just what you needed. Another Warlord in your life.
"Yeah, the CEO of SMILE, Inc.? Well, new CEO, he stepped up after retiring from modeling last year, didn't he?"
"Beats me," you admit with a shrug, wondering internally how many of the Warlords had legitimate businesses as fronts. "Isn't SMILE a pharmaceutical company? From Model to CEO of something like that seems like a heck of a leap."
"Oh, I'm sure he pulled some strings," Alvida says. "His money has money." You snort at her sarcasm. "Still, they say he was educated in the Holy Lands, so he's probably smarter than he looks."
Alvida flips her phone and holds it out to you. There's a picture of a tall, well-built man on the beach in glaringly pink swim trunks with hair so blonde it's almost lost in the sunlight. His shaggy hair is drenched, and it looks good on him that way. You can feel the arrogance rolling off of him in the photo, it's obvious he's aware he's being photographed.
"I'm surprised he's retired from modeling." You admit. "He's not even thirty yet, I can't imagine."
"He's been doing that work since he was 16, I think? He might just be tired of it." Alvida says, seemingly disinterested. "He'd be cuter if he wasn't so aware of his good looks."
"Can you get me a behavioral write up on him before the Auction?" You ask. "I know we usually have more time with these big profile events, but anything would help."
"Sure, I'll have Galdino and Cabaji help me." She assures you. "Think you're going to have trouble corralling him during the auction?"
"Maybe. Better to over prepare than under prepare." You roll your shoulders and release some of the building tension and check your phone. Still no messages. That’s good, you can focus on the task at hand.
Aside from dealing with Doflamingo for a couple of days, you also have to brace yourself to see Sir Crocodile again. He’ll be present during the auction proper, though, if you can make it work you may be able to hand things off to Alvida that day. He’s technically a visitor from another branch, so you don’t have to work with him at all.
It depends on how you feel in a week’s time. If you think you can face Sir Crocodile neutrally, then you will. Otherwise, there’s no shame in hiding behind your good friend who hasn’t slept with the CEO of your company.
You get things organized and pop into Buggy’s office for a moment before going on your rounds to check in on all the teams.
“Hey boss,” you say evenly, pulling out the pages about the upcoming auction. “Can you see if you can get us some extra hands? Donquixote is a big name even in big names, and I’d like to make sure the staff is beyond capable of tending to any requests he may have while he’s here.”
“As flashily as I can!” Buggy says with a smile. “Feeling better?”
You smile a little and nod. “Yeah, sorry for worrying you this morning, boss.”
“Bah, it’s fine. As long as you’re feeling better.” Buggy waves a hand.
“I hear you’re starting a business, boss.” You say pointedly, causing him to flinch.
“Ah, ha ha, I mean, I’m sure I could use your help… (Y/N).” Buggy answers rather sheepishly, almost hiding behind his desk.
You chuckle a little. “I was thinking it was about time I started looking for a new job, so you can certainly keep me in mind, boss.”
Buggy lights up almost instantly, practically screeching with glee. “(Y/N)! You would be an immense help! You’re so much better at organizing people and things than I am, and you’re really good with words and getting people to do what you need, and I’m not failing or anything so far, but I would be so relieved to have your help.”
“Let’s get through this auction, and we can talk about details.” You say, pointing at the papers you’ve left behind. “I’m going to check on the teams and do my rounds, but I’ll be back for this copy later, so make those calls, boss.”
The rest of the day went on without incident and you headed home only a little later than usual. Being able to work through lunch while still getting to eat lunch made the day go smoothly, and you were grateful for Buggy's consideration. There was less stress after work as well, knowing that you wouldn't have quite the mountain to deal with the next day.
On top of everything else he had managed to get some extra hands to help out during the auction, and even better than that, Buggy himself would be coordinating them. All you had to do was determine how they would be utilized, and then your boss would oversee them. Leaving you to focus on Doflamingo, and eventually, possibly Sir Crocodile.
You really did want to just quit and leave the Metro before the auction, but it would leave Buggy and Alvida in the lurch and you didn’t want to do that to them.
The drive home was dull and long. Traffic was terrible this time of the evening, and honestly you should’ve just stayed at work for a couple of hours and gotten more done before trying to get home. Hindsight and all that. You listen to some music and meander your way home without incident.
After you get inside your apartment you check your phone and see a message.
From Sunawani.
Taking in a deep breath and letting it out slowly, you open it up and read it.
Sunawani: The auction was supposed to happen in the South Branch. I can have it returned to that venue if you prefer, but I wanted to be clear I didn’t know it had been changed until today.
You: It’s okay. Thank you, and I’m sorry.
You pause for a moment and then continue. Admitting your plan won’t hurt anything, and maybe it’ll help him to move on as well.
You: After the auction I’m putting in my notice.
Sunawani: I will be true to my word, Miss (Y/N). You aren’t required to leave.
You: I know. I just need to.
Sunawani: Need?
You: Yes.
You: I don’t want to get into it.
There was a long enough silence you set your phone down and went about your evening routine. You took a shower, changed into comfortable clothes, and started something to eat before you checked your phone again.
Sunawani: Very well.
The two words twist your heart a little and you put the phone down. There’s no other response that would’ve gone well, but the finality in the statement stings more than you expected. The conversations of the last two months start dancing through your head and twist your stomach so hard you’re barely able to eat. You pack the leftovers into the fridge and go to bed early.
Your rest is restless, and your dreams are full of sand and citrus and cigar smoke.
. . . . . .
After Monday you kept feeling like you were being watched. You couldn't find anything definitive, but there was a powerful sense of being stalked that itched at you randomly. You wrote it off as being stressed about the auction at first, but as things progressed for the preparations you were less and less stressed.
Despite the lessening job-related stress, the strange sensation wasn't abating.
Alvida’s write up on Doflamingo prompted you to practice with Dandy to prepare for the man’s arrival. Practicing with Dandy went well. Aside from the fact that you spent a couple hours every day interacting with him in the first place. You were, at least, finding a decent space between fully business and marginally interested.
You'd need to fawn over Doflamingo a little more, but you couldn't bring yourself to do so with Dandy. You knew him too well, and you absolutely weren't going to give him any ammunition to use against you down the road. As coworkers it was best to keep him at slightly more than arm's length, preferably with a taser, if you were being honest.
Organizing the space, equipment, and laying out the plans and event timing went smoothly as well. The extra hands - provided by Sir Crocodile and managed by Buggy - were a huge weight off everyone's shoulders. Especially since they were all not just competent, but quiet as well. No zany quirks, no desire to be the center of attention. They were more like you and less like Buggy or Dandy, so they didn't stress Buggy out and they didn't create additional work.
But they weren't creative. They came to people with questions on everything, almost more akin to computers than people. Not that it was a bad thing, the lack of personal decision making might have been part of their contract for all you knew. They were extra hands, and extra eyes, but that was really it.
Alvida caught you glancing around on Friday when things were finally coming together.
"What's got you so twitchy, (Y/N)?" She asks, "Anything I can help with?"
"Ah, no. Everything's pretty much handled. The Auction's Wednesday, the VIP will be in Tuesday, and I'll sleep again sometime Thursday, I'm sure." You joke, stretching. "I just keep feeling like someone's watching me. It's been itching at me for the last few days, and I can't shake it."
Alvida leans in after looking around to make sure you’re alone.
“Could it be related to your date?”
“Hah?” You almost yell the questioning sound and cover your mouth. “What do you mean?”
“Well, things went south, right?” She prompts. “You said you got cold feet, did you bail, after… you know, sex?”
Your face goes red, and you make a face and it’s really all the answer Alvida needs.
“Oh, honey.” She pulls you in and hugs you loosely. “Love, some people don’t walk away well.”
“It… it can’t be related to that.” You say after a moment. “I’m certain.”
“… Alvida, you… can not breathe a word of this.” You assert, looking up at her from the loose hug you’re still in.
“On pain of death, (Y/N).” She vows, putting a hand up.
“It was the CEO.” You say and feel her entire body tense for a second.
“Are-you-shitting-me?” She hisses quickly, leaning in even closer to you and trying to keep her voice down.
You shake your head. “I was surprised too.”
Alvida puts a hand to her mouth for a moment and looks around, thinking. “You should tell him.”
“What?!” You bark before lowering your voice. “No. No way. Alvida, I… I had mind-shatteringly good sex with the C. E. O. of this company and left while he was sleeping.” You practically growl the words at her. “I’m looking for a new job after this auction, I can’t ask him for help!”
“Are you being fired?”
“No-! No, I’m not. I’m quitting on my own.” You assure her. ��I… don’t…” You purse your lips and look away.
“Oh, honey.” Alvida hugs you tightly. “I’m sorry.”
“… It’s alright.” You manage to keep your voice even as you hug her back. “I’m not even thirty. I’ll, I dunno, move, find new work, move on. It’ll be alright.”
“I know, but it hurts right now, and I’m sorry you fell so hard.” She says, patting your back gently.
“Haa, yeah. Me too.” You admit.
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katieslotherford · 3 years ago
Hi, this is my main masterlist in which I'll link any sub-list.
I have never done any requests and would not put myself in a position of being a writer. But I'm starting to get a hang of it again and if you've got a request, feel free to submit via ask. I would consider characters mentioned below. I won't do NSFW (up to T is fine, M might be too, no E pls), dubious content, non-consenual topics. I won't cover actor's lives.
English is not my mother tongue, so some things might sound weird for native speakers. Please tell me...
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Law & Order - Special Victim's Unit
Dominick 'Sonny' Carisi
Just One Word - OS with gn!Reader
Rafael Barba
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Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner
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David Santiago
Radio Wade’s Wave FM - Multichapter with gn!Reader
Lee Scoresby
Jack the Lamplighter
Usnavi de la Vega
Juan Alvarez
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Paul Mendelson
Frederick Chilton
Hannibal Lecter
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feathersandfoxtails · 3 years ago
I'll Keep You Warm
Pairing: Alvie/reader, gender neutral reader Rating: Teen (swearing, implied sex) Words: 5K
Summary: A chance encounter brings Alvie into your life right before Christmas.
Notes: This was originally written for Beezie's Christmas Countdown. Originally I posted 200 words per day based on daily prompts. This is the compilation of the 25 days. also please enjoy my terrible photoshops.
also on AO3
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Why you decided to take that big, dumb dog with you shopping that morning, you’ll never know. But you’re certainly glad that you did. You had been cooped up with your sister’s dog while she was out of town and figured he could use a walk. Since you wanted to go to the open air markets, you didn’t think it would be a problem for him to come with.
But as you’re waiting for your coffee order, he pulls the leash out of your hand. You turn and watch him tackle a man in a red hoodie. “Reginald!” you scream after him and rush over. When you pull the giant dog off the man, you see the bagel in the dog’s mouth. “Bad dog!” You try to take the bagel away, but Reginald refuses to relinquish it. Hearing a groan, you look back at the man and find him clutching his wrist.
“Shit! Are you okay? Oh fuck, your wrist is swelling! I’ll get a cab to take you to the hospital.”
“No, no, it’s fine! I—” He winces in pain.
“I’ll pay for everything; don’t worry about it.” You flag down a cab and help him into it.
After you drop the dog off at home, you catch a cab to the hospital. Realizing you didn’t ask the man’s name, it takes a while to track him down through the emergency room. When you find him, he’s in an exam room with a bandage on his wrist.
“I’m sorry that my dog tackled you for your bagel—I swear I feed them. Anyway, I got you a balloon from the hospital gift shop.” Awkwardly, you hold out the cheery mylar balloon with Get Well Soon!imprinted on it.
He takes it. “Thanks. And it’s cool, really.”
“How’s your wrist?”
“Sprained. Doc said it’ll be fine in like a week.”
“Again, I am so sorry. I mean it—I’ll pay for everything. It’s not even my dog—he’s my sister’s.”
“He looked cute. Can’t blame him for wanting that bagel—it was a really good one.”
“There’s a bagel shop around the corner. They have these seasonal gingerbread bagels. Can I take you there once you get released?”
He gives you a wide, goofy grin and you’re struck with the thought that he’s certainly cute.
“Yeah. Totally.”
You tell him your name.
“Juan Alvarez, but everybody calls me Alvie.”
You and Alvie walk to a bench near the Christmas market, his balloon tied to his wrist.
“Wow, this is even better than the bagel your dog stole! You should save a bite for him.”
You laugh. “No way! After he injured you, Reggie doesn’t deserve a treat.”
Alvie waves his hand. “I don’t blame him. Dogs do their thing. Plus, I got to meet you, so that’s nice. Because you’re really nice.”
“Thanks, I think you’re nice, too.” You can feel your cheeks heating up and you take a bite of your bagel to hide it.
“I love just watching people go by, don’t you? And this time of year people seem happier than normal. Though I guess some of them are kinda stressed.”
“Yeah, the holidays can be hard for some people. Do you have family around?”
“Nah, just me. My mom died when I was little and my dad split before that. You have a sister?”
You nod. “Haley. And my nephew, Theo. He’s seven.”
He bounces up. “Look at these! Would he like a stuffie?” He holds one out to you.
You gasp. “I love penguins! They’re just so round and cute.”
“Then this one’s yours.”
“I still don’t think that dog deserves anything after spraining your wrist!”
“Of course Reginald needs a present, too—don’t be ridiculous!” Alvie holds up the stocking filled with dog toys and treats.
You smile and add it to the pile of gifts you’ve bought for your sister and nephew.
“Oh, this would be perfect for Three Kings Day!” You turn around and see Alvie wearing an ornate crown. When he strikes a pose, you laugh and almost drop the presents.
“Let me help you carry those.”
“You’ve only got one good arm!” Finding yourself not wanting your time with Alvie to end, you say, “But if you’re up for it, I could use help wrapping these…”
“That would be fun! I just gotta grab my stuff quick—I can’t leave it there all day.”
You follow him to a nearby building where you wait as he goes inside. It takes you a minute to realize this is a homeless shelter.
When Alvie returns with a duffel bag and sees the look on your face, he seems embarrassed. “I’m just kinda between places right now.”
“Oh.” You’re not sure what to say, so you just lead him to your apartment.
Though Alvie is enthusiastic about wrapping, his skills leave something to be desired. So you let him curate the holiday music because you’re really enjoying watching him sing and dance around your studio apartment.
"Christmas music just makes me happy, you know?"
You look down at the gift you're working on.
"You don't like Christmas music? We can listen to something else—"
"No, I do like it. It's just that Christmas sometimes makes me a little sad because my parents aren't around anymore. I—I have depression."
He crouches beside you. "I get that feeling sometimes, too. But I’m manic so hey—we can even each other out!”
You can’t help but laugh with him.
“You on meds? They’ve helped me a lot.”
“Yeah, I am.” You bite your lip. “Is that why you stay at the shelter?”
“I been in and out of the hospital, so it’s tough to find a job.”
The idea pops into your head and out of your mouth, “Stay with me.”
“No way, I don’t wanna ruin your holidays. That’s not what you want for Christmas.”
"I don't want anything else; I want you to be here."
“Really?” You smile and nod. “Okay.”
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When you come home from work, Alvie bounds in front of you, wrapped in a blanket. “I got you a present!”
He holds out a paper bag. Inside you find a sweater with a penguin on it. “It’s so cute!” you squeal.
He throws off his blanket, revealing his matching one. You laugh and change into yours.
“Thank you—I love it! But you don’t have to buy anything for me.”
“I didn’t. I just want to say thanks for letting me stay with you.”
“You didn’t… buy them?”
He bites his lip. “I thought it would make you happy.”
“Alvie, I appreciate the thought, really. But don’t steal things, okay? If you need money you can ask me.”
“I’m going to earn my own money.”
“Are you mad at me?”
“No, it’s okay.”
Abruptly he lunges to hug you, holding you tightly. You smile, your chin on his shoulder.
When he lets go, you say, “Hey, I had an idea—wanna go look at all the Christmas lights?”
Alvie claps his hands. “Yes! That would be awesome!”
Walking around your neighborhood, the lights are beautiful. But not as beautiful as Alvie’s face as he takes them all in.
While you are watching a movie with Alvie, everything suddenly goes dark. You yelp and reach for Alvie’s hand.
He asks, “What happened?”
“Shit—the power must have gone out. That happens sometimes, but usually not in the winter!”
Alvie helps you gather candles and strategically place them around the apartment. “It’s kinda pretty in here.” He looks at your apprehensive face. “It’s going to be okay.”
“I know; I’m just worried about it being too cold tonight.”
“I’ll be fine; I’m used to it.” Your heart breaks a little at this comment. “We’ll pile all the blankets on top of you.”
“I don’t want you to be cold, either.” You look at the couch where he normally sleeps. “If you want—just for tonight—you could sleep in my bed. So we both stay warm enough.”
He smiles. “That sounds nice. As long as you’re all right with it.”
“Well, I suggested it,” you laugh.
Alvie brings the extra blankets and snuggles in with you. Your bodies fit together easily and you quickly drift off. When the lights come on hours later, you turn them off and return to bed. Alvie sighs contentedly and pulls you in close again.
Alvie is rolling around on the floor with your nephew, Theo, and the dog, Reginald. You stand in the kitchen with your sister, Haley, and watch the chaos.
“Okay, so you told me how you met, but how did he end up staying with you?”
“Well your dog almost broke his wrist and he didn’t have anywhere to stay…”
“Reggie is a menace, but I don’t want you to be taken advantage of.”
“I’m not, really.”
She sips her coffee and gives you a dubious look. When there is a lull in the noise, she asks, “Alvie what do you do?”
“I freestyle!”
“What’s that?”
Alvie stands up.
This dog tackled me
But I don’t blame him
Cos we both agree
That bagel was the best
In this whole damn city
Theo giggles, but your sister stares blankly.
“Damn, tough crowd.” He shrugs and joins the melee on the floor again.
“Well, he does seem to be good with kids,” Haley says.
“It’s been nice having him stay with me. He helps me around the apartment.”
“You don’t need help in that tiny place.”
“Well, then… he’s been good for my mental health.”
She takes your hand. “Just be careful.”
When you come home from work, you find Alvie hiding under a mound of blankets on the couch.
“Alvie, what’s up?” You approach slowly and sit on the couch.
“Too much paperwork.”
“What do you mean?”
An arm extends from the blankets and points to the coffee table. There are several pieces of paper and you see they’re job applications.
“Alvie, that’s great that you’re applying for jobs! Can I help you?”
The tip of his nose appears. “No, I’m giving up.”
You take one of the papers. “It looks like you got pretty far on this one.”
“Doesn’t matter; nobody wants to hire me, anyway.”
“Hey, I’m sure that’s not true.” After putting the paper back down, you wrap your arms around the Alvie-shaped blanket pile. “Come on, let’s finish these together and I can do practice interviews with you.”
Finally his face fully emerges. “Yeah?”
You nod. “Here, let’s start where you left off on this one…”
“I don’t have an address.”
“Yes, you do—you’re living here, aren’t you? Now, let’s figure out which of your past jobs are relevant to each of these.”
At last he smiles and presses his forehead against your shoulder. “Thank you.”
To celebrate dropping off Alvie's job applications, you take him to the local park that hosts winter activities every evening.
"Do you want some hot apple cider?" You point to the sign from a local brewery.
"Only if they have alcohol-free; I'm not supposed to drink with my meds."
They do, so you get two cups, watching the steam rise from them as Alvie sniffs his.
“You didn’t need to get yours without booze.”
You shrug. “I don’t need to drink to have fun.”
As you drink your cider, you watch some kids playing in the snow. Then Alvie exclaims, "Oooo, they have free ice skating!" He grabs your hand and pulls you over to the rink.
After you get skates in both your sizes, you step on the ice together. "Do you know how to skate?" you ask.
"A little. You?"
You vigorously shake your head. "Ice skating is a ridiculous thing to do-- no, do NOT let go of my hand!" You cling to Alvie to stay upright. He laughs and assures you it will be fine.
After a while you get the hang of it and glide around the rink together, Alvie never letting go of you.
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You normally didn't have a Christmas tree in your little apartment, but Alvie seems so excited about the prospect that you give in. After paying a ridiculous amount of money to a nearby tree lot, he helps you get it home. Haley gives you some old ornaments and you pick up a few shiny baubles from the store.
As you wrestle with the lights, Alvie dances around to Feliz Navidad.
"Not this fucking song again!" You screech.
"But it's so good to dance to! I thought you liked it?" He pouts.
"I liked it the first couple times you played it but now it's getting old. Put on something else!"
Alvie huffs, but changes the music. You finally plug the lights in and see Alvie's brown eyes sparkle at the sight. Together you hang the ornaments all over the branches. When you finish, you make cocoa with marshmallows and sit on the couch with Alvie.
He puts his arm around you. "Looks pretty great, doesn't it?"
“Yeah, it does. But you don’t have much room in here now.” You stretch out your foot and touch a branch, the ornament on it bobbing.
“I’ll trade space for Christmas cheer any day.”
Both of you are feeling cooped up in the tiny apartment, so you go out for dinner. Knowing Alvie can't drink, you pick a family place instead of a microbrewery like you normally would.
The place is loud, but the food is good. You both order pasta and laugh at each other when you invariably get marinara on your shirts.
As you're waiting for the check, Alvie spots a claw machine in the corner. "Oooo, I'm pretty good at those!"
He runs over and fishes some crumpled bills out of his pants. After you pay the check, you join him as he's in the process of trying to catch a cute bear with a bow on it. But as soon as the claw grabs it, it drops back down.
Alvie bangs his palm against the plexiglass. “If I don’t get this teddy bear right now, I will die.”
"That's a little too dramatic for this situation."
“Whatever.” He stalks back to the table you were at, but it’s already being cleared. He looks at you. “You paid?”
You nod.
“Let me pay you back…” His pockets are empty. “Fucking claw machine.”
He stomps out of the restaurant and you follow.
You catch up to Alvie on the sidewalk. “Are you okay?”
He keeps walking and doesn’t say anything.
When he stops you move in front of him and see the tears streaming down his cheeks. He turns his face away and wipes at his nose with the back of his hand. “I’m not your charity case; I don’t want your pity.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I don’t want you to have to pay for everything, but I’m broke and useless! I can’t do anything right. I couldn’t even win a stupid teddy bear for you.” He covers his face with his palms. “Why do you even want me around?”
“Hey, I want you around because I like you.” You take his hands in yours. “You didn’t see me before—I was sad all the time and never left my apartment except to go to work. And I took so many days off because I couldn’t think of a reason to get out of bed. We’re helping each other, okay?”
He sniffs and nods. “I really need a hug.”
Wrapping your arms around him, you hold him as tightly as you can and he does the same for you.
As you're walking home, you hear someone shouting your name and see Alvie running down the sidewalk towards you.
"I got a job!!" he shouts.
"Seriously? That's awesome!" You grab his hands and swing each other around. "Which one?"
"Wrapping shipments at the candle store. It's just for the holidays, but they said they might need someone after that, so if I do well it could be longer..."
"I'm sure you'll be great at it. I'm so proud of you."
He beams and lets out a whoop before jumping on the nearby lamppost. He tries to swing on it, but he immediately loses his grip, falling into the street. You yelp and run after him as a car narrowly misses him and honks its horn.
Pulling him back onto the sidewalk, you tell him, "That was really dangerous— you're an idiot!"
He rubs his shoulder. “I know, I just got so excited. I wanted to do like a Gene Kelly move.”
“Singin’ in the Rain?”
“It used to play in the hospital all the time. Oh, I got you this. To say thanks.” He pulls a candy cane from his pocket, the hook broken. He gives you a crooked smile.
At your office Christmas party, most of your coworkers are drinking too much on top of eating a massive amount of rum cake. Why this is still a Corporate America tradition, you will never know. You brought Alvie along, both to have backup and because you never bring anyone to these parties. Everyone always gets decked out in holiday attire, so you and Alvie are wearing matching reindeer antler headbands.
“Your boyfriend’s pretty entertaining,” Linda tells you.
“Oh, he’s just my friend.”
“Of course,” she replies, but winks at you.
You find Alvie across the room, nursing a can of coke. “How are you doing?”
He smiles. “It’s all good—your coworkers are really nice.”
“They are, but I want to get out of here before they get even drunker.”
“Copy that!” He takes one last chug of his soda, then goes to find your coats.
You say goodbye, telling everyone Alvie has to work early the next day.
Outside, you take Alvie’s arm. “Thanks for being my out; parties are sometimes too much for me.”
“Any time. I had fun.”
As you walk, Alvie points out different decorations and you marvel at how his eyes sparkle in the lights.
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You’ve gotten into a routine where Alvie assists you with dinner every night and it’s become your favorite part of the day.
He stares into the pot and takes a big whiff. “Wow, that smells good. I don’t even like soup… unless you make it.”
Your cheeks heat up. “So you’re liking the job?”
“Totally! Everybody there is super nice and I just get to box up candles all day long and listen to music.” He wiggles his fingers in the air. “I always do best when my hands stay busy.”
You laugh and continue stirring the soup.
“And if they keep me after the holidays, I can save up for my own place and get out of your hair.”
“Oh.” Suddenly your chest feels tight. “You can stay as long as you need to—I like having you here.”
“I know, I just don’t want to outstay my welcome.”
“You could never.”
He hugs you and you hold on longer than you normally would, taking in the feeling of his stubble against your cheek and the way he smells like wax and cinnamon. But no matter how long you hold on, Alvie always hugs you back a second longer.
Taking a nighttime walk together, you see kids having a snowball fight in the park.
“I’d totally own you in a snowball fight.”
“Oh, you think so?” Alvie scoops up some snow from the ground.
He just shrugs and drops the snow, wiping his wet hands on his pants.
You shiver and pull your hat further down over your ears. Alvie does the same with his.
The sidewalks are so slippery you resort to trying to slide your feet instead of taking steps. Alvie grabs your arm as he almost falls.
You shriek, “Don’t take me down with you!”
“Don’t worry—I’ll break your fall!”
You both just break down in giggles, which makes you both slip more. So now you’re clinging to each other, trying to stay upright. Soon you recover and you find yourself staring into his deep brown eyes. He gives you that beautiful lop-sided smile of his and all other thoughts leave your head. All of a sudden you’re feeling much warmer all over.
“Think we can make it home?” he whispers.
“Only if we help each other.”
You proceed to slide in time together, holding onto the other’s arm for dear life.
“Don’t you think it’s about time for a love confession?”
You nearly spit out your cocoa. “What do you mean?”
Your sister raises one eyebrow and looks towards the living room, where Alvie is helping Theo put together one of his new toys. You’re celebrating Christmas with Haley early as Theo will be spending the week with his father.
“He’s just my friend,” you say.
“More of a roommate at this point.”
Alvie and Theo are making up a Christmas rap together, and you smile at them.
“See? I see the way you look at him.”
“What? They’re being cute.”
“Alvie’s cute.”
You take another sip and don’t look at her.
“Say it. Say Alvie’s cute.”
Knowing she won’t let up, you mumble, “Alvie’s cute.”
“Hmpf. Knew it.” She looks proud of herself.
“Mom, come listen to the rap we made!” Theo calls.
Settled in the living room by the fireplace, you watch as Alvie beatboxes for Theo's rap. When they finish, you clap and holler while Theo high-fives Alvie. Then Theo jumps on his mom for a hug while Alvie sits next to you.
“That was great!”
“Thanks!” He puts his arm around your shoulders.
Haley winks at you.
“What are you making?” All sorts of craft supplies are strewn atop the coffee table. Alvie is holding a paintbrush and has a little dab of green paint on his cheek.
“Ornaments!” He holds one up that’s shaped like a bone. “This one’s for Reginald.”
“I still don’t understand why you love that dog so much.”
“He’s my buddy! Plus he basically introduced us, so I owe him.”
You laugh, but also feel warmth spread through your chest. “Who else are you making ornaments for?”
“This one’s for my old roomie, House. I have one for my cousin and one for Haley. I’m making you one, too, but you can’t see yours yet!”
“That’s fair.” You cough and blow your nose.
“Are you getting sick?” Alvie asks.
“Oh, no. I think it’s the dry air making me cough and I just came in from outside, which always makes my nose run.”
Alvie gives you a concerned look. “Well, take it easy just in case.”
“Alvie, I’m fine, really!” You cough again. “I just need some water.”
“I’ll get you some.” He goes to the kitchen.
Under some supplies you see a heart-shaped ornament and find yourself hoping it’s for you.
Alvie lifts the thermometer. “Yeah, that seems high.”
“I run hot—it’s fine.”
“Just stay here on the couch and I’ll bring you whatever you need.”
“No, I gotta get ready for work—”
“You are sick and I’m taking care of you—end of discussion. Now call work and tell them you’re not coming in.”
You can see there’s no arguing with him and your head really doesn’t feel right, so you follow his instructions.
“Do you wanna get some sleep?”
“No, let’s watch a movie. Something Christmas-y.”
“You’re the sickie, so you get to pick.”
Looking through the options, you say, “Oooo, Gremlins!”
Alvie scoffs. “That is not a Christmas movie.”
“It is so! The part where the woman opens her door and the gremlins are caroling? Christmas classic.”
“Fine. But I’m only agreeing because you’re sick.”
As the movie starts, he moves closer to you and puts a blanket over the both of you.
“Maybe keep your distance; I don’t want you to get sick, too.”
“Nah, cuddles are always nice, but especially when you’re sick.” He puts his arm around you and kisses the side of your head.
You can’t concentrate on the movie after that.
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Haley brings over a bunch of festive ribbons from her craft stash for Alvie to use as ornament hangers.
“These are great; thank you so much!”
“No problem.”
Alvie bounces off to the living room.
“How are you feeling?”
You shrug. “A lot better. Thankfully it was a short cold.”
“Did your nurse make you all better?” she says suggestively.
You smack her arm and look to see if Alvie heard, but he’s engrossed in tying ribbons on his ornaments.
“Gotta run!” Haley waves and leaves.
“Which ribbon looks better with this one?” Alvie holds them up and walks towards you.
You step closer. “The blue one.”
“What’s that?” Alvie is looking above your head.
Looking up, you see mistletoe directly above you. Haley must have hung it while you were distracted.
“Uh… mistletoe?”
He looks right in your eyes and you already feel yourself melting.
“Rules are rules.” He leans in and kisses you. His lips are incredibly soft; his goatee tickles your skin. He holds his lips against yours longer than just a friendly peck.
Then he jumps up, tearing down the mistletoe. “I’m gonna hide this somewhere and surprise you.”
Running after him, you scream, “Alvie! No!”
Once you put the last batch of cookies in the oven, you head over to the couch where Alvie is curled under the blanket. He lifts it for you and you quickly jump under it. Cookies seemed like a great idea because it is so cold today that the inside of your windows have frost on them. The oven is helping keep you warm even though the heat is cranked all the way up.
“Sorry my apartment sucks so much.”
“It’s great.” Alvie glomps onto you, his arms and legs wrapped over you. You feel warmth everywhere and look up at him. “Warmer?” he asks.
You just nod, lost in those beautiful eyes. He smiles at you and nudges his nose against yours. You can hear both of your breathing change as he tilts his head and leans in closer, lips parted.
The oven timer beeps loudly and you jump up. “The cookies!” You run into the kitchen and take the cookies out, willing your heart to slow down.
As you finish putting the cookies on the cooling rack, Alvie wordlessly wraps the blanket and himself around you from behind. Leaving the oven on, you stand and eat cookies together.
After you get home from work, you plop on the couch next to Alvie. “Whoo, holiday break time!”
“What are you doing for Christmas Eve tomorrow? Are you hanging out with Haley?”
You shrug. “We talked about maybe doing lunch on Christmas Day, but that’s it. We already did our gift exchange with Theo. The years he’s at his dad’s are usually pretty low-key.”
“I haven’t given her my ornament yet.”
“Well, you can do it on Christmas Day; that will be nice.”
He fidgets. “I don’t want to be a bother to you; I can find someplace else to be for the holidays.”
“Alvie, what are you talking about?”
"You should be with who you love on Christmas. I don’t want to get in the way—"
"Maybe you're the one that I love."
Alvie’s eyes widen and you clamp your hand over your mouth.
Alvie says your name, a confused look on his face, mouth hanging open. That’s all the response you need.
You shake your head and run into your bedroom, shutting the door. A few moments later Alvie knocks, but you don’t say anything. Burying your head in your pillow, you cry until you fall asleep.
You avoid Alvie all day, only returning home when all the shops close early for Christmas Eve.
When he sees you, Alvie jumps up. “Where were you? I was worried!” He takes your hands and then looks up.
Following his eyes, you see the mistletoe. “I thought we threw that away…”
“I dug it out.” He kisses you and this time there is no mistaking it for only friendly.
Breathlessly, he asks, “Did you mean it?”
You don’t have to ask what he’s referring to. Cautiously, you nod.
His smile is the biggest and brightest you have ever seen. He kisses you again, pulling you against him.
“I was too surprised to say anything yesterday. I didn’t think there was any chance you felt the same way I did.”
Tears spring to your eyes. “Of course I do!” You take his lovely face in your hands and lose yourself in his lips.
Soon you lead him to the bedroom. You’re both tentative yet tender, learning each other’s touch and how to make one another cry out with joy.
Later as you’re falling asleep in his arms, he kisses the top of your head. “I love you,” he whispers. “Merry Christmas.”
When Haley comes over on Christmas Day, you don’t need to say anything. She knows the minute she sees both your faces.
“HA! I KNEW IT!” She does a triumphant dance while you shake your head. “Also I’m really, really happy for you two. But also I fucking called it!”
Alvie gives the ornaments he made to you and Haley. Yours is heart-shaped, with yours and Alvie’s names on it and the year. “But you made this like a week ago…”
He shrugs. “I had high hopes, I guess.”
You kiss him and your sister says, “Awww, let me take a picture of you two.”
Alvie puts his arm around your shoulders and you smile as Haley captures this moment.
“Our first picture together,” he says.
“First of many,” you reply.
Alvie opens your gift—a new keychain tucked inside a winter beanie.
When he holds up the keychain, you say, “Because you’re not going anywhere.”
In the evening, after Haley leaves, you’re snuggling on the couch with Alvie. He nuzzles your neck. “This is my best Christmas ever.”
“Mine, too.”
He sighs contentedly. “This feels like home.”
“The apartment?”
“Yes. But mostly you. Wherever you are is my home.”
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ezraspiderwick · 3 years ago
     Sitting next to Alvie you could feel the anger coming from him.
“Idiots. They are all idiots.” He hissed, hands clutching his head. 
     You put your hand on his back, rubbing your thumb in circles, just the way you knew he liked, in an attempt to calm him down.
“I’m fine, can’t they see it? They either want to lock me up or give me meds. It’s not fair!” 
     He looked at you with his big puppy eyes filled with tears. 
“I know, but it’s going to be okay. I promise.” You told him silently praying that was the truth.
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multifandomfix · 5 years ago
Imagine you and Alvie running into House when you’re pregnant.
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You had no idea why Alvie had taken you here, to Princeton Plainsboro, but you were enjoying how beautiful the grounds were. You were in your second trimester and getting out for a walk actually felt pretty good.
Interrupting your idyllic walk, Alvie shouted, "House, Dr. House, over here!" He caught the man's attention from several yards away.
"Alvie," the man responded, before walking over to the two of you. "Been a while," he said, his attention mostly on Alvie, but he gave you a once over from the corner of his eye. "Your wife," he asked.
Alvie nodded excitedly. "We're expecting our first," he informed House.
"Congrats. Seems like you’re doing well. Both of you."
For anon
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frickingnerd · 9 months ago
don't fight against our love
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pairing: alvis x gn!reader
summary: alvis only wants you to adjust to your new home...
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alvis eyes were cold and emotionless as he stared at you. you were hurled together on the floor, in the corner furthest away from the door where he stood. he had prepared such a nice room for you, yet you hadn't even thanked him for it, nor interacted with any of those presents he made you.
“this would be so much easier if you would just start to accept me already…”
with a soft sigh, alvis approached you. you flinched, but there was nowhere to run, so you remained in place. as he reached you, his hand gently caressed your face. a gentleness you hadn't expected from him.
“i don't want to hurt you, my love. all i want is to keep you away from anyone unworthy of you. you're safe here, with me by your side. so don't fight it anymore, please.”
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ashandquiet · 2 years ago
My Most Unswerving Devotion
Chapter 2. Musings of a Duke
Regency! Soma Jarlskona x F!Reader
Summary: Since coming to Norfolk to stay with your family, the conversations have all revolved around matrimony. Just when your aunt has found a match for you much to your chagrin, quite by accident you fall for the wealthy Duke of Cambridgeshire; Soma Guthrumsdóttir. Can circumstance truly keep you apart?
A/N: This chapter is from the perspective of Soma, I hope you enjoy the bits of story building and I apologize for the long wait on chapter 2.
Read it on AO3
Soma had always been level-headed and sane.
Or at least she was sure she had been, a few bouts of rage, but that was due to anyone under duress, it wasn’t until this afternoon she found herself acting a fool.
Soma always followed a schedule, a strictly tailored schedule at that. She would rise just before dawn, dress, and take her breakfast in her study. It was there that her housekeeper and butler would relay the affairs of the servants of the manor, the places in need of address, and she would delegate resources as necessary. Then after having read the household ledger, Soma would take a short walk in the manor gardens to take in the fresh morning air. By the time she arrived back inside, Birna would finally be awake and sitting down for breakfast in the breakfast dining room, so Soma would sit with her and tea while Birna regaled her with the affairs of the servants, but with more sordid details as always. After breakfast, Birna would ride out to town to cover any affairs of Soma’s that did not require the Duke’s immediate attention and Soma would go check on land tenants.
After the morning's chores had been carried out, it was then that at her leisure Soma would take her gelding Alvis out to run the lengths of the land. It was here in the fields that she truly felt the strains and pressure of her inherited title lift from her shoulders. All the judgment and strain put on her by society could wash away, but in the end, it was just a wash. She did just as Guthrum had taught her, put on airs, and be intelligent and cunning. Never let them see how they affect you. 
He had taken her in when she was just an unkempt street child scurrying about Stockholm with a small gaggle of other orphans, stealing and scraping to stay alive. It was after the death of her poor mother and father had left her alone and abandoned, and she had been running about the port struggling to keep up with the much older children who ran the gang like wolves. The tall bearded man dressed in finery had stepped in her way causing her to fall and his outstretched hand had effectively changed the course of her life forever. 
Before leaving Sweden he had put her to work, mostly as a little spy because she could fit into places, and hear and see things that the others of his entourage couldn’t. Guthrum then grew fond of Soma quickly and wasted no time inviting her back to England with him, and Soma saw no need to protest, she was fed, warmly clothed, and most of all happy.
Soma was given the best possible education available, learning to read and write quickly, and excelling at arithmetic and humanitarian studies. She learned to be a great leader, as well as a listener under Guthrum’s influence and tutelage. It was there she was introduced to the younger Ragnarsson brothers Ivarr and Ubba, and she learned how to fight, shoot, hunt, and the art of swordplay, seeing the two brothers as adopted older brothers of her own. As she grew and became accustomed to her life in England it became plain to Soma that Guthrum never once attempted to raise Soma as a lady, knowing that he would never have a male heir; Soma was raised as a son, and eventual heir to Guthrum’s, land, title, and holdings.
Much to society's chagrin, Soma was never offered as a marriage prospect, even though she was named as Guthrum’s only heir and beneficiary. While in her teen years there were rumors that she would eventually marry Ubba Ragnarsson, while others argued that she was particularly monstrous and no man would be able to tame her feral nature. Many made little attempt to woo her, but she snubbed them in favor of horses, books, and swordplay. 
The study of law had entranced her, so at the behest of Guthrum, a law education was arranged. Under the guise of a man, she attended university and rose to be a scholar in her own right. It was there at university with its dances, shops, and libraries, that she befriended Birna, her most stout-hearted and amorous companion, a daughter of merchants who similarly to Guthrum’s circle had come to England from Scandinavia and gained such prosperous wealth that they stayed to provide a life for their daughter. 
Birna threw Soma into a life she had never before experienced outside the scholarly and dutiful confines of her being. The joys of drink, dancing, and social calls, as well as indulging in the finer luxuries that she had denied herself. She purchased her first townhouse and it was there that Soma and Birna threw small soirees, and Birna mocked Soma for her obsession and love of rugs and interior finery. 
She met and entertained women, and had a few brief affairs, most ending with the other party marrying or being sent away by family. However letters were always exchanged but as letters stopped arriving Soma would burn the lavender and locks of hair and resume her solitary lifestyle, caring for her friends and the makeshift family she had found in the city.
As her life beyond Cambridgeshire stretched in an expanse before her, opportunities of employment and adventure beckoning, in the country, Guthrum grew sick. Knowing he was not long for this world the Duke summoned his adopted child back to his side. Dutifully Soma came and remained with him until the day he died. She knew her days of freedom were over, obligation was her constant companion as she assumed the responsibilities of Dukedom. At the recommendation of Birna, she hired an old acquaintance of theirs, Lif as a secretary and brought Birna on as an equerry to the estate. 
Together the three of them formed an insurmountable team in making the land of Cambridgeshire prosperous and one of great renown throughout England.
However, the rumor mill never stopped churning, but what was there for petty country folk to talk about more than the affairs of Soma Guthrumsdóttir?
On these particular days after a morning full of settling disputes and arranging for gifts and aid to be sent to families within her territory, Soma found herself in most need of a ride. While her head swam with thoughts of land rights, tenant arrangements, and the lending of estates, Soma rode well off into the fields of Norfolk just for a moment's reprise from it all. 
It was there, near a blooming horse-chestnut tree that she had nearly collided with what she could only describe as an angel came to earth, the sound of her voice still shook Soma to her bones as she urged Alvis homeward.
She had removed her gloves to feel the bones and muscles in the woman’s wrist and at the light skin contact, she felt as though she were on fire. The way that she could feel the woman’s eyes burn as she watched her, the soft gasp she made when Soma had twisted her wrist in a painful direction, it all made Soma’s skin prickle at the thought of her. Soma couldn’t help herself; she had crooned and given her a pet name of all things. One meeting and all she could think about was how it would feel to touch skin to skin. To talk to her as if they had always known each other. 
Soma let out a frustrated noise as she neared the manor, she knew Birna would never let her hear the end of it if she came in looking like a lovestruck, amorous fool. The romantic sensibilities of her joyful friend would run away with her. How would she ever tell Birna she never even got the woman’s name? She was a damned fool, and all she could do was hope that Birna was off making some poor girl, or boy flush with compliments.
But Soma wasn’t lucky, and Birna was there sitting outside the stable on a bench pretending to read a book while watching the stable boy work with the horse.
“There you are Soma, you great wandering lordy you,” Birna called in her usual chipper tone as Soma rode up to the stable and dismounted. Soma flashed her a weary look and led Alvis into the stable, politely declining the offer from the stableboy to take the horse from her.
Birna got serious, “What happened.”
Soma shook her head with a sigh, finding herself rushing to get the cinches undone from Alvis, Birna would begin her further questioning soon and Soma could not bring herself to say what a fool she had been. 
“Was there an incident at one of the farms? Did a cow give birth and it was partially gruesome to have seen with your lordly eyes? Was someone's child struck by a goat and you were given the child to hold while the goat was put to death? Are we having mutton?”
“No, no incidents of mention,” Soma grunted, struggling with one particular loop, her friend’s well-intentioned questions making her more irritable by the minute.
“Let me help, you’re gumming it up,” Birna stepped between Soma and Alvis taking over the chore of tacking down Soma’s bay horse. She treaded slightly out of Birna’s way to watch her undo the cinch, yet she found herself gazing at her hands, again. 
“You look as though you’ve seen a ghost, Soma.”
“I’m alright I just need some time to myself, thank you Birna,” Soma felt grave as she nodded to her friend to take her to leave.
Stepping out from under the stable cover Soma ran her hands over her face, she was suffocating. Her throat was tight and she felt as though she would begin perspiring through her waistcoat, her hands clammy within the confines of the gloves, Soma stripped them off and tossed them to the ground. 
Somehow she had let herself act such a fool that she had forgotten to ask for the lady’s name, or an address, calling card, anything. She had even neglected to tell the lady her name, of course, Soma had wrapped her wrist with a handkerchief from her pocket that was embroidered with “SG”, her initials, but how on earth would it even find its way back to her? The most mortifying and frustrating realization of all hit like a boulder being thrown into water; How would she ever know if the beautiful creature she had met this day, also preferred the company of women .
Feeling helpless, which she hated the most, she started walking towards the manor to lock herself in the safety of her private rooms, where she could brood and mourn this terrible turn in private. It wasn’t the first time she had experienced such heartbreak and she felt as though it wouldn’t be the last. She knew herself and her heart, yet she always seemed to fall into the trap of self-imposed distress regarding affairs of the heart.
Taking care of the tie in her cravat she tossed it to the ground and made her way into the manor, taking long quick strides to her study not caring for the muddy footprints that she left in her wake. 
She has always desired women, both emotionally and carnally. The gentlest touch of another woman filled her with heavenly joy, in the passion-filled faucet of her heart she held the most sublime desires imaginable. It was her every aim in life to give a woman, whom she loved so deeply it cut like a knife, every possible thing and more. Soma had fallen like this before, and she knew that if she did not stop her heart from getting away with her she could end up broken, her heart exposed to the empty expanse of the world in the end just as before.
Soma let out an enraged noise throwing her hands in the air, she could feel the boiling rage rising within her at the thought of losing composure yet again. She was being choked, by manners and the very opposing forces within herself. Almost flailing to pull herself from it, she tore off her waistcoat throwing it across the empty room, not even having made it to her study yet. She panted staring at the offending garment. It wasn’t enough she still felt as though her clothes were constricting themselves around her. Soma then fumbled with the buttons on her vest and flung it in another direction, then the cufflinks, she yanked off her boots and collapsed onto her rear. Her eyes began to burn with emotion and she could feel her throat tighten. Soma undid the first few buttons of her collar and then drooped backward onto her back to stare upwards. Soma covered her face with her hands and suffered a strained sigh.
There was a shuffle of feet that came to an abrupt stop in the doorway, Soma turned her head to glance at the doorway where Birna stood looking a bit befuddled. Soma’s friend held the discarded cravat and suede gloves.
“Well aren’t you pitiful,” Birna chided as a maid rushed to take the items from her.
Soma sighed feeling quite pitiful indeed.
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mxacegrey · 3 years ago
MxAceGrey Masterlist
I take requests!!
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The One (Series Masterlist)
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Doctor Who:
The Dimension Jumper (series)
The Realist - series 5 rewrite
Femme Fatale - reborn as Lucy Saxon
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Wait what?
The video
The epitome
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The Late Mrs Mikaelson (Oc as reader)
Their Ending - Elijah X Reader
Mind Over Blood - TVD/TO
Legacies Witnessed - Watching the Legacies series
A Father's Redemption - Reborn John Gilbert
Blackout - ‘insane’ OC
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Parker Oneshots
Techno || The Umbrella Academy
Pathetic? No. - Xavier Thorpe x GN! Reader
Crown & Bride - Daemon Targaryen x Fem! Reader (potential series)
Bride-to-be? Assassin. - Viserys Targaryen I x Fem! Reader
Monsters Like Us - Tyler Galpin x GN! Reader
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Spencer Reid and Severus Snape oneshots 
Ring Mayhem - Hotch x Reader
Speak Now - Spencer Reid x reader
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Gone  | Away - The Darkling x reader 
The Wildcards - Shadow & Bone x reader
The Masked (Series Masterlist) - Fate the Winx Saga
The Shadow Man - Fate the Winx saga season 3
A Sloan’s Anatomy - Grey’s Anatomy Bi! OC x undecided x Bi! OC
Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit - Disney Descendants Ben x OC
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aluci-4912 · 4 years ago
Hi! Im Alu and my pronouns are She/They! I might start writing fanfic more often but feel free to request and I’ll get around to it!
I will write for:
Atla - Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Zuko, Suki, Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee
Persona 5 - Akira/Ren (I call him Akira), Ryuji, Ann, Yusuke, Futaba, Haru and Akechi (I’m taking a break from persona 5)
Omori - Sunny, Omori, Kel, Aubrey, Hero, Basil and Mari
Legend of Zelda - Link, Zelda, Impa (AOC), Mipha, Revali, Daruk, Urbosa, Riju, and Sidon
Xenoblade Chronicles 1 and 2 - Shulk, Reyn, Fiora, Sharla, Melia, Alvis, Rex, Pyra, Mythra, Nia, Morag, Brighid, Zeke, and Pandoria
Fire Emblem: Three Houses - F! Byleth, M! Byleth, Claude, Hilda, Lysithea, Marianne, Dimitri, Dedue, Felix, Sylvain, Ashe, Mercedes, Annette, Ingrid, Edelgard, Dorothea, Bernadetta, Linhardt, Caspar, Petra, Flayn, Seteth, and Rhea.
Kid icarus - Pit, Dark pit, Palutena and Viridi
Friday Night Funkin - BF, GF, Pico, Senpai, Tankman, Ruv, Sarvente, and Sunday
DDLC - Sayori, Natsuki, Yuri and Monika
Parks and Recreation - Leslie, Ben, Ron, April, and Andy
Gravity falls - Dipper, Mabel, Soos and Wendy
DELTARUNE - Kris, Susie, Ralsei, Noelle, and Queen
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K - Saiki, Nendou, Kaido, Aren, Teruhashi, Yumehara, Saiko, Hairo
Kingdom hearts 3 - Sora and only sora lmao (FOR NOW)
Inside job - Reagan and Brett
this is all character x reader
I will do emergency request
I will NOT do nsfw (I am a minor so that’s a big no-no)
pregnant reader
• I do
emergency requests
I really wanna write for
•Pyra (Xb2)
•Dimitri (Fe3h)
•Zelda (Botw)
•Zeke (Xb2)
•Palutena (Kid icarus)
• Yuri (DDLC)
•Sunny (Omor)
•Akira (P5)
I hope I get some requests soon!
Im not the best at spelling so sorry about any errors
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feathersandfoxtails · 3 years ago
#beezie december Day Ten
It's time for Beezie's Christmas Countdown!
Pairing: Alvie/reader, gender neutral reader
Words: 200 per day!
Rating: Teen for swearing and implications of sex
Summary: You and Alvie go ice skating
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🎄 Day 10:
Playing in the snow
“Ice skating is a ridiculous thing to do— no, do NOT let go of my hand!!”
To celebrate dropping off Alvie's job applications, you take him to the local park that hosts winter activities every evening.
"Do you want some hot apple cider?" You point to the sign from a local brewery.
"Only if they have alcohol-free; I'm not supposed to drink with my meds."
They do, so you get two cups, watching the steam rise from them as Alvie sniffs his. “You didn’t need to get yours without booze.”
You shrug. “I don’t need to drink to have fun.”
As you drink your cider, you watch some kids playing in the snow. Then Alvie exclaims, "Oooo, they have free ice skating!" He grabs your hand and pulls you over to the rink.
After you get skates in both your sizes, you step on the ice together. "Do you know how to skate?" you ask.
"A little. You?"
You vigorously shake your head. "Ice skating is a ridiculous thing to do-- no, do NOT let go of my hand!" You cling to Alvie to stay upright. He laughs and assures you it will be fine.
After a while you get the hang of it and glide around the rink together, Alvie never letting go of you.
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emptynarration · 4 years ago
hEYY I'm a sucker for a good piece of writing. Could I request a yandere!Google x reader? I totally get it if it gives you u n c o m f y uwu
@lamiasluck and @alvie-ashgrove and @ferociousfangirlofmanyfandoms
I don’t know how to write yandere I’m so sorry
The future was amazing, and so where all the gadgets and toys that people produced. The line of Google androids that were created was one of the things that people were most excited about. A human like androids, customized to your preferences or pre-designed (which was cheaper, of course), and doing whatever you wanted. There were four “types” of androids made, of course. One for primarily house work, one specialized for human care-taking, one for outside activities such as gardening, and one not available to the general public -specialized for stores and such. Each type could be specialized even further, inside their respective categories. And some may buy an android who could do anything and everything -as long as you paid the right price, you could get whatever you wanted, basically.
You weren’t exactly a rich person, but you used to browse through defect or imperfect electronics, things people didn’t want or couldn’t use how they wanted it to use it. Sometimes you spotted androids from varying companies in there as well. Out of fun, you partook in an auction for a defect Google android. It said that the droid was supposed to be for housekeeping, but resisted orders and had a violent “personality”. You didn’t think much about a personality of an android, and well, it was cheap so far! At least cheap enough you could manage to buy it.
It had been a shock when you had won the auction. The android was delivered to your home, you were shown how to take care of it roughly, and gotten various things on how to order it around. When you had first activated the android, you felt like it wanted to murder you with its gaze alone. You decided to use normal male pronounce, and call the android simply “Google”. You were supposed to address him like that for commands -though from the buyer you knew they didn’t work, or at least, were executed wrong.
You did your best to treat Google like a human. Not commanding anything of him, simply asking and requesting. It seemed like Google appreciated that, though he was very keen on not doing much. He did end up doing things, if only because he had nothing else to do. You didn’t think much of it, really. You let him do what he liked, and in turn he helped you out around the house, or with work sometimes. The apparent interest he showed in you and what you did wasn’t concerning to you. Since you’ve allowed him access to your electronics, he always seemed to know things about you anyways.
He knew what your job was, and all the people working with you. He knew who your friends where, what their jobs were, and what they were doing with their lifes. He knew of everyone you interacted with, what they did, and who they were. It was... it was a little creepy, sometimes, when he casually mentioned something you didn’t think he’d know. You wrote it off to some sort of security he probably had -maybe he had been supposed to protect the house from intruders, so that just was a little flawed?
“I’m going out with a friend today, so don’t expect me home ‘til late.”, you told Google as you got ready. The android was watching you, standing stoic and straight like he always did. He was a little creepy with his constant watching, sometimes. You ignored that. “With whom are you going?”, Google asked. His voice was always mechanical sounding, and you knew he wasn’t supposed to really have feelings. You couldn’t help but feel like he did, though. Another flaw, possibly? “Oh just Alex. You know?”, you said, knowing full well Google knew. “What are you doing with him?”, Google questioned, taking a step closer to you. You didn’t notice, pulling on your coat. “Going to a movie, grabbing dinner. I dunno.”, you shrugged, reaching to grab your keys -and Google grabbed your wrist. You turned to look at him, his grip tight -but it didn’t hurt.
“He’s a good guy Google! No need to worry. You stay home and keep it safe, right?”, you said, feeling a little uncomfortable. You never liked when Google got so... protective? It felt like he was possessive even, but that couldn’t be, could it? You weren’t sure, truthfully. “Y/N shouldn’t leave the house. Alex is bad company.”, Google said, his voice so cold you felt like it was a bad idea to disagree. “He’s my friend.”, you tried defending him anyways, because Google couldn’t possibly think of hurting you for wanting to go out, could he? But his grip tightened on your wrist, and he pulled you closer, making you stumble slightly. “You will stay at home, with me, and no one else.”, Google’s voice was quiet and dangerous. You stared up at him with wide eyes. Something... something told you you should really cancel your plans. “Y-yea, sure. I’ll- I’ll give him a quick call, alright?”, you said, feeling more than uncomfortable. Google had always been a little... weird, but, never downright dangerous.
Google let you go, keeping very close watch as you took your phone to call Alex and cancel your plans. He sounded disappointed, but alright with it, hoping you two could just do it another time. You told him you’d see, and that was it. You spend your evening at home then, with Google constantly watching you. When you went to bed, you hid beneath your covers, uncomfortable as can be with Google’s eyes on you, until you fell asleep.
In the morning, Alex wasn’t at work. It reminded you a little off when your old boss didn’t show up again one day, out of the blue. They had found him dead -apparently suicide, but no one was sure about it. When the news came that Alex was found dead, you were taken by grief. He had been a close friend, and you had really liked him -and now he was gone. There was nothing precise known yet, but you didn’t care. As you sobbed at home, Google embraced you, more gentle than you ever thought him possible. It was a silent comfort, and you could freely cry into Google’s chest, until you cried so much you were tired from it all. “I’ll keep you safe.”, Google had said, quietly, as he brought you to bed so you could take a nap. “Nothing will take you from me...”.
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